Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: This is a revised chapter. We know that some of our readers complained about the content. We don't want to break the rules at porkey so we've altered the chapter to reflect that. We in no way were trying to trivialize the sensitive subject matter and we hope that no one was offended by that because it was never our intention to do that. We hope that you will continue to read our story. We have some great things planned. Again, if we offended anyone, we are truly, truly sorry.

In the last few weeks, Saffron felt more like herself than ever before. It had a great deal to do with her friends and family and especially Andrew. He was going to take her out for a celebration dinner and Alexa had agreed to go along to help her find a dress.

"So do you have any idea where he's going to take you?" Alexa asked as they entered a shop.

"No idea," Saffron said. "Perhaps the Ivy- we used to go there sometimes."

Alexa grinned. "Oooh, that's quite posh."

"Very," Saffron replied, laughing. "So I need to find something extra special."

"May I help you ladies?" the shop girl asked.

Alexa nodded. "My friend is going on a special date and she needs a dress that will knock his socks off."

"Something in black, I think," Saffron said thoughtfully.

"I have a few selections that I think would look lovely on you," the woman said. "I'll be right back."

"Thank you," Saffron replied.

"You guys are so cute," Alexa said smiling at her friend. "I know I've said it before but I'm really happy that you're back together."

"It's been so great," Saffron admitted. "Sometimes it feels like nothing ever changed, you know?"

Alexa nodded. "He loves you so much. You can see in how he looks at you."

"I love him too," Saffron said. "So, so much."

The shop girl came back with about five dresses. "I guessed on the size."

"I'll just go try these on," Saffron took them.

Alexa waited outside the dressing room. while her friend tried on her dresses.

Saffron couldn't wipe the smile off her face as she thought about spending the night with Andrew.

"Let me see!" Alexa called out impatiently.

Saffron pulled back the curtain and stepped out. She was wearing a satin empire waist dress with a v-neck. "What do you think?"

"That's beautiful, Saffy," Alexa said. "Andrew would love it on you!"

"I like it, too," Saffron said. "But it's just the first one. Let me try on the others, too."

"Okay," Alexa said, sitting down.

Saffron tried on the next dress and smiled. "You know if my dad saw me in this one, I don't know if he'd let me leave the house..."

Alexa giggled. "Get out here!"

Saffron stepped out. "Well? What do you think?"

"Wow," Alexa said. "That will definitely stop Andrew in his tracks."

Saffron giggled. "I didn't even know I could have this much cleavage."

"Sometimes you need just the right outfit," Alexa said. "That may be your one."

Saffron nodded in agreement. "I'll just try on the other three..."

"Just in case," Alexa agreed with a grin.

The next two dresses Saffron tried on she didn't really like and Alexa didn't either. But, when Saffron put on the last dress, she knew she'd found the dress. She pulled back the curtain. "Lex?"

"Oh wow," Alexa nodded. "Saffy- that's definitely the one."

"I think so too," Saffron said doing a little twirl.

Alexa laughed. "It's made for you, dah-ling!"

Saffron laughed. "Do you really think so, dah-ling?"

"Oh yes," Alexa began.

"You have some nerve!" a cold voice called out from behind them.

Both girls turned around and were surprised to see Christina Grant glaring at them.

"Christina," Saffron said quietly.

"Potter," Christina said sarcastically. "Glad to see YOU'RE having a great time. Pity we can't say the same for my cousin."

Alexa looked at the older girl. "You have no idea what she's been through, Christina."

"Sod off, O'Leary," Christina said coldly. "This doesn't involve you."

"I'm very sorry about what happened to Sean," Saffron said softly. "I would like nothing more than to bring him back, Christina."

"Well it's because of you that he's dead," Christina said venomously. "My poor aunt and uncle still aren't over it."

Saffron looked down at the floor. She knew Christina was right.

"Sean loved Saffy," Alexa told Christina. "He was protecting her."

"Please," Christina said. "If he hadn't been with her, he'd still be alive today. And here you are joking around and laughing like nothing is wrong!"

Tears welled up in Saffron's eyes.

"Too little, too late, Potter," Christina said before stalking away.

Alexa turned and looked at her best friend. "Saffy...."

"She's right, isn't she?" Saffron asked morosely.

"She's not right at all," Alexa said putting her arms around her friend and hugging her. "Saffy, don't let her ruin this for you."

Saffron shook her head. "I don't know, Lexie."

"I do," Alexa said softly. "You're not responsible for this." Alexa wished she could hex Christina Grant for saying those horrible things. Saffron had come so far these last few weeks.

"I should change," Saffron really didn't feel like shopping anymore. "I have practise in a few hours."

"Okay," Alexa said softly. "I'll be right here."

Saffron wiped her eyes and went to change out of the dress.

As she looked into the mirror in the dressing room, she thought she saw Sean standing behind her.

She whirled around with a gasp.

"Sean?" she asked in a small voice.

"Saffy?" Alexa knocked on the door. "Who are you talking to?"

"No one," Saffron said hastily. "I-I'll just be a minute."

Alexa wanted to kill Christina Grant. She felt sorry for the other girl's family, but there was no reason the blonde needed to come and pull Saffron back down the way she did.

Saffron came out of the dressing room with a tear-stained face.

"Saffy, maybe you could skip practise today," Alexa suggested.

Saffron shook her head. "I can't."

"Saffy---" Alexa started to say.

"I'm so stupid to think that I can just forget about what happened," Saffron said quietly.

"You're not stupid and you don't have to forget what happened, but you have to move past this, Saffy," Alexa said. "Sean loved you and he would not want you to blame yourself. His parents don't blame you."

Saffron shook her head. "I don't deserve to be happy."

"Of course you do!" Alexa exclaimed. "Saffy. This wasn't your fault."

"I need to get out of here," Saffron said.

"We'll pay for your dress and then we'll go back home," Alexa said.

"Why bother?" Saffron asked.

"Because of your date with Andrew," Alexa said going into the dressing room and grabbing the gown. "I'm not going to let you do this, Saffy. Not again."

Saffron only shrugged.

Alexa took the dress to the counter. "We'll be taking this, please," she said firmly.

"Lovely choice," the shop girl said.

Saffron paid for the dress and she and Alexa left the shop. "Let's just go home," she said quietly.

"We should call Andrew," Alexa said reaching for her mobile.

"No," Saffron said. "I just want to go home."

"Okay," Alexa said, cursing Christina Grant silently.

Saffron was silent as they made their way back to the house. "You don't have to stay if you don't want to," she told her friend dully.

"I want to," Alexa said. "Is anyone home?"

"I don't know," she said.

"Mrs. Potter?" Alexa called out. "Mr. Potter?"

No one answered, but Puddles scurried into the room and made a beeline for Saffron.

"Hey baby," Saffron said softly, reaching for her dog.

Alexa smiled. "He's always happy to see his Saffy."

Saffron managed a tiny smile.

"I'll make us some tea," Alexa said.

"Okay," Saffron said as Puddles licked at her face.

Alexa reluctantly left her friend and headed into the kitchen.

"I'm not a good person, Puddles," Saffron said quietly to her dog.

Puddles looked up at her and whimpered.

"At least you'll never leave me," Saffron sat down.

Puddles rested his head on her lap. Saffron leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Christina Grant's words echoed in her head.

"I killed him," she whispered. "I killed Sean."

Nothing could change that---not Andrew, not her parents, not her brother or sister. It was the cold, hard truth.

"Here," Alexa brought two steaming mugs of tea into the sitting room. "This should help you feel better."

"Thanks, Lexie," Saffron said quietly.

"I won't let you do this to yourself," Alexa told her.

"How can you be my friend after what I've done?" Saffron asked her.

"You haven't done anything!" Alexa exclaimed.

"I killed Sean," Saffron said reaching for her mug of tea.

"No you didn't," Alexa said firmly. "Saffy--"

"I might not have set the curse, but it was because of me that he was hit with it," Saffron interjected. "And I've been going through life, as if it didn't happen..."

"You have to move on," Alexa told her. "Sean wouldn't want you to dwell on this."

"We don't know what he'd want since he's not here," Saffron said morosely.

"Yes we do," Alexa argued.

"If you weren't friends with me, you'd never have lost your memories," Saffron said.

"Saffy," Alexa shook her head. "That's not true."

"It is true!" Saffron shot back.

"I don't care," Alexa retorted. "Saffy, I love you to death. I don't care if I never got my memories back if it meant not having you as my friend!"

Saffron started to sob. "Lexie---"

Alexa hugged her tightly.

"I'm so sorry," Saffron sobbed into her friend's shoulder. "I'm so sorry!"

"You have no reason to be," Alexa soothed her. "You didn't ask for that to happen to you, Saffy."

"He---he was such a great guy," Saffron said softly. "He didn't deserve this. It was my fault for leading him on when I still loved Andrew..."

"You did not lead him on," Alexa said. "You were trying to move on."

Saffron nodded. "I tried."

"You did," Alexa said. "And Sean's death was NOT your fault. Not in any way."

Saffron wiped at her eyes. "Lexie, you're my best friend. I-I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'll never have to find out," Alexa told her.

Saffron hugged her friend. "Thanks, Lexie."

"You don't pay her any attention," Alexa said. "You know she'd do anything to hurt you."

"He was her family," Saffron said quietly. "I wonder what she was doing back in London."

"Who knows," Alexa shook her head. "I hope we never see her again.

"My parents said she didn't come back for the funeral," Saffron told her.

"You know she only cares about herself," Alexa said.

Saffron nodded. "Yeah...but her words rang true. I mean, there we were having a good time..."

"You have EVERY right to enjoy yourself!" Alexa exclaimed.

"Really?" Saffron asked in a small voice.

"Of course!" Alexa said.

Puddles barked in agreement which caused Saffron to smile slightly.

"There you go," Alexa encouraged.

Saffron sighed. "This is such a mess."

"It doesn't have to be," Alexa said. "You were doing great. There's no need to regress."

"I don't want to," Saffron said quietly.

"Good," Alexa said. "You're going to be fine, Saffy. You have all your family, me, Gabe, and Andrew to help you."

"I love you guys so much," Saffron said. "I never would have gotten through any of this without you."

"We love you too," Alexa put an arm around her.

Saffron rested her head on Alexa's shoulder. "You're the best."

"No, you are," Alexa countered.

Saffron wiped at her eyes. "Me? I'm a snivelling, sobbing mess."

"But you're a gorgeous, snivelling mess," Alexa teased.

"With really frizzy hair," Saffron laughed.

"Stop fishing for compliments," Alexa replied.

"Okay," Saffron said with a smile. She reached for her tea and took a sip.

"That's better," Alexa said.

"Much," Saffron said softly. "This is really good."

"It's your favourite," Alexa replied.

"You remembered," Saffron said softly.

"Could never forget that," Alexa smiled.

"I still can't believe you're really going to leave," Saffron said. "When you go, I'll be an ever worse mess than I am right now."

"You will not," Alexa said. "And I'm not going for another six months."

"Thank Merlin for that," Saffron said.

"But I'll always be here when you need me," Alexa promised.

"You always have been," Saffron said.

"Just as you have for me," Alexa said.

"Best friends," Saffron said smiling at her. "Through thick and thin."

"Absolutely," Alexa agreed.

"I should really get ready for practise," Saffron told her.

Alexa nodded. "I have to get to the bakery. I promised my mum I'd help her today."

"Thanks again for today," Saffron said.

"Anytime," Alexa told her.

"I'll ring you afterwards," Saffron promised.

"Sounds good," Alexa said.

Saffron walked her friend over to the fireplace.

"Happy thoughts," Alexa told her. "Okay?"

Saffron nodded. "Happy thoughts."

Alexa grabbed a handful of Floo powder. "I'll see you later."

Saffron nodded again as her friend disappeared.

She grabbed her mug and headed upstairs with Puddles in tow. Perhaps practise would be just what she needed to keep her mind off of what had happened with Christina.

She changed and headed over to Puddlemere's stadium. Being alone in the locker room didn't scare her as much as it used to.

"Hey," RJ greeted her as she came onto the pitch.

"Hey," Saffron replied.

"You all right?" he asked.

Saffron nodded. "I'm fine." She didn't want to tell him about what had happened.

"You look upset," he persisted.

"I'm okay," Saffron said. "I'm just a little knackered. I didn't sleep well last night and Alexa and I went shopping earlier."

RJ studied her closely for a moment. "If you say so..."

"I do," Saffron said. She looked up at the sky. "It looks like it might rain."

"We've played in worse," RJ shrugged.

"I know," Saffron said. "Remember that match against Ravenclaw that we played in the middle of a blizzard?"

"I'll never forget it," RJ said ruefully.

"I forgot," Saffron said nudging him. "That was your best match ever!"

"Shut it," RJ told her.

Saffron laughed. "Come on, you always loved talking about it in the past."

RJ shook his head.

Saffron laughed again as she followed him to the middle of the pitch. She didn't realise that two figures were watching her from behind the stands.

"I thought you said you took care of it," Daniel said angrily. "She looks pretty happy to me."

Christina glared at him. "She was crying in the store, okay?"

Daniel glared at her. "I guess I'm going to have to take care of this myself."

"As if you've been able to do any better," Christina snapped.

"I had her in my pocket New Year's Eve," Daniel shot back. "Until Kirke showed his ugly mug..."

"Whatever," Christina said. "I can't believe I came back from Amsterdam for this."

"At least you were able to see your old boyfriend," Daniel said coldly. "Weasley really did it for you, did he?"

"Not especially," Christina sneered.

Daniel pulled her to him and kissed her hard. "You and I both want this, Chris."

Christina had a hard time staying angry with him after that.

"We're having a team party after practise," Daniel said. "Weasley's not going to be there so this is my chance."

"Why not?" Christina asked.

"Something having to do with his Muggle girlfriend," Daniel shrugged.

Christina snorted. "Great."

"He won't be there watching out for her and I'll be able to make my move," Daniel told her.

"Then do it," Christina replied. "And don't let Kirke get in the way this time."

"He's not going to," Daniel said firmly.

"Good," Christina replied.

Daniel gave her one last kiss. "I'll see you later."

"Your place," she said, winking at him.

"Deal," Daniel said heading out on the pitch.

Saffron saw him coming, and due to the confrontation with Christina, felt her heart freeze in her chest. He really did look so much like Sean.

"Afternoon, Potter," Daniel said winking at her.

"Hi," she said, looking away.

"Looking good as always," Daniel said grabbing his broom.

"Leave her alone, O'Neal," RJ said coldly.

"Is it a crime to say hello to a teammate now?" Daniel asked sarcastically.

"Leave her alone," RJ stated again.

"Whatever you say," Daniel said before mounting his broom and kicking off from the ground. He zoomed into the sky.

"So, you aren't going to the party tonight?" Saffron asked RJ when they were alone.

"Audrey and I have plans," RJ replied.

"I'll probably put in a brief appearance," Saffron said. "I'm just not in the mood for a party."

"I knew something was wrong with you," RJ said.

"I-I ran into Christina Grant when I was shopping with Lexie," Saffron admitted.

"WHAT?" RJ roared.

"I was surprised as you were," Saffron told him. "I thought she was still in Amsterdam."

"She's probably only back to cause trouble," RJ said furiously. "What did she say to you?"

"She saw Lexie and me having a good time and she brought up Sean," Saffron said quietly.

RJ shook his head. "If I see her--"

"Hopefully you won't," Saffron said. "Hopefully this was just a one and done visit."

"She has no business bringing him up," RJ said.

"He was her cousin," Saffron said. "In her own way, I'm sure she cared about him."

"Christina Grant cares about herself," RJ said.

"It means a lot to me that you want to look out for me," Saffron said giving him a hug. "But you don't have to worry."

"I'll always worry about you, you brat," RJ said affectionately.

Saffron smiled. "Thanks, RJ."

"Come on," he said. "Let's practise."

Saffron grabbed her broom. "That sounds like a plan."

Saffron flew up into the air and Daniel zoomed over to her.

"O'Neal," Saffron nodded at him.

"You look good on a broom," he winked at her.

Saffron rolled her eyes. "Go away."

"Can't a bloke pay a compliment to a good looking girl?" he asked.

Saffron ignored him.

"I'm really not a horrible guy," he said.

"Says you," Saffron muttered.

"You don't even know me," he pointed out.

"I know you well enough," Saffron said. "You know, if you want to impress the coach, you probably shouldn't be flying around me trying to flirt."

"I'm just trying to be honest with you," Daniel said.

"You?" Saffron asked with a laugh. "Honest?"

"You're basing your opinion of me off what other people said," Daniel pointed out.

"Do you remember what you said about me the other day in front of Andrew?" Saffron asked him, wishing that he'd just fly away and leave her alone.

He shrugged. "We all have our bad days."

"You seem to have more than your fair share," Saffron retorted. She tried to watch the practise match that was going on, but Daniel seemed to have other plans.

"What say we start over?" Daniel asked. "My full name is Daniel Sean O'Neal."

Saffron nearly fell off her broom. "W-what?"

"Are you okay?" he asked, pretending to be concerned.

"I--I'm fine," Saffron stammered, steadying herself on her broom. "Just fine."

"You sure?" he asked, reaching out for her.

"Yes," Saffron said hastily. "Of course, I am, Sean."

Daniel tried not to smile in triumph.

"Saffy, what are you doing?" RJ yelled in her direction.

Saffron whirled around. "Um... I have to go."

"Of course," Daniel said smoothly.

"See you later," Saffron mumbled before heading towards RJ.

Daniel grinned. He had her right where he wanted her.

"What the hell were you doing with him?" RJ asked her.

"Nothing," Saffron muttered. "He was doing all the talking. I just wished he'd go away and leave me alone."

RJ cast a dark look at O'Neal. "I don't trust him."

Saffron didn't either, but he looked so much like Sean. All these buried emotions and guilt came up every time she looked at him.

"You all right?" RJ asked.

"I'm fine," Saffron reassured him, but she knew it was a lie. "I'll pay more attention now. I promise."

"I get worried about you," RJ replied.

"I'm okay," Saffron told him. "It as a little disheartening to see Christina today, but Lexie and I talked about it."

"I'm glad she was with you," RJ said. "If I see Christina, I'll give her a piece of my mind."

Saffron smiled. "My big protector..."

"When Andrew can't be," RJ grinned back at her.

Saffron thought about her boyfriend and wished he were here right now to put his arms around her and tell her everything was going to be okay. "Thanks, RJ."

"Have fun at that party," RJ told her. "Don't let this get you down."

Saffron reached a free hand out and squeezed RJ's hand. "Thanks."

"I have to get going- Aud's waiting for me at the flat." RJ said. "See you later, Saf."

"Tell her I said hello," Saffron said pointing her broom in the direction of the ground. "I'll see you tomorrow."

RJ headed towards the locker rooms and Saffron went to hers to shower and get dressed.

She wanted nothing more than to go home or go to Andrew's, but she knew she should put in an appearance at the party. With the exception of one, she liked all of her teammates.

RJ told her that Scanlon usually hosted the best parties there were and she was eager to see that for herself. Maybe this was just what she needed to get her mind off of Sean's death.

She finished getting dressed and left the stadium, heading towards Scanlon's townhouse near Diagon Alley.

The party was already in full swing when she got there. Scanlon had not only invited the team and some of the employees but also some of his assorted friends. Now she really wished she'd brought Andrew. Saffron set her bag down with her cloak and headed over to see Scanlon.

"Potterette!" Scanlon exclaimed when he saw her. "What's your poison?"

"What?" Saffron asked.

"To drink?" Scanlon asked her. "What can I get you to drink?"

"Um... just a soda, or some juice," Saffron replied.

"Taking it easy," Scanlon nodded. "That's cool. One juice coming your way."

"Thanks," Saffron said gratefully.

Daniel arrived a few minutes later and he grinned when he saw Potter talking to Scanlon and some of their other teammates. She'd shown up after all.

He reached into his pocket for the little parcel Christina had given him before he left for the party.

This held the key to what would happen tonight.

He sauntered casually over to the table and got himself a drink, then looked around to see where Potter had gotten to.

He spotted her heading toward the kitchen and he smiled to himself.

"Hey you," he said with a grin once he'd cornered her.

Saffron rolled her eyes. "Go away, Daniel."

"Come on now," Daniel said. "Why do you hate me so much?"

"Let's see," Saffron said sarcastically. "You took advantage of me on New Year's Eve. You insulted me in front of my boyfriend and nearly had your face knocked in and you've been nothing but trouble for me from the first moment I met you. Is that enough or should I go on?"

"Well like I said earlier, why can't we start over?" he asked.

"I don't know if you know this about me, but I hold grudges," Saffron told him. "And I don't think I'm going to let this one go. So, if you'll excuse me..."

Daniel looked after her in dismay. This was going to be much harder than he thought.

Saffron walked over to the kitchen table where Scanlon had set up the food. She grabbed a plate.

"Those are good," Daniel had followed her.

Saffron wondered what Daniel's problem was. What part of get lost was he not getting? She decided to ignore him and hope that he'd get the hint.

"I think I'll have some too," he said, reaching into his pocket for the packet.

"Hey, Potter!" Scanlon called out to her. "Come here a minute!"

Saffron sighed in relief and set her plate down before crossing the room to see what Scanlon wanted.

Daniel was glad to see she'd left her glass behind. Quickly, he opened the packet and dropped two pills into her drink.

"I wanted to introduce you to Bianca," Scanlon told Saffron. "This is my girlfriend."

"Hi," Saffron said. "It's lovely to meet you!"

"It's great to meet you," Bianca said smiling at her. "Joe has been telling me all about how great a player you are."

"Thanks," Saffron flushed. "It's only been one game, but..."

"But she's already turned our team around," Scanlon said proudly.

"We definitely have to get to the Cup," Saffron nodded.

"I think you've got it in the bag," Bianca said. "Come on, Joe. Let's go dance."

"I do what I'm told," Scanlon joked, following his girlfriend.

Saffron smiled as she watched them. Maybe the notorious player Scanlon was going to settle down. She walked back into the kitchen and was relieved to see it was a Daniel-free zone.

She fixed a plate and took her drink into the sitting room, watching everyone joke and talk.

Saffron figured she'd have her food and mingle for a bit before heading out. She really wanted to see Andrew.

Daniel watched her from across the room. "Drink it," he muttered.

Saffron picked up her glass and took a sip.

"Yes," he said, making a fist.

He watched triumphantly as she took another sip of her drink. This was going to be easy. The best part was that Weasley wasn't here to watch over her like he always did.

Saffron blinked as the room swam before her eyes for a moment.

"How are you doing?" Daniel asked sitting down beside her.

"Fine..." Saffron swallowed.

"You want a refill on that drink?" Daniel asked her smoothly.

"Okay," Saffron said dazedly. "I'm... thirsty..."

Daniel took her glass. "Don't go anywhere, beautiful."

"Okay Sean," Saffron gazed at him.

Daniel grinned as he walked away.

Saffron felt the room spinning around her. What was going on?

From across the room, she saw Sean coming toward her carrying a glass. He was here. He was alive and he was okay. "S-Sean."

"Here you go, gorgeous," Daniel grinned at her.

"You're okay, Sean," Saffron whispered.

"Of course I'm okay," Daniel replied, sliding his arm around her. "I'd never leave you."

Saffron reached up and touched his cheek. "I'm so sorry."

"For what?" he asked softly.

"For what I did to you," Saffron said, her lower lip trembling. "I never meant for you to get hurt." She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"I'm not hurt," Daniel said, rubbing her back. "I'm right here."

Saffron sobbed into his shoulder. "Oh, Sean!"

"Come on," Daniel said. "Let's get out of here."

"W-where?" Saffron stammered. "Sean? I don't feel too good."

"I'll take care of you," Daniel told her.

He helped her to her feet and stumbled just a little. The room was still spinning. The only thing that she could focus on was Sean. Somewhere in the back of her head, she wondered why he didn't sound like he always had.

"Come on Saf," he said, guiding her down the hall.

Saffron followed him willingly. She wanted to talk to him some more and find out how he'd been able to survive.

"Here seems nice," Daniel opened the door to Scanlon's guest bedroom.

"Sean," Saffron whispered. "It's so dark in there."

Daniel turned on a lamp, bathing the room in a dim light. "Better?" he asked, closing the door and locking it.

Saffron nodded. "I really don't feel so good, Sean."

"Lie down," Daniel replied.

Saffron did as he asked and it seemed to help her equilibrium.

"Better?" Daniel asked, lying next to her.

Saffron closed her eyes. "Yes."

He stroked her hair back gently.

"Andrew," Saffron whispered. "I need to tell you about Andrew, Sean."

"You can tell me whatever you want," Daniel said softly, grinning triumphantly.

Saffron felt his lips on hers, but she didn't stop him.

"I've been waiting for this," Daniel trailed his mouth over her skin.

"Sean," Saffron whispered as a single tear fell down her cheek.

"I'm here," Daniel wiped it away.

"You're here," Saffron repeated.

"I sure am," he smiled at her.

Saffron felt him tugging at her jumper. "Sean, wait---Andrew..."

"I wanted this, Saffy," Daniel told her. "For so long..."

"Andrew," Saffron whimpered. "I love Andrew."

"And I always loved you, Saffy." Daniel replied. "Even now... after everything that's happened."

Saffron opened her eyes and saw Andrew's face looking down at her. "Andrew? Sean's alive. Sean's alive and he's okay..."

Daniel was confused. Was the drug making her go mad?

"Everything's going to be okay," Saffron whispered. "Now, it's okay."

Daniel kissed her again, sneaking his hand back under her jumper.

"You're so beautiful," Daniel whispered. "So very beautiful..."

"Sean," Saffron whispered. "I owe you so much."

"Just let me show you how much I missed you," Daniel whispered. "That's all I want."

"Okay," she uttered softly.

Daniel grinned. This really had been too easy. He'd expected more of a challenge. Kirke wouldn't want to touch Saffron once Daniel was finished with her and she'd be so heartbroken over all of this, she'd lose her edge and the starting position as Seeker would be his.

Saffron closed her eyes as Sean kissed her again. Her head had grown so fuzzy she couldn't even think straight.

"Saffy," Daniel whispered kissing her neck. "Just relax..."

"I am," she breathed.

Daniel smiled down at her. She had no idea what was going on, did she?

"Kiss me," Saffron said.

"Whatever you want, sweetheart," Daniel said brushing his lips against hers.

A few hours later, Saffron awoke with an aching head. She didn't know where she was or how she'd gotten here.

She turned onto her side, her arm reaching out to find an empty bed. Suddenly, she was aware of the fact that she was nude under the covers. "A-Andrew?" she called out uncertainly.

There was no answer. Confused, Saffron sat up, her head spinning.

She could hear the muffled sound of music coming from somewhere. "Andrew?"

He still didn't answer. Saffron put her head in her hands as she tried to recollect what had happened.

Scanlon's party. That was the last thing she remembered. She was just going to make an appearance and then leave.

Saffron pushed back the covers and found her clothing scattered on the floor. Stumbling against the wall, she struggled to get her garments back on.

There was a ringing sound coming from her bag and her hands were shaking as she answered it. "Hello?"

"There you are," Andrew's warm voice replied. "I thought you were coming by."

"Um..." Saffron tried to clear her head. "I think so..."

"You sound a little funny," Andrew said. "What's wrong, baby?"

"I don't know," Saffron replied. "I feel... sort of sick."

"Scanlon's party," Andrew said. "I knew I should have warned you. Those can get out of hand. You want me to come and pick you up?"

"No," Saffron said quickly. "No."

"Are you sure?" Andrew asked. "I don't mind."

"I'll be okay," Saffron said.

The bedroom door opened and Saffron gasped when she saw who it was. "Saffy?" Andrew asked. "Saffy, what is it?"

"What are you doing here?" she asked, unexpected tears filling her eyes.

"I came to check on you," Daniel said grinning at her. "You---you were amazing."

"What?" Saffron asked. "What are you talking about?"

"Saffy?" Andrew's voice called out to her. "What the hell is going on? Who's there?"

"Andrew I have to go," Saffron said.

"Saffy, are you still at Scanlon's?" Andrew started to ask, but Saffron had clicked off the phone.

"Why are you here?" Saffron asked again. "And how did you know I was in here?"

"Come on now," Daniel said stepping into the room. "Don't tell me you forgot what we did."

A pinprick of dread needled it's way into her stomach. "What we did?"

"Mmmhmm," Daniel murmured. "You were a wildcat, Saffron Potter."

She stared at him in horror.

"Don't worry," Daniel said. "It's not going to affect our professional relationship in the slightest. We can both handle this."

Saffron sat down on the bed, her legs feeling like jelly.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked.

"We didn't..." the words caught in her throat. "We couldn't have..."

"We did," Daniel said. "I have the scratches on my back to prove it. You sure do like it rough, don't you?"

"No," Saffron buried her face in her hands.

There was no way that she could have done THAT with the likes of Daniel O'Neal.

She pulled her jumper on quickly. "I have to get out of here," she muttered.

"Is this because of Kirke?" Daniel asked. "Don't worry. I won't tell."

"Just leave me alone," Saffron snapped.

"Okay, okay," Daniel held up his hands. "But you weren't saying that a few hours ago..."

"I didn't have sex with you!" Saffron denied.

"Deny it if you want," Daniel said standing up. "But, it doesn't change the fact that it happened."

"I would never stoop that low," Saffron said, the words thick.

Daniel chuckled. "I'm the one who should be upset. Seeing as you called me by another bloke's name at one point."

"Shut up!" Saffron snapped.

"Who's Sean?" Daniel asked her. "Hmm?"

"Don't you talk to me about Sean," Saffron's voice shook as a few memories started coming back to her.

"Sorry that I touched a nerve," Daniel said reaching for her hand.

"Get AWAY from me!" Saffron shouted.

Andrew knocked on the front door. The party was just starting to disband. He'd known something wasn't right with his girlfriend and despite what she'd said, he couldn't just let this go and wait for her. He had to see for himself that she was okay. Joe Scanlon opened the door. "Hey, Andrew. What's going on, mate?"

"Hey," Andrew said. "Is Saffron here?"

"I haven't seen her in awhile," Scanlon admitted. "But you're welcome to come in and look."

"Thanks," Andrew stepped inside.

"I'm surprised you didn't come up with Saffy," Scanlon said. "We'd have made an exception for you even if you are on a bloody horrible team."

"Yeah sure," Andrew grinned. "I thought she was only going to stay for a little while then come over."

"That's a great girl you have," Scanlon told him.

"She's the best," Andrew agreed.

Scanlon called out to a teammate asking him if he'd seen Saffron.

"Not for awhile, mate," the other bloke replied. "I saw her heading back there a few hours ago. Maybe she went to lie down and fell asleep."

"I'll go and see," Andrew said, clapping Scanlon on the back.

"Stick around for awhile," Scanlon waved him on before turning back to his own girlfriend.

Andrew knew he was probably overreacting, but he had to see for himself that she was truly okay.

"Saffy?" he called. "You down here?"

"Leave me alone!" he heard his girlfriend shouting.

Andrew shoved open the door and saw red when Daniel O'Neal came into view.

"Hello, Kirke," Daniel said grinning at him. "Nice of you to join us."

"What the hell are you doing here?" Andrew asked.

"Maybe you should ask your girlfriend," Daniel said motioning to Saffron.

"Andrew let's go," Saffron said, her face pale.

"Are you okay?" Andrew asked crossing the room and kneeling before her. "Did he-did he touch you?"

"I just want to go home," Saffron said, not looking at him.

"Sure," Andrew said offering her his hand.

Saffron couldn't even look Daniel in the face as she hurried out of the bedroom.

"If I find out that you laid a finger on her," Andrew warned Daniel.

"Have a nice day, Kirke," Daniel said coldly.

Andrew hurried after his girlfriend who was waiting for him just outside. "Saffy?"

"I just want to get out of here," Saffron said.

"I'll take you back to my place," Andrew told her.

She shook her head. "I want to go home."

"Oh, okay," Andrew said taken aback. Something had obviously happened and he wished she'd tell him what it was. "Saffy, did something happen with O'Neal?"

Saffron shook her head and hurried ahead of him.

Andrew brought her home and helped her inside. Her parents were already asleep.

"Thanks," Saffron said quietly.

"Talk to me," Andrew said.

"I'm fine," Saffron said. "Just tired."

"I know you," Andrew said. "Something happened."

"Nothing happened!" Saffron said. "I just don't feel good and I'm tired!"

Andrew looked at her. She didn't usually snap at him like that. "You want me to go?"

"I just want to be alone," Saffron looked away from him.

"Don't shut me out," Andrew said softly. "If he tried something or if he hurt you, you could just tell me. I want to help you, Saffy."

"I just want to be alone," Saffron's eyes filled with tears.

"Okay," Andrew said reluctantly. If Saffron wasn't going to tell him, he'd go back to Scanlon's and get it out of O'Neal.

"Good night," Saffron wiped at her eyes.

"I love you," Andrew whispered.

"I love you too," Saffron managed.

Andrew stepped forward and kissed her on the forehead. "Nothing that happened tonight could change how I feel about you," he told her. "Nothing."

Saffron's face crumpled at her boyfriend's sweet words.

"I'll ring you tomorrow and see how you're doing okay?" Andrew asked her.

"If you want," Saffron hugged her arms around herself.

"Of course I want," Andrew said smiling reassuringly at her. "I love you."

She wondered if he would still say the same thing after knowing what she had done that night.

Andrew hugged her one last time before he left. He didn't know if O'Neal would still be at the party, but he had to take a chance.

He went right into the party and scanned the room for O'Neal. He saw him chatting up a black haired girl in the corner.

"O'Neal," Andrew said grabbing the other bloke by the shoulder and turning him around.

"Kirke," Daniel gave him a dirty look. "I'm busy here."

"I don't care," Andrew shot back. "Maybe she'd like to hear what you were doing with my girlfriend?"

"Nothing," Daniel smirked.

"Bullshit," Andrew said shoving him. "Tell me what you did to her!"

"She won't talk to you, eh?" Daniel asked with a grin.

"Did you force yourself on her?" Andrew asked shoving him again. "She couldn't even look at me, you bastard! Tell me what you did!"

"Hey," Scanlon came over. "What's going on here?"

"Your teammate did something to Saffy," Andrew said. "And I want to know what."

"O'Neal?" Scanlon asked.

"Nothing happened that she didn't want," Daniel replied.

Andrew lunged at him again.

Scanlon grabbed hold of Andrew and held him back. "Don't do it, mate. He's not worth it!"

"I want to know what he did!" Andrew roared.

Daniel chuckled. "Like I said, nothing she didn't want. She was begging for it, mate. Couldn't keep her hands off of me."

"She would never stoop that low," Andrew said angrily.

"If that makes you feel better," Daniel shrugged. "Now, if you'll excuse me...."

Andrew lunged for him again.

This time, Scanlon let Andrew go.

"You son of a bitch," Andrew shoved him against the wall. "YOU DID SOMETHING TO HER!"

"GET OFF ME!" Daniel yelled at him, just before Andrew's fist connected with his nose.

"If you don't tell me what happened--" Andrew began, drawing his fist back again.

"I shagged her," Daniel bragged. "Okay? I would have thought that would have been self-explanatory."

Andrew was livid. "I'm going to kill you," he seethed.

"Nothing happened that she didn't want," Daniel said angrily. "Look, she and I had a few drinks. The next thing I know, she's asking me to go upstairs with her. One thing led to another and----"

Now Andrew felt like he'd been slugged in the stomach.

"That doesn't sound like Potter," Scanlon said doubtfully.

"Hey," Murphy came forward. "I didn't say anything before because I didn't think anything of it, but I saw O'Neal putting something into her drink when you called her over to meet Bianca, Scanlon."

Andrew grabbed Daniel by the collar. "What'd you put in her drink?"

"I don't know what you're talking about--" Daniel began.

"Tell us what you put in that drink," Scanlon told him sternly. "Or I'll bring the coach and management into this, O'Neal. By the time they're through with you, you wouldn't even be able to play a pickup game."

"Tell me," Andrew tightened his hold on O'Neal's collar.

O'Neal remained silent.

Scanlon looked at him. "Need I remind you who her father is, O'Neal? I don't reckon you'd like to be on the other end of his wand, would you?"

"Or her mother's," Andrew said darkly.

Daniel gulped.

Murphy came forward. "I found this glass in your guest room, Scanlon." He held out the glass.

Scanlon took the half full cup. "Can we get this tested somewhere?"

"Hermione Potter would be only too happy to see what it is," Andrew said tightening his grip on O'Neal.

"You can't prove anything," Daniel wheezed.

"I've got a room full of people who beg to differ," Scanlon said. "In fact, I think I'll firecall the Aurors right now. Maybe Ethan Potter's on duty."

Daniel felt fear for the first time as Scanlon went to the fireplace.

"Wait!" Daniel called out. "I-I'll tell you."

Scanlon turned around and Andrew let O'Neal's collar go.

"I picked it up in Knockturn Alley," Daniel said trying to catch his breath. "It's a---it's a variation of the Amorentia potion. It's a powder that lowers the inhibitions and causes the drinker to confuse reality."

"That's illegal," Murphy said angrily. "I read about some wizards using that to take advantage of witches!"

Scanlon was pissed. "O'Neal--"

Andrew drew back and hit O'Neal again and again.

Murphy and Scanlon both tried to pull him off. "Bianca! Firecall the Aurors right now!"

It felt like hours, but was only moments before Ethan was in the room pulling Andrew off Daniel. "What's going on here?" he asked, looking between his sister's boyfriend and team mate.

Andrew couldn't even bring himself to say what O'Neal had done to Saffron.

Scanlon handed Ethan the cup. "O'Neal here put some drugs into Saffron's drink."

"What?" Ethan asked taken aback. "Where's Saffy? Did he do something to her?"

"Tell him," Andrew said furiously to Daniel.

Daniel looked at Andrew. "About you attacking me, you mean? I need a healer!"

Andrew made a move to grab him by the collar again. "Tell him what you did to his sister, O'Neal."

"I didn't do anything!" Daniel replied defiantly.

"He drugged her then took her upstairs," Andrew choked out.

Ethan gave the glass to another Auror and advanced on the younger man. "What are you telling me here?"

"She wasn't pushing me away!" Daniel said angrily. "I shagged her. End of story."

"Because of that powder you put in her damn drink!" Scanlon exclaimed.

"You are in some major trouble," Ethan warned the younger man. "The only reason I'm NOT kicking the shit out of you is because I'm an Auror."

Justin held up the glass. "I'll send this to the lab right away. We'll book it as evidence."

"You come with us," Ethan said to Daniel.

"What are you going to do to him?" Scanlon asked.

"If it tests positive, he'll be booked in on charges," Ethan replied. "Andrew... can you go... get Saffron? She needs to be tested as well."

"Of course," Andrew said without hesitation. "Should--should we tell your parents?"

Ethan nodded grimly. "We can't keep this from them. My father's going to go ballistic."

"Pity poor O'Neal when they find out," Scanlon said shaking his head. "Merlin, I'm sorry this happened here, Ethan. If I'd known---"

Ethan nodded. "I know."

"I'll go and get Saffron and bring her to headquarters," Andrew promised.

"Thanks," Ethan said, taking O'Neal by the arm. He wanted nothing more than to kill this bloke standing next to him.

His little sister had been through more than her fair share of problems these last few months. This was the last thing she needed. He couldn't imagine what she was feeling right now.

Andrew arrived at the Minister's mansion, wondering how on earth he was going to tell her parents what had happened.