Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: Here's today's update for you guys- sorry it's a bit late but better late than never ;) We did review replies earlier and answered every single one, so everyone who left an email should have received a notice about it. Thank you ALL- your comments were so fun to read and we enjoyed answering them!

H/Hr have some quality time in this, and you will see Frankie and Will, plus RJ's big driving lesson. Hope you all enjoy it and please let us know what you think!

The holiday in Brighton coupled with what had happened with her father had left Hermione trying to play catch up at work. She'd tried to juggle checking up on her mother with working at the Ministry and the stress of the situation had started to get to her.

It was Harry's idea to spend a quiet night in not talking about work and doing something normal. He'd made dinner for his wife and they were now munching on popcorn while playing their third game of Scrabble.

Harry watched in amazement as his wife placed her tiles down on the board.

"L-E-G-E-R-I-T-Y. Is that a word?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Of course it's a word. It means quickness of the mind or body. And I believe that's a triple letter and triple word so I get 75 points on that one."

"Whatever," Harry muttered. He studied the board and plucked two of his tiles. "At," he said proudly. "Seven points."

"So now you're only 150 points behind me," Hermione said stifling a laugh as she wrote his score on the tablet. "This is soooo much fun."

"I bet you're certainly enjoying it," Harry grinned at his wife. He was glad to see her laughing and enjoying things again.

Hermione studied her tiles and then placed another big word down on the board which her husband questioned again and she challenged him to pull out the dictionary if he doubted her.

"I'm going to get some more soda," she said after writing her score down on the tablet. "You want anything else?"

"If we've got any butterbeer I'll have one," Harry answered, studying his own tiles to see what sort of word he could make next.

"Okay," Hermione said standing up. "And don't you peek at my letters while I'm gone either."

"What difference does it make?" Harry asked, but she was already in the kitchen.

Hermione came back carrying a glass of soda for her and a can of butterbeer for her husband. She saw him looking quite pleased with himself. "Did you make your move?" she asked. He pointed to the four-letter word he'd just played.

"Shag?" she asked laughing. "Well, you've moved up to four letters now..."

"Are you proud?" he teased.

"Definitely," Hermione said sitting back down. "I remember Dad and I used to play this all the time. He used to beat me every single time. I used to get so angry."

Harry laughed. "Was he the one who used the never before seen words like you're doing now?"

"Yes he did as a matter of fact," she grinned.

Harry shook his head. "All right, you walking dictionary. It's your turn."

Hermione looked thoughtfully at her tiles and then at the board. She had such a serious expression on her face as she leaned forward in her chair moving the tiles around on the holder. "Here's one I know that you'll know my love..."

She built onto a "T" that was already on the board by placing "R-A-B-B-I" in front of it.

Harry laughed. "That's not fair," he said. "I was going to use that one eventually."

"You still could," Hermione said encouragingly. "We're not finished yet."

"Right," Harry said, taking another tile and putting it on the end. "Rabbits. Plural." he grinned.

Hermione beamed at him. "That would be you and me."

"Yes it would," Harry leaned over and gave her a kiss. "Still on top after all these years."

"Thank you for doing this," she said. "I know you don't like to play, but it's just what I needed tonight."

"I don't mind too much," Harry said. "I'm just glad you're having a good time. You've been so busy these last few weeks I knew you needed one night of absolute nonsense."

"I did," she said placing some more tiles on the board. "You always know just what to do and what I need."

"That's why I'm still your Rabbit King," Harry said with a silly grin.

Hermione reached into the bowl and threw a piece of popcorn at her husband. "You like that title, don't you?"

"Only when you're sharing it with me," Harry tossed the kernel back.

"Ohhh," Hermione teased. "Were you the Rabbit King before you met me?"

"Not so much." Harry said, poking her side.

"Cho did say your first time didn't last very long," Hermione teased.

Harry gave her a look. "Your turn Rabbit Queen."

"Okay Mister One Minute," she said turning her attention back the board.

"That one was below the belt," Harry complained. "I never blew it that fast!"

"That's not what Cho says," Hermione told him. "She said it was very short, sweet and to the point."

"Cho wasn't the voice of experience herself," Harry grumbled. "She has a bigger mouth than anything else."

"You've come along way since then," Hermione reassured him. "I can certainly vouch for you."

Harry smiled as he set some tiles down. "Arse," he said proudly.

"Good one," Hermione said laughing. "Maybe I should read that trashy novel Isabella put out to see what she had to say."

Harry snorted. "Considering I supposedly cheated on you with her, it's probably given me a glowing review. Otherwise it makes her look bad that she stayed with me for so long." he rolled his eyes.

Hermione nodded. "Well, I haven't written any books, but if I did, you'd certainly get top marks from me. I've been satisfied for many, many years."

"As have I," Harry said softly, squeezing her hand.

They heard the front door opening. "Saffy, is that you?" Hermione called out.

"Yeah it's me," she called back.

"Come help your father," Hermione said. "I'm completely killing him..."

"Are you two playing chess?" Saffron asked, coming into the sitting room. "Oh Scrabble- he's just as bad at that."

"Thanks Saffy," Harry said sarcastically. "I'm not that bad."

"I'm beating you by 200 points," Hermione pointed out.

Saffron giggled. "Have you two been doing this all night?"

"After I made your mum dinner," Harry said.

"How was your grandmother?" Hermione asked. Saffron had spent the evening over at Elinore's with Sean.

"She was good," Saffron said. "She really liked meeting Sean."

"I appreciate you going over there," Hermione said giving her daughter a hug. "And I know it meant a lot to your Gran."

"I'm glad to spend time with her," Saffron replied. "I won't get to see her much while I'm away at school. And it was nice of Sean to come with me."

"He seems like a nice boy, doesn't he Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Sure," Harry replied. "Long as he keeps treating you right."

"He is," Saffron said smiling at him. "Dad, we're flying tomorrow right? After you get off work?"

"Sure," Harry stretched. "We could probably get in a game of pickup Quidditch if you get R.J. to come over."

"Oh yeah," Saffron said. "I was supposed to ask you if you'd teach him how to drive."

"R.J.?" Hermione asked. "Drive?"

"He wants to know," Saffron shrugged. "Personally, I'd be terrified to be in the same car as him. Probably be safest in the boot." she giggled.

Hermione laughed. "Well, Harry...he is your godson."

"I suppose if it's okay with Ron I could take him behind the wheel," Harry said.

"It's been nice knowing you Dad," Saffron said giving him a hug.

Harry mussed his daughter's hair. "Well is this game a lost cause for me Saffy?" he asked.

Saffron looked at the board. "I think so, Dad. You're pretty much toast at this point."

"Your mother wins again," Harry said, tickling his baby daughter.

"Daddy!" Saffron said giggling. "Stop!"

Hermione watched them and felt a little teary-eyed as she remembered nights like this with her own father.

"I don't get to do this anymore," Harry was laughing.

"Not in public anyway," Saffron said with a hiccup. "Mum..."

"Yes sweetheart," Hermione said trying to stave off the tears.

Harry stopped, noticing his wife's change of tone. "Sweetheart?"

"I'm okay," Hermione reassured him. "I just saw you and Saffy and it reminded me of my father. It's okay, really."

"Mum," Saffron left her father's side and hugged her. "I miss him so much too..."

"I think I'm doing okay and then something will remind me," Hermione said starting to cry. "It's so hard."

Saffron blinked back her own tears again. "I had to go into the loo tonight to cry when I was at Gran's. Being there is so hard sometimes- everything reminds me of him."

Hermione hugged her tightly. "I know, baby. Me too."

Harry sat down next to his wife and daughter and gathered them both in his arms without a word.

"I know this is hard on my mum too," Hermione said. "And I'm always trying to be strong for her."

"You're doing a fine job," Harry said.

"She told me tonight how much she loves having you around," Saffron said, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

"Lav's taken this hard too," Hermione sniffed. "Seamus says she's holed up at home and not wanted to go out."

"Maybe you should see if she wants to come over here for a few weeks," Harry said. "She needs to be around family right now."

"You really want Aunt Lav to stay here?" Saffron asked in surprise. Her father usually groaned and moaned whenever that possibility arose.

Harry chuckled. "I know. I felt my head to see if I hit it and left a bump."

"I'll owl her tonight," Hermione said. "Thanks Harry."

"Anything for you," Harry smiled at her.

"Julie told me if there's anything we can take from Grandpa's death is that we learn not to take the people we love for granted," Saffron said quietly. "I'm never going to do that. Take anyone I love for granted."

"That's good Saffy," Harry said. "And we know how you are with family."

"I love you guys," Saffron said resting her head on her father's shoulder.

"We love you too baby," Harry said, kissing her forehead.

"I'm going to head on up to bed," Saffron said a few moments later.

"Good night sweetheart," Hermione said giving her a hug.

"Night," Saffron kissed her mother on the cheek and then hugged Harry again.

"She's something else, isn't she?" Hermione said after Saffron went upstairs.

"She is," Harry said, dumping the Scrabble tiles back in the box. "Are you really okay?"

Hermione nodded. "I am. It just hit me when I saw you and Saffy together."

"I'm sorry," Harry replied.

"You made me forget about it for a little while," she said helping him clear things away. "Thank you for tonight, Harry."

"I'd do it anytime to make you happy," Harry replied, looking straight at her.

"What did I do to deserve such a great husband?" Hermione asked.

"I'm not quite sure," Harry teased. "It's not because you're a good cook..."

Hermione punched him on the arm. "I guess it's because I'm good in bed eh?"

"Oh that might have something to do with it," Harry picked her up honeymoon style. "I can still carry you like this... you're still the most gorgeous witch I've ever seen in my life..."

Hermione laughed and rested her head on his chest. "I love you, Harry James."

"I love you Hermione Jane," Harry answered. "Always have, always will."

He effortlessly carried her upstairs. "I think I know where this is headed," she said softly.

"I get to play with my lucky rabbit feet tonight?" Harry teased.

"Yes," Hermione said laughing.

"My favourite night time activity," he said with a wicked grin.

Harry kicked the door closed and carried his wife over to the bed.

"Going to last more than a minute?" she asked teasingly.

"You're the only one I can't wait for," he teased back.

"Good answer," she said pulling him down on top of her.

"Come on Rabbit Queen," he murmured, running his lips over her smooth neck.

Hermione arched against him. "Every time with you feels like the first," she said softly running her hands over his back.

Harry smiled down at her. "I aim to please."

"You always do," she said kissing him hungrily.

*** *** ***

Frankie Barron was incredibly excited. Aside from her and Will's families, none of their friends had come over to see their new home yet. They'd just finished with their redecorations and now the place was as much a home as either of their flats had been.

She was humming as she finished putting on some earrings and a matching necklace- any minute now Maddie, Ethan and Alicia would be arriving and they would have a drink before heading out for the evening.

"All right," Will said as he came in the room. "I set the wedding album out on the table- I know you said you wanted to look through it with Maddie and Alicia."

"Thank you!" Frankie beamed at him.

"Those pictures don't do you justice though," Will said putting his arms around his wife.

She laughed. "You have the real thing," she said, kissing him. "Mmm... I love being married to you." Frankie closed her eyes dreamily.

"The honeymoon's not over then?" he asked holding her close.

"Will it ever be?" she asked huskily.

"I'm sure we'll have a few rows here and there," he said. "But making up will be really fun..."

The doorbell chimed and Will groaned. Frankie though clapped her hands excitedly and nearly sprinted out of the room to open the door.

"Hi you guys!" she bubbled as she pulled open the door to reveal an amused looking Ethan with Maddie. "Come in, come in!" she gave them both a big hug.

"Mrs. Barron I presume," Maddie said hugging her friend back.

"This place looks amazing," Ethan said looking around. The last time he and Maddie had seen the place it had been in serious need of a good paint job and major repairs.

"That's me!" Frankie laughed. "And thank you Ethan. Will and I really had our work cut out for us."

Ethan laughed and handed Will the bottle of red wine he and Maddie had bought as a housewarming gift.

"Thanks mate," Will said taking the bottle. "We can have a drink before we head out..."

"No we have to wait for Lee!" Frankie exclaimed.

"Of course," Will said. "Well how about I just go and get the glasses instead?"

"Okay then we'll be all ready when she gets here," Frankie replied.

"Whenever that is," Will muttered under his breath, heading for the kitchen.

"We went over to Allie and Jon's the other day," Maddie said as Frankie led them into the sitting room. "Emma and Caroline kept showing off those leis you brought them. Allie said they haven't taken them off."

"Did they have those hula skirts on too?" Frankie asked, leading them into the sitting room. "I couldn't resist when I saw them. Will and I got one for Mia too."

"Oh yes," Ethan said laughing. "Emma and Caroline even put on an impromptu hula dance for us."

"They were so cute!" Maddie gushed.

Frankie laughed too. "We have gifts for both of you as well!" she said. "I'll go get them and be right back!"

Ethan and Maddie sat down on the sofa. Will came back carrying glasses and set them down on the coffee table.

"I've never seen Frankie look so happy," Maddie commented smiling at Will.

"I'm glad," he replied. "I tell you, those last few days before the wedding I wasn't sure if she'd be there or not. I'd never say anything to her of course..."

"She didn't have any doubts," Maddie said. "She kept telling us how she couldn't wait."

"Here we are!" Frankie said carrying two boxes. "Here's Maddie's. And this one's for you Ethan."

Maddie smiled at her friend and then carefully opened the box to reveal silver plumeria earrings.

"Frankie!" Maddie gasped. "These are beautiful!"

"I saw them and immediately thought of you," Frankie replied.

"And you thought of me when you saw Macadamia nut brittle?" Ethan grinned. "This stuff is fantastic!"

"Well you are nuts," Frankie teased.

"That's a compliment coming from you," Ethan joked, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you Frankie. I won't let my girlfriend touch this or I'll never get any."

Maddie gave him a look of mock indignation.

The doorbell chimed again and Frankie grinned. "That'll be Lee. I'll be right back."

When Frankie opened the door, she found a sour looking Alicia.

"Your walkway was so...muddy!" Alicia whined. "Look at my shoes!"

"They haven't repaved it yet," Frankie said ushering her inside. "I'll charm the mud off Lee, it'll be okay."

"Okay?" Alicia said holding onto the doorframe as she took off her shoes. "These are Italian!"

"And we're witches with amazing cleaning spells," Frankie refused to let her friend's antics bother her. "Come on, I want to show you my new place. Oh- and I also have a gift for you from Hawaii." she took out the small box and handed it to her friend. Inside was a pair of expensive mother of pearl earrings that Frankie had seen and knew immediately that her friend would love.

"Franks!" Alicia said grinning at her friend. "These are exquisite!"

"I knew you had to have them," Frankie grinned back at her. "Everyone's in the sitting room- let me show you what we've done."

Alicia left her expensive shoes by the door and she followed her best friend into the sitting room where Maddie, Ethan and Will were talking.

"Hello Alicia," Maddie said warmly. "It's good to see you again."

"You too Maddie," Alicia said breezily, nodding at Ethan and Will.

"What's this?" Maddie asked looking at the elegant while album on the coffee table.

"The wedding photos!" Frankie exclaimed. "I wanted you and Lee to look at them!"

"Ooh," Maddie said with a grin. "I've been dying to see these." Everyone gathered around as she opened the album. "Look at those two!" she laughed, pointing to a picture of Caroline and Mia.

"They kept thanking me for giving them the tiaras," Frankie said giggling. "And they loved it when Will got down on one knee and kissed their hands."

"They were a cute touch," Ethan agreed.

Maddie turned the page to a picture of the entire wedding party. Alicia groaned. "Franks! You have to take this out right away. Look! I'm standing beside that short brother of William's..."

Will gasped dramatically. "I'm so sorry Alicia. Jack really tried to get taller for the wedding, but he didn't have enough time..."

Ethan and Maddie laughed at Will's theatrics but Alicia remained stone faced. "Well it looks ridiculous," she said.

"Lee he's only like two inches shorter than you," Frankie said. "And you wore your hair up and that made you seem taller than you are."

"Whatever," Alicia said coldly.

"Oh look," Maddie said turning the page again showing a photograph of the bride with all her bridesmaids.

"There's the prettiest group of women I've ever seen," Ethan said smiling at his girlfriend.

"Look at Chiaki," Frankie said proudly. "She kept complaining that she still looked like a house, but she looked gorgeous as always. And Allie looked beautiful..."

Alicia snorted quietly.

Frankie glared at her. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," Alicia replied.

"You don't think my sisters looked pretty?" Frankie asked not ready to let this go.

"Well they could have looked nicer if they were thinner like we are- the ones who haven't ruined our figures by having children," Alicia said.

"I beg your pardon?" Frankie asked clenching her hands. "You can't tell Allie's had two children and Chiaki's well on her way to losing the weight she put on with the twins. And I'll have you know..."

"How about we take that tour?" Will suggested hastily.

"That sounds like a great idea," Maddie handed the album to him and he put it on the shelf.

Frankie got to her feet, eager to show everyone around her new home. "Well, this is the sitting room, of course. Will and I basically did the painting the Muggle way. He suggested it and at first I thought he'd gone mad, but we had so much fun didn't we sweetheart?"

"Aye," Will grinned at her. "Amidst all the paint fights that is."

Ethan laughed. "Those can be fun."

"Will refurbished the wood on those shelves," Frankie said proudly. "And he found that coffee table at an old thrift shop."

"It's rather drab, isn't it?' Alicia asked looking disdainfully around the room.

Maddie stared at her, amazed that the other woman could be so critical. "I think it's lovely," she volunteered.

"Thanks," Frankie said smiling at her friend. "And I know you'll want to see the kitchen. Jon and Allie helped Will and me out and they gave it their seal of approval..."

"The kitchen is my favourite room," Maddie laughed. "Just ask Ethan."

"I need to ask Ron and Luna if she was born in a kitchen," Ethan joked. Frankie led the way into the kitchen with a bored looking Alicia bringing up the rear.

"I really like the colours we used in here," Frankie said. "The reds and the blacks. It's quite vibrant, don't you think?"

"Definitely," Maddie agreed. "Looks very contemporary yet very warm."

"Frankie and I were talking about possibly having a dinner party once we've settled in more," Will said conversationally.

"That could be a lot of fun," Ethan agreed.

"A dinner party!" Alicia suddenly came alive. "Will it be formal?"

"Formal?" Frankie asked thinking Alicia was joking. "The place is a little small for a formal dinner party, Lee. I was thinking more along the lines of casual."

Ethan snapped his fingers. "Damn, I was hoping to wear my ball gown, too!"

"Or a hula skirt? I'm sure Caroline would let you borrow hers. With a tiara," Will teased.

"Oooh!" Maddie said. "Frankie! You could have an island themed party. Everyone could dress up in island wear and you could have island cuisine..."

"What a great idea!" Frankie said excitedly. "Mads that's perfect!"

"Really?" Maddie asked, pleased.

"Will you help me plan it?" Frankie asked, not noticing Alicia's astonished look.

"I'd love to," Maddie replied.

"Wait," Alicia interjected. "I hardly think Madeline here has any experience planning parties."

"What does that matter?" Frankie asked.

Alicia rolled her eyes as if this should have been obvious.

Frankie silently counted to ten, not wanting to get upset on what was supposed to be a fun night with her friends. "Well, I was thinking we'd invited some of Will's co-workers and his brother and sister, of course. And I'd invite some people from the office as well as Jon, Allie, Drew, Darla, Josh, Lizzy, Nick, Julie..."

"What about our friends Frankie?" Alicia interrupted. "Have you forgotten about us in your new life of wedded bliss?" her words were laced with sarcasm.

Frankie stared at her in disbelief. "You interrupted me, Lee."

Alicia snorted. "Whatever."

"What is your problem?" Frankie asked not ready to let her off so easily.

"You've just changed, Frankie," Alicia exclaimed. "A year ago you'd drop everything to come out and party and now it's all Mr. Boring this, Mr. Boring that- you never make time for your real friends anymore!"

"My real friends?" Frankie asked. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She got right in Alicia's face. "You act as if I'm not supposed to have any friends except for you. And when I want to spend time with my sisters or with Ethan or Maddie or Merlin forbid my husband, you try and make me feel guilty for it."

"You are so different," Alicia said evenly. "You're boring just like them now Frankie."

Frankie looked as if Alicia had slapped her. "Boring? I am not boring!"

"Yes you are!" Alicia replied. "All you do now is sit in instead of going out. And whenever we try to make plans with you, it has to be weeks in advance when before it was always on a moment's notice."

Frankie let out a hollow laugh. "You've got to be kidding me! When I wanted to go shopping for bridesmaid dresses, you kept putting all of us out. We had to work around your schedule. My pregnant sister certainly didn't need to be out and about on her feet like that, but you didn't care! You've made rude and sarcastic remarks about people I care about and you've done nothing but be critical and mean since you walked in the door!"

"I'm just telling it like it is," Alicia retorted.

"Is that what you're doing?" Frankie asked folding her arms. "Well, okay then. I'll do the same. I think you should leave. Go!"

"Excuse me?" Alicia raised an eyebrow incredulously.

"If I'm so boring and predictable," Frankie said icily. "I don't see why you should subject yourself to spending time with me. So take your Italian shoes and your selfish attitude and get out of my house!"

Alicia stared at her for a moment then pushed past Ethan and stomped out, slamming the door shut behind her.

"Ugh!" Frankie moaned. "Can you believe her?"

"None of that was true baby," Will reassured her. "She's just jealous of you."

Frankie went into his arms. "I wanted to knock her lights out."

"Get in line," Ethan joked, trying to make her smile. "She's got some nerve to say that Frankie."

"Thanks Ethan," Frankie said gratefully. "You guys are my real friends."

Maddie gave her a hug. "For what it's worth Frankie, I'm glad you and I have gotten closer. You're the furthest person I know from being boring."

"Me too," Frankie said. "I wish we could have been closer growing up."

"Mads was too busy chasing after me and Dolly when she was a kid," Ethan said cheekily. "She didn't have time for anything else."

"And I finally got him," Maddie replied, pinching his side.

Will came back into the kitchen with the wine glasses and quickly poured them each a glass.

"How about a toast to my beautiful, vibrant, unpredictable wife?" he asked raising his glass.

"And my incredibly boring husband?" Frankie asked with a soft smile. "Who really isn't boring at all? And to the best of friends," she included Ethan and Maddie in her grin.

"Here! Here!" Maddie said clinking glasses with them.

"Thanks you guys," Frankie said after they'd all drank. "I really mean that. You've become my best friends."

"Even me?" Ethan asked.

"Believe it or not," Frankie joked.

*** *** ***

"Please Daddy?" Saffron gave him a begging look. "I really want to go. And besides, you said I should observe everyone so I can see different driving styles."

R.J. was coming over so Harry could start showing him what being behind the wheel was like and Saffron was doing her very best to convince her father to let her go along.

"I don't know Saffy," Harry replied. "I'd really like to see how good a driver he is, and if he's really bad, I don't want you in the car."

"You're not taking him out on the motorway," Saffron argued. "I heard you tell mum you were going to teach him in that old parking lot..."

"Anything can happen in a car, anywhere," Harry said. He sighed. "If you promise to sit quietly in the back with your seat belt on, you can go."

Saffron crossed her fingers behind her back. "You won't even know I'm there."

"All right," Harry conceded.

"Thanks Daddy!" Saffron said hugging him.

"You're welcome baby," Harry kissed the top of her head. "Let me know when R.J. gets here all right? I've got a few things to do in my office before we leave."

"Okay," she said picking up her book. "I'm just going to finish my book."

"Sounds good," Harry smiled at her before leaving the room.

Saffron settled down in her favourite chair in the sitting room with her book.

It was a half hour before the fireplace roared to life and R.J. came tumbling out, coughing as he dusted himself off. "Haven't you lot ever heard of cleaning your fireplace?" he asked wheezing.

"What have you got on?" Saffron asked looking at her friend who was wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses. "R.J., it's the middle of summer! And I hate to break this to you, but Dad's not taking you out on a motorcycle."

"My dad said I should dress like a Muggle," R.J. said defensively.

Saffron giggled. "And you put gel in your hair?"

"What's wrong with that?" R.J. asked.

"Nothing," Saffron giggled. "You look fine. You just might want to lose the jacket."

"All right," R.J. said, shrugging out of it. "I really didn't like it that much anyway."

"Whose is it anyway?" Saffron asked taking it from him.

"Andrew's," R.J. replied.

"I'd say Andrew needs to rethink his fashion sense," Saffron said tossing it on the sofa. "I'll go tell Dad you're here."

"Okay Saf," R.J. said with a grin.

"I'm coming with by the way," Saffron said sweetly over her shoulder before leaving to get her father.

"What?" he asked. "Why? You're just going to take the Mickey out of me if I do bad!" R.J. called after her.

"Who me?" Saffron called back.

R.J. followed her. "You promise you won't bug me?" he asked.

Saffron kept silent as she led the way to her father's office.

"Saf," R.J. said warningly.

"I think you might be frustrated since my best friend and your girlfriend has gone on holiday with her parents until we go back to school," Saffron teased.

"I miss her already," R.J. replied. "I did get an owl from her last night though. She's having fun but she wishes I was there. Absolutely no mention of you though," he grinned wickedly at her.

"She wrote me too," Saffron shot back. "Of course, her letter kept droning on and on about Ben, Ben, Ben."

R.J. narrowed his eyes. "What the hell would she be talking about him for?"

"I don't know," Saffron said thoughtfully. "Maybe since his family and hers always go on holiday together around this time."

"Why didn't she tell me that?" he asked indignantly.

"Maybe because she had a feeling you might react like that," Saffron guessed. When she noticed the look on his face, she felt bad for teasing him. "She didn't mention him in her letters, R.J.. She kept on for about two pages about how much she missed you. Honestly!'

"Oh," R.J. said, feeling a bit foolish. "Two pages?"

"Two mushy, fluffy pages," Saffron replied nodding. "Don't ask me for concrete details. After awhile I had to stop reading because I was a bit nauseous."

R.J. laughed. "That's my girl," he said.

Saffron knocked on the door to her father's office. "Dad? R.J.'s here."

"Come on in," Harry replied.

Saffron opened the door.

"Thanks for agreeing to do this, Uncle Harry," R.J. said smiling at him. "I've wanted to learn for ages."

"Sure R.J.," Harry smiled back. "Nice hair."

Saffron laughed. "That's what I told him."

"My dad told me I had to look like a Muggle!" R.J. raised his hands to his red hair and mussed it back up.

"You are getting tips on being a Muggle from a bloke who calls a telephone a 'fellytone'," Harry joked.

"Right," R.J. grimaced. "That's the last time I listen to him."

"Are we taking your car or Mum's?" Saffron asked.

"We'll take mine," Harry said, pushing his papers aside. "R.J. have you ever driven anything before?"

"Does a Muggle bicycle count?" R.J. asked.

Harry laughed. "Not really," he said. "I'm going to take you to this old parking lot for practise. I'll drive over and I want you to watch and see what I do. And then once we get there you'll take over."

R.J. nodded. "That sounds good. I think I'll be a natural. It can't be any harder than being on a broom."

"Well the thing you have to remember is that in the sky you're generally alone," Harry said as he R.J. and Saffron walked out to the car. "On the road, you'll have plenty of idiots right in your way and you have to be aware of everything at all times."

R.J. slid into the passenger seat while Saffron gleefully sat in the back.

"This is a great car Uncle Harry," R.J. said admiringly.

"Thanks R.J.," Harry replied as he turned the ignition on and put the car in reverse. "You see how I did that?"

R.J. nodded. "What's the "R" stand for?"

"Reverse," Harry replied. "The D is drive, the N is neutral..."

"The 'P' is for park," Saffron chimed in from the backseat.

"I don't know what any of that means," R.J. said.

"Reverse is when you want to move the car backwards," Saffron answered before Harry had the chance. "Park is the gear you put the car in when you want to..."

"Stop the car?" R.J. finished.

"Got it in one," Harry said grinning at him.

"And drive seems pretty obvious," R.J. said thoughtfully.

"Well we're going to keep it in reverse while we back up," Harry said. "Look down there at the pedals...."

R.J. leaned over. "So when you want to go, you press the left one with your foot?"

"Right," Harry said explaining what the other pedals and gadgets were. Saffron leaned forward to get a better look.

"Can we put some music on?" Saffron asked.

"Saffron," Harry said. "You said you wouldn't make a sound back there."

"Right," Saffron said leaning back and buckling her seatbelt. "Let's get the show on the road."

Harry drove to the parking lot, explaining different things to R.J. along the way. "All right," he said, putting the car in park. "Let's see what you can do."

R.J. grinned and opened up the door to switch places with Harry. He'd watched his godfather closely and figured that he'd be a natural.

"Assume crash positions," Saffron said in a serious voice as R.J. got into the driver's seat.

"Saffron Grace," Harry said, giving his daughter another warning look.

"Okay," Saffron said. "This is me being completely quiet."

"Keep it that way," Harry replied. "All right R.J., shift it into reverse."

"And then I hit the gas, right?" R.J. asked doing as he was told. Before Harry could answer, R.J. had pressed firmly on the gas pedal and the car careened backwards.

"Whoa!" Harry said. "R.J.!"

"How do I stop?" R.J. asked.

"Other pedal!" Harry said his hands clutching the door handle.

"This one?" R.J. asked moving his foot to the other pedal and pressing hard. The car came to an abrupt halt.

"Ow!" Saffron said as her body was flung back.

"Saffy, you okay?" Harry asked his daughter.

"Yeah," she said.

"Sorry," R.J. was red faced. "I hit the pedals too hard."

"It's okay," Harry reassured him. "How about we try it again? And this time, easy on the pedals."

"Just press them gently at first," Saffron chimed in.

"Right," R.J. said nodding. He exhaled as he gently put his foot on the gas again.

"Good," Harry said encouragingly. "Now you'll want to turn the wheel and we'll circle the lot..."

"Slow like when I hit the pedal?" R.J. asked nervously.

"You're doing fine," Harry told him.

"Okay," R.J. said, his palms sweating.

"What brought about wanting to learn to drive?" Harry asked as R.J. drove around the lot. "Your Muggleborn girlfriend?"

"That's part of the reason," R.J. said. "But it just looks cool too... and I like to know how to do other things that aren't magic."

"I can help you there," Saffron said. "There's the Internet. Did you know I can talk to Aunt Lav on the computer?"

"Your aunt Lav can use a computer?" Harry joked. "Who'd have thought?"

"You're one to talk," Saffron said. "You type so slow Dad." She mimicked her father's hunt and peck style.

"Not everyone can be perfect like you Saffy," Harry said dryly.

"It's a crying shame, isn't it?" Saffron said grinning at him.

Harry shook his head. "Okay R.J., I want you to pull into one of those spaces and put the car in park."

"In between those white lines?" R.J. asked.

"Right," Harry said.

R.J. gripped the steering wheel as he slowly drove toward the parking space. He was a little crooked, but he did make it in between the lines. He shifted the car into park. "How's that?" he asked.

"Good job," Harry smiled at him. "Especially for a first try."

"And we're all in one piece," Saffron said patting his shoulder. "Good job."

"How long did it take you to figure this out Ms. Perfect?" R.J. asked.

"I've only driven once," Saffron said. "My grandpa took me out."

"Oh," R.J. said. "Sorry..."

"It's okay," Saffron reassured him. "We had fun. He took me to a parking lot like this one and he let me circle just like you did. I scared him quite a bit, but after we finished, he drove us to his favourite diner and we had the biggest sundae you've ever seen. Well, I did anyway. He had to get the fruit plate."

"But I bet you gave him a bite or two right?" Harry smiled at his daughter.

Saffron nodded and smiled. "I promised not to tell Gran."

"A sundae sounds really good to me right now," R.J. said eagerly.

"Can we Dad?" Saffron asked. "We could even go to Grandpa's diner. R.J., these things are huge!"

"How about we do a bit more driving?" Harry suggested. "We've only done a little bit."

"I'm game," R.J. said. He looked in the rear view mirror at his friend. "Ready to risk it again Saf?"

"I suppose," Saffron teased him.

"I don't know how you put up with her," R.J. said to his godfather.

"She's got her own sense of charm," Harry replied.

"Which I got from you Dad," Saffron said.

"If you say so love," Harry winked at R.J.. "All right, let's make a few laps around here and this time I want you to back into the parking spot."

"Back in?" R.J. asked. "I don't know..."

"I'll show you how," Harry interrupted him patiently. "This is why we're here right now."

"Dad, I think you should give up the whole Auror thing and be a professor like Jules," Saffron said proudly. "You could take Smelly Snape's place."

Harry laughed. "That would be the day."

"He's beyond ready to retire," Saffron argued. "How cool would it be to have my sister, my dad and...Mum could be headmaster!"

"I don't think your Mum is quite ready to give up control as Minister Saffy," Harry replied as R.J. turned the wheel and began to drive back to the other side of the lot.

"Why don't you do it?" R.J. asked Saffron. "You know everything already..."

"Sod off," Saffron stuck her tongue out at him.

"You two aren't going to believe this, but there was a time not so long ago that you two actually got along," Harry said laughing.

"We still do," Saffron said. "R.J. just still needs to learn that everything I say is right."

"Never going to happen," R.J. said turning the wheel.

Saffron shook her head sadly. "One of these days you'll admit it R.J.."

"Planning on torturing me?" R.J. asked. "Because that's the only way that would ever remotely happen."

"I could make that happen," Saffron returned.

"You know," Harry said thoughtfully. "I have a feeling that this is what it would have been like for me if Hermione had gone to school with me and Ron."

"What- they'd argue all the time?" Saffron asked.

"Aye," Harry said. "Much like they do now and I'd be in the middle..."

R.J. laughed. "Can you just picture that? They'd drive each other mad."

"They drive each other mad now," Saffron commented.

"Yeah but back then, when they were our age?" R.J. asked, slowing as he prepared to put the car in reverse. "I would think they'd have killed each other."

"And he'd probably use Mum to help him with his work," Saffron said. "Like some people I know..."

"I only asked you to do one essay," R.J. said in his defence.

"Let me guess," Harry said. "You asked her to look over it and she was so disgusted, she rewrote the whole thing?"

"Good guess," R.J. said, slowly backing the car. "How am I doing?"

"Good," Harry said looking over his shoulder. "That's it..."

R.J. pressed down a bit harder on the gas pedal. Again, the car careened backward and he slammed his foot down on the brake, making the tires screech against the pavement.

"You have a bit of a lead foot," Harry said with a slight laugh.

"A what?" R.J. asked confused.

"It means your foot really fancies the gas pedal," Saffron said, fixing her plait.

"I'm sorry Uncle Harry," R.J. said sheepishly. "I guess I don't like going slow."

"Might be a problem if you go out on the motorway," Harry said. "Muggle police aren't going to take the fact that you don't like going slow as a valid excuse."

"You'll get a ticket," Saffron replied. "And you don't want one of those."

"A ticket?" R.J. asked confused. "What's that for?"

Saffron shook her head. "Dad he has so much to learn."

"I haven't had much experience living as a Muggle Saf," R.J. said defensively. "I'm sorry if I'm not up on all the lingo and the ways of their world."

"But if you want to drive you have to know all this," Saffron pointed out. "Right Daddy?"

"Right," Harry said nodding. "You just need practise R.J.. And I'll help you anyway I can."

"If I get really good," R.J. said. "I might ask mum and dad to get me a car for my graduation present."

"You'll really have to prove you know what you're doing," Harry said. "Cars are expensive, much like a decent broom only more."

"Wouldn't you rather have your own flat?" Saffron asked her friend. "Like your mum and dad gave Josh and Jon when they graduated? You probably won't even need a car R.J.."

"I don't know," R.J. said, one again attempting to back the car into the spot. "Maybe..."

"Easy," Harry cautioned. "There you go. You're doing fine..."

This time R.J. kept his foot on the gas pedal lightly and he managed to stop cleanly in the spot.

"Brilliant!" Harry said grinning at him. "Couldn't have done it better myself."

"Nice job R.J.," Saffron smiled at him. "That was almost as good as me."

"Thanks Saf," R.J. said smiling at her in the rear view mirror. "This is a lot tougher than riding a broom."

"Well like I said, you'll get better in time," Harry replied. "But for your first time behind the wheel, I'm pretty impressed R.J.."

"I know you're incredibly busy," R.J. said. "But would you give me a few more lessons before we go back to school? I'd really like to learn as much as I can before we go back."

"I'm sure we can take a spin or two again," Harry said. "Maybe on the weekend sometime."

"Great," R.J. said. "That way I can give Saf some tips on flying. She thinks she's going be to be seeker this year."

Saffron scoffed. "I AM going to be. You just watch, Mr. Captain. I'm going to wow your socks off at tryouts."

"I can't wait to see it," R.J. said. "Of course, you can't be as good as me, but with time..."

"Oh please," Saffron rolled her eyes. "I fly circles around you Ronald Jr."

"I was flying when you were still in nappies," R.J. shot back.

"A foot off the ground," Saffron retorted.

"Okay," Harry said quickly. "How about R.J. and I switch seats and we go get that ice cream?"

"Oooh, I want a hot fudge sundae with loads of nuts," Saffron said. "And cherries too!"

"That sounds good for a starter," R.J. said.

Saffron giggled. "So does that mean you're planning on having two sundaes R.J.?"

"I'm not going to limit myself," R.J. said thoughtfully. "I'll see how it goes."

"Ethan told me when he and Maddie go out for ice cream she eats hers and then like half of his too," Saffron said as her father and R.J. switched seats.

"Mads has a bigger appetite than me," R.J. said. "She's about as bad as Dad."

"And she's so thin," Saffron sighed. "It's not fair."

Harry laughed. "That's the one thing we could never figure out about Ron. How he manages to never gain a stone although he eats more than all of us put together."

"He's still telling mum he's a growing boy," R.J. said laughing.

"And if I know Luna at all she won't believe a word of it," Harry grinned.

"She doesn't," R.J. said. "She doesn't let him get away with too much either."

Saffron giggled. "She's got him on a tight leash."

"The way you have poor Sean," R.J. said.

"I do not keep Sean on a leash," Saffron said. "He enjoys being with me."

"Slip him a love potion did you?" R.J. teased. "Did you unleash the monster in his chest, Saffron?"

"Huh?" Saffron gave him a strange look. "Monster in his chest? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard R.J.."

"I read it in a crappy book once," R.J. said.

"Must have been really crappy," Saffron snorted.

"Your dad said something about that too, some monster thing," Harry shook his head as he turned into the restaurant.

"Maybe Dad and I read the same book," R.J. said thoughtfully.

"I can't believe you read a whole book," Saffron teased him. "Someone mark down the date and time!"

"I read," R.J. said glaring at her. "I read all the time."

"You read Quidditch magazines," Saffron pointed out. "Not books."

"I read The Quibbler," R.J. told her. "And I've read all my mum's books."

"You have to," Saffron argued. "It's your mum."

Harry parked the car and got out but Saffron and R.J. were too busy arguing to realise what was going on.

"You and Lex always have your noses stuck in some book," R.J. said. "There's a lot more fun ways to spend your time you know."

"I happen to enjoy reading and so does Alexa," Saffron informed him.

"Obviously," R.J. said sarcastically. "You have how many books now?"

"Well over a hundred in my room at home," Saffron said proudly.

"What's that book you were reading when I got to your house?" R.J. asked. "By some bloke named Shake something?"

"Shakespeare," Saffron corrected. "And it's called Romeo and Juliet. It's a play- and it's completely remarkable."

"I dated a girl named Juliet," R.J. said. "Come to think of it, I think her parents named her after that. It must be pretty famous, eh?"

Saffron laughed. "He's only one of the most famous and most amazing writers that ever existed."

Harry knocked on the window startling both his daughter and R.J..

"Sorry," he said when Saffron had rolled the window down. "I was just wondering if you two realised we were here."

"Oh!" Saffron pulled off her seat belt. "Sorry Dad," she grinned sheepishly.

R.J. pulled off his seat belt as well. "Have you heard of that Spearhead bloke, Uncle Harry?"

"Shakespeare," Saffron said. "Honestly R.J.!"

"Whatever," R.J. said laughing.