Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Next chapter will have Weasley/Longbottom Christmas stuff- with loads of Emma :) This one is just Potter/Malfoy. While you're waiting for next week's update, make sure to check out our new fic Teacher's Pet on Tuesdays, and of course, Cayman Undercover on Thursdays. We will still update next Saturday night even over the release of DH!

The school year sped by quickly and Saffron and Ashley were already home for Christmas holiday. They had arrived two days ago and were currently at the Minister's mansion celebrating with their families, including Elinore.

"And Zander didn't have to give up his cards after all," Ashley told her family. "We're still partners, but thanks to Grandpa, I gave Sam the autographs instead."

"RJ was happy to do that for you," Harry told his granddaughter.

Elinore beamed at her. "That's great, Ashley. I'm so glad that you're enjoying your first year at school."

"I really am," Ashley said happily. "And it's so cool having Aunt Saffy and Alexa there too."

"It's been great having you there," Saffron said sitting down beside her grandmother. She rested her head on Elinore's shoulder like she used to do when she was younger.

Elinore patted Saffron's hand. "My sweet Saffy. Are you enjoying school too?"

"Yes, Gran," Saffron replied. "I've been really busy."

"She's Quidditch captain as well as Head Girl," Ashley piped up.

"Saffy's ruling the school," Ethan joked.

"Just as you did," Hermione reminded him. "And your sister before you..."

"I've heard horror stories about Ethan's reign," Julie teased. "More focused on Quidditch than anything else..."

"I split my time evenly," Ethan said.

"Sure you did," Saffron replied with a smile.

"How's it been having Puddles with you?" Elinore asked.

"It's been fantastic," Saffron answered. "I leave him treats in my bed so he stays occupied during the day while I'm in class or at practise."

"We've kind of missed having the little guy around," Hermione said grabbing a sugar biscuit from the tray.

"Speak for yourself," Harry joked.

"Robert's looking forward to seeing you," Elinore said patting Saffron's hand.

Saffron pressed her lips together. "I know Gran. I want to see him too..." she said softly.

"He's really proud of you, Hermione," Elinore said looking at Saffron. "You and Lavender."

"Mum," Hermione leaned forward. "I'm over here."

Elinore turned and looked quizzically at her daughter for a moments. "Oh, of course, you are, dear."

"That's Saffron sitting next to you," Hermione told her mother gently.

"Whom?" Elinore asked.

"Gran it's me," Saffron fought back the tears that wanted to well up in her eyes.

"You look just like my daughter," Elinore said to her. "She's about your age."

Harry touched his wife's shoulder. "I'll go get her a pill."

"Thanks," Hermione said gratefully.

Katie felt bad for her aunt. "Grandma, do you remember me?" she asked, trying to be helpful.

Elinore looked kindly at the brown haired little girl. "Grandma? I'm sorry, love. You have me confused with someone else."

"Here we are," Harry came back into the room quickly with a glass of water and the bottle of pills.

Saffron stood up and walked over to where her brother and sister were standing. Ethan put his arm around her. "She's just having a spell, Saffy."

"I know," Saffron answered. "But it still hurts when she doesn't remember who I am."

"She'll be okay," Julie said hoping she was right. Their grandmother had her good and bad days.

Saffron only nodded as she wrapped her arms around herself.

Hermione smiled reassuringly at her mother. "Do you want to lie down, Mum?"

"I'll lie down when I go home," Elinore answered.

Hermione squeezed her hand. "We're just---we're really happy that you're here."

"Well of course I'm here," Elinore said exasperatedly. "We all live together, Hermione!"


"Robert, will you talk some sense into your daughter?" Elinore asked looking at Ethan.

"Gran," Ethan looked startled now. "I'm not Grandpa. I'm your grandson, Ethan."

"Robert," Elinore looked pleadingly at Ethan. "I'm frightened."

"Elinore," Harry said, seeing as how she was frightening Ashley and Katie. "How about I go take you to one of the guest rooms so you can lie down for a bit? A little kip might help you feel better."

"I'll do it," Hermione said taking her mother's hand again. "Come on, Mum. A nice kip will do wonders for you."

Elinore stared at her daughter for a few long moments. "Hermione?"

Hermione nodded. "It's me, Mum. And you're here with your family. We all love you."

Elinore nodded and looked around. "I'm sorry... I still get so confused."

"It's okay," Saffron said stepping forward. "Oh, Gran."

"Saffy," Elinore said softly. "I'm sorry to scare you, sweetheart."

Saffron put her arms around her grandmother and hugged her. "I'm just happy that you're okay."

Elinore hugged her back. "Robert loved you so much." she said with tears in her eyes. "Saffy, he had such a special bond with you..."

The tears rolled down Saffron's cheek. "I loved him, too. I miss him every single day, Gran."

"Perhaps I should go lie down," Elinore said. "Just for a little while..."

"I'll take you upstairs," Hermione said. "We'll wake you just before dinner."

Elinore nodded and followed her out. Harry got up and hugged his youngest daughter to him. "It's okay, Saffy."

"She didn't know me, Daddy," Saffron said softly.

"She should," Katie said, a bit angrily. "She should be taking her medicine so she doesn't get sick!"

"She is taking her medicine," Julie said putting a hand on her daughter's arm. "Sweetheart, don't get mad at your Grandma Ellie."

"It's just not nice when she makes Aunt Saffy upset," Katie looked up at her mother.

"She didn't mean for that to happen," Julie said gently. "She would never want to hurt any of us intentionally. You know that."

"I guess," Katie said uncertainly.

"Sit down with me," Julie said.

Katie did as her mother asked.

"Grandma Ellie has something called Alzheimer's Disease," Julie explained.

"What disease?" Katie asked.

"It's something that gradually destroys a person's memories," Julie replied thoughtfully. "It's why your grandmother was confused earlier and forgot who some of us were."

"It's not fair that happens to her," Katie said. "Isn't there a cure for it?"

"It's not fair," Julie agreed. "And there's no cure for it."

"Oh," Katie said quietly, looking down at her hands.

Saffron needed some fresh air and she excused herself to step outside onto the patio. A few moments later, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see her father standing there with her coat.

"Thought you might need this," he said, holding it out to her.

"Thanks," she said quietly, taking the coat from him and slipping it on.

"I know it's hard for you to see your Gran like that," Harry put a comforting arm around her.

"It's going to get worse, isn't it, Daddy?" Saffron asked.

Harry sighed. "I wish I could tell you otherwise, sweetheart."

Saffron turned and hugged her father. "I know she can't help it, but it hurts when she doesn't remember me."

"I know it does," Harry kissed the top of his daughter's head. "But you handled yourself well in there."

"I love her so much," Saffron said. "I wish there was some spell we could do that would help her keep her memories, Daddy."

"If there was, I'd cast it in a second," Harry answered. "And you know your Gran loves you too, even if she has a hard time placing you."

"Katie was right," Saffron said softly. "This isn't fair."

Harry almost smiled. "Lots of things aren't fair in life, Saffy. But that's just how it is sometimes."

"I never want to lose her," Saffron said leaning against her father. "Ever."

"I know you don't, baby." Harry hugged her again.

"She's resting now," Hermione said stepping onto the porch.

Harry nodded. "I'll go wake her up before dinner."

Saffron wiped at her eyes. "How are you holding up, Mum?"

"I'm all right, Saffy." Hermione smoothed her daughter's hair back. "Everyone's worried about you in there."

"I'm worried about Gran," Saffron said. "I didn't know that she'd gotten worse. I thought the pills were helping her."

"They do, when she takes them." Hermione explained.

"Let's get back inside," Harry said to them. "It's freezing."

Saffron nodded silently and walked ahead of her parents into the house.

"Do you want some hot chocolate, Aunt Saffy?" Ashley asked. "Mummy's making some."

"Sure," Saffron sat down next to her niece. "That'll be nice, Ash."

"Grandma Ellie will be okay," Ashley said. "I know she will."

Saffron didn't want to indulge in Ashley's belief, but she didn't want to bring her down either. "I hope so," she finally said.

"Here we are," Julie said carrying a tray of mugs.

"Thanks Jules," Saffron looked gratefully at her older sister.

"Did any of your friends stay behind at school?" Nick asked deciding to change the subject.

"Beth did," Saffron replied. "And so did Peter."

"Brittany and Zander went home," Ashley told them. "Their whole family goes skiing every Christmas."

"Sean told me his family was thinking about going skiing," Saffron said absently.

"You and Sean are still talking then?" Harry asked.

Saffron nodded. "We've written back and forth a few times--"

"A lot more than a few," Ashley said. "I heard you tell Alexa he wrote to you almost every day."

"Ooooh," Ethan teased. "Sean's back in with a chance, is he?"

Saffron rolled her eyes but didn't say anything.

"Drink your cocoa," Maddie told her husband.

"I am," Ethan looked at his wife.

"Stop teasing your sister about Sean," Maddie said nudging him.

"It's okay Maddie," Saffron said. "I'm used to it."

Katie giggled. "Maya told me about some of the things you used to say to her, Uncle Ethan. You're funny!"

Ethan turned red. "That was a long time ago," he muttered.

"Aunt Saffy," Katie said happily. "Guess what Maya said Ethan once told her? He said that she must be a broom because she swept him off his feet!"

Saffron pressed her lips together to keep from laughing. "That's a great line, Ethan. Really."

"That's kind of sweet," Maddie said stifling a laugh.

"I've gotten much better," Ethan said dryly.

"Did you ever use one of those, Grandpa?" Katie asked.

"Didn't have to," Harry answered smugly.

"All he had to do was move his fringe and show that scar," Ethan said.

Julie giggled. "Didn't you once tell me that you forgot your name when you talked to Dad for the first time, Mum?"

Hermione nodded. "I did."

"And she carried a watermelon," Harry added.

Hermione laughed. "Can't forget that, can we?"

"Why did you carry a watermelon?" Ashley asked.

Hermione told her granddaughters about running into Neville on the Hillsdale grounds and how she'd help him carry a watermelon to the employee disco.

"I want to go there," Katie said enviously. "Maybe next summer we can do that instead of Brighton!"

"Perhaps," Julie said putting an arm around her daughter. "We'll see."

"I still love Brighton," Ashley said. "We had so much fun there this year."

Saffron would always associate Brighton with her break up with Andrew. She didn't know how she felt about going there again next summer.

"Dinner's going to be ready soon," Harry interrupted them.

"What are we having?" Nick asked.

"Filet," Harry answered. "And if you don't like that, chicken."

"Sounds good to me," Nick said with a grin.

"I'll go wake up Gran," Julie offered.

"Thank you, love," Hermione said.

"I'll go with you," Saffron pushed herself up from the table.

Julie took her sister's hand. "She's going to be okay, Saffy."

"I hope so," Saffron said quietly.

Hermione told the girls which guestroom they'd find Elinore.

"I'm sure now that she's taken her pills, she'll remember you," Julie reassured her sister.

"I'll come too," Ethan said hurrying behind them.

Julie smiled at her brother. "We seem to like making things a family event, don't we?"

"The Three Musketeers," Ethan said with a grin.

Julie knocked softly on the bedroom door and peeked around it. "Gran?"

Elinore opened her eyes and sat up in bed. "Julie, is that you, dear?"

"Yes Gran," Julie answered. "Ethan and Saffy are with me too."

"Come in," Elinore said.

"Are you feeling better?" Julie asked her.

Elinore nodded. "I'm sorry that I scared everyone."

"No need to apologise," Ethan said sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Saffron still hung back in the doorway. Her grandmother was obviously feeling better but she was still upset about earlier.

"Dad's made chicken and filet," Julie told her grandmother. "I hope that you're hungry."

"I am," Elinore nodded. "Quite thirsty too."

"I can get you a glass of water," Saffron offered, finally speaking.

"Thank you," Elinore looked at her granddaughter. "Saffy, you look so pretty tonight."

Saffron smiled. "Thank you, Gran."

"Did you sleep at all?" Ethan asked his grandmother.

"A few minutes," Elinore said getting to her feet. "Those pills make me sleepy."

"I'm sure they do," Ethan nodded as Saffron returned with a glass of cold water.

"Thank you," Elinore said taking a sip from the glass.

Hermione appeared in the doorway. "Everything okay?"

Elinore nodded. "Yes, dear. The children and I were just chatting."

"Harry's fixed you a plate," Hermione told her mother.

"You ready to go downstairs, Gran?" Ethan asked.

"Yes," Elinore nodded. "I'm not here to sleep- I want to spend time with my family."

Saffron smiled at her grandmother. "We love you very much, Gran."

"I love you too Saffy," Elinore stopped and hugged her. "I'm sorry to have scared you earlier."

"It's okay," Saffron said staving off a new set of tears.

The five of them went back downstairs and headed for the dining room. "Just in time," Harry said with a smile.

"It smells delicious," Hermione said to him.

"I can't wait to dig in," Nick was already seated.

"Me too," Elinore said softly.

"You sit right here at the head of the table," Harry held a chair for her.

Elinore smiled at him before taking her seat.

Saffron slid in between Maddie and Elinore. She was suddenly starving as well.

"After dinner, Daddy promised he'd play the piano for us," Katie told Elinore.

"How lovely," Elinore said. "I always did enjoy hearing you play, Nicholas."

"I promise not to charge you for the royalties," Nick joked.

Saffron smiled. "Are you guys coming over to the Burrow for Christmas?"

Nick looked at her. "Saffron, Nana would have my head if we didn't."

"Of course," Saffron shook her head. "What was I thinking?"

"About Sean?" Ethan craned his neck to look at her.

"Ethan James," Saffron glared at him. "How old are you?"

"How old are you?" he countered with an annoying grin.

"I'm obviously much more mature than you," Saffron retorted. "In fact, I think Adam Weasley has more maturity than you."

"Ouch Saf," Ethan was still grinning. "That got me right where it hurt."

Elinore laughed. "I can remember a time when you used to follow your brother around like you were his shadow."

Saffron rolled her eyes. "I was delusional."

"If I had a galleon for every time you had me race you in the ballroom downstairs," Ethan said shaking his head.

"And I always won," Saffron said loftily.

"I let you win, brat," Ethan countered.

"Whatever," Saffron waved her hand. "You probably flew that broom that Maya used to sweep you off your feet."

The entire table, save for Ethan, laughed at that.

"Come on," Maddie nudged her husband. "You have to admit she got you there."

"Yes, well," Ethan said begrudgingly.

Elinore smiled at Saffron. "Robert always said he could never win an argument against you, Saffron Grace."

"No one can," Saffron boasted with a grin.

"Something else you have in common with your mum," Harry said sharing a look with Hermione.

"And it's something I got from Dad," Hermione smiled.

Elinore beamed at her daughter. "Robert would have been so proud of all of you."

"We hope so Gran," Julie replied.

Everyone was quiet for a few moments as they started to eat the delicious food. The only sound was the sound of forks hitting the plates. Maddie couldn't help but notice that her sister-in-law seemed a bit distracted.

"What's on your mind tonight?" Maddie asked. "Is it Elinore? She seems to be doing---"

Saffron shook her head. "No, I--I was thinking about Sean, actually."

"So Ethan was right?" Maddie asked.

"Don't go telling him that," Saffron whispered back.

"He won't hear it from me," Maddie promised.

Saffron smiled at her. "He's been writing to me and it's been really nice. I think that I might----that I might---"

"What?" Maddie asked. "Have feelings for him?"

"Yeah," Saffron nodded.

"Well that's okay," Maddie said encouragingly.

"But how can I have feelings for him when I still love Andrew?" Saffron asked.

"Are you sure you still love him?" Maddie asked carefully. "Or is it something you feel you're hanging onto because you have to?"

Saffron shrugged. "I'm not sure which is so bloody infuriating!"

Maddie smiled sympathetically. "I think if you have feelings for him, you should go forward with them. Sean's a nice bloke, Saffy."

"He is," Saffron agreed.

"He probably still fancies you a bit," Maddie suggested.

"He told me as much," Saffron told her.

"Why don't you give it a chance and see how it goes," Maddie said.

"He did ask if I wanted to go ice skating with him tomorrow," Saffron confided.

"Did you say yes?" Maddie asked.

"I said I'd have to see," Saffron replied.

"I understand you playing it safe," Maddie nodded. "But if you ever want to talk about anything, I'm here for you."

"Thank you, Maddie," Saffron said smiling at her. "I appreciate that."

Maddie smiled back at her. "Anytime."

"Have you seen Andrew?" Saffron asked. "Recently?"

Maddie shook her head. "RJ said he's been very busy."

Saffron sighed. "I've certainly seen that. The papers have been having a field day with him and his dates."

"I'm sure it doesn't mean what they say it does," Maddie replied reassuringly.

Saffron certainly knew that with all the speculation and rumours the tabloids published at her parents' expense over the years.

"Yeah," Saffron said quietly.

"Don't let it bother you," Maddie touched her arm. "I know it hurts, but you're a strong person, Saffy. You'll be fine."

"Thanks," Saffron said smiling at her. "You are my favourite sister-in-law."

"I'm your only sister in law," Maddie joked.

Ethan looked at them. "What are you two chattering about?"

"Nothing," Maddie smiled innocently as she stole a bite off his plate.

"Maddie!" Ethan exclaimed.

"It was just a little bite," she replied.

"Yeah, yeah," Ethan said laughing. "That's what you always say."

"It always tastes better coming from your plate." Maddie said, giving him her look.

"Take what you want," Ethan said moving his plate closer to her.

"Thank you," Maddie leaned in and pecked him on the lips.

"Dad, what's this I hear about you having the next two weeks off?" Julie asked her father.

Harry grinned. "Thought I'd take a little time during the holidays to spend with my family."

"How about you, Mum?" Julie asked.

"I have a few meetings this next week," Hermione answered. "But I kept my schedule light."

Julie smiled. "I know that wasn't easy for you."

"Your father and I both decided we wanted to be home during the holiday," Hermione replied.

"Family is important," Elinore said. "Very, very important."

"I second that," Saffron spoke up.

"Daddy, do a toast," Katie urged.

"All right Katie bear," Nick agreed. "What should I say?"

"Um," Katie thought about it. "You should say that you love all of us and you bought me that dress up kit that I really, really wanted for Christmas."

Nick laughed. "You aren't getting a single hint about your Christmas gifts, young lady."

"If Nick doesn't mind and Katie agrees," Ethan said standing up with his goblet. "I'd like to make a toast."

"Go for it mate," Nick replied.

"We're all here today because of Robert and Elinore Granger," Ethan said looking at his grandmother. "I admired Grandpa so much for so many things. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for his family and I hope that when Maddie and I start our own family that I'll be just as good a parent as he was. To Grandpa."

Saffron smiled at her brother. "To Grandpa." she echoed.

Elinore wiped at her eyes. "That was lovely, Ethan."

"Yes it was," Hermione was also a bit teary eyed.

"Beautiful," Maddie agreed giving him a peck on the cheek when he sat back down.

Ethan squeezed his wife's hand. They were still struggling to have a baby, but were keeping their hopes up that it would happen soon.

They finished dinner and Saffron excused herself for a few minutes. She had a phone call to make. She quickly dialled in the number and waited for someone to pick up. "Mrs. Grant? Is Sean home?"

A few moments later she heard him pick up another line. "Hello?"

"Hi," Saffron said suddenly feeling a little nervous. "It's Saffy."

"Hey," his voice warmed when he heard who it was. "What's up?"

"I'm just at home," Saffron said. "We just finished dinner. How are you? Is this a bad time?"

"We just finished too," Sean replied. "And it's never a bad time for you."

Saffron smiled. "I was wondering if your offer was still good?"

"For skating?" he asked. "Yeah--"

"I'd love to go with you," Saffron said softly.

"Really?" he asked happily.

"Yes," Saffron said smiling.

"Great," Sean said with a huge grin. "We'll have a lot of fun, Saffy."

"I think so too," Saffron said. "When did you want to go?"

"How does tomorrow afternoon sound?" Sean asked. "We could go for some hot chocolate afterwards."

"It's a date," Saffron said without thinking. "I mean it's a meeting of two people who are friends and who are going skating..."

"Right," Sean said quickly. "Just... just friends."

"Who are we kidding?" Saffron asked. "It's a date."

"Only if you want it to be," Sean said hastily. "I don't want you to feel like I'm pushing you or anything."

"It's okay," Saffron said. "We've been writing back and forth for all these months. I like you, Sean."

"I never really stopped caring about you," Sean admitted.

Saffron smiled. "So, I guess this would mean that we're dating again."

He grinned too. "I like the sound of that."

"So I'll see you tomorrow around noon?" Saffron asked.

"Can't wait," Sean answered. "Shall we meet there or do you want me to pick you up outside that pub?"

"We can meet there," Saffron said. "Bye, Sean."

"Night, Saffy." Sean said before hanging up.

Saffron was still smiling when she hung up the phone.

What she told Maddie had been true- she did still love Andrew. But it was obvious he had moved on, and it was time she did too.