Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

The arrival of two important little people comes to you in this chapter. We hope you enjoy it- please review!!!! Please? :D

Nine months had passed along quite fast for Frankie, and for that she was thankful. But the pain at the moment... she was busy blaming her husband for that.

"And you're never getting anywhere NEAR this body again!" Frankie bared her teeth.

"Let's just get you to the hospital before you start plotting my impending death," Will said calmly grabbing the suitcase they'd packed for this occasion.

"OH MY GOD!" Frankie shrieked at the top of her lungs as another contraction began.

Hannah, who had been fast asleep in her bedroom, hurried into her parents' room when she heard this. "Mummy?" she asked in a small voice.

"It's okay Hannah," Will told his daughter. "But can you go get your cloak, please? The babies are on their way and we need to get to hospital."

Hannah nodded and hurried back to her room.

"Can you calm down please?" Will asked his wife. "You're scaring the hell out of her. I know you're hurting, but the sooner we get to St. Mungos the sooner you can get something to stop the pain."

The last thing Frankie wanted to do was scare Hannah, but she was in so much pain. If she'd known it was going to be this painful, she'd have seriously rethought her decision to do this. "I'll...I'll try."

"Thank you," Will said. "Come on baby."

Frankie got to her feet with Will's help.

"Daddy, I've got my cloak," Hannah said, her eyes were shining with tears.

"Good girl," Will said.

"I'm all right baby," Frankie managed a smile at her daughter. "Come here and give me a hug."

Hannah hesitantly stepped forward and gave her mother a hug, which was complicated by the size of Frankie's bump.

"That makes me feel better already," Frankie said, grimacing as another contraction came on. "Will..."

"Breathe," Will coached. "Come on, Frankie."

Frankie nodded. "Let's get going," she said, squeezing Hannah's hand a bit.

"How are we going to get there, Daddy?" Hannah asked.

Will looked at his wife. "Do you think you can Apparate, or do you want me to drive us?"

"Whichever would get us there quicker," Frankie managed.

"Do you think you can Apparate?" Will asked her.

"I think so," Frankie replied. "If we do it before the next contraction."

Will held onto the suitcase with one hand and gripped Hannah's hand with the other. "The lobby, then?"

Frankie nodded. "The lobby."

"Close your eyes, baby." Will told Hannah.

Ten short minutes later, they were at St. Mungos and Frankie was being checked into a private room.

"I'm going to need every single pain relieving potion that you have," Frankie told the nurse. "Every single one of them."

"Frankie," Will said. "Come on, let's get you settled in."

Cho and Neville hurried down the hall. Will had called them earlier and they'd agreed to meet them at St. Mungos.

"Grandpa!" Hannah exclaimed running toward him.

"Hello sweetheart," Neville scooped her up. "I heard you're about to become a big sister!"

"Yeah," Hannah said. "But I'm really scared for Mummy."

"She's going to be just fine, baby." Cho told her.

"Promise?" Hannah asked.

"I promise," Cho smiled at her.

"Mum!" Frankie called out for Cho.

Cho went into the room. "Hi sweetheart," she kissed her youngest daughter on the forehead.

"I can't do this," Frankie whispered. "I can't. I was thinking that the babies could just stay in there. I think they're fine right where they are."

Cho smiled. "This is the toughest part, baby, but you're my strong girl. I know you can get through this."

"How on earth did you do this three times?" Frankie asked incredulously.

"I knew it was going to be worth it," Cho began to pull Frankie's long black hair back into a ponytail.

Frankie smiled. "Promise you'll stay here with me?"

"Every moment," Cho promised.

Will came back into the room. "Lizzy will be here shortly."

"Okay," Frankie breathed.

"Hannah's outside with your dad," Will said. "She said to give you a big hug and kiss."

"Tell her I love her," Frankie said as Cho smoothed her hair back.

"I rang Chiaki and Allie too," Will said. "They'll be here later."

"Okay," Frankie reached for her husband's hand.

"How are you holding up?" Will asked giving her a kiss.

"Okay," Frankie gripped it tighter as a contraction hit.

Lizzy walked into the room. "Hi, Frankie. Will."

"Please give me something to stop this pain," Frankie whimpered.

Lizzy scanned Frankie's chart. "Well, we can't give you anything that will take away the pain completely, but it will make it more bearable."

"Anything!" Frankie closed her eyes.

"How far apart are her contractions?" Lizzy asked Will.

"What, a few minutes at this point?" Will looked at his wife. "Maybe two?"

Lizzy produced a vial of a clear liquid. She handed it to Frankie. "Drink this. It doesn't taste very good, but you will love what it does for you. Trust me."

Frankie grabbed for it eagerly and downed it in a gulp.

"How do you feel?" Will asked her.

"Better," Frankie sagged against the pillows in relief.

"Told you," Lizzy said with a grin.

"Will..." Frankie reached for him again. "I'm sorry I was so mad at you earlier."

"I was warned that you would say things like that by Jack," Will said. "So don't worry about it. Besides, you can never resist me, Francesca Barron."

"No," Frankie smiled lazily at him. "That's how we got in this situation in the first place..."

"And we're going to meet Isabelle and Nathan really soon," Will said happily.

"I know," Frankie said softly. "I'm really excited, Will."

"Me too," Will said. "Lizzy, can we bring Hannah in here for a few minutes?"

"Sure," Lizzy nodded. "I'll go get her for you."

"Thanks," Will said taking a seat on the edge of Frankie's bed.

Hannah edged shyly into the room a moment later. "Mummy?"

Frankie motioned for her to come over. "Hi, sweetheart."

"Are you feeling better?" Hannah asked her.

"Very much since your Aunt Lizzy gave me a potion that helps with the pain," Frankie told her.

Hannah smiled at her. "Are the babies coming now?"

"In just a little while," Will responded. "Do you want to get up here with your mum?"

Hannah nodded and Will helped her up onto the bed.

"Grandpa and me were talking," Hannah said softly. "And he said that there's still going to be more girls than boys in our family. You, me, and Izzie are going to be the girls and Daddy and Nathan will be the only boys."

Frankie laughed. "It's good that way, baby."

"I think so too," Hannah said cuddling up on Frankie's side.

"Here," Frankie moved Hannah's hand to her stomach. "They're really moving around in there."

"I can't wait to see them," Hannah said honestly.

"They're going to love you," Will smiled at his girls.

"And no matter what you're still our little girl," Frankie said softly. "We love you so much, Hannah."

"I love you too," Hannah said.

Frankie patted Hannah's back. "You be a good girl for your grandpa, okay?"

"I will," Hannah nodded. "I'm going to draw you a new picture."

Will grinned. "Come on, baby. I'll walk you back out. I want to see if your Grandpa Ted and Grandma Abbie are here."

"I think they are," Hannah took his hand.

Will took her back out to the waiting room where Neville, Ted and Abbie were sitting.

"William," Abbie said. "How is she?"

"All right for now," Will told his parents. "She just took a potion to stop the pain- but I don't think it'll be long before she delivers."

Abbie smiled. "Give her my love."

"I will," Will hugged his mother.

"Very interesting hospital this is," Ted said looking around.

Will grinned. "Don't get too spooked Dad."

"I was thinking of taking Ted downstairs to the cafeteria," Neville said. "Show him around."

"I want to stay here," Hannah said firmly.

"I'll stay with you," Abbie said to Hannah. "We can draw that picture."

"Okay," Hannah smiled at her grandmother. "I just want to stay close to my mummy in case she needs me."

"We'll bring you back a biscuit," Neville promised.

"Thanks Grandpa," Hannah said.

Will gave Hannah a hug. "Next time I see you, you will officially be a big sister."

"I can't wait, Daddy," Hannah hugged him tightly.

"Love you, Hannah," Will said softly.

"I love you too," Hannah kissed her father's cheek.

Back in her room, Frankie was hit with another contraction, but it was nowhere near as painful as it had been before. She just felt a slight discomfort.

"That's better isn't it?" Cho asked her daughter.

Frankie nodded. "Much."

"I know I've told you this," Cho said. "But your dad and I are so proud of you, Frankie."

Frankie looked up at her mother. "Really? I know I've been moody and irritable lately..."

"That's all part of pregnancy," Cho told her. "And you're about to go through a rather difficult period- the adjustment. You'll have two new children to look after."

"Which Chiaki says makes labour look like a breeze," Frankie said.

"She's quite right," Cho answered.

"I'm scared to death," Frankie admitted. "What if I screw them up? All three of them?"

"Not a chance," Cho assured her. "You've got me, your dad, your sisters, Will, Hannah, Will's parents..."

"I have a good support system," Frankie said as another contraction hit her.

"They're about a minute apart now," Cho said. "It's going to happen soon, Frankie."

"Go easy on me, you two," Frankie said patting her stomach.

"I can't wait to meet my two new grandchildren," Cho kissed Frankie's forehead.

"Two more to spoil," Frankie grinned.

"Exactly," Cho laughed.

Lizzy came back inside. "We're going to prep you for the births, Frankie. I'm going to give you one more dose of the potion."

"Great," Frankie said. "Thanks Lizzy."

Will walked back in and grinned at his wife. "Okay?"

"All right," Frankie smiled at him. "It's almost time."

"You can squeeze my hand as hard as you want," he told her.

"I'm going to hold you to that," Frankie told him. "How's Hannah?"

"She's fine," Will replied. "She's out there with my mum, who sends her love by the way."

"I'm glad they're here," Frankie leaned back against the pillows. "Will, I'm still a bit nervous."

"You're going to be fine," he told her. "And your mum and I are right here and you know Lizzy is going to make sure everything's fine."

Frankie nodded, only feeling a little better.

Will gave her hand a squeeze. He couldn't imagine what this would be like for his wife. He knew she was scared and he was too.

"Okay," Lizzy came back in the room. "It's time for you to meet your twins."

Frankie swallowed. She wasn't so sure she could do this. "Um...could you just knock me out and wake me up when it's over?"

Lizzy smiled at her. "Frankie, you're going to do just fine, I promise."

"It's just that I have a really low threshold for pain," Frankie tried to explain. "I always have. I cry at a paper cut. Right, Mum? I really don't think that----"

"That potion we gave you is actually going to take away a lot of the pain," Lizzy told her.

Frankie was grateful for that, but it wasn't going to take away all of it. Her sisters had done this though---Chiaki once with her own set of twins and Allison three times.

"It's going to be okay, baby." Will said to his wife. "And I promise not to move an inch until it's all over."

Lizzy positioned herself at foot of the bed. "Okay, you are fully dilated. In a moment, I'm going to ask you to push, Frankie."

"Will," Frankie gripped his hand and reached out for her mother.

"You're doing fine," Cho encouraged taking her daughter's hand.

"Okay Frankie," Lizzy said. "Give me one really good push!"

Frankie took a deep breath and then did just as Lizzy asked.

"Good," Lizzy said. "I can see the first baby. Frankie....push as hard as you can."

Frankie nodded. "Is it Nathan or Isabelle?" she asked breathlessly as she bore down and pushed again.

Lizzy smiled. "Your son is quite the gentleman. He has let his little sister come first...."

Frankie felt tears well up in her eyes.

His daughter's cries filled the room and the sound was like music to Will's ears.

Lizzy handed Isabelle off to one of the nurses. "Okay, Frankie. You're going to have to push again for your son."

Frankie was already quite knackered, but she managed to push just the same.

"One more sweetheart," Cho said. "Nathaniel's dying to meet you!"

Frankie locked her eyes with Will's and mustered the strength to give one last push.

Nathaniel came into the world screaming his head off. "That sounds like Frankie," Cho teased gently.

Lizzy laughed. "Good job, Frankie."

Frankie leaned back against the pillows, breathing heavily.

Will gave her a kiss. "You did it, sweetheart!"

Frankie smiled at her husband. "We did..."

"You did the work," Will joked. "I just stood here and lost all feeling in my hand."

"Can we hold them yet?" Frankie asked him.

The nurse brought the babies over and Frankie smiled when she saw her daughter had her black hair. Nathan had Will's brown hair. "Oh..."

"They're perfect," Will couldn't' stop staring down at them.

Will took Isabelle from the nurse. "You look just like your mum. Beautiful."

"He's got your eyes," Frankie said softly, looking down at their son. "So does she..."

Cho wiped at her eyes. She was at a complete loss for words.

"Mum," Frankie smiled at her. "Your new grandchildren are here..."

Cho nodded. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks," Frankie replied. "I'm so glad you stayed with me."

"I wouldn't have been anywhere else," Cho said feeling another set of tears welling up in her eyes as she watched Frankie kiss Nathan's forehead.

"Can Hannah come in yet?" Frankie asked. "I'd like her to meet her brother and sister."

"I'll go and get her," Cho said.

Will carefully set Isabelle in Frankie's other arm. "How are you doing?" he asked his wife.

"Knackered," she said. "But really, really happy. Look at them!"

"I know," he agreed softly. "You were amazing, sweetheart. And they're absolutely perfect."

Hannah came in to the room, holding Cho's hand. A wide grin spread across her face when she saw her parents with the babies.

"Hi you," Frankie smiled at her. "Come meet your siblings."

Will picked her up so she could get a better look. "That's Nathaniel William Barron and the one in the pink there is Isabelle Christine Barron. Guys, I want you to meet your big sister, Hannah."

Hannah giggled. "They're so small, Daddy!"

"They sure are," Will said. "And you know what they told me?"

Hannah looked at him. "They can't talk yet."

Will laughed, as did Frankie. "She's got you there."

"I can talk baby," Will told them. "And they told me that they're very glad to be here and they forgive their mother for eating all that spicy food."

Hannah giggled again. "You're silly, Daddy."

Frankie leaned down. "Isabelle said she agreed with her big sister."

"I wish I could speak baby," Hannah said wistfully.

"It's really easy," Will said winking at her.

"How do I do it?" Hannah was intrigued.

"Well, you just look at them and you concentrate really hard," Will said. "And you can hear them talk."

Hannah furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't hear anything."

"You'll get it in time," Will promised.

"Okay," Hannah leaned over and kissed Isabelle's head, then Nathan's.

Frankie was so glad that Hannah seemed to be enjoying her role as big sister so far. She'd worried that Hannah would feel differently, but so far so good. She and Will had promised themselves to never make Hannah feel second best. She was just as much their daughter as Isabelle was and she always would be.

"Time for you to get some rest," Will said. "They're going to take the twins to the nursery."

"I feel like I could sleep for a week," Frankie admitted.

"You just had twins," Cho pushed Frankie's hair back. "You deserve a good rest."

Reluctantly, Frankie let the two nurses take the babies.

"I was thinking that we'd take Hannah back to our place," Cho said. "So she could get some sleep. We'll bring her back first thing in the morning."

"Thanks Mum," Frankie yawned. "Will's going to stay here with me."

Hannah gingerly gave her mother a hug. "I love you, Mummy. So much."

"I love you too," Frankie hugged her as tightly as she could. "You're my girl, Hannah."

"Come here and let me have one of those hugs," Will said grinning at her.

Hannah got down and ran over to her father. "I love you Daddy."

"I love you too," Will said holding her tightly. "Now, you be a good girl for your grandparents and we'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Okay," Hannah said, waving as Cho led her from the room.

"How are you holding up?" Will asked his wife. "Because you look beautiful."

"Liar," Frankie smiled sleepily at him.

"You do," Will said getting comfortable in the chair beside her.

"What are you doing over there?" Frankie asked.

"Getting comfortable," Will said. "I'm going to stay here with you."

"Over here," Frankie patted next to her.

"I thought you said I wasn't getting anywhere near that body ever again," Will said.

"Yeah well," Frankie smiled sheepishly. "Can't a girl change her mind?"

"I had a feeling that wouldn't last too long," Will said getting to his feet. He settled down on the bed beside Frankie.

"I can't believe they're here," Frankie murmured.

"And they're healthy," Will said putting his arm around her. "And happy."

"I'm happy too," Frankie snuggled against him. "More happy than I thought I'd ever be, Will."

"Me too," Will said softly. "And Hannah----did you see her with them?"

"She loves them," Frankie nodded. "I'm so glad we adopted her."

"She changed everything for us," Will said closing his eyes. "I don't think we'd have Nathan or Isabelle if she hadn't come into our lives."

"She showed me that I could be a mum," Frankie said thoughtfully. "That I wanted to."

"I always knew you had it in you," Will kissed the side of her head.

"I love you, Will," Frankie said closing her eyes.

"I love you too," Will kissed the side of her head.

"You're going to stay here," Frankie said sleepily.

"Right here," Will promised.

"Kay," Frankie said before drifting off to sleep.

*** *** ***

Maddie and Ethan had gone to the hospital to see Will, Frankie and the twins, and had returned to Drew and Brian's to see Chloe, who was almost a year old.

Seeing all the new babies was hard for Maddie- who still hated the fact that she felt jealous of her best friend. She and Ethan were still having troubles with conceiving.

She was sitting with Chloe on the floor playing with some blocks.

"Bock," Chloe said happily holding one up for Maddie to see.

"That's right," Maddie smiled lovingly at her niece. "You're a smart girl, Chloe!"

Drew came back into the room carrying a tray of biscuits and tea. "She loves playing with those. They are her favourite toy."

"I always liked them too," Maddie nodded. "I think all us kids had a set of blocks at one point."

Chloe pushed herself up and toddled over to her toy box in the corner of the room. "Bear!"

Ethan looked down at the little girl. "Chloe, that's MY bear."

Chloe shook her head. "Mine!"

"My bear," Ethan joked.

Chloe's face screwed up. "MINE!"

Ethan held up his hands in defeat. "Oh...that is YOUR bear. I left mine at home."

Drew laughed. "Never try and take her bear. It's her absolute favourite."

"Mine," Chloe said hugging it to her.

"What is that bear's name?" Ethan asked her.

"Mine," Chloe said again.

"Mine the bear," Ethan said thoughtfully.

Chloe giggled as she threw herself at his legs.

Ethan picked her up. "Chloe, Chloe, Chloe!"

Chloe dropped her bear and reached out to pat his cheeks.

Maddie watched her husband with a wistful expression. He was going to make a wonderful father someday.

"So where's Brian today?" Ethan asked.

"He's at the Burrow today," Drew said. "Helping Grandpa cataloguing his latest artefacts."

"Gampaaaaaa...." Chloe echoed.

Brian had taken over for Arthur in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts office after Arthur's retirement. Arthur still had quite a few finds and Molly had been after him for the past few months to tidy up the barn he was using for storage.

Maddie smiled fondly. "Grandpa still loves Muggle things so much. Ethan and I bought him a new toaster a few weeks ago."

"I know," Drew said with a grin. "He was showing it off to us."

"He must have made toast about six times while we were there," Ethan laughed.

Maddie looked at her sister. "How are Fred and George doing? Are they talking again?"

"No one's really said anything," Drew shrugged. "But Uncle George is still seeing Angelina."

"It's bizarre seeing them fighting," Ethan commented.

"What's even more bizarre is seeing Uncle Fred sitting around talking with Dad," Drew told them. "And them not fighting."

"Whoa," Ethan said. "Really?"

Drew nodded.

"It's a shame to see them fight like this," Maddie said as Chloe moved over to her.

"Loving the same woman will do that to you," Ethan said. "Of course, it never happened to Justin and me."

Maddie smiled at him. "Better not have," she teased.

Chloe grabbed a lock of Maddie's hair. "Pretty!"

"Thank you Chloe," Maddie touched Chloe's trademark red hair. "You are just beautiful too!"

Chloe beamed at her. "Em?"

Maddie laughed. "All of you want to see Em, all the time, don't you?" she kissed her niece's cheek.

Ethan shook his head. "She's a legend."

"That she is," Maddie replied wistfully.

"So tell me about Nathan and Isabelle," Drew said eagerly.

"They're so cute," Ethan said. "Isabelle has black hair and Nathan's got brown hair. Hannah's completely enamoured already."

"Awww," Drew gushed. "I'm so glad that she is. I know Frankie and Will were worried."

"They're really lucky," Maddie said softly.

"Mad?" Chloe asked looking up at her aunt. "Sad?"

"I'm okay sweetheart," Maddie smiled at her niece.

Chloe reached up and put her arms around Maddie's neck.

Maddie's eyes filled with unexpected tears at Chloe's sweet gesture. Drew looked at her sister with concern.

"Maddie?" Drew asked.

"I'm okay," Maddie wiped at her eyes.

"Mads," Ethan looked at his wife.

Maddie shook her head. "Really, I'm fine. It's just been a really emotional day is all."

Drew shook her head suspiciously. "You've been sort of quiet today, Maddie. It's not like you."

"Ethan and I are still trying," Maddie said softly. "And I just want a child of our own."

"Maddie," Drew put an arm around her sister. "It'll happen in time, you know that."

"I know," Maddie said resting her head on Drew's shoulder.

"Love Mad," Chloe rested against her aunt.

"She's just like how you were when we were kids," Drew said smiling at her sister. "Always wanting everyone to be happy."

Maddie couldn't help the small smile that curved her lips out. "She's a sweet girl."

Drew looked at Chloe. "Hey, sweetheart, why don't you show Maddie the Tickle Monster?"

"Ooooh," Ethan grinned. "Aunt Mad LOVES the Tickle Monster!"

"Oh, no," Maddie said shaking her head. "Anything but that, Chloe!"

Chloe wiggled her tiny fingers. "ARRRRRGH!" she shouted, reaching for Maddie.

Maddie shrieked causing the little girl to giggle. "Mad!"

Ethan laughed too as his wife slid down to the floor with Chloe tickling her the whole way.

"Brian does this to her all the time and she just loves it," Drew told him.

"She's so sweet Drew," Ethan told her.

"I didn't know Maddie was hurting like this," Drew said keeping her voice down so Maddie couldn't hear.

"It's been going on for awhile," Ethan said quietly. "We've been trying so hard for a baby but it hasn't happened."

"It'll happen," Drew said. "And when it does you guys are going to be great parents."

"That's what I keep telling her," Ethan nodded.

"You could always adopt," Drew said.

"It's a possibility," Ethan answered. "But we want our own kids too."

Either way, Drew knew that her sister and Ethan would be good parents and any child would be lucky to have them for a mum and dad.

"I think the Tickle Monster needs to see Uncle Ethan," Maddie held up Chloe.

"Aurors aren't scared of the Tickle Monster," Ethan scoffed.

Chloe wiggled her fingers at him. "Get you!" she shrieked, launching herself at him.

"Oomph!" Ethan muttered falling to the floor. "Chloe!"

"TICKLE!" the little girl giggled uncontrollably.

"Get him, Chloe!" Maddie laughed.

Drew was laughing too. "Brian will be happy to know he's spared for the evening."

"No scape!" Chloe shrieked going at him again. "No scape!"

Ethan laughed even harder. "The Tickle Monster's coming for you next Miss McGregor!"

"Oh, no you don't!" Drew wagged her finger at him.

"No," Chloe imitated her mother. "Don't!"

Maddie laughed, feeling a little better. It was hard not to be happy around Chloe.

"There's that Maddie smile we all know and love," Drew grinned at her sister.

"I'm trying to not let it get me down," Maddie said. "But it's hard sometimes."

"Trust me," Drew nodded. "It's not easy. I've been there."

Maddie felt terrible. She shouldn't have talked about this in front of Drew, especially after what had happened with Hope.

Drew seemed to know what she was thinking. "Maddie, we're sisters. You can talk to me and Darla about anything, you know. No matter what."

Maddie gave her a hug. "Thanks, Drew. You and Dar have been great."

"So have you," Drew hugged her tightly. "I can't recall a single time you weren't there to listen to me."

"That's what sisters are for," Maddie said.

"E," Chloe said reaching for Ethan.

"E," Ethan picked her up and sat her on his lap. "Am I Uncle E now?"

"She can't say Ethan," Drew said. "She has trouble with your name and with Saffy's."

"Well she's only a year old," Ethan grinned at the little girl. "We can't expect her to be completely perfect for at least another year."

"Very true," Drew said picking up a framed photograph and showing it to her daughter. "Chloe, who is that?"

Chloe stared at the picture of Saffron. "Sassy!"

Ethan clutched his stomach as he fell back in laughter. "Oh that is PERFECT!"

"Sassy here?" Chloe asked looking around.

"No," Drew shook her head. "Sassy's not here."

"Oh," Chloe said frowning.

"Sassy," Ethan said still chuckling. "Now that is Saffy."

"Something tells me we're going to be getting a Howler from her sometime soon," Maddie shook her head.

"Why would we get a howler from her?" Ethan asked. "To my knowledge, I've not done anything recently to piss her off."

"You'll write to her and call her Sassy, and make it seem like some kind of insult," Maddie pointed out.

"He wouldn't do that," Drew said. "Would you, Ethan?"

"Maybe," Ethan confessed sheepishly.

"Have you talked to RJ lately?" Maddie asked her sister. "Apparently he and Saffy have finally patched things up."

Drew nodded. "It's about time. I hated seeing the two of them fight."

"I didn't like it either," Maddie answered. "It was all quite silly."

"My baby sister knows how to hold a grudge," Ethan said.

"In any case, it's about time they buried the hatchet." Drew scooped her daughter up.

"Absolutely," Maddie said. "They've been through too much and life is too short."

"Right," Drew made a goofy face at Chloe. "I think it's time for a kip."

"No thanks," Ethan said dryly. "I'm not tired."

Maddie hit his shoulder. "Not you!"

"Ow, Mads!" Ethan yelped.

Chloe giggled. "Mad!"

"I'll be right back after I put Miss Chloe down for her kip," Drew told them. "Say bye-bye, Chloe!"

"Ba- ba!" Chloe waved her little hand.

"Bye!" Maddie waved back at her. "Sweet dreams, Chloe."

"She's too cute," Ethan pushed himself back up onto the sofa.

"She is," Maddie said sitting down beside him. "E."

"Mad," he returned, leaning in to give her a kiss.

"It's going to happen for us, right?" Maddie asked.

"Sure it is," Ethan told her. "And when it does, you'll be the best mum there is."

"And you'll be a great father," Maddie said. "I just know it."

"Of course I will," Ethan said, trying to make her smile. "I'm the greatest guy in the world."

"You are," Maddie said softly.

He kissed her again. "Keep your chin up," he told her.

Maddie rested her head on his shoulder hoping that it would happen for them soon. She wanted to start a family with Ethan. She wanted that more than anything in the world.

"She went down easy," Drew came back into the room. "Thanks for tiring her out, E."

"My pleasure," Ethan said with a grin.

"We should get going," Maddie said. "Let you have some peace and quiet."

"You guys just got here," Drew protested.

"Are you sure?" Maddie asked. "If you've got things to do--"

"No, I love having you guys around," Drew reassured them.

"So how goes the wonderful world of wedding planning?" Ethan asked her.

"A bit slow, lately." Drew replied. "Which is kind of nice. It'll pick up again in about a month."

"June's always their busiest season," Maddie said.

"I can't believe it'll be two years already for us," Ethan squeezed his wife's shoulders.

"Yours was my favourite to do," Drew told them.

"It was the best wedding," Maddie told her. "Best day of my life."

"Mine too," Ethan said.

Drew smiled. "All of are married off now, Maddie. Well, except for RJ. It seems like just yesterday we were in our house in Dublin."

"Which you hated so much," Maddie teased her.

"And you took it out on Dolly's cage," Ethan remembered.

Drew laughed. "You make me sound awful!"

"You just wanted everyone to be together," Maddie said in her sister's defence.

"Yes I did," Drew nodded.

"And now we're all together," Maddie said. "Close enough to see each other when we want."

"All the time," Drew nodded. "I love it."

"One for all and all for one," Ethan teased.

"That's the Weasleys for you," Drew said with a grin.