Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: You get a big serving of Christmas fluff this go 'round as our favourite almost five year old girl celebrates Christmas with her family. Can you believe little Emma Weasley is almost five? Where did the time go?

On another note, we wanted to address a question we've been getting a lot in reviews. We are not going to update more than once a week because our schedules and how far ahead we are in the story do not really go along with that right now. We are trying to decide on a second story to co-author and if we do that, we'll probably update that one on Tuesdays. But, for now, Last Dance will only be updated on Saturdays. Thanks you guys for reading and being the greatest!

It was early Christmas morning and Emma Weasley was making sure that no one stayed asleep.

"Em," Caroline protested sleepily. "It's only half past five. I bet Santa hasn't even come yet!"

"Sissy, come on!" Emma said tugging at the covers. "Santa came!"

"I'm waiting for Mummy and Daddy," Caroline pulled the covers back over her head.

Emma pouted for a moment. An idea came to her and she hurried out her and Caroline's room and down the hall toward her parents' room.

Emma reached up and opened the door. Her parents were fast asleep. She had no idea that they'd only gone to sleep a couple of hours ago. They'd been busy setting up the presents. Emma grinned and ran toward the bed.

"DADDY!" Emma squealed pouncing on him.

"What?" Jon grunted as Emma landed on his chest. "Em? What are you doing up, baby?"

"It's Christmas!" Emma exclaimed, tapping his cheeks with her hand.

"It's five thirty," Allison said opening up one eye and looking at the clock on the bedside table. "It's not Christmas yet, baby."

"Yes it is," Emma said. "It was Christmas after midnight!"

"You are too smart for your own good," Jon said smiling at her. "How about you lie down with Mummy and Daddy for awhile and then we'll get up and look at the presents."

"No, now." Emma pushed her lower lip out.

"Em," Allison said sitting up. "Your brother and sister aren't even up yet."

"Sissy is up," Emma replied. "Em woke her up!"

"Like you did us, eh?" Jon asked.

Emma giggled. "That's right Daddy!"

"You're not going to go back to bed, are you?" Allison asked.

Emma shook her head.

"Dada!" Adam called out from his room. "Dada! Dada!"

Jon groaned. "I think the whole crew is up now."

"We'll go back to sleep later," Allison said with a yawn.

"Guess we don't have a choice," Jon pushed back the covers as Emma dashed out of the room.

"We should bottle her energy," Allison said to Jon.

Jon laughed and wrapped his arms around her. "Happy Christmas, Al."

"Happy Christmas," Allison said giving him a kiss.

"Come on!" Emma begged from the doorway. "Adam wants you to get him down!"

"Okay, okay," Jon said following his daughter back into Adam's room. His son was standing up in his crib and holding his arms out. "Hey, buddy."

"Dada!" Adam grinned when he saw him.

Jon picked him up. "Are you ready to open some presents?"

Adam nodded vigorously. "Toys!"

"Adam, Em gets to open first," Emma told him. "Em always opens first."

"Emma," Jon said. "We go youngest to oldest."

"But I went first last year," Emma pointed out.

"That's because Adam was a baby then and couldn't open for himself," Jon told her.

Emma crossed her arms and pouted.

"Adam big boy," Adam announced.

"Yes you are," Jon said affectionately.

Allison and Caroline met them in the hall. Caroline was leaning against her mother, her eyes closed.

"Did we HAVE to get up this early?" Caroline complained.

"After we open presents and have breakfast, we'll go back down for a kip," Allison promised.

"Okay," Caroline said, heading for the sitting room. "Come on, Em."

Emma grinned and took her sister's hand. "Okay, sissy."

"Mama," Adam reached for her.

Allison took him from Jon and hugged him to her. "Happy Christmas, Adam."

Adam put his arms around her neck. "Presents?"

"Yes," Allison said kissing his cheek. "Because Santa said you were a good little boy."

Adam nodded. "Big boy too!"

"So's his Daddy," Jon said cheekily.

"Jonathan!" Allison giggled, swatting him with her free hand.

"Come ON!" Emma said from the sitting room. "You're taking too long!"

Allison carried Adam into the sitting room and sat down with him in front of the tree. "Caroline, can you hand him a present?"

"Sure, Mummy." Caroline said, sliding a large box over to her brother.

Adam looked at it for a few moments as if not sure what to do with it.

"Rip the paper," Emma encouraged.

Adam put his hands on top of the package.

"Emma, why don't you show him how to do it?" Allison asked.

"Okay," Emma said eagerly, her little hands tearing the paper off.

Adam laughed and clapped his hands as he watched his sister. "Ooooh!"

"Look Adam!" Emma said. "You got a race track!"

"Ooooh!" Adam squealed.

"Daddy can set it up for you," Emma began to open the box.

Allison laughed. "Which I'm sure he can't wait to do."

"Adam and I will do it later," Jon said. "For now, let's get cracking on these other presents."

Caroline set another present in front of Adam.

This time, Adam seemed to know what to do. His little hands ripped apart the paper.

"A stuffed dragon!" Emma exclaimed. "Adam, they're your favourites!"

"Other one!" Adam said excitedly.

Caroline laughed. "I think he's got the hang of it now, Mummy."

Adam happily tore through the rest of his presents. He received some clothes, which he didn't show any interest in, but he loved the toy broom that Caroline and Emma had selected for him.

"Good job," Allison told him. "My sweet boy."

"Love Mama," Adam threw himself into her lap.

Allison put her arms around him. "I love you too, Adam."

"Em's turn?" Emma pleaded.

"Yes," Allison said grinning at her.

With a squeal, Emma made quick work of tearing through her gifts; barely stopping to see what she had received.

"Emma!" Caroline giggled.

"Slow down," Jon chuckled.

Emma looked at him with wide eyes. "Too much fun, Daddy!"

"The sooner she finishes, the sooner we can go back to bed," Caroline said impishly.

Jon mussed her hair. "Fair point, Angel."

"Watch me!" Emma said, tearing into her last box to reveal a princess gown made for her by Molly.

"Em's favourite!" Emma announced hugging it to her.

"That's soooooo pretty, Em." Caroline said. "You'll have to show it off at our next meeting."

"And give your Nana a big hug and kiss for making it for you," Allison told her.

"I will," Emma promised, barely taking her eyes off the dress. "Sissy's turn!"

Caroline smiled. "Finally," she joked.

Her first gift she opened up was a diary. "That's a special journal, Angel." Jon said. "And we happen to know that Mia was also getting one. With it, the two of you can write to each other."

Caroline beamed at him. "Really?"

"Pretty cool, eh?" Jon asked.

"Really cool," Caroline said. "Thanks, Daddy!"

"You're welcome, Angel." Jon said, grinning at her.

Caroline opened another present, a new dance bag and a new pair of ballet slippers.

"I needed new slippers!" she exclaimed. "Thank you!"

"Your Grandma Cho helped me pick those out," Allison told her.

"I can't wait to wear them in class," Caroline said happily.

Emma handed her another present. "This is from Adam and me."

"Thanks, Em." Caroline said before tearing it open.

"Bertie Botts!" Caroline exclaimed. "Thanks, Em. Those are my favourite!"

"Em's too," Emma replied.

Caroline finished opening her presents and she shared a knowing look with her father. She was the only one who knew about his surprise for her mother.

Jon handed Allison a small envelope. "Happy Christmas."

"Jon," Allison said smiling at him as she opened the envelope. She was speechless when she saw what it was. Two tickets for a portkey to the Cayman Islands. "Jonathan!"

"Fourth honeymoon?" Jon winked at her.

Allison smiled. "You always manage to surprise me."

"I'm still good," Jon said in satisfaction.

"I didn't tell her," Caroline said proudly. "I wanted to so many times, but I didn't!"

"Good job, Angel." Jon congratulated her. "I knew I could count on you."

"This one is from all of us," Caroline said handing it to her mother. "Em, Adam and me."

"Thank you sweetheart," Allison said.

Allison opened the package to see a framed photo of her three children. "Oh, you guys! This is lovely!"

"We made it ourselves, Mummy," Emma said.

"It's beautiful," Allison said, getting a little teary-eyed as she looked at the photograph. "Thank you so much!"

"Love mama," Adam said again.

Allison hugged him and Caroline and Emma joined in on the hug. "Squishy Mummy."

"What about squishy Daddy?" Jon asked.

"Let's get him," Allison said conspiratorially.

"Dada!" Adam shouted. "Get Dada!"

Jon was knocked over by the force of all three of them hugging him.

Jon laughed. "Now that's the way to spend Christmas morning."

"We're not done yet," Allison said. "It's your turn, Mr. Weasley."

"Presents for me?" Jon asked.

"Of course," Allison said. "You were a good boy this year, weren't you?"

"You tell me," Jon said with a wicked grin.

"I think so," Allison said grinning back at him.

"Open already!" Emma plunked a gift in her father's lap

"Okay, okay," Jon said tearing into it. "You are a pushy little thing, Emma Madeline."

"I know," Emma grinned.

Jon laughed. "Okay, let's see what's in here..."

Emma was eager to see her father's reaction to the gift she and her siblings had gotten him.

"New flying gloves," Jon said. "Now, how did you lot know I needed a new pair?"

"You told Mummy!" Emma explained.

"I did, didn't I?" Jon asked winking at her. "Thank you."

"Now you have to open Mummy's," Caroline said handing it to him.

"I can do that," Jon said, unwrapping the gift. "Hey, Al... this is great!" Her gift was a broomstick servicing kit.

Allison leaned over to give him a hug. "I have something else for ...later," she whispered in his ear.

Jon leaned in and gave his wife a kiss. "I can't wait."

Allison looked at Emma. "Em? There's something else that we had for you. Santa left it outside by Max's house."

"Another present for Em?" Emma asked excitedly.

Allison nodded. "It's cold out. So you can just look outside at it for now. Later on, we'll go out with you."

Emma ran toward the kitchen and pulled back the curtains. There sitting beside Max's dog house was a pink bicycle.

"EM HAS A BIKE!" the little redhead shrieked. "LOOK!"

"You can go riding with me now," Caroline said putting an arm around her sister.

"Right now?" Emma asked.

"Not right now," Caroline said. "The sun's not up yet. But, later, we'll go."

"Unless it snows," Allison said. "Then you may want to wait until it warms up."

"Right," Caroline said. "But either way, Em you have a bike!"

"I can't wait to ride!" Emma bounced up and down.

"She's been wanting one of those forever," Caroline said looking at her mother.

"Santa must have known that," Allison grinned at her.

"This has been such a good Christmas," Caroline said hugging her mother.

"Yes it has," Allison kissed the top of her head.

"What's for breakfast?" Emma asked.

"You want breakfast?" Jon scooped her up. "I thought we were all going back to bed."

Emma giggled. "Hungry, Daddy!"

"How about your favourite breakfast," Allison said. "Blueberry waffles made from scratch?"

"Yummy!" Emma replied.

"Come on, Em," Caroline said. "You, me and Adam can clean up in the sitting room while Mummy and Daddy cook."

"Kay," Emma said. "Come with me and Sissy, Adam."

Adam toddled over to them.

"Did you see the look on her face when she saw that bicycle?" Jon asked Allison when they were alone in the kitchen.

"It's perfect for her," Jon said. "I can't believe she's going to be five years old next week."

"She's growing up so fast," Allison said. "They all are. I can't imagine what I'll be like when we see Caroline off to Hogwarts for the first time."

"A crying mess?" Jon asked.

"You will be too," Allison said nudging him as she opened up the icebox.

"So," Jon said. "What's this surprise you have for me?"

"It's supposed to be a surprise," Allison told him.

Jon kissed the side of her neck. "You know I can't resist your surprises."

Allison smiled. "Well, I will give you a hint. I stopped by Lavender's shop the other day. I might have purchased something lacy...."

"I love you in lace," Jon said huskily.

Allison turned around and looped her arms around his neck. "You'll probably love me out of it, too."

"You know I will," Jon kissed her again.

"I can't believe we're going to the Caymans," Allison said.

Jon smiled. "Let's make that trip soon..."

"Absolutely," Allison replied. "Going somewhere nice and warm with the best husband in the whole world..."

"That would be me," Jon said proudly. "About to take a trip with the most beautiful woman and best wife in the world."

"I love you," Allison said softly.

"I love you too, Al." Jon tucked her hair behind her ear. "I always have."

"Jonathan Arthur Weasley," Allison said touching his face. "You have made me so happy."

"That goes double for me," Jon told her. "The day you agreed to marry me was one of the happiest days of my life."

Allison knew a lot of people hadn't thought that they'd last. It hadn't been easy and money had been tight, but somehow, they'd managed to make it through, together. "I wouldn't have done anything differently, you know? We were meant to be together."

"I agree," Jon rested his forehead on hers. "You've always been my girl, Al."

"Always," Allison agreed happily.

It was suspiciously quiet in the sitting room and Allison took Jon's hand and led him out of the kitchen. There amongst the discarded boxes and wrapping paper, their three children were fast asleep. Caroline had her arm protectively around Adam's waist and Emma was sleeping on the baby's other side.

"I think getting the camera is in order," Jon whispered/

Allison nodded and tiptoed over to the coffee table to get the camera.

"I'll have to make a copy for Nana," Jon said as Allison snapped a few shots. "She'll love these."

"And for your parents and mine," Allison whispered.

"Definitely," Jon nodded, watching his three children with a grin.

"I should really get started on breakfast," Allison said.

"I'll clean up in here," Jon told her. "Let these three sleep."

"Deal," Allison said with a grin. "Put that blanket on them too, Jon. I don't want them getting cold."

"Will do," Jon pulled the blanket from the sofa.

He draped it gingerly over the three of them. "Sleep well," he whispered.

Meanwhile, Christmas at the Barron house had just begun. Hannah, Mas and Sukie were eagerly tearing into their gifts while Chiaki and Frankie fed the infants.

Mas held up a toy airplane and Sukie grabbed for it. "Mine!" she squealed.

"No!" Mas pulled it back. "Santa gave to ME!"

Sukie started to cry.

Chiaki sighed. "Sukie that was Mas' present. You don't just grab it out of his hands."

"But I want it!" Sukie sobbed.

"You might get one," Toshio told his daughter. "If you open up your own presents, Sukie."

"Want that one!" Sukie exclaimed pointing at it. "Mas mean!"

"No, your brother is not mean," Toshio told her. "You have your gifts, and Mas has his."

"Mean, Daddy!" Sukie pointed at him.

"Sukie, do you want a time out?" Toshio asked sternly.

Sukie shook her head. "No."

"Then behave," Toshio said. "Go open YOUR presents."

Sukie toddled over to the tree and picked up a present.

Mas sat contentedly beside Neville. "Gampa, help?"

"I'd love to help," Neville grinned at his grandson.

Neville helped him open a present and Mas squealed when he saw a stuffed dragon.

"Adam got one of those too, buddy," Neville told him.

"Adam too?" Mas asked happily. "Play now?"

"He's coming over later," Neville told him. "And you can play with him."

Mas squealed happily and reached for another gift.

Cho sat down with Sukie who was still sulking.

"Why aren't you opening the rest of your presents?" Cho asked.

"I want THAT one," Sukie said, pointing to the plane.

"You still have loads of presents to open, love," Cho said. "You might have your own plane in one of those."

"For Sukie?" the little girl asked.

"For Sukie," Cho said tugging affectionately on the little girl's plait. "Just for Sukie."

Eagerly, Sukie reached for a gift and began tearing into the paper.

She grinned when she saw that she had her own plane. "Santa!"

"See?" Cho said. "Santa knew..."

"Thanks, Gamma," Sukie said giving her a hug.

Hannah was much neater about opening her presents. "Look Mummy!" she said, holding up a new purple jumper.

Frankie grinned at her. "Do you like it?"

"I love it," Hannah hugged it to her. "I want to wear it today."

Will shared a smile with his wife and walked out of the room. He came back in a few moments later with a purple bicycle that had a purple bow on it.

"I found this in the other room," Will said. "It said "To Hannah, From Santa."

Hannah's jaw dropped. "My own bike?" she whispered.

"It was on your list, wasn't it?" Will asked her with a grin.

Hannah nodded. "But I didn't think I'd get it!"

"You were a good girl," Will said. "And I know you've been wanting your own bike. This has training wheels just like the one you've been using."

Hannah nodded and walked around the bicycle, taking it in. Will had taught her how to ride on Frankie's old bicycle from when she was a girl. "I love it, Daddy."

"I'm glad, sweetheart." Will said with a grin. "And when Nathan and Izzie get big, you can help show them too."

"I can't wait," Hannah said happily.

Frankie put Izzie on her shoulder and began patting her back. "I can't wait until these two are old enough for Christmas."

"Hopefully, they'll get along better than these two," Chiaki said.

Frankie laughed. "Without the mine, mine, mine?"

"If I had a sickle for every time I hear that on a daily basis," Chiaki said shaking her head.

"Thanks for helping me with these two," Frankie said, lying Izzie down in her seat.

"Of course," Chiaki said. "You and Allie kept me sane when I first had Sukie and Mas."

Izzie looked at her mother before closing her eyes.

"She's such a good baby," Chiaki said softly. "They both are."

"They really are," Frankie said fondly. "And Hannah is just so, so wonderful with them."

"She's great with Mas and Sukie too," Chiaki said. "They adore her."

"She's my sweet girl," Frankie said. "I can never resist spoiling her at Christmas."

Frankie looked over at her daughter who was trying to put her new toy tiara on her father's head.

"Come on, William," Frankie said. "Try it on. Diamonds are your favourite, remember?"

"No pictures," Will replied.

Hannah grinned and set the tiara on his head. "Pretty, Daddy."

"Pretty, eh?" Will raised an eyebrow.

"Gorgeous," Hannah said dramatically.

Will laughed. "I think it looks better on you baby."

Sukie toddled over to them. "Sukie try?"

"Sure," Hannah said, setting it on her cousin's silky black hair.

"Ooooh," Sukie clapped her hands.

"You're just like a princess too," Hannah told her.

Sukie beamed at her.

"You just made her day, Hannah," Chiaki grinned.

"She's a pretty princess," Hannah said. "With your black hair, you'd make a really pretty Snow White."

"Snow?" Sukie asked.

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," Hannah told her. "Remember?"

"Yes," Sukie nodded. "I will be Snow."

Hannah laughed. "I have to clear it with the others, first. But, I think you're a shoe-in."

"Yay," Sukie clapped her hands.

"We'll have to get you a dress," Hannah said. "Like Snow White."

"Mummy," Sukie said. "I need a Snow dress!"

"You do?" Chiaki asked. "Well, let's see what we can do..."

"Right now!" Sukie said excitedly. "But not for Mas!"

Chiaki picked up a sofa pillow and transfigured it into a Snow White dress. "How's this?"

Hannah gasped. "That's beautiful!"

"How about we try it on, Snow?" Chiaki asked her daughter who nodded eagerly.

"Now, now, now!" Sukie chanted.

Chiaki picked her up. "Come here."

Mas watched his sister. "Pretty," he nodded.

"Thanks," Sukie exclaimed, twirling around in her new princess dress.

"You look just like Snow White!" Hannah told her.

"What princess is Hannah?" Sukie asked.

"I'm Belle from Beauty and the Beast," Hannah told her. "And Em's Ariel from the Little Mermaid. Caroline's Jasmine from Aladdin. Mia was Sleeping Beauty, but she gave that up to be Pocahontas. Casey's the new Sleeping Beauty."

"Wow," Sukie seemed awed.

"We'll never be able to take that dress off of her now," Toshio said to his wife. "You realise that, right?"

"We'd better get used to seeing a LOT of Snow White," Chiaki laughed.

"Happy Christmas, Chi," Toshio said giving her a kiss.

"You too," Chiaki replied.

Neville sat down beside his wife. "It wasn't too long ago when we had Allie, Chiaki, and Frankie in our sitting room opening presents."

Cho laughed. "Frankie always woke up first."

"And then got the rest of the house up," Neville finished.

"She was relentless," Chiaki remembered.

"What are you two talking about?" Frankie asked.

"How you used to be on Christmas morning when you were a kid," Cho told her youngest daughter.

"First to open every single gift?" Frankie asked with a grin.

"Don't forget the year when she snuck down and opened every single gift under the tree," Chiaki said shaking her head. "Allie and I were so mad."

Frankie laughed. "I remember that! And I tried to claim all the clothes you'd gotten were mine."

"How old were you when that happened, Mummy?" Hannah asked.

"Fourteen," Chiaki said before Frankie could answer.

"And her favourite phrase was 'That's so not fair!'," Neville recalled.

"It was not," Frankie protested.

Chiaki put her hands on her hips and tossed back her hair. "Daddy, that is so not fair that Allie gets to date and I don't!"

She pretended to stalk off and then turned around. "Mummy, I want to have my own phone and Wireless! Mummy, I want to date a twenty-three year old bloke and I'm only 16!"

Frankie crossed her arms. "Chiaki, that is so not fair! I never wanted to date a 23 year old when I was 16!"

"Oh, you're right," Chiaki said trying to keep a straight face. "He was 25 and he thought you were 18."

Hannah giggled. "Mummy, you really liked boys a lot!"

"That's the understatement of the decade," Chiaki said.

"I don't remember hearing about this," Neville said folding his arms.

"That's because it is SO not true," Frankie replied with a huff.

"Colin Vanderpool," Chiaki said. "You met him at one of my parties that I didn't even know you were at, you little sneak. You told him you were 18."

"Chiaki," Frankie said through clenched teeth.

"You fancied that bloke?" Toshio asked. "He had about as much depth as a paddling pool."

Frankie shrugged. "He was hot."

"Francesca," Neville said folding his arms.

Cho put a hand up. "Neville, she asked me if they could go out and I said no. End of story."

"Merlin and HOW long ago was that?" Frankie rolled her eyes.

"Colin Vanderpool," Toshio said again, shaking his head.

"Get over it, Tosh," Frankie said as Nathan let out a cry.

"Saved by the baby," Will said. "Or maybe he just got upset at the possibility that Colin Vanderpool could have been his Daddy."

"Never," Frankie gave him a look.

Will lifted Nathan out of his seat. "Hey, little guy. Daddy's here."

"He can't be hungry," Frankie said. "He probably needs to be changed."

"Where's good old Colin Vanderpool when you need him?" Will asked cheekily.

"Enough," Frankie snapped at him.

"Okay," Will said pecking her on the cheek. "I'll go and change him."

Frankie rolled her eyes as she sat back down on the sofa.

"Don't be sad, Mummy," Hannah said. "I think Colin Vanderdrool is a stupid name anyway."

Frankie smiled. "Me too, baby."

"I think Sukie is really happy being a princess," Hannah said.

"She was born to be a princess," Frankie said as Hannah sat next to her.

"Izzie can be a princess when she gets older," Hannah said. "We don't have a Mulan. And since she has dark hair, she'd be perfect."

"Good idea," Frankie kissed the side of her head.

"I hope Nathan won't feel left out," Hannah said thoughtfully.

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Frankie reassured her.

"Do you think he liked the music box I got him and Izzie?" Hannah asked.

"Of course he did," Frankie smiled at her. "It'll help them go to sleep."

"They always sleep better when they have music," Hannah said softly.

"So do you," Frankie nudged her.

Hannah giggled. "I especially like it when you sing to me."

"Even though I'm not that good?" Frankie made a face.

"You're perfect to me," Hannah said earnestly.

"And you're perfect to me," Frankie hugged her tightly. "I love you so much baby."

"I love you too," Hannah said.

"Here we are," Will announced. "All changed and happy."

Nathan reached for his sister.

Hannah beamed at him. "Hi, Nathan!"

Nathan cooed at her.

"Can I hold him, Daddy?" Hannah asked. "Please?"

"Of course you can," Will answered.

Will placed the baby carefully in her arms. "Support his head...there you go..."

"I love holding them," Hannah said, gazing down at her brother. "They're so cute."

"You might not have said that if you'd had to change his nappy," Will joked.

Hannah giggled. "I don't mind helping change the nappies."

"We'll need to remember that," Frankie said.

In the kitchen, Chiaki was filling a plate with biscuits. She felt someone tugging on her leg and she looked down to see her son staring up at her with wide eyes.

"You snuck up on Mummy," Chiaki said kneeling down.

"I'm hungry," Mas told her.

"Do you want a biscuit?" Chiaki asked him. "Hmm? Chocolate chip?"

Mas nodded. "Yummy!"

Chiaki picked him up and sat him on the counter. She handed him a biscuit. "There you go."

"Thank you," Mas said grinning at her.

Chiaki mussed his hair. "Who's my polite little boy?"

"Me!" Mas said, smearing chocolate all over his mouth.

Chiaki laughed. "Yes, you are!"

Toshio laughed as he came into the kitchen. "That's a good look for you, son."

"Thank you," Mas said waving at his father.

"I thought I'd help you bring out some food," Toshio told his wife.

"That would be great," Chiaki said. "I was just going to pour some hot apple cider."

"Can I have some?" Mas asked.

"Of course," Chiaki said kissing his chocolate-smeared cheek. "Yummy."

Mas laughed. "Don't eat me!"

"I wouldn't do that," Chiaki said, tickling his side.

Sukie danced into the kitchen still wearing her princess costume. "Snow!" she exclaimed, twirling around.

Chiaki smiled. "Princess Snow White, would you like a biscuit?"

"Yes, please," Sukie said holding out her hand.

Toshio scooped her up and set her on the counter next to Mas. "Here you are, Princess."

"Good biscuits, Sukie!" Mas told her. "Yummy, yummy."

Sukie nodded. "One more?"

"One more," Chiaki said handing them each a biscuit.

"Yum, yum!" Mas said happily.

Sukie halved her biscuit and handed it to her brother.

Chiaki stared in disbelief. This was the first time she could remember Sukie sharing with her brother.

Toshio was surprised too. "That was very nice, Sukie. What do you say to your sister, Mas?"

"Thanks, Sukie!" Mas said taking the biscuit from her.

"That's my good girl," Chiaki hugged her daughter to her.

"Love, Mummy," Sukie said happily.

"I love you too, baby." Chiaki kissed the top of her head.

"Now that they're properly covered in chocolate," Toshio teased. "How about we go into the sitting room?"

"Sounds good," Chiaki picked Mas up.

Toshio set Sukie down before he picked up the tray of hot apple cider.

"Snow is coming!" Sukie announced, waltzing back into the sitting room.

Neville scooped her up. "Are you the fairest in all the land?"

"I don't know," Sukie said.

Neville hugged her. "You smell like chocolate."

"I had a biscuit," Sukie explained.

"Oh, you did, did you?" Neville asked sitting down with her. "Are you going to save some for Adam and Emma and Caroline when they get here?"

"Yes," Sukie nodded. "I shared with Mas."

"Good girl," Neville said trying to hide his surprise. "It's nice to share."

"I'm a good girl," Sukie leaned against him.

"Yes you are," Neville said. "And you are the prettiest Snow White in the whole world."

"I like being a princess," Sukie replied.

"You know," Neville said winking at her. "Every single one of my granddaughters is a princess now. Except for Izzie, but she will be when she gets older. I guess that makes me a king."

Sukie giggled. "Yes! Gampa is a king!"

"Did you hear that?" Neville asked. "Sukie says I'm a king."

"In your dreams, Dad," Frankie cracked.

"King of what?" Chiaki asked.

"Princesses!" Sukie exclaimed.

"I like the sound of that!" Neville said with a grin. He loved spending time like this with his family. Given what had happened with Harry over the last few months, Neville knew not to take them for granted. He knew that his best friend had been given the greatest gift ever when he found his daughter and son.