Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Thanks you guys for the continued support and for reading! We appreciate it! Tonight's chapter deals with more happy Andrew and Saffron and some drama from the Will/Frankie/Mallory/Hannah front.

Saffron's pregnancy proceeded smoothly over the next few weeks. She was no longer actively playing with her team, but she attended every match and helped with coaching whenever she could. She missed flying, but she knew that she'd be back at it soon enough.

Life at home with Andrew was better than anything else. He was attentive and hadn't once complained about going out to sate her strange cravings.

"Saffy?" Andrew called, setting the pizza boxes down on the table. Puddles barked excitedly at his feet. "Where is she, Pud?"

Puddles barked again.

"I'm coming," Saffron said, practically waddling into the kitchen.

"Hey baby," Andrew said. "I got the pizza you wanted."

Saffron smiled. "Thank you."

Andrew stole a quick kiss from her. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay," Saffron said. "I was just curled up on the sofa, reading. Well, not so much curled up as...beached."

"Stop it," Andrew said. "You've never been more gorgeous."

"Liar," Saffron said opening up the pizza box. "Mmm....just what I wanted."

Andrew shook his head. "That smells worse than it looks."

"Pineapple and anchovy," Saffron said picking up a slice.

Andrew grimaced as he opened his own box. "I'll stick with pepperoni."

"I have never even liked anchovies, but now, I can't get enough of them," Saffron said before taking a bite.

"You better brush your teeth before you expect me to kiss you again," Andrew teased.

Saffron rolled her eyes. "You've never turned down a kiss from me."

"I am sort of powerless against you," Andrew said with a grin.

"All men are," Saffron said dramatically. "I think it's the combination of my belly and the swollen feet."

"I love your stomach like this," Andrew said, moving to sit next to her. "That's our daughter in there."

Saffron smiled. "Ellie."

"That's right," Andrew said.

Andrew put his hand on her stomach. "How's she doing today?"

"Pretty active," Saffron said. "She's been kicking all day."

"She might be telling her mum to lay off the anchovies," Andrew joked.

"Very funny," Saffron nudged him.

Andrew laughed. "That's what I'm here for."

Saffron laid her head on his shoulder. "Only a few months left before we're parents."

"I can't wait," Andrew said softly.

"And then next summer, the wedding," Saffron said.

"We're not having an anchovy cake are we?" Andrew asked cheekily.

Saffron poked his side. "No, smartarse. Double fudge chocolate."

Andrew laughed. "Better."

"As if I'd have anything else," Saffron replied.

"Lucky for you that your fiancé stopped off at the shops and picked up some double fudge chocolate ice cream."

Saffron squealed.

Andrew looked down at Puddles. "She's easy to please, isn't she?"

Puddles barked at him.

"I love you even more," Saffron said before taking another bite of her pizza.

Andrew kissed her cheek. "Just let me know when you're ready for it."

"I wonder how it would taste on top of pizza." Saffron asked thoughtfully.

"Saffy," Andrew winced. "It's ice cream..."

"I'm only kidding," Saffron said grinning at him.

"Good," he relaxed.

"Given that you lived with RJ, you'd think you'd be used to people eating unusual things," Saffron said.

"RJ just eats a LOT of things," Andrew said.

"Well, I can't imagine that you'll see me eating this again after Ellie comes," Saffron said. "But for now, I can't get enough of it."

Andrew rubbed her shoulder. "Whatever Ellie wants, she gets."

Saffron smiled. "She's happy to hear that."

"How about some juice?" he asked her.

"I would love some," Saffron said smiling at him.

"Coming right up," Andrew said.

"How was your practise today?" Saffron asked.

"Fine," Andrew said. "We're ready to beat the trousers off Puddlemere."

Saffron frowned. "Andrew..."

"With you gone we have a chance," Andrew grinned wickedly.

"That was your plan all along, wasn't it?" Saffron asked. "Get me preggers and then try for Quidditch domination."

"You found me out," Andrew handed her a glass of juice.

Saffron shook her head. "You should be ashamed of yourself."

"Oh I am," Andrew deadpanned.

"Devious," Saffron said. "And speaking of devious...Jules told me that Katie seems to be blossoming in Slytherin."

"Really?" Andrew asked.

Saffron nodded. "I can't believe she's in there and then again, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. She's always embraced her Malfoy side of the family, you know?"

"I guess," Andrew nodded.

"Hopefully, she'll stay grounded," Saffron said.

"I'm sure you'll keep her in line when she's home for hols," Andrew told her.

Saffron reached for another slice of pizza. "I'm going to try. Merlin, this is soooooo good."

Andrew didn't say anything, only dug back into his own pizza.

"I have a feeling Ellie will be a Gryffindor just like us," Saffron said.

"Of course she will be," Andrew said.

"And she will be so smart," Saffron said.

"Just like her mum," Andrew said, getting up to get the ice cream.

"And she'll be caring and sweet just like her father," Saffron said.

Andrew turned and smiled at her.

"You know, I loved her the moment I found out that she existed," Saffron said softly. "It meant so much to me that you were willing to raise her even when you thought she wasn't yours, Andrew. But, miracle of all miracles, she is yours and I---I couldn't be happier."

"What's yours is mine, right?" Andrew asked, setting a bowl in front of her. "And you deserve to be happy, Saf."

Saffron smiled. "I am happy. So happy, Andrew."

He gave her a kiss. "I love you."

"Even with anchovy breath?" Saffron teased.

"You better believe it," he grinned at her.

"I love you too," Saffron said. "So much."

"Eat up," Andrew indicated the bowl. "And I've got more where that came from."

"Will you massage my feet afterwards?" Saffron asked. "They are so swollen..."

"Sure," Andrew nodded.

"I will make it up to you after your match ," Saffron promised. "I'll give you a massage."

"It's a deal," Andrew replied.

"Since you'll be depressed after Puddlemere beats you," Saffron said with a grin.

"Very funny," Andrew cracked.

After they finished their meal, they settled in the sitting room. Saffron put her feet on Andrew's lap.

Andrew pulled off her socks and began rubbing her feet.

"Mmmm," Saffron murmured.

"Like that?" he asked

"No," Saffron said closing her eyes. "I love it."

"Good," he said softly.

"This is heaven," Saffron said.

"It can get better," Andrew said, kneading her feet a little harder.

"I don't see how," Saffron said.

He began rubbing up around her ankles, which were also swollen and Saffron let out a loud moan.

Andrew laughed. "Told you.'

"You... are... amazing," Saffron said. Her ankles had been bothering her all day but now felt so much better.

"I'm not bad," Andrew said dryly.

"Andrew you are perfect," Saffron opened her eyes and looked at him. "I don't know what I did to deserve someone like you but I'm glad I have you."

Andrew looked back at her. "I'm not perfect, Saf. Far from it."

"But you're perfect to me," she insisted.

Andrew smiled. "You're perfect for me."

"I happen to agree with that," Saffron said, laughing as he tickled her feet.

"How's the nursery coming along?" Andrew asked.

"Cute," Saffron replied.

"Can I see what you did?" Andrew asked.

"Sure," Saffron said. "You're going to have to help me up though."

"I think that can be arranged," Andrew said standing up. He offered her his hand. "Up with you."

Saffron groaned as he pulled her to her feet.

Andrew laughed. "Come on, Puddles. "

Puddles barked and followed his owners down the corridor.

Andrew opened the door to the nursery and turned on the lights. "Wow..."

"You like?" she asked, hugging him, which was difficult with her burgeoning stomach.

Andrew nodded. "You did all this?"

"I had some help from my mum," Saffron replied.

"It's brilliant," Andrew said looking around. Hermione and Saffron had decided on a theme with faeries. A beautiful mural of a faerie was on the wall opposite the simple, white crib. "It's one of Ashley's pictures," Saffron explained. "Mum and I did a spell to transfer it to the wall."

"That's fantastic," Andrew said. "I bet Ash was thrilled."

"I can't wait to show her when she comes home for Christmas hols," Saffron said. "She was so happy when I asked her to draw something."

"I think it's fantastic," Andrew said. "And I'm sure Ellie's going to love it."

"I can't believe she's actually going to be here in a few weeks," Saffron said patting her stomach.

"I know," Andrew nodded. "December 5th."

"She might decide to make an early appearance," Saffron said softly.

"You think so?" Andrew asked.

"You never know," Saffron said.

"True," Andrew put his arms around her.

Puddles looked up at Saffron who smiled. "Don't worry, Puddles. You'll still be my baby, too."

"Sure he will," Andrew laughed as Puddles jumped up against her legs.

"I wanted a puppy for so long," Saffron said. "I must have begged me parents for one every year since I was two."

"I heard," Andrew said as Puddles ran around in circles on the floor.

"It took me forever, but persistence paid off," Saffron said.

"You're the most persistent person I know," Andrew chuckled.

"Well," Saffron grinned. "When I want something, I go after it."

"You sure do," Andrew agreed, putting his hands on her stomach.

Saffron smiled as the baby kicked in response.

"Hey!" Andrew said, laughing. "She knows when she's the centre of attention."

Saffron smiled. "She does."

"Just like her mum," Andrew joked.

Saffron swatted at him. "Come on. I'm sleepy."

"Well that means a kip is in order," Andrew said.

Saffron nodded. "Yes."

Andrew led her out of the nursery and to their own bedroom.

"I'm really glad you like the nursery," Saffron said.

"I love it," Andrew told her. "It's perfect."

Saffron sat down on the edge of the bed. "Mum and I had a great time setting everything up."

"Oh yeah?" Andrew asked, going into the dresser.

Saffron nodded. "She and I always make a good team."

Andrew nodded as he changed into his boxers and a t-shirt.

"Help me up?" Saffron asked. "I need to change as well."

"Of course," Andrew said, helping her.

Saffron gave him a kiss. "Thank you."

"Anything for you," Andrew said softly.

Saffron grabbed her pyjamas from the dresser and then headed into the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Andrew turned down the duvet and got into bed while he waited for her.

Saffron came out a few minutes later and climbed into bed beside him.

"All settled?" Andrew asked.

Saffron nodded. "Now, I have to get comfortable."

Andrew watched in amusement as Saffron tried to settle herself in.

"Andrew Kirke, it's not funny," Saffron said to him.

"You look so cute," he said.

"Oh yes," Saffron said rolling her eyes.

"You do," he insisted as Puddles turned around at the edge of the bed.

"I miss sleeping on my stomach," Saffron said.

"Only a little while longer," Andrew assured her. "And then we won't be sleeping much at all."

Saffron laughed. "She's going to be a quiet baby."

"We hope," Andrew added.

"She'll be perfect," Saffron said looking at him.

He grinned at her. "Of course she will be."

"And she'll sleep through the night," Saffron said finally managing to get comfortable.

"Mum said I was a pretty easygoing baby," Andrew said thoughtfully.

"So was I," Saffron said. "Therefore, our little one will be the same."

"You were easygoing?" Andrew teased.

Saffron swatted him. "Yes."

"Then you must have changed later," Andrew joked.

Saffron inched closer to him. "Very funny, Mr. Kirke."

Andrew slid an arm around her. "What do you want to do tomorrow?"

"I don't know," Saffron said. "Do you have any ideas?"

Andrew shook his head.

"Just doing this would be fine," Saffron said happily.

"Staying in bed?" Andrew asked.

Saffron nodded.

"We could arrange that," Andrew said thoughtfully.

"But, I am going to want breakfast," Saffron grinned.

"And that's up to me," he said.

"I promise I'll make it up to you," Saffron said.

Andrew gave her a kiss. "I don't mind doing it."

"I appreciate everything you do for me," Saffron said softly.

Andrew grinned at her. "That's because I love you."

"I love you too," Saffron said.

"Go to sleep," Andrew gave her a kiss.

"You don't have to tell me twice," Saffron said closing her eyes.

Andrew watched his fiancée as she fell asleep. He knew the times had been rough for her and was glad that Saffron now was happy again.

He was going to do everything in his power to make sure she stayed that way.

*** *** ***

Frankie tried as hard as she could to adapt to the fact that Mallory, being Hannah's aunt, was inserting herself into their lives. Despite the fact that Mallory had assured them she wasn't looking to take anything away, Frankie still felt uneasy around the other woman.

She was walking Hannah to school and she had barely heard a word her daughter said.

"Mummy?" Hannah asked. "Are you okay?"

"What?" Frankie asked looking down at her daughter. "Yes, I'm fine..."

"For Halloween I want to be a witch," Hannah told her.

Frankie smiled. "You do, do you? Well, I just bet Molly would be happy to make you a costume."

"Em wants to be a witch too," Hannah said.

"You two are like two peas in a pod," Frankie said smiling at her.

Hannah grinned. "I hope we can have matching costumes."

"I bet that can be arranged," Frankie said. "And I think we have to see if Nathan and Isabelle know what they want to be."

"I think they should be monkeys," Hannah said.

"I think they would make cute little monkeys," Frankie said thoughtfully.

"Like in the Wizard of Oz," Hannah said.

"Oh, the flying monkeys," Frankie grinned.

Hannah nodded. "They're funny."

"And you like it when your daddy picks you up and calls you a flying monkey," Frankie said reaching for Hannah's hand.

"I do like flying," Hannah nodded. "I wish I could do it all the time."

Frankie squeezed her hand. "You're great at it."

"I wonder if Mallory likes to fly," Hannah said thoughtfully.

"She's a Muggle," Frankie replied.

"Oh yeah," Hannah said sheepishly. "But she knows about magic, since my real mummy could do it."

"Right," Frankie said. "Mallory knows everything doesn't she?"

"She knows a lot of things," Hannah nodded.

Frankie sighed. "That's nice."

"What's the matter, Mummy?" Hannah asked.

"Nothing," Frankie said hastily. "Nothing at all."

Hannah glanced up at her a moment.

"Are you excited about school today?" Frankie asked changing the subject.

"I like school," Hannah nodded.

"I'm glad," Frankie smiled at her.

"My teacher says I'm a good reader," Hannah said.

"I know she does," Frankie said. "She says you're one of the best in the class and you're always offering to help out."

Hannah blushed at the compliment.

"Your Daddy and I are so proud of you and all that you've done," Frankie said.

"I like making you proud of me," Hannah said. "Mallory says she's proud of me too."

Frankie smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. Hannah had taken to Mallory and they'd grown close. Frankie had even relented to having Mallory over a few times.

"Daddy said maybe Mallory can come over for dinner again this weekend," Hannah chattered.

"He did?" Frankie asked.

Hannah nodded. "Maybe for Saturday."

"We'll see," Frankie said. "Um, the thing is---Allie asked me if you wanted to come over and have a sleepover with Emma that night."

"She did?" Hannah asked.

Frankie didn't know why she was doing this. But, she was sure Allison would be okay with it as soon as she asked her.

"I thought Em told me Caroline was having Mia over," Hannah shrugged.

"Well, I think it was more along the lines of you having Emma over at our house," Frankie covered.

Hannah looked at her mother strangely.

"You'd like that, right?" Frankie asked.

Hannah nodded. "I always like having Em over."

Frankie smiled and walked upstairs with her daughter.

"Thanks for walking with me to school," Hannah gave her a hug when they reached her classroom.

"I love walking my girl to school," Frankie said hugging her tightly.

"I love you," Hannah said.

"I love you too," Frankie said, tugging affectionately on one of her daughter's plaits.

Hannah gave her one more hug before turning and entering the classroom.

Frankie stood there for a few moments.

She was annoyed with her husband for promising Hannah that Mallory could come over that weekend without discussing it with her first.

And why was Mallory staying here for so bloody long? Didn't that woman have a life of her own back in the states?

She sighed and headed back out of the school.

When she was out of sight, she Apparated to her office. There were a few press releases she had to draft and she had to set up some interviews for some of the players.

Saffron's temporary replacement was doing a great job for the team, although Frankie knew Saffron was eager to return once she had given birth.

Frankie knew that Saffron would be a great mother. She had babysat a few times for her with Hannah and the twins.

Frankie's work didn't take her long and she sat back once it was done, thinking about her family.

"Mallory," Frankie said aloud. "What is your deal?"

Frankie remembered that strange daydream from a few months back when Abbie said she wanted Mallory to take care of Hannah.

That had just been a daydream. Mallory wasn't Hannah's mother. Frankie was.

"And nothing's going to change that," Frankie said firmly. "Not a ghost or an aunt or anything."

Frankie pressed a button to call for her assistant.

Magda appeared a few moments later. "Did you need something?"

"I need to hire a private detective," Frankie told her. "I need you to find me the best there is. Money is no object."

"What?" Magda looked surprised.

"I need a private detective," Frankie repeated.

"Okay," Magda replied slowly.

"And I'm going to be gone for the rest of the morning," Frankie said. "There's something I need to do."

"Is there anything here I need to get done, then?" Magda asked.

"Set up an interview for RJ Weasley and Carlton Driscoll with the Prophet," Frankie said. "And tell Mr. Tate I will have those press releases for him this afternoon."

"Will do," Magda nodded.

Frankie nodded. "I'll be back in a couple of hours, Magda."

"I'll have a detective name for you then," Magda said.

"Thanks, Magda," Frankie said gratefully.

Magda smiled before she left Frankie's office.

Frankie grabbed her cloak and bag. She didn't like the idea of seeing David Wright again, but she needed answers. Answers only he could give.

She wondered how much he knew of his late wife's sister and hoped he could at least tell her something.

It took forever to reach the prison and make it through the security check points. But, finally, she found herself sitting in the visitor's room.

She had hoped never to see this man again, and the last time she HAD seen him had been the day she'd masqueraded as Hannah.

David Wright walked into the room and sat down across from her. Thankfully, there was a glass wall between them. Frankie picked up the telephone on her end. David Wright just stared back at her.

Frankie pressed her lips together until the other man picked up the orange telephone as well.

"Mrs. Barron," he drawled. "This is a nice surprise."

Frankie looked at him. "I have some questions for you."

"I'm not taking that brat back," David replied. "You wanted her..."

"I would NEVER give up Hannah," Frankie said sharply. "That is not why I'm here."

"What brings you by then?" David asked leaning back in his chair.

"What do you know about your wife's sister Mallory?" Frankie asked bluntly.

"Who?" David asked.

Frankie's stomach sank. "You don't know anything about Abbie's sister?"

"Abbie's sister," David said thoughtfully. "I haven't thought about her in years."

"So you did know her?" Frankie asked.

David shrugged. "Yeah, what of it?"

"A few months ago she sought us out," Frankie said. "And I want to know what she's like."

"What's in it for me?" David asked.

"What on earth could you possibly want?" Frankie asked.

"Looking at your pretty face is enough," David said leering at her.

Frankie was disgusted. "Look--"

"Ease up," David said chuckling. "Look, Mrs. Barron, I don't remember that much about Abbie's sister. She was a nuisance and a pest and I took Abbie away from all that."

"So Mallory said," Frankie replied.

"You need to watch out for her," David said. "She probably thinks she can get Abbie back by taking the brat."

"She's not taking Hannah anywhere," Frankie said vehemently.

"Keep telling yourself that," David said grinning at her. "You know, she'd try and write to Abbie, but I threw away her letters."

"Why?" Frankie asked. "She was her sister."

"She tried to put thoughts into Abbie's head," David said. "To warn her about me..."

"For good reason," Frankie couldn't help muttering.

"Wright," the guard said. "Time's up."

"Wait," Frankie said. "Please. Just tell me she's harmless. Be honest."

David grinned. "I think you already know. Good day, Mrs. Barron."

He smirked at her and hung up his phone.

Frankie sighed. She hadn't learned any more by visiting that wretched man.

She grabbed her bag and left the jail, muttering to herself the whole way.

She made it back to her office, still preoccupied with thoughts of Mallory. Magda had left a list of private detectives on her desk.

She called the first one, hoping to get some information straight away.

"Mallory Garrett," Frankie told him. "She lives in Ocala, Florida now, but she was born in London."

"It'll cost you three hundred quid," the man told her. "And that's just for surface details."

"That's fine," Frankie said.

The detective, a bloke named Keith Mars, took her information. "I'll have something for you in a week."

Frankie hung up the phone and then set about doing the work she'd missed that afternoon. She finished work earlier than expected and set off to pick Hannah up from school.

She debated on telling Will what she had done, but decided to wait until she had information on Mallory before bringing that up.

Frankie arrived at the school and walked into Hannah's classroom. "Hello, Mrs. Brewster," Frankie said. "Where's Hannah?"

"Her aunt arrived a few minutes ago," Mrs. Brewster replied. "They're on the playground."

Frankie's smile fell off her face. "Mallory's here?"

"Your husband called ahead and said she'd be stopping by," Mrs. Brewster said.

"I see," Frankie said tightly.

Mrs. Brewster told Frankie about how Hannah had fared that day. "She had top marks on her spelling test."

"She studied really hard last night," Frankie told her.

Mrs. Brewster smiled. "She's such a good student, Mrs. Barron. You and your husband should be so proud."

"We are," Frankie nodded.

Mrs. Brewster smiled. "She has her assignments for tonight."

"Thank you," Frankie said. "I'll go get her now."

On the playground, Hannah was swinging while Mallory pushed her. "You would love Florida, Hannah. It's warm all year round," Mallory was telling her.

"And you have Disney World," Hannah said.

"You will love the Tea Cup ride," Mallory said.

"I want to meet ALL the princesses," Hannah said "Especially Belle!"

Mallory laughed. "That's because you are Belle. And we'll make sure to get a photo of Ariel too, for Emma."

"Yes!" Hannah said happily, swinging high into the air.

Hannah spotted her mother and she waved. "Hi, Mummy!"

Frankie smiled tightly. "Hi baby."

"Hi, Frankie," Mallory said warmly.

"Hello," Frankie said coolly. "Come on Hannah."

Hannah jumped out of the swing. "Come on, Aunt Mallory."

"We're really sort of busy tonight," Frankie said to the other woman.

"I just wanted to spend some time with Hannah," Mallory said. "I'm leaving in the next few days."

"What a shame," Frankie replied. "We'll give you a call tonight, I'm sure."

"Of course," Mallory said kneeling down. Hannah gave her a hug. "I will talk to you tonight, Hannah."

"Okay," Hannah said eagerly.

Mallory grinned and looked at Frankie. "Thanks for letting me have some time with her this afternoon. It really meant a lot."

"Sure," Frankie muttered.

Hannah grabbed her school bag and took Frankie's hand.

"Come on," Frankie said. "We've got to hurry. Your brother and sister are waiting for you."

"I can't wait to see them and tell them my secret," Hannah said.

"What secret?" Frankie asked.

"Aunt Mallory is going to take me to Disney World this summer," Hannah said happily.

Frankie stopped in her tracks. "I beg your pardon?"

"We're going to go to Disney World and I'm going to meet the princesses," Hannah said. "And ride the Tea Cups."

"I don't think that's in the cards, Hannah," Frankie said.

Hannah looked up at her mother. "Why?"

"For one thing, your brother and sister are too young to go to Disney World," Frankie said. "And for another, it's quite expensive."

"But, I'm going to stay with Mallory," Hannah explained. "She's going to show me Florida, Mummy. Just her and me."

"Hannah," Frankie shook her head. "We don't know Mallory well enough to allow something like that."

Hannah didn't understand. They knew Mallory. "She's my aunt, Mummy. Just like Aunt Allie and Aunt Chiaki."

"And we just met her," Frankie said firmly.

"But--" Hannah started to protest.

"We'll discuss this with your father when we get home," Frankie said.

Hannah folded her arms. That always meant 'no'.

"Come on," Frankie said tersely.

Hannah reluctantly followed her mother back to the house.

"William," Frankie called out once they got home. "I need a word."

Will came out of the kitchen carrying Nathan and Isabelle. The twins waved excitedly at their big sister, but Hannah just dropped her bag and ran for her bedroom.

"What's wrong with her?" Will asked.

"Oh, just that Mallory decided she was going to take our daughter to Florida without consulting us first," Frankie said angrily. "That she filled her head with Disney World and---and---Tea Cups and princesses before checking with us before she made the offer. I swear, I have never been so angry before in my life, Will."

"Wait a minute," Will held up a hand. "Florida? When did that come about?"

"You've got me," Frankie said angrily. She took hold of Nathan who was reaching out to her.

"I didn't say anything to her about Florida," Will said. "Only that she could go visit her at school."

"Han-nah," Isabelle said. "Want Han-nah."

"We'll go see her in a minute," Will told his daughter.

Frankie hugged Nathan to her. "I can't believe she had the nerve to do that."

"It surprises me," Will replied. "Given that we've been pretty flexible with her."

"The sooner she goes back to the states the better we'll be," Frankie said. She didn't notice that Hannah had come out of her room and caught her mother's words.

"Why do you hate her?" Hannah asked, her eyes filling with tears. "She loves me because I remind her of my real mummy."

"Hannah," Frankie said softly. "I'm---I don't hate her."

"Yes you do," Hannah insisted.

"The problem is your Aunt Mallory asked you to go somewhere without asking us first," Will said. "She shouldn't have brought up Disney World without asking us if it was okay."

"But she was going to ask," Hannah wiped her eyes.

"Han-nah," Isabelle squirmed in Will's arms.

"Hi Izzie," Hannah said quietly as Will set her down.

Isabelle toddled over to her sister. "No sad, Han-nah."

Hannah sniffed. "I can't help it."

Frankie set Nathan down. "Hannah, sweetheart. I love you very much. I know---I know how important Mallory is to you, but she has to realise that she can't make these decisions without asking your daddy and me first."

Hannah didn't reply, only wiped her eyes again.

"Come here," Will said holding out his arms. Hannah walked over to him and he hugged her tightly.

Frankie bit her lower lip as her daughter buried her face in Will's shoulder.

"How was school today, baby girl?" Will asked.

"It was good," Hannah said in a small voice. "I did good with my spelling."

Will grinned. "You did? That's my girl."

Hannah managed a tiny smile.

"We studied long and hard for that test, didn't we?" Frankie asked.

Hannah nodded again but didn't look at her.

"I think this is cause for celebration," Will said. "Izzie, Nathan, what should we do for your smart sister?"

"Cake?" Isabelle asked.

Nathan nodded in agreement.

"Cake it is," Will looked at Frankie.

Frankie nodded. Hannah still wasn't looking at her. This was all Mallory's fault, Frankie thought bitterly.

She didn't feel as guilty for hiring a private detective now.

"Cake, Han-nah," Isabelle said taking her sister's hand.

"Okay," Hannah said, clearing her throat.

"Coming, Frankie?" Will asked.

"Sure," Frankie said quietly.

Frankie put her hand on Hannah's shoulder. "Sweetheart?"

"What?" Hannah asked.

"I'm really happy that you did well on your test," Frankie said after a moment.

Hannah shrugged in reply.

"I don't hate Mallory," Frankie told her.

"You act like you do," Hannah said quietly.

Frankie knew she could not tell her daughter about how insecure the other woman made her feel. "I'm sorry," Frankie said sincerely. "I was just angry at her for asking you to go somewhere without seeing if it was okay with your dad and me."

Hannah finally looked over at her.

"Can I have a hug?" Frankie asked.

Hannah nodded, a smile slightly breaking over her face.

Frankie hugged her tightly. "I'd do anything for you, baby."

"I love you Mummy," Hannah put her arms around Frankie's neck.

"I love you too," Frankie said patting her daughter's back.

Frankie and Hannah went into the kitchen. "We don't have cake, but we do have cupcakes," Will said.

Hannah grinned. "I suppose that will do, Daddy."

"I figured as much," Will joked. "Since they're chocolate..."

"Nathan, you've got chocolate icing on your face," Hannah giggled.

Nathan grinned at her before mashing the cupcake into his mouth.

Will looked at his wife. "Okay?" he mouthed to her.

Frankie nodded. "For now," she whispered to him.

Will reached for her hand. "Are we going to tempt you with one of these?"

"Just half," Frankie replied.

"Come on," Will said holding a cupcake out to her. "You know you love chocolate."

"And I remember how many calories are in these," Frankie took a knife out of the drawer.

Will laughed. "Frankie..."

"It took me forever to get my figure back," Frankie pointed out.

"Where did it go?" Hannah asked.

Will laughed. "That's what I'd like to know."

"Very funny," Frankie said. She halved the cupcake and popped it into her mouth.

"Can I have the rest?" Hannah asked her.

"Yes," Frankie said handing the other half to her.

"Me too," Isabelle said.

Hannah smiled. "You can have this one, Izzie."

"Yum," Isabelle said happily. "Han-nah!"

Hannah handed it to her sister. "You are too funny, Isabelle Barron."

Nathan looked back and forth between his parents. "Me!"

Will handed his son a cupcake. "Here, buddy."

"Now it's fair," Frankie joked.

Nathan dipped his finger in the icing and then smeared it on his face.

"Nate," Will laughed. "What are you doing, buddy?"

"Making a mess," Frankie laughed.

"Mess!" Nathan sang, flinging some icing at his sisters.

Hannah and Isabelle squealed. "Nate!" Hannah exclaimed.

"No, no..." Will was still laughing. "No throwing food."

Nathan gave a devilish look at his father before popping the cupcake into his mouth.

"Little stinker," Will said affectionately.

Frankie put her arms around Hannah and Isabelle. This was her family. She loved them more than anything in this world.

"Ma?" Isabelle asked held a frosting covered finger out to her.

"Yes, my Isabelle?" Frankie asked.

"Here," Isabelle said.

"You want Mummy to have a bite?" Frankie asked.

Isabelle nodded.

"Maybe just a small bite," Frankie relented.

"It's just frosting, Mummy." Hannah explained.

"True," Frankie said with a grin.

"Hardly any calories," Will joked.

"She's looking out for her mummy," Frankie said nudging her husband.

Hannah grinned as Frankie took the bit of frosting.

"That is good," Frankie said.

"Well I should really start on dinner," Will replied. "What's everyone in the mood for?"

"Cake," Nathan replied.

Everyone laughed. "No more cake," Will told his son.

"Daddy, can you make pasketti?" Hannah asked.

"I think I can do that," Will nodded.

"Yay," Hannah said. She chanced a look at her mother. "Do you want to help me with my homework? Maths..."

"I'll do my best to help you," Frankie replied.

Hannah smiled. "Thanks."

"Go and get your workbook," Frankie told her.

"Okay," Hannah went to retrieve her bag.

"We'll talk to Mallory," Will said in a hushed tone to his wife.

"You bet we will," Frankie said, pulling a jar of sauce out of the cupboard. She waved her wand and the sauce transferred out of the jar and into a pot.

"But in the meantime, we should try and not say anything negative about her in front of Hannah," Will said to her. "She's important to her, Frankie."

Frankie shrugged. "I guess."

He came up behind her and put his arms around her. "Frankie, you saw Hannah's face."

"I won't say anything in front of her," Frankie responded.

Will kissed the top of her head. "I love you."

Frankie smiled. "I love you too, William."

Hannah came back into the kitchen clutching her workbook. "Okay, Mummy."

"Let's see what damage I can do while Daddy fixes the spaghetti," Frankie said.

Hannah giggled. "It's just addition, Mummy."

"Well I think I can handle that," Frankie grinned at her.

Will looked down at his two youngest. "You two promise to play nice while Daddy makes dinner?"

"No," Isabelle said.

Will bent over and tickled his daughter's side. "Izzie!"

"Dada!" she shrieked, giggling. "No!"

"Alright then, you and your brother can be my helpers," Will said handing her a big plastic bowl.

Isabelle looked at it then up at him

Will laughed and handed her a wooden spoon.

"Here," Nathan took it and began to bang on the bowl.

"That's it, buddy," Will grinned.

"I think we'll move into the sitting room," Frankie said.

"Yeah," Hannah said grabbing her workbook. "Good idea."

"Call me if you need me," Frankie told him.

"We're fine," Will said over the noise.

Frankie laughed before taking Hannah into the sitting room and settling at the table.

"I don't like maths as much as I like reading," Hannah told her mother.

"I never cared for it much either," Frankie said.

"What was your favourite subject?" Hannah asked.

"Boys," Frankie answered.

Hannah giggled. "Mummy!"

"I always liked the boys," she said.

"Maybe I should have Daddy help me," Hannah said thoughtfully.

Frankie squeezed Hannah's side. "I can add."

Hannah laughed. "One boy plus two boys..."

"Equals not enough," Frankie joked.

Hannah shook her head. "Mummy..."

"I know, I know." Frankie said. "Let's look at your maths."

Hannah grabbed her pencil and read aloud the first problem.

"Okay," Frankie said. "So if you have six apples, and Emma has seven... how many do you both have all together?" she put the problem into wording hoping it would make it easier for Hannah to understand.

Hannah looked thoughtfully at her mother. "Um...thirteen?"

"Excellent!" Frankie nodded.

Hannah smiled. "That was easy!"

"How about this one?" Frankie said. "Isabelle has twelve cupcakes and Nathan has eight."

"Is he wearing them or eating them?" Hannah joked.

Frankie laughed. "Both."

"They have twenty cupcakes altogether," Hannah replied.

"Very, very good." Frankie praised.

Hannah beamed at her. "Thanks, Mummy."

Frankie kissed the top of her head. "No matter what, you're my girl."

"And you're my Mummy," Hannah replied.

"Always," Frankie said.