Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Short chapter, we apologise… but we are setting up ;) For a big thing. That is coming soon. VERY soon… so no complaints ;) And love Emma this chapter, ok? And she wants you to review! REVIEW! ;)

Jon, Allie and their brood arrived at the Brighton beach house a little after one that afternoon. After having a quick lunch with Ron and Luna, Jon and Allie helped get the children settled in their rooms. Caroline was antsy to get on the beach and Adam was being fussy. Only Emma was being quiet, which was quite unlike her.

"Help me put away your things and you can go out on the beach," Allison told her daughter. "Emma?"

Emma looked over at her mother, her lower lip trembling.

"What is it, sweetheart?" Allison asked.

"Daddy left Ramona in the car!" Emma exclaimed, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Ramona?" Allison asked, confused.

"Can we get her out?" Emma asked, pleadingly. "She's scared by herself!"

"Is that one of your dolls, baby?" Allison asked.

"No," Emma shook her head. "She's my friend!"

Allison raised an eyebrow. "Your friend?"

Jon came into the bedroom and smiled at them. "I have Max all settled in the backyard---OW!"

Emma had walked over to him and kicked him in the leg.

"Emma!" Jon admonished. "You don't kick people! What did you do that for?"

"You left Ramona in the car!" Emma folded her arms.

Jon looked at his wife, who was just as lost as he was. "Em, who is Ramona?"

Emma wiped at her eyes. "She's Em's bestest friend like Han!"

Allison raised her eyebrow. It seemed her youngest daughter had conjured up an imaginary friend.

"What does she look like, Em?" Allison asked.

"Like me," Emma wiped her eyes. "But blonde hair."

"Oh," Jon said sharing a look with his wife. "Well, Em...I didn't mean to leave her in the car. I'll---I'll go and let her out."

Emma's tears stopped. "She might want ice cream."

"Don't tell me that she likes to eat as much as you do?" Jon teased.

Emma nodded.

Jon grinned and knelt down in front of her. "I'll go and get her but can you promise me that you're not going to go around kicking people anymore?"

"Okay Daddy," Emma agreed.

"That's my girl," Jon said giving her a hug. "I'll be right back with Ramona."

"When did you meet Ramona, Em?" Allison asked her daughter.

Emma looked thoughtfully at her mother. "At the park with you and Adam, member, Mummy?"

Allison thought for a moment and recalled Emma talking to no one as she played in the sandbox. "I see..."

"She's shy, like Sissy," Emma confided. "But she always talks to me."

"So you're bringing her out of her shell, are you?" Allison asked with a smile.

Emma nodded and walked over to where her mother was. She plopped down in Allison's lap. "She thinks you're the bestest cook, Mummy."

"Ramona sounds like a smart girl," Allison kissed the top of her head.

Emma beamed at Allison. "So Ramona can stay with us?"

"Sure she can, sweetheart." Allison answered.

Emma clapped her hands together and then gave Allison a hug.

Caroline came into the room holding on to Adam's hand. He'd just started walking and did much better when he was holding onto someone's hand. "I tried to help him, Mummy," Caroline said. "But he told me to go away."

"Adam," Allison leaned over and picked him up. "You better be nice to your big sister."

"Hmmph," Adam replied poking his lip out.

"You look just like your daddy when you do that," Allison said to her son.

Caroline giggled. "He does!"

"No," Adam shook his head.

Caroline mussed Emma's hair. "Are you feeling better, Em?"

"Daddy's bringing Ramona with him," Emma told her.

"Ramona?" Caroline asked.

"My bestest friend after Han," Emma explained.

"She is?" Caroline asked pulling a confused face.

Allison looked at her oldest daughter. "She's Em's special friend."

"Oh," Caroline caught on. "That's great, Em."

Emma nodded. "She's like you."

"Except she has blonde hair," Allison explained.

Caroline still looked a bit confused as Jon came back into the room.

"Here we are," Jon said. "Ramona and me."

"Ramona!" Emma squealed. "You're here!"

Caroline looked at her mother. "Em has an imaginary friend?"

Emma stamped her foot. "NOT IMAGINARY!"

Caroline jumped. She had thought Emma couldn't hear her. "Of course not imaginary, Em. I said that I imagine she's a good friend."

Emma relaxed. "Kay."

"Let's get you lot ready for the beach," Allison announced. "Starting with Mr. Fussy here."

"No!" Adam shook his head.

"Adam Jonathan," Allison said looking at him. "Don't you want to go down to the beach and play in the sand?"

"No," Adam replied.

"Come on, buddy," Jon said. "We're going to have fun. We can even bury your Mummy in the sand."

"Adam would never do that to me," Allison kissed his cheek. "Right, baby?"

"No," Adam repeated squirming in Allison's arms.

"I wonder if he needs a kip," Jon reached over and took him from Allison.

"He might," Allison said. "That trip up here might have taken a lot out of him."

"No kip," Adam shook his head vehemently.

"What do you want, mate?" Jon asked.

Adam just shook his head again.

"Adam, you have to go on the beach with Ramona, Sissy and me," Emma said.

"Beach," Adam tried out the word.

"That's my boy," Jon said proudly. "Good one, son."

"Da," Adam looked up at him. "Beach?"

Jon nodded. "Yeah, mate. Beach. You want to go?"

Adam nodded.

"Alright!" Jon exclaimed spinning him around. "Let's get you in your little swim trunks then."

"Come on Ramona!" Emma said. "We have to go get ready!"

"We'll leave you two to get ready," Allison said to Emma. "Unless you need some help getting dressed..."

"Em's a big girl," Emma said.

"Of course," Allison said giving her a kiss. "We'll be waiting for you and Ramona downstairs then."

"Kay Mummy," Emma reached for her little two piece swim costume.

Caroline followed her mother and father into the nursery. "When is everyone else getting here?"

"Pretty soon," Jon told her.

"I can't wait to see the triplets," Caroline grinned.

"They're getting so big," Allison replied wistfully. "Just like this guy."

"He looks more like Daddy every day," Caroline said as her baby brother crawled on the floor.

"Da!" Adam exclaimed with a toothy grin.

"Come here, little guy," Jon said scooping him up and tickling his side.

"Da! No!" Adam laughed.

"Adam," Jon laughed hoisting him over his shoulders.

"When did Emma get an imaginary friend, Mummy?" Caroline asked.

"I don't know, Angel." Allison was digging through the bag for Adam's swim trunks. "I'm sure it's just a phase she's going through."

"So we just have to pretend we see her too?" Caroline asked.

"Just humour her," Allison replied. "Your dad and I would appreciate it."

"Okay," Caroline promised.

"You should go get dressed," Allison said. "I'm sure when Ashley and Katie get here, they'll join us out there right away."

Caroline nodded and hurried out of the nursery.

"So what are we going to do about this Ramona?" Jon asked his wife.

"I think we should just let it play out," Allison replied thoughtfully.

Jon nodded. "All right."

"And what's this about burying me in the sand?" Allison asked handing him Adam's swim trunks. "Hmm? That's more your area."

"I had to get the attention off me somehow," Jon replied with a grin.

"There's a first," Allison laughed.

"Very funny Al," Jon said, giving her a kiss.

"Don't be too hard on your brother this time around either with Audrey," Allison told him.

"I like her too much to give him a hard time when she's around," Jon replied.

"You're growing up," Allison said smiling at him.

"Don't tell anyone," Jon joked.

"They'd never believe me," Allison said before giving him another kiss.

Downstairs, Nick and Julie had just arrived with Katie and Ashley.

"Let's go right out to the beach!" Katie exclaimed.

"You need to get unpacked first," Julie said.

"I can do that later," Katie argued.

"Katherine Rose," Nick warned. "You can do it now."

Katie crossed her arms and pouted.

"I'll help you," Ashley said. "That way we'll get finished faster. Come on, Katie."

"Fine," Katie grumbled, following her sister up the stairs.

Julie sighed and looked at Nick. "It's never easy."

Nick took her hand. "We've learned to deal."

"I hope Ethan and Maddie are okay," Julie said. "He's still taking that Dolohov thing hard."

"I know," Nick nodded. "What a bloody bastard- and the way they just let him manipulate the system!"

"It's so unfair," Julie said angrily. "He's walking around free and clear and we have to basically ward this place like a prison."

"I'm willing to bet he'll slip up somehow," Nick reassured her. "They'll put him back into Azkaban."

Julie hugged him tightly. "I hope so."

Nick kissed her. "I'm hoping to get some alone time with you while we're here."

"Of course," Julie said softly.

"Feels like it's been forever since we had a proper date," Nick said.

"It has," Julie agreed. "We should have a date night some time while we're here."

"Let's plan on it," Nick grinned at her.

Julie tilted her face up and Nick kissed her.

"Ugh," Katie said. "You guys never stop!"

Ashley laughed. "They're about as bad as Grandma and Grandpa."

"No one's as bad as them," Julie laughed.

"I thought I heard Malfoys down here," Jon said coming downstairs with Allie and Adam.

"We have arrived," Nick nodded. "We need to unpack and we'll be on the beach."

"How cute is he?" Julie asked looking at Adam in his little swim trunks and baseball cap.

"Cute," Adam echoed.

Julie laughed. "Yes, you are."

Upstairs, Katie and Caroline were chattering excitedly about the things they wanted to do during the stay in Brighton.

"I hope we can go the carnival again," Caroline said. "That's the best!"

"That was fun," Katie agreed. "And the arcade!"

"And going out on the boat," Caroline said. She looked at her friend. "Where did you get those sunglasses? Those are so cool!"

"My mum took me to the store yesterday and I saw them," Katie tossed back her hair.

"Those are really cool," Caroline said. "I wish I had a pair like them."

"Maybe we'll see some when we go into town," Katie replied.

"I hope so," Caroline said pulling a t-shirt over her swim costume. "I think I'm ready."

"Cool," Katie said. "Me too."

Caroline linked arms with Katie. "What should we do first, Kat?"

"I'm dying to go for a swim," Katie said, pleased to have her best friend all to herself. "And then, get a tan!"

"Ooh, you know what we can do?" Caroline asked excitedly. "What if we pretend that we're at a really nice spa!"

"Yeah," Katie agreed. "We can rub sand on our feet and pretend we're getting pedicures. And later we can paint our toes!"

"You can be the princess of England and I can be your lady in waiting!" Caroline exclaimed. "And we're at the bestest spa in the whole world."

"I definitely want to be the princess," Katie said with a grin.

Caroline giggled. "This is going to be so much fun!"

"Definitely," Katie agreed.

Emma came up behind them and tapped her sister on the shoulder. "Wait! Wait for Em and Ramona!"

Katie looked quizzically at Caroline. "Ramona?"

"She's Emma's bestest friend next to Hannah," Caroline explained. She looked to make sure Emma couldn't hear her before whispering to Katie that it was an imaginary friend.

"Oh," Katie nodded. "Okay then."

"Emma, do you want to play with Mum, Daddy and Adam or do you want to play with us?" Caroline asked. "We're going to play spa."

"Spa?" Emma asked. "What's spa?"

"Well, you remember that really fancy place where Aunt Frankie went to get her nails done and they gave her massages and stuff?" Caroline asked.

"Think so," Emma said.

"Well, it's kind of like that," Caroline said. "Katie's going to be the princess and we can be her ladies-in-waiting."

"What do I do?" Emma asked.

Katie grinned. "We just lay on the beach and put sand on our toes and do things like that."

"Kay," Emma said. "Ramona and Em want to play spa!"

"Let's go ladies," Katie said leading the way. When they reached Nick on the patio, she looked at her father. "Royal subject, please tell Princess Hannah to join us when she gets here."

"I beg your pardon?" Nick asked his daughter.

"Please?" Katie asked. "King Nicholas?"

"Of course, Princess," Nick realised they were playing and bowed. "At your service."

The other girls giggled before following Katie down the stairs. Julie and Allison were waiting for them and they set off for the beach.

Ashley joined her father on the patio.

"Did you get unpacked, Ash?" Nick asked putting his arm around her.

"Yes Daddy," Ashley replied.

"You think you might do one or two sketches while you're here?" Nick teased.

"More than one or two," Ashley grinned. "I just wish Zander and Brit were with me."

"Well, didn't you say that they had a relative that lives nearby?" Nick asked.

"Yeah," Ashley said.

"Maybe you'll see them," Nick reassured her.

"I hope so," Ashley said wistfully. "I really miss them."

"I'm glad you made two really good friends," Nick said smiling at her.

"They're my best friends ever," Ashley proclaimed.

"And you say this Zander is a good musician?" Nick asked.

"He plays piano almost as good as you," Ashley told him. "It's really amazing, Daddy."

"I'd like to hear him play sometime," Nick said.

"I'll ask him if he minds," Ashley replied.

"So, I take it you didn't want to play princess spa?" Nick asked with a grin.

Ashley rolled her eyes. "Not really."

"You can spend time with me," Nick said. He was basically waiting for the others to arrive.

"Okay," Ashley agreed with a grin.

Nick looked out at the surf and smiled. He liked being here and couldn't remember a single summer that he hadn't enjoyed in this house.

"Did you go to the beach a lot when you were a kid?" Ashley asked him.

"Not really," Nick answered.

"Did you ever go on any trips with your mum and dad?" Ashley asked.

"They were usually too busy to deal with me," Nick told his daughter. "That's why I was so glad to have Greta."

The idea of her father's parents being so cold and distant was still such a foreign concept to Ashley even though she had seen it with her own eyes.

"Uncle Ron said that my Grandma Ginny was once nice," Ashley commented. "And Nana Molly loves her."

"I never got to know her that way," Nick looked at his daughter.

"That's sad," Ashley said looking down at her lap. "I think she would have liked seeing Katie and me grow up."

"Maybe," Nick answered. "Guess we'll never know."'

"I think I might write to her," Ashley said thoughtfully. "Just to see..."

Nick didn't want his daughter to get her hopes up. "Ash--"

"She might not read it," Ashley interjected. "And that's fine, but I want to try."

"Just don't be too disappointed if you don't hear back," Nick told her gently. "You remember what happened when we went to Sydney, right?"

Ashley nodded. "They're my grandparents, too. I just think that they've missed out on quite a bit. "

"They have," Nick replied. "And it's their loss."

Ashley hugged her father. "I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too Ash," Nick kissed the top of her head. "And I am so proud of you."

"Thanks, Daddy," Ashley said hugging him tightly.

"Are you looking forward to your second year at Hogwarts?" Nick asked her.

Ashley nodded. "I really am. I love the castle and my professors and I get along with my roommates."

"I'm glad even Professor Snape likes you," Nick said with a grin.

"He said that your father was his favourite student," Ashley told him.

"Which amazes me," Nick muttered.

"Why's that?" Ashley asked curiously.

"Because he didn't like your mum or Aunt Saffy or Uncle Ethan," Nick answered.

"I think that's because he doesn't like Grandpa," Ashley said.

"That's a shame," Nick said. "Because your grandpa's a pretty cool guy."

"I like to think so," Harry said coming up behind them.

"Grandpa!" Ashley exclaimed.

"Hey you," Harry hugged his granddaughter. "Is it just me or did you get even taller than before?"

"You could be shrinking," Ashley said dryly.

"Very funny," Harry tousled her hair.

"Where's Saffy and Hermione?" Nick asked.

"Taking their things up to their rooms," Harry replied.

"And you didn't help?" Nick asked. "I thought you were a gentleman?"

"Of course I helped," Harry looked at his son in law indignantly.

"Uh-huh," Nick laughed. "Saffy probably carried everything herself."

"Maybe," Harry said sheepishly.

"Ash, why don't you go and see if your aunt needs any help?" Nick asked.

"Okay Dad," Ashley said, heading back inside.

Nick waited until his daughter was out of earshot. "Any leads on Dolohov?"

Harry shook his head. "He's lying low."

"How's Ethan?" Nick asked.

"Still not happy about it, but Maddie's at least got him convinced it wasn't his fault," Harry replied.

"That's good at least," Nick said. "Ron and Luna had everything set up when we got here. The wards are in place. Dolohov's not going to get in here."

Harry nodded. "I just hope we can enjoy ourselves."

"Of course we will," Nick said. "We'll just have to be a little more cautious when we're out on the beach is all."

"I'm going to have my eyes peeled the whole time," Harry replied, looking towards the ocean.

"We all will," Nick vowed. "This is our family."

Harry clapped him on the shoulder. "Good man, Nick."

Nick looked out on the beach where his youngest daughter was holding court over the other girls. Julie caught his eye and waved at him from where she was sitting with Allison and Jon underneath a beach umbrella with baby Adam.

"We'll join you in a minute," Harry said. "I'm going to go and check on Saffron and Hermione."

"Sounds good," Nick nodded.

Harry headed back inside and hurried upstairs. He heard his wife and daughter talking in Saffron's room.

"How long are we going to have to live like this though?" Saffron asked. "I am going to have to go to practises and matches. I can't have someone watching me every second of the day, Mum."

"Saffy, you're going to have to deal with it," Hermione told her. "This is for your safety."

Saffron sighed. "This would be a whole lot easier if we were just...normal people."

"Saffy--" Hermione began.

"I know," Saffron said sitting on the edge of the bed. "I didn't mean it like it sounded, Mum."

"I know you don't like this," Hermione appeased her. "But it's something you'll have to deal with, Saffron. Especially with a high profile career like Quidditch."

"And high profile parents," Saffron said quietly.

Hermione looked at her daughter but said nothing.

"Everything okay in here?" Harry asked, coming in and acting as if he hadn't heard every word of their conversation.

"Fine," Saffron said, throwing some clothing in a drawer. "I want to go out on the beach."

"Wait," Harry said. "We can go out together."

"I think I'm just going to lie down for awhile," Hermione said. "I'll see you all later."

"Mum," Saffron said. "I'm sorry about what I said earlier."

Hermione just nodded before leaving the room.

Saffron sighed. "I'm just going to go and join the others downstairs, Dad."

"Wait a minute," Harry said. "What's your mother so upset about?"

"I stuck my foot in my mouth again," Saffron said quietly.

Harry nodded. "You know your mother would give everything up to keep you safe, don't you?"

Saffron nodded. "I know."

"It would be nice if you apologised," Harry said. "I won't force you to, because you're an adult now. But you should know when to keep comments to yourself."

"I'll go and talk to her," Saffron said.

"That's my girl," Harry said.

Saffron walked past her father and across the hall to where her mother's room was. She knocked gently on the door. "Mum?"

"Come in," Hermione said.

"Hi," Saffron said quietly.

Hermione looked at her but didn't say anything.

"Sometimes I have the habit of only thinking about myself and how things affect me," Saffron began. "I know that you and Dad would do anything to protect us."

Hermione nodded. "Of course we would." she patted the spot next to her.

Saffron sat down and rested her head on her mother's shoulder. "It's not always easy, but I wouldn't trade being your daughter for anything in the world."

Hermione smiled. "Thank you, sweetheart."

"I never meant to hurt your feelings," Saffron said giving her mother a hug.

Hermione hugged her back. "You're growing up, Saffy."

"Eighteen's a good time to start, don't you think?" Saffron asked with a grin.

"Better late than never," Hermione smiled. "So are we going to the beach or what?"

"Absolutely," Saffron said.

"Let's get some sun," Hermione reached for her swim costume.

Saffron looked at her mother. "Mum, you're always so brave."

"You think so?" Hermione asked. "I suppose I am, to wear this."

Saffron shook her head. "You are brave in the face of all of this. I mean that psychopath is free after plotting to kill you and you're still going along like you usually do."

"I have no choice," Hermione shrugged.

"I want to be just like you when I grow up," Saffron said with a grin.

"If you grow up," Hermione teased.

"Very funny," Saffron said nudging her mother. "I'll let you get dressed."

"We'll meet you downstairs," Hermione said.

Saffron gave her mother one last hug before leaving the room.

She put her bikini on, wondering when Alexa and Gabriel would be arriving.

The alone time also had her wondering what Sean was doing. It would two more days before he would arrive with his parents.

She missed him, but she still wasn't sure how far she wanted to go with him.

Saffron hoped that he would be patient and understanding. He'd said he would, but she could tell he was getting frustrated.

And as much as she hated to admit it, even to herself, her feelings for Andrew had not gone away.