Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Thanks guys for the reviews---we're glad that you are enjoying the story---even with the cliffies. You get to see more of Darla Weasley this chapter and her relationship with Hans. More Alexa/RJ/Gabe drama and a sweet fluffy scene with Jon/Allie and their girls. Please read and let us know what you think.

Darla vigorously chopped the vegetables on the cutting board, cursing under her breath. She was at Hans' flat cooking dinner for her parents and Drew and Brian and he had yet to show up. Apparently, he was detained on the photo shoot and had promised to be there as soon as he could. But, this just seemed to be happening more and more.

She'd had such high hopes for tonight, too. She wanted her parents to get to know Hans and to like him as much as they liked Brian.

"Hallo?" Darla heard her sister's voice. "Dar- you here? Hans?"

"Just me," Darla called out. "I'm in the kitchen!"

"Where's Hans?" Drew asked as Brian followed her in.

"Who the hell knows," Darla said pouring the vegetables in the pot. "And he didn't even clean up the place like he promised..."

"It's okay Dar," Drew put a hand on her sister's arm. "I'll help you out all right?"

Brian pulled his wand from his pocket. "I'll tidy up the sitting room."

"Thanks," Darla said smiling at him. "I'm so glad you guys are here. Mum and Dad will be here any minute."

"You're really worried about them liking Hans aren't you," Drew asked her.

Darla nodded. "Tell me that tonight's going to be perfect and that I have no reason to worry Drew."

"You have no reason to worry," Drew reassured her. "Come on you know how charming Hans can be."

"Not so much lately," Darla said turning her attention back to the stove.

"Things still tense between you both?" Drew took over chopping the vegetables.

Darla nodded and poured herself a glass of wine. "I don't think we're on the same page."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Drew said. "I guess that I'm just so happy with Brian that I want everyone else to feel this way."

"If anyone deserves happiness, it's you," Darla told her sister. "You've been through so much."

"I still think about Hope a lot," Drew said softly.

"How's your counselling going?" Darla asked. "I'm sorry that I haven't asked that much about it..."

"Good," Drew nodded. "It's helped a lot to talk to someone neutral about everything that happened."

Darla smiled. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks Dar," Drew hugged her twin. "I wouldn't have gotten through any of it without you."

"That's what I'm here for," Darla said. The doorbell chimed and Brian called out that he would get it.

"That'll be Mum and Dad," Darla said. She looked at her watch. "Bloody, sodding Hans!"

"Relax," Drew replied. "I'm sure they'll understand and I bet he shows up any minute."

Darla nodded and checked the stove before following her sister out of the kitchen.

"There's my girls," Ron said proudly. "Don't you two look lovely?"

"Thanks Dad," Drew hugged him. "I've missed you."

"Hello Brian," Luna said giving him a hug. "Nice to see you again."

"You too," Brian kissed her cheek. "You look quite lovely tonight."

"Thank you," Luna said smiling at him.

Ron looked around the sitting room. "Well, where is the model?"

"Um, he's detained," Darla replied. "But he should be here any minute."

"Nice place," Ron mused. "Bigger than I thought."

"It's a studio flat," Darla said. "He just moved in a couple of months ago. He had flatmates before, but now he's on his own."

"I see," Ron looked at a few pictures Hans had on his walls.

"Darla, is this you?" Ron asked holding up a picture of his daughter in a bikini. "You're practically naked!"

"Daddy!" Darla pulled it away and blushed. "He was supposed to put that away..." she shoved it in a drawer.

"You saw her in that same suit in Brighton," Drew pointed out.

"Still," Ron shook his head. "What's wrong with a nice one piece- or one of those skirts?"

Drew giggled. "If she was sixty, sure..."

"Ron," Luna put a hand on his arm. "What's for dinner sweetheart?" she chose a subject that she knew would occupy her husband's mind.

"Beef stew," Darla replied. "I'm going to go and check on it. Can I get you something to drink?"

"Beer," Ron replied. "Perhaps I can come have a taste of your stew..."

"Sure," Darla said. "Just this way, Dad..."

Ron followed her like an eager puppy, making Brian laugh.

"So tell me some more about this young man of yours," Ron said conversationally.

"Right now I'm not so sure I want him," Darla muttered.

"What was that?" Ron asked as he pulled a spoon from the drawer.

"Nothing," Darla replied. "I just wish he'd gotten here by now."

"You know he's probably intimidated by me," Ron said with a grin.

Darla finally smiled. "You're not so intimidating Daddy."

"I'm very intimidating," Ron said shooting her his most menacing stare. "I helped Harry take down You-Know-Who, you know."

"Of course," Darla giggled. "That makes you very frightening."

"I 'suppose I should have taken lessons from Nev," Ron said before sampling the stew. "Darla, this is fantastic!"

"Thanks," Darla grinned. "Drew helped me."

The front door opened and Hans walked through looking completely taken aback at having guests.

"Drew---Mrs. Weasley---Brian," he said. "What are you guys doing here?"

Darla sucked in a breath. "Hans..." she said through clenched teeth. "We're having dinner tonight remember?"

Hans pulled a confused face. "Was that tonight?"

"Yes," Darla crossed her arms as she stared at her boyfriend.

Hans forced a smile. His clothes were rumpled and he looked knackered. "I should probably freshen up. I didn't realise we were having guests tonight. If you'll excuse me..."

"I'll be right back," Darla said. "Make yourselves comfortable."

Hans threw his bag on the bed and began unbuttoning his shirt. All he wanted to do was take a nice shower and go to sleep.

"How could you be late tonight?" Darla hissed. "Hans I reminded you about this yesterday!"

Hans threw his shirt on the bed. "News flash, Dar. I have a life outside of you and your family."

"I know that," Darla rolled her eyes. "But I really want you to get to know my parents better Hans. I don't think that's too much to ask!"

"Okay, Darla," Hans said with a sigh. "Let's get this over with..."

"Don't be like that," Darla said angrily. "Don't act as if this is some big chore."

"I was up at the crack of dawn," he said trying not to yell. "The bloke in costuming had the wrong bloody sizes and we had to wait hours for the bloody sun to come up to get the damn shot, Darla. I'm knackered and hungry and all I want to do is go to bed. So, right now, this is a chore."

"Having dinner is a chore, right," she said sarcastically. "Hans I don't ask you for much. I don't even care that you have women crawling all over you every time we go out. But you know how I am with my family!"

"And I said I'd play the dutiful boyfriend," Hans said grabbing a fresh shirt from the closet and putting it on.

"I know how you are when you're in a strop." Darla snapped. "You'll be all sullen at dinner and not talk to anyone."

"I'll talk to everyone," Hans said. "Come on. They're going to think it's strange that we're back here."

"Whatever," Darla pushed past him.

"Everything okay?" Luna asked her daughter.

"I suppose," Darla glared at her boyfriend. "Come on- the stew should be ready by now."

"We were just looking at your book," Drew said from the sofa where she sat in between Brian and Ron. "These are some really great pictures, Hans."

"Thanks," Hans grabbed himself a beer from the icebox. "Can I get anyone anything?"

"No, we're all set," Luna said. "You have a really nice home, Hans. Darla said you'd only been here a couple of months?"

"Right," Hans nodded. "Just moved in even though I'm hardly ever here."

Darla snorted earning a glare from Hans.

"What sort of photo shoot did you have today?" Drew asked.

"Bathing suit ad," Hans said. "Bloody costume director didn't have what he needed and that's why it took all day."

Ron nodded. "That's how I feel at the shop when our supplier doesn't come through."

"It's ridiculous," Hans pulled back on his beer. "Sometimes this business can be rubbish."

"You ever think of doing anything else?" Ron asked.

"I've been modelling since I was 12," Hans replied.

"Shite," Ron said. Luna hit him on the arm. "Ow!"

"Here we are," Darla said, serving everyone and saving Hans for last.

"You outdid yourself, sweetheart," Ron said putting his napkin on his lap. "I cannot wait to tuck in!"

"This does smell fantastic," Brian agreed. "You two are excellent cooks."

Drew grinned. "In the Weasley family, we know how to do two things---cook and eat."

Luna laughed. "That's one thing I learned early on."

"And I hear that the ceremony's going to have a great caterer," Brian said.

"Hans, you won't be shooting too many swimsuit ads after you eat that food," Ron said.

"I thought Darla told you," Hans said quietly. "I'm not going to be able to make it to Maddie's wedding."

"You're not?" Ron asked. "But... but I thought--"

"I'm sorry," Hans said apologetically. "But it's a really big account. I can't get out of it."

"It would be very difficult to try," Darla said shortly.

"Darla--" Hans said glaring at her.

Darla glared evenly at him and returned her attention to her dinner.

"At least you'll get to come with us to RJ's first match, right?" Luna asked.

"I'll certainly try," Hans replied.

"We're having a really big dinner for him at my parents' afterwards," Ron said. "Win or lose."

"All right," Hans said. "I promise I'll really try to be there. When is it again?"

"September sixteenth," Darla replied. "Noon."

"I'll mark it in," Hans said.

"Like you did tonight?" Darla couldn't stop herself from asking.

"Come on Dar," Drew said softly.

"This is really delicious," Luna said wanting to head off any arguments. "And I love these rolls. Fresh-baked bread has to be one of my most favourite things in the entire world."

"I agree," Ron replied. "I'd like to take some of this home."

"I got them from the O'Leary's Bakery," Darla said glaring at Hans.

"No wonder they're so good," Ron grinned. "I could live in that bakery."

"You practically do," Luna teased. "I think Karen O'Leary has a stalker."

At the confused look on Hans' face, Drew decided to fill him in. "You remember Alexa, right? RJ's girlfriend? Her mother owns a bakery and Dad has practically given RJ permission to marry Alexa on that alone."

"Oh yeah," Hans said. "Now I remember."

"What can you tell us about your family, Hans?" Luna asked conversationally. "I know Darla told me your mother's a nurse...."

"My dad's in sales," Hans replied. "They live near Dover now."

"And do you have any brothers or sisters?" Luna asked.

"Only child," Hans shook his head.

"No one else to blame when you're in trouble," Brian joked. "You're the only suspect."

Hans grinned. "I was perfect," he joked. "Never got into trouble."

"Sounds a bit like Jon," Drew said giggling. "Right, Darla? He was never guilty, either."

"Never," Darla relaxed. "Always tried to pass the blame onto Josh."

"Who was the perfect son," Drew said rolling her eyes. "Never did a bloody thing wrong."

"The two of you never really got into trouble," Luna said thoughtfully.

"Except when I kicked Maddie's pixie cage," Drew reminded her.

"You threw a fit about wanting to move back from Ireland," Darla recalled. "That was the summer we spent that month at Hillsdale."

"And the two of you used to be so slow," Ron said with a chuckle. "It used to drive me crazy."

At that moment, Hans couldn't stop himself from letting out a large, rather loud yawn.

The smile on Darla's face fell as her parents regarded her boyfriend.

"I hope we're not boring you," Ron joked.

"I'm sorry," Hans apologised. "I've just been up since the crack of dawn."

"I think I'll just go and get you another beer, Dad," Darla said eager to get away from Hans for a moment before she said something she'd regret.

"Thanks Dar," Ron said.

"I'd like one too," Hans said. "If you don't mind..."

Darla ignored him but shot him what could only be described as a death glare as she made her way into the kitchen.

The rest of the dinner went by in much the same manner with Darla barely speaking to her boyfriend at all.

"Thank you both so much for a lovely evening," Luna said clutching the leftover food basket Darla had packed for her.

"I'm glad you could make it," Darla hugged her mother.

"Darla are you going to go home with Brian and me or are you going to stick around here?" Drew asked.

"It's probably not worth sticking around," Darla reached for her bag while still ignoring Hans.

"I'd really like it if you'd stay, Darla," Hans said quietly. "I think we need to talk."

Darla feigned shock. "You mean you'll actually stay awake for little old me?"

"Come on, Luna," Ron said ushering his wife toward the door. "We should probably get going."

"Us too," Brian said hastily. "You ready, Drew?"

"Sure," Drew replied quickly. "I'll see you later Dar. Thanks again, both of you. Dinner was wonderful."

Hans nodded and closed the door behind their guests. Slowly, he turned around, trying to choose his words very carefully. "Thank you for staying behind."

Darla shrugged as she tossed her long hair back.

"I am sorry for being late and forgetting about the dinner," Hans continued. "Things have been really crazy lately for both of us."

"You can say that again," Darla crossed her arms.

"I don't like there being this atmosphere between us," he said. "It seems like everything I do or say lately is wrong and I don't know what you want..."

"I just want..." Darla thought for a moment. "I want things to be the way they were when we first got together. Lately it seems like you're too busy to do anything with me at all."

"You know this is one of the busiest times of the year for me," he told her. "And if this is about your sister's wedding..."

"It's about everything Hans," Darla replied. "We just aren't happy with each other anymore."

"What are you saying?" he asked her. "You think we should break up?"

"I don't know," she said softly.

"Do you still love me?" he asked her point-blank.

"Yes," she answered.

He smiled and approached her. "Nothing has to change then. We can just keep going on like we are and just make more time for each other."

"You think so?" Darla asked. "You think it'll be that easy?"

"Why do you want to make it hard?" Hans asked. "Come on. After your sister's wedding, everything will just work itself out. I'll have a few weeks off and we can go on holiday."

"I don't want to make things hard," Darla said. "I'm just trying to be realistic here."

"And I'm not?" he asked her shaking his head. "It's like one step forward and two steps back with you."

"Sounds to me as if you're the one who wants to break up," Darla returned coolly.

Hans stepped away from her and let out a groan of frustration. "I'm the one who wants to make this work and you're the one who says that I'm not being realistic! Darla, I don't need this now, okay?"

Anger made her eyebrows snap together and she gave him a steely glare. "If you don't need this now then you don't need me."

"That's not what I meant and you know it," he said angrily.

"It sure sounded like it," Darla shot back.

"Look, I entertained your parents and your sister tonight," Hans said trying to keep his emotions in check. "I didn't act like I was in a strop and I more than held my own end of the conversation. The moment I walked in here, you were determined to pick a fight. Well, I hope you're happy, Dar. Mission accomplished."

"I was pissed off because I bloody reminded you about tonight and you blew it off and forgot!" Darla exclaimed.

"I didn't blow it off," he argued.

"You walked in and had NO idea that we were all meeting!" she snapped.

"If I had blown it off, I would have just crashed in my bedroom," he told her.

"Part of me wishes you had," Darla grabbed her bag. "I'm out of here."

"Fine," Hans retorted. "Go!"

"I will," Darla stomped out of his flat, slamming the door behind her.

She Apparated back to her flat and was surprised she'd didn't splinch herself with how angry she was.

Drew and Brian were snogging on the sofa and both looked up in surprise when Drew stalked into the sitting room.

"Darla?" Drew asked.

"He's such a jerk!" Darla fumed. "An absolute wanker!"

Brian and Drew exchanged knowing glances as Darla began to pace in front of the sofa.

"Did you guys break up?" Drew asked.

"I guess you could say that," Darla threw her bag down. "He's so bloody inconsiderate!"

Drew looked at Brian. "Do you mind if we call it a night, Brian?"

He shook his head. "Not at all. I'll owl you tomorrow, okay?"

"Thanks," Drew said gratefully. She walked him to the door and gave him a kiss. "Love you."

"Love you too," Brian said. "Night, Darla."

"Bye Brian," Darla replied. Once he'd left she looked at her twin. "He didn't have to leave."

"I think he knew we needed some sister time," Drew said sitting down on the sofa. "Come on...tell me what happened."

"Things have just really been falling apart between us lately," Darla sat down next to her. "Every time I want us to do something he's got an excuse about how busy he is."

"You've both been working really hard," Drew said thoughtfully.

"And it really shows," Darla said remorsefully.

Drew gave her sister a hug. "Maybe you should just give it a night...and then tomorrow you two can talk and everything will be okay."

"I don't want to see him for awhile," Darla shook her head. "I think it's good if he and I spend some time apart."


"I mean it," Darla said. "I don't even want to look at him."

Drew nodded. "So...I guess this calls for the Weasley Break-up plan...double chocolate fudge ice cream..."

Darla smiled. "We didn't exactly have dessert did we?"

"Nope," Drew said. "And we still have some of those biscuits you like so much, too."

"Thanks Drew," Darla said. "You're the best."

Drew squeezed her hand. "What are sisters for?"

"In our case, not for fighting," Darla grinned at her. "We never really had a rivalry, not even with Mad Dog."

"We had our fair share of rows though," Drew said. "Especially when you kept borrowing my things and forgetting where you put them."

Darla laughed. "Or when you hogged the bathroom..."

"Do you remember how mad we used to make Josh and Jon?" Drew laughed.

"It was so much fun," Darla felt a lot better as she giggled with her sister.

"And I'm so glad we moved back here," Drew said. "Being around everyone's been so good for both of us."

"It really has," Darla reached for her twin's hand. "Especially for you. Brian's such a great guy Drew- I'm really glad you found someone like him."

"He is," Drew agreed. "And you and Hans...well, I hope everything works out for the best, Dar."

"There's plenty of other fish in the sea," Darla shrugged. "Now where's that ice cream?"

*** *** ***

It had been a few days since Alexa and Gabriel had kissed and she hadn't spoken to him since then. She also hadn't seen RJ due to the time he was spending with his team.

Every time she thought about what had happened in the bakery a tremendous amount of guilt would well up inside her. RJ was around beautiful women like Serena Starr nearly every day yet he had no problems remaining faithful to her.

She decided to arm herself with some fresh pastries and head over there one morning when she knew for certain RJ would be home.

RJ was currently sleeping off another wild night with the team. He really shouldn't be doing this when the opening match was a few weeks away, but it was hard to say no to his team mates. He heard a chiming sound, but he figured it was just a remnant of last night and grabbed a pillow and pulled it over his head.

Alexa didn't really know what to say when Andrew answered the door. Saffron had told her that he promised not to say anything to RJ but she didn't want her best friend's boyfriend to hate her.

"Hey," Andrew said quietly.

"Hi," Alexa said softly. "Can I um... can I come in?"

"RJ's still asleep," Andrew said standing back so she could come in.

"I figured he would be," she answered, setting her basket down. "Andrew... um..."

"I didn't say anything to him about you and Gabriel," Andrew interjected.

"I know," Alexa said quickly. "And I'm going to tell him about it. The whole thing was a mistake."

"I was just as mad at him when that whole thing happened with Christina," Andrew told her. "He would never have done something like that to you without her interfering like she did. He loves you and if you don't---"

"I love him," Alexa said. "I love him very, very much."

Andrew nodded. "I-I should get out of here. I have a practise match this morning."

"I don't want you to hate me," Alexa said softly.

"I don't hate you," he said regarding her. "I'm just looking out for RJ. You've been a good friend to me, Alexa."

"Thanks Andrew," Alexa chanced a small smile at him.

Andrew nodded and grabbed his bag. "Good luck, Lex."

"Thanks," Alexa watched him leave before heading for RJ's bedroom.

He was still fast asleep, the pillow over his head. A fresh wave of guilt came over her as she looked at him. She set the box of pastries on his bedside table and gingerly sat down on the edge of the bed. Gently, she touched his shoulder.

"Humph," was his muffled response.

"RJ," she whispered. "RJ it's me..."

Alexa lifted the pillow and tossed it aside.

"Lexie?" he grumbled.

"Wake up," she smiled at him. "I have breakfast for you."

He turned over on his side and opened one eye to look at her. A goofy grin came over his handsome features. "An angel of mercy..."

"I've almost forgotten what you look like," she ran her fingers through his rumpled hair.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her down on the bed with him. He could only imagine what his breath smelled like, so he avoided her mouth, but that didn't stop him from nuzzling her neck.

Alexa sighed contentedly. "I've missed this."

"How about this?" he asked, his hand snaking around her waist.

"Even better," Alexa pushed his red hair out of his eyes.

"I like waking up like this," RJ said his voice still scratchy from sleep. "Reminds me of those mornings in my room at school..."

"Before we got caught," Alexa snuggled in closer and internally debated on whether or not she wanted to ruin this bit of time they were managing to spend together.

"I need to go brush my teeth," he said reluctantly pulling away from her. "And probably take a shower. You could join me if you like..."

"Smartarse," she said. "I'll get everything ready to eat."

"Okay," he said kissing her forehead. "I'll make it quick."

"All right," Alexa watched him go before heading into the kitchen.

A few minutes later, she'd made a fresh pot of coffee and set out the pastries on a large plate. She was thumbing through that day's paper when RJ came into the room. His hair was still wet from his shower and he wore a t-shirt and boxer shorts.

"All fresh and clean," he said grinning at her. "Just as you like me."

"I like you pretty much any way," Alexa's heart thumped at the sight of him. Despite not spending a lot of time with him these days, she still loved him so much.

"I've missed you," he said taking her arm and pulling her close. "I'm sorry about not being around much lately. I'm going to make it up to you starting today."

Alexa didn't say a word, only pressed her lips to his.

He ran his hands through her hair enjoying being with her again. This was so much more fun than being with the blokes on the team, he thought. "Merlin..."

"I need this RJ," she said breathlessly. "I need you..."

RJ lifted her up onto the counter. "I need you too..."

She was wearing a skirt and he slipped his hand underneath it, stroking her smooth legs. Alexa wound her arms around his neck and kissed him fiercely.

He wasn't sure what was different about her today, but he wasn't complaining. It had been so long since they'd been together like this and he needed to be close to her. "I love you so much, Lexie."

"I love you too," she answered softly. "More than anything else RJ."

RJ's hand went higher on her thigh. "Lexie..."

"Yes..." she hissed.

He pressed his forehead to hers. "I want to be with you," he whispered.

"Me too," she answered, running her hands through his damp hair.

"Yeah?" he asked hopefully.

"Yeah," Alexa said nervously. It was now or never, she decided. "But I need to tell you something first, before we do anything else."

He tucked her hair behind her ear. "You can tell me anything..."

She closed her eyes and rested her forehead against his. "It was um... a few days ago when my mum had that special at the bakery..."

RJ toyed with one of the straps of her camisole top. "Right..."

"Gabriel came to help me," Alexa said. "And I was sort of upset that I hadn't gotten to see you and he was trying to reassure me that everything was okay."

"That was nice of him," RJ said smiling at her. He wasn't sure what this had to do with anything.

Alexa wished so much that she had kept her distance from Gabriel. "Well I wound up getting flour all over myself when I was cleaning up and we were behind the counter together... and I guess one thing sort of led to another..." she nervously tucked her hair behind her ear again. "We kissed- but it didn't mean anything RJ."

RJ froze. "You what?"

"I swear RJ," Alexa said quickly. "It was an accident- and I don't want to keep secrets between us."

"I knew that bastard fancied you!" RJ exclaimed. He pulled away from Alexa. "I can't believe he kissed you. I'm going to knock--"

"No RJ please don't overreact!" Alexa pleaded.

RJ paced in front of her, running his hand through his hair. "Did you want him to kiss you?" he asked her. "Lexie, just tell me that it was all him and you pushed him away..."

"I didn't at first," Alexa admitted quietly.

"At first?" RJ asked her. "What does that mean?"

Alexa bit her lower lip. She knew RJ would be angry but she hoped against hope that he would understand. "I was just sort of taken aback, and I was upset," she looked down at the floor.

"So you kissed him back?" RJ asked her angrily.

"Just at first," Alexa's eyes stung with tears. "But I pushed him away, I swear!"

"Because I couldn't see you?" he asked walking away from her. He couldn't believe this was happening. In a fit of anger, he kicked the cabinet as hard as he could.

Alexa jumped. "RJ please... it was an accident, a mistake. That's all!"

"Do you know how often Serena Starr has come on to me?" he asked her. "And not just her, all these girls coming up to me in pubs and I have never been unfaithful to you, Alexa. Not once. Is this your way of getting back at me for Christina?"

"No not at all," Alexa felt tears well up in her eyes and she brushed them away. "I just don't want to break the trust we have between us- that's why I'm telling you this instead of hiding it. I love you RJ, you and only you!"

RJ leaned against the counter. He couldn't even look at Alexa because every time he did, he pictured her kissing Gabriel Boyd.

"RJ," she pleaded softly. "Please don't shut me out now."

"I think you should go," RJ said quietly.

"Wha...what?" she asked, her voice quivering.

"I can't look at you now," RJ said hoarsely. "Just go..."

Alexa wanted to protest, she wanted to grab him and make him realise that she'd made the biggest mistake of her life but she only nodded. "Okay," she said quietly. "I'm really sorry RJ."

He wanted to hurt her just as she'd hurt him. "You going to go running to him now? Is he going to let you cry on his shoulder?"

"No!" Alexa exclaimed. "I haven't seen him or talked to him since then!"

RJ rounded on her. "I DON'T BELIEVE A WORD YOU SAY!" he shouted. "GET OUT!"

Alexa visibly recoiled and turned away as new tears sprang to her eyes. She quickly gathered her things and left, not knowing what to do or say to him at this time.

Meanwhile, at the Potter mansion, Saffron was enjoying a quiet morning home alone. Her parents had left for work early and wouldn't be back until later that evening.

She smiled down at her dog who was eyeing the pastry on her plate. "Puddles, don't look at me like that!"

She giggled at the dog's expression and broke off a corner of the pastry. "All right you brat... if you weren't so bloody cute..."

Puddles jumped up to get the piece of pastry and Saffron giggled as she watched him. "How about you and me go for a walk in the park today? Hmm, would you like that?"

Puddles wagged his tail, his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

"I think that's a yes," she rubbed his head as she sat down.

"I wish I could think of some way to bring you back to school with me," she cooed to her dog. "We can have cats and toads and owls. I don't see why we can't have dogs, too. You would love Hogwarts..."

The dog rolled over so she could scratch his belly, making her laugh again.

The doorbell rang that instant and Saffron groaned. "Let's go get rid of whomever that is, Pud."

Puddles was under her feet as she opened the door and was shocked to see her best friend standing there in tears. "Lexie what's wrong?"

Alexa's lower lip trembled and Saffron quickly ushered her inside. "I-I told him..."

"Told him?" she asked and then her expression cleared. "Oh... about you and..."

Alexa nodded. "It was horrible, Saffy. He told me...he told me he couldn't stand to look at me."

"Lex..." Saffron hugged her friend. "I am so sorry..."

Alexa sobbed into her best friend's shoulder, letting everything out. Saffron led her into the sitting room and told her to sit tight while she fetched them both a glass of juice.

Saffron came back a few moments later with a tray of biscuits and juice and a box of tissues.

"Thanks," Alexa mopped at her face.

"I wish he hadn't taken it so badly," Saffron said. "I didn't think he would."

"When I first arrived, it was like nothing had changed," Alexa said sitting back on the sofa. "We were about know...and I just couldn't do that until he knew what had happened. And I told him and he just blew up, Saffy. I've never seen him like that."

"Me either," Saffron said. "Is there anything I can do?"

"Get me a time turner?" Alexa asked sadly.

"I would if I could," Saffron said wryly. They sat in silence for a good few minutes. "How about I go talk to him?"

"I don't know what good it would do, Saffy," Alexa said.

"Believe it or not I can usually talk sense into his thick head," Saffron replied.

"I don't know if you can this time," Alexa said quietly.

"I'll try," Saffron said determinedly.

"Maybe now isn't the right time, though," Alexa said thoughtfully. "He's really...Saffy..."

Her voice trailed off as she watched her best friend head over to the fire place.

"Just wait here awhile," Saffron replied. "I'll come back when I'm done."

"Saffy---" Alexa protested, but her best friend had already pulled out some floo powder.

"I hate seeing you unhappy Lex," Saffron tossed it into the fireplace.

Alexa gave her friend a half-hearted smile as she watched her disappear into the flames.

Saffron arrived at RJ and Andrew's flat and heard loud music blaring from the Wireless. As she dusted the soot off her shoulders, she called out for RJ.

"RJ!" she hollered again when he didn't respond.

She walked over to the Wireless and shut if off.

"GO AWAY!" RJ shouted from the kitchen.

"No!" Saffron said.

RJ stalked out of the kitchen. "Get the hell out, Saffron!"

"Excuse me?" she glared at him. "Can you please act like a human being instead of a complete jerk off?"

"Did you know?" RJ asked her turning the wireless back on. "Did you know about Alexa and your fucking cousin?"

"Stop it RJ," Saffron shut it off again. "Yes I knew about it but it wasn't my place to say anything."

RJ glared at her. "It's over, okay?"

"Over one kiss?" Saffron asked. "RJ let's talk rationally okay?"

"Rationally?" RJ asked her. " would you have felt if Andrew snogged some other girl?"

"I'd be upset, of course," Saffron replied. "But I love Andrew, and I'd listen to what he said."

"You're a better person than me," RJ said shaking his head. "All summer long, you and Andrew both told me I was being stupid for thinking Gabriel fancied her. He was there all the time, just waiting for his chance!"

"I believe her when she said it was an accident," Saffron replied. "Alexa was upset because you kept cancelling out on her and no, before you say anything I don't blame you for this."

RJ sank down on the sofa. He knew that he was partly to blame for this. "This was going to be our summer."

"I know," Saffron moved next to him.

"And I lost her," RJ said running his hand through his hair.

"You have not lost her," Saffron put her hand on his arm. "RJ Alexa is at my house bawling her eyes out. She loves you so much."

He shook his head and looked earnestly at Saffron. "Every time I look at her now, I'm going to think of her with him, Saffy. I don't know if I can get past that."

"You will if you love her," Saffron said softly.

"He's better for her than I am," RJ said glumly. "They like the same things. They can talk about books and films and I just sit there and feel like an idiot..."

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard," Saffron replied. "You and Alexa are perfect for each other. She keeps you grounded RJ."

"She does that," RJ admitted.

"And being with you has made her open up a bit more," Saffron explained. "You've given her a lot of self confidence RJ."

"It was just once?" RJ asked. "And it didn't mean anything?"

"Just once," Saffron said. "Like I said, she loves you so much RJ."

"She did forgive me for the Christina thing," RJ said softly.

"Without a second thought," Saffron agreed.

RJ looked thoughtfully at her. "Merlin, I don't want to admit you're right."

Saffron grinned at him. "Because you know I'll rub it in forever?"

"And a day," RJ grumbled.

"So you'll forgive her?" Saffron asked.

RJ nodded. "She's at your house?"

Saffron jumped up. "Sitting right on the sofa."

"I should probably get dressed," RJ said looking down at the same t-shirt and boxer shorts he'd had on since Alexa had left.

"That'd be nice," Saffron said lightly. "I'm going to have nightmares if I see you in any less."

RJ nudged her. "I'll go throw on some trousers. Wait here."

"All right," Saffron agreed, happy she'd been able to talk some sense into him.

RJ quickly threw on his trousers and trainers and came back into the sitting room to see Saffron sitting there with a smug expression on her face. "Thanks, Saf."

"As always, I was right," Saffron grinned at him. "She's going to be so happy that you'll hear her out."

RJ mussed her hair. "Let's go."

Alexa stared in surprise as Saffron tumbled out of the fireplace followed by RJ.

She wiped at her eyes and shakily stood up.

"I'm going to take Puddles outside," Saffron said picking up her dog.

"Hi," Alexa said quietly when she and RJ were alone.

"Hey," he replied, scuffing his foot on the carpet.

She bit her bottom lip, trying to find the right thing to say. "Um..."

"Saf told me that you were over here," RJ thrust his hands into his pockets.

Alexa nodded. "I didn't want to go home."

He sat down next to her. "She reminded me about how you forgave me right away after that whole thing with Christina."

"That was a mistake," Alexa said looking at him. "Just like what happened with Gabe. I knew in my heart then that you wanted to be with me, not her."

"And you want to be with me," RJ took her hand.

"More than anything," Alexa whispered.

"Just tell me it didn't mean anything," RJ said. "I need to hear it again."

Alexa shook her head. "It didn't mean anything."

He nodded. "I'm sorry for blowing up at you like that Lexie."

"It's okay," she assured him.

"I love you," RJ gazed at her intently.

"I love you too," Alexa said leaning in.

He kissed her, releasing her hand so he could run his fingers through her hair.

She couldn't believe the range of emotions she'd gone through this morning. She gave into his kiss, wrapping her arms around his waist, wanting to be as close to him as possible.

"Come back with me," RJ said in her ear. "We can pick back up where we left off..."

Alexa smiled. "Okay..."

He knew things weren't a hundred percent perfect but he was willing to overlook that for the time being.

"We should tell Saffy," Alexa said.

"I'm sure she'll figure it out when she comes back and we're gone." RJ said.

Alexa kissed him again. "Probably."

"Oh trust me," RJ said. "She knows she's right."

*** *** ***

Allison sat in the middle of Emma's old bedroom going through a box of baby clothes thatChiaki had given her. The clothes were newborn outfits that Masanobu had long since grown out of and would definitely come in handy when Adam was born.

Caroline and Emma were in the sitting room watching a movie and Jon was up in the attic getting Emma's old crib out of storage. They both had the weekend off and had decided to finish up decorating Emma's old room into the nursery.

"I hate going up in the attic," Jon muttered as he came into the room carrying the crib.

"Did you see a spider?" Allison teased.

"About a million of them," Jon shuddered. "I bloody hate spiders."

Allison giggled. "Just like your dad."

"Josh is the same way," Jon replied, setting up the crib.

"I'm not that crazy about them either," Allison admitted. She held up one of a blue receiving blanket. "I am so glad Chi saved all this stuff."

"Saves us a bundle, that's for sure," Jon replied. "But it was the same way for them when you gave all Caroline and Em's hand me downs."

"And I'll have to save these in case Frankie and Will have their own little one someday," Allison said. She smiled as she watched her husband finish setting up the crib. "You're getting better at this. They do say third time is the charm..."

"Each time we thought it was the last," Jon snickered.

"And it took you nearly two weeks to get up the courage to change Caroline's nappy," Allison said laughing at the memory.

"I've definitely gotten better at that," Jon paused for a moment to grin at his wife. "I can't believe we're going to have a son."

"I know," Allison grinned back at him. "And I can't---"

"Daddy!" Emma squealed coming into the room and throwing her arms around his leg.

"Hey baby," Jon swung her up. "Is your movie over?"

Emma nodded. "Em's room!"

Allison stood up and walked over to give her daughter a kiss on the cheek. "This used to be your room, baby girl. But now it's going to be Adam's room, remember?"

"Em still baby right?" she asked.

Allison and Jon exchanged a look. "You'll always be our baby, sweetheart," Allison said softly. "But you're going to be a big sister soon."

Emma stared at her mother thoughtfully. "Like Sissy?"

Allison smiled. "Just like Sissy."

"And guess what Em?" Jon asked her. "Daddy's going to use his wand to turn these pink walls blue. How cool is that?"

"Blue!" Emma clapped her hands together.

"And you and Caroline can help us decide what sort of theme we want to have in here," Allison said.

"What's that?" Emma asked.

"When Caroline was a baby we did the moon and stars," Allison explained. "Daddy and I charmed the ceiling so it looked like a starry sky. And your room had little pink flowers."

"Em loves flowers," Emma replied.

"I think we should make the room with Quidditch things," Caroline came into the room.

"That has my vote," Jon said grinning at his oldest. "Excellent idea, Caroline!"

"Sissy smart," Emma beamed at her.

Caroline giggled. "Thanks, Em."

"Both my girls are smart," Allison said. "Your father and I love the name you both came up with."

"How much longer until he comes out?" Caroline asked patting her mother's tummy.

"Just a few months Angel," Allison replied.

"It'll be awhile before he can play with us though," Caroline told her sister. "He's going to sleep and cry most of the time."

"Just like you both," Jon teased them.

"We don't do that anymore, Daddy," Caroline said. "We're big now, right Em?"

Emma nodded. "Em big now like Sissy."

Jon tickled her side. "Em's a big girl now. Big, big girl!"

Emma giggled. "Daddy stop!"

Jon spun her around. "Em, you're making Daddy dizzy! Stop making me spin you around!"

Allison and Caroline laughed as Emma continued to joyfully shriek.

She hiccupped as Jon fell to his knees and brought Emma down with him. "That's it! I'm done for, Em! Out for the count!"

"Daddy," Emma fell on top of him.

"You're silly," Caroline said with a grin.

"I am not," Jon said with mock indignation. "I'm Jonathan."

"No," Emma said patting his arm. "You're Daddy!"

"That's right," Jon rolled onto his back and lifted his youngest above him. "Em's the silly one."

"Em flying!" Emma squealed.

"That's right," Jon laughed. "Em's flying like a big girl!"

Caroline smiled at the look on her little sister's face. She looked over at her mother. "Need some help with those clothes, Mummy?"

"Sure sweetheart," Allison replied. "There's so many here."

"I remember Mas wearing this one!" Caroline exclaimed holding up a blue outfit. "He looked so cute!"

"He sure did," Allison said. "Let's put that in the drawer- I bet Adam will look just as cute."

"I wonder what colour hair he's going to have," Caroline said thoughtfully.

"We'll find out in just a few months," Allison said. "I think his birthday is going to be around the same time as yours."

Caroline grinned. "And he'll already have friends in Casey, Noah and Aidan. Just like you had when you were little with Daddy and Uncle Josh."

"That's right Angel," Allison smiled at her daughter.

"What sorts of things did you play?" Caroline asked. "Did you have a magic carpet?"

Allison shook her head. "No. Your dad and Uncle Josh didn't always like playing with me. They loved playing Exploding Snap and never let me play because they said girls didn't play that."

"But I play Exploding Snap," Caroline was confused.

Emma who had caught what her mother had said folded her little arms and looked at her father.

"Daddy was mean to Mummy then," Jon said sitting up. "I'm sorry, baby."

"How come you were mean?" Caroline asked.

"Yeah," Allison said levelling her gaze at her husband. "Why were you mean?"

Jon looked flabbergasted at being put on the spot. "Josh and I didn't really like girls. Amazing isn't it?"

"He changed around the time he turned 12," Allison said with a grin.

"What happened then?" Caroline asked.

"That's when your Mum showed up at Hogwarts," Jon said with a grin. "And I was done for..."

"But it wasn't until your father moved to Ireland that he really missed me," Allison tickled Caroline.

"Eyeland!" Emma giggled.

Jon laughed. "Eyeland," he echoed, lifting her back up above his head.

"Daddy should have let you play," Caroline said to Allison. "You taught me how to play Exploding Snap and you're even better at it than Daddy!"

"I learned on my own Angel," Allison told her daughter. "Your Aunt Frankie and I used to play together all the time."

"When Em gets older, I'll teach her how to play," Caroline said. She watched as her mother finished going through the rest of the baby clothes, a worried expression on her face. "Mummy?"

"Hmm?" Allison looked up.

"What's wrong?" Caroline sat up on her knees.

"Nothing, baby," Allison replied.

"You promise you won't go to sleep like you did when you had Emma, right?" Caroline asked. "Everyone was really, really sad and I missed you."

"I don't think I will," Allison shook her head thoughtfully. "And your Aunt Lizzy doesn't think so either."

Caroline nodded and hugged her mother. "I love you more than the sky and bigger than the ocean, Mummy."

Allison felt tears well up in her eyes and she hugged her daughter back. "Thank you for telling me that Angel."

Emma toddled over to join them and she squeezed in between them. "Hug too!"

"My favourite kind of hugs," Allison said. "Especially if Daddy joins in!"

Jon laughed as he wrapped his arms around all of them, being careful not to squeeze too tightly.

"We're all giving Adam a hug too," Caroline said with a grin.

"One big family hug," Jon was also grinning. "Merlin I can't wait for the little guy to join us out here."

"Em still baby," Emma said, but she was grinning. "Ad baby too."

"You'll still be the baby girl," Allison reassured her.

Emma beamed. "Yay!"

Jon chuckled. "I've got to finish setting up this crib."

"And I think I should go and make us all some lunch," Allison said. "Everyone want a sandwich and crisps?"

"Eat," Emma got up. "Em help, kay?"

Allison took her hand. "I'd love for you to help."

Caroline decided to stay behind with her father and she watched him finish with the crib. "Was I like that before Em was born, Daddy?"

"About being the baby?" Jon asked. "Not really. You were so excited to be a big sister."

"I'm trying to make Emma see that too," Caroline said. "I keep telling her that there's all this cool stuff that she's going to be able to show Adam how to do."

"She'll be fine once Adam's born," Jon said, setting the little mattress in the crib.

"I think so too," Caroline said. She admired his handiwork. "You did good, Daddy!"

"Thank you Angel," Jon swung her up much like he'd done to Emma.

"Did you have to go up in the attic to get it?" Caroline asked.

"That's where we kept it," Jon replied.

Caroline scrunched up her nose. "It's scary up there."

"The attic scares you?" Jon was amused but didn't show it. "How come?"

"It's dark up there," Caroline admitted.

"Well you know nothing scares your Daddy," Jon boasted.

"Nothing?" Caroline asked.

"Well one or two things," Jon said. "Like something happening to you, your sister or your mum."

"What about spiders?" Caroline asked.

"I don't like them but I'm not a big chicken like your grandpa," Jon tickled her.

Caroline giggled. "That's good. Because there's one on your shoulder, Daddy!"

Jon nearly dropped her as he jumped away from the crib. "WHERE?"

"It's gone now," Caroline giggled. "It's on the floor now!"

Jon stomped hard, making his daughter laugh even harder.

"Daddy, you are silly," Caroline said hugging him around the neck.

"Well you're my daughter so that makes you sillier," Jon returned, pecking her cheek.

"Jon! Caroline!" Allison called out from the kitchen. "Lunch is ready!"

"Eat!" Emma chimed in.

"Come on Daddy," Caroline said. "I'm really hungry."

"Me too," Jon said. "Let's go eat, Angel Girl."