Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Thanks for the questions again, you guys! They were great and if you have more, please keep asking them! We love reading them! Tonight's chapter is all about Gabe and his work at the hospital and you find out how far Katie will get in trying to revive her friendship with Caroline in Brighton. Please review! And on a personal note, we want to wish all the mothers out there, especially our moms, a Happy Mother's Day!

Hospital work was Gabriel's favourite part of his medical training. Tonight he was assigned to a doctor who was in the ER which was one of the best places to get hands on experience. He was also lucky that this doctor was one of the few who wanted to take the time to show an intern exactly what to do rather than use them as a whipping boy.

"One of the best things about working in emergency," Dr. Miller was saying. "is learning how to think fast on your feet. You will never know exactly what kind of cases you will get. A gunshot wound, a burn, broken bones..."

"Right," Gabriel nodded eagerly. "I want to treat them all."

Dr. Miller looked at the board listing the patients awaiting treatment. There were no seemingly major cases awaiting. "Let's go and see our patient with the possible broken wrist, shall we?"

"Sure," Gabriel took the chart.

"Twenty-one year old female," Gabriel recited from the chart. "Admitted an hour ago complaining of pain in the left wrist."

"I'll need to do some X Rays," Dr. Miller said.

Dr. Miller took the chart from Gabriel and scanned over the notes there. Gabriel pulled back the curtain and his jaw dropped when he saw who the patient in question actually was.

"Steph?" he asked.

Stephanie looked up in surprise. "Gabe.."

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

Stephanie was silent and he noticed that her eyes were red.

"What happened?" Gabriel hooked the chart onto the end of the bed.

"Oh, I fell," Stephanie said quietly.

Gabriel gently took her wrist and carefully looked it over.

He noticed there were bruises on her wrist.

"These are from falling? he asked her.

Stephanie nodded, but did not meet his gaze. "I'm clumsy."

"If you had fallen, your bruises should have been on the other side," Gabriel remarked, looking up at Dr. Miller.

Dr. Miller nodded in agreement.

"I fell on it all weird," Stephanie yanked her hand back.

"Boyd, why don't you take her down to have x-rays?" Dr. Miller suggested. "Page me when you've finished."

"Yes Dr. Miller," Gabriel nodded.

The doctor left them alone and Stephanie still refused to look at Gabriel. He offered her his hand.

"Come on," Gabriel said. "Let's go get that checked out."

Reluctantly, she nodded and stood up. "Okay."

"It'll be all right," Gabriel assured her, putting an arm around her to steady her. "It does look broken to me. If that's the case, we'll cast it."

Stephanie sighed. "I can't afford this right now..."

"Your insurance should take care of it," Gabriel told her.

"I don't have insurance," Stephanie said quietly. "And it's not just that...I can't afford to miss work."

Gabriel stared at her. "You have no insurance?"

Stephanie shook her head. "No."

Technically, they weren't supposed to treat her. He was actually supposed to refer her to a hospital in the middle of the city.

"I should go home," Stephanie said. "My wrist doesn't really hurt all that much..."

"If it's broken you can't use it," Gabriel said. "Come on. X Rays."

Stephanie opened her mouth to protest, but he shot her a warning look.

"I can't let you go with a broken wrist," he held open the door for her.

Stephanie stepped into the room. Why did he have to be here, she thought dismally. She could tell from the look in his eyes that he did not buy her excuse of 'falling'.

He worked on setting her wrist down so the X Rays would show the view they needed. "Keep it still, Steph." he said as the technician took the pictures.

Stephanie did as he requested and bit down on her lip to keep from crying.

Gabriel saw the look on her face and bit his lower lip. He was concerned about her.

"Just give me a moment," the technician said. "And I'll have the films ready for you."

"Thanks," Gabriel said. "Steph, just keep it still, okay?"

Stephanie was silent, aware that he was watching her.

"It'll hurt less if you keep it still," he told her.

"I'm trying," she whispered.

A few minutes later, Gabriel held the envelope of X Rays as they went back up to an examination room. "It really hurts," she whimpered.

"I can imagine," Gabriel told her. "I'll get some ice after I page the doctor."

Stephanie nodded as she sank weakly onto the examination table.

She heard Gabriel pick up the phone, but she did not hear a word he said. She honestly did not know how she had gotten here. This morning, everything had been fine. She had awoken before the alarm, hoping to look over the course catalogue again. Her mistake had been not turning off the alarm. Tony awoke from his sleep and had been more angry than she could ever remember him being.

He'd been angry that she hadn't made breakfast for him and when she offered to bring him cereal he had backhanded her.

"Dr. Miller's on his way," Gabriel said, elevating Stephanie's wrist and gently setting the ice-pack on top of her wrist.

"Ouch," she winced.

"Sorry," he said sitting down in the chair .

"Can't I have anything for the pain?" she asked.

"I'm sure Dr. Miller will prescribe something," Gabriel reassured her.

Stephanie nodded and closed her eyes.

"What really happened?" he asked her.

"I told you," Stephanie said uncomfortably.

"You fell," Gabriel said, levelling his gaze at her.

"Yes," she answered. "I told you, I'm clumsy."

Gabriel nodded. "Looks to me like someone grabbed your wrist..."

"That's not it," Stephanie snapped.

Dr. Miller's reappearance cut off Gabriel's next remark.

"Have you got those X Rays Gabriel?" he asked as Gabriel nodded and stuck them up against the lights. "Yes... a break. In three places, actually."

Stephanie winced.

"I think it looks like someone snapped it back," Gabriel volunteered his opinion. "Due to the bruises and the way this one cracked."

Dr. Miller looked at Stephanie. "That's a fair assessment. Is that what happened?"

"I fell," Stephanie said lamely.

Dr. Miller and Gabriel shared a look. "Well, I'm going to ask Mr. Boyd here to wrap your wrist and I'll give you something for the pain."

"Thank you," Stephanie said quietly.

"You're welcome," Dr. Miller said before leaving the room.

"It won't take me long to wrap this up for you," Gabriel said. "I'm pretty good at it."

Despite herself, Stephanie smiled. "You've---you've done a lot of these, have you?"

"Yeah," Gabriel said. "I've sort of acquired a reputation for casting."

"Well," Stephanie said as he removed the ice-pack from her wrist. "I only want the best doing something like this."

Gabriel set her wrist and then began to wrap it carefully.

Stephanie watched him and could not help but compare the way he was with her. So different from Tony, she thought.

"It's going to hurt," Gabriel told her, very gently pressing his fingers to her wrist. "But the pills Dr. Miller is prescribing you will help. Just take them as needed."

Stephanie nodded. "I will."

"Are you sure you're all right?" he asked her. "You know you can talk to me if something's wrong, Steph."

"Other than my wrist, I'm fine," she reassured him.

Gabriel looked at her for a long moment.

"How have you been?" Stephanie asked him.

"Busy," he said. "I haven't been to the restaurant in a few weeks."

"I know," Stephanie said softly. "I've missed seeing you."

He smiled ruefully. "I'll stop in again soon. Probably in the next few days. But I better not see you using this hand."

"Yes, sir," Stephanie said.

"I'll be there to check on you," he said putting his official face on.

Stephanie laughed. "Okay, I promise that I will rest my wrist. How--how long do you think it will be until it's okay?"

"Six to eight weeks," he told her. "Then we'll have to remove the cast and take another x ray."

The smile from Stephanie's face fell. There wasn't much she could do at work without the use of her wrist. At the moment, that job was her only source of income.

"Just be careful," Gabriel told her. "If you use it, you could damage it even more and need surgery."

Stephanie nodded wordlessly.

"Dr. Miller will just come in to check this over before we let you go," Gabriel told her.

Gabriel excused himself to go and find Dr. Miller. He knew that this visit to the ER would be an easy six hundred dollars. Money that he was pretty sure Stephanie did not have.

After he sent Dr. Miller over he stopped at the nurses' station. "Hey Peggy," he said. "Do you have the information for Stephanie- the broken wrist?"

"Yes," she replied. "Why?"

"I want her bill sent to me," Gabriel said.

Peggy raised an eyebrow, but nodded.

Gabriel didn't have the money himself, but for once, he would go to his father and ask.

"There's someone waiting for her in the waiting room," Peggy said to him. "He came in earlier."

"There is?" Gabriel asked. "I'll go talk to him..."

Gabriel walked over to the waiting area and spotted Stephanie's boyfriend sitting in the corner, looking bored and thumbing through a magazine.

"Tony, right?" he asked. "I met you at the restaurant."

Tony stood up. "Right. Look, how much longer is she going to be?"

"She's about finished," he said. "She has a broken wrist."

Tony nodded. "She's so clumsy, my Stephanie."

"Hmm..." Gabriel nodded. "Just see to it that she takes her pain medication as directed and that she doesn't do anything with that wrist for at least six weeks. She'll need to come back to have it checked out."

"Slipping in the shower," Tony shook his head. "Can you believe it?"

Gabriel raised an eyebrow. Stephanie had said she'd fallen, but she had not mentioned slipping in the shower.

"Just don't let her do anything with that wrist," he said again. "She'll be out in a minute."

"Thanks," Tony said to him.

Gabriel nodded. There was something fishy about this guy but he couldn't put his finger on what it was.

Stephanie was just exiting the examination room and she froze when she saw Tony.

"There she is," Tony pushed past Gabriel. "Come on baby..."

"What are you doing here?" Stephanie asked, lowering her voice.

"What are you talking about?" Tony put an arm around her. "I came here to make sure my girl is okay."

"No thanks to you," she said quietly.

Tony's face turned dark and his grip tightened.

"I just want to go home," Stephanie said.

"Fine," Tony said. He was silent as he guided her out the door. "I don't know how the hell you expect to pay for this."

Stephanie wondered the same thing, but she did not say anything. The last thing she wanted was to set him off again.

"You better not expect me to take care of it," he growled.

"I don't," Stephanie said. "I can manage."

Tony didn't bother to open the car door for her; he slid into the driver's seat. "What are you waiting for?" he snapped.

Stephanie used her good hand to open the door. Tears welled up in her eyes again at the terrible turn her life had taken.

You did it to yourself, she reminded herself. You decided to stay with him...

Stephanie closed her eyes and tried to imagine the life she wanted for herself.

She would live in a nice apartment or little house, and have a boyfriend or husband that was completely devoted to her and let her follow her dreams. Someone that would support her and not make her feel terrible about herself.

"I don't care about your wrist," Tony broke into her daydream. "You still have responsibilities around the house."

"I know," Stephanie said quietly.

"And you better never tell anyone how your wrist got broken," he said threateningly.

Stephanie nodded and stared out the window. She could tell that Gabriel had his doubts about what had happened. She just hoped he would drop it.

Back at the hospital, Gabriel was tending to another patient but couldn't stop his thoughts from returning to Stephanie. He could tell she was lying about how she'd broken her wrist and it was bothering him.

She said one thing and her boyfriend said it happened a completely different way. Why would she lie about this?

"Ouch!" his patient frowned. "I'm supposed to be getting a shot, not getting skewered."

"Sorry," Gabriel said hastily.

"Are you a doctor?" the patient asked.

"Intern," Gabriel said.

"I can tell," the girl sniffed.

"I can have someone else finish," Gabriel told her. "I'm very sorry, ma'am."

"Just do it," the girl waved her hand.

Gabriel smiled reassuringly at her. "Okay then..."

He finished up with her and was glad when Dr. Miller told him to go take a break.

Gabriel headed for the on-call room to grab a cup of coffee and give his father a call.

"Hey Dad," he said when Seamus answered.

"And you would be?" Seamus joked.

"Very funny," Gabriel said. "Have you got a minute?"

"Of course," Seamus replied. "What's on your mind, son?"

"You know that waitress Stephanie?" Gabriel asked.

"Yes," Seamus replied.

"She came in tonight with a broken wrist," Gabriel said. "And she has no insurance."

"Forward the bill to me and I'll take care of it," Seamus told him.

"I hate to ask--" Gabriel began.

"Its fine," Seamus interjected. "I don't mind. She's your friend and I'm happy to help."

"I really appreciate this," Gabriel said. "And I'll pay you back."

"No need," Seamus said.

'Yeah but--" Gabriel argued.

"I don't mind helping your friend if it's important to you," Seamus said. "All this time, I've tried to help you financially and you've always turned me down."

"I just feel bad for her," Gabriel said. "There's no way she can afford that bill."

"It's no problem, son," Seamus said. "I'm happy to help."

"Thanks," Gabriel said sincerely.

"You're very welcome," Seamus said. "Good to know I can help my son, the doctor."

"Intern," Gabriel corrected with a grin.

"Tell that to your grandparents," Seamus said. "My mum and dad are telling anyone who will listen about their grandson, the doctor."

Gabriel laughed. "I guess I should get used to hearing it."

"Too right," Seamus said. "We're all proud of you, son."

"Thanks Dad," Gabriel said. "I have to go, my break is almost done. I really appreciate your help with Steph."

I'll see you soon," Seamus said before ending the call.

Gabriel stuffed his phone back in his pocket and finished his coffee. He felt better now that he knew Stephanie's bill would be taken care of. He would feel even better if he knew what was really going on with her.

*** *** ***

Ashley had not seen or spoken to her two best friends since the day they'd left Hogwarts. Seeing Zander would just feel awkward
given what had happened between them and Ashley was still so angry at Brittany.

Kevin had arrived that morning and Ashley was thankful for the distraction. He had been so excited to see her and she
felt so guilty about that kiss with Zander.

But, she told herself, that was in the past. Zander had run off after Debra that night and for all she knew, they had made up after their argument.

Kevin had suggested a walk after breakfast and Ashley had jumped at the chance to spend some time with him.

They strolled down the beach, hands clasped together talking about plans for that summer. Ashley decided it was time to tell him of her art tour.

"Kev?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah," he asked, sending her a grin.

Ashley bit her bottom lip. "There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about..."

He squeezed her hand. "You sound kind of nervous."

"I'm not nervous," Ashley reassured him.

"You shouldn't be, around me." Kevin responded.

"I'm not," Ashley said turning to look at him, face to face. "I've been doing a lot of thinking about what I'm going to do the rest of the summer..."

"Are you going to join me?" he asked hopefully.

Ashley opened her mouth to respond to him, but he suddenly held up his hand and waved at someone. Ashley turned and saw the two people she least wanted to see.

"Oh no," she muttered.

Brittany practically sauntered over toward them with Zander hesitantly following behind her.

"Hey, Brittany," Kevin greeted her. "Zander, mate, how are you?"

Zander avoided looking at Ashley. "Fine," he replied quietly.

"I am wonderful," Brittany said loftily.

Kevin smiled. "Is that so?"

"My modelling shoot is in a few days," Brittany replied.

Kevin frowned. "You're still doing that?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Brittany asked. "I'm going to be as famous as you."

"You checked to see if this agent was legit?" Kevin asked.

"It's fine," Brittany waved his comment away.

"She hasn't checked with anyone," Ashley said angrily.

"It's not for you to worry about," Brittany retorted.

"She's just concerned," Kevin said in Ashley's defence.

"Whatever," Brittany examined a mark on her arm.

"How about you, Zander?" Kevin asked. "You're awfully quiet."

Zander shrugged. "Brit can do what she likes."

"See?" Brittany asked. "It's not so hard to be supportive." She looked pointedly at Ashley.

Ashley glared right back at her. "It's harder to not stand back and try to protect your friends from making a huge mistake."

"It'll be even harder for you when you have to eat your words," Brittany shot back. "Little Miss Perfect. You know you make me sick."

"You know what?" Ashley asked, her green eyes blazing. "I hope you lose everything. I hope this bloke takes you for everything you've got. And we'll see how high and mighty you are once you've fallen!

"Whatever," Brittany said glaring at her. "Zander, let's go."

Ashley stepped back, her eyes still narrowed.

"Sorry mate," Kevin said to Zander.

Zander shrugged. "Guess we'll see you around, eh?"

"Yeah," Kevin nodded when Ashley did not reply. "Your girl around here as well then?"

"We broke up," Zander said simply.

Ashley's eyes grew large at this, but she remained silent.

Zander noticed her reaction but didn't say anything to her. "Yeah we had a sort of um... situation at the end of the year. And we broke up."

"Sorry to hear that," Kevin said sincerely.

"It's all right," Zander said. "She's not the girl for me."

Ashley finally looked up and caught his eye.

He turned a bit red. "I have to go. I'll see you later."

"See you," Kevin said.

Ashley was silent as she and Kevin walked away. "That was tense," Kevin remarked. "What's going on with you three?"

Ashley shrugged. "This whole thing with Brit."

"I can't believe she thinks that bloke isn't shady," Kevin said. "I see too many people like her get scammed."

"Well, you can add her name to the list," Ashley said. "She refuses to listen to reason and because we're not buying into it as well, we're standing in the way of her pursuing her dream."

"It's a shame she'd let your friendship be ruined over this," Kevin turned to look back at Brittany and Zander.

Ashley nodded. "Yeah."

He squeezed her hand again. "Let's not talk about them."

Ashley looked at him. "Um, as I was saying about the rest of this summer. August, to be exact..."

"Yeah?" he asked hopefully.

"Well, I was talking with one of my old art teachers earlier this year," Ashley told him. "And there's a travelling program that she's involved in. It starts in August and lasts over a year. You get to study in Italy, France, Greece, Russia..."

"Wow..." Kevin looked a little taken aback.

"It's the chance of a lifetime," Ashley told him.

"Sure sounds like it," Kevin said. "A whole year though..." he looked over at her. "I won't get to see you at all?"

"Well, there's some breaks," Ashley said. "And maybe some of the dates will coincide with your tour stops."

"Or I can come visit you in some of the more romantic cities," he said with a grin.

Ashley smiled back at him. "That's what I was thinking."

He leaned in to give her a kiss.

Ashley closed her eyes and had a flashback of her kiss with Zander.

It was so wrong, she told herself. She and Zander weren't going to be together.

"Ash?" Kevin asked breaking into her thoughts.

"Yeah?" she asked softly..

"Where'd you go just then?" he asked.

"What?" she asked.

"Just now," Kevin said. "When I kissed you. It seemed like you were a world away."

"I'm sorry," Ashley apologized, feeling immensely guilty. She had no right thinking of another bloke when she had a boyfriend as fantastic as Kevin.

"No worries," Kevin said hugging her tightly.

Ashley rested her chin on his shoulder and enjoyed the feel of his body pressed against hers. "You're good to me." she said.

"You make it easy," Kevin said softly.

Ashley closed her eyes as they kissed again.

Further down the beach, Zander watched and felt a surge of jealousy.

His feelings for Ashley hadn't stirred in years. He'd given up long ago. But after their stolen kiss in Binn's classroom, he felt things awaken once more.

"Have you heard a word I've said?" Brittany asked him, waving a hand in front of his face.

"What?" he asked.

Brittany rolled her eyes.

"Sorry," he apologised, but not really meaning it.

"You're not moping over that horrible Debra, are you?" Brittany asked him.

"No," he replied truthfully.

Brittany lay back on her blanket and closed her eyes. Zander turned and was relieved to see Ashley and Kevin were now out of sight.

"So what made you start talking to me again?" Zander asked his cousin.

"My mum," Brittany replied. "She told me to be nice to you."

"Wow," Zander rolled his eyes.

Brittany giggled. "And you haven't been that bad lately."

"There's a vote of confidence," he replied dryly.

"And you went up about twenty points in my book when you dumped that dish rag," Brittany said.

"It wasn't working out," Zander said. He wasn't about to tell his cousin what Debra had walked in on.

"She sure did not look too happy when we saw her at the station," Brittany said. "If looks could kill..."

"It's over between us," Zander said. "By the way I think you and Ash should make up."

"Not going to happen," Brittany said.

"You're going to let this end your friendship with her?" he asked incredulously.

"It's not me," Brittany said sitting up. "It's her! She's the one being completely unreasonable!"

"Come on," Zander said. "She's just worried about you."

"She has a funny way of showing it," Brittany said.

Zander sighed. "I just think you'd both be happier if you buried the hatchet."

"What about the two of you?" Brittany asked. "You've barely spoken. I mean, you sat with Evan and me on the train."

"Just preoccupied I guess," Zander said.

"Right," Brittany said sarcastically.

Zander didn't answer her. He didn't want to argue with her anymore.

He decided to go for a swim to clear his head.

He got up and headed into the water. It felt cold against his hot skin.

He thought of Ashley on the beach in her sundress...with Kevin.

He realised he was scanning the beach looking for the couple.

He had seen the look on her face when he had told Kevin about breaking up with Debra.

There had to be something there. She had to have some sort of feelings for him.

But, she was with Kevin and he'd seen them kissing.

He dove into the waves and tried to push the memory of when they were thirteen out of his head.

On the beach, Ashley was walking with Kevin. She was glad that he was supportive of her decision.

"What do you want to do later?" he asked her.

Ashley looked thoughtfully at him. "I don't know. What do you want to do?"

"We could go to the pier," he suggested. "Have some alone time..."

"That'd be great," Ashley said with a grin.

He slid an arm around her waist. "I wish I had longer to stay here with you."

"I know," Ashley said. Because of his tour, he only had three days here in Brighton with her.

"And once your year is up," he said. "We'll have more time to spend together."

Ashley nodded. "Yes."

"How about ice cream?" he nodded towards the stand.

"That sounds great," Ashley said.

Kevin gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I know what you like."

Ashley smiled. "Oh yeah?"

"Half vanilla half chocolate," Kevin replied with a grin.

"My favourite," Ashley said, squeezing his hand.

"Go ahead and sit down and I'll be right back," he said, jogging away.

Ashley walked over to the bench and sat down.

She stared out at the waves for a moment and took in a deep breath of the salty sea air. This place was relaxing.

"Hello," Katie said sitting down beside her sister and grinning at her.

"Hey," Ashley smiled at her. "What's up?"

"Nothing," Katie said. She looked around. "Where's Kevin?"

"Getting us some ice cream," Ashley replied.

"Oh," Katie said, grinning.

"You're awfully smug about something," Ashley said.

"Me?" Katie asked pulling an innocent face.

"Yes," Ashley said. "That Slytherin cunning of yours..."

"I'm just enjoying the lovely weather," Katie said.

"Uh huh," Ashley said. "Did you do something to Caroline?"

"No," Katie replied. "Why?"

"Just asking," Ashley said. "She's been steering clear of you."

Katie rolled her eyes. "I still can't believe she's bunking with Emma. She and I always share a room."

Ashley shook her head. "I'm not even getting into it with you."

"She never can stay mad at me for long," Katie said.

Ashley was spared from replying as Kevin came back over. Katie's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Hiya, Katie," Kevin said smiling at her. "I didn't know you were here. I would have brought you ice cream."

"It's okay," Katie stretched, arching her back like a cat.

Kevin smiled at her. "You're welcome to have mine."

"Maybe just a bite," Katie said coyly. "You're too sweet."

Kevin handed her the cone. "Here you go. It's yours."

Ashley nudged her sister. "Katie..."

Katie had nearly forgotten her sister was there. "Yes?"

"It was nice of Kevin to give you his ice cream," Ashley said. "But don't you have something else to do?"

Katie sighed. "Yes, I suppose."

"I'll see you around, Katie." Kevin told her with a grin.

Katie winked at him. "Yes, you sure will."

Ashley rolled her eyes as her sister sauntered away, her hips swaying. "She thinks she's about twenty one."

"Well, I only have eyes for one Malfoy sister," Kevin said.

Ashley smiled at him. "We can share my ice cream if you want."

"Sure," Kevin said with a grin.

"I'm sorry Katie took yours," she said. "And if we weren't in public I'd just conjure up another spoon."

Kevin took her spoon and took a bite.

Ashley leaned against him and he put an arm around her. "I am glad you're here," she said softly.

"Me too," Kevin said. "I've missed you."

Ashley put all thoughts of Zander out of her mind. She was happy to have Kevin here, especially since they had so little time together.

Back at the beach house, Katie saw Olivia and Adam playing together on the patio. "What are you two up to?" Katie asked with a grin.

"Snap," Olivia said, throwing all her card down and making them explode in Adam's face.

Olivia grinned and clapped her hands together. "Beat you, Adam!"

"Livvie," Adam said in dismay. "You did it wrong."

"Did not!" Olivia protested. She looked to Katie for support.

"It's okay," Katie sat down.

"You don't throw all your cards down at once, Livvie!" Adam said shaking his head. "You can do that with Dad, but not with me!"

"Can too," Olivia said.

"Says who?" Adam asked.

"Me," Olivia replied. "Em lets me play."

"Em LETS you win," Adam corrected her.

"Does not," Olivia said.

"Does too," Adam shot back. He stood up. "I'm going to find Noah and Aidan."

"I'll play with you Livvie," Katie told the little girl.

Olivia grinned at her. "Okay!"

Katie smiled back at her. "We can go for a walk if you want."

Olivia stood up. "Kay. Need to tell Sissy."

"Maybe she'll want to come," Katie said.

Olivia reached for her hand.

Katie grinned at the little girl. Olivia was so sweet. She wished her parents had had a third child so she could have a younger sister.

"Sissy!" Olivia called out once they entered the house. "Sissy!"

"Are you okay Livvie?" Caroline came down the stairs.

"Walk, Sissy," Olivia said smiling at her. "With Katie!"

"I'll take you for a walk if that's what you want," Caroline said, ignoring Katie.

"Katie too," Olivia said. "But, no Adam."

"We should go look for Adam," Caroline said. "Come on Livvie."

"I told her I'd take her for a walk," Katie said. "I was hoping you'd go with us."

"You don't have to," Caroline said coolly. "She's my sister. Probably someday a Gryffindor."

"I want to," Katie said. "Right, Livvie?"

Olivia grinned.

"Fine," Caroline relented. She hoped Katie knew that she was only doing this because of Olivia.

"Yay," Olivia ran to her sister.

Caroline grinned and picked her up. "I take it you're ready to go?"

Olivia nodded and put her arms around her sister. "Where's Daddy?"

"He went fishing with Josh and Uncle RJ," Caroline said.

"I miss him," Olivia said as Caroline carried her outside.

"I know, but he'll be back before lunch," Caroline promised. "You were still asleep when they left this morning."

"Kay," Olivia said. "Where's Mummy?"

"There," Caroline said motioning down the beach, where Allison was sitting with Lizzy and Julie. "Let's go and tell them we're going for a walk."

"Come Katie!" Olivia called back.

Katie grinned and followed them down.

Caroline walked quickly, hoping that her former friend would lose interest.

"Mummy!" Olivia called out. "Katie and Sissy gonna take me walking!"

"They are?" Allison asked in surprise. "Together?"

Katie nodded. "Like old times, Aunt Allie."

Allison looked at her oldest daughter who didn't seem too pleased. "Caroline?"

"It's what Livvie wants," Caroline said.

Allison smiled. "Don't go far. We're going to head back soon to have lunch."

Caroline set Olivia down and the little girl took Caroline's and Katie's hands. "Let's go!"

Caroline smiled at her baby sister as they headed down the beach. She loved spending time with Olivia.

"Adam was mad at Olivia because she beat him at Exploding Snap," Katie said to Caroline.

Caroline shrugged. "He's not hard to beat."

"Adam said Em lets me win," Olivia said.

"She does not," Caroline said. "Emma hates to lose."

"Always has," Katie said. "Em would never let you beat her, Livvie."

"I'm good," Olivia laughed.

"Daddy will be happy to hear about it," Caroline said. "Boys always hate to lose."

"But girls love to win," Olivia quoted Emma.

"Yes, we do," Caroline and Katie said at the same time.

Katie smiled at Caroline. "Jinx."

Caroline looked over at her. "I'm not buying you a coke."

Katie giggled. "That's what we always said."

Caroline smiled wistfully. "Yeah, we did."

"I miss those days," Katie said.

"I can't do this, Katie," Caroline said. "I'm not going to be your friend here and then have you treat me like dirt when we're at school."

"It's not that I don't want to talk to you," Katie said. "But Slytherin... we have to stick together in there. And they don't always understand when we're friendly with the other houses."

"If I'm your friend, it shouldn't matter what house I'm in," Caroline pointed out.

"I know but--" Katie began to argue.

Caroline held up her hand. "We've known each other since we were babies. I never would have treated you the way that you treated me my first year."

"I was just a kid then," Katie replied.

Caroline had missed her former best friend. A smile played at her lips at Katie's logic. "Katie..."

"See?" Katie asked. "You miss me as much as I've missed talking to you."

"She has," Olivia chimed in.

"Livvie," Caroline laughed. "How do you know?"

"I know," Olivia said grinning up at her.

Caroline scooped her baby sister up.

"She's pretty smart," Katie said with a grin.

"She is," Caroline agreed, giving Olivia a kiss on the cheek.

"So," Katie said. "What do you say, Caroline? We can try and be friends again?"

Caroline hesitated. She knew the deal would be off the moment they went back to school, but she was bored without Mia here.

"Okay," Caroline said finally.

Katie's grin grew wide. "Really?"

"Yes," Caroline said smiling back at her. "You goofball."

"Goofball," Olivia giggled.

"Uh oh," Katie laughed. "We're being a bad influence."

Caroline set her sister down. "She's too sweet to say anything bad."

Katie laughed as Olivia started twirling in the sand. "She's just like you, Caroline."

"She's got a little of all three of us in her," Caroline commented. "She's sensitive like Adam, mischievous like Emma, and--"

"...sweet like her big sister," Katie said. "We're going to have so much fun with her this summer."

"I hope so," Caroline replied.

"I bet your sister's happy that Kevin came to visit her."

Katie grinned at the mention of Kevin. "Yeah, she's pretty stoked."

"You seemed really happy to see him too," Caroline said. "He's a pretty nice guy."

"He is," Katie agreed. "And my Dad really likes him, too."

"He's really cute," Caroline confessed.

Katie nudged her as they followed Olivia down the beach. "And speaking of cute, what's this I hear about you and Ewan Cavanaugh, Miss Weasley?"

"He's just a friend," Caroline said.

"Uh-huh," Katie teased.

"That's all," Caroline replied.

"Well, is there someone you have your eye on?" Katie asked.

"No," Caroline said. She may have agreed to be friendly with Katie again but she still didn't fully trust the other girl. Not just yet.

"I have a boyfriend," Olivia announced.

Caroline laughed. "What?"

"Don't hold out on us, Livvie," Katie said. "Who is it?"

"Rafe," she replied.

"Ellie and Livvie got it bad for Rafe," Katie joked.

"Does Ellie know this?" Caroline teased her sister.

Olivia shook her head. "No. Mummy does!"

"I see," Caroline laughed.

"Your secret is safe with us," Katie promised.

"You can tell," Olivia said. "It's okay."

"Rafe's the little heartbreaker already," Caroline said to Katie.

"Quite the stud," Katie agreed.

Caroline laughed. "Come on. We'd better head back."

Olivia reached for her sister's hand and toddled unsteadily over some of the pebbly sand.

"Okay, Livvie?" Caroline asked.

Olivia nodded. "Shell."

"We should pick some and help her make a necklace," Katie said. "Like we used to do with Maddie."

"I remember that," Caroline said. "But we don't have a bucket."

"After lunch," Katie said. "We can look for some."

"For me?" Olivia asked.

"Of course, you," Caroline said. "But...only if you can beat Katie and me back to the house..."

Olivia squealed and began running up towards the house.

Katie laughed as she and Caroline followed Olivia, deliberately slowing their stride so the little girl could win. The summer, Katie thought, was definitely starting out right. Caroline had forgiven her and Kevin was here.

And she would make him notice her if it was the ONLY thing she managed to do all summer.


Questions from the last two chapters...

(1) I have to admit that I like Katie's character but she is kind of a beast. Is there any type of comeuppance planned for all her attitude and plotting?

Katie is an interesting and complex character that we are having a lot of fun in writing. You'll have to keep reading to see what happens.

(2) My question is whether this Josie lady is going to ruin Harry and Hermione's relationship how long is she here for cause I don't think I like her very much.

Josie is a troublemaker for Harry and will be around for a little while. But one would hope that H/Hr's relationship is too strong by now to be ruined by one jealous ex...

(3) I know you've written a TON of wedding scenes now. So does that mean we wont be seeing Darla & Liam's wedding? Or RJ &Audrey's for that matter?

You'll see something for both of them----we have not written their weddings yet but we have some things planned!

(4) I think I read in a previous chapter that Drew and Brian were thinking about having more kids. Will that ever happen?

Probably not. There are SO many kids already, and Chloe enjoys being a little princess.

(5) Are Gabe and Alexa over for good? As in that you have decided 100% that they will not end up together.

Alexa and Gabe are over. They do remain friends however, as their final breakup was not a bad one.

(6) When will we see Katie dating? Anytime soon?

VERY soon!!!

(7) And ...what is the biggest argument you've had while writing the story?

I don't think we ever argued, but we have had differences of opinion on what couple belonged together---as many of you know one of us was Team Hans and the other was Team Liam. And we went back and forth over the paternity of Saffron's baby, Ellie. And the entire Gabe/Alexa/RJ triangle, too. Amy was Team RJ and Heaven was Team Gabe.

(8) We've always seen the potter's dote on saffron the most out of their kids. Julie has always been one of my favorite characters and it seems like it's been a really, really long time since she's had a problem that her family's helped her with. she's always been more so the rock helping everyone else. will she ever get anymore face time? I mean, I'm sure she can't be living a completely perfect life with Nick.

Julie is one of our favorite characters to write as well. Her biggest conflict was back in Hillsdale Nights when she and Nick faced the opposition that they did to their relationship. She is probably the most grounded character we have written. Her biggest role in the story right now is supporting her husband who is still grieving over Draco's death and helping her daughters.

(9)What's the stuff going down with Katie? I love her character too, and before the jump it seemed like she had some promise as a bratty but still passionate character. are you guys just gonna turn her into another Ginny type or is there more to her than meets the eye?

Definitely more to her than you think!

(10)I don't know if you two have ever been to Brighton... but I was just there recently and trust me.. there's no sandcastles there lol Brighton is a completely rocky beach!

We had to take artistic liberty with that one- we know there aren't any houses right there and no sand, but we just had to stretch the truth a lot on that one

(11) Are you bringing David Wright back?

(12) Are you ever going to do the photo shoot with Brittany?
You'll see more on that soon

(13) Are Katie and Caroline going to be friends again?
More on that soon as well

(14)When is this story gonna end?
Never, we're going to write it even when we're on our deathbeds