Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: This is a little earlier than we usually update, but those of you who have inquired about Drop in the Ocean (by Amynoelle) that will hopefully be updated this weekend. These characters and this universe have taken up quite a bit of our time and I (Amy) would like to apologize to you guys who have been waiting for an update on that one. But that's neither here nor there with this story. You get more Ethan/Maddie in this chapter along with Josh/Lizzy and Allie/Jon and a little bit of Caroline and Emma, too. And some of you have asked if we get these characters confused sometimes and the answer is yes. This is a LOAD of people to keep track of and we keeping adding and adding and adding. We do hope that you guys keep enjoying the story and if you have any questions, just let us know in your review and we'll be happy to answer them and try and clear things up for you. Without further ado, here's Chapter 34…


They had all been back from Brighton a few months now, and it was without a doubt one of the happiest summers of Maddie's life. It hadn't been easy getting used to her visions and what they entailed, but with the help of Hermione and Smythe as her guide, she was beginning to learn to control them enough to get herself to the Ministry when one took place.

There was also Ethan. She smiled as she entered the cafeteria for lunch and thought about him. He was as sweet and attentive as could be- much like his father was with his mother. They spent many a night just sitting at his flat, reading their respective books for their areas of study and the snogging- there was loads of that.

"Maddie Weasley?" a voice called out. "What on earth are you doing here?"

Maddie turned around with a pleasant smile on her face. "Oh hello... Jackie right?" she asked, recognising the girl from Hogwarts.

Jackie smoothed her skirt as she stood up from her table. "Actually, I prefer to go by Jacqueline here. It's more professional."

"Oh," Maddie smiled at her. "Sure, that's a lovely name."

"So," Jackie said folding her arms and giving Maddie a disdainful look. "What are you doing here? If you're lost or something I can help you find your way out. This is an employee cafeteria."

"I work here," Maddie said. "In the um... Misuse of Muggle Artefacts office." Smythe had told her not to tell anyone outside her circle of family and close friends about her abilities as a Seer. "What do you do here?"

Jackie gave Maddie a smug look. "I am working very closely with Minister Potter, actually. I was offered an internship right out of Hogwarts."

"Oh you are?" Maddie knew she was lying but didn't want to call attention to it. "What do you do?" she asked, her pleasant smile frozen on her face.

"A little of everything actually," Jackie replied. "Just today, I helped the Minister with this big speech she's giving."

"That's quite lovely," Maddie said. "You must be very excited about this Jacqueline."

"Oh, I am," Jacqueline said proudly. She knew that this was a small white lie she was telling, but Madeline Weasley would never know. There was no reason to tell Completely Mad Maddie that she really worked as an entry-level assistant for the Floo Regulation Panel. Besides, Jackie thought. She wasn't going to be there for too long. She would be moving up to bigger and better things.

"What else have you been up to since leaving school?" Maddie asked politely.

Jackie sat back down at her table and motioned for Maddie to do the same. "Well, I'm not meant to say anything but the Minister told me just this morning what a perfect match I would make for her son."

Maddie's eyebrows shot up at this and her smile slipped. "Really," she said softly.

"Yes," Jackie said with a wide smile. "You remember Ethan Potter, don't you?"

"Of course," Maddie replied.

"Well," Jackie said. "I must say that he and I always had a good rapport at Hogwarts. I used to catch him looking at me in the halls. And we flirted quite a bit..."

"Mmmhmm," Maddie looked down at her wrist that had the Cornish Pixie charm attached to the bracelet Ethan had given her for Christmas.

"That's certainly an interesting bracelet," Jackie said trying not to laugh. "You always did like...strange things."

"It's a Cornish Pixie," Maddie explained. "They live inside the charm."

"Ewww," Jackie said disgustedly. "You mean you have one of those things in your bracelet?"

"Cornish Pixies are not THINGS," Maddie said defensively. "They're living creatures."

"They're gross, Maddie," Jackie argued. "You know that someone we went to school with actually used to have one as a pet. I can't remember her name or anything, but can you imagine having one of those as a pet? Whatever happened to something normal like a cat or a dog? Even a frog would be better than one of those little demons!"

"That would be me," Maddie's tone was cool. "I had one until I was eleven."

"That was you!" Jackie laughed. "I remember now! You used to draw those pictures of that thing all the time!"

"Dolly was not a THING!" Maddie was growing angry at Jackie's ridicule of her beloved pet.

Jackie pulled a confused face. "Who's Dolly?"

"My pixie!" Maddie's eyes darkened.

Ethan had just entered the cafeteria, hoping to find his girlfriend and steal her away for a quick lunch.

"You named your pixie Dolly?" Jackie said laughing. "That is too rich, Madeline! What finally happened to the poor thing? With all the people in your family, I imagine she suffocated or something tragic like that.."

"What exactly do you mean like that?" Maddie folded her arms. "What's wrong with my family?"

Jackie shrugged. "Well, you have a really large family, don't you? And your father works at some joke shop, right? Your mum's unemployed. And didn't one of your brothers knock up some girl and kidnap her from school..."

Maddie glared at the other girl. "How dare you say those things!"

"Easy, Maddie," Jackie said noticing that some of the people sitting closer to their table were looking in their direction. "I'm just saying what I heard about your family is all."

Ethan heard his girlfriend's angry tone, one he'd never heard before. He began to make his way over to her across the room.

"You know I would have thought your father would have done better for himself than a joke shop," Jackie said sympathetically. "He is Harry Potter's best friend after all. But, you know some people have it and others don't. Your father obviously doesn't."

"Hey," Ethan interrupted them. "What's going on?"

"Hello Ethan," Jackie said beaming at him. "Long time, no see."

"Hi," Ethan said, casting a confused glance at Maddie.

"I was just offering my sympathies to Madeline here," Jackie said pushing her way past Maddie so she would be next to Ethan. "The poor thing grew up with so many brothers and sisters that they gave her a Cornish pixie as a pet. And then her poor father..."

"What's wrong with having a Cornish pixie for a pet?" Ethan asked the strange girl. "I always thought Dolly was pretty cool."

This threw Jackie for a minute, but she quickly covered. "Nothing. I just never had something like that for a pet. So, um, what are you up to today?"

"I'm here to see if my girlfriend wanted to have lunch with me," Ethan said, still looking at her strangely. He turned back to Maddie, who looked like she was still fuming.

"You're dating someone?" Jackie asked trying to hide her disappointment.

"Yes he is," Maddie struggled to keep her voice even when all she really wanted to do was shove Jackie's perfectly made up face into her salad.

Ethan slid an arm over her shoulder. "Come on Mads, we can eat here if you want or I'll take you out to one of those cafes you like."

Jackie stared at them in disbelief. "You---you're dating her?"

"Who are you?" Ethan asked.

"You remember Jacqueline from Hogwarts, don't you?" Maddie asked Ethan before Jackie could answer. "She's working with your mother, isn't that right, Jackie?"

"You are?" Ethan asked. "She didn't mention anything about a new assistant..."

"I-I just started," Jackie lied.

"Did she sack Samuel or something?" Ethan asked, referring to the man who had been second in command to his mother the entire time she'd held office.

"Samuel?" Jackie asked turning red. "No, she didn't. I just, um, you know..."

"Right," Maddie said coldly, her blue eyes angry slits.

"Come on Mads," Ethan tugged on her arm again. "Let's go eat somewhere else."

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow," Jackie said, realizing that Maddie may be her only link to Ethan. "Maybe we could all eat lunch together..."

Maddie couldn't take it anymore. "Why would you want to eat lunch with someone whose father only works in a joke shop? Or someone who owned a Cornish pixie as a pet? Or someone who you never spoke to at all in Hogwarts unless it was to make fun of her for not fitting your description of normal?"

Jackie shrugged and smiled lamely. "How about we make amends?" she asked, trying to sound generous. "We could go shopping together."

"Won't you be too busy helping my mother?" Ethan asked, crossing his arms.

"Well... I'm sure she'd give me the hour off to have lunch with her son," Jackie covered.

"I'm not so sure about that, Jennifer," Ethan said purposely getting her name wrong. "Besides, my mother is really quite fond of Maddie and I don't think she'd take too kindly to me eating lunch with you."

"It's Jackie," she corrected. "Right Com- Maddie?"

Maddie knew the best thing would be to walk away from this horrible girl like she had all those times at school, but she'd had just about enough of listening to her lies. And Maddie knew if Ethan wasn't here, Jackie would be singing a different tune.

But before Maddie could say anything a short, podgy wizard came over to them.

"Jackie! How bleeding long are you going to take for lunch? You're supposed to take those files to the library for archiving!" he boomed at her.

"I'm sorry Mr. Cobb," Jackie's face turned bright red.

"Well get your arse upstairs and take those files to the library," Mr. Cobb said angrily. "Honestly, if I didn't know your aunt, I'd have never hired you. You just keep that in mind, Jackie. Now move!"

Jackie pressed her lips together and she couldn't even look over at Maddie and Ethan as she gathered the stack of books in the chair next to her.

"I'm sorry," Ethan said to the older man. "What department do you work for, sir?"

"The Floo Regulation Panel," Mr. Cobb straightened up proudly. "And I run a tight ship. Your mother knows that."

"She does," Ethan said smiling at him. "Well, Madeline and I will leave you and your assistant to it then. We have a lunch date."

Maddie still had to resist the urge to throw something at the other girl as Ethan gently pulled on her arm and led her out of the cafeteria.

"Okay, what the hell was that all about?" Ethan asked once they'd left the building.

"I don't even know where to begin," Maddie said running a hand through her hair. "I walked into the cafeteria and she stopped me. And started throwing all these lies at me about how she worked for your mother and then she said some terrible things about Dolly, my parents, Jon and Allie..."

"I don't even know who she is," Ethan replied. "What does she have against you? And why would she say nasty things about your family?"

"Because she thinks she's better than everyone else," Maddie said not realizing how fast she was actually walking. "I know I shouldn't have gotten so upset, but I put up with it all throughout school and for her to say those horrible things....!"

"Hey," Ethan caught her hand. "Come on Mads... I thought what people said about you didn't bother you." he pulled her into his arms.

"I know," Maddie said looking away from him. "But she just made me so mad!"

"I've never seen you get mad," Ethan chuckled and hoped he could try and get her to relax. "It's rather sexy."

Maddie looked up at him. "What?"

He grinned down at her. "It's a new side of you," he teased.

Maddie finally laughed. "Well, there's two things you don't make fun of around family and Dolly. That is what makes me see red, especially around people who have no idea what a great family I have and what a great pet Dolly was."

"I think on some level, we all enjoyed Dolly," Ethan said as they began to walk again. "And of course your family is great. You're the most tight knit family I know."

"Your family is just as tight as mine," Maddie said softly.

"There's just twice as many of you," Ethan joked.

"Yes, well we are a big family," Maddie said.

"So are you feeling better now?" he asked once they'd chosen a place to eat and were sitting down.

"I always feel better when I'm with you," Maddie said softly. "You know that."

"I was hoping later you'd want to come over," Ethan said. "We could watch a movie or just read, I don't care."

"I would," Maddie said frowning. "But I sort of promised Allie and Jon that I'd watch the girls for them."

"How about tomorrow night then?" Ethan asked.

"I have a special training session with Smythe," Maddie said. "But you know what? You could help me baby sit tonight."

Ethan grinned. "Do you really need help?" he asked devilishly.

"With Caroline and Emma?" Maddie said. "Maybe not so much with Emma, but with Caroline, you'd better believe I need help!"

"I haven't seen her in awhile," Ethan took a piece of bread from the basket in the centre of the table.

"She's getting so big! They both are!" Maddie said smiling as she thought of her nieces. "With my training, I haven't been able to spend as much time with them."

"I'd be happy to help you out," Ethan said. "Sounds like it could be fun."

"Great," Maddie said happily. "We could eat pizza, maybe watch some movies. And Caroline said that she wanted to throw a tea party."

He frowned. "Don't think I'm going to put a dress on like the two of you made me do that one time."

Maddie giggled. "But you looked so cute in it!"

"That was a one time thing Ms. Madeline," Ethan grinned at her laughter. "Sorry, but not even YOU could get me back into it."

"Can't blame a girl for trying," Maddie said reaching across the table for his hand.

He squeezed her fingers, happy that he'd managed to get her to come out with him.

"So," she said softly. "How is my favourite Auror today?"

"He's doing quite well," Ethan replied. "Easy day at training. Next week we get assigned to our partners for our last bit before becoming professionals."

"Who do you think you'll get?" Maddie asked. "They pair you with someone with experience right? What if you got your dad? Or Uncle Neville?"

"That'd be cool if I got my dad," Ethan said. "But I doubt I'll get either of them since we're all close."

"I think that would be really great if you were to get your dad," Maddie said knowing how much her boyfriend looked up to his father. "He's so proud of you."

Ethan smiled. "I'm glad he's proud. Every time I wanted out of the program, I thought about how excited he'd get to show me something he knew a lot about, or how he would get when I did something right."

"And look at you now," Maddie said. "Nearly finished with your training and from what I hear the best in your training class."

"You heard that aye," he grinned even wider.

"I did," she said beaming at him. "Your mum mentioned it to me the other night."

"I think she's more excited than I am," he said as their food was brought out.

Maddie's eyes grew large as she looked at Ethan's plate. "That has to be the biggest cheeseburger I've ever seen in my life. My dad would be salivating right about now!"

"We should bring one over to him as a surprise one night," Ethan said. "I'm starving so I ordered the biggest thing on the menu."

"I'll say," Maddie said. "But I think I'll stick with my cheese and tomato sandwich." She winked at him. "But I will have one of your chips..."

Ethan pulled his plate away. "What's in it for me?" he asked.

Maddie frowned. "Ethan James Potter, you don't want to share a couple of your chips with me?"

He grinned. "What's in it for me?" he asked, his tone huskier this time.

"Well," Maddie said thoughtfully. "After Caroline and Emma go to sleep tonight, we will be all alone..."

"And?" he asked, his brown eyes lighting up.

"And you know, we could dim the lights..."

"And..." Ethan moved into the chair next to hers.

"And play some nice soft music..."

He pushed the plate towards her. "What comes next?"

"I don't want to spoil the surprise," she said as she took a chip. "But, let's just say I have a feeling you'll be quite satisfied by the outcome."

"How about just a little preview?" Ethan asked.

"Ethan," Maddie said blushing. "We can't kiss here...someone might see..."

"Your point is?" he drawled.

"That would be a very public display of affection, don't you think?" Maddie asked grinning at him.

"If we snogged," Ethan pointed out. "One little kiss can't hurt anything."

"Okay," Maddie whispered. "One little kiss never..."

Before she could finish her sentence he leaned in and covered her lips with his.

"...hurt anything," Maddie finished when they pulled apart. " really are good at that."

"So are you," Ethan sat back in satisfaction.

"I've had a great teacher," Maddie said.

"A very willing and eager teacher," Ethan laughed as he took a huge bite of his burger.

"And the next lesson is tonight," Maddie said grinning impishly at him.

"So what are you doing this afternoon?" Ethan asked as they ate. "Any visions today?"

"No, not today," Maddie replied. "But Smythe said sometimes it's like that. She said I could go months before I have another one. It just all depends."

"That's got to keep you on your toes," Ethan remarked. "I mean, you could be anywhere, doing anything and just have a vision come out of nowhere."

"Tell me about it," Maddie said. "But I really feel as if I've found what I was meant to do Ethan. I really do. And I feel really closer to my grandma, you know? I know I never knew her, but it's like she's with me showing me the way..."

"I think it's fantastic," Ethan replied. "I really do. I know at first I was all sceptical--"

"You didn't believe me," Maddie interjected.

"It's not that I didn't believe you Mads," Ethan replied. "It's just that... I never believed in prophecies, or Divination, or Seers... but that first time you had that really bad vision, while we were in Brighton..."

"It scared me too," Maddie said. "I didn't know what was going on and who those people were. I felt so helpless..."

"But look at you," Ethan said. "You've come so far in only a few months."

"I still have so much to learn," Maddie said.

"Aye," Ethan said. "I guess with something like that you never stop."

"Speaking of which," Maddie said looking at her watch. "I should get back."

"Me too," Ethan said. "Help me finish these." he pushed the rest of his chips at her.

"Okay," Maddie said. "This place does make the best chips."

"That they do," he agreed.

A few moments later, she and Ethan were walking out of the cafe hand in hand. They were silent as they made their way back to the Ministry content just to be with each other.

"So I'll see you tonight then?" Ethan pulled her into a tiny alcove just inside the building.

"Yes," Maddie said. "Allie and Jon wanted me to be there at seven."

"How about I swing by your place around a quarter of then?" he suggested. "And we'll walk over together."

"Sounds good," Maddie said. She knew something that was going to make him very happy that involved his father, but she wasn't about to tell him. He'd find out next week.

"Okay," Ethan leaned in and gave her a kiss. "I love you Mads."

"I love you too," she said dreamily.

He smiled. "I'll see you later." he squeezed her hand as they separated.

"Okay," Maddie said watching him walk away.

*** *** ***

Josh smiled as his wife walked out of the bathroom clad in only a towel. He still couldn't believe they were married. She was truly the best thing in his life and he felt like such an idiot for not asking her sooner.

"Hello Mrs. Weasley," he said smiling at her. "Oh, I'm sorry. Healer Weasley..."

Lizzy laughed. "Mrs. Weasley will do fine," she said with a smile. "I'm certainly not tired of hearing that yet."

"That's good to hear," Josh said. "Because you are going to be called that for the rest of your life."

"I have no problems with that," Lizzy said as he sat on the edge of their bed. She perched on his lap and wound her arms around his neck.

"We could always cancel on my brother and Allie," Josh said.

"No we can't," Lizzy replied. "We did that last week."

"Right," Josh said. "But you know it will be fun to see the look on Jon's face. He hates going to the theatre."

"I don't know why," Lizzy said. "Allison absolutely loves it and usually whatever she likes he does too."

"That's true," Josh said. "I guess I just remember when we were kids and mum would always want to take us to plays and things like that. What usually happened was he and my dad would always fall asleep in the middle of it. "

Lizzy laughed as she gave her husband a kiss. "When mum and dad come to town next month they'll want to go see a play or two," she said, getting off his lap. "It's a good thing you enjoy it."

"I do," Josh said walking into their closet to get his dress shirt. "And I am really looking forward to tonight. It will be nice to not be hunched over my law books for once."

Lizzy shook her hair out and used her wand to dry it. "I'm glad we're going out." she said, stepping into her dress. "I feel like a stranger to my friends and family with how busy I've been at the hospital."

"We haven't really had time for a proper honeymoon," Josh said apologetically. "But I promise you that next summer, we are going to go away somewhere just the two of us...with no work, no interruptions...nothing but you and me."

"That sounds fabulous," Lizzy said happily. "I already can't wait."

"Yes well you be thinking of places you'd like to go and I'll see about booking it," Josh said.

"I will," Lizzy promised, disappearing back into the loo to touch up her makeup.

Josh decided to go through the post while he waited for his wife to finish getting ready. He was surprised to see a letter from his younger brother among the letters and bills. Sitting back down on the bed, Josh opened the envelope and began to read.

"What are you looking at?" Lizzy asked, coming back into the bedroom.

"A letter from R.J.," Josh replied with a smile. The trip to Brighton had brought him closer to both Jon and R.J. where he now considered them friends and not just family. "Can you believe that?'

"How lovely," Lizzy replied, brushing her hair. "What's he got to say?"

"He's doing great in all his classes except for Potions," Josh told her. "And he's no longer infatuated with Juliet. Seems she dumped him for some Hufflepuff and that under no circumstances am I to tell Jon that..."

Lizzy laughed. "He'd never hear the end of it."

"And that he figured I'd understand because I was dumped by two girls over the course of one summer," Josh said with a laugh.

"And you got picked up by one right after that," Lizzy slid her arms around him again.

"Yes I did," Josh said kissing her.

"Mmm," Lizzy said as their kiss deepened.

"Elizabeth, are you trying to seduce me?" Josh asked her.

"Would I really need to?" Lizzy asked softly.

"No, but we should probably get going," Josh told her. "Just promise me we'll pick up where we left off when we get back home."

"I promise," Lizzy said with one last kiss.

Over at Jon and Allie's, the scene was a little more chaotic. Allison was still getting ready upstairs while Jon made small talk with Maddie and Ethan in the sitting room. Caroline was playing with Max on the sofa.

"We really appreciate you agreeing to sit for us, Maddie," Jon said to his baby sister. "Allie and I haven't been out in ages."

"I'm glad to help out Jon," Maddie said. "You know I love being with the girls."

"And they love being with their Aunt Maddie," Jon said. "And Uncle Ethan...speaking of which, my daughter tells me that she hopes to get you in that dress again. Is there anything you want to share with me, Potter?"

Ethan turned red. "Not really," he grimaced.

"We'll try and get him in the tiara this time too, right Caroline?" Maddie asked her niece.

Caroline giggled. "I think he would look lovely in my princess tiara!"

"That might be worth staying home for," Jon teased.

"I don't think so Jonathan," Allison appeared behind her husband. "I know you get antsy in the theatre but I only ask you to go once or twice a year."

Jon turned around to give his wife a smart-alecky remark, but the words died in his mouth as he looked at her.

"Wow, Allie," Maddie said grinning at her. "You look beautiful! Hard to believe you've had two children..."

"Thank you Maddie," Allison blushed. "It's nice to fit into normal clothes again without feeling like a whale."

"You look really pretty Mummy," Caroline said getting up to give her mother a hug. "Doesn't she Daddy?"

"Absolutely gorgeous," Jon said, still staring open mouthed.

"Thank you," Allison said smiling at him. "You clean up rather nicely too, Weasley."

"Have to, for my wife," Jon grinned.

Allison beamed at him. "We, um, should probably get going, don't you think?"

"Will you bring me back something?" Caroline asked.

"You want a present every time we go out," Jon picked up his daughter and effortlessly tossed her in the air.

Caroline giggled. "You're silly, Daddy!"

"So are you, baby," Jon kissed her cheek. "We'll see about getting you something all right? But only if you're a good girl for Maddie and Ethan."

"I'll be really good," Caroline promised.

"We're going to have a blast," Maddie said. "We're going to order a pizza, have our tea party, Ethan's going to wear a dress and tiara..."

"Yeah, we're going to have...wait a minute, Maddie," Ethan said. "I never agreed to a dress or a tiara..."

"Come on Uncle Ethan," Caroline said. "You make such a pretty princess!"

"How about we just dress Max up like a princess," Ethan offered looking at the dog. "Now he would make a pretty princess. Much prettier than me."

"Max doesn't like tiaras!" Caroline laughed.

"I don't like tiaras either," Ethan argued.

Maddie grinned. "Let's figure out what to do over pizza," she said, taking Caroline from Jon. "You two go on and have fun, and say hello to Josh and Lizzy for me."

"We will," Allison said. "We should be back around midnight. That's not too late is it?"

"That's fine," Ethan replied. "If we get tired, we'll crash here on the sofa."

"Thanks again," Allison said. "When you two have children, we'll return the favour."

Maddie blushed as she looked at Ethan.

"We'll hold you to that," Ethan said good-naturedly. "You two kids have fun."

With a few goodbyes, Jon and Allison were on their way to a night out in London and Maddie and Ethan were left alone with two little girls and a rather crazy dog on their hands.

They finally decided to order a pizza with half pepperoni for Ethan and Caroline and the other half just cheese for Maddie. As they waited for the pizza to arrive, Caroline asked Ethan if he'd fix her hair into plaits.

"I don't know how to do that," Ethan told her.

"It's easy!" Caroline said. "Auntie Maddie can show you!"

"Okay," Ethan said. "Auntie me what to do..."

Maddie grinned as she grabbed a brush to run through Caroline's wavy brown hair. "It really is easy," she explained.

"I'll take your word for it," Ethan said with a laugh.

"How's Saffy doing?" Caroline asked. "I miss her."

"She's good," Ethan replied. "Don't tell my mum but Snape's given her another two detentions since she came back."

"What for this time?" Maddie asked, shaking her head.

"For knowing answers," Ethan rolled his eyes as his fingers clumsily plaited Caroline's soft hair. "He's just got a grudge because she's a Potter."

"That man never changes," Maddie said. "He needs to get over that."

"Aye he really does," Ethan said. "Okay Caroline how's that?"

Caroline walked over to the mirror and looked curiously at her reflection. "Auntie Maddie did really well, but you need a lot of work..."

Ethan laughed. "I'll be sure and practise more for next time."

"So what movie did you want to watch tonight?" Maddie asked stifling a laugh.

"The Lion King," Caroline said without a moment's hesitation.

"You've seen that how many times now?" Maddie asked, knowing full well it was the little girl's favourite movie.

"But it's so good Auntie Maddie," Caroline replied. "I want a lion that looks like Simba!"

"I don't know if you could have a lion for a pet," Ethan said. "But how would you like it if one weekend, Maddie and I took you to the zoo?"

Caroline bounced up and down happily at the suggestion. "Yay!" she squealed.

"Shh sweetheart," Maddie laughed. "You don't want to wake up your sister do you?"

"No," Caroline said her voice much softer.

"That's a good girl," Maddie said. "How about Ethan puts in the movie while I fix this plait?"

"Okay," Caroline said nodding happily.

Just an hour later, Ethan found himself carrying the four year old down the hall to her bedroom as she'd fallen asleep halfway into the movie. Maddie was right behind him and she tucked Caroline's teddy bear in next to her as Ethan pulled the sheets around her.

Maddie kissed her niece's forehead and made sure the nightlight was on before she and Ethan quietly stepped out of the room.

"Let me just check on Emma," Maddie whispered.

"All right," Ethan said, heading back towards the kitchen to clean up the remnants of their dinner.

A few minutes later, Maddie joined him in the kitchen. "She's still sleeping. I could just watch her for hours."

"Aye she's really sweet," Ethan said, dumping the pizza box in the garbage. "And you are without a doubt, their favourite babysitter in the world."

Maddie smiled. "You're really good with them too. Caroline is crazy about you."

"How about you?" Ethan asked, winding his arms around her waist. "Is Completely Mad Maddie crazy about me?"

"She's completely mad about you," Maddie replied. "You know most blokes wouldn't think spending the evening helping their girlfriend baby sit would be a great date..."

"Lucky for you I'm not most blokes." Ethan said with a grin.

"Yes," Maddie said grinning back at him. "Lucky me."

"Come on," Ethan said, taking her hand and leading her into the sitting room.

"Ethan?" Maddie asked as they sat down on the sofa. "Do you remember what Allie said before they left? That...that didn't freak you out or anything, did it?"

"Nah," Ethan said. "I know we're still early stages in our relationship but..."

"But?" Maddie asked.

"I don't see it happening anytime soon," Ethan said honestly. "But perhaps someday when we're both ready, we'll settle into that."

Maddie felt relieved. She knew that most boys wanted to run a mile when girls started talking about things like marriage and family, but as Ethan had told her he wasn't like most blokes.

"Well when we are ready," she said resting her head on his shoulder. "I think you'll make a great father."

"I think you'll make a great mum someday," Ethan replied.

"I hope so," Maddie said softly.

Ethan rubbed her cheek with his thumb before leaning in slowly to kiss her.

Maddie wrapped her arms around him as he deepened the kiss. As much as she'd enjoyed being with her nieces, she'd wanted to be alone with Ethan just like this all evening.

He pushed her gently back onto the sofa, letting his hands loosen her ponytail and run through her long strands.

"I love you," she whispered looking up at him.

He smiled down at her, their faces barely an inch apart. "I love you too," he said softly.

"I've never felt this way about someone else," Maddie said shyly.

Ethan grinned. "Me either. You're definitely one of a kind Mads, and I'm glad you're all mine."

Her feelings for him scared and excited her all at the same time. When she wasn't with him, she thought about him constantly. And when they were alone like this, she found it extremely difficult to stick with her vow to wait until marriage.

"What's on your mind?" he asked, kissing the sensitive area right under her chin.

"It's not important," she whispered.

His hands trailed through her hair again as he gazed into her blue eyes. "You sure?" he asked.

"You''ve been with other girls before right?" she asked. "That's a stupid question, of course you have. I just...I know that this can't be easy for you to wait. I just hope you know that it's not easy on me either."

"Actually I haven't," Ethan turned red. "I wanted to make sure I was really serious about someone before I took that step. Bree and I came close a few times but we never actually went that far."

Maddie stared up at him in disbelief. "Really?"

"Yeah," Ethan sat back, pulling her up with him. "I mean, it's a big step you know?"

Maddie nodded. "Yes, it is, but I just assumed that you had..."

"Most people have, because of my parents," Ethan shook his head.

"I wish you would have said something sooner," Maddie said softly. "I was feeling guilty for making you wait."

"Don't be guilty about that," Ethan tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "It's something important to you and I understand that. I wouldn't have ever pushed you into doing anything you didn't want to do."

Maddie leaned in and softly kissed him. "I know that and it just makes me love you even more than I already do."

"I am pretty irresistible," Ethan boasted.

Maddie giggled. "You are that."

Just as Ethan leaned in to kiss Maddie, Emma's cries filled the house.

"Uh oh," he pulled back. "I figured she'd wake up sooner or later."

"I'll go," Maddie said getting to her feet.

"Nah I'll get her," Ethan replied. "Maybe she's hungry."

"Okay," Maddie said. "I'll go and warm up a bottle for her then."

"I'll bring her into the kitchen," Ethan got off the sofa and headed for Emma's little nursery.

Ethan lifted Emma out of her crib, but it did nothing to sooth the baby's cries.

"Shh," Ethan whispered patting Emma gently on the back.

"Here," Maddie brought in the bottle that Allison had left for her. "That sounds like a hungry cry."

Ethan took the bottle from Maddie and grinned at her. "Don't look at me like that. I'm an old pro, remember? I used to help feed Saffy all the time when I was a kid."

"Of course," Maddie laughed. "Especially when I was Princess Cruella."

"The evil, but pretty princess," Ethan said sitting down with Emma.

"Evil but beautiful princess," Maddie corrected teasingly.

"Ahh," Ethan said with a chuckle. "I apologise. Princess Cruella, the evil but beautiful princess."

"Now you've got it," Maddie smiled as Emma sucked contentedly on her bottle. "She was a hungry girl!" she stroked her goddaughter's soft head.

"Well she is a Weasley," Ethan joked.

"That's true," Maddie grinned. "We're always hungry!"

Caroline walked into the nursery carrying her teddy bear.

"I had a bad dream, Auntie Maddie," she sniffled.

Maddie opened her arms to her little niece. "What was it about love?" she asked, hugging Caroline.

"It was just really dark and there were monsters," Caroline said holding on tightly to Maddie.

"There's no monsters here sweetheart," Maddie brushed Caroline's fringe off her sweaty forehead.

"Will you stay with me?" Caroline asked softly. "Please?"

"Of course," Maddie sent an apologetic look to Ethan.

Caroline yawned as Maddie picked her up and carried her back into the little girl's bedroom.

Ethan held Emma until she finished her bottle, then properly burped her and laid her gently back in her crib.

He peeked into Caroline's bedroom where Maddie was still trying to comfort her niece.

"Auntie Maddie?" Caroline asked. "Do you think I'll ever not be scared of the dark?"

"Of course you won't eventually be scared," Maddie said soothingly. "I was afraid of the dark when I was your age too."

"You were?" Caroline asked feeling better.

"Oh yes," Maddie said. "And I bet your daddy was afraid of the dark too, although that would be before I was born."

Caroline smiled. "So I guess everyone is scared of something when they're little right?"

"Absolutely," Maddie reassured her. "And even though you're a big girl now, when you get even bigger you'll have to protect Emma from all the monsters. So you'll have to be the brave one soon."

"Just like you," Caroline said smiling at her aunt.

Maddie laughed. "I try to be brave," she said. "But there's nothing on this earth I wouldn't protect you from Caroline."

Caroline hugged her. "Thank you, Auntie Maddie. I'm going to go to sleep now, but don't leave me, okay?"

"I won't love," Maddie promised.

Ethan gave them one last look before heading downstairs and into the sitting room. It wasn't too much longer before he was fast asleep.

Maddie grew drowsy while lying with her niece and while part of her wished she could be down with Ethan in the sitting room, there was something about staying with a little girl that trusted her so much that almost literally made her melt. She kissed Caroline's head and settled down, closing her eyes.

Shortly after midnight, Allison and Jon arrived back home.

"You have to admit that was a really good play," Allison said as he helped her out of her cloak.

"I suppose," Jon said. "I fell asleep somewhere between the second and third act."

Allison laughed. "You're getting better. Usually you only make it half way into the first act."

"It was only because you were laughing so hard you were shaking the seats," Jon teased his wife.

"I wasn't laughing that hard, was I?" she asked.

"Just a bit," he grinned at her.

"Very funny," Allison said grabbing his tie and pulling him to her.

Jon let out a surprised grunt as his lips mashed into hers. "Someone's a bit randy tonight aye?" he asked.

"Just a bit," she teased.

"Usually it's the other way around," he remarked. "Usually it's me pawing at you."

"That's not true," Allison said. "I was about to commend you for not wanting to snog during the play, but you were out like a light..."

Jon grinned. "And I bet you thought I looked dead sexy didn't you."

"I always think that," Allison said loosening his tie. "But there is something about my husband in a just does something to me."

"I'll wear one every night if it makes you like this," Jon replied. "But first maybe we should relieve Maddie and Ethan of our little monsters and Emma."

Allison laughed. "Good idea. Where do you suppose they are?"

"I hear Max snoring away in the sitting room," Jon said. "Or maybe that's just Ethan." he poked the younger man. "Hey mate, wake up."

Ethan rolled over on his side. "Just a few more minutes Mum."

Jon snorted. "I think you've been wearing that tiara too long." he poked him again.

"Hmmm?" Ethan asked groggily rubbing at his eyes.

"Wake up," Jon said with a laugh. "Where's my sister?"

Ethan sat up still a little dazed. "What? Oh, Caroline had a bad dream so Maddie stayed with her."

"Was it about the monsters again?" Allison asked. "We've been trying to tell her that there aren't any but she doesn't believe us."

Ethan nodded. "Aye, but I think Maddie helped her out."

"Oh good," Allison was relieved. "I'll go tell her that we're home."

"Okay," Ethan said. "Did you guys have a good time?"

"I did," Allison said pointedly. "And I'm sure my husband enjoyed his kip."

"She's never going to let me live that down," Jon said to Ethan.

"I always fall asleep at those things too," Ethan commiserated.

Allison shook her head as she went into Caroline's bedroom and smiled at the sight of her daughter curled up next to Maddie.

"Maddie?" Allison whispered, trying not to awaken Caroline. "Hey, we're home, Maddie."

"Oh," Maddie awoke, blinking sleepily. "Hi Allie. Did you guys have a nice time?"

"We did," Allison said softly. "I hope the girls weren't too much trouble for you and Ethan."

"No, never." Maddie gently extracted herself from Caroline's grip. "She just had a bad dream."

Allison leaned over Caroline and kissed her daughter's forehead before following Maddie out of the bedroom. "I can't thank you enough for sitting with them."

"Anytime," Maddie replied. "I love being with the girls."

"They love being with you too," Allison said. "Caroline really was excited about tonight."

"Well whenever you feel like dragging my brother to the theatre, just owl me," Maddie laughed as they joined Ethan and Jon.

"She didn't drag me to the theatre," Jon said defensively. "I went willingly, Mad Dog."

"Sure you did Jon," Maddie grinned back at him. "I'm beat- I can't wait to get home and just collapse in bed."

"You and me both," Ethan said, causing Allison and Jon to exchanged amused looks. "Not together of course. You know, Maddie at home with her parents and me back at my place, you know...."

"They know," Maddie interrupted. "I'll see you guys this weekend okay?" she referred to the fact that the Weasley clan was getting together at the Burrow this weekend for dinner.

"Right," Jon said giving his sister a hug. "Thanks again for doing this, both of you."

"Anytime Jon." Maddie hugged Allison as well and the two of them left.

Allison smiled at her husband. "Now, where were we?"

"I know where," Jon scooped her up and headed towards the bedroom, his mouth meeting hers and lingering there the whole time.

"I'll walk you home," Ethan said. "I know we can both Apparate, but now we get to spend an extra few minutes together."

"That sounds lovely," she whispered. "I hope Mum and Dad didn't wait up for me. They knew I was going to be out late..."

"I'm sure they know you're fine," Ethan put his arm around her shoulders. "You cold?"

"A little," Maddie admitted.

"I'll warm you up," he said softly with a grin.

Maddie relaxed against him. "I'm sorry the evening didn't turn out like we planned."

"Nothing ever does," Ethan replied with a laugh.

"No," Maddie giggled. "Our first date was spent in a hospital cafeteria."

Ethan laughed harder. "Aye that's right. At least we officially got together in Brighton. Something about us is romantic."

"You think so?" Maddie asked nudging him in the side.

"Yes," Ethan hugged her closer. "This is romantic too..."

"Very romantic," Maddie agreed.

"Shall we seal that with a kiss?" he asked, stopping and touching her cheek softly.

"Yes please," Maddie said grinning at him.

He pressed his mouth to hers hungrily, hugging her body to him.

Maddie felt light-headed when they pulled apart a few moments later.

Ethan smiled at the dazed look in her eyes. "Snog you senseless did I?" he asked in satisfaction.

"Hmmmm," Maddie murmured.

Ethan leaned in and kissed her again, this time nearly lifting her right off her feet.

"You're not playing fair Ethan," Maddie said smiling at him. "I hope you're satisfied that I'm going to go to sleep tonight dreaming about that kiss."

"My foolproof plan has worked," Ethan said in a cheesy accent.

Maddie rolled her eyes. "Say good night, Mr. Potter."

"You don't think I'm going to let you walk the rest of the way alone do you?" Ethan said, putting his arm back around her.

"My house is just right there," she said, but she wasn't in any hurry to say goodbye either.

"And I'll walk you to the door," Ethan pulled her up the pavement.

"Like a good boyfriend," Maddie joked.

"Aye, because your dad and brothers would kill me if I wasn't the best for you." Ethan grinned.

"Yes well Drew and Darla might have a few words for you too," Maddie said. "Don't forget them. They can be just as scary as my brothers."

"Of course," Ethan said, sliding his arms around her waist. "But they have nothing to worry about."

"I know that," Maddie said softly. "I know you wouldn't hurt me, Ethan. I trust you completely."

"Good," he whispered before leaning in to kiss her good night.

Maddie's lips lingered on his for a few moments before she reluctantly stepped inside. "Good night, Ethan."

"Night Mads," Ethan replied. "Love you."

"Love you," Maddie returned.