Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Please read the authors' note at the end of the chapter. That's all we ask.

Though Darla knew she would miss her family terribly, she was going to go back with Hans to New York. It was just going to be a two-week trip to see how she liked the city. Although Drew hadn't said anything, Darla could tell her sister thought this was a mistake. But, she had agreed to help Darla pack up her things.

"I still don't see why you couldn't stay the rest of the holiday here," Drew pointed out. "You're going to miss Saffron and Andrew's party, you know."

"I know, I wish I wasn't, but I need to be with Hans," Darla said. "They'll understand."

"Where is Mr. Perfect anyway?" Drew asked. "I thought he'd be here helping you pack."

"He has gone to the bakery to get me éclairs," Darla said. "I had a craving. Rafe has a sweet tooth."

Drew had to smile at that.

"I hope you know I'm going to ring you every day," Darla told her sister. "Three of four times a day."

"I don't mind," Drew replied. "You can even ring five or six times. It'll never be enough."

Darla smiled at her sister. "It's going to be okay, right? I'm not making a mistake."

Drew shrugged. "I hope not, Dar."

"He's been great these last few days," Darla said. "Like he used to be."

"I'm glad," Drew replied.

A mobile phone on the bedside table began to ring and vibrate. "Hans must have forgotten his phone," Darla said picking it up.

She thought perhaps it was a call but when she flipped it open she saw a photo was coming in.

"Darla, do you want to bring your sandals?" Drew asked, but her sister didn't answer right away. "Earth to Darla...."

Darla couldn't speak so she simply held the phone out to her twin.

"What is it?" Drew asked taking the phone. She gasped when she saw the photograph of a nude woman. She tapped a button on the phone. "This is what awaits you when you get home. Love, K.," Drew read aloud.

"What's he doing?" Darla asked in a shaky voice. "Drew, what if he's cheating on me! What is this girl doing sending him messages like this?"

"Maybe it's just a fan," Drew said. "Some crazy girl sending him photos. I've heard that happens to famous people."

"But how did she get his number?" Darla asked.

Drew shrugged and pressed another button on the phone. She saw a list of old text and photo messages from "Katya". "Who's Katya?" Drew asked.

"His... partner..." Darla shook her head. "She's on the campaign with him..."

Drew handed her the phone. "There are other messages, Dar."

Darla took the phone with a shaking hand, her face growing redder as she looked at each message.

"I hope you're hungry," Hans' voice called out from the hall. "I bought two boxes..."

Hans had barely stepped into the room when Darla threw the mobile at his head as hard as she could.

Hans ducked just in time and the phone hit the wall.

"Whoa!" Hans exclaimed. "What was that for?"

"Katya?" Darla asked shrilly.

Hans set the boxes of pastries aside. "What about her?" he asked.

"Why the HELL is she sending you nude photos of herself?" Darla shouted.

Hans looked over at Drew. "Do you mind?"

Drew held up her hands. "I'm not the one who did something wrong here."

"Neither have I," Hans glared at her before turning his attention back to his wife. "Darla, it was just a joke. Katya does stuff like that all the time. It doesn't mean anything."

"It's a JOKE?" Darla asked angrily. "A JOKE?"

"Darla, calm down," Hans said reaching for her.

"Don't touch me!" Darla jerked away.

"Look," Hans said holding up his hands. "Nothing is going on with Katya and me. Absolutely nothing."

"Then explain the pictures and messages," Darla hissed. "Why you've got loads of them on the phone there!"

"Darla, I love you," Hans said. "Only you."

Darla opened her mouth to deny his claim but a sharp pain in her stomach made her double over.

"Darla!" Drew exclaimed.

"Oh no..." Darla whimpered.

"What's wrong?" Hans asked.

"I don't know," Darla managed. "The baby..."

"I'll get Liam," Drew offered.

"Okay..." Darla cried out in pain again. "Something's wrong..."

Hans put his arm around her. "Darla..."

"Don't touch me," Darla wheezed.

"Darla," Hans protested.

"Just go away," Darla said as she closed her eyes tight. Another wave of pain washed over her abdomen and she clutched her stomach in her hands.

Hans did not want to upset her anymore than she already was. He could kill Katya for doing this and he cursed himself for not deleting those messages. The important thing now was making sure that Darla and Rafe were okay.

Lizzy hurried into the room. "Darla, tell me what's going on."

Darla shook her head. "I don't know. It just---hurts."

Lizzy pushed past Hans. "Where?"

Darla put her hand to her abdomen. "Here."

"Lie back," Lizzy said, pressing down a bit where Darla indicated.

"It's too early for labour," Darla said as she lay down on the bed.

"What happened?" Liam asked from the door. "I got here as quickly as I could."

"Darla's having abdominal pains," Lizzy told him.

"What caused them?" he asked.

"H-Hans and I were having a row," Darla said struggling to catch her breath.

Drew cast an accusing look at her brother in law.

"It's too early," Darla said looking pleadingly at Liam. "I can't be in labour."

"I think we should get her to the hospital," Liam said. "Fast."

"It's that serious?" Hans asked, concern etched across his handsome features.

Darla looked at Liam. "I don't want him anywhere near me."

"Don't worry," Drew said. "He won't be."

Hans glared at her. "I'm not leaving. That's my wife and my son."

"And you did this to them," Drew snapped at him.

"Liam, go ahead and bring her to St. Mungos," Lizzy said. "I'll go and tell the others and I'll meet you there."

Liam nodded tersely and gathered up Darla.

Drew followed with Hans hot on their heels.

"She doesn't want you there," Drew told him.

"I'll wait in the waiting room," Hans told her.

"Good," Drew stalked away.

A few minutes later, Darla found herself lying on a hospital bed while Liam examined her.

"What's wrong?" she whimpered. "What's wrong with my baby?"

"We're going to find out," Liam promised her. "And I know you're worried, but the important thing is to stay calm."

"I'll try," Darla nodded.

"I'm going to check your blood pressure and we're going to monitor the baby's heartbeat," Liam told her. "All you have to do is stay calm."

She nodded again and tried to take calming, even breaths.

Liam tapped his wand to Darla's belly. "So," he said trying to keep her mind off of what he was doing. "How's your father's diet going?"

"Okay," Darla closed her eyes. "He doesn't need to diet though."

"That's what my Da tells my mother," Liam said. "But, she insists on making all healthy foods these days and tries to get me to tell my Da that it's the best thing for him. He still likes his corned beef, though."

Darla had to smile. "Dad used to eat that almost every day when we lived in Ireland."

"My Da sneaks down to the pub to order it," Liam said. "But he doesn't think we know."

"Parents aren't too sneaky," Darla winced as another wave of pain washed over her.

Liam waved his wand over Darla's belly again and whispered something to the nurse.

"What?" Darla asked.

"I'm thinking this isn't as serious as I first thought," Liam explained. "Your blood pressure is elevated, of course, but that's likely because you were in an agitated state..."

"So the baby's okay?" Darla asked hopefully.

"His heartbeat is strong," Liam told her.

Darla nodded. "That's good--"

"I still want to monitor you for the next few hours," Liam said. "At least until your blood pressure goes down."

"But Rafe is okay?" she asked.

Liam nodded. "I think so and if all goes well, you'll be meeting him in four weeks."

Darla sobbed. "Thank you."

"My pleasure," Liam said grinning at her.

"Thank you for coming so quickly," Darla said softly.

"Thank you for being such a good patient," Liam said. He looked at the nurse. "Can you get a glass of water for Mrs. Feinbach?"

"Of course," she replied.

"Thank you," Darla said softly as the nurse went into the loo.

"No corned beef though," Liam told her with a grin.

"I promise," Darla said. "I was never that fond of it."

"I bet I know something that might make you feel better," Liam told her.

"What's that?" she asked.

Liam said a quick spell and waved his wand over Darla's abdomen. On the opposite wall, Darla saw a picture of her baby in the womb.

"He's gotten so big!" Darla exclaimed.

"He's almost ready," Liam said. "Just not today."

"Look at his foot!" Darla gasped, smiling at Liam.

Liam grinned back at her. "Pretty amazing."

"I'm so glad he's okay," Darla said softly.

"Me too," he patted her hand.

"Thank you," Darla said again.

"I'm here for you anytime," he said.

Darla looked properly at him for the first time and noticed the circles under his eyes and the stubble on his chin. "Liam Thornhart, how long have you been on duty?"

"Um... since yesterday, about four?" he replied.

The nurse came back with a glass of water and handed it to Darla. "He means four in the morning," she told Darla.

Darla gave him a look. "You should go get some sleep!"

"I'm fine," Liam told her. "No worries."

"You're not going to give your patients the time and attention they deserve if you're falling asleep," Darla lectured.

"Anyone ever tell you that you're bossy?" Liam asked her.

"Yes," Darla answered.

"I will get some sleep once I know that you're blood pressure is down," Liam told her.

"I'm calm," Darla reassured him.

"How about I go and tell your parents and sister that you're okay and then I go and take a kip?" Liam asked her.

"Deal," Darla told him. "Can Drew come in here?"

Liam nodded. "I'll send her in and you stay calm and rest."

"Thank you," Darla said again.

Liam smiled at Darla and was about to walk out of the room, but Darla called him back. "Liam? I don't want to see Hans."

"I wont' say anything to him," Liam told her.

"Thank you," Darla said smiling slightly at him. Liam walked into the waiting room which was full of Weasleys. "How is she?" Luna asked him. "She and the baby?"

"They're going to be fine," Liam assured her. "Rafe is healthy and staying put for now."

Luna smiled. "Thank you, Liam. We were so worried."

"She'd like to see you," he looked over at Drew.

"I'd like to see her first," Hans chimed in before Drew could even get up from her seat.

"She specifically said she wanted to see her sister," Liam replied. "I can only allow Drew inside."

"I'm her husband," Hans argued. "I have a right to see my wife."

"I'm obligated to follow my patient's wishes," Liam replied.

Hans glared at him. "I bet you're loving this, aren't you?"

"Leave him alone," Drew glared at Hans. "This is your fault to begin with!"

"Hans, I think you should give Darla some time," Ron said stepping in between his daughter and son-in-law. He was trying very hard to control his own anger. "This isn't good for Darla. The important thing is that she stays stress-free right now."

Hans looked back and forth between Drew and Ron for a long moment before sitting back down.

"After Drew, let's keep it to one visitor at a time," Liam told the other Weasleys. "I want her to rest."

Drew hurried down to her sister's room. "Hey."

"Hey," Darla said smiling at her.

"Feeling better?" Drew reached for her hand.

Darla nodded. "Liam let me see Rafe. He's getting so big, Drew."

"I bet," Drew smiled at her. "It's pretty incredible seeing him like that."

"I feel like I can breathe easy knowing he's okay," Darla said.

"We just need to keep you quiet for another month," Drew said. "No more wild and crazy parties for you."

Darla laughed. "Since I was such a big party animal before, eh?"

"Wild woman," Drew squeezed her hand.

"Is he out there?" Darla asked.

Drew nodded. "He wants to come in but Liam told him he couldn't."

"I guess everyone knows what he did," Darla said quietly.

Drew shrugged. "I didn't say anything to anyone..."

"They'll know soon enough," Darla said, shaking her head. "I was such a fool, Drew."

Drew squeezed her hand. "You didn't know he'd go this far."

"I wish I knew what to do," Darla said as tears welled up in her eyes.

"I'll be here for you," Drew said. "You were here for me when I had everything going on with Paul and Hope."

Darla squeezed her hand. "Thanks, Drew."

"Anytime," Drew smiled at her.

The nurse came back into the room to check Darla's vital signs once more. "Healer Thornhart's really been here since yesterday morning at four?" Darla asked her.

"Yes ma'am," the nurse said. "He was about to leave but the call came in for you so he stayed to take it."

"He works too hard," Darla said to Drew. "I hope he's getting some sleep."

"I'm sure he'll go right now," Drew assured her.

"He's asked me to notify him if anything changes in your condition, Mrs. Feinbach," the nurse told her.

"I'm sure I'll be fine," Darla said.

Hans had grown tired of waiting and being under the watchful eyes of the other Weasleys. All three Weasley brothers looked like the wanted to throttle him. He muttered to Luna that he'd be right back. Luna didn't even look in his direction. Hans sighed and decided to go and grab a cup of coffee.

He wanted to kill Katya for sending that picture, but he really had no one to blame but himself.

It was only a matter of time before she would have found out. The important thing now was to talk to Darla and reassure her that she and Rafe were all that mattered to him. He caught sight of Liam Thornhart down the corridor. "Thornhart!" Hans called out.

Liam turned. "Yes?" he asked coolly.

"I need to see my wife," Hans pleaded.

"She doesn't want to be disturbed," Liam replied.

"I just need a few minutes, mate," Hans said. "She and I had a disagreement---"

"I'm respecting her wishes," Liam told him.

Hans rolled his eyes. "All I need is five minutes."

Liam held up his hands. "I'm sorry."

Hans had a feeling the healer wasn't sorry at all. "I'll talk with Lizzy."

"She'll tell you the same thing," Liam told him. "That we're respecting the patient's wishes."

Hans shook his head. "Fine. Dar will see me eventually."

"That's up to her," Liam replied.

"My son," Hans said looking at Liam. "He's really okay?"

"He's fine," Liam assured him. "Strong and healthy."

Hans sighed in relief.

Liam nodded to him. "It's your wife you should worry about. Any more stress and she could deliver early."

"We're leaving for New York City in the morning," Hans said. "She can still travel, right?"

Liam stared at him. "She needs to be on bed rest."

"She will be," Hans said. "Once we're in New York."

"I highly recommend she not travel until the baby is born," Liam warned him.

"That's not for another four weeks," Hans replied.

"That's when he's due," Liam said. "If you'll excuse me--"

Hans nodded and stalked off in the other direction.

"What a piece of work," Liam muttered.

Liam opened the door to the on-call room and sat down on one of the cots. He was knackered and knew he needed sleep.

Hans knew that Darla was only supposed to have one visitor at a time but he couldn't help himself. He had to explain to her what was going on.

He saw Jon leaving her room and he decided it was now or never.

He sneaked over and stood in the door. "Dar--"

Darla turned her head and stared wordlessly at him.

"Dar--" he began again. "I just... nothing's happened."

"Nothing?" Darla asked quietly.

"Nothing," he said, coming into the room.

"How long has 'nothing' been going on?" Darla asked him.

"Darla she's relentless," Hans said.

"Poor you," Darla said sarcastically. "Having to fight her off..."

"I don't want her!" Hans exclaimed.

"I saw the messages she sent you," Darla retorted. "And I saw the messages you sent back!"

"I didn't--" he started.

"Get out of my room!" Darla hissed, putting her hand to her belly.

"I have every right to be here!" Hans said.

"Why did you even come back here?" Darla asked him, trying to stay calm.

"Because I was worried about you and our son," Hans told her.

"Not here," Darla said shaking her head. "To Brighton. Why didn't you just stay in New York and be with that slag?"

"I don't want Katya," Hans said. "Nothing happened between us, Dar."

"Why was she sending you nude pictures then?" Darla asked.

"Because she thinks something's going on," Hans replied.

"Why would she think that?" Darla asked point-blank.

"I don't know..." Hans said.

Darla raised an eyebrow. "Hans."

"We kissed," Hans mumbled, avoiding her eyes. "It didn't mean anything."

"You're lying," Darla said quietly.

"I swear, that's all we did," Hans said desperately.

Darla did not know what to believe. "These last few days reminded me of how we used to be, you know? It was like I had you back all to myself, but it wasn't really you, was it?"

"Of course it was," he argued.

"I'm not saying this was all your fault," Darla said. "I've been sitting here thinking about everything. If I'd compromised sooner, maybe we could have made it work. I was dead set on staying here and you were committed to your job."

Hans sat down on the edge of her bed. "What do we do?"

"I don't know," Darla replied. "Maybe it's best if we take some time apart."

"You want us to separate?" Hans asked.

Darla nodded. "You have to go back to work and I can't travel like this."

Hans picked at her blanket. "Dar..."

"I'm not saying it's going to be permanent," Darla said softly. "And I'll let you know what's going on with the baby."

"I want to be here for the birth," Hans said. "I don't care what I'm doing."

Darla nodded. "Of course."

Hans sighed. "I wish it didn't have to be like this."

"Me either," Darla said quietly.

"I love you," he told her.

"I love you too," Darla said as a tear fell down her cheek.

"We can make this work if we really want to," Hans told her. "But if you need time, I'll give it to you."

Darla gave his hand a squeeze. "The most important thing right now is our baby."

He nodded.

"Okay, sweetheart," Ron said as he opened the door. "I have some fresh fruit here---"

Ron stopped short. "What the hell are you doing in here?"

"It's okay, Daddy," Darla said. "Hans and I needed to talk."

"Don't' you go upsetting her," Ron warned him.

"I'm not," Hans said. "In fact, I was just going. I have a portkey to catch."

"Figures," Ron muttered.

Hans ignored him as he leaned in to give Darla a kiss on the forehead. "I'll check in later."

Darla nodded.

Ron watched as his son-in-law left the room.

"Darla," Ron said. "I hope he wasn't--"

Darla shook her head. "He wasn't. We---we decided to separate for awhile."

Ron nodded. "I'm sorry baby."

"Can I have a hug?" Darla asked in a small voice.

"Of course," Ron set the tray down and pulled his daughter close.

Darla sobbed into her father's shoulder.

"I'm sorry baby," Ron said soothingly.

"Oh, Daddy," Darla said. "I can't believe this is happening."

"You should stay calm, sweetheart," Ron told her. "Remember, stress isn't good for the baby."

Darla nodded and wiped at her eyes. "You---you brought me some food?"

"Are you hungry?" Ron asked.

"The nurse said I should eat something," Darla said looking at her father. She patted her stomach. "He is part Weasley. He's always hungry."

"That's right," Ron said, putting the fruit on her tray and pushing it in front of her.

"Fresh pineapple," Darla said picking up her fork.

"If you want more, I'll get you some," Ron said.

"This is fine," Darla said. "It was very sweet of you to get this for me."

"Anything you need," Ron said. "Just ask."

Darla smiled at him. "I'm just glad you're all here."

"We wouldn't be anywhere else," he assured her.

"Do you think I did the right thing?" Darla asked him.

"You have to do what's best for you," Ron told her.

"And Rafe," Darla said.

"You have to put him first," Ron said.

"I just hope I can be as good a mum as you are a dad," Darla said.

"You will," Ron smiled at her.

"He, um, he said they'd only kissed," Darla said spearing a piece of pineapple with her fork.

Ron shook his head. "Fool."

"She's a supermodel, Dad," Darla said.

"You're more beautiful than any supermodel," he said.

"You have to say that because you're my dad," Darla said with a wry smile.

"I say it because it's true," Ron took the empty plate and pushed the tray away. "Now we're under strict orders to let you get your rest."

"Will you and Mum come back later?" Darla asked him.

Ron nodded. "We won't be leaving."

Darla squeezed his hand. "Thanks, Daddy."

"Sleep," Ron kissed her forehead.

"I will," Darla said.

Once her father had gone Darla looked out the window and noticed it had begun to rain. The weather matched her mood.

Just a few hours ago, she'd been packing her belongings.

She sighed. "What are we going to do, Rafe?" she whispered.

The sound of her baby's strong heartbeat soothed her and before long, she had fallen asleep.

*** *** ***

"What time is it?" Saffron asked nervously.

"Two minutes since the last time you asked," Alexa said patting her friend on the arm. "Its okay, Saffy."

Saffron wasn't so sure about that. She had decided to visit a Muggle doctor in Brighton to find out the conception date of her baby. She knew that given who she was and who her parents were, anonymity wouldn't be so easy if she had decided to go into St. Mungos. Alexa had made the appointment for her and had graciously agreed to go with her for moral support.

"Finding out when this baby was conceived is going to change my entire life," Saffron said.

"It's going to be Andrew's and you'll have worried for nothing," Alexa said squeezing her hand.

"I hope so," Saffron rubbed at her forehead.

"Miss Potter?" the receptionist called.

Saffron stood up, swallowing the lump in her throat.

"I'll be right out here," Alexa told her.

Saffron nodded. "Okay..."

The receptionist smiled at her. "You can go into that room on the right there. Change into the gown and the doctor will be with you shortly."

"Thank you," Saffron managed.

She closed the examination room door behind her and set her purse down on the chair.

While changing into the gown she examined her stomach closely.

There was a slight bulge and Saffron gasped. She was already starting to show.

She quickly pulled the gown over her head so she didn't have to see it anymore and sat on the table.

"Hello, Miss Potter," the doctor said as she came into the room. "I'm Dr. Saybrooke."

"Hi," Saffron squeaked.

"No need to be nervous," Dr. Saybrooke said, smiling reassuringly at her.

"I'm sorry," Saffron said. "I guess I'm just terrified."

"Unplanned pregnancy?" the doctor asked her.

"You could say that," she said dryly.

"Is the baby's father here?" Dr. Saybrooke asked. "Perhaps it would put you at ease if he was back here with you."

Saffron shook her head. "Just my friend Alexa."

"Would you like to have her come back here with you?" Dr. Saybrooke asked. "I can have the nurse get her."

Saffron nodded.

It only took a moment for Alexa to poke her head into the room. "Are you okay, Saffy? They said you needed me."

"Just for moral support," Saffron said. "If you don't mind---"

"Of course," Alexa replied.

"We're going to do an ultrasound," Dr. Saybrooke told Saffron.

Saffron nodded and reached for Alexa's hand.

Alexa squeezed her friend's hand as the doctor asked Saffron some preliminary questions.

"When were you last sexually active?" Dr. Saybrooke asked.

"A week ago," Saffron replied.

"And when were you first sexually active?" Dr. Saybrooke wrote something down on her clipboard.

"About eight months ago," Saffron replied.

"Okay," Dr. Saybrooke set her clipboard aside and went to a set of drawers.

Saffron watched as the nurse set up a computer monitor. Saffron knew exactly what that was for and could not believe that in a few short minutes, she'd see her baby for the first time.

"This gel is going to be cold," Dr. Saybrooke said.

Saffron nodded.

The doctor spread the gel over her stomach then brought out the ultrasound device. "Let's see what we've got here..."

Alexa squeezed Saffron's hand and smiled reassuringly at her.

Saffron looked at her best friend. "I'm scared," she whispered.


"It's going to be fine," Alexa whispered back.

Saffron bit her lower lip as Dr. Saybrooke pressed the device to her stomach and turned the machine on.

"Ah," Dr. Saybrooke said a few second later. "There's your little one."

Saffron's eyes filled with tears. "That's my baby?"

"That's your baby," Dr. Saybrooke said.

"That's incredible Saffy," Alexa breathed.

The doctor pointed at the screen. "There's the arm..."

"Wow," Saffron whispered.

Saffron could not help the smile that spread across her face as she looked at the image of her baby. "Can you tell how far along I am?" Saffron asked.

Dr. Saybrooke nodded. "You're about three months along."

"Three months?" Saffron asked. "Really?"

"The baby's formed this much around that time," Dr. Saybrooke pointed to a few things.

"And," Dr. Saybrooke told her. "I'm thinking your due date will be around December 20th."

Saffron stared at the image on the screen. "Wow..."

"A Christmas baby," Alexa said.

"I think it's a bit early to determine the sex, and with the way the baby is positioned, it's pretty near impossible to tell." Dr. Saybrooke told her.

Alexa looked at Saffron. "Your baby is shy. Who would think it?"

Saffron managed a small smile.

"So if you know my due date," Saffron said, biting her lip. "Can you tell the date the baby was conceived?"

"It would have been some time in mid March," Dr. Saybrooke told her.

Saffron paled. "M-mid March? No---"

"Saffy?" Alexa looked alarmed.

"Daniel," Saffron said quietly. "The baby's Daniel's."

Alexa gaped at her. "Are you sure?"

Saffron nodded. That had been around the time of Scanlon's party.

"Oh Saffy..." Alexa said. "I... I don't even know what to say."

"Neither do I," Saffron said wiping at her eyes.

"It'll be okay," Alexa said.

"You'll want to see your regular physician in a couple of weeks," Dr. Saybrooke told Saffron. "But you should start taking vitamins..."

Saffron nodded.

The doctor handed a slip of paper to Saffron along with a picture of the baby from the ultrasound.

"Thank you," Saffron said quietly.

"If you need anything else while you're in Brighton, don't hesitate to call me," Dr. Saybrooke said.

"I will," Saffron sat up.

Alexa looked at Saffron when they were alone. "Saffy, you know Andrew's---"

"It's not his," Saffron said. "Not his baby."

"Saffy, he's going to love that baby because it's part of you," Alexa said thoughtfully.

"But not part of him," Saffron grabbed her clothing.

"That's just biology," Alexa said. "Look at Hannah. She's not biologically Frankie or Will's, but they love that little girl just like she was their own flesh and blood."

"That's different," Saffron said as tears stung at her eyes.

"Saffy," Alexa said. "Don't do this. You know Andrew. You know that he loves you more than anything in this world."

"How could he love me when I'm pregnant with someone else's baby?" Saffron asked.

"Saffy," Alexa started to say, but Saffron held up her hand. "I'm going to get changed," Saffron told her. "I'll meet you out front."

"Are you sure?" Alexa asked doubtfully.

Saffron nodded. "Yeah."

"I'll be right outside," Alexa told her.

"Thanks, Lexie," Saffron said weakly.

Alexa squeezed her shoulder and left her alone.

Saffron put her head in her hands and started to cry.

The baby was Daniel's. That she was sure of. And there was no way she could ask Andrew to raise another bloke's child.

Just when she thought she getting everything together and everything was falling into place. This had to happen to knock her off her feet again.

The most heartbreaking thing was Andrew. She didn't know how she was going to handle things with him.

To make matters worse, she had told him she'd go to dinner with him tonight---just the two of them. She had tried to beg off, but he'd insisted.

Saffron pulled her shirt on and wiped at her eyes.

She went to pick up the prescription slip and her eyes fell on the ultrasound photograph.

No matter whose baby this was, it was part hers and she loved it already.

Saffron patted her stomach. "I'm going to take care of you."

Alexa looked up expectantly when Saffron emerged from the exam room.

"How are you holding up?" Alexa asked hesitantly.

"Okay," Saffron replied.

Alexa gave her a hug. "It's going to be fine."

Saffron shrugged. "Not really... but I'll survive."

"It will be fine," Alexa repeated. "Come on. We should go home so you can get ready for your date with Andrew." Alexa had a feeling Saffron wasn't going to be much in the mood for the surprise party, but there was no going back now. Everything and everyone was in place.

"I'm thinking it may not be the best idea to go out tonight," Saffron said.

"You're going to tell him right?" Alexa asked.

"I don't know," Saffron said dully.

Alexa was at a complete loss as to what to say or do. She linked her arm in her best friend's and together the two of them walked out of the doctor's office.

"I don't know how I'm going to tell everyone," Saffron finally said.

"I know it's not going to be easy, but everyone loves you," Alexa said. "We'll all support you."

"I hope so," Saffron said quietly.

Authors' note: We know a lot of you aren't going to be happy with this turn of events. If you choose to stop reading, that's your decision. But, we hope that you won't. We just ask you to trust us. You will not be disappointed. Trust us.