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Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

AN: Well you guys were clamouring for Saffron, Alexa, Andrew and Gabe's New Year's Eve celebration, and we just couldn't disappoint ;) Plus… you also see what RJ was up to…

Nick and Julie's interview is at the end of the chapter, and due to Thanksgiving here in the states next week and a crazy schedule; we aren't going to be doing an interview next Saturday night. But in two weeks we WILL resume it with Seamus and Lavender, as a few of you asked!

Hope you all enjoy this, and as always, PLEASE review!!!

Across the house, Saffron's little party had been going full swing already for a few hours. "One hour until midnight," she announced to her friends.

"Lex, this fudge is amazing," Gabriel said popping another piece into his mouth. "I can't believe you're not having any..."

"I've had so much these past few days," Alexa shook her head. "I don't think I could handle any more of it."

"I can," Andrew said picking up a piece.

Saffron grinned at him. "You've eaten more than anyone el se."

"I haven't," Andrew said defensively. "Besides, no one can beat RJ's record. Remember last New Year when he ate all that- - -" Saffron stomped down on his foot. "Sorry," Andrew said quietly.

"What... what's he doing tonight?" Alexa asked uncomfortably.

"Quiet night in," Andrew replied. "He was going to develop those pictures from Em's party."

"Sure," Saffron muttered. "Come on you guys, I know it's only the four of us, but let's dance."

Alexa walked over to the stereo to turn up the volume. Saffron turned to her boyfriend with a smile. "Let's go over here," she tugged on his hands.

"Whatever you say," Andrew said grinning at her.

Alexa blushed when she saw her friends had gone off to the side leaving her and Gabriel alone. And even though this wasn't a date, it somehow seemed like one.

"Great song," Gabriel said conversationally.

Alexa nodded. "One of my favourites actually."

Gabriel nodded and searched his brain for something to say. It didn't help that Andrew and Saffron were a few feet away snogging. "So," he said with a cough.

"What are your new classes going to be when you go back to California?" Alexa asked, not sure of what else she could say.

"I just registered yesterday actually," Gabriel replied. "I have Biochem II, statistics, Western Civilization... and that's just on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays."

"Wow," Alexa shook her head. "You're so busy Gabe. I don't know how you handle it all."

"Me either, to tell you the truth," Gabriel said.

"I just think its lovely that you're going to be a doctor," Alexa told him.

"Thanks," Gabriel said smiling at her. Alexa rolled her eyes at Saffron and Andrew who didn't seem to realise they weren't alone in the room. Gabriel chuckled. "Some host she is, eh?"

"I guess I can't blame her," Alexa replied. "She's not going to see him for a few months after a few more days."

"If anyone could make distance work it'd be those two," Gabriel said motioning toward his cousin and Andrew.

Alexa nodded, a bit sadly. "He really loves her."

Gabriel looked sympathetically at her. "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay," Alexa said. "I shouldn't be thinking about him. I'm sure he's not thinking about me."

"I'm nowhere near his biggest fan," Gabriel said. "But I saw how he was looking at you, Lexie. He still cares about you. "

Alexa shrugged. "I don't want to talk about RJ."

"Me either," Gabriel said. He picked up his napkin and balled it up. He was about to aim for the trash can when he looked over at Alexa with a gleam in his eye. "Do you think I can make it?"

"Probably," Alexa said with a grin.

"I'll close my eyes," Gabriel said confidently.

"I bet you'll still make it," she laughed.

Gabriel grinned. "How about we play Horse?"

Alexa stared at him. "I beg your pardon?"

"Get your mind out of the gutter, O'Leary," Gabriel said with a laugh. "It's a game that you usually play with a basket ball, but since we don't have one..." His voice trailed off as he looked for something they could use. He found it in one of Puddles's toys --a rubber ball. "We'll use this...."

"Okay..." Alexa raised an eyebrow.

"We both take turns trying to make a shot from different places on the floor," Gabriel explained. "If you shoot it and I miss it, you get an h... and you keep going like that. The first per son who gets h-o-r-s-e wins. You game?"

"You're going to win," Alexa shook her head. "I'm so awful at sport, Gabe."

"You don't give your self enough credit," Gabriel told her. "Okay, I'll spot you two letters. You can go ahead and have h-o..."

"Did you just call me a ho?" Alexa asked with mock indignation.

"What?" Gabriel was flustered. "No Lex- it's just the letters, the H and the O..."

"Kidding," Alexa said nudging him.

"Funny," Gabriel smirked.

Gabriel moved the trash can back toward the wall and he threw the rubber ball at Alexa who caught it. "Ladies first."

Alexa tried to be enthusiastic. "All right," she replied, aiming the rubber ball for the can. To her astonishment, it actually went in and she threw up her fist in triumph.

"Trying to hustle me again, are you?" Gabriel asked retrieving the ball.

"No," Alexa replied. "Beginner's luck."

Gabriel shook his head as he stood in the same spot Alexa had and took his shot.

"See?" Alexa said as the ball went cleanly in. "You're doing good too."

Gabriel shrugged. "Beginner's luck."

"You're good at sport, I'm not." Alexa said, moving to where he showed her.

"You keep saying that, but you certainly take to it quickly enough," Gabriel said.

Alexa shook her head as she threw the ball again. This time it bounced off the side and across the room. "You jinxed me."

Gabriel laughed. "It was either that or talk trash..."

"Nice pun," she said, giggling despite herself. Gabriel grinned and ran after the ball.

He came back and expertly made his shot. "That's an O for me."

"You're already catching up," Alexa replied.

"You're still in with a chance," Gabriel said. "But I should confess that Nico and I have played this about a billion times so I guess in the game of Horse, I am a professional."

"Great," Alexa shook her head but grinned. "I'm totally screwed."

"I spotted you two letters," Gabriel said.

Alexa took the ball again. "Thank goodness you did."

"What are you lot doing?" Saffron asked.

"Playing horse," Gabriel answered. "Did you decide to take a breath and join us?"

"We did," Saffron said with a grin.

"Lexie's about to take her next shot," Gabriel told them.

"You're playing horse?" Saffron looked confused. "I've never heard of that."

Gabriel quickly outlined the rules for her. "It's more fun with a basketball, but we improvised."

"I see," Saffron said as Puddles ran over and yelped at her. "What is it baby?"

"I think he wants his ball back," Alexa said.

"Can they finish their game first?" Saffron picked her dog up. "You've gotten so fat," she complained.

"Saffy," Alexa giggled. "That's mean."

"He is fat now," Saffron said. "I think my mum's been overfeeding him."

"More of him to love," Alexa said as she took her shot.

"I suppose you're right," Saffron said. "I do love my baby."

"Yes!" Alexa exclaimed as her shot went in.

Gabriel looked at his cousin. "Why do I have the feeling that Lexie's just fooled me again?"

Saffron laughed. "She's really terrible at sport, Gabe."

"You'd lie for her in a second," he replied as Andrew came over by his girlfriend.

"Half hour," he reported.

Saffron scratched behind Puddles ears. "Did you hear that baby, thirty minutes until the New Year!"

Puddles licked her cheek and then twisted around to get down. "Puddles!" Saffron said as he scrambled out of her arms.

"I think he wants to run around," Andrew put his arm around her.

Saffron leaned against him. "He likes this room just as much as I do."

"Shall we go get some dress up clothes?" Andrew teased. "And pretend this is your castle?"

Saffron elbowed him in the ribs. "Very funny..."

"You only have the E left," Gabriel told Alexa. "I still have an S and an E."

Alexa nodded as she took her place. "If I get this and you miss it, I win, right?"

"Right," Gabriel grinned at her.

"Come on, Lex!" Saffron cheered. "You can do it!" Alexa concentrated and threw the ball towards the can again. It bounced off the wall and at first she thought all hope was lost. But to her amazement, the ball somehow found its way inside the can.

"Whoa!" Saffron said in awe. "Good job Lex," Andrew grinned at her.

"O'Leary has game," Gabriel said retrieving the ball. "What?"

Alexa looked at him strangely. "You Americans have a really odd way of saying things."

Gabriel laughed. "It's a good thing, Lex."

"If you say so," she tossed the ball to Puddles, who eagerly grabbed it up in his mouth.

"Hang on," Gabriel said. "You haven't won yet, Lexie. I have one more shot..."

"But I thought whoever got to Horse first won," Alexa was confused.

"You haven't gotten it yet," Gabriel said. "You get the letter only if I miss my shot."

"Sorry," Alexa blushed as Saffron retrieved the ball for them.

"Okay," Saffron said throwing it to Gabriel. "Here you go, cousin."

"Thanks," Gabriel made a face. "It's all sticky."

"It is his ball," Saffron said grinning at him.

"Quit talking and shoot it in, Boyd," Andrew joked.

"Okay, okay," Gabriel said, a look of total concentration on his face.

"He shoots..." Saffron said dramatically.

The ball missed the can by just a couple of inches and Gabriel's jaw dropped.

"... and doesn't score," Saffron finished. "Would that be what you Yanks call an air ball?"

"Something like that," Gabriel made a face. "Lexie, you win again."

"And you didn't miss on purpose?" Alexa asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"No way," Gabriel answered.

"Way to go, Lexie!" Saffron exclaimed clapping her friend on the back. "Did you win anything?"

"No, it was just a friendly game." Alexa said as Puddles tried to push the can over to get his ball back. Gabriel caught the can right before Puddles knocked it over and grabbed the ball. He threw it and Puddles took off after it.

"Tire him out," Saffron grinned. "I'd appreciate it."

Gabriel laughed while Puddles ran back toward him. "I think he's not going to let me quit now..."

"Not a chance," Saffron replied. Alexa noticed that they were out of soda and she and Saffron decided to go upstairs and get some more.

"You having fun, Lex?" Saffron asked her best friend.

"Yeah," she nodded. "Gabe's such a great guy Saffy."

"He is," Saffron agreed. "And you must know he's completely crazy about you."

Alexa blushed. "I'm not ready to date anyone else yet."

"I know," Saffron said quickly. "I was just making sure you knew..."

"I knew," Alexa answered. "I knew back over summer hols. "

"Danielle Weasley still fancies him too," Saffron said. "Do you know I haven't spoken that much to her over the years, but she apparently found out Gabe was at Emma's party and she was mad that she didn't go."

"Why didn't they come?" Alexa asked as they gathered some more sodas from the icebox.

"Bill had to work and Fleur was sick," Saffron explained. "But Danielle said she didn't think a party with three - year olds would be her idea of a good time. Until Bill phoned Jon's house to wish Emma a happy birthday and Em told him Gabey had been there just for her...."

Alexa rolled her eyes. "She didn't like that I caught the bouquet."

Saffron grabbed a bag of crisps. "Well, Dani's pretty harmless...a bit shallow, but harmless just the same. And I don't think you have anything to worry about where Gabe's concerned. He doesn't fancy her..."

"I don't care about that," Alexa said, a bit too quickly.

"I know," Saffron said. "But I'm glad to see you having a good time again, Lexie. RJ's not worth your tears."

"He confuses me so much," Alexa said as they headed back to the ballroom. "I mean, he breaks up with me then today acts all jealous when he sees me with Gabe and he kisses me. It's not like he's under a spell again, like that time with Christina. But he acts as if he never knows what he wants."

"He's such a hypocrite," Saffron said shaking her head. "It's okay for him to shag that...thing...but you can't even play an innocent game of billiards. He needs to get over himself, Lexie."

"I guess," Alexa didn't want to talk about RJ anymore. "So are you and Andrew going to disappear at midnight?"

Saffron looked innocently at her. "We would never do that! "

Alexa gave her a look.

"You know me too well," Saffron giggled.

The girls entered the ballroom again to see Andrew and Gabriel teasing Puddles with the rubber ball. "Quit torturing my dog!" Saffron said to them.

"He likes it," Andrew said throwing the ball to Gabriel.

"That's not his happy bark," Saffron set her sodas down on a table.

"He has a happy bark?" Gabriel asked staring at her.

"Yes," Saffron said primly. "He does."

"I thought a bark was a bark," Gabriel asked opening up his can of soda.

"Obviously you don't know a lot about dogs then," Saffron replied. "I wish we could have champagne. I tried to get my parents to let us have some but they wouldn't."

"You just want to get me pissed so you can have your way with me," Andrew said putting his arm around her.

"I don't need you to be pissed for that," Saffron grinned at him before giving him a kiss.

"Two minutes," Alexa told Gabriel. "Do you have any resolutions?"

"I'm not sure," Gabriel replied thoughtfully. "Just to try and be the best in everything I do, I suppose."

"I don't imagine you'll have much trouble keeping that one," Alexa told him.

"Wonder what their resolution is," Gabriel nudged her as he looked in the direction of Andrew and Saffron who had moved away to snog again. "To come up for air once?"

Alexa giggled. "How did you know?"

"Lucky guess," Gabriel said dryly.

She was so pretty when she laughed. "Mine is to have more confidence," Alexa admitted.

"You have plenty of that," Gabriel said as they sat down next to each other.

Alexa blushed. "No, I don't."

"I think you do," Gabriel said honestly. "I think you just need to realise it. You're smart, pretty, loyal and one of the nicest people I've ever met."

"Gabe," Alexa said softly.

"It's true," he said softly. He unconsciously moved closer to her. On the Wireless, she heard the countdown start to the New Year. And she didn't know how or why, but she found herself leaning in.

"Lexie," he said quietly. "Are you sure you want to- -" his words were cut off as she pressed her lips to his.

It was quite different to kiss someone other than RJ and for a brief moment, she felt guilty. But, then again, he had broken things off with her. And she was free and clear to do what she wanted. And she did like Gabriel very much and they always had such a great time together. Kissing him now felt right. He let his eyes close as he pulled her closer.

Alexa broke away for a moment to catch her breath. She met his gaze. "Um, I-I kissed you..."

"Yeah," Gabriel said dazedly. "It was really... um...I liked it."

Alexa gave him a slight smile. "I guess I kind of got caught up in the moment..."

His smile faltered a bit. "So that's why you- - ?"

"No," Alexa said hastily. "Yes...I… I don't know...everything's so mixed up right now, Gabe."

"Right," he said. "It's probably too soon for you to jump into another relationship and all that."

"It wouldn't be fair to you," Alexa said. "But I do like you, Gabe. And maybe we can just keep getting to know each other."

"That sounds good to me," his smile was more genuine this time and he reached for her hand. "You've become a really good friend Lexie. I'm glad we stayed friends."

"Me too," Alexa said relieved that he wasn't angry with her.

He hugged her. "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year," Alexa said holding on to him. Across the room, Andrew and Saffron were too busy snogging heatedly to notice anything else going on around them.

"Saffy," Andrew said in between kisses. "It's... the... New... Year..."

"We were doing this exact same thing last year," she ran her fingers through his dark hair. "Right at this moment we were snogging... just like this..."

"How could I forget?" Andrew asked, his hand going underneath her jumper.

"That's right where I want your hands to be," she breathed.
"Really?" Andrew asked as he moved his hand even higher. "Because I thought you liked them... here."

"Oooh I think you're right," Saffron's eyes were half closed. Andrew grinned before leaning in and nuzzling her neck.

"I don't know how I'm going to live with out this until June," she whispered.

"Hey, we still have Hogsmeade weekends," Andrew reassured her.

"But we can't sneak off to do... this..."she said softly.

"Who says?" Andrew asked. "We can find a special, private place, Saf."

She smiled at him and pushed his hair out of his eyes. "Promise?"

"Promise," he said resting his forehead on hers.

"I love you so much, Andrew Kirke," Saffron pressed her lips to his.

"I love you too," Andrew said softly.

"I hope things always stay this way," Saffron kissed him again.

"They're going to get even better," Andrew said smiling at her. They kissed for a few more minutes.

"We shouldn't leave Alexa and Gabe alone like this," she said regretfully. Andrew looked over her shoulder to get a look at Alexa and Gabriel who were sitting close and to his surprise were... holding hands.

"Um..." Saffron glanced over as well. "Whoa..."

"Happy New Year, guys," Andrew said as he and Saffron walked over to join them.

Alexa blushed and pulled her hand out of Gabriel's. "You both too."

"You decided to come up for air then?" Gabriel asked teasingly to his cousin.

"Something like that," she retorted with a grin.

"Think your parents are home yet?" Alexa asked trying to ignore the look her best friend was giving her.

"I don't know," Saffron answered. "Dad took Mum to this old hotel where they danced together when they first met, so they may be out all night."

Alexa nodded. "I wonder what Beth and Meems are doing tonight."

"Probably wishing they were with Professor Wood," Saffron rolled her eyes.

"They have gotten better," Alexa said in their defence. "Jake certainly helped..."

"A little," Saffron replied, snuggling against Andrew.

"You know as happy as I am that it's the New Year, I dread the fact that in just a few days I'll be back in a class room," Gabriel said with a groan.

"Me too," Saffron agreed. "I wish you both were in school with us."

Gabriel laughed. "That'd be something else. "

"You'd like Hogwarts," Alexa told him.

"For obvious reasons," Saffron said with a pointed look at Alexa. Alexa wanted to kick her best friend.

"Um, I think I'm going to get another drink," Gabriel said getting to his feet.

"I'll go with you," Andrew offered. "I'm thirsty too."

"Get me one too, baby," Saffron said to her boyfriend. "Please."

"Sure," Andrew squeezed her hand. Once they were alone, Alexa bent down and picked up Puddles.

"You two were holding hands," Saffron said. "What's up?"

"Nothing," Alexa lied.

"Oh come on Lexie," Saffron pleaded. "Don't hold out on me!"

"I may have... sort of...kind of... kissed him," Alexa admitted.

"You WHAT?" Saffron shrieked.

"Shhhh!" Alexa hissed. "Saffy!"

"Sorry," the brunette apologised. "Lex YOU kissed him though?"

Alexa nodded. "Yeah.... we were just chatting and he said the sweetest things to me and I just... did it."

Saffron smiled at her. "So does this mean you two are getting together?"

"I don't know," Alexa said. "It's too soon after RJ, Saffy. And I still have feelings for him even after all that's happened."

"I guess I could understand that," Saffron nodded. "I just want you to be happy Lexie. And Gabe's a great guy."

Alexa gave her friend a hug. "He is and you've been so great to me this entire time. I don't know what I'd do with out you."

"Same here," Saffron hugged her back.

"I do miss him," Alexa said getting a little teary-eyed.

"Come on Lex," Saffron said gently. "Don't think about him. If RJ can't see how amazing you are then he doesn't deserve you. His games are completely old and he needs to get his head out of his arse."

Alexa nodded. "It's just hard, Saffy."

"I know," Saffron said. "And I promise I won't talk nasty about him in front of you. You can even talk about him and I'll be completely objective. I just won't ever speak to him again."

"Just don't try and turn his family and Andrew against him," Alexa said. "He needs to have them on his side, Saffy."

"I promise I won't," Saffron held her hands up.

Alexa had her doubts, but she didn't say voice them. "Thanks."

"I think this is going to be a good year," Saffron said thoughtfully. "I just have this feeling..."

Alexa laughed. "I didn't realise you'd decided to take up Divination again."

"Sod off," Saffron pushed at her and Puddles jumped over on to her lap.

Try as she might, Alexa's thoughts went back to RJ and she wondered what he might be doing right then.

What he was doing was developing the pictures from Emma's party. He hung another photo up and stared at the smiling faces of himself, Gabriel, Alexa, Saffron and Andrew. He didn't like the way Boyd was sitting close to Alexa. The guy really did have some nerve.

"Sod it all," he said. He was still wondering if he had made the right decision in breaking things off with his ex girlfriend. The next song that came on the Wireless was one he'd danced to with her at Maddie's wedding. "Damn it all to hell," he cursed, throwing his hands up.

"What a shitty night." He decided to get out of the darkroom and get a beer. He'd nearly made it to the kitchen when he heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" he called.

"Open the door and find out," Serena purred from the other side of the door.

RJ stared at her. "What are you doing here? I thought you were at Scanlon's party?"

"Not much of a party with out you," she said winking at him as she sauntered into the flat. "And besides, you're the one I wanted to kiss..."

RJ opened his mouth to say something but she had wrapped her arms around him and pressed her lips to his.

"You smell," she said giggling after they pulled apart.

"It's the chemicals from...," RJ stammered.

"Maybe we should get you out of these clothes," Serena said her hand already tugging on the hem of his shirt.

"Whoa, Serena..." he said.

"But first," she said stumbling back. "I want something to drink and I think you need one too. You really need to stop moping over Alexandra."

"You know something..." RJ steadied her. "I think you're right."

Serena laughed. "Of course I am. What you ever saw in that plain Jane, I'll never know."

"She's not thinking about me tonight," RJ rummaged around in his cabinet for the bottle of Firewhisky he had stashed away.

"Is Andy home?" Serena asked leaning against the counter.

"No," RJ said, pouring two glasses for them.

Serena picked up her glass and held it up. "Clink. "

"Here's to you," RJ smiled at her.

"And to you," Serena said stepping closer. RJ drank his whisky down and pulled her close.

"Happy New Year," she whispered before nipping at his lips.

"We still have an hour," he looked at his watch. "Want to go back to the party?"

She shook her head. "I was thinking we might have our own...private party."

RJ grinned. "I like that idea..."

"Somehow I thought you would," Serena said making her way toward his bed room. "Bring the bottle..."

"Yes'm," RJ answered, following her. His eyes roamed up and down her curvy figure. "You are stunning you know."

"I know," Serena said slipping out of her shoes.

He took a long swig from the bottle. "I needed this..."

"Yes you do," Serena said turning around to look at him. "You need me and not some silly school girl."

"Right," he said, taking another large swallow of Firewhisky.

And with that, RJ forgot about Alexa and Gabriel Boyd and anything that didn't involve the gorgeous blonde.

"That's right," Serena purred. "Let me help you for get all about it..."

"I'm in your hands," RJ said as they stumbled down on to the bed.

"You're all mine now," she said softly.

"All yours," RJ said before crashing his lips to hers.

The two of them were so busy they didn't even realise it was the New Year until they both lay back, bodies sweaty. "RJ you exhaust me," Serena rolled on to her side.

"You're welcome," RJ said with a cocky grin.

"Let's sleep in," Serena ran her nails over his chest. "And spend all day tomorrow in bed..."

"As nice as that sounds," RJ said. "I can't...I have a family thing ..."

"Oh," she pouted. "You spend a lot of time with them..."

"They're my family," RJ said putting an arm around her. "Don't you spend time with yours?"

Serena shrugged. "We aren't really close."

RJ couldn't imagine what that was like. "Well, um, my mum told me at Em's party that she'd like to get to know you better. You could come with tomorrow."

"They didn't like me at Christmas," Serena pouted.

"That's not entirely true," RJ told her. "And you didn't really make much of an effort. You looked bored the whole time."

"I was," she replied. "Family gatherings just aren't my thing..."

"They're important to me, Serena," RJ said with a sigh. "And you're important to me too. Can you go with me tomorrow and make an effort? I know they weren't entirely welcoming the other day, but that's because they really like Lexie..."

"You promise they'll be nicer to me?" Serena asked. "And that other little girl won't be around?"

"Saffy?" RJ asked. "Merlin, no… she won't be around."

"Then I'll go," Serena nibbled his ear. "I didn't like her."

"I'm not too crazy about her myself right about now," RJ said.

"I think your family will like me," Serena said. "Everyone does, usually."

"You're an acquired taste," RJ said nibbling at her neck.

"I'm a rich, acquired taste," Serena corrected with a giggle.

"I think we've talked enough," RJ said huskily.

"Hmm..." Serena rolled herself up on top of him. "What did you have in mind?"

"I think you know," RJ said before kissing her.


Week 9: Nick and Julie

Heaven: I wonder if we can get Nick to sing something tonight? Or maybe he only gives a private concert for Julie.

Amynoelle: Just as long as he doesn't expect us to sing. I don't know about you, but I can't carry a tune. Tone deaf doesn't even begin to describe it.

Heaven: I feel your pain. I make Britney Spears sound like an accomplished opera singer.

Amynoelle: I do wonder if we would sound better than Serena Starr...

Heaven: Let's not risk our readers' ears!

Amynoelle: We could tell them about the incredibly sad thing we wrote last night, but we wouldn't want to spoil them would we?

Heaven: Nah, not with Christmas just around the corner. We're not that mean.... *sniffle*

Amynoelle: I still can't believe we actually did it. I mean, we knew we were going to do it, but it still was sad.

Heaven: It definitely wasn't my favourite thing to write...

Nick: Hello?

Amynoelle: *Blushes* Oh my God! It's Nick Malfoy!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOO!!! Okay, sorry I went all fan girl there...

Heaven: Amy's too embarrassed to ask if you'd autograph her boobs.

Amynoelle: I wasn't going to ask that!

Heaven: *snickers*

Amynoelle: Let's see how you'd be if we got Oliver Wood in here for an interview....Oliver Wood: The Younger Years.

Heaven: I'm all over that one.

Julie: Girls, need I remind you that Oliver Wood is my boss.

Heaven: But Julie, he's gorgeous! I mean, I would never go fan girl like Mimi and Beth of course but... *fans self* that Scottish accent and kilt just make me want to go--

Julie: How about we get on to the questions?

Nick: Great idea.

Heaven: All right, I get the hint. Nick and Julie this question is from Lillian Potter and it's for both of you. If Nick's parents wanted to get to know your girls, would you let them?

Nick: Well, you saw how well they hit it off in Australia...

Amynoelle: *giggles* Katie threw up on your dad!

Heaven: That was beyond awesome!

Julie: *smiles* that was pretty great, actually. I don't honestly know if Nick's mum and dad would want to make an effort to get to know their granddaughters. I personally think they've missed out. But, if they did try and contact us, I would be suspicious of their motives.

Heaven: I can't say that I'd blame you. They always are into it for themselves and no one else!

Nick: Try growing up with them.

Amynoelle: No, thank you. But this leads into another question from our readers. One of them, miss granger, wants to know if you ever wonder what your parents are up to?

Nick: I suppose I'm curious, yeah. They ARE my parents... and I feel a strange, slight connection to them. But I really think our lives are better off as long as they stay as far away as possible.

Amynoelle: NicholePotter86 also asked about your parents. Do you wish that you had a close relationship with your parents like Julie has with hers?

Nick: Yeah, but my parents are the polar opposites of Jules'. Mine were never around for me growing up and only acted like my folks when it was convenient for them. I wish I could have grown up in home like Julie did, but I didn't. But, one good thing did come out of it. I was determined never to let my kids grow up feeling unwanted and unloved.

Heaven: We think you and Julie are fantastic parents!

Nick: Thanks!

Heaven: PotterChick958 wants to know if you're afraid at how 'Malfoy' Katie's behaviour can be sometimes?

Julie: Katie is ambitious and she does love being in the spotlight, but she has a very sweet and caring side to her to. She's been very nice to Hannah and she's a great friend to Caroline. We try to remind her that Caroline can have more than one friend. And we try to get her to think about others. She really is a sweet little girl.

Heaven: With all her reading problems going on, we've all really seen a different side to Katie. She's been angry but she's frustrated, and she doesn't quite know how to let that out yet.

Nick: She's working really hard and we're all trying to help her. She's our Katie Bear.

Amynoelle: Rainbow star wants to ask Julie how hard it was for you to see Katie going through these problems with her reading? She comes from a long line of over-achievers.

Julie: No parent wants to see their child upset and frustrated. But Katie's also got a fantastic support system!

Amynoelle: She really does! Miss Granger also wants to know how she's doing with her extra lessons? Has it helped improve her moods a little, now that she isn't so frustrated with her school work?

Nick: It has helped. Maya is a wonderful tutor, and Katie really likes her a lot. And her reading has improved quite a bit. She's not struggling nearly as much as she used to.

Heaven: We both think it's fantastic that she's already doing so much better! And Lillian Potter wants to know if you both are happy that Ashley and Katie have stopped fighting?

Nick: They still had the occasional row, but we're extremely happy that they seem to be getting along better.

Julie: And Ash has been helping Katie out with some of her extra assignments. It's really quite sweet. We're proud of them both.

Heaven: And Ashley even lets Katie help her with her art. I'm sure Elinore appreciates getting those things from both of them.

Julie: She really does.

Amynoelle: Okay, Julie. You come from a famous family. Orli Luva and PotterChick958 had similar questions for you. How does it feel to be so much older than your siblings? And what's the relationship like between you and your brother and sister with the age gaps?

Julie: It doesn't bother me, being so much older than Ethan and Saffy. In fact, I think it helped my mother out a lot because I was able to baby-sit and take care of them when I was around. And our relationship is fantastic. I love being at Hogwarts and being able to see my sister all the time. And I'd love to be around Ethan more, but he's busy with Maddie.

Amynoelle: Saffy told us how great it was having you at Hogwarts. Coolman wants to know how is your relationship with Saffron? You were probably more of a mother-like figure to her at least in her childhood. How are the two of you able to relate as siblings? Did you two ever fight like Saffy and Ethan?

Julie: Never. I'm 20 years older than she is, and I think when Mum and Dad have said no, she might come to me but usually I agreed with them *laughs* Despite the fact of our age differences, we still get along wonderfully. And our girls love when she comes over to see them.

Heaven: We could all sit and sing Saffron's graces, couldn't we? Another sort of combined and popular question - lzod, Jenna, and Molly want to know how you feel about Oliver, and what do you both think about the rumours going around about Oliver and Julie? Also, is anyone like Snape giving you flack for it?

Julie: *Sighs* I don't feel that I need to comment other than to say that Oliver Wood has been a wonderful friend to my family. I respect him so much and think he has done a fabulous job in his first year as Headmaster. And Severus does make his snide comments, but I choose to ignore it.

Heaven: I think Oliver Wood likes American girls, anyway...

Julie: You know, he is single. I could put in a word for you.

Nick: My wife, the matchmaker.

Heaven: Does he know how to use a Muggle phone? I'll give you my number to pass onto him.

Julie: He does have a mobile, actually. I'll give you his number after the interview.

Amynoelle: You've just made her day. Speaking of the headmaster, Julie---ears91 wants to know what you think of his vastly different style as compared to his predecessor?

Julie: I think Oliver has brought a new, fun approach to the school. Despite the silly, untrue rumours, I think a lot of students like and respect him.

Heaven: Man I wish I went to that school right now!

Nick- ears91 also wants to know if it frustrates you to only see Julie in the evenings and on weekends?

Nick: Definitely, but we make up for lost time when she gets home. Don't we, love?

Julie: Yes, we do.

Nick: But seriously, this was what she was born to do. She's a wonderful teacher and there's no better school than Hogwarts. Whatever she wants to do is fine with me.

Heaven: Aww that's so sweet! And speaking of jobs, rainbow star wants to know have you thought about retiring from the music business? And not necessarily now, but what do you think you would do with yourself when not writing music?

Nick: I don't know if I could ever retire from music. Someday I might retire from going out on the road and touring, but music is my first love. No matter what, I think it will always be a part of my life.

Amynoelle: Lillian Potter wants to know what you think about Greta, Nick.

Nick: Greta is the mother I never had in Ginny Malfoy.

Heaven: Molly wants to know how you think your life would have turned out if you never had Greta.

Nick: Not something I like to think about. I probably would have turned into my father.

Heaven: Coolman wants to know after you broke Julie's heart and returned to Sydney, if your parents hadn't sacked Greta would you still have come back?

Nick: Definitely. I screwed up and I didn't want to lose the best thing in my life.

Julie: Awwww.

Amynoelle: That's my line, Jules! But back to the questions, Nick. Bra4goten wants to know if you've heard the rumours about your wife and Oliver and what do you have to say about them?

Nick: If Jules tells me there's no truth to them, then that's what I believe.

Heaven: *grins* you're so sweet Nick. PotterChick958 wants to know if you regret not having any siblings... well while you were growing up. You didn't find out about Chiaki until you were 21.

Nick: It would have been nice to have a brother or sister, but I don't know if I would have wanted anyone else to have to deal with my mum and dad.

Amynoelle: How is your relationship with Chiaki?

Nick: We're pretty close. I don't get to talk to her as often as I'd like, but since Jules is best friends with her, we all get together once or twice a month.

Amynoelle: TheGreatFox2000 wants to know if you remember anything about the kidnapping when you were four, Julie?

Julie: I was actually only a few months old, so no; I don't remember any of it. What I do know, is what I was told to me by my parents. They were terrified.

Heaven: And rightly so! It never did come out as to who was responsible, did it?

Julie: No, not really. There were rumours that it was Death Eaters, but no one was ever charged.

Heaven: We're all just so glad you're okay, Julie! Ears91 and PotterChick958 both want to know if you guys are considering ever having more children?

Julie: We've talked about it and we're quite happy with the two we have now.

Nick: I don't know if we could handle any more actually. *laughs*

Heaven: *grins* Here's an interesting question from Molly, for Nick. Do you ever feel that you can relate to Harry about getting partially abused when you were a kid? How did it feel? Although in your case- it was probably more neglect.

Nick: I think I could relate, yeah. But I heard about what Harry went through and I don't think there's any comparison. At least I had Greta and he didn't really have anyone.

Amynoelle: Thankfully you did have Greta, Nick. Coolman wants to know about your love of music. Despite your lonely childhood how did you discover your talent for music? Your parents wouldn't have been any help. Did you get professional training? If so, how?

Nick: The only professional training I got was at my school... I don't know, I guess I just always could carry a tune. And then I met my mates at school and we formed a band, at least for a little while. They're doing pretty good- they got a new singer after I left.

Amynoelle: A lot of our readers enjoyed the first song you ever wrote for Julie. An anonymous reader wants to know how long it took to write? And also how it felt to take over Harry's spot as the Sexiest Wizard Alive?

Nick: When did I do that? *laughs*

Julie: Dad could probably tell you. You know that he says those things are rubbish, but I think he enjoys it. Do you know he actually saves the magazines?

Heaven: Narcissus!

Nick: That song I wrote for Jules was done in about two hours. I just wrote how I felt about her- and I knew it had to be good enough to win her back.

Julie: It was, Nick.

Amynoelle: Very, very romantic. The anonymous reader also wants to know if you knew anything about the Malfoys from your parents before you met Nick? And who do you think your children take after the most?

Julie: I just knew they were awful, awful people. What they tried to do to my parents was just atrocious. But in some strange way, I'm now grateful to them, because they also had Nick. And he's amazing.

Nick: Thanks Jules.

Julie: *smiles at him* I also think our kids are a mix of both of us. Ash is serious about things like I am, but she looks so much like Nick. And Katie, while a bit more open about her feelings, reminds me a lot of myself when I was her age- I was curious and I was always trying to tell people what to do.

Amynoelle: Dysfunctionalspirit has a good question for you, Julie. You are the head of Gryffindor house. How is Gryffindor being handled when you go home especially when there's a party? Is there someone who keeps an eye (and ear) out for them or are there prefects enough for the night and weekend?

Julie: I'd love to say Snape does it, but we know that would be completely untrue. *laughs* Oliver actually keeps quite an eye on things. He IS like Dumbledore in the sense that he knows everything that is going on in that castle.

Heaven: I know what I'd like Oliver to keep his eye on...

Amynoelle: Heaven, behave!

Heaven: *points* look, Jude's naked over there!

Amynoelle: WHERE?

Julie: *snickers* You two remind me of Saffron.

Heaven: I consider that a compliment in the highest regard. But we should get back to the interview, only a few more questions here! PotterChick958 wants to know from Julie, did you ever feel a great amount of pressure being the daughter of The Boy Who Lived and the Minister for Magic?

Julie: Well, I certainly had a lot to live up to, didn't I? But I never felt pressure from my parents. They just wanted me to be happy and they encouraged me to pursue the things I wanted to do. Growing up in the Wizarding World as a Potter puts the spotlight on you whether you want it or not. I wanted to make my own way and not get by on the name.

Amynoelle: Which is why you originally taught school for Muggles, right?

Julie: Exactly. I got that on my own merits.

Amynoelle: And now you're at Hogwarts which we know Saffy loves. And Nick, we had some more questions about your career. RoyalJade wants to know what's going on with your music now? Are you still doing tours? And Rachelle wants to know what Julie's favourite song is?

Julie: My favourite song is the one he wrote me when we got back together.

Nick: My career is still going strong, which I think I'm extremely fortunate for. I've been in the business a long time now and I still have some amazing fans.

Heaven: I'm definitely a fan! I love your music!

Amynoelle: Me too! One last question for you, Nick. TheGreatFox2000 wants to know if you've heard anything directly or indirectly from your parents since you last saw them in Sydney?

Nick: Not a thing. And that is fine with me.

Heaven: Fine with us too- we hope your mother is off on a journey and won't come back. Man that sounded blunt...

Amynoelle: The truth always does.

Nick: I'm not offended, don't worry. They're strangers to me.

Amynoelle: We haven't heard from them in awhile, either. That could change though. But, let's not talk about unpleasant things. We really want to thank you both for taking the time to answer the questions. We had a blast!

Julie: We did too! Thanks for having us this week!

Heaven: Now Julie... let's get down to business. I need his mobile number and I need it now...