Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Another short one tonight, but you all get more of Hannah ;) Saturday's should definitely be longer!

Some of you guys are asking if we're going to be finishing this story up soon, and the answer to that is a big NO! We have soooo much storyline planned and will continue writing as long as you all continue reading!

We hope you like this chapter, and please review!!!

Hannah pulled the covers on her bed up tight and placed some of the dolls she'd been given on the pillow. Luna had told her that Frankie was bringing her nieces over that day to play with her.

She wasn't quite sure how she felt about this yet. Another girl named Jenny had arrived and seemed to enjoy playing outside with Joey and Zack rather than inside with dolls. Besides that, Hannah was used to having Frankie to herself when she visited and was scared that she'd be forgotten about if there were lots of other people around.

"Your room looks really nice," Luna said from the doorway.

"Thank you," Hannah said shyly. "I'm trying to keep it neat."

Luna smiled at her. "You don't have to be nervous about today, Hannah."

Hannah wrapped her arms protectively around herself. She had put on one of the outfits Frankie had bought for her.

"I spoke with Caroline on the phone this morning and she couldn't wait to come over and play," Luna said sitting down on the edge of Hannah's bed.

The little girl nodded and grabbed the teddy bear she'd started sleeping with every night.

"Did you want me to put your hair in plaits today?" Luna asked. "Or do you want to wear it down?"

"I don't know," Hannah answered. "My mummy used to put it in plaits for me sometimes."

"I can plait it for you and if you don't like it, we can take it down," Luna suggested.

"Okay," Hannah said, a tentative smile on her face.

Luna grabbed a brush and some ties from the dresser. "You have the prettiest hair, Hannah. It's so thick."

"Thank you," Hannah said quietly.

Luna finished plaiting Hannah's hair. "How about you take a look?"

"It's pretty," Hannah blushed a little. "I like it."

"I'm going to finish making some refreshments," Luna said. "Would you like to help me?"

"What are you making?" Hannah asked.

"Chocolate chip biscuits," Luna said. "Which I happen to know is certain four-year old's favourite..."

Hannah's face brightened. "I love those."

"I know," Luna said tickling Hannah's side. "With extra chocolate chips..."

"I'll help," Hannah chanced a smile at Luna.

Luna grinned at her. "You are the best helper in the world, Hannah."

"I am?" Hannah asked. "Really?"

"Yes you are," Luna said standing up and taking Hannah's hand. "I wouldn't say so otherwise."

"Do you think Frankie will like our chocolate chip biscuits?" Hannah asked as they went downstairs.

"I think so," Luna replied.

"You and Frankie are nice to me," Hannah said softly.

"You make it easy," Luna said pulling up a step stool for Hannah.

Hannah looked at her for a moment and opened her mouth to say something with Ron came into the kitchen.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Ron said pecking Luna on the cheek. "I finished mowing the lawn so everything's all nice for the princess ceremony."

"Thank you," Luna smiled at him. "Hannah and I are making some biscuits right now."

"Good morning, Hannah," Ron said smiling at the little girl.

Hannah stared at him wordlessly for a few moments. "Hi," she finally whispered.

"Are you looking forward to meeting the girls?" Ron asked her.

Hannah nodded shyly.

"I'll be out of your hair today," Ron said. "I'm taking Joey and Zack to the Puddlemere pitch to watch RJ's practise."

"They'll have loads of fun," Luna replied. "You should see if Jenny wants to tag along. She doesn't seem very interested in the princess gathering."

"I'll go and ask her," Ron said. He looked at Hannah. "Save me a few of those biscuits, alright?"

"Okay," Hannah said softly.

Luna exchanged a look with Ron. This was a huge step for Hannah. She hadn't spoken to Ron since her arrival.

"You boys have fun," Luna said smiling at her husband. "And tell RJ to stop by after the practise."

"I will," Ron said. "Next time I see you, you'll be an official princess," he smiled at Hannah.

"Belle," Hannah whispered.

"So you're Belle," Ron said. "She's a very beautiful princess isn't she?"

Hannah again nodded shyly.

"And she loves books just like Hannah," Luna said.

"I guess it was just meant to be," Ron wanted to give the little girl a hug but didn't in case he'd overstep his bounds.

Luna pulled out a couple of mixing bowls. "Hannah? Could you put some sugar in this bowl....just up to that first line there."

"Okay," Hannah carefully took the bag and scooped the sugar in.

Ron winked at Luna before walking out of the kitchen.

Luna and Hannah had fun mixing the ingredients for the biscuits and before long, they were placing the first batch in the oven.

"They smell yummy," Hannah peered into the door.

"They certainly do," Frankie said as she stepped into the kitchen.

"Frankie!" Hannah exclaimed making a beeline for her.

"Hey you," Frankie laughed as she hugged the little girl. "You look awfully pretty today!"

Hannah grinned. "So do you!"

"Thank you," Frankie kissed her cheek. "Would you like to meet some new friends?"

Hannah nodded. "Are they here?"

"In the sitting room," Frankie said.

Hannah wrapped her arms around Frankie's neck and said a silent prayer that Frankie's nieces would like her.

"Han!" she heard someone call out from the sitting room.

"That's my niece, Emma," Frankie explained. "She's the most excited, I think."

Hannah managed a small, trembly smile.

Frankie carried Hannah into the sitting room where Allison was sitting with the girls.

"Hannah, I'd like you to meet my sister, Allie," Frankie said.

"It's so nice to meet you Hannah," Allison said smiling warmly at the little girl. "Don't you look pretty today!"

"Thank you," Hannah said shyly.

"And the little redhead in her arms is Emma Madeline Weasley," Frankie said continuing the introductions.

"Hi Han!" Emma said, wiggling excitedly. "You're Em's best friend!"

Hannah smiled. "I am?"

Emma held out the stuffed animals she'd brought. "These for Han!"

"For me?" Hannah asked Frankie uncertainly.

"Emma's decided to give some of her animals to you," Frankie set her down.

"Thank you," Hannah said politely.

"I'm Caroline," Caroline said stepping forward. "You really do look like Belle!"

"Hi," Hannah blushed. "You look like her too."

Caroline grinned. "Thanks. We brought over some of our princess costumes and you even get your own tiara."

Emma toddled over to Hannah and took her hand.

"Come be princess," she urged.

"Wait just a minute Em," Frankie laughed. "This here is Mia," she placed a hand on her other niece's shoulder. "And then we have Katie."

"Hi," Mia said shyly. "I really like your name."

"Thanks," Hannah said, equally shy. She moved back to take Frankie's hand again.

Katie stared at Hannah wanting so badly to ask her what it was like to be an orphan, but she'd promised her mother she wouldn't say anything hurtful.

"Would you like to be in our princess club then?" Caroline asked her. "We have this dress for you," she pulled out her Belle gown. "You can keep it."

"What do you say, Hannah?" Frankie asked kneeling down to look at her. "You want to be a princess?"

"I want to," Hannah nodded.

"Yay!" Emma exclaimed clapping her hands.

"Hello girls," Luna came into the room. "I have fresh baked chocolate chip biscuits for all of you."

"Gamma Lu!" Emma squealed. "Em still baby!"

Luna laughed as she picked up her granddaughter. "Until Adam is born, remember sweetheart?"

Emma nodded. "Aunt Do have baby too!"

"That's right," Luna said. "You're going to have a new cousin in about six months."

"How about we have some biscuits before the ceremony, girls?" Allison asked struggling to get to her feet. Frankie broke away from Hannah for a moment to help her sister.

"Okay Mummy," Caroline said. "Does everyone want biscuits first?"

"I do," Katie said with a grin.

"Me too," Mia chimed in.

The other girls followed Luna and Emma into the kitchen, but Hannah hung back.

"What's wrong, Belle?" Frankie asked.

Hannah bit her lower lip. "Do they really like me?"

"You, my friend, are what we would call a hit," Frankie replied smiling at her. "They love you already. You heard Emma. You're her new best friend."

A sincere smile touched the corners of her mouth. "I really have friends now..."

Frankie gave her a hug. "You sure do."

Hannah held onto Frankie tightly.

"I'm dying to try your biscuits," Frankie said patting Hannah's back.

"I made them specially for you," Hannah said.

"For moi?" Frankie asked dramatically. "And I'm not even a princess!"

Hannah giggled.

"Let's go taste the royal biscuits then," Frankie said tickling Hannah.

"Okay," Hannah said, taking Frankie's hand.

"Who wants milk with their biscuits?" Luna was asking as they walked into the kitchen.

"Me, Gamma." Emma said.

"Me too," Mia said. "Please."

"Can I have some pumpkin juice?" Caroline asked.

"You can," Luna said. "How about you, Allie?"

"Milk would be fine," Allison replied.

"Can I have juice too?" Katie asked politely.

Luna nodded and Frankie and Hannah both opted for milk. Everyone agreed that the biscuits were delicious.

"You can thank Hannah for that," Luna said smiling at her foster daughter. "She helped make them."

"Good job Han," Emma said.

"Thanks," Hannah said softly.

"It's time for the ceremony," Caroline got up. "We have to go change."

"You girls can use the play room," Luna told them.

"Thank you Grandma," Caroline said. "Come on Hannah, we'll help you with your dress."

"Okay," Hannah said after looking at Frankie. "You'll be right here, Frankie?"

"I'm not going anywhere," Frankie promised.

Hannah followed the rest of the girls out of the kitchen.

Allison smiled at her sister. "You were right, Frankie."

"Isn't she just the sweetest thing?" Frankie gushed.

"She is," Allison agreed.

"She's come such a long way already because of you, Frankie." Luna sat down with a cup of coffee. "She's already shown signs of becoming more confident, and she's started talking to Ron."

Frankie grinned. "That's fantastic, Luna! I'm so proud of her."

"You should tell her," Luna said. "I don't want to scare you Frankie but I think that little girl looks up to you as a mother figure."

"Me?" Frankie asked. "I haven't done much, Luna."

"You've done more than you think," Allison told her sister.

Frankie was taken aback to hear this, but it didn't scare her. She was glad that she'd been able to make a difference with Hannah. She still felt that she wasn't doing enough; that she could be doing so much more.

"I just think it's wonderful what you're doing for her Frankie," Luna continued. "You've been more than generous with all the kids. I can't thank you enough."

Frankie blushed. "I'm happy to do it, Luna."

"We're ready!" Mia called into the room.

Allison grinned. "So are we!"

Frankie sat up as the girls began parading into the room.

"And," Caroline said standing back. "Our newest princess... Princess Belle!"

Hannah shyly edged into the room.

Frankie felt tears welling up in her eyes as she saw Hannah.

"Twirl like we showed you," Caroline whispered to Hannah. "You can do it."

"Do it with me?" Hannah looked a bit panicked.

Caroline smiled at her. "Okay, Hannah. On the count of three. One, two, three..."

All the girls spun around in graceful circles at the same time, making Allison, Frankie and Luna burst into applause.

"Show Hannah the princess wave!" Mia urged Katie. "Hannah, Katie does the best princess wave."

Katie smiled and demonstrated the wave. "Just make sure you look to the right and left when you do it..."

"Okay," Hannah tried to do it.

"That's good, Hannah," Katie said encouragingly. "You're a natural."

Hannah blushed deeply. "Thank you."

Frankie wiped her eyes before going over to Hannah.

"You look like a real princess, Hannah," Frankie said softly.

Hannah grinned at her. "I like being Belle."

Seeing how happy Hannah was made Frankie want to cry even more, but she didn't want to do that in front of the little girl. Instead she took Hannah's hand and started twirling her around. The sound of Hannah's laughter was like music to Frankie's ears.

Allison shared a look with Luna, who was also wiping at her eyes. She was proud of her sister for being such an important part of this young girl's life.

"Okay, princesses," Caroline said. "It's time to play Beauty Shop. Me and Hannah are going to be in charge."

"Too bad Aunt Maddie isn't here right?" Allison teased her daughter.

"My Aunt Maddie has the bestest beauty shop hair ever," Caroline told Hannah. "But for today, we'll have to make do with what we have."

Hannah smiled. "Okay, what do we do?"

"Well, usually Em is my helper," Caroline explained. "Because she likes to set up all the stuff. And Katie's always our customer because she loves to be waited on."

Katie giggled. "Caroline!"

"You do," Caroline laughed.

Katie shrugged. "Well, it is fun."

"So," Caroline continued taking Hannah's hand. "Katie and Mia will be our customers..."

"What about Em?" Emma asked her sister.

"You're the helper," Caroline replied. "And you can do the Magic Mud since I know you love that part mostest."

"Em loves Magic Mud," Emma said eagerly.

"You know what girls?" Luna said. "Grandpa just made the lawn look all nice and pretty. How about you have an outdoor beauty shop today?"

"Oooh!" Katie squealed. "Let's!"

"Today we'll call it the Princess Salon," Caroline decided. "Come on everyone!" she kept a hold on Hannah's fingers as the girls ran out the door.

Allison smiled as she, Frankie and Luna watched the girls set up their shop on the deck.

"She looks happy," Allison said putting an arm around her sister. "You helped do that, Frankie."

"I've never heard her laugh like that," Frankie admitted.

"Undoubtedly she hasn't in awhile," Luna nodded.

"She's never had friends before," Frankie said softly. "A few minutes ago, she looked at me and said that she actually had friends. I'm so happy for her."

The three women continued to watch out the window as the group of girls set everything up.

"We can use the little chairs," Caroline said.

"Em do mud!" Emma said happily, digging her little hands into the container they used.

"Have you ever played beauty shop before?" Caroline asked Hannah.

Hannah shook her head.

Caroline smiled. "It's okay. It's really easy, Hannah. Mia can be your customer and I'll take Katie. You just brush her hair and fix it and talk to her about her job and her family..."

"Okay," Hannah said nervously. She wasn't quite sure what to say to the blonde girl who sat down in front of her.

"Madam Hairwitch," Mia said. "I would like plaits today."

Hannah had plaited her doll's hair before so she hoped that she'd do a nice enough job on Mia's hair.

"Okay," Hannah said picking up a brush and running it through Mia's hair. " have really pretty hair."

"Thank you," Mia beamed.

"I have a big party tonight," Katie said dramatically. "I would like something really glamorous and beautiful."

"Will the prince be escorting you?" Caroline asked.

"Yes he will be," Katie replied. "He's the most handsome prince in the kingdom."

"But I thought he was going out with Pocahontas," Caroline said conversationally. "She was in here yesterday and she said he was HER boyfriend."

"Well," Katie said in a haughty tone. "She doesn't realise that he's with Tinkerbell now. And if she doesn't watch out, I'll tell Captain Hook to take her away!"

"You wouldn't!" Caroline exclaimed.

"Oh yes," Katie replied. "No one takes my boyfriend away from me!"

Hannah and Mia giggled.

"Katie always has the best stories," Mia told Hannah.

"This is fun," Hannah said as she tried to plait Mia's hair.

"We always have fun doing this," Mia said. "And you're doing really well."

"Really?" Hannah asked. "I never played this before."

Mia smiled. "We play it all the time and you're doing great, Hannah."

"I hope my plaits are okay," Hannah tied one off.

"It's okay if they're not," Mia told her. "But I'm sure they'll be pretty."

"When does Em get to do mud?" Emma called out.

"I would love the mud treatment, miss," Katie said snapping her fingers. "It's the reason I have such nice skin."

"Pretty," Emma nodded. "Pretty for the prince!"

Katie giggled. "That's right, Em."

"I was a little worried about hiring a mermaid for this job," Caroline confided. "But she's so good at giving shampoos."

"I would love a shampoo on my next trip," Mia called out.

"Pencil her in, Em," Caroline told her sister.

"Kay," Emma took out the old magazine they used as their appointment book.

"You guys won't believe what I heard," Mia said.

"What?" Caroline asked, eager for 'gossip'.

"I heard that Ariel has a crush on this really cute American boy," Mia said winking at Emma.

"Gabey!" Emma clapped her hands.

Caroline and Katie giggled. "Ariel and Gabriel," Katie said with a grin.

"What about Prince Eric?" Hannah asked. She had watched The Little Mermaid the other night with Frankie.

"Prince Gabriel is much, much cuter," Caroline giggled. "Like Uncle Will."

Mia turned to look at Hannah. "Princess Jasmine has a big crush on Will."

"That's Frankie's husband," Hannah said softly.

"And my uncle," Mia said. "He's the best."

"Uncle Will really is the bestest," Caroline agreed. "Did you get to meet him yet Hannah? I bet you'd like him."

Hannah nodded. "Just once."

"I bet he was super nice to you," Caroline said.

He had been nice now that she thought about it, but there were times when her father had been nice, too.

"I'm finished," Hannah said, wanting to talk about something else.

Mia picked up a mirror and examined Hannah's work.

"I look pretty!" Mia exclaimed. "Thank you Madam Hairwitch."

"You're welcome," Hannah blushed.

"Mud?" Emma asked hopefully.

"I suppose I could use a mud treatment," Mia said. "Do you have the time today?"

Emma nodded. "Em has time."

"All right then," Mia sat down and Emma gave her the cape to cover her princess dress.

Frankie came out onto the porch. "I know that I'm not a princess, but I was hoping one of you could fit me in. My hair is such a mess!"

Caroline pointed to Hannah. "My assistant is free, madam."

"Thank you," Frankie said. "I've heard good things about her."

Hannah turned red as Frankie sat down. "Um..." she began.

"How about you just brush and style it," Frankie suggested. "Whatever you think is best."

"Okay," Hannah nervously picked up a brush. "You have pretty hair."

"I got that from my Mum," Frankie said smiling as Hannah started brushing her hair.

"My mummy and I had the same hair too," Hannah said softly. "Daddy didn't like that."

"Your daddy didn't know what he was talking about," Frankie said firmly. "You have beautiful brown hair, Hannah."

Hannah smiled at Frankie gratefully.

Frankie smiled back. "And I've never had a real princess do my hair. I can't wait to tell all my friends!"

Hannah giggled. "I'm not really a princess though."

"Yes you are," Frankie said. "To me, you are."

"Really?" Hannah asked.

Frankie nodded. "Always."

Hannah put down the brush and hugged her.

Frankie hugged her back and fought her own tears.

Caroline smiled at her aunt as she finished with Katie's hair. "You look beautiful, dah-ling."

"Prettier than Pocahontas?" Katie asked.

"Definitely," Caroline nodded.

Katie grinned. "I couldn't have done it without you."

"That's because Mistress Caroline's Princess Salon is the best," Caroline replied.

"All the princesses go here," Katie said giving Caroline a hug.

"Em do mud," Emma called out. "Tink next!"

Frankie giggled. "Too bad Grandpa Neville isn't here, right Em?"

"Gampa love mud," Emma replied.

"He hates it actually," Frankie whispered to Hannah. "But he sits there because he knows that she loves it."

"He sounds nice," Hannah said tentatively.

"He is," Frankie said. "I hope someday you'll get to meet him. He's really good friends with Ron."

"Ron was nice to me today," Hannah said softly. "He wants me to save him biscuits."

Frankie laughed. "That sounds like Ron."

"Han want mud too?" Emma asked.

"Sure," Hannah said smiling at Emma.

"Sit," Emma pointed to her chair. "Em do good job for Han."

Hannah did as she was told and Frankie decided to check in with Caroline and Katie.

"Hannah's really great, Aunt Frankie," Caroline told her aunt.

"I'm so glad you girls like her," Frankie said.

"She did a good job on my plaits," Mia said tugging on one of them. "Didn't she?"

"Yes she did," Frankie beamed at her other niece.

"We should play together every weekend," Katie said. "I bet she'd like that."

"That's very nice of you Katie," Frankie replied.

Hannah giggled as Emma rubbed some of the mud on her face. "Emma, that's cold."

"Good for you," Emma told her.

"What does it do?" Hannah asked.

Emma thought for a moment. "Sissy? What does mud do?"

"Makes your skin pretty," Caroline told her.

"Makes Han pretty!" Emma echoed.

"Okay," Hannah said as Emma put a huge glob of it on her cheek.

Frankie laughed as Emma smeared the mud all over Hannah's face.

"It's really cold," Hannah giggled.

"Rub it between your hands Em," Frankie said. "It'll warm it up a little."

"Kay," Emma said doing as her aunt asked. "Sorry, Han."

"It's okay Emma," Hannah replied.

In the kitchen, Allison helped herself to another one of the biscuits.

"Caught you," Luna said laughing.

"I can't help it," Allison grinned. "I'm eating for two. And what Adam wants, he gets."

"Eat as many as you want," Luna said. "There's another batch in the oven."

"These are delicious," Allison said.

Luna poured herself another cup of coffee. "So how are things going? Jonathan told me you had a scare the other night..."

"I was worried that I was going to go through what happened with Emma," Allison admitted. "But when that happened, the pain didn't go away. This time it did."

"That's good," Luna said patting Allison's shoulder. "I don't know what we'd do without you, Allie."

"Thanks Luna," Allison replied.

"And I'm so glad the girls could come over today," Luna said sitting back down.

"Em hasn't talked about anything else all week," Allison said. "She was so excited to meet Hannah."

"It's good for Hannah to have friends," Luna said thoughtfully. "The two boys have been hanging together and then Jenny's come along, but she's more of a tomboy so she and Hannah don't have that much in common."

"Frankie's really taken with her," Allison nodded.

"She is," Luna agreed. "I really don't think Hannah would have come so far without her."

"It just amazes me that she's come this far in a week," Allison said.

"Me too," Luna agreed. "And she's talking to Ron now which was a bit step. It's not much, of course, but it's a start."

Allison nodded as the girls came back in.

"Don't you all look gorgeous," Luna said smiling at them.

"Em did mud Gamma," Emma said happily.

"You do the best mud," Luna said scooping her up. "Your Grandpa is going to hate that he missed that."

Caroline giggled. "Tell him next time."

"I will," Luna said squeezing Emma. "You want some more biscuits?"

Emma nodded eagerly.

"Okay," Luna said giving her a kiss. "Coming right up, my little mermaid."

"Now that you're in the princess club," Katie told Hannah. "When we have meetings we all have to wear our dresses."

"Okay," Hannah said eagerly. "How often do you meet?"

"Every few weeks," Caroline told her.

"Thank you," Hannah said.

"For what?" she asked.

"For letting me play with you," Hannah said shyly.

Caroline grinned at her. "You're our new friend, Hannah."

Hannah beamed at her.

"Best friends," Mia said and even Katie nodded in agreement.

"Em's best friend," Emma chimed in.

Hannah grinned. "Thanks, Emma."

"That's my girls," Allison said proudly.

The rest of the afternoon went by quickly and the girls were exhausted by the end of the day. The girls promised Hannah that they'd see her at the Quidditch match next weekend.

"I made new friends today," Hannah said to Frankie and Luna. She was more animated than either one of them had seen her be in the week she'd been there.

"You sure did," Frankie said giving her a hug.

"You sure had a lot of fun today," Luna commented.

Hannah nodded. "Thank you."

"Thank you," Luna said. "For all your help. You're a lovely baking partner."

"They were pretty good, weren't they?" Hannah asked.

"Ron's going to absolutely love them," Luna told her. "And I think we've saved enough for the other kids too."

Hannah yawned and Frankie laughed. "A bit knackered?"

"A little," Hannah nodded.

"We might have time for a story before I go home," Frankie said.

"A new story?" Hannah brightened.

"Of course," Frankie replied with a wink.

"Yay," Hannah said happily.

"I'm just going to check in on Caitlin," Luna said excusing herself.

"What would you like to read?" Frankie asked. "I'll let you pick."

Hannah thought about this for a few moments. "Rapunzel?"

"That sounds like a good one to me," Frankie followed Hannah upstairs.

"I like that one," Hannah said. "And you're really good with the voices, Frankie. I know you said you weren't, but you really are."

"Thanks Hannah," Frankie smiled. "I'm getting better aren't I?"

Hannah nodded. "All the time."

"I'm glad," Frankie said as they settled on the bed.

Hannah cuddled up beside Frankie as Frankie began to read.

It didn't' take long for the little girl to nod off. Frankie gently removed the tiara from her hair and took her slippers off before pulling a light blanket over the sleeping child.

"Sweet dreams, Hannah," Frankie whispered.