Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Thanks for the reviews, guys! We appreciate each and every one of them. This chapter takes place during the summer holiday while the Potter & Weasley families are vacationing together in Brighton. You will get to see more of Ethan and Maddie, of course. And you will get to see more of Saffron (one of our favourite characters to write, by the way). You will also get to see RJ speak---you've wanted that for quite some time apparently lol. He is a supporting player in these few chapters, but we are currently writing a storyline for him that has him taking more of a leading role. Hope you enjoy this chapter and please review.


As Maddie and Ethan soon found out, the best laid plans sometimes didn't work out. His busy schedule prevented him from coming to visit and they'd had to settle for conducting their new relationship over owl post.

Fresh off her graduation from Hogwarts, Maddie was looking forward to finally being able to spend some time with Ethan. Their two families were spending the first week of the summer at the Potter's cottage in Brighton.

It had been nearly five months since she'd last seen him and she was unsure of what it would be like after all this time apart. His letters were sweet, but they didn't really tell her more than what he was doing and how he was getting along. He didn't mention anything other than how much he missed her and how sorry he was that he hadn't been able to see her.

Ethan was also quite nervous and was currently pacing around the fireplace in his parents' large sitting room. "Aren't we ready to go yet?" he called impatiently. "I'm sure they're already there at the cottage."

"I can't find my broom," Saffron said stalking out of her room. "Mum! Have you seen my broom?"

"No," Hermione called out. "Didn't you have it out in the backyard last night?"

"Ooh!" Saffron's eyes lit up as she ran outside. "Found it!" she screamed triumphantly.

"I just need to send off a few last minute owls," Hermione said as she rushed past her son. "I'll be quick, Ethan."

"Dad," Ethan complained.

"Don't look at me," Harry said setting down some bags by the fireplace. "You know how your mother and sister are. Just be grateful that Nick and Julie and your nieces are coming this evening and we don't have to wait for them too."

"I guess," Ethan grumbled. His palms were sweaty and he wiped them on his jeans. "Hey Dad... do you think Maddie will still you know... want to be in a relationship? Since we haven't seen each other since January and all?"

"You're really worried about that, eh?" Harry asked him sitting down on the sofa. "I know you feel bad about not being able to see her, but it couldn't be helped. You're in your last year of training."

"I'm glad I was just able to get this week off to spend with everyone," Ethan said. "And we've kept in touch through letters- I've never written so many bloody letters in my life."

Harry laughed. "I think you're still in with a chance, Ethan."

"I hope so," Ethan grinned ruefully. "It's funny to think how I always used to run away from her as a kid and now I just can't wait to be with her again."

"Maddie used to say you were playing hard to get," Harry said laughing as he remembered the sight of the adorable four-year old running after Ethan.

Ethan laughed as Hermione and Saffron came into the room. "Are we finally all ready?" he jumped off the sofa.

"Anxious much?" Saffron asked setting her bags down.

"Sod off," Ethan replied.

"Lovely way to start off the family holiday, Ethan," Saffron said sticking her tongue out at him.

"Don't talk to your sister that way Ethan," Hermione admonished. "And Saffron, it's not ladylike to stick out your tongue."

"That's not what you said last-- ouch!" Harry winced as his wife jabbed his side with her elbow.

Saffron covered her ears. "Too much information, Dad!"

"Really," Ethan agreed. "Spare Saffy at least. I'm rather used to it by now."

"Okay, okay," Harry said. "Let's go before we scar our youngest for life."

"Thank you," Ethan said, grabbing his bag. He'd packed the bare necessities, thinking he could always Apparate back if he needed anything.

Maddie had arrived earlier with her parents and R.J. and was currently sitting on the sofa, waiting for Ethan and reading a book.

"I can't believe we actually arrived here first," Luna was saying as she and Ron set out a tray of food on the coffee table. Ron quickly grabbed a sandwich and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I know," Ron said, crumbs flying everywhere.

There was a loud pop from outside and Maddie tried to hide her excitement. She'd thought that the Potters would be arriving via floo, but she supposed it would be possible for Ethan to Apparate instead. As she turned around, the smile on her face fell as she saw her twin sisters, Drew and Darla.

"It's great to see you too, Mads," Darla said laughing.

"Be easy on her," Luna said hugging her twin girls. "She was expecting someone else."

"We know," Drew and Darla said together. "You and Ethan," they both said in a sing song voice.

Maddie blushed. "Shut up, you two."

"You didn't bring Paul with you?" Ron asked Drew, referring to her on-and-off again boyfriend of three years, Paul Davies. Paul was a keeper for the Chudley Cannons.

"No," Drew said frowning. "He couldn't get away, Dad."

"Maybe later in the week?" Ron asked hopefully. He always wanted to talk shop, especially when it came to the Cannons.

"He promised to try," Drew said. She laughed at the disappointed look on her father's face. "Come on, Dad. Look at it this way. You'll get to have all my undivided attention."

"I can't say I don't like that," Ron hugged her.

"Where is everyone?" Darla asked, helping herself to a sandwich.

"Coming soon I hope," Luna said. "Knowing Hermione she probably had a million last minute things to do at the office," she laughed.

"Probably," Darla said with a laugh. "What about Jon and Josh?"

"Coming soon," Maddie replied.

"Dad's ready to spoil his only grandchildren," R.J. teased. "Caroline and Emma have got it so good."

"Well I need more of them," Ron said with a meaningful glance at his twin daughters. "Don't you two go getting any ideas yet." he said to Maddie and R.J.

"Don't worry, Dad," R.J. said laughing. "I'm a long way off from doing anything as daft as getting married and having kids."

Maddie grinned. "That's not what you were saying when Julia Winters was asking you to Hogsmeade." she teased.

"Shut it, Maddie," R.J. said, but he was smiling at her. "Let's see how you are when your boyfriend gets here."

Maddie blushed. "I'm not denying that I want a relationship here." she said with a smile.

"You've wanted one with Ethan since you were four years old," R.J. said. "Even if you tried to deny it, no one here would believe a word of it."

Maddie laughed. "That's why you won't see me deny it. Besides, Jon and Allie were only a few years older than you when they up and got married. So you never know."

"They only got married because Allie's dad caught them--," R.J. started, but Drew hit him on the arm.

"That's not the only reason they got married you git," Drew said. "If it had been, they wouldn't have been together so long."

"Whatever," R.J. rolled his eyes. "I want to play the field for a long time."

"That's what I used to say," Ron told his son. "And now I've got a wife, two sets of twins, another daughter, a son and two granddaughters."

"That's right," Luna said dreamily.

"Way to depress me dad," R.J. said pulling a face. "You mean someday I could end up like you?"

When he saw the look on his father's face, he laughed. "I'm only joking, Dad. You're actually pretty cool for an old man."

"Old?" Ron asked. "OLD?"

"Grandpa!" Caroline's voice called out as she opened up the door and launched herself at her grandfather.

"Yeah, Grandpa," R.J. said patting his father's arm.

"We just got here, Grandpa!" Caroline exclaimed hugging his neck.

Ron scooped his granddaughter up and kissed her cheek. "I missed you so much sweetheart."

"I can't wait to go looking for seashells and I want to build a big sandcastle. Will you help me make it just like Hogwarts castle? Please, Grandpa?"

"That sounds like fun," Ron agreed. "Count me in Caroline."

"And then I can bury you in the sand," Caroline said mischievously. "And you won't be able to move..."

"Now why would you want to do that?" Ron asked, tickling her side. "Trying to make your YOUNG grandpa all defenceless?"

"Grandpa," Caroline said laughing. "You're so silly. You're really old, but I love you just the same."

R.J. laughed at his father's expression. "See Dad?"

"Stuff it you," Ron grumbled but kissed Caroline's cheek again. "Where's Emma?"

"Right here," Allison said as she and Jon walked into the cottage. "She's been a little fussy, which was why we were so late."

"Allie!" Drew said smiling at her. "I can't believe you had a baby over five months ago. Look at how great you look!"

"Thanks," Allison said, grinning broadly at her sister in law. "These two keep me active all the time."

"Don't you mean Jon keeps you active?" Drew cracked.

Allison blushed. "Well, I, um..."

"Not in front of my daughter aye?" Jon grinned at his sisters. "What sort of trouble have the two of you gotten into lately?" his twin sisters had opened a wedding coordinator company together and it was quite successful.

"We're too busy to get into any trouble," Darla replied. "And don't look at me, Jon. I've always been the sensible one. Drew's the one dating the famous athlete."

"That's right," Jon said. "Where is the King of the Cannons? I've got some plays I want to talk to him about."

"Unable to make it," Drew said frowning. "But he said he'd try to get here if he could. But I wouldn't count on it."

"Damn," Jon looked at his father who nodded in agreement.

"Well I see Ron's already made himself at home in the kitchen," Harry was standing in the doorway.

"It's about time you got here," Ron said to his best friend. "You and Hermione doing the bunny hop again?"

"Last night," Harry replied smoothly. "And twice this morning."

"I so didn't need to know that," Ron said slapping his friend on the back. "Where's your better half?"

"Coming with Saffy. She insisted on bringing her broom and Hermione was arguing about it with her." Harry replied, giving Luna a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi Uncle Harry!" Caroline said waving to him. "Do you want to help me bury Grandpa in the sand later?"

"Of course I do Caroline," Harry grinned at the little girl. "You name the time and place and I'll be there with a huge shovel."

Caroline smiled and clapped her hands enthusiastically.

"You're not going to be able to fly much," Hermione was saying to her daughter as they came inside. "This is a Muggle area, Saffy. What do you think the neighbours would think if they saw you flying around on your broom?"

"I'll fly under Dad's invisibility cloak Mum," Saffron put her hands on her hips. "Come on Ethan; tell Mum it'll be okay if I fly!"

"Leave me out of this," Ethan said walking past his mother and sister and setting their bags down.

"There's no way that I'm letting you fly under that invisibility cloak. How would you be able to stay on your broom and hold onto the cloak at the same time?" Hermione asked her.

"I'll put it around me and sit on it," Saffron said, with satisfaction. "There--see I've figured it out!"

"Will you please talk some sense into your daughter?" Hermione asked Harry.

"We'll talk later," Harry said with a warning look at his youngest daughter who pouted. "Let's get settled first and eat something before Ron does away with most of the food."

Maddie stood back and watched as most of her family and the Potters headed into the kitchen. She felt butterflies in her stomach as Ethan finally spotted her.

"Hi," she said softly.

"Hey," he grinned, crossing the room. "I missed you." he pulled her into a hug.

She relaxed into his embrace and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You feel the same," Maddie whispered.

"So do you," he said, kissing the top of her head. "Now I feel as if the last five months never happened."

Maddie wondered why he hadn't kissed her properly yet, but she didn't want to read too much into this too soon. They hadn't seen each other in five months and the infatuation he may have felt for her then may have faded as quickly as it had started.

"So," she said taking his hand and leading him over to the sofa. "How's your training?"

"Busy," he shook his head. "I felt horrible when I couldn't come visit you that weekend. I really wanted to. They had us sent out to Okinawa to train with swords." he leaned in. "Don't ever let my Aunt Lav tell you that sushi is good. The sushi we had there was absolutely disgusting."

Maddie laughed. "I tend to agree with you on that. But about that weekend, it's okay. I understand. I was really busy too."

"I just didn't want you to think that I didn't want to be there," Ethan smiled at her. "I did."

"I know," Maddie said squeezing his hand. "But at least you wrote to me. I didn't think you would."

"I promised you I would." Ethan said. "I know I wasn't the best- I'm really not much of a letter writer."

"Your letter on those tactical manoeuvres you learned was really stimulating," Maddie teased.

He turned red. "You always kept asking me what was going on in my training," he said a bit defensively.

"It was a joke," Maddie said giggling.

Ethan poked her side. "A joke?"

"Yes," Maddie said laughing harder. "You know those things people tell each other that make you laugh. As I recall you used to have a pretty good sense of humour."

"I still do," Ethan said, poking her again. "I just need to hang around you a little while to make it come back out again." he gave her a charming grin.

"Just a little while?" Maddie asked looking into his brown eyes.

"Well maybe more than a little while," Ethan replied, leaning in.

Maddie smiled as she too leaned forward. They were just about to kiss when Josh swung open the front door carrying Lizzy in his arms.

"Josh," Lizzy said laughing. "Put me down!"

"I can't," Josh said grinning at her. "I have to carry you over the threshold."

Ethan and Maddie looked at each other and then at the door. "Over the threshold?" Maddie asked. "Josh!"

"Say hello to Elizabeth Weasley," Josh said spinning around with Lizzy in his arms.

"Dr. Elizabeth Weasley," Lizzy corrected, giggling.

"MUM! DAD!" Maddie squealed. "COME IN HERE!"

"What?" Luna asked, running in. "What's wrong?"

Josh grinned. "We got married, Mum!"

Luna's jaw dropped. "Joshua... you..."

"Congratulations," Ron grinned broadly. He hugged Lizzy. "Welcome to the crazy Weasley family."

"Thanks," Lizzy said hugging him back.

"When?" Luna sputtered. "What? How?"

"We just decided this morning," Josh said. "It was really a spur of the moment thing."

"We know all about those," Jon said slapping Josh on the back. "It's about time, Joshua."

"I can't believe you would go off and do such a thing!" Luna exclaimed. "Out of our six children, two of them have run off and gotten married---without their parents present, might I add..."

"You were there for our second wedding, Mum," Jon reminded her. "You know the big one with everyone there?"

"Well yes but..." Luna wiped at the sudden tears that came to her eyes. "Oh congratulations sweetheart." she hugged her son and new daughter in law. "I'm so happy for you both."

"Thanks, Luna," Lizzy said smiling at her. "It really was just like Josh said. We were sitting at breakfast this morning and we just started talking about it and we both wondered what we were waiting for. And we just did it. Neither of us would have wanted a big fuss."

"You'll at least let us have a big party for you. And what about your parents? What did they say about this? They're going to want to celebrate as well." Luna said in one breath.

"They don't know yet," Lizzy admitted. "You lot are the first to find out."

"Congratulations!" Allison laughed as she hugged her best friend. "I knew the two of you would get it together sooner or later."

"Well Josh and I have always gone at our own pace, haven't we?" Lizzy asked laughing.

"That you have," Allison agreed.

"This calls for a huge party," Ron said. "Not that we ever need an excuse for that, of course. But I'm thinking huge barbecue on the, dancing and I just may let my little Caroline here bury me in the sand."

"Grandpa I was going to do that anyways!" Caroline exclaimed.

Ron laughed. "Yes you were, sweet girl. Come on. You can help Grandpa get the food."

"Don't you mean you can watch Grandpa eat the food?" Maddie asked, laughing.

"Of course Auntie Maddie," Caroline giggled.

"Come on," Maddie said following her father and niece into the kitchen. Ethan watched them go and knew that any time he'd expected to spend with her was going to be put off due to Josh and Lizzy's news. But, he hoped to get her alone again sometime soon.

*** *** ***

"I thought I'd find you out here," Ethan's voice made her jump.

"Where else would I be at midnight?" Maddie teased. "Not sleeping- that's for normal people."

"Which neither of us seems to be." Ethan sat down next to her.

Maddie smiled at him as her heart fluttered. "I'm glad we're finally getting a chance to be alone," she said. "It was a bit crazy today."

"I know." He agreed.

They sat in silence for a few minutes. "So what are you doing out here?" he asked. "Seeing as how there's no snow to dance in."

"Star gazing," Maddie replied.

"Of course," Ethan replied. "What are you looking for up there?"

"Nothing really," Maddie replied still looking up at the sky. "I've always liked to just come out here and look up at the sky. When I was little, I used to think I could just reach up and grab the stars down from the sky."

Ethan chuckled. "And now what do you think? Think you can still do that?"

"Maybe," Maddie said dreamily.

They laid in silence again for a minute just staring at the sky. "So if you had to pick a star as your very own which one would it be?" he asked.

Maddie smiled. "You promise not to laugh?"

"Have I ever laughed at you?" he asked. "Well... since we were kids?"

"True," Maddie said. She rested her head on his chest and looked up at the sky. "My favourite star is Polaris, the North Star."

"Which one is that?" he asked softly. "Show me."

Maddie smiled and pointed up in the sky. "Right there." She lifted Ethan's arm up and pointed at the star. "That one."

"Pretty bright," he said. "But nothing else would do you justice."

Maddie smiled shyly at him. "I don't know about that..."

He sat up. "I need to tell you something," he said, swallowing nervously.

Maddie looked away. "It's okay. I think I already know."

"You might," Ethan said. "But... you might not."

Maddie shakily got to her feet and stared out at the ocean. "You've met someone. I understand...."

"No," Ethan shook his head as he stood up. "Maddie I'm in love with you."

Maddie sighed. "It wasn't as if you and I were..." her voice trailed off. She turned around and looked at him. "What?"

"I love you," Ethan said, his eyes locked on hers. "I've thought of you every day since I left you at the train in January."

Maddie stared at him, unsure of what to say. "Ethan," she began. "I..."

"I'll understand if you don't feel that way," Ethan said, rubbing his neck nervously. "I didn't want to spring it on you like that but I sort of blurted it out before I could stop myself."

"I have a confession to make," she said softly. "The day on the platform when we said goodbye. I almost said it then."

"You knew back then?" he asked, stepping closer.

"I think I may have known since I was four," Maddie said. She ran a hand nervously through her hair. "I sound silly, don't I?"

"Not at all," Ethan said. "The girl I love isn't silly."

Maddie looped her arms around his neck. "I love you too, Ethan."

He grinned in relief to hear the words from her. "So does this mean I can kiss you now?" he whispered. "I've been waiting to do it all day."

"I've been waiting for five months," Maddie said softly.

Ethan leaned in and sealed his mouth over hers, kissing her deeply and passionately. His hands slid through her long blonde hair as they pressed their bodies together.

Maddie had thought their first kiss had been amazing, but this kiss right now was making her feel things that she never dreamed possible.

They kissed for several minutes before finally pulling apart breathlessly. "Wow," he murmured, still running his hands through her hair.

"Fourteen," Maddie said dazedly.

"What?" Ethan asked.

Maddie smiled. "It only took me fourteen years to wear you down."

Ethan laughed. "Well now that I've come to my senses..." he leaned in to claim her lips again.

"Which goes to show you should have listened to me all along," Maddie said putting her finger on his lips.

"Guess you're right," Ethan agreed. "Remind me of that later when I try to disagree with you about something?"

"Deal," Maddie said before they kissed again.

Ethan conjured up a blanket and they lay back together for a little while enjoying the closeness between them.

The only sound was from the waves crashing onto the beach and Maddie sighed contentedly as she closed her eyes. A vision of Caroline playing on the beach during a bright, sunny day filled her head. Maddie could see her niece walking down the beach and putting seashells into a bright yellow bucket. The vision became blurry and Maddie saw her niece crumpled up on the sand crying her little eyes out. Maddie's eyes blinked open and she arose with a start.

"What's wrong?" Ethan felt her tense and sit up straight.

Maddie shook her head. "I-I don't know."

He was concerned as she looked around. "Was there someone here?"

She remembered that same disturbing vision she'd had months back when she'd rushed Allison to the hospital. In light of everything that had happened, she'd just brushed it off then. But it looked as if she was having another vision of something that hadn't happened yet. Maddie took a deep breath and collected her thoughts. There was probably a logical explanation for this.

"It's nothing," she said turning to face Ethan. "I just got a chill is all."

Ethan put his arms around her. "Want to go back in?" he asked. "I could make you some tea."

Maddie nodded. "That'd be nice."

He gave her a chaste kiss and helped her up, folding the blanket and tucking it under his arm.

Maddie followed him inside and tried to shake the image of what she'd just seen.

"Are you sure you're all right?" Ethan asked.

Maddie genuinely smiled at him. "I'm better than I've been in months. Thanks to you."

He set the kettle on the stove and then reached for her hand and pulled her close. "It'll be interesting to see what everyone says when they find out we're together." he spoke into her hair.

"Everyone pretty much knows," Maddie admitted. "Just before your family arrived, my brothers and sisters were teasing me."

"I suppose we have it pretty easy if you think about it," Ethan replied. "We don't have to go through that whole 'families getting to know one another' phase."

"That's true," Maddie said with a grin. "And we won't have to worry about that awkward pause during a first date when you don't know what to say..."

"Speaking of dates," Ethan laughed. "I'd like to take you on our first official date tomorrow night."

"What did you have in mind?" Maddie asked.

"Either dinner, or if you wanted to eat here with everyone then maybe we could walk into town for dessert afterwards," Ethan said.

"How about we go out for a walk and dessert?" Maddie asked. "I'm really looking forward to spending time with my family. I didn't know how much I missed them. We're all so busy, we don't get together as much as we used to."

"Sure," Ethan squeezed her hand as he leaned in for a kiss. "Saffy will be mad at me if I start ducking out on her so soon anyway."

"Yes she will," Maddie said yawning. "I'm actually kind of tired, Ethan. Do you mind if we call it a night?"

"That's fine," Ethan said, pulling the tea kettle off the stove. "I'm... I'm glad we got to talk." he sent her a smile.

"Me too," Maddie agreed. She kissed him. "Sweet dreams, Ethan."

"I love you Maddie," Ethan pressed his lips to hers.

"I love you," Maddie whispered walking backwards out of the kitchen, her eyes fixed on his. "Ethan James Potter."

"Madeline Molly," he returned with a grin.

As Maddie walked up the stairs to her bedroom, she tried to push all thoughts away other than those of the handsome boy downstairs who loved her as much as she loved him. She couldn't get that vision of Caroline out of her mind though. It was probably nothing, but she made a mental note to warn her niece to be careful on the beach tomorrow....just to be on the safe side.

*** *** ***

Maddie woke up quite early that next morning- the clock on the bedside table told her it was only half past six. She felt better about her vision of Caroline- she'd managed to convince herself it was a dream. Thinking she'd get an early start, she got out of bed and slipped her robe on. She padded downstairs and into the kitchen to see Allison seated at the table feeding Emma. "Morning," she smiled.

"Good morning," Allison returned with a yawn.

"How's Emma this morning?" Maddie looked down at the baby sucking contentedly on the bottle.

"Wide awake," Allison said smiling down at her daughter. "I tried to reason with her and told her that she really didn't want to get up now, but she wasn't buying it."

Maddie laughed as she poured herself a glass of milk. "Hey Allie... remember that letter I sent you right after I went back to school in January?"

"I do," Allison said. "You and Ethan had quite the romantic goodbye on the platform, right?"

Maddie blushed and nodded. "And I told you what I almost said to him that day..."

Allison kept her voice down just in case someone overheard them. "You almost told him you loved him, right?"

Maddie nodded again. "Well last night he came outside after everyone was asleep... we talked and he told me he's in love with me." she grinned.

"Mads, that's fantastic!" Allison squealed. "And you told him you felt the same way, right?"

"Of course," Maddie laughed. "It was just so sweet. And I thought he was out there to tell me that it was just a passing fancy and that he'd met someone else."

"Not bloody likely," Allison said setting the bottle down and cuddling Emma to her chest. "From what Julie tells me, you're the only thing he's thought about other than his training."

Maddie blushed again. "I just figured after not seeing him for five months that any feelings he'd had before were just a rebound thing. We never really talked about our relationship in our letters."

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder," Allison said. "Do you mind holding Emma while I get myself some coffee?"

"Of course not," Maddie eagerly took the baby. "I can't believe how big she's getting!"

Allison smiled as she poured herself a cup of coffee. "She's such a sweet girl. And Caroline's been very helpful."

Maddie's smile faltered a bit at the mention of Caroline's name.

Allison sat back down at the table and noticed the far away look on Maddie's face.

"Mads? Is everything okay?"

"Oh it's fine," Maddie said. "Just um... daydreaming a bit." she forced her smile back on.

"That's what you do when you're in lurve," Alison teased. "Daydream."

"Is that what you did when you and Jon fell in love?" Maddie asked, tilting the bottle as Emma continued to drink and stare up obliviously at her aunt.

Allison nodded. "All the time. Those few months Jon and I were apart...daydreams were all I had."

"He missed you so much," Maddie remembered. "I tried to cheer him up any way I knew how when he'd come home to visit us."

"You always do that," Allison said fondly. "Anytime anyone is feeling down, you always try and make them feel better."

Maddie laughed. "It's what I do."

Allison laughed. "You're really great at it. And I'm so happy for you and Ethan. It's about time is all I can say."

"I know. I told him he should have just listened to me all along." Maddie set the empty bottle on the table. "My, my someone was hungry!" she took the burp cloth Allison held out and put Emma on her shoulder, patting her back gently.

Emma let out a rather loud burp and as Jon came into the kitchen, he grinned.

"That's definitely my little girl," he said.

"Morning love," Allison smiled at her husband as he gave her a kiss.

"Morning, Al," Jon said touching her cheek. He looked over at his sister. "Morning, Mad Dog."

"Hi Jon," Maddie said, still holding Emma.

"What are you doing up so early?" Jon asked his sister.

Maddie shrugged. "Just woke up and couldn't go back to sleep."

"What about you?" Allison asked her husband. "I thought you were going to have a proper lie in?"

"You were gone," Jon replied.

Allison tilted her head and smiled at him. "I didn't want to get up, but little Emma Madeline there had other ideas."

"She's hungry all the time just like Dad," Maddie laughed.

Jon laughed. "Did you see what he put away last night? Seven hamburgers at last count?"

Allison and Maddie laughed. "Seven hamburgers with everything on them." Maddie said. "And don't forget the chocolate cake afterwards!"

"Nearly ate the whole thing himself," Allison said. "He has to have a bottomless stomach."

"And never gains a stone," Maddie and Jon said together, laughing.

Allison giggled. "It made me so angry when I was trying to lose my baby weight and I was eating carrots and celery and he'd sit down with a plate of pasta right in front of me."

"Dad's never known for his sensitivity," Jon laughed. "Especially when it came to food and Quidditch." he looked at his sister. "Remember when you'd repeat all the cuss words he'd say during matches and Mum would hit him upside the head for it?"

"And he'd just dig himself deeper in the hole," Maddie said laughing. "But that's just...Dad."

"Exactly," Jon said, reaching for his baby daughter.

Maddie gingerly handed Emma to her brother. "I may be biased, but she is one beautiful little baby, Jon."

"You can be biased all you want," Jon kissed Emma's cheek. "I certainly am. I've got the most gorgeous wife and daughters a bloke could ever ask for."

Maddie smiled. She wanted to let her brother and his wife have some time alone with their little girl.

"I'm going to catch up with you guys later," Maddie said grabbing her glass of milk. "I'm going to take a shower. Thanks for the talk, Allie."

"You're welcome," Allison said smiling as Maddie left the room.

"What talk?" Jon asked.

Allison looked to where Maddie disappeared. "Ethan told her he loves her last night." she said in a whisper.

Jon grinned. "It's about time."

"So you're not going to go protective big brother on her?" Allison raised an eyebrow. "You'll let newlywed Josh and R.J. on him instead?"

"I am going to be easy on Ethan," Jon said. "If Josh and R.J. want to take up the slack, so be it. But, I know how it is to deal with someone who's overprotective." He looked down at Emma. "Can you say, Grandpa?" Emma just looked up at him adoringly.

Allison shook her head. "He's the best now though."

"That he is," Jon said smiling at her. "And crazy about his two granddaughters."

"But not so crazy that he has to watch Max while we're here," Allison laughed.

"True," Jon said. "How about we put the little one down and try and get some more sleep? Or we could know...and then sleep."

"You know... sounds good to me." Allison leaned in for a kiss.

*** *** ***

Later that morning, both the Potter and Weasley families descended upon the beach. They couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day as there wasn't a cloud in the sky and the temperature was already quite warm.

Allison struggled to help Caroline with her belongings. The little girl had decided she needed to bring nearly all of her toys with her.

"Sweetheart," Allison said as she carried a basket of toys down to the beach. "I don't think you'll need all of these just to build your castle."

"But what if I do?" Caroline pleaded. "Then we'd have to come back to the house."

"That's true," Allison said with a laugh. "Okay, but you do realise you'll have to lug all this stuff back, don't you?"

"Daddy will help me," Caroline replied.

"I'll help you do what, sweetheart?" Jon asked his daughter as she and Allison sat down on the blanket he'd set out. Emma was cooing in her playpen under a large beach umbrella.

"Bring all my toys back!" Caroline smiled winningly at him. Behind her, Maddie stifled a giggle.

"How many did you bring?" Jon asked, looking down at the two baskets loaded with toys.

"That's quite a load you have there," Maddie said winking at her niece.

"Well Grandpa's going to help me make Hogwarts," Caroline said.

"Shh baby," Allison replied. "You have to be quiet about Hogwarts all right?"

"Oh," Caroline said covering her mouth. "Sorry, Mummy."

"It's okay love," Allison said. "Let me put some of this lotion on you before you go play."

"Okay," Caroline said sitting down in front of her mother.

Maddie looked over at them and smiled at how excited and happy her niece looked.

"Caroline?" Maddie asked, walking over to them. "Will you do me a favour?"

"Sure Auntie Maddie," Caroline said as her mother rubbed the suntan lotion over her small shoulders.

Maddie bit her lip feeling somewhat foolish about doing this, but she still hadn't been able to shake that vision from last night.

"Will you be extra careful today?" Maddie finally asked her. "Don't go swimming without a grownup or go walking alone, okay?"

"I won't," Caroline agreed. "I'll be with Grandpa!"

"Right," Maddie said smiling at her.

"Come on, Caroline," Ron called, waving her over. "You and me are going to take on Harry, Katie and Ashley to see who can build the best castle."

"Yay!" Caroline squirmed until her mother told her she could go and then ran towards her relatives.

"Jon!" RJ yelled at his brother. "Come on. Let's go surfing."

"Jon," Allison said. "You've never surfed in your life."

"No time like the present," Jon grinned.

"There are hardly any waves out there," Allison objected. "You're going to hurt yourself."

"You have no problem with me getting on a broom, but you object to me trying to surf?" Jon asked her with a nudge. "Come on, Al. You can come with..."

"No thank you," Allison looked at the water with a shudder.

Jon kissed her cheek. "I'll be careful."

Maddie watched Jon and RJ jump into the water as she pulled her long blond hair up in a messy bun. She still felt uneasy about Caroline but forced the thoughts from her head- her little niece would be safe with Ron, Harry and the girls. She saw Ethan approaching from over a sand dune and smiled.

"Good morning, Princess Cruella," Ethan teased as he sat down beside her. He'd gone for an early morning run and had returned to find the house empty. It didn't take him long to figure out where they'd all gone.

"Morning Mr. Everyday Hero," Maddie returned with a grin.

Ethan laughed. "No need to be so formal. You can call me Everyday Hero."

She laughed and pulled her cover up off. She wore a simple light blue bikini underneath- Drew had told her it set off her eyes when they'd gone shopping a few weeks before. She caught Ethan's interested gaze and grinned. "Caught you looking," Maddie teased.

Ethan pulled an innocent face. "Who me?"

"Yes you," Maddie returned as he sat down next to her.

"Okay, I may have been looking," Ethan whispered. "But I can't help it…you look amazing, Mads."

She blushed at his compliment. "Thanks," she said. "You've... filled out nicely yourself Ethan."

Ethan puffed out his chest. "Thank you...wait. So I guess you're saying I was rather scrawny before?"

"Nana said it; not me," Maddie replied innocently. "And you have to admit you were a bit scrawny when you were a teenager."

"What about you?" Ethan asked her. "You had so many bruises and scabs on your knees when we were growing up. What was it you were trying to do? Climb a tree to look at the birds?"

She nodded. "I still do that sometimes. But now I have a much better sense of balance."

Ethan grinned enjoying the playful banter. He and Maddie both lay back on the blanket and continued their chat.

Further down the shore, Caroline was happily helping her grandfather build the castle. Ron and Harry were involved in some serious trash talking.

"You're not going to beat us, Potter," Ron called out over his shoulder. "You can't use the M word and without that, you haven't got a chance."

"Please," Harry scoffed. "At least I wouldn't eat the sand like someone else I know."

"No you'd be too busy crawling down the rabbit hole," Ron retorted.

Harry grinned at that. "Don't be jealous Ronald."

Saffron had watched this all from the shore and she decided to even things out for her Uncle Ron. She wished she'd had a camera when she saw the look on her dad's face as she sat down beside Caroline and helped her.

"Saffy," Harry whined. "My own daughter!"

"Sorry Dad," Saffron laughed. "You know Uncle Ron needs all the help he can get."

"It's okay, Saffy," Ron said putting an arm around her. "You don't have to tell your dad that you would rather be on the winning team."

"Well that and Ashley and Katie stole my nanny," Saffron said looking over her shoulder at her nieces.

"Hey!" Harry replied. "You're at Hogwarts now- Nick and Julie need help with the girls more than you need a nanny."

"Then why can't Greta come back and stay with us during holidays when I am home?" Saffron countered, looking very much like her mother when she did so.

"Because you're a big girl and you don't need a babysitter," Harry replied. "Your Mum and I trust you to stay home by yourself without us there all the time."

"I still don't have to like it," Saffron said turning away from her father and concentrating on the castle.

Harry shared a look with Ron. "Come here Saffy," he said in a firm voice.

Saffron sighed and walked over to her father.

"What's the real problem here?" Harry asked gently, pulling Saffron away from Ashley and Katie.

"I miss Greta," Saffron said kicking some sand absently with her foot. "She was with us for 11 years, Dad. And now she's with Katie and Ashley and we never get to see her."

"How about we try and see if you can drop by there during the day to help out with your nieces while you're on holiday?" Harry suggested. "Would you like that?"

Saffron folded her arms. "I guess..."

"Saffy we're not getting her back to live with us," Harry said. "You'd best get used to that idea right now."

"Yes sir," she said giving him a weak smile.

Harry gave his youngest daughter a hug. "Saffy come on, where's that big smile?"

"Hidden underneath my braces," Saffron said giggling.

"Silly girl," Harry tweaked her nose.

"They are," Saffron said laughing. "I wish you'd let me shrink them down like mum did."

"You're gorgeous," Harry said. "With or without braces. Although I hate to have to beat off the blokes once you do get them off."

"Yeah right," Saffron said nudging her father.

"So when we all get back from our holiday and Greta gets back from hers shall I let her know that you'll be stopping by every so often?" Harry asked.

"Yes please," she replied.

"I'm sure she'll look forward to it," Harry kissed her forehead. "Now go do your best to try and beat your old man here eh?"

"You're toast, Dad," Saffron said smiling at him before running back to join Ron and Caroline.

"Laugh it up now," Harry said as he and Katie and Ashley dumped wet sand together.

"We should do a moat," Saffron said. "And we have to do Hagrid's hut too."

"Thanks for the ideas," Ashley called out competitively, where she, Harry and Katie were huddled together.

"They are my nieces and I love them, but I swear..." Saffron said scowling.

"Let's crush them!" Caroline said.

"Right," Ron said spiritedly.

"Would you look at them?" Hermione asked Luna as she and her friend surveyed the two teams. "Only they would make something like this competitive."

"I know," Luna shook her head. "Anything involving a team is competition for Ron though. It's in his blood- with that big family of his."

Caroline was having the time of her life as she, Ron and Saffron worked feverishly on their design.

"Do you know what would look really great?" Saffron asked standing up and taking a look at what they'd done so far. "Some seashells or something. We could line the walkway there..."

"I can go and find some!" Caroline said excitedly. "Do you want big ones or little, teeny ones?"

"Get some of each kind," Saffron said.

"Make sure you stay in sight," Ron added.

"I will, Grandpa!" Caroline called as she picked up her bright yellow pail and headed off to find some shells.

"We are so going to beat them," Saffron said smiling at her Uncle Ron.

"That's right Saffy," Ron grinned back at her.

"Don't tell my Dad this, but I love beating him," Saffron whispered conspiratorially.

"That's something you and I have in common," Ron whispered back. "Among other things of course." he grinned. "Like that chocolate cake last night!"

"That was so good!" Saffron said laughing

"Aye, that bakery is the best," Ron said, growing hungry at the mere thought. "We'll have to go back there."

"We should focus our attention on the task at hand," Saffron said moulding some sand. "By the way, Uncle Ron. If we win, what do we get? Other than the satisfaction of beating Dad?"

"I'm not sure. Oi Potter! What's the winning team get!" Ron called.

"I can't believe we didn't decide on this," Harry said thoughtfully. "And who is going to be the judge?"

"Your wife," Ron decided. "And mine."

"Oh, I'm sure they'll be objective," Harry said sarcastically.

"They will. I have a secret weapon," Ron nodded towards Saffron with a grin.

"How about the losing team has to do clean up for every activity the rest of the holiday?" Saffron asked.

"And the winning team gets as many treats as they want at the town bakery," Ron chimed in.

"You're on Weasley," Harry agreed.

Caroline was busily loading any shell she could find into her pail. She'd found some really pretty shells and she knew her Grandpa and Saffron would be pleased. She giggled as the water lapped at her feet.

A large bubble a few feet away caught her attention and she skipped forward to see what it was.

Further up the beach, Maddie was enjoying Ethan's company safe in the knowledge that her niece was safe and sound.

"I am not ticklish," Maddie said giggling as Ethan inched closer to her. "Ethan, don't you dare!"

"You are too ticklish," Ethan snickered. He was leaning in to kiss her when a thin scream of pain made everyone in the group turn away.

"MUMMY!" Caroline called out as she fell back onto the sand.

Allison tore across the beach at the sound of her daughter's voice. She was horrified to see a large blue bubble clinging to her daughter's leg.

"NO!" Lizzy was right behind her. "Don't touch it Allie!"

"What?" Allison asked her friend. "We have to get it off of her, Lizzy!"

Lizzy looked around for a stick of some sort. "It's a Man O War Allie. You can't touch it with your bare hands." she finally found a twig and went to pry it off her goddaughter's leg.

"Mummy, it hurts!" Caroline cried out, her lower lip trembling. "Please, make it stop!"

Allison scooped her daughter up as soon as Lizzy had pulled the bubble off. "Let's go back to the house," she tried to stay calm. "Lizzy can you bring Emma back for me?"

"I'll get her," Ethan said helpfully.

"Thanks," Lizzy said. "I should probably check on Caroline's leg."

"Right," Ethan agreed. He saw the look on Maddie's face. "Hey- she's going to be all right Mads..."

"I could have stopped this," Maddie said absently walking up the beach after Lizzy, Allison and Caroline. "I have to make sure she's okay."

"How could you have stopped this?" Ethan asked confused as he tried to wave down Jon from the shore.

"Nothing," Maddie said quickly. "Just go and bring Emma in. I'm going to check on Caroline."

Ethan stared after her for a moment before finally waving Jon down and heading back to get the baby. Harry, Ron, Saffron, Katie and Ashley had stopped building their sandcastles.

Inside the house, Lizzy was tending to Caroline's leg, which had swelled.

"It's going to be okay, sweetheart," Allison soothed trying to calm down her daughter who was still in tears.

"It hurts so bad Mummy." Caroline said between sobs.

Lizzy put a gel onto the wound before wrapping it up in some gauze. "It's going to hurt for a little while angel," she said. "But that gel's going to help make it better faster."

"Thanks, Lizzy," Allison said gratefully.

Jon came running into the house and brushed past his youngest sister who was staring at the scene before her with a look of shock all over her features.

"This soldier fish bit me daddy," Caroline said throwing her arms around her father's neck.

"It was a man o war," Lizzy said. "I didn't know they were around here but it got her leg pretty well. She'll be okay in a few hours."

"Poor baby," Jon kissed his daughter's cheeks.

"Daddy?" Caroline asked. "Why is there a big red mark on your forehead? Did you get bit too?"

"Um," Jon said sheepishly. "I sort of fell and hit my head on the board..."

"You see?" Allison asked. "It's not safe out there."

"I only fell a couple of times," Jon said defensively.

Caroline leaned forward and kissed her father's forehead. "Does that make it all better?"

"Much better baby," Jon said. "Come on, let's get you set up on the sofa. I think this calls for an ice cream soda."

Maddie watched them go, but still couldn't move.

Luna put a hand on her daughter's arm. "She's okay, sweetheart."

Maddie shook her head. "I saw it happen Mum... last night."

"What?" Luna asked.

"It was... like a vision or something," Maddie answered quietly. "And it's not the only time either. I had one before Allie went into that coma in January. I've had others when I was younger- about things that haven't happened yet but then do, but I never put it all together until now." she looked at her mother. "I never told anyone about them until now."

Luna led Maddie over to the sofa. "There's something I should probably tell you..."

"What?" Maddie asked.

"My mother---your grandmother," Luna said quietly. "She had visions too."

"She did?" Maddie asked. "So it's not just me?"

"I don't think so," Luna said squeezing her hand. "I don't remember much other than the things your Grandpa Lovegood told me. I think you could probably talk to him, but I think you might be a Seer, Maddie."

"A Seer?" Maddie breathed. "But a lot of people say that there are no true Seers."

"There are a lot of people who say they are Seers," Luna said softly. "They try to con wizards and witches out of money, but there are some true Seers, Madeline. And I think you just might be one of them."

"Wow..." Maddie said, a bit stunned.

"I know it's quite a bit to take in," Luna said giving her a hug. "But you have an incredible gift, Maddie."

Maddie hugged her mother back, feeling strangely relieved. "What should I do about it?" she asked.

"I think you should talk to Hermione," Luna replied. "There are some wizards in the Department of Mysteries who could probably help you to understand what all of this means."

"I thought Aunt Hermione didn't like Divination or anything that came with it?" Maddie said softly.

"She doesn't generally, but she handpicked many of the staff that currently works for the Department of Mysteries. That alone should tell you that she thinks these people know a little about what they're doing."

Maddie nodded. "Thank you Mum," she said, leaning in for a hug. "That makes me feel a lot better."

"You're welcome, sweetheart," Luna said hugging her again.

"We called it a draw Caroline," Ron said. "No one wants to make sandcastles without you okay sweetheart?" They'd come in after Ethan told them about the accident.

"But I want to finish, Grandpa!" Caroline protested. "We were winning!'

"We'll start a new contest tomorrow if your leg is all better," Ron replied.

"Okay," Caroline said reluctantly. "Hey, Grandpa? Which looks worse? My leg or Daddy's forehead?"

"Hmmm..." Ron pretended to be in deep thought. "Your leg looks worse- and yet you're being such a big girl about it!"

"I only cried a little bit," Caroline said proudly.

"And one ice cream soda for you," Jon said, coming into the room. "Grandpa's right Caroline- Mummy and I are both proud of you for being such a big girl."

"Did you cry when you hit your head, Daddy?" Caroline asked.

"No," Jon said. "It doesn't hurt bad, sweetheart."

"That's good," Caroline said. "You want some of my ice cream, Daddy?"

"Maybe just a sip," Jon said. "But don't give any to Grandpa he might drink it all."

"Really nice," Ron said frowning.

"Here you are, Dad," Lizzy said setting an ice cream soda down in front of Ron.

"You are such a suck-up," Jon teased.

"I don't need to be," Lizzy sent him a smug smile. "I'm one of you guys now remember?"

"For better or worse," Ron said smiling at his daughter-in-law.

"Probably better," Caroline nodded. "Aunt Lizzy fixed up my leg and it doesn't hurt so much already."

"That's because you were such a brave little patient," Lizzy said pinching the little girl's nose.

"And I got an ice cream soda," Caroline said. "But I don't like that soldier fish at all."

Allison laughed. "I'm not too fond of him either for hurting my little girl."

"Daddy will you go kick him back in the water?" Caroline asked.

"He can't do that, angel," Lizzy said. "He'd get stung just like you did."

"I don't want Daddy to get stung," Caroline said as Ethan brought in Emma.

"Thanks mate," Jon said taking his daughter from Ethan. "I hope she didn't give you too much trouble."

"Never," Ethan smiled at the baby. "Everyone's coming back in though. Already looks like it might rain."

"Oh no," Luna said frowning. "It was so beautiful earlier..."

Ethan sat on the sofa next to Caroline. "I doubt anyone was having much fun without you." he pinched her cheek gently. "And we saved all your shells to use on a new sandcastle," he whispered in her ear.

"I picked out some really pretty ones, did you see?" she asked excitedly.

"Yes you did," Ethan said. "And Saffy hid them so no one else finds them."

"Yay!" Caroline said happily. Maddie walked over and sat down on the other side of her niece.

"I'm so sorry, Caroline," Maddie said starting to cry. "I'm so sorry."

"Auntie Maddie it's okay," Caroline said. "I don't hurt anymore."

"I know," Maddie said softly. "But I didn't like to see you hurting."

Ethan looked at her and knew that there was something more to this than met the eye.

"You can have some of my ice cream soda if it will help you feel better," Caroline offered.

Maddie smiled and hugged her niece. "Thank you, Caroline. But I'm okay."

"Okay," Caroline said, leaning back on the cushion.

Maddie looked up and met Ethan's concerned gaze. She knew she owed him an explanation.

"Caroline?" Ethan whispered to the little girl. "Do you mind if I steal your Auntie away for a few minutes?"

Caroline shook her head. "Everyone else is here!" she said.

"Okay," Ethan said taking Maddie's hand and leading her out onto the covered porch. "So, what's really going on, Madeline?"

Maddie looked out at the approaching rain clouds. "Ever since I was younger I've been getting visions," she began. "I never told anyone until today- just now when I talked to my mum. She thinks I'm a Seer."

"A Seer?" Ethan asked. "You mean like Trelawney?"

"Something like that, although the visions I see always seem to come true, and I haven't foretold any sort of prophecy." Maddie replied quietly.

"What sorts of things have you seen?" Ethan asked her.

"I saw Allison lying on her bed asleep, just like she was in that coma," Maddie crossed her arms over her chest. "I've seen other things that never quite added up to me until today." she took a deep breath. "It's also part of the reason I always bothered you when we were kids."

Ethan stared at her. "You saw visions of you and me?"

"Just one," she answered. "Only once."

"Do you mind if I ask what you saw?" Ethan asked gently.

She blushed. "Us kissing... I was only four when I had the vision but I knew it was you. We looked only a little older than we are right now."

"Really?" Ethan asked grinning at her. "Wow."

"Yes well imagine being four years old and seeing that," Maddie smiled back, relieved that he didn't seem disturbed by all this.

Ethan laughed. "Must have freaked you out a bit, eh?"

"At first," Maddie replied. "But then I thought- maybe that's what it was supposed to be like for me." She shook her head and laughed. "I thought maybe I'd get a jump start on everything earlier on in life."

"Maddie," Ethan said softly. "That' do you feel about all this?"

"It's a little overwhelming," she said, shivering as the cool rain came through the screen and hit her bare skin.

"I can imagine," Ethan said pulling her close. "I'll help you anyway I can. If you need someone to talk to..."

"Thank you," Maddie rested her chin on his shoulder. "Mum said I should talk to Aunt Hermione about going to see some of her people down in the Dept. of Mysteries."

"Mum will help you," Ethan said running his hand down her back.

"I hope I can figure out a way to prove this," Maddie said, feeling happier while in his arms. "It's not something I know how to control yet, or if I'll ever control it."

"You will," Ethan reassured her. "I know you will."

Maddie pulled back and smiled at him. "Maybe once you're a big shot Auror you'll get stuck working with me." she teased.

"If I'm lucky," Ethan laughed.

"You've been lucky so far," she said softly.

Ethan leaned in and kissed her. "I sure have."

He felt like he was going to pull away so Maddie snaked her arms around his neck to keep his lips pressed to hers.

"So," Ethan said breathlessly a few minutes later. "Do you have any visions about our date tonight?"

Maddie closed her eyes with a grin. "I see... ice cream." she said. "And snogging."

"I think I'm going to like dating a Seer," Ethan said.

"Well you know... sometimes if certain people are lucky, a Seer will give them a preview of things to come," Maddie said coyly.

"What do certain people have to do to get a preview?" Ethan asked, his eyes focused on hers.

"Lean in just a bit," Maddie said. "And close your eyes." he did so. "Hold me just a little closer..."

"Like this?" Ethan asked, his eyes still closed, but his hands wrapped around her waist.

"That's perfect," Maddie whispered, leaning in the last bit and kissing him.

"Mmm," Ethan whispered. "Absolutely perfect."

They kissed again, both surprised at the level of passion that was passing between them at that moment.

"Ethan," Maddie said reluctantly pulling away. "There's something else I think you should know."

"What's that?" he asked.

She blushed, not really sure of how to come out and tell him this. "I want to wait," she said looking up at him. "I know it sounds old-fashioned, but I don't want to..."

"Wait?" Ethan was confused and then he realised what she meant. "Oh!"

"It's just something I don't want to do until I'm married," she said softly. "I'll understand if you don't want to pursue any sort of relationship with me, but I thought you should know how I felt about this."

"I'd be crazy to give you up over something like that." Ethan said gently. "Maddie if it's important to you then it's important to me. I love you."

Maddie hugged him. "I love you, too."

Ethan gave her another kiss. "Can't wait for tonight," he said.

"Me too," Maddie said dreamily.