Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Okay, in honor of Thanksgiving, we're gonna post a long chapter for you guys. And again, no interview this weekend, but you will have one next Saturday. Please send us your questions for Lavender and Seamus.


Andrew had been a bit mopey ever since Saffron had gone back to school- RJ had tried to cheer him up but he seemed determined to sit around for a good few weeks. Currently, they were listening to a Quidditch match on the Wireless and Serena was due to arrive anytime.

"Your sister rang earlier and wanted to know why you haven't gone to see the new baby," Andrew said during one of the adverts. "She's already a few weeks old, mate."

"I'll go," RJ replied. "When I have more time."

"You're not doing anything right now," Andrew pointed out.

"You asked me to listen to the game with you," RJ returned. "And Serena will be here any minute."

Andrew decided to not say anything about that. "You play the Tornados next week, don't you?"

"Right," RJ nodded. "We're going to kick the shit out of them."

"You could do that blindfolded," Andrew said with a grin. "They're the worst team in the league."

"Tell me about it." he tossed a pillow at his friend. "I still can't believe you beat us."

"It was your only loss this season," Andrew said throwing the pillow back at him.

"And we intend to keep it that way," RJ replied as the fireplace lit up and Serena stumbled through.

"RJ," she coughed. "Do you EVER clean that thing?"

"You look kind of cute all messy," RJ said grinning at her.

Serena pouted. "I look just awful," she glanced over her shoulder. "Hello, Andy."

"Serena," Andrew nodded.

"I'm going to clean up," Serena gave RJ a sooty kiss.

RJ grinned. "Don't be too long."

Serena winked at him before heading off to the loo. Andrew shook his head and stood up to go and grab a beer. As he did so, the letter he'd received from Saffron earlier that day fell to the floor along with some photos she'd sent from their New Year. RJ leaned down to pick it up and froze when he saw a picture of Gabriel and Alexa.

"That was from New Year's," Andrew explained hastily. "It was just the four of us."

"Whatever," RJ said scanning through the pictures. "She's...she's not seeing him, right? I mean, he's back in America..."

"Mate, you two just broke up less than a month ago," Andrew said. "You may have moved on but I don't think she has."

"These pictures tell a different story," RJ said looking at one where Alexa was sitting close to Gabriel.

"You can't possibly tell me you're jealous," Andrew gathered the rest of the pictures and put them on the table. "You've got Serena now. If she wants to go out with Gabriel that's Lex's business."

"I'm not jealous," RJ said defensively. "I just think Boyd is trying to take advantage of her is all."

"He's a nice guy," Andrew went into the icebox for a beer.

"Get me one while you're at it," RJ said not really wanting to talk about Gabriel Boyd and Alexa anymore.

Andrew tossed him a bottle as Serena came back into the room in nothing but one of RJ's shirts. "Um... can I get you something to drink?" Andrew asked her politely, trying to avert his eyes from what the shirt DIDN'T cover.

"What you guys are having is fine," Serena replied flippantly. She did a little twirl for RJ's benefit. "I found this in the back of your closet, I hope you don't mind."

"No," RJ stared brazenly at her. "You are so bloody hot."

Serena grinned. "Thanks."

Andrew handed her a beer. "What brings you by?"

Serena sat down on RJ's lap. "What girl wouldn't want to hang out with the two best Quidditch players in the world?"

"That's right," he said, running his hand up her leg. "That would be me..."

"I think I'll leave you two and get back to the match," Andrew said making his way out of the kitchen, but Serena reached out and grabbed his arm.

"No! I was actually wondering if you'd do me a huge favour, Andy," Serena said with a pout.

"Me?" Andrew asked, his eyebrow raised.

"Your RJ's best friend in the entire world," Serena began. "And I like to think that you are I are friends, too. Don't you?"

"Sure..." Andrew replied warily.

"And your girlfriend doesn't really care for me too much," Serena said. "In fact, she's been really mean..."

"Saffy's fine," Andrew said. "I don't think she's been mean."

"She called me a no-talent slag to my face," Serena pointed out looking at RJ to back her up.

"I'm not going to stay in here if you're going to say shit about my girlfriend," Andrew was starting to grow angry.

"I'm sorry," Serena said hastily. "Look, I really like you, Andy. You've always been sweet to me and I was wondering if...well, my friend Piper is coming to town next weekend. She's been in New York these past few months, but I convinced her to come back home because...."

"What's this have to do with me?" Andrew interjected.

"Well," Serena said coyly. "I sort of promised her we'd go on a double date, and I think she'd be completely PERFECT for you!"

"I have a girlfriend," Andrew reminded her.

"Oh come on," Serena said. "She wouldn't have to know..."

"Yeah," RJ said. "What Saf doesn't know won't hurt her."

"No," Andrew replied. "Why don't you get one of your team mates, RJ."

"Because I want you to do it Andy," Serena smiled as if she was doing HIM a huge favour.

"No, thanks," Andrew said firmly. "I'm going to finish listening to the match."

"But--" Serena's words hung in the air as Andrew left the room.

"I told you he'd never go for it," RJ said putting his arms around her waist.

Serena leaned in and kissed him. "I'll work on him some more. He'd be totally perfect for Piper."

"Saffy'd probably disagree with you," RJ said.

"Who cares what little Sandra thinks," Serena waved her hand.

"Serena," RJ said with a laugh.

Serena straddled his lap. "I hope you didn't make any plans for the rest of today," she said invitingly.

"No," RJ said giving her a kiss. "How about you go get in bed and I'll be right behind you. I think I might still have a bottle of champagne somewhere in the icebox."

"Mmmm..." she grinned. "Perfect..."

He sent her off with a lingering kiss and then set about getting two glasses from the cupboard when he was hit with a memory of Alexa the day he'd first showed her the place.


"I'm sure I'm going to love it," Alexa said giggling as they took the lift up to the top floor.

"It's really great," RJ said eagerly. "The sitting room is really cosy and the kitchen- well I won't be cooking but it's really nice too."

"What are you going to do for food?" Alexa asked nudging him. "Oh...wait a minute...since you're so rich and famous...let me guess. You're going to have a personal chef?"

"I should," he grinned, leaning over to give her a kiss. "And not that I'm trying to push you, but wait until you see my bedroom."

Alexa looped her arms around his neck. "Why would I want to see your bedroom?"

"I just have a feeling," RJ said, winding his arms around her. "That someday you and I might spend a lot of time in there."

"Someday," Alexa agreed, feeling quite grown up as he took her hand and led her down the corridor toward his new flat.

"Welcome," he said thickening his accent. "To my humble home..."

"And you're such a humble host," Alexa said giving him a curtsy.

"I try," he picked her up and spun her around. "Isn't this great? We'll have the whole place to ourselves most of the time, and most important, no parents to burst in on us..."

Alexa giggled. "When we're not coming out of your bedroom, you mean?"

"Exactly," RJ gave her a hungry kiss. "I love you so much Lexie."

"I love you too," she whispered. "And I hope we're always this happy."

"We will be," he nodded. "I know it."

Alexa kissed him one more time. "Show me this bedroom of yours. I mean, if we're going to be spending all this time in there..."

"Right," he said huskily. "Come on..."

Alexa followed him to the bedroom which she had to say was quite impressive. There was no furniture in it yet, but there was an amazing view of the river Thames. "Wow," Alexa said softly. "I can imagine waking up to this every morning."

"Maybe after you're done with school you will," RJ slid his arms around her from behind.

"Live together?" Alexa asked leaning against him. "You and me?"

"Sure," he said. "I want to be with you all the time Lexie..."

"You just want someone to cook for you," she said turning her head to grin at him.

"Oh, you guessed it," RJ deadpanned. "I only want you around to cook for me, to clean up after me, and--" his words were cut off as she kissed him.

"And maybe that whenever you want?" Alexa asked when they broke apart.

"I like that," he agreed with a grin. "I love you Lex."

"Love you too," Alexa said looping her arms around his neck. "Always..."


Serena waved her hand in front of RJ's face. "Hello? Earth to RJ Weasley..."

"What?" RJ shook his head. "Sorry- spaced out."

Serena rolled her eyes. "I've been waiting for you for over half an hour."

He'd been daydreaming for a half hour? RJ sent Serena his most engaging grin. "I'm sorry," he replied.

"Well, I have to go now," Serena said impatiently. "My manager just rang me."

"Now?" he asked. "I thought we were going to-"

"We were," Serena said briskly. "But you were too busy staring into space."

"Come on," RJ put his arms around her. "I'll stop by later, all right? We can pick up where we left off..."

"Maybe," Serena said wriggling away from him. "Laters..."

"Are you mad at me?" RJ asked crossly.

"You left me waiting in your bedroom for half an hour," Serena said glaring at him. "My time is valuable, RJ. You just remember that next time you decide to keep me waiting."

RJ rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"Whatever," Serena repeated before stalking out of the kitchen. She didn't even say goodbye to Andrew as she grabbed a handful of floo powder.

Andrew turned down the Wireless and went into the kitchen. "She didn't go away happy..."

"She can be a real pain in the ass," RJ said shortly.

Andrew couldn't have agreed more, but he decided to keep quiet on that point. "So...what happened?"

"I just sort of spaced out for a bit and she went into a strop over it," RJ grabbed himself a beer.

"What were you thinking about?" Andrew asked.

"Just stuff," RJ hedged.

"Well, Serena seems like the type that likes all the attention on her," Andrew said diplomatically.

"Let's go back and listen to the game," RJ said abruptly.

"Right," Andrew said grabbing a beer before following his friend into the sitting room.

"I really can't wait for the Tornados game next week," RJ said to him. "It's going to be a lot of fun to run them into the ground."

"Well, they're playing pretty well this match," Andrew said. "They're ahead by 40 points."

"We're still better than them," RJ declared. "We're the best team!"

"And definitely the most humble," Andrew said sarcastically.

RJ tossed his beer cap at his friend in response.

They listened to the rest of the match, but try as he might to concentrate on the match, RJ couldn't stop thinking about Alexa.

"Okay," Andrew said evenly once the match was over. "Where the hell is your head?"

"Hmmm?" RJ responded absently.

Andrew rolled his eyes. "Earth to RJ."

"Sorry," RJ said sheepishly. "I've just got a lot on my mind."

"Like what?" Andrew prodded.

"Lexie," RJ said quietly.

"You miss her," Andrew stated. "And you wish you hadn't broken up don't you?"

RJ nodded.

"Maybe it's not too late to patch things up," Andrew suggested.

"She's not going to take me back after how I treated her," RJ said.

"Maybe you can try," Andrew said.

"You think?" RJ asked a hopeful tone to his voice. She had kissed him back at first at Emma's party. And she'd gone after him when he'd left.

"It couldn't hurt to try," Andrew said. "I know it'd be nice to be able to double with you two again."

"Better than doubling with me, Serena and Piper, you mean?" RJ asked with a grin.

"Not that I wanted to," Andrew said. "But I wouldn't do that to Saffy."

"I told her it was a terrible idea," RJ said shaking his head. "But she does what she wants."

Andrew grinned at him. "I'm going to go write to her now," he said. "Want me to have her say anything to Lex?"

RJ vehemently shook his head. "No... She hates me. I don't think she'll be ready to put in a good word for me, but thanks."

Andrew nodded and left for his room.

RJ sat on the sofa for a few moments trying to decide the best way to get back into Alexa's good graces. He knew it was a bit of a cliché, but roses always helped and he knew that his girlfriend loved pink roses.

He was about to go out and order some to send to Hogwarts when the fireplace whooshed to life and he was surprised to see Serena step through again.

"Hello," she said coolly, brushing the soot off her cloak.

"Hey," he said. "I um... didn't expect to see you back here."

"Neither did I," she said dropping her cloak on the floor. "But I thought I'd give you one more chance."

RJ raised an eyebrow.

"There are a million blokes out there who would love to be in your shoes," Serena said loftily. "And you need to know that I'm not going to stick around if you don't appreciate me."

"I appreciate you," RJ said evenly. "But I'm also not going to fall at your feet."

"You would if I were Alexa O'Dreary," Serena pouted.

"Leave Lexie out of this," RJ replied. "Serena, you know I like you--"

"I don't know that," Serena said poking out her bottom lip.

"Of course I do," RJ stepped towards her. "I wouldn't be with you if I didn't. I'm not the type of guy to shag a girl JUST because she's gorgeous."

"Then why are you with me?" Serena asked.

"Because I have fun with you," RJ said. "Being with you is different than being with Alexa."

Serena smiled at him. "I don't want to be with someone who'd rather be with someone else. So if I'm wasting my time here, just let me know..."

RJ thought for a split second. It was true he missed Alexa, but he was very much enjoying his relationship with Serena. She was fun, outgoing, and stunning. "You're not," he replied.

"You gonna make this up to me then?" Serena asked touching his cheek.

"Sure," he said, crushing her lips to his.

In the meantime Andrew had finished writing to Saffron and was going to leave the letter by the door so he wouldn't forget to post it tomorrow morning. He also had an idea for RJ to make things up to Alexa that involved the next Hogsmeade weekend. He made it to the sitting room when he saw his best mate going at it with Serena Starr.

"RJ," he said, shaking his head in disappointment.

Serena giggled when she spotted Andrew. "Hiya, Andy!"

"Hi..." he said, unsmiling.

"Come on, RJ," Serena said tugging at his hand. "Let's go to your bedroom."

"Yeah, Junior," Andrew said glaring at him. "You'd better go before you change your mind again..."

"He's not about to," Serena said happily. "By the way Andy, I talked to Piper and she really, really wants to meet you. So I hope YOU will change YOUR mind."

"Don't count on it," Andrew said bitterly. "I know this is a foreign concept for some people, but I actually love my girlfriend and wouldn't do anything to mess that up."

"Come on," RJ tugged Serena's hand.

"Night, Andy," Serena said waving at him.

Andrew didn't respond, he only took the letter he'd just written and ripped it up.

"He sure is grumpy," Serena whispered to RJ. "I think Sandra is rubbing off on him."

"Let's not worry about him," RJ said, nibbling under her ear. "Let's go have some fun."

Serena giggled. "Fabulous idea."

*** *** ***

They'd been married for almost six months now and Maddie and Ethan still felt very much like newlyweds. Even though they were both quite busy with their respective jobs, they always tried to make time for each other whenever they could. Tonight was no exception.

Maddie left work early and had prepared a romantic dinner for them. She'd lied to Ethan that she'd be working late and she couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he came home.

Blue was with Frankie, Will and Hannah tonight so he wouldn't be a distraction.

Ethan had also thought he'd be working late but his father had let him go a bit early after seeing how tired his son was. He stumbled out of the fireplace, covering his mouth while he yawned so he wouldn't inhale any soot.

Maddie smoothed down her dress. "Mr. Potter, is that you?"

"Yeah," Ethan answered as he dropped his bag in the hall. "Where are you Mrs. Potter?"

"In the kitchen," Maddie called out.

Ethan brushed off his shoulders and headed in to see his wife. "Mads..." he said, his eyes wide.

"You like?" Maddie asked grinning at him. "I made Chicken Masala."

"It smells fantastic," Ethan said, pulling her close. "And you look absolutely gorgeous."

"Courtesy of a shopping trip with Frankie," Maddie said giving him a kiss.

Ethan wound his arms around her and deepened the kiss. "Merlin I am so glad to be alone with you tonight."

"Tough day?" Maddie asked sympathetically.

"Just long," he answered, running his hands up and down her back.

"You're home now," Maddie said softly.

"With you," Ethan answered huskily.

"With me," Maddie said giving him another kiss.

"You know," Ethan said, backing her up towards the counter. "I love this married thing more and more every day."

"It gets better each and every day," Maddie agreed. "I mean we have had our fights, but making up can be so much fun..."

"Exactly," he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I love you so much Mads."

"I love you too," Maddie said beaming at him. "I always have."

Ethan kissed her again. "Where's Blue?"

"With the Barrons," Maddie replied.

"So we really are all alone," Ethan said with a grin.

"Completely," Maddie giggled. "But first...we have to eat. I worked really hard on this."

"I can't wait to taste it," Ethan said as she tugged on his hand.

"I promise I won't eat off your plate," Maddie said.

Ethan pretended to be shocked. "After I've come to expect it?"

Maddie nudged him in the ribs. "Just for that, you can pour the wine, mister."

"I can do that," he grinned at her.

Maddie couldn't help smiling as she put their plates on the table.

"This is really nice," Ethan said when they sat down.

"Thanks," Maddie said grinning at him.

"And you look really, really nice," Ethan gave her body an appreciative glance.

"You're not so bad either," Maddie said flirtatiously.

"In these?" Ethan asked. "Actually, do you mind if I go change into something a bit more comfortable before we start?"

"Not at all," Maddie replied.

"Thanks," he gave her a quick kiss. "Be back in a flash."

Maddie sat there for a couple of seconds before she had an idea. She picked up her wand and put a warming charm on their plates. They'd get to this eventually, she thought as she made her way upstairs.

Ethan had just stripped down to his boxers when he heard the door click shut behind him.

"I thought dinner could wait awhile," Maddie purred.

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Okay..." he answered as she pushed one of the straps of her dress off her shoulder.

"I thought we could have dessert first," Maddie said stepping closer.

"Are you said dessert?" Ethan asked, his eyes darkening with desire.

"I could be," Maddie replied softly.

"I hope you are," Ethan said. "Because if you are, I think I'm very, very hungry for dessert."

Maddie turned around. "Could you give me a hand getting out of this dress?"

"I'll give you more than a hand," Ethan replied huskily.

Maddie shivered as Ethan eased the zipper of her dress down.

He let his fingers trail over her skin as he slid the dress off her shoulders. Pressing his lips to the side of her neck, Ethan was pleased to feel her body respond to his touch.

"Ethan," Maddie whispered.

He slid the dress down so it pooled at her feet before turning her around.

Maddie was about to say something to him, but he pulled her close and crashed his lips to hers.

"Mmm..." she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him towards the bed.

"Maddie Molly," Ethan said bringing her down with him.

"I love when you call me that," she purred.

"Maddie Molly," Ethan whispered against her skin. "Maddie....Maddie Molly..."

Maddie nearly cried out as Ethan's tongue touched her skin.

With his free hand, he slid her knickers off.

"Yes...." she dragged the word out. "Ethan..."

"You know, I could get used to this," Ethan said positioning himself over her. "Dessert first..."

Maddie giggled. "Especially when it's me."

"There's no one else," Ethan said giving her a kiss. "No one else, ever."

"Same here," Maddie brushed his hair out of his eyes. "It's always been you for me Ethan."

He leaned down and kissed her again as he slid into her.

"Oooh," her body rose clear off the bed.

"Mads," Ethan said smiling at her.

"I love you so much," Maddie gazed up at him, her blue eyes clouded over.

Ethan trailed kisses down her neck and shoulder. He couldn't get enough of his wife.

"Ethan please," she murmured. "Don't make me wait..."

He pressed further into her, gripping her tightly.

Maddie closed her eyes and cried out as she arched her back, pulling him in as far as possible.

"Maddie Molly," Ethan breathed.

"Ethan James..." she managed.

He couldn't stop the smile that played at his lips as he looked down at his wife.

She grinned back at him as he collapsed on top of her.

"Delicious," he said with a grin. "My compliments to the beautiful chef."

"She made it all just for you," Maddie ran her fingers through his hair.

He kissed her softly. "Thank you."

"I'd do anything for you," Maddie said. "I love you so much Ethan. Being married to you is wonderful."

"I'd do anything for you too," Ethan whispered. "And I'm so lucky to have you."

"That goes both ways," she agreed. "Come on, if you're hungry I kept dinner warm for us."

Ethan reluctantly stood up and reached for his discarded boxers. "I don't know if dinner can top dessert, Mads."

"Maybe not," she said with a grin. "But it might be fun to try..."

*** *** ***

Chloe McGregor had been home for a few weeks and Drew and Brian found that they loved every moment about being parents. Currently, Darla was just feeding Chloe after her kip and Brian was preparing them something for dinner.

"She just made the cutest face!" Drew laughed. "Brian come here and look!"

"Every face she makes is cute," Brian said coming out of the kitchen.

"I know but look at the way she scrunches up her mouth," Drew said with a grin.

Brian looked over his wife's shoulder and grinned when he saw Chloe. "I've seen you make that face before."

Drew smiled. "She's just so beautiful," she stroked her daughter's cheek with her free hand.

"She takes after her mum," Brian said fondly.

The doorbell chimed and Brian went to answer it. Someone was at the door, but their face was obscured by what looked like about 20 packages.

"Someone help!" Darla's voice called out.

Brian took the packages from her. "What's all this?" he asked his sister-in-law.

"Presents," Darla said as if Brian was asking a stupid question. "For Chloe."

"We haven't finished going through what you sent her before," Brian mused as he kicked the door shut. "And nice as it was of you, she's far too young for a rocking horse, Darla."

"She'll grow into it Brian," Darla walked past him and into the sitting room.

"Dar, what are you doing here?" Drew asked her. "You were just here this morning..."

"I missed you," Darla replied. "And I wanted to see Chloe again."

Drew smiled at her. "Would you like to hold her?"

"Do you even have to ask," Darla held her arms out for the little bundle.

Drew handed her daughter over. "You didn't bring more presents did you?"

"Just a few," Darla said defensively.

"You've already given us so much," Drew said patting her sister's shoulder.

"I can't help it," Darla kissed Chloe's forehead. "She's just so bloody sweet and she's so gorgeous."

"I couldn't agree more, even if I am biased," Drew said with a grin.

Brian came back into the room with the packages. "Thanks for the help, Darla."

"My hands are full," Darla teased.

"Let's open them up," Drew suggested. "See what Super Aunt brought for us."

"Go ahead," Darla held Chloe even closer. "I'll just sit with her."

Drew sat down on the sofa and started to open one of the packages. The doorbell chimed again and Brian laughed. "Don't tell me. You've bought her a swing set and the delivery men are here?"

"No," Darla stuck out her tongue. "But what an excellent idea!"

Brian just shook his head as he went to answer the door.

"RJ!" he said in surprise when he saw his future brother in law. "We didn't know you were coming by!"

"I figured it was about time," RJ replied.

"We can't stay very long," Serena said stepping out from behind him. "We have a huge party to go to."

"Oh..." Brian looked at her. "It's um... nice to see you too..." he remembered that this girl was some famous singer but couldn't think of her name.

"Who was at the door, Bri?" Drew asked. She broke out into a grin when she saw her little brother. "RJ!"

"Hey Drew," he grinned at his sister. "You're looking good, MUM."

Drew beamed at him and enveloped him in a big hug. "I've missed you. We haven't seen you since that dinner at Mum and Dad's weeks ago."

"I know," RJ held up a box. "I bought something for the baby and thought it was time I came by to meet her."

Drew took the box. "That's really sweet of you, RJ. Come on in."

RJ took Serena's hand as they went inside. "Can I get you two anything to drink?" Brian offered.

"Butterbeer would be nice," RJ replied. "Serena?"

"Butterbeer is so fattening," Serena waved her hand. "Sparkling water will do."

"Sure," Brian said sharing a look with his fiancée before going into the kitchen.

Darla looked up in surprise when she saw her brother. "Look, Chloe. It's a complete and utter stranger..."

"Very funny, Dar." RJ said sarcastically. "Let me see her."

Darla giggled. "Okay, okay, but I get her back when you're through."

"Hey there," RJ grinned at the baby in his arms.

Serena examined her nails and looked disinterested at what was going on around her.

Drew sat down and opened up RJ's present. "RJ, this is fantastic!"

RJ had bought his newest niece a mobile for over her crib. "I wasn't sure if she had one already..." he said.

"She does, but this one is so much nicer," Drew reassured him. "Thank you."

"Sure," RJ said. "Drew she's so cute."

"You should get her some hair extensions," Serena said thoughtfully.

"I beg your pardon?" Drew asked.

"She'd look better with long hair," Serena explained.

"Serena she's just an infant," RJ looked at her like she'd gone mad.

"It's never too early to be thinking about these things," Serena said rolling her eyes. "Besides, you don't want people mistaking her for a boy, do you?"

"I highly doubt that's going to happen," Drew exchanged an incredulous look with her twin.

Serena shrugged. "And you really shouldn't dress her in really doesn't do anything for her."

"Serena," RJ said. "She's JUST an infant and my sister knows how to clothe her, all right?"

"Whatever," Serena said with a sigh.

"So, how have you been?" Drew asked her brother, eager to change the subject. "We've listened to all your matches."

"Season's going great except for losing that one match to Wimbourne," RJ replied. "We're a shoo in for the Cup."

"That's fantastic, RJ," Darla said to him. "Hans and I were thinking we'd go to your next match."

"Oooh, who's Hans?" Serena asked eagerly.

"Hans is my fiancé," Darla said to her. "We just got engaged a few months ago."

Realisation suddenly hit Serena as she remembered RJ telling her about a male model that his sister was dating. "Oh my God! Not Hans Feinbach?"

"The one and only," Darla answered.

"He's so hot," Serena said admiringly. "Way to go, Darla."

"Thanks," Darla seemed amused.

Brian came back into the room with the drinks. "Here you go."

"Is this Swiss water?" Serena asked. "Because only French make good sparkling water."

"It's all that we had," Brian apologised. "I can get you something from the tap, if you like..."

"It'll do," RJ cast her an exasperated look. "Serena I'm sure it's fine."

Serena glared at him. "I guess if it's all they have."

Drew rolled her eyes at her fiancé. "Let's go hang this over Chloe's crib," she said.

"Good idea," Brian said following her.

"So when is the wedding?" Serena asked Darla. "Is it going to be the ceremony of the century?"

"June," Darla replied. "And we're really going to keep it low-key. Just family and a few friends."

"Hans Feinbach wants a small wedding?" Serena asked. "But he's always at those big parties!"

"He goes to those because he's obligated," Darla said. "But he really doesn't like that scene, Serena."

"Could have fooled me," Serena shrugged. "He is quite hot though."

"So you've said," Darla said forcing a smile.

"She reminds me of Em," RJ said looking down at his niece who was staring up at him with tired eyes.

"It's funny," Darla moved next to her brother. "She's got those dark eyes, but she does sort of resemble Em..."

"And just like Em, she's completely charmed by me," RJ said with a grin.

"Her only fault," Darla joked.

"Yeah, yeah," RJ said laughing.

"The mobile looks great," Drew reported. "Thanks again RJ. Chloe's going to love it."

"I hope so," RJ said handing the baby back to her. "She's gorgeous, Drew."

"Thanks RJ," Drew said proudly. "I'm so glad you got to finally meet her."

"Me too," RJ said taking a swig of his butterbeer.

"What's this party you two are heading for?" Brian asked conversationally.

"It's nothing major," RJ said. "Just a few guys from the team."

"Scanlon always throws the best parties," Serena replied.

"They can get pretty wild," RJ admitted.

"Sounds like a lot of fun," Darla said. "Does Frankie ever show up for those?"

"Not to any of the ones I've been to," RJ replied. "I think she's happier staying with Will and Hannah."

"Hannah's cute," Darla nodded. "Frankie's brought her by the office a few times to say hello. She's really coming out of her shell."

"Do you ever talk about anything but babies and kids?" Serena asked bluntly.

"I beg your pardon?" Drew asked.

Serena blushed. "I didn't mean to say that out loud. Sorry!"

"Serena," RJ was embarrassed. "Maybe we should get going..."

"It just seems like whenever I go somewhere to meet your family, there's always babies and kids around and if they're not there, you're always talking about them," Serena tried to explain. "I just think there's more important things to talk about..."

"I come from a big family," RJ told her. "There just happen to be a lot of kids around, and we all enjoy it."

"Family is very important to us," Darla said her dislike for RJ's new girlfriend growing by the minute.

Serena sniffed. "I'm sure that's all well for you--"

"We really should be going," RJ cut her off.

"Don't be a stranger," Darla hugged her brother. "We miss you RJ."

"I miss you guys too," RJ said hugging her back. "Serena really doesn't mean any harm."

Darla kept her lips shut tightly. "Stop by anytime you feel like it okay?"

"I'll try," RJ said moving on to his other sister. "She really is gorgeous, Drew. I'm sorry it took me so long to getting round to meet her."

"Now that you have, do it more often," Drew teased. "She's going to love her uncle, just like her cousins do."

RJ grinned. "I hope so. See you, Drew. Brian."

"Well..." Darla said once they'd left. "I really don't like her."

"Can you believe her?" Drew asked. "She thought we should get Chloe hair extensions!"

"Guys, I know you don't like her, but your brother obviously does," Brian said diplomatically.

"We'd never be rude to her face Bri," Drew told her fiancé. "But if she wants to be with RJ, she's going to have to deal with him being part of a big family."

"Instead of trying to isolate him from all of us," Darla agreed.

"She's interesting, I will say that." Brian sat down and took Chloe.

"So says the bloke," Darla teased.

Chloe opened her eyes and looked up at her father, letting out a soft coo.

"Hiya, little one," Brian whispered touching her cheek. "My sweet girl."

"She has a thing for holding onto his finger," Drew told her sister. "It's so cute. I think I've taken about a hundred pictures just of that."

Darla smiled. "That is adorable."

"I think she might be ready for a kip," Brian said.

"Oooh, can I put her down?" Darla asked eagerly. "Please?"

"Sure," Brian said. "Just make sure you start the mobile. She likes to have something playing in the background when she falls asleep."

Darla took the baby from him and carried her to the nursery.

"What are you making for dinner?" Drew asked Brian. "It smells delicious."

"Some leftover curry that we had in the icebox," Brian told her.

"Sounds wonderful," Drew said picking up one of Darla's packages. "I'll see if Dar wants to join us."

"All right," Brian pulled her close and kissed her.

"I love you," Drew said smiling at him.

"Love you," he pushed her hair back.

Drew started to giggle. "Hair extensions."

"Good grief," Brian muttered. "I will admit that was a bit mad of her...

"I think Chloe's hair is perfect," Drew said.

"Everything about her is perfect," Brian said. "She looks like you."

"Obviously that's why she's perfect," Drew said with a grin. "And she has my dad wrapped around her little finger. When he and Mum stopped by, I saw him singing to her. He can't carry a tune, but it was the most adorable thing."

"That is cute," Brian agreed. "Dad and my step mum are head over heels as well."

"She has that effect on people," Drew said opening up a package and grinning when she saw what was inside. She pulled out a small white t-shirt. "My Aunt Loves Me"," Drew read aloud. "Why do I think she's not talking about Maddie?"

"Darla is too much," Brian shook his head with a grin.

"It is a cute shirt," Drew said folding it up and setting it on the coffee table.

"She's out like a light," Darla came back in.

"Thanks for putting her down, Dar," Drew said.

"Anytime," Darla replied. "And when you two want a babysitter, I get first dibs."

"We'll remember that," Drew said. "But I'm not ready to leave her just yet, Darla."

Darla waved her hand. "I'm talking about in the future. I get first dibs over everyone."

"Okay," Drew said with a grin. "You've got yourself a deal."

"I should get going," Darla reached for her bag. "Hans isn't home until late tonight but--"

"Stay for dinner," Drew interjected. "Please. We're having leftover curry and there's more than enough."

"Really?" Darla asked. "Sure, I'd love to stay."

"Fantastic," Drew said. "And we can talk more about Serena the Diva."

"Maybe I should go out for dinner," Brian shook his head.

"We'll go easy on her," Drew said. "We promise."

RJ though wasn't going easy on her. Ever since they'd left Drew and Brian's, he'd given her the silent treatment. They were now at Scanlon's flat and Serena was tugging on his arm. "Let's dance."

RJ shrugged away. "Scanlon," he called out. "Where's the brew?"

Serena rolled her eyes. "Maybe you'd like a juice box since you're acting like a spoiled child."

"Fuck off," RJ answered.

Scanlon pressed a bottle in RJ's hand. "Here you go, mate."

"Thanks," RJ pulled back hard on the bottle.

"I can't believe you're being like this," Serena said haughtily. "You were so much fun when we first got together and now you always act so angry when I say anything."

"Well maybe if you thought about what you said before you said it, I wouldn't get so angry," RJ hissed. "You know you're making it really hard for my family to like you."

"Well I TOLD you that I'm not good with families," Serena countered.

"You could make a bloody effort," RJ retorted.

"Not if you're always going to persecute me," Serena sniffed.

RJ glared at her. Times like this he truly wondered what he saw in her. She was truly more trouble than she was worth.

"Forget it," RJ muttered. "Just forget all this, okay?"

"I'm going to get a drink," Serena said tossing her hair over her shoulder. "And when I get back, I hope you're ready to apologise."

"Then you'll be waiting a long time," RJ said but she didn't hear. He rolled his eyes and headed over to where some of his team mates were standing.

"You ready for next weekend's match, Weasley?" Scanlon asked.

"Hell yeah," RJ said. "It's the one that's going to get us in the Cup. I don't plan on letting anything get by me."

"You'd better not," Scanlon said. "And you don't need any distractions."

"I don't have any," RJ said. "Not anymore."

"Trouble in paradise?" Scanlon asked.

"There is no paradise," RJ stated.

"You damn near got it with her," Scanlon said motioning toward Serena.

"She's too high maintenance," Murphy disagreed. "It would get old after awhile."

"Murph's right," RJ nodded. "She's fun but not long term material."

"Your ex seemed to have both," Murphy said. "Alexa, right?"

"Yeah," RJ pulled back again and nearly finished the bottle.

"You want another?" Scanlon offered.

"Sure," RJ replied. "Keep 'em coming."

Scanlon went off to get them both another bottle.

"You alright?" Murphy asked RJ.

"Fine," RJ shrugged.

"Look, when I first started a few years back," Murphy said. "I was like a kid in a candy shop. I was out partying and drinking every chance I got. I know that you're not wanting a lecture or anything, but take it from me. You need to remember who was there for you before all this happened, mate. Those are the people that really care. They're the ones that matter."

"I know," RJ nodded. "I think things are all but completely over with me and Serena."

"She probably won't take it too well," Murphy said. "I remember when she was going out with Reaves."

"Just how many team members has she dated?" RJ asked.

"I think I hold the distinction of being the only one of the starting seven that she hasn't," Murphy replied. "And that's because I'm too old and happily married."

RJ smiled at him. "You're hardly old Murph."

"You've obviously drank too much," Murphy said with a laugh.

"Not yet," RJ raised his bottle. "But I plan to."

"Take it easy," Murphy said clapping him on the back.

Serena joined them and she glared at RJ. "I won't be needing you to take me home, RJ."

"I wasn't planning to," RJ said coolly.

"Fine," Serena scoffed. "I'm going home with Jamie. He knows how to treat a woman."

"Have fun," RJ shrugged. He couldn't care less what she did anymore.

"I will," Serena said. "And don't think you can come back. We're over. O-V-E-R, over."

"Fine," he said. "We're over."

Serena stalked away.

"Well done," Murphy said raising his glass at RJ.

"I think I need to stay single for awhile," RJ said. "Going from one girl to the other makes my head spin."

"I think that's very wise," Murphy said.

"Did I tell you I have a new niece?" RJ asked.

"No," Murphy said with a grin. "Congratulations, mate. What's her name?"

"Chloe," RJ answered. "She's really cute too. I should have some pictures soon."

"Speaking of pictures," Murphy said reaching for his wallet. "This is Nora's latest school picture. Five years old going on 18."

RJ laughed. "She's lucky she takes after Kate."

"Don't I know it," Murphy said. "And I'm lucky Kate took me back."

"What do you mean?' RJ asked.

"Well, Kate was my childhood sweetheart, right?" Murphy explained. "I sort of went crazy my first couple of seasons and we broke things off. Then, when I was basically at rock bottom, I went home to recover from an injury and she stopped by to check on me and well, we've been together ever since."

"Wow," RJ mused. "That sort of sounds like what I did to Lexie."

"I was a complete arse to her," Murphy said. "And I really had to make it up to her."

"I doubt she'd even take me back at this point," RJ said.

"That's what I thought about Kate," Murphy said. "But you're right, RJ. You need some time by yourself to figure all this out."

"Thanks Murph," RJ said. "I'm glad you've been around."

"No problem," Murphy said. "And if you'll excuse me, I'm going to say my goodbyes and get back home. I want to tuck Nora in."

"See you mate," RJ waved.

Serena was currently on the dance floor hanging all over Jamie, but RJ could care less.

"What's up with that?" Scanlon joined RJ and nodded towards the blonde.

"She's trying to make me jealous," RJ said with a shrug.

"You don't seem to upset," Scanlon handed him another beer.

"I'm not," RJ said. "She can do what she wants. I feel sorry for Jamie."

"She does like to make her way around," Scanlon grinned. "Jamie will be old news in a few more weeks."

"How'd you get away from her?" RJ asked him.

"The thing with me and Serena is that we never truly became a couple," Scanlon said. "We go out sometimes and all that, but we haven't ever been exclusive."

"Were you seeing her while she was with me?" RJ asked point blank.

"No," Scanlon said. "The last time we went out was that Christmas party- where I recall she left with you."

RJ nodded. "Sorry about that, mate. "

"Like I said, she and I were never exclusive," Scanlon shrugged.

"Did you ever try and introduce her to your family?" RJ asked.

"Hell no," Scanlon laughed. "She always hightails it the other way when family comes into the picture."

"Wonder why that is," RJ said thoughtfully.

"She never says," Scanlon replied.

RJ watched her. "Well, it's not my concern anymore."

"You'll get someone new," Scanlon clapped his shoulder.

"Nah," RJ said. "I don't really care about someone new."

"Playing the field is fun too," Scanlon agreed. "Just don't let it hurt your game."

"When you're this good nothing can hurt your game," RJ said with a grin.

"Yeah, yeah," Scanlon was laughing. "You are too good Weasley."

"Bout time you admitted it," RJ said.

"I only admit it because you're on MY team," Scanlon replied.

RJ laughed but that laughter died when Serena came over with Jamie. "We're going now, Todd. Thank you for inviting us."

"Alright Serena," Scanlon nodded. "Have a good one."

"We will," Serena cooed. "Come on Jamie."

Jamie looked as if he'd won a million pounds. "Right," he said, trailing behind her.

"Poor bloke doesn't know what's about to hit him," RJ said shaking his head.

"Well you have fun," Scanlon said. "I've got to go make my rounds. There's a group of ladies in the corner that have yet the pleasure of making my acquaintance."

"Right," RJ said with a laugh. "I actually think I might head on out. Maybe go and see my brother."

"Either way, have a good one," Scanlon thumped him on the back and left.

RJ looked at his watch. It was just gone nine in the evening. He hadn't been round to see Emma, Caroline and Adam since Emma's birthday party. Perhaps, they'd still be awake.

Saying a quick goodbye to his team mates, he left for Jon and Allison's house on the other side of town.

Emma was sitting in front of Adam's bouncy seat and held up a block. "A," she said putting it in front of him. "You're name starts with that!"

"Em that's a C," Caroline giggled from the sofa where she was doing her homework.

"Oh," Emma said. "Sissy, where is A?"

Caroline pointed to one of the blocks by Emma's foot. "That's an A."

"Kay," Emma grinned at her. "Thanks."

"Ten minutes and then you two girls are going to bed," Allison announced from the kitchen.

"Can't we stay up just a little later?" Caroline wheedled.

"You said that ten minutes ago," Allison reminded her. "And no, you can't. It's a school night."

Caroline frowned as she finished the last of her homework.

Emma jumped when the doorbell chimed. "Mummy! Someone's here!"

Allison was surprised when she opened the door to see her brother in law standing there. "RJ?"

"HI, Allie," RJ said stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I know it's late..."

"Uncle RJ!" Emma squealed launching herself at him.

"Hey Em," RJ scooped her up.

"Em missed you!" Emma said giving him a hug.

"I missed you too Em," RJ kissed her on the cheek as Caroline appeared and threw herself at him too.

"Quite a welcome," Allison said ushering him inside. "It's great to see you, RJ."

"We haven't seen you in so long," Caroline said.

"I know," RJ apologised. "But that's going to change."

"Wait until you see Adam," Allison said. "He's gotten so big since you saw him last, RJ."

"I can't wait," RJ said. "Is Jon around?"

"He's in the backyard with Max," Allison told him.

"Great," RJ said as Caroline and Emma pulled on his arms.

"Come see Adam first," Caroline said leading the way into the sitting room.

"Em takes good care of Adam," Emma told her uncle.

"I heard that you did," RJ said with a grin. He knelt down in front of his nephew. "Hey, little guy. You are getting big!"

Adam gurgled and waved his little hands at him.

"What's this?" Jon was in the doorway clutching his chest. "Does the famous Quidditch star grace us with his presence?"

"Very funny," RJ said over his shoulder.

"We weren't expecting you," Jon said, sitting down on the sofa. "What brings you by?"

"I just wanted to see you guys," RJ replied sitting down on the floor. Emma quickly crawled into his lap. "And since you're a lot more fun than Joshie, you won."

"I'll have to tell him you said that," Jon said with a wicked grin.

"My friend Michael thinks you're the greatest player in the whole world," Caroline told him. "He says that you're the reason Puddlemere is winning."

"You'll have to tell him I said thanks," RJ grinned. "And tell him we'll be headed for the Cup after next weekend."

"Can we go?" Caroline asked eagerly.

"If your mum and dad say its okay, I'm sure I can scrounge up some tickets," RJ replied as Emma bounced excitedly.

"Em loves Quitch!" Emma exclaimed.

"Oh yeah?" RJ tickled her. "Are you going to play someday?"

Emma giggled. "Yes!"

"Can you play Quidditch and be a dancer at the same time?" Caroline asked. "Cause if you can, I'm gonna do it."

Jon laughed. "You want to do it all, Angel?"

"I want to," Caroline answered with a grin.

"I bet you could," RJ said encouragingly.

Caroline beamed at him.

"So where's um... Serena?" Jon didn't really want to bring her up but he was curious.

"I don't know," RJ replied laughing at the face Adam was making. "And I don't care."

"Did you two have a fight?" Allison asked.

"Let's just say I finally realised she and I weren't going to be anything long-term and I cut my losses while I still could," RJ said.

Jon and Allison exchanged surprised looks. "Well I'm sure you're doing what's best for you," Allison said.

Caroline clapped her hands. "Are you and Lexie going to be boyfriend and girlfriend again?"

"I'm...I'm not sure, Caroline," RJ said taken aback at her questioning. "Maybe someday."

"Em likes Lexie," Emma told her uncle. "Em no like other one."

"Em!" Allison exclaimed. "Baby--"

RJ shook his head. "Its okay, Allie."

"Mummy," Caroline began. "Since Uncle RJ's here can we stay up just a little bit longer?"

"Well---" Allison hedged.

"Please," RJ and Caroline echoed with Emma chiming in with "Peas?"

"Come on Al," Jon nudged her. "A little while couldn't hurt."

"Okay," she relented.

"Yay," Caroline hugged her mother. "Thank you thank you!"

"You're welcome," Allison said with a laugh. "RJ, have you had dinner yet? We have some leftover chicken. I could warm you up a plate."

"Actually that sounds fantastic," RJ said. "As long as you wouldn't mind..."

"It's no trouble," Allison said before going into the kitchen.

Emma tugged on RJ's sleeve. "Can Em have bite? Little one?"

"Emma," Jon laughed. "You let uncle RJ eat. If you take a bite there won't be anything left!"

"Peas?" Emma asked giving RJ her Maddie look.

"You are too much like your aunt," RJ shook his head.

"Emma Madeline," Jon warned. "Max does enough begging- you don't need to as well."

RJ couldn't remember the last time he'd had this much fun.

"Maddie's been coaching Em and Hannah," Caroline told her uncle.

"Passing along the look eh?" RJ asked. "I'm sure she'll be teaching it to Chloe too."

"No one can do it like Maddie though," Jon said shaking his head. "The things that girl was able to get out of ..."

"I can't think of a single time she got into trouble," RJ remembered. "Even when she had Dolly and that pixie would tear the house apart, all she had to do was give Dad the look and all would be well."

"Did you get into trouble a lot?" Caroline asked RJ.

"I got into my fair share," RJ grinned at her. "So did your dad."

"I was perfect," Jon said. "I never got into trouble."

RJ guffawed. "Yeah right. Your silly string in the Gryffindor Common Room is still legendary... as was your punishment for doing it."

"Um, that was all part of my plan to get Al to notice me," Jon said defensively. "And McGonagall totally overreacted."

"She made you clean every bit up by hand," RJ cackled. "In an hour no less...

"How about we talk about the time we took you fishing and you fell out of the boat?" Jon asked. "I'd rather talk about that."

"You fell out of the boat?" Caroline giggled.

"No thanks to your dad and Josh," RJ muttered.

"Daddy tell," Emma begged.

Jon laughed. "We were at Brighton and we decided to go fishing with your Uncle Josh. It was the first time your uncle had ever been fishing and we're not out there an hour before he gets a bite on his line. Well, he freaked out and dropped his pole into the water..."

Caroline and Emma both giggled. "What happened next?"

"Josh and I told him he had to jump in and get it," Jon said laughing to hard he was barely able to get that out. "He refused and so Josh starts rocking the boat a little..."

"And I fell in," RJ finished.

"You're silly Uncle RJ," Caroline was still giggling.

RJ reached for her and tickled her side. "You are, Caroline!"

Emma squealed. "Sissy ticklish here!" she reached under her sister's arms.

"Em!" Caroline protested, giggling.

"I see," RJ laughed too as Allison came back into the room.

"Here you go," Allison said, setting the plate on the coffee table.

"That smells fantastic Allie," RJ said gratefully. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome," Allison said smiling at him. "We're just so happy to see you."

Emma poked him in the shoulder. "Bite?"

"Emma!" Jon said. "Sorry RJ..."

"No, she can have a bite," RJ said cutting her a piece. "Here you go, Em."

"Yummy," Emma declared.

RJ laughed. "I agree."

"That's why Al's helped us plan the new menu at the pub," Jon told his brother. "It's been a huge hit."

"I'll need to stop by and sample it," RJ said.

"You're welcome anytime," Jon told him. "We definitely need to see more of you Junior."

Emma gave him a hug. "Peas?"

"I promise to come around more often," RJ hugged his little niece back.

Emma smiled. "Em loves RJ."

"RJ loves Em," he smoothed back her curls. "And Caroline and Adam too of course."

Caroline joined in the group hug. "I wish we could stay up even later."

"How about I come over on some Friday or Saturday," RJ suggested. "And we can stay up really, really late."

"Really?" Caroline asked. "You'd want to do that?"

"I sure do," RJ replied.

"That would be soooo cool," Caroline said.

"Let's plan on it then," RJ said.

"Anytime," Jon smiled at his brother.

"And now it really is time for you two to go to bed," Allison said to her daughters. "I know…I know..."

"I'll come in to say goodnight," RJ promised them.

"Okay," Caroline said grabbing Emma's hand and leading her back toward their bedroom. Allison followed to give them a hand.

RJ continued to eat his dinner under the watchful eye of his brother.

"What?" he finally asked.

"I've just been worried about you," Jon said sitting down. "And tonight, you seemed like your old self again."

"Let's just say I think I woke up," RJ told him.

Jon smiled at his brother. "Welcome back, mate."

"I hope I don't lead the girls on thinking I'm going to get back together with Alexa," RJ said. "I still care about her, but I just don't want to be with anyone right now."

"You did fine," Jon reassured him. "I think they're just happy that their uncle was back."

"I felt bad, you know?" RJ asked. "That Chloe's almost a month old and I hadn't even met her yet."

"We understood that you were busy," Jon said.

"I wasn't THAT busy," RJ replied. "I guess I just let all this go to my head."

"I can see how you would have," Jon said. "But that's the good thing about family; we'll always take you back no matter how much of an arrogant wanker you turn into."

"You always have such a great way of putting things," RJ deadpanned. "Maybe you should write a book too."

"There's an idea," Jon said seriously. "Maybe I could talk to Joshie's publisher..."

"Word from the Wise Weasley," RJ cracked. "Yeah right."

"Uncle RJ!" Caroline called out. "We're ready!"

"Be right there," RJ called back.

Jon bent down and lifted Adam out of his seat. "Come here, little guy. It's about time you went to bed, too."

"Let me carry him up," RJ said. "He's such a cute little bugger."

"Okay," Jon said handing him to RJ.

Adam had started to cry but was quiet as he stared up at his uncle. "He's probably wondering who this stranger is," RJ joked.

"It helps that you look a little like his daddy," Jon said.

"A little better than his daddy," RJ corrected with a grin.

"Don't listen to him, Adam," Jon said taking RJ's plate and heading for the kitchen.

"Come on little guy," RJ said. "Time to say good night to your sisters..."

The girls were already in bed and Allison had just pulled out a book to read. "Can Uncle RJ read it?" Caroline asked.

"If you'd like him to," Allison smiled at her daughters.

Emma and Caroline both nodded.

"Okay then," Allison said. "I'll just put Adam down then."

"What's this book?" RJ asked, settling down on the edge of Caroline's bed.

"Em's most favourite," Caroline said. "She can practically recite it she's heard it so many times."

"Red," Emma replied. "Red Riding Hood!"

"Oh," RJ said tickling Emma. "You're not afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf, are you?"

"No!" Emma squealed, hiding under the covers.

RJ laughed. "I won't let him get you, Em."

"Promise?" Emma asked.

"He'd have to get through me first," RJ said pulling back the covers.

"Oooh," Emma replied. "RJ, read!"

RJ moved in between his two nieces and began to read the story. "Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in a village near the forest..."

Allison peeked in and smiled when she saw how enraptured her daughters were with RJ reading to them.

"Nice to have him back, eh?" Jon asked from behind her.

Allison nodded. "He's really good with the kids."

Jon laughed as his brother did the voice of the Big, Bad Wolf causing the girls to giggle.

"Adam go down okay?" Allison asked.

"Out like a light," Jon replied.

"Good," Allison hugged her husband. "Merlin, I am exhausted today."

"Why don't you go on to bed?" Jon asked. "I cleaned up downstairs."

"Thank you," Allison kissed him. "Say goodbye to RJ for me?"

"I will," Jon said. "Good night, sweetheart."

"I'll see you in just a bit," Allison kissed him again.

"All the better to see you with my dear," RJ said dramatically.

"Scary!" Emma hid her face.

"Em, you've heard this before," Caroline giggled.

"Still scary," Emma leaned against her uncle.

"Before the Big Bad Wolf could hurt Little Red Riding Hood," RJ improvised. "This really handsome, charming Quidditch player flew in and picked up the wolf...."

"Uncle RJ that's not in the story," Caroline laughed.

"It is," RJ said putting his hand over the writing. "You just don't remember it..."

"More," Emma begged him. "Em likes it!"

"So, he picked up the wolf and flew him out of the house," RJ continued. "And he dropped him in the deepest, darkest part of the forest."

"What about Red?" Emma asked.

"Well, the handsome Quidditch player flew back to the house and took Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandma to the biggest ice cream parlour in the village and they had huge ice cream sundaes."

"Mmm," Emma nodded. "Em really likes this one."

"And they lived happily, ever, after..." RJ finished closing the book.

Emma hugged her uncle. "Em loves RJ," she said again. "Good stories."

RJ hugged her tightly. "Thanks, Em. Next time, I'll give you my take on Cinderella."

"Tomorrow?" Emma suggested.

"I have practise tomorrow, but I'll try and stop by afterwards," RJ said.

"Good night, Uncle RJ," Caroline said giving him a hug.

"Night Caroline," he kissed her cheek. "Love you guys."

"Love you too," Caroline said. "Leave the night light on, okay?"

"Will do," RJ said, also leaving the door open a crack.

"Handsome, charming Quidditch player?" Jon asked in a hushed tone to his brother.

"They liked it," RJ said with a grin.

"Thanks for stopping by," Jon said. "It meant the world to the kids."

RJ nodded. "I just really wanted to see you guys," he said.

"We're glad you did," Jon said clapping him on the back.

"I'll stop by the pub soon too," RJ said. "I can't wait to see what you and Victoria have come up with."

"I might even let you eat for free," Jon said with a grin.

"Right, because I'm totally broke," RJ replied sarcastically.

"That's right," Jon said. "I should charge you double."

"If it's good enough, I'll pay triple," RJ pulled his cloak on.

"It will be," Jon promised. "I'll walk you downstairs..."

RJ shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I'll lock up when I leave, Jon."

"It's okay," Jon said. "I want to make sure the kitchen's all clean before I hit the sack."

"Alright," RJ said following his brother downstairs.

"Allison says good night," Jon said. "She was really knackered."

"Putting up with you would do it," RJ joked.

"Very funny," Jon cuffed him. "Go get some rest."

"I will," RJ said. "Thanks again, Jon."

"Anytime," Jon said. "And I'm still telling Josh about me being the fun one."

"He knows you're the fun one," RJ said before walking out the door.

"That is fairly obvious," Jon said. "Night RJ."

"Night, Jon," RJ said closing the door behind him.