Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: Sorry again for the late update guys I (Heaven) was working on the Sims trying to repackage them again for the website I have to make up so those of you who want to use them in your own game can. I swear I'm going to start putting them up soon, hopefully next week sometime!

As always, thanks for your comments last chapter and please tell us what you think after this one!

"No," Saffron said. "You know that R.J.," she tried to pull away but his grip was tight.

He didn't know why, but he reached up and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Stop it," Saffron said, her voice shaking now.

The last thing R.J. wanted to do was make her uncomfortable and to be honest what he was feeling at the moment was so strange that he didn't really know what he was doing or why. He left go of her. "I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me..."

"Why did you do that?" she demanded.

R.J. suddenly wished he'd just gone upstairs instead of getting into this--whatever this was. "I don't know. We should probably go on to bed."

"Right," Saffron swallowed. Part of her wanted him to finish what he'd just started and the other part wanted to run as far away as she could get.

"Good night Saf," R.J. said quickly before racing up the stairs.

Saffron stared up at where he'd disappeared before going to her own bed, never feeling so confused.

The next morning she woke up wondering why she felt like something was wrong and then she remembered what had happened when R.J. had walked in.

She was a near zombie as she let Alexa lead her down to breakfast. Thankfully, R.J. wasn't there yet and she and Alexa slid into their usual seats.

"Did you finish your essay?" Alexa asked helping herself to some eggs.

"What?" Saffron jumped. "What are you talking about? I didn't do anything with him!"

Alexa stared at her. "With who? I didn't say anything about anyone, Saffy. I asked if you'd finished your essay."

"Oh," Saffron turned red. "Um... yeah I finished it."

Brendan Grey let out a wolf whistle as he passed them. "Looking good Potter."

Saffron forced a grin onto her face. "Thanks Brendan," she said.

Alexa stared after the older boy. "Saffy, he's a seventh year!"

"I know," Saffron poured herself some juice. "It still feels so weird not to feel those braces," she said. "My teeth are so smooth without them."

"I still have another six months before I get mine off," Alexa said grumpily. "You're so lucky!"

"You could always use magic on your teeth," Saffron grinned. "I almost did, but my grandparents were both dentists at one point and my mum would have killed me- even though she did the same thing!"

"Not after all the money my mum and dad spent on these," Alexa said with a laugh. Both her parents were Muggles. "They'd kill me."

"Six months will go by fast," Saffron said. "And you're already so pretty," she added loyally. "No one's going to notice me once you get your metal taken away."

"Not bloody likely," Alexa said. "Unless you started wearing your dad's old invisibility cloak."

"Whatever," Saffron said, sitting up straight as R.J. came into the Great Hall.

"I give it three seconds before the Queen comes over," Alexa said under her breath to Saffron. "Three...two..."

"Junior!" a shrill voice called out from behind them.

Alexa rolled her eyes at Saffron. "Why on earth does she insist on calling him that? Didn't you tell me he hates that?"

"He can't stand it," Saffron glared at Christina as she ran over to R.J. and threw herself at him. "Ugh she is so bloody..."

"Come and sit with me at the Ravenclaw table," Christina purred. "No one will care..."

"I can't Chris," R.J. said uncomfortably.

"Why not?" Christina asked, a frown appearing. "Don't tell me you have someone BETTER to sit with than meeeeeeee..."

R.J. wondered if she'd always sounded like this. "It's not that, Chris. It's just that you know we're supposed to sit with our own houses. We'll see each other in Transfiguration."

"But R.J.," Christina pouted.

"I wanted to go over my notes," R.J. lied. "You know I can't concentrate when you're around."

"Can't she take a hint?" Alexa whispered to Saffron.

"I can't believe she's in Ravenclaw," Saffron snorted.

"And we thought the Sorting Hat was never wrong," Alexa joked.

"Come on Junior," Christina said tugging at his hand. "I promise I'll be quiet while you study..."

Saffron was still unnerved by what happened last night but she couldn't let R.J. go off with that bimbo. "Hey R.J.!" she stood up. "I've got that book you let me borrow!" she called over to him.

Christina glared at Saffron.

"Thanks Saffy," R.J. said heading over to her.

"Junior," Christina whined.

"I'll catch up with you later," R.J. said rolling his eyes so only Saffron and Alexa could see.

"You owe me," Saffron said as he sat down.

"Don't I know it," R.J. said with a sigh of relief as Christina sauntered back to the Ravenclaw table. "Hi Lex..."

Alexa blushed. "Hiya R.J."

"I told you she was an idiot," Saffron said, digging into her kippers.

R.J. knew he should defend her, but the more he thought about it, the more he was beginning to see that Saffron was right.

"She's...she's Christina," R.J. finally said. He looked across the table at Alexa. "I thought we were having waffles today. Did you get mine?"

Alexa giggled. "No, I didn't. I think the Ravenclaw table has some, Junior."

"I hate it when she calls me that," R.J. said. "I've told her time and time again to stop that."

"There's some down there," Saffron pointed to where some first years were eagerly grabbing them off a large platter. "And you'd better look like you're discussing a book with me so your woman doesn't get any more jealous than she already is."

R.J. nodded and picked up Alexa's Charms textbook. "Right..."

"I'm going to go grab some of those," Alexa got up. "I'll be right back..."

Once Alexa was gone, a tension filled silence hung in the air between Saffron and R.J. "So um..." Saffron said.

"Yeah," R.J. said flipping absently through the book. "I didn't sleep much last night. You know how it is when you have so much on your mind and you want to go to sleep so bad, but you can't stop your mind from just processing all these thoughts?"

"I know what you mean," Saffron said quietly.

"Here's this girl that I've known since we were kids," R.J. continued, his eyes still focused on the book and not on Saffron. He knew if he had to look at her, he'd never be able to say any of this. "And I've always thought about her as a little sister. And then we get back to school and all these blokes are talking about her and I don't know...last night, I started to see you a little differently. "

A lump the size of an apple had lodged itself firmly in Saffron's throat. "You did?" she squeaked.

R.J. changed a sideways glance at his friend. "Aye..."

"Oh," Saffron stared down at her half empty plate. She really didn't know what to say- part of her jumped at hearing this and the other part kept her firmly grounded.

"It kind of freaked me out last night," he admitted. "I mean, there are our families. There's me being older than you...."

"The fact that my brother is practically married to your sister," Saffron interjected dryly.

"That too," R.J. said. "But...we're not related by blood. It's not like it would be incest or anything."

"Of course not," Saffron said quickly.

"Did you mean what you said last night?" he asked. "About never thinking of me that way?"

"I didn't mean to laugh," Saffron said. "And if we're being truthful... I have thought on occasion that you're cute. But I never wanted to date you... at least... not until..." she was too scared to finish that sentence.

"Until last night?" R.J. asked a hopeful tone to his voice. "I felt the same way Saffy."

Saffron looked straight at him and opened her mouth to say something when Alexa plonked her plate back down.

"I can't believe I nearly had to wrestle these away from some first years!" she laughed, unaware of the tension between her best friend and R.J.

"Did you get me one too?" R.J. asked both annoyed and grateful at the interruption.

"I snagged a few extra in case you still wanted them," Alexa said.

"I've got to go back to the dorm," Saffron jumped to her feet. "I forgot my essay up there."

"You've got plenty of time," Alexa said. "We don't have class for another twenty minutes. I'll wait for you down here."

"I should probably get going too," R.J. said. "I was um...there was thing I needed to do before class."

Saffron wordlessly grabbed her bag and hightailed it out of the hall, knowing R.J. was on her tail but not knowing if she wanted him following her or not.

"Wait up!" R.J. called after her. He thought she'd wanted to leave so they could continue their talk, but maybe he'd read her wrong. "Saffy! Please!"

Saffron stopped right at the staircase leading to the tower. "What is it?" she asked.

"You were going to say something before Alexa came back," R.J. said. "What was it? What were you going to say?"

"I don't know if I want to talk about this anymore R.J.," Saffron said. "It's confusing for me all right? I'm only fourteen- I haven't ever had a boyfriend, I haven't even been kissed and--"

Without thinking, R.J. grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. He gently pressed his lips to hers.

Saffron's eyes popped open wide and she stood stiff as a board for a moment before letting herself relax into what was happening.

She wasn't as experienced as Christina, but R.J. didn't much care. This was nice. This was....sweet.

R.J. pressed harder against her mouth as he pulled her closer. It was a chaste, closed lip kiss but Saffron couldn't believe this was happening.

"Should I not have done that?" he asked shyly when they pulled apart.

"I... I don't know," Saffron said, completely dazed. She'd just received her very first kiss from one of her best friends.

"For your first time," R.J. said touching her cheek. "You did really well." He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable and he'd always been able to make her laugh.

"Thanks," Saffron whispered.

He wanted to kiss her again, but he wasn't so sure if that was a good idea. She looked like she wanted to get away as fast as she could.

"I should really go," Saffron said, looking at the floor. "I um... I guess I'll see you later after classes in the common room?"

"I have practise this afternoon," he said.

"This evening then?" Saffron asked. "I really think we need to talk about... what just happened here."

"We do," R.J. said taking her hand. "How about we meet like we did last night? The Common Room should be deserted."

"Okay," Saffron nodded and chanced a smile at him.

"I'll see you tonight then?" R.J. asked.

"It's a plan," Saffron said, surprising herself by leaning over and giving him a peck on the lips.

"It's not every girl who gets me away from breakfast," he said turning to head back into the Great Hall.

Saffron shook her head before turning to head to her first class. She didn't know what was happening but she was starting to like it.

*** *** ***

The rest of that day had Saffron sitting on pins and needles during her classes. She was so nervous about the impending conversation with R.J. that night that she gave a wrong answer in Potions, causing Gryffindor to lose ten points which Alexa managed to gain back in Charms.

It was already half past eleven and everyone had retired except Saffron and apparently R.J., who hadn't shown back up from practise yet. She was about to give up on him when the portrait door suddenly swung open and he trudged inside.

"Sorry I'm late," he said quietly. "I sort of got..."

"Sidetracked with HER right?" Saffron asked, surprised at how harsh her voice was.

R.J. frowned. That had been the reason he'd been late, but it wasn't what she was thinking. "Practise ran late, Saffy. And when I was on my way back here, she cornered me in the hall. Nothing happened."

"Right," Saffron muttered. "Look I'm really tired so--"

"Do you really think I'd do something like that with her after what happened between us this morning?" he asked putting his hand on her arm. "Saffy, I'm not like that. You know me."

"I guess so," she said softly. "I am so confused right now R.J.."

R.J. led her over to the sofa and they both sat down. "I'm confused too. What happened last night and this tell you the truth, I've not been able to think of anything else. I nearly fell off my broom five times tonight."

That made Saffron smile. "Now that I can't believe."

R.J. laughed. "It's true."

"I screwed up in Potions today," Saffron admitted. "You can imagine how much Snape loved that."

"It was probably like Christmas, Halloween and his birthday all wrapped up in one," R.J. said trying very hard not to notice what the firelight was doing to her hair and her eyes.

"Yeah," Saffron laughed. "He's really such a git."

"He terrified me my first year," R.J. admitted. "I'd heard such horror stories from my brothers and sisters and then from my dad."

"Ethan had me shaking before I went into the class the first time," Saffron shifted a bit on the sofa. "But once I knew what I was doing... it's just basically him that makes it so bad."

R.J. turned to look at her. "How do you do that? You're not scared of anything. You're the bravest person..."

"I'm not that brave," Saffron's cheeks turned pink

"Name one thing that scares you," R.J. said taking her hand without realising he'd done so.

"This," Saffron whispered. "What's going on right now."

"Why are you scared?" he asked. "It's just me."

"That's why I'm so terrified," Saffron said. "You're one of my best friends R.J.. If we started dating and then broke up, we wouldn't be friends anymore."

"You think we'd break up?" he asked.

"Nothing lasts forever," Saffron said hoarsely.

"Your mum and dad have been together forever," R.J. countered. "So have mine."

"R.J.," Saffron pulled her hands away.

"You don't think this is a good idea, do you?" he asked quietly.

"Part of me does," Saffron said. "But part of me thinks that we're so much better as friends."

"I know," he agreed. "Part of me wants things to go back to the way they were before all this happened, but then..."

"It just seems... to me..." Saffron was choosing her words carefully. "That all this was brought about by what Ethan said."

"Maybe a little, but I've always thought you were pretty Saffy," he said. "And you make me laugh. And're just this amazing person. I've always known that."

"And I make a good subject for your photographs," Saffron smiled.

"The camera loves you," he said grinning back at her.

"So what do we do?" Saffron asked. "I mean... I really don't know here R.J...."

R.J. looked thoughtfully at her. "I don't know, Saffy. I wish I did. I keep trying to think rationally about this, but all I want to do is .."

"Kiss?" she asked timidly.

R.J. nodded. "Is that what you want too?"

"I don't know," she said. "Maybe... um... maybe we should... just so you know, so we can try and figure this out?"

"Okay," R.J. said inching closer to her on the sofa.

Alexa had been reading upstairs waiting for Saffron to come back from studying. She wanted to make sure her best friend was okay. All day long, she'd seemed so preoccupied and distracted. Knowing Saffy, Alexa thought slipping out of her bed and throwing on her robe, she'd fallen asleep.

Saffron nervously licked her lips as R.J. leaned in and kissed her gently. It started out much like it had earlier that day except this time it grew deeper.

Alexa slowly crept down the stairs. As she made it to the last step, she froze. Saffron was in the common room, but she wasn't alone.

R.J.'s hands were cupping her face as they kissed; she leaned against the back of the sofa, her eyes closed and they were both quite unaware that they had an audience.

"You sure you've never done this before," R.J. asked softly when they pulled apart. "Because you really are quite good..."

"No," she whispered. "I never kissed anyone before today."

"So," he said nervously. "Did that clear anything up for you?"

Saffron had enjoyed the kiss but it wasn't as thrilling as it had been earlier. "Kind of..." she said.

Alexa couldn't bear to hear this anymore. She crept back upstairs, still unnoticed by R.J. or Saffron.

"You want us to be just friends don't you?" he asked. When he saw her hesitate, he smiled. "If you really wanted this, you wouldn't have doubts Saffy."

"I guess you're right," Saffron said. "I do care about you a lot R.J.. I just don't know if what we have is meant for a romantic relationship."

"And the Ethan and Maddie thing makes it seem strange, doesn't it?" he asked. "I mean we're not related, but ..."

"It just feels too close already," Saffron finished.

"Damn them," R.J. joked.

Saffron laughed. "Why'd they have to get together?" she agreed teasingly. "They ruined us before we even started!"

"Exactly," R.J. said laughing. "They're so bloody selfish. I have half a mind to tell them what I think of them next time I see them."

"Speaking of Ethan," Saffron said. "You are NOT to tell him about this. I could never live with him if he thought he was right about you and me."

"Okay," R.J. said extending his hand toward her. "I won't tell Ethan, if you promise me that you will never ever go out with Brendan or Patrick. They really are shite, Saffy. Really."

Saffron leaned over and hugged him. "I'm glad I have you looking out for me," she said. "I won't date those guys. I don't think they're THAT cute."

R.J. hugged her back. "And you'll be happy to know that Christina and I are no more..."

"You mean that's why you were with her?" Saffron brightened.

"I honestly didn't expect to see her tonight," R.J. admitted. "But she cornered me on my way back and she really is quite annoying and clingy...I guess I didn't notice before."

"I could have told you that ages ago," Saffron scoffed.

"So I guess I should listen to you more often," R.J. said getting to his feet and helping Saffron up as well. "Come on you."

"You should listen to me all the time," Saffron said. "I AM a girl after all. I do know everything."

R.J. laughed and they held hands as they walked up the staircase toward the respective dorms.

"So we're okay?" he asked. "We'll go back to how we were before and no one will be any the wiser?"

"That sounds like a good idea," Saffron agreed. "And R.J.- in my unskilled opinion, you kiss quite well."

R.J. grinned. "See? For the rest of your life, you'll be able to say that Ronald Bilius Weasley Junior gave you your first kiss. Not many girls can say that.."

"Aren't I the lucky one?" Saffron giggled. "Night R.J.."

"Night Saf," R.J. said pecking her on the cheek before walking away.

Alexa was still reading when Saffron walked into their room. Their other roommates were fast asleep.

"Hey how come you're still up?" Saffron asked, depositing her bag next to her bed before pulling out her pyjamas.

Alexa didn't answer right away. "I'm not very sleepy," she finally replied not looking up from her book.

"What are you reading?" Saffron asked as she changed.

"Just a book," Alexa said coolly.

"Lex?" Saffron had noticed her friend's tone. "Is something wrong?"

"Why would anything be wrong?" Alexa asked looking pointedly at Saffron.

"I don't know," Saffron said. "Why don't you tell me?"

"We're best friends aren't we?" Alexa asked closing her book. "We've been that way since our first day here, right?"

"Right," Saffron said, pulling back the covers on her bed. "Since the day we shared a compartment on the train."

"And we always said we wouldn't have secrets from each other," Alexa said.

Saffron had a sudden bad feeling about where this conversation was going. "I know..." she said quietly.

Alexa felt tears welling up in her eyes. She knew she shouldn't get angry. She'd never told Saffron about her silly crush on R.J. partly because she knew that the older boy would never fancy her. That in itself was a secret. "I came downstairs to check on you," she said softly. "I was afraid you'd fallen asleep like you always do when you're in study mode..."

Saffron felt like she'd had the wind knocked out of her. "You saw me with R.J. didn't you?"

Alexa nodded. She couldn't bear to hear how Saffron and R.J. were now a couple and that they'd be sitting alongside each other at meals and snogging in the common room.

"Lex," Saffron said. "You didn't see exactly what you think you saw."

"It's not important," Alexa said quickly putting her book on the nightstand. "It's late..."

"R.J. and I aren't together," Saffron said. "We... thought we might be interested in each other but we're just friends."

"Right," Alexa said reaching over and drawing the curtains closed around her bed. "Good night Saffy."

"Lex!" Saffron thrust the curtains aside. "I'm not going to sleep until we work this out!"

"Work what out?" Alexa hissed. "There's nothing to work out. I hope you and R.J. will be very happy together, Saffy. Very, very happy."

"We AREN'T together," Saffron said, then her eyes widened. "YOU fancy him don't you! That's why you're so angry with me!"

That was all Alexa needed for Saffron to go running to her new boyfriend so they could both laugh about it. "I do not!" she said emphatically.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" Saffron asked, ignoring her friend's protest.

Alexa sighed. "Because he's never going to fancy me in a million years. And now he's dating my best friend."

"We are NOT dating," Saffron said. "Honestly Lex- why would I lie to YOU about this?"

"You didn't tell me about snogging him..." Alexa started to point out.

"Because it just happened," Saffron sat at the edge of her friend's bed.

Alexa let this sink in for a few moments. "That was the first time you and R.J. had snogged ever?"

"This morning," Saffron said. "He kissed me when we left the Great Hall. And it sort of left me feeling messed up all day- and we agreed to talk it out tonight." she shook her head. "If it wasn't for my bloody stupid brother and his insinuations, nothing like this would have ever come about."

"You kissed him this morning and you didn't say anything to me about it all day?" Alexa asked her with a hurt expression on her face. She couldn't believe this was happening and she couldn't understand what Ethan Potter would have to do with anything.

"I told you," Saffron said. "I just wanted to work it out with him before I said anything to anyone. And we realised we're better off as friends."

Alexa stared at her best friend. "Really?"

"Yes," Saffron said. "Really."

"Oh," Alexa responded fiddling with a string on her sheets.

"Are you really mad at me now?" Saffron asked.

"Kind of," Alexa said looking up and meeting her gaze. "I don't know what I am right now, Saffy..."

"Please don't be mad at me," Saffron pleaded. "You're my best friend Lex!"

"You're my best friend too," Alexa said giving her a slight smile. "But I guess I can't really be that mad at you. You didn't know how I felt about R.J."

"Want me to say something to him?" Saffron offered. "He broke up with Christina tonight."

Alexa looked horrified. "Merlin, no! Saffy after being with you and Christina, do you really think he'd look twice at me? I still have my braces for heaven's sake! Promise me you won't say anything!"

"Oh come on," Saffron said with a grin.

"Promise me!" Alexa hissed. "No one knows about this, but you...and my mum, but that's it!"

"You told your mum?" Saffron giggled.

Alexa blushed. "I sort of had to. She saw that picture of you and me and R.J. that Beth took. And she asked who was that nice young man in the photo and I went on and on about him and she sort of figured it out."

"Oh," Saffron was still giggling. "All right, I promise not to say anything. But for the record I think you're mad. You look fine with your braces on and you'll look fine when you get them off too."

"You're my best friend, you're supposed to say stuff like that," Alexa said giggling too.

Saffron reached for her friend's pillow and hit her over the head with it. "Night Lex. Thanks for listening to me."

"Another thing best friends are supposed to do," Alexa said grinning at her. "Good night Saffy."

*** *** ***

"Mads the sitting room looks fine," Ethan laughed. "And besides, Frankie's already seen it. You don't have to go about rearranging everything again."

"These are our first real guests," Maddie said moving one of Ethan's sport magazines under one of the coffee table books. "You know other than our family. And I really think you should read Saffy's letter. You know what happens when you ignore a howler..."

"Yeah, yeah," Ethan said. "I'll throw it out the window when I'm done in here."

"Aren't you curious as to what it's about?" Maddie asked. "It's not every day your baby sister sends you a howler."

"I have a feeling I know what it's about," Ethan said, thinking back to his talk with R.J. before the younger man had left for school.

"What?" Maddie asked looking over to the bookshelf where the red envelope was smoking. "Ethan...."

Ethan turned red. "I might have said something to R.J. about Saffy fancying him..."

"You didn't!" Maddie exclaimed. "Ethan James Potter, why on earth would you do something like that?"

"Because it was funny?" Ethan offered.

Maddie shook her head. "I seem to remember that you used to have a crush on Chiaki when we were growing up. How would you have felt if Julie told her about...wait, she did tell her, didn't she?"

"Yes," Ethan said defensively.

"Do you remember how you felt when she did?" Maddie asked him. "Well, you can multiply that by a thousand to get some idea of what that must have been like for Saffy."

"Come on Mads," Ethan said. "It was just something funny."

Maddie walked over to the bookshelf and picked up the red envelope. Handing it to Ethan, she smirked. "Something tells me Saffy didn't think so. Open it."

"No way," Ethan said. "I'm not stupid."

"Open it," Maddie said sternly. "Or you're sleeping on the sofa tonight."

"Hey!" Ethan said. "It's my bed!"

"When you asked me to move in, it became OUR bed," Maddie said holding the letter out to him.

"If you're so curious, YOU open it." Ethan said, pushing the envelope back at her.

"Fine," Maddie said rolling her eyes. She opened the envelope and Saffron's shrill voice filled the room.


"Shite," Ethan winced. "Are you satisfied now?" he asked Maddie.

"Very," Maddie said as the letter disintegrated. "And if I were you, I'd be afraid."

"It's just Saffy," Ethan rolled his eyes.

"I may have to owl her back with some ideas," Maddie said thoughtfully.

Ethan said nothing but glared at his girlfriend.

Luckily, the doorbell chimed and Maddie looked appraisingly at the sitting room. "Okay, I think everything's fine. Let's let them in."

"Fine," Ethan said, brushing past her towards the hallway.

"Don't we look happy," Frankie said when Ethan opened the door. "You look rather cross. What's going on?"

"Just my sister being a royal pain in the arse," Ethan said. "Come on in."

Frankie laughed. She didn't know what Saffron had done, but she felt a sense of loyalty to the girl being as she too was the baby of her family. And she knew all too well about what pains older siblings could be.

"Ethan," Frankie said stepping inside. "I'd like you to meet Will. Will, this is Ethan."

"Nice to meet you mate," Ethan shook Will's hand. "Congratulations on the engagement."

"Thanks," Will said heartily. "And thanks for having us over."

"And this is my friend Maddie," Frankie said.

"Hi Will," Maddie said shaking his hand. "I feel like I know you already with how much Frankie's talked about you."

"Lovely to meet you both," Will grinned.

"So Maddie," Frankie said linking arms with her friend as they walked into the sitting room. "Tell me what was going on with you and Ethan? First quarrel?"

Ethan glared at both of them as he followed behind with Will.

"You won't believe what Ethan did," Maddie said. She told Frankie all about R.J. and Saffron and about the howler. When she was finished, Frankie was glaring at Ethan and Will was trying hard not to laugh.

"It's not funny William," Frankie said. "I would have been mortified if that had happened to me!"

"It was a bloody joke," Ethan huffed. "You women are a right pain about this sort of thing."

"It doesn't sound like Saffron found it too funny," Frankie said. "You blokes can be so bloody clueless sometimes."

Ethan and Will exchanged a look. "Can I get you a drink?" Ethan asked him. "I'd offer something to Frankie but I don't feel like it at the moment."

"Beer if you've got it," Will replied.

"Make that two," Frankie called out to Ethan's retreating back.

"One beer coming up!" Ethan said loudly.

"I'm sorry," Maddie apologised to them. "He's a bit stressed out with the move and his first Auror assignment. I'll go make sure he brings you a drink Frankie."

Frankie nodded and she and Will sat down on the sofa.

Ethan was getting himself and Will a beer from the icebox when he heard Maddie come into the kitchen. "It really was a joke Mads. You know I'd never do anything to hurt Saffy."

"I know," Maddie took the beer from his hands. "And she'll know that too when you explain it to her." she wound her arms around his waist and kissed him. "I love you Ethan James."

"I love you too," he said kissing her forehead. "And I never thought R.J. would say anything to her. I just didn't think."

"It'll be fine," she smiled at him. "Now come on, let's enjoy the evening all together all right?"

Ethan smiled and nodded. "Okay, so what did you want me to get for your partner in crime?"

"She wants a beer," Maddie said. "And I think I'd just like some ice water for now."

"Coming right up," Ethan said. "How about you go and give this to Will and Frankie and I'll get you some water."

"Thank you," Maddie gave him another kiss.

Will and Frankie were discussing their halves of the wedding party when Maddie came back into the room.

"I don't know why you want Alicia to be a bridesmaid," Will said with a laugh. "She's so flaky."

"She's my friend William," Frankie said with a glare.

"You don't like all my mates either," Will pointed out. "You told me that you thought a broomstick had more personality than my mate Russell."

"Well that's true," Frankie said.

"So if you have Alicia as a bridesmaid, I think Russell should be a groomsman," Will reasoned, smiling at Maddie as she handed him a beer.

"I'm not talking about this with you right now," Frankie said dismissively.

"Have I met Alicia?" Maddie asked sitting down in one of Ethan's favourite chairs.

"Trust me, you'd remember if you had," Will couldn't resist saying.

"William Christopher-" Frankie's eyes were narrowed.

Will held up his hands. "Okay, okay....we'll talk about this later."

Ethan came back in and handed Maddie her ice water. "We figured we'd go out for dinner," he said. "We didn't really have a lot of time today to make anything." he said apologetically.

"Maddie said you were starting on a new case?" Will asked conversationally. "Your first?"

"Yeah," Ethan nodded. "My mate Justin and I are partners."

"Hmmm," Frankie said smiling. "I remember Justin...he was..."

Will looked at his girlfriend. "He was what exactly?"

"Nice," Frankie said innocently.

Will raised an eyebrow.

"He was way too young and impressionable for Frankie," Ethan teased.

Maddie nudged him. "You're embarrassing her. Be nice."

"You're right," Ethan said. "I'm sorry Frankie."

"It's okay," Frankie said tersely. "How about we get going? I'm really hungry."

"Sure," Maddie got up. "We thought we could go to that Italian place our parents always rave about. The one where your parents had their wedding reception?"

"Oh! That sounds great," Frankie said with a grin. "I love that place."

"They make the best tiramisu," Maddie smiled at Will. "Have you been there?"

"No," Will replied. "But the other night Frankie's mum and dad suggested it for our reception."

"Have you two set a date yet?" Ethan asked, helping Maddie with her cloak.

"June 22nd," Frankie answered. "We both were able to get that time off from work and I really think June is a perfect time for a wedding."

"How lovely," Maddie said.

"You just make sure you don't have any visions during that time," Frankie joked. "I'm going to need your help."

"I hope I don't," Maddie smiled as Ethan locked the door behind him. "I wish I could control them better."

Frankie didn't press her friend for details. She knew that due to her position at the Ministry, Maddie wasn't at liberty to talk about the things she saw. It did fascinate Frankie and she wondered what it must be like to have that responsibility. "I really do admire what you do Maddie. You're helping so many people. That's got to make you feel wonderful."

Maddie squeezed Ethan's hand. "For the most part it does," she said softly. "Sometimes it's hard when the visions are violent."

"Of course," Frankie said. "I hadn't thought about that."

"I'm lucky I have supportive friends and family," Maddie said as the four of them walked.

"Frankie tells me you have three brothers and two sisters," Will said to Maddie. "I've had the pleasure of meeting Jon, but I haven't met anyone else. Your poor mum with two sets of twins..."

Maddie laughed. "It was a bit crazy," she agreed. "Jon and Josh were definitely the mischievous pair."

"I imagine your sisters were quite a handful too, eh?" Will asked.

"They were, but my brothers were definitely into switching places more than they were." Maddie said. "Darla's always been shyer than Drew so it was easy to tell them apart."

"What about you Will?" Ethan asked. "Any brothers and sisters?"

"I have an older brother and sister," Will said. "Mary and Jack."

"So the two of you are both the babies of your respective families," Ethan commented.

"How fitting right?" Will joked, his arm around Frankie.

"Absolutely," Frankie said snuggling closer to her fiancé.

They finally made it into the restaurant and the four of them stood in lobby waiting to be seated. The restaurant was quite crowded and the maitre d told them it would be a few minutes.

"Frankie?" a tall, athletic bloke with spiky black hair called out from behind them.

Frankie turned as she heard her name. "Scott!" her eyes widened. "What are you doing here? I thought you moved to Prague?"

"I'm home visiting my parents," he said giving her a hug. "You are more beautiful than I remember!"

Will's eyes nearly bugged out of his head as he watched this stranger spin Frankie around.

"You look great too," Frankie bubbled. "God it's been ages since I've seen you!"

"I know," he said grinning back at her. "Not since that ski weekend where you ..."

"Hi," Will interrupted. "I'm Frankie's fiancé Will."

Scott laughed. "Pardon? I thought you just said you were Frankie's fiancé, but that can't be true. Francesca Longbottom told me she was never going to get married ever..."

Frankie giggled. "I never said that, Scott!"

"She's changed her mind," Will said with a rather forced smile.

Frankie didn't pick up on the tension between the two men. "Where are my manners? Will Barron, this is Scott Knowles. He's Alicia's cousin."

"Nice to meet you," Will said, his stiff smile still in place.

"And these are our friends Maddie and Ethan," Frankie continued with the introductions.

Scott nodded politely in their direction before returning his attention back to Frankie. "I can't get over how beautiful you are. Not that you weren't pretty before,!"

"You always say that," Frankie laughed, touching his arm. "You're such a charmer."

Will stared in disbelief as his fiancée flirted with this bloke in front of him. Maddie looked sympathetically at him and Ethan seemed to share his plight.

"We have to get together while I'm home," Scott was saying. "You and Alicia and me. It'll be just like old times."

"Of course," Frankie said. "Will and I would love to go out with you guys." this time she shared her smile with her fiancé.

"I'm not so sure it would be his scene," Scott said his tone light. He looked over at Will. "Seems to be a bit tame, don't you think?"

"I beg your pardon?" Will asked, his brow creased.

"Easy mate," Scott said with a laugh. "You're just not who I pictured our Frankie ending up with. You look a little too conservative."

"Our Frankie is fine," Will said tightly.

"Whatever you say," Scott said. His parents motioned for him to join him as they had just been seated. Before he left, he made a point of giving Frankie a chaste kiss on the lips. "I'll be in touch, Frankie."

Will stared in disbelief. "I can't believe you just let him do that." he said to Frankie.

"Do what?" Frankie asked innocently.

Maddie and Ethan excused themselves and went into the bar. "You were bloody all over him," Will said furiously. "And you let him kiss you!"

Frankie laughed wondering what the big deal was. "I was not all over him, Will. I hadn't seen him in ages. He was just being friendly and that was nothing more than a peck. You're seriously not getting bent out of shape over this , are you?"

Will shook his head. "Would you have liked it if I'd seen an old girlfriend and snogged her in front of you?"

"I didn't snog anyone," Frankie said trying to keep her voice low. "Will, that was a nothing little kiss. You have no reason to be jealous. I'm wearing your ring..."

"Right," Will said. "I'm going to the loo." he brushed past her.

Frankie rolled her eyes and walked over to the bar to join Maddie and Ethan.

"You two are not going to believe what Will is upset about..." she began.

"I think we might," Ethan said. "Could it have something to do with you snogging that smarmy git in front of him?"

"I did NOT snog anyone!" Frankie said defensively.

"That's right," Ethan said nodding. "I stand corrected. You let that bloke snog you..."

"Ethan Potter," Frankie began furiously.

"He kind of has a point," Maddie said earning a glare from Frankie. "How would you have felt if some ex of Will's came over and did that to him?"

"I wouldn't care, because I know I'm going home with him and vice versa," Frankie said angrily.

Ethan huffed. "You'd be all over him and you know it. Come on, Frankie. You mean to tell me that if you saw Will hug his ex and swing her around and then plant one on her before leaving, you'd be perfectly fine with that?"

Frankie didn't want to admit that Ethan had a point.

"I think you might want to apologise," Ethan said motioning behind her. Will was walking back over to them and he didn't look happy.

"The hostess told me they've got our table ready," Will said, not looking at Frankie.

"Great," Maddie said taking Ethan's hand. "Let's go. I'm famished."

Will glanced over at his fiancée. "You coming?" he asked coolly.

"Yes," Frankie said weakly. "Of course..."

Will nodded and turned to walk ahead of her but she grabbed his hand. "What?" he asked.

"Maybe," she began, biting her bottom lip. "Maybe I shouldn't have let Scott do that."

"Maybe?" Will scoffed.

"I shouldn't have let him do that," Frankie corrected hastily. "I'm sorry."

Will's face softened. "I was a little jealous. You're my fiancée but this other guy was all over you."

Frankie felt relief wash over her at the look on his face. "He is a bit of a letch."

"I can tell," Will cast a disdainful glance at the male in question. "Guess it's not going to be easy getting married to one of the most gorgeous witches in London."

Frankie beamed at him. "If it's any consolation, you're the only bloke I've ever loved."

Will shook his head and smiled. "You're good Frankie."

"I just know you can't stay mad at me for very long," she said looping her arms around his neck.

"Not when you do that," Will leaned in for a kiss. "Come on let's go eat."

"I love you," Frankie said softly before sliding off the seat.

"Love you," he returned as he wove their fingers together.