Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

We know you guys are anxiously awaiting Saffron and Andrew's meeting, and it WILL happen next chapter, we promise. We just had to get some other stuff out first! We know some of you may not exactly enjoy this chapter, but we both felt some of it's contents were necessary to the character, and after this, things will look up for that particular person! Thanks for reading!

Before they had left for Brighton, Caroline had asked her grandmother for a recording of the music she would be dancing to for the audition. Every morning for an hour and sometimes in the evening, Caroline would go into the basement and practise. Her father had put a barre there with magic and currently she was using it to warm up.

"First position," she said to herself as she moved her feet to the correct position.

Allison came downstairs to start a load of laundry and she smiled when she saw the look of concentration on her eldest daughter's face.

"Second position," Caroline whispered, not noticing her mother.

Allison set the laundry basket down and Caroline finally caught sight of her mother in the mirror.

"Sorry, baby," Allison apologised. "I was just watching."

"How did I look?" Caroline asked.

"Like the best ballerina in the entire world," Allison replied.

Caroline beamed at her. "Thanks Mummy. I really want to get the lead."

"You just remember the steps your grandma taught you and do your best and I think you have a good chance," Allison said picking up the basket. "You've worked really hard, baby."

Caroline nodded. "Every day I've been practising."

"Do you want to show me the routine?" Allison asked. "I'd love to see it."

"I don't have it all memorised yet," Caroline blushed. "But I'll show you what I remember so far."

"Okay," Allison said walking over to the stereo. "Ready?"

Caroline nodded as she walked to the middle of the room.

Allison turned the music on and stood back and watched as her daughter began the dance.

Caroline closed her eyes as she performed the steps Cho had taught them. She stumbled a little as she finished and smiled sheepishly. "I need practise on that last part."

"You did great, baby," Allison said grinning at her. "And your Aunt Chiaki's stopping in later if you want to ask her for some pointers."

"She is?" Caroline brightened.

"She's gone to lunch with Julie," Allison told her. "They'll be back soon and I'm sure she'd love to help you."

"I can't wait," Caroline hugged her mother.

"You're my sweet girl," Allison said hugging her tightly. "And your daddy and I are so proud of you."

"Thanks Mummy," Caroline said. "Do you think Daddy will bring me flowers if I get the lead?"

"I'm going to bring you soooooo many flowers," Jon said coming down the stairs, "No matter what."

Caroline grinned. "Some roses?"

Jon picked her up and spun her around. "Roses and carnations and tulips and lilies..."

"All my favourites," Caroline giggled.

"I should get this load started," Allison said picking up the basket.

"I'll help you Mummy," Caroline said as Jon set her down.

"Thanks, baby," Allison said. "You're the best helper."

Caroline waited until they were alone again before asking her mother a question. "Do you think Katie will be mad at me if I get the lead?"

Allison looked thoughtfully at her daughter. "You and Katie have been best friends for a long time, sweetheart. You'd be happy for Katie if she got the lead, wouldn't you?"

"I think so," Caroline replied.

"Katie might be upset if she doesn't get the lead, but I think she'd be happy for you since you two are friends," Allison said. "That's the way friends are."

"Then I would be happy for her," Caroline nodded. "Just like I'd be happy for Mia."

Allison smiled at her. "I'm glad you didn't inherit my dancing skills."

"Mummy you're good," Caroline argued.

"Caroline, I have two left feet," Allison said laughing.

Caroline giggled. "But you always dance good with Daddy."

Allison tweaked her daughter's nose. "Well, there's a reason why your Aunt Chiaki and Uncle Toshio made a living as dancers and your father and I didn't."

"But I'm glad you're my mummy and daddy," Caroline replied. "I wouldn't ever want another mummy or daddy besides you."

Allison smiled at her. "Thanks, baby. You remind me so much of me, do you know that?"

"I do?" Caroline asked, pleased.

Allison started pulling clothes out of the basket and sorting them into piles. "I see a lot of myself in you, Caroline. But, you're so much more brave than I ever was."

Caroline helped her mother with the chore. "How am I braver?"

"The fact that you're trying out for the lead in the recital, for one," Allison replied. "When I was about your age, my school had a spelling contest and I was the best speller in my class. Well, I was so afraid of getting up in front of all those people, I didn't participate."

"But you're so good at that sort of thing," Caroline replied.

Allison knelt down and put her hands on Caroline's shoulders. "I am, but I missed out on that because I was afraid. Don't you ever let your fears stop you from going after something you want, baby."

"I won't," Caroline hugged her mother. "Thanks Mummy. I feel a lot better about the audition now."

"I'm glad," Allison said hugging her tightly.

"I'm going to practise just a little more, and then I'll go out to the beach," Caroline decided.

Allison started the washing machine. "Okay, sweetheart. I'm going to go and check on your little sister."

Allison and Caroline walked back over to the practise area and Caroline giggled when she saw her father trying to put his leg up on the barre.

"Help me!" Jon said dramatically. "Oh best ballerina in the world!"

"Daddy, you're going to hurt yourself!" Caroline giggled.

"Not if my little ballerina will show me how to do it!" Jon answered with a grin.

Caroline gracefully put her leg up on the barre. "See?"

"Like this?" Jon hoisted his own leg up.

"Sort of," Caroline said not wanting to hurt his feelings.

There were footsteps on the stairs and Caroline looked up to see her best friend. "Aunt Allie? Emma's looking for you. She said she's ready to eat."

"I'll be right there," Allison. "Thank you Katie."

"I should go and check on Adam," Jon said struggling to put his leg back down. "Come on, Al."

"Yes my lovely ballerina," Allison teased.

"Very funny," Jon said giving Caroline's plait a tug before following his wife upstairs.

Katie looked at Caroline. "I was wondering where you'd gone off too. You were gone when I woke up."

"I was down here practising," Caroline replied.

"The tryouts aren't for another few weeks," Katie said. "And we're on holiday..."

"I know," Caroline said. "But I want to be ready."

"You're still going to try out then?" Katie asked folding her arms.

"Yes," Caroline looked over at her. "Why shouldn't I?"

Katie shrugged, not wanting to fight with Caroline again. "Do you mind if we practise together?"

"Sure," Caroline agreed, moving down the barre so her friend had room.

"I just need to stretch," Katie said. "Ooh! And I need to get my shoes. I'll be right back."

"Okay," Caroline answered, reaching for her toes.

Katie hurried out and returned a few moments later with her ballet slippers. She pulled her brown hair back into a ponytail. "We could have been practising together this whole time, Caroline."

"I'm sorry," Caroline said. "I just thought you'd want to sleep. You always say you hate getting up early."

Katie smiled. "I normally do, but I'd have gotten up to practise."

"Oh," Caroline said, stretching out her other leg. "I'll remember that tomorrow."

"When Mummy and Aunt Chiaki get back from their lunch, we can show them how good we are," Katie said to her best friend, as they both continued to stretch.

"Definitely," Caroline agreed. "I can't wait to show Aunt Chiaki how I'm doing."

Katie finished stretching. "I'll turn on the music and we can go through the routine."

"Okay," Caroline answered, moving to the middle of the room.

Katie pressed play and then scurried back over to stand beside her friend. She hoped that once Caroline saw how great she was, she'd decide not to try out.

The music started and Caroline closed her eyes and tried to visualize the steps in her head again. It helped her remember when to do the dance correctly.

Katie kept one eye on her friend as they did the routine. Caroline was much better than she'd originally thought.

However, at the end, Caroline still stumbled a bit on the final few steps. "I just can't get those right," she said, frustrated.

"You do it like this," Katie demonstrated. "You hold the last pirouette."

Caroline watched her friend. "Let's try it once more."

Katie nodded. "Okay...I'll start it again."

Caroline did the dance with her but this time held the pirouette as Katie had shown her. "I did it!"

"That was good," Katie admitted.

"Thanks," Caroline said proudly. "I've been working really hard."

"Working hard pays off," Katie said absently.

"You're right," Caroline nodded. "Thanks for your help."

"No problem," Katie said doing another pirouette for good measure.

"You've always been really good," Caroline watched her.

Katie beamed at her. "Thanks, Caroline."

"Want to go out to the beach?" she asked.

Katie linked her arm in Caroline's. "Absolutely."

"We should help Em and Hannah build another sand castle," Caroline said as they headed upstairs.

"That'd be fun," Katie agreed. "If we can get Hannah to do it. She's been awfully quiet since Frankie and Will told her about the baby."

"I know," Caroline sobered. "I think she's scared Uncle Will and Aunt Frankie won't love her anymore."

"Did you feel that way with Em and Adam?" Katie asked.

Caroline shook her head. "No, I was excited."

"Maybe you could tell her how you felt when your mum had your brother and sister," Katie said thoughtfully. "It might help her."

"That's a good idea," Caroline nodded. "I'll do that today."

"It's really nice outside," Katie said. "I can't wait to get out on the beach."

"Me too," Caroline nodded. "We should go jump in the waves. Maybe Ashley will want to come with us."

"If we can get her away from her sketchbook," Katie said. "She's trying to get into some fancy art program next summer."

"Really?" Caroline asked as they changed into their swim costumes. "She's so talented. I bet she'll be a famous artist someday!"

"That's what she wants to do," Katie said. Her relationship with her sister had improved a great deal these last few months. Ashley had helped Katie with her reading and never made her feel stupid about it.

"And you'll be a famous model, dancer, and singer." Caroline giggled.

Katie giggled and tossed back her hair. "That's me and you can be my bestest friend in the whole world who....who...what is it that you want to do?"

"I don't know," Caroline said. "Maybe be a teacher."

"You'd be great at that," Katie said loyally.

"I hope so," Caroline answered.

Emma came into the room carrying her own swim costume. "Sissy, help Em."

Caroline looked at the two swim bottoms Emma had in her hands. "Em, these are two bottoms. Where's the top?"

"Here," Emma held up one of the bottoms.

"That's the bottom," Katie said. "And they don't match, Em."

"Help!" Emma said. "Em can't find top!"

"I'll get you one," Caroline reassured her. "You've got the red bottoms and the blue bottoms. Which colour did you want to wear today?"

"Em loves red," Emma said.

Caroline smiled at her. "I had a feeling you'd say that. I'll go check you room."

"Thanks Sissy," Emma grinned at her.

Katie slid into a pair of flip-flops. "Where's Hannah, Em?"

"Um... with Aunt Frack." Emma replied.

"Is she coming down to the beach with us?" Katie asked as Caroline came back into the room with Emma's red top.

"Hope so," Emma's mouth drooped. "Han sad."

"We'll cheer her up," Caroline said motioning for Emma to stand in front of her so she could help her put on the top.

"Kay," Emma nodded. "Em make Han happy!"

Before long, the three girls headed downstairs. Frankie was sitting with Hannah on the sofa, reading from a magazine.

"Han!" Emma called out. "Come to beach!"

"I'm going to stay in here with my mummy," Hannah replied.

"Hannah has to stay in today," Frankie told her nieces.

"Ohhh," Caroline remembered that their cousin was grounded. "I'm sorry, Aunt Frankie. We forgot."

"Its okay girls," Frankie replied. "Hannah will be back out tomorrow, right?"

"Okay," Caroline said.

"Em will miss Han," the redhead hugged her friend.

Hannah hugged her back. "Have fun."

"Em will," Emma waved. "Bye Han. Be good, kay?"

Hannah nodded and watched her cousins walk out with Ethan and Maddie.

"Where were we?" Frankie asked.

Hannah shrugged. "I don't remember."

"Are you okay sweetheart?" Frankie asked.

Hannah nodded. "Yes, Mummy."

"You're awfully quiet," Frankie pursued.

"I'm just sleepy," Hannah said. "I didn't sleep very well last night."

"How come?" Frankie asked.

"Thinking too much," Hannah replied.

"Are you still worried about the baby?" Frankie asked. "Because you know you don't need to be."

"I don't want things to change," Hannah said quietly.

"But sometimes change is good," Frankie said softly. "You're going to be a wonderful big sister, Hannah. Look how good you are with Mas and Sukie. It'll be that way all the time."

"Can I go up to my room?" Hannah asked.

"If you want to," Frankie said. "But I hope you'll realise that the baby's going to love you."

The door swung open and Julie and Chiaki came inside. Hannah liked both of them and normally would have been happy to see them.

Instead, she tucked her head down and hurried out of the room.

"Is everything okay?" Chiaki asked.

"She's still upset about the baby," Frankie said. "And I thought she was feeling better after we talked yesterday."

"She needs a little time to adjust," Julie said thoughtfully.

"This isn't easy," Frankie ran her hands through her hair. "I mean, I knew being a parent wasn't going to be simple, but I just don't know what else to do for her."

"I'll be right back," Chiaki said. She knew a little what Hannah must be going through. She just hoped she'd be able to help.

She knocked softly on her niece's door. "Hannah? It's Aunt Chiaki. Can I come in for a moment?"

"Yes," Hannah replied hugging her teddy bear to her.

"Hi sweetheart," Chiaki cracked the door open.

"Hi," Hannah said, not looking at her aunt.

Chiaki sat down next to her on the bed. "Your mummy told me you're still a little upset about the baby."

Hannah nodded. "I'm afraid."

"Of what?" Chiaki asked, smoothing down the little girl's hair.

"I'm not really theirs like the baby," Hannah said starting to cry.

"Oh sweetheart," Chiaki hugged her. "You are as much Will and Frankie's as the new baby is. They chose you, you see? That makes you extra special."

"It does?" Hannah asked.

"Absolutely," Chiaki nodded. "I sort of felt that way too after I found out I was adopted. Well, I was upset first, but then I knew my father did it because he loves me."

"I just love being their little girl so much," Hannah said wiping at her eyes. "I don't ever, ever, ever want to go away."

"You won't," Chiaki kissed the top of her head. "We all love you Hannah."

Hannah held on to her aunt for a long time.

"If you're afraid, it's okay." Chiaki told her gently. "But then you just need to talk to your mummy and daddy. And they'll tell you how much they love you."

"Can I talk to you, too?" Hannah asked.

"Anytime," Chiaki said with a smile.

Hannah was happy to hear that. Out of everyone, Chiaki would know what it was like since she'd been adopted too. "Thanks, Aunt Chiaki."

"I love you sweetheart," Chiaki gave her another hug. "I'll do anything I can to help you with this, okay?"

"I love you too," Hannah said smiling for the first time that day.

"Come on," Chiaki took her hand. "Why don't we go back downstairs?"

"I'd like that," Hannah said.

"I wish I was staying here," Chiaki looked around. "This is such a lovely home. And I love this bedroom!"

"I'm sharing it with Emma and Casey," Hannah told her.

"I bet you three have fun every night," Chiaki said as they headed back downstairs. "Staying up late and talking..."

"Emma tells these stories to Casey," Hannah confided. "They don't make sense, but Casey likes them!"

Chiaki laughed. "Emma's a sweet girl."

Frankie couldn't get over the change in her daughter's demeanour when she came back into the room with Chiaki.

"I think we're okay now," Chiaki smiled at her sister.

Hannah sat back down beside her mother and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry, Mummy."

"It's all right baby," Frankie kissed the top of her head.

"When's Daddy getting back?" Hannah asked.

"He's out on the boat," Frankie said. "So this afternoon sometime, most likely. They all want to catch some fish."

"The only they'll catch is the sun," Julie said.

Frankie laughed. "Jon and Josh aren't exactly known for their fishing skills, are they?"

"Josh is," Julie said. "But the others---not so much."

"I should get back," Chiaki glanced at her watch. "I left Tosh alone with the kids and they've probably worn him out."

Allison came in from the kitchen. "Don't go yet, Chi. the girls wanted to show you their dance. Let me run and get them from outside."

"Okay," Chiaki sat back down. "I can't wait to see how they're doing."

"How are Mas and Sukie?" Hannah asked.

"They're good," Chiaki smiled. "Always asking about cousin Hannah."

Hannah beamed. "Really?"

"Every day," Chiaki nodded.

Hannah leaned against her mother.

A few moments later, Katie and Caroline hurried in---their hair wet from playing in the waves.

"We just need to change!" Caroline exclaimed. "We'll only be a few minutes!"

Emma came in with Allison and the moment Allison set her down, Emma made a beeline for Chiaki. She, too, was sopping wet. "Emma, no!"

Chiaki just laughed. "It's okay. Come here you little mermaid."

"Aunt Chi!" Emma squealed, giving her a hug. "Em missed you!"

"I missed you too," Chiaki said. "What have you been doing?"

"Having fun!" Emma said.

"Swimming like a little fish," Allison said. "And helping me look after Adam."

"Em loves Adam," Emma nodded. "Adam come swim with Em today!"

"He did?" Chiaki asked.

"Maddie held him in the water," Allison explained.

"Oh," Chiaki said. "Well, that must have been fun for you."

Emma nodded. "More fun when Han comes back out."

"Tomorrow," Frankie said putting an arm around her daughter.

Hannah nodded, still sitting close to her mother.

"We're ready!" Katie exclaimed.

"All right girls," Chiaki said as she went to the basement. "Show me what you've got."

Caroline took a few deep breaths and closed her eyes trying to mentally go through the steps.

Chiaki watched the girls carefully as they went through the audition dance. "You could use a better turnout there, Caroline. It'll help you spin faster."

Caroline nodded. "I've been working on it."

"You're doing a great job," Chiaki congratulated her. "And you as well, Katie."

Katie grinned. Chiaki hadn't criticised anything she'd done. "Thanks, Aunt Chiaki."

"I think the competition will be fierce for the lead this year," Chiaki winked at them.

"Only four of us signed up," Katie said confidently.

"I really hope I get it," Caroline said softly.

"Me too," Katie said. "Me too."

Caroline beamed at Katie, misunderstanding what she had said. "Katie? You really want me to get the lead?"

"What?" Katie asked turning and looking at her. "No---of course not."

Caroline deflated. "Oh."

"I'm sure Katie didn't mean it like that," Julie said looking meaningfully at her daughter. "Did you, Katie?"

Katie scuffed her foot along the floor. "Well I'd like the lead, too."

"And my mum has a big decision ahead of her," Chiaki said. "You're both really, really good."

"Thanks Aunt Chiaki," Caroline said quietly, still stung by her best friend's remarks.

"I'd really better get going," Chiaki said looking at her watch.

"Thanks for watching us," Katie said, doing another twirl.

"It was my pleasure," Chiaki said.

"Thanks for coming in," Julie said giving her friend a hug. "It was great to see you."

"I'll ring you later," Chiaki promised.

"Let's go back outside, Caroline," Katie said as if nothing were wrong.

Caroline shook her head. "I'm going to stay in for a bit."

"I can stay with you," Katie offered.

"It's okay," Caroline walked quickly upstairs.

"Katherine Rose," Julie said. "I think we need to have a word."

Katie turned and glared at her mother. "What?"

"You hurt Caroline's feelings just now," Julie told her.

Katie shrugged. "Well I'm just telling the truth. I want the lead."

"I know you do, but you need to remember that your best friend is trying out as well," Julie said softly.

Katie rolled her eyes and shrugged.

"Don't roll your eyes at me," Julie said. "You just need to ask yourself if winning this lead is more important than your best friend."

"She's not going to get mad at me," Katie tried to walk past her mother.

Julie put her hand on Katie's arm. "I think that she wants this lead as much as you do, but if she didn't get it, she'd be happy for you. I think it's not too much to ask for you to do the same."

"Fine," Katie said. "Can I go back outside?"

"Yes, but think about what I said, Katherine Rose," Julie said.

"I will," Katie said impatiently.

Julie shook her head as she watched her daughter head back upstairs. She had no way of knowing how this audition would turn out, but she just hoped Katie would remember her words.