Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: This one offers a bit of a break from the Harry/Hermione/Saffy/Ethan drama. You get to see more of Alexa/Gabe/RJ in this one along with Will, Frankie and Hannah and the twins. We hope you enjoy.

Alexa leaned against the counter. She was working the afternoon shift at the bakery. She'd been doing that ever since they'd released her from St. Mungos. There was no real reason to keep her there now that she knew the truth. She just wished she remembered it for herself and not just what people told her.

It was the first week of November and she'd been surprised to learn from her parents that she'd been accepted to university in the States.

She never would have imagined going to school there, but since her parents had already paid her first semester's tuition, she felt bad about asking to defer her admission. It just didn't feel right to start school when things were so jumbled.

"Sweetheart, maybe you should take a break?" Karen O'Leary called out from the back room.

Alexa sighed. "Mum, I'm fine." Her parents were keeping a watchful eye on her now that she was out of the hospital.

"You look sort of pale," Karen observed, coming out to the counter.

"Mum, I'm a red haired English girl," Alexa said. "I'm always pale."

Karen had to smile. "Well you look hungry. I'll fix you a plate."

Alexa opened her mouth to protest, but she knew it would be in vain. Since there were currently no customers, she walked to the back room.

The door opened a few moments later and a very uneasy RJ Weasley was relieved to see Alexa wasn't working.

"You know, Aud," RJ said, still holding the door. "I'm really not that hungry..."

Audrey looked quizzically at him. "A couple of blocks ago you were complaining that you were so hungry you could eat a horse. And you are always raving about the biscuits here."

"Well yeah but--" RJ began when Mrs. O'Leary came to the counter.

"Hello," Karen said smiling warmly at them. "It's nice to see you again, RJ." She hadn't forgiven RJ for what he'd done to Alexa, but she had to admit he'd been a good friend to her since her accident.

"Hi Mrs. O'Leary," RJ answered. "How-- how are you?"

"I'm fine," Karen replied. "Can I get you both something?"

"I'd like a hot chocolate and a banana nut muffin," Audrey replied. "What about you, RJ?"

"Same," RJ said. "How's Lexie?"

"You can ask her yourself," Karen told him. "She's in the back."

RJ was going to tell her not to bother but Audrey was staring at him in such a way, he knew he couldn't do that.

Alexa emerged from the back and smiled when she saw RJ. The smile faded though when she saw he wasn't alone. He'd told her that he was seeing someone, but so far, she hadn't met her.

"Hi," Alexa said quietly.

"Hey Lexie," RJ ran his hand nervously through his hair.

"Mum's getting your muffins," Alexa told him. "I'll---I'll just make your hot chocolate."

"Wait," RJ said. "I um... I really wanted you to... meet Audrey."

"We've met before," Audrey told her. "I'm really glad that you're doing better."

"Thanks," Alexa said. "It's---it's nice to meet you, again." She turned away to make their hot chocolate. Audrey was quite pretty. She could certainly understand what RJ saw in her.

RJ watched his ex girlfriend. He still cared about her, especially so over the past few months and he'd put off this moment so he wouldn't hurt her. But he also wasn't feeling so loyal to Audrey, with keeping her out of the loop.

No one said anything as Alexa prepared their hot chocolate. RJ couldn't remember ever being in a more awkward situation.

"Here we are," Karen said coming out with a fresh plate of muffins.

"Those smell delicious," Audrey said. "Thank you so much."

"You're quite welcome," Karen said.

Alexa handed them both a mug of hot chocolate.

"How much?" RJ asked.

"On the house," Karen said. "It's the least we can do for what you did for Lexie, RJ."

"I couldn't possibly--" RJ shook his head.

"I'm not taking no for an answer," Karen said. "Though, I suppose I could charge you for all those biscuits you nicked a few years back."

RJ turned red. "Lexie told you about that, eh?"

Alexa smiled. "You didn't think I didn't notice, did you? Every single time I turned around, you were reaching into the case...."

Everyone stared at her. "Lexie you remember that?" RJ asked.

Alexa looked at him as comprehension hit her. She nodded and couldn't stop the grin that spread across her face.

RJ hugged her tightly. "This is great, Lex!"

Audrey felt happy for the other girl, but swallowed as RJ spun her around in a circle.

"That was---that was the summer after you graduated," Alexa remembered. "Right?"

"Right," RJ said. "That's exactly it."

Karen wiped at her eyes. "Alexa, that's wonderful!"

Alexa smiled at her mother. "Let's add that to the list of things I'm remembering."

"And for the record, I didn't take that many biscuits," RJ told Mrs. O'Leary.

Audrey smiled. "He probably took more."

Everyone one laughed at this. A few more customers entered the bakery and Alexa and Karen excused themselves to wait on the others.

Audrey led RJ over to a table.

"That's fantastic!" RJ was saying to Audrey. "She remembered!"

Audrey smiled. "I'm glad for her."

"I hope it's the first of many things that she remembers," RJ said.

Audrey reached for his hand. "So what do you want to do later? Go see a film?"

RJ returned his attention to his girlfriend. "What?"

"Later," Audrey repeated, her smile falling. "RJ..."

"Sorry," RJ said. "Um, it doesn't matter to me."

"Of course it doesn't," Audrey said with a sigh.

RJ looked properly at her. "What's wrong?"

Audrey didn't answer him at first. "I don't know if I want to get into it here."

"You can tell me anything," RJ said. "You know that."

I just don't feel like anything's the same," Audrey said quietly.

RJ reached for her hand. "I know this hasn't been easy on you, Aud."

"Sometimes I feel like we aren't together anymore," Audrey said. "And it's horrible."

RJ looked guiltily down at the table. She was right, of course. "I know you didn't sign up for this."

Audrey shrugged. "I understand why you're helping her, and I love you for it, RJ. I just wish you had a little more time for us."

"Some psycho killed Sean, took Lexie's memories and kidnapped Saffy and Ethan," RJ told her. "I'm sorry that I haven't been able to make time for you, Audrey. But, I'm doing the best I can."

Audrey looked down. "I know you are."

"Can I get you anything else?" Alexa asked apprehensively.

"We're fine," RJ said. "Thanks Lexie."

Alexa could tell from Audrey's expression that they weren't fine. She felt bad because she knew that she was the reason the two of them were having problems. Audrey had that same look on her face that Gabriel had on his every single time he saw Alexa with RJ.

"Well... just let me know." Alexa said, turning to go back behind the counter.

Audrey stood up. "I forgot I promised my parents I'd meet them somewhere."

RJ looked at her. "Audrey--"

"I'll see you later," Audrey hurried out of the bakery.

RJ put his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry," Alexa said quietly. "I feel like this is all my fault."

"It's not, Lexie." RJ told her.

Alexa sat down in Audrey's vacated seat. "I keep letting everyone down. And I just keep wishing Saffy were here so I could talk to her."

"I miss her too," RJ replied. "I can't believe they still haven't found her or Ethan... or have any idea where that madman's keeping them."

Alexa felt tears well up in her eyes. "I just keep thinking what if I never see her again, RJ? She's my best friend---"

RJ moved over and gave her a hug. "She'll be all right," he reassured her. "Saffy's strong, and she's got Ethan with her."

Alexa sobbed into his shoulder. "H-how's Andrew?"

"He's all right," RJ said. "He's worried about Saffy too."

"I know you told me that they broke up, but it's so hard to believe," Alexa said pulling away and wiping at her eyes with a napkin.

"I think he's still in love with her," RJ told her.

"Maybe they'll work it out if---when she gets out," Alexa replied.

"Perhaps," he nodded. "How's Gabriel?"

"He's back at school," Alexa told him. "He---he calls every couple of days to see how I'm doing. I've hurt him so much."

"He's a good bloke," RJ said. "We didn't always get along, but he loves you a lot."

"And Audrey loves you," Alexa said softly.

RJ nodded. "She does..."

"You're the only thing I know," Alexa said looking up to meet his gaze. "The only thing I can trust."

RJ swallowed hard. "That's why I want to help you get all your memories back."

"But its messing things up for you," Alexa protested.

"It'll work out," RJ told her.

Alexa kissed his cheek. "Thank you, RJ."

RJ hugged her again. "Speak of the devil," he nodded towards the door.

Alexa turned and saw Gabriel walking through the door. "He's supposed to be in school."

"Maybe he just really wanted to see you," RJ said standing up. "I should get going. I need to talk to Audrey."

"Thanks again," Alexa said standing up as well. "I'll talk to you later?"

RJ nodded. "Sure."

RJ said a quick goodbye to Gabriel before walking out of the bakery.

Alexa slowly walked over to Gabriel. "You didn't tell me you were coming."

"Thought I'd try and surprise you," Gabriel stuck his hands in his pockets.

Alexa smiled at him. "I know you're busy. Pre-med, right?"

"Right," he said. "My class today got cancelled, so my dad helped me get over here."

"The benefits of magic," Alexa whispered. "Gotta love that."

"Wish I had some in me," Gabriel said sheepishly.

"Would you settle for some fudge instead?" Alexa asked. "We just made some this afternoon."

"Sure," Gabriel smiled at her. "Thanks Lexie." The two of them had grown closer over the last few months, but it wasn't even close to being a relationship.

Alexa smiled and walked back around the counter.

Gabriel watched her wistfully.

"So how are your classes going?" Alexa asked conversationally.

"Good," Gabriel said. "I'm at the head of the class for this semester."

Alexa grinned. "Congratulations!"

"Thanks," Gabriel replied as she got them both some fudge.

"Don't worry," Alexa said. "There are no nuts in these and I know how much you hate those."

His smile spread across his face. "You remembered I don't like nuts! That's great, Lexie!"

Alexa looked up in surprise. "I did?"

"Yeah," Gabriel could hardly contain himself as he hugged her tightly.

"That's the second one today!" Alexa exclaimed happily. She told him about what she'd remembered earlier with RJ. "That's promising, isn't it?"

"It sure is," Gabriel said proudly.

"I'll have to write that down in my journal," Alexa said. "I've been keeping one since I was in the hospital."

"That's a great idea," Gabriel said encouragingly. "I'm proud of you, Lexie."

Alexa blushed. "I'm surprised you don't hate me. I know this hasn't been easy on you."

"I could never hate you," he said softly, still holding her close. "Never."

Alexa pulled away suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable. "I'll just get that fudge."

Gabriel sighed. He'd overstepped his bounds again, obviously. But he couldn't help it- he missed being close to her, he missed their intimacy.

Alexa brought over a plate of chocolate fudge. She smiled shyly at him. "So, how are things?"

"All right," Gabriel said. "I've been keeping myself busy."

"I should say so," Alexa said sitting down with him at a table. "Pre-med. And----your grandparents? How are they?"

"They're good," Gabriel smiled. "You remember them too?"

Alexa shook her head. "I just remember you talking to me about them when I was still in hospital."

"Oh," he deflated a bit. "Of course..."

"I've been working here mostly," Alexa told him. "Beth and Mimi have come by to check on me. Which was really nice of them. They're worried about Saffy, too."

"We all are," Gabriel replied.

"How's your step mum coping?" Alexa asked.

"She's okay," Gabriel replied.

"And your dad?" Alexa asked. "Are you able to spend time with him?"

"Some," Gabriel answered. "He helped me get over here today to see you."

"You know I was thinking about what that must have been like for you," Alexa said. "Not knowing he was your father and then all of a sudden having to get used to a new person, a new life. It's---kind of what I've been going through. I just feel lost most of the time. Everyone seems to be two steps ahead."

Gabriel reached for her hand instinctively. "You don't have to be lost."

Alexa gave his hand a squeeze. "Thank you for saying that. I know this hasn't been easy for you."

"For you either," Gabriel answered. "And I'll always be here for you Lexie. Anytime you need me."

"I don't want you to neglect your studies because of me," Alexa told him.

"I'm not," he assured her.

"Good," Alexa said pushing the plate toward him. "Not eat up."

"As you wish," Gabriel grabbed a big piece of the fudge.

Alexa laughed. "Good?"

"Amazing, as always." Gabriel said.

"I actually made that batch," Alexa said with a grin. "In fact, I'll pack some up for you and you can bring it back with you."

"You're the best," Gabriel told her.

Alexa watched him take another bite. "You'll have to do a lot of exercise to work this off."

"I'll run while I read," Gabriel joked.

Alexa laughed. "I'd like to see that."

"Don't tempt me," he replied, reaching for a thick book in his bag.

"What have you got there?" Alexa asked him curiously.

"I've been reading up on the brain lately," Gabriel said.

Alexa laughed. "Remember when Emma came in while you were reading about the brain? She hated those pictures!"

Gabriel nearly dropped the book. "Lexie? You remember that?"

A smile spread across her face. "It's coming back, isn't it?"

He smiled too. "Three memories in one day! This is fantastic, Lex!"

She hugged him again impulsively.

RJ hadn't been able to get in touch with Audrey. She'd turned off her mobile and she wasn't at home. He decided to check back in with Alexa and to his dismay, he saw her hugging Gabriel. He should have been happy to see them getting close again, but he couldn't help the stab of jealousy he felt at that moment.

"You're going to remember everything soon, I know it." Gabriel was saying happily.

Alexa smiled. "Is that your unbiased opinion?"

"You'd better believe it," Gabriel tucked her hair behind her ear.

Karen came back from the kitchen. "Alexa?" She noticed that her daughter had a guest. "Gabriel! What a nice surprise!"

Alexa broke away from Gabriel. "Mum, I remembered two more things!"

Karen clapped her hands together. "That's wonderful!"

"That's great news, isn't it?" Alexa asked giving her mother a hug.

"Very much so," Karen replied. "I'm sure having Gabriel around has something to do with it."

Alexa nodded and turned and smiled at him. "It did."

Gabriel turned red with pleasure.

The bell over the door rang as RJ stepped back into the bakery.

"Hey, what's going on?" he asked.

Alexa hurried over to him. "Gabe and I were talking and I remembered two more things. I remembered how he doesn't like nuts in his fudge and I remembered how we were looking at one of his medical books with Emma at the beach!"

"That's great, Lexie," RJ smiled at her.

Gabriel grinned. "It is, isn't it?"

Alexa nodded. "The only thing that would make it better was if Saffy were here to share this with."

"I--I couldn't get in touch with Audrey," RJ told her. "So, I was going to head over to the Ministry to see if I could help out. I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

"That would be great," Alexa said.

"Don't strain yourself," Karen cautioned. "I don't want you to---"

"It'll be okay," Alexa said. "I want to help as much as I can."

"I know you do," Karen said patting her daughter's arm. "Just take it easy."

"I'll look out for her, Mrs. O'Leary," RJ promised.

Gabriel stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I guess... I'll just head home then."

Alexa walked over to him. "I don't know how to thank you for today."

Gabriel felt better as she hugged him again. "Anytime you need me."

Alexa smiled. "Will you call me again? I'd like that."

"Every day," he promised.

Alexa pecked him on the cheek. "I'll just get that tin of fudge for you."

"Thanks," Gabriel held her hand for an extra moment.

"RJ, I'll be right back," Alexa said before following her mother to the counter.

Gabriel wasn't quite sure what to say to RJ. He sort of wished the other boy hadn't come back.

"You could come with us," RJ offered. "If you want---"

Gabriel shrugged. "I really don't belong there. I'm not magical in any way."

RJ nodded and stuck his hands in his pockets. Saying this was awkward didn't even begin to cover it.

Alexa came back with the tin of fudge. "When will I see you again?" she asked Gabriel.

"I could come back this weekend," Gabriel offered. "I don't want to push you..."

Alexa shook her head. "I'd love it if you came again."

Gabriel grinned. "That'd be great."

"I'll see you then," Alexa hugged him.

Gabriel hugged her back, enjoying the feel of her in his arms again. Today seemed to be a real turning point for them. He would do whatever it took to get them back to where they used to be. He wasn't going to lose her.

*** *** ***

It was nearing December and Frankie was exhausted. Between caring for her children, being there for Maddie and working full-time, she was spreading herself a little too thin.

Hannah was upstairs in her room at the moment playing and Frankie was enjoying some quiet time with Will and the babies.

"That's a girl," Will said as Izzie finished her bottle. "Can you believe in a few months they'll be a year old?"

Frankie looked down at Nathan and smiled. "They're getting so big."

"They sure are," Will grinned.

Nathan held up a chubby little fist at his mother. "What do you want, my love?"

"Ooooooh," Nathan cooed.

"It's nearly bedtime for you," Frankie said leaning down and kissing his forehead.

Will looked thoughtfully at his wife. "I think sometimes I take for granted how lucky we are."

Frankie met his gaze. "I know."

"It's just... we could be in Harry and Hermione's position right now." Will patted Izzie's back.

"Or Maddie's," Frankie said, shaking her head. "Will, she seems so lost."

"I couldn't imagine ever having to go through what she's going through right now," Will said. "You disappearing like Ethan..."

Frankie stood up with Nathan. "We're lucky. So very lucky."

Will nodded. "Let's get these two to bed."

"Right," Frankie whispered as she cradled Nathan to her. He rested his head on her shoulder as she gingerly carried him upstairs.

In her bedroom, Hannah heard their footsteps in the hall and was going to give her brother and sister a kiss good night. But, what she heard, stopped her in her tracks.

"I just think we need to be more careful," Will was saying softly. "I know that we aren't necessarily targets, but us knowing them could put us in the spotlight."

"You're right," Frankie said. "But Maddie needs me, Will. I need to be there for her."

"Of course," Will assured her.

Frankie followed her husband into the nursery. She set Nathan down in his crib.

"Good night my love," she said softly, running her hand over his velvety hair.

She and Will switched off and she leaned over and placed a kiss on Isabelle's cheek. "Sweet dreams, Isabelle."

Hannah waited in the hall for her parents to come out of the babies' room.

"I just hope they find Ethan in time," Will was saying. "He wouldn't want to miss out on one moment of this."

"No he wouldn't," Frankie said. "And I know he would want to be there for the birth. He wants a child as much as Maddie."

"I can't imagine what she's going through," Will said. "If I lost you---"

Hannah bit her lower lip. "Is something going to happen to Mummy?" she asked a small voice.

Since Frankie and Will were still in the nursery, they couldn't hear their oldest daughter.

"I'm scared," Frankie said. "I really am, Will."

"I'd never let anything happen to you," Will wrapped her in his arms.

"Mummy?" Hannah asked from the doorway.

Frankie spun around. "Hi baby."

"It's your bedtime, too," Will told her.

Hannah shook her head. "I want to sleep with you."

"And why is that, miss?" Will asked, scooping her up in his arms.

Hannah buried her face in his shoulder.

"What's wrong, baby?" Will asked patting her back soothingly.

"Come on," Frankie whispered. "Let's not wake up the twins."

They walked out of the nursery and Will carried Hannah into their bedroom. "What's going on, Hannah?"

"I don't want you or Mummy to go away," Hannah said with tears in her eyes.

"We're not going anywhere, sweetheart," Frankie said softly.

"But you said you might," Hannah wiped her eyes.

Comprehension dawned on Frankie. Hannah must have heard what they were saying in the nursery.

"Sweetheart, you know how we told you Ethan had gone away with Saffron?" Frankie asked.

Hannah nodded.

"Well, we weren't telling you the whole story," Frankie said brushing a strand of hair behind her daughter's ear. "A really bad man took them."

"A bad man?" Hannah whispered. "Like my real daddy?"

Will nodded. "But Ethan and Saffy's mummy and daddy are doing everything they can to find them and bring them home safely."

"I'm scared," Hannah said, hiding her face.

"Shhhhhhh," Will said pulling her into his lap. "Nothing is going to happen to you, Hannah Emily. I promise you that. And nothing is going to happen to your mother and me."

"Promise?" Hannah asked.

"Promise," Will said hugging her tightly.

"I'll get Mister Bear and your blanket," Frankie said. "You can sleep with us tonight, baby."

Hannah nodded. "I want to go with you."

"Come on then," Will said standing up with her in his arms.

Hannah didn't let go of her father as he carried her to her bedroom.

"You're safe," Will reassured her.

Hannah nodded.

"All right," Frankie said. "Blanket and Mr. Bear."

Hannah offered a slight smile. "Thanks, Mummy."

"You got it, baby." Frankie smiled at her.

Hannah held out her arms and Frankie took her from Will. "Let's get you in your pj's."

"Okay," Hannah said. "I want to wear the purple ones."

Frankie smiled. "You always want to wear the purple ones."

"It's still my most favourite colour," Hannah told her.

"I'll get them," Will said heading over to the dresser.

"Thanks Daddy," Hannah replied.

Hannah hugged her mother tightly. "I love you more than anything, Mummy."

"I love you too, baby." Frankie held her close. "You are my best girl."

It wasn't long before the three of them found themselves in Frankie and Will's bedroom. Hannah pulled the covers tightly around her.

"Good night sweetheart," Will kissed his daughter's forehead. "You sleep tight."

"Good night," Hannah whispered.

Frankie came out from the loo to see Hannah already asleep. "I cant' believe she overheard us," she whispered to her husband.

"I know," Will said in a hushed tone. "But at least she knows the truth now. And she knows that we would do anything to protect her."

"Anything," Frankie nodded.

Frankie pulled back the covers and slid into bed beside her daughter.

She looked at the peacefully sleeping Hannah for a long moment. "You know, she hasn't had any of those nightmares in a long time now."

Will made sure the baby monitor was on before he too slid underneath the covers. "No, she hasn't. She's adjusted really well."

"Especially to Izzie and Nathan," Frankie replied.

"They love her," Will said with a grin. "Do you know right after you left for work this morning, I had the babies in their seats on the table. Izzie wouldn't stop crying until Hannah sat in front of her."

Frankie laughed softly. "Really?"

Will nodded. "It was the strangest thing. Izzie was howling up a storm and then Hannah sat down in front of her with a bowl of cereal and Izzie stopped straightaway. She kept her eyes on her big sister the whole time."

"And Nathan is definitely your boy," Frankie added.

"This is all I've ever wanted, Frankie," Will said looking at her. "A family with you."

"Well I didn't at first, but now I can't imagine my life any other way." Frankie said wryly. "I wish it would never change."

"You did take awhile to convince," Will said softly.

"But I was worth it in the end," Frankie grinned at him.

"Absolutely," Will said leaning over and giving her a soft kiss.

"Daddy!" Hannah exclaimed. "You're squooshing me!"

"Hannah!" Will nearly jumped out of his skin.

Frankie giggled. "William...William...William..."

"Sorry," Hannah said sheepishly. "But you sort of scared me, Daddy."

"I'm sorry," Will said putting his arm around her. "I didn't mean to squish or scare you, Hannah."

"It's okay," Hannah gave her father a kiss on the cheek. "You didn't hurt me."

"You were sleeping so peacefully too," Frankie said.

At that moment the monitor crackled to life with Nathan's cry. "I'll take first round tonight." Will pushed back the blanket.

"Deal," Frankie said putting her arm around Hannah who cuddled up with her mother.

"Mummy?" Hannah asked when they were alone. "Can Maddie's baby really hear what I'm thinking?"

"Yes," Frankie replied. "Why?"

"What if I'm thinking of a secret," Hannah said. "And she can hear it?"

"Well, Maddie wouldn't say anything," Frankie told her. "She's trying to block out what she hears."

"I don't have a secret," Hannah said quickly. "But I just wondered if I did, if she would hear it."

"You're entitled to have secrets," Frankie reassured her. "I just want you to know that if you ever want to talk to anyone about those secrets, you can come to me. I'll always listen."

"Thank you Mummy," Hannah said gratefully.

"I love you, baby," Frankie said.

"I love you too," Hannah said. They were quiet for a moment. "Mummy, I really miss Saffy."

"I do too," Frankie said. "She loves you and your brother and sister so much."

Hannah nodded. "I really keep wishing they find her and Ethan."

"Me too," Frankie said. "You know when they do find them, we'll have to have a big party to welcome them home."

Hannah nodded. "And me and Em will do a dance for them."

"You will, will you?" Frankie asked. "Which one?"

"We're trying to come up with our own dance like Katie and Caroline," Hannah blushed. "So far we call it the Em-nah."

Frankie laughed. "I like that. Will you and Em show it to me and Allie sometime?"

Hannah nodded. "Next time she comes over."

Will came back into the room, shaking his head.

"Our son was fussy because we forgot to put on the music mobile," Will told them.

"Like father like son," Frankie quipped.

"Very funny, Mrs. Barron," Will said getting back into bed. "How are things here?"

"Just fine," Frankie said. "Hannah and Em are coming up with a dance to show Ethan and Saffy when they come home."

"They will love that, Hannah," Will said turning out the lamp on the bedside table.

"I hope so," Hannah hugged her teddy bear tightly.

"Sweet dreams," Will said to his wife and daughter.

"Night Daddy," Hannah yawned.

"Night, my girl," Will said putting his arm around her. Frankie did the same.

She smiled at her husband over their daughter's head. "I love you," she mouthed.

"Love you too," Will echoed.