Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: We're so glad you enjoyed the flashback with Samantha last chapter and we're also so happy you guys finally got to meet Hannah. In this chapter you get Saffron and friends heading back to school as well as more honeymoon ;)

So as always, please drop us a line and let us know what you think!!!

Saffron laughed as her father pulled her large trunk out of the boot. "Dad, we could have shrunk that you know. I don't want you straining your back."

"Very funny Saffron Grace," Harry said.

"Well you aren't as young as you used to be," Saffron teased.

"Saffy!" Hermione exclaimed, laughing.

Saffron opened her mouth to apologise, but someone tapped her on the shoulder. And she turned to see Beth standing with her parents.

"Oh my God!" Beth squealed. "Saffy! Did you hear! Oliver Wood is going to be our new headmaster! He's soooooooooooooooooooooo hot!"

Saffron laughed. "Yes I heard... I can't wait to see how this year goes."

"I'm going to want to get in trouble this year for sure," Beth whispered to Saffron. "I mean he's as old as our parents, but wow!"

"Nice to see you again, Elizabeth," Harry muttered.

Hermione poked her husband in the side. "Don't be sore, Harry."

"So are you still with Andrew Kirke?" Beth asked eagerly.

Saffron nodded and couldn't help smiling as she thought of her boyfriend. "Yes, we're still together."

"And how's Lexie taking her break-up?" Beth asked.

"Her what?" Saffron asked pulling a confused face.

"I saw those pictures of RJ with Serena Starr in the paper," Beth said shaking her head. "I always said he was a complete dog."

"They're as together as can be," Saffron replied. "He's just friends with that airhead."

"Oh, okay," Beth said with a relieved sigh. "I'll catch up with you on the train, Saffy!"

"Okay," Saffron waved and then turned to look in the crowd for Andrew. He'd said he would definitely be there to see her off.

"Hi, Saffron," Peter said as he pushed his trolley past her.

"Hi... Peter." she said. "How... how are you?"

"I'm doing okay," he said softly. "Um, hello Minister Potter. Mr. Potter..."

Harry nodded and Hermione greeted the young man. "Did you have a nice holiday?" she asked him.

"Very nice," Peter replied. "But I'm eager to get back to work. I, um hear congratulations are in order. I read about your brother's wedding, Saffy."

"It was really nice," Saffron nodded. Her anger at her ex boyfriend had cooled off considerably and she couldn't bring herself to treat him badly.

Peter smiled at her. "I'll---I'll see you on the train."

"Sure," Saffron smiled back at him.

Hermione put an arm around her daughter. "He seems to have turned over a new leaf."

"Yeah," Saffron nodded. "We'll see what happens there."

"Do you want to go on through to the platform?" Harry asked his daughter. "For all you know, Andrew might be waiting for you there."

"Yes!" Saffron exclaimed, running ahead of them.

Hermione shared a look with Harry. "We see how we rate, don't we?"

"Like you said," Harry batted his eyes in a smartass manner. "Young love!"

Hermione laughed as she made a mad dash for the wall.

Inside, she saw that Saffron had indeed found Andrew. Harry purposely averted his eyes as his daughter snogged her boyfriend.

"Come on let's go put her things on the train," Hermione was amused at her husband's facial expression.

"Right," Harry said pushing the trolley past Saffron and Andrew.

"Are you sure I can't sneak you on the train?" Saffron asked when they pulled apart.

"Positive," Andrew said smiling at her. "Merlin, I'm going to miss you."

"Only about half as much as I'll miss you." Saffron buried her face in his shoulder.

Andrew held her tightly. "I'll write to you every day."

"I'll owl you the Hogsmeade schedule as soon as I find out when we're going," Saffron said. "And I've got about six million pictures of you and me that I'm putting on my bedside table."

Andrew brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "I have something else for you, too."

"You do?" she asked.

Andrew pulled a small box from his pocket and handed it to her. "Open it."

"Oooh," Saffron's eyes opened wide. "Andrew!"

"Open it, Saf," Andrew urged.

Tears sprang to her eyes when she saw the locket inside. It strongly resembled the ones her mother and Julie both wore.

"You like it, don't you?" Andrew asked hopefully.

"I love it," her tears spilled over.

Andrew pulled her into his arms again. "Don't cry, Saf."

"I can't help it," she sniffed. "You're so perfect."

"I'm far from perfect," Andrew said kissing the top of her head. "And you and I both know it."

"I don't want to leave," she held him tightly. "I hate it that I'm not going to see you for at least a month Andrew."

"We'll write and the weeks will go by so fast," he reassured her. "And we'll both be busy so that'll help keep our minds off of how much we miss each other..."

"I hope so," Saffron wiped her eyes.

"We don't have much time," Andrew said taking the locket from the box. "Let's see how this looks..."

"Okay," she held up her hair while he fastened the locket around her neck. "It's beautiful."

"You're beautiful," he said softly.

"I love you so much," her eyes flooded with tears again.

"I love you too," Andrew said giving her another kiss.

Meanwhile across the platform, RJ and Alexa were having their own goodbye.

"Promise me you'll write?" Alexa asked him. "I know you're busy but--"

"I'm not that great of a writer," he admitted. "But I'll try, Lexie."

"Just a note every now and again?" Alexa let her hands creep up over his chest to his shoulders. The new step they'd taken in their relationship made her feel more confident than ever that they'd be able to make the distance work out.

"I think I could do that," RJ said giving her a kiss. "I wish you could be there for my first match."

"I'll be listening on the Wireless," she promised.

"And tonight when you go to sleep," RJ said nuzzling her neck. "You can remember what we did last night..."

"Right," she giggled. "And the night before that..."

"And what we'll do every night of Christmas holiday," RJ said.

Alexa kissed him again. "I'm really going to miss you."

"How much?" he asked, putting his hands on her waist.

"More than you know," she leaned in.

"You could always drop out and move in with me and live a life of debauchery," RJ said wickedly before claiming her lips.

Alexa laughed as they kissed again. "Don't tempt me."

"But I'm so good at it," RJ said huskily.

"You definitely are," she agreed softly, running her hands through his hair.

"All aboard!" someone said off in the distance.

Alexa tried to pull away from her boyfriend, but he held on to her tightly. "Not yet..."

"RJ..." she almost melted against him. "I have to go I just don't want to."

RJ kissed her again. "Okay..."

"I'll miss you," she said, not letting go as they walked towards the train.

"Not as much as I'll miss you," he said kissing her again, walking her backwards toward the train. They received some dirty looks from some of the parents, but ignored anything and everything but each other.

Alexa kept her mouth pressed to his as she stumbled up onto the first step of the train.

"I love you, Alexa O'Leary," he said as the train started to pull away from the station.

"I love you too RJ," she called out. "Write me!"

RJ waved and Alexa stuck her head out waving back until she could no longer see him.

Saffron had told her she would meet up with her in their usual compartment so that's where Alexa headed.

Saffron was still wiping at her eyes when her best friend came in.

"Saffy---" Alexa said sympathetically.

"I'm okay," Saffron said. "I'm just going to miss him so much Lex."

"I know," Alexa said sitting down beside her best friend. She noticed the locket around her best friend's neck. "Did your mum let you have it?"

"Andrew bought me one," Saffron said. "Isn't it gorgeous? He just gave it to me now."

"Oh, Saffy," Alexa gasped. "That's so romantic!"

"You're holding up so much better than me," Saffron pulled another tissue from her pocket. "Is it because you and RJ are... intimate and everything?"

Alexa blushed. "I'll probably cry my eyes out when I go to sleep tonight, but so far, I'm doing okay..."

"We haven't had much of a chance to talk about everything," Saffron made sure the door was shut. "What's it like?"

"Well," Alexa said thoughtfully. "It's absolutely incredible. He's just...he's....gentle and caring and he was so scared he was hurting me..."

Saffron smiled at her friend. "Does it make you feel different?"

Alexa nodded. "I can't really describe just do. I know I'm still me and RJ's still RJ, but it's just...different."

"I'm really happy for you guys," Saffron said reaching into her bag for a tissue. Her eyes caught sight of the letter Gabriel had asked her to give to Alexa. She pulled out the envelope and handed it to her friend. "It's from Gabe."

"He wrote me a letter?" Alexa asked in surprise.

"Yeah- he said it was just a goodbye," Saffron stuffed the tissues into her bag.

"Oh," Alexa said staring at the letter. "He's gone?"

"Back in California," Saffron nodded. "Oh guess who I saw at the station."

"Who?" Alexa asked.

"Peter," Saffron leaned back against the seat. "He's like he was at the beginning of last term."

"No longer Mister Ego then?" Alexa asked.

"Doesn't seem like it," Saffron replied. "And I'm really not angry with him anymore. I think part of that is because Andrew's been a good influence."

"Maybe you can be friends like you were before," Alexa said thoughtfully.

"Never say never," Saffron opened up her locket. "I already miss Andrew so much."

"We're going to be so much fun at the feast tonight, aren't we?" Alexa asked shaking her head. "We'll be crying throughout the sorting."

Her friend's expression made Saffron laugh a bit through her tears. "We're like a couple of old wives aren't we?"

Alexa giggled. "Do you remember our third year when Stephanie Rollins was bawling the entire meal? We made such fun of her because she was in agony over her boyfriend back home. And you and I both wondered why someone would get so crazy over a boy."

"And we both swore we would never get that way," Saffron was still crying but now it was from laughing so hard.

"And look at us now," Alexa said leaning in her seat. "We're just as bad. No, we're worse."

"I think we're worse," Saffron agreed. "Much, much worse."

"At least we're in it together," Alexa said smiling at her friend. "We know exactly what the other is going through."

"Right," Saffron said. "I'm so glad we're still here together at least."

"Me too," Alexa agreed.

"And as much as I hate it," Saffron said looking at her watch. "I need to go and do rounds."

"I'll be here," Alexa laid back. "I feel like I haven't read a book in ages."

"Because you've been doing other things," Saffron teased her.

Alexa giggled. "Go and wield your power, you prefect!"

Saffron smiled at her before heading down the corridor.

Alexa looked down at the envelope that was still in her lap. With a heavy heart, she picked it up and opened it.


I wanted to start off by apologising again for the one day we were at the bakery. I overstepped my bounds with you. You've been a good friend to me since I came to England and I'm sorry that things ended the way they did.

But I'm not sorry that I met you and that you became such a good friend. You, Andrew, Saffron and RJ all accepted me into your group and for that I'm extremely grateful.

I hope maybe we'll be able to be friends despite how things were by the time I left.



Alexa wiped at her eyes. She couldn't believe he'd taken the time to write to her. After the way things had ended at the wedding, she was sure that he'd never wanted to see her again. And she had wondered whether anything had happened between him and Danielle.

She pulled out her quill and a piece of parchment to write back to him but couldn't think of what to say. She hoped perhaps Saffron could help her write a letter to him.

Saffron went up and down the corridors a few times but no one seemed to be misbehaving yet. Her meeting with the other prefects and the Head Boy and Girl had not taken long and she was just heading back to her compartment when she ran into Peter again.

"Hiya, Saffy," Peter said politely. "Long time no see."

"Hi Peter," Saffron smiled at him but kept her guard. "It's nice to see you again."

Peter stuck his hands in his pockets and looked down at his feet. In light of everything that had happened, he wouldn't have been surprised if she'd told him to jump off the train. But, he was trying to put his life back together.

"I missed out on being a prefect," Peter finally said looking at her. "I really was a complete idiot last year."

"We all make mistakes," Saffron replied. "It's not always easy to bounce back."

"I'm lucky I wasn't kicked out of school," Peter said quietly.

"Yeah but you came forward and nailed Christina Grant," Saffron replied. "You could have gotten in huge trouble but you spoke up. That took courage."

"I should never have become involved with her in the first place," Peter said. "But she knew how insecure I was about you and RJ and she played on that."

"She deserved what she got and a lot more than that," Saffron said. "I've never seen Dumbledore so angry before."

Peter shuddered at the memory of it. The headmaster had been completely livid when he'd found out exactly what Christina had done. "I really am sorry for what happened, Saffy. All of it."

"I know," Saffron nodded. "But it's all in the past- we can't change any of it."

"Do you think we could be friends again?" Peter asked her. "I know we can never go back to how we were before, but your friendship always meant so much to me. And I don't have an agenda, Saffy. Really. I'm not trying to win you back because I know you're with Andrew Kirke and you love him. I just want to be your friend, if you'll let me."

Saffron looked at him a moment. "Might be nice to have my old study partner back," she said.

Peter smiled. "Really?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "I mean, we're in almost all the same classes and everything."

"We are," Peter agreed. "And I know you can't wait to get back to Quidditch."

"I really want to be captain this year," Saffron replied. "And I wonder who our Head of House is since McGonagall retired. At least yours is still the same."

"I wouldn't be surprised if your sister was," Peter said thoughtfully.

"She didn't say anything to me about it," Saffron leaned against the wall as some first years went past. "But maybe she doesn't know either."

"I imagine you have captain locked up," Peter told her. "Your dad was captain of his house team during his sixth year right?"

"Right," Saffron nodded.

"I'll let you get back," Peter said. "I was just on my way to find a quiet spot to get in some reading."

"That's what Lex is doing back in our compartment," Saffron said. "Um... you're welcome to join us if you want. I'm almost done with my patrol."

"That's okay," Peter said not wanting to overstep his bounds. "I might catch up with you guys later. Perhaps we could share a carriage to the castle?"

"Sure," Saffron nodded. "We'll meet you just off the train in Hogsmeade."

Peter grinned at her. "I'll see you then."

"Bye Peter," Saffron smiled and went on her way.

Beth and Mimi had joined Alexa in the compartment and both were peppering her with questions about RJ and Serena Starr. Saffron rolled her eyes as she sat down beside her best friend.

"She's such a tart," Beth was saying. "If RJ would prefer her over you..."

"He doesn't," Alexa said for what seemed like the tenth time. "They're just friends, Beth."

"Yeah but she's always all over him," Beth protested. "I mean it's so obvious that she's got a thing for him!"

"Well, yes, but he's not into her," Alexa said. "Can we please talk about something else?"

Mimi grinned. "Yes! Saffy, I'm glad you're here. You can tell us all about your hot cousin. What's he like? Is he single? Could you introduce me?"

Saffron raised an eyebrow. "How did you lot hear about Gabe?"

"Duh!" Mimi giggled. "It was in all the papers, Saffy."

"Well it might be hard to introduce you," Saffron replied. "He's a Muggle and he lives in California."

"Oooh!" Mimi squealed. "You're so lucky, Saffy! You have a hot cousin and a hot brother! I saw those photos of him and Maddie in the paper. How lucky is she?"

"I loved her dress," Mimi chimed in. "And it's so romantic how she used to have this massive crush on him and he finally took notice of her...."

Saffron was amused. "I don't think of my brother that way. To me he's a huge smelly prat."

"Not to me," Mimi said pretending to swoon. "He's yummy."

"Gross," Saffron giggled. "It was a gorgeous wedding though. Lexie caught the bouquet!"

"Lex!" Beth exclaimed. "You didn't tell us!"

"I didn't get a chance to," Alexa finally gave up on trying to read.

"That means you'll be next!" Beth teased nudging her friend. "Alexa Weasley...that has a very nice ring to it."

"Stop," Alexa laughed, her face going bright red.

"Alexa O'Leary Weasley," Mimi announced in a dramatic tone. "And Saffron Potter Kirke."

"That does sound rather nice," Saffron smiled lazily. "I wish Andrew was still in school."

"You'll see him during Hogsmeade weekends," Beth said encouragingly.

"They feel so long away," Saffron crossed her arms. "And I wish I could have brought my little Puddles."

The woman with the snack trolley passed their compartment door and Beth and Mimi excused themselves to buy some treats. Alexa was happy to have her best friend to herself for a few moments.

"Sickle for your thoughts?" Saffron asked her friend.

"I'm glad you're back," Alexa said. "I want to write a letter to Gabe but I'm not sure what to say."

"I take it you read his letter?" Saffron asked. "What did it say?"

"Just that he was sorry that things ended up the way they did and he was glad he met all of us," Alexa said, pulling it out and handing it to her friend.

Saffron took the letter and read it with a thoughtful expression on her face. Her heart went out to her cousin who had been through so much the last few months.

"Nothing happened between him and Danielle Weasley," Saffron told Alexa. "She certainly tried..."

Alexa found that she was pleased at this bit of information.

"Dani's a big flirt," Saffron said. "Always has been."

"She's really pretty," Alexa replied.

Saffron nodded. "She looks exactly like Fleur and she's completely spoiled because she's the youngest of five."

Alexa smiled. "How are your brother and Maddie enjoying their honeymoon?"

"Having the time of their lives," Saffron replied. "Sun, fun and shagging. I don't imagine they'll want to come back."

"I know I certainly wouldn't want to leave," Alexa said.

Saffron smiled. "I hope you don't mind, but I kind of invited Peter to ride to the castle with us."

Alexa's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "I don't mind, Saffy."

"He really does feel bad about what happened," Saffron said.

"And he did come forward and confess what he'd done," Alexa said thoughtfully. "He didn't have to do that."

"He told me he doesn't have an agenda," Saffron pulled her knees up to her chest. "That he wants us to be friends again. When I write to Andrew I'm going to tell him about it."

"Good idea," Alexa said. "I wonder what Andrew and RJ are doing now..."

"Missing us I hope," Saffron said with a grin.

"Of course," Alexa said grinning back at her.

She pulled out a spare piece of parchment and started to write the letter to Gabe.


I'm sorry that we didn't have a chance to have a proper goodbye. And I'm sorry that things happened the way they did. But I'm not sorry that I met you. I really meant it when I said I wanted us to be friends.

"What are you doing?" Saffron asked as she studied her locket.

"Writing to Gabe," Alexa replied looking up from the letter.

"Can I see?" Saffron asked.

Alexa nodded and handed over what she had so far. "I never meant to hurt him, Saffy."

"I know you didn't," Saffron replied. "He knows that too."

Alexa nodded. "What do you think? Does it sound okay?"

"Yeah," Saffron said. "I'll make sure it gets to my Aunt Lav and she'll send it to Gabriel."

"Thanks," Alexa said gratefully.

"I can't believe you took the last pack of Bertie Botts," Beth was complaining to Mimi.

Mimi rolled her eyes. "Don't blame me. I imagine those first-years got to them first. It's not my fault they didn't plan better, Beth."

Beth sat down in a huff. "Well you could have at least asked before snatching them up like that."

"I'll share them with you," Mimi offered.

"Okay," Beth grumbled. "Bloody first years. I know we were never like that."

"Oh please," Saffron laughed at her friends. "We were all like that. No parents telling us we couldn't eat all the sweets we wanted..."

Alexa smiled as she remembered her first ever train ride on the Hogwarts express.

She'd been completely nervous and hadn't slept a wink the night before. Luckily, she'd found a nice girl who had taken pity on her and showed her how to get through onto the platform. Unfortunately, she'd lost that girl in the crowd and was trying to find somewhere to sit. All around her, older children were scurrying to find their own spots and talking excitedly with old friends.

She was jostled by everyone else scrambling for the train and she quickly boarded, hoping she'd still be able to find somewhere to sit.

"Get out of the way," a very tall boy with blonde hair hissed as he pushed her out of his way.

Alexa felt tears welling up in her eyes and she thought very seriously about getting off the train and running into her mother's arms.

"There you are," someone said tapping her on the shoulder. Alexa turned to see the same brown-haired girl who had helped her earlier.

"Hi," Alexa said wiping at her eyes. "I don't know where I'm going..."

"We can go find a compartment to sit in," the girl said. "Maddie said she'd save a seat for me and you can join us."

"Thanks," Alexa said gratefully. "I-I don't know anyone."

"You know me," the girl smiled. "I'm Saffron Potter."

"Alexa O'Leary," Alexa said smiling back at her. "Is this your first year, too?"

"Yeah," Saffron nodded. "But my brother and sister have both gone here so I know all about the school."

Alexa nodded. "Wow...I'm an only child and the only person in my family to be a...well, to be a witch."

"That's cool," Saffron stopped suddenly. "I'll introduce you to my friend RJ. He's a third year."

Alexa watched as Saffron slid open a door where a blonde girl was sitting with two boys. The two boys were playing some sort of game and the girl was staring out the window with a dreamy expression on her face.

The red-haired boy groaned when he saw who had come inside the compartment. "Saffron, you're not old enough to be at Hogwarts..."

"Shut up RJ," Saffron pushed him aside. "I'm eleven now!"

"RJ, remember what mum and dad said," the blonde girl said in a soft voice. "You're to be nice."

RJ rolled his eyes. "Not to Saffy, Maddie."

"Since he's forgotten his manners," Saffron said to the other boy in the compartment. "I'll introduce myself. I'm Saffron Potter. And you are---"

"Andrew Kirke," he replied.

"Nice to meet you Andrew," Saffron said. "This is my new friend Alexa O'Leary."

"Hiya," Andrew said politely.

"Nice to meet you, Alexa," Maddie said. "I'm Maddie Weasley. And this is my little brother, RJ."

"RJ's a big dork," Saffron explained. "But Maddie's really cool."

"If there's any justice in this world, you'll get sorted into Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff," RJ said glaring at her.

"S-sorted?" Alexa asked Saffron.

"When we get to school us first years have to get sorted," Saffron explained. "There are four houses. I bet we both get into Gryffindor."

"You have to face a dragon," RJ said with a gleam in his eyes. "And then a mountain troll..."

"Shut up RJ we do not," Saffron gave him a dirty look.

"How would you know?" RJ asked her. "You've never been sorted."

"Ease up, mate," Andrew said clapping his friend on the back. "You're scaring them."

"RJ," Maddie said disapprovingly. "Be nice."

"I'm being nice," RJ said sitting back down. "Alexa thinks I'm being nice, don't you?"

"Um..." Alexa said nervously as he smiled at her. "Sure..."

"See?" RJ said beaming at Saffron. "I'm nice."

"Whatever," Saffron rolled her eyes. "When does the witch with the sweets cart usually come by?"

"Any minute, I expect," Andrew replied.

"Good," Saffron eagerly reached for her money pouch.

"Are you Muggle born?" Maddie asked the younger girl. "You look a little lost..."

"Yes," Alexa said shyly.

"Don't listen to my brother, you don't have to face a dragon or a troll," Maddie said. "And he was just as scared as you were on his first day at Hogwarts, too. Our older brothers had him convinced he was going to have to sacrifice a live chicken..."

Saffron laughed. "Jon and Josh are the best."

"I knew they were joking," RJ scoffed.

Maddie shook her head. "You did not, RJ."

"Maddie," RJ glared at her. "You're not supposed to be against me!"

"I'm on your side when you're not trying to scare people," Maddie reminded him.

"They basically make you sit up in front of everyone with a hat on your head," Andrew explained to Alexa, who still looked a bit terrified. "And the hat shouts out the name of the house you'll be in all seven years at Hogwarts."

"W-what house are all of you in?" Alexa asked.

"Gryffindor," Maddie replied. "Weasleys are always sorted into Gryffindor."

"RJ should have been a Hufflepuff," Saffron teased. "He's really a big chicken."

"Shut up Saffron," RJ replied. "Especially if you want to make the House team in a few years."

"I'd make it my first year if I tried out," Saffron retorted. "But I want to concentrate on my studies for now."

"Sure," RJ smirked at her.

Maddie explained to Alexa the four houses at Hogwarts.

Alexa looked down at her lap. She wasn't very brave. There was no way she'd get sorted into Gryffindor. She'd probably get into Hufflepuff and be far away from the only people she knew.

"Can we sit with you lot?" Two girls who also looked to be first years poked their heads inside.

"Everywhere else is full," one of the girls said.

"Of course," Maddie smiled at them. "We've still got room here."

One of the girls gaped at Saffron. "Oh! I know who you are! You're the Minister's daughter! And your father is Harry Potter!"

Saffron blushed a little. "Yeah..."

"I'm Beth Murphy," the girl gushed. "And this is Mimi Doyle. I can't believe I'm actually meeting you."

Alexa watched this and wondered what was going on. She didn't know who Harry Potter was and she certainly didn't realise the Prime Minister's daughter was a witch.

"Nice to meet you both too," Saffron said. "This is Alexa O'Leary, Andrew Kirke and Maddie Weasley."

"Hey what about me!" RJ squawked.

"Stray dog," Saffron said dismissively.

"Saffy," Maddie was laughing. "This is my brother, RJ Weasley."

"Hello, ladies," RJ said winking at Mimi and Beth who giggled.

"So suave," Saffron laughed at him.

"You'll have to forgive my brother," Maddie said to Alexa. "He's suddenly realised girls aren't stupid. He's a bit of a walking hormone these days."

"MADDIE!" RJ's face turned as red as his hair.

"You are," Maddie said waving her hand.

"This is why I worship you Maddie," Saffron laughed.

"She's as bad as Josh and Jon," RJ grumbled.

"Do you two always fight like this?" Andrew asked.

RJ looked at his best friend. "Do you remember me telling you about that annoying 10-year old who kept following me around this summer? This would be her..."

"For the last time, I'm 11," Saffron said glaring at him.

"You used to follow me around," Maddie told her brother. "And told everyone you were a fae--" RJ clamped a hand over her mouth.

"Maddie, please shut up," RJ hissed.

"There she is," Saffron jumped up. "Alexa come out with me and we'll get some sweets!"

"Okay," Alexa said getting to her feet. She followed Saffron out into the corridor. "Um, Saffron...I didn't know you were the Prime Minister's daughter. I didn't even know he had a daughter..."

"I'm not the Prime Minister's daughter," Saffron said picking some treats off the trolley.

"But they said---" Alexa said pulling a confused face.

"I'm the Minister for Magic's daughter," Saffron replied. "In the Wizarding World, we have a whole different government system."

"So your mother is the most powerful woman in the Wizarding world then?" Alexa asked.

"I guess," Saffron replied. "I guess you could say that."

Alexa sighed. "I have so much to learn."

Saffron giggled. "We'll have all our classes together so I'll help you with anything you need to know."

"We probably won't be in the same house," Alexa said.

"I think we might," Saffron said. "I mean, you were brave enough to come to a school you knew nothing about."

"I'm not brave," Alexa said shaking her head. "I couldn't sleep last night because I was so afraid about being around people I didn't know..."

"Well now you know us," Saffron smiled at her. "And you and I will be the best of friends, I just know it."

"Promise?" Alexa asked smiling back at her.

"Promise," Saffron grinned.

Alexa felt much better and she decided that perhaps she would buy some sweets. She looked at the cart and her jaw dropped. "Chocolate frogs?"

Saffron giggled. "They're really fun and they have collectible cards in them."

"I'll take two then," Alexa said.

"Bertie Botts are good but you have to be careful with them," Saffron said. "We can share mine. The liquorice snaps are my favourites."

Alexa nodded and Saffron helped her sort out the money. She was still getting used to Wizard currency. Before long, both girls returned to the compartment.

"Get me anything?" RJ asked grinning at Alexa.

"W-what?" she asked nervously. "Um..."

"No," Saffron handed a few pumpkin pasties to Maddie.

"You can have one of my Chocolate Frogs if you want," Alexa said, her face flaming.

"You should give Saf lessons," RJ said reaching out for one of the frogs.

"Whatever RJ," Saffron replied. "Go buy your own sweets."

"Thanks, Alexa," RJ said ignoring Saffron. "You're sweet."

"I... I... am?" Alexa stammered.

"Sweeter than a chocolate frog," RJ said winking at her before turning his attention to Andrew. "Come on, mate. Let's go find Jason."

"Right," Andrew said. "Nice meeting you girls." he smiled at all four of them.

"Bye, Andrew," Saffron said waving at him.

"Little did you know," Beth giggled. "That you'd be head over heels for Andrew and Alexa and RJ would be couple of the century."

Mimi laughed. "And you could barely string two words together around him, Lex."

"I think I fancied him as soon as he talked to me for the first time," Alexa replied.

"Awwww," Mimi cooed. "That's so sweet!"

Saffron leaned back and opened her locket again. "Look what Andrew gave me today before I got on the train."

"That's gorgeous," Mimi said smiling at her. "I want an Andrew!"

Saffron giggled. "You can't have mine!"

"I wouldn't dare take you on," Mimi said. "I'm scared to death of you."

Beth and Alexa started laughing.

"You can be a bit scary," Mimi said hastily to Saffron.

"Thanks, I think." Saffron grinned at her.

"And we love her just the same," Alexa said nudging her friend.

"Everyone does," Saffron said dramatically.

Mimi, Beth, and Alexa laughed.

"Everyone except for Snape," Mimi said. "And Christina Grant."

"I hope Oliver Wood loves me," Saffron giggled.

"Saffy!" Beth squealed.

"I really can't believe he's our new headmaster," Mimi sighed. "He's still so dreamy!"

"You guys, he's old enough to be our father," Alexa pointed out.

"I like older men," Mimi declared.

Beth giggled. "He's certainly older..."

"Better looking with age." Saffron interjected.

"I love listening to him talk," Mimi said dreamily. "I heard him on the Wireless a few days ago and I nearly turned into a puddle of goo...that accent!"

Alexa shook her head and sat back. "We all have accents."

"Yes, but his is ...well, it's...," Mimi stammered, searching for the right word. ""

"Meems, I hope you never change," Saffron tossed a Bertie Botts at her.

Mimi beamed at her. "I hope we all stay just like this."

"Friends always," Beth said nodding.

*** *** ***

Ethan and Maddie had been on their honeymoon for about four days now. They were both enjoying the time spent alone with one another and the nights were just as active as the days.

"We could go out for dinner tonight," Maddie said as Ethan came back from taking a shower. They had spent a good deal of that day at the beach trying to get tanned.

"That sounds good," Ethan said running his hand through his damp hair. "Nice to eat something other than room service, right?"

"Right," Maddie grinned at him.

"Do you have any place in mind?" Ethan asked his wife.

"We could ask the concierge," Maddie suggested. "They should be able to give us some great ideas."

Ethan nodded. "Give me a couple minutes to get dressed and then we can get out of here."

"Sure," Maddie leaned in and gave him a kiss.

"You got quite a bit of sun today, Mrs. Potter," Ethan said touching her nose.

"So did you," Maddie gave him a dreamy smile. "You have freckles."

Ethan grinned. "They tend to come out when I get out in the sun."

"I think it makes you look very cute," Maddie kissed him again.

"Just cute?" he asked tickling her side.

"Oh I think you're more than cute," she giggled. "You're handsome, sweet, loving and my favourite person in the world."

"Much better," he said before kissing her.

She kept her arms wrapped around him. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of kissing you," Maddie said softly when they pulled apart.

"I should hope not," Ethan said. "We'll be doing that for the rest of our lives."

"I love you Ethan James," she closed her eyes as he kissed her again.

"And I love you, Madeline Molly," Ethan said softly.

They kissed for several minutes before Ethan pulled away. "Where are you going?" Maddie asked.

"To get dressed so we can go eat," Ethan said. "Because if we keep doing this, we'll never get out of here, Mads."

"I guess you're right," she smiled. "I don't want to have an empty stomach later."

"Nope," Ethan said smiling back at her. "We'll need out strength for later."

She fiddled with her hair while Ethan got dressed. "Think I look all right in this?" she asked him.

Ethan's jaw dropped as he took in his wife. She was wearing a black dress with embroidered white flowers along the hem. It hugged her curves in all the right places. "You look beautiful."

Maddie pecked him on the lips. "And I'm married to such a handsome man."

Ethan laughed. "I'm just in trousers and a dress shirt, Maddie."

"But you look so good like this," she said dreamily.

"Thank you," Ethan said winking at her. "You ready to go?"

Maddie nodded and grabbed her purse from the chair.

Ethan took her hand and led her out of the room. He couldn't remember ever feeling so happy or relaxed in his entire life.

"I'm sort of in the mood for some fish," Maddie said. "It's so fresh here, and I love the way they make it."

Ethan pressed the button for the lift and smiled at his wife. "Whatever you want, Maddie."

"I know what I want right now," she gave him a kiss.

He pulled her close. "Me?"

"I always want you," Maddie said huskily in his ear.

Ethan grinned and was about to give his wife another kiss when the lift pinged open.

Maddie pulled away guiltily and smiled at the elderly couple who got on. "What floor did you want?" she asked.

"The lobby, dear," the woman replied.

"That's where we're headed too," Maddie replied.

"Don't you two make a lovely pair," the woman said smiling at Maddie.

"Thank you," Maddie said with a grin. "We just got married, actually."

"Congratulations!" the woman exclaimed. "Bert and I are here for our 40th wedding anniversary."

"How lovely," Maddie said. "Congratulations to you as well!"

"Have you got any advice for us?" Ethan asked.

Bert laughed. "Edna and I just keep the romance alive."

"I don't imagine they're having too much trouble with that now," Edna said smiling at Maddie.

"I hope someday we'll be in the same position," Maddie said. "Giving this sort of advice to some newlyweds in the lift."

"I think you will," Edna said. "You two seem to be very much in love."

"We are," Ethan wound his arms back around her. "Very much so."

The lift pinged open and both of the couples stepped out of the lift.

"Enjoy your honeymoon," Edna said to Maddie and Ethan.

"You enjoy your 40th anniversary as well," Maddie said. "It was lovely meeting you both."

Ethan squeezed Maddie's hand as they watched the older couple walk away.

"We'll have to come back here on our big anniversaries," Ethan said. "Fifth...tenth...fifteenth..."

Maddie grinned at him. "Because you, Mr. Potter, are stuck with me."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Ethan said pecking her on the cheek.

"That all you got?" Maddie asked.

Ethan laughed. "I didn't want to maul you in public."

"It's only mauling if I don't like it..." she flirted.

Ethan pulled her close and kissed her passionately. When they pulled apart, they were both quite breathless and Maddie looked dazed.

"Better?" he asked her.

"Mmmhmm..." Maddie replied.

They found a place to eat just down the road and came back to the room completely stuffed. "I think I made my father proud tonight," Maddie patted her stomach.

"I'd love to know where you put it all," Ethan said. "I've never seen a woman eat like you do."

"Well it's all about working it off," Maddie said with a devilish glint in her eye.

"Planning on going for a jog, are you?" Ethan asked teasingly. "Or did you want to do something else..."

"Something else..." Maddie ran her hands over his chest.

"I like this train of thought of yours," Ethan said before kissing her.

"I thought you might," Maddie pulled away. "And I have another surprise for you."

Ethan grinned. "What sort of surprise?"

"Get yourself undressed and in bed and you'll see..." Maddie said mysteriously.

Ethan stared at her. "O--Kay," he said slipping out of his shoes.

She disappeared into the bathroom as Ethan dropped his clothes next to the bed. "Are you ready?" Maddie called out teasingly.

Ethan slid under the covers and leaned back against the pillows. "I'm ready."

Maddie opened the door and posed in the frame. "Well?" she asked, a smile curving her lips up.

Ethan would have responded if he was capable of speech, but words failed him at that moment.

Tonight Maddie had chosen to wear one of the lingerie sets that Frankie had given her at the shower- it was a very light pink and didn't leave much to the imagination.

"Uh---uh," Ethan stammered. "Whoa...."

"I think you like it," Maddie crawled onto the bed, her hair swinging down over her shoulders.

"You look amazing," Ethan said unable to take his eyes off of her.

"Thank you," she purred, feeling more seductive than she ever had in her life.

"Who---who gave this to you?" Ethan said running his hand up her arm.

"Frankie," Maddie answered softly.

"Remind me to thank her," Ethan said leaning in.

Maddie closed her eyes as his lips met hers. Ethan's fingers tangled in her hair as he pulled her down on top of him.

"Mads," Ethan breathed against her skin.

"Yes Ethan?" she asked huskily.

"As much as I like this," Ethan said pulling one of the straps of her negligee down. "I want you out of it."

"I knew it wouldn't stay on long," Maddie said with a grin.

Ethan grinned back at her. "It's your fault for looking so good in it."

"Only the best for you Potter," Maddie helped him slide it off.

Ethan pulled her back down onto the bed. "I love you like this."

"What, completely starkers?" she asked with a giggle. "I happen to like you this way as well."

"Too bad we can't be like this always," Ethan said laughing.

"We could join a nudist colony," Maddie teased.

Ethan laughed. "Your dad would kill me."

"Can you imagine how it would be when I had a vision?" Maddie asked. "Running back to the Ministry with no clothes on?"

"You'd be in violation of their dress code," Ethan said. "And Justin would probably not be too crazy about me showing up to work starkers."

"Probably not," Maddie agreed. "Besides, I like it that I'm the only one who gets to see you like this."

"My thoughts exactly," Ethan said.

Maddie kissed him again. "I want you inside me Ethan..."

"Your wish," Ethan said, manoeuvring it so she was on her back. "Is my command..."

She arched her back as her husband slid into her.

"Right where I wanted to be," Ethan whispered in her ear as they started to move together.

Maddie wanted to tell him again how much she loved him but was incapable of speaking as the passion between them grew. It was all she could do to keep herself from crying out as loud as she could.

"God, Maddie!" Ethan moaned.

She clenched her teeth together as she gripped onto his back.

Ethan thrust into her one last time.

"Ethan," she cried as her body came up off the bed.

Ethan held onto her as he tried to regain his bearings. He rested his head on her shoulder.

"That was the best time yet..." Maddie whispered.

Ethan kissed her shoulder. "Yeah..."

Maddie wound her arms around him. "Promise me we'll always be this close."

"I promise you," he said softly. "Always."

"I want to be just like that couple we met tonight," she said. "Celebrating 40 and more years of marriage."

"And having lots of children and grandchildren?" Ethan asked her.

"Yes, definitely," Maddie smiled at him. "I want to be surrounded by them."

"You Weasleys do have lots and lots of kids," Ethan said smiling back at her.

"You're an honorary Weasley now," Maddie pressed her lips to his.

"Love you, Mads," he said.

"Love you too," she said. "Want to call it an early night?"

Ethan nodded. "You're worn me out."

"Look who's talking," Maddie returned.

Ethan pulled the covers around them. "You're a bad influence on me."

She giggled. "Bet you'd have never thought that, aye?"

Ethan pulled her close. "Not in a million years."