Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: Yay the chapter's on time tonight! LOL- you get to see Gabe's reaction to magic, and LOTS of H/Hr- with some flashbacks thrown in!!! Please review and let us know what you think!

Lavender had just settled down on the sofa with a blanket and a new fashion magazine when she heard the front door open and then slam. Looking up, she saw Gabriel stalk past her and down the hall. "How was your---" She started to ask, but the young man had slammed his bedroom door.

She got up and knocked on the door. "Gabriel?" she called out.

There was no answer so she knocked again.

"Let him be," Seamus said behind her.

"What happened?" Lavender asked her husband.

Seamus sighed. "Well, we drove around and I pointed out some of the sights. Then, we got out to take a walk and that's when I told him..."

Lavender put her hand on his arm. "He took it that badly?"

"You could say that," Seamus said dryly. "He thought I was making it all up."

"Oh no," Lavender bit her lower lip.

Seamus nodded. "He thinks I made it all up so he'd want to go back home and I'd never have to see him again. And he said...he said that I didn't need to go to the trouble of making up stories, I could just tell him and he'd go."

"But we don't want him to leave," Lavender protested.

"This was a crazy idea, wasn't it?" Seamus asked her. "Me thinking that this would work? I'm a terrible father and I've only been on the job for two days."

"Seamus you've only KNOWN you were a father for two days," Lavender said. "You told me that first day when we were at breakfast that this all wasn't just going to happen."

"I shouldn't have told him," Seamus said shaking his head. "We were having a good time, Lav."

Lavender hugged him. "But the longer you withheld it, the more angry he would be."

Seamus hugged her back. "I know---"

Gabriel's bedroom door opened. "I-I need to use your phone so I can call my grandparents and let them know I'm coming home."

"Wait," Lavender said. "Gabriel can I talk to you for a few moments before you ring your grandparents?"

"I've talked enough," Gabriel said angrily. "I just want to use the phone and go home."

"You haven't talked to me yet," Lavender replied. "And I'd like a word."

Gabriel folded his arms. "You've got what you wanted. I'm going home. There's nothing more that needs to be said. And don't worry, I won't be going to the newspapers if that's what your so afraid of."

"Gabe---" Seamus argued.

"We don't want you to leave," Lavender insisted.

"Right," Gabriel scoffed. "Fine, if you won't let me use the phone, I'll just take my stuff to the airport and call from there."

"You don't know your way around London, son," Seamus said quietly.

"Don't call me son," Gabriel snapped.

"You are my son," Seamus said. "Please, just talk to us and I'll try and make you understand what's really going on. What I told you earlier is the truth, Gabriel. I told you because I didn't want there to be any more secrets between us."

"Please," Lavender said. "Just hear us out Gabriel..."

Gabriel sighed and gave a slight nod.

"Will you come and sit down?" Seamus asked. "We'd be a lot more comfortable..."

"Fine," Gabriel said, crossing his arms over his chest.

Seamus and Lavender exchanged a look as they followed Gabriel into the sitting room.

"I understand that magic isn't something you expected us to know," Seamus began.

Gabriel rolled his eyes. "Not this again..."

Lavender pressed her lips together to mask her impatience. "Would you have been angry if we'd never told you about this?" she asked point blank. "If we'd kept it a secret from you and you found out about it years down the road?"

"I'm angry because you're lying to me!" Gabriel retorted. "There's no such thing as magic except for those crappy magicians who try to saw ladies in half and make rabbits appear out of hats. I think you could have come up with something a little more believable than this! "

"What sort of proof do you want then?" Seamus asked.

"I don't want proof; I just want to go home!" Gabriel exclaimed getting to his feet. Lavender, stood up too, but with a loud pop, she disappeared. A second later, she reappeared behind Gabriel and tapped him on the shoulder.

"How's that for proof?" she asked him.

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" he shouted.

"Magic," Lavender replied sweetly.

Seamus withdrew his wand and pointed it at Lavender's discarded magazine. With a swish and a flick, he said, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

Gabriel's eyes grew as big as saucers as he watched the magazine levitate above the sofa.

"This..." he sat down with a thump. "You weren't lying?"

Lavender nodded and grabbed at her magazine. "Don't mess that up, love. I haven't finished reading it."

"Right," Seamus set it back down in the same way he'd lifted it up.

"I-I don't know what to say," Gabriel said quietly. "This is just too....too...."

"I'm not going to lie to you," Seamus said. "I'll tell you anything about myself you want to know. Magic is a big part of my life- and so are you."

"Did my mother know?" Gabriel asked.

"Yes," Seamus answered. "I don't think she ever told your grandparents though."

"If you can do that stuff, can I do it too?" Gabriel asked.

"I don't think you can, otherwise you'd have been sent away to a special school to learn about it," Lavender said.

Gabriel nodded. "And those people that were here the other day...they can do it too?"

"Yes," Seamus nodded.

"What other kinds of things can you do?" Gabriel asked them.

"Well," Seamus said. "We can brew potions to cure loads of things..."

"There are spells to accomplish just about anything," Lavender told him.

"Can you bring my mother back?" Gabriel asked quietly.

Seamus froze for a moment. "We can't bring people back from the dead," he said. "I'm sorry."

"I wish she was here so I could talk to her about this," Gabriel said absently playing with the fringe on a throw pillow.

Lavender gazed at her husband, at a loss for words.

"I'm sorry," Gabriel said looking at Lavender. "You get that look on your face every time I bring her up."

"This is hard on Lav too," Seamus said, squeezing his wife's hand.

"I'm not resentful of the time Seamus shared with your mother," Lavender said truthfully. "It's just hard knowing that someone else has given him a child when I haven't."

"I should have just stayed away," Gabriel said. "We'd all have been happier."

"No," Seamus shook his head. "I'm glad you came forward Gabriel. You're my son and I want you around."

"You don't even know me," Gabriel said shaking his head. "I spent the past 17 years without you and I've turned out okay. You and Mrs. Finnigan don't need me. Okay? I'm just going to go home and forget that this happened."

"Then why did you come looking for Seamus?" Lavender asked.

Gabriel, who had been in the process of walking out, turned around and stared at her. "I don't know. I just---I wanted to see what he was like and why he didn't stay with my mom."

"And you agreed to come to England so you could get to know him better," Lavender continued.

"That was a mistake," Gabriel said.

"Why?" Seamus rose. "Why was it a mistake?"

"I know you didn't know about me, but I can't help being angry at you and I know it's unfair and it's selfish, but it's how I feel," Gabriel replied, his voice choking up. "And I'm mad at my mom for keeping all of this from me and that's the worst thing of all."

Seamus reached for his son and was glad when Gabriel didn't pull away. "It's okay to be angry," he said. "Your mum would understand."

"Right after she told me, I ran out of the room," Gabriel said as the tears fell down his cheeks. "And I wasn't there----I wasn't there when she...."

Lavender nearly felt her heart break in two at the stricken look on the young man's face. "She knows you loved her," she said gently.

"She died thinking I was angry at her," Gabriel said in anguish. "I can't ever get that back!"

"That same thing happened to me," Lavender said quietly. "The day my parents died, I'd had a huge row with them over not being able to go out that night with my friends. They left for dinner and never came back."

Gabriel looked at her. "Seamus said they died in a car crash?"

"They did," Lavender nodded. "They were hit by a drunk driver."

"I'm sorry," Gabriel said sincerely.

Lavender smiled slightly at him as they sat down. "I was so angry at them for leaving me," she said. "And I was angry at myself for not apologising. Had I known it was the last time I would see them, I'd have never acted like that." she rubbed her hands together. "But the thing is- we don't know that. No one can foresee things like death. And I believe that my parents know how sorry I was and that I loved them."

"Really?" Gabriel asked looking at Lavender as if he was seeing her for the first time.

"Absolutely," Lavender said. "It took me a long time to deal with how I was feeling after it happened. I was lucky that I had my aunt and uncle to take me in- just like you're lucky to have your grandparents and now Seamus."

"And you," Gabriel said giving her a slight smile.

Lavender's eyes flooded with tears. "I know I can't replace your mother," she said. "But I'd like to be here for you."

Gabriel stood up and gave her a hug. "Thank you, Mrs.--I mean, Lavender."

Lavender held him to her for a moment. "You're welcome Gabriel," she whispered, wiping at her eyes.

"I'm sorry too, Seamus," Gabriel said turning to his father. "I need to remember that I'm not the only one dealing with this."

"Quite all right," Seamus said. "This is all a lot to take in. But I think we'll get through it, don't you?"

Gabriel nodded. "It's late. I should probably get to bed."

"Not going home?" Seamus smiled.

Gabriel shook his head. "I think I'll stick around if that's okay with you..." His words trailed off as he looked at his father. "Dad."

Seamus couldn't stop his grin. "You're welcome here with us always."

Gabriel smiled back. "Good night."

"Night," Lavender said softly.

"He called me Dad," Seamus said to his wife when they were alone. "Did you hear that?"

"I did," Lavender hugged him. "I think we finally made a big breakthrough."

"Thanks to you," Seamus said holding her close. "Lav, I was so proud of you tonight."

"You were?" she asked.

He kissed her. "You got through to him."

"So did you," Lavender pointed out.

"Couldn't have done it without you," Seamus said.

"That's because I'm your better half," she teased.

"In more ways than one," Seamus said caressing her cheek.

"Take me to bed," Lavender closed her eyes.

"That I can do," Seamus said picking her up.

*** *** ***

"Oh Harry," Hermione's breath caught in her throat. "This place looks so different now!"

"Well it's been awhile," Harry chuckled. "I can't believe we had four of us in here at one point. It's really made for two or three people at most."

"But it was our first home," Hermione said as he closed the door of the cottage behind them. "And now it's ours again- at least until we give it to Ethan and Maddie."

"That's right," Harry said grinning at her. He took her hand and led her into the kitchen. "You'll never believe what's still here."

He opened the pantry door and pointed to the markings on the door where they'd measured the children's' heights.

Hermione laughed. "I can't believe they were that short at one point."

"I'm so glad that the previous tenants didn't paint over this," Harry said leaning against the door.

"Me too," Hermione touched the carvings with her finger. "We have so many memories here."


Five-year old Julie stood up as straight as she could against the doorframe. "I know I'm bigger than I was last time, Mummy."

"We measured two weeks ago, baby," Hermione said sharing an amused look with Harry as she stood up.

"But I'm bigger," Julie insisted. "Look!" she held her little fingers apart.

Hermione picked up a pencil from the counter and walked over to her daughter. "Okay, let's see then."

Julie stuck her chin out and resisted the urge to raise herself up on her tip toes.

Hermione smiled as she made a marking just above her daughter's head. "Jules, you are bigger..."

"Wow," Julie said. "Mummy someday I might be taller than Uncle Ron!"

Hermione gave her a hug. "You're well on your way, baby."

"Daddy look how tall I am now!" Julie exclaimed proudly.

Harry set aside the newspaper and walked over to his daughter. "Jules! You're growing up way too fast!"

"That's because I'm a big girl," Julie giggled as Harry swooped her up.

"No matter how big you get, you'll always be Daddy's little girl," Harry said swinging her around.

"Okay," Julie agreed. "Can I have ice cream?"

"For breakfast?" Harry asked her.

"You can't have ice cream for breakfast you silly girl," Hermione tickled her daughter. "But you can have some after lunch."

"But ice cream is made from milk," Julie argued. "And I can have milk for breakfast, so why can't I have ice cream?"

Harry started to laugh. "She's got you there."

"She's way too much like me," Hermione said shaking her head.

"So can I?" Julie asked eagerly.

"You can have some of your sugar cereal you like so much," Hermione reached for the box. "But you cannot have ice cream for breakfast."

"Mummy, that's totally arbitrary," Julie said sticking out her bottom lip.

"Where did you learn such a big word?" Harry asked her.

"From the book in Mummy's library," Julie told him.

"The big one?" Harry asked taken aback. "Julie, that book is bigger than you are. You're reading it?"

Hermione shook her head. "I thought someone was moving my marker around." she was amused.

"It's very interesting," Julie said thoughtfully. "Even if it doesn't have pictures."

Harry shook his head. "You amaze me," he said.

"And you laughed when I would read to her when I was pregnant," Hermione said to Harry. "I told you she could hear."

"I think I did," Julie said as she began to eat her cereal. "And guess what- sometimes when I read to Josh Weasley he acts like he can understand me!"

"She reads to the twins?" Harry asked Hermione. "They're barely a year old."

"Jon doesn't like it," Julie continued. "But Josh watches me read Daddy."

"You're such a smart girl," Harry said grinning at her. "And you get that from your Mum."

"I know," Julie said happily. "I want to be smart like Mummy someday."

"You already are," Harry said tweaking her nose.


"She got such a kick out of being measured," Hermione remembered fondly. "And I still have that big book she used to read through."

"She was reading Shakespeare by nine, wasn't she?" Harry asked.

"Eight," Hermione corrected.

Harry shook his head. "I still can't understand half what that bloke writes about." he complained.

"It's in English," Hermione said rolling her eyes. "And it's very poetic. It's better than that rubbish you read. And Saffron and Julie love his work."

"I read Quidditch magazines," Harry said. "And at least I know what a Wronski Feint is," he teased his wife.

"Big deal," Hermione scoffed. "In the grand scheme on things, what difference does that make?"

"It makes the difference when you know what plays your daughter is using once she makes it onto the Quidditch team," Harry said.

"Fair point," Hermione said.

Harry laughed as he looked at the stove. "I remember when you nearly burned this place down."

"The kitchen was never in any real danger," Hermione said defensively.

"No?" Harry asked. "Half the wall was blackened."

"You are remembering that wrong," Hermione said. "What happened was..."


Ethan stared in awe at his mother as he played with his toy soldiers in his high chair. Julie and Harry were outside in the backyard and Hermione wanted to surprise them with a home cooked meal. She wanted to show them that she could cook something besides lasagne. Besides, how hard could it be? You just followed the instructions and measured the ingredients. It was like potions making and she was great at that.

"Mama," Ethan babbled.

Hermione smiled at him. "What do you think we should make, Ethan? Casserole or spaghetti?"

"Mmmm..." Ethan grinned toothlessly at her.

She opened up the cookbook and held it out to him. "You like this one?" she asked showing him the picture of a chicken casserole. She flipped the page again to the other recipe. "Or this one? This is the spaghetti."

"Mmmm..." Ethan's eyes widened slightly at the picture of the casserole.

"Casserole?" Hermione asked.

Ethan kicked his little legs and banged his soldiers on the tray.

"Casserole it is," Hermione said walking back over to the counter. "Okay, Ethan. Mummy's going to get all these ingredients out first. I think you and I are going to make the best casserole ever."

"Mama," Ethan nodded.

Hermione grinned and peeked out the window to see her husband and Julie kicking around a football in the backyard. They'd be back there for awhile and would be very surprised when they saw the dinner she'd prepared.

"Okay," she said. "Let's start with the chicken," she pulled some out of the icebox. "And noodles- we need some noodles..."

"Oodle," Ethan echoed pounding on the tray with his soldiers.

"That's right," Hermione grinned at her son. "Noodle."

"Oodle," Ethan said grinning back at her.

"Your daddy has made this before and I think I remember how he did it," Hermione said as she looked through the pantry for some noodles.

"Dada!" Ethan cried triumphantly.

"I don't have time to defrost the chicken," Hermione said biting her bottom lip as she looked at the recipe. "But I'm sure that it's going to be okay once it's in the oven."

Ethan watched his mother and nodded as if he knew what she was doing.

About thirty minutes later, she had placed the casserole in the oven. She increased the temperature of the oven so it would be ready quicker. She picked Ethan up out of his seat. "How about you and I go in the sitting room and play until it's ready?"

"Pay," Ethan laughed.

"Play," Hermione said tickling his side.

Outside in the yard, Julie stared after her father as he ran away from her. "Dad! You nearly knocked me down!"

"Come on sweetheart," Harry grinned at her. "This is football."

"The only reason I'm doing this is because Chi wants me to tag along with her when she goes to Tosh's party," Julie said catching her breath. "I don't want to make a fool out of myself."

"That's good of you," Harry said, passing the ball to her.

"And there is this boy that's going to be there," Julie said kicking the ball back to him. When Harry stopped in his tracks, Julie rolled her eyes. "Dad!"

"Who is this boy?" Harry asked. "What's his name and how well do you know him?"

"I knew you'd be like this," Julie said shaking her head. "And you wonder why I don't tell you anything about boys..."

"Julie I'm just looking out for you," Harry said.

"You're being overprotective," Julie said. "He's just a boy that I fancy, Dad. No need to go mad. If you must know, his name is Stuart Adams and he's a good friend of Tosh's."

"I have a reason to be overprotective," Harry said. "You know that Julie."

"I know," Julie said. "But you can't protect me from everything. I have to make my own mistakes."

"I know that Jules," Harry told her. "But nothing you say can stop me from worrying just a little about you. It's part of being a parent."

Julie gave him a hug. "I love you, Daddy."

Harry kissed the top of her head. "I love you too baby."

Julie pulled away. "So can you show me how to....eww....what's that smell? Is something burning?"

Harry sniffed. "What is that?" he asked, heading towards the house. "Smells like burning rubber."

"There's smoke coming from the kitchen!" Julie said running after her father.

"Hermione!" Harry shouted as he pushed open the door.

Hermione had noticed the smell while she was in the sitting room with Ethan. She'd set him in his playpen as she went to investigate. The kitchen was full of smoke. "Oh no!"

"What the hell is going on in here?" Harry used his wand to extinguish the flames in the oven.

"I was making dinner," Hermione said helplessly.

"Mum, you can't cook!" Julie exclaimed with a cough.

Harry opened the windows as Hermione pushed the door open to air the room out. "Where's Ethan?" he asked.

"In the sitting room," Hermione replied. "I don't understand! I followed the recipe!"

"What were you trying to make?" Harry gagged as he pulled the dish out.

"Chicken casserole," Hermione replied quietly. "I turned the temperature up so it would cook faster..."

"Cook faster?" Harry poked it with his wand. "Hermione this is still half frozen..."

"It was supposed to defrost while it baked," Hermione said turning red. "I can brew any potion in the world but I can't even do this!"

Harry bit his lower lip to keep from laughing. "Love why don't you let me handle things in the kitchen?"

"I just don't understand why I can't get it," Hermione said morosely. "I've watched you do it loads of times."

"Well for one thing, defrosting this before you cook it helps out quite a bit," Harry dumped it in the garbage as Julie returned to the kitchen with Ethan, who was wrinkling his nose.

"Yucky," Ethan said burying his face in Julie's shoulder.

"I just wanted to save time," Hermione said. "I nearly burned the cottage down!"

"You didn't nearly burn the cottage down," Harry reassured her as Hermione buried her face in her hands.

"You just need more practise," Julie tried to reassure her. Harry vehemently shook his head. "Or not..."

"Ucky," Ethan said again from his sister's arms. "Dada!"

"Come here little man," Harry said taking him from Julie. "How about you and I order pizza?"

"That sounds good to me," Julie grinned. "But no chicken on it please."

"Deal," Harry said. He looked at Ethan. "You know what your Mummy needs right now? A big hug..."

"I like that idea," Hermione smiled at her family.

"Group hug," Julie said grinning at her mother.

Ethan clung to both his parents. "Dada!" he shrieked. "Mama!"

"And Jules," Julie said giggling.


"I don't think it was that bad," Hermione said nudging Harry hard in the ribs as he laughed at the memory.

"Oh come on it smelled in here for weeks!" Harry protested.

"It did not!" Hermione retorted. "And besides, Luna gave us those candles that really cleared up the smell..."

"Sure," Harry said, clearly amused.

"I'm just glad you never told anyone about that---" Hermione said. "Harry---you never told anyone, right? You promised..."

"I didn't have to," Harry said. "Ron told Cho and she told everyone else."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "You've done your share of embarrassing things, Potter."

"Not as many as you," Harry baited her.

"Okay, Mr. Cool," Hermione said laughing.

"Mr. Wonderful," Harry nudged her as they went into the sitting room.

"Lavender regrets ever giving you that name, you know," Hermione said.

"Why do you think I still use it?" Harry asked. "Makes her go mad nearly every time I say it."

"Speaking of Lavender," Hermione said grinning at him. "Do you remember when we came back from our honeymoon and she was here?"

"When wasn't she here?" Harry rolled his eyes.

"I know deep down you love her," Hermione said. "Though on that day..."


"No!" Harry exclaimed pulling his wife back from the door. "I have to carry you over the threshold..."

"But you did that already at the hotel on our wedding night," Hermione protested.

"But this is our home," Harry insisted.

Hermione grinned. "Okay, pick me up, husband."

"Welcome home Mrs. Potter," Harry said huskily as he gave her a kiss.

Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck and he picked her up. With his free hand, he opened the door and stepped over the threshold. They weren't in the house a few seconds before a shrill voice shouted out at them.


"What the hell!" Harry nearly dropped Hermione. "Lavender!"

Lavender giggled. "I'm so glad you guys are back! I have loads to tell you, Hermione. And I want to hear everything about the honeymoon. You two are so tanned! I must say I am surprised. I thought you were going to spend the entire honeymoon in your hotel room. Did you bring me anything?"

"Lav," Hermione said as Harry set her down. "Take a breath... what are you doing here?"

"Seamus is revising for his finals," Lavender said. "And he said I was getting on his nerves and he couldn't concentrate. Can you believe that?"

"Not at all," Harry deadpanned in a sarcastic voice.

"So I went over to Ron and Luna's, but Luna wasn't there and I spent the entire time watching Ron stuff his face," Lavender said rolling her eyes. "I don't know how Luna puts up with it."

Harry sent his wife a look as he retrieved their bags from the hall.

"And I remembered you two were coming home today," Lavender said linking arms with her cousin. "And I wanted to be the first to welcome you home. I put your post on the kitchen table."

"Thank you," Hermione said. "I do have something for you but I need to unpack first. Everything is so disorganised..."

Lavender gave her a hug. "You are positively glowing!"

"It's been an amazing two weeks," Hermione laughed.

"One big shagfest?" Lavender asked teasingly.

"One we were hoping to extend to our home," Harry said. "Now since we have company--"

Lavender laughed. "You had her to yourself for two weeks. She's my best friend and cousin and I've missed her."

"Why don't you help me unpack," Hermione said. "And I'll tell you all about it."

"Harry can make us some tea," Lavender said. "I did some shopping for you so you wouldn't have to."

"Let me get this straight," Harry said. "You want me to serve you tea?"

"And biscuits," Lavender said. "I stopped by this really nice bakery. I'll only have a couple though. I need to watch my figure."

"I would say so," Harry muttered, annoyed.

"That was really nice of Lavender, wasn't it, Harry?" Hermione asked him hoping to keep the peace.

Harry only shook his head and continued to mutter to himself.

"So what's been going on with you and Seamus?" Hermione asked as she led the way upstairs.

"Oh he's been so busy lately with school," Lavender waved a hand.

"He certainly is driven when it comes to that," Hermione said thoughtfully. "You have to respect him for that."

"I do," Lavender said. "I'm the same way with my designs."

"And you guys won't always be this busy," Hermione reassured her. "You just need to take time for each other every now and then."

"I know," Lavender said. "He's such a great guy. I'm so lucky."

"And he's lucky too," Hermione said smiling at her.

"I quite agree," Lavender beamed. "Now give me details Hermione!"

"What do you want to know?" Hermione asked, a dreamy expression coming over her face.

"Everything!" Lavender exclaimed.

"Well," Hermione began. "It was without a doubt the most beautiful and exotic place I've ever been. You should have seen the water, Lavender. It looked like---"

"I don't care about the bloody water!" Lavender exclaimed. "Give me the juicy details."

"Lav!" Hermione said. "You know I'm not going to go into that! Besides, it's not as if it was the first time."

"Not with you two," Lavender said laughing. "Did Mr. Wonderful do anything romantic?"

"Well," Hermione grinned. "The honeymoon suite at the hotel was amazing- he had music playing, and the whole place was lit by candlelight. And then the first night at the hotel on the islands he did the same thing, with champagne and all this fresh fruit..."

"Awwww," Lavender gushed.

"The whole time I felt like I never once touched the floor," Hermione laughed. "And we didn't leave the room until four days after we got there. I think housekeeping was about ready to kick us out."

Lavender giggled and urged Hermione to tell her more.

Nearly an hour later, Harry's patience had begun to wear thin. He'd gone through the post and sent an owl to Lupin to get the training schedule for the next week. What he really wanted to do was be alone with his wife, but he kept hearing Lavender's shrill laughter throughout the house.

"Come on," he muttered banging his fist on the counter. He didn't mind Lavender being there so much as sometimes she just didn't know when to leave.

As if someone was listening to him, he heard Hermione and Lavender's voices as they came downstairs.

"I love it," Lavender was saying to Hermione. "I'll never take this bracelet off."

"I'm glad," Hermione said. "I saw it and it practically had your name written all over it."

"Did you get me anything?" Lavender asked Harry as they came into the kitchen. At the look on his face, Lavender laughed and hit him playfully on the shoulder. "It's okay; I know the bracelet was from the two of you."

"Right," Harry mumbled, giving his wife a look.

"Lav, I'm sure you have better things to do than hang around here," Hermione said gently.

Lavender shook her head. "Not really. I mean Seamus is revising and Luna's at work. Cho's with the baby."

"Doesn't he need help drawing?" Harry said bluntly.

"It's for his exams," Lavender said plopping down on one of the chairs. "Not storyboards. I'm not needed."

Harry sighed in frustration and Hermione put her hand on his arm. "We probably need to go to the shops," she said.

"I already went for you, remember?" Lavender asked. "You have a well-stocked pantry and icebox."

"Great," Harry said sarcastically, going into the kitchen.

"He sure seems grumpy," Lavender remarked to Hermione.

"He's... tired," Hermione said. "We were planning on coming home to catch up on some sleep."

"Oh," Lavender said sheepishly. "Why didn't you say so? I should go so you can get a kip."

"We'll get together for lunch tomorrow," Hermione hugged her cousin.

"I'm so glad you're back," Lavender said smiling at her. "And you too, Harry!" she called over her shoulder.

"Leaving so soon?" Harry asked peeking inside the room.

"That's what you wanted isn't it?" Lavender returned before heading for the front door.

Hermione covered her mouth with her hand to keep from laughing.

"I never said that," Harry replied defensively.

"You didn't have to," Lavender said opening the door. "Go shag your wife, Harry. Ta-ta!"

"Finally," Harry said as the door closed behind her. "Doesn't she know when to take a hint?"

"Yes, but she also likes to drive you crazy," Hermione said laughing.

"And she does a good job," Harry rolled his eyes as Hermione wrapped her arms around him.

"So we should probably take a kip," Hermione said faking a yawn.

"No way," Harry said. "I've been stewing for the past hour."

"Anything I can do to help?" Hermione asked coyly.

"Why yes," Harry said, pushing her onto the sofa.

Hermione laughed. "We always seem to end up like this, don't we?"

"Two weeks of this wasn't enough for me," Harry said, kissing her.

"Yes, but now we'll have to deal with the real world again," Hermione said. "The honeymoon is over."

"Not until tomorrow," Harry slid his hand under her shirt.

"Very true," Hermione said grinning up at him.


Hermione leaned against her husband. "And as I remember, you were late for training the next morning and I missed out on registration."

Harry snorted with laughter. "Lupin was so pissed at me."

"But it was worth it," Hermione said.

"All time I spend with you is worth it," Harry nuzzled her ear.

"I hope Ethan and Maddie will be just as happy here as we were," Hermione said softly.

"I think they will be," Harry said. "The two of them are blindly in love like us."

"I can't believe my little boy is getting married," Hermione said. "I can still see him following you around when he was so little."

"Yeah," Harry said wistfully. "And Saffy will be next..."

"They all grew up way too fast," Hermione said. "Saffron Grace....our baby."

"I hate that she's dating," Harry said. "I mean, I like Andrew- he treats her like a queen. But I just don't like her growing up."

"And there's nothing we can do about it," Hermione said squeezing his hand. "She's a good girl, Harry."

"She is," Harry said. "We've raised three amazing kids Hermione."

"And we have two beautiful granddaughters," Hermione said.

"With more to come," Harry grinned.