Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: We can't really say much…we just hope you enjoy!

Ashley hadn't seen her two best friends since school had let out for the summer and she was eager to catch up. She hurried down towards the water and squealed when she saw Brittany laying out a towel.

"Ash!" Brittany exclaimed.

Ashley threw her arms around her best friend. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too!" Brittany laughed.

"Where's Zander?" Ashley asked.

"He had to help his dad with something," Brittany said. "He'll be here soon."

"Great," Ashley set her bag down. "I missed you both like crazy."

"How are things?" Brittany asked. "Tell me EVERYTHING!"

Ashley giggled. "You mean, tell you about the engagement?"

"Yes," Brittany gushed. "It's soooooo romantic!"

"Aunt Saffy's really excited," Ashley replied. "Wait until you see the ring."

Brittany grinned. "She's so lucky. Andrew Kirke is so hot!"

"He is pretty dreamy," Ashley nodded. "And now he's going to be my uncle."

"Does anyone know you used to fancy him?" Brittany asked.

"Yeah," Ashley blushed. "But I don't think anyone would bring it up."

"That's good," Brittany said. She spotted her cousin and she waved so he would see them. "Here's Zander now!"

Ashley turned and saw her friend walking toward them, but he wasn't alone. A girl about his height with her black hair pulled back into a plait was walking alongside him.

"Who is that?" She asked.

"Lucy," Brittany groaned. "She lives in the house next door to ours. I was hoping she wouldn't be here, but I guess she cornered Zander."

"What's wrong with her?" Ashley asked, trying to ignore the feeling in her stomach.

"She's not that bad," Brittany replied. "She just gets on my nerves sometimes is all."

"She's pretty," Ashley ventured quietly.

"She and Zander bonded over video games," Brittany said rolling her eyes.

"Bonded?" Ashley asked.

Brittany did not have a chance to reply as Zander and Lucy reached them. "Hiya, Ash!" Zander exclaimed with a grin.

"Hey," Ashley's smiled returned as she got up to hug him.

"This is my friend, Ashley," Zander said introducing Lucy. "Ash, this is Lucy. She lives in the house next door to ours."

Lucy smiled. "You're the famous Ashley."

Zander turned red. "Lucy..."

"I heard you beat my boy here in Ninja Death Warrior," Lucy said nudging Zander. "Even I haven't been able to do that..."

"Oh it was just once," Ashley managed.

"I wish I'd have been there to see it," Lucy said.

"It's not something I like to broadcast," Zander said, his eyes on Ashley as she took off her cover up.

"Great suit, Miss Malfoy," Brittany said.

"Thanks," Ashley said. Her mother had picked out the lilac coloured bikini for her in Paris.

"It's great, isn't it, Zander?" Brittany asked her cousin.

"Yeah," he said. "Great..."

Lucy smiled. She knew about Zander's crush on Ashley, even though he had not told her straight out how he felt. It was easy to see. "Well, I'll see you later. It was nice to meet you, Ashley."

"Leaving already?" Brittany asked. "Darn..."

"I'll see you later," Lucy reassured her, ignoring Brittany's sarcasm. "Bye, Zander."

"See you later," Zander smiled at her.

"Why on earth did you bring her down here?" Brittany hissed at her cousin when Lucy was out of earshot.

"What's wrong with her?" Zander asked.

"She's annoying," Brittany replied as if the answer should be obvious.

"She's not that bad," Zander said mildly.

"She seems nice," Ashley said softly.

"She's annoying," Brittany said. "She's fancied Zander for like four years now."

"She has not," Zander rolled his eyes. "Shut up, Brit."

Ashley turned away from them. This news upset her more than she cared to admit.

"I'm going swimming," Zander said. "Either of you want to come?"

Brittany snorted. "And get my hair wet?"

"Oh, I forgot," Zander said sarcastically. "Ash, are you worried about your hair, too? Or would you like to go for a swim?"

"That'd be nice," Ashley said. "It's pretty hot out here."

Zander grinned and took off his t-shirt. "Come on then."

Ashley smiled at him as they took off towards the water.

"So how've you been?" Zander asked. "Katie driving you mad yet?"

"She hasn't been too bad," Ashley told him about Mia staying with them. "Other than that first day, she's been good."

"Give her time," Zander teased.

Ashley laughed. "She can't wait to see Brit."

Zander looked over at her. "I couldn't wait to see you."

"I missed you too," Ashley replied.

Zander smiled. He had made a promise to himself that he would tell Ashley how he felt and he would do it this summer. He just had to find the right moment.

"Come on," Ashley took his hand. "The water feels great!"

Zander laughed. "Okay, okay, Malfoy!"

Ashley splashed him then dove under a wave.

Zander dove in after her.

Ashley surfaced a little ways out. "Come on!"

"You're not fighting fair, Ash!" Zander called out to her.

"Can't swim, Murray?" she asked.

Zander disappeared under the water for what seemed like forever. Ashley looked around. "Zander? Come on!"

She was about to call out his name again when something grabbed her foot.

"Zander!" Ashley managed to scream right before he pulled her under water.

They both came up laughing. "You bugger," she splashed him again.

"You deserved it," Zander said reaching for her.

"Please," Ashley giggled.

Zander suddenly realised that his arms were around his best friend. "You---you really look pretty today. I mean, not that you don't look pretty every day..."

Ashley blushed. "You think so?"

Zander nodded. "I've always thought so."

"That's sweet," Ashley said, her voice shaking a bit.

"Do you ever think about New Year's?" Zander asked her.

She gulped. "Yeah..."

"Me too," Zander admitted. "More than I probably should..."

"Me too, lately." Ashley told him.

Zander leaned in. Ashley felt her breath coming faster and she closed her eyes.

Unlike the first time he'd kissed her on New Year's, there was no hesitation on his part. He pressed his lips gently to hers.

Ashley put her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

"Zander," Ashley whispered, a little dazed.

"That was incredible, Ash." he said.

Ashley smiled. "You kissed me."

"And you kissed me back," he grinned at her.

"I did," Ashley said blushing.

"You're good at it," he said.

"You're not too bad," Ashley said shivering a little.

"Are you cold?" he asked her.

"Just a little," Ashley admitted.

"We can go back to shore if you want," he said, reluctantly letting her go.

Ashley shook her head. "I don't want to go."

"You don't?" he asked. "Really?"

Ashley shook her head. "No."

"We can just sort of float around out here then," he said, feeling flustered.

"You're my best friend," Ashley said. "I'm just scared that this might get in the way..."

"It wouldn't," he said.

"How can you be sure?" Ashley asked.

"I guess I don't know for sure," Zander said. "But--"

"Maybe we could see how it goes," Ashley said thoughtfully. "I mean, it's going to be hard with Brittany around..."

"She'll be busy with Evan," Zander pointed out.

"Do you think we could do this?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah," he said nervously.

Ashley couldn't believe they were actually going to try this. The idea terrified and excited her all at the same time. "No matter what, we'll always be friends?" she asked him.

"Always," he promised her.

Ashley smiled and reached for his hand.

He squeezed her hand in his, unbelievably excited.

Ashley leaned in and kissed him again.

Zander wrapped his arms around her and drew her close.

Ashley relaxed against him. This was all so new to her, but she liked it.

They spent the next half hour swimming, splashing each other and sharing a kiss every now and again.

"It's about time," Brittany said when they came back to the towels. "You two sure were out there a long time."

"We were having fun," Zander said with a grin.

Ashley blushed. "Lots of fun. The water was really...interesting."

Brittany raised an eyebrow. "The water was interesting? What does that mean?"

"Nothing," Ashley said quickly.

"I'm going to be so tan when we go back to Hogwarts," Brittany boasted. She put her sunglasses back on and leaned back on her elbows.

"I hope I get a little colour," Ashley said. "But I burn so easily, I have to be careful."

Brittany motioned toward her bag. "I have some sun block that you're welcome to use. My mum wouldn't let me out of the house without it."

"Thanks," Ashley reached into the bag. "Um... Zander? Can you help me with this?"

"Sure," Zander replied with a grin.

Brittany looked at the two of them with her eyebrows raised.

"How's Evan?" Ashley asked.

"Fine," Brittany's expression immediately turned dreamy.

Zander rolled his eyes. "Here we go..."

Ashley giggled.

"What?" Brittany asked. "I fancy Evan and I think he's perfect. What's so wrong with that?"

"Absolutely nothing," Ashley said as Zander rubbed lotion on her shoulders.

Brittany smiled. "Thank you, Ash. At least you understand unlike SOME people."

"And Katie also wants to hear about it," Ashley shook her head.

"I'm thinking Brit and Katie were switched at birth," Zander said giving Ashley's shoulder a squeeze.

"You wouldn't want to deal with Katie on a regular basis," Ashley said. "I mean, she's sweet when she wants to be, but she has her moods."

"Sounds like someone else I know," Zander commented.

"I don't have moods," Brittany exclaimed throwing some sand in his direction.

"Hey!" Zander sputtered. "You got that in my mouth!"

"That's what you get for making those comments," Brittany said smiling sweetly at him.

Zander glared at her.

"Come on," Ashley said. "You can get along for one day. This is the first time the three of us have been together all summer. Let's at least try and make it pleasant."

"Okay," Brittany said. "Truce."

"Truce," Zander said. "In fact...I'll even make it up to you by buying the ice cream."

"Yum," Ashley said.

Zander had asked Brittany to hold his wallet and he reached into his cousin's beach bag for it. "I'll be right back."

Ashley moved back onto her towel next to Brittany as Zander ambled away.

"I love giving him a hard time," Brittany giggled.

Ashley looked over at her. "Promise you won't say anything to anyone?"

Brittany lay back on her towel and closed her eyes. "My lips are sealed."

"Me and Zander kissed," Ashley told her.

"You know I was thinking that---WHAT?" Brittany yelled. She threw off her sunglasses and sat up. "Shut up!"

"Shhh!" Ashley said. "Brit!"

"Sorry," Brittany apologised. "No wonder the two of you were grinning like that when you came back here!"

"He likes me," Ashley confessed. "And I think I like him a lot too. But I don't want us to stop being friends because of it."

Brittany grinned. "Oh, it won't! He's fancied you forever, Ash! I would have said something before, but I promised him I wouldn't, but it really was kind of obvious..."

"He's fancied me?" Ashley asked.

Brittany rolled her eyes. "Ash---you mean to tell me you never saw it? He lit up like a Christmas tree whenever you came into a room."

"I guess I just never paid that close attention," Ashley replied.

"So," Brittany asked her eyes gleaming. "What was it like?"

"I liked it," Ashley said. "He was really... gentle about it."

Brittany grinned. "So why don't you want to tell anyone?"

"I don't know," Ashley said. "I guess... I want to talk to my aunt about this all first."

"Saffy?" Brittany asked. "Why?"

"Because she knows all this better than anyone," Ashley replied.

"Here he comes," Brittany whispered.

"Chocolate for you," Zander said. "And strawberry for Ash."

"That's not all Ash got from you," Brittany said dryly.

Zander looked at her. "You told her?"

"I'm sorry, but she was going to figure it out," Ashley said softly. "You're not mad are you?"

"No," he said.

Brittany grinned. "I'm just glad it's all out in the open. You two were driving me crazy!"

"Well we aren't going to be gross like you and Evan," Zander said.

Brittany stuck her tongue out at him. "Evan and I are not gross."

"Yes you are," Zander retorted, taking a bite of his cone.

"Whatever," Brittany said laughing.

Ashley sat back on her towel and reached for her sketchpad.

"What are you going to draw?" Brittany asked.

"You two arguing," Ashley said with a grin.

Zander laughed. "You could fill up the entire book on just that."

"Very funny," Brittany replied.

"You know," Zander said. "I was thinking maybe we could go to the arcade..."

"That could be fun," Brittany said. She looked over at her cousin who was shaking his head at her. ", well, I might have something to do..."

"Like what?" Ashley asked, who had missed the exchange.

"Um," Brittany said. "You know...that thing....that thing that I just remembered I had to do."

Ashley raised her eyebrow at her friend.

"I was sort of thinking that you and me could go," Zander said to Ashley. "Just us."

"Oh," Ashley said sheepishly. "Um... I'll have to ask my parents first."

"Your first date!" Brittany squealed.

"Brit," Zander rolled his eyes.

"Sorry," Brittany apologised.

"When we're done out here I'll go find out if it's okay," Ashley told him. "Hopefully my parents will let me go."

"I'm sure it will be fine," Zander said.

"I hope so," Ashley said shyly.

A couple of hours later, they were packing up their things. Zander wanted to walk Ashley back and Brittany headed home.

"Brit told me something," Ashley confided in him when they were alone.

"Oh yeah?" he said.

Ashley nodded. "You fancied me for quite awhile?"

Zander groaned. "Brit and her big bloody mouth!"

Ashley touched his arm. "It's okay. But, I was long exactly would 'awhile' be?"

"Earlier this year," he mumbled.

Ashley smiled shyly at him. "Really?"

"And the song I gave you for Christmas... I did write that just for you." Zander said.

Ashley stopped walking and looked at him. "Zander..."

He smiled sheepishly at her

"That's the best gift anyone has ever given me," Ashley said softly.

"I'm glad you liked it," he told her.

"There's something else I like," Ashley said stepping closer.

Zander grinned at her. "Me too..."

Ashley pressed her lips to his.

Zander responded eagerly to her kiss, ecstatic that Ashley felt the same way as him.

Ashley rested her forehead against his. "I can't believe I didn't see it."

"It's okay," he told her.

"This is all so weird," Ashley admitted. "A good weird though. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah," he nodded, still holding onto her.

"So, what did you want to do at the arcade?" Ashley asked.

"Play some games," Zander shrugged. "Walk around..."

"I'll win you a stuffed animal," Ashley teased.

"Or I'll win you one," Zander returned.

Ashley laughed. "I can't wait."

"Well... I'm going home to get changed. Ring me when you talk to your parents, okay?" Zander said.

"I will," Ashley promised.

"Talk to you in a bit then," Zander grinned broadly.

Ashley watched him go. She finally understood what Saffron and Alexa and even Brittany had told her about.

She hurried into the house, hoping to find her aunt for a quick chat before she talked to her parents.

She found Saffron in her bedroom, reading.

"Hey, you," Saffron said smiling at her. "How was your day?"

"Amazing," Ashley said. "Aunt Saffy... I think Zander's my boyfriend."

Saffron closed her book. "So you had a big day, then?"

Ashley nodded. "We kissed."

"Sit down," Saffron told her. She looked at her niece and smiled.

Ashley plopped down on the end of the bed. "I'm not sure how to tell my mum and dad about this."

"Well, you might want to leave out the snogging part," Saffron said thoughtfully. "Parents don't need to know EVERYTHING."

"But do you think they'll let me go to the arcade with him?" Ashley asked.

"I wouldn't see why not," Saffron replied. "They've let you go places with him before."

"But not like this," Ashley said.

"Your first date," Saffron said nodding. "Well, you are thirteen now and you're going to be entering your third year at Hogwarts."

"When did Grandma and Grandpa let you date?" Ashley asked.

"Well, I didn't have my first real boyfriend until I was fourteen," Saffron said. "But we didn't really go out on dates, really. I guess I was about 15 when they let me."

Ashley was worried. "What if they say no to me then?"

"Ash," Saffron said patting her arm reassuringly. "You're a responsible girl. They trust you and they like Zander."

Ashley nodded. "Okay..."

"And if I were you," Saffron said. "I'd ask Jules first. Dads always freak about this kind of stuff. If Jules says 'yes', your dad doesn't really have a leg to stand on."

Ashley had to smile.

Saffron grinned at her. "I'm really happy for you. Zander's great."

"I'll go ask now so I can ring him back and let him know," Ashley stood up.

"Good luck," Saffron said.

"Thanks," Ashley gave her a hug.

"No problem," Saffron said. "We're not just family, Ash. We're friends."

"You're the best," Ashley told her.

Ashley took a deep breath and walked downstairs to find her mother. She found Julie in the kitchen with Katie.

"Katie, could you give Mum and me a minute?" Ashley asked her little sister.

"Why?" Katie asked.

"Because I need to talk to her about something," Ashley replied. "Alone."

Katie rolled her eyes. "You all treat me like I'm five."

"Merlin, Katie," Ashley said in exasperation. "This isn't about you. This is about me wanting to talk to Mum alone. If you came in here when I was with her and asked me to leave, I'd go."

Julie put a hand on her younger daughter's arm. "I'm sure it won't take long, baby."

"Fine," Katie said sliding off her chair. "It's probably something boring anyway!"

"Very," Ashley rolled her eyes as Katie stalked from the room.

"Katherine Rose, I better not find that you're standing outside the door eavesdropping," Julie called out.

They heard a set of feet scampering away and Ashley shook her head. "Honestly."

Julie laughed. "I know your little sister all too well."

"Well," Ashley began. "I um... wanted to talk to you about something really important."

Julie sat down. "Okay. What's on your mind, love?"

"Well," Ashley said nervously, wiping her sweaty palms on her shorts. "Zander wants to take me to the arcade."

Julie smiled. "You think he and Brittany can get along for an evening?"

"Um... that's the thing," Ashley blushed. "Brit won't be there..."

"That's a shame," Julie said. "Is she not feeling well or something?"

"She's fine," Ashley said. "I guess you could sort of say this... is a date."

Julie had not expected this. "A date?"

"Well yeah," Ashley looked hopefully at her mother.

Julie leaned back in her chair. "Oh."

"Can I go?" Ashley ventured. "Please?"

"I wasn't aware that things between you and Zander had progressed like this," Julie said.

"It just sort of happened," Ashley explained.

Julie regarded her daughter. "Ashley, you're 13 years old..."

"I know but--" Ashley began.

"How are two of my three favourite girls in the entire world?" Nick asked coming in from outside.

"Fine," Ashley said quickly, shooting her mother a pleading look.

"You both look serious," Nick said giving his wife a kiss on the cheek.

"Ashley was just telling me that Zander asked her on a date," Julie said to him.

Ashley gulped. She had hoped her mother wouldn't say anything.

"Really..." Nick said.

"I think we need to have a little discussion," Julie looked back at her daughter.

"It's just to the arcade," Ashley said to her father. "Zander and I have gone places by ourselves before."

"As in a date, though?" Nick asked, sitting down.

"No," Ashley replied. "But, you guys know him and you know you can trust us."

"I think you're a little too young for this sort of thing, Ashley," Julie explained.

Ashley looked at her mother. "If I had come to you and asked you if Zander and I could go to the arcade just as friends, you wouldn't have had a problem."

"Because I assume you'd have gone in a group," Julie told her.

"What if Aunt Saffy and Andrew come with Zander and me?" Ashley asked. "That would be okay, right?"

"Your mum and I don't think you should be dating at 13, Ash." Nick said.

Ashley gaped at him. "Dad, come on..."

"You're too young," Nick said.

"It's not like Zander and me are going to be snogging the whole time," Ashley argued. "We're just going to play games and maybe grab a bite to eat."

"Snogging?" Nick asked. Julie shot him a look.

Ashley inwardly cursed herself for bringing that up. Saffron had told her not to and she probably had made a bad situation even worse. But, she could not believe they were acting like this.

"Ashley," Julie began again. "It's not that we think you're irresponsible. We just think that you're too young to go on a date."

"Well, what if Brittany goes with us?" Ashley asked.

"Ashley I don't want you to resort to sneaking around--" Nick started to say.

"I wouldn't!" Ashley exclaimed. "I can call her right now and see if she'd come with us."

"Let me talk to your father alone for a few minutes," Julie told her.

Ashley nodded. "Mum, I've never given you a reason to doubt me and you're always telling me how responsible I am. I want this more than anything."

"Just a few minutes," Julie repeated.

Ashley stood up and walked out of the kitchen.

"She's too young to date," Nick said before Julie could even open her mouth. "And I don't think her bringing Brittany is going to stop them from having one."

"Nick," Julie said. "Maybe we could take the two of them?"

Nick raised his eyebrows. "That's not a bad idea, Jules."

Julie smiled. "I have a good one every now and then..."

He grinned at her. "More than every now and then..."

"Well, I didn't want to brag," Julie grinned. "It's a compromise. Ashley and Zander can go to the arcade and we can keep an eye on them."

"I can go for that," Nick nodded.

"So, we're in agreement?" Julie asked.

"Sure," he agreed.

"Ashley?" Julie called out.

Ashley hurried in, her expression hopeful.

"We've come up with a compromise," Julie told her.

"Okay," Ashley sat down across from them and crossed her fingers.

"You can go to the arcade with Zander," Julie replied. "But, the catch is...your father and I will be going with you."

"Oh," Ashley replied, biting her lower lip. "Well... that's okay. At least I can still go."

Nick grinned. "I'm glad you're okay with it, Ash."

"I'll go ring him and let him know." Ashley said.

"Tell him we'll pick him up in about an hour," Julie told her.

"Thanks," Ashley said to her parents before hurrying out.

"Zander, eh?" Nick asked his wife.

"He's a good kid," Julie replied.

Nick nodded. "I thought they were just friends."

"Apparently that's changed," Julie said.

In the sitting room, Ashley had just rung Zander. "Hey, it's me."

"Ash..." Zander sighed. "I don't know how to tell you this... but my parents said I can't go alone to the arcade with you. Some rubbish about being too young."

Ashley smiled. "Mine said the same thing, but...there's good news."

"There is?" he asked doubtfully.

"My mum and dad were saying the same thing about us being too young," Ashley told him. "But then they came up with a compromise. They'll take you and me to the arcade and chaperone."

"Be there the whole time?" he asked.

"Yeah," Ashley replied.

"I guess that's better than nothing right?" he asked.

"Right," Ashley said. "And I'm sure they'll not be right on top of us the whole time."

"Hopefully not," he agreed.

"But, at least we still get to go," Ashley said softly.

"Right." he said.

"Do you need to ask your parents?" Ashley asked. "Make sure that's okay with them?"

"Probably," he said. "Can I ring you back in a few?"

"Absolutely," Ashley replied. "I'll keep my fingers crossed."

"Me too," he said.

Ashley hung up the phone and turned around to see Katie staring at her. "What?" Ashley asked.

"What's going on?" her sister asked.

"Nothing," Ashley replied.

Katie rolled her eyes.

"So," Ashley said. "What have you been up to today?"

"Nothing," Katie said in the same tone Ashley had.

"Where are Caroline and Mia?" Ashley asked.

"Around," Katie said loftily.

Ashley nodded and studied her sister. "You listened to my phone call, didn't you?"

Katie only shrugged in reply.

"You know maybe everyone wouldn't treat you like you were five if you didn't act like it," Ashley said, glaring at her.

"Shut up Ashley," Katie retorted.

"I don't go around listening to everything you do," Ashley said sitting down on the sofa.

"You're going on a date with Zander?" Katie asked. "For real? There are so many cuter guys out there."

"There's absolutely nothing wrong with Zander!" Ashley retorted.

"He's so boring," Katie waved her hand.

"He's not," Ashley exclaimed. "He's funny and he's sweet and he's my best friend."

"And you're in looooooove with him." Katie replied.

"Shut it, Katie," Ashley muttered.

"Wait til Mum and Dad hear," Katie said gleefully.

"They already know," Ashley said rolling her eyes.

"They do?" Katie asked in dismay.

"Yes, they're chaperoning our date," Ashley told her. Thankfully, the phone rang. Ashley reached for it, but Katie got to it first.

"Hello?" Katie asked.

"May I speak with Ashley?" Zander asked.

"Is this her boyfriend?" Katie asked coyly.

Ashley grabbed the phone. "Katie, you are such a pest!"

Katie stuck her tongue out at her sister and stomped out.

"I'm sorry," Ashley said into the phone. "What did you find out?"

"My parents want to talk to yours," Zander said. "But I can go."

Ashley sighed in relief. "I'm glad. I was so worried."

"Me too," Zander replied.

"You should have seen my mum when I told her we wanted to go on a date," Ashley told him.

"Probably as scary as mine," Zander said ruefully.

"I'll see you in a little while," Ashley said softly.

"Are you picking me up or do you want me to come there?" Zandre asked.

"We can come and pick you up," Ashley said.

"When?" he asked.

"Seven?" Ashley asked looking at the clock. "If that's okay?"

"Sure," Zander said. "I can't wait."

"Me too," Ashley said happily.

"See you in a bit then," Zander replied.

Ashley hung up the phone, but she didn't stop smiling.

Julie came into the room. "Are we all set?" she asked her daughter.

Ashley nodded. "His parents were worried about our age, too. They said it was okay since you'd be going, too."

"Good," Julie replied. "Ash... I'm proud of you."

"Really?" Ashley asked. "Why?"

"The way you handled this," Julie said. "You were upset, but talked maturely to us."

"Thanks for doing this," Ashley said gratefully.

"We just want to see you happy, sweetheart," Julie smoothed her hair back.

"I'm very happy," Ashley said. "I should go and get ready."

"We'll leave soon," Julie promised.

"Thanks again," Ashley said before hurrying upstairs.

Saffron saw her come upstairs. "Well?"

Ashley told her aunt everything that had happened. "It's not exactly how I pictured my first date..."

"Trust me, you'll be dating before you know it," Saffron told her. "Without parents."

Ashley grinned. "I need to take a quick shower and I have to find something to wear!"

"Want some help?" Saffron asked, setting her bridal magazine aside.

"Please," Ashley replied.

"Go take a shower," Saffron said. "I'll find an outfit for you."

"Thanks, Aunt Saffy," Ashley said.

"Anytime, Ash." Saffron said.

Zander was having the same issues at his own house. He pulled on a t-shirt.

"Oh, please tell me you're not going to wear that!" Brittany exclaimed from the doorway.

"What's wrong with it?" Zander asked.

"I don't have enough time to tell you everything that's wrong with it," Brittany replied.

Zander rolled his eyes.

"I still can't believe you finally told her," Brittany said as she looked through Zander's closet.

"It worked, didn't it?" Zander said. "I just can't believe she likes me too."

"I told you she would," Brittany said pulling out a shirt. She held it up to him. "I thin this would work."

"Thanks," Zander took it.

"Your mum was looking for the camera," Brittany warned him. "I think she's going to take a photo."

Zander groaned. "She's going to embarrass me."

Brittany laughed. "She's not. She just wants to remember the occasion."

"I'll remember it well enough," Zander grumbled.

Brittany sat down on the edge of his bed. "I know I give you a hard time, Zander. But, I'm really happy for you."

"Thanks Brit," Zander said. "I guess I owe part of this to you. I probably wouldn't have done this if you hadn't urged me."

Brittany grinned. "It only took you forever..."

"Shut up," Zander replied.

Heath Murray knocked on the door. "Son?"

"Yeah Dad?" Zander looked up.

"I wanted to give you some money for tonight," his father said, reaching for his wallet.

"Thanks," Zander said gratefully.

"I'm not going on a date, Uncle Heath," Brittany said. "But I'd be happy to take some money..."

Heath grinned at her. "Perhaps when you HAVE a date, love."

"I'll hold you to it," Brittany said grinning back at him. "I'll be downstairs."

Heath smiled at his son. "And here's something else for you." he held out the camera.

Zander grinned. "Thanks, Dad. I was worried."

"Hide it well." Heath advised.

"Thanks," Zander said taking the camera and putting it in his trunk. He buried it underneath some old books. "Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy should be here soon."

"Good," Heath nodded. "You'll have a good time."

"I'm a little nervous," Zander admitted.

"That's natural," his father said.

"I don't want to do anything to screw this up," Zander confided. "I like her so much, Dad."

Heath smiled. "Sounds as if she fancies you back quite a bit. Ashley's a lovely girl."

"She's amazing, Dad," Zander said, grinning as he thought about her.

Heath chuckled. "I'm sure she is, son."

"Thanks for letting me go," Zander said.

"Your mum and I do think you're too young to date," Heath told him. "But with her parents there, we think you'll be okay."

"We will," Zander promised.

The doorbell rang and Zander gulped.

Heath clapped his son on the back. "It's okay, son."

Zander nodded. "It's going to be fun."

Heath followed his son downstairs. Julie and Nick Malfoy were chatting with Zander's mother and Brittany was talking with Ashley.

"I LOVE your outfit," Brittany gushed. "Where did you get it?"

Ashley nervously played with the strap of her flower print sundress. "It was in my closet. Saffy picked it out for me."

"Good taste," Brittany replied.

"Hello, Nick, Julie," Heath said warmly to Ashley's parents. "Good to see you both."

"You too," Nick shook his hand.

"Hi, Mr. Murray," Ashley said shyly.

"Hello Ashley," Heath smiled. "You look quite nice."

Meredith Murray nodded her head. "She does! I wanted to take a picture, but I can't seem to find my camera."

Heath winked at his son who turned a laugh into a cough. "It's okay Mum.

"We promise we'll have him back by around ten," Nick told Heath. "If that's okay..."

"That's fine," Heath nodded. "Thanks for tagging along with them."

"We wouldn't have had it any other way," Nick said grinning at Ashley who turned bright red.

Julie nudged her husband. "Let's get going."

"Have fun, you two!" Meredith called out.

"You know," Zander whispered to Ashley. "For someone who said I was too young to date, she sure was eager to document it on film..."

Ashley giggled. "Let me guess, you hid it?"

Zander grinned. "I can neither confirm nor deny."

"We thought we'd walk since it's such a nice night," Nick told them as they left.

"That sounds great," Zander said reaching for Ashley's hand.

Ashley blushed as he linked their fingers together. She hoped her parents wouldn't' say anything about it.

"You look really beautiful," Zander whispered.

"Thanks," she whispered shyly.

Nick and Julie were walking ahead of them. Julie squeezed her husband's hand. "Did you ever think you'd be on a double date with your daughter?"

"No," Nick shook his head. "I was actually hoping this moment would never happen."

Julie laughed. "All fathers say that."

"Your dad did too, I'm sure." he replied.

Julie nodded. "And he had the advantage of being an Auror and the wizard that defeated the Dark Lord."

"I was pretty intimidated." Nick admitted.

"I'm must glad he didn't scare you away," Julie said leaning against him.

"I had to be pretty persistent with you," Nick said softly.

"It paid off," Julie said.

"Sure did," Nick said. "Even after all these years you still take my breath away."

Julie smiled. "Nicholas..."

He gave her a quick kiss as they neared the arcade.

"Looks like a lot of people had the same idea," Ashley said.

Nick took out his wallet. "Let me give you some money, Ashley."

"Thanks, Dad," Ashley said.

"I've got money," Zander told her.

"Oh," Ashley said smiling at him. "Okay."

"We'll be around if you need us," Julie told her. "And we'll meet you back here at the front entrance at 9:45."

"Thanks Mum," Ashley said.

Zander smiled at her parents. "Thanks."

"Have fun," Nick said before he and Julie headed off.

"So, what did we want to do first?" Ashley asked him.

"I don't know," he confessed.

Ashley looked around and her eyes fell on a photo booth. "Well," she said taking his hand. "I know you didn't want your mum to take a photo, but this might be nice..."

"Sure," he agreed.

Ashley laughed. "And we won't show our parents."

"No way," he agreed, tugging on her hand.

Zander put some coins into the slot and then pulled back the curtain. Ashley sat down first on the small bench.

Zander squeezed next to her and they both grinned.

The camera flashed. "Okay," Ashley said. "Let's do a goofy one...'

Zander stuck his tongue out while Ashley crossed her eyes.

"Okay," Ashley giggled. "Let's do serious..."

"Then what?" he asked.

"Another nice one," Ashley said thoughtfully.

"Sure," he said, putting his arm around her.

Ashley leaned against him as the camera took the last picture.

"That'll turn out good," Zander said. "I'll keep two and you keep two."

"Perfect," Ashley said while they waited for the strip of photos.

He grinned at her. "I'll try to win you a prize."

"A huge teddy bear?" Ashley asked.

"If that's what you want," he said.

"Let's get something to eat first," Ashley said. "I'm starving."

"Sure," Zander agreed, taking her hand again.

They joined the queue for one of the vendors. "Good so far?" Zander asked her.

"I'm fine," Ashley said. "Having fun."

"Me too," Zander said. "I can't believe we're actually here."

Ashley giggled nervously. "I know."

"What do you want?" Zander asked her. "Pizza? Hamburger? Hot dog?"

"Pizza's fine with me," Ashley told him

"Why don't you go and grab us a table and I'll get the food?" Zander asked her.

Ashley nodded and hurried over towards the tables. She saw with surprise Gabriel and Alexa sitting a few seats down.

"Hi, Lexie!" Ashley called to her.

"Ashley!" Alexa exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"Zander and me are kind of on a date," Ashley told her.

"You and Zander?" Alexa asked. "When did that happen?"

"Today," Ashley blushed.

"That's great," Alexa said sincerely.

"Thanks," Ashley said. "How long have you guys been here?"

"Just a little while," Gabriel said. "Alexa's trying to whoop me in billiards."

"Trying to?" Alexa scoffed. "I am."

"We won't tell anyone," Gabriel grinned at Ashley.

"I'd better get back," Ashley said when she saw Zander heading toward her.

"Have fun," Alexa said. "Give me and Saffy details later."

"I will," Ashley promised.

"Do you want cheese or pepperoni?" Zander asked.

"Cheese," Ashley replied.

"Here you go," Zander said. "I have to go back and get our drinks."

"Thanks, "Ashley said softly.

Ashley sat down at the table and waited for him to come back. She still felt like pinching herself to make sure this was real.

He came back with soda for the both of them and they sat there eating their pizza in silence.

"I still have to make Malfoy pizza for you," Ashley told him.

"I've been waiting for it," he grinned at her.

Ashley laughed. "Well, if you play your cards right, I'll make it for you this summer."

"Cool," he said, taking a big bite of his slice.

Alexa waved at Gabriel and Alexa as they left the food court. "I still can't believe she's actually leaving," Ashley said. "I mean not for a few weeks..."

"She's moving overseas, right?" Zander asked.

Ashley nodded. "To go to university."

"That's so cool," he commented. "I don't know if I could ever move that far away."

"I know," Ashley said thoughtfully.

"What about you?" Zander asked.

"Well," Ashley told him. "I've been thinking a lot about where I'd like to go to school after we graduate."

"I haven't thought that far ahead yet," Zander said.

"I've just looked at a few places," Ashley told him. "I'd like to study in either Paris or Rome. My art teacher thinks that if I apply myself, I might get in La Sorbonne."

"The what?" Zander asked.

Ashley grinned. "La Sorbonne. It's a university in Paris."

"Oh," Zander replied.

"You know," Ashley told him. "They have a great music program, too."

"Do they?" he asked interestedly.

Ashley nodded. "I could show on the computer sometime. I mean, it might be cool if we were able to go together."

"Yeah it would," he agreed, pushing his empty plate away. "Ready for me to win you something?"

Ashley grinned. "Are you ready for ME to win YOU something?"

Zander laughed. "If you say so, Malfoy."

Ashley couldn't remember the last time she'd had so much fun. She and Zander played a few games and rode a few of the rides. She ran into her parents a couple of times, of course, but other than that, she and Zander were left alone.

She had to admit she was tired by the time a quarter of ten rolled around and they met back up with her parents.

"Nice teddy bear, Ash," Julie said to her daughter.

"Thanks," Ashley said with a grin. "And I got Zander his dragon."

"Go ahead and tell them how it only took you one try to win it for me," Zander said laughing. "And it took me six tries to get that bear for you."

Ashley hugged it. "So worth it."

"Did you and Professor Malfoy have a good time?" Zander asked Nick as they started their walk home.

"We did," Nick replied with a nod.

"You didn't win anything for me," Julie pointed out.

"I didn't know you wanted a new teddy bear, Jules," Nick said with a saucy grin.

Julie laughed. "I like the one I have, thank you."

Ashley rolled her eyes at Zander.

Zander laughed. "Parents..."

It didn't take them long to reach Zander's place and Ashley was unsure of what to say. Her parents went up to talk to Zander's so they were left alone for a few minutes.

"I had a really good time tonight," Zander said softly.

"Me too," Ashley agreed. "It was a good first date."

Zander stepped closer. "Maybe we'll get to do it again..."

"Hopefully," Ashley said with a nervous smile.

"Do you think it'd be okay if I kissed you good night?" Zander asked.

"I don't know," Ashley looked to the door where all four parents stood. "I mean... I want to, but I just..."

"We probably shouldn't risk it," Zander finished. "It's okay."

"Maybe tomorrow we can sneak away for a little while like today," Ashley said.

Zander grinned. "I'd like that."

"Cool," Ashley squeezed his hand. "Thanks for my bear."

"Thanks for my dragon," Zander said. "I think I'm going to name him 'Malfoy'."

Ashley giggled. "Then I'll name my bear Murray."

Julie and Nick came over to them. "Ready to go, Ash?" Nick asked his daughter.

"Yeah," Ashley said. "Thanks Zander."

"Thanks, Professor Malfoy, Mr. Malfoy," Zander said before turning his attention back to Ashley. "I'll see you tomorrow then?"

Ashley nodded. "I'll ring you after breakfast."

"Good night, Ash," Zander said grinning at her before heading up the walk.

Ashley followed her parents home.

"I think that went very well," Julie said thoughtfully.

"It was fun," Ashley said. "Thanks for letting me go."

"Of course," Julie said putting an arm around her daughter.

Ashley leaned against her mother. "I'm sleepy now though."

"You had a very big day," Nick said.

Ashley nodded. "I swam a lot too."

"You can have a nice lie-in tomorrow," Julie said.

"Unless Grandpa makes breakfast again," Ashley grinned.

"He's supposed to get up early and run with Ron," Nick said.

Julie shook her head. "He's going to kill Uncle Ron."

"I might get up with them tomorrow and make sure that he doesn't go too hard on him," Nick said.

"That would be nice," Julie gazed up at him.

"Ron's the closest thing I have to a real dad," Nick said. "He looked out for me, I should return the favour."

"I'll set the alarm early then," Julie replied.

They arrived back at the beach house. Ashley gave her parents a hug. "Thank you so much for letting me go tonight!"

"We're just glad you handled yourself responsibly," Julie told her.

"And if you never wanted to do it again, we'd be okay with that too," Nick said dryly.

"Nick," Julie nudged him.

"Only joking," Nick said. "Dads are never ready for this."

Ashley gave him a tight hug.

"Love you, Ashley Beth," Nick said.

"I love you too Daddy," Ashley said. "I'll see you both in the morning."

Julie watched as her daughter hurried up the stairs. "She's growing up so fast, Nick."

"Too fast," Nick agreed.

Julie looked at him. "Katie's the one we're going to have a tough time with."

"Going to have a tough time?" Nick smirked. "She's already ten going on twenty."

Julie laughed. "Chiaki says she's Frankie all over again."

"I feel the grey hair coming on," Nick said dramatically.

Julie nudged him. "We have a few years before that happens."

"Good," Nick replied.

"I think it's very sweet that you're going to help Uncle Ron tomorrow," Julie told him on the way upstairs.

"He needs all the help he can get," Nick told her.

Nick grinned at his wife.

Julie squeezed his hand. "Well, one good turn deserves another..."

"Let's hope so." Nick gave her a kiss.

As they passed their daughter's bedroom door, they could hear her telling Saffron all about the evening. Julie wondered how serious this was going to get. Ashley was only 13 years old, but tonight more than anything, made her parents see that she was growing up and there was nothing they could do to stop it.

"I'm beat," Nick said once they were in their own room.

"Not too tired, I hope," Julie grinned closing the door.

"Why Mrs. Malfoy," Nick drawled. "What did you have in mind?"

"You're about to find out," Julie said huskily.