Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Posted a bit early tonight- enjoy!! *wink*

Her Aunt Saffron was just walking into the O'Leary bakery after her practise. Something had happened and Saffron needed to talk to her best friend.

"Hey," Alexa said with a smile. "What's up Saf?"

"I need to talk to you," Saffron said quietly. "Do you have a minute?"

"Of course," Alexa untied her apron.

Saffron sat down at one of the tables and debated what to say. Saying it aloud would make it seem real.

"What is it?" Alexa asked, growing concerned.

"I-I'm late," Saffron told her in a voice barely above a whisper.

"Late for..." Alexa's voice died off. "Oh."

"I'm never late," Saffron said quietly.

"You've been really stressed out though, Saffy." Alexa said. "That can change the time it arrives. And you've gained more weight back from when you were gone. That can do it too."

"You think?" Saffron asked hopefully.

Alexa nodded. "I was reading through one of Gabe's medical texts one night and saw that in there."

Saffron sighed in relief. "I'm sure that's it. I mean, I couldn't be..."

"Just think positively," Alexa reached out and squeezed her hand.

"Right," Saffron said. "It's just like you said."

"I'm sure that's it," Alexa said reassuringly.

"And Andrew and I are careful," Saffron said. "We've almost always used protection charms..."

"What about that first time?" Alexa asked. "Or... Daniel?"

Saffron shook her head. "Not the first time and not the first time after we got back together. And---I don't even know what Daniel did. I can't remember."

"So you think he may not have... you know... gone all the way with you?" Alexa asked cautiously.

"I hope not," Saffron said, not liking to think about that night.

"In any case, you know that you'll have all the support you need," Alexa told her.

"Right," Saffron nodded. "I'm so glad I came here. You always make me feel better, Lexie."

"Comes with the territory," Alexa grinned.

"You've read the Best Friend Handbook," Saffron smiled for the first time that day.

"Over and over again," Alexa said. "How about some fudge?"

"I'd love some," Saffron replied.

"Dark chocolate with macadamia nuts," Alexa grinned at her.

"My favourite," Saffron said grinning back. "I promise I didn't just come over here for the fudge."

"I know," Alexa said. "I'm glad you stopped by."

Saffron followed her friend behind the counter. "I'm getting in all the time I can while you're still here."

"I'm going to miss you like mad, but I'm really excited about going to University over there." Alexa said.

"You're really excited about a certain American boy," Saffron teased.

"That's the main perk," Alexa tossed a napkin at her.

Saffron laughed. "How is he, by the way? I haven't heard from him in ages."

"Busy with finals," Alexa said. "I haven't heard much from him either."

"He'll be here soon enough for summer hols," Saffron said.

"I can't wait," Alexa replied.

"Me too," Saffron said.

"I guess this will sort of be like our last hurrah," Alexa said thoughtfully. "After this, I'll be going back and forth to California, and you'll be busy with your Quidditch career."

Saffron nodded feeling sad at the thought of how much things would change

"But we'll always be best friends," Alexa told her.

"Always," Saffron said smiling at her.

Karen O'Leary came out of the kitchen and grinned when she saw Saffron. "Hello, sweetheart. It's so good to see you!"

"Hi Mrs. O'Leary," Saffron gave her best friend's mother a hug. "I'm just sampling your fudge... again."

"You can have as much as you like," Karen told her. "You know that."

"I might take you up on it," Saffron answered.

"How are your parents?" Karen asked.

"Fine," Saffron said. "We're all keeping busy."

"Your sister-in-law was in here earlier with the baby," Karen told her. "I can't get over how adorable she is."

"With Kiera?" Saffron asked. "She's such a beautiful baby. And so sweet... which is amazing since she's half Ethan's."

Karen and Alexa laughed.

"Maddie let me hold her and she kept wanting to play with my hair," Alexa said.

"Drew told me Chloe will stand over her seat and Kiera likes her hair too," Saffron replied. "Must be the Weasley in her."

"The mischievous side of her," Alexa said. She placed some fudge on a plate and handed it to Saffron. "I'll get us some juice and we can talk some more."

"Great," Saffron replied.

Saffron sat back down and took a bite of the fudge, trying not to think about the possibility that she might be pregnant.

She told herself not to dwell on it. Alexa did have a point- it could be stress or the changes in her body that made her late.

While she waited for her friend, she took out the newspaper from her bag and started looking through the house listings. She and Andrew were still looking for just the right place.

Alexa sat down. "You thinking of getting your own place?"

"Me and Andrew," Saffron looked up.

"What?" Alexa practically shrieked.

"He asked me a few days ago," Saffron replied. "We're going to find just the right place to move in to."

Alexa grinned. "Saffy! That's fantastic!"

"Thanks Lexie," Saffron smiled.

"How'd your parents take it?" Alexa asked.

"Not too badly," Saffron recalled. "I thought my dad was going to cry at first, but he held it together."

"You're his baby," Alexa said.

"There are worse things to be," Saffron replied.

"Well, if you guys need help moving, I'd be happy to pitch in," Alexa told her.

"Thanks," Saffron said. "We've got to find a place first."

"See anything promising in the papers?" Alexa asked.

"A few," Saffron said.

Alexa giggled. "Do you remember how we used to talk about moving in together?"

"Before we were interested in guys?" Saffron asked.

"Yes," Alexa replied. "We were going to live in Kensington in a posh flat and you said we would have Greta live with us..."

"And cook whatever we wanted to," Saffron recalled.

"And stay up as late as we wanted to," Alexa laughed.

"Without our parents telling us what to do," Saffron finished.

"You're about to do just that," Alexa told her. "Well, without Greta."

"And without you," Saffron pointed out.

"But I'm going to visit so you better make sure you get a great guest room," Alexa said.

Saffron laughed. "It's first on the list."

"Good," Alexa said smiling at her before she took a bite of fudge.

"This place looks nice," Saffron said. "It's in a new Wizarding area of the city by Wimbledon."

"How many rooms?" Alexa asked scooting her chair over so she could look at the ad as well.

"Two bedrooms, one and a half bath," Saffron read. "I'll circle it."

"Ooooh look at that one," Alexa pointed to a listing in Mayfair.

"That one sounds even better," Saffron circled it twice.

Alexa smiled. "That's also near Seamus and Lavender's place."

"The plot thickens," Saffron glanced mischievously at her.

Alexa nudged her. "I was just pointing that out!"

"Uh huh," Saffron nodded.

"No ulterior motives here," Alexa said innocently.

Saffron made note of a few more ads. "Andrew and I can go look at these this weekend."

"So how does RJ feel about you stealing his flatmate?" Alexa asked.

"He's fine with it. Audrey's moving in with him," Saffron said.

"Oh," Alexa said thoughtfully.

"Lexie?" Saffron asked.

Alexa put up her hand. "It's okay. I just didn't know they were at that point in their relationship."

"It seems as if all our relationships are moving along," Saffron said.

"I'm happy for them," Alexa said. "I think they're good for each other."

Saffron nodded. "Me too."

"I'd like to apologise to her for what she must have went through while RJ was trying to help me," Alexa said.

"She knows you weren't to blame for all that," Saffron said, folding the paper and putting it back in her bag.

"I'd still like to apologise," Alexa said. "It couldn't have been easy for her to go through that."

"You'll probably get your chance in Brighton, then." Saffron told her.

"Hopefully," Alexa said. "I just hope things aren't awkward."

"It'll be okay," Saffron assured her.

"Thanks," Alexa said. "Well, I should get back to work."

"I should probably head out," Saffron said. "Thanks Lexie."

Alexa stood up and hugged her friend. "Don't worry. Everything's going to be fine."

"I hope so," Saffron said.

"I'm here if you need to talk some more," Alexa told her.

"I know," Saffron nodded. "I might ring you later."

"I'll be home," Alexa said.

Saffron walked out of the bakery feeling better than she had when she'd entered. Alexa really was a great friend.

Saffron decided to surprise Andrew and show him the listings she'd found in the paper.

She headed over to his and RJ's flat, humming to herself.

Using her key, Saffron let herself into the flat. "Andrew?"

"Hey Saf," he poked his head out of the kitchen.

Saffron smiled at him. "Hey, you."

"What brings you by?" he asked, coming to give her a kiss.

"I found some listings I wanted to show you," Saffron said.

"Yeah?" Andrew asked.

"I really like this listing in Mayfair," Saffron said reaching into her bag for the paper.

"Let me see," Andrew replied. He scanned the listing. "That does sound really nice!"

Saffron grinned. "You really like it?"

"I think it sounds great," Andrew slid his arms around her. "When do you want to go see it?"

"This weekend?" Saffron asked.

"Sunday would work for me, if we can arrange that," Andrew told her.

"That's perfect," Saffron said hugging him tightly.

Andrew kissed the side of her head. "If all goes well... we could be living together within the next month."

"Just before we go to Brighton," Saffron said softly.

"I'm staying the whole time there," Andrew said. "I'll be with you every minute."

"Thanks," Saffron said resting her head on his shoulder. "It's going to be hard being back there, but I'm going to try and concentrate on the happy memories."

"That's my girl," Andrew said softly.

"I can't believe it's almost been a year," Saffron said quietly.

"I know, Saf." Andrew stroked her hair.

"I think about Sean every day," Saffron said.

"You know he'd want you to be happy," Andrew said.

Saffron nodded. "Yeah..."

"Don't let that get you down again," Andrew cupped her face in his hands.

Saffron looked into his eyes. "I won't. I promise."

Andrew smiled and kissed her. "Hungry?"

Saffron shook her head. "I was just at the bakery with Lex. I had about six pieces of fudge."

"You didn't bring me any?" Andrew pretended to be hurt.

Saffron laughed. "No, I was thinking of you and your boyish figure."

"Yeah right," Andrew grinned at her.

"Where's your partner in crime?" Saffron asked as she sat down.

"Out with Audrey," Andrew replied. "Those two are joined at the hip these days."

"Like us," Saffron smiled at him.

"That works for me," Andrew grinned back,

"I was thinking I'd stop over and see Kiera later," Saffron said watching him while he finished making his sandwich.

"That sounds like fun," he looked over at her.

"Babies are great, aren't they?" Saffron asked thoughtfully.

"Sure they are," Andrew nodded.

"Have you ever thought about what it would be like to have one?" Saffron asked him.

"I don't know," he answered thoughtfully.

"Maybe in the future, right?" Saffron asked.

"Sure," Andrew said. "I'd love to have kids someday."

"Someday," Saffron said softly.

"Why do you ask?" Andrew looked at her.

"I guess with all the babies in the family, I was just thinking about it," Saffron said hastily. "Kiera and Darla's baby will be here before we know it..."

"Right," Andrew looked at her curiously, but figured if she wanted to tell him anything she would.

"My mum had a lot of trouble conceiving," Saffron said. "You took her forever to get pregnant again with Ethan. Jules was in her teens when he was born."

"I think you said something about that one time," Andrew sat down at the table with his sandwich.

"I don't know why I'm telling you this," Saffron said with a slight laugh.

"I'm not sure either," he said bemusedly. "You sure you're all right?"

"Of course," Saffron said stealing one of his crisps.

"Did you set up an appointment yet to see that place?" he asked her.

"Not yet," Saffron said. "I'll ring them later."

"I can set it up tomorrow if you want," he offered.

"That'd be great," Saffron said. She reached across the table and squeezed his hand.

"Anything to keep that smile on your face," Andrew replied.

"Living with you is a great way to start," Saffron beamed at him.

"We're going to have a great time," Andrew told her.

"Oh yes," Saffron said. "Because I'm going to get breakfast in bed every morning. Unlimited foot massages..."

"Oh and what about me?" Andrew asked.

"You get the pleasure of living with me," Saffron said cheekily.

"That's all?" he asked.

Saffron grabbed the other half of his sandwich in retaliation. "That's all, he says!"

"Hey!" Andrew said. "I thought you weren't hungry!"

"Things change," Saffron said taking a bite.

"Oh yeah?" Andrew lunged across the table and began tickling her.

"Andrew!" Saffron squealed.

"Things change," he reminded her.

"You want this, you're going to have to come and get it!" Saffron pushed back from the chair.

Andrew chased her into the sitting room.

"You are so slow," Saffron joked. "Good thing I didn't bring you any of that fudge..."

Andrew tackled her gently on the sofa. "What was that, Potter?"

Saffron giggled. "Lucky break, Kirke!"

"Whatever you say," Andrew leaned in and kissed her passionately.

Saffron dropped the sandwich on the floor and wrapped her arms around him.

"Mmmm..." he said. "You taste better than any food."

Saffron grinned. "I do?"

"Oh yeah," Andrew kissed her again.

Saffron tickled his side. "You don't fight fair, Andrew Kirke."

"I know," he grinned at her.

"I let you catch me, you know," Saffron said.

"Sure you did," he told her.

"I did," Saffron poked him.

"If that makes you feel better," Andrew brushed her hair off her forehead.

"I'm sorry I ruined your lunch," Saffron said lifting her head to kiss him.

"You didn't, Saf." he told her.

"I'll make it up to you," Saffron said. "I'll cook dinner tonight."

"If you want," Andrew nuzzled her ear.

"Mmmhmm," Saffron whispered.

Andrew closed his eyes and kissed her again.

"I love you," Saffron murmured.

"Love you too," he said softly.

Saffron touched his cheek. She loved him more than anything in the world.

"We can go to my room," he told her.

Saffron nodded. "We wouldn't want Junior coming in here and catching us, would we? It would scar him for life."

"Wouldn't be anything he hasn't seen before," Andrew said wryly, pushing himself up.

"He hasn't seen me starkers before," Saffron said. "And I'd like to keep it that way."

"Me too," Andrew helped her to her feet.

"Thanks," Saffron said softly.

"Come on," he led her down the hall.

Saffron felt a little nervous. They hadn't been together intimately since that thing with Daniel.

He opened the door for her. "After you..."

Saffron smiled at him as she stepped inside.

He closed the door, then drew her into his arms again.

"Andrew," Saffron said feeling so warm and safe in his arms.

"I love you so, so much, Saffron," Andrew said in her ear.

"You've been so patient," Saffron said softly.

"I'll do anything for you," Andrew told her.

"I know," Saffron said. "And I'd do anything for you."

"I know you would, baby." Andrew rested his forehead on hers.

"I missed being with you," Saffron whispered.

"It's been awhile, hasn't it?" he asked.

Saffron nodded. "I'm sorry..."

"You have nothing to be sorry about," he told her.

"I just didn't think you'd want to be with me after---" Saffron started to say.

"Saffron Grace," he stopped and looked at her. "Nothing has changed between us."

Saffron looked back at him. She couldn't believe how great he was being about this. She kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. "Andrew..."

"Nothing," Andrew repeated firmly.

With his thumb, he wiped a tear from her cheek. "I love you," Saffron whispered.

"I love you too," Andrew told her. "More than anyone else, Saffy."

Saffron smiled up at him. "No matter what?"

"No matter what," he smiled back at her.

Saffron gave him a kiss. "You're amazing."

"I'm not that great, Saf." Andrew said.

"Yes, you are," Saffron said leading him over to the bed. She sat down. "You've always been there for me. That night in that club, when I was feeling as low as I ever felt and I was acting so stupid, there you were. And then again at Scanlon's, you were there. You never left my side."

"I never will," Andrew told her. "You're the best thing in my life, Saf."

"You're the best thing in mine," Saffron said. "You always have been."

Andrew leaned in and kissed her.

Saffron kissed him back. He was being so gentle and patient with her. It made her love him even more, which she didn't think was possible,

"Just let me know if I go too far or too fast for you," Andrew said, lying her gently onto the bed.

Saffron nodded and pulled him down to her for another kiss.

Andrew ran his fingers through her hair while letting his other hand travel down her side.

Her soft eyes met his. She trusted him.

Andrew smiled at her before brushing a gentle kiss over her lips, trailing his mouth over her skin.

Saffron closed her eyes, blocking out thoughts of anything but Andrew and the way he was making her feel.

He reached under her shirt, stroking her stomach.

Saffron giggled. "That tickles, Andrew..."

"Sorry," he grinned, pulling his own shirt over his head.

"No need to apologise," Saffron said smiling reassuringly at him. "I liked it."

"Good," he said, pushing up her camisole.

Saffron sat up a little so he could lift it over her head.

"Gorgeous as always," he said taking in her figure.

Saffron smiled. "You're not so bad, either."

"That's all you can say about Wizard McDreamy, two years running?" Andrew teased.

Saffron laughed and poked him in the stomach. "I knew you liked that! I bet if I looked in your closet, I'd find copies of that magazine!"

"No you wouldn't," Andrew denied.

"Along with your cards," Saffron teased. "And those action figures..."

"Go check if you like," Andrew said.

"Maybe later," Saffron said touching his chest.

He grinned, leaning down to kiss her again.

Saffron wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close.

"Saffy..." he murmured against her neck.

"Yes," Saffron purred.

Andrew lifted himself up, unbuttoning her jeans.

Saffron's eyes focused on him as he slowly peeled them off.

"Still okay?" he asked softly.

"Perfect," Saffron replied.

"Good," he said, kissing her again.

Saffron's hands were trembling as she unzipped his jeans.

"Saffy..." he began.

"What?" Saffron asked.

"You're shaking," he pointed out.

"I'm okay," Saffron reassured him. "I'm just a little nervous. But, I want this. I want this more than anything."

"Long as you're sure," he told her softly.

"Positive," Saffron replied.

"Okay," he said, brushing her hair back.

Saffron's eyes met his as she resumed her work of freeing him from his jeans and boxers.

Andrew grinned as he settled back down next to her.

"Did you do the charm?" he asked her.

She nodded. "All taken care of."

"That's my girl," Andrew said. For a long moment, he held her close, moulding his mouth to hers.

Saffron whimpered as his lips moved across her neck.

"Still okay?" Andrew breathed against her skin.

"Oh yes," she whispered.

"I missed you," Andrew trailed kisses over her bare shoulder.

"I missed... you too..." Saffron gasped, her eyes rolling back into her head.

He wanted her more than anything and it was taking all of his willpower not to take her right now. But, he wanted to make this special for her. He didn't want to rush her. Not after all that she'd been through.

Saffron moaned in pleasure when Andrew rubbed between her legs. "More..." she breathed.

He wondered if she knew what that did to him. Hearing her say that one word in such a way nearly drove him insane. "As you wish," he said with a grin.

"Please, Andrew," Saffron begged.

With a groan, Andrew slid into her.

Saffron gasped, her body arching up against his, almost levitating them both off the bed.

"Merlin, Saffy," Andrew groaned before kissing her.

Her breathing grew faster as she pushed her body up against his.

"Still okay?" Andrew said breathlessly.

Saffron nodded, unable to speak.

Andrew's breath was hot and ragged against her skin as he pressed further into her.

"Oh," she breathed. "Andrew!"

Andrew nearly lost it when she wrapped her legs around him. "Saffron...."

"Please Andrew," she said, her teeth clenched.

"My Saffron," Andrew said looking down at her. "No matter what..."

She nodded.

His breath was ragged as he thrust into her once more.

"Andrew!" Saffron cried out.

He collapsed onto her. Saffron held on to him. She wasn't ready to let him go just yet. "Okay?" Andrew whispered smiling lazily down at her.

"Amazing," Saffron whispered.

"I love you so much," Andrew said softly.

"I love you too," she pushed a damp lock of hair out of his eyes.

"Saffy," Andrew said. "I know this is going to sound bad especially after what we did, but I've been wanting to say it for a long time."

"What?" Saffron asked.

He propped himself up on one elbow and grinned at her. "I'm going to marry you."

"What?" she asked again.

"Someday," Andrew said playing with a lock of her hair. "Someday soon, I'm going to marry you."

Saffron smiled at him.

"And we'll start a family," Andrew leaned in and kissed her.

"You think so?" she asked softly.

"Mmmhmm," Andrew said.

"I hope so," she said softly.

"Saffron Kirke," Andrew grinned.

"I love it," she laughed.

"I love you," Andrew said grinning at her. "In fact, look under your pillow..."

"What?" Saffron raised her head.

"Look under your pillow," Andrew said nudging her.

Saffron turned and pushed her pillow aside.

Andrew looked over her shoulder. "It took me forever to pick it out and I wasn't sure of your ring size..."

"Oh Merlin," she said, her voice trembling.

"If you don't like it, we can take it back," Andrew said wishing he could see her face. "Saf---"

Saffron burst into tears. "Its beautiful."

"I wasn't going to give it to you until Brighton," Andrew said. "But, I just couldn't wait any longer."

"This is incredible," she managed.

Andrew reached over her and picked up the ring. "Saffron Grace Potter, will you marry me?"