Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

We hope you guys enjoy this chapter, although we think a lot of you won't :( But just have faith in us that we'll make this up to you!

"Leave me alone, Andrew," Saffron said not turning around.

"No," Andrew replied. "I want to know why you'd do something like this. Everything was going fine until you disappeared for awhile. You said you were talking to Alexa, but you were really off ruining RJ's chances for another relationship."

Saffron turned and gaped at him. "Andrew, for the last time, I didn't say anything to Audrey."

"You were gone right before she ran off," Andrew shook his head. "It's a bit of a coincidence, don't you think?"

"You're supposed to believe in me," Saffron told him. "We've always been able to trust each other, Andrew. If you don't believe in me now---"

"I don't know how I can," Andrew answered, disappointed in her. "I really thought you were ready to let this go, but I was wrong."

"I love you," Saffron said. "I gave you my word. You think I'd jeopardise our relationship over this?"

"You have before," Andrew pointed out.

Saffron couldn't believe this. She'd been civil to RJ all evening. She'd even been nice to Audrey. What more did they want from her?

"I didn't do this, Andrew," Saffron said. "But, you're not going to believe me, are you?"

"I want to," Andrew replied.

"That's rubbish," Saffron said angrily. "You think I did this."

"All right fine," Andrew said. "You've been after RJ for months now, and this was the final nail in the coffin, wasn't it?"

"After RJ for months?" Saffron asked incredulously. "After him for months? I cannot stand him Andrew, but I wouldn't deliberately sabotage his relationship with Audrey."

Andrew shook his head. "I should go."

"Go then," Saffron said glaring at him. "I don't want to be with someone who thinks I'm capable of something like that!"

Andrew nodded. "Right." he said coolly.

Saffron slammed the door after him. She'd never been this angry at him. He didn't believe her. He didn't believe in her.

"Saffy?" Hermione appeared in the doorway. "Mind explaining to me what's going on here?"

"Someone blabbed to Audrey about all of us being magical and Andrew and RJ both think it was me," Saffron replied. She looked pleadingly at her mother. Someone had to know that she wasn't capable of this. "I didn't do it, Mum. I swear."

Hermione gazed at her youngest daughter. "I believe you sweetheart. You don't lie to me."

Saffron hugged her mother. "I'd never lie to you, Mum."

"I wish I could say the same for everyone," Hermione kissed the top of her head. "Unfortunately a lot of people out there think you told Audrey about magic. Your father's talking about doing a memory modification spell."

"It means enough to me that you believe me," Saffron said still hugging her mother. "I--I really tried to make an effort tonight."

"I know you did baby," Hermione said. "I saw you talking to them."

"Andrew didn't believe me, Mum," Saffron said. "It's over. It's really over this time."

"I'm so sorry sweetheart," Hermione hugged her daughter again.

"Jules and Ethan, they believe me, don't they?" Saffron asked hopefully.

"I'm sure they do," Hermione nodded. "Saffy, I know deep down you're not a mean girl."

Saffron didn't want to go back outside. She asked her mother if they could stay in here until everyone else left and Hermione sat down with her on the sofa, stroking her daughter's hair and patting her back as Saffron cried.

Outside everyone seemed to be talking about what had happened. Alexa had seen her best friend trying to be civil with RJ and she couldn't believe that Saffron would do something like this.

"I should check on her," Alexa said to Gabriel.

Gabriel nodded. "You don't think she told Audrey, do you?"

"No," Alexa shook her head. "I don't think for a moment that she would stoop that low."

Gabriel reached for her hand. "Let's go and see how she's doing then."

Alexa smiled at him gratefully. "Thanks Gabe."

They found Saffron and Hermione in the sitting room.

"Saffy?" Alexa asked.

"Yeah?" Saffron wiped her eyes.

"How are you holding up?" Alexa asked gently.

"Andrew didn't believe me," Saffron said brokenly.

Alexa had gathered as much given how Andrew had stalked out of the beach house.

"I believe you," Alexa said sitting down on the edge of the sofa.

"You do?" Saffron asked hopefully.

"You're not vindictive," Alexa said putting a hand on her friend's shoulder. "It's not your nature."

"Thanks Lex," Saffron hugged her friend.

"How about I make us some tea?" Hermione asked.

"Thanks," Saffron nodded. She looked over at Alexa. "Does anyone know who told her?"

Alexa shook her head. "No."

"So everyone thinks I did," Saffron sniffled.

"Not everyone," Gabriel said.

Outside, RJ had just taken off for the train station to try and head off Sean and Audrey. Ethan looked over at his older sister. "Saffy may not get along with RJ but I don't think she'd go this far." he said in a low voice.

"Me either," Julie said. "But try telling that to Ron..."

Ethan looked over with dismay at his father in law. "What a bloody mess..."

Julie spotted Luna off to the side and she approached her. "Aunt Luna? You know that Saffron wouldn't have done something like this...'

Luna sighed. "I would hope not. I always wished she and RJ could patch things up, but I don't want to believe Saffron could do this."

"You've known her since she was a baby," Julie said. "Saffron was angry at him, but she wouldn't have done something like this. My little sister can hold a grudge, but she's not vindictive."

Julie figured she must have looked pleading for Luna's expression softened. "I know that Jules," she put an arm around the younger woman. "I just wish we knew what really went on just now."

Ethan was thinking the same thing and he saw that the discussion between Harry and Ron was starting to get quite heated.

"If your daughter would have kept her big mouth shut," Ron was saying.

"And you'd better keep yours shut too," Harry said darkly. "You're her godfather, Ron. I would think you'd have a little more faith in my daughter."

"Who else would have told her?" Ron retorted.

"I don't know," Harry's hands were clenched. "But it wasn't Saffron. If she says she didn't do it, then she didn't."

"She and RJ haven't gotten on for quite some time," Ron argued. "Look, I just---"

"You just need to keep your accusations to yourself," Harry's eyes were snapping fire.

"I'm sorry," Ron said in a slightly calmer tone.

"I'll find out what's going on," Harry told him, also calming down. "We'll figure it out."

Luna had heard their argument and she hoped that what Harry said was true. She could still remember all the summers they'd spent here when RJ and Saffron were children.

Ethan went back over to sit by his wife. "Mads? You all right?"

"She didn't tell," Maddie said absently, her eyes fixed on something faraway.

"Did you see something?" Ethan asked touching her arm. "Mads?"

"She didn't tell," Maddie focused on her husband. "Someone else did... and it was an accident. They didn't mean to cause any harm."

"Maybe you can tell that to RJ when he calms down," Ethan said thoughtfully.

"But I don't know who did it," Maddie gazed up at him.

"At least he'd know it wasn't Saffy," Ethan said.

Maddie nodded. "I'll try and talk to him. He usually listens to me."

"I want to go and check on her," Ethan said giving his wife a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back."

He found his baby sister in the sitting room flanked by Alexa and Hermione. "You all right, Saf?"

Saffron looked hopefully at him. "You believe me?"

"Of course I do," Ethan sat down across from her. "Maddie just had a little vision or something- she doesn't know who told but she knows it wasn't you."

Saffron gave him a slight smile. It was enough that they believed her, but she didn't think it would do any good. The truth was that when it really mattered, Andrew hadn't taken her side. He hadn't trusted in her.

"It'll be okay," Ethan said. "I promise, Saf."

"Thanks, Ethan," Saffron said hugging him.

"You're still a brat," he said affectionately. "But I love you Saf."

"I love you too," Saffron said. She couldn't believe how much things had changed in the span of a few hours.

She couldn't get her mind off Andrew. The way he had followed her in here and accused her bothered her to no end.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

If he couldn't take the time to hear her out, then she was through with him, this time for good.

*** *** ***

After the events of the evening, Allison had hoped to retire a bit early, but Adam had other ideas. He kept her up until nearly half past eleven, first wanting to be fed, then crawling around the room.

"Come on you," Allison yawned. "You can't have this much energy all the time..."

She picked him up before he reached the door and she cradled him in her arms. "Who's Mummy's good boy?"

"Oooooh," Adam puckered his little lips.

Allison laughed. "Okay, how about we sit down in the rocking chair and I'll tell you a story?"

Adam reached for her and patted the side of her face.

Allison smiled and gently sat down with him on the rocking chair. "Let's about I tell you about the time when I found out that I was going to have your sister, Caroline?"

Adam looked up at her with wide eyes.

"Okay," Allison said softly. "Well, your daddy and I were living in a small flat over your Great Uncle Fred and Great Uncle George's shop..."

Allison had not been feeling well for the past couple of weeks and had assumed it was the flu. She wanted to prove to her parents that she and Jon could handle anything that came their way without any assistance.

She was working full-time at a small book shop in London and Jon was working part-time at the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes while also teaching flying..

But because she wasn't feeling well, Allison's boss had taken pity on her and told her to go home for the day.

Allison trudged back towards their small flat, wishing she could figure out what was wrong with her. She hated taking time off work- it was money that they needed desperately.

She pushed open the door to the shop and sighed when she remembered today was a Hogsmeade weekend. The shop was packed and Allison wished she'd gone through the back alley to get home.

"Hey, lady!" a surly looking boy exclaimed when Allison tried to get past him. "You have to get in the queue like the rest of us!"

"Relax," Allison glared at the boy. "I'm not buying."

Jon spotted his wife and he came out behind the counter. "Al? What are you doing home so soon? I thought your shift didn't end until four?"

Allison just shook her head. "I'm going upstairs."

Jon put his hand on her shoulder. "You're still not feeling well?"

"No," she said quietly. "I want to go lie down."

"I'll help you get settled," Jon said kissing her cheek. "Come on."

Allison managed a grateful smile at her husband. "Thanks."

Jon called out to his Uncle Fred that he'd just be a few minutes.

"The wizard flu is going around," Jon said as they entered the back part of the shop.

"So I've heard," Allison said, climbing the stairs.

Jon unlocked the door. "Do you want to lie down in bed or on the sofa?"

"Bed," Allison answered. "Just after I use the loo..."

"Al?" Jon asked, concern all over his face as his wife hurried for the bathroom.

She managed to make it just inside before letting the contents of her stomach loose.

Jon came in with a glass of ice water and handed it to her. He'd never seen her this pale or this sick. Well, not since they were kids.

"I'm sorry," Allison mumbled as she sat back.

"No need to apologise," Jon said flushing the toilet. "I hate seeing you feel bad."

"It'll pass," Allison rinsed out her mouth then took a tentative sip of the water.

Jon took the glass from her and gingerly helped her into their bedroom. "I'll get your pyjamas, love."

"Thank you," Allison sat down on the bed and peeled off her jumper. "Jon?"

"Yeah?" Jon asked, pulling out a pair of pyjamas from the dresser.

She decided to voice a thought that had been floating around in her head for a few days. "What if I'm pregnant?"

"Pregnant?" Jon asked turning around. "Al?"

"I don't know," she said quickly. "But some of the signs are there."

Jon dropped the pyjamas and sat down beside her. "You think you could be?"

"Maybe," she shrugged. "I mean... I've been sick- mostly in the mornings, and I skipped my period last month. I thought it was just due to stress and everything going on but..."

Jon put his arm around her. "I know things have been tough..."

"I don't care about any of that," Allison leaned against him. "It's all worth it to be married to you."

Jon kissed the side of her head. "You deserve better and someday, I'll give it to you."

"I have the best," Allison replied. "Jon... we might be having a baby."

Jon looked at her flat stomach. "So there might be a baby in there?"

"Maybe," she said with a small smile. "It'd at least be worth being this sick."

"I could get one of those Muggle tests," Jon said. "So we'd know for sure."

"Okay," Allison said. "If we are going to have a baby, we're going to have to figure a lot of things out."

"Such as finding a bigger place," Jon said thoughtfully. "This place is barely big enough for the two of us."

Allison nodded. "I'm a little scared, Jon."

"I'm bloody terrified," Jon admitted.

"We'll get it together though," Allison said.

"Too right we will," Jon said picking up her pyjamas and helped her get changed. "Let's get you in bed."

Allison nodded. "And you'll go today for the test?"

"I'll go right now," Jon promised.

"Thank you," Allison kissed his cheek.

"Get some rest," Jon said. "I'll just go ahead and take my lunch. Uncle Fred'll understand."

"Okay," Allison laid back on the bed. "I love you."

"I love you," Jon said smiling reassuringly at her before leaving the flat. He hurried downstairs.

"About bloody time," Fred grumbled. "Come on, mate. You need to help me---"

"I need to take my lunch," Jon interrupted. "It's kind of an emergency."

"There's nearly a hundred kids in here," Fred said. "Jonathan..."

"I'll be back in ten minutes," Jon promised.

Fred shook his head as his nephew hurried out of the shop.

True to his word, Jon was barely gone those ten minutes. He ran the test upstairs to his wife before hurrying back down, making Allison promise to get him the moment she found out.

Allison followed the instructions on the pamphlet and then waited the required amount of time, which seemed to be an eternity.

She didn't know what she wished the outcome to be. Having a baby would be wonderful, but Allison wasn't sure they were ready for that yet. Financially, they were definitely not ready.

They'd been married for nearly four years now and they'd been saving up to eventually get a bigger place, but they were still far off from being able to afford something nice. Allison jumped when the timer went off. She was about to find out if she was....if she and Jon were going to be parents.

She was about to reach for the stick when she heard footsteps pounding up the stairs. "Al?"

"In the loo," Allison called out. "Come in here."

"Anything yet?" Jon asked anxiously

"I was about to check," Allison said reaching for his hand. "Are we ready for this?"

He squeezed her hand. "We'll make ourselves ready."

Allison looked at him. "Okay, if the stick is blue, we're pregnant."

Jon nodded, gulping nervously.

Allison picked up the stick and felt tears welling up in her eyes. "Oh my God.."

"You're pregnant," Jon said hoarsely. "Al..."

Allison set the stick aside and looked at her husband, who seemed to be as shell-shocked as she. "Jon..."

"We're going to be parents," Jon was still staring at the stick.

Allison touched her flat stomach. There was a baby in there----their baby was growing inside her at this very minute.

Jon reached for his wife. "Al... I love you so much."

"I love you too," Allison said hugging him. "We're going to have a baby."

Jon laughed. "We're going to have a baby. And we're going to make this all work, Allie."

Allison smiled up at him. "We will and we'll find a nice little place to start our family. I'll put in extra hours at the shop."

"So will I," Jon replied. "As many as I can possibly work- and we'll start looking for a new place soon. I want to live in London so you don't have to go so far to work."

Allison smiled. "And we'll have to think up names."

"I hope it's a little girl," Jon replied. "She'll look just like you."

"But with red hair, I imagine," Allison said. "Oh...what if it's twins? They do run in your family..."

"I don't know if we're ready for twins," Jon wrapped his arms around her again.

"We should probably see how we do with one," Allison said giving him a kiss.

Jon cupped her face in his hands. "I can't wait to tell everyone."

"Me too," Allison said. "And hopefully Daddy will take the news well since you and he seem to be getting along much better these days."

Jon nodded. "I think he'll be excited about a grandchild, don't you?"

"To spoil completely rotten," Allison said. "But don't you have to get back to work?"

"Unfortunately," Jon answered. "I just want to stay up here with you and celebrate."

"My stomach's still a little unsettled," Allison said. "Can you lie down with me for bit?"

Jon nodded. "Of course."

"You know," Allison said as he helped her into bed. "I've always liked the name Caroline."

Jon smiled as he laid down next to her. "Caroline Weasley..."

"You like it too?" Allison asked. "I mean, assuming it's a girl?"

"Yeah," Jon nodded. "I love it."

Allison rested her head on his chest. "I'm scared, but I'm so happy. Does that make any sense?"

"It's the exact same way I feel right now," Jon kissed the top of her head.

"You're going to be a great father," Allison said softly.

"And you're going to be the best mum," Jon ran his hand through her hair.

"I wonder how far along I am," Allison said thoughtfully.

"Can't be more than a few months," Jon commented.

"I bet I know when she was conceived," Allison said grinning at him.

Jon laughed. "Oh yeah?"

Allison nodded. "Do you remember that night about two months ago when we came back after having dinner with your parents?"

Jon grinned. "I remember that very well..."

"You couldn't keep your hands off of me that night," Allison recalled.

"Make that about every night," Jon said softly.

"Well particularly that night," Allison said giggling. "You tried to have your way with me in your parents' closet!"

Jon laughed. "Oh yeah..."

Allison tickled his side. "At least we can tell our little girl or little boy that they weren't conceived in a closet."

Jon laughed. "No... just right here in our bed." he gave her a kiss. "I wish I didn't have to get back downstairs but I do."

"I'm going to get some rest," Allison said. "And when you're finished, perhaps we can tell our folks."

"Tonight," Jon nodded as he gave her a kiss. "You take a nice, long kip."

"I will," Allison said. "Me and the baby."

Jon grinned at her. "I love you Al."

"I love you too," Allison said closing her eyes.

Allison looked down at Adam who looked as if he was about to fall asleep. "And about seven months later, your big sister Caroline arrived."

Adam smacked his lips and reached for Allison's long hair as he blinked sleepily.

"Let's get you in your crib," Allison said gingerly standing up.

"Mmmm..." Adam mumbled.

She kissed him on the forehead before setting him down in the crib. She wound up the mobile and listened to the lullaby that it played before turning out the lights and leaving the nursery.

Jon was waiting up in bed for his wife. "Everything all right?"

Allison nodded. "I finally put him down. He was full of energy tonight."

Jon smiled. "Get on in here."

Allison slid in beside him. "How are the girls? Did you have any trouble with them?"

"Nah," Jon answered. "They were actually pretty worried about Saffron."

"Me too," Allison admitted. "I hope she and RJ and Andrew can sort all of this out."

"I feel sort of bad," Jon said. "I mean, we were all really quick to blame her for telling Audrey. I'm sort of worried she's going to say something to Vic."

"You think she would?" Allison asked.

"I'm not sure," Jon shook his head.

"Vic wouldn't be upset," Allison said. "She's pretty open-minded."

"I hope not," Jon said. "I was thinking of telling her anyway."

Allison cuddled up close to him. "Might be a good idea."

He wrapped his arms around her. "I've missed just lying with you like this."

"Me too," Allison said softly.

"We haven't had much of a chance to be by ourselves since Adam was born," Jon said.

Allison kissed him. "We're alone now..."

"That we are," he said, pulling her over on top of him. "I'm alone with the most gorgeous woman in the world."

Allison smiled down at him. "You're delusional."

"Am not," Jon retorted playfully.

"Are too," Allison countered. "But when you say it, I feel like I am."

"That's because I mean it," Jon tucked her hair behind her ear. "You're still my Allie."

"Always," Allison said smiling down at him. "Always your Allie."

*** *** ***

The next morning after Audrey's departure, Sean had come over and apologised for telling her about magic. Since it had been an accident, Saffron knew she couldn't be angry at her ex boyfriend- he had not meant any harm.

"I feel bad though," he was saying. "That you and Andrew fought over this."

"You shouldn't," Saffron said sincerely. "The truth is, Andrew and I have been having problems with this for awhile now."

"Yeah but--" Sean started.

Saffron shook her head. "It's not your fault, Sean. Everyone that I care about believed in me, except for him. My mum, my dad, my brother and sister, Alexa, Gabe..."

"I really am sorry," Sean said contritely. "I really didn't mean to ruin everyone's night."

"It's okay," Saffron reassured him. "Don't worry about it."

"Are you all right?" he asked her.

Saffron shrugged. "I'm getting by."

He gave her a hug. "If anyone could survive, it's you, Saf."

"Thanks, Sean," Saffron said. Everyone else had gone out on the beach, but she hadn't felt like it.

"I have to get home," Sean said. "My dad wants me to go into town with them for the day. But I just wanted to tell you..."

"No more telling me you're sorry," Saffron cut him off by wagging her finger at him. "I mean it, Sean."

He smiled at her. "I'll come by later, if you want me to."

"That'd be nice," Saffron said walking him to the door.

"Really?" he asked. "You mean it?"

"I warn you that I might not be great company," Saffron said.

"I'll bring you some ice cream." Sean promised. "I know that makes you smile."

Saffron offered him a slight smile. "You're a good friend, Sean."

"Yeah well I owe you one," Sean said. "I'll see you later, Saffy."

Saffron closed the door behind him and thought about doing some cleaning to keep her mind off of Andrew. It still stung to think about him.

Puddles came loping towards her, carrying his leash in his mouth.

"Hey baby," Saffron said leaning over. "Are you wanting to go for a walk then?"

Puddles turned around excitedly in circles and stared up at her with his big eyes, his tail wagging back and forth.

Saffron smiled and took his leash, clipping it on his collar. "Okay, then. Let's go."

She felt a little better as she headed off down the beach with Puddles leading the way.

It was another beautiful day at Brighton and Saffron wanted to enjoy the last few days of her holiday. But, it didn't seem possible.

She neared the spot where her family had spread out and Puddles made a beeline for her mother. "Wait!" Saffron said as she was yanked forward.

Hermione was glad to see her daughter out of the house and she couldn't help smiling as Puddles pulled her daughter along.

"Come here, Puddles," Hermione said clapping her hands.

Puddles ran over to her, his tongue hanging out as he licked her face eagerly.

"I don't think he liked being cooped up with me inside," Saffron said.

"It's good to see you out here, sweetheart." Hermione patted the empty space beside her.

Saffron sat down. "Puddles wanted to go for a walk. I can't say no to him."

"Just like we can never say no to you?" Hermione affectionately tugged one of her daughter's plaits. "What's up?"

"Sean was the one," Saffron said before relating the story for her mother. "He didn't mean anything by it, of course. He thought she already knew what RJ was."

"That was good of him to come and tell you," Hermione replied.

Saffron nodded and looked down the beach. "Yeah."

"I'm sorry sweetheart," Hermione said. "If you'd like, your father and I will make sure everyone knows the truth."

"It doesn't really matter," Saffron said quietly.

"Of course it does," Hermione said firmly.

"You believed me," Saffron said feeling tears well up in her eyes. "You never doubted me."

"Of course not," Hermione answered. "You're my baby girl, Saffy. And like I said last night- you don't lie to me."

Saffron gave her mother a hug. "It's impossible to lie to you."

Hermione smiled as she kissed the top of Saffron's head. "I have a good lie radar. I can spot them a kilometre away."

"Bad news for Daddy," Saffron mused. "Speaking of which, where is he?"

"He's just down the beach with Ethan and Maddie," Hermione pointed.

"Are he and Uncle Ron okay?" Saffron asked.

"I think so," Hermione nodded. "We'll ring him later and let him know what's going on."

Saffron sighed. "I hate this."

"I know you do, baby." Hermione patted her hand. "I wish I could somehow make things easier for you."

"Do you have a time turner?" Saffron asked.

"I wish I could do that," Hermione said. "But things will work out for the best. You know that."

"Everything happens for a reason," Saffron said. "And that which doesn't kill me will make me stronger..."

"That's my girl," Hermione said with a smile.

Harry strode over to them and sat down beside his daughter. "Hey, sweetheart."

"Hi Dad," Saffron managed a smile at her father.

"What are you two up to?" he asked.

"Just talking," Saffron shrugged.

"Well, how about you take a walk with your old man?" Harry asked. "I'll even buy you an ice cream."

Saffron had to smile more genuinely. "Daddy you don't play fair."

Harry stood back up and offered her his hand. "Come on, you."

"Mum will you watch Puddles for me?" Saffron asked as her father helped her up.

"Of course," Hermione said. "And if you two wanted to get me a cup of strawberry..."

"Of course dear," Harry smiled at her.

Saffron and Harry set off for the ice cream stand down the beach.

"Sickle for your thoughts?" Harry asked.

Saffron was quiet for a few moments before telling her father about Sean. "I can't get mad at him because I know he didn't do it to be mean..."

Harry nodded. "And he didn't know Audrey had no idea what was going on..."

"Right," Saffron sighed. "You know, she wasn't too bad. I didn't talk to her much but I thought she was nice."

"Are you going to tell Andrew about Sean?" Harry asked.

Saffron shook her head. "I don't want to talk to him."

"It was a misunderstanding," Harry said. "Once you tell him..."

"I shouldn't have to tell him, Dad!" Saffron exclaimed. "He should have taken my word. You did. Mum did."

Harry nodded. "All right- he should have heard you out. But perhaps by now he's realised his error."

"It's too late," Saffron said quietly.

Harry put an arm around his daughter. "You'll be okay sweetheart."

"Thanks, Daddy," Saffron said leaning against him.

"I'd do anything to make you happy, baby." Harry kissed the top of her head. "Including double dark chocolate peanut butter caramel..."

"With sprinkles?" Saffron asked.

"Extra sprinkles," Harry answered.

"You're the best," Saffron said as they approached the stand.

"I won't be if I forget your mum's strawberry cup," Harry quipped.

Saffron laughed. "And what are you going to get?"

"I'm not sure," Harry said. "Maybe just some plain old vanilla."

"That's kind of boring, Daddy," Saffron said as they took their place in the queue.

"Why don't you pick out something for me?" Harry smiled at her. "And for Maddie. She made me promise to get her something as well."

Saffron looked up at the menu of flavours. "Maddie would probably like the chocolate fudge swirl. And for you...I'm thinking mint chocolate chip."

"Good choice," Harry squeezed her shoulders.

Saffron turned around and gave him a hug. "Thanks, Daddy."

Harry hugged her back. "I'm glad to see you out and about."

"Puddles wanted to go for a walk," Saffron said quietly.

"Yeah but I'm still glad to see you out here with us," Harry answered as they moved forward.

"I want to spend as much time with you guys as I can before I go back to school," Saffron said.

"You might get tired of us," Harry joked.

"Never," Saffron said shaking her head.

A few minutes later they were carrying containers of ice cream back across the beach. "I should have gotten a little vanilla cup for Puddles," Saffron said.

"There's some in the icebox at home," Harry reassured her. "We can get him some from there."

"I'll get it when I take him back in," Saffron answered.

Saffron spotted a familiar person standing with her brother and she nearly dropped her ice cream. What in the world was Andrew doing here?

"Maybe I'll go back now," she said, handing Maddie's ice cream to her father.

"Saffy," Harry said. "What is it, sweetheart?"

"Andrew," Saffron said quietly. "I don't want to see him."

But, it was too late. Andrew had spotted her and was heading in her direction.

"Mr. Potter," Andrew said greeting Harry. "Saffy."

Saffron bit her lower lip and looked away from her ex boyfriend. "I'm going to get Puddles and go back to the house with my ice cream, Daddy."

"Okay, sweetheart," Harry said.

"Saffron, please," Andrew said. "I just want to talk to you---"

Saffron turned on her heel and stalked away as fast as she could over the sand.

"Perhaps you should go, Andrew," Harry said firmly.

"Mr. Potter," Andrew was crestfallen. "I made a huge mistake last night."

"You sure did," Harry said walking away from him.

Andrew was left standing alone like a fool, but decided to meet Saffron up at the house.

He knocked on the back door. "Saffy!"

Saffron ignored him as she went about getting Puddles a small bowl of ice cream. "You want a treat, baby?"

Puddles barked and looked pleadingly up at her.

His eager face made Saffron smile as she turned away from the door. "All right, come on then."

Andrew could see her inside. "Saffron! Come on. Let me in. Sean called me. He told me that he was the one who told Audrey about RJ."

"Too little too late," Saffron grumbled, still not looking at him.

"I'm sorry," Andrew called out to her.

Saffron pressed her lips together as she put the bowl on the floor for her dog and got herself a spoon.

Andrew tried the door and was relieved that it was open. "Hi."

"Go away," Saffron said icily.

He had expected her anger. "Look, I just want to talk. Please."

"I don't want to talk to you," Saffron gathered her bowl up. "Goodbye, Andrew."

"Sean rang me and told me what happened," Andrew said even though he'd told her this a few moments ago. "I was an idiot, Saffy."

"Yes you are," Saffron answered coldly.

Andrew sighed. "You can see how I would have thought---"

"No, I can't see," Saffron turned to face him, her eyes blazing. "I would have listened to you."

"I know," Andrew said hastily. "But---"

"But nothing," Saffron answered. "Goodbye."

Andrew reached for her. "Saffy, I love you. I thought that you'd---"

"Don't touch me," Saffron pulled away. "You thought I wouldn't care that you totally flew off the handle and accused me of something I didn't do?"

"I did fly off the handle," Andrew admitted. "But given your history with RJ, I think it's understandable..."

"No, it's not." Saffron glared at him. "Because I wanted to work things out, I was cordial to him, and look what it got me." she shook her head. "Just leave. I don't want to see you."

Andrew stared at her. He wasn't used to her looking at him like that.

"Leave!" Saffron nearly shouted.

Andrew nodded and turned for the door. There were so many things he wanted to say to her, but he knew she wouldn't listen.

Saffron sniffled as he opened the door. She hadn't realised just how hurt she was by his actions until right then.

"So, this is it?" Andrew asked.

"It wouldn't have been if you had just heard me out," Saffron said quietly, wiping at her eyes.

"I love you, Saffron," Andrew said turning around. "I love you."

"Stop it," she said, her voice trembling.

"If I could go back and change what happened, I would," Andrew said softly. "I should have believed you straightaway."

"Yes you should have," Saffron said, still not looking at him. "But you didn't."

"And you can't forgive me for that, can you?" Andrew asked.

"I don't know," Saffron wrapped her arms around herself. "Right now I just want you to go."

Andrew looked at her one last time before walking out the door.

Once he was gone, she literally broke down in heavy sobs at the kitchen table. Her shoulders shook as she cried; Puddles whining with his head in her lap.

Hermione had seen what had happened earlier on the beach and she'd seen Andrew walk out of the beach house. She wanted to check on her daughter and her heart sank when she spotted Saffron slumped over the table.

"Sweetheart?" Hermione asked, opening her arms.

"Now its okay," Saffron flew at her mother. "Now it's okay for him to hear me out, because he knows for sure I didn't do it. But he couldn't believe me last night."

Hermione held her daughter and patted her back comfortingly. She wished there was something she could do to take the pain away.

"I just want to go home," Saffron said a few minutes later.

"Are you sure, sweetheart?" Hermione asked. "We have a few more days here."

Saffron shrugged. "This is the worst holiday ever."

"We could go back earlier if you want," Hermione said.

"I don't want to ruin it for you and Daddy," Saffron answered softly.

"You haven't," Hermione reassured her.

"I think I'm going to go up and take a kip," Saffron answered as she put her ice cream container in the icebox. "Maybe I'll feel better later..."

"You want me to sit with you until you fall asleep?" Hermione asked.

"Sure," Saffron managed a smile. "Thanks."

Hermione followed her daughter upstairs. "You'll get through this, my sweet girl. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but you will."

"I'm never, ever dating again." Saffron swore.

"Your father will be glad to hear that," Hermione said dryly.

"I guess," Saffron said as Puddles shot into the room. "Tell Lexie I'm up here when she comes back with Gabe, all right?"

"I will," Hermione promised.

"I love you, Mum." Saffron hugged her. "Thanks for staying with me."

"I wouldn't be anywhere else," Hermione said sitting down with Saffron on the bed.

Saffron curled up with Puddles. "Wake me up in a few hours?"

"I will," Hermione said.

It only took Saffron a few minutes to fall asleep and Hermione eased herself away.