Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: This chapter has a birthday party and more fallout from the beach barbecue…we hope you enjoy it!

She gingerly closed the door behind her and then went downstairs. She wasn't going to go back to the beach. There was some paperwork she needed to go over and she settled at the kitchen table.

She'd been working for several minutes when people began trickling back in. "Had enough for the day?" Hermione smiled at her son and daughter in law.

Ethan nodded. "How's Saf?"

Hermione shook her head. "Pretty torn up. She's upstairs kipping."

"So she didn't forgive Andrew?" Maddie asked.

"No," Hermione answered. "I think she needs a few days to think things over."

Ethan poured each of them a glass of lemonade. "I'm not used to seeing Saffy like this."

"I don't like it either," Maddie replied softly. "She's usually so vivacious."

"She wants us to leave early," Hermione told them.

"Leave early?" Ethan protested. "But Mum--"

"It wouldn't be such a bad idea," Hermione said. "Besides, I'd like to be closer to your grandmother. She's not been feeling well these last couple of days."

Ethan still frowned. "Are you sure we can't just get her to come out here? I'll go and drive her."

"She wants to stay at home," Hermione said. "You know how she is."

"I guess," Ethan replied.

"Nothing's decided yet," Hermione told him. "I still need to talk to your father."

"I rang Daddy and told him what really happened," Maddie said. "He felt bad about assuming it was Saffy, too. Especially since he loves her like a daughter."

"Saffy will be glad to know that," Hermione said smiling at Maddie.

Maddie nodded as the door opened again and Frankie, Will and Hannah came in. "Hi guys."

"Hi, Maddie!" Hannah exclaimed. "We had so much fun on the beach!"

"I'm glad sweetheart." Maddie smiled at her. "And look how nice and tan you are!"

"She's getting to be quite the swimmer, too," Will said affectionately.

Hannah beamed as Ethan slid her a glass of lemonade. "I really love it in the ocean."

"We're so glad you're having a good time here, Hannah," Hermione said to the little girl.

"Thank you," Hannah said shyly. She was still a little in awe of Hermione- being the Minister for Magic.

Frankie tugged at Maddie's arm. "Could I have a word?"

"Sure," Maddie followed her friend into the hall. "What's up?"

"Hannah's fifth birthday is in three days," Frankie told her best friend.

Maddie smiled. "How lovely... I'm sure you and Will are going to throw her a big party, right?"

"We'd like to, but I need your help," Frankie said keeping her voice down so Hannah wouldn't overhear.

"Of course," Maddie answered immediately. "Anything, Frankie."

"Thank you," Frankie said gratefully. "I was thinking we'd keep it small with just our families and I was going to see if her friend Jessica from pre-school could come, too."

"Is it going to be a surprise party?" Maddie asked softly.

Frankie nodded. "I thought that'd be best."

The blonde smiled. "Blue will want to be there as well. He really likes Hannah, Frankie."

Frankie smiled back at her best friend. She wanted to make this birthday extra special for Hannah given what had happened when she'd found out about the pregnancy. "She'd love that, Maddie."

"I bet she'd enjoy a beach theme like Caroline had," Maddie said thoughtfully. "And especially since she's been having so much fun here."

"That'd be so great," Frankie said. "We could have a luau."

Maddie giggled. "This will be so much fun, Frankie. Tonight after the kids go to bed, we'll sit down and plan this all out."

"And we could go shopping in town for some supplies tomorrow," Frankie said.

"Perfect," Maddie nodded. "I can't wait to see her face when she sees everything."

"Me too," Frankie said peering into the kitchen where Hannah was laughing at something Will was saying to her.

"She's been so happy the last few days," Maddie said quietly. "I'm glad she's gotten over being upset about the baby."

"I am too," Frankie said. "Come on..."

She and Maddie walked back into the kitchen and Hannah beamed at her mother.

"Try some of these," Hannah held out a biscuit. "Daddy says they're the best."

"Well, if William says so," Frankie said winking at her husband.

"I do," Will replied with a grin.

"Will and I are going to take the little sailor here out on the boat tomorrow to go fishing," Ethan said.

"Fishing!" Frankie exclaimed. "Hannah Emily wants to go fishing?"

"I've never been before," Hannah said.

"I think she'll like it," Will smiled at his daughter.

"We can put all the fish back after we catch them, right?" Hannah asked. "I don't want to hurt them."

"We can throw them back, yes," Will assured her. "Your grandmother Cho and aunt Chiaki would be so proud to hear you say that."

"Why didn't you and Aunt Allie become vegetables, Mummy?" Hannah asked.

Frankie laughed so hard she nearly cried. "Because, baby," she said wiping her eyes. "We both love a burger every now and again. Just not that often."

"Oh," Hannah said nodding. "Me too."

"Let's get you out of that swim costume," Frankie said. "It's going to be time for dinner soon."

"Okay," Hannah said sliding off of her chair. "What are we having?"

"I think Harry was talking about getting some takeout," Hermione said. "Chinese, some curry... a little bit of everything."

"Yum," Hannah said happily. "I bet Em will be so excited."

"Sounds good to me too," Frankie said. "And the baby."

Hermione smiled at the young woman. "You'll soon find out that your baby will dictate your appetite."

"I'm finding that out," Frankie said taking Hannah's hand. "Come on, baby."

"Kay," Hannah followed her mother upstairs. "I think I got a little sunburned on my shoulders."

"I have some lotion for that," Frankie said motioning for Hannah to sit down on the bed.

Hannah pulled the straps of her swim costume down as Frankie rubbed the lotion onto her small shoulders. "Thanks Mummy."

"You're welcome," Frankie said smiling at her. "Tomorrow when you're on the boat with your daddy make sure you stay in your t-shirt. I don't want this burn to get worse. Okay?"

Hannah nodded. "I will. I'm going to change clothes."

"Okay, sweetheart," Frankie said kissing her on the cheek. "I'm going to do the same."

"Meet you out here in five minutes!" Hannah called, racing for her room.

Frankie laughed. She was very happy that Hannah seemed to be adjusting to the pregnancy and that she seemed to be more outgoing. She'd come such a long way in such a short time.

Will came into the bedroom as Frankie was pulling on a pair of jeans. "You talk to Maddie about Hannah's party then?" he asked.

Frankie nodded. "We're going to plan tonight after she's gone to sleep. Tomorrow, we'll go shopping."

"Good idea," Will put his arms around his wife.

'"You'll be careful with her on the boat, right?" Frankie asked. "Make sure she's wearing a life jacket and make sure she's in her t-shirt and sun hat. I don't want her getting another sunburn."

"I promise," Will chuckled. "Don't you sound like the anxious mother..."

Frankie smiled at him. "I'm just looking out for my little girl."

He gave her a kiss. "How's the little one today?"

"He or she has been behaving because this is the first day I haven't been sick," Frankie replied.

"What do you think we're having?" Will asked. "A boy or girl?"

"Well, girls seem to run in my family," Frankie said thoughtfully. "And boys seem to run in yours. I honestly don't have a preference. I just want him or her to be healthy."

Will nodded. "Definitely... although I have to say I wouldn't mind having a little William Jr. running around..."

"William Jr?" Frankie asked turning her nose up.

"Yeah," Will said with a grin. "Come on Frankie!"

"That one didn't even make my list," Frankie scoffed.

"Why not?" Will acted as if he was injured.

"Because it's boring," Frankie replied as if the answer should have been simple.

"My name is boring?" he asked.

"Your name is lovely," Frankie said patting his arm. "But I was thinking more along the lines of...Nathan."

"Nathan," Will mused. "Can we give him William as a middle name? If it's a boy?"

"Nathan William Barron," Frankie said grinning at him. "I like that."

"Of course, if it's a girl, Wilhelmina-- ouch!" Will laughed as Frankie threw a pillow at him.

"Over my dead body," Frankie said.

"We wouldn't want that," Will twirled her around the room.

Frankie laughed. "Will!"

"I'm excited," he said, laughing too.

"What are you laughing about?" Hannah asked from the doorway. She'd changed into a pair of white shorts and a red top.

"Names," Frankie said.

"For the baby?" Hannah asked.

Will nodded. "What do you think of Nathan William Barron?"

Hannah nodded. "I like it! What did you pick for a girl?"

Frankie reached for the notebook on the bedside table. "Well, for girls, I had the names Rebecca...Charlotte....Colleen...Isabelle..."

"Isabelle is pretty," Hannah volunteered.

"What about a middle name?" Will asked. "Isabelle---"

Hannah sat on the edge of the bed. "I think the name Christine is pretty."

"Isabelle Christine Barron," Frankie said smiling at Hannah. "That is a great name and I wouldn't expect anything less from someone with a beautiful name like Hannah Emily."

Hannah grinned with pleasure. "Thanks Mummy."

"Isabelle or Nathan is going to be very lucky to have you for a big sister," Will said smiling at her.

"I'm going to be the bestest big sister," Hannah vowed.

"You sure are," Will said. "And I can't believe that my sweet little girl is going to be five years old!"

"In three days," Hannah nodded.

"Eleven years until she's able to date," Frankie said.

"I don't want to date," Hannah answered.

Will picked her up and spun her around. "Music to my ears!"

Hannah giggled uncontrollably. "I'm flying!"

Will laughed. "Hannah Barron is coming in for a landing...."

"Oomph!" Hannah said as her father landed her on the bed. "That was fun!"

Frankie smiled. "Come on, you. We can do some reading if you like..."

"A magazine?" Hannah asked.

"Absolutely," Frankie said picking up the copy of Witch Weekly that had arrived later that morning.

"Yay," Hannah slid next to her. "I want to know what the advice column says this week."

"And I think this is my cue to go downstairs," Will said.

"We'll be down in a bit," Frankie smiled at him.

Will laughed. "Uh-huh."

Hannah curled up next to her mother. "Do you think Lonely in Leeds ever found a boyfriend?"

"I don't know," Frankie said. "You know that is the bad thing about these columns. You read the letters and you hear the advice, but you never find out how it turned out."

"I hope she did," Hannah replied.

"Me too," Frankie said. "Now let's see. This letter is from Obsessed in Ottery St. Catchpole. She writes, "I have been hopelessly in love with my brother's best friend for years. He is everything I could have ever wanted. Our relationship developed out of nowhere and I'm trying to hold on to him with all that I have. The troubling this is that he has a female best friend who I am very threatened by. She seems to know him inside and out. I can't help being jealous..."

"Oooh," Hannah's eyes were wide.

"I know," Frankie said before continuing to read the letter. "To complicate matters even further my brother fancies her. It's very complicated. I just wish there was some way to sort it all out."

"What did they say back to her?" Hannah asked, her eyes skimming over the words. She wished they made more sense to her.

Frankie rolled her eyes as she read the columnist's reply. "She tells her that perhaps she should go on a journey to find out who she is."

"A journey?" Hannah was confused.

"That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard," Frankie said. "I don't understand it either."

"Go to the next one," Hannah said. "Please?"

"Alright," Frankie said. "Let's see...this one is from..."

Emma toddled into the room and plopped down on the bed. "Em want to hear too!"

Frankie laughed. "Well come on up Miss Em. You're just in time!"

Emma cuddled up with Hannah. "Go!"

Frankie read to her daughter and niece until dinner had arrived.

"Hey Em," Hannah said. "Did you hear that we have Chinese food and curry AND fish and chips tonight?"

Emma's eyes grew large. "All that? Yummy!"

"And you'll have a little bit of everything, right?" Hannah giggled.

Emma nodded.

"You two should be really sweet to Saffron," Frankie told them. "She's still sad."

"Em loves Saf," Emma replied. "Will help her eat tonight, kay?"

Frankie tickled her niece's side. "I'm sure that will make her feel a whole lot better."

Emma giggled. "Let's go and get Saffy."

"Okay," Hannah said. "We'll see you downstairs Mummy."

"Okay," Frankie said smiling at them before going downstairs.

"Come on, Em," Hannah said.

They went down the hall to the room Saffron and Alexa were sharing. Emma knocked on the door. "Saf! Come eat!"

Saffron had been sleeping and she awoke with a start when she heard the knock. Puddles scrambled to his feet and hopped off the bed.

"Who is it?" she asked groggily, rubbing at her eyes.

"Em!" Emma called out knocking again. "Em and Han-nah!"

Saffron opened the door to see the two little girls standing there. "Hi you two," she said. "Come on in."

Emma held up her arms. "Hug?"

Saffron had to smile. "Of course. Thanks Em. I needed a hug."

Saffron knelt down and the two girls gave her a big hug.

The sweet gesture almost made her start crying again but she kept her tears at bay. "Thanks you two. You both give great hugs, you know that?"

Hannah smiled at her. "We just want you to feel better."

"I already do," Saffron replied. "Is it dinner time?"

Emma nodded. "Come eat!"

"What are we having?" Saffron asked.

"Chinese," Hannah told her. "Your Mummy said."

"It smells good," Saffron said as Emma took her hand.

"Sit beside Em 'kay?" Emma asked.

"Okay," Saffron said. "I'd love to sit by you, Em."

Harry and Hermione were setting the table and smiled when they saw their daughter.

"Want to go with me to let Puddles out?" Saffron asked Emma and Hannah.

"Yes!" Hannah exclaimed.

"We'll be right back," Saffron told her parents.

"I miss Maxi," Emma said to Saffron.

Saffron knew that Cho and Neville had taken Max back with them the other night. "You'll get to see him again in a few days, right?"

Emma nodded. "He's scared without Em."

"Scared?" Saffron asked.

"Em looks out for Maxi," Emma told her. "Em loves Maxi."

"I bet Max loves you too," Saffron said. "And you know what? Until you go home, you can pretend Puddles is your dog too, okay?"

Emma beamed at her. "Thanks, Saf!"

"You're welcome Em," Saffron hugged the little redhead again. "You know, you're both making me feel a whole lot better."

"Do you think you could do my hair like yours?" Hannah asked reaching up and tugging at one of Saffron's plaits.

"I think so," Saffron answered. "You all like plaits a lot, don't you?"

"I really like yours," Hannah said. "You have pretty hair like Maddie's."

Saffron laughed. "No one has hair like Maddie."

Hannah nodded. "Like a doll's."

"The nice thing about Maddie as she's as sweet as she is beautiful," Saffron said.

"And she has a really cool pixie," Hannah said.

"That she does," Saffron agreed.

"Em loves Aunt Mad," the redhead said.

"Family is the most important thing in the world," Saffron said remembering how hers had gathered around her when she most needed them.

Hannah nodded. "Like having a Mummy and Daddy who love you."

"And two of the sweetest little girls in the whole world that give the bestest hugs," Saffron said smiling at the them.

Hannah grinned at her again. "Are you feeling better Saffy?"

"Thanks to you two, yes," Saffron replied. "Come on. Let's go inside."

Puddles eagerly ran ahead of them with Emma trailing just behind. "Pud!" she said. "You're Em's dog too!"

Saffron laughed. She was still heartbroken, but she couldn't help feeling better.

"There you are," Allison said as they went back inside. "Em, go wash up, okay?"

"You too, Hannah," Frankie said.

"Okay," Hannah said, heading for the loo.

"We should all have enough since Ron isn't here," Harry joked.

"I'm eating for Dad," Maddie said with a grin.

"And I am eating for two," Frankie said patting her stomach.

"And Em is hungry!" Emma announced.

Jon scooped her up. "When are you not hungry, baby?"

"Never!" Emma giggled.

"She is a Weasley," Caroline giggled.

"And Weasleys are always hungry," Maddie finished.

Josh shook his head. "Some of us more than others."

"Sissy, look at the food!" Emma squealed.

"It looks good Em," Caroline agreed. "Want me to help you?"

"Peas?" Emma asked.

Lizzy and Josh put the triplets in their chairs and Casey clapped her hands excitedly. "Eat, Mama."

"All right little miss," Lizzy said. "Want to try a little of everything?"

Casey nodded.

"Case!" Emma waved at her cousin. "Case!"

"Em look," Casey said. "Eat!"

Josh laughed. "Uh-oh. Now Em has a partner-in-crime."

"Dada," Noah reached out to him.

"What do you want, mate?" Josh asked standing up and walking over to him. "Hmm?"

Noah pointed to a bowl of noodles on the table. "Oodle!"

Aidan giggled. "Oodle! Oodle!"

"You two are oodle," Josh said with a grin.

Jon helped Caroline fix a plate for Emma and before he sat down he tugged on one of Saffron's plaits. She smiled up at him.

"Doing okay?" he asked.

"Yeah," Saffron answered. "Okay..."

Jon smiled at her before taking his seat beside Allison.

Saffron was glad that the Weasleys seemed to have forgiven her. She knew that some of them hadn't immediately believed her, but that was to be expected given that RJ was their brother.

This wasn't going to be an easy time, but she would get through it. She'd have Quidditch and school to keep her busy and with time, maybe she'd forget about Andrew. But, she knew that was just wishful thinking. How did you forget your first love?

*** *** ***

When Emma woke up that morning, she looked around the room for a moment trying to remember why that day felt so different. When she rested her eyes on Hannah, the little redhead smiled and pushed back her covers.

Creeping over to Hannah's bed, Emma squealed loudly and pushed at her. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAN!"

Hannah awoke with a start. "Em! You scared me!"

"Han is five now!" Emma jumped onto her bed.

Hannah rubbed sleepily at her eyes. "It's my birthday..."

"Yes!" Emma squealed and giggled, waking up Casey.

Casey sat up in her crib and looked disoriented. "Em?"

"It's Han's birthday!" Emma hopped up and down. "Say Happy Birthday, Case!"

Casey just shook her head.

Hannah giggled. "I think she's too sleepy, Em."

"Em's not sleepy at all" Emma jumped higher on the bed.

Will knocked on the door. "What is going on in here?"

"Uncle Will!" Emma scrambled off the bed and ran towards him. "It's Han's birthday!"

"I know," Will said spinning Emma around. "I can't believe my little girl is five years old!"

Hannah giggled. "I'm getting old, Daddy."

Will sat Emma back down and then walked over to his daughter's bed. "You're always going to be my little girl. Even when you're old and grey. Happy Birthday, sweetheart!"

"Thanks Daddy," Hannah gave him a hug.

"Your mum is going to be in here soon," Will promised. "She woke up feeling a little sick."

"Will she be okay?" Hannah asked anxiously. "Is she sick because of the baby?"

Will nodded. "She's going to be fine. It's normal."

"Mummy got sick with Adam," Emma said doing a little twirl in the middle of the bedroom. "Sick, sick, sick."

"Sick," Casey echoed, pulling herself up.

"She'll be fine," Will reassured Hannah.

Hannah nodded. "Okay Daddy."

"Out!" Casey exclaimed holding up her arms. "Peas?"

Will chuckled. "As you wish, Miss Casey."

Will stood up and walked over to the toddler's crib. He lifted her out and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Here you are."

"Will," Casey grinned at him and patted his cheek. "Hi hi!"

"Hi! Hi!" Will echoed.

Casey grimaced. "Sqwatchy."

Will laughed. "I haven't had a chance to shave."

"Uncle Will has a beard," Emma sang, still dancing around in a circle. "And it's scratchy, scratchy!"

Casey giggled. "Em sing!"

"Scratchy, scratchy beard," Emma sang with a grin. "Han's birthday is today and she's five!"

No one had ever made this big a deal over her birthday and Hannah couldn't help the large smile that broke out across her face.

"Happy birthday to you!" Emma changed her tune. "Happy birthday to Han!"

"Birthday!" Casey echoed, clapping her hands.

"What's going on in here?" Frankie asked. Her skin was pale and she looked a little weak, but she wasn't about to miss out on any moment of Hannah's birthday.

"Mummy?" Hannah asked. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine sweetheart," Frankie smiled at her daughter. "Happy birthday love."

Hannah slid off of her bed and ran toward her mother. "Thanks, Mummy."

"Oomph," Frankie laughed as Hannah threw herself into her arms. "Sounds like you four are already partying."

"Han's five!" Emma jumped up on the bed. "Han's five and she's a birthday girl!"

"That she is," Frankie hugged her daughter. "She's my beautiful birthday girl."

Lizzy came in to get Casey and after wishing Hannah a happy birthday took Casey and Emma downstairs to get breakfast.

"A little peace and quiet," Frankie sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Em's kind of excited," Hannah said sitting down beside her.

"Em was born excited," Will joked.

Frankie laughed. "Hannah, your father and I have a special present for you."

"You got me something?" Hannah asked.

"Of course we did," Will sat on her other side.

Frankie reached into the pocket of her dressing gown and pulled out a small gift wrapped box. "We have some other things for you, but we wanted to give this to you first."

Hannah took it and carefully peeled back the wrapper to reveal a small velvet box. She opened it and her eyes grew wide.

It was a heart-shaped silver locket and Hannah remembered admiring the one that Saffron's mother wore around her neck.

"Open it," Will said softly. "Look inside, baby."

Hannah gently pried it open and gaped. On one side was a picture of her birth mother, and on the other, a picture of her with Will and Frankie.

"We thought you might like to keep all of us close," Frankie kissed the top of Hannah's head.

Tears welled up in Hannah's eyes as she looked at the two pictures. She didn't know what to say.

"Do you like it, baby?" Frankie asked.

Hannah nodded. "It's the prettiest thing ever, Mummy."

"Let's put it on and see how it looks," Will said taking the locket from her.

Hannah lifted up her hair as her father put the locket on. "It's my most favourite present ever."

"I'm so glad you like it," Will said picking her up and carrying her over to the mirror. "What do you think?"

"It's so pretty," Hannah touched it. "Thank you Daddy. Thank you Mummy."

"You're very welcome," Will said sharing a look with Frankie. "How about we go on down for some breakfast. I happen to know that Harry is making waffles this morning."

"Yummy," Hannah declared. "Can I have strawberries on mine?"

"Absolutely," Will said holding her tightly as they made their way downstairs.

"I'll meet you guys in there in a minute," Frankie said, rubbing her stomach. "I need another bathroom run."

"Uh-oh," Hannah said watching in concern as her mother hurried down the hall.

"She's going to be okay," Will said patting Hannah's back.

"I hope so," Hannah said, watching after Frankie.

Hannah could smell the delicious food before they even made it to the kitchen. She grinned with delight when she saw everyone around the table.

"Happy Birthday!" Caroline, Katie, and Ashley exclaimed.

"Thanks," Hannah said with a grin. "It smells yummy in here!"

"Why thank you, Hannah Emily Barron," Harry crowed in dramatic fashion from his post by the stove. "I hope that you are extra hungry."

Hannah blushed and smiled. "I am."

"And as a special treat," Will whispered to Hannah. "Both sets of your grandparents are going to be here later."

"Really?" Hannah asked. "I can't wait!"

"What time are Nev and Cho getting in?" Hermione asked.

"A few hours," Will answered, not mentioning that they would be taking Hannah to lunch so they could get the surprise party set up.

Ashley, who was sitting across from Hannah, noticed the locket. "That's a pretty locket, Hannah."

"Thanks," Hannah touched it. "Mummy and Daddy just gave it to me."

Ashley leaned across the table. "Can I see the pictures inside?"

"Sure," Hannah said, opening it. "The one there is my real mummy, and then one of me and my mummy and daddy."

"That's really cool, Aunt Frankie," Caroline commented. "That way Hannah's mummy and you and Uncle Will can always be close to her heart!"

Frankie had just come back into the kitchen and smiled at her niece. "That's right Angel."

"Feeling okay?" Will asked his wife.

"I'll be fine," Frankie answered, rubbing her forehead.

"I'll get you a glass of juice," Maddie said to her friend.

"Thanks Mads," Frankie sat down, hoping her nausea would pass.

Will put some waffles on Hannah's plate and cut them for her. "Syrup and strawberries, right?"

"Can I have whip cream?" Hannah asked hopefully.

"Absolutely," Will said winking at her.

Hannah smiled as she leaned back in her chair. So far this had been her best birthday ever.

Maddie handed Frankie a glass of juice. "You sure you're okay?"

Frankie nodded. "It's the bloody morning sickness, that's all."

"If you need anything just let me know," Maddie said sympathetically.

"Thanks," Frankie said gratefully. "Hopefully it won't last much longer. We've got loads to set up."

"She looks so happy," Maddie commented watching as Hannah took a big bite of her waffles, getting some of the whipped cream on her nose.

"Yeah she does," Frankie said fondly. "I can't' believe it's almost been a year since I met her."

"And see how much she's changed," Maddie said. "You did that, Frankie. I'm really proud of you."

"She's adapted really well," Frankie said in a low voice. "Especially after at first when we told her about the pregnancy. The past few days she's almost completely come out of her shell."

"She's such a sweet little girl," Maddie said. "I hope Ethan and I have a little girl some day just like her."

Frankie smiled. "I'm sure you will, Mads. It'll happen for you."

Maddie looked down the table to where her husband was talking with his little sister. She hoped that it would happen soon. She wanted to start a family and she couldn't wait to have a baby of their own. Perhaps she'd talk to him later about his feelings on the subject.

Hannah finished off her waffles and laughed at her father who had whipped cream on his nose. "You made a big mess, Daddy!'

"I did?" Will asked innocently. "Where?"

"On your nose!" Hannah giggled pointing at it. "And you have syrup on your cheek!"

"Like this?" Will dabbed a bit of whip cream on her nose. "And maybe some here?" he got her cheek.

"Daddy!" Hannah squealed.

"You're setting a good example," Maddie teased.

Will grinned. "What can I say?"

Aidan picked up a piece of his food and threw it at his sister, who promptly began to cry.

"Aidan," Lizzy chastised. "Why did you do that?"

Noah picked up some of his cereal and slung it at his mother. "Mama!"

"Noah!" Lizzy said sternly. "That's a bad boy. We do not throw our food!"

"No throw," Casey wiped her eyes. "No throw!"

"Throw!" Noah exclaimed.

"No," Josh saw what his sons were doing. "No throwing."

"See what you started, William?" Frankie asked.

"I didn't mean to," Will wiped the cream and syrup off his face.

"Everyone behave!" Emma admonished pointing her finger at the triplets. "No waste food!"

Noah and Aidan stared at her. "Kay Em," Noah said.

Maddie pressed her lips together so she wouldn't start laughing.

"She rules the roost," Allison said. "Em, do you want some more waffles?"

"Yes," Emma nodded. "Peas, Mummy."

"I'll get them for her, Mummy," Caroline said, knowing her mother's hands were full with Adam.

"Thanks Angel," Allison smiled at her oldest daughter.

"I can help too," Katie said getting to her feet.

"I've got it," Caroline said, hurrying over to the plate on the counter.

Katie slumped down in her seat. She couldn't believe Caroline was still mad at her.

Ashley watched this exchange and she leaned over. "What's up with Caroline?" she whispered to her sister.

"She's cross with me because I'm going to get the lead and she's not," Katie whispered back.

"But you don't know that for sure," Ashley replied. "Everyone has a fair chance."

"I'm the best in the class though, Ash," Katie said.

"That doesn't always mean you'll get the lead," Ashley pointed out gently.

"Caroline's too shy," Katie said defensively. "And she hates being in the front. Always has. Kind of like you."

Ashley frowned. "Being shy isn't a bad thing, Katie."

"For a dancer, it is," Katie said not noticing that Caroline had heard what she'd said.

Ashley shook her head. "If you're her best friend like you say you are, you wouldn't be like this. You'd help her and you'd be happy for her if she won the lead."

"That's not going to happen," Katie scoffed.

Caroline grabbed her plate and glared at her best friend. "I'm going to go and sit beside my daddy."

"Fine," Katie crossed her arms and turned away.

Ashley was disappointed in her sister. "You're going to lose her as a friend if you keep this up you know." she said before going back to her sketchbook.

Katie rolled her eyes. Ashley didn't know what she was talking about. Caroline would come to see that Katie was only looking out for her and they'd forget about this.

Caroline set her plate down on the other side of her father. "Hi, Daddy."

"Hi sweetheart," Jon smiled at her. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to sit beside you," Caroline said smiling slightly at him.

"You sure everything's okay?" Jon asked. "You look upset Angel."

Caroline's lower lip trembled as Katie's words echoed in her head. "I'm...I'm okay."

Jon put an arm around his daughter. "Sweetheart--"

Caroline sobbed into his shoulder.

Jon picked her up and carried her out of the kitchen. "Tell me what's wrong, baby."

She told her father what she'd overheard Katie said. "I-I just w-wish I was b-brave."

"You are brave," Jon told her, wiping her tears away with his thumb. "You're going to get up there and audition in front of everyone, aren't you? And I think my princess is going to blow everyone away."

"Will you and Mummy be there?" Caroline asked. "I think I could do it if I could see your faces..."

"We wouldn't miss it for the world," Jon assured her. "And when you make the lead, we'll be there in the front row, with lots and lots and lots of flowers."

"Thanks, Daddy," Caroline said putting her arms around his neck. "I love you."

"I love you too, Angel." Jon hugged her tightly.

Caroline smiled up at him. "You're the bestest."

"Well I happen to think you're the bestest too," Jon said dramatically. "Your mum and I got lucky with you three, you know that?"

Caroline giggled. "We are pretty great, aren't we?"

"Yes you are," Jon kissed her cheek. "And don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise."

Caroline beamed at him. "Thanks, Daddy."

"Come on," Jon took her hand. "Let's get back in there and have some waffles before your sister eats them all."

Caroline followed him out of the kitchen and ignored Katie.

Saffron took a seat beside Ashley. She was trying to keep busy so she could keep her mind off of Andrew. "What are you sketching, Ash?"

"I'm trying to draw the ocean," Ashley said. "Like, make the waves and stuff. It's hard!"

"You make it look easy," Saffron said looking thoughtfully at the sketch. "That's really good."

"Thanks," Ashley said. "I'm trying to make them look like they're moving, you know?"

"Looks great to me," Saffron said. "Look, I was wondering if perhaps you'd like to go shopping for your school things with Lexie and me. I'd understand if you wanted to go with Jules---"

"Really?" Ashley asked. "You want me to go with you?"

"Of course," Saffron said. "We're going next week...."

"I'd love to go," Ashley said excitedly.

"Great," Saffron smiled at her. "Jules said you received your letter yesterday."

Ashley nodded happily. "I'm really excited. I'm nervous too, but I'm excited mostly."

"You're going to love it," Saffron said. "I know you will."

"Especially since you're Head Girl," Ashley smiled at her aunt.

"Anyone gives you any grief, you just let me know," Saffron said giving her niece a hug.

Alexa came into the kitchen carrying a letter and she tapped Saffron on the shoulder.

"You're never going to believe what Mimi had to say in her letter," Alexa said.

Saffron looked at the letter in her friend's hand. "How many pages is that exactly?"

"Thirteen," Alexa replied. "But you will never in a million years guess what has her so worked up."

"She found a split end?" Saffron asked.

Ashley giggled.

Alexa shook her head. "You know how her mum's been divorced for about two years now, right?"

Saffron nodded. "I remember when that happened."

"Well, her mother's been seeing someone since the summer began and you're never going to guess who it is," Alexa replied.

"Oliver Wood," Saffron said thinking of a random name.

Alexa nodded. "And apparently it's getting a bit serious."

"Oh my God!" Saffron exclaimed. "I was only kidding---are you serious? Really? Oliver Wood?"

Julie turned around at the mention of the headmaster's name. "What about Oliver?"

"He's going out with Cheryl Doyle," Alexa said. "Mimi's mum. Meems' is mortified."

Julie chuckled. "He told me he was seeing someone, but he didn't mention who."

Saffron picked up the letter and smiled when she read what Mimi had written.

I thought that seeing Oliver Wood everyday would be a dream come true, but I never in a million years thought it would be like this. My mother is walking around the house humming some stupid song and she keeps smiling. I cannot believe this is happening to me!

Saffron grinned. "I wonder what Beth has to say about this."

"Good for old Oliver," Nick said sharing a grin with his wife.

Julie nudged him before going back to her breakfast.

"Hey, birthday girl," Frankie said smiling at Hannah. "Come here."

"Are you feeling better Mummy?" Hannah asked, perching carefully on her lap.

"Much better," Frankie said kissing the top of her head. "Did you have a good breakfast?"

"It was really yummy," Hannah said. "And I can't wait for my grandpas and my grandmas to come!"

"They're going to be so happy to see you," Frankie said. "And your Daddy and I are going to take you out for lunch later."

Hannah smiled happily. "This is my most favourite birthday ever."

"I'm glad, baby," Frankie said. "You're our special girl."

"Thanks Mummy," Hannah replied. "And I love my necklace a whole lot."

"I'm so glad," Frankie said hugging her tightly.

"My two favourite girls," Will sat down. "I just heard from your grandpa Ted. They'll be here soon, Hannah."

"And they're bringing Mia with them," Frankie said. "She didn't want to miss your birthday."

Hannah grinned. "I can't wait!"

The rest of the breakfast passed by quickly. Some people were going to go out on the beach, but Emma hung back with her best friend. She knew about the party later, but she wasn't going to say anything because it was supposed to be a surprise.

Maddie sat down beside Frankie. "So you're taking her out to lunch and Ethan and I will help set everything up in here."

"Thanks Maddie," Frankie said. "I owe you both for helping out like this."

"She's our goddaughter," Maddie said.

"I know, but I still appreciate it." Frankie said. "I left you the list of spells to transform everything into a beach. And all the party favours are in the closet."

"When are Chi and Tosh getting here?" Maddie asked.

"They're bringing the twins a few hours from now," Frankie said. "They're also bringing her friend Jessica from school."

Maddie grinned. "She's going to love that, Frankie!"

"I hope she's surprised," Frankie glanced over her shoulder.

"Don't worry," Maddie said. "Em won't say anything."

"I know," Frankie answered. "I'm going to get dressed. Thanks again Maddie."

Maddie watched her friend go before she headed into the kitchen to help her husband.

"Don't even pretend like you're in here to help," Ethan said grinning at her. "There's no food left."

"Busted," Maddie slid her arms around him.

"I'm not dressing up as a rabbit for this one," Ethan told her. "Not even for Hannah."

"You don't have to," Maddie laughed. "Just maybe your swim costume..."

"She went with the beach theme, then?" Ethan asked.

"Yes," Maddie nodded. "Even though we're at the beach, the whole having sand indoors really gets the kids excited."

"Having you indoors kind of gets me excited," Ethan said nibbling at her neck.

Maddie smiled. "No luck yet..."

"Later tonight?" Ethan asked hopefully.

"Soon as we get the chance," Maddie said softly. "Ethan..."

"Yes, my love?" Ethan asked.

"Am I horrible for feeling jealous of Frankie?" Maddie asked.

"Jealous of her over what?" Ethan asked.

"Being pregnant," Maddie cast her eyes down.

"You wish it was you having morning sickness?" Ethan teased, but he stopped when he saw the serious expression on his wife's face. "Mads?"

"I just want to have a baby so much," Maddie said, looking back at him.

"It's going to happen, Maddie," Ethan said putting his arms around her. "At the right time."

"I just hate the feeling of being jealous," Maddie put her head on his shoulder. "It's not who I am... you know?"

"Everyone knows that," Ethan reassured her. "And when the time comes, you're going to be a great mum."

"I hope so," Maddie hugged him again. "And you'll be such a good dad, Ethan."

Ethan held her tightly. "We can start trying again tonight...."

"Every night?" Maddie asked with a smile.

"You're going to wear me out," Ethan said tickling her side.

She laughed. "Not you... not the big tough Auror."

"Not me," Ethan agreed flexing his muscles. "See? I'm a strong lad..."

"Mmm..." Maddie felt a rush of pleasure. "Yes you are."

Ethan gave her a lingering kiss. "I love you, Maddie."

"I love you too," Maddie wrapped her arms around him again.

"We'd better get a move on," Ethan said. "We have a party to set up."

"Right," Maddie sneaked one more kiss. "I can't wait until later."

"Me too," Ethan said winking at her. "I'm going to head into town and pick up the cake from the bakery. Anything else I need to get?"

"Some chocolate chip muffins for me?" Maddie batted her eyes.

"How can I say no to that look?" Ethan asked. "I'll get you a dozen."

Maddie grinned. "Soon as Will and Frankie leave, I'll start everything in the sitting room."

"Ring me on my mobile if anything changes," he told her.

"I will," Maddie kissed him again. "Hurry back."