Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Tonight's chapter is dedicated to the memory of Patrick Swayze. Dirty Dancing was an important movie to both of us and we of course wouldn't have a story here without that movie, would we? It's only fitting that we have a Harry/Hermione flashback to their time at Hillsdale during this chapter. This chapter was written weeks ago and it's just a coincidence that this flashback fell on this week's chapter. And as a side note, this is not the main storyline we have coming up for Harry/Hermione. There is something BIG coming up for them. Thanks again for the great response to the last chapter!

Darla smiled encouragingly at her son as he crawled over to her. Rafe smiled mischievously at her and then looked over his shoulder at his father. Hans grinned. "Go ahead, mate," Hans encouraged. "You can do it."

"That's my big boy," Darla said. "Come on, love."

Rafe crawled slowly toward her and Darla shared a look with her soon-to-be ex. He had dropped Rafe off after his weekend visit and Darla had asked him in for a cup of tea. Of course that had been Rafe's cue to show off his crawling.

Darla scooped him up and kissed his chubby cheeks. "Who's Mummy's smart boy?"

Rafe giggled and buried his face in Darla's shoulder.

"He was doing that all weekend," Hans told her.

"I love when he does that," Darla said. "His way of flirting, I suppose."

Hans laughed. "He's charmed everyone in New York."

"You said he seems to like it there, right?" Darla asked.

Hans nodded. "But, he misses you."

"I miss him too," Darla hugged her son to her.

Hans sat down on the sofa and reached for his cup of tea. "So, how are things with you?"

"Not too bad," Darla replied. "Drew and I have been busy working on Saffron's wedding."

"She and Andrew?" Hans asked.

"Right," Darla replied.

Hans nodded. "I bet that's all over the news here, right?"

"Not too bad yet," Darla said. "In a few more months it will be."

Rafe tugged at his mother's hair.

Hans smiled at his son. "We had a good time together this weekend."

"What did you do?" Darla asked.

"Took him around Central Park," Hans said.

Darla looked at him. "You made sure he was bundled up, right?"

"Of course," Hans replied.

Darla stood up with her son. "I'm sorry. Of course you did. I just worry."

"You're a mum," Hans said. "It's natural. You're a good mother, Dar."

Darla smiled. "Thanks, Hans. You're a great father."

"Really?" he asked. "You think I am?"

Darla nodded. "I know that things haven't always gone smoothly for you and me, but in the past few weeks, you've really been there for him. I want you to be a part of his life."

Hans nodded. "I always want to be. He's my son and I love him."

Darla handed the baby to Hans. Rafe cooed happily as he put his arms around his father's neck.

"I think he misses you too when you're not around," Darla said thoughtfully.

Hans patted his son's back. "I miss him too, Darla."

Darla sighed. "I keep wondering... you know. Where we went so wrong."

Hans had pondered that same thing many times. He still did not have a definitive answer. He knew that most of the blame fell on him. But, she had a part in it too.

Darla looked at Hans. She would be lying to say she didn't still have feelings for him. But her feelings for Liam also confused her. She didn't quite know what to do.

Hans looked at his watch. "I should get going."

"Are you meeting Sadie?" Darla couldn't resist asking.

"No..." Hans answered. "We aren't seeing each other anymore."

Darla could not hide her surprise. "Oh?"

"We broke up a few weeks ago." Hans said, reaching for his coat.

"I'm sorry," Darla said.

He shrugged. "I guess... I thought seeing someone else would help. Thought it would help me move on. Didn't really work."

"What are you saying?" Darla asked.

Hans looked at her. "It's pretty obvious, Dar."

Darla's breath caught in her throat. "Hans..."

"I know you don't want me anymore," he began.

Darla looked at her son who seemed to be drifting off. "I need to put him down."

"Right," he said quietly. "I'll talk to you soon."

Darla nodded and hurried out of the room with her son. What in the world was going on? Now Hans wanted her back? After all this time?

They never really had tried, she realised.

But, then again, there was Liam.

Her feelings for him stretched beyond friendship, but it just felt like such a wrong time for everything.

Darla kissed her son's cheek. He was the only thing that made sense right now.

"You're my boy," she whispered to him. "I love you so much, baby."

She gently set him down in his crib and watched him for a few moments.

She stalled until she was sure Hans had left and then headed into the kitchen to get herself a glass of water.

Tonight, she'd seen the Hans she had fallen in love with.

He was sweet and caring- and his main focus in life was their son, not his career.

But, Darla still did not know if she could trust him after all that had happened.

She sighed and watched outside the window for a few long moments as she drank her water.

Darla walked into the sitting room and decided to firecall her twin sister. She needed to see Drew and get her perspective. Hopefully, her sister would be objective.

"Drew?" she called out, poking her head into the fire.

"Hi, Darla," Drew called back. "What's going on?"

"Can you come over for a few minutes?" Darla asked. "I need to talk to you."

"Sure," Drew replied. "I'll be there in just a couple of minutes. Let me just let Brian know."

"Thanks," Darla said gratefully. She went into the kitchen to make more tea.

Drew arrived a short time later and could tell right away that something was on her sister's mind. "What's happened?"

Darla told her sister what Hans had said to her. "I know you lot hate him now... but I do still love him, Drew."

Drew looked as if she wanted to say something, but she remained silent.

"But..." Darla hesitated. "I do have some feelings for Liam. I'm just not sure what's going on there."

Drew leaned back in her chair. "Darla---Hans----cheated on you."

"I know," Darla replied. "I know what he did."

"And you're actually considering getting back together with him?" Drew asked.

Darla shrugged, feeling more confused than ever.

"You've filed the papers," Drew continued. "He lives in New York City. You live here. I know that he's been a little more present lately, but come on----"

Darla shook her head. "Maybe I should talk to someone impartial about this."

"You just want someone to tell you to get back together with Hans," Drew retorted.

"I didn't say that," Darla was growing angry with her sister.

"You didn't have to," Drew said, getting out of her chair.

"Thanks," Darla said sarcastically. "You were a big help. I should have known better."

Drew laughed bitterly. "Oh, excuse me. Excuse all of us for not being too fond of the bloke who broke your heart into a thousand pieces and didn't care less."

Darla rolled her eyes. "I didn't say I WAS going to go back to him. I was just asking your advice because I'm bloody confused about what I'm feeling right now about everything. But don't bother. I'll find someone else to talk to."

"Darla," Drew said trying to keep her tone calm. "Imagine what you would have told me if I said that I wanted to go back to Paul after what happened."

"That was different," Darla said quietly.

Drew walked over to her sister. "Dar, I love you very much. I just don't want to see you hurt again."

"That's why I need advice," Darla said. "Because I don't know where I need to be."

"I can't tell you what to do," Drew said quietly. "But, I really do think that going back to Hans would be a big mistake, Darla. Big."

"Perhaps," Darla said noncommittally.

Drew sighed.

"I guess it's something I have to figure out on my own," Darla told her.

Drew nodded. "You should probably talk to Mum. She can be objective. She's the only one who tolerates Hans."

"Probably a good idea," Darla agreed softly.

"I'm sorry for getting upset," Drew said. "I just don't want you to get hurt. I want you to be happy."

"Thanks," Darla hugged her sister. "I'm sorry for snapping at you. I'm just frustrated."

"I know," Drew said.

"I'll talk to you later," Darla said.

Drew squeezed her hand. "Take care, Darla."

"I'll see you tomorrow," Darla said. "Saffy owled me and said they're going shopping."

Drew nodded. "Dress shopping!"

"She's so excited," Darla said.

"As she should be," Drew said pointedly. "Andrew and Saffy are perfect for each other."

Darla gave her sister a look. "I don't need the tone..."

Drew held up her hands. "Sorry. See? Mum would be so much better at this than me."

"I'll see her tomorrow after we're done shopping," Darla replied

"Good idea," Drew said. She gave her sister one last hug before leaving. She arrived back home to find Brian working on a project. Chloe had already fallen asleep.

"Everything alright?" Brian asked.

"I think Darla's thinking of going back to Hans," Drew told her husband.

"Oh?" Brian asked in surprise.

"Apparently he's decided now that he's still got feelings for her," Drew rolled her eyes.

"After all this time?" Brian asked.

"That's what he told her tonight," Drew said. "He's going to break her heart again."

Drew sat down on Brian's lap and leaned against him. He put his arms around her and rested his chin on her shoulder. "Maybe he's changed. Having a kid will do that to you, Drew."

"Didn't do it for Paul," she grumbled.

"Paul was a bastard," Brian said. "You and Hope deserved better than him."

Drew nodded. "I got better, with you."

Brian turned her around so she was facing him. "I love you."

"I love you too," Drew gave him a kiss. "Brian... have you ever given any thought to having any more kids?"

Brian smiled. "Why? Have you?"

"Yes," she confessed.

"Really?" Brian asked.

"I think Chloe would make a good big sister," Drew said.

"Me too," Brian said giving her a kiss.

"Well perhaps we should get started," Drew said, moving her lips over his neck.

"Mmmm," Brian murmured.

"Take me upstairs," Drew commanded softly.

Brian stood up with his wife in his arms. He gave her another kiss. "Whatever you say."

Drew felt lucky every day that she had Brian. He was an amazing man and a wonderful father.

She wanted the same thing for her sister and she could not understand why Darla was contemplating getting back together with someone who was so wrong for her.

*** *** ***

After Saffron and Alexa had left to go shopping, Andrew packed up everything he would need for Ellie for the day and headed over to the Minister's mansion. The letter he'd gotten from Hermione had told him to be there around half past ten.

Of course, Saffron had wanted to know where he was going to be and Andrew had lied and said that he was going to take Ellie to the park. It was a half-truth, he rationalised. He had to walk through a park to get to the Minister's mansion. Besides, this was a good lie. She would certainly be surprised when she found out what he was doing.

"Andrew," Hermione smiled in greeting when he had arrived.

Andrew pushed the pram inside and Hermione peered down at her granddaughter. "Good morning, my love," Hermione whispered.

"She was looking forward to seeing her Gran," Andrew said with a grin.

Hermione smiled back at him. "She's getting so big."

"Too fast," Andrew agreed.

"Do you want a bite to eat before we get started?" Hermione asked. "Harry made waffles."

"Sure," Andrew agreed eagerly. "That sounds great!"

Hermione picked up her granddaughter from the pram. "Come on then."

Harry was still in the kitchen when Hermione led Andrew in. "Good morning," he said to his future son in law.

"Good morning," Andrew said. "How are you?"

"Great," Harry replied. "And how's my beautiful granddaughter?"

"She only woke us up twice last night," Andrew said sitting down at the table.

"Wait until she starts teething," Harry replied as he took the baby from Hermione.

"She looks so much like Saffy when she was a baby, doesn't she?" Hermione asked.

"Just like her," Harry agreed.

"Good thing she didn't get my ugly mug," Andrew joked.

"You're very handsome, Andrew," Hermione told him. "I think she's inherited some of your features that will become more apparent as she gets older.

Harry noticed for the first time that the pyjamas Ellie was wearing bore the Wimbourne insignia. "I guess Saffy didn't dress her this morning?"

Andrew grinned. "I changed her after they left."

"You are living on the edge," Hermione said, setting a plate of waffles before her son-in-law.

"Risking quite a bit," Harry joked as Andrew dug into his food. "So what brings you over today?"

Hermione looked at her husband. "If we tell you, you have to promise not to say a word to Saffron, Harry."

Harry gave his wife a strange look.

"Promise," Hermione said firmly.

"I promise," Harry replied.

"Well, I wanted to do something special for the wedding for Saf," Andrew told his future father-in-law. "I know how much she loves to dance and I have two left feet on a good day."

"So he's taking dance lessons from me," Hermione said. "But I hoped you could watch and give us pointers."

"A lot of pointers," Andrew said. "I'm complete rubbish at this."

"We'll sort you out," Harry said, bouncing Ellie gently in his arms.

"Saffy will be so surprised," Hermione told Andrew.

"I hope so," Andrew replied with a grin.

Andrew ate his breakfast while Harry and Hermione doted on Ellie. A little while later, the three of them along with Ellie walked down the corridor to the ballroom.

"I can't wait to teach this one a move or two," Harry kissed Ellie on the cheek. "When she's older."

Hermione grinned. "I can already see her standing on your feet."

"Just like Saffron," Andrew recalled. "I've seen photos."

Hermione smiled at the memory. "She loved it when Harry would do that."

"Hopefully I'll learn enough that I can dance with El someday," Andrew said, gazing at his daughter.

"You will," Hermione said opening the door the ballroom and ushering Andrew and Harry inside.

Andrew had been in the ballroom before but was always awed by its size. With a wave of his hand, Harry set the torches in the rooms alight.

Hermione looked at Harry. "I was thinking we could start him out with a simple waltz."

"Good idea," Harry nodded.

Andrew nodded. "Simple. I like that."

"It won't always be this simple," Hermione produced a Wireless with a flick of her wand. "But we'll work up to it."

Harry sat down with Ellie. "Let's see what your old man can do, eh Ellie?"

Ellie cooed up at him while Harry grinned.

"All right," Hermione said. "I'll lead, and then later on I'll let you lead."

"Don't listen to her, Andrew," Harry called out. "She likes to lead."

Hermione shot her husband a look. "He never lets me, so I'm surprised I know how."

"On the dance floor, the bloke is supposed to lead," Harry reminded her with a cheeky grin. "In fact, I think it's the only aspect of our life where I do."

"He's got that part right," Hermione told Andrew. "All right... you put your arms here, and start with your foot just there."

Andrew thought that sounded easy enough. He put his arms on Hermione's waist and positioned his foot as she told him.

"And..." Hermione began to move him as the music started. "One... two... three..."

Andrew stepped on her foot. "Sorry..."

"It's all right," Hermione assured him. "Just remember, left foot first."

Andrew nodded. "Left foot first, got it."

Hermione smiled at him. "Let's start over."

Andrew did the steps this time without stepping on Hermione's feet.

"Good!" Hermione said encouragingly.

Andrew smiled. "Really?"

Hermione nodded. "So far."

"Try not to look down at your feet," Harry told him.

"Okay," Andrew replied. "I probably wouldn't be doing that with Saffy."

"It's natural," Hermione reassured him. "When Harry was teaching me, I used to look at my feet all the time."

"All the time," Harry chimed in.

"And he wasn't the most patient teacher in the beginning," Hermione recalled.

She and Harry had been practising every free minute they had for the dance at the hotel and Hermione was pretty much running on fumes. He had sent word that they'd have to practise at one in the morning and Hermione was a little late because she had fallen asleep. She ran to the dance studio and opened the door to find a very angry Harry waiting for her.

"Nice of you to show up," Harry muttered.

"Well you didn't give me any notice," Hermione said, scraping her hair back into a ponytail.

"I sent you a note," Harry said turning away from her. "Let me thought I meant one in the afternoon?"

Hermione sighed. "I just got the note a little while ago."

"Not my problem," Harry said waving his hand and starting the music.

Hermione rolled her eyes and wondered yet again why she had agreed to do this.

Hermione yawned and this apparently was the straw that broke the camel's back.

"Oh," Harry said sarcastically. "I'm sorry to be keeping you awake, Madam Granger. How tiring it must be to sit on your arse all day..."

"Would you just shut up?" Hermione asked. "Honestly, you have no idea what I do all day."

Harry sighed. "Come on. Let's do this."

"Fine," she said shortly. "Then I can go continue sitting on my arse and not bother you."

She turned on her heel but he grabbed her arm. "Look, I'm sorry...."

"Right," Hermione said coolly.

"It's been a long day," Harry said running a hand absently through his hair. "I had two lessons and then my uncle was on my case all bloody day about Cho. I--I didn't mean to take it out on you."

Hermione regarded him for a long moment. "All right," she shrugged.

Harry stared back at her. Cho was always telling him to be nicer to her given the huge favour she was doing for them.

"Let's just get going," she said.

"Right," Harry said. "Do you need a moment to warm up?"

"No," she said. "I'll be fine."

Harry nodded and put his hands on her waist. ""

Hermione looked down at her feet as they began the tango. "No!" Harry snapped. "Look up!"

Hermione jumped, startled at his tone. "I just wanted to make sure that I was doing the steps right."

"I'll tell you if you're doing them wrong," Harry said, but not as harshly.

Hermione looked up. "Okay."

"Start again," Harry said, waving his hand and letting the music begin once more.

"Just look into my eyes," Harry told her. "Listen to the music and just remember the steps."

"Right," Hermione said, gazing up at him. His eyes were amazing, she had to admit. Looking at his eyes was never a problem.

"We have to sell this," Harry continued. "We have to look like we're crazy about each other."

"Of course," she agreed softly.

"Okay," Harry said. "I'm going to spin you out and then bring you back...don't look down. Just go with it."

"All right," Hermione said, readying herself.

Harry did as he told her, but Hermione stumbled a bit. "Sorry," Hermione apologised.

"Try it again," Harry said with surprising patience.

Hermione was taken aback. She was sure that with his surly mood he would have berated her for the mistake.

Harry spun her out again and pulled her back to him. She was trying hard, he could tell.

"Good," Harry complimented her.

Hermione nearly fell over in surprise. "Really?"

"For a beginner," Harry clarified.

There always had to be a catch, she thought. "Again?"

Harry nodded. "Again."

Hermione nodded and wiped at her forehead. "Okay."

"Tomorrow, we'll start on the lifts," Harry told her as they went through the first part of the routine.

"Lifts?" she asked.

"There are two in the routine Cho and I choreographed," Harry said. "But, I'm thinking we could take one out."

"Whatever you think is best," she said as he twirled her around. "You're the expert."

They spent the next hour going through the routine. By the end, Hermione was nearly dead on her feet. Harry handed her a bottle of water. "Not bad," He grudgingly admitted.

"You think so?" she asked, gulping the water down. "Merlin... I don't think I've ever done anything this physical." Hermione arched her back as she stretched.

Harry tried to avert his eyes as the tank top she was wearing hugged her body in all the right places. His bottle of water fell to the ground and Hermione looked over at him. "Are you alright?"

"Fine," he grunted. "That's it... I'll see you later."

"What time do you want to meet tomorrow?" Hermione asked.

"I have three lessons in the morning," Harry said. "Can you get away at two?"

"Two?" Hermione asked. "Um..."

"I don't want to keep you from your croquet lessons," Harry said sarcastically.

Hermione glared at him. "You---you're the most----the most----infuriating, egotistical, arrogant, mean..."

Harry rolled his eyes.

"For your information, I'm doing this behind my parents' back," Hermione told him. "I've never, ever hidden anything from them, but because I agreed to help you, I lie to them everyday. Forgive me for taking a minute to see if I'd be able to get away!"

"Relax," Harry replied. "If you can't make it at two, then what time can you get away?"

"Two should be fine," Hermione told him. "If not, I'll get word to you somehow."

"Good," Harry replied.

Hermione studied him for a moment. "Well, good night, then."

"Night," Harry said, watching as she slipped out the door.

Andrew laughed as Hermione finished her story. "I'm surprised you didn't hex him after he treated you like that."

"I wanted to," Hermione told him. "He would have deserved it at that point too."

"I wasn't that bad," Harry said defensively.

"Not in the long run," Hermione told her husband.

"Looks like he was a good teacher," Andrew said. "You're great at this."

"Thank you," Hermione said. "Soon you will be too."

"At least we have a lot of time," Andrew said dryly.

"Exactly," Hermione said. "We are looking forward to the wedding so much- well... I am. Harry will have a bit of a hard time letting go."

"It's my little girl," Harry said looking down at Ellie.

"I suppose that's how I'll be with her someday," Andrew said, motioning to his daughter.

"Hopefully, Ellie will marry someone as great as you," Hermione said to him.

"She won't be getting married," Andrew said. "Not ever."

Hermione laughed. "That's what Harry used to say."

"Yes well..." Harry kissed the baby's forehead. "As long as Saffron's happy..."

"She is," Hermione said. "And she'll be overjoyed when she sees Andrew dance at the wedding."

"I hope so," Andrew replied as Hermione positioned him again.

"This time, I'll let you lead," Hermione told him. "Just do what I showed you."

Andrew nodded. "Okay..."

"Can I make a suggestion?" Harry asked. "Turn your feet out a little more."

"Oh," Andrew said sheepishly.

"You too, Hermione," Harry told his wife.

"Always the teacher," Hermione said.

"I do know best," Harry replied, patting Ellie gently on the back.

"Maybe it would help if you two showed me how it's supposed to look," Andrew said stepping forward to take Ellie.

"We could do that," Harry said with a grin.

Andrew took Ellie from Harry. "Let's see if you still got it, Pops."

"Very funny," Harry said. "I used to like you."

Andrew laughed. "Only kidding, sir."

"Better," Harry said. "Okay... if you stand close like this, you can see how it offsets her balance."

"And no spaghetti arms," Hermione teased. "Hold your frame."

"Don't say that about yourself," Harry said.

Andrew watched as the older couple danced effortlessly around the room.

"Look at that, El..." he whispered to his daughter. "I want to dance like that with your mum at our wedding."

Ellie smacked her lips.

Andrew grinned as Ellie gazed up at him. "I love you, baby girl."

"We've still got it," Hermione was saying to Harry.

"Of course we do," Harry said.

"And you have to practise so you can dance with Saffy at the wedding," Hermione said.

"I wouldn't miss that for the world," Harry said.

"It's never easy to let go," Hermione said thoughtfully.

"No, it's not," Harry dipped her back.

Hermione smiled up at him.

"I still love you so much," Harry said as he pulled her back up. "Always my girl."

"I love you too," Hermione said softly.

"I don't think he's even paying attention anymore," Harry motioned to Andrew who was playing with Ellie.

Hermione looked over and laughed. "She can be distracting, can't she?"

Harry grinned. "I think you're off to a good start."

"He'll get it," Hermione said determinedly.

"I'm sure he will," Harry nodded.

"After all, I'm a more patient teacher than some people in this room," Hermione said. "Some arrogant, egotistical..."

Harry squeezed her side. "What was that?"

Hermione pulled an innocent face. "Nothing..."

"Didn't think so," Harry pulled her close again.

"It didn't take long before I had you wrapped around my finger," Hermione said resting her head on his shoulder.

Harry tightened his arms around her. "No, it sure didn't."

"We've come a long way," Hermione said.

"Everyone has," Harry agreed.

Once Ellie had fallen asleep, Andrew rejoined Hermione on the dance floor. He managed to only step on her feet a couple more times and Hermione declared their first lesson a good beginning.

Andrew was quite pleased with himself. "I can't wait to dance with Saf."

"We'll work on it again next Saturday," Hermione told him.

"I'll have to think of another excuse to get out of the house," Andrew said. "It'll get easier when she goes back to practise."

"Just let me know when you can come by," Hermione told him.

"I will," Andrew promised. "Thanks again."

"It's my pleasure," Hermione told him. She peered into the pram where Ellie was sleeping.

"She'll be out for awhile," Andrew said. "It's her kip time."

Harry shook Andrew's hand. "Maybe I'll ask Saffy to lunch next Saturday so you can come over here to practise."

"You'd do that?" Andrew brightened.

"Of course," Harry replied.

"That would be great," Andrew said. "Thanks."

Harry was eager to spend some alone time with his youngest. They hadn't had a chance to do that in a long time.

"And I'm sure she'll even bring El," Andrew said. "As if you needed any more convincing."

"Twist his arm," Hermione teased.

"I should get back," Andrew said. "Thanks again."

"Bye, Andrew," Hermione said leaning against her husband.

"See you next week," Andrew replied as he left.

"So, expert," Hermione said turning to look at her husband. "How do you rate me as a teacher?"

"Hmmm..." Harry said. "A seven."

Hermione nudged him. "Seven?"

"And a half," Harry said quickly.

"Seven and a half?" Hermione rolled her eyes.

"I had to help," Harry said, keeping a straight face.

Hermione scoffed. "A little bit. You helped a little bit is all."

"I still had to help," Harry pointed out.

"Well, it's a good thing I wasn't giving out marks when you were first teaching me," Hermione told him.

"On attitude?" Harry asked playfully. "Because I know I'm a 10 in dancing."

Hermione shook her head. "We'll need to add on another wing to the house with that ego."

Harry laughed. "You loved me."

Hermione looped her arms around his neck. "Yeah..."

"Everything about me," Harry said, pulling her closer.

"I wouldn't go that far," Hermione said coyly.

"Sure you did," Harry skimmed his lips over her neck.

"Mmmhmm," Hermione said closing her eyes.

"You know what I'd like to see right now?" Harry asked softly.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"You," Harry said. "In that dress... from that night..."

Hermione pulled away. "Harry, it's been years and I doubt I could still fit in it..."

"I think you can," Harry told her.

"There's no way," Hermione argued.

"For me?" Harry asked, his hand grazing over her hip.

Hermione sighed. "I'll try it on, but..."

"And even if it doesn't... that's okay too." Harry said. "But I'm sure it will."

Hermione led the way upstairs to their bedroom. She walked into the closet and pulled out the famous red dress.

"That's it," Harry's eyes gleamed.

Hermione shooed him out. "Go sit down while I change."

"I can't watch?" Harry asked innocently

Hermione shoved him out. "Go."

"Not like I haven't seen you in less," Harry complained.

Reluctantly, he sat down on the edge of their bed and waited.

Hermione pulled off her jumper and trousers and reached for the dress. She couldn't believe she was going to try this on after all these years.

"How does it fit?" he called eagerly.

Hermione grimaced. "It's tight."

"I bet it still looks great," Harry replied.

Hermione reluctantly stepped out of the closet.

Harry's eyes widened.

Hermione smoothed down the dress. "I told you. I'm not---"

"Amazing," Harry said. Hermione had more curves than she'd had when she'd first worn the dress, but to him, she had never been more beautiful.

Hermione smiled. "Really?"

"You are so stunning," Harry said, his eyes fixated on her.

"And you are such a flatterer," Hermione said stepping closer to him.

"I'm just being honest," Harry said. "Wow..."

Hermione sat down on his lap.

Harry ran his hands over her hips. "You are incredible, Hermione. The most incredible woman I know."

Hermione pressed her forehead against his. "I love you, Harry James Potter."

"I love you too," Harry said, closing his eyes. "You changed my life, you know."

"As you changed mine," Hermione said softly.

Harry ran his hands up and down her back, which was bare due to the dress.

Hermione smiled. "Did you want to dance again?"

"I always want to dance with you," Harry told her.

"It's a shame you don't still have that outfit you wore the night of the dance," Hermione commented as she stood up.

"I might have something like it," Harry replied.

"We ought to go out dancing to the Sheldrake," Hermione said.

"Like this?" Harry asked, getting up and heading for the closet.

Hermione laughed. "I can't believe I'm actually considering going out in public in this dress."

"We can just dance here and pretend it's the Sheldrake," Harry suggested.

"I like that better," Hermione said.

"Me too," Harry came back out in black trousers and a white dress shirt on.

"Ah," Hermione smiled. "That's perfect."

Harry grinned at her. "Let's dance."

"I'd love to," Hermione replied taking his hand.

He led her to the ballroom. "Close your eyes," he told her.

Hermione did as he asked.

Harry muttered a few quick spells under his breath and with a few waves of his wand, transformed their ballroom into a copy of what the Sheldrake had looked like the night of their first dance.

"Can I open my eyes now?" Hermione asked.

"Yes," Harry said, sliding his arms around her from behind.

Hermione opened her eyes and gasped.

"Does this take you back?" he asked.

Hermione nodded.

Harry had even imagined the crowd right outside the curtain waiting for them to perform. The familiar melody began as the curtain pulled back.

Hermione giggled. "Harry, this is perfect."

"Just relax," he murmured teasingly in her ear.

Hermione placed her arms on his shoulders.

The dance still came effortlessly to both of them and they moved through it with ease.

Harry even lifted his wife effortlessly.

"You've still got it," Hermione said breathlessly.

"So do you," Harry said setting her down.

Hermione smiled as the dance ended and Harry pulled her close. The dance had ended with them staring into each other's eyes and she recalled that moment, so long ago.

The night that changed everything, Hermione remembered.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry asked, still holding her close.

"How happy you've made me," Hermione replied.

"You made me happy too," Harry said, running his hands up and down her back again.

"You know, if we are recreating that night," Hermione said flirtatiously. "There was something else that happened for the first time that night, too."

Harry grinned. "I'll never forget that."

"So what do you say?" Hermione asked.

"Have I ever turned you down?" Harry asked.

Hermione shook her head. "Never..."

"Why start now?" Harry asked, waving his hand to make a jumble of pillows and blankets appear on the floor.

"You think of everything," Hermione said fondly. She felt much like the young girl she'd been that night.

"I try," Harry said, his voice muffled as he trailed his lips over her neck.

Hermione closed her eyes. They would definitely have to take a trip down memory lane more often.

She arched her back, enjoying the way his hands brushed over her skin.

Harry smiled down at her. "You're driving me crazy here, Hermione."

"Don't I know it," Hermione said devilishly, lowering the straps of her dress.

Harry's eyes darkened. "You're going to pay for that."

"What are you going to do?" Hermione challenged.

Harry pretended to think about this for a moment. He sat up and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. When Hermione lifted a hand to help him, he swatted her away.

"You don't want my help?" she asked innocently.

"No," Harry said with a grin. "I'm just trying to drive you as crazy as you've done me."

Hermione gave him a patented look. "Two can play at that game you know." she said, slipping one strap down her arm and then the other.

"Oh yeah?" Harry asked, tossing his shirt over his shoulder.

"Mmmhmmm..." she said, lowering the top of the dress.

"It's only because I like that dress that I'm not ripping it off of you right now," Harry said.

Hermione smiled.

Harry pulled her to him and kissed her.

Hermione purred deep in her throat as she pressed her body against his.

Harry didn't break the kiss as he slowly pulled the dress off of his wife.

Hermione ran her fingers over his bare chest, moving them down to his black trousers.

"I can't hold out much longer," Harry told her.

"I don't expect you to," Hermione said her voice husky.

Hermione made quick work of undoing his belt.

Harry waited impatiently as his wife worked his trousers off and then he pulled her down onto the mess of pillows and blankets.

Hermione giggled. "Harry!"

"This feels like that first time we made love in my dance studio back at Hillsdale," Harry replied.

"I hope you don't think I'm sneaking out of here afterwards," Hermione teased.

Harry laughed. "There's no one to see you around here."

"Just you," Hermione said softly.

"I love that I'm the only one to see you like this," Harry said, his eyes roaming over her body.

"Me too," Hermione said reaching for him.

Harry settled his body over hers. Still, after all these years, they fit together perfectly.

Hermione kissed him.

Harry ran his palm over her bare chest, cupping her breast in his hand. He pulled his mouth from hers and moved his lips over her skin, working his way down.

"Harry," Hermione whispered, closing her eyes.

"Shhh..." he whispered.

Hermione opened her eyes and met his gaze.

"I'm still so in love with you," Harry said, still running his hand over her body.

"The feeling is definitely mutual," Hermione said smiling as Harry's hand rested on her upper thigh.

Harry grinned back at her as his hand travelled higher.

Hermione's breath caught in her throat.

Hermione clutched a blanket as Harry's fingers made her body clench itself.

Harry loved that he could still do that to her after all this time together.

"Harry..." Hermione said breathlessly, her body coming up underneath him.

"Ready?" Harry asked huskily.

"Now I can't hold out much longer," Hermione replied, her eyes gone dark.

"Well," Harry said positioning himself over her. "Let's put you and me out of our misery..."

Hermione closed her eyes, and let her head fall back as Harry pushed himself into her.

"Merlin, Hermione," Harry said before kissing her again.

She moaned into his mouth as she ran her fingernails over his bare back.

They began to move together and Hermione wrapped her legs around him, eager for him to go deeper.

Harry pushed as far into her as he could possibly go. He was propped up on his arms, looking down at his wife.

Hermione opened her eyes and smiled up at him, incapable of speech at the moment.

Harry let out a moan as he let his forehead rest on hers.

She touched his cheek. "That was something else."

"It always is with you," Harry responded.

"That red dress works every time," Hermione said cheekily.

Hermione laughed. "I'm just glad I can still fit into it."

"Perfectly," Harry said as he rolled over onto his back.

Hermione pulled one of the blankets up over them and snuggled up next to her husband.

"And the best part is that you get to stay with me now," Harry said. "No sneaking around."

"That's definitely the best part," Hermione kissed him.

"And for that Miss Granger you definitely get top marks," Harry said.

Hermione laughed. "I never fail at anything, you know."

Harry nodded. "I know that very well."

"We could sleep here tonight," Hermione said suggestively, rolling over on top of him.

"Sleep?" Harry asked, putting his arms around her.

"Just a little," Hermione responded coyly.

"Just like that first night," Harry said before bringing her to him.