Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Tonight's chapter finds the kids returning from Hogwarts and the beginning of the Brighton beach holiday! And---Amy is on vacation this weekend so we did not have a chance to answer interview questions, but they will be back next week! So if you asked a question in last chapter's reviews, don't worry, you'll get an answer next chapter! Please keep the questions coming!

"Mummy," Isabelle Barron tugged at Frankie's cloak. "Where's the train? I want to see Hannah!"

"I know baby," Frankie replied. "I can't wait to see her either."

Will looked at his watch. "Five minutes, Izzie."

"Daddy," Nathan said. "When do we get to go to Hogwarts?"

"You've still got a few years, mate," Will replied with a grin.

"Listen," Frankie said. "I think I hear the train in the distance."

Nathan and Isabelle stepped a few feet ahead of their parents and Frankie shared a worried look with Will.

"It's okay, Frankie." Will assured his wife. "We have nothing to worry about."

Frankie nodded. A few days ago, they had learned that David Wright had a parole hearing coming up next week. There was a small chance that he might be paroled for good behaviour. Neville had reassured his daughter that this was nearly impossible given the nature of the crime.

"I just can't believe that horrible man could be prowling the streets next week," she said as Will put an arm around her.

"Impossible," Will reassured her.

"I hope so," Frankie said. "Ooooh I do wish that train would hurry! I can't wait to see her."

"I know," Will said. Their oldest had not been home since Easter.

"I bet Hannah brings us something," Isabelle said.

"You think so?" Frankie asked tugging affectionately on Isabelle's plait.

"A present," Isabelle nodded.

"I missed her," Nathan said as they heard the whistle of the train.

"I missed her too," Isabelle said, retreating to Will's side.

Will put his arms around her. "We all did."

"Em!" Nathan pointed as he saw his cousin.

"Hi!" Emma exclaimed, waving at him.

"Em!" Isabelle ran to give her a hug. "Where's Livvie and Adam?"

"Over there," Emma motioned. Frankie turned to see her sister and Jon with their two youngest children.

"Hi Frankie," Allison smiled at her sister. "We came just in time!"

Frankie gave her a hug. "I know you're ready to see Caroline."

"So ready," Allison replied. "I miss her so much while she's gone."

"That's because she's your clone," Frankie teased.

"I like Caroline better than Emma," Adam announced.

Jon nudged his son. "Adam, that's not nice."

"I didn't do anything to you," Emma frowned at him.

"He loves you, Em," Jon reassured her.

"Only sometimes," Adam said mischievously.

"You're going to miss me when I'm gone," Emma told him.

"I get to have your room," Adam replied.

Emma turned to Allison. "Mum!"

Olivia pinched Adam's arm. "Nice to Em!"

"Ow!" Adam yelped. "Mummy!"

"All of you behave," Allison said as Jon picked up Olivia.
"I'm not making you mud pie tonight." Emma told her brother. Mud pies were Emma's specialty and a recipe she'd discovered on her own.

"You can't leave me out!" Adam retorted.

"Yes I can," Emma said smugly.

Thankfully, the train had arrived, cutting off their argument.

"Where's Hannah?" Isabelle craned her neck. "Daddy, pick me up!"

Will swung her up onto his shoulders. "Let me know if you see her, love."

Hannah hurried to get off the train. She'd had fun on the ride home but was anxious to see her family.

"Hannah!" Hannah smiled as she heard Isabelle's voice through the crowd.

She saw them waiting near the platform and bolted off the train, pushing through the crowd.

Hannah ran toward her parents and siblings. Nathan reached her first and Hannah hugged him tightly. "Nate!"

"I missed you," Nathan said as Isabelle slammed into them.

"I missed you guys, too!" Hannah exclaimed, kneeling down to hug them both.

"And us?" Will asked his daughter. "You forgot about us?"

Hannah giggled. "Daddy!"

Frankie hugged her daughter tightly. "I thought about you every day." she said. "I've missed you so, so much."

"I missed you too, Mummy," Hannah said. "And I have so much to tell you!"

"I can't wait to hear it," Frankie said as Will scooped her up.

"This can't be my little girl," Will said hugging her. "She's so grown up."

Hannah laughed. "I'm not THAT grown up yet, Daddy."

"We have loads planned," Isabelle said. "Mummy's made spaghetti and we're going to watch movies and you're going to sleep in my room tonight!"

"That sounds like so much fun," Hannah said. "I can't wait."

"I'll go and get your trunk," Will said. "I'll be right back."

"Okay," Frankie said as Hannah saw Emma and made a beeline for her.

"Em!" Hannah squealed.

"Hannah!" Emma hugged her best friend. "You have to tell me EVERYTHING about Hogwarts!"

"I will," Hannah promised.

"Can you come over tonight?" Emma asked. "You can have Adam's mud pie."

Hannah shook her head. "I promised Izzie and Nathan, but maybe tomorrow we can have a sleepover or something?"

Emma grinned. "Okay."

"And just think," Hannah said. "Next time, I board that train, you'll be boarding with me!"

"I know," Emma's eyes gleamed. "You have to tell me about all the feasts."

Hannah giggled. She knew that would be the most important thing to Emma. "You'll have fun with Caroline tonight."

"I will," Emma said. "I'll owl you tomorrow."

"Bye," Hannah gave her another hug.

"Got your trunk, Hannah." Will said. "Are you ready to go?"

Hannah nodded. "I'm ready to go home, Daddy."

Frankie took both her daughters' hands. "Guess what, Hannah?"

"What?" Hannah asked.

"Mallory's coming for a visit next week," Frankie told her. She and Mallory had come to peace with one another over time. She still didn't feel completely comfortable around the other woman but in general had no problems with her anymore.

"Really?" Hannah asked with a grin.

"She sure is," Frankie replied. "And very eager to see you."

"I've missed her," Hannah said. "And I can't wait to show her the photographs I have of my mother."

"What photographs?" Frankie asked.

"Oh," Hannah said. "Professor Graves remembers my mother. She gave me some old photographs of her when she was at Hogwarts. She was in Gryffindor like me and she loved Herbology best just like me."

"How lovely," Frankie said. "You'll have to show them to me later."

"I will," Hannah said.

"Me too," Isabelle asked.

"Of course, you too," Hannah said taking Isabelle's hand.

The Barron family got home quickly and Hannah went to her room to put away her things. She felt a rush of happiness at the sight of her bedroom. She loved the dormitory at Hogwarts but it was nothing like home.

"Do you need any help?" Frankie asked.

"That would be nice," Hannah smiled at her mother.

"So, how were your final exams?" Hannah asked.

Frankie asked.

"They were good," Hannah said. "Except Snape's, but Caroline helped me study."

Frankie smiled. "I always had trouble with his exams, too."

"He's pretty mean," Hannah confessed.

Frankie helped Hannah put her clothes away. "Don't worry too much about him, Hannah. You're a good student."

"Thanks," Hannah said. "Here are those pictures."

Frankie sat down on the bed. "Let's see."

"There she was," Hannah pointed.

Frankie smiled. "She looks just like you."

Hannah smiled wistfully. "It makes me feel close to her again.

Frankie put an arm around her. "Well, what else did you find out about her?"

"Not much yet," Hannah said. "I only found out about it a few days ago."

"I know how important she still is to you so I'm really happy that you're finding out things about her," Frankie said.

Hannah grinned. "Thanks Mummy."

Frankie grinned back at her. "And I'm very grateful to her because thanks to her, I have you."

Hannah's smile grew wider and she hugged Frankie tightly. "I missed you so much."

"Oh, sweetheart, I missed you too," Frankie said softly. "It was so hard to let you go."

"I had a lot of fun though," Hannah said. "And I brought back presents for Isabelle and Nathan."

Frankie grinned. "Isabelle thought you would."

"Caroline got them for me," Hannah gottwo small bags of sweets from her trunk.

"They'll love them," Frankie said. "They missed you so much."

"It's good to be home," Hannah looked around her bedroom.

"And in just a few days, we'll be at the beach," Frankie told her. Far away from David Wright, Frankie thought, but did not say aloud.

Hannah brightened. "I can't WAIT for that!"

Frankie grinned. "You and Emma going to cause some trouble?"

"We don't get in trouble," Hannah joked. "We're too cute."

Will laughed as he came into the room with Isabelle and Nathan. "Is that right, Miss Barron?"

"I'm too cute too," Isabelle said with a grin. "Right Hannah?"

"You are adorable, Izzie," Hannah said, motioning for them to come over to her. "And what kind of sister would I be if I didn't bring my favourite little sister and little brother something..."

"PRESENTS!" Nathan hollered.

Hannah giggled. "Nathan!"

"It's sweets," Isabelle said happily.

"From Hogsmeade," Hannah said, handing them each a bag.

"Thanks Hannah," Nathan said happily.

"Thanks, Hannah!" Isabelle echoed.

"Welcome, you two," Hannah said. "Caroline got them for me but I bought them with my own money."

"Can we eat them now?" Isabelle asked Frankie.

"You can both have a piece," Frankie said. "I don't want either of you ruining your supper."

"We don't want to spoil that spaghetti," Hannah said. "I can't wait. I've missed home cooking."

"I helped make the sauce," Isabelle told her.

Hannah grinned. "You did?"

Isabelle nodded and reached for her sister's hand.

"What is it, Izzie?" Hannah asked.

"I want to show you the sauce," Isabelle said.

"Oh, okay," Hannah said taking her hand.

"No touching," Frankie said to her daughters. "It's hot."

"I'll make sure she doesn't," Hannah promised. "Come on, Nathan. You come, too."

Nathan grinned as Hannah led her brother and sister out of the bedroom.

Will sat down beside Frankie on Hannah's bed. "Everything okay?"

"I'm just glad to have her home," Frankie leaned against her husband.

"Me too," Will said putting his arm around her.

"When did you talk to Mallory," Frankie asked. "When was she planning on flying in?"

"Next weekend," Will replied.

"I assume she's joining us in Brighton then," Frankie replied.

"Yeah," Will replied. "If that's okay with you. She said she was going to stay in a hotel."

"It's fine with me," Frankie said. "I'd offer her to stay at the house but it's not ours."

"She's just as upset about the parole hearing as we are," Will said.

"Ugh," Frankie said. "Why would they even CONSIDER letting him out?"

"I have no idea," Will said truthfully.

Frankie shuddered. She would never forget sitting face to face with that man.

Will picked up the discarded photos of Abbie Wright.

"She was pretty," he commented. "Hannah really looks like her."

"She does," Frankie agreed.

Will set the pictures on Hannah's nightstand. "I'm so glad she's home." he said as they left the bedroom. "It didn't hit me until I saw her come off the train just how much I missed having her here."

"I know," Frankie said. "It felt like there was something missing from our family and now we have them all here---under the same roof."

"Just a taste, Hannah," they heard Nathan coaxing his sister.

Hannah grinned. "Okay, Nathan."

"What's going on here?" Frankie joked. "Do I see a few food thieves in here?"

Hannah giggled. "Just a little. And I saw where Daddy made the garlic bread!"

"Just for you," Will said, hugging her.

"Let's eat," Frankie said. "I'm starving."

"Yummy," Nathan said.

"Izzie and I can set the table," Hannah said.

"And Nathan and I will get drinks," Frankie said.

"I want a Fizzy," Isabelle said.

"Me too!" Nathan said.

"Okay," Frankie said. "We have your favourites."

Will set the bread basket in the middle of the table. "No sneaking, Hannah."

"Just one piece?" Hannah giggled.

Will winked at her. "Just one."

"Thanks," Hannah bit into a piece. "Mmmm..."

"Good?" Will asked her. "Oh, who am I kidding? I make the best garlic bread in the free world."

"Yes you do," Frankie grinned at her husband.

"It's the reason she married me," Will said to his children.

"Just for garlic bread?" Isabelle asked.

"It was one of the many things I loved about him," Frankie clarified.

"Daddy's good cook," Nathan nodded.

The family sat down at the table and Hannah was about to take a bite of her food when the phone rang.

"I'll get it," Will said.

Frankie looked at her children. "Go ahead and tuck in. If it's one of your father's colleagues, he might be all night."

Isabelle and Nathan dug eagerly into their spaghetti. Hannah was about to do the same when Will motioned to her. "It's Mallory, sweetheart."

Hannah grinned. "Ooh!"

Frankie smiled as Hannah went over to the phone.

Will tapped his wand to Hannah's plate and set a warming charm on her food.

"Thanks Daddy," Hannah said. "Hi Aunt Mallory!"

"Hi, Hannah!" Mallory replied.

"I missed you," Hannah said. "I just got home today from school."

"That's why I called," Mallory said. "I wanted to see how you were doing and how you did on your exams."

"I did good," Hannah told her.

"My smart little niece," Mallory said proudly.

"Mummy and Daddy told me you're coming for a visit," Hannah said excitedly.

"Yes," Mallory said. "I can't wait to catch up with you."

"The beach is fun," Hannah said. "I bet you'll like it."

"I'm sure I will," Mallory said. "I know you're having dinner so I won't keep you, but I just wanted to say hi and that I can't wait to see you."

"I can't wait to see you either," Hannah said.

"Love you," Mallory said.

"Love you too," Hannah said. "Bye!"

Hannah hung up the phone and walked back into the kitchen.

"How is Mallory?" Frankie asked.

"Good," Hannah replied. "She's looking forward to seeing me."

"We'll pick her up at the airport in a Muggle car," Will said.

"Yay!" Nathan replied.

"Zoom," Frankie teased her son.

Hannah giggled. "You used to say that every time we went to the airport and every time Daddy would take you flying!"

"I know," he said. "I remember that."

"He still does," Isabelle said with a grin.

Nathan reached for his Fizzy. "I like flying."

"I like it too," Hannah said thoughtfully. "I really liked my first year flying lessons."

"I'll take you flying on a broom if you want this summer," Will offered.

"I'd really like that," Hannah replied.

"You can go to the pitch and fly there," Frankie said. "Open air."

Hannah's eyes grew large. "Really, Mummy?"

"Sure," Frankie replied. "I'll arrange it."

The look on Hannah's face was one of pure joy. Frankie smiled. She would do everything in her power to protect Hannah. David Wright was in the past and that's where he was going to stay.

*** *** ***

Ethan and Maddie were busily trying to pack their children's belongings for the Brighton beach trip. They were leaving by Portkey soon and the babies were currently napping while Kiera and Gwyn played outside.

Ethan shook his head as he guided some pyjama sets into the suitcase with the aid of his wand. "I honestly don't know how your parents were able to do this---six children and they never seemed to have a problem. If we weren't magical, I don't know what we'd do, Mads."

"I don't know either," Maddie said. "It's so much easier this way."

Ethan gave her a kiss. "I'm going to get another suitcase for Kiera and Gwyn's toys."

"They should have some toys there," Maddie said. "So we don't need to bring too many."

Ethan nodded. "I know Gwyn's going to want her bear."

"Of course," Maddie replied. "We won't go anywhere without those."

Ethan left the room and Maddie looked down at the baby clothes in the suitcase. Four sets of pyjamas---two in blue, two in pink.

She sighed as she touched one of the blue sets. "Should be three," she said softly.

Maddie walked into the nursery and peered down at the sleeping babies. She tried not to think of how much she had missed when she was dealing with grief. Arielle puckered her lips and Maddie smiled.

She reminded herself that she was blessed to have six other children. She remembered when she and Ethan were having trouble conceiving and she thought she would never hold a child of her own.

She had six healthy, happy children now.

She smiled as Arielle opened her eyes and peered up at her. "Hi," she whispered to her daughter.

Maddie gingerly lifted Arielle out of the crib. "How was your nap, little one?"

Arielle sniffled and buried her face in Maddie's hair.

Maddie patted her daughter's back and sat down with her on the rocking chair. "Mummy's here, Ari. Mummy's here."

Ethan poked his head in. "Are they up?"

"One of four," Maddie whispered.

"I just checked on the other two," Ethan said. "They're excited."

Maddie smiled. "I know. Gwyn wanted to leave this morning."

"She's eager to see Ellie." Maddie nodded.

"The Dynamic Duo," Ethan joked.

"I'm glad they're so close," Maddie bounced Arielle gently.

Ethan knelt down and looked at Arielle. "You ready for the beach, baby?"

Arielle smiled at her father.

Ethan smiled back at her and held out his hand. Arielle wrapped her hand around his finger.

"I do love it when they do that," Maddie said softly.

"Me too," Ethan said. "And wouldn't you know it, I have her wrapped around my little finger."

Maddie laughed. "That's the other way around."

"Don't I know it," Ethan said.

"I should feed her," Maddie replied.

"I'll go and finish packing," Ethan said.

"We won't be long," Maddie promised.

"Take as long as you need," Ethan said softly.

Maddie watched her husband go and realised how lucky she was to have him.

"Your daddy's pretty special," Maddie said to Arielle.

Arielle cooed up at her, a grin on her little face.

Maddie pressed a kiss to Arielle's forehead. "I missed so much, sweetheart. But, I'm not going to let you or your brothers and sisters down anymore. I promise."

Arielle reached a tiny hand up towards her.

Maddie grinned. "What is it?"

"Oooooh," Arielle said.

"Ooooh," Maddie echoed. "Are you hungry, love?"

Arielle grinned again.

Gwyn and Kiera had finished playing and were heading upstairs and Kiera stopped in the doorway of the nursery. She smiled when she saw her mother feeding Arielle.

"Hi girls," Maddie whispered. "Are you both ready to go?"

"Just about," Kiera replied.

"I can't wait to spend time on the beach with you both," Maddie said.

"Wanna build a big sandcastle," Gwyn told her.

"Of course," Maddie nodded. "We will build a beautiful sand castle."

"And Daddy's going to take us on the boat," Kiera said.

"It's going to be a perfect holiday," Maddie said as Arielle finished nursing.

Kiera handed her mother a towel.

"Thank you, sweetheart." Maddie said as Christian woke up and started to cry.

Ethan came in with a grin. "No worries. I've got him."

"Thank you," Maddie said gratefully.

Gwyn's face scrunched up. "I think I know why he woke up crying! Phewwwww...."

Ethan laughed. "Nappy duty."

"Stinky," Gwyn said.

"You smelled like this once," Ethan told his daughter.

"Worse," Kiera said with a grin. She looked over at her mother. "Do you remember that one time when she had a really bad nappy and Blue nearly passed out!"

Maddie laughed as Gwyn pouted. "It's all right, love. We all had stinky nappies at one point."

"Even Daddy?" Gwyn asked.

"Especially your daddy," Maddie replied.

"Thanks, Mads," Ethan said.

Kiera leaned against her mother. "Are you feeling better?"

"Much," Maddie said. "Thanks to all of you."

Kiera smiled.

Maddie felt a surge of happiness go through her at the look on her oldest daughter's face. She knew that Kiera had gone through her own guilt over this loss. Though she would never get over the loss, it was time to move on with her family.

"I bet Gregory's playing with Hope somewhere," Kiera said softly. "Don't you think, Mummy?"

"I'm sure he is," Maddie said. "That's a lovely way of putting it, Kiera."

"That is, sweetheart," Ethan said swallowing the lump in his throat. "I bet they are playing together."

"Just like Ellie and me," Gwyn said.

Ethan smiled at his daughter. "Why don't you two go get your bears and then we'll pack up these four and get going?"

Kiera nodded and took Gwyn's hand. "Come on, Gwyn."

"Kay," Gwyn said happily. Gregory's death had not affected her as much as it had Kiera, but she still understood the severity of it.

Maddie looked over at Ethan once they were alone. "That makes me feel better thinking of Gregory with Hope."

"Me too," Ethan nodded. "Never crossed my mind before."

"Mine, either," Maddie said standing up with Arielle.

Ethan put an arm around her. "Things have been looking up lately. Perhaps this is a sign for us that he's okay."

Maddie nodded. "They have and I want to make this holiday special for the children, especially Kiera and Gwyn since they didn't get a chance to have a proper summer last year."

"Right," Ethan nodded. "Sandcastles, boating, taking them to the arcade..."

"And that chocolate shoppe in town," Maddie said grinning at him. "I think I'll have to take Emma with me there."

"If you went without her it would cause a crisis," Ethan laughed.

Maddie grinned. "I want to spend time with her before she goes off to Hogwarts."

"I can't believe she's that old already," Ethan shook his head as he finished stuffing the babies' bags with clothing.

"In a few years, we'll be sending Kiera," Maddie said.

"I don't want to think about that," Ethan shook his head.

Maddie set Arielle in her carrier. "Erik and Tasha certainly are heavy little sleepers."

"Like me," Ethan said ruefully.

Maddie lifted Natasha out of the crib, stirring the baby from her sleep. "Beach time, baby."

Ethan loaded Christian and Erik into their carriers as Kiera and Gwyn reappeared, teddy bears in hand.

"We're ready, Mummy," Gwyn said.

"Good girls," Maddie said.

"Let me just shrink our luggage," Ethan said with a grin.

"Shrink the luggage," Gwyn chorused, giggling. "Shrink the luggage, shrink the luggage!"

Ethan shook his head. "Silly Gwyn."

Kiera giggled. "Come on Gwyn. You can hold my hand while we portkey."

"Kay," Gwyn said hugging her bear to her.

Ethan gripped two of the carriers in one of his hands, and Maddie put the other two over her arms. "Everyone strapped in and ready to go?"

Gwyn nodded. "Daddy, Blue will be lonely without us though. Why can't he go, too?"

"Too many people there, sweetheart," Ethan said. "But he's being taken care of."

"Nana will look after him," Kiera assured her little sister.

"Okay," Gwyn frowned.

"We'll get him something in Brighton," Kiera said.

"Okay," Gwyn brightened. "A hat."

Ethan stifled a laugh at the picture of their pixie in a hat. "Mads, grab that book on the coffee table there. It's our portkey."

"Okay," Maddie said. "Beach, here we come."

Kiera put a hand on the book.

Gwyn did the same and Maddie, though struggling with the weight of two carriers, also managed to lay her palm on the novel.

The eight of them arrived at the Brighton beach house a few minutes later. Gwyn opened her eyes. "I don't like that, Kiki."

"I know," Kiera said. "But it's already over and we're at the beach."

"Yay!" Gwyn exclaimed. "ELLIE!"

"Gwynnie!" Ellie came rushing into the sitting room.

Gwyn dropped her bear and hugged her cousin.

Saffron followed her daughter in. "I thought I heard a commotion."

"Brat," Ethan said grinning at his sister.

"Golden Boy," Saffron hugged her brother.

"I don't know what you two are always going on about," Julie said. "I'm the FAVOURITE. I am the oldest."

"We love you too Jules," Saffron said with a grin. "But you're also the stodgiest."

"Stodgy," Julie said hugging Kiera. "Kiera, kindly tell your Aunt Saffy that I am not stodgy."

"Not sto... stod... stuffy..." Kiera said.

Ethan chuckled. "Good one, Kiera. Stuffy's a good word for her, too."

"To think I was glad to see both of you," Julie shook her head.

"You're not stodgy," Maddie told her with a grin.

"Only my sister in law sticks up for me," Julie took one of the carriers off Maddie's arm. "Let me see my nieces and nephews."

Julie lifted Erik out of his carrier. "Look at this big boy!"

"He has grown," Maddie unstrapped Natasha.

Saffron grinned. "Let me at one of them."

Ethan set Arielle down. "She's been pretty active today."

"Just like her Aunt Saffy," Saffron said taking Arielle in her arms. "Hiya, love."

"Can I see her Mummy?" Ellie asked.

"Sure," Saffron said. "Come here, sweetheart."

Saffron sat down and Ellie climbed onto the sofa next to her. "Em says she wants Arielle's name."

"Well, she is our little mermaid," Saffron said with a grin.

Ellie giggled. "Was I ever that little, Mummy?"

"You were," Saffron said. "You were such a happy baby, too."

Ellie grinned. "Like Daddy. That's what Uncle RJ says."

"Pains me to say this, but RJ is right," Saffron said.

"Wait, what?" Ethan asked.

"Shut it," Saffron said to him.

"I think I'll have a little talk with RJ when he gets here later," Ethan teased.

"I'll deny it," Saffron said. She gently placed Arielle in Ellie's lap. "Just support her head...there you go."

"Hi," Ellie said softly to her cousin. "You're so pretty."

"She takes after me," Ethan told his niece.

"You're not pretty," Ellie told him.

Saffron stifled a laugh.

"You are Saffron's daughter," Ethan shook his head. "Through and through."

Ellie beamed at him.

"Where's your better half?" Ethan asked his sister.

"Andrew took Edward out on the beach," Saffron said.

"First time in the ocean?" Ethan asked.

Saffron nodded. "He loved it."

"Kiera and Gwyn have been looking forward to this for weeks," Ethan said. "Mads and I really want them to have fun."

Saffron knew exactly why and she smiled at her brother. "They will."

"Gwynnie and me will have fun," Ellie said as Saffron took Arielle into her arms.

Gwyn nodded. "Yes, we will. El, let's go see our room!"

The two little girls raced upstairs hand in hand.

"They are so cute," Saffron said.

"Where's my room?" Kiera asked.

"You're rooming with Chloe, Emma and Casey," Saffron told her. "They haven't arrived yet so you can go on up and pick out which bed you want."

Kiera grinned. "Will you help me?"

"Absolutely," Saffron replied. "Come on, Miss Potter."

"Thanks Saffy," Maddie told her. "Ethan and I need to get these four settled."

"No problem," Saffron said with a grin.

She took her niece's hand and led the little girl upstairs. "You're right in here, sweetheart."

Kiera followed her inside and grinned. "Whoa---"

"Now mademoiselle," Saffron said. "Which bed will be yours?"

"Can I have the one by the window?" Kiera asked. "The one with the blue blanket?"

"You absolutely can," Saffron summoned up Kiera's little suitcase.

"I'm so glad we're here," Kiera said looking out the window.

"I am too," Saffron said.

"Think this will be a good summer?" Kiera asked looking thoughtfully at her aunt.

"Oh yes," Saffron nodded. "A very good summer."

"Mummy needs it," Kiera said softly.

Saffron hugged her niece to her. "Your mummy is very happy to be here with you."

"Thanks, Aunt Saffy," Kiera said.

"I love you, sweetheart," Saffron said. "You are the most intelligent five year old I've ever met."

"I love you too," Kiera said.

Saffron kissed her cheek. "Let's get you unpacked and into your swim costume."

While Saffron helped Kiera get settled, Harry and Hermione were just arriving in Brighton. Harry was on edge already, but he was determined to forget about all the stress at work and enjoy being with his family.

"Come on," Hermione said. "You're on holiday. Just forget about her."

"Right," Harry said. He tried to block out the snide comment Josephine had made when he was leaving the office that afternoon. "Must be nice to be able to go on holiday," she had said.

"I work hard so I can spend my time with my family," he had retorted.

"You have fun on your little trip," Josephine had said with a smile, but there was a disdainful tone to her voice.

Harry had clenched his fists but left the office. Josephine had said nothing to Neville about also taking off a few days beforehand.

Hermione stood before her husband and put her hands on his shoulders. "Deep breaths, Harry."

"I'm sorry," Harry replied.

"No need to apologise," Hermione reassured him. "This is just what we both need."

Harry nodded. "Very much so."

Hermione gave him a kiss.

Harry smiled at her. "Love you."

"I love you," Hermione said taking his hand and leading the way into the beach house.

Saffron was just coming down the stairs with Kiera. "Hi Dad! Hi Mum!"

Kiera ran toward her grandfather. "Grandpa!"

Harry scooped her up. "Who is this beautiful little lady?"

Kiera giggled. "It's me, Grandpa!"

Harry hugged her to him. "You're getting too big too fast, Kiera Faith."

Kiera grinned. "Maybe you're shrinking!"

Hermione laughed at the expression on Harry's face. "You are a funny girl, Kiera."

Saffron laughed, too. She gave her mother a hug. "I'm so glad you're finally here."

Hermione kissed the side of her youngest daughter's head. "We wouldn't have missed it."

"Jules and Nick are in the kitchen," Saffron told them. "Ethan and Maddie are getting settled upstairs with the babies and Andrew has Edward on the beach."

"Great," Hermione said. "We'll just get unpacked."

Harry set Kiera down. "We'll see you in a bit."

"Hurry," Kiera told them.

"We will," Harry promised.

"She's so funny," Hermione said, levitating their suitcases up to their bedroom.

"She is," Harry said following her upstairs to their room. Hermione was startled on the top step as Ron Weasley jumped out from behind one of the doors. Harry and Hermione's suitcases fell down the stairs. "GOTCHA!" Ron cackled.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley!" Hermione scolded him.

Ron laughed even harder. "You should have seen the looks on your faces!"

Hermione rolled her eyes as she summoned their suitcases back up the stairs, aiming the heaviest one at Ron.

Ron ducked just in time. "It was just a joke!"

"So was that," Harry returned, walking past him.

Ron laughed. "Okay, okay. You're obviously not in a good mood."

"I was fine," Harry said.

"How old are you now, Ron?" Hermione asked him.

"You're older than me," Ron said.

Hermione turned and glared at him.

"Not wise," Harry chuckled. "Not wise at all."

"I was just having a bit of fun," Ron defended himself. "Sorry."

Harry was still chuckling a few minutes later as Ron tried to rub the feathers out of his ears.

Hermione smiled at him. "What? It's just a little joke..."

"Thanks a lot," Ron grumbled. "How long will this last?"

Hermione shrugged. "One never knows..."

"Hermione," Ron whined.

Luna patted her husband on his shoulder. "You kind of deserve it."

"Give it twenty minutes," Hermione said as she waved her wand at their suitcases.

"Note to self," Ron said. "Never mess with her ever again."

"Words to live by," Hermione returned, going into the bedroom.

"After all this time, you should have known that all along," Harry said to his best friend.

Hermione used magic to unpack all their belongings. "He's not always smart that way," she called back.

Ron was going to say something, but thought better of it. He disappeared into his room with Luna.

Harry was still grinning when he went into the bedroom. "My favourite room in this house..."

Hermione laughed. "Harry..."

"I do feel better," he said. "That was pretty damn funny out there."

Hermione turned to look at him. "It's always fun to mess with Ron."

"Sure is," Harry sat down on the edge of the bed.

Hermione sat down beside him and rested her head on his shoulder.

Harry kissed the side of her head. "I'm ready for some relaxation."

"Me too," Hermione said. "That budget drained me."

"All behind you now," Harry said, nuzzling her neck.

Hermione closed her eyes. "Yes."

"You know, we could always just lock ourselves in here for awhile," Harry suggested.

"As much as I'd love to, we promised Kiera," Hermione said.

"We did," Harry said. "Later?"

"Absolutely," Hermione said giving him a kiss.

They changed their clothing and headed back downstairs. Harry felt more relaxed as he took in the sight of his children and grandchildren gathering in the sitting room.

Rafe, Liam and Darla had just arrived and Ellie's entire face lit up when she saw Rafe. Hermione nudged Harry and the two of them watched the little girl run over to him.

"Hi Rafe!" Ellie put her arms around him.

"Ellie," Rafe said uncomfortably. He looked up at his mother for help.

Darla smiled. "Hello, Ellie. You're looking quite lovely."

Ellie beamed at her. "Thank you!"

"Rafe has to go unpack and change," Darla said. "He'll meet you out at the beach in a little while."

"Okay," Ellie said happily. "Gwyn and me are going to build a sand castle."

"A sand castle?" Rafe asked interestedly.

Ellie nodded. "With a big moat!"

"Rafe will love to help," Darla said. "We'll be out in just a little while."

"Okay," Ellie said grabbing Gwyn's hand. "Come on, Gwynnie."

Saffron followed her daughter and niece outside. "I see your father over there, El."

"Ooooh!" Ellie said excitedly.

"Go ahead," Saffron said. "I'll watch you two."

Ellie and Gwyn ran toward Edward and Andrew.

Saffron watched them go then glanced at the house next door. The Grants had sold it long ago, but she still couldn't help but remember Sean.

The guilt over his death was still with her. There was no telling what he would be doing right now.

She sighed as she ambled down the beach towards her family. Itwas hard to be here and not think of everything that had happened.

Saffron could still see Sean as a teenager approaching her and Alexa on the beach.

He had been so sweet, slightly awkward, but she had grown to care about him very much.

"Saffy?" RJ asked, coming up behind her.

Saffron jumped. "RJ!"

"Sorry," he said holding up his hands. "Didn't mean to startle you."

"It's all right," Saffron smiled at him. "Where's Audrey?"

"Coming later," RJ told her. "She's working."

"I can't wait to talk to her about the wedding," Saffron said.

RJ grinned. "She said the same thing about you. Wants to throw some ideas off you."

"Great," Saffron said. "I cannot believe you're getting married, RJ."

"Me either," RJ said. "But, Aud's the one."

Saffron grinned. "She tamed you."

"Tamed me?" RJ chuckled.

"She so did," Saffron said as they neared Andrew and the children.

"Uncle RJ!" Gwyn squealed.

"Hey you," RJ swung Gwyn up into the air. "Are you causing trouble yet?"

Gwyn giggled. "Not me! Ellie!"

"I am not," Ellie replied.

"Not yet," Saffron teased.

RJ set Gwyn down and picked up Ellie. "This is my partner in crime."

"Don't I know it," Saffron said dryly.

"Hey RJ," Andrew greeted his best friend. "Glad you're here."

RJ grinned. "Mate."

"This little guy's been looking forward to seeing you too," he said, picking up Edward.

Edward waved at him. "Hi!"

"He just went into the ocean for the first time," Saffron said. "Loves it."

"No fear, buddy," RJ said making a goofy face at him.

Edward laughed. "No."

"Lexie gracing us with her presence this summer or is she still missing in action?" RJ asked.

"She's in Canada," Saffron said. "And after this, she's being sent to Russia."

"Russia," RJ asked, taken aback.

"Then Siberia," Saffron replied. "She's so busy."

"I'll say," RJ said.

"I miss her," Saffron admitted.

"We all do," Andrew said. "But she's living her dream."

"Like the rest of us," Saffron replied. "I'm happy for her."

Maddie and Ethan were coming out onto the beach and RJ smiled when he saw his sister looking so happy. "Look, Gwyn. It's Mummy Mad Dog."

Gwyn giggled. "Mad Dog!"

Maddie rolled her eyes. "RJ---"

"Why are you Mad Dog?" Kiera asked her mother.

"Your Uncle Jon gave me that name when I was about your age and it kind of stuck," Maddie said sitting down.

"I don't think you look like a dog," Kiera said.

Maddie smiled. "Thank you, my love."

Ethan choked back a laugh as he spread the towels out.

"Where's the Fearless Foursome?" RJ asked.

"Luna's watching them while they kip," Ethan said. "Gives us a chance to enjoy some time with Kiera and Gwyn."

"That's great," Saffron replied.

"Go!" Edward pointed back out to the water as he looked over at his father.

Andrew laughed. "Okay, mate. Back in we go."

"We'll go with you," Ethan scooped Kiera up.

Kiera giggled. "YAY!"

"What about me?" Gwyn asked.

Maddie stood up and offered her hand. "Come on, you."

"But we have to start on our sand castle," Ellie said.

"I'll help you and then Gwyn can join us when she finishes," Saffron said.

"And Rafe," Ellie looked up at her mother.

"Your little boyfriend," RJ teased.

Ellie blushed and buried her face in Saffron's leg.

"Don't listen to him," Saffron said, patting Ellie's back.

"Nice, RJ," Andrew joked before heading to the water.

"I'm only having a go, El," RJ said. "Your mum's right. Don't listen to me."

"Mummy always tells me not to," Ellie said innocently.

Saffron looked at RJ with a grin.

"That explains a lot," RJ said. "Ellie Kirke, I think you're about to go for a dunk in the ocean..."

"NO!" Ellie squealed.

"Well then I think Saffron should get a dunk," RJ said.

"Oh, no you don't!" Saffron warned.

RJ made a move to grab her.

Saffron grabbed Ellie by the hand. "Come on. We can outrun him."

Ellie squealed and they ran towards the water's edge.

RJ grinned. "You can run, but you can't hide!"

"We can get wet before you throw us in," Saffron scooped up her daughter.

"Right!" Ellie agreed.

RJ shook his head. "You two are too good."

"And don't you forget it," Ellie told him.

Saffron laughed at the look on RJ's face.

"I am my mummy's daughter," Ellie said.

"You sure are," RJ said as they waded into the ocean.

Saffron grinned. "Okay, baby?"

"Yes," Ellie said, moving closer to her.

"I won't let anything happen to you," Saffron promised.

"Hold me," Ellie said.

Saffron grinned and picked Ellie up. "Better?"

"Yes," Ellie said, putting her arms around her mother's neck.

RJ dove under the water and took off. Saffron shook her head. "Show-off."

"Where did he go?" Ellie asked.

"There he is," Saffron motioned off in the distance.

"Wow," Ellie said. "He swims fast, Mummy."

"Yes he does," Saffron agreed.

"Can we go find Daddy?" Ellie asked.

"We sure can," Saffron said. "And we can find Rafe so you can start your castle."

Ellie's face broke out into a huge grin.

Saffron smiled. Kiera was right. This was going to be a great summer.