Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

This chapter wraps up the Brighton visit, and also brings Saffron and Andrew face to face again for the first time since the day after their breakup. Next chapter deals with the long awaited recital auditions ;) Cast your votes, savvy? ;)

Julie had planned on taking Ashley to Diagon Alley for her school things, but Saffron and Alexa had offered to do it and Ashley, wanting to hang out some more with her aunt, had begged to let her go with.

They were currently in Madam Malkin's getting Ashley fitted for her standard black school robes. "Three sets please," Saffron consulted the list Julie had given her.

Ashley smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror. This was really happening. She was finally going to Hogwarts. Shopping for her things made it seem even more real.

"They look good on you, Ash." Alexa said.

"I just hope I'll be adding the Gryffindor colours to them," Ashley said. "I mean, I'd be happy with anything, really, but I really want to be in Gryffindor with you guys."

"I'm sure you will be," Alexa patted her shoulder.

"I hope so," Ashley said holding up her arms so the seamstress could finish the measurements.

"It seems like just yesterday, I was in here getting fitted for my first set," Alexa said thoughtfully. "I remember how nervous and in awe I was of everything."

"That was before you knew Aunt Saffy, right?" Ashley asked.

Alexa nodded. "And since neither of my parents were magical, they were just as lost as I was."

"But you were really brave and you went anyway," Ashley finally put her arms back down and took the set of robes off.

"I don't know if I was brave," Alexa shrugged.

"I think you were," Ashley hopped down from the platform.

"I do too," Saffron said grinning at her friend.

"I'll just go and get her robes then, shall I?" the seamstress asked. "It'll be a few minutes."

"We'll be here," Saffron said looking at a set of dress robes.

"Hello, Potter," a familiar voice said from behind her.

Saffron didn't even have to turn around. She knew who that voice belonged to. "What do you want, Mary Ellen?"

Mary Ellen sniffed. "I suppose I should say congratulations."

"Thank you," Saffron said turning around and looking properly at her.

"Even if you only got it because your sister is Deputy Headmistress," Mary Ellen added.

"My mother had nothing to do with Aunt Saffy getting Head Girl!" Ashley retorted before she could stop herself.

Mary Ellen raised an eyebrow. "Your mother?" she asked. "Great- more favouritism."

"My sister doesn't play favourites," Saffron glared at her rival. "Now if you'll excuse us..."

"I'll see you on the train," Mary Ellen glared at her. "Potter."

"Cow," Saffron retorted.

Alexa hid her smirk. "Come on," she said, her lips twitching. "We should go to Flourish and Blotts."

"What about my robes?" Ashley asked.

"They're ready for us at the front," Saffron told her.

"Oh," Ashley said. "Okay."

Saffron paid for her nieces robes with the gold her sister had given her. "I say before we go to Flourish and Blotts we go get some ice cream."

"I'm all for that," Alexa said. "Shopping does seem to make one hungry."

Saffron led the way to Florean's, but was dismayed to see how crowded it was. "We'll be waiting in there an hour just to get served," she said in disappointment.

"How about we go into Muggle London?" Alexa suggested. "We can come right back here afterwards."

"Sounds good," Saffron replied. "You okay with that, Ash?"

"Sure," Ashley said, excited. She had never been into Muggle London without her parents and this made her feel quite grown up.

"I'm sure Jules won't mind," Saffron reassured her niece. "And we'll only be a few minutes."

"Okay," Ashley stayed close to her aunt as they wove through the crowds. Saffron shrank down Ashley's parcels and put them in her bag so no one would see what they were.

They arrived at the Leaky Cauldron and Ashley tried to act cool as they walked inside the pub. She couldn't help looking around though at the assorted group of people inside.

She saw some people that looked around her age and wondered if she would see them at Hogwarts- and possibly even be friends with them.

The three girls hurried out of the pub and walked the short distance to an ice cream parlour. Alexa smiled. "I cannot wait to get a hot fudge sundae with extra fudge."

"That sounds soooo good," Saffron said covetously.

"I think I'd like butterscotch," Ashley said. "That's my favourite."

"The ice cream place right down the street here has great butterscotch." Saffron said. "Sean and I used to go here..."

"He certainly has been around the beach house a lot these past few days," Alexa commented.

"He's really sweet," Saffron said absently. "He felt bad about that whole Audrey thing."

Ashley liked Sean well enough, but not as much as Andrew. Even though she had a crush on the older boy, she knew nothing would ever come of it. Besides, anyone with a half a brain knew that Andrew belonged with her aunt.

"This looks better," Saffron held the door open for her friend and niece.

There were only a handful of people inside the shop and they didn't even have to wait to place their order.

"This is the life," Saffron said with a grin.

Alexa giggled. "No waiting. Great idea, Saf."

Saffron grinned. "So basically we just have to get Ash's books and some supplies and we should be finished."

Ashley smiled as the waitress set their orders down in front of them. She'd never seen a sundae look so delicious. "Thanks, Aunt Saffy."

"You're welcome," Saffron answered. "I really can't wait for you to be at school."

"Me too," Ashley said. "I'm really, really glad that you're going to be there. I'd be right terrified if I had to go in there without knowing anyone."

"You'll be fine," Saffron reassured her. "Everyone's going to love you Ash."

"Except for Snape, but don't take that personal," Alexa told her. "He hates everyone except for the Slytherins."

"Mummy told me about him," Ashley shuddered. "I don't want to meet him."

"Don't let him get to you," Saffron said. "And given that your last name is Malfoy, he might go a little easier on you than he did Julie, Ethan and me."

"Yeah right," Alexa interjected. "I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but just be careful around Snape. He doesn't like anyone associated with a Potter."

"I will," Ashley promised.

Saffron spotted a familiar face just outside the shop and she waved. Sean came in a few minutes later carrying a few bags.

"I was hoping I'd run into you lot," Sean said smiling at them. "I was buying some things for school..."

"So were we," Saffron smiled at him. "And the ice cream parlour was too crowded so we came here."

"Great minds, eh?" Sean asked. "Do you mind if I join you?"

"Sure," Saffron moved over so he could slide in.

The waitress came over and took his order and Saffron held up her hand. "You always get the same thing, Sean. Three scoops of English Toffee."

"You remember," he said with a grin.

"How could I forget?" Saffron asked smiling back at him. "You ordered it every single time we came in here."

"Did you two come in here a lot?" Ashley asked.

"We did," Saffron said before taking a bite of her sundae.

"Almost every date," Sean nodded.

"RJ and me came here a few times with them, too," Alexa told Ashley.

"I can't believe that was two years ago," Sean leaned back in the booth.

"We've grown up a lot since then," Saffron said.

Sean nodded as his ice cream was brought over. "Thanks."

The four of them enjoyed their ice cream and Ashley wished the day wouldn't end. She liked being treated like an equal. Saffron and Alexa didn't talk down to her. Things were pretty near perfect until she looked up and saw that they weren't the only ones in the mood for ice cream.

"Just you wait until you try the chocolate," RJ was saying, his arm draped around Audrey's shoulder. Ashley saw Andrew and was about to tell her aunt when she noticed that Andrew was with another girl, too.

Disappointment flooded through her as she turned and looked out the window. She hoped Saffron wouldn't see them.

"My treat," RJ said holding the door open for the others.

"Thanks," Audrey smiled at him.

Andrew hadn't noticed Saffron and Ashley tried to keep her aunt's attention elsewhere, but it was too late.

Saffron noticed her ex. "We should go," she said, dropping her spoon into her dish.

"Sean, Ash and I haven't finished our ice cream," Alexa said. She looked over at her friend. "Saf?"

"Well then I'm just going to the loo..." Saffron quickly got up.

"Saf, are you okay?" Alexa asked turning around. She noticed RJ and Andrew and their dates. "Oh..."

"Just come get me when you're done," Saffron said quietly. "Sorry Sean..." She hurried away from the table.

Andrew finally saw Saffron as she hurried past them and into the loo.

"What are you thinking about getting, Andrew?" his date, Colleen asked. She was a friend of Audrey's and he hadn't seen the harm in going out as friends. That was until he'd seen Saffron.

"Um... I'm really not that hungry anymore," he said. "Will you lot excuse me for a minute?"

"Sure," she said softly.

"Thanks," Andrew hurried in the direction he'd seen Saffron disappear in. He knew she was still angry about what had gone on, but he had to try talking to her again.

He knocked on the bathroom door. "Saf?"

"Go away," she said coldly.

"I didn't know you were going to be here," Andrew said.

"Well know you know," Saffron responded icily. "And you can leave."

"Can you please come out?" Andrew asked. "I thought you were in Brighton."

Saffron opened the door a crack. "Why should you care?" she snapped.

"It's just a friends thing," he tried explaining to her. "She's one of Audrey's friends. It's nothing serious."

Saffron shrugged and rolled her eyes. "As if I care," she tried her hardest to sound convincing.

"You back with Sean, then?" Andrew asked.

"That's none of your business," Saffron tried to shut the door but he pushed it back open.

"You know the break-up was your idea," Andrew reminded her. "You were mad that I didn't believe you."

Saffron huffed angrily. "After everything we talked about that day you came to Brighton, and me agreeing to not say anything to RJ, you flew off the handle and accused me of telling Audrey about us. You didn't even give me the chance to defend myself."

"And I'm sorry about that, but now I know the truth---"

"Now it's all fine and good and all that," Saffron shook her head. "I could never be with someone that doesn't trust me."

"Saffy, are you alright?" Sean asked coming up behind Andrew.

"Why don't you give us a minute?" Andrew said dismissively.

"Don't talk to him like that," Saffron yanked open the door and pushed past him.

"Saf---" Andrew said, reaching for her.

"Leave her alone, mate!" Sean said getting between them.

"Who the hell are you to come in here?" Andrew asked angrily. "You're the one who started all this!"

"You think I did this on purpose?" Sean asked taken aback.

"Did you?" Andrew glared at him.

"Of course he didn't!" Saffron exclaimed. "You know what believe it or not, Andrew, the world doesn't revolve around you and Junior over there."

"I never said it did--" Andrew began.

"You didn't have to," Saffron cut him off.

RJ left Audrey and Colleen at the table before going over to see what was going on with Andrew and Saffron.

"Great," Saffron rolled her eyes. "Now it's a party."

"Could you keep your voices down?" RJ asked. "We don't want to get thrown out of here."

"Don't worry," Saffron grabbed Sean's hand. "We're leaving."

"Well, Grant you didn't waste any time did you?" RJ asked. "You take after Christina more than you let on..."

"Shut up RJ," Saffron was seething. "You don't know anything about Sean."

"So why don't you keep your mouth shut," Sean said glaring at the two other men.

RJ flexed his hand. "I'll shut yours for you."

"Do it and you don't even want to know what will be sprouting out of your arse," Saffron's green eyes were extremely dark.

"Just drop it," Andrew said trying not to show how much it hurt to see her with another bloke. "Let's get back to the girls."

"Right," RJ nodded.

"Yes, get back to your dates," Saffron said glaring at Andrew.

"Saffron,-" Andrew tried one more time. "It's not a--"

But, his ex-girlfriend had walked away from him before he'd had the chance.

"What are the odds?" Andrew asked RJ. "Hmm? That we'd end up in the exact same place as her?"

"And as always, it was a great pleasure," RJ rolled his eyes. "Come on. We were having fun."

"Yeah," Andrew said watching glumly as Saffron exited the shop with her friends in tow.

"Don't let it bug you," RJ said.

"Easier said than done," Andrew said. "Remember how you felt when you first saw Lexie with another bloke?"

"I know," RJ replied. "Believe me, I know. But it'll get better, mate."

Andrew nodded and followed his friend back to the table.

"Sorry about that," RJ smiled winningly at Audrey.

"Everything okay?" Audrey asked.

"Fine," RJ slid his arm around her. "What did you order me?"

"Banana split," Audrey said. "I figured we could split it."

"Split a split?" RJ asked dramatically, making Audrey and Colleen laugh.

"I ordered us a sundae," Colleen told Andrew. "I know you said you weren't that hungry..."

"Thanks," Andrew tried to muster up some enthusiasm.

"So, Audrey told me that you were into movies," Colleen said trying to engage him in conversation.

"Yeah," Andrew nodded. "I like a lot of different films."

"Me too," Colleen smiled at him.

"What's your favourite?" Andrew asked.

"I can't really pick a favourite," Colleen replied. "But I love the scary ones the best."

"Cool," Andrew drummed his fingers on the table.

Colleen shared a look with Audrey.

RJ sighed- he knew Andrew was taking the break-up hard, but he was hoping his best mate could at least be conversational. "Andrew's a real Tarantino fan."

"His work is amazing," Colleen agreed. "I especially liked Pulp Fiction."

"That's nice," Andrew said absently.

"It's his favourite film," RJ prompted.

Andrew didn't elaborate and Colleen sighed in disappointment.

RJ cast an apologetic look at the two girls. "Um... so what did you guys want to do after this?"

Andrew felt guilty for bringing the rest of the group down. It was unfair to them and he had been having a good time before he'd ran into Saffron. "I'm rotten company, aren't I?"

"I've had better," Colleen said truthfully.

"Want to start again?" Andrew asked her. "I'm Andrew Kirke and you are----"

"Colleen Moore," she said with a small smile.

Andrew shook her hand. "Nice to meet you, Colleen."

"Likewise," Colleen replied as their ice cream was set down in front of them.

"This looks really good," RJ sat up. "Nice pick."

"I'm glad you like it," Audrey said grinning at him. "But don't think that you're getting all of it, RJ. We're splitting this. That's half and half."

"We'll see," RJ said conspiratorially. "I eat fast, Marlowe."

Colleen handed Andrew a spoon. "I'll let you get first dibs..."

Andrew hadn't realised he would be splitting a sundae with Colleen, but he forced a smile. "No, you go ahead. I'll just sort of take from the side here."

"A true gentleman," Colleen said smiling at him.

"That's me," Andrew nodded. "Always ladies first, right RJ?"

RJ looked up from where he was taking a huge bite of the sundae. "Uh... right."

"One track mind while he's eating," Andrew said shaking his head.

"Your dad and your brother are like that too," Audrey commented.

"You obviously haven't seen Maddie and Emma eat yet," Andrew said.

"I met Maddie once," Audrey told him. "I don't know how she stays so thin. I'd love to learn her secret."

"How many brothers and sisters do you have?" Colleen asked RJ.

Andrew laughed. "Too many to count."

"I have five," RJ answered. "My brother Jon, works with Audrey at the pub, Josh is his twin, then I have Drew and Darla, who are my twin sisters, and then Maddie."

"Two sets of twins!" Colleen exclaimed. "Your parents must have had their hands full!"

RJ laughed. "They did. Especially with my brothers."

Colleen looked at Andrew. "How about you?"

"I'm an only child," Andrew replied.

"He's lived vicariously through my family," RJ said. "My brothers and sisters treat him like another one of us."

"They treat me much better than that," Andrew said with a grin.

RJ grinned back. He was glad that his friend seemed to have snapped out of the funk seeing Saffron had obviously put him in.

"You weren't kidding when you said this place had great ice cream," Audrey said.

"I'm glad that you liked it," RJ said grinning at her. He'd been given a second chance with her and so far things seemed to be going great.

That certainly couldn't be said for Saffron. She hadn't said much since they'd left the ice cream parlour. They'd said goodbye to Sean and the three girls were not walking down the sidewalks of Diagon Alley.

"Saffy," Alexa touched her friend on the shoulder. "Come on. You know you'll feel better if you talk about it."

"Nothing to talk about," Saffron said crisply.

"There's plenty to talk about," Alexa countered. "You're forgetting, I know you better than anyone."

Saffron stopped walking and looked at her best friend and her niece. "I just---I didn't think he'd have moved on so soon!"

Ashley felt terrible for her aunt. "Maybe he was just going out as friends," she suggested.

"And he accused Sean of orchestrating the whole thing to break us up," Saffron continued. "Sean would never do something like that!"

"I know he wouldn't," Alexa reassured her.

"I was doing fine," Saffron said wiping at her eyes. "Until I saw him."

Alexa hugged her. "And you'll be okay again. It's hard. I've been there. You just have to take it one day at a time. And Ash and I will be there to help you."

"Absolutely," Ashley agreed.

"Thanks," Saffron managed a smile. "I'm sorry. We were having fun and I'm ruining it."

"No more talk about boys," Alexa said firmly.

"They're gross anyways," Ashley nodded.

"Gross and smelly," Saffron said managing a smile.

"That's right," Alexa said, taking her best friend's arm. "Come on- a trip to the bookstore will cheer you up."

"It always does," Saffron said linking her other arm with Ashley's.

"My mum gave me a list of all the books I need," Ashley pulled it out of her pocket.

"And as a special treat, I'll buy you a book," Saffron told her niece. "They really have a great collection of magical art books, Ash."

"Really?" Ashley asked excitedly.

"Yes," Saffron said smiling at her.

"This is so cool," Ashley sighed happily.

They arrived back at the beach house just before dinner and Ashley was grinning from ear to ear.

"I take it shopping went well?" Julie asked her sister and daughter with a smile.

"Your daughter is all ready for Hogwarts," Saffron said handing over the bags and parcels.

"Thanks Saffy," Julie said.

"Aunt Saffy bought me this art book," Ashley was clutching it in her hands. "It's soooo cool Mum!"

"Saffy, you didn't have to do that," Julie said.

"I wanted to," Saffron set her own bags down. "I'm excited that she's going to be at school with me."

"That was very sweet of you to bring her along with you and Alexa," Julie said gathering up some of the bags. "Come on, Ashley. Let's put these in your room and you can tell me about your shopping trip."

"Okay," Ashley followed her mother upstairs. Saffron went to put her own things away and Alexa decided to go look for her boyfriend.

"I can't believe that you're starting school," Julie said to her daughter as they put away her new things. "It seems like just yesterday you were starting primary school."

Ashley smiled. "I can't believe it either. I keep looking at my letter like it's going to disappear." she pulled a slender box out of one of the bags. "Look, it's my wand. It's so pretty, Mum."

Julie felt a little teary-eyed as she looked at her daughter's wand. "It is, Ashley."

"Are you okay?" Ashley asked.

"Absolutely," Julie said wiping at her eyes. "Just getting emotional. My little girl is growing up."

"I'll still be your little girl," Ashley hugged her mother. "I promise."

Julie hugged her tightly. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks," Ashley said. "I hope you're proud of me at school too. I'm going to study so hard and get the best marks."

"And you've already got two friends there to make it easier," Julie said. "Alexa and Saffy will help you any way they can."

Ashley smiled and nodded. "I hope I meet some new people. It'll be nice to have some friends that are my age too."

"I bet you will," Julie said thoughtfully. "I remember when I started at Hogwarts, I already knew Chiaki, but I met some really nice people on the boat ride to the castle."

"I have to take a boat?" Ashley asked. "I thought we took the train..."

'Um, well yes you do, but once you arrive, they take the first years to the castle on these boats," Julie said.

"Oh," Ashley looked thoughtfully at her new art book. "And then we go in and get sorted, right?"

"Exactly," Julie replied.

"I really, really hope I get in Gryffindor." Ashley said fervently.

"I think you have an excellent chance," Julie said sitting down on the edge of her daughter's bed.

"Good," Ashley said. "And I can't wait to take your class."

"I cannot wait to teach you," Julie said smiling at her daughter. "Now, let's see that book..."

Ashley giggled. "Okay Mum. It looks really cool- they show these new ways to draw buildings and stuff..."

Downstairs, Alexa had finally managed to locate Gabriel outside. "Hey you," she smiled.

He looked up from his book. "Hey. You already finished with your shopping?"

"Just got back," Alexa gave him a kiss.

"How'd it go?" Gabriel asked .

"Fine," Alexa slid next to him on the bench. "We had a little run in with Andrew, but other than that, drama free."

"Andrew?" Gabriel asked. "Uh-oh."

"He was with RJ, Audrey, and some other girl," Alexa reported. "Might have been a date- I didn't ask."

"So, I take it RJ made up with Audrey?" Gabriel asked.

"Seems that way," Alexa shrugged.

Gabriel looked toward the beach house. "Couldn't have been easy for Saffron. Is she okay?"

"She was pretty upset," Alexa frowned. "I feel bad. I know what she's going through right now and it's not easy."

"How about we take her into town tomorrow night for pizza?" Gabriel suggested.

"She might like that," Alexa smiled at him.

Gabriel gave her another kiss. "I can't believe that I'll be going back home in a couple of days."

"I don't want to think about that," Alexa wrapped her arms around him.

"Me either," Gabriel said softly. "But, you know ....I was thinking maybe you'd like to come over for my grandparents' anniversary. It's a couple of weeks before you have to go back..."

"I'd love to," Alexa said immediately. "And I can finally meet your family and friends."

"You sure your parents wouldn't mind?" Gabriel asked. "I asked Dad and he said you could stay with him and Lavender..."

"I'll talk to them tomorrow," Alexa said. "But I'm sure it'll be fine."

Gabriel smiled. "My dad was actually trying to get them to come here, but it didn't work out."

"How come?" Alexa relaxed against him.

"Grandpa refused," Gabriel said quietly. "Just when I think he's going to come through, he changes his mind. I don't know if he's ever going to accept my dad."

"I'm sorry," Alexa said softly. "Your dad's a great guy. Just like you."

Gabriel smiled at her. "Yeah, he is. I just wish Grandpa would see it, too."

"I just hope he'll like me," Alexa rested her head on his shoulder.

"He's going to love you since you make his grandson so happy," Gabriel said.

Alexa closed her eyes as Gabriel hugged her closely. Her relationship with him was so different than the one she'd had with RJ. She felt more secure, more confident.

"I know dinner's going to be ready soon, but afterwards how would you feel about a walk on the beach?" Gabriel asked her.

"I'd love that," Alexa linked their fingers together. "I want to spend as much time as possible with you."

"Love you, Lexie," Gabriel said smiling at her.

Alexa looked up at him. "You love me?"

Gabriel hadn't thought about what he was saying. It had just come out. "Very much so."

"Gabe," Alexa squeezed his hand. "I'm not quite sure I'm in love with you... yet. But that--"

"It's okay," he told her. "You say it when you're ready."

"Thank you," Alexa leaned in and kissed him.

"Ready to go inside?" he asked her when they pulled apart.

"I think so," Alexa said dazedly.

He squeezed her hand. "Come on. I imagine all that shopping worked up your appetite."

"A little bit," Alexa leaned against him.

"And we can check on Saf," Gabriel said.

"I hope she's feeling better." Alexa said softly.

"She'll get through this," Gabriel said. "We'll help her."

"Yes we will," Alexa gave him one last kiss before he led her inside.

Everyone was gathering around the table and Gabriel walked over to his cousin. "Lex told me what happened. You doing okay?"

"I'm fine," Saffron said, a bit too quickly. "You know, bouncing back and all that."

"I remember the first time I saw Emily with another guy," Gabriel said. "And I remember telling everyone that I was fine too."

Saffron shrugged. "I can move on too."

"I'm here if you want to talk," Gabriel said.

"Thanks," Saffron managed a smile.

Saffron sat down across from Alexa and Gabriel and tried to keep her mind off of Andrew. She saw Lizzy putting the triplets in their high chairs and she stood back up. "Lizzy, I can take care of them. So you can eat..."

"Are you sure?" Lizzy asked her. "That'd be really nice, Saffy. Thank you."

"I can't think of three people I'd rather eat with," Saffron said making a goofy face at the triplets.

"Saf!" Noah grinned at her.

"If they give you any trouble let me know," Lizzy said patting Saffron on the shoulder.

Saffron nodded. "Okay you three. What's for dinner?"

"Spaghetti," Josh said setting three small bowls in front of the triplets. "And let's try to eat it this time, Noah. Don't throw it."

"No throw," Noah nodded.

"No waste!" Aidan added. "Right Em?"

Emma beamed at him. "Right, Aidan!"

Saffron smiled. "Well this looks delicious you guys. Eat up!"

Casey picked up her little fork and took a bite. "Yummy."

Saffron couldn't help smiling at the toddlers. She hoped that one day she'd have little ones just like this. Of course, she'd always pictured Andrew in her future too, but after today, she knew that wasn't going to happen. It was over and if she'd ever needed confirmation she received it today.