Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: We hope you enjoy this chapter. Please read and review!

Andrew was hungry and figured he would go home and grab something to eat before Saffron got back.

After saying goodbye to Hermione, he and Ellie headed for home.

"Your daddy's hungry," Andrew made a face at her.

Ellie gurgled at Andrew as he placed her in her bouncy seat. Andrew kissed her cheek.

"You just stay happy in there," Andrew kissed her cheek.

While Andrew made his lunch, Saffron was just finishing her practise. She and RJ were walking off the field together. "So what do you and Aud have planned for tonight?" Saffron asked her friend.

"I don't have plans with Aud," RJ replied.

"You don't?" Saffron asked in surprise.

RJ shook his head. "I will be going to my first ever basketball game. Lex has tickets for her school."

"You're going to California with Alexa?" Saffron asked.

"Just for a few hours for the game," RJ said. "I've never watched a basketball game before, but she said they have great food and you know that's all I---what? What's that look for?"

"Why are you suddenly seeing so much of Alexa?" Saffron asked suspiciously.

"Because we're friends," RJ said as if the answer should have been obvious.

"Uh huh," Saffron said. "Don't goof this up with Audrey, RJ."

RJ rolled his eyes. "I'm not goofing anything up with Aud, Saffy. Aud and I are fine. Lexie's just needed a friend with all that's happened with being away from home and Boyd and his issues..."

"I know they've had a lot of troubles," Saffron nodded. "But I hoped he'd start making more time for her.

"He's an idiot," RJ said bluntly.

"He's my cousin," Saffron said. "And he does love her. He's just a workaholic like his dad."

RJ shrugged. "He needs to start acting like it."

Saffron shrugged.

"Look, I'll see you later," RJ said. "I might even bring you back a souvenir from the game."

"One of those big foam fingers?" Saffron asked, laughing.

"If you're nice," RJ said tugging on her ponytail.

"I'm nice," Saffron nudged him.

"You are?" RJ asked incredulously. "Let me know the next time you are so I don't miss it."

"Git," Saffron poked him hard.

"Say hi to Andrew," RJ said before heading for the locker room.

"I will," Saffron replied. "Talk to you later."

"Later, Spice Girl," RJ said over his shoulder.

"Cassandra," Saffron retorted.

RJ shook his head. He still had some time before he had to be in California.

He took a leisurely shower and got himself dressed, even using a touch of cologne. He wasn't sure what to wear to a basketball game.

Scanlon looked at RJ. "You got plans with your Muggle girl then?"

"Going to a basketball game," RJ said. "Is that something to get dressed up for?"

Scanlon thought about this for a moment. "I don't think so."

"So this is okay?" he indicated his jeans and shirt.

"Yes, Nancy," Scanlon said sarcastically.

"Who's Nancy?" RJ asked confusedly.

"You," Scanlon chuckled. "Since you're acting like a girl."

"Piss off you wanker," RJ retorted.

Scanlon laughed. "Later, Weasley."

RJ flipped him off before leaving the locker room.

He was excited about seeing a new sport. He had heard about basketball before, but today he would actually see it played before. Perhaps, he could teach it to his nephews.

He checked his watch and realised the portkey he'd had set up would activate soon. It was supposed to take him to Alexa's dorm room. She was supposed to have her roommate cleared out.

RJ took the book from his gym bag and closed his eyes.

HE felt himself being sucked away and seconds later he was hurled right in the middle of Alexa's room.

Alexa looked up from her book. "Speak of the devil."

RJ grinned at her. "Bring on the food you keep talking about. And this basketball stuff."

Alexa gave him a hug. "I'm so glad you're here."

"It's good to see you too," RJ said.

"How's everything at home?" Alexa asked.

"Just fine," RJ replied. "Hey do they sell those foam finger things at the game? Saffron wants one."

Alexa laughed. "Yes, they do."

"Cool," RJ replied. "And of course, the food."

Alexa nudged him. "Okay, okay. Let me just get my bag and the tickets and we can go."

"Sure," RJ nodded. "So where's Boyd-- I mean Gabriel?"

Alexa shrugged. "No idea."

RJ shook his head.

"Let's not talk about him," Alexa said. "We're going to have a good time, right?"

"You bet," RJ put an arm around her.

Alexa blushed. "Let's go."

RJ couldn't help but wonder what the hell was wrong with Boyd. He had no romantic interest in Alexa anymore, but she was still quite a catch. Boyd obviously didn't know a good thing when he had it.

"The stadium's not that far," Alexa said. "And apparently, we're playing Arizona. You should probably be going to one of these games with someone who actually knows more about it."

"Okay," RJ replied. "Maybe I'll hear things from people around us."

"You'll be too busy stuffing your face," Alexa teased.

"Probably," he agreed.

"The food is on me," Alexa told him. "I want to thank you for all you've done for me the past few weeks. I'd have gone crazy if it hadn't been for you."

"I haven't done that much, Lexie." RJ said.

Alexa stopped walking. "You've been such a great friend. I don't think I can unload on Saf because she has so much going on, but you've been here to listen to me."

"I like to think I know you well enough," RJ agreed.

"You do," Alexa said smiling at him.

"We've been through a lot together," RJ added.

"Loads," Alexa said.

They headed towards the stadium and RJ breathed in the smell of the food wafting through the air. "Oh Merlin..."

Alexa laughed and grabbed his arm. "Come on."

"I want one of everything," RJ said.

"Ask and you shall receive," Alexa said as they joined the queue.

RJ's mouth was nearly watering when they reached the front of the line. "One of everything," he said to the bloke behind the counter. "Everything."

The man looked at him. "W-what?"

"One of everything," RJ repeated.

Alexa nodded. "And can I have a slice of cheese pizza and a regular soda?"

"Uh..." the guy said. "Sure..."

RJ grinned at Alexa when the man had turned away to put together their order. "Dude," RJ said affecting a surfer accent. "I think we just blew his mind."

Alexa laughed. "RJ!"

RJ winked at her and leaned in. "I think we might have to shrink this down to carry it all to our seats," he whispered.

"We'll have to manage," Alexa told him. "Somehow."

The bloke turned to RJ. "Do you want chilli cheese fries, too?"

"What are those?" RJ asked.

"Chips with chilli and cheese," Alexa told him. "Loads of calories and fat..."

"Oh yes," RJ said. "I'll take some of those too."

The bloke behind the counter loaded up two cardboard boxes with their food and RJ gallantly offered to carry them if Alexa would carry their drinks.

"Sure," Alexa agreed. "Our seats aren't too far away."

RJ nodded balancing the boxes in his hands. He was eager to get to the seats to sample the food.

"Come on," Alexa led him through the crowd.

RJ could not help but look around at the stadium. He could not wait to tell his mates back home about this.

"Here we are," Alexa motioned with her head. "We're on an aisle, thankfully."

"In case you have to get up and go the loo," RJ teased. "Like you always used to do when we'd go to the theatre."

"Very funny," Alexa said. "Although after drinking this I'll be surprised if I'm not running out after ten minutes."

"That one film we watched you spent nearly half of it in there," RJ joked. "I thought you'd fallen in."

"I'm surprised you remember that," she said.

"You're kind of hard to forget," RJ said sitting down.

"So are you," Alexa replied. "Which is why I'm glad we've become friends again."

"Me too," RJ agreed. He looked out on the court where girls in short skirts were walking to the centre. "Who are they?" "Cheerleaders," Alexa replied.

"Wow..." RJ said appreciatively.

Alexa nudged him. "You going to see if you can get those for Puddlemere?"

"That is an EXCELLENT idea," RJ said.

"Saffy would never go for it," Alexa said. "You know that."

"I'd have to really fight her wouldn't I?" RJ asked.

"You know it," Alexa said. "But, then you and Saffy have always fought well."

"Most of the time," RJ said, digging into a huge hot dog.

Alexa took a bite of her pizza, feeling so much better now that RJ was here. He was like a little piece of home here in California.

"I can't believe how good this is," he said ravenously.

"Pace yourself," Alexa joked.

"I can go get more right?" RJ asked, finishing the hot dog and reaching for the cheese fries.

"Of course," Alexa said.

RJ felt like he had died and gone to heaven when he got his first taste of chilli cheese fries. "I HAVE to bring my dad to one of these games for the food." he said.

Alexa laughed. "Your dad would think he'd died and gone to heaven."

"That's exactly my reaction," RJ said with his mouth full.

Alexa smiled at him and handed him a napkin. "You have cheese on your chin."

"Thanks," RJ replied, swiping at his face.

The game began and it did not take RJ long to catch on to the rules.

"So if he shoots from back there, it's three points," RJ pointed to the line.

"Yes," Alexa replied. "And that number 24 is supposedly really good at it. He's made like six of those shots in a row."

"Cool," RJ said. "Quidditch is still better."

"You're only here for the food and the cheerleaders," Alexa teased.

"Pretty much," RJ admitted.

"And to see one of your oldest friends?" Alexa asked reaching for one of the crisps.

"That too," RJ bumped her shoulder.

Alexa laughed. "Nice to know where I stand."

"Crisp?" RJ ripped open the bag and offered it to her.

"Thanks," Alexa said reaching into the bag. She felt someone tapping on her shoulder and turned to see her roommate. "Carmen. I didn't know you were coming to the game."

Carmen shrugged. "Just got bored is all." she looked at RJ with great interest. "Who's THAT?"

RJ grinned and affected the same American surfer accent he had used earlier. "What's up, dude."

"I'm Carmen," she said flirtatiously while Alexa pressed her lips together to hide her laughter.

"Kiefer," RJ said thinking of the first name that came to him.

"Mmm," Carmen smiled. "Are you an actor?"

"No," Alexa answered for him. "Kiefer's in one of my classes. We just met up here at the game."

"Oh," Carmen was disappointed. "He doesn't know Gabe? Or his dad?"

Alexa shook her head. "Where are you sitting?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Oh, anywhere," Carmen said, still looking at RJ with interest.

Alexa rolled her eyes. "Well, we wouldn't want to keep you."

Carmen smiled at RJ. "So will you be around more often?"

"Maybe," RJ grinned. "Dude."

"Cool," Carmen touched his arm. "See you later then."

Alexa shook her head as she watched her roommate walk away.

"How come you don't like her?" RJ asked.

"I do like her," Alexa said. "It's just...she can be a bit much and she's always going on and on about Hollywood this and Hollywood that..."

"She's star struck, eh?" RJ asked, stuffing nachos into his mouth.

"Big time," Alexa replied.

"She's cute," RJ shrugged. "I prefer studious brunettes, of course, but she's not bad."

The smile on Alexa's face faltered a bit at his words. "I, um, I'll be right back..."

RJ nodded, his attention turned back to his food.

Alexa hurried up the steps to the concourse and wondered what was she thinking. She had no reason to be jealous of RJ and his relationship with Audrey. These feelings she was having were just nostalgic. Besides, she and Gabe---well, she wasn't sure what they had anymore. Everything was so messed up right now.

It was just nice to have someone she could be herself with, Alexa reasoned.

She found herself looking forward to the weekends when she could go home to England and be with the people who knew her and who loved her no matter what.

She didn't think she wanted to return to school here, but was determined to at least finish out the year. She hadn't told Gabe yet, but knew she had to break it to him soon.

Alexa took a deep breath and walked back to her seat.

"Hey they just scored," RJ pointed to the team.

"Go Bruins!" Alexa said pumping her fist, trying to muster some enthusiasm.

RJ laughed. "Is that what everyone was screaming?"

Alexa could not help laughing, too. "What did you think they were shouting?"

"I don't know," he said. "Something about bruises..."

Alexa laughed. "Bru-ins."

"Got it," RJ replied, finishing his soda.

The two of them managed to get caught up in the game as the score was very close. With two seconds to go, UCLA was down by two. Alexa had a feeling that the game was over, but what happened next was utterly amazing. The forward threw the ball into the guard and he threw the ball all the way across the court. The stadium was deadly silent until the ball went through the hoop. UCLA had won the game by one point. RJ scooped Alexa up and hugged her tightly. "That was absolutely amazing!" he shouted. "DID YOU SEE THAT?"

She laughed. "It was incredible!"

"Incredible!" RJ echoed.

Alexa grinned at him as he set her back down. "What do you think of basketball?"

"Quidditch is still better, but I liked it," RJ replied.

"I figured you would," Alexa said as they gathered up their garbage.

"That was fantastic," RJ said again as they made their way toward the concourse.

Alexa nodded. "What a great game for you to see."

"They must have known I was coming," RJ said with a grin. He and Alexa threw their rubbish into the bins.

"I'm sure that's the reason," she said dryly.

RJ tugged on her ponytail. "So, I guess I should walk you home, eh?"

"That would be nice," she bumped his shoulder.

RJ smiled. "It's the least I can do."

Alexa grinned. "I had fun tonight."

"Me too," RJ said. He laughed. "I still can't believe you and I are doing stuff like this, you know?"

"I know," she said. "It's nice."

It had rained while they were in the stadium and the temperature was unseasonably cool. RJ took off his jacket. "Here," he said draping it over her shoulders.

"Thank you," Alexa said softly. "Still a gentleman."

"I have my moments," RJ grinned at her.

"You always had more than moments," Alexa looked up at him.

RJ laughed. "Tell that to Saffy sometime."

"She'd never believe me," Alexa said dryly.

"Probably not," RJ admitted. "But, you know...I think deep down, she knows how great I am."

"We all know how great you are," Alexa nudged him.

"So are you," RJ nudged her back. "Boyd really is an idiot if he's not making time for you."

Alexa sighed. "He's not an idiot, what he's doing is wonderful. I just don't know if I can ALWAYS play second fiddle to his studies. Sometimes I just want some time alone with him, not his books."

RJ nodded and they walked on in companionable silence.

RJ finally spoke when they reached Alexa's dorm. "You coming home this weekend?"

Alexa nodded. "I've been home almost every weekend."

"That should tell you something right there," RJ told her. "Maybe you should just come home for good."

"I've been thinking about it," Alexa admitted. "A lot."

"Do what's best for you," RJ advised.

Alexa gave him a hug. "Thanks, RJ. You go home and tell Audrey I said hello and that I think she's a very lucky girl."

"She knows that already," RJ said unabashedly.

Alexa laughed. "Thanks for coming to the game with me."

"I want to go again soon," RJ said. "Try all the other food--"

"RJ, you ate three of everything they had!" Alexa exclaimed.

"Could have gone for five," RJ replied with a grin.

Alexa shook her head. "Good night, RJ."

"Good night, Lexie," RJ said. "I'll see you this weekend."

"Are you ready for some wedding planning?" Alexa asked.

RJ chuckled. "That's for girls."

"I heard Saffron wants the whole wedding party there," Alexa told him.

"Don't want to incur her wrath," RJ said. "So, I guess I'm in."

She laughed. "See you Saturday."

RJ pecked her cheek. "Night, Lexie."

"Bye RJ," Alexa said. "Glad you had fun."

"I did," RJ said. "Thanks again."

Alexa watched him go then headed upstairs to her dorm room, feeling more homesick than ever.

She wanted to ring Saffron, but she did not want to trouble her friend who already had so much going on right now.

Besides that, it was so late back home in England and she was sure Saffron would be asleep already.

Alexa let herself into her room. Thankfully, the room was empty and Carmen was not back yet.

She felt bad for the brush off she'd given Carmen at the game, but her room mate never knew when to stop. It was almost easier for her to pretend she was asleep when Carmen would get in.

She changed into her pyjamas and brushed her teeth. Only two more days and she would be home.

She toyed with the idea of calling Gabe. They had talked a few times, but things were still so strained between them.

She picked up her phone and dialled in his number. Of course, it went straight to voice mail. Alexa remembered that he had a late lab on Wednesdays. She decided not to leave a message.

She stared up at the ceiling as she thought about the events of the past year.

Moving away from home; starting school; Saffron giving birth; becoming closer friends with RJ; growing apart from Gabe. So much had happened in such a small amount of time.

She really wanted to be back home in England. Alexa hated missing out on so much. She missed working in her mum's bakery.

This weekend, she would talk to her parents about finishing up the year here and then perhaps transferring to a university at home.

That thought made her feel better as she turned out her light.

At least, she had made up her mind on one thing.

RJ had just arrived home and was eager to see Audrey and tell her about the game.

"RJ?" Audrey called out. "Is that you?"

"Yeah," he responded. "Sorry I'm so late."

"Where'd you go?" Audrey asked coming out of the bedroom.

"To that basketball game at UCLA," RJ reminded her.

Audrey looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "You and Andrew? You guys went together to the game at Alexa's school?"

"I just met Lexie over there," RJ said. "You wouldn't believe the food--"

Audrey held up her hand. "You---you and Alexa. Alone..."

RJ shrugged. "Yeah..."

He made a move for the bedroom and Audrey put her hand out to stop him. "You were just there three days ago..."

RJ looked at her properly. "Aud... don't be jealous."

Audrey folded her arms. "Why on earth would I be jealous? If my boyfriend has decided to spend every free minute with his ex-girlfriend?"

"I haven't been with her every free minute," RJ argued. "Come on..."

Audrey glared at him. "You're unbelievable."

"Aud..." RJ reached for her. "I love you. You're the only girl I want to be with. Lexie's just a friend now."

"You smell like her perfume," Audrey said squirming out of his embrace.

"I gave her a hug when the team won," RJ said. "That was all."

Audrey did not look convinced.

"That was all," RJ told her again, reaching for her. "I missed you."

"I'd really like it if you stopped seeing her," Audrey said.

"She's my friend," RJ said. "And I thought you liked her."

"I do, but it just seems like every time I turn around, she's with you," Audrey replied.

"She's going through a rough patch with that wanker," RJ said.

Audrey looked at him. "Gabe?"

"Yeah," RJ nodded. "He doesn't make any time for her, and she's really lonely."

Audrey shook her head. "Well, that is what she has Saffy for..."

"Yeah but she doesn't want to bother Saf," RJ told her.

"Because of the wedding and the baby?" Audrey asked.

"Yeah," RJ answered. "They still talk a lot. But right now Alexa just doesn't want to complicate anything in Saf's life.

Audrey looked critically at her boyfriend. "That's all that's going on here? Really?"

"That's all," RJ told her, sliding his arms back around her.

Audrey hugged him. "I'm sorry."

RJ kissed the side of her head. "It's all right. But I promise, you have nothing to worry about."

Audrey relaxed in his arms. "So, um, how was your first basketball game?"

"It was amazing," RJ said. "The food. Wow."

Audrey laughed. "The food---that was the best part? Not the game itself?"

"The game was great," RJ described the last minute to her. "But the food was incredible."

"What did you have?" Audrey asked.

"These things called nachos," RJ said. "And the bloke there called these other things chilli cheese fries..."

"You ate ALL of that?" Audrey asked.

"Well there were hot dogs," RJ said. "And crisps... these huge pretzels..."

Audrey laughed and shook her head. "I honestly do not know where you put it all."

"I know how I like to work it off," RJ nuzzled her neck.

Audrey wanted nothing more than to do that, too, but she was knackered from studying and she was still unsure about this whole Alexa situation. "RJ, I'm really sleepy."

"Okay," he replied. "Long night of studying?"

Audrey nodded. "And I had to fill in for someone at work."

"How about a massage then?" RJ asked. "Shoulders or feet?"

Audrey smiled. "Both?"

"If you want," he grinned at her.

Audrey gave him a kiss. "Thanks."

"Anything for you," he told her as she sat down on the sofa.

She put her feet in his lap. "This is the best."

He began to rub the bottoms of her feet. "You deserve it after working hard."

"You're telling me," Audrey said closing her eyes. "There was a stag party at the pub..."

RJ raised an eyebrow. "They treat you decent?"

"Yes, but they had me running," Audrey replied.

"Cleaned the place out eh?" RJ asked.

"Yes, which made your brothers quite happy," Audrey said.

"Josh especially, right?" RJ asked. "Brought his inventory down did it?"

Audrey laughed. "Yes."

"Well I'm glad it was a good night for the pub," RJ moved to her other foot.

"Did you decide where you're going to have Andrew's stag party?" Audrey asked, closing her eyes again.

"Not yet," RJ said. "Maybe we'll have it there."

Audrey smiled. "It's a great location and you know you'd get a good deal."

RJ laughed. "I'll bring it up and see what he thinks."

"We'll make Becca wait on you lot," Audrey said.

"Hmm," RJ replied. "Long as she'd take care of us, I guess. I'd rather it be you."

"I'm not waiting on you," Audrey said throwing a pillow at him.

"Why not?" he asked.

"You really want me at the stag party?" Audrey asked.

"Just to wait on me," RJ grinned at her.

Audrey threw a pillow at him. "Very funny."

RJ tossed it back at her. "You'll be at Saf's hen night anyways."

"Oooh, that's right," Audrey grinned.

"And you better not go anywhere questionable," RJ wagged a finger at her.

"And you'd better not go to the Veela Snatch that Saffy was telling me about," Audrey said.

RJ made a face. "No thanks."

"Good boy," Audrey said.

"I went there a few times, before you and I dated." RJ said. "It's a dive."

"No beautiful, buxom girls?" Audrey asked.

"The bloke that runs it hires women and makes them dye their hair blonde so they look like Veelas," RJ told her.

"Oh," Audrey said. "So these girls do not look anything like your aunt, Fleur?"

"Only with fake blonde hair and a lot of makeup," RJ said.

"Eww," Audrey said. "Lucky for me you like brunettes."

"I love brunettes," RJ said with a grin.

Audrey smiled back at him before closing her eyes. It did not take long for her to drift into a peaceful sleep.

RJ watched her as he carefully moved out from under her feet and gently picked her up to carry her to their bedroom.

He pulled the covers around her and placed a kiss on her forehead. He had dodged a bullet tonight that was for sure. But, he would make it up to Audrey. He could be friends with Alexa and still have a relationship with Audrey.

Frankie Barron was already on edge that morning. She wanted to be at the hospital to support her father.
The healer was administrating the counter spell on her grandparents in less than two hours and Frankie wanted to be there. But, she also had to deal with a parent-teacher conference with Hannah's teacher. Will squeezed her hand while they waited for the teacher.

"Maybe I should have rescheduled," Frankie said looking at her watch.

"It's better that we just get this over with," Will told her.

Thankfully, Hannah's teacher stepped into the classroom. "Mr. and Mrs. Barron," she said extending her hand.

"Hi," Will shook her hand. "Thanks for meeting with us."

"Of course," Miss Grayson said.

"We're concerned because Hannah's still getting teased by her classmates because of her birth father," Frankie said, getting directly to the point.

Miss Grayson nodded. "Mrs. Barron, I already spoke to the children. I told them that it wasn't nice to tease their fellow students..."

"But they're still doing it," Frankie stressed. "Hannah's come home in tears because of this."

Miss Grayson raised an eyebrow. "Really? I wasn't aware..."

"Perhaps it's at recess," Frankie said "Or after school is out. But it's upsetting her very much. And it upsets me that a parent would discuss this in front of a child."

"Me too," Miss Grayson said. "Perhaps I could send a letter home to the students' parents..."

"If you think that would help..." Frankie said. "Or I could meet with them..."

"With all due respect Mrs. Barron, I think that would only add fuel to the fire," Miss Grayson said.

Will put a hand on Frankie's arm. "I think a letter would be nice," he said. "We want Hannah to get an education without her dreading coming to school."

"Well, if you could just let me know who the little instigators are," Frankie suggested. "I could have a nice chat with their parents."

"Let me try sending a letter first," Miss Grayson diverted her. "And if that doesn't work, we can hold a meeting with the parents involved here at the school."

"But, you could give me a name or two and I could just talk to them," Frankie said, not noticing that her fists were clenching.

"Frankie, she can't," Will said, his tone even.

"You know, I wouldn't tell anyone," Frankie said.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Barron," Miss Grayson said firmly. "I'm not at liberty to name names. But I will help you. Hannah's a wonderful little girl and I'm sorry I didn't see that the others were still teasing her."

Frankie sighed. "I just don't like seeing my little girl suffer."

"None of us do," Will reasoned. "But we can't put Miss Grayson in an awkward position either."

"Thank you, Mr. Barron," Miss Grayson said.

Frankie agreed, albeit reluctantly. "We'll wait to hear back from you."

Miss Grayson nodded and promised to keep them posted if she heard or saw anything else. Frankie and Will said goodbye and headed for the library where they had left Hannah.

"We better hurry," Frankie said. "I want to get to the hospital."

Hannah looked up from her book when she saw her parents. Will picked her up. "How's my girl?"

"Fine," Hannah said. "What did Miss Grayson say?"

"She said that she would let us know if she hears anything," Will said. "And you tell her if anyone teases you again."

"Okay," Hannah nodded.

"We're going to the hospital," Frankie told her. "And either your Daddy or me will pick you up this afternoon, okay?"

"All right," Hannah agreed.

Will kissed her cheek. "Have a good day at school, Hannah."

"I will," Hannah smiled at her parents.

Frankie hugged her daughter. "You just let me know the instant one of those little buggers---" Will put a hand on his wife's arm. "Frankie."

"Kids... bothers you." Frankie finished. "I won't let them tease you about this."

"Okay, Mummy," Hannah said.

"We'll see you later," Frankie promised.

"Give Grandpa a hug for me," Hannah said.

"I will, love." Frankie kissed her cheek.

Will mussed his daughter's hair. "Good luck on your spelling test."

"I know all my words," Hannah said.

Will grinned at her and then took Frankie's hand, leading her out of the library.

Frankie waited until they'd left the school before she groaned loudly. "Why wouldn't she give me names?"

"Maybe because she had visions of you interrogating those kids and it scared her," Will said dryly.

"I wouldn't do anything to the kids," Frankie said. "It's the parents."

Will put his arm around her. "Easy, Mama Bear."

"The thought of anyone saying anything mean to her just pisses me off," Frankie said.

"Me too," Will said. "But this will blow over. David Wright is not her father. I am. "

"Right," Frankie smiled up at him. "You're an amazing father."

Will grinned back at her. "And you are an amazing mother."

Frankie gave him a kiss. "Come on."

They arrived at St. Mungos to find Neville pacing in the waiting room. Chiaki and Cho were sitting on one of the sofas. Allison had not been able to come due to her bed rest, but they had all promised to let her know the moment they knew anything.

"What's going on?" Frankie asked.

"Gran didn't have a very good night last night," Chiaki told her. "She was up wandering the halls."

"Oh no," Frankie said in dismay.

"They're still going to do the spell, but they're trying to calm her down," Chiaki said.

Frankie looked at her father. "How are you doing?"

"Okay," Neville said giving her a hug.

"We got here as quickly as we could." Frankie told him.

"I'm glad," Neville said just as the healer came into the waiting room. Neville turned. "How is she?"

"Calmed down," he reported. "We're finally able to begin the spell."

Neville sighed in relief. "Really?"

The healer nodded. "We'll let you know what's going on soon."

Neville nodded. "Thank you."

"It may take awhile," the healer said.

Neville nodded again. He was not going anywhere. He did not care how long it took.

"Thank you," Cho came up to her husband's side. "We'll be waiting."

"I'll just ring Allie and let her know," Chiaki said.

"Thanks," Neville said gratefully.

Neville sat back down on the sofa and put his head in his hands.

"Come on Dad..." Frankie said. "You know there's a good chance this will work."

Neville looked up. "I know. It's just the not knowing..."

Frankie nodded. "But we won't leave until we know what happens."

"Thanks, Frankie," Neville said squeezing her hand.

"Coffee anyone?" Chiaki asked. "I'll run downstairs and grab some."

"That'd be great,' Cho said gratefully.

"Thanks," Neville nodded. "I could use something."

Chiaki gave her father a hug and headed out of the waiting room. Neville looked over at his youngest daughter. "How--how was your meeting with Hannah's teacher?"

Frankie shrugged. "She's going to send a note home to the parents of the children teasing her and if that doesn't work, then it's MY turn."

"Down, girl," Will said shaking his head. "Frankie, tried to strong arm the teacher into giving her the names of the students."

"What's wrong with that?" Frankie asked. "Some parent gave their 'student' the name of Hannah's birth father and they saw it fit to torment her over it."

"Kids can be so cruel," Cho commented.

"They aren't going to be cruel to my daughter anymore," Frankie said determinedly.

Neville smiled. "She's lucky to have you, sweetheart."

"She's my girl," Frankie replied.

Will put his arm around her and Frankie rested her head on his shoulder. "We'll be able to give Hannah some good news today. I just know it. She's going to meet her great-grandparents. For real."

"I hope so," Frankie said fervently. "We should be able to be a real family again, like everyone else."

Neville leaned back in his chair, imagining all the different things that could be happening right now in his parents' room. He just hoped that they weren't suffering.

"I wonder if they'll let me look in on them..." Neville said. "I can't sit around and just wait."

"Neville, are you sure that's a good idea?" Cho asked, but Neville had already walked out of the waiting room.

"Excuse me," Neville said. "I would like an update on Frank and Alice Longbottom please."

The busy receptionist looked at him. "And you are?"

"Their son," Neville said, his tone a bit sharp.

"One moment," the receptionist said.

Neville drummed his fingers on the counter.

The woman did not seem to care one way or the other. Neville decided to take matters into his own hands and pushed past the double doors.

"Wait a minute!" he heard her call. "You can't go back there!"

Neville ignored her and strode purposely toward his parents' room.

He was about to push open the door when a hand on his arm stopped him.

"WHAT?" Neville roared.

"You can't go in there," Will told him. "Come on Neville. The healer will update you. I've read about what this spell entails, and it's a lot of things that need concentration."

Neville thought about this and as much as it pained him to admit it, Will was right.

"Come on," Will said again. "Cho's really worried about you."

Neville looked at the door once more before following his son-in-law.

"Dad where did you go?" Chiaki was just coming in with coffee cups and some muffins.

"Just to get some air," Neville replied.

"Here you go," Chiaki handed him a cup. "Just the way you like it."

Neville forced a smile. "Thanks, love."

Cho patted the sofa next to her. "Come on and sit down, Neville. Pacing and worrying isn't going to make this work any faster."

Neville took a seat. "Right."

Cho rubbed his shoulders soothingly. "I know it's not what you want to hear right now... but just relax."

"Yeah," Chiaki said. "Use some of those Auror relaxation techniques."

Neville smiled despite himself. "Aurors never relax."

Chiaki handed him a muffin. "Pretend then."

"I'll try," he said.

Two hours later and there was still no news. Chiaki had fallen asleep and Frankie was on the verge of joining her sister.

"Damn it," Neville said angrily. "What the hell is going on!"

"I'll go and ask," Cho said patting his hand.

"No, I'll go." Neville said shortly.

But, he did not have to go far. Just as he was making his way for the door, the healer came out. His expression was completely unreadable. Toshio nudged Chiaki.

"Well?" Neville asked. "What's going on?"

"Come with me, Mr. Longbottom," the healer said.

Neville followed him impatiently out of the room. "Did it work?"