Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Well here you go, for those people who were complaining about things going too slow, you get Saffron in this chapter. Please review!

"You ready to tackle the ocean, sweetheart?" Frankie asked her daughter.

"I think so," Hannah said as another wave crashed on the shore.

"We'll take it slow," Frankie promised taking Hannah's hand. A little further down the shore, Emma was venturing into the ocean with her father.

"Just be careful of the soldier fish," Caroline called to them. She was busy digging a hole in the sand with Katie.

"The what?" Hannah asked her mother.

"I'm not sure," Frankie looked back at Will. "Soldier fish?"

"I think she might be talking about a Portuguese Man-of-War," Will said. "I think a couple years ago, Caroline was stung by one."

"Will one get me?" Hannah asked.

"Probably not," Will reassured her. "They are pretty rare. Just watch where you step and you'll be fine."

"You'll stay with me, right?" Hannah looked at him.

"Absolutely," Will said smiling at her.

"Okay," Hannah took both of their hands.

Back in the house, Hermione came into the kitchen and looked at her husband. "She's still upstairs, Harry."

Harry shook his head. "She hasn't come out since we got here."

"I'm worried about her," Hermione said.

"She's heartbroken," Harry answered. "I wish I could do something for her."

"They were together for a long time," Hermione said softly.

Harry sighed. "Let's try one more time to get her out. Otherwise, maybe she'll open up to Alexa once she gets here."

Hermione nodded and took her husband's hand leading the way upstairs. Harry knocked on the door.


When their daughter didn't answer, Hermione knocked again. "Sweetheart, talk to us..."

"I'm okay," Saffron called out weakly.

"Why don't you come out on the beach with us?" Harry urged.

Saffron knew her parents weren't going to go away and she appreciated them wanting to check on her, but she just wanted to be alone. Reluctantly, she stood up and slowly walked over to the door.

"Baby," Hermione pulled her youngest into her arms. "I hate that you're so upset."

Saffron sobbed into her mother's shoulder. "Mum..."

"I know baby," Hermione soothed. "I know you loved Andrew..."

"This is all RJ's fault," Saffron said in a muffled voice.

Harry shook his head. "Saffy... this isn't RJ's fault. He had nothing to do with it. You can't blame him for everything that goes wrong in your life."

"Take his side," Saffron said glaring at him. "He was absolutely responsible for this, Dad!"

"Saffron Grace," Hermione said gently. "Don't lash out at us, all right? We love you and we both hate that you're so upset."

"I just want to talk to Mum," Saffron said to her father.

Harry nodded. "I'll be downstairs," he said quietly.

Hermione closed the door behind her husband and sat down on Saffron's unmade bed. "Come here, baby."

Saffron wiped her eyes and sat down next to her mother.

Hermione put her arm around her. "I know it doesn't seem like it now, but you will feel better, Saffron."

Saffron shook her head. "I'm never, ever dating anyone ever again. I can't handle this Mum."

"You might change your mind someday and maybe you and Andrew can work this out," Hermione said soothingly.

"I don't know," Saffron said miserably, her eyes tearing up again.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Hermione asked her daughter.

Saffron leaned against her mother as Puddles crawled onto her lap. "He was so angry with me Mum..."

Despite not hearing back from Andrew or RJ after sending the Howler, Saffron was looking forward to seeing her boyfriend and spending time with him in Brighton during the first few weeks of summer hols.

She was so happy to see him waiting for her at the station and she practically ran off the train.

"Andrew!' she exclaimed.

"Hi Saffron," Andrew said, without a smile.

Saffron moved to give him a hug, but his arms remained folded. "Andrew?"

"We need to talk," Andrew replied. "Let's get your stuff."

Saffron nodded. "If you're worried about my reaction to that article, you don't have to. I know RJ---"

"RJ didn't say any of those things," Andrew replied coolly.

"Right," Saffron said rolling her eyes. "That's exactly like something he'd say. But, let's not talk about him. This is our holiday and I missed you!"

"Saffron--" Andrew said exasperatedly. "I don't want to go into this here. But we need to talk about what you said to RJ. He's still my best mate whether you like it or not."

Saffron shrugged and pushed past him to get her trunk. "Whatever."

Andrew was about to snap. He didn't get this angry often at all, but his girlfriend's attitude was really pissing him off. "Fine," he snapped. "Let's do this here, in front of everyone!"

"I'd rather not," Saffron said glaring at him. "I don't even know why we have to talk about him in the first place!"

"Because you have a horrible attitude!" Andrew retorted.

"Well, at least I'm not best friends with a liar and a cheat!" Saffron countered.

Andrew rolled his eyes. "You aren't even going to try here, are you?"

"I have tried, but it's a little hard to be nice to him when he makes comments like that and takes you out with tarts!" Saffron argued.

"HE DIDN'T SAY THAT!" Andrew roared.

Saffron stared at him in disbelief. Andrew very rarely got upset and he'd never yelled at her. A few of her fellow students were looking at them. "Come on; let's go back to my house...."

"Fine," Andrew grabbed the end of her trunk.

Just outside the station, Andrew hailed a taxi. Saffron slammed the car door and settled down in her seat. This was not the homecoming she'd counted on.

Andrew helped the driver load her trunk before sliding in next to her, giving the address of a building close to the entrance to The Leaky Cauldron.

"You home from boarding school, love?" the driver asked conversationally.

Saffron nodded. "Yeah..."

"Have a good year did you?" the driver smiled back at her.

"It was until now," Saffron answered, glaring at her boyfriend.

"Lover's spat," the driver said. "Well, don't you worry. These things pass."

Andrew stayed silent, not looking over at Saffron until they arrived at the address.

"Enjoy your hols, miss," the driver said as he opened the boot.

"Yeah right," Saffron muttered as Andrew paid the driver.

"Come on," Andrew said grumpily.

Saffron grabbed her trunk. "I can handle it myself," she snapped.

"We'll both get it," Andrew said firmly.

"I'm not a weakling," Saffron said shortly.

Andrew dropped the trunk. "Okay, then. How about we have our talk now? "

"Fine," Saffron crossed her arms.

"I told you that you'd have to drop this grudge," Andrew began. "And you told me you'd try. And I truly believed you were trying and then we get that bloody howler!"

"Because he was trying to break us up!" Saffron replied.

"He wouldn't do that," Andrew told her. "Because he knows there's nothing he could say or do that would make me stop loving you. And just for your information, Saffron, he didn't say those things that were reported in that paper."

"You both had girls surrounding you!" Saffron snapped. "I wouldn't have believed it otherwise!"

Andrew groaned. "I don't even know what to say to that!"

"You have no defence for him, that's why," Saffron said hotly. "I can't believe you're here accusing me of being unfair!"

"That's because you ARE being unfair!" Andrew retorted. "And I can't believe you can't see it! He made a mistake, Saffron. One mistake. And you act as if everyone he cares about should just cut him off and forget he existed."

"It's obvious to me that you want to be friends with him more than you want me to be your girlfriend," Saffron shot back.

"I don't see why I have to choose!" Andrew argued.

"Because I refuse to be around him," Saffron hissed.

"And that's fine, but you can at least be civil," Andrew told her. "And if you can't do that, I don't-"

"Don't what?" Saffron interrupted. "Is this turning into an ultimatum now?"

"You should recognise it," Andrew said folding his arms. "You've given me one ever since RJ and Lexie broke up."

"I don't make you choose!" Saffron exclaimed.

"Not in so many words, but your actions spoke volumes," Andrew said.

"Whatever," Saffron said. "That is bullshit."

"I love you," Andrew said. "I love you so much, Saffron."

"I love you too," Saffron said, her tone quieter.

"But I cannot keep doing this," Andrew said looking intently at her.

"Well I'm not going to be RJ's friend again," Saffron shook her head.

"No one is asking you to do that," Andrew said. "I just want you to be civil to him."

"Not if he's going to say things like that," Saffron answered coolly.

"He didn't say that!" Andrew roared. "You don't trust him, fine. But you should trust me when I tell you he didn't!"

Saffron shook her head and looked away. "I do trust you, but I think he's a bad influence."

"Since you haven't talked to him in awhile, maybe I could let you know a little about what RJ's been doing as a 'bad influence'," Andrew told her. "Yesterday, he took Emma and Caroline bowling. Today, he's helping Josh with the triplets. His best friend on the team happens to be married and RJ goes over to their house for dinner every week. That's a really bad influence."

"What, just because he's nice now means I should just be okay with him?" Saffron asked.

"I'm not saying that," Andrew said quietly. "You know, when he cheated on Alexa, I was mad at him, too. He screwed up the best thing in his life. He knows that now. He also knows that he's not going to get her back. He wants to be her friend. She seems to think he's not that bad. You on the other hand are determined to keep this going."

"Because I know better than she does," Saffron returned.

"You what?"

Saffron exhaled sharply. "Why are we fighting over RJ?" she asked, exasperatedly. "I've cut him out of my life and you keep bringing him back in!"

"And you keep making me choose!" Andrew exclaimed. "I can't do that. He's my best friend and you're my girlfriend."

"You're not acting as if we're together," Saffron replied, her arms crossed.

"It's your choice," Andrew challenged. "But I can't do this anymore. You either believe me and let this go or we're done."

Saffron stared at him in disbelief.


"So you're telling me I have to put up with RJ or you'll dump me?" she asked.

Andrew met her gaze. "Yes."

"I can't believe this," Saffron shook her head.

"I can't believe it came to this," Andrew said quietly.

Saffron bit her lower lip. "I'm sorry," she said quietly. "But I refuse to be put into a choice like this. The fact that you could give me up for RJ--"

"How would you feel Saffy, if I didn't get along with Alexa?" Andrew interjected. "How would you feel if every single time I was around her, I made snide comments or I made her feel uncomfortable?"

"Don't change the subject!" Saffron snapped.

"Do you think I want to do this?" Andrew asked her. "Baby, I love you, but I refuse to be put in the middle."

Saffron turned away. She didn't want him to see her cry. "Just go away," she managed.

"I'll help you get your trunk," Andrew offered.

"I don't want anything from you," Saffron said.

"Saffy---" Andrew started to say.

"You got what you wanted," Saffron put up her hand. "Fine, it's over."

Andrew nodded. "Enjoy your summer."

Saffron snorted. "Whatever..."

Hermione handed her daughter a tissue. "Sweetheart..."

"So you see?" Saffron asked wiping at her eyes. "It is his fault!"

"Saffy," Hermione brushed back her daughter's hair. "Are you sure you weren't even a little bit to blame?"

"Maybe a little, but this all started because of RJ,'" Saffron said.

Hermione kissed her forehead. "You can think what you like, but I think you know deep down that RJ wasn't at fault here."

Saffron didn't want to admit that so she just lay down putting her head in her mother's lap.

"I hate to see you hurting so much," Hermione stroked her daughter's long hair. "I wish there was something I could do, or your father could do to make you feel better."

"Just stay up here with me," Saffron said softly.

Hermione nodded. "Are you sure you won't come on the beach? I bet being with the kids would help, at least a little bit. And you know you love to watch Puddles with the waves..."

"Maybe later," Saffron said.

"I'm going to hold you to that," Hermione smiled down at her.

"I never wanted to be one of those girls who cried over some boy," Saffron said. "I feel like such a cliché."

"There's nothing wrong with a few tears," Hermione said. "You fell in love, Saffy. Heartbreak isn't easy but you'll get through it."

"The only boyfriend you ever had was Daddy," Saffron said.

"But I lived with your Aunt Lavender most of my life," Hermione reminded her.

"Oh," Saffron said smiling for the first time.

"There's my girl," Hermione said. "I always love it when you smile."

"Might be the only one you see for awhile," Saffron said dryly.

"You're a strong girl Saffy," Hermione said reassuringly as she sat up. "You'll be all right."

"You know," Saffron said biting her bottom lip. "I am kind of hungry. I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday and it wasn't that much."

"I would offer to make you something but I know better," Hermione teased. "But I'm sure your father would make you a sandwich."

"I'll just make myself something," Saffron said. She didn't want to hear his lecture on how great RJ was.

"Saffy," Hermione said as Saffron stood up. "You know how your father loves to dote on you."

"Yeah," Saffron said sulkily, pulling her hair into a makeshift ponytail.

"And if you're worried he's going to lecture you, he won't." Hermione continued. "He liked Andrew very much."

Saffron wordlessly followed her mother out of the room and downstairs.

"Feeling better sweetheart?" Harry asked.

Saffron didn't answer him as she walked over to the icebox and peered inside for something to eat.

Harry exchanged a clueless look with his wife, who shrugged. "Saffron?"

"I'm just making myself a sandwich, okay?" Saffron told him.

"I'll make it for you," Harry said. "Just the way you like it."

"I can make a sandwich," Saffron said. "I don't need to be waited on."

"Saffron Grace," Hermione said. "We both realise you're upset but your father is only trying to help."

"It's okay, Mum," Saffron said. "I just want to make my own sandwich."

"All right then," Harry stood up. "Guess I'll just head on down with everyone else."

"Dad," Saffron said. "Wait---I'm sorry---"

Harry turned back to look at her.

Saffron walked over to him. "I'm kind of upset with anyone with a Y chromosome. I don't mean to take it out on you."

She hugged her father and Harry kissed the top of her head. "I guess I could understand that sweetheart. I wish I could cheer you up."

"A grilled cheese might do it," Saffron admitted.

"One grilled cheese coming up then," Harry replied.

Saffron shared a smile with her mother. "Thanks, Daddy."

"Ethan and Maddie should be arriving in an hour or so," Harry told them.

Saffron nodded. "He better not tease me about this, Dad. I'm not in the mood."

"Sweetheart no one's going to tease you about this," Hermione said gently.

"I can't believe it's over," Saffron said glumly.

"You still might work it out," Harry offered.

"Not this time," Saffron said staving off her tears.

Hermione hugged her daughter. "Saffy..." she kissed her temple.

"Want me to hex him?" Harry asked trying to get his daughter to smile. "I'd do it, Saffy."

Saffron's lips barely curved up. "No thanks Daddy," she said quietly.

Harry set the sandwich down in front of his daughter. "Just like you like it."

Saffron managed a wan smile. "Thanks..."

"You know you and I could play a round of golf something this week if you're up for it," Harry offered. "Nothing makes you feel better like kicking my arse."

"Maybe," Saffron shrugged. Tears came to her eyes as she remembered Andrew always offering to play a round with her.


"Sorry," Saffron wiped her eyes. "I just miss him so much!"

"You'll get through this," Hermione said softly. "And we'll help you."

"Thanks," Saffron replied quietly.

She managed a couple of bites of her sandwich all under the watchful eyes of her parents.

"I'm sure Alexa will be here soon," Harry said to her.

Saffron nodded. "Yeah. I think I'm going to go upstairs and read."

"Are you sure you won't come outside with us?" Hermione coaxed.

"Maybe later," Saffron replied. "Thanks for the sandwich, Dad."

"Anytime baby," Harry took her empty plate.

Hermione watched her daughter go and she truly wished there was something she could do to take away her pain.

"She'll be all right," Harry seemed to read her mind.

"I remember feeling that way when we broke up at Hillsdale," Hermione said.

"Completely depressed?" Harry asked. "I remember that too."

Hermione put her arms around him. "We got back together. Maybe she and Andrew will do the same."

"I hope so," Harry kissed his wife. "I want her to be as happy as we are."

"She will be," Hermione said. "I love you."

"I love you," Harry smiled at her. "You're the bloody love of my life Hermione Jane."

"You're mine, Harry James," Hermione said. "Come on...let's get out on the beach."

"Right," Harry replied. "Are you wearing a bikini?"

Hermione shook her head. "No, a one-piece."

"Why?" Harry whined.

"I am too old to be wearing a bikini," Hermione told him. "Come on."

"You're not too old," Harry followed her out. "You're the hottest thing I've ever seen."

"I'll wear one when it's just you and me," Hermione promised.

"Tonight?" Harry asked huskily.

"Maybe," Hermione said coyly.

"Or..." Harry pulled her to him. "Perhaps nothing at all?"

"Harry!" Hermione laughed.

"It's your fault for being so gorgeous after all these years together..." Harry said.

"You're not so bad yourself," Hermione purred.

"What can I say?" Harry boasted.

"Good thing Ron isn't here to hear you say those things," Hermione said grabbing her beach bag. "Come on, handsome."

It was another few hours before Alexa arrived with Gabriel, Seamus and Lavender. "It's so nice to be back here," Alexa said, setting her bag down.

"Tell me about it," Lavender said smiling at the younger girl. She looked at the backpack full of books that Gabriel had set down beside Alexa's bag. "Gabriel, you do remember that this is a holiday..."

"I know, Lavender, but I have some reading that I really do have to do over the break," Gabriel told her. "I promise that my nose will not be stuck in those books all the time."

"Come off it Lav," Seamus nudged his wife. "He's going to be a doctor. He's got to know everything."

"Reminds me of how you were when you were in film school," Lavender groaned. "Making me watch those horrible foreign films with those subtitles. If I'd wanted to read, I would pick up a book or a magazine. You don't go to a film to read."

Alexa and Gabriel shared a grin. "I'm going to put my things in the room I'm sharing with Saffy," she said. "You remember where yours is?"

Gabriel nodded. "I'll meet you back down here."

Alexa gave him a quick kiss and headed upstairs. She didn't think Saffron would be in the room and walked right in without knocking.

Saffron was sitting up in her bed with her journal on her lap. There was a box of tissues at her side and she looked over at her friend. "Hey, Lexie."

"Saffy!" Alexa said in surprise. "Why aren't you down at the beach?"

Saffron shrugged. "I didn't much feel like it. When---when did you get here?"

"Just now," Alexa set her bag on the bed. "How are you holding up?" she asked gently.

"Not too well," Saffron admitted. "I didn't think it was possible to cry this much."

Alexa hugged her best friend. "I really am sorry, Saffy. I wish there was something I could do for you. You were so good to me right after RJ and I broke up."

"Don't even mention that wanker's name," Saffron sniffed. "It's his bloody fault!"

Alexa sighed. "Come on Saffy; let's not start that again okay?"

"Fine," Saffron said wiping at her eyes.

"I'm going to change and head outside," Alexa said. "Why don't you come with us?"

Saffron shook her head. "I'm going to stay up here."

"Are you sure?" Alexa asked. "Come on, I promise, we'll have fun."

"I wouldn't be any fun, Lex," Saffron argued.

"I happen to disagree," Alexa tugged at her hand. "And like you, I'm not taking no for an answer."

"Okay," Saffron relented. "But I did warn you."

"I'll make you smile, even if just a little," Alexa said. "Come on... I bet Puddles is dying to get down there and jump around in the surf."

"Yeah," Saffron said glumly. She grabbed her swimming costume from the drawer and went into the loo to change.

Alexa quickly changed as well and was tying her hair up when Gabriel appeared in the doorway.

"Everything okay?" Gabriel asked.

"Saffy's coming down to the beach with us," Alexa said as Puddles danced excitedly at her feet.

Gabriel grinned. "Good."

"Maybe later we can go for a walk," Alexa smiled back at him. "Just the two of us?"

"Of course," Gabriel said reaching for her just as Saffron came out of the bathroom. "Hey, Saf."

"Hi Gabe," Saffron smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes.

"I-I was sorry to hear about you and Andrew," Gabe said. "It's his loss, you know."

Saffron shrugged and turned away.

"How about we play a game of volleyball?" Alexa suggested.

"There's only three of us," Saffron said slipping into her sandals.

"We could just bump the ball back and forth," Gabriel said. "I'd really like to get some sun on this pasty tail of mine."

"Whatever," Saffron said absently.

Puddles was at his mistress's feet, looking up at her pleadingly. "I think he wants to play too," Alexa leaned over and rubbed the dog's head.

Saffron knelt down and Puddles put his head in her lap. "Hey, baby."

Puddles let out a pitiful whine.

"It's just you and me this holiday," Saffron said rubbing behind his ears.

"Us too," Gabriel said with mock indignation. "Nice to know Lex and I come in dead second to your dog."

Saffron gave him a half smile. "Let's go."

"That's the spirit," Gabriel put an arm around his girlfriend as they headed downstairs. There was a volleyball on the porch and he grabbed it as they headed outside.

Saffron didn't begrudge her friends their happiness, but it was going to be hard to watch the two of them be all lovey-dovey this afternoon. She just wanted to take Puddles and crawl into a hole.

"Come on," Alexa broke away from him. "I know nothing about this sport but I bet I can kick your arse again!"

"I'm not falling for your 'I'm rubbish at this' routine," Gabriel told her. "You're trying to give me a false sense of security..."

"Think what you like," Alexa bantered. "Come on Saffy, let's team up against him."

Saffron shook her head. "You go on...'

"You aren't going back inside are you?" Alexa asked in dismay.

"No," Saffron told her. "I'll just watch you two."

"Okay," Alexa replied. "Join in anytime..."

"Not bloody likely," Saffron said under her breath as she took a seat on one of the chaise lounges.

Alexa sighed. "Okay," she said with a bit less enthusiasm.

"Serve it, O'Leary," Gabe called out to her.

"I think I remember how..." Alexa said, hitting it with her fist.

The ball hit the net and Alexa groaned. "I told you I was terrible at this."

"Please," Gabriel replied, tossing her the ball again. "You're just faking me out."

"I really am horrible at this," Alexa told him.

"Uh huh," Gabriel said. "Just toss it up in the air and hit it."

Alexa tried it again and the ball went into the net. "Ugh!"

Saffron stood up. "You've almost got it. You just need help with your arm motion."

"Like how?" Alexa asked. "Show me, please?"

"Hold the ball at waist level," Saffron demonstrated. "Then you lean forward and swing your arm forward. And then you're going to hit the ball with either your fist or the heel of your hand. Like this..."

Alexa watched as her best friend hit the ball cleanly over the net. "You're a natural, unlike me."

"I've been playing this every summer since I was a kid," Saffron said modestly. "You just need practise."

Gabriel grinned at her. "I'm definitely not playing you," he teased. "My ego couldn't take getting beaten by both of you."

"Do you lot need a fourth?" someone asked.

Saffron turned. "Sean?"

"Hiya," Sean Grant grinned at them. "I thought that was you down here Saffy."

"It's nice to see you again," Saffron said giving him a hug.

"You too," Sean replied. "You um... you look great."

Saffron shook her head. "Tear stained cheeks and red eyes really do it for you, do they?"

"What happened?" Sean asked, concerned.

"Andrew and I broke up a couple of days ago," Saffron told him.

"Is that the bloke you were with here last summer?" Sean asked.

Saffron nodded. "Yeah."

"I'm sorry," he said, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"You remember my cousin, Gabriel?" Saffron asked him, eager to change the subject. "And Lexie, of course."

"How's it going mate?" Sean shook Gabriel's hand. "It's nice to see you again too." he smiled at Alexa.

Alexa smiled back at him. "We're glad you came along. We do need a fourth."

"I'm your guy then," Sean said easily.

"Let me tie Puddles over here so he doesn't get underfoot," Saffron picked up her dog's leash.

Alexa shared a smile with Gabriel. She knew Saffron wouldn't be able to sit on the sidelines for too long.

"How did we want to play?" Sean asked. "Guys against girls?"

"Sounds good to me," Saffron said.

"Watch out for O'Leary over there," Gabriel told Sean. "She'll tell you she's bad but turn around and kick our asses."

"Don't listen to him," Alexa said. "I really am rubbish."

"You'll get better," Saffron replied. "Volleyball's pretty easy to pick up on."

"Says the girl who can play any sport in the world," Alexa said smiling at her friend.

Saffron's smile was more genuine this time. "I wish it was Quidditch."

"I'm sure the Muggles here would love to see you flying around on your broom," Alexa teased.

"Hey I'm a Muggle," Sean grinned at them. "Don't you go making fun of me now!"

"I wouldn't dream of it," Alexa said. "I happen to like Muggles."

Sean glanced back and forth between her and Gabriel. "Are you two-- I thought you were with that RJ bloke--"

"We aren't going to mention him," Gabriel said under his breath. "We don't want to get Saffron going again."

"Let's just play," Saffron said grabbing the ball.

"Good idea," Sean backed up, his eyes on his ex girlfriend. He had dated around but he still couldn't help but feel something flare up when he looked at her. She was still one of the prettiest girls he'd seen anywhere.

"Serving," Saffron announced. The ball sailed over the net.

Gabriel jumped forward and bumped it back over.

Alexa ran under it and hit it, the ball going straight up over their heads. "Sorry!"

Gabriel ran after it. "O'Leary, you don't know your own strength."

"But it should have gone over the net," Alexa said, sighing.

"You'll get it," Saffron said encouragingly.

"I hope so," Alexa said as Gabriel returned with the ball.

"Our serve," Gabriel said.

"Yeah, yeah," Saffron shook her head. "All talk, Boyd."

Gabriel laughed. "You watch it, Saffy. I'm not going to take it easy on you."

"I don't want you to," Saffron said, feeling a bit of her old spark. She smiled at Sean who grinned back at her.

"You asked for it," Gabriel said serving the ball.

Saffron spiked it back over the net.

Sean lobbed it back at her.

"Oooh," Saffron smacked it back over. "Good one."

Gabriel hit it again and this time it headed for Alexa.

"Get under it, Lex!" Saffron called out.

"I got it!" Alexa slid into the sand as she hit the ball. She was pleased it actually went back over this time.

Gabriel went to return it, but missed.

Saffron squealed. "Yes! Good one, Lexie!"

Alexa slapped her friend a high five. "Looks to me like you're having fun."

Saffron shrugged. "Competition is good for the soul."

"And it's making you smile," Alexa nudged her.

"A little," Saffron said. "Come on. It's our serve."

Ethan and Maddie had arrived and changed into their swimwear and were currently heading out to join everyone else.

"Mads!" Frankie called out to her friend.

"Hey!" Maddie grinned, hugging her. "I'm so glad you're all here!"

"Will's helping Caroline, Hannah and Emma build a castle," Frankie explained. "They made me leave when I kept being too critical."

Ethan shook his head. "You, critical? Imagine that!"

Frankie playfully hit him. "Shut it you. I was just trying to helpfully point out things they could do...."

"That window is lopsided," Ethan said in a high pitched tone. "Oh, and you should put that tower THERE and not over here!"

Frankie glared at him. "How would you like to be pushed into the ocean?"

Ethan grinned at her. "It is pretty hot out here... now that I've arrived."

"Good grief," Frankie said shaking her head.

"Hey, Ethan," Hermione said giving her son a hug. "Hi, Maddie."

"Hi Mum," Ethan replied. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," Hermione said. "You and your father both since you've been on that case."

"It turned out well," Ethan said. "Put that bastard right where he belongs."

"There is something I'd like to talk to you about," Hermione said pulling him aside. "It's about your sister."

"What about her?" Ethan asked. "Is she feeling better?"

"Not really," Hermione told him. "I know you like to tease her, but go easy on her this time, Ethan. She's really hurting."

"I wasn't going to tease her, honest." Ethan replied. "I feel bad for her. I remember how I felt when Mads thought I cheated on her."

"I've never seen her like this," Hermione said. "I'm really worried. Luckily, Alexa and Gabe were able to convince her to come out of her room."

"Good," Ethan glanced back at the teenagers playing volleyball.

"And I wouldn't bring up your brother-in-law in her presence," Hermione said. "She's still thinking that this break-up is all about RJ."

Ethan shook his head. "I'll tell Mads to duck the warpath then."

"Good idea," Hermione said giving him another hug. "I'm proud of you, Ethan."

"Why?" Ethan asked.

"Your father told me how well you worked on that case," Hermione said. "And you more than proved yourself."

"I'm glad," Ethan glanced down the beach at his father, who was laughing at something Ashley was saying. "I really wanted him to see I make a good Auror."

"He more than sees it," Hermione said. "He's been gushing about how great you did to me. And don't you dare tell him, I told you that."

Ethan grinned. "I won't. Thanks Mum."

Ashley and Harry joined them. "Hi, Uncle Ethan," Ashley said giving him a hug.

"Hey Ash," Ethan hugged his niece. "Having fun?"

"Yeah," Ashley said. "Grandpa was telling me about Hogwarts. I'm really excited."

"I bet you are," Ethan grinned at her. "I'm positive you'll be a Gryffindor too."

"She might get into Ravenclaw," Harry said. "She's so smart."

Ashley blushed under Harry's praise. "I just don't want to be in Slytherin."

"I don't think there's a chance of that," Harry reassured her.

"Hi Ashley," Maddie gave her a hug. "You already look so tan! How'd you manage that?"

"We were here a couple days before everyone else," Ashley explained.

"Lucky you," Maddie smoothed the young girl's blond hair back. "Have you got any new artwork?"

Ashley nodded. "I've done some sketches if you want to see."

"I would love to," Maddie replied. "Ethan and I actually framed that last drawing you sent to us. It's in the foyer."

Ashley beamed at them. "I'm really glad you liked it."

"We loved it," Maddie replied. "How about you help me find a place to put my towel down?"

Ashley nodded eagerly. She had hoped to spend time with Saffron and Alexa, but Saffron was too sad and Ashley didn't want to get in the way.

"I hope I get some colour," Maddie told her as the group ambled over the sand. "I've been spending so much time at the office since your uncle has been out of town on his case."

"You're so pretty though," Ashley said. "It wouldn't matter either way, Aunt Maddie."

"Thanks Ash," Maddie beamed at her as she and Ethan spread their towels out. Her husband helped her even it out.

"Where's your mum, Ash?" Ethan asked.

"She went on a walk with my dad," Ashley said. "They'll be back pretty soon."

"And where's your sister?" Ethan asked.

"Building a sand castle over there," Ashley pointed.

"I'm so glad that you lot have been so nice to Hannah," Maddie said fondly.

"She's soooo sweet," Ashley replied. "Frankie told me her birthday is coming up, so I'm drawing a picture of her with her real mum on one side, and Frankie on the other."

Maddie smiled at her niece. "That's lovely, Ashley. I'm sure she'll love it."

"I hope so," Ashley replied. "I'll show it to you when we go back to the house later."

Ethan rummaged through their bag. "Mads, need me to put some lotion on you?"

"Yes," Maddie replied. "I don't want to look like a tomato."

Ethan kissed her bare shoulder. "You'd still look beautiful to me." he said softly.

"Did you bring Blue?" Ashley asked.

Maddie frowned and shook her head. "This area is too Muggle. Darla and Hans are watching him for us while we're gone."

"So many people aren't here this time," Ashley said. "I miss them."

"I do too," Maddie said as Ethan rubbed lotion into her shoulders.