Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

This is a short chapter, guys. But we wanted to start all the New Year's celebrations together. And the interview a lot of you were waiting for- two princesses sat down with us and chatted for a bit ;) Next week due to reader request, we will feature Julie and Nick!

If you enjoy it, please review it! :D

"All right," Allison smiled and set Adam back in his bouncy seat.

"Birthday girl, you get in the middle," RJ told Emma.

"Kay," Emma said as Jon lifted the seat in his arms.

"Alright," RJ said looking through the viewfinder. "On the count of three... one...two....three..."

"Cheese!" Emma said happily as her parents and siblings also grinned.

RJ spent the next hour enjoying himself as he took pictures of his parents, Harry and Hermione with Julie and Nick and then the entire Princess Club. He even managed to catch a few candids of the guests.

There was one table he'd been avoiding and he reluctantly approached his friends. "Mind if I get a few shots?" he asked.

Saffron opened her mouth to say something smart, but Alexa kicked her leg under the table.

"You too, Boyd," RJ said making an effort on Emma's behalf.

"Sure," Gabriel said, sharing a surprised look with Alexa.

"Smile, Saffy," Andrew whispered putting his arm around her. "For Emma's sake."

"Fine," Saffron said, pasting a grin on her face.

RJ took a couple of shots. "Great. Thanks."

"RJ why don't you get in there," Josh came up behind him. "I'm not as bad as Jon at taking pictures and I know Emma would like a few of you in them."

"Um," RJ said looking down at the floor.

"Let's get your ugly mug in here," Andrew joked. "Come on, RJ."

Saffron glowered as RJ sat down next to Andrew.

"Okay," Josh instructed. "Everyone smile. That means you, Saffy."

"I'll smile," she said.

"Great," Josh said as he took the picture. "And one more..."

Andrew pulled his girlfriend closer as Josh took one last shot. "That's my girl," he whispered in her ear.

Saffron rolled her eyes. "It was for Emma's sake," she whispered back.

"Thanks," RJ said standing up.

"I'm glad you decided to stay," Alexa told him softly. "I'm sure it meant the world to Emma."

"Yeah well..." RJ shrugged. "Whatever..."

Josh handed the camera back to his nephew. "Come on...the triplets are ready for their close up..."

RJ nodded and headed off with his brother.

"Thank you for not saying anything," Alexa told Saffron. "He doesn't need to be alienated from his family, Saffy. They mean a lot to him."

"I'm not trying to alienate him," Saffron said. "I just hate being by him."

"Really?" Andrew asked her teasingly. "We couldn't tell."

"Very funny," Saffron replied, softening as he slid his arm around her.

Across the room, RJ had just finished taking several photos of the triplets, who stared up at him with identical grins.

"Rujh," Noah said holding up his hand and waving it at his uncle.

Lizzy groaned. "I know he didn't just say RJ when I can't get him to say Mama."

"It sounded like mumbo jumbo to me," RJ teased his sister in law.

Lizzy laughed. "I spend all those hours in labour and this is the thanks I get..."

"Oh come on Liz," RJ grinned at her. "You know my brother couldn't do anything without you. He'd be a lost cause with these three if you weren't around."

"You're sweet to say that," Lizzy said picking Noah up. "Say Mama, Noah..."

Noah stared at her before saying, "Da."

Lizzy sighed. "It's a lost cause..."

"Don't give up," RJ said. He looked over at the bar and saw his maternal grandfather nursing a glass of punch. A wave of guilt hit RJ when he realised he hadn't seen Ernest Lovegood since his first match.

"Grandpa," RJ said taking a quick picture.

"Ronald Junior you know I hate getting my picture taken," Ernie said with a hearty laugh.

"Oh come on, just one?" he joked.

Ernie shook his head. "Not even one. Little Emma already made me do something called a chicken dance...I think I may have pulled a muscle..."

"Wish I'd had the camera then," RJ smiled at his grandfather. "I'm sorry I haven't been around."

"Ah, it's okay," Ernie reassured him. "You've been busy."

"Not that busy," RJ said guiltily. "I'll come by and see you soon, I promise. We'll go to lunch or something."

Ernie smiled at him. "It's good to see you with a camera again. You know your mum would take you at the paper today if you needed a job..."

"Yeah I know," RJ smiled. "But I love playing Quidditch."

Ernie nodded. "You're quite good at both."

"Thanks," RJ smiled at him.

Ernie drained his glass. "So things are going okay with you?"

"Getting better," RJ replied.

"Don't ever let it get you down," Ernie said sagely. "And when the chips are down, you can always count on your family. You just remember that and everything will sort itself out."

"Thanks Grandpa," RJ said. "That makes a lot of sense... and you're right."

Ernie laughed. "I'm always right, Junior."

"The old and the wise," RJ teased.

"What are you two conspiring about?" Ron asked slapping them both on the back.

"He's just giving me some good advice," RJ told his father.

"He once gave me advice," Ron said thoughtfully.

"What was that?" RJ asked.

"Well, it was along the lines of if you ever hurt my little girl, I'll turn you into a blast-ended skrewt," Ron replied with a shudder.

"And for good reason," Ernest gave him a stern look.

"Dad, you said the same thing to Hans," RJ pointed out.

"Yeah well... he's got to take care of my Darla," Ron said, looking across the room at his twin daughters who were sitting and talking with their fiancés.

"And Ethan," RJ said. "And Brian...and didn't you say that to that little kid who fancies Caroline?"

"Michael or something," Ron replied. "But we can give the kid a break."

"You threatened a seven year old?" Ernest asked his son-in-law.

"Of course not," Ron replied indignantly.

"That would be a little extreme, Ronald," Ernest said sharing a look with RJ. "Even I'm not that bad."

"I've never said a word to the boy," Ron replied.

"Yes you have," RJ said with a laugh. "Dad, do you remember at Caroline's sixth birthday when you fought with that kid over a piece of cake?"

"That wasn't the same kid," Ron was growing annoyed.

"Are you sure?" RJ asked. "I thought it was..."

Ron turned red as Ernie chuckled at him. "I have to go find Luna," he made a quick escape.

The rest of the party went by without incident. Emma happily opened up her presents and oohed and ahhed over everything. The last present she opened was from Hannah, Frankie and Will. She looked slyly up at Hannah. "What did Han get Em?"

"I hope you'll like it," Hannah said nervously. "I picked it out."

Inside the rather large box there was a beauty salon kit, complete with toy dryer, mirror, cape, and makeup set.

Emma's mouth dropped. "Ooooooooh!"

"And a big tub of Magic Mud," Frankie chimed in.

"Em loves mud!" Emma exclaimed in delight.

Hannah smiled up at Frankie. "She likes it, Mummy!"

"Em loves it," Emma hugged her. "Han come over and play now."

Hannah giggled. "We can makeover Max, Em."

Emma nodded solemnly as Caroline and Katie giggled. "Maxi will be beautiful."

"And Mister Ron too," Hannah whispered.

"Gampa!" Emma said. "Look what Em got!"

Ron forced a smile. "Oh goody..."

"You always get the wax," Neville grumbled. "I always seem to get the mud treatment. We're both in for it."

"Don't worry," Caroline told him. "We can sign you up for both treatments plus a bikini wax..."

"Uh..." Ron paled visibly. "Caroline, sweetheart, we don't wear those, so we don't need any sort of treatment like that."

"It's never too soon to prepare for the bikini season," Caroline said loftily. "That's what Aunt Frankie always says."

"Wonderful," Neville replied. "Just bloody fantastic."

"They don't even know what that really is Nev," Cho whispered to him. "Humour them."

"You're not the one getting mud treatments and wax," Neville whispered back.

"It's not real," Cho said stifling a laugh.

"Mum," Chiaki said. "I think Tosh and I are going to head out a bit early. Sukie's really sleepy."

"Oh," Cho said giving her daughter a hug. "Okay."

"I'll bring these two by later this week," Chiaki shifted her daughter in her arms.

"Okay," Cho said kissing her granddaughter on the top of her head.

"Sukie," Emma said tugging on Chiaki's shirt. "Bye, Sukie!"

Mitsuko sent a tired smile Emma's way.

"Happy Birthday, Em," Cho said to her niece. "Thank you for inviting us."

"Come 'gain!" Emma replied.

Toshio laughed. "We will....see you guys."

"Bye!" Emma waved and headed back to her parents, who were packing away all her new presents.

"Em got so much stuff!" Emma exclaimed looking at all of the toys, clothes and other items she'd received.

Jon laughed. "You sure did, baby."

Emma wrapped her arms around Jon's leg. "Thank Daddy."

"You don't have to thank me," Jon picked her up. "I'd do anything for my Em."

"Even mud?" Emma asked impishly.

Jon laughed again. "The mud is for your grandpa."

Emma frowned. "Peas?"

"As long as it's our little secret," Jon leaned in. "Maybe you can do a little mud."

Emma clapped her hands excitedly. "Thank Daddy."

Jon laughed as he hugged her. "Let's get all this stuff home."

"M'kay," Emma replied. "Em show Adam all my stuff when we get home!"

"Adam's going to take a kip when we get home," Allison said.

Caroline stifled a yawn as she picked up a few of her sister's presents. "I'm sleepy too."

"I'm not!" Emma announced. "Can Han come to play?"

Jon tweaked Emma's nose. "Where do you get this energy from?"

"Don't know," Emma said innocently.

"Maybe Hannah can come over later," Allison said motioning to where Hannah was currently fast asleep in Will's arms.

"Han's sleepy too?" Emma asked. "Why?"

"Don't know," Allison said thoughtfully. "Maybe she was so excited about your party she didn't get much sleep last night and it's finally catching up to her."

"Oh," Emma said. "Em's still not sleepy."

Jon shook his head. "Well, maybe while your little brother and big sister are sleeping, you and I can go out back for a little broom ride...since it is your birthday..."

"Oooooh!" Emma clapped her hands.

"But you have to wear your coat and mittens, Emma," Allison told her. "I don't want you to get a cold."

"Kay," Emma said happily. "Daddy, will you take me high?"

"That depends," Jon said smiling at her. "How high did you want go, baby?"

"Up in the sky!" Emma squealed.

Jon laughed. "Okay, then. Since you are three...I suppose we could do that."

"I'm a big girl," Emma announced. "Not baby anymore."

Jon and Allison grinned. "That's right; you're a big girl now."

"Adam's baby now," Emma looked at her brother, who was fast asleep in his pram.

"But you know what?" Jon asked her. "No matter what you're always going to be my girl."

"Kay," Emma agreed. "For Daddy."

"Don't forget about me," Caroline said leaning against her father.

"I could never forget about my Angel," Jon put his arm around her.

RJ came over to them. "I'll develop these tonight and bring them by tomorrow morning if you like."

"It's New Year's," Jon teased his brother. "I'd have thought you had a hot night out on the town planned."

RJ shrugged. He knew he could always go to Scanlon's party if he felt like it but he wasn't sure. "Won't take me long."

"That's very sweet of you, RJ," Allison said giving him a hug. "And I'm so glad you decided to stay."

"Me too," Caroline chimed in.

"Thanks," RJ said. "It was nice to be around family again."

"We're always here," Jon told him.

RJ nodded. "I'll see you lot tomorrow sometime."

"Bye, RJ!" Emma said waving at him.

"Bye Em," RJ said. "Happy birthday."

RJ paused at the door and turned to wave at Andrew. "See you at home, mate," he said his eyes lingering on Alexa.

"Yeah," Andrew said. "If I don't see you, have a good New Year's."

"You too," RJ said quietly.

"You never did tell me what we were going to do tonight," Saffron reminded him. "We could always stay at my house."

"What are your parents going to be doing?" Andrew asked.

"Probably sleeping," Saffron grinned. "That's what old people do."

"Saffy!" Alexa exclaimed.

"Who are you calling old, young lady?" Harry asked putting an arm around his daughter. "Hmm?"

"Not you," Saffron said innocently.

"If you must know," Harry told her. "I'm taking your mum out for a nice dinner and afterwards we might go dancing..."

"Well is it okay if Andrew and Alexa and Gabe come over tonight then?" Saffron asked.

"I don't see why not," Harry said. "If you behave yourselves..."

"I always behave," Saffron said.

"Would you lot agree with that?" Harry asked his daughter's friends.

"Of course sir," Andrew said quickly.

"Absolutely," Alexa agreed.

Gabriel also nodded as well.

"All right then," Harry smiled. "You four have fun tonight."

"You too," Saffron said giving him a hug. "Thanks, Daddy."

Harry kissed the top of his daughter's head. "Don't forget about brunch tomorrow. If everyone wants to stay they're welcome to."

"Gran's coming, right?" Saffron asked.

"She'll be there," Harry replied. "She's staying with Lavender and Seamus, so she'll come with them."

Saffron smiled. "She wants to teach me how to play Bridge..."

"Elinore could do that for hours," Harry teased. "Kind of like Robert with golf."

"Which reminds me, I have to get this one on the golf course someday soon," Saffron said nudging Andrew.

"Yeah, you just want to make a fool of me," Andrew smiled at his girlfriend.

"I don't need a golf course to do that," Saffron said with a grin.

"Whatever happened to YOUR Andrew?" Gabriel teased. "He could do no wrong just this past summer."

""He still has his moments," Saffron said leaning against him.

"Gee thanks Saf," Andrew said with a sarcastic grin.

"You're welcome, Andrew," Saffron said smiling sweetly at him.

Alexa smiled at Gabriel. "So I guess we'll be ringing in the New Year together." When she realised what she'd said, her cheeks reddened. "I mean, we'll know...the four of us....not just you and me. You know..."

"Right," Gabriel had also turned red. "We'll have fun tonight... innocent fun, not like... that kind of um... fun."

"Right," Alexa said with a nervous laugh.

"I should go tell my dad and Lavender what I'm going to be doing tonight," Gabriel said.

"Yeah," Alexa said reaching into her bag for her mobile. "I need to call my mum and let her know, too."

Frankie looked at her sleeping daughter in Will's arms. "You know, I think this will be the first New Year's Eve I've spent at home since I was a teenager."

Will smiled. "You sure you don't want to spend it at some trendy club?"

"Nah," Frankie grinned. "I want to spend it with my family. I told you lot last year that this would be the best year ever."

"Little did you know," Will said winking at her.

"Tell me about it," Frankie looked adoringly at the little girl in her husband's arms. "Ethan and Maddie are coming over, so it'll just be a nice, quiet evening." she laughed. "I never thought I'd look forward to a nice, quiet evening."

"Mr. and Mrs. Boring," Will said dramatically.

Hannah's eyes blinked open. "Hi, Daddy."

"Hey baby," Will said. "Want to go home?"

Hannah thought about this for a few moments and then nodded her head. "Sleepy..."

Will stood up with her still in his arms. "Let's go say goodbye and then we can leave."

"Okay," Hannah said resting her head on Will's shoulder.

Frankie went over by Ethan. "What time are you and Mads coming over?" she asked. "Hannah's tired so we're taking off."

"Around nine if that's okay," Ethan replied.

"Sure," Frankie nodded. "Bring Blue if you want."

Maddie walked over to Will and Hannah. "Would you like us to bring Blue, Hannah?"

"Blue?" Hannah's eyes opened wider. "Your pixie?"

Maddie nodded. "He loves going out and I bet that he'd love to show you the new tricks he can do."

"Okay," Hannah smiled shyly at her.

"That was a very sweet gift that you gave Emma," Maddie said. "She's been dying for her own beauty shop set."

"I'm really glad she liked it," Hannah blushed with pride. "She's my bestest friend."

"She says that about you too," Maddie said grinning at her. "Just like your mummy is my bestest friend."

"Ready, love?" Will asked. "I know you're dying to get home and kip a little so you can stay up late to play with Blue tonight."

Hannah nodded. "Bye, Maddie!"

"I'll see you in a little while, Hannah." Maddie smiled.

Ethan put his arm around Maddie as they watched the Barrons leave. "I still can't get over seeing Frankie all maternal..."

"I think it's sweet," Maddie leaned against him. "Especially with Hannah's previous situation. She couldn't have gotten two better people to be her parents."

"And she certainly took to Frankie, didn't she?" Ethan asked.

"Almost from the first day, according to my mum," Maddie replied.

"I'm glad for them too," Ethan said.

"Come on," Maddie took his hand. "Let's go home and get ready for later. I want to bring Blue's obstacle course so he can do his tricks for Hannah."

"Sounds good," Ethan said waving to his younger sister and her friends. "Let's get out of here."

A short while later, everyone had cleared out of the bar and Jon finished the remaining cleanup to close the place down. He and Victoria had agreed to not open for New Year's Eve that year.

Allison had taken the girls and the baby home and Cho and Neville had stayed behind to look after them. As she let herself back into the pub, she smiled when she saw her husband leaning against the bar. "Hiya, Handsome...are you still open?"

"Hey," Jon greeted her. "Just finishing up."

"It really was a great party, wasn't it?" Allison asked stepping closer.

"It was so cute when Em came in," Jon said with a grin. "I'll never forget the look on her face."

"You should have seen the look on her face when she thought you weren't going to be there and we weren't going to have any decorations," Allison said.

Jon laughed. "At least it means we surprised her."

"We sure did," Allison said wrapping her arms around him. "Are we alone?"

"Completely," Jon said, covering her mouth with his.

Allison hadn't really planned on something like this when she'd come back. She'd wanted to see if he needed any help cleaning up and she was going to see about getting a start on revising the menu. "Mmmm," she murmured.

Jon kissed her harder, letting his hands wander up her back under her shirt. "Allie, this is the first time we've been alone in months..."

"Most of the time we're too knackered to do anything but sleep," Allison said softly as she ran her hands through his hair.

Jon shuddered a bit at her touch. "I'm not knackered right now..."

"I can tell," Allison said as he pushed his hips against hers.

"I bet you can tell a lot of things right now," Jon said with a wicked grin.

Allison unbuttoned his shirt. "Do you remember that night when I visited you in Ireland and you were closing up your dad's shop and we..."

"Yeah," he said huskily. "That first summer we were together... we had to tell him some kids made a mess because we were snogging for so long in the back..."

"I don't think he believed us," Allison said tossing his shirt to the floor and letting her hands wander down his chest.

"Probably not," Jon replied as he loosened her hair from her ponytail.

Allison kissed him again. "Merlin, Jon..."

"It really has been entirely too long," Jon moved his mouth down the side of her neck.

"Way, way too long," Allison said biting her bottom lip.

"Come here," Jon said, leaving his shirt on the floor as he pulled her behind the bar.

"Here?" Allison asked grinning at him.

He pushed some bottles aside and lifted her up on the lower counter. "Right here..."

"Perfect," Allison said right before he kissed her.

It didn't take him long to pull her jeans and jumper off after that. "Al..." he said huskily. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Allison whispered. "Please, Jon..."

With a grunt, Jon pushed himself inside her.

Allison clung to him as she lost herself in what they were doing. He was right. It had been entirely too long.

No more words were exchanged between them until their bodies were sweaty and they were holding onto each other. "I'd say that's been building up for awhile," he joked.

Allison nodded. "That was amazing..."

"You," Jon said. "You are amazing."

"We have to do this again sometime," Allison said pressing her lips to his forehead.

Jon laughed. "I totally agree."

"We definitely never did this in your dad's shop," Allison giggled.

"For good reason," Jon replied. "You never know what might happen when you shag in a joke shop."

"Have you shagged many girls in a joke shop, then?" Allison asked hitting him in the arm.

Jon tickled her side. "I've only shagged you."

"Just making sure," Allison said laughing.

"It's always been you, Allie." Jon said. "Only you."

She kissed him. "And you for me."

Week 8: Caroline and Emma

Amynoelle: I think this is going to be the best one yet. Two of the cutest children ever and we have loads of sweets for them. Hopefully, Jon and Allie won't be too mad at us.

Heaven: Nah... And can I just say how excited I am to see Em?

Amynoelle: I know! We've watched her grow up!

Heaven: I really can't believe she's three years old!

Amynoelle: They're both growing up too fast! We need to see what we can do to slow that down. Oh! I think I hear them coming!

Allison: Okay, girls. Remember to be nice and don't eat too much. We're going to your Grandma Cho and Grandpa Neville's for dinner later.

Emma: Em eat here AND at Grandpa's!

Caroline: I'll watch out for her, Mummy.

Heaven: Oh my gosh! You guys are finally here! Emma, will you make me the most envied author by giving me a hug?

Emma: *looks at Allison*: Mummy?

Allison: Go ahead, baby. Heaven and Amynoelle are really sweet girls. Remember what Aunt Maddie told you?

Emma: Kay. I hug everybody!

Caroline: *stands back shyly with Allison*

Heaven: Hey Caroline! You're just as pretty as I always thought you'd be!

Caroline: Thanks.

Amynoelle: And you're such a good big sister. Everyone says so.

Caroline: *blushes*

Heaven: Allie and Jon, thank you so much for letting us have a little chat with them. The readers are so excited about it!

Jon: No problem. Would you mind if I nicked one of those brownies?

Allison: Jon, those are for the girls.

Emma: Daddy, here! Eat!

Heaven: It's okay Jon. Help yourself!

Jon: Okay, I'm going to take one of these. And oooh, one of these. And oooh...two of those....

Allison: Jonathan! We are having dinner in a few hours!

Amynoelle: its okay, Jon. Take as much as you want.

Caroline: Is it okay if I have one of these biscuits?

Heaven: Absolutely it is. You might want to grab one before Em sees them.

Caroline: *smiles Okay, thanks.

Allison: Okay, girls. We'll be back in just a bit to pick you up. Have fun!

Emma: Kay, Mummy. Em be good!

Heaven: This is already so much fun! We'll start with a few questions about Adam okay?

Caroline: Okay.

Heaven: Molly wants to know, from both of you, what's your favourite part about having Adam in your family now?

Caroline: Daddy says it's because we have another person to boss around. But, he's really sweet and doesn't cry that much. And he likes it when Em and I sing to him.

Emma: Em sing lots of songs to Adam! Like Jingle Bells!

Caroline: *whispers to Amy* She doesn't know all the words, but it is really cute.

Amynoelle: I bet it is. Lillian Potter had a similar question for you guys. What is it like having a brother?

Caroline: It's pretty cool.

Emma: Em likes being big Sissy!

Heaven: And you've been so good to him too, Emma! Portkey Fan 4ever wants to know, besides being a beautiful funny princess, what do you like to do for fun? Colouring? Dancing? Reading?

Emma: Em love to dance. And colour! And play with Maxi.

Amynoelle: Speaking of Max, there was a picture that went around....where...Heaven, how do we say this?

Heaven: Emma do you like to eat dog food?

Caroline: Ew, gross! Like what Max eats?

Emma: Em no eat Maxi's food!

Amynoelle: We didn't think you did, Em. And Emma, Ears91 wants to know if you are excited for the time when Adam will start to crawl, walk, and talk so you can teach him everything you know?

Emma: *nods* Em show Adam how to do it! Just like Sissy did!

Caroline: I didn't teach you that much, Em...

Emma: Sissy did. Sissy help Em out soooo much.

Amynoelle: Well, another reader named Emma who loves that you have the same name as her, Emma. And she has two questions for you. The first one goes to Emma---she wishes you a Happy Birthday and wants to know who is your favourite person out of your uncles and Grandpas?

Emma: Sissy what does that mean?

Caroline: She wants to know who you like the best out of everybody.

Emma: Em loves everyone!

Amynoelle: We know you do, Em! And now for Caroline, our reader Emma thinks that you are a good big sister. And she wants to know if you ever get jealous of Emma or even Adam. Do they ever annoy you?

Caroline: No... I love my sister and my brother a lot. I like to help my mummy when Adam has stinky nappies or he has to be fed. I love the way he smells after he gets a bath!

Amynoelle: That's what makes you a great big sister, Caroline! Now, RC has a question for Caroline. What's the worst part about being Jon and Allie's kid?

Caroline: I love my mummy and daddy. I wouldn't want to be anyone else's little girl!

Emma: Not for Em! Em loves Mummy and Daddy!

Heaven: You are so cute Emma. Want another brownie?

Emma: Peas?

Caroline: Grandpa Ron says she has a bottomless tummy just like him.

Heaven: I think he's right! Em... coolman wants to know when you ate the most and what did you eat?

Emma: Em eats all the time! Yummy, yummy! Chocolate!

Caroline: She ate quite a bit at Nana's during Christmas.

Amynoelle: I bet you did. And I heard that your Mummy is quite a good cook, too.

Emma: Mummy's the best!

Amynoelle: That goes back into RC's question. Emma, RC wants to know what do you like the bestest about Mummy and Daddy? Caroline, you can answer this one too.

Caroline: Daddy tells the best stories. He does all these funny voices that makes me and Emma laugh all the time. And Mummy is a good cook and she's just the best.

Emma: Daddy dances with Em! And Mummy lets me help with Adam when Sissy at school!

Caroline: She does a good job, too.

Amynoelle: Caroline, miss granger wants to know how you came up with the idea for the princess club.

Caroline: Me and Katie did, together. We were watching Aladdin one day and we just thought of it. I got to be Jasmine because I have a flying carpet. Plus she's my favourite!

Heaven: Speaking of Katie, a few people want to know if you realise she's not that nice to Mia. And kangus wants to know if you're best friends only because Katie said so?

Caroline: Katie and Mia are both my best friends. Sometimes she's not very nice to Mia, but she's getting better.

Heaven: That's good to hear. Mia's very sweet and she was so happy when you two met!

Caroline: She's really sweet! And we have so much fun!

Amynoelle: Emma, coolman wants to know who you like best---Katie or Mia?

Emma: Em loves both! No like best!

Amynoelle: Awwwww!

Heaven: You really are the sweetest character in this story, Em!

Caroline: Me too?

Heaven: Of course, Caroline! Look how sweet both of you have been to Hannah! She is so happy you guys are her cousins.

Emma: Han is Em's bestest friend!

Heaven: She certainly is! Hey Em- I think we already know the answer to this, but TheGreatFox2000 wants to know what is your favourite thing to do in the whole world?

Emma: Eat!

Amynoelle: Of course! Potterchick958 wants to know what your favourite Disney Pixar movie is?

Caroline: My most favourite is Aladdin, but I also really love Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King. Em, what's yours?

Emma: Ariel!!

Caroline: The Little Mermaid....she was singing "Under the Sea" to Adam before we came over here.

Heaven: Awwww!

Amynoelle: Would you sing for us now?

Emma: Can Em have another biscuit?

Heaven: You can have two!

Emma: *Squeals*

Amynoelle: Emma, Potterchick958 also wants to know if she can take you home with her? She has cookies and will play beauty parlour and she thinks you are the cutest toddler ever.

Emma: Kay! Does she have a Maxi?

Amynoelle: We don't know if she has a dog...

Emma: Em come to play, kay? Bring Magic Mud!

Amynoelle: We'll tell her that she has a play date. She also wants to know what changed for you when Adam was born? When you found out that your Mummy was going to have a baby, you were worried that you weren't going to be the baby anymore. And now, you stepped into your big sister role and became Adam's best friend. What happened?

Emma: *looks at Caroline* I got to be like Sissy. And Em is Adam's best friend!

Amynoelle: That's very sweet, Emma! Kangus also wants to know if you'll be this protective of Adam when he gets big like you.

Emma: Yes!

Heaven: You are both such great sisters- I think everyone agrees on that! Now Caroline- toinkydoink wants to know about that boy from your birthday party, and if it means you're over your crush on Will?

Caroline: *Blushes* My what?

Heaven: *whispers to Amy* were we supposed to say anything about that?

Amynoelle: *whispers* I don't think so.

Caroline: Did my mummy tell you anything?

Heaven: No... we sort of guessed. I don't think your mummy would ever tell a secret she heard from you.

Caroline: *still blushing* Good. Michael goes to school with me and we're just really good friends. He's funny, too!

Heaven: So he's not your boyfriend?

Caroline: Ew! No, I don't have a boyfriend!

Amynoelle: So PruePotter's question about your crush on Will fading over time...

Caroline: I didn't have a crush on Uncle Will! *Blushes* Really! I promise!

Heaven: We believe, you Caroline. But what about Em's crush on Gabey?

Emma: Is Gabey here?

Heaven: Not at the moment... But I bet we could get him to come by...

Emma: Em loves Gabey! Gabey gave Em big purple bear.

Caroline: She never named that bear, but she named her other one Gabe. It's a really cute one!

Amynoelle: Natalie has a really good question for you Caroline. You remember when Emma was born, right? Natalie wants to know how you felt when your daddy told you your mummy was going to be asleep for awhile? And how did you come up with the name Emma?

Caroline: I just always liked the name Emma. And she looked like an Emma too! And I don't remember a whole lot about when Mummy went to sleep, except I wanted her to wake up. And I got scared when she had Adam that it would happen again. I just wanted her to be okay.

Amynoelle: We were all so happy that she was okay.

Caroline: Me too.

Emma: Em's happy too!

Amynoelle: Natalie wants Emma to know she loves The Little Mermaid too and she wants to know who is your favourite character? And who do you thinks eats the most---you, Grandpa Ron, or Aunt Maddie?

Emma: Em loves Ariel! Em looks like Ariel! And Grandpa eats most!

Caroline: Aunt Maddie's second. She once ate an entire pizza all by herself!

Heaven: I'd love to know her secret for staying so slim...

Amynoelle: All of us women would. And Caroline, this is a question from Lulu. She wants to know if you ever feel like Adam and Emma get more attention than you? And who do you look up to the most?

Caroline: Sometimes they might, but they're younger. And I was the only kid for awhile before Em came along. And I really, really look up to my mummy. She's beautiful and she's smart and she loves everybody. That's what I want to be like when I grow up!

Amynoelle: TheGreatFox2000 wants to know if you ever think about Quidditch since flying is in your blood?

Caroline: I like to go up with there with Daddy and Mummy, but I don't know if I could go up there by myself!

Emma: Sissy brave!

Caroline: Thanks, Em.

Heaven: Emma - the other Emma- wants to know if you ever get jealous of Em or Adam, or if they annoy you?

Caroline: Um, sometimes I might just a little, but I know Mummy and Daddy love all three of us just the same. And sometimes it annoys me when Adam cries in the middle of the night and wakes me up, but that doesn't happen too much.

Heaven: I don't like it when my dog snores and wakes me up.

Caroline: Your dog snores? So does Max!

Emma: *giggles* Maxi snores LOUD!

Amynoelle: Lulu wants to know what you like best about being a big sister to Adam?

Emma: Em likes singing to Adam!

Caroline: And I like the faces he makes. I'm trying to figure out what they all mean.

Heaven: Do you two like your uncle RJ's new girlfriend Serena?

Emma: Em like Lexie!

Heaven: Everyone likes Lexie... *under her breath* especially Gabe...

Amynoelle: Before we give anything away, let's get back to the questions. Coolman wants to know why you don't like Serena?

Caroline: Well, she's not very nice. She was kind of mean to Aunt Saffy. And we just like Lexie more because she plays with us and she brings us fudge from her mummy's bakery.

Emma: Em loves Lexie! Em misses her...

Amynoelle: She did come to your birthday party!

Caroline: I think she means she misses Lexie coming around with Uncle RJ."

Amynoelle: Awww, to tell you the truth, I miss that---ow! Heaven, why did you just hit me in the arm?

Heaven: Was that me?

Amynoelle: Either you or Saffy in her Invisibility cloak. *Rubs her arm* Um, getting back to the questions, NicholePotter86 asks Caroline if she was excited when you found out your mummy was going to have Emma or were you upset like Emma was when she found out about Adam?

Caroline: I was three almost four when I found out about Em. So I don't remember that much.

Emma: Em was excited!

Caroline: Em, you were in mummy's belly!

Emma: But Em wanted to come out and meet Sissy!

Caroline: *puts an arm around Emma* I'm glad you did, Em.

Amynoelle: Getting back to Katie and Mia, kangus wants to ask Caroline how she feels about how Katie sometimes treats Mia?

Caroline: I know she doesn't like Mia that much, but she's getting better! She asked her to be in the princess club before I even did.

Amynoelle: We didn't know that. Wow.

Caroline: Katie has to work on extra stuff for school. It's a secret and I can't tell what. But it makes her sort of angry sometimes.

Amynoelle: You're not only a good big sister, but you're a good friend, too, Caroline.

Caroline: Thanks.

Heaven: I think that about wraps it up. Amy, did we miss anything?

Amynoelle: I think that about does it. We're gonna wrap up the rest of this food so you can take this home to your mum and dad. And maybe you can bring it to your Grandpa Neville's.

Caroline *giggles* But not to Grandpa Ron's!

Allison: Girls, are you just about ready to go?

Emma: *slides off the sofa and runs toward her mother* Adam!

Heaven: He's getting so big already!

Amynoelle: He's adorable, Allie!

Emma: Adam, don't be sad! Em's here!

Allison: I'm sure he's happy to see you Em. Are you girls ready to go over to Grandma and Grandpa's?

Caroline: Yes, Mummy. We had fun, except.....they asked me about W-I-L-L. You didn't tell them, right?

Allison: What about Will? *winks at Caroline*

Caroline: *Grins* Thanks, Mummy.

Amynoelle: Jon, here's a basket of leftovers for you to take home.

Jon: I knew I liked you girls for a reason.

Heaven: Glad to be of service!

Emma: Bye-bye! Em, has to go, kay?

Heaven: Thanks for answering our questions, Em! And here's a peanut butter cup for the road!

Emma: Thank!

Caroline: Thank you for the sweets.

Heaven: You're welcome Caroline. We'll see you very, very soon. And practise your dancing! *winks*

Amynoelle: How cute were they?

Heaven: I should have pinched Emma's cheeks.

Amynoelle: Instead you punched me in the arm. Just because we have differing opinions on who should end up with who...

Heaven: I have no idea what you're talking about...

Amynoelle: Okay, okay...we should probably tell our readers who is going to be interviewed next week.

Heaven: We did have a reader request for Nick and Julie

Amynoelle: That's a good idea!

Heaven: Maybe Nick will sing for us.

Amynoelle: And we'll get some questions about Headmaster Hottie...

Heaven: There's this actor that looks like him... he's all mine. Just like Jude is yours...

Amynoelle: At least in our dreams.

Heaven: Maybe we need to become stalkers.

Amynoelle: Only we can unleash the monsters in their chests!

Heaven: Iggy!

Amynoelle: We could always interview canon Ginny, but she's off on her journey....

Heaven: Hopefully never coming back...

Amynoelle: I'm telling you canon Harry should have just left her in the Chamber of Secrets. All of that Book 6 nonsense could have been avoided. But---let's not talk about this now or we'll be here all night. Oooooh, we have Oreos! Why didn't you tell me?