Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

You guys will have to be patient with us on the Hannah case, we're adding in a few things to make the story more worth your while. But it WILL get resolved soon, we promise! In the meantime, you Gabe lovers out there will get loads of him this chapter. Next one brings back Saffron and Andrew, as well as some H/HR :D

At the bottom, we have the interview with H/Hr, and also next week will feature Jon and Allison as the pair being questioned. So send them on in and we'll see you guys on Tuesday!

Back in America, Gabriel was thinking the same thing. This would be his first Christmas with his father and stepmother and he was looking forward to seeing Alexa again.

He was hanging out with his best friend Nico kicking the soccer ball around in his parents' backyard.

"Dude, are you really going to England for Christmas?" Nico asked.

"Yeah," Gabriel answered. "I really want to spend it with my dad and step mum."

Nico shook his head. "Step mum? You're starting to sound like one of them, Gabe."

"Sorry," Gabriel grinned. "I guess it's being around them. Their accents sort of stick."

Nico kicked the ball back toward his friend. "And your grandparents, they're okay with all this?'

"They wish I could be here of course," Gabriel stopped it with his foot. "But I think it'll be cool to be overseas."

"And that redhead has nothing to do with it, right?" Nico asked.

"What are you talking about?" Gabriel asked a tad too quickly.

"Dude, I've known you since we were kids, right?" Nico asked. "I know when you're sprung on some girl. What's her name again? Alexis?"

"Alexa," Gabriel answered quietly. "And we're just friends. She's dating someone."

"Speaking of dating someone," Nico said. "I saw Emily the other day."

"Good for you," Gabriel rolled his eyes.

"She was asking about you," Nico said. "She and the quarterback have apparently broken up."

"We all knew THAT wasn't going to last," Gabriel kicked the ball back a bit harder than he intended.

"She said that she might give you a call sometime," Nico said.

"You didn't give her my cell number did you?" Gabriel asked.

"Hell no," Nico replied. "Not after what that bitch did to you, Gabe."

"Good," Gabriel said in relief.

"But you know how she can be," Nico said. "She might try and run into you."

"I'll be gone soon then," Gabriel said. "And if you see her--"

"You're off with some hot redhead in London," Nico finished.

"Whatever," Gabriel said.

A sleek, black SUV pulled into the drive and both boys turned around.

"How many cars does your dad have?" Nico asked staring in awe at the vehicle.

"He's got a few," Gabriel waved. "He's got another couple over in London."

"Why don't you have him buy you a couple?" Nico asked. "And, of course, your best friend from childhood..."

"And deny you the pleasure of driving that heap?" Gabe asked sarcastically motioning towards Nico's old car.

Nico grinned sheepishly. "What can I say?" he joked.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Gabriel asked when Seamus got out of the car.

"Just stopping by to talk about our travel arrangements," Seamus replied.

"And you can hear about his great accomplishment," Nico said balancing the soccer ball on his knee. "Mr. Intelligent here just made the Dean's List."

"What?" Seamus asked with a huge grin. "Gabe that's fantastic! I'm really proud of you!"

Gabriel shrugged. "It's just for the fall semester, Dad."

"But still," Seamus insisted. "Lav's going to be ecstatic when she hears this."

Gabe shook his head as he watched his best friend practically drooling over Seamus' car. "Nico..."

"Sorry man," Nico said. "But this car is SWEET!"

Seamus laughed. "It is a nice, but it costs a fortune in petrol."

"In what?" Nico asked.

"Gas," Gabriel translated.

"Mr. Finnigan you make millions," Nico said. "And you complain about the cost of gas?"

"It's so high these days," Seamus said. "It's harsh on everyone."

"I still think Gabe's an idiot for not moving in with you," Nico said shaking his head. "I'd rather live in some mansion, myself."

"I understand why he wants to stay with his grandparents," Seamus looked at his son. "Plus he's probably really busy with school, and my wife and I aren't around all that often."

"Nico, don't you have to go?" Gabriel asked.

Nico shook his head. "No, I'm good."

Gabriel looked at his father and rolled his eyes.

"You want to give the car a test drive?" Seamus asked Nico.

"Are you serious?" Nico asked in disbelief.

"As long as you don't make a run for Tijuana, yeah," Seamus said handing him the keys.

"Oh my God," Nico stared at him.

Gabe laughed. "Just around the block, Nico."

"Awesome," Nico dashed towards the car.

"You've just made his life," Gabriel told his father as they watched Nico back out of the drive.

"He seems like a nice kid," Seamus was amused.

"We've been friends since first grade when he tried to get me to eat paste," Gabriel said laughing.

"The beginnings of a beautiful friendship," Seamus joked as he gave his son a hug.

"How've you been?" Gabriel asked. He'd been busy studying for his finals and hadn't had the chance to see much of his dad.

"Good," Seamus nodded. "A bit crazy as of late, but things are finally settling down on the set. We're almost finished filming."

"Will you be finished by the time we head overseas?" Gabriel asked.

"I hope to be," Seamus replied.

"You're really hard to shop for," Gabriel admitted as they sat down on the porch. "What do you get for the dad who has everything?"

"You don't have to get me anything," Seamus laughed. "Just having you over with us for Christmas hols is enough."

Gabriel smiled. "Well, I still have to get you something. Just lower your expectations."

"I'll enjoy anything you get me," Seamus replied.

"You say that now, but wait until you open the box with a fruitcake in it," Gabriel said dryly.

"If you give me fruitcake guess what you'll be getting back next year," Seamus teased.

"Duly noted," Gabriel said laughing as he saw Nico drive past the house once more.

"Do you think he's coming back with my car?" Seamus asked wryly.

"He will," Gabriel said. "Hopefully."

"I suppose if he's your mate he's trustworthy enough," Seamus said. "Maybe you can bring him over to England with you sometime."

"I'm not sure if England is ready for that," Gabriel mused.

"I don't think England was ever ready for Saffron and they got her," Seamus said.

Gabriel laughed. "It's going to be good to see her again."

"She's missed you," Seamus said.

"She's written to me a few times," Gabriel said.

Seamus smiled. "I'm glad to hear that. She's having quite the busy year at school."

"I feel her pain," Gabriel said. He leaned back in his chair.

"I want to hear more about your classes," Seamus said. "What are you taking next term?"

"Chemistry," Gabriel replied. "English Lit, Biochemistry, Advanced Physics..."

"Wow," Seamus shook his head. "That's quite a load."

"You want to help me out?" Gabriel teased.

"Are you saying you want your old man to pay off some of those professors?" Seamus joked.

Gabriel shook his head. "No, I was just wondering if perhaps you could give me some help with Chemistry...I heard from Ron that you once burned your eyebrows on some spell?"

Seamus roared with laughter. "That was back in our first year, when I was eleven."

"Years and years ago..." Gabriel joked.

"Not that many years ago," he sat up straighter as Nico pulled the car back into the drive.

The grin on Nico's face was a mile wide as he got out of the car. "I want one of those."

"You're going to be saving up for years and years," Gabriel cracked.

"Or I could just buy a few lottery tickets," Nico said as he handed over the keys to Seamus. "Or head to Vegas..."

"Not for another few years you can't," Gabriel reminded him. "That ID looks nothing like you."

"I spent good money for that Gabe," Nico said reaching into his pocket for his wallet. He took out the fake ID and handed it to Seamus. "Looks like me don't it?"

Seamus took it. "Well..." he answered. "I've seen many a fake ID in my time... and while the quality's not bad, the picture's not very similar. I wouldn't try using that if I was you."

"Really?" Nico asked deflated.

"It's up to you, of course." Seamus handed it back.

"We only have to wait three more years," Gabriel said clapping his friend on the back.

Margaret came out onto the porch. "I thought I heard you out here. Hello, Seamus. Gabriel, you have a phone call."

"Thanks Gran," Gabriel headed inside while Seamus greeted Margaret.

"It's always good to see you," Seamus kissed her cheek. "How's everything with you and Lewis?"

"He's...well he's Lewis," Margaret said laughing. "How's Lavender?"

"Wonderful," Seamus said. "She wishes she could have come by but she's working."

"I hope we get to see her soon," Margaret said.

Gabriel picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Gabe?" a familiar female voice said. "Hey, it's me, Emily."

"Emily?" Gabriel asked in disbelief.

"Hey," she said coyly. "How've you been?"

"Fine," Gabriel said coolly. "Why are you calling me?"

"I ran into Nico the other day," Emily replied. "And it made me start thinking about you..."

"Well there's a first," Gabriel replied.

"I was really sorry to hear about your mom," Emily said sympathetically. "I was going to go to the funeral, but I thought that might be strange."

"Thanks..." Gabriel said.

"Trent and I broke up," Emily said.

"Sorry to hear that," Gabriel said, rolling his eyes.

"He never really understood me," Emily said softly. "Not like you did. And we certainly never talked the way we did, Gabe."

"You certainly weren't thinking of all that when you dumped me," Gabriel said bluntly.

"Don't be like that, Gabe," Emily said. "I turned to Trent when you weren't there for me..."

"Oh I'm so sorry I was dealing with my mother dying," Gabriel snapped sarcastically.

Emily's end of the line was silent.

"That's what I thought," Gabriel said bitterly.

"I really am sorry about that," Emily finally said. "I didn't...I didn't know how to handle all of that."

"Yeah well neither did I," Gabriel replied. "But I had to."

"I wish I had been there for you," Emily said quietly.

"Too little too late," Gabriel was unsympathetic.

"Are---are you seeing anyone now?" Emily tried again.

"I don't know what concern that is of yours," Gabriel sighed. "Look Emily I've got to go. My dad is here and--"

"Oh, of course," Emily said. "I'll let you go, but would you like to...maybe get together for a coffee or something?"

"I don't think so," Gabriel replied, but not as harshly as before.

"Gabe," Emily said softly.

"What?" he asked.

"I know I don't deserve a second chance," she said hesitantly.

"Not with me you don't," he said.

"You don't feel anything for me at all anymore?" she asked him.

"Honestly Emily?" Gabriel asked. "No, I don't. Not after everything that's happened to me in the last year."

"Oh," Emily said quietly.

"I'd better go," Gabriel replied.

"If I don't hear from you beforehand, Merry Christmas, Gabe," Emily said softly.

"Yeah," Gabriel said. "You too Emily."

Gabriel hung up the phone and leaned against the wall.

"Everything okay?" Seamus asked from the doorway.

"Yeah," Gabriel shook his head. "My ex girlfriend wants to get back together."

"Emily, right?" Seamus asked.

"Right," Gabriel nodded.

"You turned her down," Seamus guessed.

"After what she did?" Gabriel said. "Yes I did."

"Can't say as I blame you," Seamus said.

"Yeah well... I don't really have a lot of time for girls right now anyway." Gabriel covered. "I've got way too much homework."

Seamus reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope. "How about this girl?"

"It's from Lex?" he asked.

"Arrived this morning according to Lavender," Seamus said noticing the slight smile on his son's face.

"Cool," Gabriel tucked it into his back pocket. He wanted to read it in private later.

"And I can't wait to tell my mum and dad about your making the Dean's List, Gabe," Seamus said proudly.

Gabriel grinned at him. "Gran and Grandpa went through the roof when they heard. They said my mother would have been really, really proud of me."

"Sam would have been over the moon," Seamus said smiling as he thought of her.

"I hope so," Gabriel said. "I hope I can help save someone who was sick like she was."

"I know you will," Seamus said as Nico and Margaret came into the house.

"I finally got him away from your car, Seamus," Margaret said shaking her head.

"I was just looking at it, Mrs. Boyd," Nico said sheepishly.

"I'm sure it's fine," Seamus grinned. "That car's pretty resilient."

Nico grinned back. "Thanks so much for letting me drive it. Gabe should get one just like it."

"I don't need a car," Gabriel said rolling his eyes. "I can ride my bike or take the bus and if I ever do need to drive, I can just borrow Grandpa's."

"Gabe knows if he needs something, he can come to me." Seamus replied.

"I'm fine," Gabriel said with a sigh.

"If you were my dad, I'd be hitting you up for a car, a sweet condo...." Nico started to say, but Gabriel punched him hard on the arm.

"You're so subtle," Gabriel said sarcastically.

"With all this abuse, I think I'll get out of here," Nico said rubbing his arm.

"I'll see you later," Gabriel told him. "We're going to the movies tomorrow, right?"

"Yup," Nico said. "Later, Mr. Finnigan. Mrs. Boyd."

"It was nice seeing you again Nico," Seamus replied.

Nico grinned. "Can you introduce us to any hot actresses?"

Gabriel pushed his friend out the door. "Say goodbye, Nico."

"Goodbye Nico," he said in a smartass tone before leaving.

"Sorry about that Dad," Gabriel said closing the door. "He doesn't always think before he speaks..."

"Harry sometimes says that about Lavender," Seamus was amused. "It's been an ongoing argument with them for years."

Gabriel laughed. "Lavender's not that bad."

Seamus grinned. "She wants to know if you're free for dinner tonight."

"Sure," Gabriel replied. He looked at his grandmother. "We didn't have anything planned did we?"

"I don't think so," Margaret said.

"Are you sure we can't convince you to come overseas with us?" Seamus asked. "We'd love to have you."

"Oh goodness," Margaret smiled at him. "I don't think I could get Lewis on a plane."

"This will be the first Christmas I've been without you guys," Gabriel said.

"It's going to be a better Christmas for you than last year," Margaret said softly. Last year, they'd spent the holiday in the waiting room of the hospital.

"Yeah," Gabriel agreed quietly. "A lot's changed since then."

"And you should be with your father," Margaret reassured him. "This is your first Christmas together. We had you for 18 years. It's time for him to have a turn."

"Just know that our door is always open," Seamus said.

"I appreciate that," Margaret said.

"I've got to get going." Seamus told his son. "I'll send a car for you around half past seven, okay?"

"I'll be ready," Gabriel said smiling at him. "Thanks for coming by, Dad."

"Always good to see you," Seamus said to his son.

Margaret walked Seamus out. "Thank you again for inviting him to stay with you over the holidays. It means the world to him."

"I'm glad he wants to come," Seamus said. "I figured he'd want to stick around here."

"He wants to spend it with his father," Margaret said. "And I ...he was so angry when he found out about you and how Sam had held this back from him for so long. And she made me promise that I'd do whatever I could to bring you two together."

"I wish I'd known she was sick," Seamus said. "I'd have done what I could to help out. And I always wish I could have known Gabe sooner."

Margaret nodded. "You know how proud she always was."

Seamus smiled. "I always liked that about her."

"She loved you very much," Margaret said wiping at her eyes.

"I loved her too," Seamus said. "It just wasn't working out- I was gone so much and she didn't want to leave California... I never really stopped caring about her, even though I have Lav."

Margaret gave him a hug. "I'd give anything to have my girl back."

"I wish she was still around too," Seamus hugged her. "I actually think she and Lavender would have gotten along."

Margaret closed her eyes as she remembered the moment her daughter had found out about Seamus' marriage.


They'd been outside in the backyard with Gabriel who was playing with some toys. Lewis had gone out front to get the mail.

"He's getting so big, Sam," Margaret said smiling as Gabriel played with his soldiers.

"I know," Samantha said with a sigh. "He's growing up way too fast."

"You can stay as long as you want, you know," Margaret told her daughter. "You know we love having you around."

"I miss you guys," Samantha smiled at her mother. "I wish we lived closer, but right now I have such a great job in Sacramento."

Gabriel crawled over to his mother and held his chubby arms up. "Mama!"

"Hey big guy," Samantha laughed as she picked him up.

Lewis came back carrying that day's mail which he handed off to his wife. "I don't see why you want to read those horrible magazines, Maggie."

"I like to keep informed," Margaret said thumbing through one of the entertainment magazines. "You leave me alone, Lewis. I don't say anything about those baseball magazines you read."

"At least they're about something real," Lewis argued as he sat down in his favourite deck chair. "You can't live through those people in the city Margaret."

"I'm not trying to," Margaret said huffily.

Samantha bounced her son on her knee. "Can you say Grandma, Gabe?"

Gabriel looked solemnly at his mother and gurgled in his throat.

Samantha laughed. "Mom, did you see that? Mom? You look like you've just seen a ghost...what is it?"

Margaret shut her magazine in a hurry. "Your grandfather's right," she said. "These things ARE trash--"

"It's about time you listened to me," Lewis said smugly.

"Did you read something bad?" Samantha asked teasingly. "Your favourite actor get into a fight?"

"Of course not," Margaret replied.

Samantha sat Gabriel back down on his blanket and reached for the magazine. "Let me of those actresses named their baby something really bizarre..."

"That's right," Margaret laughed weakly. "Samantha I wouldn't--"

The smile on Samantha's face froze as she saw the article that had her mother so upset.

"Hollywood Director Marries Old Flame in Small London Ceremony," Samantha read aloud in a small voice.

"What?" Lewis stopped reading his own paper and looked up.

Samantha felt tears well up in her eyes as she read the rest of the article. It told of how Seamus had reconnected with the 'love of his life' at the place they had first met years ago. A glossy photograph of the happy couple stared back at her.

"Sam, sweetheart," Margaret said softly. "You don't have to read that..."

"He looks happy," Samantha said wistfully.

"What a louse," Lewis said angrily.

"Daddy," Samantha said warningly.

"He left you pregnant and alone and now marries some other bird," Lewis was furious. Gabriel stared up at his grandfather, confused.

"He didn't know I was pregnant, Daddy," Samantha said. "And he has every right to marry anyone he chooses. We're not together anymore."

"He should be supporting you," Lewis continued. "Not making you work two odd jobs all the way upstate."

"He's not making me do anything," Samantha said hugging her son. "And if it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have Gabriel, Daddy."

"Mama," Gabriel said sleepily resting his head on his mother's shoulder.

"Are you ready for a nap, baby?" Samantha asked quietly.

Gabriel looked up at her and gave her a slight smile. He looked so much like his father when he did that, Samantha thought wistfully. She felt a huge wave of guilt wash over her as she thought about keeping her son away from his father.

"Mama," Gabriel reached up to touch her face.

Samantha smiled. "Yes, my sweet boy?"

Gabriel mumbled something unintelligible.

Lewis sighed as he watched Samantha sit back down with Gabriel in her arms. "It's good that he doesn't know, Samantha. He'd probably try and take him away and raise him with that woman."

"Seamus wouldn't do that," Samantha said softly, patting Gabriel's back soothingly.

"He wasn't like that Lewis," Margaret shifted closer to her daughter. "He cared about our Samantha."

"He used her," Lewis said throwing his paper down and stalking back into the house.

A tear fell down Samantha's cheek. "What have I done, Mom?"

"Don't you think on it my darling," Margaret hugged her. "You told me that this was for the best, and you have Gabriel for it."

"Someday I'll tell him about his father and how much I loved him," Samantha said kissing the top of her son's head.

Margaret nodded. "It's always lovely to have you both here. I wish you didn't have to live so far away."

"I want us to have our own place, Mom," Samantha said. "And we're doing well in Sacramento, but don't worry. We'll visit all the time. I promise."

"As long as you're happy," Margaret said firmly. "And Gabriel is happy."

"That's all I want," Samantha said holding him close. "For him to be happy and healthy and safe."

"He does look like him," Margaret touched her sleeping grandson's cheek.

Samantha smiled. "He does. You know if they ever do see each other, I don't think Seamus will have any doubts."

"He does have your smile though," Margaret said fondly.

"You think?" Samantha asked.

"Absolutely," Margaret beamed. "The one that started with your father."

"I can't understand why Daddy never liked Seamus," Samantha said softly.

"I don't know either," Margaret replied. "He always treated you well."

"We just met at the wrong time," Samantha said leaning back in the chair.

"What I liked most about him was how happy he made you," Margaret told her daughter.

Samantha nodded. "I still love him. I know it's crazy. It's been almost three years, but I still...I guess I always held out hope that he'd come back and we'd...we'd raise Gabriel together."

"I'm sorry sweetheart," Margaret's eyes held sympathy.

"That's obviously not going to happen and I can't keep dreaming that it will," Samantha said using her free hand to wipe at her eyes. "Life goes on."

"That's right," Margaret wiped a tear from her daughter's cheek. "You're my strong girl and you'll always land on your feet."

"Much better than landing on my butt," Samantha said with a slight laugh.

"Come on," Margaret got up. "I'm looking forward to that dinner you promised to make for Lewis and me."

"Right," Samantha said standing up carefully so as not to wake Gabriel. "One day, you'll meet him, Gabe. I promise."


"Margaret?" Seamus looked at the older woman in concern. "Are you all right?"

Margaret blinked back the tears. "Yes...yes I'm fine. I'm sorry for spacing out on you like that."

"It's all right," Seamus replied. "You sure you're okay though?"

She nodded. "I was just thinking about Sam."

He nodded. "I can't say that we would have gotten back together, but we would have stayed friends if I'd known about Gabriel."

"You should go," Margaret said before making a quick retreat back into the house.

"What?" Seamus was confused about Margaret pulling away so quickly.

"She's sad," he heard someone say. It sounded remarkably like Samantha but when Seamus turned around, no one was there.

"Who's there?" Seamus asked suspiciously.

"You used to talk to yourself when you thought no one was looking," he heard the voice again.

"Yeah well I don't sound like that," Seamus turned around again.

"You haven't spoken to me in quite awhile," she said again. "You remember my voice though, right?"

"Sam?" Seamus asked in a quiet, somewhat disbelieving tone.

He felt a touch on his shoulder. "I miss you...."

He swallowed hard. "I can't see you."

She laughed. "You're not trying hard enough."

Seamus squinted and saw a shimmery form in front of him. He supposed if he was a Muggle, he'd be running away in fright but going to Hogwarts had cured him of being scared of any ghost. "Sam..." he said softly. "You should be talking to Gabriel, not me."

"He's grown up into a fine young man," Samantha said softly. "I watch him all the time."

"He's incredible," Seamus sat down. "Sam I wish I'd known... I wish I had been there before all this."

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Don't be," Seamus answered. "He's the best thing to ever happen to me."

"I kept you away from your son," Samantha said sitting down beside him. "I have no excuse for that, Seamus."

"It's all in the past," Seamus said. "All in the past."

Samantha reached for his hand. "Do you ever think about me?"

"Sure I do," he answered.

Samantha rested her head on his shoulder. "You knew, didn't you? When you saw him?"

"I had a feeling," Seamus said. "He looks so much like me."

"It's not just that," Samantha said fondly. "He has so many of your mannerisms. That look of concentration he gets on his face when he's studying...the way his eyes light up when he talks about something he cares about. That's you."

Seamus smiled. "But he's you too."

Samantha laughed. "The stubborn, moody part?"

"I know THAT's not me," Seamus laughed too.

"Of course not," Samantha said dryly. "Because YOU were never stubborn and moody."

"I'm glad you know that," Seamus teased.

"I missed our talks," Samantha said softly.

"I wish things could have been different Sam," Seamus said with a sigh. "I mean... I love Lavender. But you were very special to me as well."

"I never felt for anyone the way I felt about you," Samantha said looking into his eyes. "And because of you, I had Gabriel."

Seamus nodded. "A part of me will always love you Sam. Maybe not as a man loves his wife, but I often thought of you. And once I learned we shared a son..."

"I don't have much time," Samantha whispered. "But will you do something for me?"

"Of course I will," Seamus said quietly.

"Kiss me," Samantha said. "Just one last time."

Seamus leaned forward and felt a cool brush of air against his lips.

Samantha pressed her lips to his and closed her eyes wanting to commit every moment of this to her memory.

"I wish you didn't have to go," Seamus said. "There's so much I'd like to ask you..."

"Like what?" she asked him.

"About Gabriel when he was growing up," Seamus shook his head. "What he was like as a young teenager... what things between you two were like from your perspective..."

"He loved to play sports of any kind, especially soccer and baseball," Samantha said with a smile. "I used to have to make him come inside."

"He's so smart," Seamus said softly. "I can't believe my son's going to be a doctor."

"He sat up with me on the nights when I was in so much pain," Samantha said. "And he never complained, not once. He shouldn't have had to spend his last year of high school worried about me. It was supposed to be the best year of his life."

"I think it was," Seamus replied. "He spent it with you."

Samantha was quiet for a few moments.

"I don't think he regrets a single moment he spent with you Sam," Seamus continued quietly.

"I just wish I'd had more time," Samantha said. "But...but now he has you. I'm so glad he went to you, Seamus."

"So am I," Seamus replied.

"You'll look out for him, won't you?" Samantha asked.

"Always," Seamus promised. "He's a permanent part of my life now."

Samantha smiled. "I have to go, Seamus."

"Come back again if you can," Seamus said.

"I love you," Samantha whispered. "I love you both so much."

"He misses you more than anything else," Seamus said. "You should show yourself to him too. Let him know you're... all right."

"I will," Samantha promised. "Goodbye, Seamus."

"Bye Sam," Seamus watched as she faded away.

"Dad?" Gabriel called out from the porch. "I thought you'd left?"

"Hey," Seamus got up. "I was going to and I got um... sidetracked a bit."

"I hear that's what happens when you get old," Gabriel joked.

"Very funny," Seamus said with a grin. "Wait until you're my age and you'll see."

"That's going to be years and years and years from now," Gabriel said.

"If you say so," Seamus replied.

"Well, since you're still here, how about I ride over with you instead?" Gabriel asked.

"Sure," Seamus said. "I'd be glad for the company. Bloody rush hour here in California and all..."

"And maybe I could drive," Gabriel suggested in an off-hand manner.

"My SUV?" Seamus reacted in mock horror. "Hasn't it seen enough abuse for one day?"

"I'm a much better driver than Nico," Gabriel said. "Come on, Dad. I'll go slowly. I promise."

"I suppose I can trust you," Seamus tossed him the keys.

"Yes!" Gabriel exclaimed catching the keys. "Come on, old guy. Let's get you home."

"Keep it up," Seamus joked. "And you'll find yourself written out of the will."

Gabriel laughed. "Okay, okay...I'll shut up."

"And drive," Seamus said. "I don't want Lav seeing any grey hairs on my head when we're home."

"You sure are moody and stubborn," Gabriel said shaking his head as he got into the car.

"I am not!" Seamus exclaimed indignantly.

"Are too," Gabriel replied.

"If I'm moody and stubborn so are you," Seamus countered, enjoying the banter. "It's inherited from father to son."

"So that's where I got it from?" Gabriel asked.

"The best," Seamus grinned at him as Gabriel backed out of the drive.

DD Cast Interviews: Harry and Hermione

Week 3: Harry and Hermione

Amynoelle: long are we supposed to wait for them? They were supposed to be on here about 20 minutes ago.

Heaven: *sighs* I'd bet money on what they're doing right now...

Amynoelle: I could be re-watching Grey's Anatomy right now...

Heaven: I want to be Ellen Pompeo for the first few minutes of Thursday's show... in bed with Chris O'Donnell AND Patrick Dempsey? *dies*

Amynoelle: Me too...and then have McSteamy waiting for you in the bathroom....

Heaven: Stop or I'll have to take a few minutes away from the interview *wink*

Amynoelle: Right....we're supposed to be professional. I mean we're about to interview the best couple ever. How stoked are you?

Heaven: Pretty excited... that is, if they ever GET here!

Hermione: Hello, girls. Sorry we're a bit late. We, we were....well something came up.

Harry: Something certainly did.

Hermione: HARRY!

Heaven: Ooookay.... well it's good to have you both here- one of the core couples! Everyone was pretty stoked that we had you two scheduled this week!

Harry: Really? Because I was of the understanding that you two had forgotten about us....

Heaven: You and all the readers. And you DO have a big storyline coming up. Huge, actually. And we think everyone's going to like it. But it's not going to happen for awhile- we have to build up to it first!

Hermione: We trust the two of you.

Amynoelle: Thanks so much. I think you are such a great role model for girls, by the way, Minister Potter. I've admired your character for quite some time. And then in a certain author's book six, you weren't really yourself.

Heaven: Yeah and Harry, you had a monster in your chest. How did that feel?

Harry: Painful. And weird. I don't go for redheads. If I did, I may as well have dated Ron.

Hermione: Well, in this world, things turned out exactly as they were supposed to and for that we're extremely grateful.

Heaven: And how! We've got some great questions for you both! First, Orli Luva wants to know what was it like when you realised Gordon's true intentions towards you?

Hermione: I haven't thought about him in quite some time. Gordon was someone that I thought of as a good friend. When he came back into my life, I was really happy to see him again. I trusted him because of how great a friend he was to me at Beauxbatons. I wasn't very popular at school and I was more interested in my school work than anything else. I thought I'd found a kindred spirit in Gordon Devereaux. And I was glad to have his friendship back, but when I realised what his true intentions were...I felt like such a fool. I wish I had listened to Harry about it.

Heaven: He was hot, but a real creep!

Harry: I'm going to forget you said that.

Amynoelle: And Coolman wants to know, when your eyes met for the first time in the Hillsdale parking lot, what were your instantaneous feelings?

Harry: I could hardly stop looking at her. I wasn't exactly out for finding a girlfriend, but there was something about Hermione that just sort of drew me in.

Hermione: I felt exactly the same way. I just felt this pull....

Heaven: We both know where you felt that pull.

Amynoelle: We certainly do. Prongshoof has a two-part question for Hermione. First off, was going to Hillsdale the best decision you ever made?

Hermione: Second best. The best decision I ever made was to become Harry's wife.

Harry: Thanks, sweetheart.

Amynoelle: You guys are so sweet. How do you keep the romance in your relationship after all these years?

Harry: Do you really want me to answer that? *winks*

Amynoelle: *Blushes* No. Um, how about we got to the second part of Prongshoof's question? They want to know do you think things would have been different had you gone to Hogwarts, Hermione?

Hermione: Probably... I imagine Harry and I would have been friends, at least I hope so.

Harry: I know we would have been. You'd have fit right in with all of us, Hermione. Just like you did when you were at Hillsdale.

Heaven: I bet you two would have been best friends. I have another question here for Harry from Orli Luva. Is your life (including your family and job) all you wished it to be when you were growing up?

Harry: Most definitely. Growing up as I did, I always told myself that if I ever had children of my own, I'd treat them better than my uncle and aunt treated me. I wanted my kids to know that they were loved and they were wanted and that they would be safe. I didn't get that growing up and I hope that in some way I've given that to Julie, Ethan and Saffron. I have the best family in the world in my humble opinion and I couldn't have done it without Hermione.

Heaven: You both have done a wonderful job. You have three fantastic children. The interview we did with Saffron a few weeks ago was a blast!

Hermione: She told us how much fun that was. Amynoelle: And out of your three children, you know she really is the perfect blend of the two of you. I mean, it's no secret that Ethan is very much a chip off the old block and Julie is very much like Hermione. Saffron is a little bit of both of you.

Harry: She's gorgeous like Hermione, with my temper.

Heaven: I've actually got quite a tricky question for you Harry. Are you ready for this one?

Harry: I'm ready for anything. What's your question?

Heaven: It's from The Great Fox 2000. Harry, suppose all those years and years ago Gordon Devereaux had escaped with Hermione and succeeded in his plan to brainwash her into thinking she loved him. If then, sometime in the future, you came across Gordon, what would you do, knowing that the bond couldn't be reversed and meeting justice upon him would undoubtedly cause the one you love pain?

Harry: *silent for a few moments* Um, whoa... that' one has ever asked me a question like that.

Hermione: I'd like to imagine what Harry and I have would have overpowered any spell.

Harry: I don't like to think about things like that, but if that bastard has succeeded in taking away the one I loved most in this world... Amynoelle: Yeah?

Harry: I'd have done anything to turn things around. I'd have found some sort of counter spell to turn her back to normal.

Amynoelle: I have no doubt that you'd find some way to do it. But speaking of Gordon, Hermione....Bra4Goten posed this question to you- As minister, you have access to a lot of things. Do you keep tabs on Gordon? In the back of your mind do you ever worry about him getting out and finding you?

Hermione: Sometimes I have Samuel check up on him, just to... be sure. He's still locked up.

Harry: No one in their right mind would ever let that lunatic out.

Heaven: Right! He's hot, but a psycho.

Amynoelle: Did we mention he looks like Jude Law? *fans herself*

Heaven: Amy's so hot for Jude--

Amynoelle: I have two words for you, Miss Holier-Than-Thou...Sean Biggerstaff.

Heaven: I can't help it. I see a guy in a kilt and I just... um...

Harry: You know, you two always give me a hard time and here you both are barely keeping it in your skirts.

Amynoelle: Okay, okay....moving on....Harry...Rainbow Star wants to know what went through your mind when you found out Gordon had Hermione? And did you think that you'd find her in time?

Harry: I knew I had to find her. There was just no other option for me. It was all I could think about.

Amynoelle: And luckily, you were able to find them in time and save Hermione.

Hermione: And I was so proud of him for figuring out what was going on- how he figured out about the spell Gordon used on the room.

Amynoelle: Coolman also asked weren't the two of you apprehensive about Julie dating Draco Malfoy's son just after having her heart broken? What caused you to trust Nick so much, despite his parents?

Harry: I suppose the fact that Ron and Luna liked him a lot spoke volumes for me. That and he was so eager to get to know everyone. He didn't know he had a family here who cared about him.

Hermione: And the Weasleys embraced him as one of their own without question. We knew how hard it was for Molly to know she had another grandson out there that she had zero contact with. And Nick is so different from Draco Malfoy. He's a great husband to Julie and a wonderful father to Ashley and Katie.

Heaven: Definitely! Nick's always been a nice guy. Shame his parents are such assholes.

Amynoelle: Coolman also had a question about the fact that there doesn't seem to be any secrets between you two. You share every moment of your lives with each other. Well, there is the chair. We would love for you to answer it, but we don't want to clue the readers into a certain storyline.

Hermione: Honesty is very important to us and as for that chair...I know something is going on with that chair and he had better tell me....

Harry: I have no idea what you're talking about. What chair?

Hermione: *Glares at him* Moving question, girls.

Amynoelle: Okay, well one of our readers named Emma wants to know Harry, did you ever think that you wouldn't be a good father because you never had a good role model to begin with? If so, how did you overcome that?

Harry: I wasn't sure if I would be a good father. I always knew I wanted to treat any children I had the opposite of how the Dursleys treated me. And I knew I could go to Hermione, or even Robert. He was such a great man, and a wonderful grandfather. We all miss him still.

Hermione: I think about him everyday.

Heaven: Saffron has taken it so hard, not to mention Elinore. She's so stubborn about staying in her house.

Amynoelle: She wants to remain independent for as long as she can.

Heaven: Both of them do!

And Emma also wanted to know if Hermione had to win over anyone in your department or the ministry when you first decided to run for minister for magic?

Hermione: I had to win over a lot of the public. They didn't think a woman could run the Ministry.

Amynoelle: Or a Muggle-born, but you sure showed them. And there's something else I wanted to ask you, Hermione. How did you balance out being a mother with being Minister? Your two other children were older when you became Minister, but Saffron was born right in the middle of your term.

Hermione: That certainly wasn't easy. There were times when I actually wanted to give it all up because I didn't think I could handle it. But Saffron was really a good baby. And Greta was a Godsend.

Amynoelle: Has Saffy finally gotten over the fact that Greta left to work for Julie and Nick?

Harry: Just barely. Don't ever bring it up if you don't have to! *laughs*

Heaven: Emma had one more question for you guys. Are you looking forward to the fact that you could have more grandchildren running around in the near future, and does it bother you that they will have some crazy Weasley genes in them?

Hermione: I cannot wait for more grandchildren! We don't want to put any pressure on Ethan and Maddie, but we would love to have more! And I imagine the Weasleys are wondering about those crazy Potter genes. Katie did tell me the most amusing thing about her Uncle Ethan. Some pickup line he used once. It was absolutely horrid!

Heaven: Nick must have taught it to him.

Amynoelle: He couldn't have gotten that one from Harry.

Harry: Of course not. I don't need lines.

Amynoelle: Of course not. Azi, another reader, wanted to know if you had met at Hogwarts, instead of Hillsdale, do you think that you'd still be together today?

Hermione: I'd like to think so. Things would have been different, but I think the same feelings would have been there. And maybe my father would have been more accepting.

Harry: I'd like to think so as well. Hermione's been an important part of my life since I met her, even if I didn't show it so well at first.

Amynoelle: Toinkydoink had a similar first question, but also wanted to pose a "what if" question to you guys. Harry, what if you met Hermione the way you'd met her, but she had a boyfriend at the time (could be Gordon) and was with her family. Would you still have tried to catch her attention?

Harry: Hell yes!

Hermione: *laughs* One of my husband's greatest qualities is that when he wants something, he goes after it full force and tries his hardest. Though, with me, he didn't have to try too hard. I couldn't even remember my name when we first met.

Heaven: That was quite a dance you two had as well! How everything started... with Hermione carrying a watermelon.

Hermione: I still feel my cheeks get pink when I think about it.

Heaven: Lisa and rainbow star both had similar questions. They want to know if you could rewind time and redo something, what would it be?

Hermione: Mine is easy. I would have listened to Harry about Gordon.

Harry: I'm not sure what I would redo. The Gordon thing, most likely. I'd have researched his sorry ass from the beginning and not waited so long. Everything else... the good and the bad, has led to what I have now, which I wouldn't give up for anything.

Hermione: Great answer.

Amynoelle: And Alexa wanted to know if when Paddington & Tippy had puppies, did you guys adopt one like you said you would?

Hermione: Unfortunately, no. We were both so busy at the time that we couldn't really give a puppy our full attention. And we're making up for it with Puddles who is sitting on Saffy's bed right now wishing she was home.

Heaven: Puddles is so cute. I can't wait to make him in the Sims game!

Amynoelle: I want a Puggle! If they weren't so expensive....

Harry: You can take him while Saffy's away...

Amynoelle: And risk having her be angry at me? Um, no thank you. Breathing is one of my most favourite things to do.

Hermione: *laughs* You know our daughter well.

Amynoelle: She's brilliant, but scary. Heaven, we have one last question, right?

Heaven: I believe so. And we saved the best for last. What's it like being known as the 'Rabbits'?? Do you think its affected your children at all??

Hermione: That name! I wish I could smack Ronald Weasley upside the head every time he says that. We have a healthy sex life is all. And we try not to bring that nickname up in front of our children. We don't want to scar them for life!

Harry: I rather enjoy it. Our children know about it, but it's not like we go at it in front of them.... often.

Hermione: Harry---it's talk like that which earned us that nickname.

Harry: *grins*

Amynoelle: Well, that's it for the reader questions. But we might have one or two to ask you ourselves.

Harry: Shoot!

Amynoelle: Your troubles to conceive caused stress in your marriage. You became pregnant shortly after getting married, Hermione. And then you went many years before finally getting pregnant with Ethan. Can you describe how you felt at that time?

Hermione: Well... I was really quite depressed... finding out about Ethan was such a joy, really. My pregnancy with him was so easy as well.

Harry: It was stressful because we both wanted it so much. And I hated seeing Hermione in so much pain. I felt helpless.

Heaven: But it obviously worked out for the best. And when you found out about Saffron...

Hermione: Our baby. I really am glad that you've shown some flashbacks of her childhood.

Heaven: We wouldn't have had it any other way! She's so much fun!

Harry: When she's behaving herself.

Heaven: Harry be frank with us. What do you REALLY think of Andrew?

Harry: I like him. I went to school with his dad and Andrew seems like a really good kid. Good head on his shoulders. And as long as he never has know...with my baby daughter....he and I will get along fine.

Heaven: What about when/If they get married?

Hermione: As long as Saffron is happy that's all that counts. Right, Harry? *silence* Harry?

Harry: Sure...

Amynoelle: We happen to love Andrew. He's so sweet.

Heaven: A total dreamboat!

Amynoelle: And one last question before we let you guys go. Harry, what is something about Hermione that everyone would be surprised to know. And vice versa. And please don't go into anything sexual....

Harry: I resent that remark!

Heaven: Just tell us! And Hermione, perhaps you can do the same for Harry.

Harry: Okay, well my wife is known for her great intellect and the fact that she is an avid reader. But, I bet everyone would be surprised to know...that she actually enjoys reading....romance novels.

Hermione: Harry!

Harry: You do!

Hermione: Once in awhile, I do. They can be very enjoyable!

Heaven: Okay... now you tell us something about Harry. And it can be as embarrassing as you like!

Hermione: *laughs* Well, my husband---brave bloke that he is scared to death of ...clowns.

Heaven: Ew! I can't blame him!

Amynoelle: Me too! Do you remember in the movie Poltergeist when the son gets attacked by that clown doll in his room? Still freaks me out to this day!

Heaven: That's definitely the scariest clown EVER! Second place goes to Pennywise.

Amynoelle: Yes! I had forgotten about him! Stephen King...

Heaven: And Bozo. Unless he's giving you toys. Then he's not scary.

Harry: I am not scared of clowns. I just don't like clowns. Big difference.

Heaven. Sure, Harry.... well I think that about wraps things up.

Amynoelle: Thanks so much for a great interview, you two!

Harry: About time. I need to get my wife home...

Amynoelle: Don't finish that sentence. We know what you're going to do.

Harry: *devilish grin*

Hermione: Good night, ladies!

Heaven: Bye Harry, bye Hermione!