Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: We hope that everyone had a nice New Year. The summer holiday in Brighton continues this chapter. And we're glad you guys finally had the chance to "get to know" Drew and Darla. We'd been meaning to give them a storyline and they were neglected for far too long. You can look forward to more from them in the future. As always, please leave a review when you're done and let us know what you think. Now, on with the chapter...

Harry was heading back to the house to get everyone something to drink- they were all enjoying their last day on the beach before they headed back to London that next morning.

He had just entered the kitchen when he saw his wife sitting at the table, huddled over sobbing. "Hermione," he said worriedly. "What's wrong? What's happened? Are you all right?"

Hermione didn't answer him. She was too...she couldn't put into words what she was at the moment. The mobile phone slipped out of her hands and onto the floor.

"Hermione," Harry's tone was concerned. "Sweetheart, you have to tell me what happened..."

"He's..." Hermione tried to choke out, but she couldn't bring herself to actually say it. Saying it would make it seem all that more real.

"Who?" Harry asked, pushing her hair out of her face. "Sweetheart who are you talking about?"

"Gone," Hermione said looking up at her husband. "Oh father...he's...."

"What?" Shock was registered over Harry's face.

"My mum went to wake him this morning," Hermione started to explain. "But he....he'd...."

"Oh sweetheart," Harry wrapped his wife in his arms. "I'm so sorry Hermione."

Hermione continued to cry as Harry held her. "He can't be gone, Harry. We just saw him before we came here."

"I know," Harry kissed her forehead comfortingly, wanting to be strong for what he knew was coming. "I wish I could have done something to help..."

"There was nothing anyone could do," Hermione said sniffling. "From what the doctors told Mum, he'd had another heart attack in his sleep."

"Shhhh..." Harry ran his hands up and down her back. "Baby I am so sorry. I loved your dad- he was a great guy."

"He was," Hermione said as she clung to Harry. She heard the distant sound of Saffron's laughter and she pulled reluctantly away from Harry. "I don't know how I'll be able to tell the children.."

"We'll tell them together," Harry squeezed her hand. "I'm here love."

This only caused Hermione to cry more and she again hugged her husband with all that she had.

Harry had no idea how long they sat there together, but it must have been awhile for Ethan came in. "Hey Dad where's the water- you said you'd be right--" he came into the kitchen and stopped at the sight of his mother dissolved in tears.

"Mum?" Ethan asked kneeling before her. "What's wrong?"

Hermione was still sobbing too hard to answer so Harry took it upon himself to do so. "It's your grandfather Ethan," he said hesitantly. "Elinore just rang... he died in his sleep last night."

"No," Ethan said shaking his head. "Grandpa's fine. He's..."

"No Ethan," Harry said.

Ethan could tell by the way his mother was crying and the stricken look on his father's face that they weren't lying. Tears welled up in his own eyes as he tried to let this all sink in.

"We have to tell your sisters," Hermione said woodenly, wiping her eyes with a sodden tissue. "Oh God, I don't know how I'm going to break this to Lavender too. I told my mother I would. And we have to head back today. I need to be there."

"Of course," Harry said nodding. "I…uh...I'll go and get Saffron and Julie."

"How will we tell Saffy?" Ethan asked, reaching for his mother. He may have been in his twenties but right then he felt like a young child again.

"I don't know," Hermione said weakly. "She is close to him."

"I know," Ethan hugged his mother hard.

Harry gave his wife and son one last look before he walked out onto the deck to collect his two daughters. Harry walked over to where Julie was sitting with Nick, Katie and Ashley.

"Julie?" he asked trying to keep control of his emotions. "Could you come inside with me?"

"Did you need help Dad?" Julie asked, but her laughter died as soon as she took in the look on his face. "What's wrong?" she asked quietly.

"Just come inside with me Julie," Harry said quietly.

"Okay," Julie agreed, getting up. "I'll be right back Nick..."

Harry was silent as he and Julie walked back toward the house.

"Dad?" Julie asked. "You're scaring me. What's going on?"

"Where's Saffron?" he asked. "She needs to come in too."

"Um she's over there," Julie said motioning to where her younger sister was playing volleyball.

"Go inside," Harry said. "I'll bring her back."

"Okay," Julie said uncertainly as she did as her father asked.

When Harry approached his daughter he found her in a heated argument with R.J..

"It was out!" Saffron exclaimed. "Even my dad without his glasses could see that!"

"Bollocks," R.J. said angrily. "You're just saying that to be a pain in the arse!"

"And you're being a big cheater!" Saffron exclaimed throwing the ball at him.

"Saffron," Harry said. "I need you to come with me right now."

R.J. laughed. "You're in big trouble...."

"Shut it!" Saffron exclaimed shooting him a nasty glare. She returned her attention to her father. "Dad, R.J. was just cheating as usual and I was...what's wrong?"

"Please come with me," Harry said, holding out his hand to help her back over the dunes. "Your mother and I need to talk to you and your brother and sister."

"Okay," Saffron said. She looked over her shoulder at her friends. "I'll be back..."

Harry was wordless as he led his youngest daughter back to the house. He had absolutely no idea how to break this to her. It hurt to look at her and think that the news he and Hermione were about to tell them would shatter her entire world.

Saffron could tell something was wrong with her father, but she couldn't put her finger on just what. He wasn't usually this silent. Maybe they were taking back her prefect's badge, she thought thinking of the worst case scenario. Severus Snape must have done something to change Dumbledore's mind.

He held the door open for her and Saffron turned with a questioning glance as she saw her mother trying to hold herself together and comfort her brother and sister. "Okay what is going on?" she asked.

"Saffy," Harry said taking her hands. "Something terrible has happened."

"What?" she asked. "Tell me Dad, please. You're all scaring me."

Harry squeezed her hands. "Sweetheart, your grandfather....he um...he passed away last night."

For a moment Saffron only stared at her father. "What?" she finally asked.

"He had another heart attack," Harry said quietly. "He died in his sleep."

Saffron shook her head. "But he was doing fine," she said. "We were going to go golfing when I got back. So he can't be..." she couldn't force the last word out of her mouth.

Hermione shakily got to her feet and walked over to her youngest daughter. "I'm so sorry baby."

"No," Saffron pulled away. "You're lying! I don't know what kind of joke this is but it's not funny!" she ran out the back door.

"Saffy!" Harry called out.

"Let her be Dad," Ethan said. "It's probably better if she's alone right now."

Harry nodded knowing Ethan was probably right.

R.J. was just coming back to the beach house with Alexa when they saw Saffron run past them.

"Saffy," Alexa called after her friend. "What's..."

R.J. took her hand and they went up the steps to the house. "What's going on?" he asked. "Saffron just ran out of here like there was a fire and..." he stopped short at the looks on everyone's faces.

Ethan explained to R.J. and Alexa what had happened.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Potter," Alexa said sympathetically.

"Thank you sweetheart," Hermione managed a smile at the younger girl.

"I'll be right back," R.J. said, squeezing Alexa's hand. He knew he and Saffron had been arguing the entire trip but he knew how devastating this would be for her. He raced outside and followed the direction he and Alexa had seen her run off in.

He found her a few minutes later on the boat. She was sitting on one of the cushioned benches hugging her knees to her chest.

"Go away," she said not looking at him.

"Saf..." he said. "I'm so sorry... I wish there was something I could do."

"He's not gone," Saffron said softly. "He's not. I saw him right before we came here and he was fine and he was healthy as could be. They're lying."

"I wish they were," R.J. sat down tentatively next to her.

Saffron looked at him. "You believe them then?"

"Well they all looked pretty upset," R.J. said, putting his arm across her shoulders. "I don't think they'd be crying like that if he was... okay."

A tear fell down Saffron's cheek. "He can't be R.J.. He's not gone."

He hugged her. "I'm really sorry," he said softly.

"It's my fault," Saffron said resting her head on R.J.'s shoulder.

"How is it your fault?" R.J. asked. "You were one of his favourite people Saf. You left school on weekends to go home and help out there, you spent New Year's Eve with them instead of with us... you always rang him and owled him..."

Saffron shook her head. "I stopped doing all that, remember? I started staying at school on weekends because he said he was getting better. But I shouldn't have listened. I should have stayed. I was helping him and because of me he had another heart attack!"

"That's not true," R.J. argued. "The doctors said he died in his sleep. He died having a heart attack but he was peaceful. They said there was nothing anyone could have done about it."

Saffron let R.J.'s words sink in but couldn't help feeling that she was somehow partly to blame.

"He was such a good man," she said her lower lip trembling. "And he was always...I can't do this. I cannot talk about him in the past tense. It's not right."

"It's okay," he said soothingly. "Do what makes you comfortable Saf. I'll stay with you as long as you need me."

Saffron nodded and hugged him. "I didn't get to say goodbye."

"He knows you're saying it now though, don't you think?" R.J. asked.

"Do you think so?" Saffron asked hopefully.

"Yeah," R.J. nodded. "It's like Maddie, when she has her visions, she says that our grandmother comes and helps her through the rough ones. She told me once that she doesn't think people that die ever really leave us."

"But I won't be able to talk to him anymore," Saffron said sadly. "Or play golf. And he won't be there to see me play my first Quidditch match."

R.J. rubbed her back. "Your grandmother still can," he pointed out. "I mean, I don't know how comforting that is, but at least she's still around."

Saffron froze and another wave of guilt hit her. She hadn't even thought about her grandmother and what this must be like for her. "Gran..."

"She's probably really going to need all of you right now," R.J. said, still hugging her.

"And my mum too...I just ran out on her," Saffron said softly. "I should get back and apologise. I just didn't want to believe that this was true."

"Want me to go back in with you?" R.J. offered.

"Would you?" Saffron asked. "I know I've been horrid to you since we've been here and I'm sorry for that and if you wanted to leave..."

"Nah," he grinned at her. "I figure this way I'm one up on you. Now you owe me one." he teased, trying to get her at least to smile.

Saffron did manage a slight smile at her friend. His being here for her meant more than she could even begin to express. R.J. stood up and offered Saffron his hand.

"Grandpa did have one major flaw," Saffron said taking R.J.'s hand.

"What's that?" he asked, helping her out of the boat.

"He always liked you," Saffron replied with a wry smile. "The last time I spoke to him on the phone I was complaining about what an absolute wanker you were being."

"And he was singing my praises right?" R.J. said. "No one but you can resist me Saffron Grace."

Saffron smiled and squeezed R.J.'s hand as they walked back toward the house. "Thank you."

"Anytime," he said, stopping to give her another hug. "You're still one of my best friends, believe it or not."

"You're still one of mine too," Saffron admitted.

"How soon do you think it'll take for us to get into another strop?" he asked, still trying to keep her mind off the current situation. "A week? Maybe a month if we're lucky?"

"I give us three days," Saffron said knowing what he was doing.

"Oh come on," R.J. said dramatically. "Give me some credit. I have more charm than that!"

"You just need to realise that more often that not I'm right," Saffron said. "The sooner you accept that, the easier our friendship will become."

R.J. shook his head. "You are one of a kind Potter, and for that I'm grateful."

"I feel the same way about you," she said pecking him on the cheek. "I'd better go and check on my mum."

"If you need to talk and you don't want to bug Lex..." he offered. "I'm here for you Saf."

"Thanks," she said as they walked up the steps to the house. Alexa had been waiting outside for them and she stood up when she saw them approach.

"Saffy, I'm so glad you're back," Alexa said giving her a hug.

"I'm sorry I ran off," Saffron apologised, hugging her back. "I just... I took the news really bad."

"That's understandable," Alexa said. "I know this isn't easy for you."

Saffron shook her head. "I'm going in to see my mum," she said.

"She went upstairs to pack," Alexa told her.

"Thanks," Saffron gave her friend's hand a squeeze and smiled at R.J. before heading back inside.

"How is she really?" Alexa asked R.J..

R.J. shrugged. "She's okay... and that's stretching it a bit. You know how close she is- I mean was, to her grandfather."

"I do," Alexa said. "And I think it meant a great deal to Saffy that you went after her like that."

"Yeah well," R.J. turned red. "I know she's a pain but she's still my friend."

Alexa gave him a kiss.

"What's that for?" he asked when she pulled back.

"For what you did," Alexa said smiling at him.

"Can I get more than one?" R.J. asked as she leaned in again.

Upstairs Saffron knocked hesitantly on the doorframe. "Mum?" she asked softly.

Hermione turned around. "Oh sweetheart..."

"I'm sorry I ran out Mum," Saffron's eyes filled with tears again. "I just didn't want to believe it."

"I know," Hermione said giving her daughter a hug. "I didn't either. And I didn't know how in the world I was going to tell you."

"I just wish I could have seen him one more time," Saffron sniffled. "Or talked to him one more time on the phone."

"I feel the same way," Hermione said softly. "But you know how much your grandfather loved you, don't you? You know how much it meant to him that you helped him when he got out of hospital."

Saffron nodded as her mother stroked her hair. "I just wish there was something I could have done."

"You did so much for him," Hermione told her. "He loved you so much baby."

Saffron nodded wordlessly as she began to cry again.

"Your grandma is going to need us to be strong for her," Hermione said. "And your Aunt Lav, too."

"I want to help," Saffron nodded. "I want to stay with Gran during all this so I can be there for her."

"We're going to ask her to stay with us at the house," Hermione said.

"You are?" Saffron brightened the tiniest bit. "Is she going to come and live with us?"

"I don't know," Hermione replied. "I hope so."

"Did you tell Aunt Lav yet?" Saffron asked, wiping her eyes with the tissue her mother gave her.

Hermione shook her head. "I don't know how I'm going to do that, Saffy."

"I'll help you," Saffron squeezed Hermione's hand.

Hermione gave her daughter a hug. "My sweet girl."

"I love you Mum," Saffron said, burying her face in Hermione's shoulder again.

"I love you too baby," Hermione whispered.

Downstairs, Harry was making last minute preparations for their departure. He'd set up a portkey for the family so they could get back to London quickly.

"Is there anything Luna and I can do?" Ron asked his best friend.

Harry shook his head. "The funeral arrangements are already being taken care of," he sighed. "Hermione just has to get a hold of Seamus and Lavender."

"Poor Lavender," Luna said quietly. "She already lost her parents and now this."

"I know," Harry replied, rubbing his eyes before slipping his glasses back on. "Ethan told me Maddie wants to go back with him- are you both sure you don't mind seeing that Alexa gets home?"

"Of course not," Luna said. "We'll take good care of her Harry."

"Thank you Luna," Harry said gratefully. "We really appreciate this. We'll owl you when we get back and have more details."

Luna and Ron went upstairs to say goodbye to Maddie and Ethan.

Katie, Ashley, Julie and Nick came downstairs carrying their bags. Both little girls were still crying as was their mother.

"Come here sweethearts," Harry held his arms out to his two granddaughters.

Katie and Ashley dropped their bags and ran into their grandfather's open arms.

"This is so sad," Ashley whimpered.

"I know it is baby," Harry kissed the side of her head. "But it's going to be all right."

"It is?" Katie asked looking at her grandfather. "How?"

"Eventually," Harry stroked her brown hair off her forehead. "You'll be able to think of your great grandfather and remember everything fun, and not be so sad. Every day it'll hurt a little bit less."

"Is that how you felt when your Mummy and Daddy died?" Katie asked.

"I was too young to remember," Harry said gently. "It happened when I was only one year old."

"It's still sad," Katie said giving him another hug.

"Yes it is," Harry replied. "And you girls will help out your mum and your grandmother during this time right?"

"They already promised no fighting," Nick said softly, smiling at his daughters.

"Your great-grandfather would be proud," Harry said with a grin.

Ashley nodded and went over to her mother, hugging her around the waist. Katie was picked up by Nick and he held her close, kissing her cheek and wiping her tears away.

"I'm going to go and check on Hermione and Saffron," Harry told them. "Our portkey activates in about 10 minutes."

"All right," Nick said. "Thanks."

"We'll just stay down here in the kitchen." Julie said as Maddie and Ethan joined them.

"How are you doing Jules?" Ethan asked.

Julie shrugged as Ashley sat on her lap and leaned against her. "I'm okay," she said softly.

"Doesn't seem real, does it?" Ethan asked setting his and Maddie's bags down.

"Not at all," Julie said running her fingers through Ashley's silky blonde hair in a comforting manner. "I mean just yesterday he was okay and then today he's..."

Ethan nodded and put an arm around Maddie. "I just keep thinking about that time he came by my flat with Gran and Saffy. Do you remember Mads? How he walked up the stairs?"

"Yeah and Saffy was so proud of him," Maddie smiled. "We had such fun at breakfast that day."

"I can't imagine what Gran's going through," Ethan said choking up.

"We all really need to be strong for her," Maddie rubbed his shoulders. "Your dad said something to me about her coming to live with them. We'll have to go over and visit often and spend time with her."

"I was thinking we could stay there tonight," Ethan told Maddie. "I think Mum would like that and I'd like to be close to Gran."

"Sure," Maddie squeezed his hand. "Anything you want Ethan."

"Thanks Mads," Ethan said giving his girlfriend a chaste kiss.

Hermione, Saffron and Harry came downstairs carrying their luggage.

"Are we all ready?" Nick asked, still holding Katie.

Hermione nodded. "As we'll ever be."

Saffron hugged Ashley as the younger girl came over to her. "How you holding up Ash?" she asked quietly.

"Not too good," Ashley admitted. "How about you?"

"About the same," Saffron replied. "I'm really going to miss him."

"What's our portkey Dad?" Ethan asked.

"This," Harry produced an empty bread wrapper. "First thing I could find," he said sheepishly.

"It's fine Dad," Ethan said reassuringly. "Anything that gets us home quicker."

"It'll be activating pretty quick," Harry said, gripping his wife's hand. "Is everyone ready? It'll take us right back into our house."

"Ready," Saffron said eager to get home to see comfort her grandmother.

Several minutes after that, they were all standing in the main foyer of Harry and Hermione's house. While everyone settled in, Harry offered to go get Elinore so Hermione could ring Lavender.

Ethan volunteered to go with his father. Hermione was happy that Julie and Saffron went upstairs with her. She needed their support now more than ever.

"She's not going to take this easy Mum," Julie said softly. "Are you sure it wouldn't just be better to try and Floo over to see her in person?"

"You're right," Hermione said thoughtfully. "This isn't something I want to tell her on the phone."

"We'll still go with you," Julie squeezed her mother's hand.

"Thanks sweetheart," Hermione said gratefully.

The sun was just rising in Los Angeles as Lavender and Seamus enjoyed a rare breakfast together. Seamus was due on the set early this morning.

"What time do you expect to be back?" Lavender asked before taking a sip of her coffee.

"Tonight sometime," Seamus answered. "If all goes well that is."

"I think I'm going to take it easy today," Lavender said. "Maybe go to the spa."

Seamus smiled. "You're already gorgeous enough. You don't need a spa treatment."

"Every woman needs to be pampered every now and then," Lavender said with a grin.

Seamus chuckled. He was about to finish his coffee and give his wife a goodbye kiss when their fireplace roared to life and Hermione stepped out followed by Julie and Saffron.

"This is a nice surprise!" Lavender said grinning at them. "What brings you by?"

Hermione felt fresh tears welling up in her eyes as she took in her cousin's warm, welcoming face. "I don't know quite how to tell you this Lav."

Lavender's smile disappeared. "What is it? What's happened?"

"We should probably sit down," Hermione said quietly.

Seamus led the way into the sitting room and he held his wife's hand as they waited for Hermione to tell them what had happened.

"Last night," Hermione began. "Dad...he had another heart attack."

"Oh my God!" Lavender covered her mouth in horror. "He's okay right? He's just in the hospital again..."

Hermione shook her head. "He was sleeping when it happened. The doctor's told Mum he wasn't in any pain. Lav, Dad's gone."

For a moment Lavender just stared blankly at her cousin. "What do you mean he's gone?"

"He passed away last night Lav," Hermione said her voice barely above a whisper.

Lavender didn't want to comprehend what Hermione was saying.

"I am so sorry," Seamus said, getting up to hug the three women in front of him. "I wish we could have done something."

"I know," Julie said hugging him. "We're all really numb right about now..."

Hermione sat down by her cousin. "Lav?" she asked worriedly, as her cousin had yet to move from the same pose she'd been in when Hermione had told her the news.

"He was doing better," Lavender said staring straight ahead. "The doctors said he'd make a full recovery. How could he have had another heart attack?"

"His heart was just overworked," Hermione said, taking her hand. "He wasn't in any pain Lav."

Lavender nodded and finally allowed herself to meet her cousin's gaze. She felt a sense of deja vu except this time it wasn't Uncle Robert telling her about her parents' deaths. "Hermione..."

"I know," Hermione said, her brown eyes flooded with tears. "I didn't want to tell you over the phone."

Lavender hugged her cousin tightly. "This can't be happening, Hermione."

"I want to say the same thing," Hermione said. "I'm still in a bit of denial. I mean... my father... he's..."

"How's Elinore doing?" Seamus asked.

"Dad and Ethan went over to get her," Saffron said, her arms wrapped around herself as Julie rubbed her shoulders comfortingly. "She's going to stay with us."

"I'm going back with you," Lavender said quietly.

"Okay," Hermione said. "If you want to stay at the house we'll have a room set up for you."

"I'm going to go ring my assistant," Seamus said. "Cancel filming."

"But you've got..." Lavender started to protest.

"This is more important," Seamus said, kissing the back of her hand. "I'll be right back."

"I should probably pack," Lavender said absently.

"You can borrow anything you need at home," Hermione replied. "Anything at all you need."

"Thanks," Lavender said wiping the tears from her face.

"We should probably get back," Julie said softly. "Gran will be arriving any moment."

"Why don't you go ahead Mum," Saffron said. "Julie and I can stay and help Aunt Lav."

"If you're sure," Hermione said. "I would like to be there when Mum comes."

"Go on ahead," Lavender replied woodenly. "I'll be all right here with Seamus."

"Are you sure Aunt Lav?" Saffron asked. "We could stay.."

"No you go on ahead," Lavender insisted. "Seamus and I will be along in just a little while."

Hermione, Julie and Saffron each gave Lavender a hug before leaving.

Lavender was listless as she sat there trying to take in what she'd just learned.

"I've asked them to put off filming for a week," Seamus said when he came back into the room.

"Seamus," Lavender said hoarsely.

Seamus sat down beside her. "I'm so sorry sweetheart."

"He was like my father," Lavender whispered. "This can't be happening Seamus."

"I know," Seamus said wishing he could do something to make this right. He pulled her into his arms. "I know."

"What am I going to do?" Lavender started crying in earnest.

"You're going to lean on me," he told her softly. "And I'm going to help you get through this Lavender."

"Seamus," she sobbed into his shirt.

"Robert was a really good man," Seamus said rubbing her back. "And he loved his family so much. There's nothing he wouldn't have done for you. He thought of you as his own, you know that."

"That's why this is so hard," Lavender took the tissue he was holding and blew her nose. "I don't want to believe this."

Seamus was truly at a loss as to what to say to make his wife feel better. He doubted that there was anything he could say that would take away her pain. He held her close. "I love you, Lavender. Anything you want, I'll do it. Anything."

"Just stay with me," she whimpered. "Please don't leave my side."

"I'm not going anywhere," Seamus promised.

"I guess we should get going," Lavender wiped at her eyes. "I want to see my aunt as soon as possible."

Seamus nodded. "We can leave now and once we're settled I'll come back and pack some of our things. How does that sound?"

Lavender shrugged. "I don't care," she said miserably.

Seamus kissed her forehead. "Let's go love."

They arrived at Harry and Hermione's place quickly and headed for the sitting room where Ethan and Harry had also just gotten there with Elinore, who looked completely broken.

Saffron sat beside her grandmother on the couch holding her hand. Elinore hadn't spoken more than a couple of words to Ethan and Harry.

"Gran I'll do anything you need me to do," she said, her green eyes filled with tears again. "I'm here for you okay?"

Elinore nodded. "Okay..."

"Can I get you some coffee?" Julie offered. "Or some tea?"

"No..." Elinore was still staring off into space. Julie and Saffron exchanged worried looks.

"Gran," Saffron tried again. "Dad's fixing up a room for you to stay in here."

"Just for tonight," Elinore said quietly. "I should be at home with Robert."

"But he's not home anymore," Saffron said, her tears falling. "They took him to the hospital."

"We were married over 50 years," Elinore said. "And we never spent more than one night apart in all those years."

Saffron wasn't quite sure what to say to that so she just leaned against her grandmother and hoped her mother would come back in the room soon.

"I've never seen her like this," Ethan said sitting down with Maddie. "She's always been so strong, Mads."

"I know," Maddie said softly. "Death can really tear a person apart."

"This has taken quite a toll on my dad too," Ethan said. "He and my grandpa didn't always see eye to eye, but they respected each other and were more alike than either of them would ever admit, you know."

"They always got along as far as I could see," Maddie replied, weaving their fingers together. "Your grandfather had a good, rich life and he always had people around who loved him and who he loved."

"I wish I'd spent more time with him over the last few months," Ethan said wistfully.

"You spent plenty of time with him," Maddie said reassuringly.

"Not enough," Ethan said guiltily. "I remember when he was in hospital, I made a promise that I'd spend more time with him. That I'd go by and have dinners with him and Gran."

"You did when you had a chance," Maddie rested her head on his shoulder. "Ethan they know you're a busy man. You spent time with them when you could."

Ethan knew his girlfriend was right, but he still couldn't help but think he could have made more time.

Saffron came over to join them and Ethan gave his sister a big hug.

"She won't talk," Saffron said sobbing on Ethan's shirt. "And I don't know what to say to make her talk."

"She's just grieving Saffy," Ethan said softly. "She found him that way and it's probably harder for her than it is for any of us."

"I just feel so helpless," Saffron said.

"Just being around you and the people she loves is going to be good for her," Maddie reassured the younger girl. "It might not seem like it now, Saffy, but it will. It's going to take time."

"Why can't we get a time turner?" Saffron asked, her eyes gone red. "Why can't I go back to yesterday and tell Grandpa to get to the hospital?"

"I know how you feel," Ethan said softly. "But there's no guarantee he would have made it even if he was in hospital. Saf, at least this way, he wasn't in any pain. You know how miserable he was last time hooked up to all those machines."

"I know," Saffron sniffled. "I just hate this Ethan. I hate it so much. Why'd he have to die? Why did he have to leave us?"

"I wish I could tell you the answer," Ethan said patting her back. "But we had so many good years with him, Saffy. We should try and remember the good times."

Maddie stroked the younger girl's hair while Ethan rubbed her back. "You know you can depend on us for anything you need, right Saffy?" she said softly. "You, your mum, your grandmother..."

Saffron nodded. "Thanks Maddie."

"You are probably too young to remember this," Ethan said hoping to get his little sister to smile. "But I think you were around two years old and we had everyone over here for Christmas. Dad and Grandpa got into it about something and Grandpa stalked off to the sitting room. And you, little Saffron Grace, stumbled after him and you just took his hand, kissed him on the cheek and led him back to the dining room."

"I did?" Saffron asked a tiny smile on her face.

"You did," Ethan said grinning at her. "And you sat on his lap the rest of the meal so he wouldn't go anywhere. You had him wrapped around your little finger."

"He told me that all the time," Saffron said, wiping her cheeks.

"He loved all of us, but he had a special place in his heart for you," Ethan told her. "Told me all the time that you were his best mate."

Saffron pressed her lips together hard to try and stave off a new set of tears. "He was the best grandfather I could have ever asked for," she said hoarsely.

"I know," Ethan said trying very hard not to cry himself. "I think so too."

"Thanks Ethan," Saffron hugged him. "I'm going to go try to talk to Gran again okay?"

"Okay," Ethan said. "We'll be here if you need us Saf."

"I think you need some comforting too," Maddie said softly once Saffron was once again seated next to Elinore.

"I'm okay," Ethan lied. "I need to be strong for Mum, Saffy, Jules..."

"I know you too well," Maddie interrupted him. "Ethan I'm here for you. If you have to break down, I understand. I'd be the exact same way if this was Nana. You were all close to him and this is a hard thing to take in."

Ethan looked at her and he felt himself starting to crumble. "I just always thought he'd be here, Maddie. I always thought he'd be right here. Even now, I keep expecting to see him walk through the door to ask me about the case I'm working on or how you're doing and if I'm treating you well."

Maddie smoothed down his rumpled hair. "It's okay Ethan," she said softly, holding him close. "Eventually things will be okay again."

"I'm glad you're here," he said quietly. "I couldn't do this without you, Mads."

"I'll always be here for you Ethan," Maddie replied. "Anytime you need me."

Harry came back into the sitting room with a tray of tea and biscuits. He looked around for Hermione, but couldn't see her.

"Julie?" Harry asked. "Have you seen your mum?"

"I think she's upstairs," Julie replied. "Want me to go get her?"

Harry shook his head. "Thanks, sweetheart, but I'll go."

Hermione was upstairs on her mobile talking to someone at the hospital. "No... No we'll arrange for someone to pick him up. Thank you..." she clicked her phone off and sighed, sitting heavily on the bed.

"Hermione?" Harry asked from the doorway.

Hermione turned. "I was just talking to the morgue at the hospital," she said. "The funeral home is going to send someone to pick up... Dad and um... the wake will be tomorrow and the funeral the day after..."

"I could have taken care of that for you," Harry said. "You shouldn't have to deal with that..."

Hermione shrugged. "I didn't want my mother to have to worry about any of it."

Harry crossed the room and sat beside his wife on the bed. He wanted to ask how she was holding up, but it would have been a stupid question.

"I would have taken care of those arrangements for you," he said softly taking her hand.

She shook her head. "I had to do something," she replied in a trembling voice. "To keep my mind off... off of--"

Harry pulled her close. "Hermione, you don't have to be strong. You don't have to put up a front, not with me. I know you're hurting, too. He was your father."

"I know," she said as she began to cry again. "I've been dreading this day ever since he had that heart attack and now... I just can't deal with this Harry." she sobbed into his shoulder.

"You can and you will," he said softly. "And you just remember that you're not alone."

"Thank you Harry," Hermione said as he held her. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You're never going to find out," Harry said. "Because I am always going to be here for you."

She nodded. "I have to go back down." she said softly. "Lav needs me... so does Mum. And Saffy and Julie..."

"Okay," he said. "But if you need to cry or scream or vent, you just come and get me and we'll come up here..."

Hermione managed a smile. "You're the best you know."

"I love you," Harry said kissing her softly.

"Love you too," Hermione replied, running her fingers through the hair at his nape. "Thank you for being my rock."

"You've been that for me since the day we met," he said giving her another kiss.

"So have you," Hermione said, her forehead resting against his while he brushed away her tears.

They sat like that for a few moments before going back downstairs. Elinore was sitting in between Lavender and Saffron still looking lost and alone. Harry squeezed Hermione's hand reassuringly.

"Gran," Saffron kept trying. "Are you sure we can't get you anything?"

Elinore turned to look at Saffron and for the first time seemed to see her granddaughter. "Saffron..."

Saffron managed a trembly smile. "I'm here Gran."

Elinore hugged her tightly. "Thank you Saffy. I'm so sorry."

"Gran don't you apologise," Saffron said. "I just wish I could have been there more for you."

"Me too," Lavender said, leaning on her aunt from the other side.

Elinore shook her head. "Robert was so proud of you--of all of you. He was so proud as am I that we have such..." She broke off as she tried to stave her off tears.

"We know," Saffron said softly. "We know Gran."

"And we'd really like for you to move in here with us," Hermione said kneeling before her mother. "You shouldn't be alone, Mum."

"Oh I couldn't leave the house Hermione," Elinore said, her eyes red. "It's all I have left of your father."

Hermione took her mother's hand. "You don't have to give up the house, Mum. I just think you should stay with us."

Elinore's face crumpled. "For a few days perhaps..." she had no will to argue.

"As long as you need," Harry said. "Of course, I don't know how I'll be able to cope living in a house with three beautiful women."

"You were always such a flatterer," Elinore managed a smile. "Robert always thought that was funny."

"Not as funny as beating me at golf," Harry said relieved to see Elinore talking and at least attempting to smile. "He got way too much enjoyment out of that."

"Yes he always did," Elinore wiped her eyes.

"He was the reason I was so good at chess," Saffron said. "We used to play all the time."

"I didn't know that," Harry said smiling at his daughter. "I guess I have him to thank for beating Ron that one time then, eh?"

"Right," Saffron said, still holding Elinore's hand.

"He taught me how to drive," Julie said with a grin. "We used to practise every weekend."

"He did so love spending time with you three," Elinore said fondly.

"What about us?" Katie asked.

"Oh you two as well, of course," Elinore replied. "But before you were born, he loved spending time with your mother, aunt and uncle. As much time as he could."

"I miss him," Ashley said coming up beside Julie.

"We all do love," Julie hugged her daughter.

"He'll be watching over us," Katie said looking at her great-grandmother. "Like a guardian angel."

"That's right," Elinore stroked Katie's cheek. "That's so like him."

"We'll have to be extra good then," Katie said.

"I'll believe that when I see it," Julie smiled through her tears at her youngest daughter.

"Okay," Katie said with a grin. "We'll try and be good."

"That's probably more like it," Nick squeezed his daughter's cheek. "What say we go put something together for dinner for everyone?"

"Malfoy Pizza," Katie said enthusiastically.

"We don't need to make a mess," Nick chuckled.

"Oh Daddy," Katie said. "You're no fun!"

"Ask your grandparents if they mind," Nick said. "If it's okay with them we'll go in and make our special pizza for everyone."

"I think your special pizza is just what we all need," Hermione said pulling Katie into a hug.

"I promise we won't make a mess," Katie said. "Ashley you can even need to dough if you want."

"Knead the dough," Ashley corrected, but without sarcasm. "Thanks Katie."

Elinore laughed. "They're too much."

"They're just what we need right now." Hermione smiled in the direction of the kitchen.

"Grandpa would have loved this," Saffron said smiling at her mother. "All of us together like this."

"Yes he would," Hermione squeezed her daughter's hand.

*** *** ***

Back at the Brighton cottage, everyone had turned in early. The Weasleys planned to leave first thing in the morning. Drew and Darla had already left later that night because they had some things to do for Frankie and Will's wedding.

Dinner was a very subdued occasion with everyone's minds on Hermione and her family. Alexa hadn't minded staying behind. She knew that the last thing Saffron and her parents needed to worry about at this moment was making sure she got home okay.

But alone in the room she and Saffron had shared, Alexa felt incredibly lonely.

She crept out of her bedroom and tiptoed down the hall. Looking down the hall to make sure no one was coming, she opened R.J.'s bedroom door. The room was dark save for the moonlight coming through his window. He was fast asleep and for a moment, Alexa just looked at him.

"R.J.," she whispered softly, not wanting to startle him.

"Hmm," he mumbled.

"R.J. it's me," she said, sitting on the edge of his bed.

R.J.'s eyes blinked open. "Lexie? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Alexa said. "I just... I got a little um... lonely in the bedroom is all."

R.J. pulled back the covers. "Come on..."

Alexa slid in beside him gratefully. "I feel so bad for Saffy," she said as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I told her we'd be there for her if she needed us," R.J. said softly.

Alexa nodded. "She's just... was just so close with him." she replied.

"I know," R.J. said touching her cheek. "Saffy can be a brat, but she's always right there for her friends and family. I just hope we can do the same for her."

"I still think you were so sweet to go rushing off after her," Alexa said, leaning in so her forehead was touching his. She closed her eyes as he continued to stroke her cheek. "She really needed you and even though you two were in a strop you were there for her." Alexa smiled. "When I saw you two walking back hand in hand I just..." she blushed. "I loved you so much for being as sweet as you are."

"Don't tell everyone that," he whispered. "I have a reputation to protect. Wouldn't do for the Quidditch captain to be known as 'sweet'."

"That'll be our little secret," Alexa leaned in even more and kissed him. "I'm going to miss this after tonight." she sighed. "I've gotten used to falling asleep with you these past few weeks."

"I'm going to miss you too," he said softly. "And if this is our last for awhile, we should make it count."

"I have to see you again before we leave for school," Alexa said as his hands began to run through her loose hair.

"You will," he said kissing her.

She kissed him back, running her hands over his back as her lips opened under his.

R.J.'s hands snaked under her pyjama top. "Is this okay?" he asked in between kisses.

"Mmmhmm..." she murmured. "It feels good..."

"It sure does," he said with a grin.

"You feel good," she said as he pulled his mouth from hers to kiss her neck.

"I love you Lex," he whispered against her skin.

"I love you too R.J.," Alexa whimpered as he kissed her again. "So... so much..."

He smiled at her. "Will you stay here with me? All night?"

"Of course," she answered. "Can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be."

R.J. smiled down at her. "I think I might have to look into sneaking into your bedroom at home every night during the rest of summer hols. Because you Alexa O'Leary have spoiled me."

She giggled. "My parents like you- you wouldn't want to change that now would you?" she teased. "My dad can be pretty scary when he's mad."

"Yes well just make sure that Ben bloke doesn't decide to sneak in to your bedroom while I'm gone," R.J. teased.

"Oh please," Alexa said. "Well I suppose if I squinted my eyes he could sort of look like you..." she laughed when he looked indignant.

"You'd have to close your eyes," he said loftily. "And besides, I don't think he could kiss you like this..."

He gave her a kiss that literally stole her breath away, moving his hands and making her body feel warm all over. "Oh..." she said dazedly. "No... I doubt he could..."

R.J. tickled her. "You doubt?"

"Okay," she giggled. "No one could... happy?"

"Very," he said giving her another kiss.