Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: Here's the conclusion to New Year's Eve and we really think a lot of you are going to be quite happy ;) Also in the next chapter, we begin Harry and Hermione's 'second honeymoon' in the Swan Islands.

We hope you enjoy it and please don't forget to let us know what you think!!!

Frankie raised her glass. "This is going to be the best year yet. Mads, you can back me up on this one. You haven't seen anything that would prove me wrong, right? Best. Year. Ever."

Maddie laughed at her best friend. "It hasn't even started yet."

"I know," Frankie said giggling. "But I just have a great feeling about this year. Everyone is going to get what they want and there's not going to be any drama."

Ethan stared at her. "Frankie? You can't be serious."

"There's always drama Frankie," Clara teased her. "Especially where you're involved."

"Not this year," Frankie said stubbornly. "I have turned over a new leaf. Right, Will?"

Will nearly choked on his beer. "Sorry?"

Ethan slid an arm around Maddie as they sat back in the corner booth. They had come to the club tonight with Justin, Sarah, Bree and Mason as well as Frankie, Will and Clara and they were all having a great time so far. Ethan slid his other hand into his pocket and felt for the box that held the engagement ring he'd bought for Maddie a few days after Christmas.

"Pookie?" Sarah asked pouting at Justin. "I'm thirsty...."

Bree and Ethan simultaneously groaned. "How about BOTH of you have a New Year's resolution to stop bloody talking like babies," Bree complained.

"I agree with Bree, mate. It's certainly not helping your image as a brave Auror to go around talking like that," Ethan said.

"I only do it with her," Justin glared at him.

"In front of all of us," Ethan pointed out.

"I could use something else to drink too," Maddie interrupted. "Do you mind, Ethan?"

"Not at all," Ethan said. "What would you like?"

"Surprise me," Maddie gave him a kiss.

"Okay," he said grinning at her.

"You two are so cute!" Frankie exclaimed.

"Thanks Frankie," Ethan grinned. "Would you like another drink or do we need to cut you off already?"

"I'm fine," she replied. "For now..."

Ethan and Justin disappeared up to the bar and Frankie slid closer to her husband. "This is fabulous," she said dreamily.

"Your first New Year's Eve as a newlywed," he said putting an arm around her.

"Last year at this time I was scared you'd never want to see me again," she said her head on his shoulder. "And now we're happily, happily married."

"Very happily married," Will agreed.

Clara groaned as she caught sight of a familiar blonde in the crowd.

"What is it?" Frankie asked.

"Alicia and her minions," Clara replied. "Coming this way."

"Of all the bloody clubs," Frankie rolled her eyes. "Honestly..."

"Well, well, well," Alicia said bitterly. "Do my eyes deceive me or is this Mr. and Mrs. Boring out for a night on the town?"

"Just ignore her Frankie," Clara said, giving Alicia a dirty look.

Alicia whispered something to Gretchen causing the other woman to laugh hysterically.

"...that colour really does wash her out," Gretchen said looking disdainfully at Frankie.

Will squeezed his wife's hand. "You look gorgeous," he said. "Don't listen to them."

Frankie smoothed down the light blue silk slip dress she was wearing. "I know I look fabulous," she said. "I looked fabulous in the dress Gretchen is wearing right now too."

"This is a one-of-a-kind original, Longbottom," Gretchen shot back.

"It's Barron now," Frankie said sweetly. "And sure, the original is one of a kind. That's a cheap knock off from Gladrags."

"And it looks to me like someone needs to have their roots done," Clara said looking at Alicia.

"I'm a natural blonde, Choovanski," Alicia returned coolly. "Like you even know your natural hair colour anymore."

"You've never been a natural anything," Frankie said glaring at her. "Go away, Alicia."

"Aren't we tetchy," Alicia smiled disdainfully. "Your boring life getting you down in the dumps? It's too bad you don't feel like hanging out with me and Gretch here. We've been the life of every party we've been at this evening."

"Please," Frankie said rolling her eyes. "As if I'd want to spend time with you and the wannabe anyway. I'm here with my real friends. The people who have always cared about me."

"Why don't you just leave Frankie alone, Alicia?" Maddie asked. "You were her best friend and you turned on her when she needed you."

Alicia glared at her. "And you were all too happy to jump in and take my place, weren't you? As if you know anything about me and Franks. You're nothing but a self-righteous, smug virgin."

"That's it," Frankie got up and threw the remains of her drink at her former friend. "Get the hell out of my face, Alicia Knowles, and take your brat pack with you. If I ever see you again I'll hex you with spots and any other heinous spell I can think of. Don't you dare insult Maddie that way. She knows what it's like to be someone's friend, and to be unselfish."

"I can't believe you just did that!" Alicia hissed. "I'll get you back for this, Frankie Longbottom."

"Barron," Frankie corrected with a wide grin. "The name is Frankie Barron."

"Frankie Boring more like," Alicia said shrilly. "You've ruined my dress!"

"I think I made quite an improvement actually," Frankie said sitting back down. "And I think now it's you who's washed out."

"Would you like to match?" Clara asked Gretchen, who looked as if she wanted to run the other way.

"N-no," Gretchen stammered. "I-I'm good. Thanks."

"Goodbye," Frankie said, giving the group a jaunty wave. "Have a GREAT New Year's."

Alicia gave her former best friend an icy glare before stalking off with Gretchen in tow.

"That was amazing," Clara gushed. "I've never seen anyone handle Alicia like that."

"She's such a snotty stupid bitch," Frankie fumed.

"And that Gretchen is nothing but a complete poser," Clara said rolling her eyes.

"Obviously," Maddie put a hand on Frankie's arm. "Don't listen to anything either one of them say. You know you're a great person Frankie."

"Thanks Maddie," Frankie said giving her friend a hug. "You really are my best friend, you know? You were right there for me when I needed you most."

"You're welcome," Maddie smiled at her. "I'm glad to be your best friend."

"And I really do think this is going to be the best year ever," Frankie said with a wink.

"Each year gets better than the last," Will said with a grin.

"Hear, hear." Bree agreed as Ethan and Justin came back with drinks.

"You missed the fireworks," Maddie told her boyfriend.

"I saw them from across the room." Ethan handed his girlfriend a mai tai. "I got you a replacement," he told Frankie with a grin. "That was bloody brilliant what you did by the way."

"Thanks," Frankie said beaming at him.

"How much longer until midnight?" Mason asked, kissing his girlfriend's neck. "I want to drag you off to some dark corner." he whispered.

Bree grinned. "That could be arranged..."

"A little pre New Year's celebration," he smiled back at her. "Come on gorgeous."

"Be good," Ethan teased as Bree stood up.

Mason gave them all a teasing smirk. "See you all next year." he replied as Bree led him off.

"Baby you want to follow their lead?" Justin asked.

"You sure it's not past your bedtime?" Ethan asked dryly.

"Sod off," Sarah told him.

"Come on Sarah," Justin said taking her hand. "Let's go dance."

Just before he led her onto the dance floor, Justin leaned down to say something to Ethan.

"Good luck," he whispered to his best friend making sure Maddie couldn't hear.

Ethan grinned at him in reply. "I have a surprise for you," he told his girlfriend. "You won't get it until midnight though."

"I love surprises," Maddie said grinning at him.

"It's not food," Ethan teased.

"I know what it is," Frankie said in a sing-song voice.

"Give me a hint," Maddie asked.

"I think it will make you happy," Ethan said thoughtfully.

Frankie snorted. "Come on, Ethan. It's going to---"

"On that note," Will said clamping his hand over Frankie's mouth. "Frankie and I are going to go dance..."

"You have a thing for surprising me on New Year's Eve don't you," Maddie said once they'd gone.

"Maybe a bit," Ethan grinned. "Why- you don't like it?"

"I do," Maddie said softly. "But you've given me so much, Ethan. I don't think there's anything else I could ever want or need since I have you."

"You'll always have me," Ethan leaned in and kissed her softly. "I don't know what I'd do without you in my life Mads."

"You'll never have to find out," she said. "Because you are stuck with me now whether you like it or not."

He kissed her again. "Best news I've ever heard."

"I think Frankie's right," Maddie said resting her head on his shoulder. "I think this really is going to be the best year for all of us."

"I hope so," he said, smoothing back a stray curl of her hair. She looked breathtaking that evening- dressed in a strappy black number, her hair half pulled up in loose curls. Ethan had barely been able to take his eyes off her all night.

"I hope Drew's date is going well," Maddie said. "She really fancies Brian and he seems like such a nice bloke."

"He likes her a lot, that's fairly obvious," Ethan pulled her closer.

"She's been through so much," Maddie said quietly. "And if anyone deserves happiness, it's Drew."

"Sure she does- after the way that wanker Paul treated her." Ethan agreed.

Maddie leaned against him. "I just have such a good feeling about this year, Ethan. Josh has his book deal and the triplets are happy and healthy. Jon and Allie are trying to have another baby. Saffy's well on her way to being Head Girl and...there is one thing that's troubling me."

"What's that?" Ethan asked her.

"Do you remember Christmas morning at the Burrow?" she asked him. "I had a vision."

"I remember that," Ethan nodded.

Maddie sighed. "In the vision, R.J. and Saffron were arguing and she told him she was never going to speak to him again."

"That sounds like an everyday occurrence between those two," Ethan chuckled. "I wouldn't let it worry you."

Maddie frowned. "She sounded really angry, Ethan. And she said...she said that R.J. had done something to break Alexa's heart."

"Hmm," he mused. "They're all teenagers Mads. They're bound to have their fights and break-ups."

"I know," Maddie said. "Maybe it was something minor, but Saffy was really, really angry with him, Ethan. I just want my brother to be happy."

"He will be," Ethan kissed her again. "Just like we are."

Maddie smiled. "I love you, Ethan."

"Love you too," he said. "Come on- we don't necessarily have to wait until midnight for this."

Maddie giggled. "What are you up to, Mr. Potter?"

"You'll see," he said with a grin.

"Are we leaving?" Maddie asked. "Shouldn't we say goodbye to Frankie and Will?"

"We'll come back." Ethan promised.

"Okay," Maddie said slowly wondering what he was up to.

"We're going to have to take a portkey," Ethan said, reaching into his pocket.

Maddie watched as Ethan pulled out a mobile telephone. Maddie smiled. "You're not telling me where we're going then?"

"I think you'll figure out where we are once we get there." Ethan grinned at her. "Come on."

Maddie placed a hand on the mobile. "Okay."

Ethan tapped it with his wand and they were pulled away from the busy, noisy club to the meadow located behind The Burrow.

Maddie blinked at first not sure where they were. But, as she turned around she could just make out her grandparents' house. "Ethan..."

"It's back here," he said, stuffing the mobile back into his pocket and taking her hand.

Maddie shivered as she allowed Ethan to lead her further into the meadow.

He was glad he'd had the foresight to charm the blanket they'd be sitting on for warmth. "Just through here..." he said, leading her past a few of the trees. "Surprise," he whispered once they were in the clearing.

Maddie stared in awe at the scene before her. "This is where we..."

"First twirled," Ethan said a teasing glint in his eyes.

"But---why are we here?" Maddie asked softly.

"Come on let's go sit down," Ethan dodged her question. "I have some champagne for us and the blanket's warm."

Maddie followed Ethan over to the blanket and he helped her sit down. "This is so romantic," she said dreamily.

He grinned at her as he poured them both a glass of the champagne. "To us," he said.

"To us," Maddie said clinking her glass against his.

Ethan gazed at his watch and noticed he had about five minutes until midnight- which was the exact moment he wanted to propose. "You know I love you more than anything," he said intently.

"Yes," she whispered. "And I feel the same way."

He leaned in and kissed her rather passionately, moving his hands up her sides, running his palms over her curves.

"Ethan," she breathed.

"You're amazing," he whispered.

"You're not so bad either," she said grinning slyly at him.

"I can't believe it's already been a year and a half," he said, tucking her hair behind her ear. "And two years since I finally saw what a beautiful person you are."

"After years and years of running away from me," Maddie teased.

Ethan laughed. "You're never going to let me live that down are you?"

"Never," she said laughing.

He kissed her again. "And I gave you this a year ago already," he lifted her right hand and looked at the promise ring. "Remember what I told you that night?"

"How could I have forgotten?" Maddie asked. "Ethan that was the happiest night of my life."

Ethan was almost shaking, he was so nervous. "Well..." he said, his mouth suddenly dry. "Maybe I can make tonight better." he fumbled in his pocket for the ring box. Her eyes widened as he brought it out and opened it up. "I promised you I'd marry you someday... so..." he swallowed hard. "Will you marry me, Madeline Molly Weasley?"

Maddie looked from the ring to Ethan knowing that she should say something, but unable to do so. Ethan was asking her to marry him?

"Maddie?" he asked uncertainly.

" want to marry me?" she asked her voice breaking.

"More than anything," he replied, still holding the ring out to her.

A single tear fell down Maddie's cheek. "That's what I want, too. More than anything."

Ethan smiled in relief. "So... I can safely assume your answer is yes?" he pulled the ring from the box.

"Yes!" Maddie exclaimed throwing her arms around him nearly knocking him over in the process. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Ethan laughed as she pushed him flat on his back and began kissing him.

"Mads? It's not that I don't like what you're doing," Ethan said chuckling, "but can I at least put the ring on your finger?"

"Sorry," she said, wiping her eyes with her right hand.

Ethan took her left hand and slowly slid the ring onto her finger.

"It's official," Maddie said admiring the ring. "And it's so beautiful, Ethan."

"I'm glad you like it," he said, kissing her. "Julie and Saffron helped me pick it out."

"They did a brilliant job," Maddie said softly.

"Only the best for you," he said, holding her close. "We're finally engaged Mads..."

Maddie rested her head on his shoulder feeling safe, warm and happy. "We're getting married, Ethan."

He laughed. "We have to decide on a date. And even though most of our families know already, we have to announce it."

"Did you want a long engagement?" Maddie asked.

"It's up to you," he said, looking down at her. "I'll go with whatever you want to do."

"How about June?" Maddie asked. "R.J. and Saffy will be finished with school and Julie will be home..."

"Sure," Ethan smiled at her.

"Drew and Darla can plan it," Maddie said smiling back at him.

He stood up and pulled her up with him. "Anything you want," he said, holding her close and pressing his face to her hair. "I love you so much."

"I love you," she said laughing as he started to spin her around.

"Come on," he laughed too. "Let's go spread the word eh?"

"I can't wait to tell Frankie," Maddie said. "But then again, from what she was saying, she probably already knew..."

"Yeah I think Jules might have mentioned it to her," Ethan said sheepishly.

"I'm the last to know then," Maddie teased.

"For good reason," Ethan kissed her again. "I'm going to make you so happy Mads..."

The club was still packed with people celebrating the New Year. Frankie was holding court with Will and her friends and wondering when or if Ethan and Maddie would return.

"I know she said yes," Frankie told Will. "She wouldn't turn him down."

"Of course she wouldn't," Will replied.

Mason looked at Bree. "You okay with your ex getting engaged?"

"Of course I am," Bree said. "Ethan and I are friends and I want him to be happy."

"I still wish it could have been the two of you," Sarah said honestly. "But, Mason's not that bad and you can't not like Maddie."

Mason laughed. "Thanks for the vote of confidence, Sarah."

"That's so true- on both counts, although Mason is more than just not bad," Bree moved closer to her boyfriend. "Maddie is the most likeable person I know."

Clara nodded. "And she has the greatest hair. Is it naturally curly like that?"

"Believe it or not," Frankie nodded.

"Well, you can hate her for that," Clara joked. "I'd kill for that hair."

Frankie laughed. "You'd have to get in line then."

Will laughed as Frankie moved over to sit on his lap. "Can't keep away from me, can you?"

"No way," Frankie said her arms around him. "Happy New Year Will. I love you." she gave him a kiss.

"I love you too," he said grinning at her. "Mrs. Boring."

Frankie laughed. "Mr. Boring," she teased. "You boring old textbook writer."

Will tickled her side. "That really was fantastic what you did tonight, Franks."

"You mean tossing my drink on that silly bint?" Frankie asked. "I totally agree."

"That was classic," Clara said laughing. "Made my New Year."

"I aim to please," Frankie grinned at her.

"FRANKIE!" someone called out over the crowd. They all turned to see Maddie running toward them with Ethan in tow.

"YOU SAID YES!" Frankie screeched, jumping up. "YOU SAID YES DIDN'T YOU?"

Maddie could only squeal as she hugged her best friend.

"You're getting married!" Frankie squealed back. "Oh congratulations Maddie! You too Ethan!"

"Let's see the ring," Clara said standing up and walking over to them. "Oooooh...."

Bree gave Ethan a hug. "Congratulations, Ethan."

"Thanks Bree," Ethan smiled at her. "It means a lot to me that you're okay with this."

"I'm just glad that everything worked out," Bree said smiling back at him. "For all of us."

"That it did," Ethan shook Mason's hand. "When are you two going to catch up?" he teased.

"Ethan!" Bree said hitting him on the back.

"He does have a point," Sarah cast a meaningful look at Mason.

"Someday," Mason said smiling at Bree. "I do hope that she'll do me that honour."

Bree blushed a deep red colour.

"You are positively glowing," Frankie told her friend. "I am so excited for you Maddie!"

"It was the most romantic thing ever," Maddie said sitting down. "We took a portkey back to the meadow behind the Burrow, you know where we first reconnected, I guess you could say."

"Twirled," Justin said gleefully. "When you and Ethan first twirled."

Sarah elbowed her own fiancé in the side.

"And he had champagne," Maddie continued. "And he asked me and I felt like I was going to pass out."

"Very good Ethan," Frankie nodded approvingly.

Ethan grinned. "Thank you, Frankie. I'm glad you approve."

"We're thinking we'd get married in June, or perhaps early autumn if June is too soon." Maddie said.

"A June wedding would be fantastic," Frankie said. "But then again, autumn would be really nice, too."

"Drew and Darla are going to plan it, aren't they?" Will asked.

"Of course," Maddie nodded. "And Frankie... I would absolutely love it if you'd be my matron of honour."

"I'd love to," Frankie said beaming at her. "Oooh, I just had an image of Emma walking down the aisle as the flower girl!"

"She'd be perfect," Maddie agreed. "Oooh I'm so excited," she hugged Ethan.

"What did I tell you," Frankie said. "BEST YEAR EVER!"

*** *** ***

"And then he took her to the Burrow and he had a blanket set out with some champagne," Saffron was intent on relaying the tale of her brother's proposal to Alexa, who was listening all starry eyed. "And once they were sitting down, he pulled out the ring and asked her to marry him. You should have SEEN them on New Year's Day when they came over for brunch. They both couldn't stop grinning! It was soooo sweet!"

"That's so romantic," Alexa said dreamily.

R.J. and Andrew shared a look and rolled their eyes. "You act like no one's ever proposed to anyone before," R.J. said.

"Well WE think it's romantic," Saffron returned. "And I get to be a bridesmaid!"

"You and everyone else," R.J. said. "Allie, Frankie, Drew, Darla, Julie, Chiaki...."

"Stop it," Saffron shot back. "It's going to be a gorgeous, romantic wedding."

"What kind of dress are you going to wear?" Alexa asked hoping to head off any argument. "Or is it too early for that?"

"We're not sure yet," Saffron replied. "They're going to look and when I'm home for Easter hols we'll come to a final decision. Aunt Lav of course is designing Maddie's gown. She wants to wear a dress instead of robes."

"If I ever get married, I'd want to wear a dress instead of robes, too," Alexa admitted.

"I want robes," Saffron said. "Long, flowing robes."

"If you two are going to keep talking about dresses and weddings, I think I'm going to leave," R.J. said rolling his eyes.

"Big baby," Saffron shook her head as she leaned against Andrew. "I have to go patrolling soon."

"You've been looking forward to that," Andrew teased. "I'm sure."

Saffron groaned. "I'd rather stay in here with you."

"Me too," Andrew said putting an arm around her. "Hey R.J., this is our last few months at Hogwarts. Can you believe it?"

"I know," R.J. nodded. "I can't believe it either. And we still have the Quidditch Cup- which we have to win. Puddlemere will HAVE to take me if we win."

"We've got that in the bag," Saffron said smugly. "We're the only team that's undefeated."

"Damn straight," R.J. said proudly.

Alexa smiled. "I think you'll get taken by Puddlemere regardless, R.J.. They're crazy over you."

"As crazy as you are for me?" he teased her.

Alexa blushed. "Maybe that crazy..."

"I'd better get patrolling," Saffron said, standing up. "I shouldn't be gone too long."

"Take some points off of the Slytherins," R.J. said. "You know, just for being wankers."

Saffron laughed. "Tempting..."

Saffron left the compartment and was surprised to find things in the corridor rather quiet.

She wished she could have Andrew accompany her but she knew by now that having alone time with him meant that they'd do nothing but snog.

"Saffron," Peter said from behind her.

Saffron froze and then turned around. "What do you want?" she asked icily. "I'm busy doing rounds."

He smiled at her. "Did you have a nice holiday?"

She raised an eyebrow. "As a matter of fact, I did, but I don't know what business that is of yours." she said, turning to leave.

"I bought you something actually," he said putting a hand out to stop her. "For Christmas."

"I don't want it," Saffron replied bluntly.

"Saffy," Peter said looking at her the way he used to before everything changed. "I know you hate me now and you have every right to. I just...we were friends before all of this happened."

"Were being the operative word here," Saffron said coolly. "We're all over now Peter."

"Is there any chance that we could be friends again?" Peter asked hopefully. "I'm not proud of what happened, Saffron. If I could change it, I would."

"I don't think so," Saffron said uncomfortably. "Peter... we can't just go back all right?"

"We had some good times, Saffy," Peter said. "You can't just forget about that."

"Oh excuse me, are you the pot or the kettle here?" Saffron asked furiously. "You seemed to have no problem forgetting about me when you were snogging Christina Grant."

"I regret that," Peter said stepping closer to her. "You know I do. I made a very bad mistake. I know you won't take me back. I'm just asking you to be my friend, Saffy."

"Just leave me alone Peter," Saffron backed away from him.

"No," he said grabbing her arm and pulling her into an empty compartment. "Not until you listen to me!"

"Let me go," she said, glaring at him. "I have nothing to say to you Peter, and I'm not interested in anything you have to say to me."

"Saffy," Peter said still holding onto her. He couldn't think of anything left to say so he did the only thing he could think of, he pressed his lips to hers.

Saffron pushed away as hard as she could. "GET AWAY from me!" she snapped. "How dare you kiss me after what you did during the holiday?"

"We were doing fine!" Peter said rounding on her. "But you were just using me, weren't you?"

"How the hell was I using you?" Saffron retorted. "I liked you Peter. Until you got all jealous and possessive on me!"

"You wanted R.J. the whole time," Peter said bitterly. "And I guess since you couldn't get him, you settled for his best friend."

"Oh Merlin," Saffron rolled her eyes. "I do NOT want R.J.. He's happily dating my best friend. And what's going on with Andrew and me is NONE of your bloody business."

"Does he know he was your second choice?" Peter asked angrily. "Did you ever think that was why I went with those other girls?"

"Why don't you tell me why you went with those other girls," Saffron's eyes glinted coldly.

Peter looked away. "This isn't how this was supposed to go, Saffy. I have fancied you since the moment I met you. I never in a million years thought you'd ever like me back, but then you did and people who never noticed me before were suddenly blushing when I walked by or flirting with me...."

"And it went to your head," Saffron finished.

Peter nodded. "I hated the person I became, Saffy. I didn't realise it until it was too late."

"Too late," Saffron said. "If you'll excuse me, I have Prefect duties to perform."

Peter nodded. "I really am sorry, Saffron."

The compartment door slid open and Andrew and R.J. came stalking inside.

"What the hell are you doing?" Andrew asked angrily.

"Nothing," Saffron said, pushing past all of them. "I have rounds to do."

"Are you okay, Saffy?" Andrew asked. "I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about that arse." He pointed to Peter.

"I just wanted her to talk to me," Peter explained. "That's all."

"It's fine," Saffron said. "We're finished here."

"I should probably go," Peter said hastily leaving the compartment.

"Are you really all right?" R.J. asked his friend.

Saffron nodded. "I ran into him in the hall and he pulled me in here..."

She decided not to tell them about Peter's attempted kiss. It would just make an already bad situation worse.

Andrew looked at her. "Did he do anything to you?"

"No," Saffron replied. "He just...he wanted us to still be friends and I told him it wasn't possible after everything that had happened."

Andrew's face relaxed at her words. "Oh..."

"I really do need to finish rounds," Saffron said kissing his cheek. "I'll catch up with you in a few minutes, okay?"

"Okay," he smiled at her.

Saffron waved at R.J. before walking out of the compartment.

"Never a dull moment, eh?" R.J. asked.

"I don't trust that wanker for a moment," Andrew replied.

"We'll have to keep an eye on him," R.J. said.

"That's putting it mildly." Andrew said as they headed back to their compartment.

"Reminds me of that Ben bloke who is after Lex," R.J. said.

"Didn't she say he asked her to do something with him over hols?" Andrew asked.

R.J. nodded. "And then he goes and buys her a bloody bracelet for Christmas. He's not her boyfriend. I am."

"Obviously he wants that title," Andrew replied. "Good thing she's so stoked on you."

"Aye," R.J. agreed, but it didn't make him feel any better. "At least she isn't wearing it around me."

"She's got it bad for you mate," Andrew reassured him. "I hope the same thing happens for me and Saffron."

"You're on your way," R.J. said. "Saf's crazy about you. I saw the two of you on New Year's Eve."

Andrew grinned. "That was great."

R.J. slid open the compartment door and wasn't surprised to see Alexa kipping. She'd worked all day yesterday at her mum's bakery.

He smiled and brushed her hair off her forehead, then sat down and pulled out the latest copy of his Quidditch magazine.

Andrew decided he too would take advantage of the quiet and get some sleep. He stretched out on his seat and closed his eyes.

"R.J.," Alexa said in her sleep. "Mmmmmmm....."

"What is it?" R.J. whispered, leaning over. "Lexie?"

"Don't stop," she murmured, still asleep.

"Huh?" he asked. "I'm not doing anything."

She turned over on her side. "I'm ready...."

His eyes widened and he gulped. "Lexie?" he asked, touching her shoulder.

Alexa's eyes blinked open and she looked up at R.J.. She'd been dreaming that they were in his room at Hogwarts, all alone. "What?" she asked warily.

"You were um... dreaming." he turned red.

"Oh," she said wondering why he was looking at her like that.

"Do you uh... remember what you were dreaming about?" he asked.

"Um," Alexa stammered, sitting up. "It's kind of personal actually."

"Well you were... telling me- in your dream- not to stop," R.J. said, hoping his best friend was asleep and not listening in.

"You heard that?" Alexa asked turning crimson. "How embarrassing!"

"Lexie its okay--" he began.

"No, it's not," Alexa said shaking her head.

"I didn't mind," he said. "Wait- that didn't come out right. I mean... I've thought about it- but I'd still never push you. I love you Lex."

"I know," she said finally looking at him. "It's just that lately...lately, I've been thinking about it a lot. And I've obviously been dreaming about it."

R.J. smiled at her. "It's up to you," he said.

"Well," she whispered. "We probably won't be able to do that at school."

"No," he shook his head with a laugh. "Definitely not there."

"But maybe this summer," Alexa said shyly.

He squeezed her hand. "Whenever you decide you're ready Lexie," he said, giving her a gentle kiss.

"I love you," she whispered.

"Love you," he whispered back.

"So I guess this means that you're ready then?" Alexa asked cheekily.

R.J. tickled her side. "I'm a guy aren't I?"

Alexa giggled. "Stupid question."

"Okay I'm all finished," Saffron came back into the compartment.

"Take any points from anyone?" Alexa asked.

"Of course I did," Saffron said. "Christina Grant, just for being as ugly as she is."

Alexa giggled. "Way to abuse your power, Saffron."

"Well she tried to trip me," Saffron replied. "So I docked her ten points."

"Well within her rights there," R.J. said. "Good one, Saf."

"Thanks," Saffron flopped onto the bench next to her boyfriend. "Wake up sleepyhead."

Andrew grinned sleepily at her. "Hiya Saffy."

"Sleeping on the job are you?" she teased, leaning over and giving him a kiss.

He laughed. "Just resting up for you is all."

"Good boy," she smiled at him. "You're so cute when you're all bleary eyed like that."

"You could lie down with me too, you know," Andrew said. "We could both take a nice, long kip."

"There are a few other things I'd rather do," Saffron said. "And there's an empty compartment near the front of the train."

"Who needs sleep?" Andrew asked suddenly very alert.

R.J. snorted. "Certainly neither of you."

"I could take points from you for not showing respect," Saffron said.

"Oh please," R.J. said. "You've never taken points from me."

"Don't make me start," Saffron said, taking Andrew's hand and pulling him out the door.

"She could take points from you," Alexa said resting her head on R.J.'s shoulder.

"Not for something like that," R.J. replied. "Enough talking about Saffron. We've finally got a compartment to ourselves..."

"Here it is," Saffron pushed the door aside and smiled at Andrew.

Andrew pulled the curtains so they'd have privacy. "I think I'm going to like having a prefect for a girlfriend."

Saffron giggled. "Are you now?"

"Yes," he said pulling her close. "I think so."

"Show me how much you like it," she purred.

Andrew leaned in and kissed her. "Well, there's that," he whispered before moving down to her neck. "And this...."

"Mmm..." her eyes closed as her head lolled back. "What else?"

Andrew pulled her down on the bench seat. "This..."

Saffron kissed him hard, running her hands over his chest and shoulders. "And that," she said breathlessly before kissing him again.

"That," Andrew said teasingly. "I've always liked that."

Saffron grinned back at him. "I'm really glad we got together Andrew."

"Me too Saffron," he said softly. "Me too."

"Can I ask you something?" she said, kissing him again.

"Sure," he replied.

"Why did you start fancying me?" she asked curiously.

He looked thoughtfully at her, not expecting that to be her question. "I've always thought you were pretty, Saffy. And smart and funny, but remember that day R.J. and Lex were called into McGonagall's office? You and I talked for the first time just the two of us and I don't know...something changed for me then."

"I always thought you were cute," Saffron said as he pulled her closer. "But it was after we kissed that one night- I just couldn't stop thinking about you."

"I wasn't taking advantage of you that night," Andrew said quietly. "I was afraid that's what you thought."

"I wanted it just as much as you did," Saffron said sheepishly.

Andrew smiled. "I'm glad you told me that."

She leaned in and kissed him again. "We still have a few hours until we have to be at school you know..."

"Any idea of what you'd want to do?" Andrew asked mischievously.

"I have a few ideas," she said. "We might want to lock that door so no one bursts in on us."

"I love the way you think," Andrew said getting up to lock the door.

"Now come back here," she said, patting the bench.

"Anyone ever tell you that you were a bit bossy?" Andrew asked teasingly.

"All the time," Saffron said with a grin.

"I have a feeling I'm not going to mind too much," Andrew said.

"Good," Saffron said as he sat back down. "Where were we?"

"Right about here..." Andrew answered.