Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: We've taken quite a bit of flack from some of you over the storyline. For those of you who are still reading, you'll see why we told you to 'trust us' in that authors' note.

The beach house was abuzz with activity as everyone was preparing to go home. In light of what had happened with Saffron, no one really felt much like being there. Julie wanted to go home to support her sister so she and the girls were going to leave in a couple of hours. Nick had already left earlier to deal with something at the studio.

"This has been the worst vacation ever," Katie grumbled. "I can't wait to get home."

"We're still grounded," Ashley pointed out. "You heard Mum this morning."

"Well now we don't have to sit and watch everyone else go have fun," Katie said, throwing some shirts into her suitcase.

Ashley rolled her eyes. They would not be in this mess if Katie had kept her mouth shut. But, she was not going to point that out to her sister. She knew it would only set off another fight.

"I'm going to make sure I got everything out of the attic," she said, leaving the room. Ashley knew no one would check for her up there and instead, slipped out the front door. She wanted to sit and watch the waves for a few minutes before they had to leave.

She grabbed her sketch book and hurried outside.

Ashley ducked down in front of a sand dune so she'd be invisible to anyone looking from the house. She wanted to draw, but found herself just staring out at the ocean.

So much had happened this summer, Ashley thought. She couldn't help thinking that nothing was ever going to be the same again.

She wished now she hadn't given in and gotten involved with Zander. She had not seen or heard from him since that horrible day on the beach, nor was she sure she wanted to. At least not until they were on the train back to school.

Ashley hugged her sketch pad to her and was about to get up and go back to the house when she felt someone's hand on her shoulder. She turned expecting to see her mother, but found Zander staring down at her instead. "Zander."

"Ash," he said nervously. "I... didn't think I'd get to see you again before--"

"I'm leaving," Ashley said briskly. "Today. We're going home."

"Have you got just a minute?" Zander asked.

Ashley stood up. "I have to get back. I snuck out just to get a last look at the waves."

"But I need to explain things," Zander said.

"There's nothing else to say," Ashley brushed past him.

"There's a lot to say!" Zander replied, grabbing her hand.

Ashley shook her head. "Zander."

"You didn't see what you thought," Zander tried.

"I saw enough," Ashley said looking away from him. "But that's not the only thing, Zander. My parents were right. We're too young to get this serious this fast. And we were friends. Now, I don't know what we are."

"We could still be together," Zander insisted.

Ashley shook her head. "No."

"Why not?" Zander asked, a bit angry. "Just because of one mistake?"

"That's not the only thing!" Ashley retorted.

"What else then?" Zander asked.

"We're 13," Ashley pointed out.

"So?" he asked.

Ashley sighed. "I just think that we're better as friends, Zander. You wouldn't have kissed Lucy--"

"Ash, that didn't happen because we were going out," Zander said, frustrated.

"I don't know how I can make you understand," Ashley said quietly.

"I don't know either," Zander shook his head. "Things were going just fine."

"It was just too soon," Ashley said.

Zander shook his head again.

"Maybe someday," Ashley said, staving off her tears.

"I guess I should go," Zander said, obviously disappointed.

"Zander," Ashley said meeting his gaze.

"What?" he asked.

"I don't want to lose our friendship," Ashley said.

He shrugged. "Like you said, it can't be the same."

"So because of what happened, you don't even want to be my friend anymore?" Ashley asked him point-blank.

"I don't know," he said, avoiding her eyes.

Ashley shook her head. "This is exactly what I was afraid of."

"Maybe its best we don't talk to each other before going back to school," Zander kicked at some sand.

"Fine," Ashley said angrily.

Zander sighed as she turned away. "Ash--" he began.

Ashley didn't turn around. "Tell Brit goodbye for me."

She slipped back into the house without anyone seeing her and rushed upstairs to her bedroom.

She pulled out the strip of photos that she and Zander had taken on their date. It seemed like such a long time ago.

Ashley bit her lower lip and tried not to cry. They had been so happy, and she was so sure she'd made the right choice in telling him her feelings too.

"Do you need any help bringing anything down?" Julie asked from the doorway. "Ashley?"

Ashley stuffed the photos in her sketchbook. "No."

Julie came up behind her. "I don't mind helping."

"I've got everything," Ashley pushed her sketchbook into her bag. "Thanks."

"I was thinking we'd go by and see Saffron after we get settled," Julie said. "Mum said she was still feeling down, but would probably love the company."

"Sure," Ashley nodded.

"Mummy, I can't find my sandals," Katie came into the room. "I think Caroline packed them by mistake!"

"We'll get them back later," Julie reassured her.

"I could ring her," Katie said slyly. "You know..."

Julie raised an eyebrow. "I don't think so, Katherine Rose."

"How many more weeks are we going to be punished?" Katie whined.

"The whole summer, Katie," Ashley said.

"I didn't ask you!" Katie snapped at her.

Ashley rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

"Girls, please," Julie said putting her hand to her temple. "I can't take it today."

"She started it," Katie said, glaring at Ashley.

"I don't care," Julie said levelling her gaze at Katie. "I'm finishing it. We're leaving in five minutes. Make sure that you both have everything packed."

"I'm finished," Ashley pulled her suitcase off the bed.

"Me too," Katie said grumpily. "Except for my favourite sandals..."

"You'll get them back," Julie said. "When we get home I'll ring Allison and ask her about them."

"Okay," Katie said. "Mummy, can you help me with my suitcase? It's really heavy!"

"Sure," Julie said, following Katie out of the room.

Ashley rolled her suitcase out into the hall. She was ready to leave; to put some distance between her and Zander.

She wanted badly to talk to her aunt or Brittany about what had happened but knew she'd really be risking another punishment.

"I'll get that for you," Ron said grinning at her. He was staying behind to lock up the house.

"Thanks, Uncle Ron," Ashley said.

"Of course," Ron said picking up the suitcase.

Ashley decided to wait in the sitting room for her mother and sister.

Ron set her suitcase down by the door. "How you holding up?" Ron asked her.

Ashley shrugged. "I'm okay. I'm more worried about Aunt Saffy."

"Me too," Ron said. "But, you know, she's a lot stronger than people give her credit for."

"I know," Ashley nodded.

"Did you do a lot of work?" Ron asked.

"Not really," Ashley said. "I'm not too inspired right now."

Ron nodded. "It will get better, you know."

"I hope so," Ashley sat on the edge of the sofa.

Julie and Katie came downstairs. "I think we have everything," Julie told Ron.

"I just want to go HOME," Katie rolled her eyes.

"You and me both, kiddo," Ron told her with a grin.

"Yeah but you aren't grounded," Katie complained.

Ron laughed. "Well, I'll have you know I spent most of my childhood grounded. You should thank your lucky stars Molly Weasley wasn't in charge of your punishment."

Katie didn't look relieved.

"Thanks for everything, Uncle Ron," Julie said giving him a hug.

"Anytime Jules," Ron hugged her. "It's always fun when we're all together."

"Bye, Uncle Ron," Ashley said quietly.

"We'll see you soon, Ash." Ron said, ruffling her hair.

Ashley managed a small smile.

"And Katie Bear," Ron went to ruffle her hair too but she ducked away.

"Don't mess up my hair," Katie squealed.

"Katie," Julie frowned at her.

Katie hugged Ron. "Sorry, Uncle Ron."

"It's okay," Ron said. "We'll see you lot soon."

"At Saffy's charity match," Julie said.

"That's going to be really something," Ron said.

Julie nodded and reached for her wand. She shrunk their three suitcases down and put them in her pocket. "Who wants to go first?" she asked, reaching for the bowl of Floo powder.

"I will," Ashley said, reaching for some powder but Katie knocked her hand away.

"Katie!" Ashley exclaimed.

"I want to go first!" Katie glared at her.

"Oh for Merlin's sake!" Ashley sighed. "It's not as if it makes any difference!"

"Go," Julie said, motioning for Katie. "We'll have another talk when we get home."

"I can hardly wait," Katie muttered.

Ashley rolled her eyes as her sister tossed the powder in and disappeared.

"She reminds me so much of Ginny," Ron commented. "It's kind of...scary."

Julie sighed. "She definitely has more of my in laws in her than I'd like."

"We'd better go before she ends up at Caroline's," Ashley said to her mother.

"Good point," Julie said as Ashley disappeared. She followed quickly and was relieved to see both her daughters in the sitting room.

"Welcome home!" Greta told them.

"Greta!" Ashley hugged their nanny.

"I swear you two have grown a lot since I last saw you!" Greta exclaimed.

"A lot's happened this summer," Ashley told her.

"And we're grounded," Katie interjected sourly.

"Nicholas already told me," Greta said, giving Katie a hug.

Julie shook her head wryly. "It's been quite a few days. I'm sure you heard about Saffy."

Greta nodded. "I stopped by this morning to see her. I sat with her for a long time."

"How was she?" Julie asked. "We were going to see her this afternoon."

"As well as can be expected," Greta replied.

Julie nodded. "Once we're settled back in we'll go over for a bit."

"Can I go and see Daddy?" Katie asked.

"He's recording, love," Greta told her. "I'm sure he'll be upstairs soon."

Katie rolled her eyes and sighed. "Can you call Caroline so I can get my sandals back?" she asked her mother.

"Katherine," Julie said. "I don't like that tone."

"Please?" Katie pasted a smile onto her face.

"I'll ring Allison now, but I want you go to go upstairs and unpack," Julie told her.

"Fine," Katie said impatiently.

"I'll be upstairs," Julie told them.

Ashley took her own suitcase and lugged it upstairs. Much as she loved Brighton she was more than happy to be back in her own room.

She set it on the bed and looked down at Sophie, who had followed her upstairs. "Good to be home, isn't it?" she asked her dog.

Sophie barked and jumped up next to her, licking her face.

Ashley laughed genuinely for the first time in days. "Sophie..."

"Why are you hogging Sophie?" Katie snapped from the door.

"She followed me upstairs," Ashley replied.

"Whatever," Katie huffed. "It's your fault summer was ruined, you know."

Ashley rolled her eyes as she opened her suitcase. "And your blackmail had nothing to do with it?"

"I wouldn't have had to blackmail you if--" Katie began hotly.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Room," Ashley told her.

Katie smirked at her and stomped down the corridor.

Ashley loved her sister, she really did. But, at times like this, she didn't like her very much.

Meanwhile, Will, Frankie and their kids had arrived back home. "It smells in here," Frankie wrinkled her nose. "Can you open some windows, Will?"

Will nodded. "Sure."

Hannah was already playing with Belle on the floor. Izzie was staring at the dog with wide eyes.

"Izzie, watch this," Hannah said to her little sister as she threw a rubber ball. Izzie laughed when the dog scampered after it.

Hannah laughed too. "Come here Belle!" she patted her lap.

Izzie clapped her hands together.

Belle carried the ball over to Hannah and dropped it into her lap.

"Good girl," Hannah said, giving the ball to Izzie. "Throw it, Izzie!"

Izzie looked at the ball for a moment before tossing it.

Belle barked and scampered after it, making both Hannah and Izzie break into giggles.

Frankie laughed as she watched her two girls. She was about to join them when she heard the doorbell.

She opened the door to see a young woman standing outside. "Can I help you?" she asked.

The young woman looked at the slip of paper in her hand. "Francesca Barron?"

"Yes," Frankie said. "Can I help you?"

"My name is Mallory Garrett," the young woman said. "I'm sorry to just drop by like this..."

"Do I know you from somewhere?" Frankie asked.

Mallory opened her mouth to respond when a ball suddenly shot past the two of them and into the yard. Hannah ran toward them and Mallory's breath caught in her throat. "Hannah---"

Frankie moved so her body blocked her daughter's. "Excuse me? How do you know my daughter?"

"I---I'm---Abigail Wright was my older sister," the woman stammered.

Frankie felt herself grow pale.

"Mummy?" Hannah asked looking up at Frankie.

"Hannah, please go back inside and get your father, please." Frankie said in a controlled voice.

Hannah nodded and walked away. Tears welled down Mallory's face. "She looks just like Abbie."

"Yes she does," Frankie said. "They um... they told us there were no living relatives..."

"I moved to the States after my sister married David," Mallory explained. "I lost touch with her----he cut her off from me, you see."

"He was a horrible man," Frankie said.

"Yes he was," Mallory agreed. "I've been looking for Hannah and my sister for years now. I just found out a couple of months ago that she---that she died."

"I'm sorry," Frankie said sincerely as Will opened the door behind her.

"Hello," Will said to the woman.

"This is... um... this is Abbie Wright's sister," Frankie told her husband.

Will's jaw dropped. "I--I wasn't aware that she had a sister."

"No one ever told us," Frankie said again.

"I know this is sudden, but I've been looking for my sister for quite some time," Mallory said. "I'd really like to meet my niece."

"Um..." Frankie said. "Will?"

"Look, our daughter has been through quite a lot in the last few years," Will said. "And my wife and I don't know you. We have no proof that you are who you say you are..."

"I know," Mallory said, biting her lower lip. "I realise that my coming here without any sort of warning isn't the best of plans, but--"

In the sitting room, Hannah was trying to keep an eye on her brother and sister like her father had asked her to do. But, she wanted to know what was going on at the front door.

She peeked around the corner, so she could still see her brother and sister but also watch her mother and father.

"I just want to see her," Mallory pleaded with Will and Frankie. "She's all I have left of my family."

"I'm sorry," Will told her. "Without proof, I can't allow it."

"But she's my niece," Mallory said. "She's my blood!"

"And she's our daughter," Frankie said fiercely. "David Wright signed away all of his rights."

"Mummy?" Hannah asked uncertainly.

"Hannah?" Mallory asked, peering around Will and Frankie.

"What's going on?" Hannah asked shyly.

"Hannah, go back to the sitting room," Will told her.

"Come on," Frankie said taking her hand. "You and I were going to make a snack for your brother and sister."

Will looked at Mallory. "We're not trying to be rude, and my wife and I feel badly for you. But David Wright did a lot of damage to Hannah and there's no way we want anything like that to happen to her again. If you can come back with proof..."

Mallory wiped at her eyes. "I will come back with proof, Mr. Barron. I'm not leaving London until I meet her."

Will nodded. "I'm sure we'll talk soon."

Mallory reluctantly turned around and walked down the steps. Will closed the door and sighed.

Frankie came back into the corridor. "I didn't know what to say to her!"

Will put his arms around her. "I know."

Frankie buried her face in his chest. "What do you think she'll try to do?"

"I don't know," Will said honestly. "But, we'll check with the social worker to see what's going on. They told us Hannah had no living relatives other than David Wright. This doesn't make any sense."

"I'll call Mrs. Roman tomorrow," Frankie said.

"Mummy, Izzie and Nathan are hungry!" Hannah called from the kitchen.

"We'll be right there, baby," Frankie replied. "Will... what should we tell her? I think this would upset her."

"We'll keep this quiet for now," Will said thoughtfully. "I think that would be best."

Frankie nodded. "Sounds good to me."

Will squeezed her hand. "Come on."

They walked into the kitchen to find Hannah pouring her brother and sister a cup of juice.

"Here you go, Nathan," Hannah set it carefully in front of him. Nathan grinned at her before grasping the cup in his little hands.

Hannah grinned back at him before she set Izzie's cup before her. "Princess Izzie."

"Ooooh," Izzie said, reaching for her juice.

"They were really thirsty," Hannah said turning to look at her mother.

"Thanks for getting them that," Frankie hugged her.

Hannah hugged her back. "Mummy?"

"Yes, sweetheart?" Frankie asked.

"Who was that lady?" Hannah asked.

"No one you need to worry about, love." Will told her.

"She knew my name," Hannah said looking up at her mother.

"She just asked us about our beautiful daughter," Frankie kissed the top of her head.

"Oh," Hannah blushed.

"How about we make some popcorn?" Will asked. "And put in a movie while these two kip?"

Hannah nodded excitedly.

"I want to watch Beauty and the Beast," Hannah said. "It's been soooooo long since I saw that!"

Will tickled her side. "Two days is a long time is it?"

"It's been more than that!" Hannah giggled.

"Nate, back your father up on this one," Will said to his son who was grinning at him.

"Ha," Nathan mumbled before picking up his juice cup again.

Frankie laughed. "You definitely have a defender on your side. Hannah has them both won over."

"Us kids have to stick together," Hannah told her father.

"Ha!" Izzie screamed.

Frankie laughed momentarily forgetting about Mallory.

"Yeah, yeah." Will lifted up his son. "Come on you. Time for a kip."

"Ha," Nathan waved at his big sister.

"I'll come up and tuck you in," Hannah promised as Frankie picked Izzie up.

"Come on then," Frankie told her oldest.

Hannah followed her parents up the stairs, the strange woman still on her mind.

There was something familiar about the woman that Hannah could not quite figure out. She reminded her of someone.

"Hannah?" Frankie called. "Are you coming, love?"

Hannah hurried after them. "Yes."

"Ha," Nathan said. "Hi."

Hannah laughed. "Han-nah, Nathan."

"Ha," Nathan repeated.

"You'll get there," Hannah said to him as Will set Nathan down in his crib. "Sleepy time, Nate."

"Bye," Nathan blinked as he lay down.

Hannah waved at him. "Sweet dreams, Nathan."

"Ha!" Izzie called out.

Hannah hurried over to her sister's crib. She stuck her arm through the bars and squeezed Izzie's hand. "I'm here, Izzie."

"Hi," Izzie said.

"Hi," Hannah said softly.

"Sleepy time," Frankie said to her baby daughter.

Hannah went to stand by her father and Will put his arm around her. "Daddy, I love them so much."

"They love you too," Will picked her up easily.

Hannah put her arms around his neck. "I like being a big sister."

Will grinned at her. "I bet you do, baby."

Hannah smiled up at him. "Em says it's because we get to boss them around, but I don't think that's it."

Will laughed. "Both Aunt Mary and Uncle Jack were older than me so they always told me what to do."

Frankie shook her head. "Chiaki and Allison tried... but it's not like I ever listened."

Hannah giggled and took Frankie's hand as they left the nursery. "They told me that, Mummy."

"I bet they did." Frankie said as Will grabbed the monitor and followed them downstairs.

"Did your first mummy mention having any brothers and sisters?" Will asked his daughter.

"I don't remember," Hannah said after thinking for a moment.

Will shared a look with Frankie.

"Well you were very young," Frankie said. "I'm sure there's a lot you won't remember..."

Hannah nodded. "I sometimes can't remember things about my first mummy. It makes me sad."

Frankie put an arm around her. "I'm sorry, baby."

Hannah hugged her. "I still miss her."

"I know you do," Frankie said. "I'm sure you'll always miss her. It's okay."

Will mussed her hair. "How about you go and get that movie from your room while your mum and I pop the popcorn?"

"Okay," Hannah agreed.

Hannah hurried to her room to get the movie.

Frankie looked at Will. "She doesn't remember her mother ever mentioning having a brother or sister."

"I know," Will said. "But she was also so young. As much as I'd like to say this woman was lying, I don't know what her ulterior motives are."

"I'm not letting her anywhere near Hannah until we know what the story is," Frankie vowed.

"Agreed," Will nodded.

Frankie hugged him. "Why now?"

"I don't know," he said.

"I've got it!" Hannah exclaimed, holding up the case. "I forgot that I'd packed it in my suitcase!"

"Silly girl," Frankie said. "Why don't you go get comfortable and I'll make the popcorn."

Hannah nodded. "Okay. Come on, Daddy."

Will smiled reassuringly at his wife before following their daughter out.

Hannah cuddled up on the sofa with Belle while Will loaded the movie. "Is Mummy okay?"

"She's fine, baby." Will said. "Why do you ask?"

"She seems sad," Hannah commented.

"I think she doesn't want to go back to work," Will joked.

Hannah laughed. "Daddy!"

"What are you laughing about?" Frankie asked, levitating a large bowl of popcorn and a tray of drinks into the room.

"You and how you're dreading going back to work," Will said with a grin.

"I am not!" Frankie retorted. "I have to organise the after party for the charity Quidditch match."

"And we know how much you love planning parties," Will said in a dramatic voice.

"I am very good at it," Frankie said smugly.

"Yes, you are," Will said. "And we love you for it."

"I know." Frankie sat down.

Hannah giggled. "Can I go into work with you, Mummy?"

"I'm sure that could be arranged," Frankie nodded.

Will started the movie and though he wanted to concentrate on the film, he couldn't help thinking back to Mallory. If she was who she said she was, what would that mean for their family?

*** *** ***

It was several weeks after they had returned from Brighton. The news about Saffron's pregnancy had made headlines everywhere but her broken engagement to Andrew had thankfully stayed under wraps. She hadn't seen him or spoken to him yet; and he hadn't contacted her either. She wasn't sure if it was because he was giving her the space she wanted or if he didn't want to deal with a baby that wasn't his.

Today's Quidditch match was going to be her first public appearance. She knew that everything she did would be under scrutiny.

Saffron had arrived early, hoping to avoid the crowds of people camped out. She also was hoping to avoid Natalia, who she knew was the only other female asked to play in the game.

But as luck would have it, Natalia was already in the locker room getting ready for the match.

Saffron froze, her hand on the door. She was almost ready to sneak back out before the other girl saw her but the brunette looked up.

"Potter," Natalia said in greeting.

"Hi," Saffron said quietly.

"I guess congratulations are in order," Natalia said sitting down on the bench.

Saffron opened a locker. "Um... I suppose. Thanks..."

Natalia started to clean her broom and Saffron was happy for the silence. But, apparently Natalia wanted to make an effort.

"Andrew must be over the moon about the baby," Natalia said. "He's always wanted a family."

Saffron bit her lower lip. "Well it's not his... as everyone now knows."

"What?" Natalia asked taken aback.

"It's all over the news," Saffron said quietly.

"The baby is Daniel O'Neal's?" Natalia asked in shock.

Saffron closed her eyes. "Yes..."

"I--I'm sorry," Natalia said sincerely. "But, I'm sure having Andrew around for support has been great."

Saffron wished Natalia would stop talking. "I broke up with him. He wouldn't want to raise a baby that's not his."

"I beg your pardon?" Natalia asked. "You broke up with him?"

Saffron pulled her jersey over her head and didn't answer.

Natalia stared at her. "Andrew----he wouldn't just walk away from you. He loves you very much. I should know..."

"This is too awkward," Saffron muttered, grabbing her broom.

"Potter, wait," Natalia called after her.

Saffron stopped.

"Andrew told you he didn't want to raise the baby with you?" Natalia asked.

Saffron turned and glared at her. "This isn't any of your business."

"I beg to differ," Natalia stood up.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Saffron began but Natalia cut her off.

"I loved him," Natalia said. "I was in love with Andrew. And I stepped back when you came home because I knew how much you meant to him at one point and he cared. That's the type of person he is."

"I know what type of person he is!" Saffron retorted.

"Then how the hell could you let him go?" Natalia asked angrily. "I feel horrible for what's happened to you, but Andrew was the best thing in your life! I lost him because of you!!"

"I can't ask him to raise someone else's baby," Saffron said quietly. "And not just someone else---Daniel O'Neal's."

"I know Andrew very well, as do you." Natalia told her. "And you know damn well that he would be there for you. You're a fool to let him go."

Saffron had no response to that and Natalia shot a glare at her before stalking out of the locker room. Saffron put her head in her hands and sobbed.

Why did her life continue to spiral out of control? Why was it when one good thing happened something bad had to come and cancel it out?

There was a knock on the locker room door and Saffron wiped at her eyes. She reluctantly stood up and opened the door, hoping it wasn't some stupid reporter trying to get the big scoop.

"Aunt Cho," Saffron said when she opened the door. "W-what are you doing back here?"

"Just coming to wish you good luck," Cho took in Saffron's tearstained face. "What's wrong, love?"

"Just me feeling sorry for myself," Saffron said quietly.

"Why?" Cho put an arm around her.

Saffron told her about the confrontation with Natalia.

Cho sighed. "She shouldn't have said those things to you. You have to do what you feel is right."

"I don't know what's right," Saffron said shaking her head. "That's the problem."

Cho smoothed Saffron's hair back. "What do you want?"

"I want this baby," Saffron replied.

"I'm glad," Cho said. "What else do you want?"

"Andrew," Saffron said softly.

"Why don't you give him a chance to tell you how he feels about this?" Cho continued.

Saffron shrugged. "I don't know."

Cho was quiet a moment. "I was in this same situation, you know."

"With Chiaki and Neville," Saffron said.

Cho nodded. "Right."

"Were you worried?" Saffron asked her. "I mean, did you worry that Neville would think differently of Chiaki?"

"Of course," Cho answered. "But Neville was there for me when no one else could be. And he told me time and again that it wouldn't matter. When Chiaki was born and he was holding her... I knew it would never be an issue.

Saffron tried to remember a time when she saw Neville looking differently at Chiaki than he did with Allison or Frankie.

"He's always loved her like she was his flesh and blood," Cho told her. "I can't imagine what my life would have been like if I hadn't listened to him."

"You weren't worried he'd see Draco Malfoy's face every time he looked at her?" Saffron asked.

"I was at first," Cho nodded. "I had many concerns."

"That's what I'm most afraid of," Saffron admitted.

"Andrew loves you," Cho told her. "And if he loves you, he will love that baby."

Fresh tears welled up in Saffron's eyes. "I want to be with him."

"Then you should go talk to him," Cho told her.

"The match will be starting soon," Saffron wiped at her eyes.

"Maybe you'll play better if you go speak to him," Cho encouraged.

Saffron nodded, feeling hopeful for the first time in days. "Thanks, Aunt Cho."

Cho gave her a hug. "You'll play well whether or not you talk to him. Good luck today, sweetheart."

Saffron smiled. "Thanks. I'll see you afterwards?"

"I wouldn't miss the after party for the world," Cho told her.

"I heard that Frankie's gone all out," Saffron said.

"Because we wouldn't expect anything less from one of her parties," Cho smiled at her.

Saffron did not even know if Andrew was there today, but she figured he might be since RJ was playing.

Cho left and she finished getting ready and quickly polished up her broom.

The match would be starting in less than 10 minutes.

Saffron left the locker room and approached the meeting area where the rest of the charity team was gathered. To her relief, RJ was standing to the side.

"Hiya," RJ said to her.

"Hey," Saffron smiled at him.

"You sure you're up for the game today?" RJ asked.

Saffron nodded. "I feel better, thanks to Aunt Cho. And strangely enough, Natalia."

RJ raised an eyebrow. "Natalia?"

"She sort of verbally kicked my arse when we were in the locker room." Saffron said.

RJ looked in the direction of their team-mate who seemed to be pointedly ignoring them.

"Did she talk some sense into you then?" RJ asked.

"Aunt Cho did more than her," Saffron replied. "I've been too scared to talk to Andrew because I wasn't sure what he would say to me."

RJ shook his head. "Saf, he loves you."

"I miss him," Saffron confessed.

"He misses you too," RJ told her.

"Is he playing?" Saffron asked tentatively.

RJ shook his head. "But, he is here. He came with his parents to watch the match."

"I'm surprised they didn't ask him to play," Saffron commented.

"I don't think his head wouldn't have been in the match anyway," RJ said looking pointedly at her.

Saffron looked away from him. "Then I'm surprised they still want ME in the match."

RJ put his hand on her shoulder. "Are you kidding? You're the star, remember?"

"I guess," Saffron sighed. "I really hoped to talk to Andrew before the match, but I suppose it'll have to wait."

"Not necessarily," RJ winked at her.

"What?" Saffron asked.

RJ winked at her again. "You'll owe me. Just remember that..."

Before Saffron could respond, RJ had stepped forward and then passed out. The team gathered around him.

"Someone get the healer!" the coach called out. "Weasley! Come on..."

Saffron stared in horror as the coach tried to revive RJ.

What on earth was he doing? Saffron thought.

Buying you some time, Saf. Go.

Saffron blinked when she heard RJ's voice on her head.

"What the hell?" she asked herself softly.

You know I did learn a little something at Hogwarts. Go...

Saffron hurried away and into the stands where the VIP guests were sitting. She figured he would be up there.

She smiled when she spotted Andrew sitting with his parents.

Swallowing back her nerves, she approached them.

Tricia Kirke spotted her first. "Saffron."

"Hi," she said, her throat thick. "Um... Andrew? Could... could I have a word?"

Andrew stood up. "I thought the match was about to start..."

"It's going to be a few more minutes," Saffron said. "Please?"

"Of course," Andrew replied.

Saffron led him away and into an empty room down the corridor.

"So, how are you?" Andrew asked. "I've been meaning to ring you, but I wanted to give you your space."

"I know," Saffron twisted her hands together. "I um... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you like I did."

"You could have told me sooner," Andrew said. "But, I can't imagine what that must have been like..."

"What do you think of this?" Saffron asked him in a rush. "That I'm carrying Daniel O'Neal's child?"

"It's not Daniel O'Neal's child," Andrew told her. "It's yours."

"But it's part his," Saffron said.

"That's just biology," Andrew said reaching for her hand. "I love you, Saffy. I wish I could change what happened, but I can't. This isn't the way we planned, but this is how our family's going to start."

"Our family?" she asked a small voice. "Really?"

"Our family," Andrew said putting his arms around her.

Saffron's eyes filled with tears as he held her tightly. "I'm so stupid, Andrew."

"You're not stupid," Andrew said softly.

"I pushed you away." Saffron said. "I didn't let you even get a word in before I called things off."

"I have to admit I was shocked when you told me and disappointed," Andrew said, wanting to be completely honest with her.

"I know," Saffron said.

"But, I love you and I'll love this baby," Andrew said putting a hand to her stomach.

"You will?" Saffron asked. "You promise?"

"I promise," Andrew said leaning in to kiss her.

Saffron closed her eyes and slid her arms around him as he pressed his lips to hers.

"I love you," Andrew said when they pulled apart.

"I love you too," she managed.

"This isn't right," Andrew said, reaching into his pocket.

"What do you mean?" Saffron asked.

He pulled out her ring and reached for her hand.

"You keep it with you?" she asked.

Andrew grinned sheepishly. "Yeah..."

"You are so perfect," she said, tearing up again as he slid the ring on her finger.

"It's back where it belongs," Andrew said smiling at her.

She nodded. "I don't deserve this... not after what I did."

"You deserve to be happy," Andrew said holding her tightly. "You didn't do anything wrong."

Saffron didn't answer, she just buried her face in his chest.

"I love you and OUR baby," Andrew said softly.

Saffron nodded. "Our baby..."

"And he or she is going to be the biggest Wimbourne fan in the entire world," Andrew teased.

"Still not giving you that," Saffron had to laugh.

"Come on, Saf," Andrew laughed. "You know that the baby's going to love Wimbourne."

"I know I love the best player Wimbourne has," Saffron said.

"That's a start," Andrew said grinning at her.

Saffron kissed him. "I have to get back. We'll talk more later? We still have some things to work out."

"Absolutely," Andrew said. "Be careful out there, okay?"

"I will," Saffron nodded.

Andrew put his hand to her stomach again. "You take care of your Mummy, Little One."

Saffron smiled. "Kiss me for luck?"

Andrew grinned and pulled her close. He pressed his lips to hers in a kiss that left her breathless.

"I'll see you at the after party," Saffron managed.

Andrew was still grinning when he joined his family back in the stands.

"Everything okay?" his father asked.

"Saf and I are okay," he said, his grin growing even wider.

"Really?" Tricia asked. "Oh, Andrew!"

"It's going to be okay," Andrew nodded.

Tricia hugged him. "I knew it would be. You two belong together!"

Saffron rushed back down to the meeting area where RJ was sitting up and the coach pushing orange juice at him. "You've got to keep your strength up," the coach was saying. "Don't let that blood sugar drop."

"Yes, sir," RJ said dutifully. "I don't know what I was thinking not eating anything this morning..."

"Are we ready to play then?" the coach asked.

"Absolutely," RJ said enthusiastically.

Saffron made her way over to him. "Thank you."

"I should be thanking you," RJ said. "They were fussing over me...they kept giving me food..."

Saffron had to smile. "So it's a good day for both of us."

RJ saw the engagement ring on her finger. "It's about damn time."

"It's thanks to you," she said.

"You can repay me by naming the rug rat, Ronald the Third," RJ told her.

"Yeah right," Saffron hugged him, hard.

"But knowing you, it will probably be Thyme or Basil or Paprika," RJ teased.

Saffron hit him on the shoulder and laughed.

"That's what I like to hear," RJ said as they both stood up to join their other team-mates.

"Talia, you ready to kick some arse?" RJ asked.

"Sure," Natalia replied.

"Natalia?" Saffron asked.

"What?" Natalia didn't look at her.

"Thank you for what you said to me earlier," Saffron said. "I know that you have no reason to be nice to me, but what you said really got to me. I just had a talk with Andrew."

"Good for you," Natalia said. "I'm not trying to be rude, but I don't really want to hear about it."

"Right," Saffron nodded. "I--I'm sorry."

Natalia nodded and moved away.

"That wasn't awkward at all," RJ muttered.

"I'm sorry," Saffron said. "I know you were friends with her."

"I still am," RJ shrugged. "This hasn't been easy on her, either. But, you know, she's moving on."

"I'm glad," Saffron said as the coach moved them all into line-up.

In the stands, Cho had finally rejoined Harry, Hermione, and Neville.

"I didn't miss anything, did I?" Cho asked.

Neville shook his head. "The match was delayed for some reason."

"I hope everything's okay?" Cho said, sitting down.

Neville nodded. "Seems like they're about to start. Where did you go, love?"

"I went to see Saffron," Cho said.

"How is she?" Neville asked.

"Better," Cho smiled at him.

Neville put his arm around her.

"There's our girl!" Harry shouted as the players took to the sky.

"Come on Saffy!" Hermione cheered.

"Let's go, Potter!" Ethan shouted.

Saffron heard her family cheering her on and waved in their direction.

Harry squeezed his wife's hand.

"She looks happier today," Hermione said, unaware that her daughter had reconciled with Andrew.

"She does," Harry agreed. "She looks more like herself."

Hermione trained her Omnioculars on her daughter. "Harry!"

"What?" Harry asked.

"She's wearing her engagement ring!" Hermione exclaimed.

Cho caught what Hermione said and she couldn't help grinning. Saffron apparently had spoken to Andrew.

"She does?" Harry asked, picking up his own pair. "I didn't know Andrew was here..."

Neville nodded. "He's over there with Andy and Tricia, Harry."

"Wonder if I should go find out what happened..." Harry started to get up.

"Wait until after the match," Hermione put her hand on his arm. "I think it will be good news."

Harry nodded as the players took their positions in the sky.

Ethan looked at his wife who was holding Kiera in her lap. Their daughter was clapping her hands excitedly. "How are you holding up?"

"Fine," Maddie replied as Kiera gurgled something unintelligible.

"Do you want me to grab you something to eat?" Ethan asked. "Before the match really gets started?"

"That would be fantastic," Maddie said. "Whatever you see first."

"And what about you?" Ethan asked his daughter. "Do you want something, too?"

"Buh," Kiera replied.

"Buh, eh?" Ethan laughed. "I'll see if they have that at the counter."

Maddie laughed. "I'm sure she'd like some crackers. I probably have some if they don't have any at the counter."

Ethan gave them both a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be right back."

"Daddy's going to get us a treat," Maddie said to her daughter.

Kiera smiled and clapped her hands together.

Maddie pointed up in the sky. "There's your Uncle RJ, Kiera!"

Kiera stared up, her intense eyes following her uncle.

"And there's your Aunt Saffy," Maddie pointed out.

"Hi," Kiera looked at her mother.

Maddie grinned. "Hi, love."

Kiera pointed as some of the players zagged around the field.

Ethan came back a few moments later carrying a tray full of food. "I hope you lot are hungry."

"Always," Maddie eyed it ravenously. "And the new baby is starving too."

Ethan laughed. "This is why I got extra."

Maddie gratefully passed Kiera to her husband while she reached for the tray.

"Dad, you and Mum want any of this?" Ethan asked his parents.

"I might nibble," Hermione said. "I'm too nervous to eat right now... I always hate seeing her so high up there."

Ethan laughed. "I had a feeling you'd say that."

"She'll be all right," Harry reassured his wife. "You know how she is on a broom."

"I know how I am when she's on a broom," Hermione said, wincing as Saffron did a daring move to get out of the way of a Bludger.

"Good job Saffy!" Ethan hollered.

"Did you see that?" Harry nudged his wife. "She's bloody brilliant!"

Hermione already had her hands over her eyes. "No I did not see it and I don't want to!"

"I don't foresee any bad accidents or falls," Maddie told her mother-in-law.

"I hope not," Hermione said. "I always tell myself before every match that I'm going to deal with it but it always scares me."

Ethan laughed. "Nothing you say is going to change that, Mads. Mum is a notorious worrier when it comes to Saf, me, or Dad flying. I remember my last match at Hogwarts. I did this amazing move on my broom and she read me the riot act afterwards for scaring her half to death."

"Because you nearly fell off," Hermione reminded him.

"I held on," Ethan said with a shrug.

"I saw you slipping," Hermione said. "It was horrible."

"I survived," Ethan said.

"Hermione," Harry nudged her. "Watch your daughter."

"Okay, okay," Hermione said. "Where is she?"

Harry pointed. "Over by RJ."

The match went by fairly quickly with no falls or accidents, just as Maddie had predicted.

Saffron circled the field, wondering where the Snitch was. She'd only caught one glimpse of it in the duration of the game.

If she was going to catch it, now would be the time. The other seeker was hovering in the middle of the pitch.

"Where are you?" she muttered, her eyes scanning the stands. She tried to ignore Natalia as the other girl flew near her, batting away a Bludger.

"Good one, Natalia!" Saffron shouted.

The other girl didn't respond, only flew away.

Saffron sighed.

"Focus," Saffron told herself. "Find the damn Snitch."

Just then, the Snitch whizzed past her.

"Gotcha," Saffron turned and took off at a breakneck speed.

"She's spotted it!" Andrew shouted. "Go, Saffy!"

She wasn't sure how, but she heard Andrew over everyone else in the crowd and it spurred her on to go even faster.

Saffron held on to the broom with one hand as she reached for the Snitch.

It flew out of her grasp and she stretched even further.

Hermione gripped Harry's hand tightly. "I can't watch..."

"She'll be okay," Harry said absently as the other Seeker flew up closer to Saffron.

The crowd seemed to hold their collective breath as Saffron reached for the Snitch.

"I've almost... got you..." Saffron ignored the other Seeker as he too, tried to grab the golden ball.

"She's flying too close to the posts!" Hermione exclaimed in horror. "What if she hits one of them, Harry?"

"She won't," Harry squeezed his wife's hand tightly.

Saffron managed to get her gloved hand around the Snitch just in time. She pulled back on her broom and just did miss the post. The crowd cheered wildly.

Hermione sank into her seat, her knees trembling.

Harry put his arm around her. "I told you she'd be fine! That's our girl!"

"But Harry she was so close," Hermione said, her hands shaking.

Harry kissed the side of her head. "I know, but she knew what she was doing, love. It's fine."

Hermione nodded. "I know. It just scares me."

"Let's go down to the pitch," Ethan said. "Congratulate her in person!"

Andrew had the same idea. He knew Saffron was right when she said they still had things to talk about, but right now he just wanted to get her in his arms.

"Go," Tricia said smiling at her son.

"I'll meet up with you both later," Andrew promised.

"We'll see you at the after party," Andy told his son.

Andrew nodded and hurried out of the VIP box.

Saffron was receiving congratulations from her team-mates. "Miss Potter!" one of the reporters asked. "Excellent match. Might we ask a couple of questions?"

"About the match?" Saffron asked. "Sure. That's all though."

"Given your condition, how did you feel about playing in the match?" the reporter asked.

"Just fine," Saffron answered.

"And I'm sure playing in a match to benefit house elves was quite the incentive given how important that cause has always been to your mother?" the reporter continued.

"That's one of the reasons I was eager to participate," Saffron said.

"How long will you play?" the woman asked. "Given your condition..."

"I'll play for as long as I can," Saffron said. "My spot on the team is secure."

"That's all the questions, please," RJ said putting his arm around Saffron.

Saffron smiled gratefully at him. "Thanks."

"No problem," RJ said.

"Saf!" Andrew called out to her.

Saffron turned around and smiled. "Andrew!'

He ran forward and scooped her up. "You were fantastic, Saf."

"Thanks," Saffron put her arms around his neck. "I heard you, you know."

"You did?" he asked with a grin.

Saffron nodded and held up her hand. "I think the ring's my good luck charm."

Andrew laughed as he slid his arms down around her waist and hugged her close.

"Saffy?" Harry asked.

Saffron pulled away. "Dad!"

"You were brilliant, baby!" Harry told her.

"Thanks," Saffron said breathlessly. "Where's Mum?"

"Right here," Hermione said coming up behind her. "You scared me half to death, Saffron Grace!"

"I'm sorry," Saffron said. "I know I got a little close to those posts."

"Too close for comfort," Hermione said, giving her a hug. "You're still my baby girl."

Saffron hugged her mother tightly.

"Do you two have anything to tell us?" Harry asked Andrew.

"We worked things out," Andrew said with a broad grin. "I mean... we still have things to talk about, but we're going to make it work."

Harry shook his hand. "That's great news."

"Thank you," Andrew said, his eyes on Saffron. "I told her it didn't matter about the baby. It's a part of her and I'm going to love it regardless."

"I think she knew that deep down," Harry said thoughtfully. "She was just scared."

"I wish she'd told me before we spent these few weeks apart," Andrew commented. "She doesn't need to jump to that conclusion."

"None of that matters now," Harry said as Hermione and Saffron joined them. "Congratulations, baby."

"Thanks," Saffron leaned against Andrew. "Maybe everything will finally work out for me."

Hermione could tell her daughter and Andrew wanted to be alone. "We'll see you at the party, love."

"Okay," Saffron nodded.

Andrew started to walk her to the locker room when Saffron suddenly stopped. She smiled and put a hand to her stomach.

"What is it?" Andrew asked.

"I think I just felt a kick," Saffron said.

"Really?" Andrew asked.

Saffron nodded. "Do you---do you know want to feel it?"

"Sure," he said, moving closer. He reached out his hand and pressed it on her stomach.

"Right here," Saffron guided his hand.

"I don't feel anything," he said after a moment.

"Maybe if you press down a little," Saffron suggested.

He did as she said. "Was that one?"

"I think so," Saffron said smiling slightly at him.

"Wow," he said. "That's our baby..."

Saffron's eyes were shining when she looked up to meet his gaze. "Our baby."

Andrew smiled at her. "I promise you that it will always be our baby. Nothing can change the way I feel about you or this child."

Saffron put her arms around him. "I love you so much."

Andrew gave her a kiss. "I love you too."

"I have an appointment with Lizzy tomorrow," Saffron said. "She thinks we might be able to tell the sex of the baby tomorrow. Would you---would you like to come with me?"

"I want to be there for everything," Andrew told her.

Saffron grinned. "I want that, too. More than anything."

"So what made you come find me?" Andrew asked.

"Something Natalia said actually," Saffron admitted. "And my Aunt Cho."

"Natalia?" Andrew asked in surprise.

"Yeah," Saffron said telling him about the conversation she and Natalia had in the locker room. "She still doesn't like me for good reason, but what she said really hit home with me."

"I'm surprised," Andrew said. "She hasn't exactly had a lot to say to me either."

"We hurt her," Saffron said quietly. "If I have any regrets, it's that she was hurt."

"Yeah I know," Andrew reached for her hand. "But it would have been worse if I had stayed with her."

"We shouldn't have been apart to begin with," Saffron agreed.

"From now on, if we have a problem, we'll talk it out," Andrew said. "No more hiding things."

Saffron nodded. "No more letting anything get in between us."

"Nothing," he agreed.

"Frankie will kill me if we're late for the party," Saffron said. "Will you wait for me while I get changed?"

"Of course," Andrew nodded.

Saffron gave him a kiss. "I'll meet you outside in about twenty minutes."

"I'll be waiting," he promised.

Saffron practically floated back to the locker rooms.

She dressed quickly, wanting to get back to Andrew as soon as possible. It was hard to believe only a few hours ago she felt like her life was headed down the drain.

"It's all working out now," Saffron whispered touching her stomach.

He wanted to be a father to her baby. He really didn't care that it wasn't his child.

Natalia had been right. Andrew was a great man and he would make a great father. Saffron felt incredibly lucky and blessed.

She tossed her uniform into her bag and grabbed her broom, heading back outside.

Andrew was waiting for her just like he'd promised.

"Ready?" he asked, reaching for her hand.

Saffron nodded. "Absolutely."

"I'm glad it didn't get out that we had broken up," Andrew said quietly as they left the stadium. "Less explaining to do."

Saffron nodded. "I know what you mean. We'll have enough explaining to do as it is."

"What have you been doing these last few weeks?" Andrew asked.

"I've been with my folks," Saffron said. "I've kind of kept a low profile. Just reading and doing a lot of thinking."

"Me too," he nodded.

"And being completely miserable," Saffron said shooting him a sideways grin.

"Me too," he echoed.

Saffron squeezed his hand. "But, we're better now."

Andrew nodded and they walked in silence for a few moments. "Have you thought of any names yet?" he asked.

"I have actually," Saffron replied.

"Tell me," he urged.

"Well, if it's a boy," Saffron said. "I'd like to call him 'Robert' after my grandfather."

Andrew nodded. "I had a feeling..."

"And if it's a girl, I'd like to name her Elinore, after my Gran," Saffron said. "And I'd call her 'Ellie'."

Andrew nodded. "That sounds great, Saffy."

"You really think so?" Saffron asked.

"Absolutely," Andrew said.

Saffron smiled. "I still have to think of a good middle name."

"We have time to come up with one," Andrew said.

"Lots of time," Saffron said happily.

It didn't take them long to arrive at the party. Saffron figured RJ had told everyone about her and Andrew as applause broke out when they walked in the door.

Saffron blushed.

"It's like we're already married," Andrew muttered to her.

Saffron giggled and laughed as Chloe ran toward her. "Flower girl again!"

Saffron scooped her up. "That's right, Chloe."

"Yay!" Chloe squealed.

Saffron hugged her tightly.

Chloe smiled shyly at Andrew.

"Hiya Chloe," Andrew grinned at her. "You look pretty today."

Chloe beamed at him. "Thank you."

"I'm hungry," Saffron said. "Think we'll be able to get something to eat?"

Chloe nodded. "Lots and lots and lots of food!"

Saffron kissed the little girl's cheek. "You mean Emma hasn't eaten it all yet?"

"Not all of it," Chloe giggled.

"Most of it then?" Saffron teased.

"She's had a piece of cake already," Chloe whispered.

"Then we better grab some before it's too late," Andrew took her from Saffron.

Brian and Drew came over. "She was so happy when she found out," Drew said giving Saffron a hug.

"So were we," Brian shook Andrew's hand.

"Thanks, mate," Andrew said.

"We kept everything that we'd already done in your files," Drew said to Saffron. "So when you're up to it, we'll pick everything back up again."

"Thanks," Saffron said. "How's Darla doing?"

"She's going to try and come by for a bit," Drew said. "She's still on strict bed rest."

"I know that can't be much fun for her," Saffron said.

"Not especially," Drew agreed. "But wow... you, Maddie and Dar... all having babies."

Saffron grinned. "They'll all be best friends, of course."

"I wouldn't doubt it," Drew said. "The next generation of the princess club, I'm sure."

"Of course," Saffron said as they followed Chloe up to the buffet table.