Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Sorry this chapter's a bit late- I had to work late and Amy's out of town. But we do hope you'll enjoy this chapter! And thank you guys SOOOO much for all the reviews last chapter, we were totally astounded and EXCITED at the amount!

You guys ROCK! Thank you for reviewing!

Frankie Barron currently was not a happy woman. What she'd thought was the Wizarding flu had persisted and she'd been ill every day for several weeks.

"Here," Will came in with some dry toast. "Maybe you can keep this down sweetheart."

"Ugh, Will," Frankie groaned. "I don't want to eat anything."

"You need something," Will told her. "I'm really getting worried about you Frankie."

"You and me both," Frankie said reluctantly taking the plate. "Could you get me some juice to wash it down with, please?"

"Sure," Will kissed her forehead.

Frankie took a small bite out of the toast and then opened up her planner to see what meetings would need to be rescheduled. There would be nothing more embarrassing than throwing up in front of the team owner. As her eyes scanned the calendar, she felt a sick feeling in her stomach. Had it really been that long since her last period?

"Here's some orange juice," Will came back into the room. "Thought it might sit better than apple or grapefruit."

"What?" Frankie asked absently.

"Juice..." Will said looking over her shoulder. "What's wrong baby?"

"Don't say that word," Frankie said looking up at him in horror.

Will frowned. "What?" he was confused.

"Oh no," Frankie said shaking her head. "No, no, no..."

"Frankie," Will sat down. "Now you're really scaring me..."

"Will," Frankie said quietly. "I think there's a chance I could be...oh Merlin, I can't say it!"

"Say what?" Will asked, his tone starting to sound slightly impatient.

"Pregnant," Frankie whispered putting her head in her hands.

Will stared at his wife for a few moments. "Frankie you're pregnant?" he asked excitedly.

"I hope not!" Frankie exclaimed.

"Why not?" Will asked. "Frankie we could be having a baby! This is great news!"

Frankie glared at him. "You've got to be kidding me! Great news? Will, I don't want to get fat! I don't want to have to worry about some baby when I can barely take care of myself."

"You're taking fine care of yourself," Will argued. "Frankie--"

"I can't believe this!" Frankie interjected. She shook her head. "That one time! You said it would be fun to be spontaneous! I should never have listened to you!"

"Frankie this isn't a bad thing!" Will couldn't believe she was acting like this.


"Let's take you to the hospital for a test," Will said.

Frankie nodded. "I'm scared, Will."

He sighed. "You have no reason to be," he sat down again. "Frankie, you might be having our child."

"That's what scares me," Frankie said throwing her arms around him.

Will held his wife close. "Why?" he asked.

"I'd be a terrible mum," Frankie sobbed into his shoulder.

"That's completely untrue," Will replied. "You're wonderful with your nieces and nephews."

"But they're not my kids," Frankie argued. "We can play with them and then send them home. You don't understand because you want to be a dad, but I don't think I have that thing that makes women want to be a mother. It's not me, Will."

"I think you'd change your mind once you see your own child," Will told her.

Frankie wasn't so sure. "What are we going to do?"

"We're going to get you tested," Will said firmly. "And if you are pregnant we'll go from there."

"Okay," Frankie said reluctantly letting go of him. "I'll just go and get changed then."

Will watched her go. He wouldn't admit to her how much it hurt when she would be so adamant about them not having a baby.

Nearly a half hour later, they found themselves in a waiting room at St. Mungos. Frankie was filling out some preliminary paper work while Will looked around the waiting room.

"How's it going?" he asked her.

"Okay," Frankie said scribbling some medical information down on the forms. She didn't see Will looking at a little girl playing with some blocks just a few feet away from them.

"Look Mummy!" the little girl said holding up the block for her mother to see.

"What letter is that sweetheart?" the mother asked her.

The little girl looked at the block and grinned. "G, Mummy."

"Good!" the mother brushed a wisp of hair out of her eyes. "You're my smart girl!"

"She's cute isn't she?" Will asked his wife.

"What?" Frankie asked. "Oh... sure..." she said distractedly.

"I hope Dorie's not bothering you," the little girl's mother apologised. "She loves playing with her blocks."

"I used to love playing with blocks too," Will said kneeling down beside the girl. "You want to build a tower?"

"Okay!" Dorie said happily. "A big tower!"

"Okay," Will chuckled. "A big tower."

Frankie returned the forms to the desk and sat down again, grabbing a magazine off the table next to her.

"Try this one," Will said handing the little girl a block.

"It's a T," Dorie informed him.

Will smiled and pinched her nose. "Smart girl."

Dorie giggled. "My daddy says I'm the smartest girl!"

The girl's mother grinned at Frankie. "Your man is so good with children. Do you have one of your own at home?"

"No," Frankie said quickly.

"You're still young," the woman said. "Plenty of time for that."

"I guess," Frankie said uneasily.

A nurse came in and called for Dorie's mother and Will frowned. "Maybe we can finish this another time, Dorie."

"Okay," the little girl said waving at him. "Bye, Mr. Will!"

"Bye Dorie," Will grinned. "I had fun playing with you!"

Frankie flipped through the magazine as Will came back to sit beside her.

"Reminds me of Mia," Will said grinning at Frankie.

"Sure," Frankie nodded, tossing the magazine aside.

"Frankie," Will said reaching for her hand. "It's going to be fine."

Frankie shook her head. "If I'm pregnant, I'm not going to be happy. If I'm not, you'll be unhappy. We can't win."

"Francesca, you will be a fantastic mum," Will reassured her. "I don't know why you aren't happy about this. Come on---a little girl or boy to call our own."

"I just never saw myself with kids all right?" Frankie replied testily.

Will threw up his hands. "Okay---you don't have to bite my head off, you know."

"I'm sorry," she apologised. "I'm just scared."

Will put an arm around her. "I'm going to be right here with you, no matter what."

"I know," she leaned against him. "I got lucky getting you."

"I'm the lucky one," Will said kissing the side of her head.

Several minutes later Frankie was clad in a hospital robe while she and Will waited for the healer to come into the room. "I hate how long they make you wait," he joked, trying to make her laugh. "You'd think once you got in the exam room, they'd be right here."

"We should talk to Lizzy about that," Frankie said with a slight laugh.

Will rubbed her shoulders. "You still holding up okay?"

"As best as I can," Frankie replied. "I'm glad you're here."

"I wouldn't let you do this alone," he reassured her. "Frankie, either way, things are going to be all right."

Frankie nodded.

The door opened and a familiar face greeted them. "Hello, Mrs. Barron," Pansy Parkinson said smiling warmly at her. "Mr. Barron."

"Hi," Will smiled. They knew Pansy through Hermione- she'd treated Saffron since the teenager had been a baby.

Pansy read Frankie's chart. "So when was the last time you had your cycle, Frankie?"

"It's been awhile," Frankie said quietly.

"Okay," Pansy said nodding. "And you've had bouts of nausea?"

"Almost all the time," Frankie twisted her gown.

"Right," Pansy said. "Okay, if you'll just lay back for me, Frankie."

Frankie was trembling but she laid down on the table.

Will squeezed her hand as Pansy began the examination. Frankie closed her eyes so she wouldn't have to see what was going on, as if willing it all to go away.

"We thought at first she might have the flu," Will said. "But she's been sick for a few weeks now."

"The flu is going around," Pansy said as she waved her wand over Frankie's abdomen. "Relax, Frankie."

"Sorry," Frankie said. "I'm just really nervous."

"Understandable," Pansy said smiling reassuringly at her.

Will squeezed his wife's hand. "It's all right Frankie."

Pansy finished the examination and scribbled something on Frankie's chart.

"Well?" Frankie asked sitting up.

"You're not pregnant," Pansy replied.

"I'm not?" Frankie said brightly. "Really?"

"No, you're not," Pansy said. "I think you just have a touch of the flu. I can give you some healing potions that can help with the nausea."

"That's wonderful," Frankie said. "Thank you so much!"

"I'll leave the prescription at the front desk for you," Pansy said. "And if you need anything else, just send me an owl."

"We will," Frankie already felt better. "Thank you so much."

Will looked away, unable to hide his disappointment.

Frankie didn't notice her husband's reaction as she pulled on her clothes. "Well," she said. "This is--"

"We should probably go by the chemist and fill that prescription," Will said quietly. "We can do that before we go home."

"Right," Frankie picked up her bag.

"Mr. Will!" Dorie squealed when she saw him and Frankie leaving the examining room. "I thought we'd missed you. I wanted to give you this!"

Will forced a smile onto his face. "Hi again Dorie," he squatted down so he was eye level with her.

"You can give these two to your baby," Dorie said handing him two blocks---one with the letter "F" and the other with the letter "W".

"Oh..." Will said. "Well, I'm not quite going to be a daddy yet, but when I am, I'll be sure and give these to my baby all right?" he ruffled the little girl's hair.

"You'll be a good Daddy," Dorie said smiling at him.

"Thank you sweetheart," Will smiled back. "I appreciate that. You're a lovely girl- my nieces would love you."

"Come along, Dorie," her mother said.

"Bye, Mr. Will!" Dorie said waving at him before running to catch up to her mother.

"Bye Dorie," Will watched her leave as Frankie finished paying.

"Ready to go?" Frankie asked.

"Sure," he said quietly. "Let's go."

"I am feeling better already," Frankie said linking arms with him. "I might even be able to go into work tomorrow."

"That's great," Will replied looking away from his wife. Her excitement over not being pregnant upset him.

"And I know you don't want to play nursemaid to me," Frankie said. "If you wanted to into the office this afternoon, I wouldn't mind."

"Maybe I will," he shrugged away and walked on ahead.

"Will---" Frankie called after him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Will said. "Let's just get to the chemist."

"You're disappointed," Frankie said reaching for his arm. "Will, you said you'd be okay either way, remember?"

"Do you have to be so bloody happy about it?" Will looked at her.

"What?" Frankie asked taken aback.

"In the office you were practically turning cartwheels you were so happy about not being pregnant." Will replied.

"Will, we're not ready to be parents," Frankie said gently. "We said we would wait until we were both ready and to tell you the truth, I'm not ready. And I don't know if I ever will be."

"Why?" Will shook his head. "What is so wrong about being parents?"

"What's so wrong about NOT wanting to be parents?" Frankie asked. "Lavender never had any children and she and Seamus are very happy. Having kids doesn't have to be the make it or break it for a marriage, Will."

"They live an entirely different life than us," Will pointed out. "You just always act like having children is taboo. You know how I feel about it, and I've been more than patient about this Frankie."

"Hang on a second," Frankie said angrily. "What are you saying? We have to have a baby or I'm going to lose you?"

"Don't put words in my mouth that I didn't say," Will was just as angry.

"You didn't have to say it," Frankie retorted. "You sound like a Neanderthal cave man, Will!"

Will shook his head. "I'm out of here," he snapped. "I'll see you later." he turned and strode in the opposite direction.

"William!" Frankie called out but he ignored her completely. She stood there for a few moments outraged and livid that he would just walk away from her like that.

There was one person she knew would understand and she hoped that her mother wouldn't be in the middle of a class.

Frankie hurried to her mother's studio and went inside. She knocked on the office door.

Cho was going over the invoices since Allison was in Brighton with Jon's family. She smiled when she saw her youngest daughter standing in the doorway.

"Hi, Frankie!" she said grinning at her. "This is a nice surprise."

"Hi Mum," Frankie said. "Are you busy?"

"Never too busy for you," Cho said motioning for her to come inside. "Have a seat, sweetheart."

"Thanks," Frankie replied. "I really need to talk to you."

"You look a little pale love," Cho said. "You still feeling ill?"

"I've got a touch of the flu but I've got medicine now," Frankie said fidgeting. "Will and I thought I might be pregnant."

"And you're not?" Cho asked.

Frankie shook her head. "I was glad Mum... I don't want kids. And Will's all angry with me because I wasn't disappointed like he was."

"Frankie, I thought Will knew how you felt about that," Cho said.

"He does!" Frankie said, growing angry again as she thought about her husband.

"You two really need to talk," Cho advised.

"He just walked away from me!" Frankie exclaimed. "Right there on our way to the chemist!"

"Will's made no secret of how much he wants to have children," Cho said thoughtfully. "Frankie, what about this scares you so much?"

"I don't know," Frankie said. "It just does- just the whole thing, the pregnancy, the labour, and then having this tiny little thing to raise."

"You wouldn't have to go through it alone," Cho said. "We'll all be here to help you and I happen to think you'd be a great mum. Caroline, Emma, Sukie and Mas adore you."

"I know but I can give them back to their parents," Frankie explained. "I enjoy spending time with them but it's different when they're YOURS."

"You remember me telling you about how I felt when I heard I was pregnant with Chiaki?" Cho asked. "I was scared to death, Frankie. I was too young to have a baby and I almost....I almost didn't go through with it."

"I think I remember you and dad talking about that," Frankie said thoughtfully.

"But I couldn't go through with it," Cho continued. "And your father and I were clueless when we brought her home. I didn't know how to change nappies and she cried all the time."

"That doesn't surprise me," Frankie joked wryly.

Cho smiled. "I think you should tell Will what scares you most about this. And you should listen to how he feels about this."

"But we've talked about it before--" Frankie began.

"And you need to talk about it again," Cho interjected. "The two of you love each other and something like this could cause a big problem in your marriage."

"You think so?" Frankie asked in a small voice.

Cho stood up and walked around her desk.

"Sweetheart, there's no reason to be scared," Cho said kneeling down in front of her. "You're a brave, capable woman. And I remember how you said you'd never get married. And look at you now."

"Yeah," Frankie smiled a little. "I did say I'd never get married."

"Many, many times," Cho said grinning at her.

"I'll talk to him tonight," Frankie hugged her mother. "Let him cool down this afternoon."

"Sounds like a good idea," Cho said. "And you should get some rest."

"I'm going home to kip right now," Frankie replied.

"Good girl," Cho said walking her out.

"Are Allie and Jon and the kids having fun in Brighton?" Frankie asked.

"They love it down there," Cho said smiling. "I'm sure Emma and Caroline are having the time of their lives on the beach."

"I'm glad they got away," Frankie said opening the door.

"It's been quiet around here without them," Cho said. "You and Will should come by for dinner some time this week. Your dad and I would love to have you."

Frankie nodded. "We'll be there- especially if Dad makes his spaghetti."

"Love you sweetheart," Cho said giving her another hug.

"Love you too Mum," Frankie held onto her mother for a moment. "I'll see you later."

Frankie arrived home a few minutes later after stopping at the chemist. She wasn't surprised to find the house empty. Her toast and juice were still on the table from earlier. With a wave of her wand, the dishes were done and the kitchen was clean. If only it were this simple to fix my personal life, she mused.

*** *** ***

Seamus sat down with his son on one of the shop's plush sofas. They'd been following Lavender around all afternoon as she bought outfit after outfit and gift after gift. Normally, Seamus wouldn't have volunteered to go shopping with his wife. But Lavender had insisted and convinced him it would be a great opportunity to bond as a family. So far, the only thing Lavender had bonded to on this shopping excursion had been her credit card.

Gabriel yawned and leaned back on the sofa.

"I know the feeling," Seamus said ruefully.

"She said that you didn't do this very much," Gabriel said. "Go shopping with her, I mean."

"Can you see why?" Seamus grinned at his son.

"Yeah," Gabriel said with a laugh.

"Later on we'll go on the boat," Seamus replied. "When I go really fast she freaks out. It's hilarious."

"I'm glad you're here this weekend," Gabriel said.

"Me too," Seamus agreed. "I haven't been to Brighton in years. I'd forgotten how much I like it. Aside from the shopping that is."

"How's your film going?" Gabriel asked.

"All right," Seamus replied. "We've just started filming so you'll have to come visit on the set once we get to some of the action sequences. You can even be an extra if you want."

"You don't have to do that," Gabriel said. "I'd just like to watch you working."

"It's up to you," Seamus said easily. "I'll just be glad to have you there."

Gabriel smiled. "Lavender said you'd be filming in London through the end of the year."

"Most likely," Seamus nodded. "If all goes according to plan."

"Gran wanted to invite you over for Christmas dinner," Gabriel said. "But maybe we can do that next year."

"I can make it back for Christmas," Seamus said immediately. "Lav and I are always together, no matter what."

Gabriel grinned. "Gran is the best cook, next to my Mum. She makes this really big turkey with all the trimmings. Grandpa and I usually watch football in the living room. Until Gran and Mom..."

"Call you in to eat?" Seamus asked.

Gabriel nodded. He hadn't really thought about it until now, but this would be his first Christmas without his mother.

"I'll be there," Seamus promised. "No matter what I have to do I'll make sure I'm there."

"Thanks," Gabriel said. "I know you and Lavender probably have holiday traditions of your own. I'd understand if you couldn't make it, Dad."

"Nonsense," Seamus replied. "You're my tradition now Gabriel."

Gabriel grinned. The more time he spent with his father, the more he genuinely liked him. There were still some awkward moments and sometimes he did feel like an outsider, but he had a father now. He was glad his mother had finally told him the truth.

"Well," Lavender stood in front of her husband and stepson. "How does this look?"

"Beautiful," Seamus said automatically. "Lav, don't you have that same dress at home?"

"In grey," Lavender said. "This is dove."

"Dove is a colour now?" Seamus asked in disbelief. "I thought it was a bird."

Gabriel grinned at his father. "Come on Dad get with the times." he joked.

Lavender beamed at him. "Your son obviously knows these things. Seamus, you should take notes."

Seamus glared at her. "Are we quite finished? I'd like to go out on the ocean today before I have to leave."

"I wanted to go to one other shop," Lavender said. "They have the cutest denim..."

"Can't you get it during the week?" Seamus asked.

"I suppose so," Lavender said rolling her eyes. "I'll go and get changed and then we can go."

"Thank you," Seamus said in relief. "I almost think I need a hard drink after this."

"It could be worse," Lavender said tossing her hair over her shoulder. "I could have made you hold my handbag."

"It weighs six stones," Seamus rolled his eyes at Gabriel, who laughed.

"I'll be back you big baby," Lavender said before heading to the changing room.

"She makes me laugh," Gabriel said.

Seamus chuckled. "I'm glad you get along."

"She's great," Gabriel nodded. "Even went through the old photo albums with me. She doesn't mind me talking about my mom either."

"I'm glad the two most important people in my life are getting along," Seamus said.

Gabriel turned a bit red at this. "It's nice having a family. I just wish my mom had told me about this earlier."

Seamus didn't say that he, too, wished he'd have known about this sooner. He missed so many milestones in his son's life. "We have a lot of time to make up, Gabe."

"I'm glad we're getting along," Gabriel said honestly. "I was a real jerk at first but thanks for sticking with me."

"That's what families do," Seamus said. "You stick by the people you care about even when they're mad at you."

"Speaking of mad," Gabriel said. "Do you think Saffron and her parents are okay?"

"I hope so," Seamus said thoughtfully. "Never a dull moment around the Brighton house, eh?"

"Sure doesn't seem that way," Gabriel said with a grin.

"You getting along with the other kids?" Seamus asked.

Gabriel nodded, trying not to flush as he thought about Alexa. "They're all pretty cool."

Seamus smiled. "I saw you chatting with Alexa at breakfast. Seems like a nice girl."

"Yeah she is," Gabriel squirmed a little.

Seamus smiled knowingly at his son. "Something you want to tell me?"

"No," Gabriel shook his head quickly.

"Okay," Seamus nodded. "But if you do want to talk, I'll listen."

"Okay," Gabriel said as Lavender emerged with the dress in hand.

"You two ready to go?" Lavender asked brightly. "I'm starving."

"Sure," Seamus and Gabriel stood up. "Let's stay in town and grab some lunch."

They went outside and Gabriel stopped, an idea coming to him. He stopped a woman on the street. "Excuse me, ma'am," he said handing her his camera. "Would you mind taking a picture of me and family?"

"Certainly," the woman smiled at him.

"Gabe!" Lavender exclaimed. "I look a fright!"

"You look beautiful," Seamus said shaking his head. "Now pose!"

"Come on," Gabriel smiled at his stepmother. "I won't sell these pictures to the paper I promise," he teased her.

"Okay," Lavender said laughing. "I'll stand in the middle then."

"I don't think we'll fit around your bags," Seamus joked.

"Shut it you," Lavender said nudging him as he stood beside her. Gabriel stood on her other side.

"Okay," the woman said. "On the count on, two, three...."

All three members of the Finnigan family grinned on cue.

"Perfect," the woman smiled. "What a lovely photo."

Gabriel thanked the woman and took his camera back.

"We're going to want copies of that," Seamus told his son. "And I'm sure your Grandma Rose is going to want one too."

"Sure," Gabriel nodded. "I'll hook it up to the computer and email you the shots."

Lavender smiled at her husband. "Best holiday ever, eh?"

"You can say that again," Seamus agreed.

*** *** ***

Saffron watched as her parents left the sitting room. The conversation had gone well, she thought. She'd confessed how sometimes she felt as if everyone was watching everything she did because of who her parents were. And she told them how unfair she thought she and Julie were treated as opposed to Ethan who had pretty much been given free reign, in Saffron's opinion.

And her parents proceeded to tell her about the number of times Ethan had been grounded and some of the scrapes he'd gotten himself into. They'd also reminded her that she was just a small child when Ethan was a teenager so she probably didn't remember most of that.

The only truly embarrassing part of the conversation had been when her parents asked Andrew to sit down. Saffron had turned beet red when they'd told her boyfriend how disappointed they were in him, but that they hoped he'd respect their rules while he was a guest at the beach house.

"I think I'm going to take a walk," Andrew said after a few moments' silence.

"Want me to go with you?" she offered.

Andrew shook his head. "I really don't want to be around you right now."

"Andrew!" Saffron exclaimed.

"Just drop it," he said making for the door.

Saffron wanted to follow him but she watched lamely as he shut the door behind him and headed for the beach.

Julie came downstairs looking for one of Ashley's sketchbooks and she saw her sister staring out the door. "Being grounded really sucks, eh Saf?"

"Yeah and now Andrew's mad at me too," Saffron said glumly.

"You kind of put him in a bad position," Julie pointed out. "Imagine how you would feel if you were staying at his parents' home and they walked in on you snogging on his bed?"

"I know and I feel horrible about it," Saffron sat down on the sofa. "I just wish he'd talk to me."

"Give him some time to cool off," Julie advised.

Saffron nodded, too subdued to argue about anything. "What are you looking for? Maybe I can help."

"Ash lost her sketchbook," Julie said. "Nick took them out on the boat and I promised I'd look for it."

"I thought I saw one in the dining room," Saffron said. "I bet that's it."

"Great," Julie said. "So how are things with you and Mum and Dad?"

"Better now that we talked things out," Saffron said. "Of course, it was completely embarrassing when they lectured Andrew but I guess I understand why they had to."

"They love you, Saffy," Julie said. "They only want what's best for you. We all do."

"Thanks Jules," Saffron gave her sister a hug. "I hope Andrew isn't too mad at me."

"You can be pretty charming when you want to be," Julie said laughing. "Not to mention persuasive. Which reminds me....I was talking with Professor Carlton and he told me that you argued your way to better marks on your final essay. I don't know how you did it, Saffy. That man is notorious for not budging."

Saffron laughed despite herself. "I guess you're right. I think I had him so confused he didn't know which end of his wand to point."

"It takes courage to take him on," Julie said. "And I thought I had it bad with Professor Binns who was just boring. Carlton is just a mule."

Saffron handed her sister Ashley's sketchbook. "I wonder who's going to take over for Dumbledore this fall," she said.

"Word is that dad's on the short list," Julie confided.

"Dad?" Saffron's eyes bugged out.

"Yes," Julie said nodding. "I think he'd be great, but I don't think he'd like being away from Mum."

"Me either," Saffron said. "But could you picture old Snape's face if Dad were to become Headmaster?"

"What are you girls talking about?" Hermione asked coming into the room carrying a bowl of crisps.

"Dad becoming headmaster at Hogwarts," Saffron replied.

Hermione laughed. "Heard about the list have you?"

"I have connections," Saffron said winking at her sister.

"She'd have found out anyway, Mum," Julie said hastily.

"Well don't get too excited," Hermione said. "I don't think he's interested."

"He would still get to punish wrongdoers," Julie said thoughtfully. "And he'd get to see two of his most favourite people in the world..."

"And I'm sure Severus would love having me for a boss," Harry said joining his wife and daughters.

Saffron laughed. "I'd love to see the look on his face Dad."

"Word is that he's put his name in the ring too," Hermione told them.

"Gross!" Saffron squealed. "I'll quit school before going there with him as Headmaster!"

"You most certainly would not," Hermione chastised.

"I'd enroll at Beauxbatons then," Saffron said.

"Saffy!" Julie was laughing.

"I'm serious, Jules," Saffron said.

"I think there'd be no one left at the school but Slytherins," Harry leaned back on the sofa and grinned at his daughters.

"And me and Lex would head for Beauxbatons," Saffron said resting her head on her mother's shoulder.

"So you're really not interested Dad?" Julie asked. "I know every time there's an opening, they consider you, but this is different. This is the BIG job."

"I don't want to be away from your mum for that long," Harry said. "And it's not like I can just pick up and leave like you do every day Jules- I'd have to be there all the time. Plus I like being an Auror."

"I think he means that he likes seeing Ethan every day," Saffron said keeping her voice light so her parents knew she was only teasing.

Harry tugged on his daughter's plait. "Smartarse," he said affectionately.

"He is your favourite after all," Julie said. "The perfect son...the one who followed in your footsteps..."

"The one who's getting the cottage," Saffron chimed in.

"What?" Julie asked the smile on her face falling.

"Saffron!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Well you are," Saffron said. "You're giving him and Maddie the cottage as a wedding gift."

"I didn't know it was back on the market," Julie said quietly.

"Awhile back it was," Hermione said. "Did you want to take Nick and the girls to see it?"

Julie shook her head and started to absently look through Ashley's sketchbook.

"Jules," Harry put a hand on her arm. "You're upset about this..."

"I promised I'd meet Nick and the girls on the dock," Julie said standing up. "I'll catch up with you guys later."

"Julie," Harry stood up as well.

Julie didn't tell her parents that she always hoped that one day, she and Nick would buy the cottage. It had been the first home she'd ever known and she had only happy memories there. It hurt to think that her parents were giving this great gift to her brother.

"I'm sure Ethan and Maddie will love it," Julie said forcing a smile. "I really should get going."

"No," Harry shook his head. "You may be an adult but we're still your parents and you can talk to us."

"You probably don't want to hear what I have to say right now," Julie said looking at him before walking out of the house.

Harry looked at his wife. "I didn't think she'd be upset over this."

"I'm sorry for bringing it up," Saffron apologised. "I thought Julie knew already, Mum."

"It's all right sweetheart," Hermione patted her hand. "We'll talk to her, don't worry."

Meanwhile, Julie was heading for the docks, upset at herself for acting a bit like a spoiled child, but she couldn't help it.

"Hi Mummy!" Katie called as she, Ashley and Nick approached the dock.

"Hiya, guys!" Julie said waving back at them. "Did you have fun?"

"Better yet, they got along," Nick said proudly.

"Daddy said if we did, we could have ice cream," Katie explained.

"Oh I see," Julie laughed, hugging her girls. "Ash I found your sketchbook."

Ashley beamed at her. "Thanks Mum! I was so worried I'd lost it. I did this really pretty sketch of the sunrise for Grandma Ellie."

"I bet she'll love it," Julie said.

"You all right?" Nick asked his wife.

Julie shook her head.

"Girls," Nick said grabbing his wallet out of his shorts pocket. He pulled out some Muggle money. "How about you go and get your ice cream and get something for your Mum and me too?"

"You mean we can go all the way to the shop by ourselves?" Ashley was wide eyed.

"There's a stand right there, Ash!" Katie said pointing to it. "And they say you're the smart one!"

"Shut up Katherine Rose," Ashley retorted. "I didn't see it!"

"I knew it was too good to last," Nick said shaking his head. "Ashley take your sister's hand and come right back here when you're finished, okay?"

"Okay," Ashley replied, grudgingly taking her sister's fingers in hers.

"So," Nick said when they were alone. "What's got you down, Jules?"

"My parents bought the cottage back," Julie dug her feet into the sand. "And they're giving it to Ethan and Maddie as a wedding gift."

"Julie---" Nick said giving her a hug. He knew how much that place meant to her. "I didn't even realise it was up for sale."

"Neither did I," she said. "I was sort of hoping one day you and I could move into it when the girls are on their own."

"I'm sure your parents didn't mean any offence, Julie," Nick said.

"I know they didn't," Julie said. "And they were wonderful when you and I got married- paying for our honeymoon plus giving us the deposit on our place when we moved once Ash was born."

"But it still hurts," Nick said sympathetically.

"Yeah," she said with a sigh.

"Ethan didn't live there for very long, did he?" Nick asked. "You lived there most of your childhood."

"Yeah until Mum became Minister," Julie said.

"I wish I knew what to say," Nick said putting an arm around her. "Your dad isn't doing too well this holiday, is he? Nor Ethan, for that matter."

"I guess I'm really not that angry- they didn't know." Julie shrugged.

"If I'd have known it was on the market, I'd have bought it for you, sweetheart," Nick said kissing the side of her head.

"Thanks Nick," Julie smiled at him. "You always make me feel better."

"It was part of the vows, wasn't it?" Nick asked cheekily.

"That it was," Julie kissed him. "I'm so glad I married you Malfoy."

"Daddy!" Katie squealed coming over to them with two ice cream cones in one hand. "These are for you and Mummy. Ashley's got mine."

"Thank you sweetheart," Nick smiled. "That was very thoughtful of you and your sister."

"Is Aunt Saffy still grounded?" Ashley asked handing her little sister her ice cream.

"Yes," Julie said. "But with good behaviour, we're hoping she'll get off with time served."

"I think it's just for today," Nick said, an arm around his wife.

"Good," Ashley said. "I was hoping I could hang out with her and Alexa."

"They might be with their boyfriends," Julie pointed out gently.

"Oh," Ashley said frowning.

"I'm sure Caroline and Katie would love to have you play with them," Julie said. "Right, Katie?"

"I guess," Katie shrugged.

Ashley rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't want to put you out, Katie. It's okay, Mum. I'll see if Aunt Lizzy needs any help with the babies."

"Katherine Rose," Nick frowned at his younger daughter. "You had a nice time out there today with me and Ashley."

"It was okay," Katie begrudgingly admitted.

"You had fun and you know it," Nick said, biting into his cone.

"Caroline and I were going to make bracelets later," Katie said to her older sister. "You're welcome to help if you want."

"Maybe," Ashley said. "What were you going to make them out of?"

"Those beads that Aunt Luna gave us," Katie replied.

"Okay," Ashley said. "That could be fun."

Nick and Julie shared a look. "How about we head on back to the house then?" Nick asked his daughters.

"Okay," Katie was trying to eat her ice cream before it melted onto her fingers.

"You look a little sad, Mummy," Ashley said as they started down the beach. "You okay?"

"I'm fine Ash," Julie stroked back her daughter's hair.

"I really like coming here," Ashley said smiling at her mother. "I hope we always come here in the summer."

"I hope so too," Julie answered. "It's become quite the tradition." she squinted as she saw a familiar figure. "Is that Andrew?"

"He's probably really sad since Saffy can't come out and play," Katie said.

"Perhaps," Julie mused. "Andrew!" she called out.

"Hi Julie," Andrew said turning around. "Nick, girls..."

"What are you up to all alone out here?" Julie asked, already knowing.

"Just wanted to take a walk," Andrew replied. "What are you lot up to?"

"Ice cream," Ashley said with a grin.

"Looks pretty good," Andrew said smiling back at her.

"You're welcome to walk back to the house with us," Nick offered.

Andrew shrugged. "I guess that'd be okay."

"Where's my cousin?" Nick asked.

"Had to leave this morning for something with Puddlemere," Andrew replied. "He should be back tomorrow."

"I can't believe he's their star Keeper," Nick shook his head. "How do you like Wimbourne?"

"It's really great," Andrew answered. "My team mates seem like a great bunch of blokes. I'm not going to see much playing time this year, but I hope to learn a lot."

"Saffron's going to miss you," Julie said lightly.

Andrew tensed up at the mention of his girlfriend. "Yeah, I'm going to miss her too."

Julie dropped behind her husband and daughters to walk beside him. "You know... I don't like to meddle but she's really sorry about what happened."

"She told you then about what happened?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah," Julie nodded. "She wasn't thinking, obviously. But she was really upset earlier."

"I should talk to her, but I'm still angry, Julie," Andrew said. "I felt like she was using me to piss off her Dad."

"Saffy wouldn't do that," Julie said. "She really cares about you Andrew. The last thing she wants to do is make you mad."

"I know," Andrew said. "She's...she's lucky to have you, Julie. I know it meant so much to her to have you at school this past year."

"I'm glad," Julie smiled at him. "And I know she's glad to have you here on holiday with us."

"I'll talk to her when we get back," Andrew promised.

"Despite what happened my parents still really like you Andrew," Julie reassured him.

"They said they did," Andrew said.

"You're good to Saffy, and they know that." Julie patted his shoulder.

They made it back to the house and Julie was relieved that her parents weren't around. The last thing she wanted to do was talk to them now when this thing with the cottage was still in her mind. Saffron looked up from her book when she saw them walk in.

"Hi," she said surprised, but happy to see Andrew.

"Hey Saf," he smiled at her. "Want to talk?"

"Sure," she said.

Julie and Nick headed into the kitchen to give them some privacy.

"I really am sorry," Saffron started to say.

"I know," Andrew sat down next to her on the sofa. "I guess I just thought you were using me to get back at your dad. I don't like being used Saffy."

"Part of it was," Saffron admitted, not wanting to lie to him. "I behaved terribly, Andrew."

He nodded. "I love you Saffron. I don't like being in a strop with you."

"I love you too," she said hugging him tightly. "I was afraid you'd never want to speak to me again after you walked out."

"That'd be a little overdramatic don't you think?" Andrew couldn't help but grin.

"And you're not Ronald Weasley Junior," Saffron teased. "Who would totally blow it out of proportion."

Andrew laughed. "So I guess this means we're okay," he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I'm sorry my mum and dad embarrassed you," Saffron said.

"I understand where they're coming from," Andrew told her.

"I'm the baby," Saffron said rolling her eyes.

"Nothing wrong with that," Andrew said.

"My parents said I could go with you guys into town tomorrow," Saffron said. "One last day of grounding."

"We'll have fun," Andrew said as they sat back against the sofa. "RJ will be back, and all of us can just hang out together."

"Sounds great," Saffron said leaning against him.

"What are you reading?" he asked.

"Pride and Prejudice," Saffron said holding the book up for him to see. "I've read it ten times already but it's one of my favourites."

"My mum likes that book too," Andrew said.

"You're not as Austen fan, then?" Saffron teased.

"Nah not really," Andrew grinned. "I like my Quidditch magazines and a little Playwizard every now and again..." he laughed when Saffron hit his shoulder.

"Please, please tell me you were joking, Andrew Kirke," Saffron said hitting him again.

"RJ kept a stack under his bed back at school," Andrew held up his hands. "Sometimes we all used to peek. But I haven't looked at them since I started dating you, I swear."

"Eww, gross!" Saffron said her face scrunching up in disgust. "You just wait until I tell Alexa about that perv."

"I'm sure she knows already Saf," Andrew said. "Besides, he left them behind to whoever inherits his bed next year."

"Those magazines degrade women you know," Saffron said huffily.

"Saf- you can't tell me you've never looked at a Playwitch," Andrew said.

"I most certainly have not," Saffron said indignantly.

Andrew raised an eyebrow disbelievingly.

"I haven't," Saffron said glaring at him.

"You're going to get mad at me over this?" he asked.

"No," she said shaking her head. "Let's just agree to disagree over this."

"Okay," he gave her a quick kiss. "So you're really grounded the rest of today?"

"Yup," Saffron said. "But you don't have to keep me company...Alexa and Gabriel went out on the beach. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you joined them."

"Hmmm..." Andrew pretended to think. "That does sound like fun--"

"I can't watch telly though or do anything fun," she told him. "Grounded, remember?"

"Yeah it might get really boring hanging out here with you," he said with a serious face.

"Wouldn't want to bore you on your last holiday before you join the real world," Saffron said playing along.

"You're right," Andrew said. "And I heard there's a little cove that's great for skinny dipping nearby. Maybe Alexa and Gabriel want to check it out with me."

Saffron hit him on the arm. "You want me to go tell my Dad you're talking like that?"

Andrew laughed. "All right, all right..." he said, sliding his arm around her. "Actually, I'd rather just sit here and read my Quidditch manuals with my best girl than go out there on the beach without her."

"Good answer," Saffron said smiling sweetly at him. "I've trained you quite well, Kirke."

"I let you think you have," Andrew teased as he got up. "I'll be right back."

Saffron laughed and then picked up her book to resume her reading.