Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Someone on this site apparently decided to report our story thinking that it was in violation of the portkey rules. Well, to put that person's mind at ease, we will refer them to So thank you to that person for their "concern".

To the rest of you guys, thank you so much for reading and for your continued support. You are why we keep writing and we're glad that you've enjoyed the story and all its twists and turns. There is so much more in store for all of them.

August flew by quickly and Ashley and Katie found themselves getting onto the Hogwarts Express. Ashley led her sister down the corridor. "You can sit with us, if you want..."

Katie shrugged. "Lindsey said she was going to be around here somewhere. Maybe I will until I find her."

"Okay," Ashley said. "And if you get hungry, there's a lady who comes down the corridor once we get going. That's why Dad gave us that money."

"Fine," Katie said, glancing into the different compartments as they passed.

"And we'll see Mum tonight at the feast," Ashley said.

"I know," Katie said impatiently. "Let's go sit down."

Ashley sighed. She was trying to be nice to her little sister thinking that she might be apprehensive about starting school.

Ashley saw her friends sitting in a compartment with a few other Gryffindors in their year. "Hey you guys," she said happily, opening the door.

"Hi, Ash," they all said.

"This is my little sister, Katie," Ashley said. "Katie, you know Brit and Zander, of course. This is Evan, Corinne and Sam..."

"Hi," Katie said, her eyes brightening when she saw Brittany. "Hey Brit!"

Brittany smiled at the younger girl. "Hiya, Katie."

Ashley sat down next to Zander. "Did everyone have a good summer?"

Evan nodded. "Yeah, it was great. How was yours?"

"Not bad," Ashley said, choosing for obvious reasons not to mention what had gone on.

Corinne looked at Katie. "You look like your Mum."

"Thanks," Katie sat down next to the window.

"You two don't look that much alike," Corinne commented to Ashley.

"I look a lot like my dad," Ashley explained.

Sam rolled his eyes as he caught Zander looking at Ashley.

"So you two didn't do anything at all together over summer hols?" he asked sarcastically.

"We all saw each other at the beach if that's what you mean," Brittany said.

"It's not," he smirked.

"Leave it, Sam," Zander said, glaring at him.

"Come on mate," Evan agreed. "Let's have a nice ride back."

Sam shrugged. "Whatever."

Katie leaned back as the train pulled out of the station. "How long is this ride again?"

"Just a couple of hours," Zander replied.

"Is it like this the whole way?" Katie asked, indicating the scenery.

Ashley nodded. "It's really pretty, isn't it?"

"It's okay," Katie shrugged.

Ashley sighed. She wondered what her sister expected. Bright lights and neon signs?

The compartment door slid open and a pretty brown haired girl peered inside. Ashley recognised her as Celia Benson, a third-year Hufflepuff.

"Has anyone seen Tara?" Celia asked.

"Who's Tara?" Corinne asked.

"My rat," Celia replied, causing Katie to squeal and jump on top of her seat.

"RATS?" Katie screeched. "No one said ANYTHING about rats!"

"Katie, calm down," Ashley said to her sister. "Remember, in your letter, it tells you that you can bring a toad, an owl or a rat."

"But what if it bites?" Katie asked.

Celia laughed. "Tara wouldn't bite anyone!"

"If we see her we'll let you know," Evan promised.

"Thanks," Celia said, her eyes lingering on Zander for a moment before leaving.

Brittany noticed this and sent her cousin a knowing grin.

"What kind of girl brings a rat to school?" Katie asked in disbelief. "Honestly!"

"Katie, relax," Ashley said. "Lots of girls have rats for pets."

"Not this one," Katie said.

"Just calm down," Ashley told her. "I'm sure Tara's not in here."

Katie reluctantly put her feet down. "Okay..."

"Are you excited about starting school?" Brittany asked her.

Katie nodded. "Yes."

"Wait until you meet Hagrid," Brittany told her. "He's really cool. Snape of course is disgusting--"

"I've met Hagrid," Katie said. "Loads of times. He's known my grandfather forever!"

"She knows Headmaster Wood as well," Ashley said. "He's come over for dinner a few times."

"Your mum was shagging him, wasn't she?" Sam asked with a smirk.

"Sam!" Evan exclaimed.

"No," Ashley said angrily. "That was a disgusting rumour."

"She's always with him," Sam said shrugging. "Everyone's said it."

"Because she's Deputy Headmistress," Ashley snapped. "Get your facts straight."

"In fact, why don't you find somewhere else to sit?" Zander asked.

"No kidding," Brittany said dismissively. "We don't need your negativity."

Sam stood up and smirked at them. "I'll see you losers, later."

"I just don't get it mate," Zander said. "I know what you told us before about him... but it just never seems to get better."

"He's absolutely horrid," Brittany said.

"I know," Evan said regretfully. "He was at my place for about half the summer and the rest he was at home..."

"Why would he say something like that about Mum?" Katie asked Ashley.

"Because he's a wanker," Ashley said. "Other people, especially Slytherins, might try and say stuff. For the most part, I just ignore it."

"Mum's amazing," Katie said loyally. "And if anyone says anything about her, I'll kick them in the shin!"

Ashley smiled. "That's the spirit."

Katie smiled back at her sister. "Those stupid Slytherins better not say anything about her or Daddy."

"They won't," Ashley said reassuringly.

"They better not," Katie said determinedly.

"Ooh," Brittany said. "There's the witch with the food cart. I'm starving!"

"It's on me, Brit," Evan said reaching into his pocket.

"I've got ours," Ashley said. "Come on Katie, let's go pick out some good stuff before it's all taken."

Katie nodded. "Okay."

Ashley smiled at Katie's expression when she saw the cart- it was clear she was overwhelmed at the sight of all the sweets there were. "Get whatever you want," she said.

Katie grabbed a package of Drooble's, a Cauldron Cake, some Pumpkin Pasties and some Liquorice Wands.

Ashley picked out her own selection including several chocolate frogs and paid.

She turned and nearly collided with Zander. "Sorry---didn't know you were right behind me."

"It's okay," he said. "I didn't mean-- I mean I didn't--"

"It's okay," Ashley said smiling at him.

Katie looked at her sister and Zander with raised eyebrows.

"I bought some chocolate frogs," Ashley said. "If I have any cards you don't have, you're welcome to them."

"Thanks," Zander said, rummaging through the mass of sweets.

"He still fancies you," Katie whispered to her sister as they made their way back to the compartment.

"We're just friends again," Ashley said softly.

"You okay with that?" Katie asked.

"Yes," Ashley replied.

Ashley turned to look at her best friend, who was talking with Celia Benson.

"Looks like someone else fancies him," Katie said.

"Maybe he's asking her about Tara," Ashley said thoughtfully.

"Could be," Katie said. "But maybe he's asking her to Hogsmeade- you guys get to go this year, right?"

Ashley nodded. "And I'll bring you some sweets when I go. I promise."

"Really?" Katie asked.

"Of course," Ashley said. "I'll be your connection."

"Thanks," Katie said gratefully. "This ride isn't so bad after all."

Ashley smiled. "You know if you need any help or anyone to talk to, I'm always here."

Katie nodded. "I wonder where Lindsey is."

"You can go looking for her," Ashley said.

"I thought we weren't supposed to go running around," Katie said.

"You can look down the corridor," Ashley told her. "I know you want to find your friend."

"Okay," Katie said. "I'll see you later."

Katie passed Evan and Brittany as she left the compartment. "Where's Zander?" Ashley asked her two friends.

"I don't know," Brittany said. "I guess he's still talking to Celia"

"Oh," Ashley said quietly.

"Are you okay?" Brittany asked.

"Yes," Ashley said. "Of course."

She sat back down. "Katie's off looking for a friend of hers. I think I'm going to do some drawing while I have space to stretch out."

"Okay," Brittany said.

Ashley pulled out her sketchpad. She pretended to be drawing scenery but really was drawing a picture of Brittany and Evan who were sitting closely and talking.

"I can't eat half of this because of these stupid braces," Brittany said watching as Evan ate a liquorice wand.

"They don't look bad," Evan told her.

"You're just saying that," Brittany pouted.

"I am not," Evan said.

"You are," Brittany said putting her head on his shoulder.

"You always can tell when I'm lying," Evan said. "Why bother?"

Brittany smiled. "You're fantastic, Evan."

Ashley shook her head. "Shall I leave you two alone?"

"No," Brittany replied. "Ash, what are you drawing?'

"Scenery," Ashley said, deciding to show them the drawing once it was complete.

"It's moving so fast," Evan joked. "How can you do that?'

"Memory," Ashley said with a grin.

Zander came back inside. "Hiya."

"Where have you been?" Brittany asked.

"Getting sweets," Zander replied.

"And getting sweet with Celia?" Brittany asked innocently.

Zander's cheeks reddened. "No, we were just talking about Tara is all."

"Sure," Brittany smirked as Ashley straightened up in the seat.

"Shut it, Metal Mouth," Zander retorted.

"Zander," Ashley nudged him. "Remember you promised not to make fun of her."\

"Right," Zander grumbled.

"Be nice," Ashley said, finishing her drawing.

Zander smiled. "Okay. How about we look at our frogs and see what cards we got?"

"Sure," Ashley said, closing her book and setting it aside.

Zander opened up his first frog and laughed as it jumped out of the package. He pulled out the card. "Your grandfather."

"How many of him do we have now?" Ashley asked, shaking her head.

"Thirty," Zander laughed. "Who did you get?"

"Hogarth the Horrible," Ashley said.

"I have four of him," Zander said.

Ashley tossed it aside. "Okay..." she said, biting into her frog.

Zander smiled at her. He couldn't help himself. She was still the prettiest girl in the world to him. They might not have made it as boyfriend and girlfriend, but he was glad to still have her as a friend. And maybe someday, things could be different.

Meanwhile, Katie had finally located Lindsey near the rear of the train. "I've been looking all over for you!"

"I've been looking for you," Lindsey said. "I love your hair!"

"It does look fabulous, doesn't it?" Katie tossed her head.

"It does," Lindsey said. "So what have you been doing?'

"Sitting with my sister and her friends," Katie replied. "I just got some sweets."

"Me too!" Lindsey exclaimed. "You will not believe the losers that wanted to sit with me."

"Like who?" Katie wrinkled her nose.

"I didn't bother with their names," Lindsey replied.

"Probably a good idea," Katie said. "Want to come sit with us? They're all third years."

Lindsey nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely."

"Zander's kind of dorky, but Brittany's really fun," Katie said, leading her up to the front where their compartment was.

"This is so cool," Lindsey said following Katie.

"I can't believe we're finally going to Hogwarts," Katie said.

"I know," Lindsey agreed. "Now we just have to find out what house we'll be in."

"I'm sure I'll be in Gryffindor, just like everyone else in my family," Katie bragged.

"As long as it's not Hufflepuff," Lindsey said. "They're nothing but a bunch of losers."

"Oh I know right?" Katie agreed, leading Lindsey back to their compartment.

Ashley smiled warmly at her sister. "You found her. Hello, Lindsey."

"Hi," Lindsey replied.

"Lindsey, these are my friends, Evan and Brittany and this is Zander."

"Hi," Lindsey said, dismissing Zander and focusing on Brittany. "Katie says you're really cool."

Zander and Ashley shared an amused look.

"I am the coolest," Brittany said beaming at her.

"Katie said you know a lot about makeup and fashion," Lindsey said. "I like those things too."

Zander nudged Ashley. "Brittany's collecting minions," he whispered.

"Prepare for world domination," she joked.

Zander laughed. "Merlin, we can barely live with one. How are we going to live with two more?"

"It's a terrifying thought," Ashley deadpanned.

"I didn't like your braces at first," Katie said thoughtfully to Brittany. "But, they're kind of growing on me now."

"Katie!" Ashley exclaimed.

"It's okay," Brittany said waving her hand.

"No it's not," Ashley said. "Mum told you to watch what you say, Katie."

Brittany sensed an argument forming and she quickly pulled a magazine from her bag. "Have you girls seen the new Teen Witch magazine? You are not going to believe the dress robes they say are in style this winter..."

"Ooooh," Katie reached for it eagerly.

The rest of the train ride passed by without any problems. Ashley told her sister that she'd see her later and Katie took off with the other first years and Hagrid. She would never admit it to anyone, but she was nervous. She told herself not to worry. In a few minutes, she'd know exactly what house she'd be sorted into.

"Wow," Lindsey said in awe. "This place is--"

"Welcome to Hogwarts," Julie said approaching the group of first years. "My name is Julie Malfoy, I am deputy headmistress. I am also the head of Gryffindor House. In just a few moments, I will lead you through these doors and you will be sorted into one of four houses----Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Gryffindor or Ravenclaw."

Katie wanted to say hello to her mother but Julie was looking over the entire group.

"And before any of you ask, no you do not have to swim the moat or fight a dragon to find out which house you're going to be in," Julie said with a grin. "When I was in school here, my best friend tried to tell me that I'd have to take on the Giant Squid."

A small titter of nervous laughter moved through the first years as Julie motioned for them to follow her into the Great Hall.

The doors slowly opened and Katie felt her stomach churn as she felt every eye in the room fall on her and her fellow students.

Lindsey moved closer to her as they walked nervously down the centre aisle towards the front where an old tattered hat sat on a stool.

Katie was startled when the hat started to twitch. A rip near the brim of the hat opened wide like a mouth and the hat started to sing. Katie barely heard what it said---something about each of the houses. She was broken out of her reverie when the other students clapped loudly as the hat finished its song.

Julie picked up the hat. "When I call your name, you'll put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted. Anderson, Bronwyn."

Lindsey sighed. "This is going to take forever," she whispered.

Katie was impatient as well. She folded her arms as one by one; the other first years were sorted. Finally, she heard her mother call her name.

"Malfoy, Katherine," Julie announced.

Gulping, Katie headed up to the stool and her mother gave her an encouraging smile.

Julie placed the hat on Katie's head and Katie inhaled. "Interesting," said a small voice in her ear. "A Malfoy and a Potter, eh? Brave and fearless, are you. But, cunning and ambitious, as well. Where to put you?"

"Gryffindor," Katie whispered almost inaudibly.

"Gryffindor would serve you well, I'm sure," the small voice said in her ear. "But, you want nothing more than to win, I therefore declare that you, my girl, are SLYTHERIN!" the hat announced.

Ashley had been set to applaud her sister's position in Gryffindor but her jaw dropped instead.

Katie looked helplessly at her mother. "No, Mum. I can't be. Do it again..."

Julie was shocked too, but had to recover quickly. "I'm sorry baby..." she said. "Once it's made its choice--"

"But, I'm a Gryffindor like everyone else," Katie pleaded.

"Katie..." Julie said quietly. "You have to go sit with your House, sweetheart."

Katie reluctantly stood up and walked to the Slytherin table.

Ashley was still in disbelief. "Katie's....Katie's a Slytherin."

"I can't believe it," Brittany was also surprised.

"Well, you heard the hat," Zander said thoughtfully. " Slytherin you'll make your real friends. Those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends. That sounds exactly like Katie, doesn't it?"

Ashley and Brittany both shot him glares.

"She's ambitious is all," Brittany said.

Ashley nodded. "I'm sure she'll be okay..."

Katie was relieved that Lindsey had also been sorted into Slytherin.

"Wow," Lindsey said as she joined her. "Who'd have thought? Slytherin!"

"I was positive I'd get Gryffindor," Katie said.

"Yeah but now we're together," Lindsey said. "And we can do just fine in Slytherin."

Katie looked around at the other Slytherins.

Most of them seemed rather bored with the whole proceeding, and many of the girls were instead poring over magazines and talking.

"Hello," a girl with porcelain white skin and long black hair said to Katie. "Did I hear right? Your name is Katherine Malfoy?"

Katie nodded. "Yes."

"I'm a fourth year," the girl said extending her hand. "I'm Jemima Brocklehurst."

"Hi," Katie said, shaking the other girl's hand.

"I'm Lindsey Gill," Lindsey told her. "My father works at the Ministry."

"It's nice to meet both of you," Jemima said. "Don't worry... you two were sorted into the best house."

"Green does look good on you, Katie," Lindsey chimed in.

Katie sat up a bit straighter. "It does, doesn't it?"

"Absolutely," Lindsey said.

"The Malfoy family has a great history with the Slytherin house," Jemima told Katie.

"We do?" Katie asked.

Jemima looked at her. "Are you kidding? You don't know?"

"My family doesn't talk about that side," Katie said. "Not too often..."

"That's your heritage too," Jemima said. "Draco Malfoy was a legend in our house. He's your grandfather, Katherine."

"I've met him once," Katie said.

"Well, he did ruin his reputation a bit when he married a Weasley," another girl chimed in. "All they're known for is churning out children."

Katie opened her mouth to defend her aunt Maddie but the other girl continued.

"Weasleys," the girl sniffed. "They should be in the kitchen with the house elves."

"Totally," Lindsey scoffed.

Katie bit her lip. She didn't like anyone saying bad things about the people she loved, but she didn't want to make a bad impression. She was going to be stuck with these people for the next seven years.

She decided to stay quiet and just let people say what they were going to say.

Food appeared on the platters before them and everyone busied themselves eating and catching up with old and new friends. Julie stood up from the faculty table to check in with her daughters.

"Ashley," Julie said to her oldest. "How was your train ride?"

"It was good," Ashley said. "I got some sketching done."

"You'll have to show them to me tomorrow," Julie said.

Ashley nodded. "After class."

"Enjoy the rest of your meal," Julie said squeezing her daughter's shoulder. "I'm going to see how Katie's doing."

"I can't believe she's in Slytherin, Mum." Ashley said. "I really thought she'd be in Gryffindor."

"So did I," Julie said. "But Katie will be fine. She's tough."

Ashley nodded. "I'll still help her if she needs me to."

Julie smiled. "Thanks, Ashley. I'll let her know."

"See you tomorrow," Ashley said.

Julie walked across the room to where her youngest daughter was sitting.

Katie saw her mother approaching and smiled at her.

"Katie, do you mind if I have a word?" Julie asked.

"Sure," Katie said, getting up.

Julie led her daughter just outside the Great Hall. "I just wanted to see how you were doing. I know that the sorting kind of threw you for a loop."

"It's okay," Katie said. "I think I'm going to like it there. There's a girl named Jemima Brocklehurst that was really nice to me and Lindsey."

"Oh," Julie said. "Well, that's---that's nice."

"I'll be all right," Katie said.

Julie gave her a hug. "I'm proud of you, baby."

"Thanks," Katie hugged her mother back.

"Your sister and I are here if you need any help," Julie said.

"I don't think I'll need it," Katie said confidently.

Julie smiled at her. She had been worried that Katie would have fought her on this and demanded the Sorting Hat choose again. "You'll do well, I know you will."

Katie nodded. "Especially since I already made some new friends."

"Just be careful around Jemima Brocklehurst," Julie warned.

"She's really nice," Katie said.

Julie would beg to differ. She thought the girl was a gossip and a troublemaker. "Just be careful and don't feel as if you have to do anything those girls say."

"I know," Katie replied.

"That's my girl," Julie said. "Let's go back inside."

Katie eagerly rejoined her new friends. "Sorry."

"No problem, Katherine," Jemima said. "Lindsey was just telling me that you have a recording studio in your home."

"My dad's," Katie nodded.

"I'd like to see it sometime," Jemima said. "I imagine its top notch."

Katie was flattered. "Maybe during the hols."

Headmaster Wood stood up and made his usual beginning of the year announcements. When he mentioned the Forbidden Forest, Ashley and Zander shared a look.

Brittany noticed this. "What's with you two?"

"What?" Zander asked innocently.

"That look," Brittany said.

"What look?" Ashley asked. "There was no look."

Brittany shook her head. "You two can be so annoying," she complained.

Zander picked up his fork and took a bite of the treacle tart. It was Brittany's favourite and because of her braces she wasn't able to eat it. "Mmmmm, this is so good. Would you like some Brit?"

"Shut it," Brittany glared at him.

"Zander," Corinne nudged him. "Celia Benson is staring at you."

Zander turned red.

Ashley's smile faltered a bit.

"We were talking on the train," Zander mumbled. "She's all right, I guess."

Ashley moved her food around on her plate.

"What's wrong, Ashley?" Sam taunted.

"Nothing," Ashley muttered.

Ashley looked over at her sister and was surprised to see her deep in conversation with some of the older girls at the Slytherin table.

"She doesn't seem too upset," Brittany commented.

"Not at all," Ashley mused. "I suppose that's a good thing..."

"She'd better watch it around girls like Jemima Brocklehurst and Piper Miller," Brittany said looking disdainfully at the fourth year Slytherin girls.

"It looks like they're being nice to her..." Ashley said doubtfully.

"When have you ever known the two of them to be nice unless they wanted something from someone?" Brittany asked.

"I just hope they don't use her for something," Ashley said worriedly. "Katie's pretty tough but those two..."

"We'll look out for her," Brittany said.

"Thanks," Ashley said.

"You know, there's a rumour going around about you," Sam said to Zander while the two girls were talking.

"What sort of rumour?" Zander asked suspiciously.

"Someone said you and Ashley went out this summer," Sam said with a grin.

"That's none of your business," Zander said.

"So it's true," Sam said gleefully. "I didn't think you had it in you."

"Shut it, wanker." Zander snapped.

"You snog her or were you too scared?" Sam asked.

"Cool it, mate." Evan broke in.

"Let's ask Ashley, shall we?" Sam asked. "Hey, Malfoy? How was it snogging Zander?"

Ashley gaped at him.

"Leave her alone," Zander warned him.

"What are you going to do if I don't?" Sam asked.

"Shut it for you," Zander said gripping the edge of the table.

"Guys," Ashley said. "Don't get into a fight on the first night at school."

"Just leave it, Sam," Evan told his friend. "Come on, Ash is right."

"You two are sick," Sam muttered.

Ashley sighed. "We're sick?"

Sam snorted. "You two--"

"You're just jealous," Brittany said.

"Of what?" Sam smirked.

"Let's just go," Ashley said. "Come's late."

"I'm pretty tired," Brittany agreed.

Zander shot a warning look at Sam. "Yeah, let's get out of here."

"Go snog," Sam taunted.

Ashley held Zander back. "Leave it, Zander. He's not worth it."

"You're right," Zander said.

"Good night, lovebirds," Sam called after them.

"Ignore," Ashley muttered. "Hey listen, I'm going to say good night to Katie really quick. Wait for me?"

"Of course," Brittany said.

Ashley made her way over to the Slytherin table. "Katie?"

Katie turned. "Hi, Ashley."

"I... I just wanted to say good night," Ashley said. "I guess I'll see you at breakfast in the morning."

Ashley saw Jemima whisper something in Piper's ear and the two girls snickered and then looked at Ashley.

Ashley chose to ignore them. "You can still come and talk to me if you need anything."

"She won't," Jemima broke in. "We'll take good care of her..."

"That's what I'm afraid of," Ashley muttered under her breath.

"I'll be fine," Katie said, tossing her hair.

"See?" Piper asked with a smirk.

Ashley shook her head. "See you in the morning, Katie."

"Night, Ashley," Katie said.

Ashley cast the older girls a look before heading out to meet her friends.

"Everything okay?" Brittany asked.

"That Jemima..." Ashley shook her head. "She's trouble."

"She is," Brittany agreed. "But, we're here. We'll watch out for Katie."

"I appreciate your help," Ashley said. "You know how much she looks up to you."

Brittany tossed her hair over her shoulder. "Well, I am a role model."

Zander rolled his eyes. "Yeah sure."

"I am," Brittany punched him on the shoulder. "And the two of you would be completely lost without me."

"Or better off," Zander cracked.

"Shut it, Zander," Brittany retorted.

Ashley laughed. "Come on you two."

"This is going to be the best year ever," Brittany announced.

"I hope so," Zander sneaked another look at Ashley.

"You're going to make the Quidditch team," Ashley said confidently.

"I better," Zander said. "I practised all the time after we got back from Brighton."

"You'll make it," Ashley said. "And we will be there cheering you on for every match."

"Thanks," he said gratefully.

"You and Evan," Brittany said.

"I didn't know Evan was trying out," Zander said.

"He said he was thinking about it," Brittany said.

"I hope he's not going to try out for Seeker," Zander said.

Brittany shook her head. "No, he was going to try for---that one position, what was it? The one that stays at the posts---and just sits there most of the time?"

"Keeper," Zander rolled his eyes. "Honestly."

"Keeper, hitter, whatever," Brittany said waving her hand.

Zander shook his head disgustedly.

Brittany led the way into the common room. Ashley had to laugh at the look on Zander's face. "You know she only does that to exasperate you."

"I should be used to it by now," he said sheepishly.

Brittany hurried ahead of them to say hello to one of the older Gryffindors. Ashley looked at him. "You know she'll support you, even if she doesn't understand it."

"I know," Zander told her.

"And Sam's an idiot," Ashley said. "Don't even think on what he said."

"I never do," Zander said. "He's such a wanker."

"Good," Ashley smiled.

"Are you looking forward to starting new classes?" he asked.

Ashley nodded.

"Are you taking Divination?"

Ashley laughed. "No. Remember? You and I are taking Ancient Runes while Brit's taking that."

"Oh yeah," Zander said. "I forgot."

Ashley smiled at him. "She can predict our futures."

"Now that's a scary thought," Zander replied as he tossed his cloak onto the sofa.

"My grandfather and my Uncle Ron used to make up things when they took it," Ashley told him.

"You should see if they still have it and let Brit copy it." Zander joked.

Ashley giggled. "Zander!"

"What's so funny?" Brittany asked.

"Nothing," Ashley and Zander said in unison.

Brittany was the one to roll her eyes. "Come on Ash. Let's go claim our beds."

"Okay," Ashley said. She turned to look at Zander. She was so happy that they were friends again. Things weren't like they used to be, but they were getting there. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning?"

Zander nodded. "Have a good night."

Ashley smiled at him again before she and Brittany walked upstairs.

Meanwhile in the Slytherin dungeons, Jemima had just led Katie and Lindsey to the dormitories.

Katie looked around in awe. "I cannot wait to write Caroline and tell her about this!"

Jemima looked down at the younger girl. "Caroline?"

"She's my best friend," Katie explained.

"Is she a Muggle?" Jemima asked, her nose scrunching up on the word "Muggle". "Is that why she's not here?"

"She's a year younger than me," Katie replied. "But she's magical."

"She's a Weasley," Lindsey told Jemima.

Jemima wrinkled her nose. "You're best friends with a WEASLEY?"

Katie glared at Lindsey. "Well, yes, Jemima, but---"

"I never thought I'd see the day when a Malfoy would associate with a Weasley," Jemima replied coolly.

"Her uncle even married one," Lindsey said, earning another death glare from Katie.

"I see," Jemima moved away from the two first years.

"Are you ready to see our rooms?" Lindsey asked turning to Katie.

"Not with you," Katie said coldly.

"Why?" Lindsey asked.

"You just can't keep your big mouth shut," Katie snapped.

"You're the one who brought Caroline up," Lindsey pointed out.

"But you didn't have to go on about her being a Weasley," Katie said furiously.

"I always told you she was beneath you," Lindsey said.

Katie glared at her. "So are you right now."

"Katie!" Lindsey exclaimed.

Katie turned on her heel and stalked away.

She slammed the door of her room and threw herself on the bed. Her trunk slid to the edge of her bed, but she didn't even notice. Katie had never thought of Caroline as a Weasley. What did it all matter? She loved the Weasleys---Caroline, Emma, Adam. Aunt Maddie.

Now she was surrounded by people who hated them simply because of their name and she didn't know what to think of that.

Jemima and Piper were older than Ashley and they seemed so interested in everything Katie had to say. That was, Katie thought bitterly, until stupid Lindsey opened her mouth.

"Stupid, stupid Lindsey," Katie grumbled. Now she was going to have to work on impressing those girls all over again.

Jemima seemed intrigued when Katie told her all about her father's recording studio. Perhaps, that would be her way back in with the older girls.

She laid there for a few moments before pushing her curtains back and heading into the common room again.

Jemima and Piper were sitting by the fireplace with some other girls.

Katie sat back down near the girls, hoping they would notice her.

"We're going to St. Moritz this Christmas," one of the girls boasted. "They have the best skiing."

"I went there last year," Jemima tossed her hair. "It was all right."

Katie bit her lip as she waited for the right moment to join the conversation. She listened impatiently as the girls discussed vacation spots. Finally, the talk turned to fashion. One of the girls commented on Piper's scarf. "I bought this at Lavender Brown's boutique. Isn't it fabulous?"

"Lavender Brown is my grandmother's cousin," Katie said. "I shop there all the time. She gives me makeup advice too."

Jemima looked at her. "Oh, yes. The Mudblood Minister."

Katie stood up. "Don't call my grandmother a Mudblood. You can say what you want about me, but leave her alone." her eyes flashed angrily at the older girl.

The other girls looked at Jemima waiting for her response. To their surprise, Jemima grinned. "So you do realise the importance of family then, Malfoy."

"Of course I do," Katie retorted.

"I think I misjudged you," Jemima said. "Sit back down..."

Katie fought to keep her smile from growing too wide and sat back down on Jemima's right.

"I was only joking about your grandmother," Jemima told her. "I was testing you."

Katie looked at her suspiciously. "You were?"

Jemima nodded. "We don't let just anyone in to our circle, Katherine. If we did, we'd be Gryffindors."

Katie nodded. "I understand."

"I thought you would," Jemima said. "I see great potential in you. You remind me so much of myself."

Katie straightened up proudly.

"You can sit with us tomorrow at breakfast," Jemima told her. "Can't she, Piper?"

"Sure," Piper replied. "I want to hear about Lavender Brown's makeup tips."

Katie grinned. "I'll tell you everything."

The group of girls gathered closer and Katie was thrilled to see she was the centre of attention. Even Jemima was interested in what she had to say.

She couldn't believe she'd actually been worried about today. If this was the way Hogwarts was going to be, she was going to like this place.