Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

H/Hr fans- which we assume is ALL of you ;) Will really like this chapter, as it involves quite a lovely flashback! Sorry it's a bit late, but please, as always, don't forget to review and let us know what you think!

Just outside the house, Josh and Lizzy were sitting with Allison and Jon. The triplets were in their playpen. Caroline had gone inside to play with Katie and Emma was trying to make a sand castle but not having the best luck.

"Da-da," Josh said kneeling down in front of the playpen. "Come on, Casey... Noah... Aidan... one of you has to say it..."

"Josh," Lizzy laughed. "Don't you think you're trying a little early?"

"They're going to say it, Liz," Josh said making a goofy face at his daughter who gurgled, but didn't say a word.

Lizzy shared a look with Allison and both women grinned. "Jon you were the same way with Caroline and Emma."

"He was worse," Allison replied before Jon could.

"Hey," Jon said as he got down in the sand to help his daughter. "I was not!"

"You coached Caroline all the time," Allison reminded him. "You charmed the mobile over her crib to say Dada every twenty seconds."

"You're both terrible," Lizzy said.

"Daddy bad?" Emma asked.

"No," Jon said grinning at her. "Daddy is the best. Right, Em?"

"Right," Emma agreed.

"Em's daddy's girl," Jon said beaming at her.

"Make yourself useful and put some more suntan lotion on her," Allison said handing him the bottle.

"Come here baby," Jon said. "Let Daddy put this on your shoulders okay?"

"Kay," Emma said plopping down in front of him.

"Mmm," one of the triplets said from the playpen.

Lizzy nearly launched from her chair. "Mama," she cooed. "Say Mama my little angels!"

"Now who's coaching," Josh said as Lizzy practically pushed him out of the way.

"Well they at least came close to saying it," Lizzy replied.

"Mmmm is not Mama, Liz," Josh said.

"It's close!" Lizzy insisted.

"You're not going to be like this with our little boy, are you Jon?" Allison teased.

"Of course not," Jon snorted.

"Em still the baby," Emma turned to look at her father.

"Em's the big girl," Jon said tugging gently on one of her curls.

"No!" Emma pushed her lower lip out.

"Emma," Jon said. "Your Mummy and I still love you even though we're having another baby."

"Don't want baby," Emma said walking over to her mother. "Don't come out!"

"Emma Madeline," Allison picked her up. "Don't say that."

Emma buried her face in her mother's shoulder.

Allison hugged her daughter. "Daddy and Mummy love you so much Em."

"Do?" Emma asked.

"You know that sweetheart," Allison kissed her daughter's forehead. "I'm always going to love my little Emma Madeline."

Emma finally smiled. "Love Mummy."

"That's my girl," Allison said. "Oooooh..."

"What's wrong, Al?" Jon asked.

"The baby's kicking," she said with a big grin.

Emma forgot her jealousy and eagerly put a hand on her mother's tummy. "Oooooh!"

"That's your brother in there," Allison tweaked one of Emma's red curls. "You feel that?"

Emma nodded. "He kicks hard!"

"Yes he does," Allison said. "You used to kick hard too, you know that?"

"Really?" Emma asked.

"That's right," Josh grinned at his niece. "We could even see you kick sometimes Em."

"That might have been because of all that spicy food Al ate," Jon teased.

"You just hate when I have hot sauce on my cottage cheese," Allison retorted.

"Gross, Allie," Josh said shaking his head. "Not even Dad would eat that."

Allison smiled sweetly. "More for me then."

Just down the beach, Alexa and Gabriel were stretched out on their towels, enjoying the late afternoon sunshine.

"Is this what your beaches in California are like?" she asked.

"Pretty much," Gabriel replied. "Being here is a little like being at home."

"Are you homesick at all?" Alexa turned on her side and asked him.

"I miss my friends," he said thoughtfully. "And my grandparents, but I've liked being here. You guys have really been great."

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself," she said sincerely, pulling her red hair out of her ponytail.

Gabriel chanced a look at her in the green bikini and reminded himself that this girl had a boyfriend. A boyfriend, who was away for the day, but a boyfriend just the same.

"I swear, I have to put sun block on almost every hour," she complained, sitting up. "My skin is so fair. Would you mind helping me with my back?"

"Uh sure," Gabriel said sitting up as well. "We...uh...wouldn't want you to get burned."

"I hate being sunburnt," Alexa replied. "Thanks Gabriel."

"No problem," he said kneeling down behind her. He poured some suntan lotion onto his hand and then rubbed it hesitantly on Alexa's shoulder.

"Make sure you get my lower back as well, if you don't mind," she said.

"Sure," Gabriel said doing as she asked. Her skin was soft and warm from the sun. "So, when does RJ get back?"

"Late tonight," Alexa answered. "He didn't even want to go but he had to be there."

Gabriel didn't tell her that he was glad to have the chance to spend some time alone with her without RJ around. The more time he spent with Alexa, the more time he found himself liking her. This was not going to be good for him because anyone could see she was head over heels for her boyfriend.

"You know," she continued, "I'm so glad you and RJ are getting along. I was afraid after the first few times you met that you wouldn't like him at all."

"You've all been really great," Gabriel said. "Making me feel at home."

"Thanks," Alexa smiled at him as he finished up. "Well you've become a good friend Gabriel."

Gabriel smiled back at her. "I feel the same way about you."

She lay back on the towel. "You're coming with us into town tomorrow right? Even Sean is coming so it's not like you'll be a fifth wheel or anything."

"Saffy told me," Gabriel nodded. "It sounds like fun."

"They have this really neat arcade there," Alexa told him as she twisted her hair back up. "And Saffy loves the sweets shop," she laughed. "Big surprise there- RJ loves it too."

"You play some of the games?" Gabriel asked.

"I like watching," Alexa admitted. "I'm rubbish with video games. I prefer the older ones like ski ball or things like that."

"Ever play pinball?" Gabriel asked.

"I tried it," Alexa said. "Couldn't seem to get those things to work very well to hit the ball."

Gabriel laughed. "I guess I'll have to take you on in ski ball then."

"You like playing it too?" she asked.

He nodded. "I'm an old pro."

"Maybe you can show me a few techniques then," Alexa shifted on her towel.

"Winner has to buy the loser popcorn or something," Gabriel wagered. "What do you say?"

"I say you're going to win," she made a face.

"Something tells me you're bluffing," Gabriel said shaking his head. "You're shady, O'Leary."

"I am not!" Alexa denied. "I swear- ask Saffy!"

"She's your best friend," Gabriel pointed out, teasing her. "She'd lie for you, I imagine. I see where you're going, O'Leary. But don't you worry; I'm not going to hold anything back. I'm bringing my A game."

"Your what?" Alexa asked.

"Sorry," Gabriel apologised. "An American term. It means I'm bringing my best game to the table."

"Oh," she shook her head. "Well you'll win- of that I have no doubt. I'm not a very athletic person in any way- that includes gaming."

"I don't know about that---" Gabriel started to say but a little dog barked in the distance and he and Alexa looked over to see Andrew walking toward them with Puddles.

"The things I do for my girlfriend," Andrew said running after the dog. "She can't walk him so she asked me to."

Alexa laughed. "Come here Puddles!" she crooned as the dog scampered over to her.

"Lex, this came for you earlier," Andrew said handing her an envelope. "RJ's owl."

"Ooh," she said taking it eagerly. She tore open the letter and the smile on her face faded away as she read the letter. "He---he won't be back for a couple of days."

"There's some huge meeting," Andrew explained. "I have to go tomorrow too- my note came with his. All the teams are meeting in the morning."

"Oh," Alexa said folding up the letter and stuffing it in her beach bag.

"But you guys should still go out tomorrow," Andrew told her and Gabriel.

"What did Saffy say?" Alexa asked softly.

"She said she'd miss me but she understood," Andrew replied. "Lex, you know RJ would get out of this if he could."

"I know," she replied. "I just miss him is all..."

"He'll be back before you know it," Andrew said smiling reassuringly at her.

Alexa nodded. "Thanks Andrew. Is everything okay with you and Saffy?"

"We're great," Andrew said. "We talked it out."

"She still grounded?" Gabriel asked.

"Just for the day," he said. "That's why I'm walking this guy," he laughed as Puddles jumped up against his leg.

"Saffy's pride and joy," Gabriel said laughing.

"Why thank you," Andrew rumpled his hair and grinned.

"I think he was talking about the dog, you egomaniac," Alexa teased.

"Shoot a bloke while he's down Lex," Andrew joked.

Alexa giggled. "I'm trying."

"I better walk him," Andrew said. "I'll see you lot back at the house."

Alexa leaned back on her elbows and a far-away expression came over her face.

"You okay?" Gabriel asked.

"Yeah," she said. "I just wish RJ didn't have to be gone."

"It's just a couple of days," Gabriel said. "And like Andrew said he'll be back before you know it."

"I know," Alexa replied. "I miss him though- I won't see him much after Saffy and I go back to school."

"You can write to each other," Gabriel said. "And you can always see each other during holidays."

"Right," she forced a smile onto her face.

"You're worried?" Gabriel asked. "Alexa..."

"I'm not worried," Alexa said. "Trust me when I say, we've been through loads of trouble and we've come this far. I doubt a little separation could do anything."

"He'd be crazy to let you get away," Gabriel said looking at her.

Alexa blushed. "Thanks..." she said softly.

"So," Gabriel said his own cheeks turning red as he realised what he'd said. "How about I go and get us a soda or something?"

"I actually should probably get myself out of the sun," Alexa examined her arms. "Even though you put that lotion on me I'm already burning up again."

"Okay," Gabriel said standing up. He offered her his hand.

She let him help her up and they folded their towels and set back towards the beach house.

Saffron, who had been waiting for Andrew's return looked up again from her book when she heard the door open. She smiled at her best friend. "Lex, you look like a tomato."

"Shut up," Alexa said with a grin.

"How's it going?" Gabriel asked.

"Oh, well let's see," Saffron said. "Me and Andrew got the 'sex talk' from my mum and dad. My sister is pissed at my parents and Katie, Caroline and Ashley are actually getting along. Not bad for a day in this house, eh?"

"Why is your sister angry?" Alexa asked putting her towel in the hamper.

"Long story short she found out my parents are giving Ethan the cottage she lived in when she was a little girl," Saffron told them. "Jules loves that old place."

"And you don't?" Gabriel asked.

Saffron shrugged. "I never lived there. I've always lived in the Minister's mansion. To me, that's my home."

"What will you do when your mum isn't Minister anymore?" he asked.

"By the time that happens, I'll probably be old and grey," Saffron said with a laugh. "She's not planning on retiring anytime soon."

"I'm going to get some aloe for my skin and change out of my swim costume," Alexa said. "Saffy want to play Wizarding Snap or something?"

"I'm not supposed to do anything fun," Saffron said. "But I think my parents are preoccupied over the whole Jules thing. We can take a chance."

"I'm sure you can play a game," Gabriel told her.

"I'll tell them you made me do it," Saffron said mischievously.

"Very funny," Gabriel grinned at her. "I'll be right back."

Saffron watched as her friend and cousin both headed out of the sitting room. There was a closeness between them that seemed to grow each day. This was certainly going to be an interesting summer.

*** *** ***

Frankie was worried. It had been a couple of days since she and Will had found out that they weren't pregnant and he had barely said two words to her. He'd spent the past two nights working late and when he did arrive home, he just changed into his pyjamas and fell asleep without a word.

Now, it was the weekend and he didn't have to work and she thought that today would be the perfect time to sit down and talk this out. To her dismay, she found her husband in the sitting room talking to one of his friends on the phone.

"When did you get a tee time?" Will asked into the phone. "Yeah...that sounds great. I'll meet you there then...okay...cheers."

"You're going out?" she asked, leaning against the door frame.

"Playing a couple of rounds with Mark and Rob," Will said clicking off the phone.

"Oh," Frankie pushed her hair behind her shoulders. "I guess I thought you might be sticking around."

"I thought you were meeting Maddie to go over something with the wedding," Will said distractedly.

"Not until later," Frankie said softly.

Will sat down on the sofa and turned the television on. Frankie continued to stare at him and Will let out a heavy sigh before turning off the television. "Is there a reason why you're staring at me?"

"I just thought we could talk," Frankie said. "We've barely said two words to each other all week."

"I think you said all you needed to," Will said quietly.

"What?" Frankie asked. "The other day at the hospital?"

"You made yourself pretty clear, Frankie," Will said.

"Will all I said was that I didn't want to have children yet," Frankie sat down next to him. "It doesn't mean that I don't love you!"

"And just because I'm angry right now doesn't mean I don't love you," Will said. "But you acted as if you just found out you'd won a million quid when you found out that we weren't pregnant."

"I was relieved," Frankie said. "I may have been a little excited but when it comes down to it, having kids scares me Will."

"Why?" Will asked her. "Frankie, you'd be a great mother. You're great with your nieces..."

"Because they're not mine," Frankie said. "I can give them back. Having someone depend totally on me all the time freaks me out too much."

"That's normal," Will said. "I'm scared too, Frankie. But I want to have a family with you. I thought you wanted the same thing."

"Eventually--" Frankie began.

"Why do I think that your 'eventually' is a way of putting things off?" Will asked cutting her off. "You're never going to be ready are you?"

"I didn't say that!" Frankie exclaimed.

"You didn't have to!" Will retorted.

"You are putting words in my mouth that I wasn't going to say," Frankie crossed her arms.

"What's the real issue here, Frankie?" Will asked her. "Are you afraid that you really will be Mrs. Boring? Or that you'll gain weight....or that you won't be able to go out to clubs....what? What is the issue here?"

"You're being a complete jerk!" Frankie said angrily. "I wanted to talk this out with you rationally and you've completely blown it out of proportion! You knew how I was about children before we got married and you said you were fine with it! Now you're acting as if I've committed the crime of the century!"

"How do you expect me to act when the woman I love tells me that she doesn't want to have children? I'm not saying we have to have them now, for Merlin's sake! I just thought that you'd be ready someday for that."

"I'll be ready when I'm ready," Frankie told him. "And it will be someday. But we've barely been married a year and I think we could make do with waiting a little longer before we started having babies!"

"But that's just it, isn't it?" Will asked her. "You're not ever going to be ready, are you?"

"I never said that," she retorted.

"Okay then," Will said levelling his gaze at her. "Cards on the table, Frankie. And don't tell me what you think I want to hear. Tell me how you really, honestly feel. Do you see yourself ever wanting to have children?"

"Eventually!" she said before she could stop herself.

"Yes or no," Will demanded.

Frankie honestly didn't know how to answer this and Will nodded as if she had just confirmed something.

Without a word, Will toward the door and picked up his bag of golf clubs.

"Will come on," Frankie followed him into the hall.

"I can't do this right now Frankie," Will said opening up the door.

"Now who's running away?" she challenged, angry tears in her eyes.

Will stopped for a moment before walking out the door.

Frankie slammed it behind him and kicked it a few times for good measure.

He was acting like some caveman, she thought angrily as she went back into the sitting room. He knew very well how she felt about this before they were married.

Frankie wondered if Maddie and Ethan were back yet from their weekend in Brighton. She needed to talk to her best friend.

As luck would have it, Ethan and Maddie were back from Brighton. Ethan was going through the post and Maddie was getting quite the welcome home from Blue.

"Did you miss me, Blue?" Maddie asked giggling as the pixie flew around her shoulder excitedly. "You are going to wear yourself out!"

Ethan laughed. "We were only gone a few days little guy," he held out his hand and Blue skittered over to him.

"I'm sure it felt like an eternity to him," Maddie said still giggling. "Dolly was the same way if we went anywhere without her. Of course, Daddy wouldn't let me open her cage."

"I wonder why," Ethan said dryly.

"Come here, Blue," Maddie said as someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it," Ethan said setting the post down. The moment he opened the door, a weeping Frankie threw her arms around him. "Frankie..."

"I'm so glad you guys are here," Frankie sobbed.

"We missed you too," Ethan said awkwardly patting her back.

"Frankie, what is it?" Maddie asked.

"It's Will," Frankie wiped at her eyes.

"What's happened?" Maddie asked quickly putting Blue in his cage.

Ethan went to go put on some tea while Maddie sat down with her in the sitting room. "Well it all started earlier this week- I was feeling sick so we went into the hospital because we thought I might... might um... be pregnant."

"Frankie!" Maddie exclaimed. "That's great----oh no----you weren't, were you?"

"No," Frankie shook her head. "And I was glad Maddie. I don't want kids yet. And Will just totally blew it out of proportion!"

Maddie went to her friend and gave her a hug. "Oh Frankie..."

"Now he's angry with me- he's acting as if I said I never wanted kids at all," Frankie bawled. "He won't even speak to me!"

"I'm sure it's not that bad," Maddie said leading her over to the sofa.

"He went golfing," Frankie said. "Maddie, Will hates to golf."

"That is serious," Maddie said trying to make her friend laugh. "Frankie---"

"He only golfs when he has to- for work or something," Frankie shook her head. "We've barely spoken all week and today we fought again. I don't know what to do!"

"You don't want kids though," Ethan said coming back into the room carrying a tray of tea and biscuits. "Sorry, I couldn't help overhearing..."

"I do, but not right now!" Frankie said. "Not for a few more years at least! And I tried to tell Will that but he just blew up and went overboard!"

"Come on Frankie," Ethan said. "Can you blame the guy?"

Frankie stared at him. "Not you too!"

Ethan sat down. "I'm just saying that you're probably not being honest with him, Frankie. As long as I've known you, you've never once mentioned wanting to have children. And every time Will's brought it up when we've been around, you've brushed it off every time."

"I have?" Frankie looked at Maddie.

"You kind of have," Maddie admitted.

Frankie stared at her hands. "I never realised that." she admitted quietly.

"For what it's worth, I think you'd be a great mum," Maddie said smiling at her friend.

"It scares the hell out of me," Frankie said. "To think that someone could depend so much on me."

"But you wouldn't be doing it alone," Maddie reminded her. "You'd have Will."

Frankie took a deep, calming breath as Ethan handed her a mug of tea. "I don't mean to hurt his feelings on having a baby," she said. "It's just that for years, I went around thinking I'd never get married, never have kids. Then I find myself married to Will and I love it."

"You might be the same way about children," Maddie said gently.

"I think that's what scares me too," Frankie admitted.

"Oh, Frankie," Maddie said putting an arm around her.

"I feel like I can't think straight," Frankie said.

"Everything will be fine," Maddie reassured her. "You and Will just need some time."

"It's already been four days," Frankie replied as Maddie handed her a tissue.

"Maybe you need counselling," Maddie suggested.

"I don't know," Frankie said with a shrug.

"You should have let him know this before you got married," Ethan said. "You said eventually hoping that would pacify him, Frankie. If you know you never wanted them, you should have said."

"But I don't 'never' want them," Frankie said. "I just want them when I feel I'm ready. What if we have them too early and we wind up doing a bad job raising them?"

"You won't do a bad job," Maddie said. "You'd be great."

"I think that's what scares me the most," Frankie said. "Raising children badly."

"We'd all be there to help you," Maddie said. "And your mum and dad, too. And if this is how you're feeling you need to tell Will. Make him listen."

Frankie nodded. "Okay," she said. "I'll talk to him tonight."

"Maddie," Ethan said looking over at the cage where Blue was shaking the bars. "I think he wants to come out..."

"Oh!" Maddie said getting up and unlocking the cage. Blue flew out and over to Frankie plopping down in her lap.

"Hi Blue," Frankie smiled at the little pixie. "Did you miss your mummy and daddy?"

Blue clasped his hands together and then fell back dramatically on Frankie's lap.

"He's quite the little actor," Maddie said proudly.

Frankie laughed genuinely. "He's just like you Maddie."

"Have you seen the pout?" Ethan asked her. "Hey Blue- do the pout!"

Blue sat up and did a near perfect imitation of Maddie's pout.

"That is too much!" Frankie laughed.

"He's my smart little guy," Maddie beamed at her pet.

"How was Brighton?" Frankie asked.

"Let's see," Ethan said thoughtfully. "Saffy went mental when Nick and I threw her in the ocean. Julie acted as if I had the plague and wouldn't say one word to me..."

"What's going on?" Frankie asked.

Ethan shrugged. "I tried to ask her but she wouldn't say..."

"Sounds like things are tense there," Frankie replied. "I wonder why..."

"I have no bloody idea," Ethan said.

"She was kind of distant with me too," Maddie admitted.

"That's so odd," Frankie said. "Normally Julie is as sweet as they come."

"She and Saf weren't very happy with me," Ethan said shaking his head. "I can't understand why since I'm such a great bloke..."

Frankie and Maddie shared a look and rolled their eyes simultaneously. Blue found this quite funny and fell back onto Maddie's shoulder, cackling.

"And there's my biggest fan," Ethan said sarcastically.

"I think I'm going to head back home," Frankie said. "You've both helped me feel a lot better."

"That's what we're here for," Maddie said.

"You're a great best friend Maddie," Frankie told her.

"You are too," Maddie said giving her a hug. "Everything will be okay."

"I hope so," Frankie hugged her and pecked Ethan on the cheek. "I'll let you know how things go."

"Good luck," Ethan said.

"Thanks," Frankie said before heading out the door.

*** *** ***

Julie knew it was childish, but she couldn't help avoiding her parents for the rest of that day. She also felt bad for being distant to her brother and Maddie, but she wished now that she had voiced her thoughts about someday living in the cottage instead of keeping them to herself.

"Do you like this, Mum?" Ashley asked showing her mother her latest sketch.

"What?" Julie asked distractedly.

"My sketch?" Ashley asked.

"Oh it's lovely sweetheart," Julie focused her attention on her daughter.

Harry came into the sitting room. "Ashley, Allie just finished making biscuits. If you want to make sure you get some before Uncle Ron eats them all..."

"Oooooh," Ashley said setting her sketch aside. "I'll be right back, Mum. Do you want any?"

"No thanks Ash," Julie said. "I'm not very hungry."

"Okay," Ashley said stopping to give her grandfather a hug.

"You didn't eat much at dinner, either," Harry said sitting down beside her. "You feeling okay, Julie?"

"Fine," Julie said. "I'm actually quite tired I might just go to bed early."


"Really I'm fine," Julie gave her father a brief smile.

"Just mad at your parents," Harry said touching her arm.

Julie started to protest but Harry interrupted her.

"You're angry that we bought the cottage for Ethan and Maddie," Harry said quietly.

"Well..." Julie exhaled. "I guess..."

"We didn't think you'd care," Harry said honestly.

"Well I only grew up there," Julie said a bit sarcastically. "And I always talk about how much I miss it..."

"You did live there longer than your brother," Harry said. "But--"

"I know that it'd never hold me and Nick, Greta, and the girls," Julie said. "But I guess I held out hope that when Ash and Katie moved out on their own someday, Nick and I could live there."

"You still could, Julie," Harry said. "Ethan and Maddie are going to have a family of their own someday and the Weasleys are known for having lots and lots of babies. They'll probably outgrow the place before you know it."

"Yeah but you and Mum probably want to move back in," Julie argued.

"Not if you wanted it, Julie," Harry said.

"I couldn't take it away from you two if you were planning on moving in," Julie replied quietly.

"The way your mum's going, we'll be living in the Minister's mansion for quite some time," Harry said.

"I can't picture Mum ever retiring," Julie smiled.

"Me either," Harry said smiling back at Julie.

"I didn't mean to act like a brat," Julie said. "I just love that place so much. I hated when we had to leave it."

"We had some really great times there," Harry agreed. "And you were right to be angry...we should have told you."

"At least I didn't throw a fit right?" Julie teased. "And sneak Nick into my room and close the door?"

Harry chuckled. "Well, you're allowed to sneak Nick into your room now..."

Julie hugged her father. "Just not way back when right?"

"Right," Harry said hugging her back. "So we're okay now?"

"Yeah," Julie said. "As long as I can come visit anytime."

"Of course," Harry said.

"I brought you a biscuit back anyway Mummy," Ashley said coming into the sitting room. "You looked sad all day and chocolate always makes you feel better."

"Thank you sweetheart," Julie said taking the plate from her daughter. "That was very sweet of you."

"Did you draw this, Ash?" Harry asked picking up her sketch.

"Just now," Ashley nodded.

Harry shook his head. "You are so talented, Ash."

"Thanks Grandpa," Ashley glowed. "I really, really want to be an artist when I grow up."

"I think you're well on your way," Harry said proudly.

"I'm going to paint this one for you and Grandma," Ashley told him. "So you can hang it up in your house."

"We'd love that," Harry said smiling at her.

"Where's your sister?" Julie asked. "She worries me when she's quiet."

"She and Caroline are eating their biscuits in the kitchen with Emma," Ashley replied.

"Lizzy told me what a big help you've been with the triplets," Harry said to her.

"The babies are so cute," Ashley said. "I love holding them and it's so cool when she lets me feed them."

"Your Aunt Saffy used to help me with you," Julie said. "She was around your age when I had you."

"She did?" Ashley asked interestedly.

"She did," Julie said nodding. "She even liked changing your nappies..."

"Eww," Ashley wrinkled her nose and giggled. "I don't like that part!"

Harry laughed. "You have to change them though..."

"Mum said the first few weeks with me, you refused to do it," Julie said.

"Did you really not want to change Mummy's nappies?" Ashley laughed.

"I was just afraid I'd do it wrong," Harry said defensively.

"Uh huh," Julie nodded. "I'm sure that was it."

"It was!" Harry said innocently.

"Keep digging the hole, Dad," Julie said.

Saffron and Alexa came out of the kitchen and smiled at the younger girl.

"Jules, you know how me, Lex, Gabe and Sean were going to go into town tonight, right?" Saffron asked.

Julie nodded. "What of it?"

"I was wondering if Ash might want to come with us," Saffron said.

Ashley's eyes grew large. "Oh, Mummy! Can I?"

"What were you guys planning on doing?" Julie asked. "And how late are you staying in town?"

"Just a couple of hours," Saffron replied. "We were going to get some ice cream and go to the arcade."

"It's fine with me if it's okay with Nick," Julie said with a smile at her daughter. "She'd never forgive me if I said no."

Ashley beamed at her mother. "Thanks, Mummy."

"I'll keep her out of trouble," Saffron promised.

"Go on and ask your father," Julie said. "And get yourself a jumper- it can get cool at night."

"Okay," Ashley said practically running out of the sitting room.

"That's very sweet of you, Saffy," Harry said.

"Well she doesn't really have anyone her age around here," Saffron said as she and Alexa sat down. "Caroline and Katie are always playing tea party or something so I thought Ash might like to have some fun with us."

"Thank you for including her," Julie said smiling at her baby sister. "I know it means the world to her."

"I'm glad to do it Jules," Saffron grinned at her.

"When do RJ and Andrew get back?" Harry asked.

"Not until tomorrow," Alexa replied.

"I bet you guys miss them," Julie said sympathetically. "That's how it is for me when Nick's on tour."

"Yeah," Saffron said. "It's going to be even harder when we're away at school."

"Tell me about it," Alexa leaned back. "Is Sean meeting us here?"

Saffron nodded.

"Don't forget that we'll be going with your grandmother to the cemetery this week," Harry told her.

"I can't believe it's been a year," Julie said shaking her head.

"Yeah," Saffron's demeanour darkened a bit. "I still miss him so much."

Alexa put an arm around her best friend.

"Are you sure Gran's up for it?" Julie asked her father.

"I think she's really going to need us," Harry said. "She won't be able to do it alone."

"Will Ethan and Maddie go too?" Saffron asked.

"I'm sure everyone will be there," Harry nodded. "Your mum told them about it."

"We'll have to be really strong for Gran," Saffron said.

"I'm sure she'll appreciate that Saffy," Harry told her.

"Daddy said I could go," Ashley said as she came back into the room. "I whispered it to him so Katie wouldn't know."

Julie laughed. "Good thinking."

Harry reached into his trousers pocket for his wallet. "I'll give you girls some spending money..."

"Thanks Daddy," Saffron said with a smile. "I wasn't going to ask but since you're offering..."

"Mr. Potter, you don't have to give me any," Alexa said hastily. "My mum and dad gave me enough..."

"Nonsense," Harry said. "I'll give all of you a little something."

Alexa blushed. "Thanks..."

Harry smiled at his daughter's best friend. "You just keep an eye on Saffron," he joked.

"Ashley and I will make sure she stays out of trouble," Alexa said with a grin.

"Gee thanks you guys," Saffron said sarcastically as the doorbell rang. "That'll be Sean."

Alexa laughed when she saw Gabriel walk into the room with Emma in his arms. The little girl seemed to think Gabriel was the coolest person in the world and had attached herself to him.

"Em, you going to let Gabe go with us tonight?" Alexa teased.

"No," Emma shook her head.

"Remember I promised to bring you back a bear," Gabe said to her. "You said I could go if I brought you back a big bear."

"Oh," Emma's eyes widened. "Big bear for Em!"

"I promise I won't let him come back unless he has the bear," Alexa promised.

"Kay," Emma slid down and stumbled off towards Harry.

"You are great with her," Alexa said to Gabriel.

"Hard not to be," Gabriel said with a grin. "She's so cute."

At the door, Saffron was smiling at Sean who handed her a daisy.

"Sean!" she said laughing. "You didn't have to do this..."

"It was from the garden," Sean said. "And I remembered how much you loved daisies."

"That's sweet of you," she grinned.

"So your man couldn't make it back for tonight then?" Sean asked stepping into the house.

"No he's got to stay until tomorrow," Saffron replied. "He and RJ will both be back in the afternoon."

"So I get you all to myself tonight," Sean said winking at her.

"Don't let it go to your head," she teased. "Gabe, Alexa, Ash come on!" she hollered.

Emma waved at Gabriel. "Bear for Em!"

Gabriel laughed. "A big purple bear all right Emma?"

"Kay," Emma said smiling at him. She looked over at Julie. "Joos want bear too?"

Julie laughed. "No thank you Emma."

Once the teenagers and Ashley were gone, Julie grinned at her father. "You okay with Saffy going out with Sean?"

"They're just friends Jules," Harry replied.

"Which is why you're okay with it?" Julie asked teasingly.

"Exactly," Harry grinned at her.

"I can't imagine what we'll be like when Ash and Katie start dating," Julie said shaking her head.

"Nick will be completely overprotective and you'll be convincing him there's nothing to worry about," Harry said. "That is, if you're anything like your mum."

"I'm very much like Mum," Julie said. "The voice of reason."

Harry laughed. "There's one in every generation."

"You should take Mum for a walk on the beach," Julie suggested. "I'm sure she'd love that."

"That actually sounds like a great idea," Harry said. "We haven't been able to get much time to ourselves since coming here."

"I think she's upstairs reading," Julie said.

"Right," Harry got up. "Thanks for the idea Jules."

Hermione was upstairs in their bedroom reading a novel when Harry came into their bedroom. "Hi," she said looking up from her book.

"Hey," Harry replied. "How does a walk on the beach sound?"

Hermione smiled and closed her book. "That sounds lovely."

"Saffron, Alexa, Gabriel and Sean took Ashley along with them into town," Harry told her.

"That was sweet of them to include Ash," Hermione said grabbing a jumper from the closet.

"She was so excited," Harry replied as he grabbed his trainers.

"And I'm so glad that Gabriel is fitting in," Hermione said. "I know how much that means to Lavender."

"He's a good kid," Harry said. "I can't believe how much he looks like Seamus."

"He really does," Hermione agreed. "Did you and Julie make up?"

"She was upset about the cottage," Harry replied. "We may not be able to move in like we thought- I sort of offered it to her. I think she's going to talk to Nick about it."

"We can find a place kind of like it for ourselves," Hermione said thoughtfully.

"You don't mind?" he asked.

"If Julie wants it, I don't mind," Hermione replied.

Harry gave his wife a kiss. "Come on, let's go."

"Okay," Hermione said feeling a bit like a teenager going out on her first date.

They left quietly through the front door and headed down to the beach where the water was lapping quietly against the shore. "What a gorgeous night," Hermione closed her eyes.

"You can see all the stars," Harry said looking up at the sky.

"I love it when we come out here," Hermione leaned against him. "It's so peaceful."

"You know what this reminds me of?" Harry asked her with a grin.

"What?" she asked, smiling back at him as she squeezed his hand.

"I'll set the scene for you," Harry said. "You had on this red bikini with that blue sarong...and you were trying to get me drunk..."

Hermione laughed. "Honeymoon..."

"Exactly," Harry said pulling her close.

"The first night," Hermione said. "Not our wedding night... but the first night we were there on the island..."


Harry was asleep in bed when he felt someone tickling his arm. He opened his eyes and saw Hermione standing before him in her bathing suit and a sarong holding a bottle of champagne. "What time is it?" he asked groggily.

"Around two in the morning," she said with a grin. She tossed her long brown hair over her shoulder. "Come on, I've got a surprise for you..."

"I'm knackered, Hermione," Harry said pulling the pillow over his head.

"Too knackered for me?" she asked in a pouty voice.

"You're the one who got me in this state," Harry said in a muffled voice.

Hermione pressed her lips to his bare shoulder. "Harry come on... there's no one out there on the beach..."

"Okay," Harry said coming out from under the pillow. "Where's my trunks?"

"Right here," she tossed them over.

"Thanks," he said pulling back the covers and stepping into his trunks.

Hermione wasted no time in pulling him to her and kissing him as soon as he was out of bed.

"Is this the surprise?" he asked huskily. "Because I don't think I needed to get out of bed to do this."

"No but you did need to get out of the bed to do this on the beach..." she said in a low voice.

"Oh?" Harry asked.

She grabbed a blanket. "Come on," Hermione crooked her finger.

Harry suddenly felt very awake as he followed his wife onto the beach.

Hermione let her hips sway back and forth as Harry trailed behind her. "I found this spot earlier," she said.

"When were you outside?" he asked her.

"While you were in the shower," she explained. "I went for a quick walk."

Harry smiled. "This is really nice."

"What is?" Hermione stopped and asked.

"This. You. Me," Harry replied. "Beautiful night. Beautiful wife."

"You have a wonderful way with words," Hermione put her arms around his neck.

"Every now and then I get it right," he said before kissing her.

"Mmmm..." she closed her eyes. "I still can't believe we're married..."

"We are," he said against her neck.

Hermione dropped the blanket onto the ground. "I love you so much," she said softly.

"There's something I don't get tired of hearing," Harry said smiling at her.

"Of course not," she laughed. "Come on, pop that champagne."

"Okay," he said grabbing the bottle and doing as she asked.

Hermione spread the blanket on the ground and they perched there together. "Day two has been magnificent," she said with a grin. "So far..."

"We are only two hours into day two," Harry said pouring her a glass.

"Aye," Hermione laughed. "And so far it's amazing. And it's only going to get better."

"You do realise that things won't always be this perfect?" Harry asked her. "We'll have rows and you'll think I'm an arse..."

"But never for long," Hermione said. "And as long as you keep kissing me I won't care about anything for the next two weeks."

"Now that I can do," Harry said setting aside his glass. "Come here, wife."

"I'm still not used to hearing that," she confessed as she moved closer.

"Do you prefer the old ball and chain?" Harry asked teasingly.

Hermione poked his shoulder. "What do you think?"

"I'll take that as a no," Harry said giving her a kiss. "I could definitely get used to this."

"Me too," Hermione relaxed into his arms. "Being alone with you is the best feeling in the world."

"No annoying cousins to bother us," Harry said kissing the top of her head. "Or annoying best friends who want to raid our icebox."

"Right," she laughed. "Just you and me... all alone on a moonlit beach... with a blanket and a bottle of champagne..."

He loved everything about his wife, but seeing her like this---carefree and relaxed---was just about to drive him crazy. He pulled away to look properly at her and his eyes darkened as she brushed her long hair over her shoulder.

"I'm sure you remember this bikini," she said in a sultry voice.

Harry reached out and touched her shoulder, toying with one of the bikini straps. "I remember it quite fondly."

"I'm glad Lav convinced me to buy it," she let him slip one of the straps down her shoulder.

"So I have Lavender to thank for bringing this into my life?" Harry asked.

"I'm the one wearing it," Hermione replied, pushing the other strap down.

"Not for long," Harry said huskily.

She grinned. "Exactly what I wanted to hear..."

He reached around her back and undid the strings. "You're so beautiful, Hermione."

She kept her eyes trained on his as he peeled the garments off her. "I've still never seen anyone as handsome as you Harry James."

"Flattery will get you everywhere," he said before kissing her once more.

Hermione laughed as she tugged on his swim trunks. "Get those off Potter."

"Already ordering me around, aren't you?" Harry asked, but doing exactly as she requested.

"You know it," Hermione said in a lusty voice.

Harry's eyes darkened as he pulled her closer.

She melted against him as they kissed again, rolling over on the blanket. "I'm so happy," she murmured. "You make me so happy..."

"That's all that I want for you," he said smiling down at her. "For you to be happy. You've given me so much."

"We're going to have a great life," she pushed his hair out of his eyes.

"With lots and lots and lots of babies?" he asked with a smirk.

"Long as you plan on carrying most of them," she retorted playfully.

"Maybe I should rephrase that," he said thoughtfully. "A boy and girl...a girl with your brains and beauty and a boy with my good looks and charm..."

"That sounds about right," she laughed. "You, me, a little boy and a little girl... how perfect."

"So," Harry said after kissing her forehead. "When do you want to get started?"

"When do you think?" she asked huskily.

"Now?" he asked. "But I thought you'd..."

"I'd what?" Hermione asked.

"This afternoon when we arrived at the hotel, you said you were going to take care of something in the loo," Harry said. "I thought you meant you were going to cast a protection charm..."

"That's for me to know..." Hermione kissed him lightly. "And you to find out..."

"Mrs. Potter---" Harry said. "That's not fair---"

"Oh come on, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again." she said in a sing song manner.


Harry stared at his wife who years later still managed to take his breath away. "I guess the answer to that one is out of the bag now since Julie was conceived on our honeymoon."

Hermione laughed. "We didn't waste any time."

"No," Harry said laughing, too. "And we did have a little girl and then a boy and then another girl...."

"We have the best life," Hermione took a deep breath of the sea air.

"Yes we do," Harry said standing behind her and putting his arms around her waist.

"Did you ever think you'd end up being this happy?" she asked softly.

"Not really," he said. "But then I saw this pretty girl in a parking lot...."

Hermione laughed. "And after she had to sweep you off your feet..."

"After she realised he really wasn't a moody, self-absorbed---"

"Prat," Hermione finished. "She fell head over heels and so did he."

"And their lives changed in one summer," Harry said turning her around and pulling her to him. "A little hard to dance in the sand, but I'm willing to risk it..."

Hermione began to hum the familiar tango song. "How's this?"

"Very nice," Harry said chuckling as they began to tango. "Ahhhh, you're quite good at this, Miss Granger! Have you had lessons?"

"Why yes I have," Hermione said. "And it's Mrs. Potter now, thank you."

"Just testing you," Harry said dipping his wife.

Hermione pressed her lips to his when he brought her back up.

"What was that for?" Harry asked.

"Just for being you," she smiled dreamily at him.

He grinned and spun her around. "I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you," Hermione replied softly.