Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Don't want to spoil what happens in this chapter with the authors' note so we'll just ask that you please read and review!

Nick was enjoying a quiet afternoon in his studio as he worked on another new album. Life lately had been pretty stress free and a lot of his new songs reflected that.

His band would arrive in the next couple of hours to lay down some tracks and he was eager to fine-tune some of the problems he was having with the melody on one particular song.

He hummed a few lines of the song as he moved over to his sound board. He was about to record a few notes when he heard a knock on his door.

Julie was out shopping with their girls and he and Greta were the only ones home. Nick hurried upstairs to get the door.

Greta was standing in the corridor with a look of shock on her face. "Greta?" Nick asked. "What is it?"

"Your---your father is waiting in the sitting room for you," Greta told him.

"What?" Nick asked. "Is this some sort of joke?"

Greta shook her head. "No, Nicholas. I wouldn't joke about this."

Nick shook his head in confusion and hurried upstairs.

His father was sitting on the sofa looking a little more pale than Nick remembered and he looked like he had lost a little weight.

"What are you doing here?" Nick asked without preamble.

"I was called in for a consult at St. Mungos," Draco replied. "I thought I'd stop by and see how my only son was doing."

"Since when do you care?" Nick asked coldly.

"Fair enough," Draco said leaning back on the sofa. "This is a nice home you have here."

"I know," Nick crossed his arms.

"Much homier than my home in Sydney," Draco commented. "Your mother treats it more like a museum."

"Why are you here?" Nick asked, cutting off the small talk.

Draco understood why his son was acting this way. If the situation were reversed, he was sure he would have reacted much the same. "Well, you see, you didn't know your grandfather very well. He was very cold and distant and he used me whenever he needed to, but he did not love me."

"So you decided to act the same way," Nick said sarcastically. "There's a lesson learned..."

"No, Nicholas," Draco interjected. "The thing is that I used to tell myself I'd never treat a child of mine like that. Hell, I didn't even want to have a child because I knew that I wasn't someone that anyone should have as a father."

Nick rolled his eyes. "Well you did, and you treated me like shit. And that's why I want nothing to do with you."

Draco stood up. "I was hoping it wasn't too late."

Nick shrugged.

"I'm not saying I deserve a second chance, of course," Draco said, standing up. "I am just asking for the chance to know my grandchildren and to get to know my son."

"No," Nick replied. "You will not talk to my daughters, or get to know them."

"You had that ring tested, right?" Draco guessed. "I'm guessing that you found out that it isn't charmed, or cursed, or hexed."

"Luckily for you," Nick said shortly.

"Have you given it back to Katherine yet?" Draco asked.

"Not yet," Nick answered.

"Are you going to?" Draco pressed.

"We were talking about it," Nick said evasively.

"Well, I don't want Ashley to feel left out," Draco said. "You remember the extensive art collection we have at the estate in Sydney. I'd love to show it to her."

"We aren't going back to Sydney," Nick stated.

"Nicholas, please," Draco said. "I would really like it if you would."

Nick stared at his father. "Why?" he asked. "Why now?"

Draco did not answer him.

"Another scheme?" Nick asked.

Draco shook his head. "No, son."

"Then WHAT?" Nick asked, starting to lose his temper.

Draco sighed and Nick wondered why his father was not arguing with him or making snide comments. This was not like him at all.

"Did something happen to Mother?" Nick asked.

"Your mother is fine," Draco replied, sitting back down.

"Then why the hell are you here?" Nick asked angrily.

"The truth is," Draco started to say. "The truth is---"

"Dad!" Katie came bursting into the room "Wait until you see--" she stopped short. "Grandfather!"

Katie dropped her shopping bags and ran over to Draco.

"Katie," Nick said sharply. "Go outside, please."

"But, Dad," Katie protested.

"Go," Nick replied.

"Listen to your father," Draco said to Katie.

"But..." Katie looked helplessly between the two of them.

"It's okay," Draco told her. "I'll come and say goodbye when I'm finished speaking with your father."

"No you won't," Nick snapped.

Ashley and Julie stepped into the room. Julie's face fell when she saw who their guest was.

"Julie," Draco nodded to her. "And Ashley."

"Hello," Julie said quietly.

"We'll be done in a minute," Nick said. "I need to speak to my father alone."

"Of course," Julie nodded. "Come on, Katie. We'll show your new things to Greta."

Katie cast a regretful look at her grandfather before following her mother and sister out of the room.

"I'm sorry about that," Draco said to his son.

"Look," Nick said. "I'm very busy today. If you don't have a real reason for being here--"

"I'm dying," Draco told him.

Nick stopped and stared at him.

"I wasn't consulting with a patient at St. Mungos," Draco explained. "I was seeing a specialist. Healer Fitzpatrick, if you think I'm lying. You can talk with him and he'll back me up. I'm not making this up, Nicholas."

"Why should I believe you?" Nick asked.

"You shouldn't," Draco admitted. "But, like I said feel free to contact my healer."

Nick shook his head. "This is unbelievable."

"Your mother doesn't know," Draco told him. "I've known for a couple of months now and I'm trying to get my affairs in order."

"You mean you're supposedly dying and not telling your wife?" Nick asked disdainfully. "Some marriage."

Draco sighed. "You know your mother, Nicholas. She would freak out and make this about her and while I do love her very much, it's not about her."

Nick rolled his eyes but he knew his father was right. "So what's wrong with you?"

Draco let out a hollow laugh. "Of all things, it's a Muggle disease. Can you believe that?"

Nick raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Cancer," Draco replied. "Just before Christmas, my personal healer found a tumour on my lung. They tried everything they could to get rid of it, but it just keeps growing back. The spells have done a number on my body and it's just a matter of time..."

Nick stared at his father and for the first time, considered that Draco might just not be lying. "You have lung cancer?"

Draco nodded. "Yes."

Nick just shook his head.

"You used to tell me when you were little to stop smoking," Draco said. "If only I'd have listened."

"Wouldn't be the first time you never listened to something I had to say," Nick pointed out.

"True enough," Draco said. "But, that's why I'm here. This has put things into perspective for me."

"I don't know what to think about this," Nick said honestly.

"I understand," Draco said. "I honestly wasn't going to tell you. But, I didn't know any other way to get through to you."

"I don't know if this could make any difference," Nick replied.

Draco just stared at him for a few moments. "I should get going," Draco replied. "Rounds at my hospital and I'm already late."

"Right," Nick nodded.

"Would it be okay if I said goodbye to the children?" Draco asked.

Nick nodded, a bit reluctantly. "I don't want you telling them anything about this."

Draco nodded. "Of course."

Nick went to the door. "Ashley, Katie... come on in here."

Katie hurried toward him, but Ashley hung back a bit, unsure of how to react to this.

"Why can't you stay?" Katie asked him.

"I have lots of work to do back in Sydney," Draco said smiling at her. "Professor Snape tells me how well you're doing in your classes, Katherine. I'm quite proud."

"Thank you," Katie glowed. "I love Potions!"

Draco patted her shoulder and then turned his attention to Ashley. "And I hear that you're quite the artist."

"Yes," Ashley said quietly.

"Your grandmother and I have an extensive art collection at our home," Draco told her. "I'd love for you to see it sometime."

Ashley shrugged.

"She's going to study at the Sor--Sor---what's it called again, Ash?" Katie asked.

"La Sorbonne," Ashley said, folding her arms.

"Ah," Draco nodded. "Congratulations."

"Thanks," Ashley replied.

Draco seemed unsure as to what to say next and Nick decided to rescue his father. "I'll see you out, Father."

Draco nodded. "Take care of yourselves."

"Goodbye, Grandfather," Katie said.

"Goodbye, Katherine," Draco said to her before leaving.

Nick followed his father to the door. "Thank you for not saying anything to them."

"You asked me not to," Draco said.

"And you actually listened to me," Nick said.

"Yes well this whole sickness has changed my outlook on things," Draco replied.

Nick folded his arms. "If you're lying to me about this---"

"I'm not," Draco interrupted.

Nick looked at his father and though he did not know exactly why, he believed him. The pale skin, the weight loss---and the fact that his father had smoked quite heavily---seemed to prove what he was saying. It was just so hard to believe him after all that his father had done over the years. Honesty was not something he was known for.

"I guess I'll be in touch," he said. "I have to think things over."

"Me too," Draco said. "Take care, Nicholas."

Nick nodded. "You too..."

Draco offered him a slight smile before leaving.

Nick shook his head before heading into the kitchen to see his wife.

"I sent the girls upstairs to show Greta what they bought," Julie explained when she saw him. She shook her head. "What on earth was he doing here?"

"He's dying," Nick said. "Of lung cancer."

Julie stared at him. "What?"

"I know," Nick replied. "I had the same reaction. But I believe him."

Julie approached her husband and put her arm on his shoulder. "How are you feeling?"

"I don't know," Nick replied. "I really don't know what to think of all this. It's so sudden."

Julie gave him a hug.

He wound his arms around her and held her tightly to him. "He seems genuine," he told his wife.

"It certainly explains why he's been reaching out the way he has," Julie commented. "Nick, I know he's done some horrible things, but he is still your father. I know that if this is true..."

"I know," he said. "I have to think about this."

"If you need to talk, you know I'm here," Julie offered.

Nick smiled at her. "I'm sure I'll talk your ear off once I make heads or tails of this."

Julie squeezed his hand. "That's what I'm here for."

Nick gave her a kiss. "I love you, Jules."

"I love you too," Julie said. "I take it you want to keep this from the girls until you've had time to think this over?"

"That's the idea," Nick nodded. "Especially since Katie seems to have formed a bond with him."

"Okay," Julie agreed. "I won't say a word."

"Thanks," Nick replied. "So what's the damage today?"

"Not too bad," Julie replied. "Ashley bought some new art supplies and Katie bought some new outfits."

"Good," Nick replied. "I think I'm going back to my studio. The guys are coming by in a bit but Ineed time to think."

"Of course," Julie said.

Nick gave her another kiss before heading back downstairs. His father was dying. Dying.

Nick honestly did not know what to do with this information. He and his father had never been close. Nick had spent most of his childhood trying to get his father to notice him, but failing each time.

And now that he was dying, he wanted Nick's attention. He wanted to get to know him. Part of him wanted to say too little too late, but the other part of him couldn't bear to turn his father away.

He honestly did not know how his father was going to keep this from his mother. Of course, if his mother was still drinking like she was, she probably had no clue.

Nick pushed his thoughts of her out of his head and returned to those of Draco. Perhaps it wouldn't be a lost cause just yet. Reaching out now was better late than never.

Nick pulled the Malfoy ring from his pocket. "Katie!" he called out.

He went upstairs as Katie hurried into the hallway. "Yes Dad?"

"I believe this belongs to you," Nick said handing her the ring.

Katie stared at it as a huge grin broke out on her face. "I can have it back? Really?"

Nick nodded. "Your grandfather really wanted you to have it."

Katie threw her arms around him. "Thanks Daddy!"

Nick hugged her tightly. "You're welcome, sweetheart."

"Why was he here?" Katie asked.

"He wanted to make sure that you got your ring," Nick lied. "That's all."

"Oh," Katie gazed at it. "I'm glad."

"You like your grandfather, eh?" Nick asked her.

Katie nodded.

"Just promise you that you won't hide anything from us like that again," Nick told her.

"I won't have to, now." Katie said.

Nick chuckled. "Katherine Rose..."

Katie grinned at him.

Nick gave her another hug. "I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you too," Katie said. "I can't wait to show off my new clothes at school."

Nick tugged on one of her streaks. "And your new hair?"

"Thank Merlin for Zoƫ," Katie said. "My hair looks way cooler than before."

"My rock star," Nick said grinning down at her.

"Maybe that's what I'll be someday," Katie said.

"I don't doubt that for a moment," Nick said.

"And I still want to be a model," Katie replied.

"And an actress?" Nick teased.

"If I need the media," Katie tossed her head.

"Just don't forget the people who knew you when," Nick said.

"Of course not," Katie replied, laughing.

"That's my girl," Nick said. "I'll see you at dinner."

Katie nodded and hurried upstairs to ring Lindsey and tell her about the ring.

Ashley heard her sister. "Katie? What did Dad want?"

"I got my ring back," Katie glowed.

"Dad let you have it?" Ashley asked in surprise.

Katie nodded. "I don't know why, but I don't care!"

Ashley hadn't expected her parents to ever let Katie have that ring back. "Don't you think this is a little strange?"

Katie shrugged. "Not really."

"Maybe I'm just thinking too much about it," Ashley said.

"You do think too much," Katie said, going past her.

Ashley did not look too convinced. She did not expect Katie to think too much more than how happy she was to have her ring back. But, Ashley had noticed something when she had spoken to her grandfather. In the handful of times she had seen him, he looked like he could not care less. But, tonight, it seemed quite different. When he had expressed an interest in her art, he had seemed genuine.

She decided to talk about everything with her parents later. Maybe they could tell her what was going on.

*** *** ***

Frankie was absolutely seething. She knew she should calm down, but she was at her wit's end. For Merlin's sake, what kind of children were at this school of Hannah's.
They had to be a collection of the meanest children on the planet, Frankie thought angrily.

As far as she knew, Hannah had not had any more problems with her classmates bringing up David Wright. But, she had just received an emergency owl from Hannah's teacher advising
that there had been another incident and while Hannah was okay at the moment, the teacher wanted to speak to Frankie after school. Will was out of town on a research trip so Frankie had to handle this all on her own.

She was due there for a meeting after school, but thought that perhaps talking to her parents might help calm her down before she headed over there. She packed up the twins and they arrived at Neville and Cho's.

"Mum?" Frankie called out. "Dad?" There was no answer and Isabelle echoed her mother and called out for Neville and Cho.

"Gamma!" Isabelle called out. "Come out!"

"I guess no one's home," Frankie said, disappointed. She had thought her mother didn't have any classes that day and was entertaining the thought of dropping in on Allison when Frank appeared.

"Gampa!" Nathan exclaimed.

"Hi Grandpa," Frankie said in surprise. "We didn't realise you'd be around today."

"Neville took Alice over to see Chiaki," Frank replied. "Cho stepped out to go to the market for some things for lunch."

"Oh," Frankie said. "Would you mind if we stuck around for a little while?"

"Absolutely not," Frank said. "Can I get you anything?"

"I was headed down to make myself some tea," Frank said. "I'd love for you to join me."

"I'd love some tea," Frankie said. "And I have some biscuits for these two here."

"Yum, yum!" Isabelle said grinning at Frank.

Frank laughed. "You two have a sweet tooth, I can see."

Frankie looked preoccupied as she led the way into the kitchen. Frank put the kettle on as Frankie helped the children into their seats.

"What's on your mind?" Frank asked her. "You seem a little upset."

"Nothing," Frankie said, not wanting to trouble her grandfather.

"You can tell me," Frank put the tea kettle on.

"Well, my oldest, Hannah, has been having some trouble at school," Frankie explained. She told him about how some of Hannah's classmates had been snide comments about her biological father.

Frank wore a frown on his face. "Can I assume you've already gone in and spoken to her teacher about this?"
"Yes," Frankie answered. "A few times. I've been asking for a meeting with the parents of these children but she won't release the names."

Frank nodded. "And how has Hannah handled this?"

"Okay," Frankie answered. "She's been pretty upset, but she doesn't want to make any waves. She's rather shy."

"She wants to just blend in," Frank commented.

Frankie nodded. "Yes she does."

Frank poured them each a cup of tea and carried them over to the table. "Well, you're just like a mother bear wanting to protect her cubs. But, you know, Frankie, there's not much you can do to stop those children from saying what they're saying. Children can be cruel."

"There has to be something," Frankie insisted. "After everything she went through at the hands of that horrible man, I won't allow her to have thoughts of him again."

"Well," Frank said thoughtfully. "Instead of concentrating on revenge, I think you should find a way of making your Hannah feel more secure. Let her know that this David Wright is not a part of her life anymore and never will be again. This horrible thing happened to her, but it doesn't have to define her."

Frankie nodded slowly. "I think you have a good point there."

Frank smiled. "She's a wonderful little girl." He remembered how the night of the family party, Hannah had stuck to Frankie's side and had helped her with the twins.

"She is," Frankie said with a grin. "I still remember the way I felt when I first met her. She was so scared and alone. I just wanted to take care of her."

"She was lucky to have you and William," Frank said. "Just as---just as I'm glad that my mother was there for Neville."

Frankie nodded. "I miss Gran. She and I were actually quite close."

Frank smiled. "She wasn't always the easiest person to get along with."

"Dad always said she was a little on the conservative side," Frankie replied. "And considering I was the wild child..."

"Your sisters were telling me some stories about you," Frank told her.

"They were probably only half true," Frankie joked.

Frank laughed. "They also said you'd say that."

Frankie grinned at him. "You didn't believe them, did you."

Frank laughed. "They also said you'd say that."

Frankie grinned at him. "You didn't believe them, did you."

"My namesake capable of such things?" Frank asked. He shook his head. "No way."

Frankie laughed. "I knew you'd see it my way."

"Of course," Frank grinned.

Frankie sipped her tea and looked at her two younger children. "If Hannah hadn't come into our lives, I don't think we'd have these two. I didn't want kids until I met her."

"Triggered your mothering instinct?" Frank asked.

"You could say that," Frankie nodded. "I suppose that's why I feel extra protective of her."

"From what Neville's told me, she's been through a lot in her young life," Frank said.

"More than a lot of people go through their entire lives," Frankie said. "At least I feel calmed down now. Before I was ready to storm in there and wring someone's neck.

"Glad I could help," Frank said patting her arm.

Frankie smiled at him. "You're a great help."

"I'm still a bit rusty with all this," Frank commented.

"You're doing fine," Frankie said. "You and Gran have already fit in so well with everyone."

Frank grinned. "You lot make it so easy."

"It sort of feels like you both were always here," Frankie said.

"Really?" Frank asked.

Frankie nodded. "We all just know how lucky we are to have you both with us."

Frank leaned back in his chair. "Alice and I try to keep telling ourselves to not think about all that we missed and just think about what we have now."

Frankie agreed with him. "Live for the present."

Nathan finished his biscuit and reached for another.

"Just one more," Frankie told her son.

"Kay," Nathan said.

"Me too," Isabelle said. "One more."

Cho came into the kitchen carrying some grocery bags. Frank stood up and helped her. "This is a nice surprise! Hello, Nathan! Izzie! Frankie!"

"Gamma!" Isabelle said happily. "We wait for you!"

"You did?" Cho asked leaning over and kissing her cheek. "I'm so happy!"

"Hi," Nathan grinned at her. "We have biscuits."

Cho gave her grandson a hug. "I see that."

"We stopped by to see you or Dad and had a nice cup of tea with Grandpa." Frankie said to her mother

"How lovely," Cho commented. "Do you want to stay for lunch? I bought some vegetarian pasta salad at the shops."

Frankie looked at her two children who nodded eagerly. "Sure. I have to go in a few hours- I have a meeting with Hannah's teacher.

"Oh?" Cho asked. "Is everything okay?"

"More of the same," Frankie replied. "Those children are at it again. This time, they're doing a report on local crimes and one kid brought in a clipping about David Wright."

Cho gasped. "No they didn't!"

"Grandpa talked me down a bit, but I was out for blood just a little while ago." Frankie said. "I don't understand how children her age can be THIS cruel."

"Especially when the girl is as sweet and sensitive as Hannah," Cho said shaking her head.

"Right," Frankie replied. "Will always does so well with her when she's upset about things like this."

"When will he be back from his trip?" Cho asked.

"Tomorrow night," Frankie said. "Nathan and Izzie can't wait."

"Daddy coming home," Isabelle said. "See me, Han and Nathan."

"That's right love." Frankie said. "You get to stay up and wait."

Isabelle grinned. "Yay!"

"How fun," Cho smiled at her grandchildren. "Frank, I stopped and got you some fish and chips. I know you do like your meat."

Frank smiled gratefully at her. "Thank you, Cho."

"It's so funny," Frankie said. "Me, Mum and Chiaki all are vegetarian- for the most part. And Allie and Dad love their meat."

"Everyone's different, I suppose," Frank commented. "But, I am thankful that your mother thinks of me. I know it can't be easy for her."

"I'm extremely happy to have you both here," Cho assured him.

"Thanks," Frank said grinning at her as she placed the fish and chips before him.

Frankie set the table while her mother got the rest of the meal ready. "That looks delicious."

"Yummy," Nathan agreed.

"Well eat up," Cho urged. "I have plenty more."

Frankie and the twins enjoyed lunch with Frank and Cho and Cho volunteered to watch the twins while Frankie went to her meeting.

"Thank you," Frankie said gratefully. "This will go much more easily if I'm able to be there alone.

"Remember what I said," Frank said giving her a hug.

"I will," Frankie replied. "I appreciate the advice."

Frankie gave her children a quick kiss before Apparating to Hannah's school.

Hannah's teacher said she'd have her stay so Frankie could just go home with her after the meeting.

Hannah was sitting at her desk in the classroom working on her homework. She looked up when she saw her mother. "Mummy," she said quietly.

"Hi sweetheart," Frankie said.

"Mrs. Barron," Hannah's teacher, Mrs. Grayson said warmly. "Thank you for coming."

"Of course," Frankie said. "What exactly happened today?"

"Well," Mrs. Grayson explained. "The class had an assignment to bring in newspaper clippings about local crimes and someone brought in a clipping about Hannah's biological father."

"That's what you'd told me in the owl you sent," Frankie said. "I don't understand how this can keep happening. I should be able to talk to the parents who allow this sort of thing."

"The boy who brought in the clipping was sent to the headmaster's office and he was disciplined, Mrs. Barron. His parents are meeting with the headmaster right now."

"I would like to see them as well," Frankie requested.

Mrs. Grayson nodded. "You know where the headmaster's office is. I can stay with Hannah."

"Thank you," Frankie said. "I'll be back soon, sweetheart."

Hannah nodded and returned her attention to her schoolwork. Frankie walked purposely toward the headmaster's office. Will was usually the calm one, but he wasn't here.

She took some deep breaths and remembered her grandfather's advice. She was ready to tear these people from limb to limb but knew going in there like a mad woman wouldn't help matters at all.

Frankie checked in with the receptionist and the woman led her into the headmaster's office. "Mrs. Barron to see you, sir," the receptionist said.

Frankie glanced over at the people sitting to her right.

The headmaster stood up. "Mrs. Barron, this is Betty and Richard Stanfield."

"Hello," Frankie said stonily.

"Please have a seat," the headmaster said motioning toward a seat beside Mrs. Stanfield.

Frankie sat down, her eyes averting to the little boy who was on the other side of his father.

"This was a most unfortunate incident that happened in Mrs. Grayson's classroom today," the headmaster said to Frankie. "And we understand that the ringleader of the harassment of Hannah has been Phillip."

"I never knew who it was until now," Frankie answered coolly. "But it needs to stop. My daughter had no part in what happened to her mother."

"I don't think my son should be expelled for this childish prank," Mrs. Stanfield protested.

"Expelled?" Frankie asked in surprise.

"This was the fourth incident," the headmaster said.

"I handled a case that was similar to what David Wright did," Mr. Stanfield said. "I had to do some research, and Phillip got into the case file and saw Hannah's name and photo in there."

"It seems that there's also some competition in play," the headmaster said. "Phillip and Hannah have the best marks in the whole class."

"Hannah works hard for her grades," Frankie said. "This sort of thing hurts her terribly, and I don't want her marks suffering for it."

"We understand that," Mr. Stanfield said. "We had thought Phillip understood that one more time and he would have no more chances.'

"Apparently he thought otherwise," Frankie couldn't resist saying.

"We're very sorry, Mrs. Barron," Mr. Stanfield said.

"I'm really not the one who needs to be apologised to," Frankie pointed out. "This whole situation has hurt Hannah terribly. A few of her friends stopped talking to her because of it. Her father and I have had to take extra steps to reassure her of her place in our family."

"Phillip will apologise to Hannah," Mrs. Stanfield said.

"I'd like that to be done in front of the class," Frankie said. "I think they all need to know they can't bully someone because of their marks."

The headmaster nodded. "That can be arranged and we'll have Phillip serve detention for two weeks, instead of the expulsion. But, if this happens again, he will be expelled."

"Do you understand that, Phillip?" Mr. Stanfield asked sternly.

"Yes," the boy replied quietly.

"Thank you," Frankie said to the headmaster and Mr. and Mrs. Stanfield.

The headmaster nodded. "If you have any more concerns, Mrs. Barron, please let us know."

"I will," Frankie nodded. "You can count on that."

Frankie shook the headmaster's hand and then headed back toward Hannah's classroom.

She felt much lighter and really hoped this whole situation could be something they could put behind them- especially for Hannah. The less she remembered about her birth father, the better off she was.

Mrs. Grayson excused herself when Frankie entered the room. Frankie walked over to Hannah's desk. "Sweetheart, how are you feeling?"

"Okay," Hannah said.

"You want to talk about what happened today?" Frankie asked gently.

Hannah shrugged.

"Some people like to put others down to feel better about themselves," Frankie said. "And that boy was wrong to bring that article to your class."

"Why did he have to find out?" Hannah asked.

"Apparently, his father is an attorney and he was working on a case similar to David Wright's," Frankie explained.

Hannah shivered at the mention of her birth father's name.

Frankie squeezed her hand. "He can't hurt you anymore. He is not a part of your life. You are Hannah Barron and you have a mummy and daddy and brother and sister who love you very much."

Hannah managed a small smile.

"Whenever someone tries to make you feel bad about any of that," Frankie said. "You remember that."

"I'll try," Hannah said.

"Good," Frankie smiled. "How about we go and get your brother and sister from your Grandmother's and then we'll go home?"

"Okay," Hannah agreed. "Is Grandpa Frank and Grandma Alice there?"

"Your Grandpa Frank is," Frankie replied helping Hannah pack up her things.

Hannah brightened. "Can we stay so I can talk to him?"

Frankie smiled. "Of course."

Hannah gave her a tight hug.

"I love you very much," Frankie said. "And I'm so proud that you're my daughter."

"Thanks," Hannah looked up at her. "I'm always happy you chose me."

"And I am so lucky that you chose me," Frankie said smiling down at her. "You changed everything for me."

Hannah smiled more genuinely this time.

Frankie kissed the top of her head. "Let's go."

Hannah put the rest of her homework into her bag and Frankie helped her into her cloak. She took her mother's hand as they said goodbye to Mrs. Grayson and left the school.

The twins were kipping when they arrived at Cho and Neville's. Hannah made a beeline for Frank and he hugged her tightly.

"I'm so glad you're here," Hannah said, her smile brightening her whole face.

"So am I," Frank said looking over at Frankie and winking at her.

"I drew you a picture today," Hannah said, reaching for her bag. "For you and Grandma Alice."

"Let's see that masterpiece," Frank said eagerly.

It was a picture of the two of them holding hands that Hannah had drawn during her art lesson that day.

Frank grinned. "That's brilliant, Hannah!"

"That's very lovely," Frankie agreed.

"Alice is going to love this," Frank said.

"Is she coming home soon?" Hannah asked.

"She should be," Frank replied. "She was visiting with Chiaki and your cousins."

"Han!" Isabelle came into the room. "Hi!"

"Hey, Izzie," Hannah said. "Sleepyhead."

"I don't like kips," Isabelle announced.

Hannah gave her a hug. "Where's Nate?"

"Still sleeping," Isabelle said.

"Your brother is just like your dad," Frankie said. "Loves to sleep."

Isabelle giggled.

Frankie picked her up. "Have you been a good girl?"

"Yes," Isabelle said.

Frankie kissed her cheek. "That's my girl."

"I want to go home," Isabelle whispered. "Play with my toys."

"We should be heading home," Frankie said. She saw Hannah start to protest. "We'll stop by later to see Grandma Alice. I promise."

"Okay," Hannah said reluctantly.

"Could Hannah stay here?" Frank asked. "She'd be doing me a big favour by keeping me company."

Hannah turned pleading eyes on her mother. "Just for a little while?"

Frankie nodded. "Of course. I'll come for you around dinner time if that's alright, Grandpa?"

"That will be great," Frank agreed.

Frankie smiled at him. "Okay then."

"Can you tell me stories about you and Grandma Alice?" Hannah asked as Frankie and Isabelle left the room.

"What would you like to know?" Frank asked.

"Everything," Hannah said.

Frank sat down with her on the sofa. "Well, let's see. You know that your great-grandmother and I were both Aurors?"

Hannah nodded eagerly.

"Well, she and I graduated from training at the same time," Frank explained. "And since she was my girlfriend at the time, I was worried about her and tried to make sure that she was given desk assignments. I didn't want her to get hurt."

"But I bet she didn't like that," Hannah said.

Frank chuckled and shook his head. "No, she didn't. Not one bit. She said I was being a pig-headed chauvinist and that she had more courage and strength than I gave her credit for. Well, I thought she was overreacting until she showed me up one night on one of our raids. She managed to bring in eight Death Eaters all by herself. And I didn't bring in anyone."

Hannah gaped at him. "Grandma did that?"

Alice shook her head from the doorway. "Frank Longbottom. Every single time you tell that story you get it wrong. It was TWELVE Death Eaters."

"Next time it'll be fourteen," Frank joked.

Alice stepped into the room. "Hannah, don't you listen to your great-grandfather."

Hannah hurried over to hug her. "But he does tell good stories."

"He embellishes just a little," Alice said hugging her tightly. "Hi, sweetheart."

"I hoped you'd get here," Hannah said.

Alice smiled down at her. "I'm glad I didn't miss you."

"I get to stay until dinner," Hannah said.

"And look at this," Frank said handing Hannah's drawing to Alice.

"Well that looks like us," Alice said with a grin.

Hannah beamed at her. "Do you like it?"

"I love it," Alice told her.

"What did we do to deserve such a smart, talented great-granddaughter?" Frank asked Alice.

"We just got lucky," Alice smoothed Hannah's hair back.

Hannah leaned against her feeling happy and safe. She loved spending time with them and listening to their stories.