Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

A lot of you were glad to see Saffron, Andrew, Alexa, RJ and the rest of the Hogwarts crew, but most of you want more Hannah, Will and Frankie! So your wish is our command ;)

A lot of you have been asking about the H/Hr storyline we said something about. Truth be told, it's still in the works, but nowhere NEAR being written yet- at least not for our timeline. But just remember, good things come to those who wait. We'll make it worth your while, we promise. And we'll include lots of scenes with them in the meantime!

Please review! You guys have been AWESOME about leaving comments lately!!!!

Julie went and changed into more comfortable clothes, then checked in on Ashley before going to see her youngest daughter.

Katie's books remained unopened on her bed and she was busy playing with a paper doll set that her grandmother had given her.

"Katie?" Julie knocked on the doorframe. "Hi sweetheart."

"Hello," Katie said coolly. She didn't bother turning around.

"I heard you had fun with Caroline today," Julie stepped into the room.

Katie shrugged and continued to play with her dolls.

"How did your reading go?" Julie sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm going to get to it," Katie said defensively.

"I know you will," Julie decided to keep her tone light.

Katie continued to play with her dolls, keeping her back to her mother.

"Your aunt Saffron says hello," Julie said. "She told me she's going to write to you and Ash tonight."

Katie nodded. She held up one of her dolls. "This one has hair like Aunt Saffy, doesn't she?"

"Yes she does," Julie smiled. "But I think she looks like you."

"Really?" Katie asked smiling at her mother for the first time in days.

Julie nodded. "She's got big brown eyes and a pretty smile, just like my Katie Bear."

Katie giggled. "She does, doesn't she?"

"She sure does," Julie said, putting an arm around her daughter.

"I'm going to be a big fashion designer like Aunt Lavender when I get big," Katie said.

"I think that sounds like a wonderful idea," Julie replied.

"I can't draw as good as Ashley though," Katie said frowning.

"But you can work on that," Julie said. "If you still want to be a fashion designer when you get older, your father and I will send you to special classes for it."

Katie smiled. "I wish I could go to those classes instead of the ones I have now. My teacher is so mean, Mummy."

"How is she mean?" Julie kept her voice neutral.

"She just is," Katie said rolling her eyes. "She wants me to stay after classes...."

"She didn't mention that to us..." Julie frowned.

"She sent a letter home with me on Friday," Katie said setting her dolls aside and handing her mother the letter. "I don't want to stay there, Mummy."

Julie took the letter slowly. "Your father and I will talk, all right sweetheart?"

"Don't make me go, Mummy," Katie pleaded.

"Katie Bear," Julie brushed her daughter's hair back. "We can't just pull you out of school."

"Not out of school," Katie said. "I don't want to stay after when all my friends get to go home. It's not fair!"

"Katie I will go and talk to your father," Julie said calmly. "And we'll figure something out, all right?"

Katie gave her mother a hug. "Okay..."

"Just don't ever doubt that I love you Katie Rose," Julie said firmly. "You'll always be my baby girl, whether you're seven or seventeen."

Katie smiled. "I love you too, Mummy. I didn't mean what I said before."

Julie hugged her daughter. "I'm glad to hear that."

"I'll even clean up my room," Katie promised.

"Is this a whole new Katherine Rose Malfoy?" Julie teased.

Katie grinned. "Maybe."

"We'll work something out," Julie promised. "But that means you'll have to work with us. No more tantrums."

"I've never thrown a tantrum," Katie argued.

Julie raised an eyebrow. "You haven't?"

Katie looked innocently up at her mother. "Never."

Julie couldn't help but laugh. "If you need help on reading let me know. And dinner will be ready soon."

"Okay," Katie said.

"Love you Katie Bear," Julie got up.

"Love you too, Mummy," Katie said returning to her dolls.

Julie went back downstairs. "She's calmed down," she reported to Nick.

"You're hard to stay mad at," Nick said as he set the large bowl of soup in the middle of the table.

"So are you," Julie wound her arms around his middle.

Nick grinned. "That's because I'm so charming."

Julie laughed. "Charming and confident."

Nick turned around. "That's me."

Julie didn't let go of him; she buried her face in his back. "I missed you today."

"You mean you didn't enjoy trailing after teenagers all day?" Nick teased.

"Not especially," Julie said. "Although I've been getting to know Oliver Wood quite well. He's a very decent headmaster."

"And a damn fine Quidditch player," Nick said. "I saw him play a couple of times."

"He was speaking very highly of you earlier," Julie said with a grin.

"What did he have to say?" Nick asked curiously.

"He was talking about how he read some interviews of yours," Julie replied.

"Where I was being charming and confident," Nick said dryly.

"You're always charming and confident," Julie kissed him again.

"What's that piece of paper in your hand?" Nick asked. "A note from the headmaster? Did you get in trouble, Jules?"

"I almost wish it was me," Julie said. "Katie told me her teacher kept her after class."

"Why didn't she say anything yesterday?" Nick asked taking the note from his wife. He quickly read over it. "Dyslexia?"

"That would explain why she has so much trouble reading," Julie said.

"It says here that she wants to run some tests," Nick said. He looked at Julie. "Katie's a smart girl, Julie."

"I know she is," Julie replied. "But even smart people have dyslexia. It's just a matter of overcoming it."

"What can we do to help her?" Nick asked.

"We'll have to be really supportive of her," Julie said softly. "And encourage her all the time. And we have to help her as much as possible."

"We can do that," Nick said nodding.

"I think it'd be good if Ashley was supportive too," Julie said. "She needs to know she can't use this against Katie when they argue."

"Good idea," Nick said.

Julie leaned against him. "I miss spending time with you like we used to do," she said, setting the note down. "I feel like I hardly ever see you anymore."

"We haven't gone out just the two of us in quite some time," Nick said thoughtfully.

"We need to remedy that," Julie rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him.

"How about next weekend?" Nick suggested. "Just you and me."

"I bet we could get Ethan and Maddie to take the girls for the night," Julie said softly. "So we can just have time for ourselves."

"You want to owl them or shall I?" Nick said with a mischievous grin.

"I'll do it tonight after dinner," Julie gave him a long, passionate kiss.

They broke away when they heard a groan.

"Ewww!" Katie said covering her eyes.

Julie laughed. "Are you spying on us?" she teased her daughter.

"No," Katie said sweetly. "Is it ready, Daddy?"

Nick nodded. "Can you please go and tell your sister that dinner is served?"

"Okay," Katie skipped out of the room.

Ashley was upstairs in her room trying to finish up another sketch. She didn't quite like the colours she'd used and she stared quizzically at the parchment in her hands.

"Dinner's ready, Ash!" Katie said storming into the room.

Ashley jumped. "Why'd you have to shout like that?" she frowned at her sister.

"Sorry," Katie said sheepishly. "What are you doing anyway?"

"Trying to finish this," Ashley replied. "It's for Grandma Ellie."

"That looks like Grandpa Robert," Katie said her mouth agape.

"That's sort of what I was going for," Ashley replied. "You really think it looks like him?"

"It does," Katie said smiling. "Grandma Ellie will love it."

"I hope so," Ashley said. "I just have to fix some of the colours."

"I remember his cheeks being pink all the time," Katie said fondly.

"And the way he always used to smile when he saw us," Ashley smiled at her.

"And the sweets he'd always sneak us, but he'd tell Grandma Ellie it was sugar-free," Katie giggled.

Ashley's smile faded a bit. "I still really miss him a lot."

"Me too," Katie said sitting down on her sister's bed.

Ashley looked at her sister. She was surprised, after Katie's tantrum a few days before, that she was being so nice now. "Maybe um..." she said. "Maybe we can both colour this in and it can be a gift from us... you know Grandma really likes that."

"You---you never want me to help," Katie said taken aback.

"I know but... maybe this time it'd be nice?" Ashley asked tentatively.

"I'll try and not go out of the lines," Katie promised.

"We can work on it after dinner," Ashley got up. "And then we'll give it to Grandma next time we see her."

"Okay," Katie agreed. She followed her sister downstairs. "Did Mummy tell you Aunt Saffy was going to write us a letter?"

Ashley shook her head. "She's going to write us?"

"Mummy said so," Katie said.

"Cool," Ashley replied.

Julie and Nick were just sitting down when the girls came into the kitchen.

"I hope you both are hungry," Nick said with a grin. "I made enough to feed us for at least a fortnight."

"I'm starving," Ashley replied. "I was working really hard on the new picture for Grandma."

"It really looks great, Ash," Nick told his daughter.

"Katie's going to help me colour it," Ashley said. "And we'll give it to Grandma Ellie as a surprise."

Julie smiled at her two daughters. "She'll love that."

"We're going to work on it after dinner," Ashley sat down.

"Long as Katie gets her reading done," Nick cautioned.

Katie frowned. "Can't I work on it tomorrow, Daddy? It's Saturday!"

"Your mother and I would really like it if you'd get a few pages read before the end of the night," Nick reasoned. "We'll help you if you want."

"I don't like reading," Katie grumbled picking up her spoon and absently stirring her soup.

"But you have to know how to read," Julie said gently. "It's very important Katie."

Katie glared at her mother. "I can read! I just don't like to!"

"Katie we know you can read," Julie replied. "And even though you don't like it, you have to keep up with your class. It's like when Ash has to do maths."

Ashley groaned. "I hate maths."

"I like maths," Katie boasted. "I'm good with numbers."

Ashley smiled at her sister. "Maybe you could tutor me in maths then."

Katie raised an eyebrow. "You want ME to tutor you? I don't even know all the stuff you do yet."

"You'd probably do better than me," Ashley mused. "Mum had to hire me a tutor to help me out last year. I was in danger of failing actually..."

"YOU?" Katie asked incredulously. "You never fail anything, Ash."

"I thought you knew," Ashley shrugged.

Katie shook her head still amazed at what had happened to her perfect, smart sister.

"Everyone has something that they're good at and something that they have to work really hard at to master," Julie told Katie.

"Yeah well I bet they like to master it," Katie started to eat her minestrone. "But I hate reading and no one can make me think otherwise."

"Well, you have to do it," Julie said. "It's a fact of life, Katie and there are some really wonderful books out there."

"I guess," Katie didn't look convinced.

"You like it when we read stories to you before you go to bed," Nick reminded her.

"When YOU read them," Katie said. "Not when I have to. The words don't make sense."

"What do you mean the words don't make sense, baby?" Nick gently asked her.

Katie sighed. "Sometimes they just don't work."

"Like the words blend together and spaces get lost?" Julie asked.

"Sometimes," Katie replied uncomfortably. "Why do we have to talk about this now?"

"We can talk about it later," Julie said patting Katie's hand. "We're only trying to help, sweetheart."

Katie nodded moodily and picked at her food.

Ashley sensed her sister was feeling uncomfortable and she decided to help her out. "Mum, you should have seen Emma today. She's getting quite good for an almost three-year old. She colours outside the lines, but it's really pretty."

"I wish I could have seen them," Julie replied. "But I did get to ride back with your Aunt Saffron. She got to see Andrew today."

Ashley blushed. "Andrew?"

Julie smiled at her daughter. "He says hello, by the way."

Ashley smiled. "Aunt Saffy is so lucky."

Nick grinned at his daughter. "Does my little Ash have her first crush?"

"Dad!" Ashley exclaimed.

"You're not supposed to tease her about this," Julie admonished.

Nick shook his head. "Who came up with that rule?"

"All daughters," Julie replied. "I hated it when my dad would tease me about fancying someone."

"Grandpa wouldn't do that," Katie said loyally.

Julie laughed. "He did it all the time."

"I don't have a crush on Andrew," Ashley said in a small voice. "I just think he's nice and funny and smart."

"It's okay if you do, Ash." Julie said. "And you're right, he is nice and funny and smart. And he's very good to your aunt."

"It's so strange how our aunt is only a few years older than us," Katie said thoughtfully. "And you're way much older than Aunt Saffy, Mummy."

"I know," Julie nodded. "Funny how that all worked out."

Ashley dipped a piece of bread into her soup. "I think it's cool."

Nick finished his own meal. "Katie Bear your mum and I will make a deal with you."

Katie looked across the table at her father. "What sort of deal?" she asked.

"You work on your reading four days a week," Nick said. "And your mum and I will let you pick those four days. And we'll help you out whenever you need it- all you have to do is ask. And in return, you don't fight with us over doing your homework."

Katie mulled this over in her mind for a few moments.

"I-I'll help too, if you want," Ashley offered.

"That's very sweet of you Ashley," Julie said, proud of her daughters for putting aside their differences.

"Okay," Katie answered. "But I get to pick the days."

"That's right," Nick nodded. "You can trade days, and we'll mark them off on a calendar each week. As long as you have four days, then you're set."

Katie smiled. "Okay, I suppose that would be alright."

"Great," Nick smiled at his daughter. "You're a smart girl Katie. Your mum, sister and I all know it."

"You really think so?" Katie asked eagerly.

"Absolutely," Julie chimed in. "Both my girls are smart and you both make Daddy and I very proud."

"Thanks, Mum," Ashley said.

"Yeah," Katie said. "Thanks."

"Now who wants to help me clear the dishes away?" Nick asked with a grin. "Anyone?"

Julie laughed. "Since you made dinner, the girls and I will clear."

"I can go work on that song," Nick said rubbing his hands together.

"We'll have it all cleaned up," Ashley said. "Then me and Katie can work on Grandma's picture. Can we take it to her tomorrow?"

"I think that would be lovely," Julie said.

"Yay," Katie said happily.

Julie had fun washing the dishes with her girls and she was very happy to see them getting along for once. Perhaps this was a turning point. They were interrupted by a tapping on the window.

"It's Aunt Saffy's owl!" Katie squealed.

"She really did write to us!" Ashley said happily as Julie let it in.

Julie unclasped the two letters and handed them to her daughters. Katie was a little nervous about reading the letter and she slipped it into her pocket.

"You're not going to look at yours?" Ashley already had her envelope open.

"I'm going to finish cleaning up first," Katie said grabbing a dish towel.

Julie followed her daughter so they'd be out of Ashley's earshot. "How about we read it together, baby?"

Katie looked up at her mother uncertainly. "No one will make fun of me if I can't read everything?"

Julie touched her daughter's cheek. "No one will make fun of you, Katie Bear. I promise."

"Okay," Katie agreed. "Can we read it now?"

"Sure," Julie said. "Let's go in the sitting room."

Katie settled next to her mother on the sofa. "Dear Katie," she began.

Katie was silent as she tried to concentrate on the words. "I---you...." Katie stammered.

"I hope you are doing well," Julie said gently.

"I hope you are doing well," Katie repeated. She tried to read the next sentence. "I can't, Mummy...."

"We'll read it together," Julie said, putting her daughter's finger on the word. "Your mother said--"

"" Katie said slowly.

"Good," Julie encouraged.

"," Katie looked up at her mother with tears in her eyes. "It all looks jumbled, Mummy..."

Julie kissed her daughter's forehead. "It's okay sweetheart. We'll get the help you need."

Katie sobbed into her mother's shoulder. "What if my friends make fun of me?"

"Shah..." Julie set the letter aside and hugged her youngest daughter. "If they make fun of you then they're not good friends to begin with."

"C-Caroline wouldn't make fun of me," Katie said wiping at her eyes.

"Absolutely not," Julie brushed her hair back. "Sweetheart... you have something called dyslexia. It's where you read words backwards. It's not something you did, but it's something we can fix in time."

"And that's why I can't read well?" Katie asked in a hushed tone.

Julie nodded. "You're not the only one to have this, Katie. Lots of people do. And it's good we caught it while you're young, because we can help you overcome it."

Katie started to cry again. Everyone in her family was so smart---her sister, her aunt, her mother, her grandmother. She would be embarrassed if any of them ever found out about this.

"You won't tell anyone else, will you Mummy?" Katie asked hugging her mother tightly. "Promise?"

"Your father and I won't say a word, but it's not going to be a secret forever," Julie said. "No one in the family will make fun of you for this Katie Bear. I promise."

Katie nodded. "I don't want Ashley to know, Mummy."

"She won't tease you," Julie said. "If she does, Daddy and I will have a talk with her."

"You promise?" Katie asked.

Julie leaned in so her forehead touched Katie's. "I promise," she held up her Pinky finger.

Katie gave a slight smile as she linked her own Pinky in her mother's. "Can you read the rest of Aunt Saffy's letter to me?"

"Of course," Julie picked it up. "And I'll help you write one back to her if you want."

Katie wiped at her eyes before snuggling close to her mother as she listened to the rest of her aunt's letter. She giggled at some of the things in the letter especially some of the things her aunt had to say about Uncle Ethan.

"I hope you'll write me back soon, it would be nice to stay pen pals with you and Ash while I'm gone during the year," Julie said. "Love, Aunt Saffy."

"You'll help me write back to her?" Katie asked her mother.

"I sure will," Julie nodded.

"Thanks, Mummy," Katie said giving her a hug. "I love you."

"I love you too Katie bear," Julie kissed her head. "Very, very much."

"And I suppose my teacher isn't very mean," Katie admitted.

Julie grinned at her. "I think she just wants you to do your best. She knows you need help sweetheart."

Katie nodded. "Do you think Grandma will be disappointed with me?"

"Absolutely not," Julie replied. "She might want to help you out as well. You know how much Grandma likes to read."

"She has soooo many books," Katie said with a smile. "The library at her and Grandpa's house is almost as big as my school!"

Julie laughed. "I think you're right." they got off the sofa.

Ashley folded her arms when she saw them walk back into the kitchen. "Thanks for leaving me with the rest of the cleanup," she joked throwing a dish towel at her sister.

"Sorry," Katie replied. "Mummy was helping me read Aunt Saffy's letter."

"It's okay," Ashley said. "Aunt Saffy was telling me some funny stories about her roommates Beth and Mimi. They sound so funny, Mummy."

Julie shook her head. "They're interesting girls."

"Do you still want to go finish that picture?" Katie asked Ashley.

"Sure," Ashley replied. "Don't you have to go read though?"

"Katie and I are going to read when you two get finished," Julie said putting an arm around Katie. "Right?"

Katie nodded. "And write back to Aunt Saffy."

"Okay," Ashley said smiling at her sister. "I'll even let you use my new coal pencils."

"Really?" Katie's eyes widened. "You never let anyone touch those."

"As long as you're careful, it's okay with me," Ashley said with a shrug.

"That's my good girls," Julie hugged them both. "It's so nice to see you both getting along."

"She acts like we fight all the time," Ashley said to Katie. "Can you believe that, Katie?"

"We so don't fight ALL the time," Katie agreed.

"I must have you confused with another pair of sisters," Julie said apologetically. "These two fight about everything under the sun..."

"That's definitely not us," Ashley giggled.

"Upstairs with you two," Julie said laughing. "I'm going to be in my office grading some papers. Katie, you can get me when you're ready, okay?"

"Okay Mummy," Katie agreed.

Julie watched her daughters walk away and she hoped that this would be a turning point for them. And she made a note to talk to Ashley about this and stress the importance of being supportive to Katie during all of this.

"Hey," Nick came back downstairs. "Wow, they cleaned everything up fast."

Julie smiled. "Ash did most of it."

"Where are they now?" Nick asked. "It's all quiet."

"Upstairs finishing up Ash's picture of my grandfather," Julie replied. She told her husband about what had happened with Katie. "It nearly broke my heart, Nick. She's so afraid that we're going to be disappointed in her."

"That couldn't happen," Nick replied. "Not ever."

"We had a really nice talk and I think she realises we're all trying to help her," Julie said.

"Good," Nick put his arms around her. "Sounds as if you handled that well."

"You did very well too," Julie said smiling up at him. "That was a good idea you came up with for Katie."

"You know how she likes making deals," Nick joked.

"All too well," Julie said with a laugh. "I was going to grade some papers but how about you and I go downstairs to your studio and you play me something?'

"I could do that," Nick agreed.

"Yay!" Julie said clapping her hands together.

He gave her a kiss as he backed her to the doorway.

"Nicholas, what are you doing?" Julie asked.

"Getting you in the mood," he pressed his lips to her neck.

"You know you don't have to work too hard at that," Julie whispered.

"Just wait until I get on that piano," he said huskily before leading her downstairs.

*** *** ***

A quiet weekend at home was rare for Hermione, especially over the last couple of months. She'd been busy helping her son and daughter-in-law with the wedding preparations while also simultaneously working on the budget. Samuel usually liked to get started in August and he had comprised folder upon folder of each department and what their needs and goals were.

It was a tedious task, but one that Hermione usually loved because she was able to crunch numbers something she'd always been quite good at.

But this weekend, she'd decided to take it easy and just enjoy the peace and quiet.

Her husband was away on assignment with Ethan and she had the mansion to herself. Puddles was scratching at Saffron's door.

"She's not home, Pud," Hermione said picking up the dog. "You miss her, don't you?"

Puddles looked at her and whined pitifully.

"I miss her too," Hermione said opening up her daughter's door.

She smiled as Puddles wiggled out of her grasp and ran into the room sniffing around before jumping up onto her daughter's bed.

Hermione laughed as she followed the dog into the room. This room had gone through numerous changes over the past 16 years. It had started out as Saffron's nursery and then when the girl was four years old, she'd decided she wanted pink walls. Then at six, she'd wanted red and gold. And then Harry had enchanted the ceiling to look like a starlit sky.

She missed her daughter terribly while she was at school. "Guess she's always been a Gryffindor, aye Puddles?" she asked the dog.

Puddles rested his head in Hermione's lap and Hermione petted him behind the ears. She laughed as she remembered the day Ethan was leaving for his first year at Hogwarts.

Hermione was playing with four-year old Saffron when Ethan stalked into the room.

"Mum!" Ethan called out nervously.

"Yes Ethan?" Hermione looked up at him.

"I can't find my wand or my cauldron," Ethan replied. "I had them in my room this morning and then Greta made breakfast and I come back upstairs and they're gone..."

"Gone!" Saffron squealed clapping her hands.

"Saffy did you hide your brother's wand?" Hermione looked at her baby daughter.

Saffron shook her head. "Ethan has to stay now."

"Ethan's got to go to school sweetheart," Hermione replied.

Saffron stood up and walked over to Ethan. "You can stay now."

"I'd like to stay Saffy," Ethan told his sister. "But I have to go to school. It's really important."

Saffron looked up at him. "Who's going to save me from the monsters?"

"Dad will," Ethan said. "Now where's my wand? And how did you move my cauldron?"

Saffron shrugged her small shoulders and then walked back over to where her mother was sitting on the floor. "Let's read, Mummy."

"Saffron Grace," Hermione bit back her smile. "Where did you put your brother's wand and cauldron?"

"Ethan, you can read too," Saffron said innocently. "Get book, please!"

"I have to pack," Ethan said. "And I can't go to school without my wand! Mum make her give it back to me!"

"Saffron," Hermione said looking in her daughter's eyes. "Did you take Ethan's wand and cauldron?"

"She already said she did," Ethan interrupted. "Mum!"

Hermione nodded. "Saffron Grace, your brother is leaving for Hogwarts in a couple of hours and he needs to have his cauldron and wand. Where did you put them sweetheart?"

"Hot and Cold," Saffron clapped her hands together.

"I haven't got time to play a game, Saffy," Ethan said in exasperation.

"Hot and Cold," Saffron shook her head. "Ethan play with me!"

"Just do it," Hermione said to her son. "Humour her."

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Okay, fine. Am I hot or cold in this room, Saf?"

Saffron giggled. "Cold."

Ethan sighed and walked out into the hallway. "How about now?"

"Warmer," Saffron was delighted in her game.

Ethan walked down the hall until he came to one of the loos. "In here?"

"Cold," Saffron shook her head.

Ethan walked back in the other direction. "Okay, bedroom?"

"Warmer," Saffron giggled.

Ethan stalked past his sister into his bedroom. He looked under his bed and under the bedside table, but there was still no sign of either his wand or his cauldron.

"You're getting hotter Ethan," Saffron grinned at him. Her eyes strayed to the closet and Ethan bounded over there.

He flung open the door and saw his sister's favourite blanket covering something. "Saffy!"

"You're hot!" Saffron squealed and clapped her hands. "But now I'll hide it again okay?"

"No!" Ethan said blocking her view. "Saffy, I don't have time to play with you. I have to finish getting ready!"

Saffron's smile disappeared and her lower lip trembled.

"Don't start crying," Ethan said feeling guilty.

"She's going to miss her big brother," Hermione said kneeling down in front of her daughter. "Isn't that right?"

Saffron nodded. "Who will I play with?"

"I'm sure we could get Ron and Luna to come by with little RJ," Hermione said tucking a tendril of hair behind her daughter's ear.

Saffron turned and hugged her mother tightly.

"Ethan will be back for Christmas," Hermione said patting her daughter's back soothingly. "And I'll help you write to him."

Ethan felt guilty for being so angry now. "Hey Saffy, how about you help me finish packing?"

Saffron pulled away from her mother and turned to look up at her brother. "I'm the bestest packer, Ethan."

"Yeah you're pretty good," Ethan smiled at his sister.

Saffron wiped at her eyes. "I can't believe you found them, Ethan. I hid them good, didn't I?"

"Yeah you did," Ethan said. "I looked over them twice while I was searching in here."

Saffron picked up her discarded blanket. "Do you want to take this with you, Ethan? You might get scared and I always use it when I get scared."

"That's okay Saffy," Ethan put his wand on the nightstand and heaved his cauldron into his trunk. "You keep it; I don't want anything to happen to it."

Saffron shook her head. "No, you!"

"Saffron guys don't take blankets to school," Ethan argued.

"Why not?" Saffron asked hugging the blanket.

"Because I'm a boy," Ethan stressed. "Girls take that rubbish to school, boys don't."

Saffron stared at him for a few moments before taking her blanket and walking out of his bedroom.

"Ethan," Hermione said sitting down on the edge of her son's bed. "She really is going to miss you."

"I know," Ethan replied. "But I don't want her blanket."

"You just hurt her feelings," Hermione said. "You know how she carries that blanket around everywhere she goes. The fact that she wanted to give it to you was really big for her."

"But what are the guys going to say if I show up with a blanket?" Ethan asked.

"You don't have to take it, but you should tell your sister how much it meant to you that she wanted you to take it," Hermione said softly. "She has always looked up to you and you've always been here for her and now you're going away and she doesn't understand."

"Okay but then you'll have to finish packing for me," Ethan told her with a grin.

Hermione shook her head. "You're too much like your father, Ethan James."

"I'm a chip off the old block, remember?" he joked as he headed for his sister's room.

Saffron was sitting on her bed with her blanket wrapped tightly around her.

"Hey," Ethan said tapping on the doorframe. "Can I come in?"

"No," Saffron said.

"Why not?" Ethan asked.

"Because you're mean," Saffron said.

Ethan leaned against the doorframe. "It was kind of mean of you to hide my stuff, Saffy."

"I was just playing!" Saffron crossed her arms.

"You thought if you hid my stuff, I wouldn't be able to go away to school," Ethan countered.

"I don't want you to go," Saffron said.

"I'm going to miss you and mum and dad," Ethan said smiling slightly at his sister.

"You'll miss me?" Saffron's face softened.

Ethan nodded. "You're my baby sister."

Saffron dropped her blanket and ran over to hug her brother.

Ethan laughed as he gave her a hug. "You know one of these days; you'll be ready to see me go."

"No," Saffron shook her head.

"And you'll have tons of people to play with," Ethan told her. "I know they're in Ireland still, but you can get Mum and Dad to take you to see Maddie and RJ."

Saffron giggled at him. "You want to see Maddie."

Ethan rolled his eyes. "No, I don't."

"Maddie loves you," Saffron continued to giggle.

"Oh yeah?" Ethan said tickling his sister. "What about you and RJ? Hmm?"

Saffron shrieked with laughter. "RJ's an icky boy!"

"Well, Maddie's an icky girl," Ethan said tickling her side.

Saffron was laughing too hard to answer.

"You are pretty cool for a little sister," Ethan said mussing her hair.

"I love you Ethan," Saffron hugged him again. "I'll miss you."

Ethan patted her back. "You're in charge now. You have to look out for Mum and Dad and Greta. You think you can handle it?"

Saffron nodded solemnly.

"And I'll be home before you know it," Ethan said smiling at her.

"Will you miss me too?" Saffron trailed behind her brother.

"Maybe a little," Ethan teased going back into his room where his mother was just clasping shut his trunk.

"Wow, am I packed already?" Ethan tried to sound surprised.

Hermione laughed. "You're all set."

"That's good to hear," Harry said from the doorway.

"Daddy!" Saffron squealed running toward him.

"Hi baby," Harry swung her up into the air.

Saffron giggled and gave him a hug. "I tried to give Ethan my blankie, but he wouldn't take it."

"Awwww," Harry sent his son a teasing grin. "Ethan didn't want a blankie?"

Hermione hit her husband on the arm. "Harry..."

"Ow," Harry grinned. "Ethan, are you ready to go?"

"Yeah," Ethan replied. "I think so."

"And you'll have friends there already," Hermione said. "Luna said that Darla and Drew would look out for you and Frankie promised she would show you the ropes."

"All girls," Ethan grumbled. "Why can't Jon and Josh still be there?"

"Because they grew up and graduated," Hermione said. "And you'll meet lots of new friends, Ethan."

"I bet I will," Ethan nodded. "Can we go now?"

"Sure," Hermione said trying not to cry. Her little boy was going off to school for the first time and she was feeling a little like Saffron at the moment. She didn't want him to go.

Harry shrank the trunk down and put it in his pocket. "Come on then everyone," he said, still holding Saffron.

Hermione nodded. "Okay..."

"Don't go Ethan," Saffron's eyes were filled with tears again. "Stay with me."

Harry hugged his daughter. "Saffy..."

Ethan reached for his sister's hand. "I'll be back, Saffy. I promise."

"Really?" Saffron asked her brother. "Promise?"

"I promise," Ethan said squeezing her hand.

"Okay," Saffron reached for him. "I want you to hold me."

Harry handed her off to Ethan.

"On the way to Kings' Cross, I'll tell you all that you have to do to look out for mum and dad and Greta," Ethan said to her. "First, you have to make sure that Dad takes you flying..."

"Ethan," Hermione said reprovingly.

"Dad's taken her out loads of times, Mum," Ethan said without thinking.

"Excuse me?" Hermione glared at her husband.

"Just once or twice," Harry muttered.

"Daddy goes so fast," Saffron said grinning at him. "And so high, Mummy!"

"Does he now," Hermione said darkly. "Interesting..."

"I know we said we'd wait until she was older," Harry started to explain.

"Yes, we did," Hermione said coolly as she put her cloak on.

"But one day Ethan and I were out in the backyard and she was just sitting there with Greta," Harry continued.

"Mummy I like to fly," Saffron said. "Don't get mad at Daddy."

"I just worry about my sweet little girl," Hermione said. "I don't want you to get hurt. I've never liked watching any of you kids fly."

"Jules never flies, Mum," Ethan said with a laugh. "She's as scared as you of it."

"And Saffy should be too," Hermione took their Floo Powder from the mantel.

"Hermione---" Harry said. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

"Yeah Mummy," Saffron said. "And you told me Daddy can't say no to me."

"Yes, but wouldn't you rather have your feet on the ground?" Hermione asked her.

"I like flying with Daddy," Saffron shook her head. "We have loads of fun and Daddy holds me really tight."

"And would never let anything happen to her," Harry said.

"I still don't like it," Hermione replied.

"You can do what you tell me to do when I'm scared," Saffron said smiling at her mother. "Close your eyes until it's over."

Harry and Ethan laughed at the expression on Hermione's face.

"I'll try," Hermione said forcing a smile.

"Can we please go now?" Ethan asked eager to get on the train.

"Not before you say goodbye to me," Greta said stepping into the sitting room. "Come here, you."

Ethan ran over to his nanny and gave her a huge hug. "I'll miss you Greta."

"I made you some biscuits for the train," Greta said handing him a brown bag. "And I'll send you some care packages, too."

"Awesome," Ethan said. "Thanks Greta."

"Greta's going to be with us forever and ever and ever," Saffron said clapping her hands.

Greta laughed. "I don't know about that but I'll still be around for awhile yet."

"For-ever!" Saffron exclaimed.

"Come ON," Ethan said impatiently.

They finally made it to Kings' Cross, but didn't have time for more than a quick goodbye as the train was leaving in a couple of minutes time.

"You write to me," Hermione said, giving her son an emotional hug. "At least twice a week."

"Mum," Ethan said squirming out of her hug. "People can see!"

Harry laughed. "Little man, getting hugged by your mother isn't a bad thing."

"Dad, can we stop calling me that?" Ethan hissed.

"Ethan," Saffron hugged her brother around the waist. "You'll still keep the monsters away when you come home right?"

"You know it," Ethan said laughing.

"Come home soon," Saffron begged. "Please?"

"I will," Ethan said smiling at her. "I love you, Saffy."

"I love you too Ethan," Saffron said as Harry pried her away.

"You'd better get on the train," he said.

"Bye, Dad," Ethan said waving his hand as he stepped on the train. "Bye, Mum! Bye, Saffy!"

Saffron waved furiously as the train began to move. "I want to go with Ethan!" she cried.

Hermione scooped her up. "We have you for at least another seven years, Madam."

Saffron looked at the empty track where the train had just been. Her lower lip trembled again as she looked over at Harry.

"He's going to be back soon," Harry said. "And you still have me and your mum and Julie and Nick and Greta..."

"I know," Saffron buried her face in Harry's shoulder.

Hermione took out a tissue and wiped at her eyes. "My sweet little boy...."

"Come on," Harry noticed some reporters scoping them out from the other side of the platform. "Let's go home before they start in with us."

"Right," Hermione agreed.

"Are those the monsters, Daddy?" Saffron asked.

"Yes," Harry replied. "Those are bad, bad monsters."

Saffron hugged him tightly. "Let's go home."

"Home it is," Harry replied. "And I think my little Saffy would like some biscuits and milk."

Saffron nodded and rested her head on her father's shoulder. "Safe."

"You're always safe with Daddy, princess." Harry kissed her forehead.

"See, Mummy?" Saffron asked.

"See what, sweetheart?" Hermione asked her.

"Safe with Daddy," Saffron said softly.

"Of course," Hermione slid under Harry's free arm. "Daddy always keeps us safe."

"And always will," Harry promised.

Hermione rubbed Puddles between the ears and the dog whined and rolled over onto his back.

"They grew up way too fast," Hermione said softly.

Puddles whined again as if he understood what she was saying.

"Ethan's married and living in the cottage with Maddie," Hermione said smiling down at the dog. "And Julie's a professor at Hogwarts and our Saffy has less than 2 years left at Hogwarts."

Puddles jumped off the bed and let his nose roam along the floor until he came to a jumper Saffron had left behind.

Hermione laughed as she stood up to retrieve the jumper before Puddles did any damage.

"Come on you," she said. "How about a walk?"

Puddles took off out of the room.

Hermione laughed. This was definitely Saffron's dog.

*** *** ***

Unlike last time Hannah was to have lunch with her caseworker, this time she was excited. This was definitely due to the fact that this time Frankie and Will were being interviewed, and she'd get to spend the whole afternoon with them.

"Are you sure her caseworker will like us?" Frankie was anxious as she arranged her hair carefully. "I mean what if she thinks we're totally unreliable or something?"

"We're very charming and very responsible," Will reassured her.

"I really hope so," Frankie said. "I mean, it's got to count for something how outgoing Hannah's become with us."

"And the glowing letters of recommendation from our friends, family and employers," Will said nodding.

Frankie leaned against him and gave him a kiss. "I'm so happy to have you William Barron."

"Me too," Will said softly.

Mrs. Roman cleared her throat. "Mr. and Mrs. Barron---"

Frankie jumped away from her husband with a guilty smile. "I'm Francesca Barron," she said quickly.

Will stood up and shook the woman's hand. "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Roman."

"Would you like a drink?" Frankie asked her. "Non-alcoholic, of course. We abhor alcohol. Never touch the stuff actually..."

Mrs. Roman raised an eyebrow at Frankie as she studied her. "Coffee would be fine."

"Relax," Will murmured in her ear. "I'll get the coffee while you both talk." he squeezed his wife's hand before leaving the room.

"So um... please have a seat," Frankie said. "Is Hannah coming today?"

"Luna is supposed to bring her along later," Mrs. Roman said. "I thought I'd interview you and Mr. Barron alone first."

"Oh okay," Frankie nodded. "That's fine, I guess I can understand you'd want to see us alone first to see if we're good enough." she laughed nervously. "Well of course we're good enough but you want to see that for yourself, right?"

Mrs. Roman pulled a legal pad from her briefcase. "There's no need to be nervous, Mrs. Barron. Just be yourself."

"Okay," Frankie wiped her palms on her jeans. "I just..." she paused a moment. "Hannah's a very special girl to me."

Mrs. Roman smiled. "She's a very special girl."

"There's really just something about her," Frankie grew more relaxed. "The first time I met her I just felt this attachment to her."

"You know that Hannah didn't speak to anyone the entire three months she was at the orphanage?" Mrs. Roman asked Frankie.

"No one?" Frankie asked, her eyebrows raised.

"Not a soul," Mrs. Roman said as Will came back into the room with a tray of coffee. "She was traumatised by what had happened between her parents, of course."

Frankie nodded. "At first, she wouldn't talk to Ron or Will either, but it seems she's gotten a lot more comfortable."

"And it all started with you," Mrs. Roman said taking the cup of coffee from Will. "Luna was telling me how wonderful you've been with her, Mrs. Barron."

Frankie blushed. "Well like I said, she's a wonderful little girl. I couldn't stop thinking about her after meeting her for the first time and I couldn't stay away."

"I think you should understand some things about Hannah's situation," Mrs. Roman said. "Hannah's father was a Muggle."

"I had a feeling he was," Frankie replied.

"What about her mother?" Will asked.

"Her mother was a witch," Mrs. Roman looked at her files. "But she didn't use her powers very often. Hannah's father was very against all things magical."

"So he decided to take it out on Hannah and her mother?" Will asked angrily.

Mrs. Roman nodded. "He's currently incarcerated in downtown London."

"I just can't imagine anyone doing things like that to a young child," Frankie said softly. "I saw her back when she first arrived."

"Hannah's mother, Abbie, was going to leave him," Mrs. Roman explained. "She confided to her neighbours that she was tired of putting up with the abuse and she couldn't raise her daughter in an environment like that. Apparently, her husband found the train tickets and he lost it."

Frankie bit her lower lip and held back tears as Mrs. Roman told them about how Hannah's father had beaten Hannah's mother literally to death right in front of her and had then gone after the little girl.

Will put his arm around his wife.

"Miraculously, she was able to run away from him, but not before he did some damage," Mrs. Roman said softly. "A neighbour called the authorities and they arrested him on the spot. Hannah hasn't seen or heard from him since."

"They should keep it that way," Frankie said angrily.

"Abbie's parents died when she was very young and her father was never close to his own parents so Hannah has no immediate family," Mrs. Roman continued.

"If we are able to adopt her," Will began. "And someday her father gets out of jail, is there a chance he could come after her, or even petition to get her back?"

"I think that would he highly unlikely," Mrs. Roman replied. "Given his history of abuse and the murder of Hannah's mother, no judge in his right mind would ever let that child anywhere near him."

Will nodded, reassured.

"I just think you should be aware of Hannah's history before you make any final decisions," Mrs. Roman said. "She's had nightmares and the scars from what happened will continue to be with her. I just want to be sure that you and your husband no what you're getting into."

"We know," Frankie answered. "I've been there when she's had nightmares and I know about all her scars, both physical and mental ones."

"Hannah's even called Frankie her mum unconsciously," Will added.

Mrs. Roman wrote some notes on her pad. "Luna told me how close you've become in such a short time."

"It's almost as if I can't stay away from her," Frankie said. "I'll be honest; I've never especially wanted children. But Hannah's changed my mind."

"Just wait until you see them together, it's really something to see," Will said smiling at his wife.

"Hannah will be starting school next year," Mrs. Roman said consulting her notes. "You and your husband both work, Mrs. Barron. How would you handle that?"

"My schedule can be very flexible, and so can Will's." Frankie answered. "One of us would always be there to take her to school and pick her up, and make sure we're around. And if by chance we couldn't be there, I have two sisters who live right here in the city who would help us out."

"And our parents would be only too willing to help out," Will chimed in. "And I do more than half of my work at home, Mrs. Roman."

Mrs. Roman smiled at him. "This certainly does seem to be quite a stable, warm home."

"It is," Frankie said smiling at the older woman. "It's very stable and warm. And if you'd like, I can show you the room, we've picked out for Hannah."

"I'd very much like to see that," Mrs. Roman got up. "And if you don't mind, a quick tour of the rest of the house would be lovely."

"Of course," Frankie said standing up. "We've lived here for almost a year. We moved in right after we were married and we did most of the remodelling ourselves."

"I'm very impressed," Mrs. Roman said, peering into the formal dining room as they passed.

"This is our family room," Frankie said standing back so the woman could see. "Hannah just loves sitting in here with us. Will's planning on teaching her how to play chess."

"I'm not that great at it," Will said. "But I'm a somewhat decent player."

Mrs. Roman nodded and walked into the room inspecting the photographs on the mantle.

"Those are my nieces Caroline and Emma," Frankie said. "And that one there is of my niece Sukie and my nephew Mas. And that one there is Will's niece Mia with Caroline. And his nephews..."

"Seems like Hannah would have quite the extended family already," Mrs. Roman commented.

"She would," Will said with a smile. "She's met Mia and Emma and Caroline and they've let her into their princess club."

Mrs. Roman laughed. "I think that's lovely."

"She fit in with them straightaway," Frankie said smiling at the memory of that first weekend play date.

"According to the old neighbour report, she was quite shy even before everything that happened," Mrs. Roman said. "So I'm glad to see her coming out of her shell."

"Me too," Frankie said peering at the photograph in the centre of the mangle of she and Will with Hannah.

"We took that the first time she came over for dinner," Will said as Mrs. Roman looked at the photograph as well.

"It's hard to believe this is the same little girl that I met a few months ago," Mrs. Roman said softly.

"I can't believe it either," Frankie replied. "I just... I love her so much and I'd do anything to make her happy."

Mrs. Roman smiled at Frankie. "I can certainly see that, Mrs. Barron."

Will smiled at his wife supportively. "Perhaps you'd like to see my office and then what would be Hannah's bedroom, Mrs. Roman?"

"Lead the way," Mrs. Roman said nodding.

"Do you think it's going well?" Frankie whispered into her husband's ear as Mrs. Roman looked around the bedroom.

"I think so," Will said squeezing her hand.

"Okay," Frankie was relieved. "I can't wait until Hannah gets here."

They showed Mrs. Roman the rest of the house and were just heading back to the kitchen when they heard voices coming from the sitting room.

Hannah ran into the hallway and met them coming down the stairs. "Frankie!"

"Hey you," Frankie said picking her up and hugging her tightly. "Look at how pretty you look!"

"I wanted to look like you today," Hannah said shyly.

"Hiya Hannah," Will said with a grin. "We're glad you came over today."

Hannah rested her head on Frankie's shoulder.

"You remember Mrs. Roman don't you, sweetheart?" Frankie asked. "We were just giving her a tour of the house."

Hannah nodded.

"Hello, Hannah," Mrs. Roman said warmly. She nodded at Luna who was standing back.

"Hi," Hannah said shyly.

"We plaited her hair," Luna said. "And she wanted to wear her purple jumper."

"Frankie gave it to me," Hannah said softly.

"Purple's your favourite colour isn't it?" Mrs. Roman asked her with a smile.

Hannah nodded and said shyly. "I love purple."

"And it's a lovely colour on you," Mrs. Roman said. "Shall we go into the kitchen?"

"What do you say?" Frankie asked Hannah. "Are you hungry?"

Hannah nodded. "Did Will make his chips again?"

Will shook his head. "Not this time, sweetheart, but we have some biscuits."

"What kind?" Hannah asked.

"Chocolate chip and we also have oatmeal raisin," Will replied.

"Chocolate chip is my favourite," Hannah said.

"Good thing I made a lot of those then," Will winked at her. "With extra chocolate chips."

Hannah grinned back at him and Mrs. Roman noted the ease with which the three of them related to each other. This was certainly different from Hannah's visit with the Stewarts.

Several minutes later they were all seated around the kitchen table as Hannah eagerly took in the plate of biscuits placed in front of her. "Can I bring some of these back for Mister Ron?"

"Of course," Frankie replied.

"He'll love you for that," Luna said with wink at the little girl.

"Good," Hannah giggled.

Mrs. Roman consulted her file and made a few quick notes. Frankie wished she could see what the woman was writing and she hoped they were making a good impression.

"Hannah, how many times have you come over to see Frankie and Will?" Mrs. Roman asked her.

"Um..." Hannah thought for a moment. "I came over here three times, but Frankie comes to see me a lot too."

"And what sorts of things do you do together?" Mrs. Roman asked.

"We watch movies," Hannah replied. "And Frankie reads bedtime stories to me, or magazines."

"And how do you feel about Will?" Mrs. Roman asked.

Hannah looked at him shyly. "He's nice to me," she said softly.

Hannah watched as the caseworker scribbled notes down. She so wanted to say the right things. Luna had told her to be honest and to be herself.

"What sorts of things do you do with Will when you come over here?" Mrs. Roman then asked.

"We, um," Hannah said thoughtfully. "I helped him cook last time I was here and we talk and play games."

Mrs. Roman smiled and wrote that down.

"Hannah also happens to be a wonderful gardener," Luna added.

Hannah blushed. "I'm okay..."

"I can't wait for spring," Frankie said. "My garden will look wonderful if I get Hannah's help."

Hannah beamed at Frankie.

Mrs. Roman nodded. "I think I've gotten everything I came here for today."

"Does Frankie get to be my mummy?" Hannah asked innocently.