Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

We see some of Saffron in this chapter, and we moved things forward to the recital in an effort to keep our timeline moving more smoothly. One character in particular may just surprise you ;) Next chapter you'll see the triplets in action as well as a little Jon/Josh flashback- with PADDY!

Saffron had been moping all around the house since coming back from Brighton. Alexa was in LA so she couldn't hang out with her best friend, and everyone else had gone back to work.

She missed Andrew more than anything, but her pride refused to allow her to ring him. He hadn't believed her- and if something like that happened again, she knew the same thing would probably happen once more.

She was contemplating visiting her grandmother when her mobile rang. She hoped it was Alexa so she could hear all about her time in the States.

"Hallo?" she asked a bit eagerly. "Lex?"

"No," a friendly, familiar male voice answered back. "It's me, Sean."

"Sean?" she asked. "Oh... hey. I'm sorry- I just wasn't expecting to hear from you."

"Disappointed?" Sean asked.

"No," she said truthfully.

"So what are you up to?" Sean asked.

"Nothing, really." Saffron answered. "I'm kind of bored. My parents are at work."

"Mine too," Sean said. "And there were still some things I needed to pick up for school. I was wondering if perhaps you'd want to accompany me? I'd even buy you lunch..."

She thought for a long moment. "Okay..."

"Great," Sean said. "Do you want to meet in Piccadily in about 30 minutes?"

Saffron wondered if she could hire herself a taxi. "That sounds good." she answered.

"I look forward to it," Sean said. "Um, you remember that deli we used to go to? We could meet in front of there."

"I remember," Saffron said with a little smile. "I'll be there. Thanks Sean."

She clicked off her phone and hurried upstairs to change. Truth be told, she was glad to get out of the house. Hopefully, this time, she wouldn't run into Andrew on another double date.

She changed into some jeans and pulled her hair back. "You be good, baby." she told her dog. "I'll be back in a few hours."

Puddles looked up at her and barked.

Saffron hugged him. She was so glad for her dog- he always seemed to know when she was feeling down and did his best to cheer her up.

After leaving a note for her parents, she headed down towards the Leaky Cauldron. It didn't take her long at all to get a taxi and little while later, wound up waiting for Sean in front of the deli.

He waved at her and she noticed how cute he looked in his jeans and button down shirt.

"You've had your hair cut since last I saw you," Saffron commented.

"Just yesterday," Sean said.

"It looks nice," she said.

"Thanks," Sean said grinning at her. "You look great as always."

"I try," Saffron replied. "My hair looked awful today."

"You always complain about your hair, but I think you always look beautiful," Sean said.

"Thanks," Saffron flushed a bit. "So um... what did you have to get?"

"A few things," Sean said. "Books, notebooks...but no cauldrons or wands, for me."

"That's a shame," Saffron shook her head. "My stuff is more fun."

"I agree," Sean said. "How about we get a sandwich before we get started?"

"That sounds great," Saffron answered. "Thanks Sean."

He held the door open for her. He still felt bad about what had happened with RJ and Audrey and Andrew.

He approached the subject when they were sitting down. "So um... did you manage to work everything out with RJ or anything like that?"

Saffron snorted. "No."

"I'm really sorry," Sean said quietly. "I wish I'd have kept my mouth shut."

"You know what?" Saffron said. "It would have happened regardless. You weren't to know that RJ didn't tell Audrey about us. It may not have happened that night but it would have happened anyway. Andrew would have found something else to blame me for."

"It's a shame that you lot have to hide who you are," Sean said. "I just assumed that he'd have told her...."

"It's not that we have to hide it," Saffron replied. "We just have to be careful about who knows."

Sean nodded. "That's what Christina told me."

"I hate to ask," Saffron said ruefully. "But what's she up to?"

Sean looked at her. "We're not supposed to talk about it, but...."

"What?" Saffron was intrigued.

"She's a dancer," Sean replied.

At first, Saffron didn't understand the big deal. "Okay..."

"Exotic dancer," Sean clarified.

Saffron clapped her hands over her mouth. "NO WAY!"

Sean nodded. "Yeah, like I said my family doesn't like talking about it, especially my aunt and uncle. But, she tried university and flunked out..."

"I'm shocked," Saffron deadpanned.

"No, you're not," Sean said shaking his head.

"You're right," Saffron sat back. "I'm sorry. It makes me sound totally mean, but she was really horrible to us."

"Yes, she was," Sean said. "When I heard about what she did to RJ..."

"That was pretty terrible," Saffron answered.

"Yes, well," Sean said. "How about I get you your usual?"

"Sounds good," Saffron nodded. "Thanks."

"Coming right up," Sean said before heading for the counter.

Saffron watched him go. He was as sweet as he ever was, and she appreciated how he was trying to pull her out of her slump. Perhaps hanging out with him would save her summer from being a total drag.

Sean came back a few minutes later with drinks, crisps and sandwiches for the two of them.

"This looks delicious," Saffron said. "Thank you so much."

"I owe you much more than this for what I did," Sean said, sitting back down.

"You don't owe me anything," Saffron said. "I don't blame you for a moment."

Sean smiled at her. "Thanks, Saffy."

"You're a great guy," Saffron continued softly. "You'd never do anything purposely mean."

"Neither would you," Sean said looking at her.

"I don't know about that," Saffron said wryly. "I know a lot of people who would say otherwise."

"Not people who truly know you," Sean said. "You are the most loyal person I know, Saffy."

"I think I want to keep you around," Saffron said with a grin.

Sean didn't dare tell Saffron now that he still had feelings for her and that they'd never really gone away, even after they'd broken up. But, he respected her relationship with Andrew and the last thing he wanted was to be the rebound guy.

"Maybe we should go see a movie or something later," Saffron said, changing the subject.

"I'd like that," Sean replied.

"Something funny," Saffron said with a grin. "I need a good laugh."

"Other than your old rival being an exotic dancer, you mean?" Sean teased.

"Something like that," Saffron agreed.

They finished their lunch and to Saffron's delight, she hadn't thought that much about Andrew.

It didn't take Sean too long to get the rest of his school things and they spent the rest of that afternoon in a movie, then before heading back they decided to take a ride up on the London Eye.

"I haven't done this in ages," Saffron told him as they waited in the queue.

"Me either," Sean admitted.

"I forgot how high it is," Saffron looked up. "I go higher up on my broom."

"Higher than that?" Sean asked, impressed.

"I freak my mum out," Saffron said. "She hates flying."

Sean laughed. "She must not be too happy with your career choice, then."

"Not especially," Saffron replied. "But Dad's got her convinced it won't be so bad."

"You know," Sean said. "He's not as scary as he used to be. He used to terrify me when I'd come to take you out."

"My dad's really a big teddy bear," Saffron said as they climbed into one of the cars.

"And he cares about you a great deal," Sean said.

"Sometimes when he gets on my nerves I have to remind myself that," Saffron admitted.

Sean laughed. "Your mum's a lot nicer."

"So you're saying my dad's mean?" Saffron poked him.

"Scary, not mean," Sean corrected with a grin. "I don't have a death wish."

Saffron laughed, hard. "That's a good one."

Sean turned around so he could get a better look at the view, as did Saffron. "It's so beautiful...."

"Beautiful," Sean said his eyes on Saffron.

"It's just like this when I'm up in the air on my broom," Saffron didn't notice him staring at her. "I could stay up here forever."

"Me too," Sean said instinctively reaching for her hand.

She looked over at him and smiled. "It's nice up here with you."

Sean smiled back at her. "Yes, it is."

"This is the first really fun day I've had all summer long," Saffron confessed. "Thanks to you."

"I'm glad to help," Sean said still holding her hand.

"You're just a really good friend," she squeezed his hand.

Friend, Sean thought. It wasn't exactly what he wanted, but he knew it was a start. "I was wondering if you'd let me write to you..."

"At school?" Saffron asked. "Of course."

Sean grinned. "Great."

"Instead of going through my mum, I'll owl right to you." Saffron said.

"That sounds good," Sean said.

"You know how to do it right?" Saffron asked. "You just tie your letter to the owl's leg. They'll know where to deliver it."

"Right," Sean remembered. "Too bad you lot don't have would be so much faster."

Saffron smiled. "We can't have any electric things with us. The magic sort of... interferes with it all."

"Phones and computers are a lot easier," Sean said nudging her.

"Maybe," she nudged him back.

"You know that I'm right," Sean said.

"No way," Saffron answered. "I love owls."

"I saw that picture of one in the beach house," Sean said. "Your dad was a kid...had one on his shoulder....snowy white colour..."

"That was Hedwig," Saffron nodded. "He took it pretty hard when she died. She was sort of like his first friend, you know?"

Sean nodded. "That would be hard to take."

"You'll get into it too," Saffron replied. "You'll be into owling before the end of the year. Mark my words."

"Maybe I'll start sending out all my post that way," Sean said.

"Your relatives might freak out a little at first," Saffron laughed.

"Well with the whole Christina thing, they might think that is pretty tame in comparison," Sean pointed out.

"True," Saffron agreed, gazing out over the city as they began their descent.

"So," Sean said. "How's Alexa doing?"

"Good," Saffron nodded. "She's so happy with Gabriel. She's actually in LA right now with him."

"You miss her though," Sean said.

"Yeah," Saffron said. "I do. I kept dialling her today before remembering she's not in town."

"I'm glad I could fill in for her," Sean said with a grin. "But I am going to draw the line at plaiting each other's hair and doing makeovers."

"Awwww," Saffron said. "You mean no nail polish?"

Sean shook his head. "Not even for you."

"Guess we'll just have to stick with ice cream then," Saffron replied.

"That I can do," Sean said.

"My treat though," Saffron said. "Since you bought lunch."

"Okay," Sean said taking her hand again.

They headed for the same ice cream parlour that they'd been at a few days before but thankfully this time her ex didn't walk in with another slag on his arm.

The evening went by way too fast and Sean hailed a cab for her. "I'll give you a call tomorrow, if that's okay."

"I'd like that," Saffron nodded. "Thank you so much for getting me out of the house today."

"Thank you for coming with me," Sean said contemplating giving her a kiss, but not wanting to push it. "I had a nice time, Saffy. A really nice time."

"Me too," Saffron said, realising how close they were standing. She took a little step backwards. "I'll um... I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Sean handed her some money for the fare. "Don't even think about giving that back to me."

"Sean," Saffron shook her head. "You're almost too good to be true."

"I am," Sean said opening the car door.

"See you soon," Saffron smiled at him before sliding inside.

When she arrived home, her parents were sitting down to dinner.

"Saffron, is that you?" Hermione called out.

"Yeah," Saffron came into the kitchen.

"You know, I actually came home early to see if you wanted to play a round of golf," Harry said smiling at her.

"It's been awhile since we did that," Saffron dropped down in a chair. "Maybe tomorrow?"

"You're on," Harry said.

"Let me get you a plate, sweetheart," Hermione said.

"I'm not that hungry," Saffron replied. "Maybe just a little something."

Hermione put small portions on her daughter's plate. "Here you are."

"Thanks, Mum," Saffron said. "How was work?"

"Busy today," Hermione answered. "Did you have a nice afternoon with Sean?"

Saffron nodded and told them about her afternoon. "It was really nice to get out of the house."

"I'm glad you weren't moping about," Harry replied.

"I'm done with that," Saffron said. "It's not as much fun as you'd think."

"There is something that might make you happier," Hermione said handing her daughter a piece of parchment. "Small dogs are now accepted as pets at Hogwarts for sixth and seventh year students."

"WHAT?" Saffron screamed.

Harry laughed. "I think Oliver heard you in Scotland."

"Did you do this Mum?" Saffron asked when she'd calmed down. "I can bring Puddles now? Really, really?"

Hermione explained how she'd met with the school's board of governors. "It was a unanimous decision and provided that the students take care of the pets, the rule will stay in place."

Saffron threw herself at her mother. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so, so, so much!"

Hermione hugged her daughter. "You're welcome, love."

"Puddles!" Saffron called out.

The dog came scampering into the room, his tongue hanging out.

"You are coming to school with me, baby!" Saffron exclaimed, picking him up and hugging him to her.

Puddles eagerly licked her face.

"I think he's just feeding off your excitement," Harry chuckled.

"Don't listen to your father," Hermione said. "I think he's going to miss having Puddles around."

"You mean those 3 AM bathroom calls?" Harry asked dryly.

"You're going to miss him," Saffron said smiling at her father.

"A little," Harry admitted. "But nowhere near as much as I miss you when you're gone."

"I'm going to miss you guys, too," Saffron said.

"Come eat with us," Hermione moved out the chair. "We were hoping you'd get home in time to join us."

Saffron sat back down. "Dad, did you get any bad guys today?"

"Not today," Harry said. "Bit of a slow one, actually."

"You'll get them tomorrow," Saffron said.

"After golf, right?" Harry smiled at his daughter.

"Absolutely," Saffron said. "Or you can take your frustrations out on the course..."

"And hit the ball into the sand pit," Hermione interjected.

"I've gotten better," Harry said defensively.

"A little," Saffron giggled.

"A lot," Harry said.

"I hope I'm still good," Saffron grew pensive. "You know... I haven't golfed since before Grandpa died..."

"Oh, sweetheart," Hermione said reaching across the table for her daughter's hand.

"I still miss him so much," Saffron said softly. "I hope I haven't outgrown those clubs he gave me."

"We might be able to lengthen them if you have," Harry said.

"I hope so," Saffron answered. "I love those clubs."

"You want to come with, Hermione?" Harry asked his wife.

"I don't think so," Hermione shook her head. "This is your thing."

"Come on, Mum," Saffron pleaded. "Come with."

"I'll show you a few things," Harry said. "And then Saffy can show you how to do them right."

"Well, I suppose I can't turn that offer down," Hermione said. "I'll see if I clear my schedule."

"I hope you can," Saffron said.

"Me too," Hermione said.

She certainly noticed the change in her daughter since this morning. Getting over Andrew wasn't going to be easy, but Saffron had a good support system.

*** *** ***

Caroline getting the lead in The Swan Princess definitely put a strain on her friendship with Katie. Despite Caroline's efforts, Katie kept her distance. She didn't say more than a couple of words to Caroline during their classes and hadn't come over for play dates.

It didn't help matters that Lindsey Gill had installed herself as Katie's new best friend and made derogatory remarks whenever Caroline was in earshot.

"Don't worry about them," Mia told her cousin. "You're going to be great tonight." the two of them had grown extra close in the past few months.

"I just keep thinking about what Grandma told me," Caroline said. "To not worry about the crowd and to just concentrate on the dance."

"She's right," Mia squeezed her hand. "And you look so gorgeous. Just like Belle if she was a ballerina."

"Really?" Caroline beamed at her. "So do you."

"Sissy!" Emma came running up. "Sissy! Time to dance yet?" her little fox costume looked absolutely adorable with a tail and her red hair curled out everywhere.

"Not yet, Em," Caroline told her sister. "We still have a few minutes."

"Like my tail?" Emma turned and wiggled her little behind.

"I do," Mia told her cousin. "You look just like a real fox, Em."

Emma hugged her. "And you're pretty too!"

"Thanks, Em," Mia said. "And I bet you can't wait for the after party."

"For pizza!" Emma clapped happily.

Just the thought of food made Caroline feel ill. She was second-guessing her decision to be the lead. This was crazy. She kept seeing the people in the crowd laughing at her as she messed up the entire routine.

"Look at her," Lindsey nudged Katie. Both girls were dressed up in their chorus costumes. "She's absolutely scared out of her mind."

"I'm sure she'll do fine," Katie muttered.

"Katie," Lindsey said. "She looks like she wants to throw up."

Katie shrugged. At first hanging out with Lindsey had been fun, but now the other girl was sort of getting on her nerves. Almost as much as Mia, who had been quick to dodge in and take her place as Caroline's best friend.

"I'm going to touch up my hair," Lindsey said. "I'll be right back."

"Fine," Katie said, still looking over to the other side of the room.

Allison hurried over to where her daughters were sitting. "Okay, girls. I have to go and sit with Daddy and Adam. You both look absolutely beautiful..."

"Mummy," Caroline said. "I---I don't know if I can do this."

"Sweetheart," Allison knelt down in front of her. "What's wrong?"

Caroline's lower lip trembled. "I'm nervous."

"It's okay to be nervous," Allison reassured her. "But you've been practising for two months, Angel. You're going to be perfect. And we're all in the front row to watch."

Caroline nodded. "Okay..."

"You know this dance," Allison encouraged. "You've worked so hard. And we can't wait to see you up there sweetheart."

Emma put her arm around her sister. "Sissy be great!"

"Thanks Em," Caroline only felt a little better.

"You look adorable, Emma Madeline," Allison said to her youngest. "You remember to do exactly what Grandma and Aunt Chiaki say, okay?"

"Kay Mummy," Emma replied, playing with her tail.

Allison gave them both a kiss on the cheek. "You're going to be great, Caroline. You can do this, baby."

"Thanks," Caroline whispered. She felt as if she were going to be sick any moment.

Lindsey walked past Mia, Caroline and Emma and with a glint in her eye made an announcement that made Caroline feel even more nervous than she actually was.

"There's got to be at least 200 people out here," Lindsey said proudly.

Caroline gulped, her face turning completely ashen.

"Isn't that great?" Mia cast a glare at Lindsey. "Everyone will see what a perfect dancer you are."

"All those people," Lindsey said shaking her head. "Just"

"Go away," Mia glared at her. "You're just trying to make Caroline nervous."

"She didn't need me to do it," Lindsey said before sauntering off.

"Em has to go," Emma said starting to do a little dance.

Mia smiled. "I'll take her to the loo."

"Thanks," Caroline whispered.

"Come on, Em," Mia said taking her cousin's hand.

Caroline decided to go over the steps one last time but to her horror, she couldn't remember a single one.

Her hands were trembling and she had to fight off tears.

Katie noticed her friend's behaviour, but didn't say anything until she saw Lindsey making her way over to where Caroline was.

"I bet your grandmother and aunt are going to regret their decision," Lindsey said looking disdainfully at Caroline.

"Leave me alone," Caroline turned away from her. "I never did anything to you Lindsey."

"You took something that didn't belong to you," Lindsey retorted.

"Leave her alone!" Katie said coming up behind them.

Lindsey turned around and stared at Katie in shock. "What?"

"You heard me," Katie said firmly. "Leave. Her. Alone."

"Fine," Lindsey snapped. "See if I talk to YOU again!"

"See if I care," Katie said rolling her eyes.

Caroline looked uncertainly at Katie. "Thanks," she said quietly.

"I should have said something sooner," Katie admitted. She noticed the tears in her friend's eyes and she felt even worse for the things she'd thought about Caroline. "You really do look beautiful, Caroline. Just...just like Princess Odette."

Caroline shook her head. "But I can't remember the dance."

"Sure you do," Katie encouraged. "Do you remember what we used to do when we'd play fashion show?"

Caroline shook her head, not able to remember anything at the moment.

She and Caroline used to put on little fashion shows for their parents and cousins when they were younger. Even then, Caroline had been shy so Katie had placed Caroline's favourite teddy bear in one of the chairs so when she walked out, she could just look at the bear and forget the other faces.

"Just pick out one face and just concentrate on that," Katie told her. "Just to start and then once you're dancing you'll just be so caught up in the routine you won't even notice that there are all those people."

Caroline looked over at her. "My daddy's in the front row."

"Just look right at your daddy then," Katie said. "And you'll be okay. Just like when we did fashion show."

Caroline smiled a bit. "That does make me feel a little better."

"Too bad we didn't bring Mr. Bear," Katie said giggling.

"Then I wouldn't be nervous at all," Caroline replied. "Thanks Katie."

Katie smiled at her. "You're going to be great, Caroline."

"Will... will you go over the dance with me?" Caroline asked hesitantly.

"Of course," Katie said. "You want to start at the beginning?"

Caroline nodded gratefully.

Katie stood beside her friend and together they went through the routine.

"There," she said once they finished. "You've got it perfect."

Caroline beamed at her. "Thank you, Katie."

"You're my best friend," Katie said. "And I haven't been treating you so good. And I'm sorry."

"I missed you," Caroline said.

"I missed you too," Katie gave her a hug.

"I hate it when we fight," Caroline said.

"Yeah well, hanging out with Lindsey wasn't nearly as much fun as hanging out with you." Katie confessed.

Caroline grinned. "Let me guess...she always wanted to be the teacher, didn't she?"

"And she always had to be the best one," Katie rolled her eyes.

Mia and Emma came back over to join them. Mia was staring warily at Katie.

"It's okay," Caroline reassured her. "Katie's helping me."

"I have an idea," Katie said. "What if we do the Katoline dance? That always helps."

Emma clapped her hands. "Me too!"

"You know how to do it Em?" Caroline asked.

Emma nodded. "Em watched Sissy and Katie."

"Okay then," Katie said. "One... two... three..."

Caroline was grinning from ear to ear by the time they finished the dance.

"Okay, ladies," Cho announced. "It's time to take your places."

"You'll do great," Katie squeezed Caroline's hand.

"Thanks," Caroline whispered back. She felt much more confident now, even with the nasty looks Lindsey was shooting their way.

Katie took her place on stage with the other members of the chorus. Mia looked sideways at her. "That was really nice of you to help Caroline."

"She's my best friend," Katie answered.

Mia nodded. "She's mine, too."

Katie was spared from replying as Chiaki and Cho came out in front of them.

"All right girls," Cho clapped her hands. "Is everyone in their places?"

"Yes, Gamma!" Emma replied excitedly.

Cho smiled. "Ready for the curtain then. Good luck, everyone!"

Caroline took a deep breath as the curtain rose. She spotted her father right away in the front row.

Remembering what Katie said, she focused her eyes only on him and began to dance.

"That's it, Angel," Allison whispered watching her daughter.

"She's doing great," Jon said softly. "I'm so proud of her Al."

"Me too," Allison whispered.

Katie concentrated on her own movements while also keeping an eye on Caroline. She really was doing great. Even though a part of her wished it was she out there in the spotlight, she really was happy for Caroline. Her father always told her that everyone needs their moment to shine. Tonight was Caroline's.

She felt better than she had since before the auditions. Helping Caroline made her realise how much she still wanted to be best friends with her.

Caroline finished the first part of the routine and stood back with the chorus girls while the younger students did their dance.

Katie and Mia both gave her hugs. "You did great!" Mia whispered excitedly.

"I still have that one last thing to do," Caroline said but she knew the hard part was over. "Thanks!"

"Look!" Katie said pointing. "Em and Hannah!'

Emma was stealing the show as the little fox. She was so enthralled by her tail she was almost forgetting her steps.

Neville and Ron chuckled as Emma did an improvised movement by turning her back to the audience and shaking her tail.

"She is too much," Ron said with a grin.

"She's a complete ham," Neville agreed.

"Wonder where she gets that from?" Jon asked with a smartarse grin.

"I don't know, Mister Silly String," Allison teased, resting her head on Jon's shoulder.

Hannah was shyer than Emma was, but she remembered her steps well. Frankie was beaming with pride.

"Will she's doing so well," she said. "And she's so perfect as a chipmunk!"

Will was who was taping the event, nodded in agreement. "That's our girl!"

Hannah sent her parents a little wave as they finished their part of the dance.

Caroline took another deep breath. She was going out on the stage by herself for this last part of the routine. "Break a leg, Caroline!" Katie whispered.

"Thanks," Caroline squeezed both her friends' hands before heading back out to the centre of the stage.

Caroline focused on her father before starting her dance. The butterflies left her stomach and she concentrated on her movements.

"She's awesome," Mia whispered in awe.

"Yes, she is," Katie agreed as the music ended.

The two girls clapped enthusiastically as Caroline curtsied to everyone.

The audience stood and clapped for the students and Caroline blushed. She'd actually done this!

Cho motioned for the chorus girls to come out and bow with Caroline.

Katie and Mia hurried to stand beside Caroline.

"Bravo!" Nick exclaimed.

The group of girls curtsied again and Emma's group came forward to loud applause.

Emma held Hannah's hand as the two girls took a bow.

"We did good, Han." Emma bubbled.

Hannah grinned and caught sight of her parents. She gave them a little wave.

"Good job baby!" Frankie called.

"How many pictures did you take?" Julie asked Frankie.

"Fifty," Frankie admitted.

Julie laughed. "And your cameraman over there."

"We had to get every moment," Frankie replied as the lights went on.

Jon came forward with flowers for both his daughters.

"You both were incredible," he said proudly. "Both my girls!"

Caroline hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Daddy."

"You're welcome Angel," Jon kissed her cheek. "You did a fantastic job. I couldn't take my eyes off you."

"I looked right at you," Caroline told him.

"I saw," Jon replied. "Your mum and I are so proud, Angel."

"And of me!" Emma jumped up and down. "Right Daddy?"

Jon picked her up. "Of course, my little fox. I saw you up there shaking your bum."

"Like this!" Emma demonstrated.

"Absolutely," Jon chuckled.

Off to the side, Katie was getting praise from her sister, grandparents and father. Julie was talking with Chiaki and a few moments later, Julie approached her daughter.

"Do you have any idea of how proud I am of you, Katherine Rose?" Julie asked.

"You are?" Katie asked. "For what?"

"For doing so well up there," Julie replied. "And for what you did to help Caroline. Chiaki told me."

Katie smiled. "She needed me."

"That's my girl," Julie said giving her a big hug.

"Did I do a good job though Mummy?" Katie asked.

"You were wonderful, baby," Julie said softly giving her another hug.

Katie held onto her mother tightly. "And Em was so, so cute out there."

"She was," Julie said as Caroline ran over to join them.

"Aunt Julie, are you coming to Daddy's pub?" Caroline asked. "Please?"

"I think we could manage that," Julie said with a grin. "You were wonderful out there Caroline!"

"Thanks," Caroline said. "I couldn't have done it without Katie."

Julie smiled proudly at her daughter. "Then we'll celebrate for all of you tonight."

"Get a picture of us," Katie told her father. "Caroline, me, Hannah, Em, and...Mia."

"Yes ma'am," Nick saluted as all the girls gathered together.

"Don't forget Em's tail!" Emma pulled it around in front of her.

Nick laughed. "I've got it, Em."

Caroline put her arms around her two best friends and grinned widely. Tonight was without a doubt the happiest night of her life.