Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Thanks again you guys for a great response on the chapter. Don't forget to send in your questions for Harry and Hermione as they are the pair being interviewed for Saturday's update!

Lots of Frankie, Will, and Hannah this time around, and also RJ faces up to Alexa FINALLY! R/R!!!

Frankie spun around. "What did she say? Why didn't you tell me before?"

Will pulled her into the now empty sitting room. "Because I'm not sure you'll like it and I didn't want to say anything in front of Hannah."

Frankie's eyebrows creased together and her heart sank. "Will..."

"David wants to see Hannah," Will told her quietly. "He said he'll sign the papers but he wants to say a proper goodbye to his daughter."

"Absolutely not!" Frankie said, enraged. "He doesn't want to say goodbye, he just wants to terrorize her!"

Will nodded. "Now you see why I didn't tell you before?"

"I guess," Frankie's shoulders drooped. "How can we make her do that Will? She's finally stopped having nightmares and we've already promised her she never has to see him again!"

"He's playing with us," Will said bitterly.

"And we're falling right into his hands," Frankie's tone was equally bitter. "Because he knows we'd do anything to get her."

"I was thinking you and I should go to see him again," Will said as he caught sight of Hannah in the kitchen, laughing at something Emma had said.

"I don't think he'll listen to reason," Frankie said. "But I'll do anything if it means Hannah doesn't have to see him again."

"Me too," Will said giving his wife a hug. "I know you're sick of waiting, Frankie. I am, too."

"I just can't stop thinking about her," Frankie wrapped her arms around him. "I want her to be our daughter so badly."

"I'll see what Mrs. Roman can do about getting us in to see him," Will said stroking her hair.

"Okay," Frankie buried her face in his chest.

"Frankie!" Hannah called out. "Will!"

Frankie headed into the kitchen, Will on her heels. "Hey you," she forced a smile onto her face.

"Caroline's about to blow out her candles!" Hannah exclaimed. "See?"

"Wouldn't want to miss this," Will said, lifting her up so she could watch.

Everyone sang Happy Birthday as Caroline watched in delight.

"Blow out the candles, Angel!" Allison said grinning at her daughter.

Caroline closed her eyes to make her wish and then in one breath, blew out all seven candles on her cake.

"Did you make a wish?" Allison asked.

Caroline nodded and blushed a bit. "But I can't tell what it is."

"Or it won't come true," Katie said grinning at her best friend. "Right?"

"Right," Caroline agreed.

"Save cake for Gampa Ron!" Emma squealed. "Big piece!"

"He wants me and Hannah to bring back half," Jenny giggled.

"He doesn't need half," Luna giggled. "We'll bring him back one slice of cake and that's it."

"I think he'll like that," Hannah's face was smeared with chocolate and strawberry.

Frankie picked up a napkin and wiped at Hannah's face.

"I'm sorry Mummy," Hannah said automatically.

"No need to apologise," Frankie said. "When I was little, I think I wore most of the food I tried to eat anyway. It's what kids do."

"It's just really yummy," Hannah giggled.

"I know," Frankie laughed.

"Want some of mine?" Hannah asked.

"Peas?" Frankie said with a grin.

"Frack have cake," Emma replied. She was wearing more of it than she was eating.

"It's all on your face!" Mia giggled. "Em!"

Emma giggled too. "Em's messy!"

"Don't get any of it on me," Jon said backing away from Emma who had a glint in her eye.

"Daddy," Emma laughed. "Come eat cake!"

Jon shook his head. "Eat, not wear."

"Daddy can Adam have cake?" Emma asked, holding up her mashed piece.

"Em, he doesn't even have teeth!" Caroline giggled.

"Oh," Emma said thoughtfully.

"Could you imagine cleaning this place up without magic?" Jon asked his wife.

Allison shivered. "Don't want to."

"You look beautiful tonight," Jon said putting his arms around her.

"I don't feel beautiful," Allison said. "But thanks for saying it."

"You are," Jon said smiling at her.

Allison gave him a quick kiss. "I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too," Jon said softly. "Our little girl is seven...can you believe it?"

"No," Allison shook her head as Caroline dug into her second piece of cake. "And Em's going to be three in a few months..."

"Seems like just yesterday we were at your seventh birthday," Jon said tickling her side.

"Oh please," Allison laughed. "Like you really remember THAT!"

"I do," Jon said defensively. "Mum and dad drug us to every single one of your parties."

Allison laughed. "It was a makeup party!"

"Josh and I were the only boys there," Jon remembered.

"And we made you wear lipstick," Allison recalled. "You were in such a strop with me over that."

Jon's cheeks turned red. "Why did you do that to me?"

"Because you put up such a fight," Allison grinned at him.

"Josh was the one you fancied," Jon pointed out. "Why didn't you chase after him with the lipstick?"

"I'm not sure," Allison said thoughtfully. "At that point I didn't fancy him. Besides, you were already my husband, remember?"

Jon groaned. "Oh, yeah."

"Don't you dare act as if that's a bad thing," Allison elbowed his side.

"I was forced into it at the time," Jon said elbowing her back.

"What's all this about?" Josh elbowed both of them.

"Memories," Allison said with a grin. "Remember my seventh birthday?"

Josh groaned. "The blush and eye shadow thing..."

"To this day, I don't see why we had to go," Jon grumbled. "Twelve girls and Josh and me."

"Oh get over it," Lizzy joined them. "I can't believe you're still moaning about wearing a bit of makeup."

"A bit of makeup?" Josh asked her indignantly. "Lizzy, you girls were relentless!"

"We didn't make you wear dresses," Lizzy reminded him.

"That's about all you didn't do," Josh grumbled.

"At least she didn't run after you singing something about 'Jon, Jon, put the lipstick on' like this one," Jon said poking his wife in the side.

"Quit poking me," Allison said. "And Lizzy's right. You two need to let it go."

"And at least we invited you both to our parties," Lizzy pointed out. "You and your 'all boys' parties! That was very rude!"

"Mummy and Daddy fight?" Emma was standing in front of them.

Jon picked her up, even though she was still covered in chocolate and strawberry. "Your mummy made your daddy wear makeup, Em! Can you believe that?"

"Daddy looked pretty!" Emma exclaimed.

Allison giggled. "Yes he did, Em."

"You girls always stick together don't you?" Jon asked his daughter.

"Girls rule," Emma said reciting one of her sister's favourite quotes. "Boys droooooool!"

Allison, Jon, Josh and Lizzy all burst out laughing.

"She may have red hair, but she's so much like you, Allie," Jon said tweaking Emma's nose.

"I like being like Mummy," Emma grinned at them.

Allison could tell Emma was relishing being in the spotlight. "She's my big helper, aren't you Em?"

Emma nodded. "All morning," she replied. "When Sissy went with Gampa."

"I don't know what I'd have done without her," Allison said smiling fondly at her daughter. "She kept Adam happy."

"Em sings to her little brother," Jon told Josh and Lizzy. She's been a wonderful big sister."

"Maybe you can do that for the triplets," Josh asked her. "Casey already thinks you hung the moon, Em."

"Em sing for them too," the little girl's red curls bounced as she nodded vigorously.

Josh laughed. "You've got a deal, Em."

"Em wants more cake," she said to her father.

"Me too," Jon said. "In fact, I haven't had any yet. You want to share some?"

Emma nodded eagerly. "Yummy!"

*** *** ***

The next day, Frankie and Will were sitting in the prison waiting room. Mrs. Roman was scheduled to arrive later, but Frankie was actually glad the case worker wasn't there. They'd be able to see exactly what David was up to without him trying to put on a show.

"Just don't overreact to anything he says," Will told her quietly.

"I'll try," Frankie said quietly.

"I know this is upsetting," Will squeezed her hand. "I don't like it either. That little girl deserves better than this."

Frankie opened her mouth to agree, but the door opened and the guard led David into the room. David winked at Frankie before slumping down into the metal chair.

Frankie pressed her lips together and shuddered in revulsion.

"Too bad she's like Abbie," David said to Will. "I imagine a fox like her's a good---"

"Finish that sentence and I'll throw you against the wall," Will interjected angrily.

"Awwww you wouldn't want to do that," David leered. "Then you wouldn't get what you wanted."

"You want to see Hannah?" Frankie asked him point-blank. "Why? You don't care about her at all, you bastard."

"But you do," David sat back lazily.

"We want to give her a nice, stable home," Frankie said determinedly. "We want her to grow up safe and happy and not have to worry about you ever coming back into her life. We want to try and repair the damage that YOU did."

"She's a little freak," David sneered.

Will shook his head. "You're never going to see her again, David."

"And if you want to take her home, you'll bring her in here," David said, a satisfied and nasty smile on his face.

"Why?" Frankie asked him. "Hmm? So you can terrorise her again?"

David's eyes roamed up and down her body and he didn't say a word.

Frankie shuddered and moved closer to Will. This man made her skin crawl.

"Look," Will was losing patience. "We're not going to put Hannah through meeting up with you again. What else do you want?"

"Your wife?" David asked suggestively.

Will nearly vaulted over the table but Frankie held him back. "Will," she whispered.

Will glared across the table at David and if looks could kill, David wouldn't have been a problem anymore. But, as it was, they needed something from this man and loathsome as he was to admit it, Will knew they had to treat him with kid gloves.

"Do you want money?" Will asked. "You're in prison. Money's not going to help you. And we can't get you out of here, David."

"I want to see my daughter," David stressed the last two words.

"No," Frankie said defiantly. "I'm not going to put her through that."

"Then I'm not signing anything," David shrugged.

"You don't care about her," Frankie hissed.

David smiled nastily again. "I just have the upper hand here," he said. "This is what I want, and I'm not signing anything until I get it."

"What would you say to her?" Will asked him.

"That's my business," David replied.

The door to the visitor's room opened and Mrs. Roman came striding inside. She looked upset that Frankie and Will were talking to David without her.

"The Barrons don't want to play ball, Roman," David told her.

"I happen to agree with them," Mrs. Roman said sharply. "What are your reasons for wanting to see Hannah again?"

"That's none of your business," David said with a shrug. "She's my daughter".

"Not anymore," Frankie snapped.

"You're feisty," David said to Frankie. "Abbie was too, but I took care of that."

"You're disgusting," Frankie said angrily.

"David, it is out of the question for you to see Hannah," Mrs. Roman said as she sat down. "She isn't capable of handling that sort of trauma."

"I just want to say goodbye to her," David said in a horribly innocent tone.

Mrs. Roman shook her head. "I think it's time that you went back to your cell."

"Another wasted visit for you," David scraped his chair back and grinned at the Barrons. "Guess you won't be taking the little brat home anytime soon."

Frankie seethed as she watched him being led out of the room by the guard.

"He's a bastard!" she cried, slamming her fist on the table.

"Frankie, why didn't you and Will wait outside until I arrived?" Mrs. Roman admonished. "I told you that he wasn't someone you wanted to mess with."

"We couldn't wait," Frankie replied. "We were hoping we could reason with him somehow."

"You cannot reason with someone like that," Mrs. Roman said. "And he isn't going to see Hannah."

"Absolutely not," Frankie said. "We couldn't put her through that."

"Maybe we could use polyjuice or something to make him think he's seeing Hannah?" Will suggested.

Mrs. Roman looked pensive. "That might be a good idea..." she said slowly.

"It's a wonderful idea!" Frankie exclaimed. "Will you're brilliant!"

"He gets what he wants and we get what we want and Hannah stays out of it," Will said as his wife hugged him fiercely.

"This will have to stay between us," Mrs. Roman told them seriously.

"Of course," Frankie said solemnly.

"I'll make the arrangements," Mrs. Roman wrote something down in her legal pad. "I want you both to understand that this is not something we'd normally do. But Hannah's a very special case."

"We understand, Mrs. Roman," Will said. "And we'd do anything to protect Hannah."

"That's the only reason I'm doing this," Mrs. Roman replied. "I've seen the changes in Hannah from when she arrived at the Weasleys. The way she's evolved is quite remarkable."

"It is," Frankie said smiling as she remembered how much fun Hannah had at the party last night.

"She's a lovely little girl," Mrs Roman said. "And I'm so pleased that the two of you want to adopt her. Every time we manage to find a good home it really makes this job worth it."

Frankie smiled. "It's nice to know you're on our side."

Mrs. Roman smiled. "I'll owl you tomorrow and let you know what's going to happen."

"Thank you," Will said shaking the woman's hand. "For everything."

"You're very welcome," Mrs. Roman said. "I'm glad I can do everything I can to make this work."

Frankie waited until she and Will were outside before she told him how scared she'd been.

"I know," Will said. "Truth be told, I wanted to kill him."

"You're not the only one," Frankie said. "But at least Hannah won't have to see him."

Will nodded. "I wouldn't want to put her through that, Frankie. I'd die first."

"Me too," Frankie agreed.

"We'll all be a lot better off when he's out of our lives," Will said remembering all too vividly how the other man had leered at his wife and those comments he'd made about Hannah.

"Let's go see her Will," Frankie said. "I really feel like holding her right now."

A few minutes later, they Apparated to the Weasley home and rang the doorbell. Luna smiled when she saw the two of them.

"We weren't expecting you today," she said as she stood back so they could enter.

"It's sort of last minute," Frankie explained. "We really want to see Hannah..."

"She's upstairs kipping," Luna replied.

"Oh," Frankie was visibly let down. "We don't want to disturb her--"

"She's been down about an hour," Luna said. "I'm sure she'd love for you to wake her."

"Are you sure?" Will asked.

Luna nodded. "She'd be disappointed if she knew you'd stopped by and she'd missed you. Go."

Frankie grinned and headed upstairs, Will right behind her. She pushed Hannah's door open gently and peeked inside.

Hannah was fast asleep on her bed---her purple blanket tucked tightly around her.

"She's so sweet and innocent," Frankie whispered. "Look at her Will..."

Will stood behind his wife as she sat down on the edge of Hannah's bed.

"Mummy?" Hannah asked sleepily.

"Hi baby," Frankie said softly.

Hannah rubbed at her eyes. "I-I didn't think you were coming today..."

"We decided we wanted to see you," Frankie held her arms open.

Hannah smiled and pulled back her blanket. She put her arms around Frankie.

She held the little girl tightly. "I missed you too much not to see you today," Frankie kissed the top of her head.

"Hi Will," Hannah whispered smiling at him. "You look sad..."

"I don't mean to," Will forced a smile on his face as Hannah moved to give him a hug. "Just being here makes me happier though."

Hannah put her arms around his neck and laughed when Will scooped her up and spun her around. "Don't stop!" she squealed.

Frankie laughed as she watched her husband and Hannah.

"Let me know if you get dizzy," Will said as he felt his spirits lifted by the sound of the little girl's laughter.

"I like this!" she said happily.

"Me too, princess," Will said finally growing tired and setting her down on the floor. Hannah stumbled a bit as she was a little dizzy.

Frankie laughed as she reached out for her. "Careful now..."

"I love it when Daddy does that," Hannah said, still giggling.

Frankie grinned widely at her husband. "I think it made him a bit dizzy too," she stroked Hannah's long hair back behind her ears.

This was the first time that Hannah had ever called him that and Will couldn't stop the smile from spreading across his face.

"So, what have you been up to today?" Will asked sitting down.

"I helped Luna make some biscuits again," Hannah told them. "And then Jenny and me played Asploding Snap."

"Did you win?" Will asked.

Hannah nodded and grinned.

"That's my girl," Will said putting his arm around her.

"Do I get to go home with you tonight?" Hannah couldn't resist asking.

Frankie and Will exchanged a look.

"Well, not exactly," Frankie finally said. "But we're working with Mrs. Roman on something and hopefully, we'll be taking you home with us before you know it, Hannah."

"I hope so," Hannah leaned against her. "I wish I can go home with you every night before I go to sleep."

"We do too," Frankie said softly. "Every day and every night."

"I really, really want to go," Hannah said.

"We want you to come with us too," Will said. "But it won't be too much longer. We...we were wondering if perhaps you'd like to take everything from your room here and move it there or would you want new things?"

"Mister Ron and Luna let me make this room the way I wanted," Hannah said, biting her lower lip.

"You can make you room at our house any way you want," Frankie said.

"Really?" Hannah smiled.

"Really," Frankie said smiling back at her. "Have you any ideas?"

"Can I still have loads of purple?" Hannah asked,

"Loads and loads of purple," Frankie said nodding.

"I don't really know what else I like yet," Hannah said shyly.

"You know what this means, don't you?" Frankie asked. "We get to go shopping!"

"Oh no," Will said dramatically.

"Hush up you," Frankie said. "We'll go easy on your wallet."

Will winked at Hannah. "She only says that to make me feel better. She's never gone easy on my money bag."

"My Daddy used to fight with my mummy all the time about money," Hannah said looking down at the floor. "I don't need anything new..."

"Hey," Frankie said. "You don't even need to worry about money ever again. You're going to get anything and everything you want, Hannah."

"I just want to be your little girl," Hannah said hugging Frankie again. "That's all I want."

"And that's going to happen as soon as possible," Frankie promised.

"I hope so," Hannah said resting her head on Frankie's shoulder.

"You just wait," Will grinned at her. "One of these days we're going to sweep right in here and take you home with us."

"Before Christmas?" Hannah asked hopefully.

"We hope so," Frankie said. "Keep these fingers crossed."

"My fingers and my toes," Hannah said smiling at Frankie. "Mummy."

Frankie loved it when Hannah called her that. "Fingers, toes, and eyes." she teased her.

Hannah grimaced. "I hate it when Joey crosses his eyes. It's so gross!"

Frankie and Will laughed. "Just fingers and toes then," he replied.

"And you can maybe help me pick out something for Frankie's Christmas present," Will said. He wasn't sure how Hannah would react to this as they had never been alone just the two of them.

Hannah nodded. "Okay," she agreed.

Will smiled. "We have to be careful with this one. She doesn't like it when we know something she doesn't."

"And when we pick out Will's presents, we won't tell a single soul," Frankie intervened.

Hannah giggled. "Okay."

"We were thinking we might go out for dinner tonight," Frankie said. "You pick where you want to go."

"Really?" Hannah asked.

"That's right," Will put an arm around her.

"Um," Hannah looked thoughtfully at him. "Can we go to that place with the guy who speaks funny?"

"Which place was that again?" Will looked at his wife.

"Antonio's," Frankie replied. "I think she wants that pizza again."

"Ahhhh of course," Will grinned. "My little pizza fanatic."

"Antonio's it is," Frankie said.

"Yum," Hannah said happily.

Frankie and Will spent the rest of the afternoon playing with Hannah. Frankie hoped that their plan to fool David would work. She desperately wanted to have Hannah at home with her and Will for Christmas.

*** *** ***

It was nearing Christmas hols and Alexa still wasn't looking forward to going home. Saffron was of course, she still had Andrew and their one year anniversary to look forward to. Alexa had only heard back once from RJ since the whole pregnancy scare and the photos of him and Serena had appeared in every newspaper, and that was just him saying he was drunk and didn't mean anything.

She had written back to tell him that she wasn't pregnant and he should consider himself lucky- and after that there had been nothing. Luckily though, she had Gabriel, whom had written her steadily and aside from Saffron, had been a constant companion through the mail.

"Earth to Alexa," Mimi said cutting into her thoughts.

"Hmm?" Alexa asked, tearing her gaze away from the windows and looking at her friend.

"I wanted to know if you had that Defence book that Professor Malfoy said we should use for our essays?" Mimi asked. "Beth borrowed mine and she somehow 'lost it'."

"I'm sure I do," Alexa rummaged in her bag for a few moments. "Here..."

"Thanks," Mimi said taking the book from her. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine," Alexa said a bit sharply. "Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

"Sorry," Mimi recoiled. "I was just worried is all, Lexie."

"I'm sorry," Alexa replied. "I shouldn't snap at you Meems. It's not you I'm angry at."

"I understand," Mimi said sitting down beside her. "You know...I have a book on voodoo..."

Alexa smiled. "You think we should make a doll? Bend its legs backwards and tear its hair out?"

Mimi nodded enthusiastically. "Now you're talking."

Alexa shook her head. "It does sound tempting but thanks anyway Meems."

"Saffy's still at practise, eh?" Mimi asked. "I heard the headmaster talking about some sort of surprise for the Quidditch teams, but I'm not sure what he was talking about...what? I wasn't eavesdropping, I swear!"

"Sure you weren't," Alexa said. "Meems you about pass out every time he talks."

"I can't help it," Mimi said sheepishly. "He's so...dreamy!"

"I just hope you and Beth still aren't angry over Julie," Alexa said. "You know she and the headmaster are just friends working together."

"I know," Mimi said. "But you should tell that to those two Slytherin cows."

"They're really the worst," Alexa agreed. "Honestly, if they spent even half the time doing homework that they spend gossiping, they'd be giving Saffron a run for her money."

Mimi nodded. "No one's going to beat Saffy for Head Girl though. She's got that in the bag."

"Definitely," Alexa said.

"Why don't we go out on the pitch?" Mimi suggested. "We could see what the big surprise is."

"You just want to see Oliver Wood," Alexa accused jokingly.

"Well that too, but I want to see you smiling again," Mimi said setting aside her book and standing up. "Come on, O'Leary."

Alexa knew Mimi would be relentless until she agreed to go so she got her cloak and the two of them set out for the pitch.

On the pitch, the Gryffindor team had been quite surprised to see the Hufflepuff team waiting there.

"Grimsley!" Saffron called out to the opposing team's captain. "We have the pitch this afternoon. What are you lot doing out here?"

"Headmaster wants us out here Potter," the Hufflepuff replied.

"For what?" Saffron asked curiously.

Grimsley shrugged. "I'm not sure. We all got notes from him today. The other teams will be out here soon too."

Saffron huffed. "Well it's cutting into my team's practise time."

"Ours too," Grimsley said rolling his eyes at her. "You act like you're the only ones inconvenienced here."

"But I have the pitch booked through the afternoon," Saffron objected. "Your practise is tomorrow."

The Slytherin captain was leading his own team onto the pitch and he heard what Saffron had said. "And big surprise, Potter is whining again."

"Shut up," Saffron said. "I am NOT whining."

"I am not whining," the captain mimicked.

"That's really mature, Ramsey," Imelda said rolling her eyes.

"Oh sod off, all of you," the Ravenclaw team had arrived.

"Another one the Headmaster's brilliant ideas," Ramsey scoffed. "And we thought Dumbledore was bad for this school..."

"Don't you say anything bad about Dumbledore!" Saffron retorted.

"Of course the teacher's pet doesn't want to hear anything bad," Ramsey said mockingly. "She's the perfect prefect."

"Why you little---" Saffron started to say.

"Good afternoon, students," Oliver said as he came onto the pitch. "I'm sure you're all wondering why I brought you all out here today."

"Why yes sir, we were," Ramsey said snidely. "Potter here was in the middle of throwing a fit over her interrupted practise time."

Saffron glared at him.

Oliver chose to ignore the Slytherin's words. "I know that this may have interrupted some of your schedules, but I think this will be beneficial to all of you. As you know, one of my goals as headmaster is to bring some of our alumni back to the school..."

"Snape said the headmaster had the most ridiculous ideas," Ramsey muttered under his breath.

"Shut your mouth," Saffron hissed at him.

"As such," Oliver continued. "I have invited a few professional Quidditch players to come out and provide a sort of workshop for the teams."

"Really?" Imelda asked excitedly.

"From Puddlemere United," Oliver continued. "Please welcome the former Ravenclaw Steven Reade and former Gryffindor RJ Weasley..."

Saffron's eyes travelled to her best friend at this news. Alexa had arrived just in time to hear the headmaster's news.

The headmaster announced the professional players from Hufflepuff and Slytherin. "These athletes have taken time out of their busy schedules to help you out and I hope that you will let them know how much you appreciate it. RJ, how about you start out with your old team mates and Steven, I'll leave you to the Ravenclaws."

Saffron crossed her arms as RJ came towards them. The rest of the team greeted their old captain enthusiastically but she remained distanced.

"Hiya, Saffy," RJ said warmly. He had noticed her chilly demeanour, but he hoped to work his charm on her.

"Hello," Saffron said coolly. "What would you like to talk to us about?" she half hoped he would see Alexa standing at the edge of the field.

"Well," RJ began. "We could start with some questions...what do you guys want to know?"

"What it's like playing professionally," Ewan pushed forward. "What's the difference from playing in school and on Puddlemere?"

RJ smiled. "Well, you don't have to worry about keeping your marks up for one thing. And you get to stay out late..."

"About playing on the TEAM," Saffron said icily. "Not your social life."

RJ glared at her, but recovered quickly. "Right, well the facilities are really amazing. If you guys want, during the Christmas hols, I'd be more than willing to give you a tour."

"That'd be fantastic, RJ." Imelda said gratefully.

"No problem, Melds," RJ said smiling at her. "So, I understand you guys have a winning record so far. I knew that Saf would be a great captain."

"She works us hard," Ewan said with a grin. "But it's worth it."

Saffron smiled at Ewan. "Thanks, Ewan."

"She does have us on a winning streak, which of course the Slytherins hate," Imelda said with a grin.

"Which I love to hear," RJ joked. "I promise I won't give them any good tips, guys."

Saffron waited for RJ to notice Alexa, but he kept on talking to the rest of her team mates giving them pointers. A small part of her knew she should give him the benefit of the doubt; that he couldn't have known Alexa would be here at a Quidditch practise.

"He's such a wanker," she muttered to herself.

"So, why don't you lot practise that move I taught and Saffron and I will watch from down here," RJ said.

The Gryffindor team took to their brooms and RJ stood next to Saffron. "You're doing a great job with them," he said. "They really enjoy practising for you."

"Thank you," Saffron said crisply.

"How've you been?" RJ asked. "Andrew misses you a lot. He told me to tell you that."

"Oh, I've been great," Saffron said sarcastically. "I held my best friend's hand while she waited to find out if she was pregnant. And then I let her cry on my shoulder when she saw those pictures of you with that slag. So, it's been a really grand time for me. How are you?"

"Look that was a huge accident, all right?" RJ said in a quiet voice. "I told Lex I was sorry."

"And that makes it okay?" Saffron asked him angrily. "To think I actually stood up for you!"

"It doesn't make things okay," RJ said sharply. "I made a mistake- a huge one. I haven't even seen Serena since then."

"Don't tell me that," Saffron said picking up her broom. She motioned toward the stands. "Tell her."

"What?" RJ spun around.

"She's been sitting over there with Mimi," Saffron said before mounting her broom. "Don't screw this up, RJ."

RJ swallowed hard as Saffron took up with the rest of the team. He knew that he was supposed to spend all his time here watching them and offering pointers, but he couldn't resist going over by his girlfriend. "Hi Lexie," he said tentatively.

"Hello," Alexa replied coolly.

Mimi excused herself quickly and left the two of them alone. "Um... mind if I sit down? I should at least pretend I'm watching the team up there..."

Alexa shrugged and tried to focus her attention on the players in the sky.

"I'm really sorry about everything," RJ said quietly. "I really am. I never, ever meant to hurt you Lexie."

"You lied to me," she said trying not to cry. She'd cried enough over the past few weeks and she didn't want to do it in front of him.

"I know," RJ took her hand and was relieved when she didn't pull away. "I was a real asshole for doing that to you. I deserved everything you said to me."

"Can I ask you something?" she asked him. "And please tell me the truth. Don't tell me what you think I want to hear."

RJ nodded. "I'll tell you anything you want."

"If I had been pregnant," Alexa asked. "What would you have done?"

RJ thought for a long moment. "I'm not really sure," he admitted. "I do know one thing- I would have stuck by you without question."

"Stood by me?" Alexa asked quietly.

"I'd have done what I could to support you," RJ answered. "I know it hasn't seemed like it lately, but I love you."

Alexa looked away from him. "Every time I look at you, I see that photograph of you and her..."

"I'm shite for doing that to you," RJ tried to get her to look at him.

"Why did you?" she asked him finally meeting his gaze.

"I really don't know," he said. "I was completely pissed. It was right after I got your letter and I really thought you were having a baby... and it scared the hell out of me."

"I was scared too," Alexa said softly.

"I should have found a way to be here--" RJ began.

"What's happening to us?" Alexa asked him. "We're falling apart, RJ."

"No we're not," he protested.

"We are," Alexa argued. "That night you came here...I've never felt so close to you and then..."

"I know," he said. "I know... I should have been more careful."

"Me too," Alexa admitted. "RJ..."

"Yeah?" he asked hopefully.

She scooted closer to him. "I'm glad you're here."

Relieved, he put an arm around here. "I'm glad you came down here. I was really hoping I could see you."

She relaxed against him. "I wasn't going to, but Mimi insisted."

He kissed the top of her head. "Christmas hols will be like a whole new start for us Lexie. I promise I'm going to be around."

Alexa smiled. "I'd love that."

"Great," RJ gave her a kiss on the lips. "And what's this- Saffron said she took up for me? Did I hear right?"

Alexa giggled. "She didn't want that to ever get out."

"I might have to hold that over her head for life," RJ felt better than he had in ages.

Alexa laughed. "She was a good friend to both of us, RJ."

"Maybe now she won't be in such a strop with me," RJ watched her fly. "Saffron's damn good... I think she has a real chance of getting in at Puddlemere when she's finished here. The team manager's already talking about her."

"That's fantastic," Alexa said proudly. "I don't know how she does it, really. She's amazing."

"I'll never admit this to anyone but you, but she flies better than me," RJ admitted. "She's just like her dad up there."

"Your secret is safe with me," Alexa said smiling at him.

"Nice to know I can always count on you." RJ smiled back.

"You should probably get back," Alexa said. "I'm sure the other teams want to learn from the best."

"If I don't see you before I leave, I'll write to you tonight," RJ promised. "I love you Lexie."

"I love you too," she said throwing caution to the wind and giving him a proper kiss.

"Now that's a kiss," RJ said, slightly dazedly when they pulled apart.

Alexa smiled at him. "I did miss you, you know."

"I could tell," he teased.

"I'll wait here so we can say goodbye," she promised.

"Great," he squeezed her hand before heading back out onto the field.

She watched him go thinking that he was right. Christmas would be a new start for them. They would have time to get to know each other again and to be alone. She could see them cuddling up on the sofa in his sitting room looking at the tree.

RJ kept sneaking glances over at her while the Gryffindor team finished their practise.

"How'd we do?" one of the new Chasers asked him.

"Brilliant," RJ replied. "Just keep practising."

"Thanks old captain," Imelda teased. "Your opinion means the world you know."

RJ grinned. "Well, I am a professional now."

Saffron resisted the urge to snort. She'd noticed RJ and Alexa sitting together and talking but didn't know how things had worked out.

"Saf, mind if I have a quick word?" RJ asked her.

"I suppose," Saffron said, her tone still cool but not as icy as it had been earlier.

RJ led her off to the side. "I don't deserve it, but she forgave me, Saffy."

"She's a better person than me then," Saffron replied.

"I'm not going to screw it up again," he promised.

"I hope not," Saffron said. "So how's my Andrew?"

"Good," RJ replied. "He would have come himself, but Wimbourne has an away match with the Cannons, as I'm sure you already knew."

"Yeah," Saffron said. "I hope he beats the trousers off Paul Davies."

"You and me both," RJ said bitterly. He had yet to play the Cannons yet, but he was going to make sure Paul knew that he couldn't mess with a Weasley and get away with it.

Saffron finally smiled at him. "I guess it's kind of good to see you," she bumped his shoulder.

RJ grinned. "And you actually stood up for me..."

"Yeah, yeah," Saffron said. "Don't let it go to your head."

"You really have done an amazing job with the team," RJ told her. "I'm proud."

Saffron flushed a bit. "Thanks," she said. "I've really worked hard on making us the best."

RJ gave her a hug. "Don't ever change, Saffy."

"I won't," Saffron laughed. "You can't improve perfection remember?"

RJ chucked her on the chin. "Let me go give some pointers to the Slytherins. This should be fun."

"Oooh can I watch?" Saffron asked. "They're soooo not going to listen to anything you say."

"Yes, but they have to be nice since the headmaster is here," RJ said making his way toward the Slytherin team who looked quite bored with the proceedings.

"I love seeing them have to behave," Saffron replied.

"Hello, Ramsey," RJ said in a sweet voice as he stood in front of the Slytherins. "You lot have a losing record, right?"

Ramsey sneered at him. "What do you want, Weasley? Come to gloat?"

RJ shook his head. "I just thought I'd give you some pointers. Merlin knows you need it."

"Fuck off," Ramsey snapped. "I don't want anything from you. Just because you're on Puddlemere doesn't mean--"

"Everything alright?" Oliver asked coming up to join them.

Ramsey snapped his mouth shut.

"Of course sir," RJ said. "I was just about to see if the Slytherins would like a few pointers from a pro."

"I'm sure they'd appreciate any help you could give them, wouldn't you?" Oliver asked Ramsey.

Saffron bit down hard on her lower lip to keep from laughing at the expression on Ramsey's face.

"Of course," Ramsey said through clenched teeth.

"Excellent," Oliver said smiling at them. He turned his attention to Saffron. "How about we go back over to the Gryffindors, Miss Potter?"

"Sure," Saffron said. "Thanks for the tips RJ. I'll see you soon."

Oliver and Saffron walked back toward the stands.

"You really are quite an athlete, Saffron," Oliver said.

"Thank you sir," Saffron said, flushed with pleasure. "I take after my dad."

"You're even better than he was," Oliver said smiling at her.

"You really think so?" Saffron asked astonishingly.

Oliver nodded. "I do. My father actually saw your Grandfather James play when he was at Hogwarts. From what he tells me, you're an awful lot like him."

"Wow," Saffron said softly. "I heard he was really something else..."

"You should ask Remus Lupin to tell you some stories about him," Oliver said. "It really is a shame you didn't get the chance to know them."

"When I'm home for Christmas hols I think I will," Saffron said thoughtfully.

"And all your professors rave about you," Oliver said. "Well, almost all."

"I know Professor Snape hates me," Saffron rolled her eyes. "But does he have to count?"

Oliver chuckled. "Considering the source, no."

"Good," Saffron laughed.

"And your sister is quite proud," Oliver said. "She's really been a great friend to me."

Saffron nodded. "My sister's awesome. I don't know what I would have done without her."

"I feel the same," Oliver said fondly.

Saffron looked over at her headmaster. "And she and Nick are still so in love," she said in a neutral tone.

"He's a lucky bloke," Oliver agreed.

Saffron smiled again at her headmaster, now fully convinced that her sister and Oliver Wood were really, truly friends only.

"I'll leave you to it," Oliver said. "I'm going to go and check in with the other teams."

"Thank you for walking me back sir," Saffron said.

"My pleasure," Oliver said before walking away.

Saffron was about to rejoin her team when Mimi pulled her back. "WHAT were you doing?" she demanded.

Saffron looked bemusedly at her. "What?"

"Walking around with Ollie and acting as if you own him," Mimi hissed.

"Meems?" Saffron asked. "He was chatting with me about my grandfather. You really need to get a grip."

"How come he never walks ME anywhere?" Mimi huffed.

"I don't know," Saffron said sarcastically. "Maybe because every time you get within two feet of him, you giggle and run away?"

"I do not," Mimi denied.

"Meems, you do," Saffron said trying to be patient. "And you know, if you stopped looking at 'Ollie', you'd notice that Jake has been checking you out for the last hour."

"What?" Mimi whipped her head around. "Why didn't you say something before?"

"Because you accosted me!" Saffron exclaimed. "Look at him...he's practically drooling, Meems."

"He is, isn't he?" Mimi gazed at him flirtatiously.

"And more importantly, he's your age," Saffron said giving her a gentle push. "Now, go flirt with the nice boy."

Mimi ambled off without another word and Saffron shook her head before rejoining her team. "All right guys," she said. "We still have a bit of practise time left. Even though there's no way we'll get back up there today, we can still talk strategy."

Ewan nodded. "The Hufflepuffs have a really great team this year."

"But still not as good as ours," Saffron said enthusiastically.

"We'll easily beat them," Imelda said confidently. "How cool was it that RJ was here?"

"It was awesome," the other new Chaser said. "I mean, I wish I'd had the chance to play with him while he was here..."

"He was a bit of a taskmaster," Saffron said.

"Pot-kettle," Imelda teased.

"Hey," Saffron nudged her.

"Well," Imelda said defensively. "You're a bit of a taskmaster too, but in a good way."

"I try," Saffron grinned at her. "But I am really proud of you all. We really do make a fantastic team and I have no doubt that we're going to win the Quidditch cup."

"Damn straight!" Ewan agreed heartily.

"All right you lot," Saffron grinned. "Hit the showers."

Alexa walked out onto the pitch to say goodbye to her boyfriend.

"Steven," RJ said to his team mate. "I'd like you to meet Alexa O'Leary."

"Hi Alexa," Steven held his hand out. "I've heard a lot about you from RJ here."

"Hi," Alexa said shyly, shaking his hand. "I-I hope it was good."

"All of it," Steven said with a grin.

"She's going to go with me to the team Christmas party," RJ said putting an arm around her.

"I look forward to seeing you there," Steven replied.

"I'll catch up with you in a few minutes, eh?" RJ asked and Steven nodded before walking away.

"Your Christmas party?" Alexa asked RJ.

"Yeah," RJ said. "The team has this huge one every year and I was really hoping you'd be there with me."

"Where is it?" Alexa asked.

"Trafalgar," RJ answered.

"I'm not sure if my parents will let me go," Alexa told him.

"We'll try and get them to let you," RJ took her hands. "I need you there with me."

Alexa smiled. "I suppose I'll have to get a new dress."

"You'll look gorgeous in anything you wear," RJ said softly.

"I'll get Saffron to help me pick out something nice," Alexa said giving him a hug. "I really am glad that we talked about this, RJ."

"Me too," RJ held her tightly. "I've really missed you."

"I've missed you too," she said softly.

RJ kissed her. "I love you Lexie."

"I love you too," Alexa said. In the distance, she saw Steven motioning for RJ. "You have to go...."

"Yeah," he said. "I'll write to you, okay?"

"Promise?" Alexa asked beaming up at him.

"I promise," he kissed the back of her hand and then her lips again.

Alexa was practically floating on air as she watched him go. This really was going to be a good Christmas.