Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: We managed to respond to all the reviews again. We appreciate all the comments on that. And for those of your clammoring for some E/M and Frankie/Will, you get your wish in this chapter. You also see Chiaki with her mother-in-law....think that will go smoothly?

Even though Chiaki now had a woman come in and help her clean once every two weeks and Allison was coming over every few days, it was still hard to keep up with two infant babies. More often than not, both of them were hungry at once and one would cry while she fed the other.

Cho helped out as often as she could but she was busy with dance classes and Chiaki didn't want to bother Allison when she had to take Caroline to school every day and look after Emma. Toshio was taking all sorts of extra dance productions to keep the money coming in and she had barely seen her husband all week long.

At the moment, Chiaki was wishing for a few moments peace and quiet so she could take a shower and possibly tidy up the place. Sukie wasn't cooperating though. While her son slept peacefully in his crib, Sukie was wide awake and crying her eyes out.

"Mummy's here," Chiaki said picking her daughter up and holding her close. "Mummy's here, Sukie."

She patted her daughter's back softly and made comforting noises to try and get her to quiet down. "That's my good girl," she said soothingly as Sukie's sobs finally subsided.

The doorbell chimed and for an awful moment, Chiaki was afraid that Mas was going to wake up too. Thankfully, he stayed blissfully asleep.

"Do you think that's Aunt Allie?" Chiaki asked her daughter who stared up at her. "Let's go see if that's Aunt Allie and Emma, eh?"

She smiled as she opened the door and it only slipped a moment when she saw not her sister and niece outside, but her mother in law. "Rebecca," she said in surprise. "I didn't know you were coming over today." she stepped aside to let the older woman in.

"Chiaki," Rebecca Hanari said coolly as she walked inside the house, but not before giving her daughter-in-law's pyjamas and robe a scathing look.

"How are you?" Chiaki asked awkwardly. She and Toshio's mother had always gotten along fine before the wedding, but when Chiaki found out she was pregnant, Rebecca's attitude towards her had cooled for some reason.

"Well," Rebecca replied. "Thank you."

Chiaki nodded. "Well um... Mas is sleeping but Sukie's just woken up. I was just about to feed her..."

"I thought you were having someone come in and clean," Rebecca said looking around the sitting room.

"She came last week," Chiaki said. "As soon as I got Sukie back down I was going to tidy up."

"I see," Rebecca said. She followed Chiaki in the kitchen seemingly watching her every move. "I still can't believe you're not breastfeeding. It's much healthier for the babies."

"I wanted to wean them as soon as possible," Chiaki said. "I like to encourage independence early on."

"Of course," Rebecca said. "Do you mind if I make myself a cup of coffee?"

"Not at all," Chiaki said. "Please help yourself to anything we have. It's not much right now- Tosh and I have to run out to the shops once he gets home."

"It might be nice if you ran out before he gets home," Rebecca said opening up the cabinet and pulling out a mug. "He's been out of town and I'm sure the last thing he wants is to go shopping."

Chiaki rolled her eyes when Rebecca couldn't see. "I would, except it's not easy to manage two infants in a store. If one or both of them starts crying I can't very well keep shopping."

"It's not that hard," Rebecca said brightly. She frowned when she opened up another cabinet and found the coffee. "All you have is decaffeinated?"

"For now," Chiaki said in a patient tone.

"Tsk, Tsk," Rebecca said hastily making the coffee.

Chiaki warmed up a bottle and began to feed her daughter while keeping an ear out for any cries her son might make. Nowadays she was never really quite sure what to say to Rebecca.

Rebecca sat down with her coffee and a biscuit and watched with eagle eyes as Chiaki fed her daughter.

"That's my good girl," Chiaki said after several minutes, almost forgetting Rebecca was there. She could literally lose herself in staring at her children, memorizing their every tiny feature.

"She's a beautiful child, isn't she?" Rebecca said admiringly. It was the first positive thing she'd said since she'd walked through the door.

"Yes she is," Chiaki smiled. "She has Tosh's eyes."

"They both do," Rebecca said setting her coffee mug aside. She was going to go and get her grandson, but Chiaki stared after her in disbelief.

"Where are you going Rebecca?" Chiaki asked.

"I'm going to get Mas," she replied as if this should have been obvious.

"He might still be sleeping..." Chiaki called after her.

"I'll just wake him up," Rebecca said already half way to the nursery.

"But if he's sleeping I'd like him to stay asleep," Chiaki said, getting up.

Rebecca froze and slowly turned around, an icy expression on her face. "I'll be here to help you with him, if that's what you're worried about. I know you're ...overwhelmed."

"I'm fine," Chiaki said, starting to lose patience with the other woman. "Believe it or not, I can handle my children."

"I never said you couldn't," Rebecca said unconvincingly. Neither of the two women heard the front door open.

"But I think you are obviously in over your head Chiaki," Rebecca said motioning around the hall. "You're not dressed and it's nearly afternoon. And you looked tired and pale. Not to mention the state of the house."

"I happen to think I'm doing fine," Chiaki said. "My sister comes a few times a week to help me out- and I was kipping just before Sukie woke up. That's why I'm not dressed. And our house isn't THAT bad."

Toshio had heard the sound of raised voices and he quickly set his bags down by the door. He was half way to the nursery when he caught sight of his mother and wife in a heated argument. He'd heard what his mother had said about Chiaki still being in her pyjamas and the state of the house.

"You've never been a mother before," Rebecca said quietly. "You don't know how to handle the demands of a house and a family. I'm willing to help you any way I can. The children..."

"Hang on just a second!" Toshio interjected causing both women to jump and Sukie to cry.

"Tosh!" Chiaki said. "I didn't think you'd be home for another few hours!"

"Hello son," Rebecca said.

"It's okay," Toshio said ignoring his mother and tending to his daughter who was still crying. He kissed Chiaki on the cheek.

"I was just telling Chiaki here that she's..."

"I heard what you were telling Chiaki," Toshio said glaring at her.

"Toshio-" Chiaki began but he shushed her.

"Mas and Sukie are our babies Mum,'" Toshio said. "And we're going to make mistakes. We've never done this before. And we appreciate you trying to help, but I will not stand for you coming in here and insulting Chi and casting doubts on her abilities as a mother and a wife."

"I wasn't insulting her," Rebecca pulled herself up straight. "I was simply offering my expertise help."

"You're not helping," Toshio said quietly. "You're not helping when you come over here and complain about the house not being clean or Chiaki being in her pyjamas and then making snide comments to me or Dad about it. I'm sick of it and I won't let you do it anymore."

Sukie's cries had subsided and she was now sleeping peacefully in her mother's arms.

"See," Toshio said standing beside his wife. "She's good."

Rebecca didn't say a word, just glared at Chiaki.

"Is it just me or has she gotten bigger since I last saw her," Toshio said smiling down at his sleeping daughter.

"She's getting bigger," Chiaki said looking adoringly at her husband. "It's not just you. They both are. I notice changes in them every single day."

"She's going to be gorgeous just like you," Toshio said, stroking her cheek.

Chiaki smiled. "And Mas will be as handsome as his Daddy."

Rebecca huffed. "I can see I'm not needed here."

"No one said that Mum," Toshio said keeping his voice low as to not wake Sukie. "I just think that you need to be easier on both of us and realise that we're the parents here and we're doing the best we can."

"I know more than the both of you," Rebecca pointed out. "I raised you and your brothers Toshio."

"Let me ask you a question then Mum," Toshio said looking right at her. "How did you feel when you brought your firstborn home? Did you know what you were doing when you and Dad brought Morinaga home from hospital?"

"Of course we did," Rebecca answered confidently.

"Really?" Toshio asked levelling his gaze at her. "That's not what Dad told me..."

Rebecca frowned at her son. "We weren't perfect. But I knew what to do."

"So does Chi," Toshio said smiling at his wife.

"Thanks Tosh," Chiaki said softly.

"I never said she didn't," Rebecca tried to explain. "These are my first grandchildren, Toshio. I want what's best for them."

"And Chiaki and I are doing the best we can for them," Toshio said firmly. "I love you Mum, but let us be the parents."

Rebecca looked thoughtfully at her son. "I'm...I'm sorry Chiaki."

"It's okay," Chiaki said quietly.

"You are doing a good job with them," Rebecca said. "And I think I should leave you to it."

"Thank you," Chiaki said, trying not to sound too amazed at the sudden turnabout. "And I do enjoy having you around Rebecca. I really do. I just can't have everything be perfect all the time."

"I'm going to try and remember that," Rebecca said stepping forward to get one last look at her granddaughter.

"Thank you Mum," Toshio said hugging her.

"Perhaps I'll come by later this week and help you tidy up, or just to watch the children if you two want some time alone," Rebecca said.

"That would be lovely," Chiaki smiled, trying not to let her tears well up. "Thank you."

Rebecca gave them one last smile before walking back up the hall and grabbing her bag. Toshio and Chiaki didn't move or say anything until they heard the front door close.

"Tosh," Chiaki started to say.

"Let's put Sukie down before you say anything else," he said softly.

"Okay," she said, heading towards the nursery.

Toshio followed his wife and watched as she gently set Sukie down in her crib. He took the opportunity to take a look at his son who was finally awake and looking up at him with wide eyes.

"Mas my big boy," Toshio said picking him up. "Did you miss your Daddy? Did you take good care of the girls while I was gone?"

Masanobu cooed back as Toshio and Chiaki both laughed. "I bet he's hungry," she said. "I'll have a bottle ready for him in a few minutes."

Toshio shook his head. "How about you go take a nice bath and let me handle this one?"

"Are you sure?" Chiaki asked.

"Positive," Toshio replied. "And I fully intend on spending some alone time with you later Chi."

"Maybe I'll make my bath extra long," Chiaki said. "And... you can join me if this little one goes back to sleep."

"I like the sound of that," Toshio said making a goofy face at his son.

"I love you," Chiaki said. "I love you so much Tosh. The best decision I ever made was to marry you."

"Even with the overbearing mother?" he asked teasingly.

"The bad comes with the good," she joked back, giving him a kiss.

*** *** ***

As luck would have it, Ethan and Maddie finally managed to both get the weekend off and were looking forward to spending it with their friends. Bree and Mason were meeting them at the pub as were Justin and Sarah. There was another couple coming, but Maddie hadn't told Ethan this yet. They were waiting for their friends at a big corner table. Maddie was sipping her glass of white wine and enduring countless teasing from Ethan about taking it easy.

She was happy that they were going to spend the evening with friends, but she was a little apprehensive about not only Jared coming, but also being out with Bree and Sarah. Maddie and Sarah had grown a little closer since the first time they'd met, but Maddie could tell that the girl secretly held out hope that her best mate and Ethan would reunite.

"Oooh, watch it Mads!" Ethan said as Maddie took another sip of her wine. "I don't want you dancing on the bar later."

"Sod off," Maddie laughed. "I'm nowhere near being pissed."

"On second thought, you are a bit frisky when you're pissed," Ethan said. "Maybe I'll go and get you another glass."

"Oh stop it," Maddie giggled. "I'd love another glass."

"I think I need another beer," Ethan said. "You want me to order a starter or did you want to wait for the others?"

"Whatever you want," Maddie said, grabbing his hand and pulling him close for a kiss.

"Mmmm," Ethan said his hands snaking around her waist.

"Ethan," she murmured, kissing him harder. Ever since their trip to Brighton, it seemed like their relationship had become a little more open than before.

Maddie had seemingly lost her aversion to public displays of affection and Ethan wondered if perhaps the wine had something to do with that. He wasn't about to question it though not when it felt this good to be with her.

"Get a bloody room!" Justin said tapping his best friend on the back.

"Sod the fuck off," Ethan said irritably, pulling away.

"And how are Maddie's tonsils?" Justin joked.

"Lovely as always," Ethan retorted. "Hi Sarah."

"Hi Ethan," Sarah said taking off her cloak and hanging it over her chair. "Hello Maddie."

"Hi Sarah," Maddie blushed. "It's really great to see you again. I'm so glad you came out tonight!"

"I'm glad you asked," Sarah said warmly. "Bree and Mason will be along shortly. He had to work a bit late."

"You keep saying his name like it's a disease," Justin said to his girlfriend. "In case you missed it, Sarah. He makes your best mate very happy."

"Aye," Ethan said. "Bree hasn't stopped talking about him in ages."

"Yes well," Sarah said looking pointedly at Ethan. "He's going back to the States."

"Not if Bree has anything to say about it," Justin nudged his girlfriend.

"I hope you two don't mind," Maddie said eager to change the subject. "But I asked someone from work to join us..."

"You did?" Ethan asked in surprise.

"Jared," Maddie answered. "And he's bringing this girl he's met."

The fact that Jared was bringing someone else helped Ethan relax a little.

"The more the merrier then," Ethan said with a grin.

Maddie smiled at her boyfriend. "I'm so glad you get along with him," she said. "He told me he thinks you're a really great bloke."

"He did?" Ethan asked unable to keep the surprise out of his voice.

"The other day," Maddie said, caressing his cheek.

"Justie," Sarah said giving him her best pout. "How about you go and get me a drinky winky?"

"Is my baby thirsty?" Justin asked.

"Are they starting already?" Bree's voice cut in.

"Yes," Ethan said rolling his eyes. "Unfortunately, you haven't missed much."

"That's a shame," Bree said. "You lot remember Mason right?"

"Nice to see you again Mason," Maddie said warmly.

"Hey Maddie," Mason said with a slight Southern accent. He gave Ethan his most menacing look. "And the bloke who has been monopolising Breeana's time....Ethan, how the hell are you?"

Ethan laughed. "Good Mason. Nice to know you still want her around even though the only blokes she's been spending time with lately are me and Justin."

"And Justin's poor eyes glaze over every time I try and explain the runes," Bree said with a laugh.

"Like this you mean," Justin replied. "I say we not talk about work once tonight and just have some FUN!"

"I'm all for that," Sarah said moving over. "Come on Bree. Sit beside me."

Bree fought the urge to roll her eyes at her best friend. She obviously wanted her to sit there because she'd be right across from Ethan. "I'll just scoot in here beside Maddie."

Maddie grinned at her. "I'm so glad we finally all had a night to get together. I've only been bugging you for months to come out with us."

"This is the first time we've all had the same weekend off," Bree said. "But I know what you mean. It's great to get together like this."

"It really is," Maddie said with a big grin. "This is already so much fun!"

"Forgive her," Ethan joked. "She's had half a glass of wine."

"Oooh," Bree teased her. "Pissed already Maddie?"

"No," Maddie said hitting her boyfriend on the arm.

"Why'd you hit me?" Ethan asked, pretending to be offended.

"Because you deserved it," Maddie giggled.

"I think I'll go and get some drinks," Mason said. "What does everyone want?"

"Another wine," Maddie said.

"Beer for me," Ethan said his arm around his girl.

"Juice box for Justin and Sarah," Bree joked. "Make sure they put it in a childproof cup."

"Sod off," Sarah replied. "Cosmo for me please."

Mason laughed. "Sure thing. And I know what Bree wants."

"Right," Bree laughed. "You know everything I want."

Mason winked at her before walking toward the bar.

"Bree you look amazing tonight," Sarah told her friend. "Doesn't she, Ethan?"

"Sure she does," Ethan replied. "Bree's always been gorgeous. I never thought otherwise."

"Ow!" Sarah exclaimed.

"What is it?" Maddie asked concerned.

"Someone kicked me," Sarah grumbled.

"Oh was that your foot?" Bree asked glaring at her.

"It was," Sarah glared back.

"Maddie looks beautiful as always," Bree said turning her attention to the blonde. "I would kill for your hair."

"Oh," Maddie touched her strands, which she'd left down for that night. "My hair isn't that great..."

"Are you kidding me?" Bree asked her. "Long and flowing and perfect curls? Who wouldn't want that?"

Maddie laughed. "I guess it looks all right. I'd never cut it, that's for sure."

"Bree, you have great hair," Sarah said. "And since its shorter now I think it really shows off your features. Don't you think so Ethan?"

"It's not that different," Ethan said, baffled.

"It's just shoulder length now," Bree said kicking her friend again under the table.

"But it was like halfway down your back," Sarah protested.

"It's not that big a deal, honestly," Bree replied. "What is going on with you?"

"I just wanted to make sure we all knew that you looked different," Sarah said hastily.

Justin grabbed Sarah by the arm. "Excuse us for a moment, won't you?"

Bree, Maddie and Ethan watched as Justin led Sarah off.

"I'm so embarrassed," Bree said putting her head in her hands. "I am so sorry. I thought she was finally going to let this rest."

"It's okay Bree," Maddie replied. "I understand."

"Do you know she actually printed out something from the computer about flight schedules for Mason?" Bree asked. "I could have killed her!"

"I guess she doesn't see how happy you are with him?" Maddie offered. "It's obvious to me that you care about him very much."

"He's pretty great," Bree gushed.

"And his favourite colour is blue," Ethan joked. "And he likes to hike and build things and he loves anything Italian..."

"I don't talk about him that much!" Bree said blushing.

"And he loves when you wear your hair down like tonight." Maddie continued in a teasing tone. "And when you wear a halter..."

"Not you too!" Bree said laughing.

Maddie laughed. "You're too easy to tease!"

"That's what I keep telling her," Mason said as he came back to the table. "Here's your wine, Maddie and Bree. And another beer for Ethan."

"Thank you," Maddie said. "That's very nice of you Mason."

"No problem," Mason said sitting down next to Bree.

Maddie looked up to see Jared coming into the pub with a pretty brunette. He caught her eye and waved.

"Your friend is here," Ethan said; he'd also caught sight of the blond.

"Hi Jared!" Maddie said getting to her feet.

"Good to see you Maddie," Jared smiled. "I'd like you lot to meet Anya."

"Nice to meet you Anya," Maddie said shaking the girl's hand. "I'd like you to meet Ethan. And this is Bree and her boyfriend Mason. Our friends Justin and Sarah should be back soon."

"It's nice to meet you too," Anya recognised her from that day she'd come while Jared hid her in the loo, but she didn't say anything about that.

"So how did the two of you meet?" Ethan asked.

"At a pub," Anya answered. "He was there with some of his friends and they introduced us."

Jared had to remind himself to keep his attention on his date. It was quite difficult because Maddie was looking absolutely ravishing tonight and her lips were just begging to be kissed. "And we just hit it off, didn't we Anya?"

"Right," Anya hugged him around the waist.

Maddie grinned at her friend across the table. "That's so great and I'm so glad you could join us tonight."

"Me too," Anya said. "I haven't gotten a chance to meet many of Jared's friends and he talks about you a lot Maddie."

"All good I hope," Maddie teased.

"Like there's anything but good," Jared said in a slightly flirtatious tone.

"There's bad things," Maddie said briefly touching his arm.

"Nah, Jared's right," Ethan said smiling at her. "You're perfect."

Maddie flushed. "I am not."

"You are," Ethan said putting his arm around her.

Maddie kissed him. "I'm glad you think so," she whispered.

Jared clenched his fists under the table.

"Jare?" Anya asked. "How about you get us some drinks?"

"Sure," Jared let his fist relax. "What did you want?"

"Surprise me," she said softly.

"All right," Jared gave her a kiss, mostly to benefit Ethan and Maddie. "I'll be right back."

Jared walked up to the bar and motioned for the bartender. There was a couple arguing right beside him.

"I just want him to remember what a great girl Bree is," the brunette girl was saying. "You know they belong together Justin. Maddie's just a phase."

"She's Ethan's girlfriend," the guy argued. "He's given her a bloody ring, they live together, and now they've been together over a year. Fucking DROP it Sarah."

Jared's ears perked up at this.

"You said yourself that she and Ethan have gotten closer while they've been working on the case," the girl argued. "You said it seemed like old times."

"In terms of friendship," the guy said. "That's all. He's in love with Maddie and that's that."

"It's just I always pictured you and me and Ethan and Bree living side by side," the girl pouted. "Raising our families together...."

"That's not going to happen," the guy said. "I thought you said you liked Maddie. Come on Sarah..."

"I do," Sarah said. "But I just had such high hopes for Ethan and Bree."

"What can I get you sir?" the bartender asked, but Jared was too preoccupied to listen to what this couple was saying. "Are you okay mate?"

"Okay," Sarah said dejectedly. "I'll stop trying to get them back together. Happy now?"

"I'll have a rum and coke and a pint of your best house lager," Jared said, determined to pretend he didn't hear that conversation.

Justin leaned in and gave Sarah a kiss. "That's my wittle girl."

"My baby," Sarah smiled back at him. "I do love you."

"I love you too," Justin said. "Now you go to play nice the rest of the evening?"

"I promise," Sarah said.

"Good girl," Justin said taking her hand and leading her back to the table.

Sarah wasn't surprised to see Ethan and Maddie snogging while Mason and Bree were talking quietly when they went back to the table. "Ahem," she said, clearing her throat in a comical matter.

"And the toddlers are back," Ethan said as he pulled away from Maddie.

"Very funny," Sarah said.

"Sarah, Justin," Maddie said. "I'd like you to meet Anya and right behind my good friend Jared."

"Oh hello," Justin put his hand out. "Nice to meet you mate."

Jared handed Anya her drink and then shook Justin's hand. "Likewise. Maddie's told me a lot about you both."

"Glad you could join us," Sarah replied. "This is fun- we've never all been able to get out all together like this."

"We should do this more often," Maddie said. "And Frankie and Will should come too. They would have come with tonight but they're too busy still honeymooning."

"You two talk about them so much I feel as if I know them," Bree said.

"You would love them," Maddie said. "Frankie helped with the remodelling of Ethan's flat. She really turned the place around."

"Now see, you are making it sound like my place was a dump before you and Frankie moved in for the kill," Ethan protested.

"You can't blame her," Bree said. "Your place looked like poo, Ethan. The colours were so ugly."

"See?" Maddie said triumphantly.

Ethan pouted. "They weren't THAT bad..."

"Yes they were," Bree, Maddie and Sarah chorused.

Ethan turned red. "Can we talk about something else?"

"We could talk about that disgusting lime green colour the walls of your loo were painted," Bree said grinning at him.

"Maddie, want to dance?" Ethan asked hastily.

"I'd love to," Maddie said taking his hand.

"That sounds like fun," Mason said. "Bree? Want to risk it?"

"With you?" Bree asked. "Of course I do."

Justin and Sarah followed suit and Anya expected Jared to do the same, but he just sat there.

"I like your friends," she said smiling at him.

"They're great," he said mechanically, watching Ethan grind against Maddie on the dance floor.

"I was really surprised you called," Anya said. "I hadn't heard from you for a week. But I'm really glad you did."

Jared forced a smile at her. "Why wouldn't I ring you?"

Anya laughed. "I don't know. Maybe you didn't have as much fun as I did." She followed his gaze to the dance floor. "You fancy her, don't you?"

"Who?" Jared asked.

Anya rolled her eyes. "Maddie, of course. Don't worry. I don't think she realises it and her boyfriend doesn't or he'd pound you into the ground."

Jared glanced at her. "If you say anything..." he threatened.

"What are you going to do?" Anya teased. "Spank me?"

"You'll find out later," Jared said, enjoying her insinuation.

"I am curious about one thing though," Anya said looking at Maddie. "She seems too...pure for you."

"Don't worry about it," Jared replied coolly.

"You like them that way?" Anya asked. "All sweet and pure and naive?"

"I said, don't worry about it," Jared said. "Have a drink."

"I don't think she's going to fall for you," Anya said after she'd taken a sip of her rum and coke. "She and Ethan seem pretty tight."

"Do you want to dance?" Jared asked abruptly.

"Going to pretend I'm Maddie?" Anya teased.

Jared stared at her, his face etched in stone.

"Okay," Anya laughed standing up. "Let's go dance. Smile, Jared. Your face'll freeze like that."

"Just shut the hell up about Maddie," he grumbled.

"My lips are sealed," Anya said as they made their way to the dance floor.

Maddie smiled over Ethan's shoulder as she saw Anya and Jared dancing.

"I think she really likes him," Maddie said. "And vice versa."

"Good," Ethan replied. "I'm happy for him."

"I told you he was a good bloke," Maddie said. "He deserves to be happy after what happened with Cordelia."

"Right," Ethan said. He honestly couldn't care less about Jared and Cordelia at that moment. He leaned in and kissed his girlfriend, pulling her body tight against his.

Maddie eagerly kissed him back. She loved being with him like this.

Ethan thrust his tongue through her lips, kissing her deeply as they danced almost blindly, not knowing how they moved, just how they fit together.

"Yes Ethan," Maddie whispered as he broke away for a moment so they could both catch their breath.

"Sometimes it's so hard," he said, his eyes boring into hers. "Knowing we're together but not be together. I don't regret it, but it's just hard."

"I know," she said looping her arms around his neck. "It's frustrating, but it will be so much better when we have our wedding night."

"Absolutely," Ethan said. "You know... sometimes I don't know why I don't just propose right now. Just take you away and marry you tonight..."

Maddie smiled. "Elope?"

"I want to," Ethan confessed. "But I know how disappointed our families would be."

"And I want to have my sisters and Allie and Frankie standing with me," Maddie said. "And I want to walk down the aisle with my Dad so he can give me away to my handsome groom."

"Of course," Ethan said, brushing a lock of her hair behind her ear. "I want to give you the wedding you always dreamed of. What my dad gave to my mum... what your dad gave to your mum. The best of the best, because that's what you are."

Maddie leaned in and softly kissed him. "You make me so happy, Ethan. More happy than I ever dreamed I could be."

"I'm really glad," he said. "You know, sometimes I look at you while you're asleep and I wonder what I did to deserve you."

"Well you stopped running when I chased after you," Maddie said with a grin. "That helped."

"Did it now?" Ethan asked, dipping her back.

"Yes," she giggled. "It did."

"Because I was the only one that didn't bend to your wishes?" Ethan asked, kissing her again, not noticing Jared's glare.

"You were just playing hard to get," Maddie said impishly.

"So you think," Ethan teased.

"So I know," Maddie corrected.

"Earth to Jared," Anya said waving her hand in front of his face. She looked over and saw where he was looking and could only shake her head. "Still think you're in with a chance?"

"Shut up," Jared said sharply.

"Jared," Anya said quietly. "She's not into you. Why don't you just cut your losses and have fun with me?"

"I am," Jared replied. "Fun..."

"Well it's not very fun to watch you mooning over that girl all night," Anya shot back becoming fed up with him more and more.

"What are you going to do about it?" Jared snarled.

"Go home and put a stop to this charade," Anya said pulling away from him.

Jared yanked her back. "If you tell them..." he began.

"You're hurting me!" Anya hissed. "Ease up, Jared! I'm not going to tell anyone anything!"

"Keep it that way," he snapped.

Maddie and Ethan walked past them and Maddie tapped Jared on the shoulder. "We're heading back to the table. You two ready to order some food?"

"Sure," Jared said immediately. "You hungry?" he asked Anya.

What Anya really wanted to do was get as far away from him as she could, but he was paying for the meal. "Yeah," she said quietly. "I'm starving."

"Good," he pulled her back to the table, making sure he sat by Maddie.

Maddie grinned at her friend. "So, how's it going?" she asked in a whisper to Jared.

"Better than I thought," he lied, leaning in. "I'm really glad you invited me and Anya out."

"I'm glad you came along," Maddie said sincerely. "I know how hard it's been for you. You deserve to be happy, Jared."

"Thanks Mads," Jared kissed her cheek, going as close to the corner of her mouth as he dared.

"I think this is going to be a real turning point for you," Maddie said grinning at him.

"Let's hope so..." Jared replied.

*** *** ***

Frankie was still stewing over the fact that Alicia had made no effort to make amends for her dreadful behaviour. It had been nearly two weeks and she'd not even sent an owl or anything.

Her mind had been on her so called friend a lot over the past couple of weeks and she was more hurt than she cared to admit that Alicia wanted nothing to do with her apparently.

"She's probably talking me down to all our old friends," Frankie said thoughtfully to Will as they enjoyed a late night dinner.

"If they don't ring or owl you, they weren't good friends to begin with," Will said. "Come on Frankie I know you're upset but don't let this get to you."

"She's such a cow," Frankie said. "I can't believe I never noticed it before!"

Will chose not to respond to that.

"A complete and utter cow," Frankie said nodding. "I hope she gets early crow's feet and spots."

Will shook his head and chuckled. "I'd hate to see what you'd wish on me if we were in a strop."

"You'd never treat me like she did," Frankie said.

"I'd never treat anyone at all that way," Will shook his head.

"Which is why you are sweet and nice and lovely and she's a complete and utter cow," Frankie said sweetly. "Hand me one of those egg rolls, sweetheart."

"Sure," Will put one on her plate.

"Thank you," she said smiling at him. "I must say I absolutely adore being married to you and I love our new house and our new life."

"Me too," Will squeezed her hand.

"I got my new business cards today," Frankie said grinning at him. "Francesca Barron, Public Relations."

"Did you?" he asked. "Let me have one to show off."

"I couldn't stop looking at them today," she said as she got up to retrieve her bag from the sitting room.

Will grinned as she came back in and extended a small pale blue card towards him. "I think they're perfect," he said, pulling her onto his lap.

"I think you're perfect," she said before giving him a kiss.

"You taste like sweet and sour," he teased.

"And you taste like Moo Goo Gai Pan," she said laughing.

"Say that again," he chortled.

"Why?" she asked.

"It sounds cute coming from you," he said, nipping at her lips.

"Moo Goo Gai Pan," she said. "Moo Goo Gai Pan..."

He laughed again before picking her up and setting her on the counter. "I'm still hungry," Will said huskily. "But not for Chinese food anymore..."

"Will," Frankie squealed. "Here?"

"Sure," he said. "It's our house... our kitchen... our counter..."

"So much for Mr. Boring," she said undoing the buttons on his shirt.

"Mr. Boring wants some dessert," Will said, pulling at her jeans.

Frankie giggled as he eased her jeans down her legs.

"Moo Goo Gai Pan," she said grinning at him.

He laughed again. "Come here and say that," he said suggestively.

"Where do you want me?" she asked her eyes darkening.

"Right here," he said softly as he shed his trousers.

"Right here?" she asked looping her arms around his neck and pulling him to her.

"That's it baby," he said, kissing under her earlobe.

"Merlin I love it when you do that," she whispered.

He suckled at her skin lightly as he positioned her body on the counter.

"Now," she breathed. "Please Will..."

Will slid inside her in one fluid movement, his hands and lips caressing her body.

"Ohhh," Frankie said wrapping her legs around him.

"This never gets old," he grunted. "You amaze me every single time Francesca."

"That's Mrs. Boring to you," she said as they began to move together.

"Always my Mrs. Boring," he grinned back at her.

A few minutes later, Frankie was still clutching to her husband feeling completely sated and satisfied.

"That of our best," she whispered.

"Gets better every time," Will agreed, brushing a strand of hair off her forehead.

"Yes it does," she said smiling up at him. "Will, I love you so much."

"I love you too baby," he said, stroking her glossy hair behind her ears.

"So I guess now all I have to do when I'm in the mood is say those four magic words," Frankie said winking at him.

"What might those be?" Will asked, his eyes glinting.

"Moo Goo Gai Pan," she replied with a laugh.

Will kissed her. "Moo Goo Gai Pan should be dessert..."

"I think it just was," Frankie said.

"They should name a dish after you," Will said, sliding her off the counter.

"Frankie Gai Pan?" Frankie suggested retrieving her jeans and knickers from the floor.

"Long as I'm the only one who gets to eat it," Will commented lustily.

"You'll be my exclusive customer," she said.

"Can't wait," he said softly.

"We can't put it on the menu for our dinner party," she said slipping back into her clothes.

"I don't know how well it would go with pineapple upside down cake," he teased as they sat back at the table.

"True," Frankie laughed. "You like the island theme don't you?"

"Sure I do," Will said.

"I was thinking we could have it the day before Halloween," Frankie said. "I would have said Halloween, but Allie and Jon will be taking the kids trick or treating as will Jack and Claire."

"That sounds good to me," Will replied agreeably, helping himself to the last egg roll.

"Great," Frankie said. She reached into the bag and pulled out the two fortune cookies. "Which one do you want?"

"That one," Will said plucking the plastic wrapped cookie out of her right hand.

Frankie unwrapped hers and cracked open the cookie pulling out the white slip of paper. "It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not," she read aloud. "I couldn't agree more."

Will opened his. "You long to see the Great Pyramids of Egypt..."

"You do?" Frankie asked.

"Apparently so..." Will shook his head. "That's not a bloody fortune!"

Frankie laughed. "You know there was something that Allie and Chiaki told me about fortune cookies. At the end of the fortune, you're supposed to add the words ' bed' to it. So..." she picked her fortune back up. "Mine would really be 'it is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are bed."

"You are definitely loved in bed," Will grinned.

"And apparently yours would be that you long to see the Great Pyramids of Egypt in bed..." Frankie said laughing even louder.

"Sod off you," Will said, pulling her back into his lap again. "Or I'll show you what mushu pork really means."

"How about we finish this conversation up," Frankie said. "In bed..."

"More dessert," Will said with a grin. "I like that idea."

"Race you back there," Frankie said jumping out of his lap.

"Hey no fair," he laughed, running after her.

"You can punish me," she called back.