Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: We hope you enjoy tonight's chapter! Please read and review!

It was after dinner one night in late February and Ashley and Katie were settling down to a table in the library. "I hate this," Katie complained.

Ashley smiled reassuringly at her sister. "History of Magic is actually a very interesting subject, Katie. And since this is the subject you're having the most trouble on, we'll just take it slow."

"I guess," Katie said unenthusiastically. "I just hate all the reading. Sometimes its easier and other times all the words are mixed up."

"Well, we'll use the same techniques you used with your tutor," Ashley said patiently.

"All right," Katie shrugged. "I have other things to do, so the sooner we get this done..."

"The sooner you can get back to being the new star of Slytherin," Ashley finished.

Katie grinned.

Ashley pulled out the study guide Katie's tutor had prepared. "Okay...back to work..."

Katie nodded, pulling her chair closer. "I wish this didn't happen to me," she complained. "I mean, no one else my age that I know has trouble reading."

"A lot of people have dyslexia," Ashley said. "And we're all proud of you for the hard work you've done to work through this."

"Thanks," Katie said, still reluctant. No one but her sister knew about her dyslexia and she wanted to keep it that way.

"Okay," Ashley said looking at her sister's textbook. "This is actually really interesting. Merlin's life was absolutely fascinating, Katie."

"Merlin?" Katie brightened.

"See?" Ashley nudged her. "Okay, we'll take this chapter paragraph by paragraph. I'll let you read over the first one and then we'll go from there."

"All right," Katie said, pulling the book over. Several of the words were big and she stumbled over them.

Because Katie's back was to the door, she didn't notice Jemima and Piper walking inside the library.

Ashley didn't notice them either. "That's good, Katie." she encouraged. "Just sound out the words you don't know."

"Merlin was part of the...court...of...King..." Katie read aloud. "King...Arthur."

"That's it," Ashley nodded. "Good, Katie!"

Jemima saw Katie sitting with her sister and narrowed her eyes. "That little bint should watch herself."

Piper followed her best friend's gaze. "We should so get back at her, Jem."

"Oh, I owe her one," Jemima said bitterly. "And I'll make sure she gets paid back."

Piper nodded. "At least your skin is finally back to normal."

Jemima touched her face and shuddered. "Come on," she ordered.

Piper dutifully followed her. Jemima crept behind a large bookshelf and listened to the two sisters.

"Sound it out," Ashley was saying to Katie.

Katie sighed. "Re... cap... recapture."

"Excellent," Ashley said grinning at her.

"This is such a pain," Katie said.

"It's not easy, but you're doing well," Ashley said. "In all of your classes. And Mum's going to talk to the professor to see if they could record the books for you."

"That would be nice," Katie admitted.

Ashley smiled. "Sometimes it's easier to read along when you hear it spoken out loud first. At least that's what your tutor always said."

Jemima smirked. "Malfoy can't read?"

Piper had not been paying attention and she looked over at Jemima. "What?"

Jemima rolled her eyes. "Malfoy. She can't read. That's why she's sitting in here with her sister."

"She can't read?" Piper asked in disbelief.

"Obviously," Jemima snapped.

"So what are we going to do?" Piper whispered.

"I'm not quite sure yet," Jemima said. "But for now... we keep this to ourselves."

"Okay," Piper said.

"She'll rue the day she crossed me," Jemima said, a nasty grin on her face.

Piper grinned back at her friend. "Jemima, that sent chills down my spine!"

Jemima curled her lip up. "Come on," she said shortly.

Ashley and Katie finished reading over the chapter and Ashley helped Katie with the study guide questions. Katie happily put her quill and parchment away. "Thank you so much, Ashley."

Ashley nodded. "Any time you want help, just let me know, Katie."

Katie smiled. "I will."

"I finished my homework earlier," Ashley said. "James wrote to me, I just got his letter at lunch."

Katie grinned. "James...."

Ashley smiled too. "He's really cool."

"And hot," Katie said.

Ashley blushed. "He's pretty gorgeous, isn't he?"

Katie nodded enthusiastically. "And from what Brit says completely crazy about you."

"We aren't going out," Ashley said quickly.

"Why?" Katie asked. "Because of the distance thing?"

"Mum and Dad said I'm too young," Ashley explained.

Katie rolled her eyes. "Ash, we don't always have to do EVERYTHING they tell us."

"But--" Ashley began

"You're a teenager," Katie said as if she were the voice of experience. "Act like it. Rebel. What they don't know, can't hurt them. Besides, you can just go out on group dates with Brit and Evan and James."

Ashley shrugged. "I suppose you have a point."

"They can't object to you going out with friends," Katie continued. "Besides, they don't really have room to talk about sneaking around, do they? It's what they did when they were younger."

Ashley had to laugh. "You've got me there. I mean... they did let me and Zander have that date last summer hols, even if they were there too. I don't think they'd mind a group thing..."

"Of course not," Katie said.

"Maybe I'll mention that when I write back to James," Ashley said.

Katie grinned. "Let me know what he says."

"I will," Ashley promised. "I do like him."

"I can tell," Katie said. She never in a million years thought she and Ashley would be close like this---actually talking about boys.

"You know, he's never once asked me about Dad," Ashley confided. "I mean, I've told him things, of course, but he's never brought it up. And he doesn't bug me about Grandma and Grandpa either."

That didn't bother Katie as much as it did Ashley. Katie liked that people seemed to respect her because of whom her parents and grandparents were. "That's important to you," Katie said thoughtfully.

"I want to be known for me," Ashley stressed. "I don't mind talking about Dad, or Grandma or Grandpa... but I don't want that to be the reason people befriend me."

"Which is why you're friends with Brittany and Zander," Katie said.

"Yes," Ashley replied. "There are others too, but those two are my best friends. Well, just Brit these days. I haven't really had much to say to Zander."

"Still mad?" Katie asked.

Ashley shrugged. "A bit... and just disappointed."

"Well, he's not my most favourite person," Katie said. "But he seems to be suffering, too. I mean, he was humiliated by all this, Ash."

"That's true," Ashley said thoughtfully.

Katie laughed. "Ugh. Hanging out with you Gryffindors makes me more sensitive. I need to stop that."

Ashley poked her sister. "You are too much, little Slytherin."

Katie giggled and gathered up her books. "I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast. Thanks again."

"No problem," Ashley said. "Enjoy the rest of your night."

"You too," Katie said. She hurried upstairs to the Slytherin dorms. She wanted to see if her new magazine had arrived.

Lindsey was up in their dormitory sitting on her bed. "Where were you?" she asked.

"Studying in the library," Katie replied.

"Fun," Lindsey said dryly. "Did you finish your Charms essay?"

Katie nodded. "How about you?"

"Yeah, just about ten minutes ago," Lindsey said. "Want to go down to the Common Room?"

"Sure," Katie said picking up her new fashion magazine. "We can pick out our favourite outfits."

"Cool," Lindsey said happily.

"I'm hoping I can convince my mum to take me back to Paris this summer," Katie told her.

"You're so lucky," Lindsey said. "I've never been."

"It's fabulous," Katie boasted.

"I bet it's so romantic," Lindsey said as they sat down near the fire.

Katie nodded. "Maybe you can come with us."

Lindsey stared at her. "Really?"

Katie gave her the once-over. "You've kind of made up for your earlier behaviour. If things go okay the rest of the year, I'll ask my mother."

Lindsey looked awed.

Katie opened her magazine. "Let's see if we can find something that would look fantastic on me."

"Okay," Lindsey agreed eagerly. "I like yellow."

"It kind of washes me out, but it would look great on you," Katie said.

"You think so?" Lindsey asked.

"You think so?" a voice behind them mocked.

Katie turned around and sighed. "Jemima."

"Little Katherine," Jemima said. "What are you reading?"

"The latest edition of Dazzle," Katie said holding up the magazine. "I'm planning on what I'll buy when I go to Paris this summer."

"Something drab and boring, I'm so sure," Piper replied.

Katie smiled sweetly at her. "Drab and boring...that would be you and Jemima."

"Don't you talk to us that way," Piper said indignantly. "You little first year."

Jemima laughed and held her hand up. "Don't worry about it, Piper. Little Katherine's just showing her...spunk, is all. Katherine, I was wondering if you'd read aloud for us the fashion do's and don'ts. I haven't received my copy of the magazine and I would love to hear what the latest trends are. In fact," She paused, looking around the common room. "Why don't all the girls gather around and we can listen to Katherine! Come around everyone!"

Katie stared at the older girl. "I don't want to. Linds and I are busy."

"Oh, come on," Jemima said. "We're all dying to hear"

"Go away," Katie waved her off.

Piper folded her arms and looked conspiratorially at Jemima. "Is there a reason why you don't want to share it with us, Katherine?"

"Go get your own copy," Katie replied, tossing her hair.

"Or maybe I have better things to read," Jemima said gleefully, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a piece of parchment. "I found this little letter that you dropped from your bag. We don't have a lot of time so I'll just read it aloud for everyone, shall I?"

Katie was confused. "What letter?"

"Dear Katie," Jemima read aloud. "I am so proud of you and all the hard work you've done with your reading. You have a come a long way and with hard work and determination, you will find a way to cope with your dyslexia."

Katie paled. Jemima had found the letter that her tutor, Maya, had written to her.

"Isn't that adorable," Jemima said sweetly. "Little Katherine here can't read."

"Give me back my letter!" Katie exclaimed, standing up. She could feel everyone's eyes on her.

"Read it and we'll give it to you," Piper said, laughing.

Katie glared at her. "I can read, you half-wit!"

Jemima laughed too. "Is that why your sister has to help you?"

Katie felt tears welling up in her eyes, but she would be damned if she'd let them fall in front of Jemima and Piper.

"Are you going to cry?" Jemima mocked.

Katie glared at her. Lindsey put a hand on her friend's shoulder. "She's not worth it, Katie."

Erin came up on her other side. "She's so jealous of you, Katie. Having dyslexia isn't the worst thing in the world."

Tristan nodded. "I heard Albert Einstein had it and he's like the smartest bloke in the whole world."

"Really?" Katie managed.

Erin nodded. "Pablo Picasso and Leonardo da Vinci, too. So, I think Katie's in great company."

"But she can't read!" Jemima exclaimed.

"I can too!" Katie retorted. "It's just a little harder for me than it is for everyone else."

Sebastian smirked. "Whatever.... I'm bored already with this."

Jemima looked around at the room. To her utter disbelief, everyone was glaring at her. They were supposed to laughing at Katie Malfoy!

"It's really nasty to make fun of someone for something they can't control," Erin said. "Even if you are a Slytherin. We're supposed to stick together."

Jemima groaned in frustration. "You---you people have no idea what it means to be a Slytherin!"

"We're the only house that no one else likes," Tristan said. "And all the prejudices... a lot of them are just stupid. Why shouldn't we stick together?"

Katie felt buoyed by her fellow Slytherins' support. For the first time, she didn't feel ashamed about her dyslexia.

"You should just leave her alone, Jemima," Erin said. "Unless you'd like to borrow her face cream again..."

Jemima shot Erin what could only be described as a death glare before she ran out of the common room.

"You're all a bunch of losers," Piper said angrily.

"Go away, little lamb," Erin said waving her hand at Piper.

"You suck," Piper said before running after Jemima.

Katie picked up her discarded letter. "Thanks, everyone."

"Don't worry about it, Malfoy," Sebastian said. "No one really cares."

Katie smiled. "Thanks, Seb."

Erin patted her shoulder. "It's cool, Katie."

"Jem's just jealous," Tristan said. "Don't worry about her. I think she's learned her lesson."

"Not likely, but she'll probably leave me alone for awhile," Katie shrugged.

"I'll keep an eye on her," Erin promised.

"Come on," Lindsey said. "Let's get back to looking at all the Paris fashions."

Katie smiled. "Absolutely."

Meanwhile Ashley had arrived back at the Gryffindor common room and saw her friends sitting by the fire. Her sister's words about Zander echoed in her head.

Ashley walked over to them and sat down beside Brittany.

"Hey Ash," Brittany smiled at her. "Where've you been?"

"Studying in the library with Katie," Ashley replied.

Zander knew that Ashley probably did not want him around and he quietly began gathering his books.

"Zander," Ashley said. "Stay..."

He looked up at her in surprise. "What?"

"You don't have to leave." she said softly.

"Well, it's about time," Brittany muttered under her breath.

"Shut it," Zander said to his cousin.

Brittany nudged him. "You shut it."

"I just don't want to fight anymore," Ashley said. "Being angry at each other is stupid."

Zander nodded. "Life's too short."

"What Celia did was wrong," Ashley said. "But she got hers..."

"But, I shouldn't have believed her over you," Zander said quietly. "That was stupid."

Ashley shrugged. "You liked her, and didn't think she'd lie to you."

"I'm still sorry about it," Zander said. "And I'm just glad that we're still friends."

"Me too," Ashley smiled at him.

"My long nightmare is over," Brittany said in relief. "All this stress and tension was making me break out."

"Oh please," Zander rolled his eyes.

"It was!" Brittany argued. "Stress and tension are horrors for your skin. Especially delicate skin like mine."

"Delicate my arse," Zander said. "If you're delicate I'm--"

"A wanker?" Brittany interjected.

"Very funny," Zander rolled his eyes.

"On a serious note, I was wondering if you two would like to go to my Aunt Saffy's wedding," Ashley asked.

Brittany's jaw dropped. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?" she shrieked, startling everyone in the common room.

Zander rolled his eyes. "I think Saffy heard you RSVP in London."

"Of COURSE I want to go!" Brittany exclaimed, ignoring him. "It's only THE wedding of the CENTURY!"

Ashley reached into her bag and handed Brittany and Zander the invitations Saffron had owled over earlier in the day. "Here you go."

Brittany squealed again, even louder this time.

"So, what about you, Zander?" Ashley asked. "You'll go?"

"I'll ask my parents," Zander said. "But yeah... I'd like to go."

Ashley smiled. "Great."

Zander was glad that Ashley was talking to him again, but he wondered about her change of heart.

Brittany hugged the invitation to her. "I have to go shopping!"

Ashley grinned. "We can go when we're done with school, if you want. My aunt said dresses or robes. Everyone invited who is a Muggle is a close enough relative that they know about the wizarding world."

Brittany smiled. "I'm going to go and get my magazines right now! Don't move a muscle!"

Ashley laughed. "I won't even breathe."

Zander was grateful to have a moment alone with Ashley. Part of him wanted to ask about the change in her feelings toward him, but the other part didn't want to ruin the tentative truce.

Ashley sat back in the chair and looked over at him. "So... what's been going on with you? I feel like it's been ages..."

"It has," Zander agreed. He looked over at her. "I--I've been practising and trying to get back in the team's good graces."

Ashley nodded. "I imagine that can't be easy."

"No, but I'm lucky they didn't chuck me from the team after what I did," Zander said.

"Part of it wasn't your fault," Ashley said. "I mean... you didn't know Celia was just using you..."

Zander nodded. He didn't want to talk about Celia. "So, how have you been?"

"I've been drawing a lot," Ashley chose not to mention how often she and James had been corresponding.

"Yeah?" Zander asked. "I've been composing some new pieces, too."

"You have?" Ashley asked interestedly.

Zander nodded. "Headmaster Wood's letting me use the piano in one of the empty classrooms."

"Wow..." Ashley said. "That's so cool!"

"Yeah," Zander agreed. He was going to say something else when Brittany flittered back inside the common room carrying a stack of magazines. "Brit the wedding's weeks away."

"And it's never too early to get started on an outfit!" Brittany retorted playfully.

"Thankfully, I'll have my dress already picked out since I'm a bridesmaid," Ashley said. "Aunt Saffy sent me a photograph."

Brittany grinned. "What colour?"

"Light pink," Ashley answered. "They're so, so pretty."

"Pink always looks beautiful on you," Brittany commented.

"Thanks Brit," Ashley replied.

"And you," Brittany said to Zander. "You're going to have to wear a suit."

"I can do that for a night," Zander shrugged.

"I'll believe that when I see it," Brittany said.

Zander shook his head. "I'm going to put my stuff upstairs."

Brittany giggled. "Bye cousin."

"You're not getting rid of me," Zander said. "I'll be back."

Brittany waited until Zander had gone before she asked what she'd been dying to know. "So, what gives?"

"What?" Ashley asked.

"You and your change of heart," Brittany said.

Ashley shrugged. "I'm not really mad... it's not worth the effort."

Brittany smiled. "I'm really glad. Now, maybe things can get back to normal."

"Whatever that is," Ashley teased dryly.

"Normal is kind of overrated," Brittany agreed nudging her.

"Always has been," Ashley joked.

"You two should be ashamed at what you put me through," Brittany told her.

"You hardly did a thing," Evan nudged her.

"Please," Brittany said rolling her eyes. "I was stuck in the middle. Being pulled in two different directions..."

"We weren't fighting THAT much," Ashley replied. "I just... I was upset and didn't want to talk to him for awhile."

Evan laughed. "Ash, you know this all has to revolve around to Brit."

"Would we love her this much if she weren't the way she is?" Ashley joked.

"Hello?" Brittany asked. "I'm right here."

"We know," Evan and Ashley said together.

Brittany hit her boyfriend with the magazine. "You're both lucky I like you."

Evan put his arm around Brittany and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I bet you'll look great in whatever you wear to the wedding."

Brittany beamed at him. "Good answer, Evan."

Evan grinned as Zander rejoined them with his writing materials in hand.

Zander took his seat beside Ashley.

"Are you writing something now?" Ashley asked him interestedly.

Zander nodded. "I've been tinkering with something."

"Can I see it?" Ashley knew how to read music.

Zander handed her his notebook.

Ashley opened the page and read the notes, hearing them in her head. "This sounds like it's beautiful," she said.

"You think?" Zander asked.

Ashley nodded. "You are so talented, Zander."

"Thanks, Ash," Zander said sincerely. "I'll play it for you sometime."

"Cool," Ashley replied. "I'll show you my new artwork at breakfast tomorrow."

Zander could not put into words how great it felt to have his friend back. He knew they could not go back to the way things were, but as long as he had her as a friend, that was all he needed.

"Ash!" Brittany interrupted his thoughts. "What about a dress like this one?"

Ashley looked at the magazine. "That blue would look great on you," she replied.

"Goes with my eyes," Brittany tossed her hair back.

Ashley felt a sense of calmness wash over her. This was just how she liked things. There was no more tension between the three of them and she felt for the first time that maybe they could get back the friendship they had before. And to think, she owed it all to her little sister. Who would have thought Katie would be so wise in regards to friendship?

"What are you grinning about?" Brittany asked. "Ooooh, you said you'd let me read James's last letter!"

Evan stood up. "Come on, Zander. We can play chess while these two do that."

"Sure," Zander replied. "I haven't played in awhile."

Ashley handed Brittany her letter.

Brittany eagerly scanned it. "Oh Merlin!" she said. "He really, really, REALLY fancies you Ash!"

Ashley blushed and then told her friend Katie's idea about 'dating' James. "I've never defied my parents before like that. I know it's not really lying to them..."

"Well this summer we'll do that," Brittany said. "A group date. Maybe we can even find a poor soul for Zander."

"That could be fun," Ashley said. "I don't know if we'll be going to Brighton or not this summer. Mum hasn't said. Things have been so crazy with the wedding plans."

"Either way," Brittany promised. "And... when we're all on our group date... I wonder what could happen if we all sort of split off..."

Ashley smiled at the thought of spending time alone with James.

"Now you're excited," Brittany teased.

Ashley giggled. "Maybe a little."

"Or maybe a lot," Brittany nudged her. "This summer is going to be so, so fun!"

Ashley smiled and looked over to where Zander and Evan were sitting. She hoped that it would be a great summer---for all of them.

*** *** ***

Despite her telling Gabriel how she felt about them not spending any time together, Alexa found that things were still a bit tense between them. He had cleared up some time in his schedule, but it wasn't the same as it had been before.

Alexa had spent every weekend for the last month going back home to London. She found herself counting the days until the weekends when she could go back to the one place she felt like she truly belonged.

Luckily, the planning for Saffron's wedding gave her an excuse to go home all the time. She hadn't even told her parents she was home so much- the guest room at Andrew and Saffron's home had become pretty much hers.

And, Alexa had to admit, that Ellie played a huge part in coming home as well. Alexa loved watching the baby and making her smile.

"Earth to Lexie," a voice startled her.

Alexa turned. "Oh, sorry. I zoned out for a moment."

RJ grinned at her. "No problem. Jet lag, right?" he teased.

Alexa laughed. "Exactly. But, I'm glad you're here. You can help me make these biscuits."

"Well we also have to figure out the stag party and hen night," RJ reminded her.

"You know Saffy will kill you if you take him to the Veela Snatch," Alexa said pouring some chocolate chips into a bowl. She was making biscuits as a thank you for letting her stay.

RJ made a face. "Aud would also kill me if I went there." he replied. "Saffron told her all about it."

Alexa laughed. "Well, then Saf has nothing to worry about then."

RJ shook his head. "What do you think you lot will do? At some point we should probably meet up."

Alexa thought for a moment. "We haven't settled on one idea."

"If you need help planning anything let me know." RJ said. "We do still have some time."

RJ reached for a handful of chocolate chips and Alexa swatted at his hand. "Hey!"

"What?" he asked. "Come on Lexie... I'm starving."

"If you would just be patient and wait until the biscuits are baked," Alexa said moving the bowl away from him.

"That long?" he whined.

"You can't wait thirty minutes?" Alexa asked him.

"I guess," RJ replied as she used her wand to drop the dough on the sheets.

Alexa and RJ heard voices coming from the sitting room and smiled. Saffron, Andrew and Ellie were home.

"We're in here, Mum and Dad!" RJ called out cheekily.

"Honestly," Saffron said as she came into the kitchen. "Do you live here now, RJ?"

"Our stray dog," Andrew said clapping his best mate on the back.

Saffron laughed and cuddled Ellie to her.

"Lexie, what are you doing?" Saffron asked.

"Baking," Alexa said. "It... calms me."

Saffron smiled. "Like mother, like daughter."

Alexa smiled. "How's my beautiful goddaughter?"

"Perfect," Andrew replied.

"Of course she is," Alexa slid the sheet of biscuits into the oven. "She's Saffron's daughter."

"But, we don't hold that against her," RJ said.

Saffron punched him in the arm. "Very funny."

"You want anything to drink?" Andrew asked RJ.

"Sure," RJ replied rubbing his arm. "That's great, Saf. Hit me on my good arm."

"Big baby," Saffron said dismissively.

"Explain that to the coach," RJ said as Andrew handed him a butterbeer.

"He loves me," Saffron said.

"Unfortunately," RJ grumbled.

Saffron handed Ellie to an eager Alexa. "She wants to see her Aunt Lexie."

Alexa happily took her. "Hello gorgeous..." She kissed the baby's cheek.

Ellie cooed up at Alexa. RJ walked over and stood behind her making a goofy face at the baby.

Ellie laughed and pointed at RJ.

"He's funny, isn't he, El?" Alexa asked.

"She loves me," RJ said smugly.

"Despite all the things I've told her," Saffron said dryly.

"You can't deny the truth," RJ replied before following Andrew into the sitting room.

"So," Saffron said to her friend when they were alone. "How are things at school?"

Alexa shrugged. "About the same."

"Want to talk about it?" Saffron asked.

"I don't know what good talking is going to do," Alexa said. "I just... don't feel satisfied anymore."

"Think you'll go back after this semester?" Saffron asked.

"I don't know," Alexa replied.

"Well," Saffron said. "Whatever you decide, I'm behind you. You know that. Especially when you bake me biscuits. "

Alexa smiled. "And I thought you were trying to watch your figure."

"I'm only going to eat a couple," Saffron vowed.

"Yeah right," Alexa joked.

Saffron grinned. "Well, you can go jogging with me afterwards."

"I knew I'd regret it." Alexa said, bouncing Ellie gently in her arms.

"Exercise is a good stress reliever," Saffron said.

"That's true," Alexa replied. "We can always take this one for a walk."

"Unless you and RJ have plans," Saffron teased.

"No," Alexa replied. "But Saffy..." she lowered her voice. "He's so easy to talk to, you know?"

Saffron looked at Alexa. "RJ? He's about as deep as a baby pool, Lex."

"Well I don't really expect you to understand," Alexa told her. "But for me... he and I have shared so much. And we've both grown up so much since we were together. But he's really helped me these past few months."

"I was only kidding," Saffron said. "I've seen how close you two have gotten."

"I think Gabe's jealous of that," Alexa said. "Even though he has no reason to be. I don't want RJ back. I think he and Audrey are lovely together."

"They are," Saffron agreed.

"I just hope Gabe and I can make things work out," Alexa said. "I do love him."

"Well, has he made any changes to his schedule?" Saffron asked.

"Yes, a few." Alexa said. "But it still feels different."

"Well, maybe a break is just what the two of you need to figure things out," Saffron said thoughtfully.

Alexa shrugged. "I don't want to lose him."

"You won't," Saffron reassured her.

"I hope not," Alexa said, passing Ellie back to Saffron.

Saffron kissed her daughter's soft cheek. "My baby girl."

"She's so beautiful," Alexa looked down at the baby. "I think she's such a nice mix of you and Andrew."

Saffron smiled. "I think so, too."

"My biscuits are done," Alexa hurried to the oven. "RJ!"

RJ practically ran into the kitchen. "Yes?"

"They're done," Alexa told him.

RJ grinned. "Fantastic!"

"I'll let you take first pick." Alexa said. "Just leave a few for everyone else."

RJ rubbed his hands together. "Lexie, you are amazing, you know that?"

"Only the best for you." Alexa told him.

RJ gave her a peck on the cheek.

Saffron raised her eyebrow but didn't say anything.

Ellie started to cry.

"I think it's time for her kip," Saffron said. "Be right back."

"She's had a big day," Andrew said.

"Busy day," Saffron agreed.

"Oh yeah," RJ said. "The big photo shoot!"

"Photo shoot?" Alexa asked.

"The first photographs of the Potter-Kirke baby," RJ said. "Which will be seen exclusively in the Quibbler, thank you very much."

"Oh right!" Alexa said. "I forgot about that! How did it go?"

"Great," Andrew replied. He looked at RJ. "Your mum was there."

"I should drop by," RJ said. "Haven't seen them in awhile."

"Bad son," Andrew joked.

"I'm busy," RJ grabbed another biscuit.

"I'm going to make a second batch," Alexa said. "We can bring them over some biscuits."

"Fantastic," RJ said with his mouth full.

Alexa smiled. "I'd love to see them. It's been ages."

"Come on by then," RJ said. "You know they'd love to see you too."

"Why don't I finish this batch and we bring it over to them?" Alexa suggested. "Unless you have something to do with Audrey?"

RJ shook his head. "No, she's with her study group."

"Okay," Alexa replied, waving her wand over the dough.

"Ron will be very pleased," Andrew said, taking a biscuit from the plate. "Mmm...these are good, Lex."

Alexa smiled. "I've grown up baking."

RJ nudged her. " I remember seeing the pictures of you as a two-year old wearing that apron. You were so cute."

"My mother showed those to Gabe, too." Alexa groaned. "I was so embarrassed."

"You shouldn't be," RJ said. "You were cute. Still are." He tugged playfully on the strings of her apron.

"Still such a charmer." Alexa shook her head.

RJ grinned. "That's me."

"Okay," Saffron came back in. "She's out like a light."

"Biscuit?" Alexa asked holding the plate out to her.

"Just one," Saffron replied.

"You're not going to be able to eat just one," RJ teased.

"Tell me about it," Saffron made a face.

Andrew put his arm around her. "We'll work it off later."

RJ covered his ears. "I don't need to know about that."

Saffron glared at him. "Shut it, RJ."

"How do you think they got Ellie?" Alexa joked.

"The stork?" RJ asked. "And before you tell me differently, stop right there. I don't need to know about it."

Andrew, Saffron and Alexa all rolled their eyes.

Saffron thankfully changed the subject of conversation and started telling them more about the big photo shoot. "She was a complete natural. She loved being in front of the camera."

"Wow, just like her mother," RJ quipped.

Saffron stuck her tongue out at him. "You're so funny."

"And mature," Andrew put his arms around his fiancée.

"How are Jon and Allie and the kids doing at their new home?" Alexa asked.

"They love it," RJ replied.

"And how's Allie?" Alexa asked. "Any better?"

"She hates being confined to bed," RJ answered. "But when she gets up and tries to move around, it hurts her."

Saffron shook her head. "I know she hates that. Allie's so active."

"That and the kids don't really understand what's going on," RJ said. "Caroline does, but Emma and Adam have no idea."

"You should do something nice for them," Saffron suggested. "Uncle RJ."

"I went over there the other day and helped them move stuff in," RJ told her.

"I'm sure they appreciated that," Alexa said smiling at him.

"That was nice," Saffron admitted.

"What was that?" RJ asked. "Did you just compliment me?"

"Don't let it go to your head," Saffron warned him.

"No worries," RJ said.

"We should stop over there with Ellie." Saffron said.

"They'd love that," RJ said. "Especially the kids."

"Perhaps Tuesday," Saffron nodded. "I'll owl them and see if they're free."

"We can bring them dinner," Andrew suggested.

"Great idea," Saffron replied.

About a half an hour later, Alexa and RJ set off for his parents' house. Ron grinned when he opened the door. "This is a nice surprise!"

"Hi Dad," RJ grinned. "Remember me?"

Ron pretended to think. "Vaguely..."

"Hi Mr. Weasley," Alexa said with a grin. "I've brought you some biscuits."

Ron grinned back at her. "That's very sweet of you. Come on inside."

"Alexa!" Luna exclaimed when she saw her son's ex girlfriend.

"Hi, Mrs. Weasley!" Alexa replied, giving the older woman a hug.

"It's lovely to see you," Luna said. "And who is this you brought with you?"

"Very funny," RJ said hugging his mother. "It's me...your favourite son."

"Jon's here?" Luna teased.

RJ frowned. "Mum."

"I'm just kidding," Luna said. "You know I love it when you stop by."

"Lex is home for the weekend and she wanted to bring some biscuits to you guys," RJ said. "Chocolate chip."

"I'll take that," Ron reached for the plate.

"How are things at school?" Luna asked Alexa.

"All right," Alexa replied. "I don't like it there as much as I thought."

"Oh," Luna said. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's all right" Alexa said. "I just miss it here."

Luna put an arm around her. "It's hard to be away from home. I missed my father so much when I went away to Hogwarts."

"Hogwarts always felt like home to me," Alexa said. "UCLA never really has."

"She's been coming home a lot," RJ said. "Staying with Andrew and Saf."

"I'm sure they're enjoying your company," Luna said.

"I hope so," Alexa said. "And she was telling us all about the photo shoot today."

"Ellie's such a lovely baby," Luna said. "Very photogenic."

Ron said something, but no one could understand him since his mouth was full.

"Nice, Dad." RJ said.

"How about I make us all some tea?" Luna suggested.

"I'll take a butterbeer," Ron said, stuffing another biscuit in his mouth.

"Coming right up," Luna said.

"I'll help you Mrs. Weasley," Alexa offered.

Luna smiled. "That'd be very nice."

"I've missed being around here," Alexa said. "This place always felt like home to me when RJ and I were together."

Luna put the kettle on. "You're welcome here anytime."

"Thanks," Alexa replied.

"Have you talked to your parents?" Luna asked. "Told them how you felt?"

"Not yet," Alexa replied. "I'm going to hold out the rest of this year."

"You just have a couple of months left, right?" Luna asked.

Alexa nodded. "I can make it."

"I know you can," Luna said. "You're a strong girl."

Alexa smiled gratefully. "Thanks. I needed to hear that."

"And I'm sure that Saffy loves having you around," Luna said. "To help with the wedding and with Ellie."

"I love being around with Ellie there," Alexa replied. "She's such a good baby. I wish I could be here ALL the time."

Luna smiled. "You have to do what makes you happy."

"I know," Alexa replied as the two of them made tea and got a few bottles of butterbeer.

"How are things at the paper?" Alexa asked conversationally.

"Very well," Luna nodded. "Perhaps this summer you can come by and check things out. I know you're interested in journalism."

"Really?" Alexa asked.

"Sure," Luna said. "Come see how the paper works."

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Weasley!" Alexa said gratefully.

"Of course, love." Luna smiled at the younger girl. "Like I said, we enjoy having you around."

Alexa and Luna walked back into the kitchen where Ron and RJ were happily eating biscuits and talking about Quidditch.

"Once Saf is back, we'll be unstoppable," RJ said to his father.

"Absolutely," Ron agreed. "She'll be even better than she was before. Mark my words."

"I won't tell her you just complimented her," Alexa teased RJ.

"You'd better not," RJ said as she sat down beside him.

Alexa spent the next hour and a half with the Weasleys before returning back to Andrew and Saffron's place.

"You sure are happy," Saffron commented. "Good time at the Weasleys?"

"Yeah," Alexa said. "I love being at their house."

Saffron looked at her friend with concern. She was worried that despite what Alexa said, RJ played a big part in the reason she came home every weekend. She did not question her friend, though. If Alexa wanted to talk about it, she would.

Alexa looked over at her friend. "I'm feeling better than I have in awhile. Once I finish school, I'll figure things out from there."

Saffron nodded. "That sounds like a plan."

Andrew carried Ellie inside. He had just finished giving her a bath. "Here she is all clean and shiny."

Alexa grinned at the baby. "Look at that face."

"I know," Saffron said softly.

"You're so lucky, Saffy." Alexa said.

Saffron nodded and looked at her friend. "You'll figure things out too, Lex."

"I know," Alexa nodded.

"And we'll have fun tomorrow," Saffron promised.

"Loads of fun," Alexa said with a grin.