Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

AN: This chapter is a break from Hogwarts -sorry to those who want to find out what's going on with the Christina situation- but you get H/Hr, Drew, Darla, Brian and Hans plus some Parvati driving everyone completely mad.

As always, PLEASE leave us a comment letting us know what you think- if you have questions post them on a Tuesday chapter because then we'll answer them for Saturdays :)

Hermione rested her head on Harry's shoulder as they swayed together. A cool breeze nipped at her bare shoulders and she snuggled closer to him. "I don't want to go home," she murmured. "I want to stay here with you..."

"Let's do it then," Harry whispered giving her a kiss.

Hermione laughed. "That does sound tempting."

"You couldn't do it," Harry said. "You want to get back to w-o-r-k."

"I sort of do," Hermione closed her eyes. "I miss being busy... but being with you is like nothing else."

"We really needed this," Harry said softly.

"We definitely did," Hermione agreed. "You know Harry... I say we do this at least once a year. Just get away somewhere for a week, just the two of us and no one else."

"I'm all for that," Harry agreed. "Where would you want to go first?"

"Anywhere," Hermione said dreamily.

"Oh," Harry teased. "You want to go and stay with Ginny and Draco for a week?"

"As long as they've got an extra bedroom I don't care," Hermione said cheekily.

"I'm sure they'd let us stay with them for a week," Harry said. "We could bond."

"Let's arrange that right away," Hermione deadpanned. "I'm dying to see them again."

"You and Ginny could go shopping and do each other's hair," Harry said with a grin. "And old Draco and I could....drink lots and lots of alcohol."

"You'd have to, to have a decent conversation with him." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Enough talk about the Terrible Twosome," Harry said spinning Hermione out and then pulling her back. "How does this honeymoon compare to the first, Mrs. Potter?"

"Dare I compare it?" Hermione laughed.

"I can take it," Harry said.

"The only difference to me is the years that have passed." Hermione said thoughtfully. "I mean, we have three children now, I'm Minister for Magic, you're a full fledged Auror... I mean we've accomplished our dreams Harry."

"We did," Harry said. "And so much more, Hermione."

"And I still love you just as much as I did our first honeymoon," Hermione said, kissing him again. "Actually... more and more each day."

"You said what I was about to say," Harry said with a laugh. "You always do that."

"I can read your mind," Hermione teased.

"Can you?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow. "Hmmm...Can you read it now?"

"You're thinking... you want to get me back in our hotel room very soon," Hermione laughed girlishly.

"Spot on," Harry said giving her a kiss. "Kind of nice living like Muggles, eh? No one knows who we are and I can do this if I want to...."

"Right," she closed her eyes and pressed herself against him.

"My sweet Hermione," he said against her skin.

"My sexy Harry," she said, kissing under his ear.

"My....oh for Merlin's sake!" Harry said tensing up.

"What?" she asked pulling away. "Is the media here?"

"No," Harry said. "Your admirer from the beach is at the bar....watching us."

"What?" Hermione turned to see Patrick looking straight at her and Harry. "Why don't you just ignore him?" she asked. "I'm not going to bother with him."

"I know," Harry said. "But you'd think he'd have taken the hint after that little sandstorm."

"Some guys just don't," Hermione ran her hands over his chest and shoulders. "Come on Harry. Don't let him spoil our last night here."

"Right," Harry said giving her a lingering kiss.

"Mmm..." she closed her eyes. "Just what I wanted."

"How about we grab a bottle of champagne?" Harry asked giving her another kiss. "And then head back to the room."

"I like that idea," she smiled.

"Or," Harry said. "We could go down to the beach..."

"We could get champagne and then go down to the beach," Hermione suggested.

"Now that's a brilliant idea," Harry said taking her hand and leading her toward the bar.

She followed him, hoping that Patrick wouldn't do anything so foolish as to try and come talk to her again while Harry was around. He had certainly seemed like a nice enough bloke, but completely clueless.

"Hello Mr. Potter, Mrs. Potter," the bartender said warmly. "What can I get for you?"

"Your finest bottle of champagne and two glasses," Harry replied.

"Coming right up," he smiled at them. Hermione rested her head on Harry's shoulder and took a deep breath of the fresh sea air.

"Hello Hermione," Patrick said raising his glass at her. His expression toward Harry was a bit wary. "Hello, Harry."

"Hello," Harry said coldly.

"Hi Patrick," Hermione said with a weak smile. "Have... have you been having a nice time?" she squeezed her husband's hand.

"It's been okay," Patrick answered. "Could have been better."

"I'm sorry to hear you haven't had fun," Hermione said politely.

"It would have been nice to have someone to pass the time with," Patrick said glumly.

"Then why didn't you go out to meet anyone?" Harry stated coolly.

"Well, I was here on a business retreat," Patrick replied. "I didn't get the chance to get out much."

"Sorry to hear that," Harry said in an unsympathetic tone as the bartender returned with the champagne.

"I'll just charge that to your room, Mr. Potter," the bartender said handing Harry the bottle. Hermione took the glasses.

"Thank you," Harry said with a smile.

"I hope you enjoy the rest of your time here," Hermione said to Patrick.

"Thanks," he said wistfully.

"Ready to go?" Harry asked his wife.

"I am," she smiled at him.

Harry led the way down to the beach. "We should probably take our shoes off."

"Good idea," Hermione said, looking forward to burying her feet in the sand.

Harry set the champagne down while he slipped out of his shoes. ""This is such a great night."

"It is," she agreed, holding her sandals and glasses in one hand so she could link their fingers together.

"You're not cold are you?" he asked.

"I'm fine," she answered. "I'll be better once we sit down and you're holding me though."

"I forgot to nick us a towel or a blanket," Harry said frowning.

"I think we can manage," Hermione pulled on his hand. "Come on."

"Lead the way," Harry said grabbing the bottle.

They walked down the moonlit beach hand in hand, just content to enjoy each other's company in silence for the moment. "Here seems like a good spot to sit," she said once they were a slight distance away from the hotel. "Nice and private."

"Sold," Harry said. "I still wish I'd thought to bring a blanket."

"We can deal with a little sand," Hermione laughed, sitting down. "We'll just have to wait until we're back in the room to shag."

"Aye," Harry said sitting down beside her. "We don't want to get sand in certain places."

"That wouldn't be very good," she said, leaning in to kiss him.

Harry kissed her back pulling her closer.

His hands ran through her hair as she pressed her body to his, pushing him back on the sand.

"Hermione," he whispered as he trailed kisses down her neck.

"I'm going to miss this," she breathed.

"This?" he asked teasingly. "We do this all the time."

"I know that," she laughed. "But being off by ourselves all the time... it's wonderful Harry."

"I agree," he said softly. "But I think you had a great idea before. We should do things like this more often. Getting away, just the two of us."

"We'll make a habit of it," Hermione smiled at him.

"I dread going back to work," Harry groaned sitting up.

"I do too, sort of," Hermione said as he began to wrestle with the cork on the champagne.

"You can't wait to get back," Harry teased. "I know you too well. You like taking it easy, but you are ready to get back to it."

"I've been enjoying my husband entirely too much." Hermione nudged his side.

"I managed to get you to think about something other than the the w word," Harry said proudly. "I think that's something."

"Yes it is," Hermione closed her eyes and leaned back as Harry finally managed to pop the cork.

He poured them both a glass. "Should we make a toast then?"

"Sure," she agreed.

Harry thought for a moment before raising his glass. "To stepping away from it all and enjoying each other," he finally said.

"That's perfect," Hermione said, giving him a kiss before sipping her champagne.

"So, I think we managed to get a little something for everyone," Harry said. "I think Saffy will love that necklace you bought."

"I'm sure she will," Hermione nodded. "And the little knick knacks for Ethan and Maddie's place..."

"And those t-shirts for Katie and Ashley," Harry said. "And the bracelet for Julie...."

"I think we have everyone covered," Hermione said, finishing her glass and pouring herself another.

"Oh and don't forget the sweets we bought for Ron," Harry said laughing. "He'd be completely mortified if we'd forgotten him or his stomach."

"Right," Hermione laughed too. "He lives for sweets."

They both heard the faint sound of laughter and looked up to see a younger couple walking hand in hand a little further down the shore.

"Who does that remind you of?" Hermione asked with a smile.

"You and me," Harry said softly.

"I wonder if they're on their honeymoon," Hermione watched them walk.

"Looks like it," Harry commented. "They have that 'no one else in the world, but you' look to them."

"We still have that look," Hermione grinned at her husband.

"Even after all these years," Harry said pulling her closer.

"It'll always be like this for us," Hermione laid her head against his shoulder. "The way we love each other I mean."

"Always," Harry promised kissing the side of her head. "Always, Hermione."

"Come on," she said. "Let's take this back to our hotel room."

"Best way to spend our last night," he said standing up and offering her his hand.

"I agree," she said, holding the open bottle while Harry took the glasses in his free hand.

"Come on, Hermione Jane," Harry said smiling at her.

"After you Harry James," she grinned back.

*** *** ***

"Lav?" Seamus asked coming into the sitting room. "Come on, we have to finish packing. We're leaving in a couple of hours."

"I have something I need to take care of first," she said turning off her mobile phone. A huge grin spread across her face.

"What's going on in that little head of yours?" Seamus asked. "What are you up to?"

"Oh nothing," Lavender giggled, doing an impromptu dance across the room.

"Lav," Seamus asked folding his arms. "I know you. Something's up, isn't it?"

"Oh I don't know," Lavender replied suggestively. "Is something up that I should know about?" she glanced at his trousers mischievously.

"No changing the subject," Seamus said firmly. "Lav? Come on. We have to get a move on. If you are up to no good, you should get it over with before we go."

"I fully plan on it," Lavender gave her husband a kiss. "Shouldn't take me too long."

"Two hours, Lav," Seamus said before heading back upstairs. "Two hours."

"Oh honestly Seamus," she called after him. "Are we not a witch and wizard? We can come and go as we please."

"Two hours," he called back.

Lavender rolled her eyes but laughed again as she pulled her cloak on and headed towards the Ministry.

Parvati was in deep conversation with Maddie, who was trying very hard to keep her cool.

"You know, I was just suggesting to Smythe this morning about how we should rearrange the entire department," Parvati said. "Shake things up a bit."

"I think it looks fine," Maddie said tightly. She'd never in her life been so annoyed by another person and Parvati was grating on her nerves consistently.

"You are young, Madeline," Parvati said in a condescending tone. "And I have been at this longer than you."

"What, decorating an office?" Maddie asked incredulously.

"I beg your pardon?" Parvati asked taken aback. "Madeline..."

"What does an office decor have to do with what we do as a profession?" Maddie asked, her blue eyes darkening.

"I just think that having a nicer environment would be more conducive to what we do," Parvati explained in the same patronizing tone. "Studies have shown that people work better in colourful, bright environments. This place looks cold, dark and uninviting."

Maddie's fists were clenched at her side. "Why don't you just decorate your own office then?" she hissed angrily.

"I don't just work in my office though," Parvati pointed out. She saw Lavender approaching them and she smiled warmly at the woman. "Hello, Lavender. What a nice surprise!"

"Oh that it is," Lavender said, unable to keep from grinning.

"I think I need some fresh air," Maddie said grabbing her cloak. "I'm sorry to run out, Lavender."

"Quite all right," Lavender said. "I would like to see you before I leave though. I have some designs to show you based on what we came up with that one night at dinner."

"Sure," Maddie said smiling at her.

"And I have some designs I'd like to show you for your office," Parvati said to Maddie. "I think you'll like them."

Maddie said nothing, just glared fiercely at the other woman before sweeping out of the office, her hair flying out behind her.

"Poor Madeline," Parvati said shaking her head. "She just doesn't understand anything, I'm afraid."

"I'm sure she just likes her office the way it is," Lavender said.

"Some people hate change, I guess," Parvati said with a shrug. "So, what brings you by?"

"Seamus and I are leaving and I wanted to... give you a goodbye gift," Lavender said with a false, bright smile.

Parvati beamed at her. "I love presents!"

"I'm sure you'll adore this one," Lavender said, bringing out a large envelope that she'd picked up from a friend on her way over.

Parvati rubbed her hands together eagerly before taking the envelope from Lavender. "This is so nice of you. You know the moment I met you, I thought you and I understood each other. You know?"

"Right," Lavender nodded, hardly able to contain herself. The photos inside would certainly wipe the smile off Parvati's face.

Parvati opened the envelope and pulled out the photographs. "This is so....where....where did you get these?"

"I have my sources," Lavender said, finally letting all pretences fall.

Parvati was silent as she looked at the photographs.

"I suppose you'd like to know why," Lavender broke into her thoughts. "Well... you started it really. If you hadn't been all over my husband at the Christmas party... I wouldn't have cared about you being here one way or the other."

"I danced with him a couple of times," Parvati said weakly. "That's no reason to do this!"

"You monopolised him the entire evening," Lavender said coolly.

"I-I didn't mean to," Parvati said her voice catching. "Who gave these to you? Was it Martin?"

"I never reveal my sources," Lavender said mysteriously. "And don't worry about destroying those. I have copies... multiple copies. I wonder how the Ministry, and this department as a matter of fact, would feel knowing that their so called 'Seer' was nothing more than a high priced window whore during her so called 'sabbatical' while she was in Amsterdam?"

Parvati opened her mouth to respond, but words failed her at the moment. She thought she had left that life behind her.

"Of course... no one has to know." Lavender said. "It could stay our little secret here Parvati."

"What do you want me to do?" Parvati asked handing Lavender back the pictures.

"Leave," Lavender replied. "Go on another sabbatical, or even find another job. I don't care. But you're trying to take charge in a department that doesn't want you, and you've done nothing but insult my cousin the entire time you've been back."

"Leave?" Parvati asked. "I can't!"

"Why not?" Lavender asked. "You did it before."

"How can you be so cold?" Parvati asked. "You have no idea what it was like for me back then."

"How can you be so callous now?" Lavender returned. "Coming into this department, telling the person in charge they're doing an awful job, telling Maddie she doesn't know what she's doing... need I go on?"

Parvati shook her head. "When do you want me to quit?"

"As soon as possible," Lavender said. "I may not be around, but I do know what's going on."

Parvati shakily stood up. Suddenly, she rounded on Lavender. "You're scared. You think that I was going to steal your husband away. I think you should be more concerned about the state of your marriage than an old friend who simply wanted to catch up with an old love."

"I've been through that once," Lavender said coldly. "I'm not going to be the scorned woman again. And I'm not worried- I'm just pissed off."

Parvati rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll go. I hope that makes you happy!"

"You're not as stupid as I thought," Lavender snorted. "I'd have thought you'd put up more of a fight."

"I don't think it would be a good idea to tangle with you," Parvati said honestly.

"Smart girl," Lavender beamed, speaking to the other woman as if she were five years old.

"I-I'll just go and write a resignation letter for Smythe," Parvati said quietly.

For some reason, Lavender felt a slight twinge of remorse. "Where will you go?" she asked. Despite this horrible woman's behaviour, she didn't want to be responsible for sending someone to the streets.

"My sister Padma lives in Madrid," Parvati said. "I think I'll stay with her."

"Look," Lavender said. "If you can't afford to leave, I can't make you. But you have to stop running around here acting as if you own the place. You'll leave Maddie and her mentor alone and do what you have to do under Smythe's orders."

"And you won't tell anyone about these pictures?" Parvati asked sceptically. "If I do all that?"

"Not a word," Lavender replied.

"Okay," Parvati said. "I'll do as you ask."

"See you are smart," Lavender patted her head like a child.

"Thank you," Parvati said coolly.

"No thank YOU," Lavender handed her back the envelope. "You can keep these."

Parvati nodded and hugged the envelope to her chest.

"Ta," Lavender gave her a jaunty wave before disappearing back into Maddie's office to wait for the blonde.

A few minutes later, Maddie came back into her office carrying a cup of hot chocolate that she'd picked up from the cafeteria.

"I'm sorry for rushing out earlier," Maddie said to Lavender.

"Quite all right," Lavender said. "But it's all taken care of now. She won't be bothering you anymore."

Maddie sat down and gave Lavender a quizzical look. "What do you mean?"

"Just that," Lavender said mysteriously. "I'm afraid I can't reveal why, but she's promised to stay out of your hair."

"Whatever you did," Maddie said. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Lavender smiled. "Here are those designs I was telling you about." she spread them on Maddie's desk.

Maddie gasped. "Lavender! These are gorgeous!"

Lavender was happy to hear her say that. "If you like, we can incorporate things from each design into one dress."

"You could do that?" Maddie asked. "I'd really love that."

"Absolutely," Lavender nodded. "These sleeves, for instance, would work well with this design of dress." she pointed. "And with this dress, you could wear your hair up or down, because the main design work would be in the front and not the back."

Maddie smiled. "It all seems so real now. Looking at dresses."

"I should think the ring would make it all real," Lavender teased her.

"That too," Maddie said with a laugh. "But it just all seems to be falling into place."

"Well all I can say is that this was a long time in coming," Lavender said.

"Finally, right?" Maddie asked with a grin.

"You make Ethan very happy," Lavender hugged the young woman.

"He does the same for me," Maddie said hugging her back. "And I hope we're as happy as you and Seamus."

"Without all the added drama you mean?" Lavender asked with a laugh, gathering her drawings back up.

"The drama made your relationship stronger," Maddie said. "Things aren't going to be perfect all the time. As my mum always tells me, it's how you handle the hardships that come your way."

"She is so right," Lavender nodded. "I have to get back before Seamus blows a gasket. He's already back in dictator mode."

Maddie laughed. "It's been so great having the two of you around."

"We'll certainly miss being here, but it's not as if we can't be back in a split second," Lavender said with a grin.

"The benefits of magic," Maddie said. "Come on, I'll walk you out."

"All right," Lavender agreed.

They ran into Parvati who shared a look with Lavender.

"Madeline," Parvati said stopping them. "I'm very sorry about how unbearable I've been to you and to your colleagues. You are a very competent young woman and I have no reason to question your abilities or judgment."

"Um..." Maddie was taken aback. "Okay..."

"I hope you have a safe trip home, Lavender," Parvati said before hurrying back into her office.

"That really just happened?" Maddie asked Lavender. "I didn't imagine that?"

"You didn't," Lavender said smugly.

"Amazing," Maddie said shaking her head.

"Thank you, I am." Lavender said jokingly.

Maddie hugged her once more. "Thank you for whatever you did. Give Seamus my love."

"I will," Lavender said. "We'll see you soon Maddie."

Lavender arrived back at Harry and Hermione's with a huge grin on her face. Seamus and Harry were in the sitting room talking.

"Forty-five minutes, Mrs. Finnigan," he said pointing at his watch.

"I made it back in time," she replied, undaunted by his tone.

"You want to fill me on what you were doing?" Seamus asked.

"I had to go see Madeline," Lavender answered simply. "Show her the dresses I've already designed."

"That's not all," Harry said sharing a look with Seamus.

"Every woman has her secrets," Lavender said.

"And how many do you have?" Harry asked.

"Too many for your ears Potter," Lavender retorted.

"I don't know how you do it, Seamus," Harry said chuckling.

"He loves me," Lavender said smugly.

"That and I'm a glutton for punishment," Seamus said dryly.

"That's why you were with Summer," Lavender replied sweetly.

"Who?" Seamus asked innocently. "I don't know who that person is."

"Good answer," Lavender gave him a kiss.

"Sweetheart," Seamus said softly. "You know what I'd really love?"

"Hmm?" she asked, completely ignoring the fact that Harry was still sitting in the room.

"If you'd go upstairs and finish packing," he said sweetly.

Harry laughed loudly as Lavender hit her husband's shoulder.

"Ow!" Seamus yelped.

"Wuss," she said, leaving the room.

Seamus shook his head as he watched his wife leave.

"She has you so whipped," Harry chuckled.

*** *** ***

"I can't believe those guys want to take us bowling," Darla laughed, checking out her reflection in the mirror. "I've never been bowling in my life."

"I think I went once when I was about eight," Drew shook her head. "Brian said he would show me how to do it."

"How did you get to go and I didn't?" Darla asked. "We did everything together when we were kids. I certainly don't remember ever going bowling."

"I think I went with someone from school while you were sick," Drew thought for a moment. "You had the Wizarding Flu and so Mum and Dad let me stay over at Shelly Carson's house for a night."

"You always were able to do all the fun stuff," Darla said with a frown. "You're going to be great at this and I'm going to be complete crap."

"Dar I've done it once!" Drew laughed. "Come on, I'm going to be just as bad as you are."

"You'd better be," Darla said pouting. "I'm guessing jeans and a jumper is suitable attire for bowling? We look like Muggles, right?"

Drew nodded and smiled at her sister. "So you and Hans eh? Finally found yourself a suitable match?"

"We're just casual right now," Darla replied. "Nothing too serious, but there are definite possibilities."

"I'm happy for you Dar," Drew said sincerely.

"And I am happy for you, Drew," Darla said. "It's good to see you smiling again and going out and having fun."

"Brian is really sweet," Drew replied.

"And handsome," Darla said with a grin. "And completely and utterly sprung on you."

Drew laughed. "That too." she peered in the mirror. "Think I should grow my hair back out again?"

"You'd look more like me if you did," Darla said thoughtfully. "And I am beautiful."

"I'm your mirror image!" Drew said in mock outrage. "I look as good as you do!"

"Drew," Darla said putting an arm around her. "I was kidding. We're both pretty hot."

"That we are," Drew smiled at her sister. "What time did the guys say they were coming over?"

"Seven," Darla replied and then glanced at her watch. "Which is about five minutes from now."

"Ooh I need to get changed," Drew said, pulling off her robes. "We're meeting with Maddie tomorrow at lunch- she told me that Uncle Harry and Aunt Hermione are letting them use their place for the wedding and reception."

"That's fabulous!" Darla exclaimed. "I love that place!"

"It's going to be perfect," Drew nodded, changing into her own jeans and light blue jumper. "Can you believe our little sister is getting married?"

"Before the two of us at that," Darla said with a laugh.

"It's just so sweet that she's with Ethan," Drew said. "I mean, how long was she after him and then now they're together, in love, and going to be married."

"For years," Darla commented. "And it's great that it's Ethan. He's always fit in with our family."

"We're all sort of related now in a way, aren't we?" Drew said thoughtfully.

"You want to hear something even more bizarre?" Darla asked her sister. "Ronnie Junior told me this when we were in Brighton. Last year, he snogged Saffron."

"WHAT?" Drew shrieked, laughing.

"It was before he got together with Alexa, of course," Darla said quickly. "Apparently they just kissed one night to see how it would be and decided to remain friends."

"Talk about weird," Drew said, still laughing. "R.J. and Saffron would kill each other!"

"I know!" Darla agreed. "That would be like Aunt Hermione being married to Dad. Could you imagine?"

"Hardly," Drew snickered.

The doorbell chimed and Darla looked at her sister. "You want to get it or me?"

"You go," Drew said. "I've got to find my shoes."

Darla nodded and went to answer the door.

"Hello, Darla," Brian said brightly. "How are you?"

"Great," Darla replied. "Drew's still getting ready. Come on in."

"Thanks," he smiled at her. "How have you been? You look great tonight, by the way."

"Thanks," she said closing the door. "You too. I've been okay. Drew and I have been really busy with this big wedding next weekend and it's great to just have a night off to relax."

"I bet," Brian nodded. "Hans here yet?"

Darla shook her head. "Fashionably late as usual. Can I get you anything to drink?"

"I'm good thanks," Brian smiled at her. "Just can't wait to see your twin."

"Here I am," Drew said coming into the room. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Hey," Brian's eyes lit up. "You look gorgeous!"

Drew blushed. "Thanks, Brian. You clean up nice, too."

"Have to," Brian grinned. "Bowling is really fancy you know." he teased.

"I would have worn my ball gown, but it's at the cleaners," Drew said.

"We'll have to make up for it next time," Brian laughed.

"That would be Hans," Darla said as the doorbell rang again.

"Dar, you look gorgeous!" Hans said picking her up and spinning her around.

Darla laughed. "Why thank you." she said, giving him a kiss.

Drew looked at Brian. "She used to be the shy twin."

"And which twin are you?" Brian asked.

"The never shy a day in her life twin," Drew deadpanned.

"She came out screaming and hasn't shut up since," Darla said grinning at her twin.

"Very funny," Drew said as Brian put his arm around her. "Shall we get going? I can't wait to see how terrible I am at this."

"Sure," Hans said. "I thought we could drive. My car's just outside."

"Great," Darla said, reaching into the closet for her Muggle coat.

"I should warn you all that Drew's done this more often than I have," Darla said getting her own coat. "And will probably be way better than me."

"I've done this once!" Drew protested.

"I've been loads of times," Brian said. "I can help you out if you're having trouble."

"I'm going to have to take you up on that," Drew said, linking her fingers with his as they left the house.

They arrived at the bowling alley and paid for their shoes and the lane.

"These are certainly attractive," Darla said scrunching up her nose at the coloured bowling shoes in her hand. "Other people have worn these?"

"Yeah," Brian said. "It's a bit gross I know, but we have to wear them. I think it's a rite of passage or something."

"Ewww," Darla said sitting down and taking off her boots.

"It's not so bad, Dar," Drew said.

"I'll help you," Hans said with a grin.

"I'll need all the help I can get," Darla said.

"We'll need to choose our balls," Brian said. Drew started to laugh. "Oh, that's really mature, Drew. You know what I meant."

"Sorry, it was just the way you said it," she said, still giggling.

"I guess it was pretty funny," Brian said joining in the laughter.

"Help me pick one out," Drew said, eyeing the shelf. "I've no idea what I'm doing here."

"Oooh!" Darla said. "They have purple and pink ones! Get one of those, Drew!"

"Right Dar," Drew said. "What if they weigh seventy stones- I'd never lift it."

"We'll see if we can find you a really pretty one that's light," Hans said to Darla.

"Okay," Darla grinned at him. "I like the purple ones best."

"I'll go get one for you," Hans said giving her a kiss.

Darla caught her sister's amused gaze and made a goofy face at her.

Drew laughed. They might not be very good at this, but she had a feeling they would have fun.

"How about we team up against your sister and Hans?" Brian suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Drew replied. "Seriously- you're going to have to show me how to do this."

"I don't mind," Brian said. "It gives me an excuse to put my arms around you."

"You don't need an excuse for that," she said softly.

Brian grinned. "Good to know."

"Kiss me for luck," Drew said. "I think I'm going to need it."

Brian leaned in and softly kissed her. "For luck."

"All right," Drew said. "Show me how to do this thing."

"Okay," Brian said handing her a light bowling ball. "Put your fingers in those holes."

"Okay," she said. "Like this?"

"Good," Brian said. He motioned for her to follow him. "Now you're going to stand right here...."

"All right," Drew said, slipping a little on the slick floor. "Okay, I remember throwing the ball down there at those pins..."

"But you need to work on your approach," Brian said -picking up a ball. "I usually do about four steps. You don't want to go over that line there, see? And don't look at the floor when you walk, focus on the pins."

"All right," Drew said, ignoring her sister's giggles as she eyed the pins.

Brian quickly demonstrated the correct approach and then looked back at Drew. "Think you've got it then?"

"I hope so," Drew said, doing just as he did.

"Okay," Brian said. "You're up first. Let's see what you can do. Aim for the centre pin there, Drew."

She nodded, her eyes trained on the pins again. She took four careful steps and threw the ball down the long wooden lane.

Darla watched in disbelief as Drew's ball knocked every single pin over.

"Way to go, Drew!" Brian exclaimed giving her a hug. "You just got a strike!"

"I did!" she exclaimed delightedly, laughing as he spun her around.

"Only once my arse," Darla grumbled. "You're an old pro!"

"Dar don't get all competitive on me now," Drew teased her twin.

"If you can do it, I think I can," Darla said picking up a ball. Hans offered to show her what to do, but she waved him off. "I saw what Brian told Drew."

"We might want to stand back," Drew said taking Brian's hand and leading him back to the seats.

"Thanks a lot," Darla said. She concentrated and remembered what her twin had done.

She copied Drew's movement, but her hand curved just as she released the ball causing the ball to land in some curvy thing that ran along both sides of the lanes.

"Does that mean I get a do-over?" Darla asked turning to look at Brian and Hans.

"Well, you get another chance," Brian explained. "But only one more. You threw the ball in the gutter, Darla."

"And that's bad right?" Darla asked with a pout.

"That's very bad," Brian said. "But you get another chance to knock down the rest of the pins. If you do, you'll get a spare."

"Okay," Darla said with a sigh, picking her ball back up as it came out of the return.

"Remember focus on the centre pin," Brian called out to her.

"All right," Darla said, trying once more. To her delight, this time the ball rolled smoothly down the centre.

While she didn't knock down all the pins, she did manage to knock down six of the ten.

"Way to go baby," Hans grinned at her.

"Not bad, eh?" Darla asked. "Not as good as Drew, but much better than my first go."

"Excellent," Hans gave her a kiss.

"Your turn Brian," Drew said.

"Let's see if I can get us another strike," Brian said, grabbing his ball and heading out to the lane.

Drew crossed her fingers as she watched Brian bowl. To her delight, he too, got a strike.

"Do you get the feeling that the two of them probably practised before tonight?" Darla asked looking at Hans.

"Maybe," Hans shook his head. "In any case... I don't think I'm too bad at this. And you'll get better as we play."

"We Weasleys are quite competitive," Darla said watching as Brian received a hug from Drew. "We can't let them beat us, Hans."

"I'll help you out on your next turn," Hans promised her.

"I'll need all the help I can get," Darla said. "Come on, then. It's your turn. Show them how it's done, Hans."

"Will do," he grinned.

Hans also got a strike and Darla couldn't help herself from gloating in front of her sister and Brian.

"We are still ahead though," Drew pointed out.

"Not for long," Darla declared competitively.

"Okay losing team buys the winning team dinner," Drew suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Darla nodded.

"You lot have enough Muggle money right?" Drew asked smugly. "Brian and I are going to be quite hungry when we're done slaughtering the two of you."

"You are so asking for it," Darla said as her sister got up.

"Watch and learn, Dar," Drew said confidently.

"We can't let them win now Hans," Darla whispered.

"They won't," Hans promised putting an arm around her. "They're going down, Darla."

Drew felt more confident this time as she stepped up to the lane. "Okay," she said. "Watch me get another strike!"

Darla, Hans, and Brian watched as Drew let the ball go. "Miss, miss," Darla whispered.

"Oh no!" Drew wailed as the ball headed towards the gutter.

"Yes!" Darla said pumping her fist.

Drew turned around and glared at her sister.

"You Weasleys really are competitive," Brian said with a laugh.

"Well I still get to go again!" Drew said, waiting for her ball to come back. "I can still get a spare!"

"Nice wish," Darla taunted.

"Watch me," Drew said, her eyes narrowed in concentration. She took a few steps and rolled the ball down the lane again.

"Come on," Brian urged as the ball slowly moved toward the pins. While she didn't get a spare, she did manage to knock down eight pins. "Good, Drew!"

"Yes," Drew pumped her fist.

They played three games in total, with Drew and Brian winning two and Hans and Darla only winning once.

"You sure you didn't use your wand or something?" Darla asked as she took off her bowling shoes. "I think you cheated."

"I'm just better," Drew grinned at her sister. "I have played more." she nudged her.

"More than that one time when you were eight?" Darla asked.

"Maybe," Drew teased. "Guess you'll never know."

"We'll have a rematch," Darla said determinedly. "Hans and I were just off our game this time."

"I'm sure you were," Drew pulled her boots on and shrugged into her coat. "Where are you two taking us for dinner?"

"There's a Muggle pub a street over from here," Brian said. "I haven't been there in awhile, but they have great sandwiches."

"Sounds good," Darla said, looking at Hans. "Ready?"

"Sure" Hans said helping her with her coat. "Let's go drown our sorrows."

Darla laughed. "Wait until we play chess with them. Drew's as bad as my uncle Harry."

"We need to play that next then," Hans said giving her a kiss.

It didn't take them long to get to the pub and Drew immediately liked the feel of the place. It was quite crowded and there didn't seem to be any tables available.

"How about we sit at the bar until one opens up?" Brian suggested.

"Sure," Drew said. "I'm thirsty."

Darla led the way and they managed to find four seats at the bar. "I like this place, Brian."

"The owner is fantastic," Brian said. "And like I said, the food's great and not overly expensive."

"Hiya," a familiar voice said causing Drew to turn her head. "What can I get you.....Drew?"

"Jon?" Drew asked, staring at her brother in shock. At hearing the name, Darla whipped around to stare at her brother as well.

"What on earth are you doing here?" Darla asked sharing a look with Drew.

"I uh..." Jon looked around as if trying to escape. "Well um... I sort of work here."

"Working?" Darla asked pulling a confused face. "Since when?"

"How about you and I go play darts?" Brian asked Hans.

Hans nodded and the two guys disappeared.

"Just a little while," Jon said. "Listen, you two have to promise me you won't say anything to Al about this."

"She doesn't know?" Drew asked leaning forward. "Jon, what's really going on?"

"Look lately we haven't been doing so well money wise, all right?" Jon said. "And I don't want her to work while the girls are still home. So I took this second job so we'd have some more money coming in."

"So is this the 'client' who kept you late on New Year's?" Darla asked pointedly.

Jon nodded.

"Why don't you just ask Dad for a loan?" Drew asked. "You know he'd help you out if you were in trouble. Or Josh---"

"Because I didn't want anyone to know," Jon hissed. "That's why you two have to keep this a secret."

"Jon," Drew said putting her hand on his arm. "We won't say anything if you don't want us to."

"Thank you," Jon said in relief.

"I still think you should tell Allie," Darla said. "You shouldn't be keeping things from each other, Jon."

"Look if she knew about this, she'd start worrying too much. And I don't want her worrying. With this job, we've got enough." Jon said.

Drew leaned over the bar and gave her older brother a big hug. "You stood by me when I needed it. I'll stand by you now, Jon."

"Thanks Aunt Doo," Jon grinned at her.

"How are Emma and Caroline?" Drew asked.

"They're fine," Jon said. "I can't believe how big Emma's getting. She's growing up too fast."

"We have some old dresses we've been meaning to bring by," Darla said. "And veils, too. I'm sure the girls would love them."

"They definitely would," Jon nodded, getting another pint for a patron just down the bar.

"Does this mean we get free drinks?" Darla asked giving her brother her best Maddie smile.

"Nice try but you're not the baby sister," Jon laughed. "Only Mad Dog can pull that one off."

"Ahh, you're no fun," Darla said pouting at him.

"So you two on a double date?" Jon asked.

Drew nodded as Jon slid them both a pint of hard cider. "With Brian and Hans."

"And we found out that Drew's a super bowler," Darla said rolling her eyes.

"Sounds like a bit of twin envy to me," Jon teased, thinking about his own brother.

"A bit?" Drew scoffed. "She's jealous."

"I can still whip you at chess," Darla declared.

"And I can beat both of you at it," Jon said smugly.

Someone down at the end of the bar waved at Jon.

"I should probably go and get that," he said. "But I can count on you two? You won't tell Al?"

"We already promised we wouldn't," Drew replied. "Go on- make your money."

"Thanks," Jon said smiling at them both.

"This isn't good," Darla said looking at Drew. "Not at all."

"I can't believe he'd take on a second job and not tell Allie," Drew shook her head.

"You know how proud he is," Darla said watching her brother as he spoke with a patron. "And I imagine he'd rather eat slugs than ask Josh for help."

"Tell me about it," Drew sighed. "I'm sure we didn't help on New Year's all talking about Josh and Lizzy's new place and how well they're doing."

"I just hope this doesn't blow up in his face," Darla said.

"I hope not too," Drew said. "His heart's in the right place."

"Aye," Darla said. "Come on, we'd better go and find the blokes."

"Right," Drew said. "And a table- I'm starving!"