Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Quite a response to the last chapter! Thank you guys so much! We know it's about time that Andrew/Saffy were together again. And a lot of you feel bad for Natalia. We feel bad for her too. You haven't seen the last of her. We promise. We hope you enjoy the chapter!

At the Minister's mansion, Saffron was sitting with Puddles on the sofa.

"I just can't believe it, Pud." Saffron said. "Me and Andrew..."

Puddles cuddled up beside her and Saffron rubbed behind his ears. "For the first time, it seems like things might actually be...normal."

Puddles licked her hand, his tail wagging.

The fireplace roared to life and Saffron smiled when she saw who it was. "How'd it go?"

"Don't ask," Andrew shook his head.

"Sorry," Saffron said quietly. "I can't imagine what that was like."

"Not good," Andrew sat down next to her. "But I had to do it."

Saffron reached for his hand. "I was just sitting here thinking how surreal this all seemed."

He squeezed her fingers. "Sure is."

"We're really here," Saffron said. "After all this time."

"I'm not letting you go this time." Andrew told her.

"I--I learned something when I was away," Saffron said softly. "I lost a lot of time. I missed out on so much. But, if anything good came out of that, I learned that I don't want to take anything or anyone for granted anymore."

"That's a good thing," Andrew told her.

"A very good thing," Saffron said smiling at him.

He leaned in and gave her a kiss.

Saffron closed her eyes and kissed him back.

She still felt guilt about Sean and about what Natalia must be going through, but she wasn't about to give up Andrew again.

"What are you thinking?" he asked her.

"Whether or not it's right to feel happy when someone else is in pain," Saffron admitted.

"We have to do what we have to do," Andrew said. "I don't like making Natalia upset but..."

"It's not fair to lie to her," Saffron finished.

"She's too good a person for that," Andrew replied.

"I think about how nice she was to me on New Year's," Saffron said shaking her head. "And she had no idea..."

"I know," Andrew replied, pushing his hair back.

Saffron hugged him, resting her head on his shoulder. "Are we horrible people?"

"No," Andrew said. "We're just in love."

Saffron smiled. "That we are."

"And together, the way we always should be." Andrew continued.

Puddles barked his approval at that, causing them both to laugh.

"Glad he's cool with it," Andrew said with a grin.

Saffron smiled. "He's been looking out for me."

"That's a good boy, Puddles," Andrew reached down to scratch behind the dog's ear.

"He missed you too," Saffron said happily.

Andrew gave her a kiss. "What do you think your parents will say?"

"My dad has no idea about what happened," Saffron said thoughtfully. "But he knows how I've always felt about you. And my mum...well, when RJ brought me home that night, she could tell something was wrong. I told her."

"What did she say?" Andrew asked.

"She was disappointed in me," Saffron said softly. "In both of us for doing what we did when we did... "

"Oh," Andrew said quietly.

"But, she was also the person who told me that I should talk to you," Saffron said. "I wasn't so sure it was a great idea."

"I am," Andrew felt better. He didn't want her parents hating him.

"They like you," Saffron said squeezing his hand. "And they know that you make me happy."

"You make ME happy," Andrew nuzzled her ear.

Saffron giggled. "That tickles."

"I know," he said softly.

Saffron closed her eyes. "Do it again..."

"This?" he asked.

"Mmmhmm," Saffron murmured.

"Whenever you want it," he said huskily.

"Andrew," Saffron whispered.

"Anything..." Andrew said again.

"Never leave me again," Saffron said opening her eyes and looking into his. "Promise?"

"I promise," Andrew said.

Saffron smiled before brushing her lips against his. "I dreamt about you, you know? It got me through those nights when I was sure that I wouldn't make it. I'd think about you and wish that you were there with your arms around me."

"I would have done anything to get you back," he told her.

"I know," Saffron said softly.

Andrew kissed her.

Saffron looped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

"It's going to be harder for us to stop now," Andrew told her.

"I know," Saffron grinned.

"If you want to... that is." he said.

"I want that more than anything," Saffron replied.

"Now?" he asked, his voice low.

Saffron didn't want to take a chance on her parents walking in on them. "Do you want to go up to my room?" Saffron asked, feeling a little shy.

"Sure," he said.

Saffron stood up and took his hand. "Okay..."

Andrew wove their fingers together as she led him upstairs.

"You're quite brave, you know," Saffron teased. "Going upstairs with Harry Potter's baby girl..."

"We'll be extra quiet," Andrew told her.

Saffron laughed. "I promise I won't tell him."

"Me too," Andrew quipped.

Saffron opened her bedroom door and stepped inside.

He followed her in and she locked the door behind them.

She came up behind him and put her arms around his waist.

Things this time around would be much better, Andrew thought.

There were no other people involved and they were finally on the same page.

"I feel like this is the first time," Saffron admitted. "Does that make sense?"

"Completely," Andrew agreed. "No regrets this time."

"None," Saffron smiled.

Andrew picked her up and carefully laid her on the bed, kissing her all the while.

Saffron clutched his shoulders, wanting to be as close to him as possible.

He peeled back her jumper, kissing the skin he was baring.

"Andrew," Saffron whispered, closing her eyes.

"I love you Saffy," he said huskily. "I'm never letting you go again."

"That's good," Saffron said tugging up on his jumper. "Because I'm not going anywhere."

He raised his arms so she could pull the jumper off and toss it to the floor.

"When did you get that?" Saffron asked touching the bruise on his shoulder.

"Bludger hit me during practise," Andrew said.

Saffron trailed her fingers over it. "Does it hurt?"

He shrugged. "Not too bad."

Saffron pressed her lips to it and smiled up at him. "Better?"

"Much," he grinned back at her.

Saffron giggled as he unbuttoned her jeans. "Your hands are cold, Mr. Kirke."

"I'll do my best to warm them up," he said, sliding his fingers into her knickers.

Saffron's breath caught in her throat.

"Like that?" he asked softly.

"T-that's good," Saffron stammered.

"Thought you'd enjoy that," he kissed under her ear.

Saffron ran her hands up and down his naked back. His muscles were taut and tight beneath his skin. "Mmmm...."

He sucked in a breath, his eyes closing.

"I need you," Saffron whispered. "Now..."

He nodded, pulling away her knickers before pushing himself inside her.

Saffron wrapped her calves around the back of his knees. Words escaped her at how good it felt to have him like this. He was all hers.

Andrew rested his forehead on hers as she pushed her body up against his.

Tears filled her eyes as she held him to her.

"Saf?" he asked, seeing her expression.

"It's okay," Saffron assured him. "I'm just happy. I'm with you."

Andrew nodded, giving her a kiss.

"I love you," Saffron whispered in his ear as they began to move together.

"Love you too, Saf." he said, his lips brushing her skin.

"Always," Saffron said as he pressed further into her.

"I promise," Andrew said as his breathing grew heavy.

Saffron buried her face in his shoulder to keep from crying out.

"Saf..." Andrew pushed into her one more time.

"Andrew!" Saffron gripped his back.

He collapsed on top of her, unable to reply.

Saffron closed her eyes, trying to catch her breath.

They were both quiet for several minutes after Andrew pushed himself off to her side.

"What are you thinking?" Saffron asked softly.

"About you, of course," he answered.

"Good things?" Saffron asked feeling suddenly shy.

"The best," he grinned crookedly at her.

Saffron giggled. "Good answer."

Andrew gave her a slow, lazy kiss.

Saffron rested her head on his chest. She could just lie here for hours listening to his heart.

He ran his fingers through her long, tangled hair and closed his eyes in contentment.

"This had better not been your way of getting me off my game for next week," Saffron teased.

"I don't think that would even work," he poked her side.

Saffron laughed. "No, it wouldn't."

"Didn't think so," Andrew said dryly.

The smile suddenly fell from Saffron's face. "Natalia will be playing in that match, too."

Andrew sighed. "Yeah... she will be."

"I wouldn't blame her if she wanted to knock me off my broom," Saffron commented.

"I'll be surprised if she even looks at me," Andrew said. "I hated doing that to her."

"Me too," Saffron said. "No matter what I do lately someone seems to get hurt."

"It would have been worse to string her along," Andrew said quietly.

Saffron nodded. "She loves you. I saw it in the way she looked at you."

"But I love you," Andrew turned on his side to look at her. "That never changed, and it never will."

"I feel the same," Saffron said smiling at him.

He gave her a gentle kiss.

There was a knock on the door and it startled the couple.

"Saffron, sweetheart?" Hermione's voice called out.

"Yeah?" Saffron asked, her face turning white.

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked.

"Um... okay," Saffron answered as she and Andrew scrambled for their clothing.

"Did you and Andrew talk?" Hermione asked.

"Yes," Saffron replied.

Andrew stifled a laugh. "I'll say we did."

"Shhh!" Saffron hissed at him.

Andrew grinned and Saffron threw a pillow at him.

"Saffy?" Hermione asked. "Are you all right in there baby?"

"Fine," Saffron said hastily. "I was just...kipping."

"Why is your door locked?" Hermione tried the knob.

"Is it locked?" Saffron asked struggling with her jumper which was inside out.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked.

Saffron pointed to her closet. "Go!" she whispered to Andrew.

"What?" he asked.

"Closet," Saffron mouthed.

Andrew slid into the closet just as Saffron let her mother into the room.

"You look a little flushed, sweetheart," Hermione observed.

"It's warm in here," Saffron covered. "And I was um... under the blankets."

"So, how did your talk with Andrew go?" Hermione asked, raising an eyebrow.

Saffron decided to tell her mother a partial truth. "Good," she said. "We've decided to get back together."

"That's great," Hermione said giving her a hug.

Saffron hugged her back. "He still loves me... and I still love him too."

"That the reason why his shoes are on the floor?" Hermione asked.

Saffron gasped.

"He doesn't need to hide under the bed or in the closet," Hermione told her daughter.

Andrew came out sheepishly. "Hello..."

"We were just talking," Saffron said hastily.

Hermione nodded. "Andrew- could I have a word with my daughter?"

"Um, sure," Andrew replied. "Mr. Potter's not home, is he?"

"No he's not," Hermione answered.

"Good," Andrew said with a sigh of relief. "I'll just---um----go take Puddles out."

"Thanks," Saffron wished she could follow him.

Hermione closed the door. "So..."

"We were just talking," Saffron said again.

"You don't lie to me, Saffy," Hermione said. "Don't start now."

Saffron sat down on the edge of the bed. "I went over to his flat right after lunch. We talked. He told me he still loved me and I told him I felt the same way. He wanted to talk to Natalia before we went any further."

"And he broke things off with her?" Hermione asked.

Saffron nodded. "And he came over here and one thing led to another and know."

"Saffy--" Hermione began.

"You're disappointed in me," Saffron said looking down at her lap.

"I don't especially like the idea of you doing that," Hermione said.

"I love him, Mum," Saffron said looking up and meeting her gaze.

"I know you do," Hermione said.

"Are you going to tell Daddy?" Saffron asked.

"That's your decision," Hermione told her.

"He still prefers to think that Julie had Katie and Ashley by Immaculate Conception," Saffron said dryly. "I doubt he'd want to hear about this."

"Just remember, you're his baby," Hermione said. "This is going to be hard on him."

"If I promise not to sneak around anymore, will you not tell him?" Saffron asked.

"I'm not going to say anything to him," Hermione said. "You'll be the one to tell him when you're ready."

"Thanks, Mum," Saffron said giving her mother a hug. "You're the best."

"I'm glad this makes you happy," Hermione said.

"It does," Saffron said. "Could he---could he stay for dinner?"

"Sure baby," Hermione agreed.

Saffron grinned. "For the first time, I feel like everything's going to be okay."

"I'm glad," Hermione smoothed her hair back.

"Hello?" Harry called from the foot of the stairs.

"We'll be right down!" Hermione called back.

"Thanks," Saffron said squeezing her mother's hand.

Hermione kissed her daughter's forehead. "Come on."

Saffron followed her mother downstairs where her father was absently going through the post.

"There she is," Harry said proudly. "How was your first practise?"

"Good," Saffron said. "I won the scrimmage match."

Harry beamed at her. "Saf, that's fantastic!"

"Thanks Daddy," Saffron said. "Um... Andrew's staying for dinner."

"Oh?" Harry asked in surprise.

"We're back together," Saffron twisted her hands together.

Harry looked at his wife who nodded.

"If you're happy, I'm happy for you baby," Harry told her.

"I am," Saffron said giving him a hug. "Very happy."

Andrew came back in the side door with Puddles. He paled when he saw Harry with Hermione and Saffron.

"Hello Andrew," Harry said, nodding at him. "I heard you're staying for dinner."

"I am?" Andrew stammered looking helplessly at Saffron.

"If you want to," Saffron smiled at him.

"I guess I'm staying," Andrew said coming to stand beside her.

"Great," Saffron reached for his hand and squeezed it.

"In fact," Andrew said. "How about Saffron and I make something for you both?"

"That sounds like a good idea," Saffron said. "Can we?"

"Sure," Harry replied. "That'd be great."

"Come on," Saffron said. "Let's see what's in the kitchen."

Andrew followed her into the kitchen. "What did your mum say?" he asked in a hushed tone.

"I think she's uncomfortable with us being together here," Saffron said. "So... your place from now on?"

Andrew nodded. "You know, she can be just as scary as your dad."

"She's sometimes more like a friend to me," Saffron said.

Andrew smiled at her. "I remember how she was when you were...gone."

"I hate knowing how much everyone suffered during that time," Saffron said quietly.

"They suffered because that psycho took you away from us," Andrew said putting his arm around her.

"He caused everyone so much grief," Saffron bit her lower lip.

"Not anymore," Andrew said holding her tight. "Not anymore."

Saffron let him hold her for a few moments.

"So what do you want to make?" Andrew asked. "Hmm? Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?"

"Smartarse," Saffron had to laugh.

"I'm your smartarse," Andrew said poking her in the side.

"Yes you are," she said softly.

"If I want to impress your folks, peanut butter probably isn't the way," Andrew said thoughtfully.

"Not so much," Saffron replied. "How about some pasta? We can make our own sauce."

"Perfect," Andrew grinned.

"We can make some garlic bread too, and a salad," Saffron poked her head into the icebox.

"That garlic bread that Greta taught you how to make?" Andrew asked, his mouth watering.

"The one and only," Saffron smiled at him.

"Let's get to work," Andrew said with a grin. "You know, my mum would love this kitchen. She's always talking about how small ours is."

"She should come over sometime," Saffron said. "Our parents never really have had dinner together or anything."

Andrew thought that would be a great idea. His parents had always loved Saffron, but he knew his mother would be disappointed if she knew what had happened with Natalia.

"That'd be great," Andrew said. "My parents would love to see you, especially."

"Let's plan it soon, then," Saffron said, getting out a large pot to boil the pasta in.

Andrew started chopping up vegetables for the salad. They worked happily together preparing the meal.

Saffron felt right for the first time since her whole awful ordeal had begun.

Andrew couldn't help stealing a look every now and then at his girlfriend. He'd missed her so much.

"You know, I'll have to get you to teach me that recipe for the bread," he said to her.

Saffron shook her head. "I have to get clearance from Greta first. She's only passed the recipe down to me. I have to make sure it's okay to let you in on the secret."

"I see how it is," he grinned at her.

"I will let you have a taste," Saffron said breaking off a piece of the bread and handing it to him.

"That's the best thing I've ever tasted," Andrew said. "Next to you..."

Saffron grinned. "You know, you might want to leave that tidbit out during the dinner conversation."

"Good point," Andrew nodded.

Saffron leaned in and gave him a kiss. "You know I love you when I kiss you and you have garlic breath."

"You must be the only girl who likes that," he made a face at her.

"Well," Saffron said looping her arms around his neck. "I'm a very unique girl. You should know that by now."

"Unique," Andrew nodded, pulling her close. "And all mine..."

"I love you," Saffron whispered.

"Love you too," he kissed her chastely.

"I'll go and let the parentals know dinner's ready," Saffron said smiling up at him.

"Sounds good," he said, waving his wand at the table to set it.

Saffron was still grinning when she walked out of the kitchen. She found her parents in the sitting room. "Dinner is served..."

"It smells great, baby." Harry said.

Saffron took his hand. "I made Greta's garlic bread, too."

"Great," Harry hugged her. "Glad to see you happy again, sweetheart."

"I am, Daddy," Saffron said. "Very happy."

"Good," he said. "Come on, I'm starving."

"And he's happy he didn't have to cook tonight," Hermione teased.

"That too," Harry confessed.

Andrew was standing by the table when the Potters came back into the kitchen.

"Dinner is served," he said, bowing comically.

Saffron looked at her father. "Can we keep him?"

Harry laughed. "Sure, sweetheart."

"This looks lovely," Hermione said. "Thank you both for doing this."

"We were glad to," Andrew replied.

They all sat down and Saffron gave Andrew's hand a squeeze underneath the table.

"So, we'll get to see you play as well next weekend," Hermione said to Andrew. "Since your team's playing Saffy's."

"When Puddlemere beats Wimbourne," Saffron replied.

"The garlic must have made you delusional, Saf," Andrew said. "We are the number one team right now."

"Not for long," she boasted.

"That's my girl," Harry said proudly.

"I'll be covering my eyes through the game," Hermione shuddered.

"Mum, you promised you'd watch the entire match," Saffron reminded her.

"I'll try," Hermione told her.

"My mum's the same way," Andrew said. "She covers her eyes and then after the match berates me for flying too fast and too high..."

"We always did get along quite well," Hermione smiled.

"She tells me I'll understand someday when I have kids of my own and they get up on a broom," Andrew said with a laugh.

"That you will," Hermione nodded.

"I'm going to be fine," Saffron reassured her mother.

"Of course she is," Harry smiled at her.

"My dad taught me well," Saffron smiled back at him.

"Unfortunately for Wimbourne," Andrew quipped.

Saffron grinned mischievously at him. "I'll go easy on you, Kirke."

"No way," Andrew shook his head. "You play hard."

"I was just trying to psyche you out," Saffron said. "I will play hard. I have a lot to prove."

"You just do your best," Harry told her.

"I can't even begin to tell you what today felt like for me," Saffron said. "It was like all the pieces seemed to come together finally. I love being up there."

"That's how I always felt too," Harry said, taking another serving of pasta.

Saffron smiled at her father. "And now...being here with you guys and Andrew...I'm just so blessed. I've been given a second chance and I don't want to screw it up."

"I'm sure you won't," Hermione reached over and squeezed her daughter's hand.

"I want you to be proud of me again," Saffron said softly.

"I am proud, baby," Hermione told her.

"Really?" Saffron asked.

"Always," Hermione replied.

"To Saffy," Andrew said raising his glass.

Saffron blushed as her parents also raised their glasses.

"To Saffy," Harry said. "May all your dreams come true."

Saffron glanced at Andrew. "Most of them have already."

Andrew grinned. "This is only the beginning, Saf."

*** *** ***

It had been two weeks since the disastrous trip to New York for New Year's Eve and Darla still wasn't over what had happened. In fact, every single time she thought about it, the angrier she became. Hans was still in New York City apparently up to his eyeballs in publicity and admiration. He'd tried calling but Darla had refused to take his calls.

"Sweetheart," Luna said to her daughter. "I'm worried about you."

"I'm fine," Darla replied without hesitation. She'd been staying with her parents since the New Year's debacle.

"No you aren't," Luna answered.

Darla scribbled something in her appointment book. "I'm fine, Mum. Just leave it, please."

Luna sighed. "Do you want something to eat?"

"I was going to make myself some toast," Darla said.

"I'll get it for you," Luna went into the kitchen.

Darla set her things aside and felt a twinge of guilt. She knew her mother was only trying to help.

The phone rang again and Darla picked it up without much thought.

"Darla? Don't hang up---"

She immediately slammed the receiver down without uttering another word.

"Who was that?" Ron asked coming into the sitting room.

"Him," Darla said icily.

"He calls again, you let ME answer it," Ron told his daughter.

"Fine," Darla rubbed at her eyes.

"Or better yet, we'll send your uncles over there and have them test out a few of our new products," Ron said rubbing his hands together.

Darla couldn't even laugh. "Whatever you want, Daddy."

"I'm going to get some coffee," Ron said. "Do you want anything?"

"Mum's making me some toast," Darla answered.

Ron nodded and looked sympathetically at his daughter before leaving the room.

"Let me guess," Luna said to her husband. "He called again."

Ron nodded.

"I heard her slamming the phone down," Luna said shaking her head. "I just wish he'd realise that he needs to come home to make this right."

"I know what I'd like to make right," Ron said grimly.

"Ronald, violence is never the answer," Luna chided him.

"It would be in this case," Ron snapped.

"This doesn't even sound like our son-in-law," Luna commented. "He's been very good to Darla in the past. I just can't believe he would leave her like that!"

"I just know she's hurting," Ron got himself some coffee.

"I'm not hurting," Darla said from the doorway. "I'm pissed off."

"I've got your toast, sweetheart," Luna said. "Sit down and eat."

"Thanks, Mum," Darla said gratefully. "I really appreciate you letting me stay here."

"Anytime you want, baby." Luna said. "You know you're always welcome."

"We've loved having you here," Ron said.

Darla nodded. "Thanks Daddy."

The phone rang again and Darla rolled her eyes. "Can we disconnect the bloody thing?"

"I'll get it," Ron held up his hand.

"Hello?" Ron asked picking up the receiver.

"Uh... may I speak to Darla please?" Hans asked.

"Oh, so you do remember her name?" Ron asked sarcastically.

"Mr. Weasley--" Hans began.

"She doesn't want to speak to you," Ron barked.

Darla watched her father intently. She wondered what her louse of a husband was trying to say.

"If I could just explain," Hans said.

"If it was important to you, you'd come home," Ron said angrily.

"That's what--" Hans began again.

Ron hung up the phone.

Darla let her head fall onto the table. "He just doesn't get it."

"He'll get it if he calls again," Ron said sternly. "No one hurts my girls and gets away with it."

Darla suddenly felt very near tears. "I think I'm going to go upstairs and lie down."

"Oh, sweetheart," Luna said softly.

"I'll be okay," Darla said, rushing from the room.

"I could hear music in the background when I was talking to that wanker," Ron told his wife. "I bet he was at some party..."

"Don't assume the worst, Ronald." Luna told him.

Ron didn't respond to this and he sat down at the table. Luna cleared away the breakfast dishes, wishing there was something she could do to take away her daughter's pain.

There was a knock at the kitchen door and Luna went to answer it. To her surprise, Hans stood on the other side of the door. He did look like he'd just come from a party.

"Hans!" she said in surprise.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Ron asked coming over to stand beside his wife. "And do you---do you have on makeup?"

"I was just finishing up a shoot," Hans explained. "I need to see Darla."

"Funny, you should mention the word 'shoot'," Ron glared at him. "Luna, get my gun."

"Ronald, you don't have a gun!" Luna said in exasperation.

"Well fine... I'll make one with my wand," Ron replied.

"Mr. Weasley, please," Hans said. "You told me to come home..."

"Not to my home!" Ron declared.

Luna held up her hand. "She's upstairs in her room, Hans."

"Can I go up to see her?" Hans asked.

"That will be up to Darla," Luna replied. "If you'll wait down here, I'll just go and see if she wants to see you."

"Sure..." Hans said, stepping inside. Ron continued to glare at him.

"Behave," Luna warned Ron.

Ron crossed his arms and leaned against the counter without saying a word.

Hans fidgeted uncomfortably by the door. "It's the new line," he heard himself saying. "The new spring line, actually. They're going to throw a fit when they realise I left..."

"Hm," Ron said coolly.

"That's why I have the makeup on," Hans explained. "I don't wear it all the time. Just for photo shoots..."

"Sure," Ron replied, his tone still icy.

"How've you been, Mr. Weasley?" Hans asked.

"Fine," Ron answered sharply.

Hans looked past his father-in-law wondering where on earth Darla was.

Luna came down at that moment. "She said she'll see you in a few minutes."

Hans sighed in relief. "Thank you, Mrs. Weasley."

Luna nodded. "Have a seat."

"Thank you," Hans said, well aware that he was under the watchful eye of Ron.

Ron continued to glare at him, never once removing his eyes from his son in law.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" Luna offered.

"No thank you," Hans declined.

Luna looked over to where her husband was standing and was startled to see that he had his wand out and was about to point it at Hans. "Ronald---"

Ron quickly hid it again behind his back.

Hans gulped and was grateful to see his wife a few moments later. "Sweetheart---"

"What do you want?" Darla asked in a tone identical to her father's.

"The chance to explain," Hans replied standing up.

"Let's give them some privacy," Luna said to Ron. "Ronald---"

"I just want to get something to eat--" Ron began.

Luna grabbed him by the arm and yanked him out of the kitchen.

Darla stared at the man she had married, her eyes clouded over.

"You look tired," Hans commented.

"I am," she said coldly.

"Won't you sit down?" Hans asked.

"I'm fine," Darla said. "What do you want."

"You haven't been taking my calls," Hans said. "I wanted to explain what happened on New Year's."

"What's there to explain?" Darla rolled her eyes. "You LEFT me there."

Hans ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "I was going to come back---"

"But you didn't," she interjected.

"I got hung up at the party," Hans explained, but he realised that was the wrong thing to say.

Darla shook her head. "That's all life is to you. Parties."

"I had to go," Hans told her. "It was part of the ad campaign."

"So in other words, your campaign is more important than I am."

"Quit trying to twist my words around!" Hans retorted.

"I don't have to!" Darla snapped.

"Look," Hans said trying to stay calm. "I came back to the dressing room, but you were asleep. You looked so beautiful and peaceful, I didn't want to wake you---"

"So you just left me there without any word on where you were going or where I could find you," Darla replied.

"There wasn't time to leave a note," Hans replied.

Darla scoffed. "No time to leave a note? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."

"Darla, I can't believe this is what you're upset about," Hans said quietly. "I was going to come back when the party was over...'

"You were with that blonde," Darla said. "It's like you don't even have a wife."

"This again?" Hans asked.

"This is the main PROBLEM!" Darla said angrily. "I was there to support you and the only person you introduced me to was your bloody agent."

"I told you that we can't tell anyone that we're married and you know why!" Hans shot back.

"Bullshit," Darla glared at him.

"This is my career!" Hans exclaimed. "Do you know how long I've waited for this kind of break?"

"Of course I do!" Darla replied. "But you don't have to leave me out of it completely."

"It's just for a little while," Hans said in exasperation. "How many times do I have to tell you that?"

Darla shook her head. "I have nothing to say to you, Hans."

The mobile phone in his pocket began to ring and Hans sighed. "That's going to be the photographer. They probably just noticed that I've gone."

"Big surprise," Darla rolled her eyes.

"I have to get back," Hans said quietly. "People are counting on me."

"Of course they are," Darla said. "And as usual, I don't matter."

"If you didn't matter, would I be here now?" Hans asked her. "I love you, Darla."

"Show me, instead of telling me," Darla said, tears springing to her eyes.


His phone began to ring again and he reluctantly answered it. "Yeah...yeah...I stepped out for just a second. I'll be right there."

"Go," Darla said sarcastically.

"When you're ready to talk," Hans said pocketing his phone. "Really talk, you know where I am."

"Goodbye," Darla wouldn't look at him.

Hans gave her one last look before Apparating.

Darla wiped her eyes before resting her head on the table.

"Sweetheart?" Luna asked, coming up behind her and putting her hand on her daughter's shoulder.

"It's like he doesn't even care," Darla cried.

Luna hugged her. "I'm sure that's not true."

"He just rushed back without us even really talking," Darla sobbed.

Luna patted her back. "You're going to sort it out, Darla. You will. All marriages go through a test."

"I don't know if ours will make it," Darla admitted.

"No matter what happens," Luna said looking at her daughter. "You have your family and we love you more than anything and we'll do whatever it takes to support you."

"Thanks," Darla said quietly.

"I wish I knew what to do to make you feel better," Luna said.

"I don't even know what to do," Darla said. She was silent for a few moments. "I need Drew."

Luna smiled. "You and Drew have always been a great team."

"She's my best friend," Darla said.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Luna asked.

"I was hoping you could go get her for me," Darla admitted. "If you don't mind..."

"Thanks Mum," Darla said gratefully.

Luna excused herself and a few minutes later Drew arrived with Chloe.

"Hey you," Drew said, looking at her twin.

"Aunt Dar!" Chloe exclaimed, waving at her aunt.

Luna held out her hands to her granddaughter. "How about you and I go and scare your grandfather?"

Chloe giggled. "I scare!"

Luna smiled. "Come on, then. Let's get him. Did you bring your toy spiders?"

Chloe nodded, holding a little bag in her hand.

"Alrighty," Luna said taking her granddaughter by the hand.

Drew sat down by her sister. "Talk to me."

"Hans came by," Darla replied. "For about two minutes."

"What happened?" Drew asked.

"He didn't see why I was angry," Darla said rolling her eyes. "He said he left me but he was going to come back..."

"You don't believe that," Drew guessed.

Darla shook her head. "Not one word."

"What do you think is going to happen?" Drew asked softly.

"I don't know," Darla said quietly. "And it scares me to death."

Drew hugged her sister. "I think you'll work it out."

"I'm just glad that you're here," Darla said.

"I wouldn't be anywhere else when my twin needs me," Drew told her.

From upstairs, they heard an ear-splitting scream.

"I'm guessing Chloe just scared Dad," Darla said laughing just a little bit.

Drew grinned. "Soon as she heard we were coming over she grabbed that bag of spiders."

Darla laughed. "I needed that."

"It's good to see you smile," Drew commented.

"I haven't done much of that lately, have I?" Darla asked.

Drew shook her head. "But it's understandable."

Darla gave her sister another hug. "Everyone's been so great. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'll never have to wonder," Drew told her. "You're the other part of me, Dar."

Darla's lower lip trembled at her sister's words. "Oh, Drew...."

Drew hugged her again. "My best friend in the whole world. You were there for me when I thought I was all alone."

"Hope," Darla said quietly.

"I'll never forget that," Drew told her.

"I'd do anything for you," Darla said resting her head on her sister's shoulder.

"Same goes for me," Drew said.

Chloe came running into the kitchen giggling all the way. "Mummy! I scare Gampa bad!"

Drew lifted her up. "We heard, baby. Good job."

"Don't encourage her!" Ron exclaimed. "I was just sitting upstairs reading over some accounting figures when all of a sudden, this shower of spiders falls on top of my head!"

Chloe squealed in laughter.

"Who gave you those spiders, Chloe?" Ron asked his granddaughter.

"Fred," Chloe answered happily.

"I should have figured," Ron grumbled.

"She was just having fun, Daddy," Drew said in her defence.

"And I'm cute!" Chloe added.

Everyone laughed at that, including Ron.

"Come here you little monster," Ron scooped her up.

Chloe giggled. "Gampa!"

"I bet my little Chloe is hungry for some ice cream," Ron said.

Chloe nodded. "Peas?"

"Peas?" Ron tickled her. "You want some peas?"

Chloe giggled. "No!"

Darla smiled. "Can I get a Chloe hug first?"

Ron set the little girl down and she ran toward her aunt. "Don't be sad, Aunt Dar. Kay?"

"Not with you around, sweetheart," Darla said.

Chloe put her arms around her aunt's neck. "Love you."

Darla's eyes teared up again. "I love you too, angel."

"I think she's just what the doctor ordered," Luna said smiling at Drew.

"Always," Darla kissed her niece's cheek.

"Why don't you come by the house later?" Drew asked her sister. "You can have dinner with us, Dar."

"You wouldn't mind?" Darla asked.

"Of course not," Drew said with a grin.

"I'd love to come," Darla said.

Chloe clapped her hands together. "Yay!"

"What will we be having, Miss Chloe?" Darla asked.

Chloe shrugged. "Don't know. Mummy?"

"We can decide when we go home, okay baby?" Drew asked.

Chloe nodded. "Kay, Mummy."

"Only a little ice cream," Drew told her.

Chloe slid off of Darla's lap and toddled over to the counter where Ron was already preparing a bowl of ice cream for her.

"Little more?" she asked.

"Our little secret," Ron whispered.

"You know," Drew confided. "Hans has called Brian..."

"His phone seems to be his best friend these days," Darla rolled her eyes.

"He wanted to know if Brian would plead his case, but Brian said it wasn't his place," Drew said.

"Good," Darla said shortly.

"It's a good thing that I haven't seen him," Drew said. "I'd like to give him a piece of my mind."

"Dad did," Darla said.

"Way to go, Dad!" Drew said pumping her fist in triumph.

Ron nodded. "If your mum wasn't here..."

"Ronald," Luna warned.

"Just saying," Ron replied.

"Thanks, Daddy," Darla said offering him a slight smile.

"More chocolate," Chloe interrupted.

"Dad, how much are you giving her?" Drew asked, standing up and walking over to the counter. "That's enough ice cream to feed a small army!"

"It's for both of us," Ron said defensively.

"We share," Chloe said grinning at her mother.

"You better," Drew said. "No more, Dad."

"Alright, alright," Ron promised. "Get your spoon, Chloe. We're about to dive in."

"Yummy!" Chloe said eagerly.

Luna laughed. "I guess all is forgiven about the spiders then?"

"Gampa no stay mad at me," Chloe told her.

"Someone's been taking lessons from Aunt Maddie," Drew grinned.

Ron laughed. "She's got the look down."

Darla smiled, but her mind was on her absentee husband. Someday, she'd thought about the two of them starting a family. But, that was out of the question now, wasn't it?