Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors note: A little break from the Hannah-Will-Frankie storyline as you catch up with the Hogwarts crew this chapter. We are so happy that you guys are liking the Hannah storyline. We promise you will get more of that soon. But as always please read and review!

The first Hogsmeade weekend of the year had finally arrived and Saffron was so eager to get into the village that she bolted down her breakfast and was currently badgering her roommates to finish getting ready.

"I like you much better snarky and surly," Beth grumbled to Saffy as she pulled a cardigan jumper over her t-shirt.

"Just because you don't have a boyfriend--" Saffron began hotly.

Alexa moved to stand between her two friends. "Stop it, guys. This is supposed to be fun day, remember?"

"Come on Lexie, at least you understand how I feel," Saffron bounced on her bed.

"You're like a little kid," Alexa teased.

Saffron threw a pillow at her friend.

"I wonder if the headmaster will be chaperoning?" Mimi wondered aloud.

"I heard he'll be there," Saffron said. "So we should go right now!"

Mimi rolled her eyes. "I don't even know why you're waiting for us."

"I won't be if you keep me much longer," Saffron said. "I want to spend as much time with Andrew as I can."

"We're ready," Mimi said. "Just let me grab my bag."

"Finally!" Saffron practically ran down the stairs.

Alexa, Beth and Mimi followed at a slower pace. Alexa wasn't as excited about this Hogsmeade weekend because RJ had never gotten back to her to let her know whether he would or wouldn't be able to go. His letters had become few and far between lately, too.

Once they were in the carriage Saffron looked properly at her friend. "Are you okay Lex?"

"Hmm?" Alexa asked. "Oh, I'm fine."

"Aren't you excited?" Saffron asked. "You get to spend all day with RJ!"

"If he shows," Alexa said in a small voice.

Saffron's eyebrows knit together. "I thought he was definitely coming?"

"I-I actually haven't heard from him," Alexa said. "Not since I sent him the Hogsmeade calendar."

It was on the tip of Saffron's tongue to call RJ a nasty name but she held her comment back. "I bet he got busy and he'll surprise you," she offered instead.

"Maybe," Alexa said softly. "But I'll have enough to keep me busy. I wanted to buy a couple of books and I need to buy my dad something for his birthday. Don't worry about me being a third wheel with you and Andrew. I'll have plenty to keep me busy."
"And we'll be with you to keep you company," Mimi said loyally. "Who needs RJ Weasley anyway?"

"I wasn't worried about you being a third wheel," Saffron said.

"As if you'd even notice anyone else was there," Beth scoffed. "Andrew, Andrew, Andrew!"

Saffron stuck her tongue out at Beth as the carriages entered the village.

"That's really mature," Mimi giggled.

Saffron ignored her as she craned her neck to get a glimpse of the town square.

As soon as the carriages had stopped, Saffron practically jumped out.

Mimi, Beth and Alexa followed and Beth squealed when she saw that Oliver Wood was indeed here along with Julie Malfoy.

"I thought you were going to concentrate on blokes your own age," Alexa whispered to her friend.

"But he's here," Beth said as if Alexa should have known this all along.

Alexa laughed. "Of course..."

"Saffy!" Andrew called out as he came out of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

"ANDREW!" Saffron squealed at the top of her lungs, running towards him.

Andrew opened up his arms and Saffron practically jumped into them. "I have missed you so much!" he said holding her tightly to him.

At first Saffron couldn't say anything over the lump in her throat. "I missed you too," she finally uttered.

Andrew cupped her face in his hands before kissing her.

Beth, Mimi and Alexa stood back to give their friend her privacy.

"Boy he really did miss her," Mimi muttered. "He's practically sucking her face off.

Alexa elbowed Mimi in the side. "It's been weeks since they've seen each other, Meems."

"But would you be that way if..." Mimi's voice trailed off. "RJ!"

"I would, but he's not here," Alexa said. "I think I'm going to go and get some hot chocolate...."

"No!" Mimi said turning her around. "Lexie he's right over there!"

"He is not---" Alexa started to say, but to her amazement, he was standing off in the distance signing autographs for some children.

He looked even more handsome than she had remembered and she actually felt slightly weak kneed when he turned and grinned at her.

Beth pushed Alexa forward. "Go...Meems and I are going to go and stalk Ollie."

"Ollie?" Andrew asked Saffron.

"You don't want to know," Saffron said rolling her eyes.

Andrew laughed. "Okay then..." he kissed his girlfriend again. "You look even more beautiful than usual Saf."

"And you look even more handsome than I remember," Saffron said beaming at him. "I don't want to let you go!"

"That won't be a problem," he grinned back at her. "It's just the two of us today."

"Perfect," Saffron whispered. "How's the team? You have to tell me everything about your last match. I listened on the wireless. I can't believe you guys lost the way you did..."

"Yeah it was pretty pathetic wasn't it?" Andrew replied. "I'm just glad I wasn't playing. The team got chewed out afterwards."

"I have no doubt that if you had been playing, you guys would have won," Saffron said loyally. "And tomorrow afternoon is our first practise of the year. Tryouts were pretty harsh."

"Who did you wind up picking?" Andrew asked, his arm around her as they began to stroll towards The Three Broomsticks.

"Imelda, of course," Saffron replied. "And Ewan Chase is our new keeper. He is really an amazing player, Andrew. I had no idea he could fly like he does."

"That's great Saffy," he gave her another kiss. "I knew you'd make a great captain."

"I miss having you around," she said softly.

"I miss it too," he stroked her hair back. "Seeing you every day..."

"We have loads of time to make up for," Saffron said as he led the way into the pub. "Let's get a table where we can sit really, really close."

"You read my mind," he said softly, nudging her ear with his nose.

Saffron giggled. "Andrew!"

"Don't act shy with me," he teased.

"I'm not," she said. "That tickles is all."

They slid into a booth in the corner, squeezing together in the seat.

"So what's been going on?" Saffron asked. "Tell me everything."

"I think about you all the time," he said. "Other than that, I practise."

Saffron grinned. "That sounds just like me except throw in loads of revising..."

"Please," Andrew scoffed. "You don't need to revise anything."

"I have to if I'm going to be Head Girl," Saffron said.

"That's in the bag," Andrew squeezed her hand.

"Well, I don't want to get too arrogant," Saffron said thoughtfully. "There are two Ravenclaw girls who think...what?"

"I never thought I'd see you be modest," Andrew joked.

"I'm modest!" Saffron said defensively.

"You're perfect," Andrew leaned in.

Saffron looped her arms around his neck and then pressed her lips to his. She couldn't believe he was actually here. Today, she was going to make every moment count.

They had chosen the best booth in the pub- it wasn't in full view of the door so they had some privacy.

"I have really, really missed this," Saffron whispered as he planted kisses on her neck.

"Me too," he said softly, barely removing his lips from her skin.

"Mmmmmmm," Saffron said biting her bottom lip. He knew exactly what she liked. That was one of the many things she loved about him.

Meanwhile outside, Alexa and RJ were having a similar reunion. "I really didn't think you'd make it," Alexa had looped her arms around his neck. "Especially since I didn't hear back from you--"

"I meant to write," RJ apologised. "I really did."

"It's okay," Alexa hugged him again. "You're here and that's all that matters."

RJ held her close. "You smell good."

"So do you," Alexa closed her eyes. "And you look so good too..."

"Don't close your eyes just yet," RJ said with a gleam in his own eyes. "I have a surprise for you."

"You do?" Alexa asked, blushing in pleasure.

RJ took her hand. "Come on..."

Alexa followed him down the pavement. "Where are we going?"

"Do you remember me telling you about that flat above my uncles' shop?" RJ asked her.

"Yes," Alexa replied.

"It's ours for the afternoon," RJ said smiling at her.

Alexa grinned. "Just what I was hoping for," she leaned in and gave him a kiss.

"I'm not going to let you leave," RJ said nuzzling her neck.

"You mean you're going to kidnap me?" Alexa asked with a giggle.

"Maybe," RJ said grinning at her. "We're wasting time. Let's go..."

They were almost to the shop when Alexa noticed a group of giggling third years following them.

"What is it?" RJ asked. He got his answer when he turned around. "Oh no..."

"You've got fans," Alexa whispered.

One of the braver girls came forward. "It's really an honour to meet you. I know every single thing about you. I know that you're about six feet, two inches tall and that your favourite sweet is Chocolate Frogs and when you were a kid you had over a thousand cards..."

RJ gave her an easy smile. "Well I'm glad I've got such smart fans."

"I'm in Hufflepuff," the girl said blushing. "My name, well my name is...."

"Meghan," one of the other girls giggled.

"And I'm Maya," another one said. "I loved that issue of Quidditch Illustrated with you on the cover. I have three copies..."

"I have six," her friend said.

Alexa smiled at the younger girls and tried to remain patient as RJ signed magazines, napkins, slips of parchment, anything the girls could produce.

"Thanks, ladies," RJ said. "But me and my girl really want to be alone."

"You have a girlfriend?" One of them asked.

"Duh, she's right there." another one hissed.

"Oh," the one called Megan said with a frown.

"You girls keep pulling for Puddlemere," RJ said waving at them.

"We will!" the girls giggled and headed in the opposite direction.

"Come on," Alexa tugged at his arm. "Let's get you inside before another swarming bunch of fans comes your way."

"Good idea," RJ said nodding. They made their way through the crowds and down the alley. "This way we can go in the back and not worry about anyone getting in our way or stopping us..."

"Good idea," Alexa said, feeling excited as they went up a flight of stairs.

RJ pulled the key from his pocket and opened the door. "Ladies first..."

"Thank you," she gave him a quick kiss.

RJ locked the door. "It's been way too long..."

Alexa nearly dove at him, pressing her lips to his passionately.

RJ walked her backwards toward the small bedroom never breaking their kiss.

She guided his hands down to her shirt and he pulled it off, running his hands up and down her bare back.

"Did you do the charm?" he asked her huskily as she tugged on his jumper.

"Mmmhmm...." she kissed him again.

"Good," he said as he broke away from her to lift the jumper over his head.

"Where's the bed?" Alexa asked huskily.

"Right this way," RJ replied.

She let him lead her into the small bedroom and they fell upon the sheets in a tangle of arms and legs.

Sometime later, Alexa was fighting off sleep as she lay completely sated and satisfied in RJ's arms.

"Lexie," RJ nuzzled her neck. "You're incredible..."

Alexa closed her eyes. "You're right. I'm not going to want to leave..."

"I don't even have to force you do I?" RJ laughed. "I've missed this."

"Me too," Alexa said softly. "So much."

"I know I've been a wanker when it comes to writing you," RJ said. "But I think about you all the time Lexie."

Alexa kissed his chest. "I don't care about letters. I'd rather have you right here like this."

He grinned at her. "Ditto."

"How are things going with the team and travelling?" Alexa asked. "I've been keeping up with it in the papers, but how are you doing with all of it?"

"It's good," RJ smiled. "No more going out and getting pissed like I did over summer hols. The guys are pretty serious about practising."

Alexa was glad to hear that. "And you're undefeated!"

"That too," he pulled her over on top of him.

"I'm glad that you were able to be here," Alexa said softly.

"I wouldn't have missed it," he tucked her hair behind her ear. "I think about you all the time Lexie."

"I think about you all the time too," Alexa said smiling at him. "That letter you sent to me after your first match...I-I have it under my pillow and I read it before I go to bed each night. How sad am I?"

RJ laughed. "Not sad at all."

Alexa gave him a kiss. "We still have a couple of hours...."

"Is that a hint?" he tickled her side. "That you want to shag me again? I know I'm completely irresistible--"

"Actually," Alexa said thoughtfully. "I was thinking you could help me find a present for my dad's birthday or we could go and talk with your uncles..."

"Why would we want to do that?" RJ asked, running his hands up and down her bare back,

"I was teasing," Alexa said nipping at his bottom lip.

"Better be," he said with a grin.

Saffron and Andrew had finished their hot chocolate and left the Three Broomsticks.

"Where do you want to go?" he asked her.

"I was actually hoping to get a book for my Gran," Saffron said.

"What sort of book?" Andrew wove their fingers together.

"Well, she's just finished up Aunt Luna's last book and she asked if I could send her something along those lines," Saffron replied.

"Cool," Andrew nodded.

"You're easy," Saffron said giggling.

"What?" he poked her side with his free hand.

"Nothing," Saffron said giggling even harder. "I've just missed having you around is all."

"I miss it too," Andrew kissed the side of her head. "Seeing you every day... snogging you every night..."

Saffron grinned. "Why couldn't you have been held back a couple of years?"

Andrew laughed. "That would have looked really good on my record."

"And your parents would have probably grounded you until you were 40," Saffron said. She was about to open the door to the book shop when Mimi and Beth approached her looking none too pleased.

"Your sister has some bloody nerve!" Beth hissed.

"What are you talking about?" Saffron asked.

"It's not enough that she's married to Nick Malfoy," Mimi said folding her arms. "She has to go after Ollie, too."

Saffron sighed in exasperation. "You two are bloody ridiculous."

"She was all over him," Beth said. "You can see for yourselves...they were in the Quidditch shop..."

"She's head of Gryffindor House, plus the Deputy Headmistress now," Saffron glared at her two friends. "They have to work closely together."

"Not that close," Mimi said hotly. "Come on, Beth. Let's go see if we can find Jake."

"They're so stupid sometimes," Saffron said furiously. "Can you believe they'd say that about my sister? Just yesterday she was their favourite professor."

"Knowing those two, it'll be all over the school by day's end," Andrew commented.

"I'll kill them," Saffron snapped.

"Calm down, Saffy," Andrew said putting his arm around her. "Maybe it won't be that bad."

"They're just chaperoning," Saffron looked at her boyfriend. "Trust my two roommates to make a bigger deal of things."

"I'm sure Mimi and Beth will move on to something else," Andrew said. "Like that poor bloke Jake."

"He won't know what hit him," Saffron said wryly.

"Let's get your Gran that book," Andrew said eager to take Saffron's mind off of Julie.

"Okay," Saffron relaxed against him.

Andrew gave her a quick kiss and then opened the door to the shop. It wasn't that crowded and he followed his girlfriend to the fiction section.

"Hmmm..." Saffron browsed through the books. "I think I'll send her a few of them."

"How's she doing?" Andrew asked.

"Pretty good," Saffron replied. "My mum and dad go over there once or twice a week, and Aunt Lav pops over from time to time as well."

"Speaking of your Aunt Lav, have you heard from Gabe?" Andrew asked.

Saffron nodded. "He's really busy with his classes."

"Maybe he'll meet some girl and forget about Lex," Andrew said hopefully.

"He might," Saffron nodded. "But they're still friends. I know they've written back and forth a few times since school started."

"Nothing wrong with being friends," Andrew said taking a few of the books out of Saffron's hands.

"I'm glad you're like this," Saffron said. "I know a lot of guys would have been really uncomfortable with that sort of situation, and even with me being friends with Peter again."

Andrew shrugged. "I know that you love me and I trust you, Saffy."

She grinned at him. "I love you more than any other guy."

"That's what I like to hear," Andrew said smiling at her.

"Give me a kiss," Saffron grinned up at him.

"My hands are a little full," Andrew said looking down at the books he was carrying.

"All I want is your lips," she leaned in.

Andrew grinned. "That I can do..."

"You didn't!" a familiar voice said from somewhere close by. "Oliver..."

"Jules?" Saffron pulled away and turned towards her sister's voice.

"I think it's coming from the other side of the shelves," Andrew whispered to Saffron.

Saffron pulled his arm and peeked around the other side.

Julie was standing close to Oliver Wood and she was laughing at something he was saying.

"You don't think they were right do you?" Saffron looked worriedly at her boyfriend.

"Of course not," Andrew reassured her.

"I had no idea you were this funny," Julie said hitting Oliver on the arm. "You always seemed to serious in those press conferences after your matches..."

"That was Quidditch," Oliver said in his Scottish drawl. "I'm always serious about Quidditch."

Julie laughed. "You and every male on the planet."

"That husband of yours is the same way," Oliver replied. "I've read his interviews."

"You read something other than Quidditch magazines?" Julie asked. "I'm impressed!"

"Once in a great while," Oliver joked.

"Are they flirting?" Saffron whispered to Andrew.

"I don't know," Andrew replied.

"I really enjoyed our talk the other night," Julie said. "I was a right mess...."

Saffron clapped a hand over her mouth.

"It was nothing," Oliver said giving Julie a hug. "I was happy to do it."

"What was she upset about?" Saffron whispered to herself.

"Anytime you need me, all you have to do is ask," Oliver said smiling at her.

"Thanks," Julie said with a grin.

"I always have had a soft spot for brunettes," Oliver said.

"Oh Merlin..." Saffron backed up in horror.

Julie and Oliver picked up a couple of books and then made their way toward the front of the shop.

"Saffy," Andrew said. "I'm sure it's nothing."

"But he said he has a soft spot for brunettes," Saffron said. "And she said he was there for her when she was upset. Why wouldn't she tell me about this?"

"I don't know," Andrew said thoughtfully. "Maybe she and Nick are having problems?"

"That's the first I've heard of it," Saffron replied.

"It's like you said she's the new head of Gryffindor House and he's the headmaster," Andrew said. "They're just talking and becoming friends."

"I hope you're right," Saffron made a mental note to talk to her sister as soon as possible.

"And from what I've seen of your sister and Nick, they've got a great marriage," Andrew reminded her.

"I know they do," Saffron replied.

"So there's nothing to worry about," Andrew said. "Come on, let's pay for these and you can let me buy you something nice."

Saffron smiled at him. "This is why I say you're perfect."

Andrew shook his head. "I'm far from perfect, Saf."

"You keep saying that," she gave him a kiss. "But I think you are."

"I'm going to remind you of that next time we have a row," Andrew said.

She giggled. "If I let you have a word in edgewise."

"I thought you were going to work on that," Andrew said with a grin. "Letting other people have their say..."

"Who said I was going to work on that?" she teased.

"I must have dreamt that," Andrew said shaking his head. "Come on, Potter."

Saffron paid for her books and they left the shop. "Where else are we going?" she asked.

"Did you want to pop in to Weasley's and say hi to Fred and George?" Andrew suggested.

"Sure," Saffron said. "But sometime today I want to show you the spot me and Lexie found a few years back."

"Okay," Andrew said. "You know RJ's dad is in the shop today, right?"

"Uncle Ron's here?" Saffron grinned. "I definitely want to stop by then."

Andrew laughed. "He was fighting with Fred when I saw him earlier."

"That sounds about right," Saffron leaned against him. "I know I said this already but I'm so glad you're here Andrew."

"I'm glad I'm here too," Andrew said putting his arms around her.

"Get your hands off my goddaughter, Kirke," Ron said from the doorway of the shop.

"Uncle Ron!" Saffron said.

"I'm kidding," Ron said giving her a hug. "Mostly..."

"Better be," Saffron teased. "Or I'll do that impression of my mum that scares you."

"That's not funny," Ron said with a shudder. "You're so much like her, it's scary."

"I consider that a compliment," Saffron said sweetly.

"Come on inside you two," Ron said standing back so they could enter. "Have you seen my son today?"

"He met up with Alexa earlier," Saffron replied. "I haven't seen them since then."

Ron nodded. "Hogsmeade weekends are so busy, I came in to help Fred with the rush."

"How are all the kids doing?" Saffron asked.

"They're all doing quite well," Ron replied. "Frankie and Will have actually petitioned to adopt one of them."

Saffron gaped at him. "FRANKIE?"

Ron nodded. "I know it's hard to believe..."

"I thought she never wanted to have kids," Saffron was amazed.

"That was before she met Hannah," Ron explained. "They took to each other right from the start, Saffy. It was really something to see."

"I think that's great," Saffron said. "I really do."

"When you're home for Christmas you'll get to see for yourself," Ron said.

"I can't wait," Saffron said. "Andrew and I will be together every day."

"Does Harry know about this?" Ron asked folding his arms.

"I don't know," Saffron said innocently.

"You do plan on spending a few hours with your parents and that dog of yours, right?" Ron asked.

"I always have time for my baby Puddles," Saffron said as Andrew laughed.

Ron shook his head. "You are too much, Saffron Grace."

"I try," Saffron giggled.

Ron walked behind the counter. "I saw Julie in here earlier. She had Oliver Wood with her. I can't get over him being the new headmaster."

Saffron's smile faltered a bit. "He's pretty cool."

"Seems quite impressed with our Julie," Ron said before excusing himself to wait on a few customers.

"I really wish he hadn't brought that up--" Saffron began when she saw Alexa and RJ descend into the shop.

"He didn't know," Andrew said. He caught sight of their friends as well and he rolled his eyes. There was no doubt what they'd been up to the last hour.

"Well, well..." Saffron raised an eyebrow. "You two look perfectly--"

"They look perfectly what?" Ron asked rejoining them. "Hello, Alexa and who is this young man with you...he seems familiar..."

"Very funny Dad," RJ replied with a grin.

"Hello, Mr. Weasley," Alexa said politely. "It's good to see you again. RJ didn't tell me you were here."

"I'm just in to help for the day," Ron explained. "Luna's at home with all the kids."

"Dad, you left Mum with five children?" RJ asked shaking his head. "What kind of husband are you?"

"She loves it," Ron replied.

"And she has experience," Saffron reminded RJ. "She raised all you lot."

"Amazingly enough," Andrew teased his friend.

"This is what happens when he hangs out with you too often," RJ said to Saffron.

"He loves me," Saffron said in a sugary tone.

"He loves me," RJ mimicked.

Saffron kicked at his leg. "Shut up."

"Shut up," RJ mimicked.

"RJ," Alexa nudged him. "Stop it."

"Act your age," Saffron said glaring at him. "Your nieces are more mature than you are."

RJ began to imitate her again when Saffron stomped down hard on his foot.

"OW!" RJ yelped.

"Serves you right," Saffron replied. "Come on Andrew. I want to show you that place."

"Great idea," Andrew said. "We'll catch up with you guys later."

"Have a nice snog," RJ joked as they left.

"We will," Saffron called out over her shoulder.

While going towards the secret spot, Saffron spied Mimi and Beth once again peeking through a window. "I can't believe they're stalking our headmaster."

"I wouldn't put much past Beth and Mimi," Andrew said. "They do realise he's an old man, don't they?"

"Who knows," Saffron said. "I'm glad I've got better sense than that."

"Me too," Andrew said squeezing her hand.

Meanwhile, Julie was still walking around the village with Oliver Wood, doing her mandatory chaperone duties. "It's funny being here as a professor," she remarked. "Especially when I remember trying to dodge them while I was a student here."

Oliver chuckled. "I know what you mean, Julie."

"Guess this is what it's like to feel old," she laughed.

"It's all downhill from here," Oliver said. "You can ask your parents and they'll tell you the same."

"You know, this is going to sound just awful but I'm glad my father turned down the headmaster position," Julie told him. "It'd be nice to see him more, of course, but it'd be too much to be working under him."

"I can imagine," Oliver said nodding.

"And I think it would be hard for Saffy too," Julie continued. "Some teachers- who will remain nameless of course- already seem to think she gets preferential treatment from me."

Oliver knew which professor she was talking about as the professor in question had already complained numerous times in the past month about it. "Yes, well, certain teachers also think that I wasn't qualified for this position, either."

"I think we're talking about the same one," Julie laughed.

"He has it in his head that my big plan is to turn Hogwarts into one, big Quidditch training camp," Oliver confided to Julie. "I told him that I would do no such thing...until my second year on the job."

That only made Julie laugh harder.

Oliver smiled at her. "It's good to see you in a better mood. How are your girls doing? Any better?"

"A little," Julie said. "It's just so hard to see them fighting so much."

"But you should never think you're not a great mother," Oliver told her. "Harry and Hermione were singing your praises the other night at dinner. They don't know how you do it all."

"It's not easy," Julie nodded at a group of students. "It's hard to do the commute, even though it only takes seconds. And it's hard being away more often now that I have more responsibilities."

"You didn't have to accept the head of Gryffindor House," Oliver said. "I could see if Professor Tysinger would ...."

"No, no..." Julie said. "I love doing it."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Oliver asked.

"I don't think so," Julie replied. "Nick and I just need to sit down with Katie and work out exactly what's going on with her without Ashley butting in."

"You could do that this afternoon," Oliver said. "We're nearly finished here."

"I just might," Julie smiled at him.

"And I'm always here to vent to," Oliver offered.

"I appreciate that," Julie told him.

"Have you seen your sister today?" Oliver asked as they passed a group of third-years.

"I've seen her walking around with Andrew," Julie said. "I know she was looking forward to spending the day with him."

"Young love," Oliver said. "I remember those days..."

"Do you have a sordid relationship in your past?" Julie asked with a grin.

"Sordid?" Oliver asked innocently. "Me?"

Julie raised an eyebrow at him.

"Maybe one or two," Oliver admitted.

"I think we all have a few dating skeletons in our closet," Julie said. She told him about Ryan.

Oliver shook his head. "That couldn't have been easy."

"At the time it wasn't, but I met Nick a few months later." Julie said. "That wasn't easy at first either, but he's the best husband I could have asked for."

"I never thought I'd see the day that Harry Potter's daughter married the son of his archrival," Oliver said. "I don't have to tell you what a right git his old man was."

"Oh I know firsthand," Julie grimaced.

"Harry thinks quite highly of Nick though," Oliver said with a smile. "I guess the apple fell far from the tree in this case."

"You can say that again," Julie thought of her husband and daughters with a grin.

"I'm sure this thing with Katie will pass," Oliver reassured her. "And you know that she didn't mean what she said..."

"I know," Julie said. "It's just hard hearing your child say she hates you."

Katie's problems at school had proceeded to get worse. She had assured Julie and Nick that she was working on her extra assignments over the summer holidays, but her teacher informed them that Katie hadn't done any of them. At first Julie thought it was because Katie wasn't concentrating hard enough, but Katie's teacher had brought up the possibility of a learning disability and when Julie had tried to talk about this with her daughter, Katie had erupted.

"You're a great teacher," Oliver broke into her thoughts. "And I'm sure you're a great mother as well. You'll get through to her."

"I hope so," Julie said smiling at him. "Thanks for being such a good friend, Oliver."

"I'm glad you decided to become Deputy Headmistress," Oliver told her. "I made a good choice."

Julie gave him a hug. "Thank you for having faith in me."

A few gasps from behind them made Julie and Oliver break apart. "Can we help you girls?" he asked.

Beth and Mimi glared at Julie. "We were just wondering when the carriages were leaving, Professor Malfoy?" Mimi asked bitterly.

"In just a little while girls," Julie smiled at her sister's friends. "But if you want to take one back early I'm sure it'd be fine."

"Yeah," Beth said quietly. "I'm not feeling too well actually."

"Would you like me to go back with you?" Julie was concerned. "I'll take you to see Madam Pomfrey."

"No," Mimi said glaring at Julie. "We wouldn't want to drag you away. Come on Beth."

"I wonder what's wrong with them," Julie mused. "They're normally very friendly girls."

"Dunno," Oliver said looking at the girls as they stalked off.

"I'll ask Saffy when I talk to her," Julie said as they began walking again.

"The rest of the afternoon went by pretty quickly and Oliver and Julie didn't have any problems with any of the students. Julie hadn't seen Saffron yet and she hoped to have a quick word with her sister before they left for the castle.

The girl in question was having a bit of a tearful goodbye with Andrew. "This is worse than when we were on the platform back at King's Cross," she said softly. "I wish we had more than one afternoon."

"We'll see each other again next month," Andrew promised. "I don't have a match that weekend."

"Okay," Saffron said, hugging him tightly.

"I love you, Saffy," Andrew said softly. "Always remember that."

"I will," she said. "I love you too... so much."

Andrew pulled away to look properly at her one last time. He tilted her chin up to face him. "I'm going to miss this face."

"At least I get to see yours whenever I want," Saffron said, touching her locket.

"Yes you do," Andrew said smiling at her. He pulled her close for one last kiss earning some looks from third-years who giggled as they walked past them.

"You're the best kisser ever," she said dreamily when they pulled apart.

"And don't you forget it," Andrew teased, giving her hand a squeeze.

"I could never forget that," Saffron grinned at him.

"Bye, Saffy," Andrew said. "I'll write, okay?"

"Every day?" she asked, stepping up into an empty carriage while still holding onto his hand.

"I'll try," Andrew said with a grin.

"I love you," Saffron leaned out the window.

"Love you too," Andrew said before walking back towards the square.

Saffron leaned back in her seat and tried not to cry. A month was such a long time, she thought sadly.

Saffron thought for sure she'd be travelling back to the castle alone when the door swung open and her sister poked her head inside.

"There you are," Julie said smiling at her.

"Hey Jules," Saffron said softly.

"I just saw Andrew leave," Julie said. "How you holding up?"

"Okay I guess," Saffron said as the carriage began to move. "I just really hate not being with him."

"You can write," Julie said. "And you have next month..."

"I know," Saffron said. "But it's just not the same as seeing him every day."

Julie slid over to sit beside her sister. "I know it's going to be hard, but you have me and Lexie to talk to."

"I know," Saffron leaned against her. "Hey Jules?"


"If I asked you something you'd tell me the truth right?" Saffron looked at her.

"Always," Julie replied. "What's on your mind, Saffron?"

"Well," Saffron began tentatively. "There are a few rumours going around about um... you and Professor Wood..."

"What sort of rumours?" Julie asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well... a lot of the girls think you two are spending a lot of time together," Saffron said. "And um... I wasn't spying or anything but Andrew and I were in the bookstore when you were in there and we sort of heard you guys talking."

Julie was taken aback. "Well, we were chaperoning together..."

"But you were talking about how you were a mess and he comforted you," Saffron said. "And he said he loves brunettes."

Julie gaped at her sister. "And you think we're having an affair?"

"No of course not," Saffron said quickly. "You'd never cheat on Nick, Jules."

"Of course I wouldn't," Julie said. She sighed. "I guess this is why Mimi and Beth were giving me the death glare earlier."

"They're so ridiculous," Saffron rolled her eyes. "They seriously think Professor Wood would look twice at them..."

Julie shook her head. "Maybe I should have a talk with them."

"I don't know what difference it would make," Saffron shrugged. "I'd just let them vent it out."

"I have bigger things to worry about now anyway," Julie said looking out the window.

"Why?" Saffron asked.

"Katie," Julie said quietly. "She's not doing well in school and Nick and I have tried to help her, but she's not been receptive and her teacher thinks that perhaps she might have a learning disability. Nick and I tried to talk to her about it and..."

"She blew up?" Saffron asked sympathetically.

Julie nodded. "And told me that she hates me and that's it's my fault she isn't doing well because...because I'm never home."

"Jules," Saffron said sympathetically. "You know that's not your fault."

"Yes, but she told me she hated me, Saffy," Julie said.

"She couldn't have meant that," Saffron said. "I know Katie's difficult but she loves you and Nick."

"I know," Julie said. "But I don't know what to do, Saffy. She hasn't spoken to me in two days. She talks to Nick and Greta, but not to me and certainly not to Ashley."

"I wish I could help," Saffron said. "Maybe I should write to her?"

"She'd love that," Julie said smiling at her sister. "Both Ash and Katie look up to their Aunt Saffy."

"I'll send her an owl tonight," Saffron promised. "I'll write to Ash as well."

"The other night, Oliver caught me crying in my office," Julie explained. "He was really a good friend to me, Saffy. That's all."

"I believe you Jules," Saffron said. "You never lie to me."

"And I never will," Julie said giving her sister a hug.

"How are Nick and the girls?" Saffron asked. "And Greta, of course."

"Well," Julie said with a sigh. "Ashley's doing extremely well in school. They've entered one of her paintings in this competition and she's so nervous..."

"She's so good at that Jules," Saffron said. "It's hard to believe she's never had any formal lessons."

Julie smiled. "I know. She's always been so creative. She gets that from her father."

"I'm sure you've got something to do with it," Saffron nudged her.

"Please," Julie laughed. "I can't even draw a straight line, Saffy."

"Yeah but you're creative in other ways," Saffron argued. "And Aunt Lav draws, so it's obviously on our side of the family as well."

"Okay," Julie said. "Maybe I had a small part in it."

"Is Nick going to do another new album?" Saffron asked.

"He's just started writing some new material over the past couple of weeks," Julie replied.

"Cool," Saffron nodded. "I haven't been to one of his concerts in so long now. We used to go all the time."

"Well, you have been neglecting the rest of us to spend time with your boyfriend," Julie said dramatically.

"I can't help it," Saffron said. "Jules he's just so cute and sweet and--"

"And your entire family thinks he's wonderful including dad who has finally admitted his little girl has grown up," Julie interjected with a grin.

"Grudgingly admitted," Saffron replied.

"It's a big step," Julie said. "I can still remember how he scared poor Peter."

"Peter was totally intimidated by him," Saffron nodded. "Andrew isn't."

"It takes a courageous person to date one of Harry Potter's children," Julie said with a smile. "I remember when I was in school, no one would come up and talk to me because they were afraid that if they broke my heart, Dad would hex them or worse."

Saffron giggled. "Are you serious?"

"I can laugh about it now, but I was mortified," Julie told her. "I remember when we had the Yule Ball my fourth year. No one asked me. Not one person, Saf. I thought it was because I was ugly or a wallflower, but Chiaki and Tosh told me that the boys were scared to death of Dad."

"What did you do?" Saffron asked.

Julie laughed. "Well, I walked up to Trent Parker in the middle of the Great Hall and told him he was going to the ball with me and if he thought my father was scary, he hadn't seen anything yet."

Saffron giggled. "And he took you right?"

"Yes he did," Julie said proudly. "And was my first real boyfriend, too. And when we broke up, he made me promise that I wouldn't tell Dad."

Saffron laughed even harder. "I'm really glad you rode back with me Jules."

"Me too," Julie said smiling at her. "I really do hope that one day; Ash and Katie can be just like this."

"They don't know what they're missing," Saffron agreed.

"I keep saying that one day they will be," Julie said.

"But they know everything right?" Saffron smiled at her sister.

"Oh, of course," Julie said laughing. "They think I'm talking crazy when I think of them one day going shopping together or going to a film or taking a trip to the beach..."

Saffron got out of the carriage. "I'll try and talk some sense into them when I write to them tonight."

Julie followed her sister out of the carriage and then gave her a hug. "Thanks, Saffy. I'll see you on Monday morning. Enjoy the rest of your weekend."

"If I hear any more rumours I'll tell them the truth," Saffron said. "And say hi to Nick, Greta and the girls for me. Tell them I miss them."

"I will," Julie promised. "And I'll get Greta to send you some biscuits."

"You're the best," Saffron waved.

"You are," Julie said with a grin. After she did a head count, she went upstairs to her office to gather her belongings to head back home.

On her way, she noticed several students giving her looks but decided to ignore them. She had never been one to fan the flames of the rumour mill.

She Flooed back to her house and was hoping that Katie would be in a better mood and would be ready to talk.

Nick was in the kitchen stirring something at the stove when she came into the kitchen. "Hey," Julie smiled and gave her husband a kiss. "Something smells amazing!"

"Minestrone," Nick replied. "Probably not going to taste as good as Greta's, but I gave her the night off."

"That was nice of you," Julie gave him another kiss. "Is she feeling any better?"

Nick nodded. "Yes, so much so that she was going to play bridge with your Gran."

"That's lovely," Julie said. "How was everything this afternoon?"

"Pretty good," Nick said. "I took the girls over to Allie and Jon's. Ash was showing Em how to draw a house."

"How's Katie?" Julie lowered her voice.

"Seems to be doing okay," Nick said in an equally hushed tone. "She and Caroline played together and then she promised she'd work on her reading when she came home. She's upstairs working on it now."

"Good," Julie nodded. "Maybe I'll go up and see if she wants any help."

"Good luck," Nick said giving her a kiss.
