Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: Here is the promised chapter- thank you ALL for your wonderful comments- it's good to know that everyone still loves this story! You'll get to see Josh, Lizzy and the triplets in this chapter as well as a flashback on the Ethan/Bree relationship. We hope you enjoy it! And thanks for reading!!!

"You realise we're going to have to get a bigger place soon, right?" Lizzy asked, carrying the seat carefully as she climbed the stairs to their flat. Her and Josh's triplets had been born just four days previous, and they were finally bringing them home. She carried little Casey, their daughter, and Josh held Noah and Aidan in his hands.

"I know Liz," Josh answered. "We'll take our time and find a really nice place. For now, the room we have set up will do. It'll have to."

"Are you going to be able to get the door?" Lizzy asked. "Your hands are much fuller than mine..."

"I'll just set Noah here down for a moment," Josh said, reaching in his pocket for his keys.

"No need for that," Ron announced, swinging the door open. "Welcome home!"

"Dad!" Josh exclaimed. "You scared me half to death!"

"If you'd been living right, it wouldn't have scared you," Ron said with a grin. "Let me see one of those babies. Is this Aidan?"

Josh laughed. "No, that would be Noah."

"Right," Ron grinned widely.

"Oh you're back!" Anna Mitchell came into the foyer. "Luke! Luna! The kids are home with the babies!"

"What are you all doing here?" Lizzy asked.

"We thought we'd surprise you," Luna came forward. "And we wanted to be able to spend time with our grandchildren without the masses stealing them away from us."

"We're glad to see you," Josh said as Luna took Aidan in her arms.

"Hello Aidan Michael," Luna said smiling down at her grandson. "I'm your grandmother and I'm going to spoil you completely rotten."

Lizzy was currently unbuckling Casey from the seat so that her own mother could hold the oldest of the triplets. "Can you believe this Mum?" she asked. "We waited so long to get married I was wondering if we'd ever have kids and now we have three."

Anna grinned. "Well you did marry into a big family."

Lizzy laughed. "Hi Dad," she smiled at him. "It's so good to see you both."

"You're going to see more of us with these three around," Luke said hugging his daughter. "How are you doing sweetheart?"

"I'm good," Lizzy said. "A little tired of course, but I'm so glad to not be pregnant anymore."

"Look at little Casey's red hair," Anna said. "She looks like Allie's Emma."

"She does," Lizzy smiled and kissed her baby's soft head.

Josh came over holding Noah. "We've got quite the houseful now." he joked.

"You know you can count on us to help out," Luna told Josh. "I know this is a little overwhelming for you both."

"Just a bit," Josh replied. "And I promise to ring you if we ever need help. Right now we're mainly just going to start looking for a house. We'll need something bigger once these three are a bit older."

"Do you have any locations in mind?" Luke asked.

"Still here in the city," Josh replied. "I want Liz to be able to commute locally still, and my office is near here but I don't mind travelling."

"Lizzy's uncle is an estate agent," Luke said. "I could ask him if he has any recommendations."

"I'd love that Dad," Lizzy said. "I'd really like a nice backyard for the kids too. Somewhere where they can play and have fun, you know?"

"I'll ask him tonight," Luke smiled and reached out for Noah. "Let me see my grandson."

Lizzy watched her father and felt a surge of pride. A few weeks ago, she'd heard him talking about being too young to be a grandfather.

"Noah, Noah, Noah," Luke said making a goofy face at him.

"Like the name Dad?" she laughed.

"Maybe just a little," Luke admitted with a laugh.

"Admit it," Lizzy teased. "You love being a grandpa."

"I'm still not crazy about that name," Luke said cradling Noah. "But I'm crazy about these three."

"As am I," Anna said, joining them. "Although I suppose being a grandmother could be worse. I could be a Muggle and grey by now." she laughed.

"Yet another benefit of being a witch," Luna chimed in.

"Exactly," Anna agreed. "Oh I just can't get over how gorgeous these three are. So tiny and perfect..."

"You're so cute I could eat you up," Ron was saying as he cradled Aidan.

"Uh oh," Josh grimaced. "Someone get Dad a sandwich, fast!"

"Your dad's a right smart arse," Ron told his grandson.

"Ronald!" Luna chastised. "Don't say that in front of the babies!"

"They don't understand me yet," Ron protested.

Anna laughed. "Luke, do you remember when they brought Josh and Jon home that first time?"

"That's right!" Luke said. "Ron couldn't tell them apart. Harry kept having a go at him because of it and he proceeded to let go with some foul language..."

Luna shook her head. "Unfortunately he still uses that foul language- around everyone."

Josh laughed. "I remember when Maddie used to repeat everything he said."

"W-A-N-K-E-R," Ron said. "She was my girl."

"She still is Dad," Josh replied with a grin. "She's just... more Ethan's now."

Ron laughed. "Very true."

"This makes me miss having a baby around the house," Luna said tearing up.

"You still have a child at home you know," Josh reminded her. "Remember...your youngest? Looks remarkably like Dad."

"And with an attitude that matches yours," Lizzy laughed. "And Luna, we'd be glad to have you baby sit if you get lonely." she teased.

"Junior is more like Jon than me," Josh pointed out.

"You were always my sensitive, sweet boy," Luna replied.

"Mum!" Josh said turning red.

Lizzy laughed. "But he never wrote ME any poetry."

"I'm not that sensitive," Josh said. "And I only wrote Julie two poems, Lizzy and they were crap."

"I guess we should stop embarrassing Josh now," Ron said, handing Aidan over to him. "Luke and I made some lunch-- we figured you'd both be hungry."

"You actually left some for us?" Josh asked. "Gee, Dad. I'm touched."

"I'll have you know I didn't touch a bite," Ron replied indignantly.

"You didn't?" Lizzy and Josh asked in unison.

"Well... maybe I stole a crisp or two..." Ron said sheepishly. "But I made burgers and I didn't have any of those!"

"I watched him," Luke said. "You'd have been proud of him Josh."

"Congrats Dad," Josh said, patting his father's back. "This is a real first for you."

"I just hope neither of you had your heart set on that treacle tart that was in the icebox," Luke commented dryly.

Josh and Lizzy laughed. "Doesn't matter now," she said, giggling. "Josh and I will go put these three down in the nursery and join you in a moment."

"Here you go," Luna said handing Casey back to Lizzy.

"We'll just be a moment," Lizzy said as Josh took care of Aidan and Noah. They carried their newborns down the short hallway and into the room they'd converted from an office to a nursery.

"I still can't believe they're actually here," Josh said as he gingerly set Aidan and then Noah into their cribs.

"Me either," Lizzy kissed Casey's little plump cheek. "Our three little miracles Josh."

"Thank you," he said giving his wife a kiss. "For making this happen for us."

"You had quite a hand in it too you know," Lizzy said, resting her head on his shoulder.

He laughed. "Maybe just a little..."

Lizzy hugged him hard around the middle. "I'm so happy," she said softly.

"Me too," he said and together they watched as their three newborns slept.

*** *** ***

"It was really nice of you to invite me over for dinner," Jared said to Maddie as they walked up the stairs to her flat.

Maddie looked at him over her shoulder. "I don't mind at all. Ethan's working late so I'm glad for the company."

"I didn't realise you could cook," Jared said as Maddie unlocked the door.

"There are two things Weasleys know how to do very well," Maddie said with a grin. "Cook and eat."

Jared laughed. "Did you decorate?" he asked, noting the beige walls and well thought out decor.

"This," Maddie said motioning around the flat. "Is courtesy of my friend Frankie."

"Wasn't she there that one night?" Jared asked, setting his case down in the hall.

Maddie nodded. "She was. You remember her friend Alicia, don't you? I think she was hoping you might hit it off."

"Right," Jared laughed. "She seemed all right. Not really my type though." he could tell the moment he'd met Alicia that she'd been around the block more than a double Decker bus. He was only interested in the innocent ones, much like the blonde in front of him now.

"I didn't think she would be," Maddie told him as she walked over to the icebox. "But Frankie thought it was worth a shot."

"It was a fun night," Jared said. "I'm sorry I was such a party pooper."

Maddie gave him a sympathetic look. "It's okay Jared. I know you're still hurting about what happened with Cordelia. It takes time to heal."

"I just feel like I should be over all that by now. She's moved on... I just can't figure out why I can't." Jared said mournfully.

"I don't think you've had closure," Maddie said thoughtfully. "I wish I could tell you how to get it, Jared."

"It's all right," Jared replied. "I shouldn't be harping on about this. Not when you've been so great Maddie. I'm glad we got to work together and become friends."

"Me too," Maddie said smiling at him. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Got any beer?" Jared asked.

Maddie walked over to the icebox and grabbed him one of Ethan's. She was sure he wouldn't mind. What she didn't see was Jared watching her every move.

He watched as she bent over to retrieve a bottle and snapped it open. "Thanks," he grinned at her. "I've been dying for one of these all day."

"No problem," she said. "Why don't you go and make yourself comfortable in the sitting room?"

"Well I'd like to help," Jared said. "I happen to be pretty decent in the kitchen when I actually bother to cook."

"Okay," Maddie said smiling. "I was thinking I'd make some beef stew. You could help me chop up some vegetables."

"Sure," Jared replied. "Where's a knife I can use?"

"The drawer over there by the icebox," Maddie replied.

"This is a nice kitchen," Jared said after he'd gotten started with the vegetables. "I can see why you like living here."

Maddie had her back to Jared. "It's not just the kitchen. It has more to do with my flatmate. He's pretty great."

"You live with Ethan right?" Jared asked, his hands tightening around the knife. Ethan was the one flaw with Maddie. She was obsessed with him, and blind as a bat to Jared.

"Yes," Maddie said turning and giving him a quizzical look. "I thought you knew that."

"Must have forgotten," Jared replied. "Sorry,"

"That's okay," Maddie said turning her attention back to the stove.

Jared looked at her for a moment longer before turning back to the vegetables. "So... you never really got much of a chance to tell me about how your time in Brighton was."

"We had a lovely time," Maddie replied. "I've always loved it when our families get together like that."

"It must be nice to have such a close knit family," Jared said conversationally. "To go on holiday together like that and spend so much time together. I've always wanted to be part of a big family."

"You don't talk very much about your family," Maddie said. "Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"Only child," Jared said. "And I'm not very close with my parents- especially since they found out I'm a Seer. They said it's all nonsense and they don't believe in any of it."

Maddie's heart broke for Jared and it made her even more grateful for the support system she had in her friends, family and Ethan.

"You've really had to go this all alone, haven't you?" she asked gently.

"That's why I'm glad I had you," he said in a softer voice, gazing at her intently.

Maddie shivered as she sensed Jared looking at her. "These look great," she said avoiding his gaze while scooping up the vegetables he'd sliced.

"I like to put a slant on them," Jared said, disappointed that she hadn't jumped into his arms. "I think it gives them a bit of extra crunch."

"I'll have to remember that," she said pouring them into the pot.

"Anything else I can do?" he asked, running his eyes over her body.

"Perhaps you could--" Maddie started to say, but was interrupted by a tapping on the window. "Hold on just a second..."

"What is it?" Jared asked as she opened the panes.

"An owl," she said grinning when she recognised Ethan's familiar script on the envelope. "It's from Ethan."

"Oh," Jared replied. "What's he got to say?"

Maddie opened the letter and the smile on her face faltered a bit as she read exactly what Ethan had to say.


I'm not sure when I'll be home. I know you planned on making your famous stew, but Bree and I are up to our eyeballs in runes. I should have paid more attention in that class when I was in Hogwarts, eh? Don't wait up for me. I promise to make it up to you. I love you, Ethan.

"He's working late again," Maddie answered folding the letter back up.

"He sure sounds like a busy guy," Jared said, glad the bloke wouldn't be around.

"He is," Maddie said setting the letter down on the table. "This is his first really big case and he wants to make his dad proud."

Jared nodded although he couldn't care less. "This will be nice though, just you and me hanging out. We hardly get to see each other out of work."

"We'll have to do it more often," Maddie said walking back to the stove to check on the stew. "And I'm always here if you need to talk Jared. "

"You have no idea how much I appreciate that. I got so lucky that you were there in the Ministry. Otherwise I might be sitting with Smythe right now, talking about my visions and eating cold stew." he laughed.

Maddie laughed just picturing it. "You haven't lived until she's made you her Tofu Tortellini." She chuckled even harder at the look on Jared's face. "Don't ask..."

"I think I'd rather not know," Jared snorted. "Where's your silverware? I'll set the table."

"Right here," Maddie said motioning to the drawer beside the stove. As Jared opened the drawer, his arm brushed against hers.

"Thanks," he smiled at her.

A half hour later, Maddie and Jared were sitting at the table enjoying Maddie's beef stew and some bread rolls.

"So Ethan's working on this big case with his dad?" Jared asked conversationally.

"Not with his dad," Maddie replied. "He has a partner, his best mate Justin. And Bree, his ex girlfriend, is helping them out with some runes."

"His ex?" Jared asked.

"You remember Bree right?" Maddie asked, helping herself to more stew. "She was in the cafeteria that one time... we've seen her around the Ministry when we're going around the building."

"Oh right," Jared asked. He knew full well who this girl was and he planned on using her to help him get what he really wanted. "She and Ethan seem to be really tight."

"I guess they are," Maddie replied. "She's actually a very nice girl. I'm glad that she and Ethan have managed to stay friends."

"You don't feel threatened at all?" Jared asked. "I mean, if it was me, I don't know if I'd be all that comfortable with it."

"I suppose I could be," Maddie said thoughtfully. "But I trust Ethan, and I don't know Bree extremely well but I trust her too. Besides that, she's got a boyfriend that she seems to be quite hung up on."

Jared nodded and for a moment had to admire Ethan's technique. He had Maddie buying this line of crap hook, line and sinker. For all Maddie knew, Ethan and his ex were probably shagging in his office.

"A part of me actually hoped Cordy and me could have remained friends," Jared said shaking his head. Playing the sympathy card always worked with Maddie.

"I think it's a shame she's been so horrible to you," Maddie replied. "I guess because I never had many friends while growing up, I value the ones I have now. And I can't imagine being nasty to anyone who cared about me as much as you do about Cordelia."

Jared reached across the table and placed his hand on Maddie's. "You really are one in a million, Madeline."

She blushed and looked down at her empty bowl. "I'm not that great," she said modestly.

Jared looked earnestly at her. "You are, Maddie. You are the smartest, sweetest girl I've ever met. I've never known anyone quite like you."

"I've always enjoyed being an individual," she laughed self consciously.

"And you have the greatest laugh," he said smiling at her. "You do Maddie."

"Stop," her face was flaming. "You're going to give me an ego!"

"I could sit here all night and talk about all the great things about you," he said before taking a sip of his beer.

Maddie shook his head. "You're too much."

"Let's get started," he said rubbing his hands together. "You're an excellent cook, a great Seer, a good friend..."

"Please," Maddie begged. "You really don't have to do this..." her face was aflame and she was growing increasingly uncomfortable.

"Okay," he said laughing. "I'll stop. I can tell I'm embarrassing you."

"Thank you," she said. "Um... I have some ice cream if you'd like some dessert. Or some chocolate chip biscuits I made a few days ago."

Jared thought this over. "How about both?"

"Sure," Maddie said, taking the dishes to the sink.

Jared followed Maddie into the kitchen and noticed a picture of three babies on the icebox. "These must be the triplets you were gushing about, eh?"

"My new nephews and niece," Maddie nodded. "They were just born a week ago."

"Okay," he said. "This is going to be tough but your brothers are Jon, Josh and Ronald Junior. You have twin sisters named…don't tell me…Drew and Darla. Jon's married to Allison and they have two daughters named Caroline and Emma and you are Emma's godmother. How'd I do?"

Maddie laughed. "I'm very impressed. Hardly anyone can remember all my brothers and sisters and their kids."

"You talk about them quite a bit," Jared said. "I feel like I know them."

"My family is so important to me," Maddie said softly. "And when you were talking to me earlier about how you aren't close to yours, I can't help but be grateful for mine."

"You should be," Jared said. "You're lucky to have them Maddie."

"Well you already know this, but anytime you need to talk, whether it's about Cordelia or it's about your visions, you can come to me." Maddie offered sincerely.

Jared took his chance and gave Maddie a hug. It was extremely difficult to fight the urge to take her now in this kitchen. For now, a hug would have to do.

"Thanks Maddie," he said softly.

"Anytime Jared," she returned, completely unaware of his true intentions.

*** *** ***

That next day, Maddie and Jared were having lunch in the cafeteria together and talking quietly about the vision she'd had that morning. "It's really so nice to have someone else to discuss them with," Maddie said, happy that it hadn't been a violent vision for a change.

"That's what I've been saying all along," Jared teased her. "Have you just blocked me out?"

"Completely," Maddie joked. "I never listen to a word you say. You talk and I hear 'blah-blah-blah'."

"I knew it," Jared shook his head. "Women- they only hear what they want."

Maddie laughed. "You've figured us all out then?"

"I'd like to think so," Jared said, allowing a bit of flirtation to creep into his voice.

"Just eat your cheeseburger," she said snatching one of his chips with a sly smile.

"Oh so now you're stealing off my plate, is that it?" he laughed.

"You asked if I wanted one earlier," Maddie said grinning at him. "I never answered you. I just assumed the offer was still on the table as it were."

"All right," he shook his head. "You win Madeline Weasley."

"Yay!" Maddie said laughing. She was about to help herself to another of Jared's chips when she was Bree walking by with her own tray of food. "Bree, do you want to sit with us?"

Bree smiled. "Thanks Maddie. That'd be great."

"How are you?" Maddie asked. "I haven't seen you in a few weeks. And the four of us still haven't gotten our night out together!"

"I'm good," Bree replied. "Busy as can be. Ethan, Justin and I have been working on those runes. The only reason I got away now was because they were called away to do a raid. You should have seen the looks on both their faces...they were so ready to see some action."

Maddie laughed. "I bet they were. It's what they've been dying to do since they officially became Aurors." she smiled at Bree. "You remember Jared right? He works in the department with me?"

Bree nodded. "Yes, it's good to see you again, Jared."

"You too," Jared nodded politely, trying not to show his disinterest in the other girl.

"How's Mason?" Maddie asked conversationally.

"He's great," Bree said with a grin. "Things are going so well between us."

"That's great," Maddie said smiling at her. "When he finishes up here is he going back to America?"

"He was supposed to," Bree said, digging into her salad. "But now he says he might just stay on over here."

"I wonder why he'd want to do that," Maddie teased.

Bree laughed. "I like to think it has to do with me."

One of Maddie and Jared's co-workers Janet came up to them. "I'm really sorry to bother you guys," Janet apologised. "But Smythe needs to see you Maddie. There was a problem with the Pensieve."

"Oh," Maddie got up. "I'll be right back you guys. I'm really sorry." she apologised and left the cafeteria with Janet.

Jared was about to get up and follow them when he realised that sitting with Bree might prove to be fruitful. "So..." he began. "Maddie told me that you used to date Ethan."

Bree nodded. "A while ago."

"I think it's cool you and Maddie are able to be friends." he commented.

"I certainly never thought I'd be friends with my ex's girlfriend," Bree admitted. "But I really like Maddie. It's hard not to be her friend, you know?"

"Tell me about it," Jared agreed. "She's a really sweet girl."

"So are you seeing anyone?" Bree asked conversationally.

"I was," Jared said. "Her name was Cordelia, but we've broken up."

"I'm sorry," Bree said sympathetically. "Those are never easy to go through."

"It was hard," Jared worked himself up. "I thought we were ready to be married, and instead she dumps me."

"It's hard when you think you're both in the same place," Bree said softly. "And then you find out that you're not and it's like being hit in the face, you know?"

Jared looked at her a moment. "Was that what it was like for you and Ethan?" he asked perceptively.

Bree nodded. "Yeah, it was."

"What happened, if you don't mind my asking?" Jared tried not to sound too curious.

"We had both been working really hard," Bree said not sure why it was so easy to open up to this person who was basically a total stranger. She chalked it up to him wanting to know about getting over a break up so she didn't think anything of his curiosity. "He was in training and I was finishing up with University. We just spent a lot of our time apart and he reconnected with Maddie and it just fell apart from there."

"Did they date before you two got together?" Jared asked.

Bree shook her head. "No, she was still at Hogwarts. They reconnected during Christmas hols at her grandparents'. Ethan's not the type to run around on a girl. And Maddie would never do something like that either."

"Neither of them strikes me as the type," Jared said, finishing his burger. "Where did you and Ethan meet?"

"You don't want to hear that," Bree said laughing.

"Sure I do," Jared smiled at her. "I like Ethan," he lied. "And I'm just a curious bloke by nature."

"Okay," Bree said laughing. She leaned back in her chair. "Well his best mate was going out with my flat mate Sarah...."


"Come on Breeana," Sarah said pouting at her friend. "He's Justin's friend. You have nothing else to do tonight."

"I was going to sort out my room," Bree said defensively. "And I needed to catch up on that required reading..."

"You have GOT to be kidding me," Sarah said. "How often do I bug you to go on a blind date?"

"Every chance you get," Bree answered throwing some of her dirty clothes into a laundry basket. "And if I was really your friend, you wouldn't set me up with some of the freaks you have in the past. Remember Tom, the bloke who had mother issues? Or Ted, the cheapskate who conveniently left his wallet at home? Shall I go on?"

"This one is different," Sarah promised. "He's the Minister's son Bree! He should be right up your alley! Justin says he's really focused on his training just like you are for your schooling."

"He should have no problem getting a date then," Bree said trying to walk out of the room, but Sarah blocked her. "Sarah, let me by..."

"Bree please?" Sarah begged. "How about this. If you have a rotten time tonight, I promise to never, EVER set you up again."

Being as she knew Sarah wasn't going to stop until she got her way, Bree relented. "Okay, okay. What time are we going?"

Sarah squealed. "The guys are coming by in an hour."

"An hour?" Bree asked incredulously. She was still in her old grey sweatshirt and track trousers. "Sarah! I don't have anything to wear! I still have to take shower and they're going to be here in an hour?"

"You're a witch," Sarah grinned. "And I'll pick something out for you to wear. Go get yourself cleaned up and I'll put an outfit on your bed for you."

"Yes Mum," Bree said setting the basket back down on the floor.

Sarah gave her a look. "And do something nice with your hair. You have such gorgeous hair and you never do anything with it." she lectured.

"If I'm so hideous why are you setting me up with this bloke?" Bree asked as Sarah pushed her into the bathroom.

"Because you have a sparkling personality," Sarah shot back sarcastically.

Bree's retort was cut short by Sarah shutting the door. She really hoped she didn't end up regretting this.

Nearly an hour later, Ethan and Justin were sitting in the girls' sitting room.

"Sarah!" Justin called out. "Move your cute arse so we can go eat! I'm starving!"

"We're coming, hold your own arse!" Sarah called back.

"Ahh young love," Ethan said laughing at Justin. "You two really inspire me."

"She takes forever to get ready," Justin grumbled.

"Don't all girls?" Ethan asked. "Tell me more about her friend..." he said in a lower voice.

"She's cool," Justin said. "Sarah's been nagging me to get the two of you together. She thinks you'll hit it off. I've told you about her...long brown hair, slender. She's a cute girl and definitely not a groupie so she's not after you because of your name or your dad."

"Good to know," Ethan replied. "I'm so sick of those types."

"Yeah, I'd hate having women throwing themselves at me," Justin teased.

"You know what I mean you git," Ethan said. "I'm not that type of bloke."

"Aye," Justin said. "Well, you won't have to worry about that with Bree."

In her bedroom, Bree was looking at Sarah with wide eyes. "Sarah! I cannot wear that. It's too small! I'll look like a tart!"

"You will not, you'll look fabulous." Sarah insisted. "Come on, the guys are waiting!"

"Okay," Bree said taking the dress. "I'll just put it on and I'll be right out."

"Great," Sarah said. "I'll go join them. And don't you dare grab a jumper to throw over it or I'll never speak to you again."

"FINE," Bree said, pushing her out of the room.

"There's the love of my life," Justin said as Sarah came back into the room. "And where's Ethan's?"

"Getting dressed," Sarah said, giving Justin a kiss. "How's my ickle one tonight?" she giggled.

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Please do not do this in front of me."

"What?" Justin asked with a wicked grin. "Talk to my baby girl here?" he pinched Sarah's behind.

Ethan stood up, shaking his head. "In the name of all that is good and holy, please stop."

Bree took a deep breath and grabbed her bag. It was only two hours out of her life. And Sarah had promised that this one was going to be different. Of course, Sarah had said that before. She stumbled a bit with the strappy heels on her feet and wondered why she'd let her best friend talk her into this.

"Okay," she said coming into the room. "I'm ---"

Her words were cut off as her heel got caught in the rug.

Ethan reacted quickly as he got up and caught her before she hit the ground. "You must be Bree," he grinned at her.

Bree's cheeks reddened and she wished she could run back into her room. That was until she looked up and saw who had caught her. "I-I think so."

"I sure hope you are," he joked softly. "I'm Ethan."

Bree realised she was just staring up at him and she laughed nervously as he helped her up. "Yes, I'm Bree and I know how to make an entrance, obviously."

"I give her a nine out of ten," Justin joked. "She didn't stick the landing though."

Sarah pushed him. "Sod off." she smiled at her friend. "You okay?"

Bree nodded. "Just embarrassed."

"You should see my sister Saffron," Ethan told her. "She's a bit of a klutz. Except when she's on a broom."

"Flies better than you," Justin said dryly.

"She does not," Ethan replied. "She's only twelve."

"She still flies better than you," Justin shot back.

"Okay boys," Sarah said. "We could get in an argument about this or we could go eat."

"I vote eat," Justin said.

"You're just jealous cause she and I BOTH fly better than you," Ethan couldn't resist as a parting shot.

"Let's go," Justin said. "I'm starving."

"Thanks for catching me," Bree said to Ethan. "You're fast on your feet."

"It's a family trait," Ethan helped her on with a light wrap.

"Thanks," she said grinning shyly at him. So far, so good, she thought.

"So tell me a bit more about yourself," Ethan said as they followed Sarah and Justin. "All that wanker up there would say is that you were cute and brunette." he smiled at her. "At least he's right about something for a change."

Bree blushed. "I'm originally from Devonshire. My parents still live there and I don't get back nearly as much as I should. University keeps me pretty busy."

"Devonshire's a nice area," Ethan replied. "I've been that way once or twice."

"It is," Bree agreed. "I'm ashamed to admit that I don't really know that much about you. I mean, I know you're the Minister's son, but I---what? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing," Ethan shook his head. "Just that most girls drive me mad about this point, what with who my parents are, and who my sister is married to and all that... it's a nice change."

Bree smiled. "I guess it's not easy to be in your position."

"Well it's not the pits, but it's hard to find a decent girlfriend," Ethan joked.

"It's not so easy on my end either," Bree said. "Especially when your well-meaning best mate keep trying to pair you off with strange people. You'll be happy to know that you're the first one that I haven't gotten a bad vibe off of right off the bat. But the night's young, you could surprise me..."

Ethan laughed. "I've heard from other people that I'm rather normal."

"Normal is a very attractive quality," she said with a laugh. "One of the top ones actually."

"I'm glad you think so," he said, reaching for her hand.

Bree smiled as he did so and they walked the rest of the way to the restaurant with their hands intertwined.

Ethan and Justin went to the bar to get the girls something to drink while they waited for a table.

"Holding hands, eh?" Justin teased. "You work fast mate."

"She's cute," Ethan said. "And really level headed. I like her a lot."

"Good," Justin said slapping him on the back. "Nice save earlier by the way."

Ethan grinned. "Thanks mate."

"So," Sarah said as she and Bree sat down waiting for the guys to come back. "What do you think of Ethan? Didn't I tell you he was different?"

"For once you were right," Bree smiled at her friend. "I thought he might be a bit stuck up but he's really quite..."

"Gorgeous?" Sarah suggested. "Funny? Sweet? Nice? Shaggable?"

"Gorgeous definitely works," Bree snuck a glance at the bar and was flattered to see that Ethan was also looking back in their direction.

Sarah grinned. "You can name your first two children, Sarah and Justin."

"Stop it," Bree pushed her shoulder. "It's a first date Sarah!"

"I know," Sarah said. "But I know about these things. He's totally into you too. And you held hands!"

Bree turned red. "That was rather sweet," she admitted.

"What are you two chattering away about?" Justin asked as he and Ethan came back over. He handed his girlfriend a glass of white wine.

"Oh nothing important," Sarah smiled. "Thank you baby." she gave him a kiss.

Ethan shared a look with Bree. "Do they do this in front of you too?" he asked. "This revolting baby talk?"

Bree groaned. "Yes! All the time! It drives me mad!"

"You'd think two grown ups could act their age," Ethan said in a deliberate tone.

"If it bothers you so much," Justin said. "You and Bree could get your own table and we wouldn't annoy you so much."

"And you could be alone," Sarah sing-songed.

"You know Sarah, I always told Justin that tact wasn't one of your strong points," Ethan said with a grin. "But getting our own table sounds like a good idea to me. You game?" he looked at Bree.

"Sure," Bree said smiling at him. "And I promise you will get no baby talk from me."

"Great," Ethan said, offering her his arm.

Sarah winked at her friend as Bree took Ethan's arm and they wandered off to find a table.

"So," Bree asked as they both picked up menus and looked them over. She felt nervous and unsure of what to say in front of him now that they were alone.

"What are you studying in school?" Ethan asked. "Sarah told me you're in University."

"Wizarding Law," Bree replied.

"Wow," Ethan was impressed. "I heard that's really tough."

"It is," Bree said nodding. "But not as hard as being an Auror, I'm sure."

"Oh I don't know," Ethan said thoughtfully. "I mean, being an Auror is probably more of a physical job. And it's requires a lot of stealthiness too- especially when we have to go on raids and things like that. I've just started my training."

"Is that what you've always wanted to do?" Bree asked.

Ethan nodded. "Ever since I was a kid."

Bree smiled across the table at him. "Dream of catching the bad guys one day?"

"That's one of my dreams," he grinned. "I'd really like to work alongside my dad someday."

"You're really close with your family then?" Bree asked.

Ethan nodded. "My parents have always been really supportive of me and my sisters. Jules lives down in Guilford now with her husband Nick and my two nieces, Ashley and Katie. Saffy still lives at home when she's not at Hogwarts. I've got my own flat just a few blocks away."

"That's really great," Bree said softly. "Family's important. My mum's always saying that they can drive you completely crazy, but when the chips are down, they're the ones you can really count on."

"That's so true," Ethan agreed. "You have any brothers or sisters?"

"I have an older brother," Bree said. "He's a healer."

"Sounds like you're a pretty ambitious duo," Ethan commented.

Bree laughed. "I suppose we are. I just want to make my mum and dad proud, you know? They'd sacrificed quite a bit for me and my brother."

"Did they?" he asked.

"Yes," she said. "Growing up, we didn't always have a lot of money. And my brother and I learned that you had to work hard for what you wanted."

"I suppose you can appreciate things more when you have to work for them," Ethan said bemusedly. "Jules and I always had whatever we wanted when we grew up, but our parents taught us not to take things for granted. That's part of the reason I wanted to be living on my own."

Bree felt herself staring at him. It would be so easy to fall for this bloke, she thought as she listened to him talk about his family. It was almost like he was too good to be true. When he caught her looking at him, she blushed. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" he asked, smiling at her.

"Truth?" she asked.

"That would be nice," he said lightly.

She laughed. "I was...well I was wondering if there was anything wrong with you?" At the look of horror on his face, she laughed even harder. "No, it's just seem....perfect."

"I often get told I am," he teased.

"Do you now?" Bree laughed.

"From all my adoring fans," Ethan rolled his eyes but grinned. "Or rather, the adoring fans of my father who want to get close to me so they can get close to him or Nick."

"I'll let you in on a little secret," Bree said not knowing if it was the white wine she was drinking that emboldened her to say what she was about to or not. "I only want to get close to you."

Ethan smiled. "That feeling is mutual."

"Really?" she asked softly.

He nodded. "I'm finding that I like you a lot, Bree."

"Despite the clumsiness and the baby-talking flatmate?" she asked.

"I think the clumsiness is cute," he flirted, leaning in. "And you're forgetting that my best mate is the other baby talker."

"And to think I could have been doing laundry tonight," she said leaning in as well.

"I hope I'm a little more exciting than that," he said softly.

"I think you are," she said feeling her stomach doing little flips.

"What if I kissed you right now?" he asked, touching her cheek gently. "Would that make things even more exciting?"

"I don't normally kiss on a first date," she said softly. "But I'd be willing to make an exception..."

He pressed his lips to hers before she could finish her sentence.

Bree felt a little dazed when he pulled away a few seconds later when the waitress approached their table.

"Miss?" the waitress asked. "What can I get you?"

"I um...I don't know," Bree answered trying to focus.

"I'll have the pasta with chicken," Ethan said as Bree turned bright red and buried her nose in the menu.

"That sounds good," Bree finally said closing her menu. "I'll have the same."

"Fine," the waitress said with an amused smirk. "Coming right up."

"You all right?" Ethan asked once the waitress was gone.

"You're enjoying this," she said her cheeks still red.

"A little," he teased. "I enjoyed that kiss a lot more though."

Bree smiled. "Me too."

"Do you ever like to go dancing?" Ethan asked.

Bree nodded. "Yes, but most blokes I know have to be pissed to do it."

He laughed. "I could show you a few pointers. My dad's a great dancer, believe it or not. And if you'd like to go out again sometime, we could do that."

"You're making this really easy," she said.

"Am I?" Ethan asked. "Should I make it harder? Play hard to get, not ring you or owl you for a week and leave you wondering if I had a good time tonight?" he teased.

"No," she said laughing. "I think you're playing it just fine."

The rest of the evening went by way too fast and Bree and Ethan found themselves one of the last people to leave. Justin and Sarah had left awhile ago. As Ethan walked Bree back to her flat, he took her hand again. "Would you like to come upstairs?' she asked when they reached her flat.

"Sure," Ethan said. "If you don't mind."

"I don't mind," Bree said reaching for her keys.


"We clicked almost from the beginning," Bree told Jared. "That night, we stayed up talking and...I'm so sorry for boring you with that. You probably heard much more than you wanted to."

"That's all right," Jared replied, thinking the exact opposite. It seemed as if Ethan Potter was quite the fickle bloke, falling in and out of love on a whim.

"I'd never felt that way about anyone before," Bree said blushing. "He was my first love, you know."

"That's what Cordy was to me," Jared said, pulling a sympathetic face.

"It's not easy to get over them," Bree said quietly. "But it will get easier with time. I'm sure you've heard that."

"From everyone I know," Jared replied, dragging his chips through some catsup.

"I'm just glad that Ethan and I are friends again," Bree said. "I really missed having him in my life."

"Takes a pretty big person to become friends like that," Jared said, not believing a word of what he was saying. "I think it's cool you two patched things up."

"Me too," Bree agreed. She looked at her watch. "I'm sorry Jared, but I should really be getting back. If you see Maddie, would you tell her goodbye for me? I'm sorry I couldn't stay."

"Will do," Jared said. "It was nice talking to you Bree."

"Thanks," Bree said smiling warmly at him before picking up her tray and walking away.

Jared watched her go and smirked to himself. He really had no intentions of breaking up Ethan and Maddie. There was only one thing he wanted from the gorgeous blonde, and once he'd gotten it, she'd go right to the curb with all the others. Once he started planting little doubts in her head, it would only be too easy to go the rest of the way.