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Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Wow, one little cliffie and you guys are reviewing out of the woodwork ;) Thanks you guys- we were THRILLED at the response to last chapter!

A lot of you are wondering about the wedding- it's anywhere between 3 and 5 chapters away. You'll know when it starts ;)

Also, a lot of you guys are really torn between RJ/Lex and Gabe/Lex- which we hope means we're doing a fair love triangle. Please review and let us know what you think of this one! :D

She closed her eyes, leaning into the kiss.

Gabriel pulled her even closer, his hands snaking around her waist.

Alexa whimpered softly as their kiss grew deeper. Her hands found their way up his chest and into his hair.

"Alexa," he whispered when they broke apart for a second to catch their breath.

"Gabe..." her voice trailed off.

"That was---" Gabriel said still holding her.

"Yeah," Alexa answered softly. "Unexpected would be a really good word..."

"Good unexpected or bad unexpected?" Gabriel asked hopefully.

"I'm not really sure," she admitted shyly.

"I-I shouldn't have done that," he said trying to make her feel more at ease. "I hadn't planned on it..."

"I kissed you back," Alexa looked down.

"I like you," he admitted. "I have for awhile now, but I wasn't going to do anything because I knew you were with RJ and I respected that...until today."

"You like me?" she asked in astonishment.

He smiled at her. "Very much so."

"I didn't know," Alexa confessed shyly.

"I don't want things to be uncomfortable between us," he said tilting her chin up so she'd look at him. "And if you want to forget that this happened, we can..."

"I don't know if I do," Alexa whispered. "I'm really confused now."

"No matter what, we can be friends," Gabriel said softly.

Alexa nodded. "If it wasn't for RJ," she said bashfully. "It's just that... I really do love him Gabe."

"I know," Gabriel said quietly.

"I don't want to hurt you," Alexa told him, suddenly aware that they were still standing in an embrace.

Gabriel nodded and reluctantly let her go. "I'm sorry, Lex."

"I'm sorry too," Alexa felt self conscious now as she quickly finished the rest of the closing duties.

There was a knock on the door to the shop and Gabriel went to answer it. Andrew and Saffron stood outside.

"I know the sign says 'closed'," Saffron said grinning at him. "But you have to let us in!"

"Hey Saf," Alexa said feeling a bit relieved. "Nice timing."

"Hey, Gabe!" Saffron said hugging her cousin. "I didn't know you were going to be here!"

"I've been helping Lex out all day," Gabriel replied.

"Ben called in sick," Alexa explained. "We were short handed and Gabe volunteered."

"RJ should have done that," Andrew teased. "Where is God's Gift to Quidditch, anyway?"

"Athens," Alexa replied dryly.

"With that Serena girl," Gabriel added.

Saffron rolled her eyes. "You're kidding, right?"

"Unfortunately not," Alexa powered down the cash register.

"I pretty much have the place to myself these days," Andrew admitted. "He's always gone."

"I'm sure you love that," Gabriel said to Saffron, who turned red.

"Don't tell my parents," Saffron said still blushing.

"Won't hear it from me," Gabriel grinned at his cousin.

"Saf and I just want to spend as much time together as possible before she goes back to school," Andrew said putting an arm around his girlfriend.

Alexa smiled a little. RJ had been like that until he'd gotten all hung up with Puddlemere.

"So what have you two been up to?" Saffron asked.

"Nothing," Gabriel and Alexa both said in unison.

Saffron gave her best friend a strange look. "I bet you were packed today."

Alexa nodded. "Very much so."

"Do you have any fudge left?" Saffron asked hopefully.

Alexa nodded. "You want chocolate or white chocolate?"

"Both," Saffron followed her into the back. "Okay O'Leary- spill."

"How much do you want?" Alexa asked pointedly ignoring her friend's question.

Saffron crossed her arms. "You can't hide things from me. I'm your best friend for a reason."

Alexa bit her bottom lip. "Well, basically, Gabe sort of um, kissed me and I-I kissed him back."

"WHAT?" Saffron shrieked before clapping a hand over her mouth.

"Saffy!" Alexa hissed.

"Sorry," she apologised.

"It just kind of happened," Alexa said keeping her voice down. "And after RJ called from Athens, I was feeling sort of bad..."

Saffron bit her lower lip. "Was he a good kisser?"

Alexa nodded. "I shouldn't have let it happen, Saffy. I love RJ..."

"But he's been so distant," Saffron finished, putting an arm around her friend.

Tears welled up in Alexa's eyes. "Things are changing so fast between us. He has this new life that I'm not a part of and I don't know where or if I'll ever fit in."

Saffron hugged her. "I'm here for you Lexie. Whenever you need to talk. Do you want me to say something to RJ? Or have Andrew say something?"

Alexa vehemently shook her head. "No."

"Okay," she said. "I'll only say something if you want me to."

"I honestly don't know what to do," Alexa said quietly.

"I knew Gabriel fancied you a bit, but he said he'd never do anything since you were with RJ already," Saffron admitted. "But if you aren't happy with RJ anymore..."

"I love RJ," Alexa said. "We just need to spend some time together, just the two of us. I need to be more understanding about all the time he's been away with the team."

"I think you're being plenty understanding," Saffron said as her friend wrapped up some fudge for her.

"When he called earlier, I sounded every bit like a jealous girlfriend," Alexa said placing the fudge in a box.

"Well he was with that idiot," Saffron said. "And you said she was trying to pull the phone away."

Alexa nodded. "I just feel like we're growing apart."

Saffron hugged her. "I'm sure when he gets back he'll make time for you."

"I wish I could be so sure," Alexa said. "Do you think I should tell him about what happened with Gabe?"

"I'm not sure," Saffron said. "I mean... if you want to come clean then I suppose so."

"I don't know what to do," Alexa said quietly. "About anything---"

"Lex," Saffron hugged her again. "It's all going to work out."

Alexa wished she could be so sure. "Thanks, Saffy. I'm really glad you showed up when you did."

"Kind of interrupted the moment?" she asked.

Alexa nodded. "I didn't even know he fancied me, Saffy. And he's been so great..."

"Well," Saffron began tentatively. "If things don't work out for you and RJ then you'd have Gabe at least... if you wanted that."

Andrew stood in the doorway with Gabriel and he caught what Saffron had just said. Alexa paled.

"H-how long were you guys standing there?" she stammered.

"Long enough," Andrew said quietly.

"Um..." Saffron turned red.

"It wasn't her," Gabriel told Andrew. "It was me. I kissed her. I didn't mean for it to happen..."

"Andrew it's none of our business, really." Saffron said quickly.

"I actually told him he had nothing to worry about with you," Andrew said shaking his head.

"Andrew please don't say anything," Alexa's eyes filled with tears.

"He won't," Saffron said looking pleadingly at her boyfriend. "Right?"

Andrew didn't say anything, only crossed his arms.

"I'll talk to him," Gabriel said. "This only started because of me."

Andrew glared at him. He knew RJ hadn't been around much lately, but Andrew knew RJ loved Alexa more than anything. And he found it hard to believe that Alexa could do this to him.

"Let's go," Saffron cast her boyfriend a murderous look.

"Yeah," Andrew said glaring at Gabriel once more before following Saffron out of the bakery.

"Lex I am so sorry," Gabriel said. "I caused you all this trouble..."

Alexa shook her head. "It wasn't just you. Everything's so messed up."

"I shouldn't have kissed you," Gabriel insisted.

"This isn't your fault," Alexa said softly.

"Maybe I should go," Gabriel said, feeling dejected.

Alexa reached out for his hand. "I'm not angry with you, Gabe. You were such a big help today and you've been such a great friend. And things with RJ are so...I don't know what they are..."

"I'll still be around if you need to talk," he offered. "I'm just sorry I got you in hot water with Andrew."

"Thanks," she said giving him a hug. "I'm sorry, Gabriel."

He nodded. "Guess I'll see you around..."

"Of course," Alexa said. "And thanks again for today."

"Anytime," he said before heading out.

Alexa sank against the counter as the tears flowed down her face. For so long, she'd been in love with RJ and he'd been all that she'd ever wanted. And then Gabriel came along, and everything changed.

*** *** ***

About three weeks prior to Maddie and Ethan's wedding, Frankie threw her best friend a bridal shower. She held it at her house and currently their female friends and family members were in the sitting room as Maddie opened some gifts.

"This one's from me," Frankie said with a wicked grin.

Allison laughed. "Should Julie and I send Caroline, Katie and Ashley out of the room then?"

"No!" the three younger girls cried.

"Mummy I want to stay!" Caroline protested.

"Maybe they could just cover their eyes," Maddie suggested. "Frankie looks like the cat that ate the canary."

"Don't make us wait," Clara teased her.

"Okay," Maddie said taking the card off the top of the package. She blushed when she opened the card. "Frankie!"

The room burst out into collective laughter as Maddie pulled a string of condoms out of the envelope.

Maddie averted her eyes from her future mother-in-law.

"Why's everyone laughing?" Katie asked her older sister. "What are those things?"

"Um..." Ashley was blushing furiously as she looked to her mother for help.

Julie was at a loss for words. "Um, about you open the gift?"

"Right," Maddie said quickly shooting an apologetic look at Hermione.

"She knows the two of you are going to have s-e-x on the honeymoon," Frankie whispered to her best friend.

"I know but I don't want to... shove it in everyone's faces." Maddie was still blushing furiously.

Frankie giggled. "Just open up the present, Madeline."

Maddie tore the wrapping paper back carefully and her jaw dropped open. "Frankie!" she began to giggle.

"The white one is for your wedding night," Frankie said winking at her. "The red one is...well..."

Saffron scrunched up her nose and looked at her mother. "I don't think Julie and I should be here while Maddie opens up things that she's going to use to...with Ethan...."

"Come on Saffy," Frankie laughed at her. "You'll be doing the same thing someday."

"Yes, but this is my brother," Saffron said rolling her eyes. "He's smelly and disgusting and obnoxious."

Hermione laughed. "Saffron Grace!"

"He is," Saffron said giggling. "But at least we get Maddie in the family out of this..."

"Thanks Saffy," Maddie smiled at her. "I appreciate that."

Saffron grinned back at her. "You've always been like a sister to me anyway."

"Again, I guess that makes me chopped liver," Julie teased her sister.

Saffron turned to face her. "You know what I meant, Jules!"

"I know," Julie reassured her.

Frankie giggled as she picked up another present and handed it to Maddie. "This one is from...Smythe."

"Really?" Maddie took it. "That's so sweet of her."

"I'm surprised she's not here," one of Maddie's co-workers said. "I thought for sure she said she'd come."

"She got called in," Maddie explained.

"Let's see what she gave you then," Frankie said as Maddie opened the present.

It was a lovely crystal ball that would glow and bathe the room in a soft light when given the proper incantation.

"That's amazing," Luna said to her daughter. "What a lovely gift!"

"It's quite lovely," Maddie nodded.

"This is from your mum," Frankie said handing her a smaller package. Luna stepped closer to get a better look. She felt tears welling up in her eyes as her daughter opened the small package to reveal a pair of pearl earrings.

"Those were my mother's," Luna explained. "I wore them when I married your father...."

"Oh Mum," Maddie said. "These are so beautiful!"

Drew put an arm around her mother. "Those were really our grandmother's?"

"They were," Luna nodded. "And if you two ever get married you can both wear them as well."

Darla smiled. "Of course, Maddie gets to wear them first. Our baby sister getting married before Drew and me!"

"You just have to get Brian and Hans to propose," Maddie teased her sisters.

Darla frowned. "Brian and Drew are a lot closer than me and Hans."

Maddie chose not to press her sister for information at that time. "I'm sure everything will work out for both of you." she set the earrings aside carefully.

The doorbell rang and Frankie looked at Maddie. "I thought everyone was here."

"I'll get it," Saffron offered.

"Thanks Saffron," Frankie smiled at her.

Saffron headed for the door and opened it to find a dark haired woman standing there. "Can I help you?" she asked.

"I'm here for the bridal shower," the woman said hoisting her gift to Saffron. "I'm not late, am I?"

"Um no but..." Saffron had no choice but to take the gaudily wrapped package.

"Fantastic," the woman said curtly. "By any chance is Harry Potter, here?"

"That's my dad," Saffron raised an eyebrow. "And no he's not here."

The woman frowned, but gave Saffron the once-over. "You look like your mother."

"I know I do," Saffron disliked this woman immediately.

"I'm Parvati," the woman said smiling condescendingly at Saffron. "I'm sure your father has mentioned me. We were each other's first loves..."

"My mother is my father's first love," Saffron interjected.

Parvati laughed. "How sweet! Well, why don't you point me in the direction of the party?"

Saffron silently pointed towards the sitting room where another roar of laughter was heard.

"You tell your father that I asked about him," Parvati said looking over her shoulder at Saffron.

"Whatever," Saffron replied in a cool tone, holding the present by the bow.

Parvati breezed into the sitting room and put on her best smile. "Hello, Madeline!"

"P-Parvati?" Maddie asked in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't miss your little shower of course," Parvati replied. "How darling and... quaint this house is..."

"Thanks," Frankie said standing up. "Um, would you like a drink?"

"Martini, dry." Parvati said with a careless wave of her hand.

"O-okay," Frankie said glaring at her before heading off to the kitchen.

Lavender shot the woman a warning look, but Parvati ignored her.

"I guess I'll just open this one next," Maddie looked at Parvati's gift and tried to pretend to be interested.

Saffron sat back down beside her mother. "That woman is delusional."

"She is a bit strange," Hermione agreed in a whisper.

Saffron rested her head on her mother's shoulder as they watched Maddie open Parvati's gift. Maddie pulled out of the box some sort of figure with what looked to be a shrunken head. It was without a doubt the ugliest thing Maddie had ever seen.

"Wow..." she said forcing a smile.

"It's supposed to ward off evil spirits and make sure your man remains virile," Parvati explained.

"I see..." Maddie looked at Frankie as if asking for assistance of some kind. "Well... thank you..."

"You're quite welcome," Parvati said smugly. "Now, I know that you are inexperienced, Madeline, but if you need any tips..."

"Maddie's not inexperienced," Frankie thrust the martini at Parvati. "And it's no one's business but hers anyhow."

"I didn't mean any offence," Parvati said sweetly. "I'll just take a seat beside my old friend, Cho..."

Cho nearly choked on her drink. "Oh, okay..."

Lavender sat back and crossed her arms and glared at Parvati.

Cho felt more than a little uncomfortable and awkward sitting beside that horrible woman and she tried to focus her attention of Maddie. But, for some odd reason, Parvati was determined to rehash old times.

"This one is from Bree and Sarah," Frankie said handing her friend another gift.

"I wish they could have made it," Maddie replied. "But they had planned to go shopping for Bree's wedding dress today- and it was the only day her whole wedding party could make it."

Frankie nodded and gasped when her friend opened the box to reveal a beautiful white nightgown. "That's gorgeous, Mads."

"It is," Maddie agreed. "Bree has such lovely taste."

"Grandma?" Caroline asked Cho. "Why is Aunt Chi writing down everything Auntie Maddie gets?"

Cho pulled her granddaughter onto her lap. "She's doing that so Maddie knows who gave her what gift and she can send out thank-you notes."

"Oh," Caroline said. "Do you think she'll like my present?"

"I think she'll love it," Cho reassured her. "You and Emma worked really hard on it."

"What did you get her?" Parvati asked the little girl.

"Em and me made her a bracelet and a necklace," Caroline replied.

"Homemade?" Parvati asked. "Really..."

"They worked really hard on them," Cho said glaring at the other woman.

"Are they at least made of crystal?" Parvati asked.

Caroline shook her head. "Mine's made out of seashells and Em made hers out of macaroni."

"Macaroni..." Parvati's tone grew disdainful. "How charming... really."

"Auntie Maddie loves it when we make her stuff," Caroline said softly. "She says we make the bestest presents."

"You do Angel," Cho kissed her granddaughter's head. "And I bet your gift will be one of her favourites."

"Shame her parents couldn't buy her something nice to give to Madeline," Parvati whispered to Cho.

Caroline bit her lower lip as she heard Parvati's words.

"These are from Emma and Caroline," Frankie said holding up the presents.

"Don't open it!" Caroline squealed.

"Why not sweetheart?" Allison asked her daughter.

"Because it's not from the store," Caroline said with a sob. "I'm sorry, Auntie Maddie!"

"Caroline," Maddie got up as Cho shot Parvati a murderous look. "I don't mind if your gifts aren't from the store..."

"Y-you don't?" Caroline asked wiping at her eyes.

"Absolutely not," Maddie replied. "I love it when you and Em make presents. I think they're better than what you get at the store."

Caroline beamed at her as Maddie knelt down and gave her a hug.

"We worked really hard on them," Caroline said softly.

"I can't wait to see what's in there," Maddie stroked her niece's hair back.

"I can't believe you," Cho hissed at Parvati. "You hurt her feelings!"

"Cho she's a little girl," Parvati replied offhandedly.

Cho gaped at her. "You have some nerve..."

"Parvati," Lavender had witnessed this whole discussion. "Can I have a word?"

"Maybe at another time---hey!" Parvati exclaimed as Lavender grabbed her by the arm. "You're hurting me!"

"I wasn't kidding when I said I'd tell everyone about your sabbatical," Lavender hissed when they were in the dining room alone. "How dare you insult that little girl in there?"

Parvati rolled her eyes. "You are blowing this out of proportion, aren't you?"

Lavender glared at her. "You don't want to see me blow something out of proportion."

"Is this because of that whole illegitimate kid thing?" Parvati asked her. "Are you feeling all maternal now because of Seamus having a son?"

"I happen to love Gabriel like he's my own son," Lavender said hotly. "And this has nothing to do with Seamus. I don't know why you're here but if you don't want the world knowing EXACTLY what went on while you were overseas then you sit in there and shut the hell up!"

Parvati folded her arms. "FINE!"

Lavender gave her one last menacing glare before spinning on her heel and marching back out.

Maddie had put on the jewellery her nieces had made her and was busy opening another gift.

"I hope you like it," Drew said to her sister.

"I'm sure I will," Maddie revealed yet another set of lingerie. "This is gorgeous Drew- thank you!"

"The way this is going you'll have something to wear every night of the honeymoon," Drew said with a grin.

Frankie laughed. "I'm still taking you shopping Maddie, so don't think you're getting out of that."

Maddie giggled. "I wouldn't even try, Frankie."

"Mads is really making out," Darla mused to her sister.

"She is," Drew agreed. "You and Hans...everything's okay, right?"

Darla shrugged. "I don't know... lately all we've done is argue."

"That's normal," Drew reassured her. "And you guys always make up..."

"He's not going to be able to come to Maddie's wedding," Darla said quietly.

"Why?" Drew gasped.

"Some big shoot came up," Darla said with a shrug. "You know, he could get away if he really wanted to, but he refused."

"I'm sorry Dar," Drew said softly.

"It's fine," Darla said. "I'll be too busy with the wedding anyway."

"If you and Hans don't work out then you'll find someone else," Drew said reassuringly.

Darla gave a slight smile. "Someone as nice as Brian?"

"If you're lucky," Drew smiled at her. "I think I'm really lucky."

"You deserve it," Darla said giving her a hug. "It's good to see you happy."

"Ethan's going to love that one," Frankie's voice interrupted their discussion.

"I think he's going to like all of these actually," Maddie said blushing.

"He'll probably drool all over you," Saffron said. "Ethan's not known for his maturity."

"Saffy!" Maddie said giggling. "Your brother is very mature."

"Yeah right," Saffron was laughing.

"Like you are whenever you see Andrew?" Julie teased her. "I've never seen anyone giggle so much as you do when you're on the phone with him or he comes over."

"Jules, I do not," Saffron said defensively.

"You do," Lavender agreed. "You turn into a complete girly girl."

"Well he's so cute," Saffron blushed. "I can't help myself."

"I was the same way about your father, Sally," Parvati chimed in. "He used to make me go weak in the knees..."

"My name is Saffron," she said, her smile dropping. "And the only one that made my dad go weak in the knees is my mum."

"I hate to break it to you, Saffron," Parvati said smugly. "But your father got around before he settled with your mother..."

"Parvati---" Lavender hissed.

Parvati looked over at her and straightened up, snapping her mouth shut.

"This last present is from Hermione," Frankie said handing Maddie an envelope.

"Oh!" Maddie said eagerly. She opened it up to reveal a gift card for a weekend spa trip for the entire bridal party. "Hermione..."

"I want this to be the happiest time of your life," Hermione smiled at her. "I've always thought of you as a daughter Maddie."

Maddie stood up and gave her a big hug. "Thank you so much!"

"You're very welcome," Hermione hugged her back.

"Cool!" Saffron examined the card. "This means I get to go too!"

Julie laughed and tugged on her sister's plait. "That's the most important thing."

"Do Katie and Caroline I get to go, too?" Ashley asked shyly.

"I suppose you would," Julie replied thoughtfully. "I mean... you're technically part of the wedding party as well."

"Absolutely," Maddie agreed. "I want all three of my junior bridesmaids there with me."

"Yay!" Caroline and Katie squealed. Katie grabbed the card from Saffron and scanned over a description of what the spa weekend would entail. "Oooooh, look Caroline! They do Magic Mud!"

"Magic Mud?" Caroline exclaimed delightedly. "Real Magic Mud?"

Luna laughed. "You'll have to bring some of that back for your Grandpa Ron, Caroline."

"He only lets me put it on," Caroline said proudly.

Maddie laughed. "You're the only one who could get him to put it on, Caroline."

Frankie grinned. "This is going to be so much fun!"

"When should I be there?" Parvati chimed in. "I'd like to go ahead and pencil it in my calendar..."

"It's for the wedding party only," Hermione interjected. "I'm sorry Parvati."

"Oh," Parvati said frowning. "Of course..."

"I heard there are some wonderful spas in Amsterdam," Lavender said sweetly.

Parvati scowled at the blonde. "I wouldn't know, Lavender."

"I'm sure," Lavender gave her an icy glare. "In fact, there's one right next to a well known strip club--"

"You know, I actually have some place I need to be," Parvati said hastily. "Thank you, Madeline for inviting me. It was a lovely shower."

"Well... thank you for coming," Maddie said lamely. "And for the... lovely gift."

"You're quite welcome," Parvati said before beating a hasty retreat out of the house.

"What on earth was that all about?" Hermione asked her cousin.

"Let's just say, Miss Patil and I have a certain understanding," Lavender said evasively.

"Thank you, all of you." Maddie said. "I really appreciate everyone's thoughtfulness."

"My baby girl is getting married," Luna said proudly.

"To my obnoxious smelly brother," Saffron laughed.

"And that's coming from his bratty baby sister," Julie teased.

"Hey!" Saffron nudged her.

"She's just waiting to tell everyone how well she did on her O.W.L.S.," Julie said. "Go ahead....brag, Saffy..."

"Mum already did," Saffron said with a huge grin.

"I heard a nasty rumour that she did better than you and Ethan," Drew joked.

"Best out of all of us I'm afraid," Julie hugged her sister around the shoulders. "If I wasn't so proud I'd be jealous."

"Thanks, Julie," Saffron said grinning at her.

"Speaking of Hogwarts, any idea on who's going to be the next Headmaster?" Maddie asked.

"No one's said a word to us yet," Julie replied. "They really wanted Dad but he turned them down."

"The term starts in a few weeks," Maddie said thoughtfully. "They'd better pick someone soon."

"I agree," Julie said. "Otherwise Snape will be unbearable, especially to Gryffindors."

"As if he needs any excuse," Saffron muttered. "I don't see why HE doesn't retire."

"Snape will never retire," Frankie said dryly. "He'll make students' lives miserable until the day he dies."

"Says the girl who once told him he should really consider sunbathing since he was so pale," Allison said causing the room to erupt into laughter.

"You did?" Saffron asked.

"I did," Frankie said. "Earned me a month's detention but it was worth it."

Saffron giggled. "I have to tell Alexa about that!"

"I've got nothing on Jon I'm afraid," Frankie sat back down. "He made Snape dance once and he's never told anyone how he did it."

"I need to talk to Jon," Saffron said. "Allie, do you know?"

"He won't even tell me Saf," Allison replied.

"Maybe you should try and get Aunt Maddie to ask Daddy," Caroline suggested. "Daddy says when she was my age she could just look at you and you'd do anything she asked."

Maddie laughed. "The only one that didn't work on was Ethan."

"Not anymore," Frankie said. "He's no longer immune..."

"Not at all," Maddie said with a grin. "Oh Merlin I can't believe I'm getting married in three weeks!"

"Madeline Weasley Potter," Hermione said grinning at her future daughter-in-law. "That has a lovely ring to it."

"That it does," Luna agreed. "Your father's going to be a right basket case."

"He and I both," Hermione said. "My little man is getting married."

"Little man," Saffron giggled. "He hates it when I call him that."

"He used to love it," Julie said fondly.

"I think it's only when Aunt Saffy calls him that," Ashley said, plunking herself down on the sofa.

"I'm going to start calling him that," Katie said with a sly grin.

"He might get angry," Ashley cautioned.

"Not to me," Katie said smugly.

"You will not call your uncle that," Julie replied. "Katherine Rose you know better."

"Okay," Katie said grumpily. "Fine!"

Julie looked back at Chiaki and rolled her eyes slightly.

"Come on, Katie," Ashley said. "How about we go and get another piece of cake?"

Julie knew her oldest was trying to play peacemaker these days and she smiled. "I think that sounds like a lovely idea Ash."

"Okay," Katie said getting to her feet. She followed her sister into the kitchen.

"At least Ashley's trying," Saffron commented.

"That she is," Julie replied as Caroline headed for some cake as well. "It's actually been a lot more peaceful these days."

"Maybe they're outgrowing it," Hermione said.

"We can only pray," Julie deadpanned.

Frankie made her way over to Luna. "I'm sorry I haven't been around much to help you with the decorating project. I promise after the wedding you will have my undivided attention."

"I understand," Luna reassured her. "And Ron and I are so thankful for your help."

"It's my pleasure," Frankie said. "I admire you for doing what you're doing. I don't think I could do something like that."

"It's not going to be easy but I can't bear not having children around," Luna replied. "And these children are so needy- I couldn't sit by and not do anything at all."

Frankie nodded. "Mum said you were experiencing a bit of the old 'empty nest'."

"She's lucky she still has the dance studio," Luna said.

"She doesn't ever want to give that up and she loves having Chiaki and Allie there too," Frankie said.

"Grandma," Caroline tugged Luna's shirt. "I brought you some cake."

"Thanks, sweetheart," Luna said taking the plate from her granddaughter. "That was very sweet of you."

"I'll make sure to make a big plate for Emma," Frankie said. "I hate that she couldn't be here."

"Mummy thought it might be too much for her," Caroline recited.

Frankie laughed. "Your mummy was probably right."

"She's helping Daddy at the pub," Caroline said. "But I wanted to come here."

"I'm glad you did," Luna said grinning at her. "And I love the necklace you made for Maddie."

Caroline beamed. "I worked really hard on it."

"I'd love it if you'd make one for me," Frankie said. "I'm jealous of Maddie for having one."

"I'll make one tonight!" Caroline said. "I'll make it really pretty for you Aunt Frankie."

"Thanks, Caroline," Frankie said smiling at her. "I cannot wait to see it."

"Where's Uncle Will today?" Caroline couldn't resist asking.

"He went flying with Ethan, Justin and Brian," Frankie replied. "They were going to try and play Quidditch."

"Do you think he might come home before I have to leave?" Caroline asked hopefully.

"He might," Frankie said. "I know he'd hate it if he missed you."

The little girl's face lit up in a grin as she ran back into the kitchen.

"Caroline's got a bit of a crush," Frankie explained to Luna.

"I figured as much," Luna said with a laugh. "It's about like how Emma is with Gabriel."

"It's really sweet," Frankie said. "Will's so great with all the kids."

"You're quite good, too," Luna commented. "Emma, Caroline, Mas and Sukie adore you."

"I guess," Frankie replied. "I suppose it's because I'm not a mother."

"Well, when you and Will decide to start your own family, I'm sure you're going to be a great Mum," Luna said smiling at her. Frankie only nodded wondering why everyone seemed to think this about her. She wasn't the maternal type and she honestly didn't know if she ever would be.

The shower went on for another few hours before most of the guests took their leave. Despite Frankie's protests, Maddie stayed after to help her friend clean up.

"Thank you again Frankie," Maddie said. "This was such an amazing day."

Frankie smiled. "It really was, well except for the Parvati thing."

"I don't know why she came," Maddie shook her head. "That woman is bizarre."

"I wonder if perhaps she's related to Alicia," Frankie said thoughtfully. "Talk about two birds of a feather."

Maddie giggled. "Let's not ever get them together."

"Deal," Frankie said waving her wand at a couple of dishes.

"Is it safe to come in here now?" Will asked from the doorway. He was standing with Ethan and both of them had their hands over their eyes.

"Yes, you goofball," Frankie said laughing. "How was flying?"

"Great," Ethan answered. "How'd you make out Mads?"

"Fantastic," Maddie said going over to give him a kiss. "And your mum is sending the entire bridal party to a spa."

"Even me?" Ethan asked. "Oh, I simply MUST get a facial before I walk down the aisle!" he said in a falsetto tone, making Will laugh.

Maddie hit him playfully in the arm. "No, Little Man. You don't get the spa treatment."

Frankie snorted at the expression on Ethan's face. "Little man eh?"

Ethan groaned. "I thought we all agreed that we wouldn't call me that once I passed the age of nine."

"I really hope Maddie doesn't call you that on your honeymoon," Frankie cracked.

Ethan scowled at her. "Okay, Frankie. How about we tell Will about your voyeurism days at Hogwarts?"

"What's this?" Will asked his wife.

"Nothing," Frankie said hastily. "How about you tell us more about your game?"

"It was just a pickup game really," Will shrugged. "Got any food left from the party? We're starving."

"Yes," Frankie said. "There's some cake and a few appetizers left over."

"Did RJ show up?" Maddie asked. "He said he might stop by."

Ethan shook his head. "We didn't hear a word from him."

"The team's really taken to him," Frankie reported.

Maddie gave a slight smile. "Yeah, but he seems to be pretty much nonexistent these days."

"I'll tell him to take a few days off before training begins," Frankie replied.

"As if he'd listen to you," Ethan said. "Frankie...he's 18 and thinks he can do no wrong right about now. All he cares about is hanging out with the team."

"Yes but I'm the PR manager for the team," Frankie said smugly. "I can make any of them listen to me."

"You can?" Ethan asked. "Like how?"

"I can make or break a team member's reputation," Frankie replied. "Not that I necessarily would... but I can."

"As long as you look out for him," Maddie said. "This is all so new to him and I'm sure it can be a bit overwhelming. And he...well, he showed up at our flat this morning wanting us to brew him up a hangover potion. He looked like shite."

"I'll tell the guys to lay off a bit," Frankie promised.

"Thanks, Frankie," Maddie said in relief.

"I'll look out for him," Frankie said. "He's a good kid."

"I hope he stays that way," Maddie said.

"Yeah right," Ethan joked with his mouth full.

"Ethan, don't you care about your future brother-in-law's well-being?" Maddie asked.

"Of course I do," Ethan replied.

Maddie relaxed a bit. "I'm sorry. I just want him to be okay."

"At least that one girl isn't around him anymore," Will replied. "The girl that gave him the love potion."

"Don't even get me started on her," Maddie said angrily. "Ethan had to stop me from seeking retaliation when I heard about what she tried to do."

"Mads was really pissed," Ethan nodded. "And I've never seen Ron so angry in my life."

Frankie smiled. There were many things she admired about the Weasley family, but the best thing about them was how if you messed with one, you messed with the whole family.

"I think you should be worried about what happens when we play the Cannons," Frankie said. "RJ's going to want to cripple Paul."

"We all want to cripple Paul," Maddie replied.

"Remind me never to piss you off," Ethan said putting an arm around his fiancée.

"Impossible," Maddie's face changed to a sweet smile as she gave him a kiss.

"Madeline Molly," he said smiling at her.

"You two are so sickeningly sweet," Frankie commented.

"You're the same way with Will," Maddie pointed out.

"She's my girl," Will made his wife squeal as he picked her up in his arms.

"William!" Frankie exclaimed. "Put me down!"

"No way," Will grinned at her in his typical irresistible way. "This is the first time I've spent more than five minutes with you all week."

"This is our cue to leave," Ethan said grabbing some more food and putting it on his plate. "Come on, Mads."

"Let's take some of this to go," Maddie said. "Then we don't have to make dinner tonight."

"Sounds like a good idea," Ethan said. "And get some for Blue, too."

"Wouldn't dream of leaving him out," Maddie giggled. "Thanks again for everything today Frankie. You're the best."

"You're welcome, Maddie!" Frankie called out over Will's shoulder as he carried her to their bedroom.

"We shrunk down most of the gifts," Maddie told Ethan. "Easier to carry that way."

"Do I get to see what you got?" Ethan tried to peek into a bag but she slapped his hand away.

"Not until the honeymoon," she said firmly.

"Oooh," Ethan sent her a charming grin.

"But I think you'll be very satisfied," Maddie said grinning back at him.

"I already know I will be," Ethan gave her a kiss.

"Let's go home," she said softly.

"Sounds good to me," Ethan helped her gather the rest of the gifts and he took the leftover food in his hand. "I plan to spend the rest of the evening with you on a sofa."

Maddie smiled. "That sounds perfect to me."