Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Well here's an extra long chapter to make up for the short one some of you complained about before ;) just kidding LOL

Don't kill us- we don't quite take you back to Hogwarts just yet, but the next chapter is basically ALL them! In this one you E/M fans get your wish!

Also a note- if you guys have questions you want us to answer in your reviews, save them for your comments on the Tuesday updates. We always try to reply to reviews on Saturdays so you'll have the best chance of getting an answer then ;)

As always, please let us know what you think!!!

Hermione surreptitiously looked at her watch. This was her sixth meeting of the day and they were all starting to blend together. In fact, she was so knackered; she couldn't remember the name of the wizard who she was meeting with at the moment.

Thankfully, Samuel knocked on the door. "I'm sorry for the interruption, Minister."

"It's okay," Hermione said.

"There's an emergency phone call for you," Samuel said. Hermione paled.

She kept her mobile phone at work in case her mother needed to get in touch with her.

"It's your mother's neighbour," Samuel explained. "A Mr. Thompson?"

"Thank you Samuel," Hermione said, rushing past him and out to where he kept her mobile during the day. "Hello Mr. Thompson, its Hermione."

"Hermione, I'm sorry to call," he said. "Belinda made a casserole for lunch. She went over to drop it off at your mother's, but Elinore won't answer the door. We could see her in the window, just sitting on the sofa staring into space."

"She won't respond at all?" Hermione asked, rubbing her eyes.

"No, we rang the bell over 20 times," Mr. Thompson replied. "And then we called..."

"I'll go over there right now," Hermione said, already reaching for her Muggle coat she kept in the office. "Thank you for ringing me Mr. Thompson. I appreciate it."

"It's no problem," Mr. Thompson replied before hanging up.

"Is there anything I can do, Minister?" Samuel asked in concern.

"Can you cancel my next meeting for me?" Hermione asked. "I need to get Harry and then I have to go over to my mother's house."

"Will do," Samuel answered. "I hope everything will be okay."

"Thank you Samuel," Hermione smiled slightly at him and headed for Auror Headquarters.

Harry was going over some case notes with Ethan and Justin.

"So do you think we should interrogate them first?" Ethan asked his father. "Or bring them in?"

"I say interrogate them- the sooner the better," Harry replied. "They'll remember more details that way."

"We get to play good cop, bad cop then," Justin joked.

"You've been watching too many movies," Ethan said shaking his head.

Hermione knocked on the doorframe. "Harry?"

Ethan turned around. "Hi, Mum."

"This is a nice surprise," Harry said smiling at her. He saw the worried look on her face. "What's wrong? What's happened?"

"Would you be able to get away to come to my mother's with me?" Hermione asked. "My neighbour just rang me and said she's not answering the door or the phone. I'm really worried about her."

Harry nodded. "Of course."

"Gran?" Ethan asked. "She's not----"

"I don't know Ethan," Hermione replied. "I hope she's all right..."

"I'll come with you," Ethan offered.

"Yeah," Justin said nodding. "I'll get Natalie to go with me to question the suspects. You go with your mum and dad."

Harry put an arm around his wife as Ethan left word with Lupin and they headed out of the office.

"I really thought she was doing better," Hermione said as they walked towards an Apparition point. "I really did..."

"I'm sure everything's okay," Harry tried to reassure her.

"Gran's not been the same since Grandpa died," Ethan said.

"She took it really rough," Harry said. "Understandably..."

They reached the Apparition point and within a few minutes, they were on the front steps of Elinore's house. The door was locked and Hermione pulled out her wand. "Alohomora!"

The house was chilly and unlit- the tables had a light coat of dust on them and Hermione shivered as she pulled off her coat. "Mum?" she called out.

Ethan walked into the sitting room and stopped in his tracks when he saw his grandmother sitting stock still on the sofa. "Gran?" he asked.

"Mum," Hermione rushed over to Elinore's side.

"Hermione," Elinore whispered. "Your father's not home yet."

Hermione felt her blood freeze. "Mum..." she said gently. "Dad's not... he's not coming home."

"He's working too hard," Elinore said her expression listless. "I keep telling him not to, but he never listens."

"Elinore," Harry sat down on his mother in law's other side. "Robert's gone..."

Elinore looked at him. "Who are you?"

"Mum!" Hermione bit her lower lip. "What is going on?"

A tear fell down Elinore's cheek. "Robert...."

Ethan went into the kitchen and got his grandmother a glass of water. He noticed an almost full bottle of pills sitting next to the sink and he remembered that Elinore was supposed to be taking that medicine every day. "Mum?" he called. "Can you come in here?"

"I'll stay with her," Harry said quietly.

Hermione squeezed her mother's hand before getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"What is it, Ethan?" Hermione asked.

"Isn't Gran supposed to be taking these?" Ethan asked. "I thought it might be a refill but it's the original date on here..."

Hermione took the bottle. Suddenly, her mother's bizarre behaviour started to make sense. "She's supposed to take two a day."

Ethan shook his head. "Why would she stop taking her medication?"

"I don't know," Hermione said, pulling her address book out of her bag. "Will you do me a favour and call her doctor? His number is marked in there. Ask him to come over straightaway."

"Sure," Ethan nodded, reaching for the phone.

Hermione took the glass of water and Elinore's pill bottle back into the sitting room.

"Mum?" Hermione asked. "Why haven't you been taking your medication?"

"What medication?" Elinore looked at her daughter, confused. "Your father told me just this morning I don't need any medicine."

Hermione exchanged a worried look with Harry.

"Mum," Hermione said gently. "You didn't talk with Daddy this morning."

"Of course I did," Elinore replied.

"What did Daddy say to you?" Hermione asked.

Elinore blushed. "You wouldn't want to hear about what your father and I talk about Hermione," she chided her daughter.

"Here Elinore," Harry handed her the glass of water. "Take your pill and drink this all right?"

"I don't know who you are," Elinore said handing the glass back to him. "But I don't need to take this. I'm fine!"

"Mum take it," Hermione said sternly. "You know who Harry is. He's been my husband for years now."

Elinore stared at her. "You're a teenager, Hermione. You're not married!"

Hermione stared slack jawed at her mother. "I have three children Mum. Ethan was just here!"

Elinore shakily got to her feet. "You can't talk to me like that! I'm going to talk to your father about this, Hermione."

"Please take the pill," Hermione held it out to her mother. "Please,"

"Dr. Stephens is going to be here in a few minutes," Ethan said coming back into the room.

"Thanks Ethan," Harry smiled at his son.

"Ethan," Elinore said suddenly recognizing her grandson. "My sweet boy..."

"Hey Gran," Ethan said, reaching out to hug her.

Elinore hugged him tightly. "You never come by anymore."

"I'm sorry Gran," Ethan kissed her cheek. "I'll come by this week with Maddie okay?"

"I miss your grandfather so much," Elinore said sobbing. "I can't be here without him, Ethan..."

"Mum why don't you think of moving in with us, or if you want to stay in a Muggle area, with Lavender?" Hermione asked as her mother took a large gulp of water. "I'd feel so much better having you closer or with someone all the time."

"This is my home," Elinore said firmly.

"But Mum you aren't taking proper care of yourself," Hermione argued.

"Don't let her send me away," Elinore said looking helplessly at Ethan. "This is my home."

"Gran," Ethan said gently. "Mum's not trying to send you away."

"Hermione's right Elinore," Harry said. "You need to make sure you're taking your medication as directed."

"I took up for you when Robert was against you," Elinore said looking at Harry. "And now you want to get rid of me too."

"Mother!" Hermione said. "Harry does not want to get rid of you! None of us do!"

Elinore sat back down on the sofa. "I don't know what to do, Hermione."

Hermione hugged her mother closely. "We all love you so much," she choked out as tears came to her eyes. "Let us help take care of you."

"I'm so sorry, Hermione," Elinore said crying as well. "I don't want to be a burden."

"You'll never be a burden Elinore," Harry said, squeezing his mother in law's hand.

"Never," Ethan agreed. "We love you so much, Gran."

"Thank you," Elinore said, still sobbing.

Dr. Stephens arrived a few minutes later and Harry, Hermione, and Ethan waited in the kitchen.

"How are you doing, Mum?" Ethan asked.

"I don't know," Hermione slumped in a chair. "I'm so tired all the time. I don't know how much longer I can do all this."

"This has been happening for awhile then?" Ethan asked. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"You've been so busy with Maddie, planning your wedding," Harry said. "And it really only started after your Mum and I got back from the Swan Islands."

"I feel like a part of this is my fault," Ethan said glumly. "I haven't seen her since New Year's Day and maybe if I'd come by more often, this wouldn't have happened."

"You had nothing to do with it," Hermione said firmly.

"Still," Ethan said with a shrug.

"Your mother thinks we shouldn't have gone away on holiday," Harry said.

"I think we should have waited now," Hermione shook her head. "I really shouldn't have left her alone so soon after the holidays."

"Hermione, you shouldn't beat yourself up over this," Harry said putting a comforting hand on her arm, but she shrugged it off.

"No- I should be there more for her," Hermione said, rubbing her temples. "I just don't know when I'm going to find the time."

Dr. Stephens came into the kitchen. The expression on his face was grim and Hermione wasn't so sure she could take any more bad news.

"How is she?" Ethan asked.

"I've given her a sedative," Dr. Stephens replied.

"Why would she stop taking her medicine?" Hermione asked.

"She said that Robert told her she didn't need to," Dr. Stephens said. "She also mentioned that she hadn't eaten anything in two days."

"Two days?" Harry asked incredulously.

Hermione sighed and buried her face in her hands. "I just don't know what to do," she said wearily.

"Your mother isn't able to live on her own anymore, Hermione," Dr. Stephens said. "If she continues to do so, things are going to get progressively worse."

"I've been trying to get her to move in but she refuses," Hermione said.

"Elinore is a very independent woman," Dr. Stephens said. "She always has been. But losing Robert has taken something from her. It's like she's withdrawing. This is her home and I'm not sure she wants to give up what she feels is the last thing she has of Robert's."

"I think that's exactly how she feels," Harry nodded. "But she knows she can talk to any of us about him whenever she wants to."

"I can send over a list of some wonderful places that could allow Elinore to hold onto some of her independence, but could also keep an eye on her," Dr. Stephens suggested. "I know you and your husband have your own jobs and your own lives. Taking care of your mother would require a great deal of your time, Hermione. "

"All right," Hermione nodded dejectedly. "Thank you Dr. Stephens."

"I'll have my assistant e-mail that list to you," Dr. Stephens said shaking her hand.

"I'll see you out," Ethan offered.

"Thank you," Dr. Stephens shook Harry's hand as well and followed Ethan to the front door.

"Hey," Harry said walking over to his wife. "Hermione..."

Hermione rubbed her eyes again. "I'm so tired Harry. I'm so tired of all of this. I don't know what to do here."

"No one's expecting you to do this all on your own," Harry said putting his arms around her. "I think we should talk to her about going to one of those places Dr. Stephens suggested."

"It would probably be for the best," Hermione said, wiping her eyes. "I'll need to talk to Lavender too. She should be here for that."

Harry nodded.

"I can owl Julie at Hogwarts," Ethan offered coming back into the kitchen. "And she can let Saffy know, too."

"That sounds like a good idea," Harry nodded. "See love- we've got this under control. This doesn't have to fall on your shoulders."

"Thank you both for being here," Hermione said. "I don't know if I could have done this without you."

"Come on Mum, we'll always be here for you," Ethan said.

"Thank you," Hermione said giving him a hug. "You were great with her, you know?"

"I'm just glad she recognised me," Ethan said.

"I'm going to stay here with her tonight," Hermione said wearily.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked. "I'll stay here with you then."

"You don't have to," Hermione started to protest.

"How else are you two going to have something to eat that's edible?" Harry teased gently.

Hermione gave out a hollow laugh. "I'm just going to go and check on her."

"All right," Harry said as she left the kitchen.

"Mum's not doing well either," Ethan said quietly to his father.

"No," Harry shook his head. "This is really stressful for her."

"I wish you guys would have let me know what was going on," Ethan said. "I love Gran so much, Dad."

"I know Ethan. This is the first time something like this has happened though. We've known she's been slipping but it's never been this bad." Harry explained.

"I don't know how you'll get her to give up this house," Ethan said.

"That's going to take some major sweet talking," Harry said, getting up to look in the icebox. "I think I'm going to have to run to the shops- there's hardly anything edible in here."

"I'll stay too," Ethan said. "I'll just write that letter to Jules and get word to Maddie."

"Do you and Maddie want to stay for dinner?" Harry asked, seeing if he had any Muggle money on him.

"Of course," Ethan answered without hesitation.

"Your Gran will love that," Harry said. "I'll be back in just a little while."

Julie received Ethan's letter during her last class. She knew that Saffron had Potions with Snape and she wanted to get word to her sister before she went home.

Julie stepped inside the Potions classroom. "Excuse me, Professor. I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need to see my sister for a moment."

"Professor Malfoy," Snape's lip curled. "As you can see, Miss Potter is quite busy at the moment."

"I would like to speak to her for five minutes sir," Julie said trying to keep calm. "It's important."

"So is her potions lesson," Snape said coldly.

Saffron stood up.

"Miss Potter sit down," Snape ordered.

"Professor Snape," Julie said icily. "This is a family emergency otherwise you know damn well that I'd never pull my sister from class."

"Something happen to your father?" Snape asked a small smile playing on his lips.

Julie shook her head disgustedly. "You're not part of our family so I see no need to tell you anything at all."

"Fine," Snape said coldly. "You have five minutes, Miss Potter."

Saffron hurried out after her sister. "What's wrong Jules? Did something happen to Dad? Or to Mum?"

"It's Gran," Julie began to explain.

"Oh," Saffron's breath caught in her throat. "Is she okay?" she squeaked, fearing the worst.

"Depends on your definition of okay," Julie said squeezing Saffron's hand. "One of her neighbours rang Mum at work. Gran hasn't been taking her pills and she didn't eat anything for two days."

"WHAT?" Saffron shrieked.

"She's sleeping now," Julie said. "Dr. Stephens gave her something and Ethan said that Mum and Dad are going to stay over."

"I want to go to--" Saffron began.

"Saffy," Julie interjected. "You can't."

"But Julie she needs me," Saffron protested.

"I didn't want to tell you this, but she didn't recognise Dad at first," Julie said putting an arm around her sister. "She didn't know who he was. She thought Grandpa was still alive."

Saffron's eyes filled with tears and her lower lip trembled. "Poor Gran..."

Julie hugged her. "I know, Saffy. I know."

"Why can't I go help her?" Saffron asked.

"I'm going to be leaving for home soon," Julie said. "Perhaps I could ask Dumbledore if you could..."

"You think he would?" Saffron asked hopefully.

"I'll go ask," Julie said. "You just finish up your lesson and I'll meet you in my class afterwards, okay?"

"Thanks Julie," Saffron said, wiping her eyes before heading back into the classroom.

"Saf?" Alexa whispered. "Is everything okay?"

"I'll tell you after class," Saffron said, knowing Snape would love an opportunity to give her a detention.

Alexa nodded. All throughout the rest of the lesson, she could hear Saffron sniffling.

"Okay spill," Alexa said once they were leaving Potions for the day. "What's going on Saffy?"

Saffron explained as best she could what had happened with her grandmother. "Can you come with me to Julie's classroom? She's checking with Dumbledore if I can leave with her."

"Sure," Alexa agreed.

Julie was gathering her belongings when Saffron and Alexa arrived.

"Can I go?" Saffron asked.

Julie nodded. "Dumbledore said you could come home with me tonight, but you are to come back with me tomorrow, Saffron."

"Thank you Julie!" Saffron hugged her sister hard. "You're the absolute best you know that?"

"Saffy," Julie said seriously. "You have to promise me that you won't give Mum and Dad a hard time about wanting to stay more than one night. Mum's stressed out like you wouldn't believe and the last thing she needs to deal with is you giving her a hard time. Okay?"

"I promise," Saffron nodded. "Just tonight."

"Okay," Julie said smiling at her. "Go and get your things together."

"I'll be right back," Saffron said, already running out of the room.

Back at Elinore's house, Harry was fast at work preparing dinner.

"She's still sleeping," Hermione said coming back into the kitchen. "Harry! You bought enough for an army!"

"I'm making extra," Harry replied. "So that she's got food for when we're not around."

"Thank you," Hermione said giving him a kiss.

"Maddie and Ethan are upstairs straightening up," Harry said. "Making sure it's nice and warm for Elinore. I know that sofa isn't very comfortable."

"Great," Hermione smiled for the first time that evening.

"I'm really glad you were able to come tonight," Ethan told his fiancée as they made Elinore's bed with clean sheets.

"Of course," Maddie said. "I know this isn't easy for you."

"For any of us," Ethan sat down on the edge of the bed and ran his hands through his hair.

"She's going to be okay," Maddie said coming around the bed to sit down beside him.

"You think so?" he asked.

Maddie nodded. "She's a very strong woman and she has a supportive, loving family behind her."

Ethan squeezed her hand. "You're the best you know that? You always know what to say."

Maddie gave him a kiss. "And we've made the room nice and warm for her. And I brought some magazines for her, too. In case, she wants to read."

"Great," Ethan smiled. "Let's head back downstairs. Julie owled me and told me she's coming over for dinner tonight too."

"Okay," Maddie said taking his hand and leading him out of the bedroom.

"Upstairs is all picked up," Ethan told his parents.

"Something smells amazing in here," Maddie said, eyeing the stove.

"Elinore's favourite," Harry said. "Beef stew."

"Do you have room for one more?" Julie asked appearing in the kitchen doorway with Saffron.

"Saffy!" Hermione exclaimed. "What are you doing home?"

"I wanted to be here," Saffron replied hugging her mother. "I needed to be here."

"Dumbledore said it would be okay just for tonight," Julie explained.

Harry hugged both his daughters. "Your Gran will be very happy to see you all here."

" is she?" Saffron asked.

"Still sleeping," Hermione said. "But dinner will be ready soon. Perhaps you'd like to try and wake her so she can get herself cleaned up."

"Okay," Saffron said. "Julie? Will you go with me?"

"Sure Saffy," Julie smiled at her sister.

Saffron led the way into the sitting room and she stopped to look at her grandmother who looked pale and fragile. Tears welled up in her eyes. "What if she doesn't remember us?"

"They gave her the medicine she needs," Julie told her reassuringly.

"Okay," Saffron said kneeling down in front of the sofa. "Gran..."

Elinore felt herself being shaken. "Robert?" she asked sleepily.

"No Gran," Saffron said softly. "It's me and Julie."

"Hermione?" Elinore asked, blinking.

Saffron shook her head trying to stave off the tears "It's me, Saffron."

Julie placed a comforting arm on her sister's shoulders as Elinore stared at them for a moment. "Oh," she finally smiled. "My girls are here... my little Julie and my darling Saffron."

Julie grinned. "That's right, Gran. We're here."

"I've had a bit of a bad day," Elinore sat up.

"It happens to the best of us," Saffron told her. "You're going to be just fine, Gran."

"I have my family here," Elinore patted their hands. "I'm so glad you're both here."

"We wouldn't be anywhere else," Saffron said resting her head on her grandmother's shoulder.

"Mum you're up," Hermione came in the room. "Dinner's almost ready- Harry made beef stew."

"You're all here?" Elinore asked.

"Ethan and Maddie are in the kitchen with Harry," Hermione said. "We're going to have a nice family dinner tonight, especially now that Saffron's home."

"I'm so glad you're all here," Elinore said her lower lip beginning to tremble.

"Come on," Hermione said. "Let's go get you freshened up okay?"

"I'm going to go home really quick and check up on Nick and the girls," Julie said.

"Oh," Elinore replied. "Will you bring them back with you?"

"You sure?" Julie asked. "I don't want to---"

"I'd love to see them," Elinore told her.

"Okay," Julie said giving Elinore a kiss on the cheek. "We'll be back soon."

Saffron followed her mother and grandmother up the stairs. "I'm glad Dumbledore let me come home tonight." she said.

"I am too," Elinore said turning around and smiling slightly at Saffron. "Robert loved you so much, Saffron."

"I loved him too Gran," Saffron said, blinking back tears. "He was the best grandfather ever."

Elinore held on tightly to Hermione's hand. "I didn't think it was going to be this hard."

"None of us did Mum," Hermione said. "I mean, I know after he had that first heart attack we all should have been prepared but it was so sudden."

They walked into Elinore's bedroom and she smiled when she saw that there was a fresh fire in the fireplace and there were new linens on the bed.

"Maddie and Ethan did this for you," Hermione explained.

"How lovely," Elinore said.

"Gran?" Saffron asked. "Why don't you take a nice bath?"

"Are you sure I have the time?" Elinore asked.

"I'm sure you would," Hermione said. "Harry can keep the food warm and we still have to wait for Julie and Nick and the girls."

"All right then," Elinore nodded. "A bath would be nice."

"Saffron?" Hermione asked. "Why don't you go downstairs with your father and I'll help your grandmother, okay?"

"Okay Mum," Saffron agreed, smiling at her grandmother before heading back downstairs.

She was at the foot of the stairs when she heard her father and Ethan talking.

"Some of these places seem really nice," Harry was saying. "And Elinore would fit in, I think."

"Gran's not going to want to move though Dad," Ethan said.

Saffron couldn't believe this. "You're putting Gran in a home?"

"Saffron Grace," Harry began. "What have your mother and I told you about listening in?"

"I wasn't eavesdropping," Saffron said defensively. "I was walking into the kitchen and I heard you talking. There's a difference, Dad."

"Nothing has been decided," Harry said. "And I don't want you bringing it up during dinner."

"You can't send her away, Dad!" Saffron protested. "She needs to be with us!"

"We will deal with it," Harry said sternly.

"Okay," Saffron said, not wanting to do anything that would make her father send her back to Hogwarts tonight. "Mum wanted me to tell you that Gran's going to take a bath before dinner."

"All right," Harry replied. "By the way, wait until you see Puddles. I think we finally have him relatively housetrained."

Saffron grinned. "How's he doing? Does he miss me?"

"Sure he does," Harry said. "He's lucky he's such a cute little bugger."

"I can't wait to see him," Saffron said sitting down at the table beside Maddie. "How's the Pixie?"

"That demented thing," Ethan laughed. "It loves Mads but won't let me anywhere near it."

"I'd say it was smart if it's not going anywhere near you," Saffron said with a grin.

"I feed it though," Ethan pointed out as Maddie laughed.

"I still have scratches on my fingers from where I tried to feed it," Saffron said holding out her hand.

"Why didn't you ask Madam Pomfrey for anything to heal them up?" Ethan asked.

"They don't bother me that much," Saffron replied. "So Maddie- you never told us what you named the pixie."

"I had the toughest time coming up with a name," Maddie said. "I didn't want to name it Dolly because like I told Ethan, there was only one Dolly. So, I just decided on....Blue."

"Blue?" Saffron asked with a giggle. "That's cute!"

"I thought of Satan or Voldie," Ethan said with a wink at Maddie.

"Very funny," Harry said. "I think this stew is almost done. Saffy- want to pop home with me and get Puddles? Your mum and I are staying here tonight so we can't leave him home alone."

"I'm staying here too," Saffron said. "I'll go back with Julie in the morning."

Harry nodded. "I should probably get some clothes too."

Saffron gave her father a hug. "Thanks, Daddy."

"We'll be back soon," Harry told Ethan and Maddie. "Keep an eye on that stew and if we're not back in fifteen minutes, just turn the stove off."

"Are we going to floo then?" Saffron asked her father.

"This place isn't hooked up to the Floo Network," Harry said. "I'll have to Apparate both of us just outside the house."

"Right," Saffron said taking hold of her father's arm.

Ethan and Maddie watched as they vanished. "Think he'll mind if I sneak a spoonful of this?" Ethan took the cover off the pot.

"I won't tell," Maddie said standing beside him. "If I get a bite, too."

"Only one bite," he teased.

"One big bite," Maddie corrected.

Ethan gave his fiancée a kiss before holding the spoon out to her.

Maddie leaned in to take the bite, but Ethan pulled the spoon away before she could do so. "Ethan!"

"Just kidding," he said.

"Okay," Maddie said leaning in again.

"What are you two doing?" Hermione asked from the doorway.

"Sampling Dad's stew," Ethan replied sheepishly. "Don't tell him."

Hermione shook her head but smiled. "Your Gran will be down soon."

"She doing okay?" Ethan asked.

"Okay," Hermione sighed, sitting down. "I just can't believe she wasn't taking her medicine."

"I know," Ethan said. "Can I get you something to drink Mum? Dad bought soda, juice and milk."

"I'd actually like some coffee," Hermione said. "I feel as if I haven't slept in a week."

"I'll make it," Maddie offered.

"Thank you," Hermione said.

"Dad took Saffy back to the house to pick up Puddles and some clothes for you," Ethan explained.

"I bet Saffron couldn't wait to see that dog," Hermione said.

"She was excited," Ethan said with a laugh.

Maddie quickly finished a pot of coffee and brought a cup to her future mother in law. "Did you want anything in it?" she asked.

"Cream and sugar please," Hermione replied. "Thanks, Maddie."

"Sure," Maddie said. "Think Elinore would like a cup too?"

"I think she'd like that," Hermione said nodding.

"How does she take hers?" Ethan asked.

"She's always liked hers with just a touch of cream," Hermione said. "No sugar."

"I'll keep it warm for her with a charm," Maddie said, touching her wand to the mug.

"Were you able to get in touch with Aunt Lav?" Ethan asked.

"I left her a message on her voicemail," Hermione replied. "I'm sure she'll call me back right away when she gets it."

"Voicemail," Maddie said. "You remember how Fred and George bought a mobile telephone for Grandpa on Christmas? He's fascinated by it. He wants me to explain ring tones to him. Nana's ready to strangle him."

Ethan and Hermione laughed. "What about that tape recorder Alexa gave him?" he asked. "He tinkers with that thing all the time."

"Nana wanted to hide it from him," Maddie said giggling. "He kept recording everything."

"He really loves all that Muggle technology," Ethan said. "Imagine him in a place like this all the time."

"He'd be like a kid in a candy shop," Maddie said.

"So have you two decided where you want the wedding to be?" Hermione asked. "I know you were talking about an outdoor one..."

Ethan and Maddie looked at each other.

"I was going to ask you if you'd let us hold it in your garden," Ethan said. "Maddie's always loved it."

"Of course you can have it there," Hermione answered.

"Really?" Maddie asked. "Thank you so much!"

Hermione hugged the younger woman. "Harry and I will do anything we can to make your day perfect."

"Thanks Mum," Ethan said smiling at her. "We really appreciate that."

"Drew and Darla are really excited about it," Maddie said. "You're not going to believe this, but they've actually been planning this for quite some time."

"Have they now?" Hermione laughed.

"They said they knew it was a matter of time and they wanted to be prepared," Maddie said shaking her head. "I think I might not be the only Seer in the family."

"Oh come on," Ethan teased. "You've only been saying you were going to marry me since you were four."

"I certainly hope your sisters haven't been planning it for that long," Hermione teased.

"We were also sort of hoping we could have the reception there at the house," Ethan said. "That big ballroom would be perfect."

"I'd love that," Hermione said. "We haven't had a big party down there in ages."

"That's a big load off our minds," Maddie said with a grin. "Now we don't have to worry about booking a place."

The front door opened and Katie and Ashley ran into the kitchen. Smiles were plastered on their faces.

"Your mum told you to be nice, didn't she?" Ethan asked tweaking Katie's nose.

Katie giggled. "Maybe."

"Come here you little pumpkinhead," Ethan said picking her up and spinning her around.

"Uncle Ethan!" she laughed. "Do it again!"

Ethan spun her around again. "Katie, my bestest matie."

"What about me?" Ashley asked, laughing.

Ethan put Katie down and ran over to Ashley scooping her up. "What about Ash? Huh? You are better than bangers and mash!"

"Uncle Ethan that's just silly!" she giggled.

"You're silly," Ethan said tickling her. "I bet you can't think of anything to rhyme with my name."

"How about by the end of the night?" Ashley asked. "I bet I can come up with something."

"There's 10 galleons in it for you if you can," Ethan said winking at her. "And it has to be an actual word, Ash."

"Ten Galleons?" Ashley asked her eyes wide.

"What about if I think of something?" Katie interjected.

"Ten galleons to the first Malfoy girl who can come up with a word to rhyme with my name," Ethan said grinning at her.

"Maybe you can both think of something?" Maddie suggested.

"No way," Katie said. "I'm going to win. Grandma, where's the dictionamary?"

"Dictionary," Ashley corrected.

"I think your Gran keeps one in the office," Hermione said. "But neither of you better make a mess in there all right?"

"Okay," Ashley said. "We won't."

"That's good Ethan," Nick shook his head. "Start a competition between them." he grinned.

"They're never going to be able to think of a word," Ethan said laughing. "And it keeps their minds off of...this."

"I suppose that is good thinking," Julie smiled at her brother. "We warned them no fighting though, so hopefully that will last."

"We'll cross our fingers," Hermione said giving her daughter a hug. "Thank you for bringing Saffron home."

"She begged, and when I told Dumbledore he didn't have the heart to say no," Julie replied.

"It wouldn't seem the same without Saf," Ethan said. "And she'd never let us hear the end of it, if she didn't come."

"Tell me about it," Julie agreed. "Where's she at?"

"She went with your father back to our house to pick up some belongings and Puddles," Hermione replied.

"They should be back pretty soon," Ethan said, sitting next to Maddie.

"I should probably go check on Mum," Hermione said getting up.

"No need," Elinore said from the door.

"Mum!" Hermione said turning around in surprise.

"Hi Gran," Julie said giving her a hug. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better," Elinore managed a smile.

"We made you some coffee," Maddie got up. "Just a touch of cream in it, the way you like."

"Thank you so much, Madeline," Elinore said warmly. "That was very sweet of you."

"I'm glad to do anything I can to help," Maddie gave her a hug.

"Ethan is very lucky to have you," Elinore said. She looked around the kitchen. "Something smells wonderful."

"Is it my aftershave?" Nick asked cheekily.

"Hardly," Maddie teased him. "That would be Harry's beef stew."

"My favourite," Elinore said smiling at her family. "I'm so glad you're all here."

"Puddles!" everyone could hear Saffron laughing as she and Harry opened the front door. "Wait!"

The Puggle ran at full speed into the kitchen. Elinore laughed and kneeled down to pet the dog.

"He's so fast!" Saffron said breathlessly.

"You don't have to tell us that," Hermione said laughing. "We've been chasing after him for weeks."

"I've missed my little Puddles so much," Saffron picked up her dog and kissed his head.

"You should have seen him when he first saw her," Harry told the others. "He nearly leapt into her arms."

"He knows me," Saffron said in satisfaction.

"How's school?" Nick asked, affectionately tugging Saffron's ponytail.

"Good," Saffron replied. "Except for bloody Snape. You should have heard him today when Julie came to get me."

"He's always been a wanker," Ethan rolled his eyes. "If it was a Slytherin he'd fall all over himself letting them out of class."

"He apparently doted on my father so right away that should tell you something about his character," Nick said.

"In other words nothing good," Julie agreed.

"Let's not talk about Snape," Harry said. "How about we all go in the dining room and tuck in for a nice family dinner?"

"Sounds good to me," Ethan said ravenously.

Julie called out for her daughters. "Ashley! Katie!"

"That is not a word," Ashley said smugly to Katie as they made their way out of their grandmother's study.

"It can be," Katie argued. "And it rhymes."

"It wasn't in the dictionary," Ashley said breezing into the dining room.

"Any luck?" Ethan asked. "Am I going to leave the house without 10 galleons tonight, girls?"

"Not yet but we still have the rest of the evening," Ashley answered. "I'll find something Uncle Ethan."

"What's this about?" Saffron asked curiously.

"Ethan made a bet with the girls that if they can find something to rhyme with his name he'll give them 10 Galleons," Maddie explained.

"Oooh," Saffron said. "Can I get in on this too?"

"This is a Malfoy thing only Saf," Ethan grinned at his sister.

"Come on," Saffron said glaring at him. "I'm kind of a Malfoy. I'm Nick's sister-in-law."

"And I'm technically a Malfoy," Julie teased. "I married one."

"Okay," Ethan said confidently. "You and Saffy can try, but you're not going to be able to do it."

"Mummy that's not fair," Ashley complained.

"Yeah, you and Aunt Saffy are smarter," Katie pouted.

"I've got an idea," Saffron said. "If either Jules or I get it, Ethan has to do whatever we ask. And if you two win, you get the money."

"I guess," Katie said, still not feeling as if this was fair.

Saffron laughed. "Okay, I'll bow out. Ethan's right, this is his bet with the two of you."

"Me too," Julie smiled. "I was only teasing anyway. But maybe Saffy and I will help you two."

"I'm going to get it," Katie said. "I'm going to get it before Ash."

"Okay," Nick said quickly. "But for now, we're going to have something to eat and spend time with your great grandmother."

Ashley and Katie both nodded solemnly determined to be nice for their great-grandmother's sake. They'd both been shaken when their mother came home and told them what had happened.

"This is really delicious," Elinore said smiling across the table at Harry. "I appreciate you doing this for me, Harry."

"I'm glad to do it Elinore," Harry smiled back at her. "I made extra so you've got something to eat over the next few days too."

Elinore nodded and smiled when Saffron handed her a bread roll. "Thank you, sweetheart."

"Welcome Gran," Saffron said. "Here's the butter."

"She looks better since she took a bath," Julie whispered to her mother.

"Much," Hermione nodded. "More alert too."

"This means a lot to her," Julie said looking down the table where Saffron was saying something to make Elinore laugh. "All of us together like this."

"I know," Hermione said. "And it's good of the girls not to argue."

"We had a really good talking to with them before we left," Julie said. "They promised to behave."

Ashley was muttering under her breath as she ate, trying to figure out words that would rhyme with her uncle's name.

"Uncle Ethan," Katie asked. "Who's going to be your flower girl?"

"Well, we'd hoped to get Emma to do it since she's the youngest," Ethan replied.

"Oh," Katie said in disappointment.

"Actually," Maddie said looking at Ethan. "I was actually hoping that you, Caroline and Ashley would be bridesmaids. You could all three walk down the aisle together."

"Bridesmaids?" Katie asked, her eyes lighting up.

"Junior bridesmaids I'm sure," Julie replied. "But what a lovely idea. You three can get matching dresses."

"Good save," Ethan whispered to Maddie.

"Thank you," Maddie whispered back, stealing a bite off his plate.

Ethan decided to let that slide and he grinned as he saw Ashley still mumbling. He had a feeling he was going to win this bet.

"Think of anything yet Ash?" Saffron whispered to her niece.

"It's almost impossible," Ashley said with a sigh. "No real words rhyme with his name, Aunt Saffy. Wait...Uncle Ethan said we had to think of a word that rhymes with his name. He didn't say which of his names..."

"Use Potter," Saffron grinned. "If he didn't specify then you're still in with a good chance."

Ashley grinned. "Uncle Ethan?"

"Yeah Ash?" Ethan asked. "Think of something? A real word?"

Ashley nodded triumphantly. "More than a word actually. Are you ready?"

"Definitely ready for this," everyone turned to look at Ashley who blushed.

"Okay," Ashley said. "Well, how's this? Ethan Potter, you big rotter, you're not much hotter than an ink blotter?"

Ethan stared at his niece for a moment as his jaw fell open. "That... that's..."

Saffron laughed. "She rhymed your name Ethan. You never said it had to be your first one."

"Specification," Hermione said shaking her head. "You should always specify, Ethan. Good one, Ashley!'

Ashley giggled while Katie glowered angrily. "I'd have thought of something if I had known we could rhyme his last name!" she complained.

Ashley bit back a retort. "I'll...I'll split the 10 galleons with you, Katie."

"You will?" Katie nearly dropped her fork in surprise. "You will for real Ashley?"

Ashley nodded. "You kind of gave me the idea actually. Remember in the study when you said you wished we could rhyme his last name instead?"

Katie smiled. "I did say that," she said proudly.

"So it's only fair that you get half," Ashley said smiling at her sister.

"Thanks Ashley," Katie beamed.

"Did I just witness this?" Julie asked looking at Nick. "They actually agreed on something?"

"Don't argue it," Nick joked under his breath.

"I must admit I'm impressed," Ethan smiled at his nieces.

"Pay up, Potter," Katie said pulling her most serious face.

The whole table burst out laughing at that. "I'll get your money after dessert," Ethan promised. "My money pouch is in my cloak."

"Katherine Rose," Elinore said chuckling. "You are so funny."

Nick mussed his daughter's hair. "That she is."

*** *** ***

That following Friday evening found Ethan and Maddie curled up together on the sofa in their flat, going over wedding plans.

"This is great that your parents will let us use the house for the ceremony and reception." Maddie said, leaning against him.

"You know they wouldn't have turned us down," Ethan said with a laugh.

"I know but it's just a big load off my mind," Maddie said. "Now we can concentrate on other things. Like the honeymoon," she grinned at him.

"The long wait will finally be over," Ethan said dramatically.

Maddie hit his arm. "Smartarse."

"I can't help that I'm really, really, really looking forward to the honeymoon," Ethan said winking at her. "Really, really, really..."

Maddie leaned in and kissed him. "Did you have any ideas on where you wanted to go?"

"A bedroom?" Ethan suggested cheekily.

Maddie hit his arm again. "Ethan James!" she said, laughing as he pushed her down on the sofa.

"I'm being honest," Ethan said tickling her.

"Well of course we'll be in a bedroom," she said, giggling. "But I've always wanted to go to the Caribbean. Drew and Darla always talk about how lovely it is there."

"The Caribbean it is," Ethan said smiling down at her. "Whatever you want, Mads."

She leaned up and kissed him again. "It's going to be so romantic," she said softly.

"Have you had any visions about it?" Ethan asked her.

"No," Maddie shook her head. "I'm not sure I want to. I want everything to be a new experience."

"I was so afraid that you might have 'seen' me proposing," Ethan said. "I wanted to take you by surprise."

"You did," she said, pushing his hair out of his eyes. "I had no idea you were planning that."

"Not just saying that to make me feel better?" Ethan asked teasingly.

"Would this face lie to you?" Maddie asked, giving him her patented look.

"Never," Ethan said before kissing her. "I love you, Maddie Molly."

"I love you too," she answered, closing her eyes and deepening the kiss as she ran her hands over his back.

"Practise, practise," Ethan said huskily.

"Makes perfect," Maddie agreed as he slid his hand under her jumper.

Ethan kissed her as he did so. Her skin was so soft and warm. He couldn't get enough of her.

"Touch me," she breathed as his lips attacked her neck. "I love it when you touch me."

Ethan did as she requested; slipping his hand under her bra.

"Mmm..." she arched her back.

"I'm going to make you so happy Maddie," he said softly "So very happy."

"You already have Ethan," she said, her eyes glazed over. "The day you told me you loved me is still one of the happiest days of my life."

"I'm sorry it took me so long to catch up with you," he said softly.

"It all worked out in the end," Maddie smiled up at him as he stroked her hair. "We're here now, and we're going to be married."

"In just a few months," Ethan said smiling back at her. "You know what we've never talked about?"

"What?" she asked.

"Kids," Ethan replied.

"You want to talk about us having kids?" Maddie was surprised.

"Sure," Ethan said. "We never have...."

"I guess we've just never really thought about it," Maddie twisted a lock of hair around her finger.

"You come from a big family," Ethan said thoughtfully.

"Yeah," she said with a soft smile. "I always pictured myself having a big family too."

"Two sets of twins?" Ethan asked with a laugh. "And a really adorable blonde who no one can say no to."

"We'd have quite the crazy life," Maddie giggled.

"Crazier than the one we have now?" Ethan asked suddenly aware that something was looking at him. Sure enough when he turned around, Blue was staring right at him. "Okay, he's kind of freaking me out, Maddie."

She laughed. "Maybe he's warming up to you," she said, reaching over to open the cage door.

"I doubt it," Ethan said. "You sure do like letting him out, don't you?"

"He's perfect for me," Maddie laughed as the pixie dodged to her shoulder.

"Maybe he can be the ring bearer," Ethan joked. "Mads...that was a joke..."

"Is he making fun of you Blue?" Maddie cooed to the pixie.

Blue nodded his little head and toyed with Maddie's hair.

"He understands you?" Ethan said in disbelief.

"Of course he does," Maddie replied. "Dolly did too. Pixies are quite intelligent, just very mischievous. They can tell when people genuinely love them."

"Is that why you were always talking to Dolly?" Ethan asked. "Because I thought you were mad. I remember that one time I saw you reading her a story."

"She loved stories," Maddie remembered fondly.

"What was her favourite story?" Ethan asked.

"Rapunzel," Maddie said with a grin.

"And what about this little guy?" Ethan asked leaning in and trying to pet Blue on the head, but the Pixie snapped at him. "Whoa!"

"Blue," Maddie said reprovingly.

Blue turned to Maddie and gave her a pitiful look. Ethan laughed. "He's giving you a taste of your own medicine."

"Be nice to him Blue," Maddie told her pixie. "He took you out of that shop and brought you home to me remember?"

Blue relented and Ethan petted the pixie's head. "Good pixie."

"See he's not bad," Maddie smiled. "And he feeds you when I'm not around Blue."

"That's right," Ethan said leaning back on the sofa. "Do you remember how you used to say you and I were married and Dolly was our baby?"

"And you used to practically tear out of the room when I said it," Maddie laughed.

"I was seven!" Ethan said defensively.

"And completely terrified of girls," Maddie leaned over and kissed him.

"I liked Kiki," Ethan said.

"Yeah but that was your typical young boy crush." Maddie pointed out.

"I had it bad," Ethan said laughing. "She was good about it though. She certainly never ran from me or hid behind a table."

"Brat," Maddie said affectionately.

"As much as I hate to do it," Ethan said looking at his watch. "I should get going. Don't want to be late."

"Where are you going?" Maddie asked.

"Duty calls," Ethan said giving her a kiss. "Justin and I are on stakeout tonight and we have a briefing."

"Oh," Maddie said, sitting back. "Okay..."

"You and the Blue Demon going to be okay?" Ethan asked.

"Blue and I will be fine," Maddie replied. "I'll just miss you is all."

"I should be home around six tomorrow morning," Ethan said. " about I bring home something for breakfast? I'll go to that corner bakery..."

"If you want to," Maddie said. "Promise you'll wake me up when you get in? I don't have to be back to the office until Monday."

"I will," Ethan said giving her a kiss. "Bye, Maddie Molly."

"Bye Ethan," Maddie smiled. "Take care of yourself out there."

"And Blue?" Ethan said looking sternly at the pixie. "You take care of our girl."

Blue nodded before diving under Maddie's long hair.

"I think you're the one who needs to take care," Ethan teased. "Bye."

"He's very silly," Maddie said to her pixie once Ethan had gone. "You know that Blue?"

Blue nodded and cackled.

"And you're a goofy little guy," Maddie held out her palm and he landed on it. "How about a little treat for you?"

Blue nodded happily.