Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: We know some of you were disappointed with the RJ and Saffron's decision to remain just friends. But don't feel to bad for the youngest Weasley and youngest Potter. You will also get to know Saffron's best friend Alexa O'Leary very well in this chapter. We hope that you like her, too!

As always, please let us know what you think!

"I'm so glad you're staying here on weekends now," Alexa told Saffron as they walked out of the sweet shop. Despite the cold, they were both enjoying being out of the castle and taking in the sights of Hogsmeade. "It was so boring without you."

Saffron grinned. "Well I wouldn't have missed a Hogsmeade weekend." she said. "And my grandfather is doing so much better."

"Not that I didn't have fun with Mimi and Beth," Alexa said referring to their dorm mates. "But they're not you, you know?"

"Don't I know it," she replied boastfully. "There's only one Saffron Grace!"

Alexa rolled her eyes. "I don't think the world could take two of you, Saffy."

"Tell me something I don't know," R.J. had snuck up behind them. "What's up Saffy? Hey Lex." he grinned at the girls.

Alexa felt her stomach do little somersaults and she tried not to seem too excited to see him. This was the first time they'd all three been together since she'd seen him and Saffron in the common room.

"You scared us half to death," Saffron said swatting him on the arm.

"Sorry," R.J. said not sounding very sorry at all. "Buy me anything?" he reached for Saffron's sweets bag.

Saffron pulled it away from him. "No, I most certainly didn't. This is for me. You are fully capable of buying things for yourself, aren't you?"

"You can have some of mine," Alexa said shyly opening up her bag. "I got way too much anyway. I was thinking of sending some home to my mum, but she's on a diet so she probably wouldn't appreciate that...."

Her voice trailed off as she realised she'd been babbling.

"That's nice of you," R.J. smiled at her. "How would you girls like a butterbeer?"

"Are you buying?" Saffron asked.

He reached into his pocket and felt for some Galleons. "Sure," he replied. "Besides, I need you two to do me a favour."

"What sort of favour?" Saffron asked folding her arms.

"Christina's been hanging around all day," R.J. said. "I was sort of hoping if you two went in with me she'd get the hint I don't want to go out with her anymore."

"I thought you broke things off with her?" Saffron asked. "How much more of a hint does she need?"

"Apparently a pretty big one," R.J. said sheepishly. "What do you guys say?"

"I guess that'd be fine," Saffron said, giving her friend a wicked glance. "What do you think Lex?"

"Sure," Alexa replied not noticing Saffron's look since she was still nervous in R.J.'s presence.

Saffron knew her friend didn't want her to say anything but she wanted to give them a moment alone together. "You know what? I can't find my money bag- I wonder if I left it at Honeydukes. Why don't you both go on ahead and I'll meet you there in a minute?"

"What?" Alexa asked. "We could wait for you, Saffy...."

"We'd better go ahead Lex," R.J. said taking her hand. "It was pretty crowded in there when I walked by before. We could go and grab a table."

Alexa stood frozen for a moment, looking at her hand in R.J.'s. "O--okay..." she said, her stomach fluttering madly.

Saffron grinned. "I'll catch up with you."

R.J. had always liked Alexa, but she always seemed quiet in his presence. "So what's new with you? How were your holidays?"

"Oh they were really nice," Alexa replied trying very hard not to sound like an idiot. She'd never really been alone with him like this. And she honestly didn't think Christina would be all that threatened to see R.J. walk in with her. She'd probably laugh her head off. "My.. um... parents and I went to my grandfather's in Devonshire. He loves hearing stories about magic and Hogwarts and such..."

"Is he a Muggle?" R.J. asked, opening the door for her.

Alexa nodded and walked past him. "My whole family is, except for me."

"Everyone I know is a witch or wizard," R.J. said, putting his arm around her. "Sorry- you don't mind do you? She's staring right at me as we speak."

"N-no it's f-fine," she stammered. "I don't mind at all."

"I owe you one," R.J. said gratefully as they slid into a recently used corner booth.

Alexa nearly died when he started to run his fingers through her hair. "W-what are you doing?" she asked.

"Making it look authentic," R.J. said, grinning at her.

"Oh," was all she could say. "Okay..."

R.J. groaned as he saw Christina making her way over toward them.

"Hi Junior!" Christina said warmly. "I guess you didn't see us when you came in. I saved you a seat!"

"I'm busy," R.J. said. "And my name isn't Junior."

"Busy with who?" Christina asked looking disdainfully at Alexa. "With her? Isn't she a first year?"

"Fourth," R.J. said. "I don't want to keep you Christina."

"You're not keeping me," Christina said with a wave of her hand. "I always enjoy meeting new people. You're Saffron Potter's sidekick, aren't you?"

"I'm no one's sidekick," Alexa said as R.J. squeezed her hand.

Christina rolled her eyes. "Okay, well R.J. you know where we are, if you change your mind."

"I won't," R.J. said kissing Alexa on the forehead. "I'm right where I want to be, Chris."

Christina looked like she wanted to protest as she stared at the two of them.

"Bye now," R.J. said to Christina, pulling Alexa closer.

As stunned as she was at being so close to R.J., Alexa managed a little smirk at the older girl.

Christina gave them one last glare before stalking back to her own friends.

"That was brilliant!" R.J. exclaimed hugging Alexa. "You were brilliant!"

Alexa managed a shaky laugh. "All in a day's work." she joked.

R.J. grinned at her and handed her a menu. "Order anything you want, Lex. I mean it. The sky's the limit."

"I'll just have a butterbeer," Alexa said, feeling shy once more. Part of her wished Saffron would get there and the other part was elated at spending time with R.J. like this.

"Come on," he said nudging her. "You don't want a scone or a muffin? Come on, you know you want to."

Alexa wasn't sure if she could eat anything with the butterflies currently flitting around in her stomach. "I'll have a scone if you'll split it with me." she said.

"Now you're talking," R.J. grinned at her. He motioned for a waitress and placed an order of three butterbeers and two scones. One for him and Alexa and the other for Saffron.

"Saf sure is taking a long time with her money bag," R.J. commented.

"She probably saw something in the bookshop," Alexa replied. "You know how she is with reading."

R.J. laughed. "She's obsessed just like her mum."

"Except she loves Quidditch," Alexa smiled. Everyone knew of the Minister's dislike of flying.

"How could you not?" R.J. asked. He looked at Alexa. "I've never seen you fly before, Lex. Do you?"

"Sometimes," Alexa replied, her cheeks pink. "Not very often. I hate using the school brooms and I don't have one of my own."

"I got a new racing broom for Christmas," R.J. told her. "You're welcome to use my old one if you want. And I'd be willing to offer you some pointers if you want..."

"You'd do that?" Alexa asked in surprise.

R.J. shrugged. "After what you did for me today? Of course!"

"I didn't really do anything," Alexa murmured, looking at her lap.

"Are you kidding me?" he asked her tilting her chin up so she'd look at him. "Alexa, you saved me from having to endure another few weeks of Christina."

Alexa wasn't able to speak being so close to him.

"I'm pretty busy with practises and lessons, but maybe we could go out on the pitch on Sunday. It's usually deserted."

"Okay," she whispered.

"Good," R.J. said smiling at her. "You have a quite a smile Lex."

"It's these dumb braces," Alexa shook her head. "I can't wait to get them off."

"I like your braces," he told her.

"You must be the only one," she laughed self consciously.

"I doubt that," R.J. said. He watched as she pushed some of her hair behind her ear. "You do that a lot when you're nervous."

"Who said I'm nervous?" Alexa asked.

"You're not?" he asked raising an eyebrow. "Because I seem to remember you trying to give that speech in the common room and you kept tucking and untucking your hair behind your ears. Saffy told me you did that when you were nervous."

Alexa didn't know what to say. "I didn't think anyone was paying attention to that."

"You'd be surprised to what I pay attention to," he said softly. Alexa looked at him wanting to ask him what that meant when Saffron made her return.

She plopped down across from them. "Sorry about that! What'd I miss?"

"Your favourite Ravenclaw," R.J. replied. "She came over here and Lex was awesome."

"Of course she was!" Saffron exclaimed beaming at her friend. "She's brilliant!"

"Quite," R.J. said as their butterbeer and scones were brought over to them.

"Oh this looks fantastic," Saffron said looking eagerly at her scone. "And you two better tell me all the details I don't want you to leave anything out!"

"I'll let Lex start," R.J. said. "I need to go and ask Andrew when we're practising. Be right back..."

"Spill!" Saffron hissed once R.J. was out of earshot. "Did you two snog or something?"

Alexa blushed. "No, of course not! He was just using me to make Christina jealous. You should have seen the look on her face, Saffy! Hold didn't really lose your money bag, did you? Saffy!"

"You can't be angry with me!" Saffron said. "It looked like you two were having quite a serious moment when I walked up."

"He sort of offered to help me with flying," Alexa said softly. "But I'm sure he was just saying it."

Saffron's eyes widened. "He offered?"

Alexa nodded. "But I know he didn't mean it."

Saffron was still staring at her with wide eyes. "I asked him a few years ago for some pointers and he wouldn't help me. And he offered to help you! I think he really meant it Lex!"

"Really?" Alexa asked hopefully. "You're not just saying that?"

"I swear it!" Saffron said with a huge grin.

Alexa grinned and then told Saffron about the scene with Christina. "She was absolutely livid."

"Good," Saffron giggled as R.J. came back. "I don't know how you dated her. She's such a bloody--"

"Can we please not talk about her," R.J. said sliding back in beside Alexa.

"Fine," Saffron said. "So you're giving Alexa flying lessons aye?"

Alexa turned bright red and kicked Saffron's leg under the table.

"Aye," R.J. said taking his knife and slicing the scone in half. "It's the least I could do after what she did for me."

"You can use my broom if you want," Saffron offered her friend.

"That old thing?" R.J. asked. "Don't worry Saf. I told Lex she could use my old one."

"My broom is NOT an old thing," Saffron said indignantly.

"Whatever," R.J. said. "You're welcome to join us tomorrow if you want..."

"I don't need flying lessons," Saffron boasted. "I'm good already. My dad's the best teacher ever."

"And you're so modest too," Alexa joked.

"My best quality," Saffron laughed.

"So what time's good for you Lex?" R.J. asked. "We could go out after lunch?"

"She'd love to!" Saffron answered before Alexa could.

"After lunch is fine," Alexa said, shooting Saffron a dirty look.

"Great," R.J. said smiling at her. He pushed the plate in her direction. "You better have some of this..."

"Thanks," Alexa said shyly.

"That is so adorable," Saffron said looking at the two of them. R.J. raised an eyebrow. "What is?"

"That guy over there," Saffron covered quickly. "He just walked out though."

R.J. laughed. "Perhaps you've been out in the cold too long, Saf. You're starting to hallucinate."

Saffron shot him a dirty look. "Sod off R.J.."

Alexa could only manage a couple of bites of the scone and R.J. happily finished off the rest. She couldn't believe that tomorrow afternoon she'd be alone with him again. It was stupid to think anything would happen, but she couldn't help being a little hopeful that perhaps something would.

*** *** ***

Alexa could barely eat that day at lunch. In under an hour, she'd be out on the Quidditch pitch with R.J. Weasley. Alone.

"You're going to have so much fun," Saffron was saying. "I'm really excited for you Lex."

"I feel like I'm going to be sick," Alexa said. "What if he doesn't show up?"

"He's never missed a meal as long as I've known him," Saffron said reassuringly. "And then you'll walk out there from here."

"What if I do something stupid like fall off my broom?" Alexa asked picturing every worst case scenario. "What if I trip and fall in a pool of mud? It did rain last night."

"You'll be fine," Saffron said. "R.J. won't let anything happen to you."

"You're right," Alexa said taking a deep breath. "It's just one flying lesson."

"Which might turn into more," Saffron said slyly.

"Maybe if I suddenly turned into Christina," Alexa said morosely pushing her plate away.

"You are so much better than that thing," Saffron said.

"I still can't believe what you did yesterday," Alexa said shaking her head. "I didn't mean to kick you, but honestly!"

"And if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be going out with R.J. this afternoon," Saffron said smugly.

"We're not going out," Alexa corrected. "It's more of a lesson. You make it sound like we're going to the movies."

"Maybe once we get out for summer hols," Saffron said as R.J. appeared in the Great Hall. "Look who's here!" she grinned.

"Don't embarrass me," Alexa pleaded. "Promise me!"

"I won't say a word," Saffron rolled her eyes.

R.J. sat down beside Saffron and pulled at one of her plaits. "You two are so lucky I'm awake. I usually spend Sundays having a long lie in."

"And you're gracing us with your presence, how lucky are we?" Saffron said sarcastically.

"Very lucky," he said helping himself to some waffles. He grinned across the table at Alexa. "You remembered!"

"I actually saved them from breakfast," Alexa said. "Had one of the house elves keep them warm for you."

R.J. looked at Saffron. "Didn't I tell you she was brilliant?"

Saffron grinned at Alexa. "You did and I agree!" she got up. "Well I've really got to go to the library. I have an essay to finish."

R.J. gave her a polite nod and poured some maple syrup on his waffles. He noticed that Alexa hadn't eaten much. "What's wrong? Not hungry?"

"I ate a lot at breakfast," Alexa lied.

"I hope you don't get sick when we're up in the air," he said. "Do you know my brother Jon once taught this bloke who threw up all over him when they were only a couple feet off the ground?"

Alexa laughed. "That's horrible!" she said with a giggle.

"You should hear some of the horror stories he has," R.J. said.

"I bet they're all pretty funny," Alexa said, feeling a little more at ease. "But don't worry about me. I don't get sick when I'm flying."

"Then you and I should get along great," he said grinning at her.

"Right," Alexa smiled back.

"So since you're not a big flyer," R.J. said. "What do you like to do for fun?"

"Um," Alexa bit her lower lip. "I like to read, when I'm home I watch telly and go out with my Muggle friends."

"Do they know about you?" R.J. asked. "I mean what you are?"

"No," Alexa said as R.J. finished his waffles. "I just tell them I'm up at a boarding school."

"Must be kind of hard to keep it a secret," R.J. said. "Not being able to share that with your friends."

"That's why I'm glad I have Saffy," Alexa grinned.

"She's not that bad," R.J. said with a laugh. "She's a good friend."

"She is," Alexa said as they got up.

R.J. explained that he'd left his brooms in the changing room on Friday so they'd just have to walk out to the pitch.

He smiled when he watched her tuck her hair behind her ear. "You don't have to be nervous Lex. I wouldn't let anything happen to you. We'll take things nice and easy."

"I'm not nervous," she said wryly. "I have flown before."

He nodded and led the way out of the castle. "We couldn't have asked for a better day. I was a little worried when it rained last night, but it's really nice out today."

"Yeah it is, especially for being so early in the year." Alexa said, reaching in her pocket for a hair tie.

"So I was figuring we'd just do some of the basics today," he said. "Do a little refresher of some of the stuff you learned during your first year but expand on it a bit."

"I remember most of it," Alexa said as they arrived at the pitch. "So we don't have to do too much refresher."

"Okay," R.J. said impressed. "Well, how about we go up together first and then we'll let you try it on your own?"

"All right," Alexa agreed.

R.J. excused himself to go and get the brooms and Alexa sat down on one of the benches.

She closed her eyes a moment and hoped against hope that this lesson would go well. She was more nervous about being alone with R.J. all afternoon than she was about flying.

A few moments later R.J. came back carrying both brooms. He watched unnoticed as she tied her red hair back. He'd never thought about it before, but Alexa was quite pretty in a natural sort of way. It was quite different to be with her without Saffron as a buffer, but he was finding that he did enjoy her company.

Alexa turned at that moment and caught him watching her. "Are we ready?" she asked awkwardly, standing up.

"Um sure," R.J. said setting one of the brooms down. "I'll just get on first and then you get on in front."

"You want us to ride together?" Alexa squeaked, hating how high her voice had just gone.

R.J. nodded. "I thought it would be best. You could see how to handle the broom and I'd be right behind you. Then once we've done a few turns, I'll let you try it by yourself. That's okay, isn't it?"

"Sure," Alexa nodded, barely able to breathe. It was even worse once they were actually on the broom and his arms were encircled around her.

"Relax," he teased. "You're really tense. This is supposed to be fun."

"I know," Alexa said nervously. She reached up to tuck her hair back but it was already out of her eyes. "Okay... um..."

"Okay," he said taking her hands and positioning them on the broomstick. "Okay, there you go. And on the count of three, you're going to want to push off the ground, okay?"

"Right," Alexa replied, doing just as he said.

"Okay," R.J. said putting his hands on her waist. "One...two....three...go!"

Alexa pushed off the ground and they immediately soared up into the air, above the Quidditch pitch.

R.J. smiled when he heard Alexa laugh. "See, this is fun right?"

"I love it up here!" she called back.

"You're a natural!" he said in her ear.

"Thanks," Alexa laughed as she pulled up and they went higher.

He was quite impressed with her ability. She was much better than he'd imagined and best of all, she didn't seem to be afraid of heights.

"Is this how you always feel?" she yelled over the wind in their ears. "When you're up here by yourself?"

"Yes," he replied. "I never want to come back down."

"That's sort of how I feel right now," Alexa said, both because she was enjoying the sensation of flying and having him on the broom with her.

She leaned back against him and he smelled the sweet scent of her shampoo. As soon as the thoughts entered his head, he tried to make them go away. Alexa was his friend. She was Saffy's best friend. This probably wasn't a good idea.

"This is amazing," she said.

"Amazing," he repeated softly.

Alexa did a few loops then headed them back towards the ground. "Um... R.J.?" she called back.

"Yeah?" he asked absently.

"This is probably a good time for me to mention that I'm not so good at landings!"

"Oh," he said quickly. He reached around her waist to position his hands on hers. "Okay, ease up on your grip....and keep heading toward the ground...there you go. See, we're slowing down..."

"We won't crash right?" Alexa asked worriedly.

"We won't crash," he promised guiding her along. "There you go....."

They landed with a soft thump and she finally relaxed her grip on the broomstick. "That wasn't so bad," she said. "I should have told you before we went up that I don't do landings all too well."

R.J. smiled but didn't move. He felt an overwhelming urge to kiss her. "You were fine, Lexie."

"Really?" she asked, suddenly feeling breathless again. They were close- very, very close.

R.J. nodded, his eyes trained on hers. "Really."

"Thanks," she whispered.

"Lex," he said softly. "I'd really like to kiss you right now."

Alexa gulped. "You would?" her voice had gone squeaky again.

"Would that be okay?" he asked.

Her voice was completely gone so she nodded wordlessly.

R.J. smiled at her before pressing his lips to hers.

Alexa could hardly believe this was happening. She was kissing R.J. Weasley. R.J. Weasley was kissing her.

R.J. pulled her even closer deepening the kiss. Flying wasn't the only thing she was a natural at, he thought.

She didn't think he could surprise her any more than he already had, but a moment later when he opened her mouth under his, she actually felt like she was back in the air on the broom with him.

This wasn't what he'd planned when he'd offered to take her flying. Truth be told, he'd never seen her as anything but a friend. But spending time alone with her yesterday and today made him think that he should have been paying more attention to the sweet, shy girl who was in his arms right now.

"R.J...." Alexa said softly when they pulled apart. "I uh..." she blushed.

"I got a little carried away," he apologised. "I'm sorry."

"No it was okay," she whispered. "I just wasn't expecting that to happen. Ever." Alexa giggled self consciously.

"Why not?" he asked. He wondered if Saffron had told her about what had happened between them. He figured she had seeing as they were best friends and girls did stuff like that.

"I guess... I guess I never thought you'd ever see me as anything but Saffy's best friend." Alexa said as he took her hand and led her over to the side of the field where they could sit down.

"I won't lie to you Lex," he said still holding her hand. "That is the way I've always seen you."

"And that's suddenly changed?" she asked, tucking her hair behind her ears with her free hand.

He smiled. "We've never been alone together, have we? Just the two of us? Saf's always been there. But yesterday when it was just you and me, it was just different. And being up there with you just now..."

"It was nice," Alexa said shyly.

"Just nice?" he asked tickling her side.

"It was my first kiss," Alexa laughed.

"So you have nothing to compare it to, eh?" he teased.

"Not yet," Alexa said with a smile.

"You're not going to start snogging random blokes now?" he asked. "Going up to unsuspecting fourth years and planting one on them?"

"No!" she laughed. "R.J.!"

"Good," he said leaning in and kissing her again. "Because I wouldn't like that."

This time Alexa wasn't so surprised when he kissed her, and she responded in kind, winding her arms around his neck.

They stayed out there on the bench for what seemed like forever neither of them noticing or caring what time it was. R.J. found out more about her family and her friends back home and he told her about his family and how he someday wanted to play Quidditch professionally.

"How long have we been out here?" R.J. asked when he noticed that the sun was now setting.

"Since lunch!" Alexa looked at her watch. "I think we've missed dinner too."

"If we hurry we might just make it," he said. "At least we could grab something and take it back to the common room. I have some reading I have to do for Charms."

"I have some studying to do as well," Alexa agreed. "But if you're hungry- I know a way into the kitchens."

R.J. put his arm around her. "Lex, I'm a Weasley. If there's one thing I know, it's how to get into the kitchens."

"Of course," Alexa grinned up at him. "How silly of me to forget."

He kissed her on the forehead. "Let me just go and put the brooms away and we can head on back."

"All right," Alexa agreed as he headed into the changing rooms. She pulled her cloak tighter around her while she waited for him.

R.J. wondered if perhaps he should address the Saffron situation with Alexa. But, they'd had a really great day and he didn't want to put a damper on it now. He was pretty sure that if Saffron had told Alexa about their kiss, Saffron probably would have also told her about their mutual decision to remain just friends.

"Ready to go?" he asked offering her his hand.

"Sure," Alexa said, weaving their fingers together and smiling at him. She wasn't quite sure where they stood in terms of a friendship or relationship and she wasn't certain how to bring that sort of thing up.

"This was the best day I've had in quite some time," he said looking sideways at her.

"Me too," she agreed.

He wanted to see her again, but he wasn't sure how they would go about doing it. They didn't have another Hogsmeade weekend for at least another month. This week promised to be a bear for him as well since they had a big match against Ravenclaw this weekend. Then, it came to him.

"Are you going to the match on Saturday?" he asked trying to sound cool.

"I usually go with Saffy," Alexa replied.

R.J. nodded. "Well, I was wondering, if you weren't busy or anything if you might want to do something. You know, just the two of us after the match?"

If her heart could beat any faster R.J. would most likely be able to see it through her robes and cloak. "I'd like that," she managed to keep her voice from squeaking.

"Good," he said smiling at her. "I'll see what I can sort out for us."

Back at the castle, Saffron was pacing in front of her bed looking at her watch. They'd been gone all day.

"Do you mind?" Mimi asked with a sigh. "I'm trying to study!"

"Sorry," Saffron said, not sounding sorry at all.

"What are you so antsy for anyway?" Beth asked curiously. "You've been looking at your watch. Then, you've looked out the window. Are you expecting an owl or something?"

"Something like that," Saffron muttered. "Why are you two so nosy tonight?"

"I'm not being nosy," Mimi said defensively. "I'm trying to study but you keep stalking around and it's breaking my concentration..."

Saffron rolled her eyes. "As opposed to when I'm studying and you two are laughing over Witch Weekly?"

"Please," Beth said. "Saffy, you don't have to study. You have a photogenic memory or something."

Saffron perched on the edge of her bed. She hoped that Filch hadn't caught them- technically neither of her friends were doing anything wrong but Filch was notorious for making up rules on the spot for the specific purpose of punishing students.

Beth and Mimi decided to retreat to the common room to finish their studying. It was nearly a half hour later before Saffron heard the door open again.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Saffron asked rounding on Alexa immediately.

"Whoa!" Alexa said, biting her lip at her friend's expression. "Have you traded places with my mum or something?"

"Don't you be coy with me, Alexa!" Saffron said pointing her finger at her. "You were gone all afternoon. You missed dinner. And you very nearly missed curfew. Where have you been, young lady?"

Alexa grinned. "Take a wild guess!"

Saffron squealed. "You were with R.J. the whole time?"

"Uh huh," Alexa laughed as Saffron dragged her over to her bed. "I suppose you want details?"

"Duh," Saffron said grabbing her pillow and hugging it tightly to her. "Every single, solitary detail. You must leave nothing out."

Alexa peeled off her cloak and tossed it onto her own bed. "Well first, we actually did go flying, for about a half hour."

"And how was that?" Saffron asked. "You didn't fall off your broom did you?"

"No, he stayed on it with me the whole time," Alexa wrapped her arms around herself. "And then after we got off-" she leaned in and whispered. "He kissed me."

"He did?" Saffron asked. "Lex!"

Alexa nodded excitedly. "And then we talked all afternoon, and he asked me if I wanted to do something with him after the game next Saturday."

"He so fancies you," Saffron said grinning at her friend.

"I can't believe this," Alexa said, getting up to get her pyjamas on. "I mean, a day ago I just thought he was going to show me a few flying tricks and today you're telling me he fancies me. I never thought this would happen."

"You don't give yourself enough credit," Saffron told her. "You're great, Lex. And it was only a matter of time before R.J. saw that too."

"Thanks Saffy," Alexa gave her best friend a grateful hug.

"And you owe it all to me," Saffron said smugly. "You and R.J. can name your firstborn after me."

Alexa laughed. "Don't get ahead of yourself. We just snogged a bit- we haven't even gone on our first date yet!"

"A mere technicality," Saffron said dismissively.

"For all I know you'll be off owling your aunt to make me some wedding robes," Alexa joked.

"It's much to early for that," Saffron said grinning at her. "And I imagine your parents would want you in a wedding dress anyway, which my aunt can also design..."

"Saffy!" Alexa squealed, hitting her friend with a pillow.

"I'll be your maid of honour," Saffron continued.

"What are you two talking about?" Mimi asked coming back into the room with Beth. "I could hear you on the staircase!"

"Alexa's going out with R.J.!" Saffron crowed.

Alexa glared at Saffron. "Saffy!"

"R.J. Weasley?" Mimi asked. "Really?"

"Yeah," Alexa said, growing shy again. "Well we're going to do something after the game next weekend, so it's not like a real date."

"He asked you out didn't he?" Mimi asked. "That's a date if I ever heard of one."

"You're going out with a sixth year!" Beth said sinking down on Alexa's bed. "You are so lucky!"

"Well we're fourth years," Saffron said. "It's about time those guys started noticing us!"

"Damn straight!" Mimi agreed enthusiastically. "I cannot wait to see the look on Christina the Depravenclaw's face when she hears about this!"

"It's going to be so great when she hears about this!" Beth joined in. "I absolutely cannot STAND that girl!"

"I'd like to know how she got into Ravenclaw," Saffron said. "She has a brain the size of a pea."

"She must have fooled the Sorting Hat somehow," Alexa said, combing through her red curls with her fingers.

"She'd have made a better Slytherin," Mimi said dryly.

"Nah," Saffron's eyes glinted. "She's total Hufflepuff material."

Alexa giggled. "She is, isn't she?"

"Totally," Saffron said, flopping on her bed. "She's so..."

"Bitchy?" Beth suggested.

"Doesn't do her enough justice," Mimi said shaking her head.

"I don't think there are derogatory enough words," Saffron announced cattily.

Alexa got serious for a moment. "Don't you two say anything, okay? I still don't know what R.J. and I have if we have anything at all. I don't want to ruin it before it even begins."

Mimi and Beth looked at each other. "Okay," they both agreed.

"Thanks," Alexa said smiling at them, hoping that she could trust them. Mimi and Beth loved to spread and share gossip.

"And I reserve the right to hex you both if you say anything," Saffron narrowed her eyes at them.

"We won't say anything," Mimi promised.

Saffron grinned at her best friend. She was really happy for her- especially now that she knew her own feelings for R.J. were strictly friends only.

"Good night Saffy," Alexa said slipping under her covers.

"Night Lex," Saffron said. "Hope you have sweet dreams about R.J.."

Alexa smiled wondering if perhaps R.J. Weasley was in his bed at this very moment having sweet dreams about her.

*** *** ***

Ethan let himself into the flat looking forward to spending a nice, relaxing evening at home with Maddie. He'd had a terrible day. He and Justin had missed an important lead and had almost blown a case. His father tried to tell him it was okay and that everyone made mistakes, Ethan could tell he was disappointed. But that was nothing compared to how Ethan felt.

He took off his cloak and called out for his girlfriend. He knew she was home because her own cloak and bag were on the coat rack.

"Mads?" he called out again. "I'm home!"

Maddie heard Ethan come in and grabbed her already soggy tissue and dabbed at her eyes. "I'm in here," she called softly.

"You wouldn't believe the day..." Ethan started to say but he stopped in the walkway when he saw how dark the flat was. Maddie was curled up in a ball on the sofa. "Mads?"

Maddie looked up and at the concerned look on his face burst into tears again.

Ethan quickly walked over to her. "Maddie, sweetheart...what is it?"

"Oh Ethan," Maddie reached for him. "It was so awful."

He wrapped her up in his arms wondering what could have her in such a state. "Did something happen?"

She nodded into his shoulder. "You know how last summer I always said I was scared of the day when I had a vision and I couldn't help in time? It happened today."

Ethan patted her back. "Oh, Maddie. What happened?"

"It was a guy in Manchester," Maddie said, her voice quavering. "He was getting beaten up by some men in robes- I couldn't see any of their faces. It took them hours to track down the location and by then... it was too late." she sobbed. "I should have tried harder to get more details. I should have tried harder to figure out where he was so I could have saved him!"

Ethan hadn't seen her like this since that day on the beach in Brighton. "Maddie, you did everything you could."

"But I could have done more," she insisted.

Ethan hugged her tightly. "Sweetheart, you're still learning. This is all still so new to you. You're not going to be able to save everyone."

Maddie didn't reply for a moment. "Will you just hold me?" she asked quietly.

"Of course," he whispered wishing he could do something more. He hated to see her like this.

"Smythe told me I shouldn't take this so personal," Maddie admitted several minutes later as she wiped at her eyes again. "But I just can't help it. Someone died today and I saw it happen- and I couldn't stop it from happening."

Ethan nodded. "I know it couldn't have been easy. Mads, you have the biggest heart of anyone I know."

"Sometimes a blessing, sometimes a curse," Maddie said dryly. "Today it was the biggest curse imaginable."

"I don't know what this could have been like for you," he said softly. "I remember when I was a kid and I wanted to hear my dad talk about what he'd done to defeat Voldemort. To this day, he feels guilty for those people he couldn't save, Maddie."

"Really?" she asked, dabbing at her eyes again.

Ethan nodded. "But you know my dad's only human. And so are you."

"Your dad's done so much," Maddie said, pulling away to reach for a new tissue. "And I feel like I did so little..."

"That's not true," Ethan said. "You've already saved a number of people."

Maddie considered his words a moment. "You're right," she said softly. "I guess I'm letting the bad outweigh the good."

"Yes you are," he said giving her a soft kiss.

Maddie relished the feel of his lips against hers. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

"You don't have to apologise," he said with a laugh. "Maddie, you had a really tough day."

"What about yours?" she asked, reaching over to light up the room. "It's bound to have been better than mine right?"

"Well not exactly," he said with a frown. "My first big case didn't go exactly as I hoped it would."

"What happened?" Maddie asked.

Ethan sighed feeling that his problem was nowhere near as big as Maddie's. "I just missed something I shouldn't have. It was right there in front of me and I just wanted to prove myself to Lupin, to my Dad. And what did I do? I missed something a trainee could have found."

"I'm sorry," Maddie said sympathetically. "But everyone makes mistakes right?"

"Exactly," he said smiling at her. "I think you and I both need to remember that. We're both still learning."

Maddie smiled back at him. "You've made me feel so much better," she said, leaning against him.

"How about we go out to eat?" he asked. "It might do you some good to get out. And you know Frankie's alone since Will's out of town on that research trip. We could ask her to come with."

"Sure," Maddie toyed with a lock of her hair. "I need some time to freshen up though. I must look just awful what with crying all afternoon."

"You look beautiful," he said. "But how about you go and splash some water on your face and I'll ring Frankie and ask her to meet us at the restaurant. How do you feel about Chinese?"

"That sounds fine," Maddie leaned in and kissed him. "I love you so much Ethan."

"Love you too Mads," he said glad to see her smiling again.

Maddie went in and changed her jumper and tied her hair back and then splashed some cool water on her face. She rubbed her eyes and stared at her reflection in the mirror.

The images of what she'd seen and how she hadn't been able to prevent that man's death flashed in her head. She tried to remember what Ethan had said. She was only human and perhaps with time she'd learn not to take these things so personal.

She jumped when he poked his head into the bathroom. "Sorry," she said. "I'm a little jumpy today."

"It's going to be okay, Maddie," he said coming up behind her and resting his forehead on her shoulder. "You'll see."

"I know," she said softly. "We'll work through these problems together right?"

"Right," he said kissing her cheek. "You ready to go sweetheart?"

"I think so," Maddie hugged him hard.

He held her for a few moments wishing he could do something to take her pain away.

"I shouldn't be hanging on this when you've had such a bad day as well," Maddie said.

"Maddie," he said pulling away to look at her. "I want you to tell me about these things. We should be able to go to each other when we've had a bad day. I want to be there for you. And you can talk about this with me anytime you want."

New tears filled her eyes at his words. "This is why I'm so happy I've moved in with you," she said. "I need you so much Ethan."

He wiped a tear from her cheek. "I need you too Maddie. More than you know."

She leaned in and pressed her lips to his again, pouring some rather heated passion in their kiss.

"Mads," he said in between kisses. "' to...."

"Just a few more minutes of this," she said breathlessly, her arms around his middle. "It feels so good Ethan."

Who was he to argue with this, he thought trailing kisses down her neck. Frankie could wait.

Maddie's eyes closed as Ethan lifted her onto the counter; their lips met again in heated, lazy kisses.

He whispered that he loved her over and over in between kisses. His hands moved under her shirt eager to feel her soft, warm skin.

Her breath was nothing but a gasp as his fingers brushed the underside of her breasts. She reached for his hands and guided them up so he was cupping her completely.

"Maddie," he breathed.

"Please Ethan," she said, her lips skimming over his.

"What are you saying?" he asked in surprise. "Are you saying you want...?"

"I just want you to touch me," Maddie said, her forehead against his while her eyes closed. "Feel me Ethan."

Ethan kissed her hungrily willing to do anything she wanted.

Maddie let his fingers slip into her bra and toy with her, her eyes squeezed shut as thrilling sensations literally made her body jerk against his. "Oh my..." she said weakly.

Ethan knew though that if they continued like this, he wouldn't be able to stop. With every ounce of willpower he could muster, he pulled away from her.

Maddie was breathing heavily as she gazed at him from where she still sat on the countertop. "Ethan," she said softly.

"I'm sorry," he said still trying to catch his breath.

"That was..." she was struggling for words.

"Amazing," he finished for her.

Maddie nodded. "It makes me want to say forget what I told you in Brighton last year." she shook her head. "But at the same time... it makes me know that my wedding night will be that much better."

"It will be," he promised.

Maddie slid off the counter. "We should get going," she said, smoothing her hair back.

"Aye," he said kissing her forehead. "We wouldn't want to make Frankie mad."

"Especially after everything she's done for us here," Maddie agreed.

"You mean her extreme makeover of my flat?" he asked. "She reminds me of a bloody hurricane. She swept in and did her damage and the place was never the same..."

"But you love it because you know I like it right? Maddie asked with a smile.

"Anything that makes you happy," he said. "Makes me happy."

Maddie hugged him again. "All right let's go- I'm suddenly starving."

"Spoken like a true Weasley," he teased.

"That's what I am," Maddie said with a grin.

Ethan and Maddie quickly bundled up in their cloaks and headed out for the restaurant. They were not surprised to see Frankie waiting for them just inside the restaurant talking on her mobile phone.

"No, you have to hang up first!" she was laughing. "Will!!"

"I didn't know they were one of those annoying couples who did sickeningly sweet stuff like that," Ethan whispered to Maddie.

"It's cute," Maddie said in their defence.

"I've got to go," Frankie said into her phone. "No, they just got here...don't know...don't know....okay...."

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Just hang the bloody thing up already."

Frankie glared at him. "Okay Will. Love you. Bye!"

She clicked off her phone and stuck it back into her bag. "I don't think that was necessary. You two kept me waiting for nearly half an hour."

"We're sorry," Maddie apologised. "It's just been a rather rough day for both of us and we're glad you could meet us on such short notice."

"I'm glad you wanted to do something," Frankie said giving Maddie a hug.

"How are you holding while Will's out of town?" Maddie asked.

"Come on Mads, didn't you hear?" Ethan asked. "You hang up!" he imitated a falsetto voice. "No YOU hang up first!"

Frankie glared at him again. "Shut it Ethan."

"Ethan," Maddie elbowed him. "Be nice now- this WAS your idea after all."

"Right," Ethan said nodding. "How about we get a table then? I'm famished."

"Sure," Frankie agreed. "I'm famished too. I was just about to go over and beg my dad to make me something because I was too lazy to cook tonight."

"Us too," Maddie agreed following Frankie into the restaurant so they could get a table.

"You okay?" Frankie asked, peering at her friend. "Your eyes are all red."

The smile on Maddie's face fell. "I had a bit of a hard day. Something happened at work..."

"What?" Frankie asked as they sat down.

Maddie tried to keep her emotions in check as she explained to Frankie what had happened.

"Oh Maddie," Frankie said. "I'm so sorry..."

"Ethan's told me that I can't always expect to save everyone," Maddie said softly.

"Although it pains me to say this," Frankie said. "He's right."

Maddie gave a small smile. "It's the first time this has happened, and I've been doing this for almost a year now."

"You've helped so many people though in such a short amount of time," Frankie told her. "And I admire you so much for how you've handled all of it. If it'd been me, I'd have run a mile."

"Thanks," Maddie's smile grew more genuine. "That makes me feel a lot better."

"How about I go up and order for us?" Ethan asked. "What do you two want?"

"Vegetable Lo Mein," Frankie chimed in. "Oh and get me two egg rolls, too!"

"I'll have whatever you're having," Maddie said to him and Ethan smiled at her and went to place their order. "So..." she wanted to get the topic off her day. "Have you decided what day we're going to go shopping for our dress robes for your wedding?"

"I'd like all of my bridesmaids to go with me," Frankie said. "But it's so hard to coordinate all your schedules. Alicia's the most difficult."

"What does she do?" Maddie asked.

Frankie laughed. "Not much of anything to tell the truth. Mind you, she doesn't have to. Her parents are loaded. She basically shops all day and parties all night."

"Sounds like a nice life," Maddie replied.

"I used to think so," Frankie said. "Don't get me wrong I still love a good party, but there's more to life than that. Alicia thinks I've lost my mind."

"Now that you have Will," Maddie nodded. "It's the same way I felt when Ethan finally told me he loved me."

Frankie grinned. "It's great, isn't it?"

"It's a wonderful feeling," Maddie said, playing with her hair.

"It definitely is," Frankie agreed. She looked across the restaurant and saw some girl staring at them. "Maddie? Don't look behind you, but there's some strange girl watching us..."

"What?" Maddie sat up straight and turned around. "Oh no..." she faced Frankie again. "Jackie Carlin." she rubbed her eyes. "I didn't think my day could get worse..."

"Who is Jackie Carlin?" Frankie started to ask, but the girl was already walking in their direction. It seemed she was about to find out.

"Well Madeline," Jackie sidled up to their table. "We meet again..."

"Yes," Maddie said her normally warm blue eyes cool and dark. "How exciting."

"I'm Frankie Longbottom," Frankie said offering the girl her hand. "And you are?"

"Jackie," the girl tossed her brown hair. "Jacqueline actually."

"Pleasure to meet you Josephine," Frankie said purposely getting the girl's name wrong. She didn't know how this girl and Maddie knew each other, but she knew from the way Maddie was looking at her, there was no love lost between them.

"So I see you're not here with Ethan," Jackie turned her back on Frankie and looked smugly at Maddie.

"As if it's any concern of yours," Maddie said icily. "He's ordering our food."

"Why shouldn't she be here with Ethan?" Frankie asked. "They are dating after all. Living together, if you must know the truth."

"Living together?" Jackie asked looking sympathetically at Maddie. "And you're not engaged are you?"

"Not yet," Maddie twisted her hand to show off the ring Ethan had given her on New Year's Eve. "But we plan to be married in a few years."

"How about you Josephine?" Frankie asked. "Do you have a boyfriend? Or is there no one that desperate?"

"Excuse me?" Jackie turned to Frankie.

"You just seem awfully interested in Maddie's love life," Frankie said looking at Jackie. "You must not have a life of your own."

"Maybe because she's with a guy she doesn't deserve," Jackie hissed.

"And who should he be with?" Frankie asked angrily. "You?"

"Why not?" Jackie asked breezily.

"How much time do you have?" Frankie asked.

"What?" Jackie looked confused.

"Let's see," Frankie said thoughtfully. "For one thing, you're not Ethan's type. For another, you've got fat ankles. Oh, and the biggest reason of all? You're nowhere near the person that Madeline Weasley is and you never will be."

Maddie stared at Frankie for a moment before turning away to hide her laughter.

"You are a despicable human," Jackie glared at Frankie.

"Thank you," Frankie said smiling sweetly at her. "I take that as a compliment from you. Now run along Josephine. We're quite busy and important."

Maddie gave Jackie a sugary smile. "It was nice as always to see you," she said, her words laced with false sweetness. "We don't want to keep you."

Jackie looked positively livid.

"Bye bye," Frankie said waving her hand at her.

Ethan chose that particular moment to return. "All right, food will be up soon." he said, oblivious to the third girl standing there.

Jackie contemplated saying something to Ethan, but she didn't want to be embarrassed in front of him. Without another word, she went back to her table.

"The nerve of that girl!" Frankie exclaimed.

"She really doesn't know when to give up," Maddie shook her head.

"What a complete cow!" Frankie said causing Ethan to laugh.

"That was that one girl that you got mad at in the cafeteria right?" he asked his girlfriend.

"Jackie," Maddie replied nodding. "That was her."

"Apparently she thinks she's your ideal woman," Frankie said rolling her eyes at Ethan. "I told her what was what though."

"My ideal woman is sitting right here," Ethan grinned at Maddie.

Frankie giggled. "Now who's being all sweet and sappy?"

"Can you say no to this face?" Ethan asked, touching Maddie's cheek.

"Not many people can," Frankie admitted remembering how Maddie could get anyone to do her bidding when she was little.

"I don't quite have the charm I had when I was younger," Maddie said, tearing her gaze away from Ethan's.

"Now you're just being modest," Frankie told her friend.

"She's lost her charm but she got sexier," Ethan teased.

"And most importantly got me as her new best friend," Frankie said smugly.

Maddie grinned at hearing that. "I'm just happy I have friends and family that care about me as much as I care about them." she said simply.

"Here, here!" Frankie agreed.

"Ah, food," Ethan said. "Now I'm famished." the Chinese dishes smelled delicious.

They all eagerly tucked into their food and Maddie felt much better in the company of the man she loved and Frankie.